Selected Demographic Aspects of Contemporary Migration Trends between Croatia and Austria After Croatia’s accession to the European Union, a trend of increased emigration of Croatian citizens outside the borders of Croatia was noticed. The aim of this paper is to map selected demographic characteristics of contemporary migration trends between Croatia and Austria in the period from 2013 (Croatia’s accession to the European Union) to 2020. The paper uses classical demographic statistical-mathematical analytical methods in combination with GIS analysis. The paper is based on official Austrian statistics with a focus on Croatian citizens. The spatial framework of the research is the state level and the Austrian NUTS 3 regions (Gruppen von Gemeinden). According to Austrian statistics, a total of 14,011 Croatian citizens emigrated from Austria to Croatia, and a total of 33,127 Croatian citizens immigrated to Austria from Croatia, which means that Croatia recorded a negative overall migration balance compared with Austria (–19,116 Croatian citizens). As a result, Croatia lost an average of approximately 2,730 people a year due to the emigration of Croatian citizens to Austria. Keywords: Austria, European Union, Croatia, Croatian citizens, migration. Izbrani demografski vidiki sodobnih migracijskih gibanj med Republiko Hrvaško in Avstrijo SPo vstopu Republike Hrvaške v Evropsko unijo je moč opaziti povečano izseljevanje hrvaških državljanov izven meja Republike Hrvaške. Namen prispevka je prikazati demografske značilnosti sodobnih migracijskih gibanj med Republiko Hrvaško in Avstrijo v obdobju od leta 2013 (pristop Republike Hrvaške k Evropski uniji) do leta 2020. V prispevku so uporabljene klasične metode demografske statistično-matematične analize v kombinaciji z analizo GIS. Prispevek temelji na uradnih avstrijskih statističnih podatkih, poudarek raziskave pa je na hrvaških državljanih. Prostorski okvir raziskave zajema državno raven in avstrijske statistične regije NUTS 3. Po avstrijskih statističnih podatkih se je iz Avstrije na Hrvaško izselilo skupno 14.011 hrvaških državljanov, iz Hrvaške v Avstrijo pa se je priselilo kar 33.127 hrvaških državljanov, kar pomeni, da je Hrvaška v primerjavi z Avstrijo zabeležila negativen migracijski saldo (–19.116 hrvaških državljanov). Z izseljevanjem hrvaških državljanov v Avstrijo je Hrvaška v povprečju izgubila približno 2.730 prebivalcev na leto. Ključne besede: Avstrija, Evropska unija, Hrvaška, hrvaški državljani, migracije. Correspondence address: Rebeka Mesarić Žabčić, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Trg Marka Marulića 19, HR-10000 Zagreb, e-mail:; Nikola Šimunić, Institute for Physical Planning of Lika-Senj County, Ulica dr. Franje Tuđmana 4, HR-53000 Gospić, e-mail: nikola. Rebeka Mesarić Žabčić, Nikola Šimunić TREATISES AND DOCUMENTS JOURNAL OF ETHNIC STUDIES RAZPRAVE IN GRADIVO REVIJA ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA 88 / 2022, p. 133–153 ISSN 0354-0286 Print/ISSN 1854-5181 Online © Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja (Ljubljana), DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 88 / 2022 TREATISES AND DOCUMENTS JOURNAL OF ETHNIC STUDIES R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Selected Demographic Aspects of Contemporary Migration Trends ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 1. Introduction External migration implies spatial mobility with temporary or permanent emi- gration outside the state borders (Nejašmić 2005). Emigrants can be generally divided into legal emigrants, illegal (undocumented) emigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers (Weeks 2020). Weeks (2020) states that emigration can involve an individual and/or a family, and ghost towns are not necessarily an indicator of community disappearance, but resettlement. However, in the Croatian case, emigration is largely negatively contextualized, as the local population moves outside Croatia. Croatia is traditionally an emigrant country, and almost four million Croats live around the world. Emigration of Croats outside the national borders, influ- enced by various pull and push factors, has been facilitated by the removal of previous administrative barriers, with the last emigration wave beginning with Croatia’s accession to the European Union in 2013 and continuing until today. By 1 July 2020, i.e., seven years after Croatia’s accession, Austria abolished the work permit requirement for Croats as well as all forms to be submitted when applying for a job, resulting in faster and easier employment in Austria. On that date, the labour market was liberalised and employment in Austrian companies, with Austrian and Croatian employers, became easier. Some Croatian citizens welcomed the removal of barriers to employment with enthusiasm and, accord- ingly, a new major wave of emigration of Croatian citizens to Austria is expected, especially since Austria is geographically close to Croatia. Due to the emigration of young adults in the fertile age, mostly highly edu- cated, but also people with professional occupations, Croatia is facing worrying demographic problems with far-reaching consequences, primarily reflected in the demographic structure of the population. Migrations affect both birth and mortality rates, as well as the population structure (demographic, economic, social, ethnic and other). The emigration of young adults causes negative demo- graphic trends, natural depopulation, and an increased share of the elderly popu- lation (Peruško 2016). At the academic level, a recurring problem for migration research is the significant disparity in the data presented by Croatian official sta- tistics and those of destination countries. 