Informatica 41 (2017) 183–192 183 Key-Value-Links: A New Data Model for Developing Efficient RDMA-Based In-Memory Stores Hai Duc Nguyen, The De Vu, Duc Hieu Nguyen, Minh Duc Le, Tien Hai Ho and Tran Vu Pham Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam E-mail: Keywords: in-memory stores, key-value, RDMA, InfiniBand Received: March 24, 2017 This paper proposes a new data model, named Key-Value-Links (KVL), to help in-memory store utilizes RDMA efficiently. The KVL data model is essentially a key-value model with several extensions. This model organizes data as a network of items in which items are connected to each other through links. Each link is a pointer to the address of linked item and is embedded into the item establishing this link. Organiz- ing datasets using the KVL model enables applications making use RDMA-Reads to directly fetch items at the server at very high speed. Since link chasing bypasses the CPU at the server side, this operation allows the client to read items at extremely low latency and reduces much workload at data nodes. Further- more, our model well fits many real-life applications ranging from graph exploration and map matching to dynamic web page creation. We also developed an in-memory store utilizing the KVL model named KELI. The results of experiments on real-life workload indicate that KELI, without being applied much optimization, easily outperform Memcached, a popular in-memory key-value store, in many cases. Povzetek: Predlagan je nov podatkovni model, imenovan Key-Value-Links (povezave ključnih vrednosti). 1 Introduction In-memory stores have flourished in recent years owing to the urgent needs of fast processing and decreasing DRAM prices. Many system designers have either used main mem- ory as a primary data store [17] or as a cache to reduce the latency of accessing hot or latency-sensitive items [2]. Be- ing moved to main memory enables data to be accessed at very low latency because it removes the overhead of disk and flash. But it does not mean I/O overhead is absolutely eliminated. Because of DRAM’s low capacity, in-memory stores often deploys across multiple data nodes making net- work I/O become a potential source of overhead. Indeed, the traditional TCP/IP networks have shown many disad- vantages in supporting fast data transmission. For exam- ple, MemC3, a state-of-the-art in-memory store, runs seven times better on a single machine than in a client-server setup using TCP/IP [9, 8]. To solve this problem, several data centers started look- ing for alternative solutions. Among those, Remote Di- rect Memory Access (RDMA) is appeared to be the most promising candidate. RDMA allows applications to di- rectly read from and write to remote memory without in- volving the Operating System at any host. This ability helps RDMA achieve low latency and high throughput data transmission because it bypasses the overhead of complex protocol stacks, avoids buffer copying, and reduces CPU overhead. Despite attractive features, RDMA has not been widely used in data centers due to the high prices of its supporting NICs. In recent years, however, the prices of RDMA-enabled NICs have dramatically dropped and be- come compatible with that of traditional Ethernet NICs. For examples, A 40 Gbps InfiniBand RDMA-capable NIC costs around $500, while the prices of a 10GB Ethernet NICs may be up to $800 [15]. New standards such as iWARP and RoCE also support RDMA allowing data cen- ters to utilize RDMA with reasonable cost. Within this trend, there are many studies have started to leverage RDMA technology to build ultra-low latency in- memory store. Those works indicate that much of effort have to be spent in order to maximize the benefits of using this technology for in-memory systems. Works to be done including reduce NIC’s cache miss rate [8], minimizing the number of RDMA operations per requests [15, 8], and op- timizing hash table organization [8, 15, 12], etc. In spite of implementation differences, most of existing RDMA-based in-memory stores are constructed according to key-value model since this model is very simple and well fit large and unstructured datasets. The key-value model, however, has its own drawbacks. The most noticeable one is performance. Traditionally, ev- ery put and get operation involves to hash table lookup to identify the existence of items. This makes the hash table become the hotspot of data access and it is not surprising that most of the key-value stores spend much of effort tun- ing their hashing mechanism [15, 8, 9]. Real-life workloads indicate that key-value items are typically small [3] so em- ploying key-value model could be easily suffered from low 184 Informatica 41 (2017) 183–192 H.D. Nguyen et al. network utilization. Furthermore, using key-value model often has applications to divide its requests into multiple small item lookups. Those lookups often have to be exe- cuted sequentially due to data dependency. This causes the hash table lookup overhead and low bandwidth utilization of multiple lookups to accumulate and reasonably prolong the latency of the original request. According to [17], Face- book creates about 130 internal requests in average for gen- erating the