Review Alopecia areata: emerging concepts Alnpecia areata: emergjng concepts A.J. Papadopoulos, R.A. Schwartz and C. Krysicka Janniger ABSTRACT Alopecia areata is a common, unpredictable, non-scarring form of hair loss. This disorder affects ali age groups, with a higher prevalence in children and adolescents. Limited scalp involvement is the most common presentation but more severe forms of the disorder, involving the entire scalp or body, also exist. Research has linked alopecia areata with certain HLA-Class II alleles, implicating an autoimmune etiology. Various therapeutic modalities have been employed to gain clinically acceptable hair regrowth. Alopecia areata is a common clisorcler, hypothesizecl to be autoimnrnne in etiology, ancl estimatecl to affect almost 2% of the US population (1). This 11011-scarring alopecia affects both sexes equally and is seen in ali age groups. A higher incidence is founcl in chilclren ancl young aclults, with common presentation before the age of five years (2-4). The unpreclictable severity and course of the clisorcler exacts a high emotional cost from the affected patient ancl may result in psychiatric comor- biclity (5). Etiology The etiology of alopecia areata is as of yet unclear, but is presumed to be clue to an autoimmune reaction. Consistent evidence of autoantiboclies directed against anagen stage hair follicle structures are found in both affected humans ancl in mouse models (6,7). Though autoantiboclies are postulatecl to play an integral role in the clisease process, current research implicates a cell- mecliatecl autoimmune mechanism as the tmderlying pathogenic etiology (S). Supporting this theo1y is that activatecl CD4 ancl CDS T lymphocytes have been founcl in a characteristic peri- ancl intrafollicular inflammat01y infiltrate of anagen hair follicles of affected inclivicluals (9-11). The transfer of alopecia areata by T lymphocytes cultivatecl from affectecl scalp ancl transferrecl to human scalp explants on a severe combinecl immunocleficiency mouse model has been demonstratecl (12). Recent investigations on mouse models reported that trans- plantecJ alopecia areata tissue to normal mice woulcl not induce alopecia areata if a specific monoclonal anti- body, anti-CD44v10, was injected into the mice shortly after transplant surge1y (8). CD44v10 is believed to be involvecl in the activation mechanism of CD4 ancl CDS lymphocyte migration into tissue and the initiation of the subsequent defense response against antigenic stimuli (8). Similar research has demonstrated that in- Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 3 83 Alopecia areata: emerging concepts vivo depletion of CD4+ cells using CD4+ cell-clepleting OX-35/OX-38 monoclonal antibocly (MoAb) partially restores hair growth in rats affected with alopecia areata (11). Cmrent investigative efforts strongly implicate CD4 and CD8 T-cell lymphocytes in the pathogenic auto- immune etiology of this clisorcler. Alopecia areata, similar to many other autoimnmne cliseases, is linkecl with certain HLA-Class II alleles. The I-ILA antigen DQ3 (DQB1 *03) has been identifiecl as a general susceptibility marker for alopecia areata (13- 15). Patients with the more severe forms of the disorcler, alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis, were found to express the HLA alleles DQB1 *0301, DRB1 *0401 and DRB1 *1104 in a significantly higher frequency (8). Mil- cler, patchy forms of alopecia areata were also founcl to be associatecl with a significantly higher frequency of DRB1*1104, but no association was reported with the other two aforementionecl alleles (8). Clinical description Alopecia areata usually appears abruptly asa patch of clearing on the scalp with no evidence of scarring. Scalp involvement is the most clinically distinguishing characteristic, but axillae, eyebrows ancl eyelashes may also be involvecl (16). Milcl, limitecl involvement of the scalp is the most common presentation; multiple patches may become confluent over tirne. Regression may occur, with new hair growth taking place; recurrences in diffe- rent locations occur unpredictably. Severe involvement may produce a loss of all scalp hair (alopecia totalis) or ali hair on the body (alopecia universalis). Patients with alopecia areata that have a hist01y of atopy may have a less favorable prognosis (17). Clinical variants of alopecia areata exist (16). Ophi- asis alopecia areata describes band-like hair loss affecting the tempo ral and occipital regions of the scalp. Reticular alopecia areata describes a type that clinically shows patches of hair loss in various stages of clisease activity. Diffuse alopecia areata has been attributecl to a short anagen phase ancl subsequent inability of hair to grow. Alopecia areata has also been linked with a number of autoimmune cliseases (18). Alopecia areata produces nail changes in 3-30% of affectecl