2. Research Methods The paper focuses on Croats who emigrated to Austria, and not on the Burgen - land Croats who hold the status of an official minority in Austria. In Austria, migration statistics are based on data from registrations and de-registrations ob- tained from the Central Register of Residence (CRR). The Austrian statistics of migration and population since 2002 are based on the same data source and thus represent consistent statistics. Migration and population statistics include 135 RAZPRAVE IN GRADIVO REVIJA ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA 88 / 2022 R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Izbrani demografski vidiki sodobnih migracijskih gibanj med Republiko ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 all persons who have registered their residence in Austria for at least 90 consecu- tive days. Migration statistics in Austria indicate all changes of residence within Aus- tria, from abroad to Austria or from Austria to abroad, since reporting a change of residence is required by law. The 1995 Residence Act defines the basic con - cept of residence, and migration statistics in Austria since 2002 consist of quar- terly data obtained from the CRR. The registration offices enter the relevant data in the CRR, while the Federal Ministry of the Interior submits all applications and cancellations processed in the CRR to Statistics Austria. Therefore, the au - thors use Austrian statistics data in the desk-analysis method, which entails the analysis of available statistical data. This type of analysis enables the research of possible social changes and behaviours in certain societies. 1 The GIS analysis was also used, based on the application of GIS as a research tool for the calculation and visualization of data. The authors vectorised the Aus- trian regions’ borders, created a GIS database, and calculated the spatial relation- ships of migration changes in statistical tools. The classification and spatial statis - tic methods in the GIS environment were applied. 3. Theoretical Framework, Research Subject and Objectives Croatia has traditionally been an emigrant country whose population has been displaced around the world due to economic and/or socio-political circum- stances and motives that have consequently been a strong repressive factor and cause of emigration (Mesarić Žabčić 2012; 2014). Migration is also a very im- portant determinant of the population of Croatia (Živić et al. 2005). The prob - lem of population migration is not faced by Croatia alone but is a global and transnational issue (Perić Kaselj et al. 2021). Migration is not a simple mechani- cal phenomenon that takes place in society, but rather a complex social process full of dynamics and demographic factors (Lajić 2002). In recent years, negative trends in the demographic development of Croatia (depopulation, natural decline, the ageing process, etc.) have gained dramatic proportions, ranking Croatia among the European countries with the most un- favourable demographic processes. A possible cause of this situation is the ex- tremely negative migration balance, i.e., the growing number of emigrants from Croatia compared to the number of immigrants (Pokos 2017). The last big wave of emigration began with the global economic crisis in 2008 and intensified with Croatia’s accession to the European Union in 2013. It is perhaps the most unfavourable so far as it takes place in a context of reduced birth rates, natural decline, total depopulation, and rapid ageing. The true extent of contemporary and past emigration is not known as many residents do not 136 report a change of residence before leaving, although they are obliged to do so under the 2012 Residence Act (Pokos 2017). For every country, human capital is the most valuable capital. Without population, there is no progress and development. The three basic demograph - ic processes are fertility, mortality, and migration. By close analogy, we can say that Croatia is characterized by low birth rates, demographic ageing, and large emigration (Ivanda 2017). These conclusions of demographers were taken into account in this study of contemporary migration trends between Croatia and Austria. Consequently, the lack or shortage of population, especially the younger generations, leads to the destabilization of the basic systems of the state: labour force, pension, health, education, and financial system (Lajić 2007; Hollifield 2012; Martin 2015). Globalization, availability of information, and the legal and organizational ease of movement all make people move faster and easier. The competition among the population, which can be viewed as labour, consumer or human capital, now involves all EU countries and is likely to increase in the future (Mesarić Žabčić 2021). After Croatia’s accession to the EU in 2013, a large wave of emigration began that is difficult to stop and continues today. As the theory of Massey’s law on migration claims, international migration is much harder to stop than to start (Massey et al. 1993). As a member of the EU, Austria, due to its proximity to