HTML for a page. Similarly, Amazon requires about 100-200 requests to create HTML part for each page [7]. With those workloads, in-memory stores have to react very quickly to each request to guarantee desired perfor- mance. In the future, as the amount of data and workload keeps increasing rapidly, it is difficult for the in-memory stores to maintain its performance without changing re- quest processing mechanisms. In this paper, we introduce a novel data model named Key-Value-Links (KVL) to enable in-memory stores to ex- ploit RDMA efficiently to deliver ultra-low latency data services. Essentially, the KVL model is a variant of the Key-Value model that maintains links between items to ex- ploit the data dependency between them to accelerate data retrieval. A link contains the information about the (phys- ical) location and the size of referred item so applications could utilize RDMA Reads to directly fetch the item with- out invoking expensive item lookups. This design bypasses the hash table and efficiently utilizes the network as we need only one RDMA Read for reading an item. As a re- sult, getting desired items by chasing their links reduces the cumulative latency of processing multiple item requests significantly. We also introduce KELI (KEy-value-with- Links In-memory), an in-memory cache that employing KVL data model, and compare it with an in-memory key- value cache (Memcached) to reveal the performance ben- efits of utilizing the KVL model over RDMA-capable net- works. The following section briefly introduces RDMA tech- nologies and recent works in developing in-memory stores using RDMA. Section 3 discusses the KVL model in de- tail. Several classes of applications which could utilize the model efficiently are listed in Section 4. The section 5 dis- cusses the design of KELI. We conduct several experiments on real-life data to evaluate the efficiency of using KELI and report their results in Section 6. Finally, we conclude the paper in Section 7. 2 Background and related work 2.1 Remote direct memory access Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) allows remote computers to directly read memory regions on local mem- ory without interfering its CPU. This allows zero-copy data transfers and saving computing resource. Further- more, RDMA-enabled NICs provide kernel bypass for all communications and reliable delivery to applications. These make the typical latency of interconnects support- ing RDMA such as InfiniBand, RoCE and iWARP about 10x faster than traditional Ethernet [12]. RDMA-enabled NICs is originally designed for High-performance Comput- ing centers but due to decreasing in hardware prices, their presence in data centers is increasing [15]. The introduc- tion of RoCE and iWARP, which lets RDMA to be per- formed over traditional network architecture, even makes RDMA more popular. Applications utilize RDMA-enabled NICs through Verb API. There are several types of verbs but the most com- mon are RDMA Read, RDMA Write, Send and Receive. These verbs could be grouped into two types of seman- tics: channel semantics and memory semantics. Send and Receive have channel semantics: to send a message, the sender posts a Send description to put the message content to a remote memory location specified by a pre-posted Re- ceive description at the receiver side. Send and Receive are two-sided verbs as the communication involves the CPU of both end points. RDMA Read and RDMA Write have memory semantics: they operate directly upon the remote memory regions. Both of them are one-sided as the remote CPU does not aware those operations. This reduces not only the overhead of RDMA operations but also the load of remote CPU. Therefore, utilizing one-sided RDMA verbs could achieve very low latency and high throughput. 2.2 In-Memory stores using RDMA Attractive features of RDMA verbs have exposed many studies of utilizing RDMA technology to build high- performance in-memory stores. As communication is the major source of overhead, previous work tries to replace traditional data transfer techniques by RDMA operations to effectively reduce the overall latency. For examples, Jithin Jose et al. [11] improves Memcached performance by the factor of four by just making it RDMA capable. In the later work [10], the research group uses a hybrid approach that utilizes both Reliable Connection (RC) and Unreliable Connection (UC) transport and transparently switches be- tween them to further improve the performance by the fac- tor of 12. Apart from communication, recent studies have started to apply multiple optimization techniques on other parts of the system to reach even better performance. HERD [12, 13], makes heavy changes ranging from reducing net- work round trips and reorganizing data distribution to op- timizing PICe transactions. It even sacrifices the reliabil- ity to maximize the performance. RDMA is also com- bined with other technologies to develop complicated in- memory stores. DrTM [23] and DrTM+R [6] are two fast in-memory transaction systems utilizing both RDMA and hardware transactional memory (HTM). Different from traditional designs, Pilaf [15], FaRM [8] and HydraDB [22] let applications process request by themselves through