L. LIVERI] et al.: CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF ANNEALED 42CrMo4 STEEL 111–117 CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF ANNEALED 42CrMo4 STEEL KOROZIJSKO OBNA[ANJE @ARJENEGA JEKLA VRSTE 42CrMo4 Lovro Liveri} 1* , Dario Iljki} 1 , Zoran Jurkovi} 1 , Nik{a ^atipovi} 2 , Pawe³ Nuckowski 3 , Oktawian Bialas 4 1 University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Vukovarska 58, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia 2 University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Ru|era Bo{kovi}a 32, 21000 Split, Croatia 3 Materials Research Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Konarskiego 18a, Gliwice 44-100, Poland 4 Department of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Konarskiego 18a, Gliwice 44-100, Poland Prejem rokopisa – received: 2022-09-14; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2023-01-20 doi:10.17222/mit.2022.624 In this paper, the corrosion behaviour of 42CrMo4 low-alloy steel after normalizing, soft annealing, spheroidizing annealing and full annealing is investigated. 42CrMo4 is steel for quenching and tempering, and one of the widely used and studied steels due to its good combination of mechanical properties. Sometimes, it is used in the annealed condition. Nevertheless, the corrosion properties of 42CrMo4 steel are poorly studied, especially in the annealed condition. The main objective of this work is to in- crease the knowledge about the corrosion behaviour of the investigated alloy. The mechanical and microstructure properties of the samples after different annealing processes were characterised with hardness testing, optical and scanning electron micros- copy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Measurements of the open-circuit potential and potentiodynamic polarisation of the samples after different annealing processes were carried out in a naturally aerated solution. It was found that the corrosion rate of the soft annealed samples was higher than that of the spherical and full annealed samples. Moreover, full annealing resulted in a significant improvement in the corrosion resistance. Keywords: heat treatment, annealing, corrosion, 42CrMo4 steel, microstructure V ~lanku je opisano korozijsko obna{anje malo legiranega jekla 42CrMo4 po normalizaciji, mehkem `arjenju, sferoidizacijskem `arjenju in procesu popolne toplotne obdelave. Jeklo 42CrMo4 se po kaljenju in popu{~anju zelo veliko uporablja zaradi dobre kombinacije mehanskih lastnosti, v~asih se uporablja tudi v `arjenem stanju. V preteklosti so korozijske lastnosti tega jekla redko raziskovali, {e posebej v `arjenem stanju. Glavni namen raziskave je bilo izbolj{anje znanja o korozijskem obna{anju jekla 42CrMo4. Mehanske in mikrostrukturne lastnosti vzorcev preiskovanega jekla so dolo~ili s pomo~jo merilnika trdote, opti~nega in vrsti~nega elektronskega mikroskopa (SEM) ter z rentgensko difrakcijo (XRD). Po razli~nih postopkih `arjenja vzorcev so s pomo~jo potenciodinami~ne polarizacije in metode dolo~itve potenciala odprtega tokokroga v naravno prezra~eni raztopini dolo~ili njihovo odpornost proti koroziji. Na osnovi analiz so ugotovili, da je hitrost korozije mehko `arjenih vzorcev ve~ja kot tistih, ki so bili sferoidizacijsko ali popolnoma od`arjeni. Poleg tega so ugotovili, da imajo popolnoma od`arjeni vzorci pomembno izbolj{ano korozijsko odpornost. Klju~ne besede: toplotna obdelava, `arjenje, korozija, jeklo 42CrMo4, mikrostruktura 1 INTRODUCTION Low-alloy 42CrMo4 steel (AISI 4140) is a medium carbon steel alloyed with chromium and molybdenum, often used for dynamic loads and in impact areas. 1 In a heat-treated condition, it offers various application possi- bilities such as high tensile strength and toughness. Steels with a medium carbon content between 0.30–0.55 % C and 0.60–1.65 % Mn are used when higher mechanical properties are desired. They are usu- ally hardened and strengthened with heat treatment or cold working. This group of materials is widely used for certain types of cold-formed parts that require annealing, normalizing or quenching and tempering before use. 1–4 Steel 42CrMo4 is steel for quenching and tempering, and one of the widely used and studied steels due to its good combination of mechanical properties. 1 Sometimes, it is used in the annealed condition. Normalizing is the heat treatment performed by austenitizing and air cooling to produce a uniform, fine ferrite/pearlite microstructure in steel. The higher austenitizing temperatures used in normalizing ensure that most carbides are dissolved. Upon cooling, the aus- tenite transforms into a coarse, non-uniform fer- rite/pearlite microstructure. This microstructure provides an excellent starting point for subsequent hardening heat treatments. 