STATUS OF BUTTERFLIES (LEPIDOPTERA, PAPILIONOIDEA) IN THE ŠAR MOUNTAINS IN THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA Vladimir Kr pa č 1 , Christian Da r Ce mo n t 2 , michèle Le mo n n ie r –Da r Ce mo n t 2 , mirjana Kr pa č 3 , matjaž č e r n iLa 4 and Xhezair a b Dija 5 1 Institute of Ecology and Technology, Popova Šapka, Republic of North Macedonia. ( 2 Groupement d’Études Entomologiques Méditerranée (G.E.E.M.), po b o X 60, 48060 parga, Greece. (; 3 Entomological Society for the Investigation and Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development of Natural Ecosystems, Vladimir Komarov Street 20/6, 1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia ( 4 Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI - 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija ( 5 Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tetovo ( Abstract – We focused on the macedonian part of the Šar mountain range, by gath- ering and checking literature data, including data from two entomological collections, and adding the results and observations from our recent intensive field research on the butterfly fauna performed during the last 6 years (2014-2019). a s a result, 179 species are reported in the Šar mountains. t hey belong to 6 families: Hesperiidae with 21 species, papilionidae with 6 species, pieridae with 20 species, r iodinidae with 1 species, Lycaenidae with 51 species and n ymphalidae with 80 species. We se- lected 39 of them as key species for the protection of this national natural heritage. t he data of these species are detailed in the paper. t hese species can be monitored in the future to foresee the trend of the evolution of the biodiversity in this mountain range. in addition, it is a tool to contribute to the zoning of the most important areas to be protected within the Šar mountains. Ke y Wo r Ds : b utterflies, Šar mountains, check-list, indicators, endemism. 59 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2021 Vol. 29, øt. 1: 59–84 Izvleček – s t a n je me t ULje V (Le piDo pt e r a , pa piLio n o iDe a ) n a Ša r pLa n in i V s e Ve r n i ma Ke Do n iji Z zbiranjem in preverjanjem podatkov iz literature, vključno s podatki iz dveh en- tomoloških zbirk, smo se osredotočili na makedonski del pogorja Šar planine in dodali rezultate in opazovanja nedavnih intenzivnih terenskih raziskav favne metuljev, opravljenih v zadnjih 6 letih (2014 2019). posledično je na Šar planini zabeleženih 179 vrst iz 6 družin: Hesperiidae z 21 vrstami, papilionidae s 6 vrstami, pieridae z 20 vrstami, r iodinidae z 1 vrsto, Lycaenidae z 51 vrstami in n ymphalidae z 80 vrstami. med njimi smo jih 39 izbrali kot ključne vrste za varstvo te nacionalne naravne dedi- ščine. podatki o njih so podrobno opisani v prispevku. s spremljanjem teh vrst v pri- hodnosti je mogoče predvidevati trend spreminjanja biotske raznovrstnosti v tem gorskem območju. poleg tega so orodje, ki prispeva k določanju najpomembnejših območij, ki jih je treba zaščititi v pogorju Šar planine. KLjUč n e b e s e De : metulji, Šar planina, seznam vrst, kazalci, endemizem. Introduction b utterflies (Lepidoptera, papilionoidea) are represented by 204 species in the r e- public of n orth macedonia. We focused on the species present in the macedonian part of the Šar mountain range. From a faunistic point of view, the Šar mountains are characterized by a high degree of diversity with many beautiful and different natural landscapes. t he impact of the two climates (moderate mediterranean and continental), the presence of numerous plant communities as well as the diversity of biotopes, have contributed to the emergence and presence of abundant and varied animal life. t here are a greater number of species, especially in the world of butterflies which, with their various shapes and colours, particularly attract human attention. in the early stages, most of the research on butterfly fauna in the r epublic of n orth macedonia was partial, with scarce information about their distribution. t he first summary has been done by t hurner who gathered all previous data for macedonia and published them in the book printed in 1964: “Die Lepidopterenfauna jugoslavisch mazedoniens – i. r hopalocera, Grypocera und n octuidae”. more than two decades later, in 1989, paul s chaider and predrag jakšić published a book with data, illustrations and distribution maps for the whole country: “Die t agfalter von jugoslawisch maze- donien”. t he first butterfly records from the Šar mountains were published just before the World War i by r ebel (1913). t hen, the following authors have published their records from the studied region: Doflein (1921), r ebel and Zerny (1931); Daniel et al. (1951); Lorković (1953); michieli (1963). t hurner (1964), Dufay (1973, 1977), a rnscheid and a rnscheid (1980); De Freina (1983); s chaider (1980, 1984); jakšić (1988; 1989, 1998a, 1998b, 2001); s chaider and jakšić (1989); Kocak (1989); b eshkov (1996); melovski (2003, 2004); a badjiev (2006); Krpač et al. (2008); Kolev (2010); Huemer et al. (2011); Krpač and Darcemont (2012); Krpač et al. (2013); a bdija et al. Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 60 (2013a; 2013b; 2013c; 2013d; 2017; 2019a; 2019b); Louy et al. (2013; 2014); Varga (2014), melovski and b ožinovska (2014). During 6 years, we performed a research on the Šar mountains butterflies (2014- 2019) to assess the current status of the butterfly’s fauna in this mountain range. Materials and methods We included in this paper data from two entomological collections (macedonian museum of n atural History - s Ko and institute of e cology and t echnology - ie t ), data from the literature and the results of our field research. Under the term "a uthors unpublished data" are all the data collected in-situ during our 6 years study 2014-2019. t he following abbreviations used in this paper are: v. (village) and r. (river) Concerning the literature, some names of localities and some erroneous data have been corrected. During our research, we used the classic avio-entomofauna hunting method with an entomological net (catcher) (Fig. 1). a ll the material captured was deposited in the macedonian museum of n atural History (s Ko ) or in the collection of the institute of e cology and t ehnology (ie t ), for a total of 4380 butterflies. For a few species, genitalia were checked (Leptidea sinapis/juvernica, Hipparchia semele/volgensis, Melitaea athalia/aurelia, etc.). We still have ambiguous literature V. Krpaœ, C. Darcemont, M. Lemonnier–Darcemont, M. Krpaœ, M. Œernila, X. Abdija: Status of butterflies (Lepidoptera, 61 Fig. 1. Collecting with entomological net data for records anterior to the description of some close species, and in this paper we have chosen to keep old data potentially ambiguous. t he coordinates of the localities are given in a nnex ii and the location on a map can be done using harmt/localities.html t he butterfly systematics is in accordance with Wiemers et al. (2018). t he syn- onyms of the species have been corrected and clarified as well. t he