Uvodna beseda From the Editors Revija Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies bo perioditno jezi- koslovno literaturo bogatila vsako dru- go leto. Od svoje imenske vzornice, re- vije Slovenski jezik, ki je v letih 1938 do 1941 izhajala v Ljubljani, in od drugih slovenistitnih revij se razlikuje predvsem v tem, da je samo jeziko- slovna, od druge jezikoslovne periodike pa v tem, da prinaia le slovenistitne prispevke. Prostor in s tem raison dZtre pritujote revije je torej v mate- matitnem preseku mnoiic jezikoslovje in slovenistika. Njen drugi razpoznavni znak sta vetjezitnost in mednarodni znataj, lastnosti, s katerima bi radi spodbudili dialog o predmetu, ki pre- sega driavne in jezikovne meje. Z iz- dajanjem take revije ielimo prispevati k nastajanju kakovostnih slovenistitnih jezikoslovnih raziskav, obogatenih z idejami in dognanji raziskovalcev raz- litnih strokovnih usmeritev, izobrazbe in kulturnih pogledov. Drugi razlogi, ki so privedli k oiivitvi revije, so samo za nametek: avtorjem obljubljamo kar se da Siroko svobodo, in to tako v iz- biri tematike kakor tudi v izboru jezi- ka in sloga pisanja, uporabi posebnih znakov, grafitnih prikazov in podob- nega. Pri izboru za objavo Stejeta le kakovost in ustreznost prispevkov, ki ju vzajemno anonimno za vsak primer posebej presojajo izbrani recenzenti. V imenu celotnega uredniikega od- bora bi se rada zahvalila vsem, ki so omogotili izid prve Stevilke: avtorjem, ki so nam zaupali svoja dela, recenzentom, ki so jih pregledali in po potrebi predla- gali spremembe ali dopolnila, in ne na- zadnje izdajateljema, Znanstvenorazisko- valnemu centru Slovenske akademije The biennial Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies differs from other Slovenistic periodicals, including its namesake Slovenski jezik (which ap- peared from 1938 to 1941 in Ljubljana), in that it is devoted exclusively to lin- guistics; it differs from linguistic peri- odicals in that it is devoted exclusively to research on Slovene. Its place and thus raison d'itre is found at the inter- section of linguistics and the Slovene language. Its further distinctive features are its multilingual and international character, which are aimed at fostering a dialogue on the subject that trans- cends the borders of states and lan- guages. We hope that with the publica- tion of this journal we will thus en- courage the production of high-quality research in the field of Slovene linguis- tics. enriched bv the ideas and discover- ies of linguists of various kinds of training, schools of thought, and cult- ural viewpoints. Other motivations for initiating the journal are incidental: we intend to give authors as much freedom as possible in choosing their topics, lan- guage of explication, as well as in mat- ters of style, use of special characters, graphics, etc. The only conditions for publication are the quality and approp- riateness of topic, which are judged by independent referees using the double- -blind system. On behalf of the Editorial Board we wish to thank those who have made possible the publication of the first is- sue: the authors, who entrusted their work to us; the referees, who reviewed the contributions and gave suggestions for changes and amendments; and last, but not least, the publishers, The Scien- tific Research Center of the Slovene 4 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 1 (1997) znanosti in umetnosti in Centru za hu- manistiko Joyce in Elizabeth Hall Uni- verze v Kansasu, ki sta gmotno podprla oiivitev revije. Dodatna sredstva za de- javnost v ZDA je prispeval tudi Center za ruske in vzhodnoevropske gtudije Univerze v Kansasu. Vsem omenjenim se zahvaljujeva tudi za potrpljenje in razumevanje, ki so ga izkazali zaradi zamude pri izdaji prve gtevilke. PriCakujeva, da nam bo- do izkugnje, ki smo si jih pridobili z uredniSkim delom, omogoCile, da bod0 naslednji letniki izhajali v predvidenih rokih. Academy of Arts and Sciences and The Joyce and Elizabeth Hall Center for the Humanities at the University of Kansas, who gave financial support for the pro- duction of the journal. Additional fund- ing for U.S. operations was provided by the Center for Russian and East Europe- an Studies, University of Kansas. We wish to thank all those men- tioned above for their patience and un- derstanding in light of the delays that at- tended the publication of the first issue. We expect that with the benefit of expe- rience gained in the preparation of this issue the next one will run on schedule. Marko Snoj inland Marc L. Greenberg