55 Članek prispel / Received 6. 10. 2018 Članek sprejet / Accepted 30. 7. 2020 Naslov za dopisovanje / Correspondence Prim. vis. pred. dr. Teodor Pevec, dr. med., svetnik Kirurški odddelek SB Ptuj Potrčeva 23- 25, Slovenija Telefon +386 41650335 E–pošta: teodor.pevec@sb-ptuj.si Abstract Purpose: The anterior interosseous ner- ve (AIN) is a motor branch of the medi- an nerve that runs deep into the forearm where it innervates three muscles. Their isolated palsy is known as AIN syndro- me. Distal forearm fractures are some of the most common fractures in children and are associated with frequent neuro- vascular complications. This report descri- bed a relatively rare complication in our everyday medical practice: AIN syndro- me following a supracondylar fracture. Case report: A 5-year-old boy fell off of a swing and suffered a supracondylar fracture. No neurological disorders were described. Manual reduction and K-wire fixation were performed. At a follow-up visit, the mother pointed out that the child was unable to flex the thumb of the treated arm. We diagnosed the case as AIN syndrome. Conclusion: The AIN syndrome was most likely a consequence of the injury to the elbow itself. Due to our focus on more frequent neurological disorders, especially those of the ulnar nerve, AIN syndrome Izvleček Namen: Anteriorni interosalni živec (AIŽ) je motorična veja medianega živca in poteka globoko v podlakti. Oživčuje tri mišice podlakti. Izolirana pareza je zna- na kot AIŽ sindrom. Pri otrokih so zlomi distalnega dela nadlaktnice pogosti prelo- mi, pri katerih so prav tako pogosto pri- druženi nevrovaskularni zapleti. V član- ku prikazujem v naši vsakdanji praksi sorazmerno redek zaplet suoprakondilar- nega preloma z razvojem AIŽ sindroma. Poro~ilo o primeru: Petletni fant je padel z gugalnice in si zlomil nadlaktni- co. Šlo je za suprakondilarni prelom. Ne- vrološki izpadi niso bili opisani. Narejeni sta bili repozicija in učvrstitev s K žica- mi. Med kontrolami je mati opozorila, da bolnik ne more pokrčiti palca na operira- ni roki. Prepoznali smo AIŽ sindrom. Zaklju~ek: Najverjetneje je bil sindrom AIŽ posledica poškodbe komolca samega. Zavoljo osredotočenosti na pogostejše ne- vrološke izpade, predvsem ulnarnega živ- ca, smo razvoj AIŽ zaznali sorazmerno pozno. Ključne besede: poškodba živca, otrok, prelom distalne nadlaktnice, zaplet, zdravljenje Key words: nerve injury, child, distal humerus fracture, complication, treatment Sindrom anteriornega intraosalnega živca pri otroškem suprakondilarnem prelomu nadlaktnice – prikaz primera Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome following paediatric supracondylar humeral fracture: A case report Avtor / Author Teodor Pevec1,2, Simonca Kalšek1,2, Mihael Majerič1,2 Ustanova / Institute 1Splošna bolnišnica dr. Jožeta Potrča Ptuj, Kirurški oddelek, Ptuj, Slovenija; 2Univerza v Mariboru, Medicinska fakulteta, Katedra za kirurgijo, Maribor, Slovenija; 1General Hospital dr. Jožeta Potrča Ptuj, Surgery Department, Ptuj, Slovenia; 2University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine, Department for Surgery, Maribor, Slovenia; Poročilo o primeru/ Case report ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2020; 13 (2): 55–59 56 Poročilo o primeru/ Case report ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2020; 13 (2): 55–59 was detected relatively late. In preoperative care, and especially postoperative care of children with distal forearm fractures, pre- cise assessments of the patient's neurological status are required for the early detection of associated injuries. INTRODUCTION Supracondylar fractures in children account for 16% of all paediatric fractures (1). Because both the radial and median nerves can be in the vicinity of the fracture line, there is a possibility of primary injury to one of these nerves. Closed reduction with internal fixation is the primary method for managing certain types of supracondylar fractures (2). When the wire is placed medially, there is a Figure 1. Anteroposterior X-ray of the distal humerus fracture. danger of damaging the ulnar nerve, i.e., a danger of secondary injury to the nerve (3). Anterior interosseous nerve (AIN) syndrome is a rare syndrome that accounts for <1% of all upper extremity palsies (4). The AIN is a pure motor branch of the median nerve that emerges dorsomedially below the elbow, approximately 5–8 cm distal to the lateral epicondyle, and 4 cm distal to the medial epicondyle. It innervates three forearm muscles: m. flexor pollicis longus, m. pronator quadratus, and the radial part of m. flexor digitorum profundus (5). Here, we report the case of a patient with a distal humeral fracture in which AIN syndrome was detected relatively late. CASE PRESENTATION A 5-year-old boy fell off of a swing and presented with a swollen, deformed, and severely painful left elbow. The child's peripheral pulse was palpable, and he could feel all of his fingers. X-ray scans showed a displaced supracondylar fracture (Gartland III) with posterolateral displacement of the distal fragment (Figure 1). After the patient was prepared for surgery, we performed a closed reduction and stabilised the fracture using K-wire fixation (Figures 2, 3). 