RDMA Reads. In these systems, the server makes data visible to clients so the client could use RDMA Reads to access hash table and items at the re- Key-Value-Links: A New Data Model for. . . Informatica 41 (2017) 183–192 185 mote server as if they are on its own local memory. This approach bypasses many sources of overhead and reduces load at data servers but there are shortcomings preventing those systems from maximizing the potential of RDMA Read. For examples, Pilaf clients have to carry out multiple RDMA Reads per request. FaRM often performs RDMA Reads to get memory blocks which are much larger than the actual size of needed item. Also, bypassing remote CPU makes it unaware about application behaviors which are useful for tracking popular items. Despite differences in implementation, all studies men- tioned above employ the key-value model. Although this model is quite simple and easy to implement, the lack of the ability to represent complex data force applications us- ing this model to generate a lot of item lookups for each data request. This disadvantage makes the key-value model sensitive to latency. This is the motivation for us to develop Key-Value-Links model to solve this issue. 3 Key-Value-Link data model 3.1 Example Before describing the Key-Value-Links (KVL) model in detail, let us first show how it “looks and feels” through an example of using this model to represent a real-life dataset and handle data requests. Suppose we have a database stor- ing the information about students, professors, and depart- ments in a university. Figure 1 illustrates how the KVL is used to organize this database. In this representation, each entity (i.e. student, professor, and department) is a key-value item. The key is unique and is used to iden- tify the item. The database has five entities: two students “stu001" and “stu002" under supervision of two profes- sors “prof001" and “prof002" working in the department ‘‘dpcs". The value of each of those items contains multi- ple attributes representing information associated with the item. The item “stu002", for instance, has three attributes in its value. The first one (e.g. “name : DEF") shows the student’s name while the other are links indicating his supervisor and mentor. Those links do not provide infor- mation about those people but instead point to items stor- ing information about them. In implementation, those links could be represented as pointers which let applications di- rectly access linked item without sending a request to the data server. Storing links to other items inside the item’s value makes it easier to reason useful information which requires us to combine the data from multiple sources. In the university database, for example, suppose that user wants to know whether two students "stu001" and "stu002" are under the supervision of professors working in the same department. To answer this question, we must first get access to the two student items using their keys. After that, we travel across the supervisor link of those items to obtain the informa- tion about the supervisors. We then use department links to go to their departments. Finally, we check if those de- supervisor stu001 name: ABY tel: 123456789 website: depcs name: XYZ supervisor stu002 name: DEF mentor department prof001 name: UVT department prof002 name: IJK Figure 1: An example of representing a dataset from a uni- versity using the KVL data model. The key of each item is shown in bold text, the links are shown in shadow frames, and the arrows used to represent the link from one item to another. partments are the same to provide the final answer to the question. If this database is represented by the relational model, answering this question requires us to perform multiple cumbersome joins. Because such operation consumes a lot of time and resource, using a relational database in such case does not guarantee an acceptable performance. If we use traditional key-value model, the applications must de- compose the request into multiple item lookups. Since most of the lookups depend on the results of the previ- ous ones, applications have to perform them sequentially. If the number of lookups is large, the cumulative latency, which is calculated by adding up the latency of each item lookups, will become very high and reasonably hurts the overall latency of the original request. Most of the item lookups could be replaced by one link chasing if we use KVL model. As we will show in the next subsection, the former operation is much more expensive than the latter so using key-value model also takes more time to process the request than applying the KVL model. 