endangerment of each species is given in accordance with iUCn e uropean r ed List, Van s waay et al. (2010), maes et al. (2019, 2020) and macedonian r ed List by Krpač and Darcemont (2012). Area of investigation t he Šar mountains are located in the northwest part of r epublic of n orth mace- donia. t he massif extends northeast-west-southwest direction in length of 80 km, Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 62 Fig. 2. a rea of investigation located in north-west of the r epublic of n orth mace- donia. over an area of 1600 km 2 (Fig. 2).t his mountain range has a large number of peaks over 2000 m above sea level, and about twenty over 2500 m. t he Šar mountains extend also in Kosovo, with large number of peaks on the border between the two countries. in this paper, under the name ″Šar mountains″, we will refer to macedonian part of the massive. t he Šar mountains form a region of a particular natural beauty. it is known in e u- rope as a hotspot of biological diversity. t he vegetation is composed of elements of sub-mediterranean and subarctic flora. t he vegetation storeys are of the south-alpine type, with a predominance of mountain and subalpine belts, up to 2700 m above sea level, the highest point of these mountains. t he Šar mountains can be divided into three belts: up to 1000-1200 m, there are tra- ditional agricultural lands, fields with hedges, and deciduous forests of oak, beech and chestnut (foothills belt). a bove this belt and up to a height of about 1700 m, it is the mountain belt, composed of clearings and edges of deciduous or mixed forests (beech- fir), hay grasslands, wet and mesophilic meadows, drier pastures often grazed. s till above and up to the highest peaks, we are in the subalpine belt. t his higher altitudinal belt covers a significant part of the Šar mountain range. a bove 1800 m, more or less grazed pastures are predominant. in some places, they form macro-mosaics with mainly thickets with Juniperus communis nana or heaths with Vaccinium myrtillus. t here is enough water on all the mountains and the overflows of the high lakes favour the for- mation of small more humid areas where grows a more dense herbaceous vegetation. t he fauna and flora differ according to the altitude and some of their representatives are very characteristic of these different vegetation belts. Results in total 179 species of butterflies (Lepidoptera, r hopalocera) are recorded from the Šar mountains, which is 88% of the total number of the known species (204) in the r epublic of n orth macedonia. t he list of the taxa is given in a nnex i. t he 41 butterfly species detailed below are threatened (according to macedonian r ed List) and some of them have a low ecological valence (relationship with specific biotopes) and can indicate the current quality of habitats of the area and could be used among the tools to determine the zoning of the future protected area within the Šar mountains. Fam. Hesperiidae Latreille, 1809 1. Carcharodus floccifera (Zeller, 1847) syn. Carcharodus altheae (Hübner, 1803) in Daniel et al (1951); t hurner (1964) in iUCn r ed List e urope: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in macedonian r ed List: n t . present in foothills and montane zones, in meadow, rocky meadow, mesophilic grassland, forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: Šar mountains, v. b rodec (pena r.), v. Lešok as Carcharodus altheae in Daniel et al. (1951); v. b rodec, Crn Vrv as Carcharodus altheae in t hurner V. Krpaœ, C. Darcemont, M. Lemonnier–Darcemont, M. Krpaœ, M. Œernila, X. Abdija: Status of butterflies (Lepidoptera, 63 (1964: 49); jakšić (1988); Šar mountains, Kocak (1989); v. b rodec, jakšić (1998a); mavrovo r adika r. a bdija (2013d); Gorno Lukovo pole, Krpač et al (2013). Collection data (IET): v. s taro s elo, 817 m, 01.07.2013; 1♂ 1♀; v. r akovec, 962 m, in 2013; b istrica, (v. t earce), 769 m, in 2013; v. Gajre - v. Lisec, 1204 m, in 2013; v. b elovište, 785 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija). Authors unpublished data: northeast of v. Vratnica near Kosovo border, 725 m, 25.06.2012, meadows. 2. Muschampia proto (Ochsenheimer, 1808) syn. Sloperia (Hesperia) proto (o chsenheimer, 1808) in t hurner (1964) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). o nly one old datum in foothills zone reported at Vratnica (700 m asl) by josef t hurner (1964). t his datum (from Franz Daniel) is very old but undated. t he current presence of the species on the Šar mountains has not been confirmed. We cannot use this species as indicator for this area. Literature data: v. Vratnica, 700 m, (leg. F. Daniel) as Sloperia (Hesperia) proto in t hurner (1964); in jakšić (1988).n orth_est of v. 3. Pyrgus andromedae (Wallengren, 1853) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in subalpine zone in meadow, rocky meadow, and low shrubbery habitats. Literature data: jakšić (1988); meanče, jakšić (1998a); Šar montanes, Kolev (2010); b orislavec, a bdija et al (2013d). Collection data (IET): Crno Lake, 2122 m, in 2013; b orislavec, 1679 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija). 4. Spialia phlomidis (Herrich and Schäffer, 1845) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in foothills zone, in meadow and rocky meadow habitats. Literature data: v. jažince (668) in a bdija (2013d: 49). Collection data (IET): v. jažince, 677 m, 26.06.2012, 1♂ 1♀; v. jažince, 720 m, 26.07.2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija). Authors unpublished data: northeast of v. Vratnica near Kosovo border, 725 m, 25.06.2012; v. Vratnica, 742 m, 25.07.2013. 5. Carterocephalus palaemon (Pallas, 1771) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in foothills and montane zones, in forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: jakšić (1988). Authors unpublished data: v. b rodec, 1040 m, 12.06. 2019. Fam. Papilionidae Latreille, 1802 6. Zerynthia polyxena ([Denis and Schiffermuller], 1775) as Zerynthia polyxena demnosia Freyer, 1833 in Daniel et al (1951) Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 64 in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in b ern Convention appendice ii and Habitat directive annex iV. present in foothills and montane zones, in mesophilic grassland, forest edge or clearing and riparian vegetation habitats. Literature data: v. Vratnica, Lešok monastery, as Zerynthia polyxena demnosia Daniel et al (1951); jakšić (1988); v. Gajre, v. Lisec, a bdija et al (2019); Gostivar, v. Vrutok, springs of Vardar r. Krpač et al (2013). Collection data (IET): Lešok monastery, 600 m, 02.08.2011. (leg. V. Krpač); v. s tenče, 575 m, 01.06.2012, 2♂ 4♀; v. jelovjane, 1142 m, in 2013; mazdrača v. Lom- nica, 750 m, in 2013; above v. Vratnica, 910 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija) . 