5,6 Heat treatments that produce microstructures consist- ing of spherical carbide particles, uniformly distributed in a ferrite matrix are called spheroidizing or spheroidiz- ing annealing heat treatments. Spheroidized microstruc- tures are the most stable microstructures found in steels, formed in any structure heated at sufficiently high tem- peratures and for sufficiently long times to allow diffu- sion-dependent nucleation and growth of spherical parti- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 111–117 111 UDK 628.483:669-153 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 57(2)111(2023) *Corresponding author's e-mail: lliveric@riteh.hr (Lovro Liveri}) cles. Therefore, there are many different heat treatment processes for producing spheroidized microstructures. 6,7 There are two stages of the microstructural change asso- ciated with the formation of a spheroidized micro- structure. The first stage is the formation of spherical carbide particles from other microstructures. A common starting point is pearlite, where cementite is present in essentially plate-like lamellae with a very large interfa- cial area per unit volume. The initial spherical micro- structures consist of highly dense, very fine particles. Therefore, the second stage of spheroidization begins when the fine particles with small radii of the curvature dissolve and coarse particles grow, presenting in turn an interfacial energy-reduction mechanism. Diffusion-de- pendent spheroidization can take many hours depending on the alloy content, spheroidizing temperature and the degree of coarsening required. The slowest sphero- idization is associated with coarse pearlitic microstruc- tures. Many other methods of spheroidization are used to speed up the process. 6,7 Soft annealing and spheroidize annealing have essen- tially the same process mechanism for producing sphero- idized microstructures, but with the main difference be- ing the cooling time. In the case of soft annealing, the cooling in air is slow, while in the case of spheroidize annealing, the cooling in a furnace is much slower. 1–7 Full annealing can be described as a process, in which steels are heated to just above the A C3 temperature for low and medium carbon steels and then slowly cooled in furnaces after the heating is complete. The slow cooling causes an austenite transformation into fer- rite and pearlite near the A C3 and A C1 temperatures, re- spectively, and ensures that coarse-grained equiaxed fer- rite and pearlite with coarse interlamellar spacing form, resulting in a microstructure with high ductility and moderate strength. Once the austenite has transformed into ferrite and pearlite, the cooling rate can be increased to reduce the processing time and thus increase produc- tivity. Although ferrite and pearlite microstructures are most often formed with full annealing at the above tem- peratures, microstructures of spheroidized carbide parti- cles can sometimes also form in ferrite. 6,7 Although the main purpose of heat treatment is to change the mechanical properties, 8–13 heat treatment also changes the corrosion properties of a material. 14,15 Electrochemical corrosion is a destructive attack on a metallic material via an electrochemical reaction with the environment that negatively affects the critical me- chanical properties of components. Seawater is a nearly universal fluid for evaluating the corrosion resistance of metallic materials. 1–4,7–17 Any material that exhibits good corrosion resistance in seawater is considered satisfac- tory for important aqueous applications. 9–17 Corrosion is affected by external and internal factors. External factors are corrosive medium parameters such as corrosive me- dium composition, pH, temperature and velocity, while internal factors are material parameters. 8–11 Microstructural constituents are the most important material parameters that can affect the corrosion resis- tance of steels. A heterogeneous ferrite-pearlite micro- structure of annealed steel forms anodic and cathodic sites that lead to corrosion. Alloy additions of less than 5 % have little effect on corrosion by seawater. 13,14,17 In this work, the corrosion behaviour of 42CrMo4 steel subjected to different annealing processes was stud- ied. The aim of this work was to increase the knowledge about the corrosion resistance of 42CrMo4 steel after normalizing (N), soft annealing (A), spheroidizing (AC) and full annealing (fA). The main objective was to inves- tigate which process of the previously mentioned heat treatments exhibits the best corrosion resistance of an- nealed 42CrMo4 steel. For this purpose, chemical composition, microstruc- tural characterization and electrochemical studies were carried out. The chemical composition was determined using a glow discharge optical emission spectrometer (GDOES). The microstructure was studied with optical and electron microscopy. A phase analysis was per- formed using an X-ray diffractometer. Measurements of the open-circuit potential and potentiodynamic polariza- tion of the annealed samples were performed using a computer-controlled potentiostat with three electrodes in a 0.6 M NaCl naturally aerated solution. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Materials Investigated samples were prepared by cutting manu- factured ø16 mm steel bars of normalized 42CrMo4 steel into smaller pieces measuring 4 mm in length. An LECO GDS 500 A glow discharge optical emission spectrome- ter was used to determine the chemical composition of steel (Table 1). 2.2 Heat treatment The thermal processes applied in this research are schematically compared in Figure 1. The heat treatment parameters are shown in Table 2. The heat treatment parameters performed on the sam- ples are shown in Table 2. The A C3 temperature is 790 °C, while A C1 is 745°C. The cooling rate and temper- atures of the processes made the difference in the L. LIVERI] et al.: CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF ANNEALED 42CrMo4 STEEL 112 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 111–117 Table 1: Chemical composition of 42CrMo4 steel (balance Fe) Chemical composition, w/% CS iM nPSN iC rM oC uA lT iV 0.427 0.214 0.846 0.0056 0.0173 0.0407 1.07 0.183 0.167 0.0386 0.0089 0.0106 microstructure that is later observed. Normalization con- sisted of heating beyond the A c3 temperature and slow air-cooling after a similar holding time. A similar treat- ment with heating beyond the A c3 temperature is full an- nealing, using a slightly lower temperature in compari- son to normalization, and then cooling below the A c1 temperature. The cooling consisted of very slow furnace cooling, fallowed by air cooling from a certain point. With that combination of cooling, the microstructure changed, resulting in a drop in the hardness. Comparing the soft and spheroidizing annealing process, we find that the holding temperature of annealing was nearly the same, but a big difference was distinguished between the cooling processes. Soft-annealing cooling included air-cooling of the samples to room temperature, while in spheroidising, the cooling process took place in the fur- nace and was way slower then air cooling. In this pro- cess, the microstructure change reflected on the mechan- ical and corrosion properties of the material. However, the hardness was not the best example for comparing the two methods. 2.3 Hardness test The hardness after the heat treatment processes was measured for the purpose of checking the processes. The hardness of the specimens was measured using a ZHU 187.5 universal hardness tester with a Rockwell B (HRB) hardness 1.588 mm diameter steel carbide ball in- denter. Before the measurements, the carburized layer was removed. The hardness results in Table 2 are given in average values of five measurements with the standard deviation. The hardness values obtained after the anneal- ing processes are in accordance with experimental litera- ture data. 8 The results show that samples 1, 2 and 3 have similar hardness values, while sample 4 shows a lower value. 2.4 Microstructure characterization The importance of microstructure for the properties of metal materials has long been recognized. Therefore, a microstructural characterization was done after the an- nealing processes to understand the connection between the microstructure and corrosion resistance of 42CrMo4 steel. The microstructure of annealed samples was ob- served using an Axio Vert A1 light Zeiss microscope with an AxioCam ERc 5s microscope module and a FEG QUANTA 250 SEM FEI scanning electron microscope with an EDS OXFORD detector. Metallographic samples were prepared by grinding and polishing them with a STRUERS LABOPOL device, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 111–117 113 L. LIVERI] et al.: CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF ANNEALED 42CrMo4 STEEL Figure 1: Thermal processes: a) normalizing (N), b) soft annealing (A), c) spheroidizing (AC) and d) full annealing (fA) Table 2: Heat treatment parameters Sample No: Heat treatment Parameters Hardness Temperature Time Cooling medium 1 Normalizing (N) 870 °C 120 min Air 90 HRB ±3 HRB 2 Soft annealing (A) 720 °C 120 min Air 90 HRB ±3 HRB 3 Spheroidizing annealing (AC) 735 °C 120 min Furnace cooling 89 HRB ±3 HRB 4 Full annealing (fA) 820 °C 120 min From 820 °C furnace cooling to 670°C, then air 75 HRB ±3 HRB grinding on an MD-Piano 220 resin bonded diamond disc, followed by using an MD-Allegro composite disc with different diamond suspensions. The samples were polished with an MD-Dac polishing cloth with DiaPro Dac 3- and 1-micron diamond suspension, followed by an MD-Chem polishing cloth with OP-U NonDry colloi- dal silica suspension. The samples were etched using Nital 3 % solution for 10–20 s. X-ray diffraction was carried out on a PANalytical X’Pert Pro MPD diffractometer, with the use of filtered X-ray lamp radiation (Fe filter) with a cobalt anode (K Co = 0.17909 nm), powered by a voltage of 40 kV and with a filament current intensity of 30 mA. X-ray diffraction measurements were performed in the Bragg-Brentano geometry in an angular scope of 20–120° [2 ] with a step of 0.05° and a step count time of 100 s. The obtained diffractograms were analysed by means of the X’Pert HighScore Plus software (v. 3.0e) with a dedicated Inorganic Crystal Structure Database – ICSD (FIZ, Karlsruhe, Germany). 