3.2 Data model Generally, KVL is an enhanced version of the traditional key-value model. In this model, each item is a key-value pair connected to each other through links. Inside an item, the key is its identifier while the value describes its charac- teristics. There is no restriction on the size of either key or value. Different from some implementations of key-value model used in RAMCloud [17] or Memcached [2], KVL model cares about the structure of value. Particularly, the value is a set of attributes in < K,V > format where K is the name of the attributes and V is its value. The value V could be either a block of bytes representing some kind of information defined by the user or a link to another item. The concept of links is similar to that of pointers. Both of them let applications know the location of the resource but do not provide the information about its content and as- sociated data. There are several benefits of this approach. Embedded an item into another one enlarges data size sig- 186 Informatica 41 (2017) 183–192 H.D. Nguyen et al. Hash Table A Memory B C D E C E Application in-memory store Figure 2: An example implementation of KVL model based on the organization of existing key-value stores. nificantly which would reduce memory utilization as well as slow down data transmission. This also allows an item to have multiple copies which could be a nightmare for main- taining consistency. Furthermore, with the support from RDMA Reads, pointing to referred item through its address lets applications directly fetch the item without interfering the data server. Utilizing RDMA Reads helps fetching item at ultra-low latency as it bypasses many sources of over- head such as notifying remote CPU and hash table lookup. It also allows the system scale easily as the remote machine could save many CPU cycles for other tasks. Figure 2 illustrates the organization of an in-memory store implementing the KVL model based on the funda- mental structure of existing in-memory key-value stores. Basically, KVL model is also a key-value model so meth- ods it uses to handle data are similar to those of key-value. In particular, the store constructs a hash table to keep track of items stored in the system. Putting a new item to and get- ting an existing one from the store requires the key of this item to be hashed to the hash table first to determine the proper action. Clearly, operations in a key-value store are all related to the hash table making it become the hotspot of the system. The introduction of links leads to a new way to get data from in-memory stores called link chasing to reduce the load on the hash table. In this method, applications use links attached to items it has fetched previously to invoke RDMA Reads to directly retrieve the linked items from the in-memory stores without explicitly sending a get re- quest. For examples, in the Figure 2, the application has performed two lookups to load the item B and item C from the server. It has two options to load item A. It could gen- erate a get request containing the key of item A and send it to the server to have it search for this item. The another choice is to use RDMA Read to chase the link to item A which is integrated to the item C to read this item directly without asking for the server. Figure 3 compares the latency of link chasing using RDMA Read with that of item lookup on different item 32 128 512 2048 Size (Byte) 0 4 8 12 Ti m e (M ic ro se co nd ) RDMA Read HERD Figure 3: The latency of getting items with different sizes using RDMA Read and HERD. sizes. The implementation of item lookup is based on the method used in HERD [12], which is one of the fastest in- memory key-value stores in the literature. It is clear that even though being heavily optimized by many techniques, item lookup still runs much slower than RDMA Read. This means if we could organize items needed by applications in a way such that from one item we could reach to other ones by just chasing links, the latency could be reduced up to 50%. Therefore, using KVL data model with good data schema design could significantly boost the system perfor- mance without spending much effort on optimizing the in- memory store implementation. 4 Applications Apart from the simple university example in the previous section, we found that the KVL is also applicable to a wide range of applications. The followings are a few of them. 4.1 Graph exploration Graph exploration is required by many data-intensive ap- plications [16]. Graph traversal algorithms such as breadth- first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS) are used as basic components in various complicated algorithms which are used to solve problems in many fields including biol- ogy, communication, social network, etc. In the Big Data area, a graph could contain up to trillions of nodes and edges. Hence, traverse such large-scale graphs efficiently is critical. A graph contains only nodes and edges but in real-world applications, both nodes and edges are associated with a lot of information. This makes representing the topology of the graph in the computer a nontrivial task especially in the case of large graphs which could expand over mul- tiple data nodes. Modeling graphs using relational model or XML does not scale well. Plus, those tools do not ease graph traversals. Many state-of-the-art in-memory graph Key-Value-Links: A New Data Model for. . . Informatica 41 (2017) 183–192 187 databases are constructed upon key-value model [4, 21] due to its simplicity. However, deploying graph traversal algorithms using this model would lead to high cumulative latency. The KVL model, on the other hand, is very similar to the concept of Graph database since this model itself is a network of items. In fact, it could be considered as a “lightweight” graph in which items are vertices and links are edges. We use the term “lightweight” because there are some limitations that prevent KVL from naturally rep- resenting complicated graphs. For examples, information cannot embed into links and a link must point to a physical address rather than abstract objects. Due to those short- comings, using links to represent edges in complex graphs could increase the management costs reasonably. In spite of those, KVL is appeared to be well fit to graph traversal algorithms. With link chasing, applications could avoid a lot of overhead during visiting vertices. 