7. Zerynthia cerisy (Godart, [1824]) as Zerynthia cerisy ferdinandi in Daniel et al (1951) in iUCn r ed List e urope: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in macedonian r ed List: n t . present in foothills and montane zones, in mesophilic grassland, forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: t etovo, v. Lešok as Zerynthia cerisy ferdinandi in Daniel et al (1951); t etovo, v. o rašje, v. Lešok, v. Vratnica in t hurner (1964); jakšić (1988); v. Vratnica, v. Lešok jakšić (1998a); v. Gajre, v. Lisec in a bdija et al (2019). Collection data (SKO): v. Varvara, 850 m, 06.06.1978. (leg. j. č ingovski). Collection data (IET): v. n erašte, 536 m, 20.05.2012, 1♂ 1♀; v. jelovjane, 1142 m, in 2013; mazdrača v. Lomnica, 750 m, in 2013; v. r akovec, 962 m, in 2013; v. Vratnica 910 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija);v. Lisec, 1188 m, 24.05.2019, 1 ex (leg. V. Krpač). Authors unpublished data: v. Vrutok, 710 m, 24.05.2010; v. Vratnica, 700 m, Lešok monastery, 600 m, spring of Vardar r, 710 m, 24.05.2010. 8. Parnassius mnemosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) as. Parnassius mnemosyne bureschi in Daniel et al (1951); Parnassius mnemosyne parvasi in t hurner (1964) in iUCn r ed List e urope: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in macedonian r ed List: n t , in b ern Convention appendices ii and iV, in Habitat directive annex iV. present in foothills zone, in mesophilic grassland and forest edge or clearing habi- tats. Literature data: Ljuboten r ebel (1913); Ljuboten r ebel and Zerny (1931); v. Lisec as Parnassius mnemosyne bureschi in Daniel et al (1951); in the area of Šar mountains as ssp. parvasi in t hurner (1964); jakšić (1988); Ljuboten near mountain refuge, jelak - Crn Vrv melovski (2002); r adika r. Lukovo pole, mavrovi a novi to v. Vrben, Crn Kamen Lukovo pole Krpač et al (2013); mazdrača a bdija (2017); v. Gajre, v. Lisec a bdija et al (2019). Collection data (SKO): r adika r. Lukovo pole 25.05.1995. (leg. V. Krpač). Collection data (IET): Lukovo pole, 1527 m, 26.05.2010. (leg. Krpač); v. pirok, 645 m, 25.05.2012; v. b elovište, 785 m, in 2013; b orislavec, 1679 m, in 2013; v. V. Krpaœ, C. Darcemont, M. Lemonnier–Darcemont, M. Krpaœ, M. Œernila, X. Abdija: Status of butterflies (Lepidoptera, 65 Kalište, 728 m, in 2013; popova Šapka, 1436 m, in 2013; v. r akovec, 962 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija). Authors unpublished data: v. Vrben, 1335 m, 18.06.2010; road to v. Vrben, 1350 m, 18.06.2010; near Kosovo border, 1530 m, 18.06.2010; Crn Kamen, 1536 m, 18.06.2010; popova Šapka, 1719 m, 26.06.2013; near v. Šipkovica, 1208 m, 09.06.2014. 9. Parnassius apollo (Linnaeus, 1758) ssp. macedonicus Bollow, 1931 as. Parnassius apollo dardanus in r ebel and Zerny (1931); Parnassius apollo macedonicus in Daniel et al (1951) in iUCn r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in macedonian r ed List: Vulnerable (VU), in b ern Convention appendices ii and iV, in Habitat directive annex iV, in Cit e s list. present in montane and subalpine zones, in meadow, rocky meadow, low shrubbery, mesophilic grassland and forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: Kobilica, Ljuboten r ebel (1913); as Parnassius apollo dardanus in r ebel and Zerny (1931); as Parnassius apollo macedonicus in Daniel et al (1951); Šar mountains r adika r. michieli (1963); Crn Vrv, Kobilica, Ljuboten t hurner (1964); r adika r. v. t rnica Dufay (1973); jakšić (1988); Ljuboten, Kobilica in jakšić (1998a); v. melovo near the river b istrica, Ljuboten over v. s taro s elo, č aušica, Ljuboten over e lezova r upa, jelak – Crn Vrv, jelak mountain Lodge melovski (2002); r adika valley around bridge 10 km n n W s veta Voda Huemer et al (2011); canyon of r adika r. v. t rnica, r adika r. pilana, r adika r., v. n ičpur, s trezimirska r iver near s veta Voda, a džina r iver ii, canyon of r adika r. close to s veta Voda Krpač et al (2013). Collection data (SKO): Ceripašina, 2500 m, 26.07.1952. (leg. j. č ingovski); r adika r., 942 m, 12.07.1975. (leg. s . jakonov); Ljuboten, 2460 m, 28.08.1976. (leg. s . j akonov); r adika r. upper course, 1527 m, 04.07.1995; v. n ičpur, 986 m, 11.08.2004; Kobilica Gornovica, 2450 m, 26.07.2007; above s veta Voda, 1573 m, 14.08.2011. (leg. V. Krpač). Collection data (IET): v. Vešala, 23.06.2012; popova Šapka, 1436 m, in 2013; v. s taro s elo, 1655 m, in 2013; v. b rodec, 1090 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija); popova Šapka, 1745 m, 23.07.2016; under Karanikoličko Lake, 1766 m, 04.08.2017; Dolna Lešnica, 1476 m, 18.08.2018; jelak, 1823 m, 08.08.2019. (leg. V. Krpač). Authors unpublished data: v. n ičpur, 1086 m, 11.08.2004; Kobilica, 2360 m, 26.07.2007; Kobilica Gornovica, 2450 m, 26.07.2007; r adika r. v. t rnica, 942 m, 21. 07.2009; r adika r. Lukovo pole, 1550 m, 26.05.2010; m avrovo, 1750 m, 16.06.2010; mavrovo - mountain northwest of v. n ičpur, 2105 m, 20.08.2010; mavrovo - mountain northwest of v. n ičpur, 1945 m, 20.08.2010; Šar mountains south 1540 m, 22.08.2010; mavrovo a džina r iver ii - north mountain of v. b rodec, 1540 m, 22.08.2010; spring of s trezimirska r iver near s veta Voda, 1247 m, 01.08.2012; mountain above popova Šapka Ceripašina, 2382 m, 05.08.2012; Ljuboten, 1960 m, 06.08.2012; Ljuboten, 1963 m, 06.08.2012; jelak 1780 m, 22.07.2016; Lešnica,1432 m, 24.07.2016; plat mountain, 1820 m, 24.07.2016; near Lešnica, 1820 Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 66 m, 24.07.2016; Krivošija, 2139 m, 27.07.2016; road to t ri Vodi, 1614 m, 08.07.2017; Gorna Lešnica, 1776 m, 15.07.2017; Gorna Lešnica, 2018 m, 03.08.2017; Krivošija, 1880 m, 03.08.2017; road to Karanikola, 1754 m, 04.08.2017; jelak - Crn Vrv, 1752 m, 11.08.2019. Fam. Pieridae Swainson, 1820 10. Pieris krueperi Staudinger, 1860 in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in b ern Convention appendix ii. present in foothills zone, in meadow, rocky meadow, low shrubbery habitats. Collection data (IET): close to v. jažince, 677 m, 25.06.2012, 1ex (leg. V. Kr- pač). Authors unpublished data: near v. jažince, 739, 25.06.2012; northeast of v. Vratnica near the Kosovo border, 725 m, 25.06.2012. 11. Anthocharis gruneri Herrich-Schäffer, 1851 in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in foothills and montane zones, in meadow, rocky meadow, low shrubbery, forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: s chaider and jakšić (1989); v. n erašte, a bdija (2013a); a džina r iver t orbeški most 1390 m, a džina r iver, 1549 m, in Krpač et al (2013). Collection data (SKO): v. Vratnica, 715 m, 29.06.1975, 1ex (leg. s . jakonov). Collection data (IET): v. r adiovce, 515 m, 17.04.2013, 2♂ (leg. Xh. a bdija). Authors unpublished data: r adika r. Lukovo pole, 1550 m, 26.05.2010; t orbeški most - a džina r iver, 1390 m, 26.05.2010; Ljuboten, 1963 m, 06.08.2012. 