Croatia, is very at- tractive as a country of work, higher standards, and better legal order. Throughout history, a whole range of push and pull factors have created and dictated the emigration of the population. High unemployment, an unfavour- able economic situation, the inability to find a job in one’s profession, the inabil- ity of promotion, and the inability to solve the housing situation are just some of the many personal, psychological, and even economic factors triggering the decision to emigrate. People are attracted by the opposite factors and thus move to countries/societies that offer everything that, generally speaking, implies a satisfactory standard of living (Čizmić & Živić 2005; Akrap et al. 2017). Nowadays, corruption and nepotism are often highlighted as motives for emigration ( Jurić 2017), while the decline in total employment, long waits be- fore finding employment in one’ s profession, and the impossibility of permanent employment (Župarić Iljić 2016) continue to feed a negative demographic trend with major consequences for the basic Croatian systems (Balija 2019). Emigra- tion from Croatia partly reduces the pressure on the labour market as it reduces the number of unemployed in Croatia, yet it also reduces labour supply, which is likely to have long-term negative economic effects with lower GDP and a certain collapse of the pension system as we know it today. Labour market conditions directly affect migration. According to Lowry’s (1966) migration model, the level of employment and income has a direct im- pact on migration. People move out of low-income and high-unemployment 88 / 2022 TREATISES AND DOCUMENTS JOURNAL OF ETHNIC STUDIES R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Selected Demographic Aspects of Contemporary Migration Trends ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 137 areas to areas with high incomes and low levels of unemployment (Lowry 1966, cited in Wright & Ellis 2016). In addition to the economic reasons for migra- tion, the latter can also be triggered by certain political, social and demographic pressures (Cox 1976), which can certainly be linked to the situation in Croa- tia where emigration is associated with reduced job opportunities (especially in rural areas), but also to the general situation within the society (insecurity, corruption, etc.). In Croatia, especially in rural regions, there is a trend of selec- tive emigration (Nejašmić 2005; Lajic 2007; Živić et al. 2005) that contributes to negative demographic trends. This is confirmed by the new 2021 census, ac - cording to which all Croatian counties (NUTS 3 regions) recorded a decrease in population in the last intercensal period (2001–2021) (total decrease of –396,360 people), which confirms the prevalence of total depopulation). 2 According to official data from the Austrian Statistical Office, 3 a total of 8,451,860 people were registered in Austria in 2013, of which 7,447,592 were Austrian citizens (88.1 %) and 1,004,268 were foreign citizens (11.9 %). Re- garding the total number of foreign citizens, the citizens of the European Union (EU27, excluding Austria) accounted for 465,744 citizens (46.4 % of foreign citizens), while foreign citizens from other European and world countries ac- counted for 538,524 citizens (53.6 % of foreign citizens). Among foreign nation- als from other EU countries recorded in Austria in 2013, Germany (33.9 % of foreign nationals from the EU), Croatia (12.6 % of foreign nationals from the EU), and Romania (11.4 % of EU foreign nationals) stood out. 4 Seven years later, in 2020, a total of 8,901,064 inhabitants were recorded, of which 7,414,841 were Austrian citizens (83.3 %) and 1,486,223 foreign citizens (16.7 %). Regarding the total number of foreign citizens, citizens of the Europe- an Union (EU27, excluding Austria) accounted for 757,420 citizens (51.0 % of foreign citizens), and foreign citizens from other European and world countries accounted for 728,803 citizens (49 % of foreign citizens). Among the foreign na- tionals recorded in Austria in 2020, Germany (26.4 % of foreign EU nationals), Croatia (11 % of EU foreign nationals) and Romania (16.3 % of foreign citizens from the EU) (T able 1) stood out again. 5 The NUTS regionalisation implies the analysis of the territory of the EU member states by statistical regions of different levels. The basic distinctive cri - terion is the number of inhabitants, resulting in three NUTS levels. According to these criteria, in Austria, there are three NUTS 1 regions (groups of federal states, Gruppen von Bundesländern), nine NUTS 2 regions (federal provinces, Bundesländer), and thirty-five NUTS 3 regions (groups of municipalities, Grup- pen von Gemeinden). RAZPRAVE IN GRADIVO REVIJA ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA 88 / 2022 R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Izbrani demografski vidiki sodobnih migracijskih gibanj med Republiko ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 138 T able 1: Population of Austria by citizenship (selected countries) in 2013 and 2020 Citizenship 2013 2020 Population change 2013–2020 (%) Austrian 7,447,592 7,414,841 –0.44 Foreign total 1,004,268 1,486,223 47.99 Belgian 1862 2653 42.48 Bulgarian 14,144 32,528 129.98 Cypriot 125 259 107.20 Czech 10,232 14,182 38.60 Denmark 996 1230 23.49 Estonian 385 590 53.25 Finnish 1301 1721 32.28 French 6869 9011 31.18 Greek 3695 7393 100.08 Croatian 58,619 83,596 42.61 Irish 1058 1800 70.13 Latvian 1045 1761 68.52 Lithuanian 1086 1652 52.12 Luxembourgish 634 1187 87.22 Hungarian 37,004 87,516 136.50 Maltese 74 122 64.86 the Netherlands 7498 9739 29.89 German 157,793 199,993 26.74 Polish 45,965 64,429 40.17 Portugal 2260 3989 76.50 Romanian 53,261 123,459 131.80 Slovak 25,333 43,621 72.19 Slovene 9592 21,441 123.53 Spanish 4272 7901 84.95 Swedish 2810 3157 12.35 Italian 17,831 32,490 82.21 EU 465,744 757,420 62.63 Other foreign 538,524 728,803 35.33 TOTAL 8,451,860 8,901,064 5.31 Source: STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2022a (author’s calculations). 