4.2 Dynamic web content creation The rapid increment of the amount of data and the need of improving user experiments make the number of dynamic web pages increase at a high pace. One well-known so- lution for efficiently delivering dynamic content is to de- compose the pages into small fragments and cache those in main memory. Additionally, an object dependence graph (ODG) is constructed to keep track changes and maintain consistency [5, 19]. When a new web page is requested, the ODG is checked to reload fragments whose content has been changed and directly fetch those whose content remains unchanged from the cache. During this process, fragments are issued sequentially since the latter fragment depends on the earlier one. With such kind of access pat- tern, using the key-value model implemented in popular in-memory caches to store the fragments and ODG could lead to high cumulative overhead when creating a page. The KVL model is well fit for caching such kind of dataset since it is also a graph in nature. By representing items as fragments and use links to formulate the depen- dency between fragments, applications could construct the web page by simply chasing links between pages’ compo- nents. Since link chasing is much faster than item lookup, applying this model would reduce the cumulative latency significantly. 4.3 Intelligent transportation systems Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) act important roles in solving critical issues in urban areas such as con- gestion, air pollution, and safety of transit. The major problem of ITS system is that they have to manage a huge amount of data which is pushed to the system continuously from many sources like GPS, video stream, etc., in order to produce meaningful information in real-time. To do so, the digital map must be well organized since most of the critical operations such as map matching, routing, and con- gestion detection relies on it. As the map could be consid- ered as a network of points (e.g. intersections) and lines (e.g. streets), KVL model is a promising candidate for rep- resenting its content in ITS systems. 5 KELI: A KVL In-memory Store We have implemented an in-memory store utilizing the KVL model named KELI (stands for KEy-value-with-Link In-memory Store). Originally, we developed KELI while constructing a traffic condition monitoring system for Ho Chi Minh City (available at The main role of KELI is to manage the metadata of the city map so that applications could quickly process GPS signals gener- ated by vehicles to produce meaningful information about the current traffic condition of the city [14]. Although KELI is originally designed for an ITS system, we feel its architecture is general enough for working with other ap- plications. So we extended its implementation to make it applicable to a wide range of applications. 5.1 System architecture Our objective when designing KELI is to provide a light- weight in-memory store for hardly-changed datasets stored in complicated (disk-based) databases. Particularly, KELI copies items stored in the database to memory and lets ap- plications to access them through its interface instead of sending requests directly to the database. The design of KELI also assumes that update occurs very rarely and a few changes do not cause serious impact on application perfor- mance and correctness. Figure 2 illustrates the overall architecture of KELI. Data is originally stored permanently on disk to ensure durability and availability. KELI is deployed entirely in memory. Af- ter starting up, KELI accesses data on disk and loads them into memory. During this process, items are transformed from their original format on disk to KVL format. After KELI finishes loading data from disk, data access could be redirected to KELI and the database now acts as a backup module. KELI does not support update operations (i.e. mod- ify, write, and delete) so if application want to change the content of data, it still has to send those requests to the database. Updates occurring at disk do not take effect im- mediately to the in-memory store. KELI, however, reloads the content of data on disk after predefined and fixed inter- vals. 5.2 Data layout Since DRAM capacity is much smaller than that of sec- ondary storage, utilizing memory space efficiently is a cru- cial requirement. To do so, avoiding/reducing fragmenta- tion is necessary as this is the primary source of low mem- ory utilization. S. M. Rumble et al. [20] showed that cur- rent standard dynamic memory allocators such as “malloc" 188 Informatica 41 (2017) 