2.5 Electrochemical corrosion behaviour Electrochemical investigations were performed using a computer-controlled Princeton Applied Research potentiostat, Parstat 2263. A three-electrode set-up was used: the working electrode with an exposed area of 1cm 2 , a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) placed in a Luggin capillary as the reference electrode and the graphite counter electrode. Before the electrochemical investigations, the samples were ground with the P320, P600, P800, P1200 and P2400 sandpapers, then degreased in ethanol and rinsed with deionized water. All the measurements were conducted at room temperature (20 ± 2 °C), in a 0.6 M NaCl naturally aerated solution, prepared from analytical grade NaCl and deionized wa- ter. Open circuit potential, E OC , measurements were per- formed as a function of time for a period of 2 h. Po- tentiodynamic polarization was performed at a scan rate of 0.166 mVs –1 , over a potential range of E OC ± 250 mV, starting from the most negative potential. The corrosion rate was calculated from polarization curves, based on the corrosion current density, i corr , known equivalent weight (EW = 28.558 g) and density ( = 7.85 gcm –3 )of 42CrMo4 steel, in accordance with the expression: v iE W corr corr = ⋅⋅ 00033 . (1) 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 shows the microstructures of 42CrMo4 steel after different annealing processes taken with the optical microscope with 200× magnification lens. The heteroge- neous microstructure of the normalized 42CrMo4 steel comprised of ferrite crystals among the colonies of pearlite is shown in Figure 2a. The microstructures of L. LIVERI] et al.: CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF ANNEALED 42CrMo4 STEEL 114 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 111–117 Figure 2: Optical-microscope micrographs of annealed samples: a) Sample 1 (N), b) Sample 2 (A), c) Sample 3 (AC), d) Sample 4 (fA) the samples contain distinguished pearlite and ferrite phases. The annealing process produced uniformly dis- tributed pearlite in the matrix of ferrite, with pearlite in larger fractions as previously reported by Lu et al. 15 Pearlite is dark and ferrite is light. The ratio of the pearlite/ferrite phases depends mainly on the chemical composition (% C) and heat treatment parameters where the cooling rate is critical. The observed and compared microstructures are gen- erally similar. They consist of pearlite randomly distrib- uted in the matrix of ferrite, with differences in the grain size. Comparing the microstructures of differently heat-treated samples, we can see the influence of differ- ent cooling rates on diffusion-dependent nucleation and growth of spherical cementite particles in pearlite. In Sample 2 (Figure 2b), we can see the beginning of the second stage of spheroidization when the fine particles with small radii of curvature dissolve and coarse parti- cles grow. While the micrographs from Figure 2 were obtained with optical microscopy, Figure 3 shows scan- ning-electron micrographs. SEM images also show that the samples have similar grain and boundary structures, but differ in the ratio of the phases. The largest grain size is found in the normal- ized sample, Sample 1 (Figure 3a), while the smallest grain size and the largest number of grains are found in the spheroidized annealed sample, Sample 3 (Figure 3c). The fully annealed sample (Figure 3d) shows the biggest amount of precipitation in the microstructure. To simplify the estimation of the relative amounts of the phases present and to identify the phases, the relative intensity from the XRD results is given, on a scale, in Figure 4. The following phases are indexed on the fig- ure: # – iron ( -Fe), * – cementite (Fe 3 C). The patterns are given in the units of reticular distances. All the sam- ples have the iron alpha phase ( -Fe), known as ferrite, and cementite (Fe 3 C). As can be seen from the distribu- tion of the phases in Figure 4, the densities of the phases in the structure are similar. General differences can be seen in the distribution of cementite, which is due to dif- ferent cooling rates of the samples during heat treatment. Potentiodynamic polarization curves presented with a semi-logarithmic plot (Figure 5) are composed of cath- odic and anodic branches, resulting