57 Poročilo o primeru/ Case report ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2020; 13 (2): 55–59 The patient could feel his fingers after the procedure. We feared a possible iatrogenic injury to the ulnar nerve, but no signs were found. Finally, the arm was placed in a plaster cast. At follow-up visits, neither the mother nor medical staff described any outstanding features in the anamnesis. The K-wires were removed 5 weeks after surgery, after which the patient started an exercise regime. Mobility exercises for the elbow were done successfully, but at the first follow-up visit (after 2 months), the mother pointed out that the child was unable to flex his thumb. Figure 2. Anteroposterior X-ray after ostheosyn- thesis. Figure 3. Lateral view X-ray of the distal humerus fracture. Figure 4. Anteroposterior X-ray of the distal hu- merus fracture, final results. 58 ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2020; 13 (2): 55–59 We performed a clinical examination and found no sensory loss in the fingers, but the patient was unable to form a circle with his index finger and thumb. We sought consultation with a neurosurgeon, and the patient was scheduled for an electromyography and NMR scan. While waiting for these examinations (approximately 3 months after the injury), the patient regained full mobility of his fingers. His elbow was also fully mobile. The X-ray showed that the fracture had healed properly (Figures 4, 5). Figure 5. Lateral view X-ray of the distal humerus fracture. DISCUSSION Herein, we described the case of a 5-year-old child with a distal forearm fracture and an associated neurological disorder. Forearm fractures are common, and the clinical picture is often dramatic: the sight of a deformed extremity, the pain and distress the child suffers, and the presence of concerned parents prompt surgeons to take immediate action. Regarding these kinds of forearm fractures in children, the relative incidence of associated or iatrogenic injuries is quite high, 12–20% (6). Campbell et al. reported that the incidence was extremely high for third-degree distal forearm fractures in children (7). Damage to the median nerve occurred in 50% of these cases, and damage to the radial nerve occurred in 28%. They also state that in as many as 87% of patients with an associated injury to the median nerve, there was posterolateral displacement of the distal fragment. These injuries usually occur due to the agency of the proximal fragment, while iatrogenic injuries occur due to the manipulation required to perform the reduction and percutaneous K-wire fixation of fractured fragments. The reduction manoeuvres themselves can also cause injuries. Given the fragment displacement, the fracture was classified as a third-degree fracture according to the Gartland classification (8). We recognised the neurological complication late, most likely because we were overly focused on the possibility of ulnar nerve damage, which can occur during the medial placement of K-wire. Patients with AIN syndrome are typically unable to form a circle with their index finger and thumb due to paralysis of FPL and the radial FDP (impaired flexion of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb and the distal interphalangeal joint of the index finger). Regarding the nerve injuries associated with supracondylar forearm fractures in children, most studies predict good outcomes and a spontaneous return of function within a period of 3–5 months (9-11). Thus, most surgeons take a “monitor and wait” approach and only plan a surgical intervention if nerve function is not regained after a specified period of time (3). In our case, spontaneous return of nerve function occurred. In the differential diagnosis of AIN syndrome, a thumb flexor injury called stenosing tenosynovitis should be considered (12). Previous studies have mentioned that a relatively small number of AIN syndrome cases are detected by NMR and suggest that electromyography be used in diagnosis. Surgical exploration is recommended if there is no progress after 3 months of conservative treatment, including physical therapy. However, there remains a lack of relevant studies to adequately determine the most appropriate time for surgical intervention. CONCLUSION In the preoperative, and especially in the postoperative care of children with distal forearm fractures, precise assessments of the patient's neurological status are Poročilo o primeru/ Case report 59ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2020; 13 (2): 55–59 required for the early detection of associated injuries. Despite preoperative evaluations being difficult due to the child's distress and non-cooperation, an accurate neurological status makes postoperative care easier. REFERENCES 1. Cheng JC, Shen WY. Limb fracture pattern in dif- ferent pediatric age groups: a study of 3350 chil- dren. J Orthop Trauma. 1993;7(1):14-22. 2. Aksakal M, Ermutlu C, Sarisozen B, Akesen B. Ap- proach to supracondylar humerus fractures with neurovascular compromise in children. Acta Or- thop Traumatol Turc 2013;47(4):244-9. 3. Anuar R, Goo SG, Zulkiflee O. The role of nerve exploration in supracondylar humerus fracture in children with nerve injury. Malaysian Orthopaedic Journal. 2015;9(3):71-4. 4. 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