183–192 H.D. Nguyen et al. A B C D E A B C E D Hash Table Pre-allocated Memory Region Memory ... ... Listener Worker thread pool ... A 1. Get(C) 2. Thread-handoff 3. Lookup C 4. Data tramsmit Application 5. Read(CA) Data Node Figure 4: Request Processing in C do not handle this problem well. Therefore, to avoid fragmentation, we do not utilize dynamic memory alloca- tors to create rooms for data. Free space is instead reserved in advance in form of contiguous memory slots. KELI dra- matically fills them up with the content of new items. KELI updates its content periodically in batch-style. Ev- ery time the update process is triggered, KELI first allo- cates new memory regions for new items then fills them up with the content of data stored in the disk-based database. After that, it deallocates the memory regions of old data and uses items in the new memory regions for answering upcoming requests from applications. As the clients by- passes the server when chasing links, KELI must ensure applications do not access old items after the update took place by halting all active connections from the clients and have the clients reestablish those connections to the server to obtain the new content. Similar to key-value stores, KELI employs a hash table for tracking items by their key. We use the Cuckoo hash- ing [18] to implement the hash table since this technique ensures constant complexity in the worst case, guarantees stable performance with large datasets. The hash table does not hold the content of hashed items but it instead stores the pointer to the actual data. So for each new item, KELI first finds a slot in allocated memory regions for it and write its content to this slot. After that, item’s key and the pointer to the slot are added to the hash table. follow_list userABC name: ABC next followABC_0 follows followABC_1 follows follow_list userEDF name: EDF followEDF_0 follows Figure 5: Modeling Twitter datasets by the KVL model. Black boxes represent a list of links and each link refers to one item in the dataset. Gray boxes represent a single link. Some stores such as HBase [1] keep items in memory in form of memory objects to simplify data management. This approach, however, often requires the server and client to serialize/deserialize those objects from/to an array of bytes before transferring them over the network. Serial- ization adds significant overhead to request processing es- pecially in small ones like item lookups. Furthermore, if items contain pointers to different resources, chasing links would generate multiple RDMA Reads making the opera- tor inefficient. Therefore, KELI servers store items in form of arrays of bytes and let the client perform serialization. 5.3 Request processing reviewer_list productABC name: ABC Price: $100 ... product Review00001 user Text: good rating: 4 user0Abf12 name: ABC product Review02112 user Text: OK rating: 2 user0xZf7 name: XYZ (a) Fragments represented by KVL model. Top Customer Reviews he is really smart and he loves it By Hermann E. Wagner on October 5, 2016 Format: Hardcover I have been buying this book for 3 years Now, it never disappoints. It is my usual birthday gift for my now 12 yr old nephew, he is really smart and he loves it. It is the perfect gift for a curious mind! 4 people found this helpful Excellent reporting and easy reading. By Sandi on September 17, 2016 Format: Hardcover | Verified Purchase This is a Christmas gift to my son who has collected these books for years. He'll love it. Easy reading and pictures are lovely. 4 people found this helpful Product Guinness World Records 2017 Hardcover – August 30, 2016 by Guinness World Records (Author), Chris Hadfield (Introduction), Buzz Aldrin (Contributor) Price: $21.67 Description The ultimate annual book of records is back and crammed with more than ever before! Guinness World Records 2017 is bursting with all-new records on topics as diverse as black holes, domes, owls, and killer plants. Want to know the highest anyone has travelled on a skateboard, or the largest loop-the-loop completed in a car? Dying to know just how many tricks a cat can do in one minute? The answers to these questions and so much more are right inside. Read more Customer Reviews Product Review Review (b) Web Page content. Figure 6: Modeling a dynamic web page by the KVL model. Black boxes represent a list of links and each link refers to one item in the dataset. Gray boxes represent a single link. Key-Value-Links: A New Data Model for. . . Informatica 41 (2017) 183–192 189 In this subsection, we will show how KELI handle re- quests from clients. The whole process is shown in Figure 4. KELI communication modules are built upon IB verb programming model. Given a key, the client asks for its value by issuing a “get" request via “ib_send". The re- quest is received at the server side by a listener which has responsibility for receiving any incoming requests. In order to maximize KELI performance, the listener continuously asks input queue for new requests instead of passively wait- ing for the queue to inform it about the new message like traditional techniques. Although this approach wastes a lot of CPU cycle for polling input queue, it makes KELI re- spond