88 / 2022 TREATISES AND DOCUMENTS JOURNAL OF ETHNIC STUDIES R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Selected Demographic Aspects of Contemporary Migration Trends ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 139 Figure 1: Share (%) of Croatian citizens in Austria by NUTS 3 regions in 2020 Source: STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2022a; GISCO 2020. Observed through the prism of the geographical distribution of the share of Croatian citizens by Austrian NUTS 3 regions, the largest share of Croatian citi- zens (2020) was recorded in the regions of Wien (22.67 %, i.e., 23,128 Croatian citizens) and Graz (11.25 %, i.e., 9,406 Croatian citizens) (Figure 1). The age-sex structure of the population reflects the composition of the pop- ulation by age and sex and is a good indicator of the current state of the popu- lation and a predictor of future trends in population development. According to Austrian statistics on Croatian citizens, it is possible to create an age and sex pyramid of Croatian citizens in Austria (2020) and analyse it. It should be kept in mind that the age and sex pyramid shows the recent age and sex composition of Croatian citizens in Austria and is mainly the result of the migration of Croatian citizens from Croatia to Austria on the one hand, and the dynamics of losing Croatian citizenship on the other, which is regulated by Austrian legal provisions. 6 The age-sex pyramid (constrictive pyramid) shows a prevalence of the el - derly population (working contingent) (Figure 2). Most often, according to age, the population is divided into 3 cohorts: young (0–14 years of age), mature (15–64 years of age) and old (65 and older). In 2020, Austria recorded 11,259 Croatian citizens in the young category (13.47 %), 65,705 in the mature category (78.60 %), and 6,632 in the old category (7.93 %). RAZPRAVE IN GRADIVO REVIJA ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA 88 / 2022 R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Izbrani demografski vidiki sodobnih migracijskih gibanj med Republiko ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 140 Figure 2. Age-sex pyramid of Croatian citizens in Austria in 2020 Source: STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2022a. The fact is that at management levels in the countries of immigration, immigrants (especially highly educated ones) are viewed from the perspective of their po- tential contribution (in terms of intellectual and professional competencies) to the society they immigrate to (Hercog 2019). A similar process of brain drain, i.e., emigration of the highly educated labour force, was recorded in neighbour- ing Slovenia ( Josipovič 2020). Long-term emigration limits economic growth considering that in most cases the ones who emigrate are younger people at fertile age who are also the greatest contributors in the sense of payment of taxes and health and pension contributions (Šterc 2016; Mesarić Žabčić 2021). 4. Selected Features of Migration Movements of Croatian Citizens between Croatia and Austria (2013–2020) According to Austrian statistics, a total of 39,025 Croatian citizens immigrated to Austria from Croatia (2013–2020), while 16,096 Croatian citizens emigrated from Austria to Croatia. Thus, the migration balance of Austria compared with Croatia (in terms of immigrated Croatian citizens) was positive and amounted to 22,929 persons. On average, in the observed period, about 4,900 Croatian 88 / 2022 TREATISES AND DOCUMENTS JOURNAL OF ETHNIC STUDIES R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Selected Demographic Aspects of Contemporary Migration Trends ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 141 citizens a year immigrated to Austria, while about 2,000 Croatian citizens emi- grated from Austria to Croatia, which means that Croatia lost on average about 2,900 Croatian citizens every year. Croatia is deemed a less developed country in terms of economy and population and is more prone to emigration in the context of globalisation processes, especially after EU accession which sees an increased emigration of the able-bodied population (Jurić 2017). The largest group of potential emigrants (migration potential) consists of those who are dis- satisfied with the economic situation in the country and believe they can capital- ise on knowledge in foreign markets (Božić & Burić 2005). Figure 3: Migration movements of Croatian citizens from Croatia to Austria and vice versa (2013–2020) Source: STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2022b. With Croatia’s accession to the EU, the number of registered Croatian immi- grants from Croatia to Austria increased by 43.4 % in the first year of member- ship. After that initial wave, the immigration