12. Colias caucasica Staudinger, 1871 ssp. balcanica Rebel, 1903 in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in montane zone, in meadow, low shrubbery, mesophilic grassland, forest edge or clearing, riparian vegetation habitats. Literature data: jakšić (1988); v. Gorno jelovce (Dedel b eg), v. Gorno jelovce, b ojkov Kamen melovski (2002); v. n ičpur 986 m, mavrovi a novi to v. Vrben, mavrovi a novi from v. b ogdevo to v. Krakornica, Crn Kamen Lukovo pole, Crn Kamen Dolno Lukovo pole Krpač et al (2013). Collection data (SKO): v. n ičpur, 986 m, 11.08.2004, 1ex; v. b ogdevo – v. Krakornica, 1412 m, 18.06.2010, 1ex; Crn Kamen Lukovo pole, 1536 m, 18.06.2010, 1ex (leg. V. Krpač). Authors unpublished data: r adika r. Lukovo pole, 1550 m, 26.05.2010; v. Vrben, 1335 m, 18.06.2010; Dolno Lukovo pole Crn Kamen, 1539 m, 03.07.2010; road after v. Vrben, 1380 m, 18.06.2010; proximity to the Kosovo border, 1530 m, 18.06.2010. 13. Gonepteryx farinosa (Zeller, 1847) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). V. Krpaœ, C. Darcemont, M. Lemonnier–Darcemont, M. Krpaœ, M. Œernila, X. Abdija: Status of butterflies (Lepidoptera, 67 t here are only two old reports observed by De Freina, published by s chaider (1980), and De Freina (1983): 2 males found the 15 and 16 july 1979 above Vratnica between 1000 and 1100 m asl (foothills zone). We cannot use this species as indicator because its preferred biotopes are outside this area. Literature data: Ljuboten, v. Vratnica s haider (1980); v. Lešok De Freina (1983); jakšić (1988); s chaider and jakšić (1989). Fam. Lycaenidae Leach, 1815 14. Thecla betulae (Linnaeus, 1758) as Zephyrus betulae Linnaeus 1758 in Daniel et al (1951) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in foothills and montane zones, in forest edge or clearing, riparian vegetation habitats. Literature data: Crn Vrv, as Zephyrus betulae Daniel et al (1951); Crn Vrv, t hurner (1964); jakšić (1988); Kobilica, in jakšić (1998a); popova Šapka, a bdija (2013). Collection data (IET): popova Šapka, 1056 m, 19.08.2011, 1♂ 1♀; b istrica (v. t earce), 769 m, in 2013; v. Gajre - v. Lisec, 1204 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija). 15. Satyrium pruni (Linnaeus, 1758) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in foothills zone, in low shrubbery, forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: v. n egotino - v. Lomnica a bdija (2013c); mazdrača a bdija et al (2017). Collection data (IET): v. Kalište, 729 m, 12.06.2012, 1♂ (leg. Xh. a bdija). 16. Lycaena dispar ([Haworth], 1802) ssp. rutila (Werneburg, 1864) in iUCn r ed List e urope: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in macedonian r ed List: n t , in b ern Convention appendices ii and iV, in Habitat directive annex ii and annex iV. present in foothills and montane zones, in mesophilic grassland and riparian veg- etation habitats. Literature data: v. pršovce, 475 m, a bdija (2013c); mazdrača, a bdija et al (2017); v. Gajre, v. Lisec, a bdija et al (2019). Collection data (IET): v. pršovce, 475 m, 01.08.2011, 1♂1♀; v. jažince, 720 m, 26.07.2013; v. Vrutok, 787 m, in 2013; mazdrača v. Lomnica, 750 m, in 2013; v. r akovec, 962 m, in 2013; b istrica (v. t earce), 769 m, in 2013; v. Gajre - v. Lisec, 1204 m, in 2013; Kalište, 728 m, in 2013; above v. Vratnica, 910 m, in 2013; popova Šapka, 1436 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija). 17. Phengaris alcon ([Denis and Schiffermüller], 1775) ssp. rebeli (Hirschke, 1904) as Glaucopsyche (Maculinea) alcon sevastios in in Daniel et al (1951); in t hurner (1964); as Maculinea alcon in jakšić (1998a) Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 68 in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in montane and subalpine zones, in meadow, low shrubbery, mesophilic grassland, forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: Crn Vrv, as Glaucopsyche (Maculinea) alcon sevastios in Daniel et al (1951); Crn Vrv, Ljuboten, as Maculinea alcon sevastios in t hurner (1964); jakšić (1988); Ljuboten, as Maculinea alcon in jakšić (1998a); v. n ičpur s veta Voda, r eč springs of s trezimirska r iver, valley of r adika r. pilana in Krpač et al (2013). Collection data (SKO): v. n ičpur s veta Voda, 980 m, 03.07.2010; 1ex; r eč springs of s trezimirska r iver, 1254 m, 22.08.2010, 1ex (leg. V. Krpač). Collection data (IET): Crno Lake, 2284 m, 22.06.2016, 1 ex (leg. V. Krpač). Authors unpublished data: s trezimirska r iver, 1254 m, 03.07.2010.r eč springs of s trezimirska r iver, 1234 m, 03.07.2010;r eč, 1232 m, 01.08.2010. 18. Phengaris arion (Linnaeus, 1758) as Lycaena arion (L.) in r ebel and Zerny (1931); as Glaucopsyche (Maculinea) arion antension in Daniel et al (1951) and t hurner (1964); Maculinea arion in jakšić (1998a); a bdija et al (2013c; 2017) in iUCn r ed List e urope: e ndangered (e n ), in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in b ern Convention appendices ii and iV, in Habitat directive annex iV. present in all vegetation belts (foothills, montane and subalpine), in meadow, rocky meadow, low shrubbery mesophilic grassland and forest edge or clearing habi- tats. Literature data: Ljuboten, as Lycaena arion (L.) in r ebel and Zerny (1931); v. b rodec, Crn Vrv as Glaucopsyche (Maculinea) arion antension in Daniel et al (1951); v. b rodec, v. Vratnica as Maculinea arion antensionin t hurner (1964); jakšić (1988); v. Vratnica, v. b rodec, as Maculinea arion in jakšić (1998a); r adika valley around bridge 10 km n n W s veta Voda, Huemer et al (2011); v. n egotino – v. Lomnica, as Maculinea arion in a bdija et al (2013c); mazdrača, as Maculinea arion in a bdija et al (2017); r eč springs of s trezimirska r iver, Krpač et al (2013). Collection data (IET): v. n egotino, 668 m, 02.06.2012, 2♂ 1♀ (leg. Xh. a bdija). Authors unpublished data: r eč springs of s trezimirska r iver, 1234 m, 03.07.2010. 19. Agriades optilete (Knoch, 1781) as Polyommatus (Vacciniina) optilete in Daniel et al (1951); as Vacciniina optilete in michieli (1963); a rnscheid and a rnscheid (1980); jakšić (1998a) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in montane and subalpine zones, in mesophilic grassland, forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: Crn Vrv, as Polyommatus (Vacciniina) optilete in Daniel et al (1951); Crn Vrv, as Vacciniina optilete in t hurner (1964); Ceripašina, as Vacciniina optilete in michieli (1963); Šar mountains, as Vacciniina optilete in a rnscheid and V. Krpaœ, C. Darcemont, M. Lemonnier–Darcemont, M. Krpaœ, M. Œernila, X. Abdija: Status of butterflies (Lepidoptera, 69 a rnscheid (1980); jakšić (1988); piri b eg, popova Šapka, jelak, jakšić (1998a); popova Šapka, as Vacciniina optilete in jakšić (1998a). Collection data (SKO): popova Šapka, 1700 m, 24.07.1975, 1ex (leg. s . jakonov). Collection data (IET): popova Šapka, a mbasadorska Livada, 1525, 08.07.2017, 1ex; Gorna Lešnica, 1776 m, 15.07.2017, 7ex (leg. V. Krpač). 20. Agriades dardanus (Freyer, 1843) in iUCn r ed List e urope: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in macedonian r ed List: n t . t his species is insufficiently studied. We did not find it recently. s o far, only one site is known. t his species occurs in subalpine zone, in rocky meadow habitats. Despite the lack of data, we keep this species as indicator for this area and recommend to increase the study effort on these slopes.Literature data: under Karabunar, jakšić (1988) and s haider and jakšić (1989). 