ISSN 0351-9716 VAKUUMIST 22/1 (2002) UPORABA SINHROTRONSKE SVETLOBE PRI ŠTUDIJU STRUKTURE PROTEINOV Saša Jenko, Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana Synchrotron Radiation in Macromolecular Crystallography ABSTRACT Synchrotron radiation has become a major structural research tool across the world in numerous scientific is a critical component for many of these developments, and it is essential for high-throughput crystallography. The source characteristics of modern synchrotrons are ideally matched to a number of difficult problems m macromolecular crystallography Recent studies on viruses, membrane proteins and ribosomes give dear examples of the power of modern macromolecular crystallography using synchrotron radiation. The detailed structural information obtained enables the relationships between structure and function to be addressed with confidence terija E. coli vsebuje več kot 1000 različnih proteinov, ki skrbijo za normalni potek življenjskih funkcij organizma). Strukturo protema delimo na: primarno, sekundarno, terciarno in kvartarno. Najenostavnejša je primarna struktura, ki nam pove, kakšno je zaporedje aminokislin v polipeptidni verigi proteina. S sekundarno strukturo (npr: vijačnica ravi m e -2.n