of Croatian citizens from Croatia to Austria decreased in the following years and stabilized at around 4,700 people a year. In 2020, the immigration of Croatian citizens from Croatia to Austria in- tensified. On the other hand, the emigration of Croatian citizens from Austria to Croatia (known as return migration) increased until 2015 when it stabilized at about 2,200. It can be assumed that these are people who may not have found adequate employment in Austria or have completed their short-term (perhaps study) stay there and returned to Croatia. Accordingly, the positive (for Aus- RAZPRAVE IN GRADIVO REVIJA ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA 88 / 2022 R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Izbrani demografski vidiki sodobnih migracijskih gibanj med Republiko ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 142 tria) migration balance grew until 2014, then decreased and stabilized at around 2,400 people a year, and later increased again (Figure 3). The age-sex structure of immigration/emigration is a very important aspect because it can contribute to the immigration area (immigration of the younger population) and be very unfavourable for the emigration area (emigration of the bio-reproductive base), but also (less often) vice versa. Since the population is most often divided into young (up to 19 years of age), mature (20–64 years of age) and old (65 and older) (Nejašmić 2005), it is possible to identify possible structural changes in migration. In the observed period (2013–2020), 7,190 young people (18.42 %), 31,194 mature people (79.93 %) and 641 old Croatian citizens (1.64 %) immigrated to Austria from Croatia. It is interesting to note that among mature Croatian citi- zens, younger age groups (especially 20–24 years of age) prevailed, which shows that a significant part of the emigration wave from Croatia to Austria consists of students and job seekers. Among the Croatian citizens immigrating to Austria (2013–2020), there were 22,408 men (57.42 %) and 16,617 women (42.58 %). Persons of mature age prevailed both among male (82.31 %) and female immi- grants (76.73 %). Table 2: Immigrant and emigrant Croatian citizens on the route Austria–Croatia (2013– 2020) Male 0–19 20–64 65 + To t a l aps. rel. aps. rel. aps. rel. Immigrants 3709 16.55 18,443 82.31 256 1.14 22,408 Emigrants 685 7.00 8498 86.78 609 6.22 9792 Female 0–19 20–64 65 + To t a l aps. rel. aps. rel. aps. rel. Immigrants 3481 20.95 12,751 76.73 385 2.32 16,617 Emigrants 583 9.25 5197 82.44 524 8.31 6304 To t a l 0–19 20–64 65 + To t a l aps. rel. aps. rel. aps. rel. Immigrants 7190 18.43 31,194 79.93 641 1.64 39,025 Emigrants 1268 7.88 13,695 85.08 1133 7.04 16,096 Source: STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2022b (Author’s calculations). 88 / 2022 TREATISES AND DOCUMENTS JOURNAL OF ETHNIC STUDIES R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Selected Demographic Aspects of Contemporary Migration Trends ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 143 5. Migration Movements of Croatian Citizens between Croatia and Austria (2013–2020) at the Austrian Regional (NUTS 3) Level The regional analysis of the migration of Croatian citizens on the Austria–Croa - tia route was conducted at the Austrian NUTS 3 level (35 statistical regions). Persons with Croatian citizenship and Croatian descent were taken into ac- count. These persons are not necessarily Croats by nationality, that is, they are not necessarily born in Croatia. In the period 2013–2020, all Austrian NUTS 3 regions recorded a positive overall migration balance of Croatian citizens with Croatia. 7 Some NUTS 3 re- gions recorded a more prominent total migration balance of Croatian citizens with Croatia, such as the NUTS 3 regions of Vienna (positive migration balance +5,359 persons; 23.37 % of the total positive migration balance for Austria com- pared with Croatia), Graz (positive migration balance +3,541 persons; 15.44 % of the total positive migration balance for Austria compared with Croatia) and Linz-Wels (positive migration balance +2,567 persons; 11.20 % of the total posi- tive migration balance for Austria compared with Croatia), and some recorded a less prominent total migration balance of Croatian citizens from Croatia, such as the NUTS 3 regions of Weinviertel (positive migration balance +15 people; 0.07 % of the total positive migration balance for Austria compared with Croa- tia), Mittelburgenland (positive migration balance +32 people; 0.14 % of the total positive migration balance for Austria from Croatia) and Waldviertel (posi- tive migration balance +37 persons; 0.16 % of the total positive migration bal- ance for Austria from Croatia). According to Austrian statistics (2022), most of the previously mentioned 39,025 Croatian citizens immigrated from Croatia to the NUTS 3 regions of Vienna (28.06 %), Graz (14.75 %) and Linz-Wels (9.64 %). In the same peri- od (2013–2020), as many as 20,472 Croatian citizens from Croatia moved to the mentioned NUTS 3 regions. The NUTS 3 region of Vienna consists, at the lower level of the regional breakdown, of 23 municipalities. Most of the Croa- tian citizens were recorded in the southern and central parts of the region/city. These areas are the municipalities of Favoriten (2,971 Croatian citizens; 12.85 % of Croatian citizens of the region) and Ottakring (1,920 Croatian citizens; 8.30 % of Croatian