21. Polyommatus eros (Ochsenheimer, 1808) ssp. eroides (Frivaldszky, 1835) in iUCn r ed List e urope: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in macedonian r ed List: n t . present in foothills and montane zones, in meadow, rocky meadow and mesophilic grassland habitats. Literature data: Crn Vrv, Daniel et al (1951); Crn Vrv, Ljuboten, t hurner (1964); jakšić (1988); Ljuboten, jakšić (1998a); popova Šapka, a bdija (2013c). Collection data (IET): popova Šapka, 1436 m, in 2013, 1ex (leg. Xh. a bdija); popova Šapka, 1947 m, 22.06.2016, 1♂; popova Šapka, 1719 m, 07.07.2016, 1ex (leg. V. Krpač). 22. Polyommatus ripartii (Freyer, 1830) as Agrodiaetus ripartii in melovski (2002) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in the three vegetation belts, in meadow, rocky meadow, low shrubbery and forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: Ljuboten, as Agrodiaetus ripartii in melovski (2002); v. r akovec – b orislavec, a bdija (2013c); v. n ičpur, r adika r., v. t rnica, s trezimir r eč, in Krpač et al (2013). Collection data (SKO): v. n ičpur, 986 m, 11.08.2004, 1ex; v. n ičpur, 1086 m, 11.08.2004. 2ex; r adika r., 942 m, 21.07.2009, 1ex (leg. V Krpač). Collection data (IET): v. pirok, 637 m, 27.07.2012, 2ex; v. r akovec, 962 m, in 2013,(leg. Xh. a bdija); b ogovinjsko Lake, 1949 m, 24.09.2016, 1ex (leg. V. Krpač). Authors unpublished data: Ljuboten, 1963 m, 06.08.2012; Ljuboten mountain Lodge, 1623 m, 06.08.2012; b ogovinjsko Lake, 1950 m, 24.09.2016. Fam. Nymphalidae Rafinesque, 1815 23. Kirinia climene (Esper, 1783) in macedonian r ed List: Vulnerable (VU). Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 70 present in foothills zone, in forest edge or clearing habitats. K. climene has been mentioned only in one locality over v. Vrapčište. Despite the lack of data, we keep this species as indicator for this area. Literature data: over v. Vrapčište in jakšić (1988); s chaider and jakšić (1989). 24. Erebia epiphron (Knoch, 1783) ssp. roosi Arnscheid & Sterba, 1978 as Erebia epiphron otientalis in Doflein (1921); as Erebia epiphron retyetzatensis in Daniel et al (1951); jakšić (1998a) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in subalpine zone, in meadow and rocky meadow habitats. Literature data: Kobilica as Erebia epiphron otientalis Doflein (1921); Kobilica as Erebia epiphron retyetzatensis in Daniel et al (1951); t itov Vrv, michieli (1963); jakšić (1988); piribeg as Erebia epiphron retyetzatensis in jakšić (1998a); Kučibaba under Kule, v. melovo near the river b istrica, melovski (2002). Collection data (SKO): Ljuboten 2460 m, 28.08.1976, 1 ex. (leg. s . jakonov); Kobilica Gornovica, 2450 m, 26.07.2007, 1ex (leg. V Krpač). Collection data (IET): Karabunar, 2382 m, 31.07.2014, 1♂ 1♀, (leg. Xh. a bdija); Karabunar, 2490, 31.07.2014, 1ex; Gorna Lešnica, 1820 m, 15.07.2017, 1ex; under Karanikoličko Lake, 1754 m, 04.08.2017, 5ex (leg. V. Krpač). Authors unpublished data: Karabunar – t itov Vrv, 2373 m, 31.07.2014; t itov Vrv, 2747 m, 02.08.2014. 25. Erebia albergana (Prunner, 1798) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in montane and subalpine zones, in meadow and forest edge or clearing and riparian vegetation habitats. Literature data: jakšić (1988); Ljuboten over e lezova r upa, č aušica, v. melovo near the river b istrica, melovski (2002). Collection data (IET): Ljuboten, 1945 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija). 26. Erebia gorge (Hübner, [1804]) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). t his species occurs in rocky open habitats of the Šar mountains in subalpine belt. Literature data: jakšić (1988); mala Vraca, jakšić (1998a); Šar mountains, Varga (2014). Collection data (SKO): Ceripašina, 1700-2000 m, 26-28.07.1952, 1ex (leg. t . petkovski). Collection data (IET): Karabunar,2382 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija); t itov Vrv Karabunar, 2373 m, 31.07.2014, 1ex (leg V. Krpač). Authors unpublished data: Karabunar - t itov Vrv, 2373 m, 31.07.2014; t itov Vrv, 2747 m, 02.08.2014. 27. Erebia rhodopensis Nicoll, 1900 in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). V. Krpaœ, C. Darcemont, M. Lemonnier–Darcemont, M. Krpaœ, M. Œernila, X. Abdija: Status of butterflies (Lepidoptera, 71 t his species occurs in open mesic habitats of the Šar mountains in subalpine belt: mesic meadows, high mountain pastures. Literature data: Kobilica, as Erebia typhon f. rhodopensis Doflein (1921); Ko- bilica, Daniel et al (1951); Kobilica, Ljuboten, t hurner (1964); jakšić (1988); Ljuboten, s chaider and jakšić (1989); Ljuboten, mala Vraca, Kobilica, popova Šapka, jelak, jakšić (1998a); piribeg, jakšić (1998a); č aušica, Dedel b eg, idrizova r upa, melovski (2002); popova Šapka, a bdija et al (2013b); Šar mountains, Varga (2014). Collection data (IET): popova Šapka, 1966 m, 21.07.2012, 3ex; Crno Lake, 2200 m, in 2013; Karabunar, 2382 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija); t itov Vrv, Karabunar, 2373 m, 31.07.2014, 1ex; Crno Lake, 2177 m, 24.06.2016, 2ex (leg. V. Krpač). Authors unpublished data: t itov Vrv, 2747 m, 02.08.2014. 28. Erebia pronoe (Esper, 1780)ssp. fruhstorferi Warren, 1933 as Erebia pronoe fruhstorferi in Daniel et al (1951); michieli (1963); t hurner (1964) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in subalpine zone, in meadow, mesophilic grassland and forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: Kobilica, Doflein (1921); Kobilica, as Erebia pronoe fruhstorferi in Daniel et al (1951); t itov Vrv, as Erebia pronoe fruhstorferi michieli (1963); jakšić (1988); Kobilica, as Erebia pronoe fruhstorferi in t hurner (1964); Kobilica, jakšić (1998a). Collection data (IET): b orislavec, 1509 m, 17.07.2012, 1ex; Karabunar, 2382 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija). Authors unpublished data: Karabunar - t itov Vrv, 2373 m, 31.07.2014; t itov Vrv, 2747 m, 02.08.2014. 29. Erebia pandrose (Borkhausen, 1788) as Erebia pandrosa lappona in t hurner et al (1964) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in montane and subalpine zones, this species occurs in open and semi- open mesic habitats of the Šar mountains such as meadows, clearing or edge of beech or spruce forests. Literature data: Ljuboten, as Erebia pandrosa lappona t hurner et al (1964); jakšić (1988); Ljuboten, jakšić (1998a); č aušica, Ljuboten, jelak mountain Lodge, melovski (2002). Collection data (SKO): Šar mountains, 1700, 28.07.1939. (leg. a . Fadeev). Collection data (IET): t itov Vrv, Karabunar, 2488 m, 22.06.2016; Crno Lake, 2177 m, 24.06.2016, 5ex; a mbasadorska Livada, 1525 m, 08.07.2017, 4ex; Gorna Lešnica, 1820 m, 15.07.2017, 6ex (leg. V. Krpač). Authors unpublished data: towards t itov Vrv, 1949 m, 22.06.2016. 30. Limenitis populi (Linnaeus, 1758) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 72 present in montane zone, in forest edge or clearing, and riparian vegetation habi- tats. Literature data: jakšić (1988); v. Gorno jelovce, Šarski Vodi around the mountain Lodge, beetwin v. b rezno - t ri Vodi, melovski (2002); mavrovi a novi, t rnica, Krpač et al (2013); v. Lisec, a bdija et al (2019). Collection data (IET): near stream v. Lisec, 1160 m, 24.06.2019, 1ex (leg. V. Krpač). Authors unpublished data: mavrovi a novi, 1272 m, 16.06.2010; t rnica, 1003 m, 16.06.2010. 