to the new request very quickly. When the listener discovers a new request in the in- put queue, it then pops the request out and forwards it to a worker thread in the thread pool. Threads are chosen randomly to ensure load-balancing. After receiving a re- quest from the listener, chosen thread then searches for the needed item in the hash table. If the item is not found, it generates a response with empty payload and sends it back to the client using “ib_recv” operation. Otherwise, the hash table would return a pointer to the location of the item. Thread just simply follows the pointer, generates a non-empty response message, copies the content of the item to the payload of this message and sends the response back to the client (also using “ib_recv”). The client has responsibility for interpreting the mean- ing of the payload of the response message. If the item contains links to other items and application wants to re- trieve them, the client does not make another “get” request but using RDMA Read to directly read the content of the linked items from the server. Doing so significantly re- duces item loading latency since executing RDMA Reads is much cheaper than explicitly invoking an item lookup request (e.g. “get”). 6 Experiments 6.1 Experiment setup In this section, we will illustrate the benefits of employ- ing the KVL model for RDMA-based in-memory stores by comparing the performance of KELI with another in- memory key-value store. We choose Memcached for this task due to its popularity. In fact, to make the compari- son fair, instead of using the original version, we make use of an extended version of Memcached, which uses RDMA verbs for data transmission, for all experiments. [11, 10] The two stores are compared based on practical applica- tions. Particularly, we use the KVL model to represent sev- eral real-life datasets and let KELI manage them. We do the same task with Memcached except that links in items are replaced by the key of referred items. We then develop some applications implementing popular algorithms work- ing over those datasets. The data such applications need for computation is fetched from either KELI or Memcached. We measure the computation cost and use it to compare the two stores. 6.2 Data modeling We conduct experiments on three different real-life datasets, each associated with one problem listed in Sec- tion 4. In the text bellow, we will illustrate those datasets and describe how to use the KVL model to model them. For the key-value version, we just replace links by the key of item it pointing to. Social Network Graph traversal is very popular on the social network. For examples, given a user, find a per- son with a given name (e.g. “John”) among his friends, his friends’ friends, and so on is a typical problem mak- ing use of graph exploration. In the experiment, we will perform the Breadth-First-Search (BFS) over a real-life so- cial network dataset provided by Twitter. The dataset con- tains about one million nodes represent users and more than 22 million edges represent the followership between users. Figure 5 shows how the dataset is modeled by the KVL model. Clearly, this representation is similar to adjacent list data structure except for that edge (e.g. follower) lists are broken into multiple chunks since one user may have a lot of friends. If we integrate all of them into one item, this could enlarge the size of this item reasonable leading to performance degradation. In following experiments, we let each list contain at most 100 followers. Web Page Generation We construct a web page dis- playing information about the reviews of products sold by Amazon using the dataset provided by Amazon itself. The content of the page is dynamic as product information change frequently and users continuously update their re- views to products. We have to break the HTML file into multiple parts and change their content right after the up- date takes effect. Figure 6a shows the relationship between users, products, and reviews of users for some products and Figure 6a shows how the HTML file of the page lock and feel. Map Matching We choose map matching problems as a representative application for ITS systems. Given a GPS signal, we have to determine if this signal belongs to any street and if so, identify which place on the street it falling into. This problem is very popular in ITS system involving to real-time traffic monitoring, congesting detection, rout- ing, etc. In this experiment, we use a digital map provided by OpenStreetMap (OSM) to construct the datasets about streets in Ho Chi Minh City. Figure 7 illustrates an ex- ample of modeling the map by the KVL model. Partic- ularly, according to OSM’s format, a street is a polyline which is constructed by connecting multiple nodes (points). Since the street is a polyline and typically long, we do not map GPS signals with streets but with lines which are constructed by connecting two consecutive nodes on a street called segment. An item represents a segment will link to items containing the information about its endpoints 190 Informatica 41 (2017) 183–192 H.D. Nguyen et al. nodeIJK nodeUVT nodePQO streetDEF cellABC (a) Objects on the map. segments cellABC