citizens of the region). On the other hand, the lowest number of Croatian citizens immigrating from Croatia to Austria (2013–2020) was recorded in the NUTS regions of Weinviertel (0.12 %), Osttirol (0.16 %) and Mittelburgenland (0.20 %). In the same period, only 186 Croatian citizens from Croatia moved to the mentioned NUTS regions. An insight into the structure of the population at the micro-level (2020) shows that, out of only 163 Croatian citizens living in the NUTS 3 re- RAZPRAVE IN GRADIVO REVIJA ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA 88 / 2022 R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Izbrani demografski vidiki sodobnih migracijskih gibanj med Republiko ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 144 gion of Osttirol, most of them were recorded in the eastern part of the region. This is the municipality of Lienz (117 Croatian citizens; 71.78 % of Croatian citizens in the region), with only 11 municipalities (or 33 in the NUTS 3 Osttirol region) having 1 or more Croatian citizens (Figure 4). Figure 4: Share (%) of immigrant Croatian citizens from Croatia to Austria according to NUTS 3 regions 2013–2020 Source: STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2022b; GISCO 2020. 2020 saw the maximum immigration of Croatian citizens from Croatia to Aus- tria (Appendix 3). Compared to the previous year (2019), there was an increase in the immigration of Croatian citizens from Croatia to Austria in as many as 26 (out of 35) Austrian NUTS 3 regions. The largest increase in relative terms was recorded in the NUTS 3 regions of Sankt Pölten (the change index 2020/2019 was 380.00) and Weinviertel (the change index 2020/2019 was 333.33), while in absolute terms the largest increase was recorded in the NUTS 3 regions of Vienna (+448) and Linz-Wels (+220). The above-mentioned data from Austrian statistics show that total immi - gration to Austrian regions has been intensifying. Vienna is still as important to Croatian citizens (as a destination for migration) as it was at the beginning of the observed period. According to Austrian statistics (2022), out of the previously mentioned 16,096 Croatian citizens that emigrated from Austria to Croatia between 2013 and 2020, most of them emigrated from the NUTS 3 regions of Vienna (34.75 %), Graz (13.77 %) and Linz-Wels (7.42 %). In the same period, 9,005 Croatian 88 / 2022 TREATISES AND DOCUMENTS JOURNAL OF ETHNIC STUDIES R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Selected Demographic Aspects of Contemporary Migration Trends ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 145 citizens emigrated from Croatia to the mentioned NUTS 3 regions. The lowest number of emigrated Croatian citizens from Austria to Croatia (2013–2020) was recorded in the NUTS 3 regions of Osttirol (0.12 %), Weinviertel (0.19 %) and Mittelburgenland (0.26 %). In the same period, only 92 Croatian citizens from Croatia emigrated from the mentioned NUTS 3 regions (Figure 5). Figure 5: Share (%) of emigrated Croatian citizens from Austria to Croatia by NUTS 3 regions 2013–2020 Source: STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2022b; GISCO 2020. 2015 saw the maximum emigration of Croatian citizens from Austria to Croa- tia. Compared to the previous year, there was an increase in the emigration of Croatian citizens from Austria to Croatia in 25 (out of 35) Austrian NUTS 3 regions. The largest increase (in relative terms) was recorded in the NUTS 3 re - gions of Sankt Pölten (the change index 2015/2014 was 242.86) and Rheintal- Bodenseegebiet (the change index 2015/2014 was 213.79); in absolute terms, the largest increase was recorded in the NUTS 3 regions of Vienna (+184) and Linz-Wels (+60). By comparison, in 2019, there was an increase in the emigration of Croatian citizens from Croatia to Austria in 19 (out of 35) Austrian NUTS 3 regions com- pared to the previous year. The largest increase in relative terms was recorded in the NUTS 3 regions of Mühlviertel (the change index 2019/2018 was 1000.00) and Außerfern (the change index 2019/2018 was 240.00), and in absolute terms in the NUTS 3 regions of Tiroler Unterland (+39) and Pinzgau-Pongau (+29). RAZPRAVE IN GRADIVO REVIJA ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA 88 / 2022 R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Izbrani demografski vidiki sodobnih migracijskih gibanj med Republiko ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 146 Data from the Austrian statistics suggest that the total emigration from the Austrian regions decreased and is not as intensive as in 2015. It is possible to as- sume that the majority of Croatian immigrants from Croatia made their living in Austria, that is, they managed to get a job. Return migrations were certainly significant enough, mainly due to the student population returning to Croatia after completing their studies (or a semester). Among the returnees, there are also families who did not manage to settle down in Austria. 