31. Neptis rivularis (Scopoli, 1763) as Limenitis rivularis in Daniel et al (1951). in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). in montane zone, in riparian vegetation habitats. However it is only mentioned in literature data (collected by Walter Forster in july 1939, from 1000 to 1500 m, near rivers). t his species has to be searched to confirm if it is still present. t he data being so old, we cannot use this species as indicator for this area. Literature data: v. b rodec (pena r.), Crn Vrv, as Limenitis rivularis in Daniel et al (1951). 32. Neptis sappho (Pallas, 1771) in macedonian r ed List: Vulnerable (VU). present in foothills and montane zones, in forest edge or clearing and riparian vegetation habitats. Literature data: over v. t earce near the river b istrica melovski (2002); v. s tenče, a bdija et al (2013b). Collection data (IET): v. pirok, 645 m, 13.08.2012, 2♂; v. r akovec, 962 m, in 2013 (leg. Xh. a bdija). 33. Araschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in foothills and montane zones, in mesophilic grassland, forest edge or clearing and riparian vegetation habitats. Literature data: t ri Vodi around the mountain Lodge melovski (2002); Kučibaba (t ri Vodi), melovski (2004); v. t earce, a bdija et al (2013b); mazdrača, a bdija et al (2017), v. Gajre, v. Lisec, a bdija et al (2019). Collection data (IET): v. Kalište, 729 m, 30.04.2012, 1♂; v. Kalište, 728 m, in 2013; above v. Vratnica, 910 m, in 2013; b orislavec, 1679 m, in 2013; popova Šapka, 1436 m, in 2013 (leg. Xh. a bdija); road to v. Lisec, 1160 m, 23.07.2016, 1♀ (leg. V. Krpač). 34. Nymphalis xanthomelas ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). V. Krpaœ, C. Darcemont, M. Lemonnier–Darcemont, M. Krpaœ, M. Œernila, X. Abdija: Status of butterflies (Lepidoptera, 73 present in foothills zone, in forest edge or clearing and riparian vegetation habi- tats. Literature data: v. pirok, a bdija et al (2013b); a džina r iver, Krpač et al (2013). Collection data (IET): v. t earce, 759 m, 18.03.2012, 1♀; v. Vratnica, 910 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija). 35. Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in montane zone, in meadow, mesophilic grassland, forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: jakšić (1988). Authors unpublished data: s ki resort road north of v. Lisec, 1420 m, 31.07.2011. Boloria pales ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) as Argynis pales contempta in Doflein (1921); as Argynis (Brenthis) pales con- tempta in Daniel et al (1951) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in subalpine zone, in meadow, rocky meadow, high altitude pasture habi- tats. Literature data: Kobilica as Argynis pales contempta in Doflein (1921); Ljuboten, in r ebel and Zerny (1931); Crn Vrv, as Argynis (Brenthis) pales contempta in Daniel et al (1951); Ceripašina, michielli (1963); Crn Vrv, t hurner (1964); jakšić (1988); b istravec, a bdija et al (2013b); Šar ms, Varga (2014). Collection data (IET): b orislavec, 1679 m, 08.08.2012, 1♂; b orislavec, 1679, in 2013; Crno Lake, 2200, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija). 37. Boloria graeca (Staudinger, 1870) as Argynis (Brenthis) graeca balcanica in r ebel and Zerny (1931); as Boloria graeca balcanica in Daniel et al (1951); michielli (1963); jakšić (1998a); as Boleria (Argynis) graeca balcanica in t hurner (1964) in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in subalpine zones, in high altitude pastures. Literature data: Ljuboten, Kobilica, as Argynis (Brenthis) graeca balcanica in r ebel and Zerny (1931); Crn Vrv, Kobilica, as Boloria graeca balcanica in Daniel et al (1951); popova Šapka (1800-2000) as Boloria graeca balcanica in michielli (1963); Crn Vrv, Kobilica, Ljuboten as Boleria (Argynis) graeca balcanica in t hurner (1964); Šar mountains in a rnscheid and a rnscheid (1980); popova Šapka, jakšić (1988); Šar mountains piribeg, as Boloria graeca balcanica in jakšić (1998a); Ljuboten, Kobilica, jelak, jakšić (1998a); Ljuboten, Ljuboten over e lezova r upa, Ljuboten near mountain refuge, jelak - Crn Vrv, melovski (2002); b orislavec, a bdija et al (2013b); Šar mountains, Varga (2014). Collection data: (SKO) Ceripašina, 2500 m, 26.07.1952, 3ex (leg. t . petkovski); Ljuboten, 2460 m, 28.08.1976, 7ex (leg. s . jakonov). Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 74 Collection data (IET): b orislavec, 1679 m, 08.08.2012, 1♂; Crno Lake, 2200 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija); popova Šapka, 1745 m, 12.07.2016, 1ex; Krivošija, 1766 m, 27.07.2016, 1♂; under Karanikoličko Lake, 1754 m, 04.08.2017, 2 ex (leg. V. Krpač). Authors unpublished data: mavrovo - mountain northwest of v. n ičpur, 2105 m, 20.08.2010, popova Šapka Ceripašina, 2382 m, 05.08.2012; Crno Lake, 2174m, 07.08.2012, Crno Lake, 2284 m, 07.08.2012; t itov Vrv, 2747 m, 02.08.2014; popova Šapka, 1719 m, 12.07.2016; Krivošija 2139 m, 27.07.2016, under Karanikoličko Lake, 1754 m, 04.08.2017. 38. Melitaea arduinna (Esper, 1783) ssp. rhodopensis Freyer, 1836 in macedonian r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ). present in montane and subalpine zones, in meadow, low shrubbery and mesophilic habitats. Literature data: mavrovi a novi, from v. b ogdevo to v. Krakornica, 1412 m, Kr- pač et al (2013); v. Lakavica, 585 m, a bdija et al (2013b). Collection data (IET): v. Lakavica, 585 m, 30.06.2012, 1♂, (leg. Xh. a bdija). Authors unpublished data: v. Vrben, 1335 m, 18.06.2010; v. b ogdevo – v. Krakornica, 1412 m, 18.06.2110; Crn Vrv, 936 m, 01.06.2013. 39. Melitaea aurelia Nickerl 1850 in iUCn r ed List e urope: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in macedonian r ed List: n t . present in foothills and montane zones, in meadow, rocky meadow, low shrubbery and mesophilic grassland habitats. Literature data: v. pršovce, a bdija et al (2013b). Collection data (IET): v. pršovce, 475 m, 08.09.2011, 1♂ 1♀; mavrovo, 1026 m, 05.05.2012, 1ex; v. n egotino, 668 m, 03.06.2012, 4ex; v. jažince, 720 m, 26.07.2013; v. Vrutok, 787 m, in 2013; mazdrača v. Lomnica, 750 m, in 2013; v. r akovec, 962 m, in 2013;v. b elovište, 785 m, in 2013; v. jelovjane, 1142 m, in 2013; b istrica (v. t earce), 769 m, in 2013; Gajre - v. Lisec 1204 m, in 2013; v. Kalište, 728 m, in 2013; v. Vratnica, 910 m, in 2013; popova Šapka, 1436 m, in 2013, (leg. Xh. a bdija). Authors unpublished data: v. Lisec (1188) 24.05.2019. 40. Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) ssp. bulgarica (Fruhstorfer, 1917) in macedonian iUCn r ed List: n ear t hreatened (n t ), in b ern Convention ap- pendix ii. present in all vegetation belts, in meadow, low shrubbery mesophilic grassland and forest edge or clearing habitats. Literature data: b unec, a džina r eka, melovski (2002); mavrovi a novi to v. Vrben, Krpač et al (2013); mavrovo, a bdija et al (2013b). Collection data (SKO): v. Vratnica, 21.07.1971, 16ex (leg. j. č ingovski); v. Vratnica, 26.07.1971, 14ex (leg. j. č ingovski). Collection data (IET): Šar mountains mavrovo, 991 m, 05.05.2012, 1♂ 1♀, (leg. Xh. a bdija); Uliverica, 1750 m, 25.05.2019, 2ex (leg. m. č ernila, V. Krpač). V. Krpaœ, C. Darcemont, M. Lemonnier–Darcemont, M. Krpaœ, M. Œernila, X. Abdija: Status of butterflies (Lepidoptera, 75 Authors unpublished data: mountain above mavrovi a novi, 1680 m, 16.06.2010; mavrovo, 1270 m, 16.06.2010; mountain above mavrovo, 1750 m, 16.06.2010; road to v. Vrben, 1350 m, 18.06.2010; v. Vrben, 1335 m, 18.06.2010; road between v. Vrben and v. b ogdevo, 1550 m, 18.06.2010; v. Vrben proximity to the Kosovo border, 1530 m, 18.06.2010; Šar mountains south, 1540 m, 22.08.2010; Uliverica, 1790 m, 25.05.2019. 41. Euphydryas maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) as Euphydryas maturna macedonica in Dufay (1977) in iUCn r ed List e urope: Vulnerable (VU), in macedonian r ed List: VU, in b ern Convention appendices ii and iV. present in foothills zone, in forest edge and riparian vegetation habitats. Literature data: r adika r. v. t rnica, Dufay (1973); r adika r. v. t rnica as Eu- phydryas maturna macedonica in Dufay (1977); jakšić (1988); r adika r., jakšić (1998a); r adika r. near v. t rnica, r adika r. v. n ičpur s veta Voda, Krpač et al (2013). Collection data (SKO): r adika r., 942 m, 12.07.1975, 2ex (leg. s . jakonov); r adika r. v. n ičpur s veta Voda, 980 m, 03.07.2010, 1ex (leg. V. Krpač). t o the above list, we could add Nymphalis vaualbum (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), found in the country and published after the publication of the r ed list for n orth macedonia. it was found the 14 july 2009 at Lešnica, at 1500 m elevation, at the edge of beech forest and published in 2014 (Dime melovski and e milija b oži- novska). t his species has to be searched for along the pena river, at lower altitude, to confirm if it is still present, or the individual caught was a vagrant. a mong the 41 species on the r ed list for macedonia, reported in this area, we kept 38 species as indicators to monitor the evolution of the biodiversity of this area. a t these 38 species, we added N. vaualbum, considered up to now with a data deficient status for the country. Conclusion a ccording to the species richness of butterflies of the Šar mountains (179 taxa) with 39 species important for the valorization of the investigated area, we can confirm that the Šar mountain range is a hot spot of biodiversity in the r epublic of n orth macedonia. t he species richness, or at least, the 39 target species listed in this paper can be monitored in the future to foresee the trend of the evolution of the biodiversity in this mountain range. in addition, it is a tool to contribute to the zoning of the most important areas to be protected within the Šar mountains. Acknowledgments t he authors thank to Hristina Greorgievska for linguistic corrections and prof. Dr ivica milevski for the provided maps of Šar mountains. a ll this was made possible Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 76 with the project ″a chieving biodiversity conservation through creation and effective management of protected areas and mainstreaming biodiversity and land use planning″, which has financially been supported by Ge F and realized via Un e p with agreement n o s sfa/2017/vie07. References t he references hereunder with direct link to referred papers can be found in: harmt/references.html Abadjiev, S.P., 2006. a supplement to types of b alkan butterflies in the collection of n atural History museum London (Lepidoptera: papilionoidea). t he e nto- mologist`s r ecord and journal of Variation. 118 (5): 207-209. Abdija, Xh., Beadini, N., Beadini, Sh., Iseni, A., 2013. t axonomic Data for pieridae Family (r hopalocera) of the s harr mountain and its s urroundings (mavrovo and pollog). a merican journal Zoological r esearch. Vol. 1, n o. 1, 12-16. 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Hesperiidae Latreille, 1809 Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 80 Carcharodus alceae (e sper, 1780) Carcharodus floccifera (Zeller, 1847) Carcharodus orientalis r everdin, 1913 Erynnis tages (Linnaeus, 1758) Muschampia proto (o chsenheimer, 1808) Pyrgus malvae (Linnaeus, 1758) Pyrgus serratulae (r ambur, 1839) Pyrgus armoricanus (o berthür, 1910) Pyrgus alveus (Hübner, [1803]) Pyrgus cinarae (r ambur, 1839) Pyrgus sidae (e sper, 1784) Pyrgus carthami (Hübner, [1813]) Pyrgus andromedae (Wallengren, 1853) Spialia orbifer (Hübner, [1823]) Spialia phlomidis (Herrich and s chäffer, 1845) Carterocephalus palaemon (pallas, 1771) Thymelicus acteon (r ottemburg, 1775) Thymelicus lineola (o chsenheimer, 1808) Thymelicus sylvestris (poda, 1761) Hesperia comma (Linnaeus, 1758) Ochlodes sylvanus (e sper, 1777 Zerynthia polyxena ([Denis and s chiffermuller], 1775) Zerynthia cerisy (Godart, [1824]) Parnassius mnemosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) Parnassius apollo (Linnaeus, 1758) Iphiclides podalirius (Linnaeus, 1758) Papilio machaon Linnaeus, 1758 Leptidea duponcheli (s taudinger, 1871) Leptidea sinapis (Linnaeus, 1758) Leptidea juvernicaWilliams 1946 Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758) Pieris krueperi s taudinger, 1860 Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758) Pieris mannii (mayer, 1851) Pieris ergane (Geyer, [1828]) Fam. papilionidae Latreille, 1802 Fam. pieridae s wainson, 1820 V. Krpaœ, C. Darcemont, M. Lemonnier–Darcemont, M. Krpaœ, M. Œernila, X. Abdija: Status of butterflies (Lepidoptera, 81 Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758) Pieris balcana Lorković, [1979] Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus, 1758) Pontia edusa (Fabricius, 1777) Euchloe ausonia (Hübner, [1804)] Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758) Anthocharis gruneri Herrich-s chäffer, 1851 Colias crocea (Geoffroy, 1785) Colias alfacariensis r ibbe, 1905 Colias caucasica s taudinger, 1871 Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758) Gonepteryx farinosa (Zeller, 1847) Hamearis lucina (Linnaeus, 1758) Fam. r iodinidae Grote, 1895 Libythea celtis (Laicharting, 1782) Kirinia roxelana (Cramer, 1777) Kirinia climene (e sper, 1783) Pararge aegeria (Linnaeus, 1758) Lasiommata maera (Linnaeus, 1758) Lasiommata petropolitana (Fabricius, 1787) Lasiommata megera (Linnaeus, 1767) Coenonympha arcania (Linnaeus, [1760]) Coenonympha leander (e sper, 1784) Coenonympha pamphilus (Linnaeus, 1758) Coenonympha rhodopensis e lwes, 1900 Pyronia tithonus (Linnaeus, 1771) Maniola jurtina (Linnaeus, 1758) Hyponephele lycaon (Kühn, 1774) Hyponephele lupina (Costa, 1836) Aphantopus hyperantus(Linnaeus, 1758) n ymphalidae r afinesque, 1815 Favonius quercus (Linnaeus 1758) Thecla betulae (Linnaeus, 1758) Callophrys rubi (Linnaeus, 1758) Satyrium acaciae (Fabricius, 1787) Satyrium ilicis (e sper, 1779) Satyrium spini ([Denis and s chiffermüller], 1775) Satyrium w-album (Knoch, 1782) Satyrium pruni (Linnaeus, 1758) Lycaena phlaeas (Linnaeus, [1760]) Lycaena dispar ([Haworth], 1802) Lycaena candens (Herrich-s chäffer, 1844) Lycaena thersamon (e sper, 1784) Lycaena alciphron (r ottenburg, 1775) Lycaena virgaureae (Linnaeus, 1758) Lycaena tityrus (poda, 1761) Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus, 1767) Leptotes pirithous (Linnaeus, 1767) Cupido alcetas (Hoffmannsegg, 1804) Cupido argiades (pallas, 1771) Cupido decoloratus (s taudinger, 1886) Cupido osiris (meigen, 1829) Cupido minimus (Fuessly, 1775) Iolana iolas (o chsenheimer, 1816) Glaucopsyche alexis (poda, 1761) Phengaris alcon([Denis and s chiffermüller], 1775) Phengaris arion (Linnaeus, 1758) Celastrina argiolus(Linnaeus, 1758) Scolitantides orion (pallas, 1771) Pseudophilotes vicrama (moore, 1865) Kretania sephirus (Frivaldzky, 1835) Plebejus argus (Linnaeus, 1758) Plebejus idas (Linnaeus, [1760]) Plebejus argyrognomon (b ergsträsser, 1779) Agriades optilete (Knoch, 1781) Agriades dardanus(Freyer, 1843) Eumedonia eumedon (e sper, 1780) Aricia agestis (Denis and s chiffermüller, 1775) Aricia artaxerxes (Fabricius, 1793) Aricia anteros (Freyer, 1838) Cyaniris semiargus(r ottemburg, 1775) Polyommatus amandus (s cheider, 1792) Polyommatus dorylas ([Denis and s chiffermūller], 1775) Polyommatus icarus (r ottemburg, 1775) Polyommatus thersites (Cantener 1835) Polyommatus eros (o chsenheimer, 1808) Polyommatus daphnis ([Denis and s chiffermüller], 1775) Polyommatus ripartii (Freyer, 1830) Polyommatus admetus (e sper, 1783) Polyommatus damon ([Denis and s chiffermuller], 1775) Lysandra bellargus (r ottemburg, 1775) Lysandra coridon (poda, 1761) Fam. Lycaenidae Leach, 1815 Erebia ligea (Linnaeus, 1758) Erebia euryale (e sper, 1805) Erebia epiphron (Knoch, 1783) Erebia albergana (prunner, 1798) Erebia medusa ([Denis & s chiffermüller], 1775) Erebia gorge (Hübner, [1804]) Erebia rhodopensis n icoll, 1900 Erebia neleus(Freyer, 1832) Erebia ottomana Herrich & s chaffer, 1847 Erebia melas (Herbst, 1796) Erebia pronoe (e sper, 1780) Erebia oeme (Hübner, [1804]) Erebia pandrose (b orkhausen, 1788) Chazara briseis(Linnaeus, 1764) Brintesia circe (Fabricius, 1775) Hipparchia semele (Linnaeus,1758) Hipparchia volgensis (mazochin-porshnjakov, 1952) Hipparchia fagi (s copoli, 1763) Hipparchia syriaca (s taudinger, 1871) Hipparchia statilinus (Hufnagel, 1766) Arethusana arethusa ([Denis & s chiffermüller], 1775) Satyrus ferula (Fabricius, 1793) Melanargia galathea (Linnaeus, 1758) Melanargia larissa (Geyer, [1828]) Apatura ilia ([Denis & s chiffermüller], 1775) Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1758) Limenitis populi (Linnaeus, 1758) Limenitis reducta s taudinger, 1901 Neptis rivularis (s copoli, 1763) Neptis sappho (pallas, 1771) Araschnia levana(Linnaeus, 1758) Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus, 1758) Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758) Polygonia c-album (Linnaeus, 1758) Polygonia egea (Cramer, 1775) Aglais io (Linnaeus, 1758) Aglais urticae(Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis polychloros (Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis xanthomelas ([Denis & s chiffermüller], 1775) Nymphalis vaualbum ([Denis & s chiffermüller], 1775) Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) Fabriciana niobe (Linnaeus, 1758) Fabriciana adippe ([Denis & s chiffermuller], 1775) Speyeria aglaja (Linnaeus, 1758) Argynnis paphia (Linnaeus, 1758) Argynnis pandora ([Denis & s chiffermuller], 1775) Brenthis ino (r ottemburg, 1775) Brenthis daphne ([Denis & s chiffermüller], 1775) Brenthis hecate ([Denis & s chiffermüller], 1775) Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) Boloria euphrosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) Boloria dia (Linnaeus, 1767) Boloria pales ([Denis & s chiffermüller], 1775) Boloria graeca (s taudinger, 1870) Melitaea phoebe ([Denis & s chiffermüller], 1775) Melitaea arduinna (e sper, 1783) Melitaea didyma (e sper, 1778) Melitaea trivia ([Denis & s chiffermüller], 1775) Melitaea diamina (Lang, 1789) Melitaea aurelian ickerl 1850 Melitaea athalia (r ottemburg, 1775) Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758) Euphydryas aurinia (r ottemburg, 1775) Euphydryas maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 82 a n n e X ii Geographic coordinates of localities Name Latitude Longitude a džina r eka 41.818021 20.648169 a m Crni vrh 42.09819444 20.9215 a mbasadorska Livada 42.0233333 20.9016667 b aschina (b ašina planina) 42.0958333 20.85 b elovište 42.1399860 21.099774 b istrica (t earce) 42.0953220 21.041878 b ojkov Kamen 41.789394 20.813086 b orislavec 41.923298 20.835234 b ozovce 42.0521111 20.8170833 V. Krpaœ, C. Darcemont, M. Lemonnier–Darcemont, M. Krpaœ, M. Œernila, X. Abdija: Status of butterflies (Lepidoptera, 83 b ogovinjsko lake (b ogovinjsko e zero) 41.9538889 20.7922222 b rodec 42.059781 20.883884 b rodeč, (pena river) 42.0569444 20.8905556 č aušica 42.124232 21.00078 Ceripašina planina 42.0152778 20.8565556 Crni vrh 42.1022222 20.9302778 Crno Lake (Crno e zero) 41.9255000 20.7906944 Dolna Lešnica 42.021 20.7961667 Gajre-Lisec 42.0200600 20.918916 Gorna Lešnica 42.0247222 20.8594444 Gorno jelovce 41.807343 20.790089 Gorno jelovce (Dedel b eg) 41.809733 20.786726 idrizova r upa 41.83446 20.741049 jažince 42.1443580 21.127964 jelak 42.0323333 20.8595278 jelak - Crn Vrv 42.035166 20.860434 jelak – Vrn Vrv 42.0305556 20.8575000 jelak, pl. Dom 42.02764 20.86508 jelovjane 41.9563400 20.89228 Kalište 41.8796340 20.868623 Karabunar 41.9837070 20.805233 Karabunar pod t itov Vrv 41.9850000 20.6680556 Karanikola 42.0755556 20.6805556 Karanikoličko lake (e zero) 42.0733333 20.7922222 Kobeliza (Kobilica Šar planina) 42.096 20.885 Krivošija 42.075 20.7958333 Kučibaba, under Kule 42.103417 20.995722 Lesak 42.0668889 21.028 Leshnitsa (Lešnica) 42.0276389 20.7883056 Leshok 42.0604278 21.0326278 Lešok monastery 42.066619 21.27459 Lisec 42.0007222 20.9151389 Ljuboten 42.1932500 21.1283333 Ljuboten over e lezova r upa 42.183968 21.13967 Ljuboten over s taro s elo 42.158355 21.123783 Ljuboten, near mountain refuge 42.184981 21.127322 Lukovo pole 41.8547222 20.6266667 mavrovo: r. r adika, s. t rnica 41.7322917 20.6703417 mavrovo: s. n ičpur 41.743825 20.6729472 mazdrača (Lomnica) 41.8912020 20.852505 melovo near the river b istrica 42.112759 21.003119 n egotino 41.880430 20.878472 n erašte 42.111455 21.097749 n ičpur s veta Voda 41.743993 20.673012 Acta entomologica slovenica, 29 (1), 2021 84 pirok 41.913087 20.905845 plat mt 42.0320833 20.8301944 popova Šapka 42.0131667 20.8848333 r adika 41.7322917 20.6703444 r adika: Goren tek 41.8525306 20.622625 r adika: Lukovo pole 41.8525306 20.622625 r akovec 41.9179560 20.892557 Šar planina south 41.8480278 20.6229722 Šarski Vodi 41.803607 20.802555 Šipkovica 42.0211111 20.9208333 s pring of Vardar river 41.764169 20.836941 s taro s elo 42.1830110 21.138322 t earce near the river b istrica 42.089179 21.05147 t itov Vrv 41.9920000 20.7983333 t ri Vodi 42.109377 21.002286 Varvara 42.063440 21.016557 Vešala 42.0658333 20.8333333 Vratnica 42.1470720 21.098746 Vrben 41.7105556 20.7330556 Vrutok 41.7643333 20.8375000