patients (3, 18-20). In one stucly of 201 affectecl chilclren uncler 16 years nail changes were clinically eviclent in 60 (3). Of these 60 children, nail changes were more common in severely affected children (18 out of 34) than in chilclren with localizecl clisease (42 out of 167). In another stucly, 21 patients hacl clinical evidence of nail changes out of a total of 136 patients (103 adults, 33 chilclren) affectecl with alopecia areata. Nail changes were founcl to be more common in chil- 84 dren, especially in chilclren with severe , long-standing disease (19). The nail changes associatecl w ith alopecia areata usually accompany hair loss , but may occa- sionally precede or follow the onset of hair loss by months oryears (16). The main patterns of nail changes are: diffuse fine pitting (most common), thin and brittle fingernails ancl toenails, longitudinal ridging and rough smface trachyonychia (3,20-22). Systemic associations Atopy, vitiligo ancl autoimnmne thyroid clisease, namely Hashimoto's thyroiclitis ancJ Graves' clisease, are more prevalent in patients with alopecia areata (23)' Serum thyrotropin measurement has been recommen- ded for ali children with this clisorcler. (23) Although cbildren are frequently screenec\ for thyroicl disease, the presence of clisease in these patients is only 10% (3). A recent stucly on the evaluation of thyroid function in northern Indian patients with alopecia areata revealed that thyroicJ disease was clinically evicJent in only 16 (0.85%) ofthe 1700 affectecl patients evaluated over the interval of 1983-1997 (24). The incidence of thyroicl structmal and functional abnormalities is much higher in affectecl patients (78 percent) than in controls (33 percent) (21). One study of45 affected children, 16 years of age ancl younger, reportecl thyroicl function abnorma- lities in 24 percent of these children (25). Thyroicl function abnormalities include abnormal thyroid hor- mone (T3,T4) and thyroicl stimulating hormone (TSH) values and the presence of antithyroicl ancl antimicro- somal antiboclies (25). Celiac clisease, systemic lupus e1ythematosus and diabetes mellitus may also possibly be increasecl in incidence in patients with alopecia areata (2,3,26-29). Differential diagnosis Mik! forms of alopecia areata are seen as solita1y areas of non-scarring hair loss on the scalp ancl should be clistinguishecl from trichotillomania ancl tinea capitis. Other forms of non-scarring alopecia, including trau- matic alopecia and congenital hair loss synclrornes such as congenital triangular alopecia, must also be consi- derecJ in the differential diagnosis (30-33). Alopecia neoplastica, a rare form of alopecia, is associated most commonly with breast cancer; it may resemble localized alopecia areata (34,35). Systemic lupus e1ythematosus, syphilis ancl post-febrile alopecia may also at times resemble alopecia areata (16). Alopecia areata may be first eviclent in young pati- ents as the sudclen onset of c!ifti.1se alopecia (16,17). Telogen efl1uvium, believed to be associated with high Review Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 3 Review i'ever, severe ernotional stress, sudden starvation ancl certain rnedications, rnust also be considerec.l in the cliffe- rential diagnosis of cliffuse alopecia. Other conclitions associated with diffuse alopecia inclucle acroclerrnatitis enteropathica, arsenicisrn and thallium p oisoning, though these conclitions usually have systemic symp- torns (16). Recent research has identified the human hairless gene, equivalent to a gene stuclied in mouse rnodels (hairless IRS/3 mouse), ancl has confirmed its association with a disease called atrichia or atrichia with papules (8,36). This conclition was previously named alopecia universalis congenita. These patients are bom with hair, but the hair matri:x cells progressively undergo apoptosis by the third month, culrninating in permanent hair loss (8,36). A skin biopsy specimen is c.liagnostic of alopecia areata, and is sometimes necessa1y to make a cliagnosis (37,38). On histological examination a peribulbar lymphocytic infiltrate resembles a "swann ofbees." (39). Scarring is characteristically absent. Treatment Treatment of alopecia areata rnay be clivicled into four clifferent categories of widely acceptecl therapeutic modalities (9,18,23,40-55): immune inhibitors such as s teroids or psoralen and UV-A light (PUVA); topical sensitizers such as squaric acicl dibutylester (SADBE) ancl cliphenylcyclopropenone (DPCP); non-specific irritants (anthralin) ancl the vasodilator minoxidil. Treat- ment goals are hair regrowth that is cosmetica lly acceptable to the patient; hair loss is not preventecl with these treatments (23,53,56) . Miki forms of alopecia areata are mostly treatecl by intralesional injection of a glucocorticoid, usually triamcinolone, eve1y four to si:x w eeks (16,23). Steroid injection