6. Conclusions The paper examines selected demographic characteristics of the migration contingent consisting of Croatian citizens of Croatian origin who moved from Croatia to Austria and from Austria to Croatia (return migration) in the period between 2013 and 2020. Austrian statistics are accurate and provide an insight into certain demographic characteristics based on which it is possible to draw some synthetic conclusions. A total of 16,096 Croatian citizens emigrated to Croatia from Austria (2013– 2020), and a total of 39,025 Croatian citizens immigrated to Austria from Croa- tia, which means that Croatia recorded a negative overall migration balance compared with Austria (–22,929 Croatian citizens) in the observed period. This is because the Austrian labour market is relatively close to Croatia and migration has been made easier after Croatia’s accession to the European Union. There is also a certain developmental disparity between Croatia and Austria which, combined with historical factors (the former affiliation of parts of Croa- tia to Austrian territory and a significant community of Burgenland Croats), is a very pronounced pull factor for emigration from Croatia to Austria. Although emigration from Croatia to Austria has stabilized in recent years, an increase in emigration in the post-pandemic period is possible. It is important to point out that all Austrian NUTS 3 regions recorded a positive migration balance with Croatia, with the most attractive regions for im- migration for Croatian citizens being the NUTS 3 regions of Vienna, Graz and Linz-Wels. These are, of course, the largest Austrian metropolises which, due to greater employment opportunities, are very attractive destinations for Croatian citizens. In the context of the age structure of Croatian citizens who immigrated from Croatia to Austria, there were 6,220 young people (18.78 %), 26,349 mature people (79.54 %) and 558 old people (1.68 %). Among the mature Croatian im- migrants, younger age groups (especially 20–24 years old) prevailed, which shows that a significant part of the emigration wave from Croatia to Austria consists of Croatian students and job seekers. Among Croatian citizens who immigrated to Austria (2013–2019), men prevailed (56.94 %) over women (43.06 %). 88 / 2022 TREATISES AND DOCUMENTS JOURNAL OF ETHNIC STUDIES R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Selected Demographic Aspects of Contemporary Migration Trends ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 147 It can be concluded that Austria is a very attractive migration destination for Croatian citizens. Y ounger people mostly move to Austria due to greater em- ployment opportunities, while students most often return to Croatia after com- pleting their studies. 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Notes 1 More about desk analysis in Milas 2009. 2 The County of Vukovar-Sirmium recorded the largest decrease in the population (population change index –80.46) and the City of Zagreb the least (change index –97.46). Negative demographic trends are most clearly seen from the data confirming that a decrease in the population (2011–2021) was recorded in 91.37 % of Croatian cities and municipalities (Croatian Bureau of Statistics 2012; 2022). 3 Numerous authors have warned about the discrepancy in the statistics on emigration between Croatia (Croatian Bureau of Statistics) and foreign countries (Pokos 2017; Rajković & Iveta 2017; Jurić 2018; Jerić 2019). That is one of the reasons why the authors of this paper use only data from the Austrian statistics. 4 This data should be viewed through the prism of the total population of the mentioned countries (2013): Germany – 80,523,746 inhabitants (almost 19 times more than Croatia); Croatia – 4,262,140 inhabitants; Romania – 20,020,074 inhabitants (almost 5 times more than Croatia) (Eurostat 2021). 5 Continuing the comment in the previous footnote, the population of the mentioned countries (2020) was: Germany – 83,166,711 inhabitants; Croatia – 4,058,165 inhabitants; Romania – 19,317,948 inhabitants (Eurostat 2021). 6 Bundesrecht konsolidiert 2022. 7 By comparison, in the previous eight-year referential period (2005–2012), 15 Austrian NUTS 3 regions recorded a negative migration balance of Croatian citizens with Croatia (STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2022a). RAZPRAVE IN GRADIVO REVIJA ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA 88 / 2022 R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Izbrani demografski vidiki sodobnih migracijskih gibanj med Republiko ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 150 Appendices Appendix A: 1 NUTS 3 regions of Austria (2021) Source: GISCO 2020. Appendix B: Croatian citizens in Austria by NUTS 3 regions (2013–2020) NUTS 3 regions 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Außerfern 278 277 285 280 280 288 301 313 Bludenz-Bregenzer Wald 341 374 438 530 618 685 720 751 Graz 5422 5891 6521 7095 7583 8168 8737 9406 Innsbruck 1687 1777 1886 1939 2001 2032 2093 2140 Innviertel 871 913 1002 1058 1144 1183 1241 1344 Klagenfurt-Villach 3190 3356 3530 3657 3797 3901 4093 4301 Liezen 904 968 1093 1173 1259 1339 1413 1492 Linz-Wels 5377 5708 6249 6699 7135 7620 8098 8616 Lungau 94 109 111 131 143 168 187 197 Mittelburgenland 107 108 124 143 148 155 152 157 Mostviertel-Eisenwurzen 274 300 309 334 334 356 378 401 Mühlviertel 107 114 120 147 149 162 179 191 Niederösterreich-Süd 814 851 919 982 1037 1070 1121 1148 Nordburgenland 526 554 595 633 660 684 714 728 Oberkärnten 758 761 794 822 830 855 881 915 88 / 2022 TREATISES AND DOCUMENTS JOURNAL OF ETHNIC STUDIES R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Selected Demographic Aspects of Contemporary Migration Trends ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 151 NUTS 3 regions 