from the electro- chemical reactions in the system. The anodic branch of a polarization curve describes the anodic dissolution of iron in the NaCl solution, while the cathodic part of the polarization curve represents the oxygen reduction reac- tion. Compared to normalized steel (Sample 1), whose state is solid on a large scale, annealed Samples 2 and 3 have an anodic current density that increases much faster with the potential, indicating active dissolution, while the cathodic current density increases much slower, being characteristic of a diffusion-controlled process, which is L. LIVERI] et al.: CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF ANNEALED 42CrMo4 STEEL Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 111–117 115 Figure 4: XRD patterns of samples: a) Sample 1 (N), b) Sample 2 (A), c) Sample 3 (AC), d) Sample 4 (fA) Figure 3: SEM, LFD micrographs of annealed-sample microstruc- tures: a) Sample 1 (N), b) Sample 2 (A), c) Sample 3 (AC), d) Sample 4 (fA) Figure 5: Potentiodynamic polarization curves for samples in 0.6 M NaCl solution: a) Sample 1 (N), b) Sample 2 (A), c) Sample 3 (AC), d) Sample 4 (fA) reversed compared to Sample 4 as it is similar to the nor- malized sample. 14,15 It can be seen that the values of the anodic current, i a , are much higher than those of the cath- odic current, i c , at high overvoltage values. This indicates that the reduction process is slower than the oxidation process so that the cathodic reaction controls the electro- chemical corrosion of 42CrMo4 steel. Corrosion parameters obtained from the polarization measurements are shown in Table 3. All the tested sam- ples have a low corrosion current density, i corr , indicating a low corrosion rate, v corr . When comparing Sample 1 and annealed Sample 2, they show similar corrosion rates, while the corrosion rates of Samples 3 and 4 are up to twice lower. Similar observations for annealed 42CrMo4 steel was found in the literature. 1–4,9–17 The corrosion re- sistance of the samples can be explained with the density ratio of the pearlite phase and with the grain size of the pearlite/ferrite structure. As seen in Figures 2 and 3, the grain size and density ratio of the pearlite phase in the microstructure are similar in Samples 1 and 2, and in Samples 3 and 4. Among the annealed samples, Sample 4 had the cor- rosion rate lower than 0.16 mmpy, which was consis- tently obtained for full annealing at 820 °C for 120 min, followed by very slow furnace cooling from 820 °C to 670 °C and air cooling to room temperature. Moreover, this sample showed a pronounced corro- sion-potential shift in the positive direction upon heat treatment. Overall, all the samples have low corrosion rates, which may indicate the influence of surface passivation due to the presence of chromium and molyb- denum in the steel. 1,10 Another reason may be the effect of the spheroidization process on the coarsening and spheroidization of cementite that are more pronounced at a slower cooling time, leading to a smaller cathodic reac- tivity and to a reduction in the cementite-to-ferrite area. It can be concluded that the influences of the grain size, density ratio of the pearlite phase and ratio of the pearlite/ferrite structure of the annealed 42CrMo4 steel can influence the corrosion resistance, especially after a longer cooling time after heat treatment. 5 CONCLUSIONS The corrosion behaviour of low-alloy 42CrMo4 steel after different annealing processes was analysed with potentiodynamic polarization. In addition, the electro- chemical corrosion behaviour was examined with a hardness test, optical and electron microscopy and XRD analyses. The following conclusions can be drawn: • Annealed 42CrMo4 steel samples have similar hard- ness values, characteristic for annealed steel. • The observed morphology of the annealed samples shows a uniform arrangement of pearlite and ferrite phases. Soft and spheroidized annealed samples show different stages of the spheroidization of the pearlite phases. • XRD results show that the structures of the annealed samples consist of the iron alpha phase ( -Fe), known as ferrite, and the cementite phase (Fe 3 C). Moreover, XRD results show that the distributions and densities of the phases in the structures are simi- lar. • The parameters of the annealing process influence the corrosion behaviour of 42CrMo4 steel. The fully annealed 42CrMo4 steel sample exhibits the best cor- rosion resistance, while the soft annealed 42CrMo4 steel sample exhibits the lowest corrosion resistance. • The differences between the sample results can be explained with the effects on the coarsening and spheroidization of cementite, which are more pro- nounced at slower cooling, leading to a smaller cath- odic reactivity and a reduction in the cementite-to- ferrite area. 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