may procluce minimal transient atrophy or, less commonly, severe atrophy of the targetecl skin; the most common side effect of steroid injection is pain, which is a complicating factor in treatment of chilclren (53). Topical steroid application to areas of hair loss, usually appliecl twice daily, has also been found to be effica- cious clinically, although combination treatment w ith minoxiclil, anthralin or injectec\ steroids is probably more tberapeutic (23,53,57). Systemic steroicls are reservecl for use in rapiclly progressive or extensive alopecia areata (53). Anthralin, the only non-specific irritant wiclely used for hair growth in alopecia areata, is applied topically as a O .5 or 1 o/o cream to affectecl areas once per da y for 20-45 rninutes ; overnight application can also be used in certain patients who can tolerate the side effects (23,53). Application oftopical anthralin may cause pru- Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 3 Alopecia areata: emerging concepts ritus, e1ythema, scaling and folliculitis, necessitating the short application tirne (53). The combination therapy of anthralin and minoxidil has also shown favorable results in a group oftreatrnent-resistant patients (58,59). Minoxidil (5% topica l solution) is applied twice daily to areas ofhair loss. Side effects are limited to miki local irritation and, less frequently, allergic contact dermatitis (60-62). Topical sensitizers incluce an allergic contact dermatitis in appliecl areas of hair loss; weekly re- stimulation with the patent allergen is neecled. Topical sensitizers have proven efficacy in patients with long- standing alopecia areata involving more than 50 percent of the scalp (23,57,63) . Squaric acicl dibutyles ter (SADBE) has shown good tolerability and miki side effects. In one stucly of 144 patients with va1y ing degrees of alopecia areata, an 80% rate of regrowth was demon- strated in patients with mile! alopecia areata ancl a 49% rate of regrowth was clemonstratecl in more severely affectecl p atients (52). A study of squaric acid clibutyl- ester in a pediatric population of twenty-eight chilclren under the age of 13 w ith severe, long-standing, refra- cto1y alopecia areata reported nine patients achieving cosmetically acceptable or complete regrow th, ancl si:x patients achieving significant regrowth (64). Diphenyl- cyclopropenone (DPCP) is also an accepted modality for treatment of severe alopecia areata. One study demonstrated a 70% response rate in DPCP-treated patients with severe alopecia areata affecting more than 40% of the scalp (65). Of these patients, 30.9% clemon- strated complete remission, w hile 39. 7% unde1went par- tial remission (65). Pruritus , dermatitis, urticaria, face and scalp edema and the clevelopment of vitiligo are known side effects of DPCP use (66). Cyclosporine is a potent immunomuclulatory agent whose mechanism involves inhibition ofT4 lymphocyte activation (67). A known side effect of cyclosporine is hypertrichosis, which bas been attributecl to p rolon- gation of the anagen phase of hair grow th (68). In one stucly of 15 alopecia areata pati en t..'> treatecl with systemic cyclosporine, seven patients obtainecl cosmetica lly acceptable hair regrowth (67). Teshima et al describe a 24 week regimen containing cyclosporine (2.5 mg/kg daily) and prednisolone (5mg/day) which p roduced a 100% response rate in six patients with persistence of hair regrowth si:x months after cyclosporine was c.liscon- tinued (69,70). A similar study combining cyclosporine w ith preclnisone reportecl two out of eight patients developing cosmetically acceptable hair regrowth (71). Gupta et al report cosmetically acceptable hair regrowth in three of si:x patients treated w ith 6 mg/kg cyclosporine daily for 12 weeks; hair loss occurred in ali patients within 3 months of discontinuation of cyclosporine (72). Larger stuclies need to be performed to determine the efficacy of systemcic cyclosporine in the treatment of alopecia areata . The significant sicle-effect profile of 8J Alopecia areara: emerging concepls cyclosporine deters long-term treatment(73). Acknowledgment: C1yotherapy bas also been employed to stimulate hair growth in alopecia areata (49,50). One study, utilizing both children and adults, revealed hair re- growth in greater than 60% of affected areas in 70 of 72 patients (49). \'v'e c\ec\icate this work to Professor Jonas Lelis, Professor and Head Emeritus, Dermatology, Vilnius University School of Medicine, on the occasion of his 85th birthclay, anc\ to his two c\istinguishec\ colleagues , Professor Geromanta Baleviciene, his successor, anc\ Genovaite Lapinskaite MD, his form er stuc\ent, President of the Association of Dermatovenereologists ofLithuania and Director of the Republican Hospital for Skin ancl Venereal Diseases in Vilnius. C.ES l. 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