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Östliche Obersteiermark 1604 1677 1798 1896 2025 2117 2271 2462 Oststeiermark 380 406 459 486 533 571 617 661 Osttirol 130 139 147 155 154 150 157 163 Pinzgau-Pongau 1725 1807 1898 2037 2113 2206 2356 2445 Rheintal-Bodenseegebiet 1519 1573 1715 1809 1922 2000 2068 2134 Salzburg und Umgebung 3398 3438 3585 3677 3767 3898 3976 4057 Sankt Pölten 330 337 379 382 399 417 429 426 Steyr-Kirchdorf 1142 1207 1317 1424 1509 1604 1669 1744 Südburgenland 221 235 256 256 258 260 268 276 Tiroler Oberland 317 311 321 334 350 393 431 458 Tiroler Unterland 2047 2167 2250 2348 2453 2621 2782 2900 T raunviertel 1881 1943 2068 2229 2331 2444 2612 2717 Unterkärnten 682 701 715 761 784 810 806 844 Waldviertel 137 131 135 165 160 152 158 145 Weinviertel 142 149 148 164 182 203 210 229 West- und Südsteiermark 619 654 682 741 797 876 1019 1173 Westliche Obersteiermark 807 840 909 954 985 999 1021 1050 Vienna 17.596 18.789 20.038 20.933 21.498 22.089 22.530 23.128 Wiener Umland-Nordteil 1738 1825 1971 2078 2135 2278 2307 2372 Wiener Umland-Südteil 1454 1569 1708 1796 1861 1928 2004 2112 TOTAL 58.619 61.959 66.475 70.248 73.334 76.682 79.999 83.596 Source: STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2022a. Appendix C: Croatian citizens who immigrated from Croatia to Austria by NUTS 3 regions (2013–2020) NUTS 3 regions 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020. Außerfern 14 24 11 12 18 16 29 23 Bludenz-Bregenzer Wald 60 77 116 119 124 100 105 83 Graz 474 693 704 647 689 773 823 955 Innsbruck 112 147 125 109 99 107 103 135 Innviertel 50 87 79 73 62 62 72 81 Klagenfurt-Villach 194 204 181 182 183 190 199 228 Liezen 73 132 120 123 112 98 118 90 Linz-Wels 327 553 510 415 462 445 415 635 Lungau 22 16 20 15 37 26 25 21 Mittelburgenland 3 14 21 8 12 7 6 8 Mostviertel-Eisenwurzen 17 38 30 7 18 15 14 17 RAZPRAVE IN GRADIVO REVIJA ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA 88 / 2022 R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Izbrani demografski vidiki sodobnih migracijskih gibanj med Republiko ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 152 NUTS 3 regions 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020. Mühlviertel 10 16 23 4 8 7 15 12 Niederösterreich-Süd 57 61 76 46 48 35 35 64 Nordburgenland 31 47 53 29 24 38 31 33 Oberkärnten 21 42 33 28 33 45 42 60 Östliche Obersteiermark 75 125 123 124 107 154 204 197 Oststeiermark 22 64 54 56 51 66 66 54 Osttirol 9 9 7 4 5 12 6 10 Pinzgau-Pongau 104 121 168 142 145 184 163 186 Rheintal-Bodenseegebiet 83 168 167 131 98 122 122 165 Salzburg und Umgebung 126 188 159 144 159 156 130 235 Sankt Pölten 9 30 19 19 10 8 10 38 Steyr-Kirchdorf 54 118 121 85 74 83 67 94 Südburgenland 22 29 25 18 12 16 8 15 Tiroler Oberland 32 42 40 46 60 58 64 41 Tiroler Unterland 162 134 173 169 200 230 199 166 T raunviertel 81 165 157 132 136 139 134 167 Unterkärnten 30 28 52 50 31 35 42 48 Waldviertel 0 7 20 9 10 6 10 19 Weinviertel 1 3 8 11 4 5 3 10 West- und Südsteiermark 48 58 81 79 85 112 111 119 Westliche Obersteiermark 29 74 52 45 31 38 37 58 Vienna 1328 1753 1615 1320 1145 1157 1093 1541 Wiener Umland-Nordteil 80 133 114 70 95 52 64 138 Wiener Umland-Südteil 97 131 92 82 94 87 107 152 TOTAL 3857 5531 5349 4553 4481 4684 4672 5898 Source: STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2022b. Appendix D: Number of Croatian citizens who emigrated from Austria to Croatia by NUTS 3 regions (2013–2020) NUTS 3 regions 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Außerfern 7 21 10 8 7 5 12 8 Bludenz-Bregenzer Wald 16 17 30 37 53 48 73 46 Graz 146 224 270 297 287 346 327 320 Innsbruck 30 54 82 67 59 58 62 59 Innviertel 7 13 23 14 23 17 21 23 Klagenfurt-Villach 58 96 90 83 111 71 88 82 Liezen 24 22 24 38 26 27 36 35 88 / 2022 TREATISES AND DOCUMENTS JOURNAL OF ETHNIC STUDIES R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Selected Demographic Aspects of Contemporary Migration Trends ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153 153 NUTS 3 regions 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Linz-Wels 66 132 192 147 167 176 158 157 Lungau 10 4 7 4 3 15 12 18 Mittelburgenland 2 4 4 3 4 13 3 14 Mostviertel-Eisenwurzen 2 13 6 10 3 8 8 3 Mühlviertel 2 6 5 7 4 1 10 7 Niederösterreich-Süd 22 25 41 33 39 16 32 16 Nordburgenland 14 11 20 13 26 23 19 11 Oberkärnten 9 10 13 16 11 15 17 17 Östliche Obersteiermark 22 27 42 45 28 43 44 57 Oststeiermark 6 16 23 18 17 29 34 28 Osttirol 2 2 0 4 3 3 1 5 Pinzgau-Pongau 30 26 36 50 32 40 69 72 Rheintal-Bodenseegebiet 28 29 62 52 56 65 52 33 Salzburg und Umgebung 65 79 100 80 69 71 75 79 Sankt Pölten 5 7 17 4 9 7 9 7 Steyr-Kirchdorf 9 17 17 13 18 20 25 22 Südburgenland 8 12 22 14 12 6 6 7 Tiroler Oberland 32 27 27 24 19 30 38 36 Tiroler Unterland 42 57 61 64 62 70 109 94 T raunviertel 21 34 37 37 35 33 32 36 Unterkärnten 15 9 8 15 7 20 10 10 Waldviertel 0 4 6 4 13 5 5 7 Weinviertel 1 0 4 2 8 6 3 6 West- und Südsteiermark 16 25 30 30 22 29 22 49 Westliche Obersteiermark 18 11 22 18 14 10 11 11 Vienna 428 664 848 826 729 769 705 624 Wiener Umland-Nordteil 32 35 57 58 44 54 44 34 Wiener Umland-Südteil 30 44 55 60 55 58 69 52 TOTAL 1225 1777 2291 2195 2075 2207 2241 2085 Source: STATISTIK AUSTRIA 2022b. RAZPRAVE IN GRADIVO REVIJA ZA NARODNOSTNA VPRAŠANJA 88 / 2022 R. MESARIĆ ŽABČIĆ, N. ŠIMUNIĆ Izbrani demografski vidiki sodobnih migracijskih gibanj med Republiko ... DOI: 10.36144/RiG88.jun22.133-153