segments streetDEF name: DEF street segXYZ Endpoint0 cell longitude nodeIJK latitude latitude nodeUVT longitude Endpoint1 street segLMN Endpoint0 cell Endpoint1 latitude nodePQO longitude (b) Objects in KVL model. Figure 7: Modeling objects on digital map by the KVL model. Black boxes represent a list of links and each link refers to one item in the dataset. Gray boxes represent a single link. 64 256 1024 4096 Size (Byte) 0 20 40 60 La te nc y (M ic ro se co nd ) Look up Link Chasing RDMA-memcached Figure 8: The latency of link chasing and item lookup in experiments. (node). There are also links from streets to segments con- structed from their nodes. We group segments into disjoint areas called cells based on their geographical location. The map matching algorithm is quite simple: given a GPS sig- nal, the application first determines its spatial information (e.g. latitude and longitude) and uses them to identify the corresponding cell. It then issues the in-memory stores for this cell and then retrieves segments belonging to this cell to find out which segment this signal belongs based on their geographical locations. 6.3 Performance evaluation We conduct all experiment on two computers equipped with Intel Xeon E5-2670 and 32GB main memory. They are connected through an Infiniband connection using Mellanox’s ConnectX-3 40 Gbps NIC. The RDMA- Memcached in all experiments is based on Memcached version 1.4.24 and applications use libMemcached version 1.0.18 to communicate with the store. In order to fully un- derstand the effect of using KVL model, let us first com- 5-th Average 95-th0 8 16 24 La te nc y (M ill is ec on d) KELI RDMA-Memcached Figure 9: Map matching latency pare the read performance of KELI’s item lookup and link chasing with RDMA-Memcached’s get operation. Figure 8 shows the experiment results. Clearly, the naive imple- mentation of lookup using Send/Recv verbs performs very poorly. It takes about three to four times slower than the optimized version used by RDMA-Memcached. However, item lookup still executes two times longer than link chas- ing. Therefore, if applications make good use of link , KELI could perform better than RDMA-Memcached. Although KELI has to deserialize item content and check for consistency when chasing links, link chasing latency is just slightly slower to that of pure RDMA Read reported in Figure 3. This is because the time spent on communica- tion is the dominant cost of RDMA operators. So although KELI has to check for consistency and deserialize every item it reads, its latency is still lower than that of HERD. Also note that HERD’s lockup latency could be higher in practical as it sacrifices reliability and let applications take care of integrity checks to boost the lookup performance as much as possible. In the map matching experiment, we preload both KELI and RDMA-Memcached with about six million key-value Key-Value-Links: A New Data Model for. . . Informatica 41 (2017) 183–192 191 5-th Average 95-th0 400 800 1200 1600 La te nc y (M ic ro se co nd ) KELI RDMA-Memcached Figure 10: Web page construction latency 10 100 1000 10000 Number of vertices 0.1 0.5 1 23 La te nc y (S ec on d) KELI RDMA-Memcached Figure 11: Graph exploration pairs represent the geographical information of Ho Chi Minh City. Similarly, we prepare about 200 thousand re- views for more than 12 thousand products for web creation application and a graph with one million nodes and about 22 million edges for BFS traversal. Figure 9, 10, and 11 show the execution time of map matching, web page con- struction, and BFS algorithms, respectively, using KELI and RDMA-Memcached. Apparently, KELI outperforms RDMA-Memcached in all cases. In the case of map matching, KELI outperforms RDMA-Memcached by the factor of two in average. In the case of tail latency (95-th percentile), KELI still runs about 2.5 times faster than RDMA-Memcache. KELI also helps applications construct web pages 50% faster than RDMA does. Similarly, the implementation of BFS algo- rithm using KELI runs 75% faster than that using RDMA- Memcached. The reason behind this is that according to the data lay- outs we described in the previous section, applications uti- lizing KELI mostly uses link chasing for fetching new items. For example, in the case of graph traversal, the application only has to invoke item lookup for the first time when it has to retrieve the first vertex. After that, based on the “list” and “next” links integrated into each accessed vertex and edge lists, the applications could al- ways invoke link chasing to get information about vertex to be accessed. On the other hand, applications supported by RDMA-Memcached have no choice but item lookup to retrieve data. Since this operation is about two times lower than link chasing, KELI performs two times better than RDMA-Memcached. 7 Conclusion In this paper, we present KVL, an enhanced version of the key-value model for in-memory stores working over RDMA-capable networks. In this model, each data set is a network of key-value pairs linking to each other. Each link is a pointer to the address of the referred item and is integrated directly into the item. 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