Informatica 32 (2008) 143-150 143 Robust H Control of a Doubly Fed Asynchronous Machine Gherbi Sofiane Department of electrical engineering, Faculty of Science of the engineer 20 August 1956 University, Skikda, Algeria E-mail: Yahmedi Said Department of electronic, Faculty of Science of the engineer Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria E-mail: Sedraoui Moussa Department of electronics, Faculty of Science of the engineer Constantine University, road of AIN EL BEY Constantine, Algeria E-mail : Keywords: doubly fed asynchronous machine, robust control, Hx control, LMI's Received: April 25, 2008 The doubly fed asynchronous machine is among the most used electrical machines due to its low cost, simplicity of construction and maintenance [1]. In this paper, we present a method to synthesize a robust controller of doubly fed asynchronous machine which is the main component of the wind turbine system (actually the most used model [2]), indeed: there is different challenges in the control of the wind energy systems and we have to take in a count a several parameters that perturb the system as: the wind speed variation, the consumption variation of the electricity energy and the kind of the power consumed (active or reactive) ...etc.. The method proposed is based on the Hx control problem with the linear matrix inequalities (LMI's) solution: Gahinet-Akparian [3], the results show the stability and the performance robustness of the system in spite of the perturbations mentioned before. Povzetek: Opisana je metoda upravljanja motorja vetrnih turbin. 1 Introduction From all the renewable energy electricity production systems, the wind turbine systems are the most used specially the doubly fed asynchronous machine based systems, the control of theses systems is particularly difficult because all of the uncertainties introduced such as: the wind speed variations, the electrical energy consumption variation, the system parameters variations, in this paper we focus on the robust control (Hcontroller design method) of the doubly fed asynchronous machine which is the most used in the wind turbine system due to its low cost, simplicity of construction and maintenance [1]. This paper is organised as follow: Section 2 presents the wind turbine system equipped with the doubly fed asynchronous machine and then the mathematical electrical equations from what the system is modelled (in the state space form) are given. The section 3 presents the Hx robust controller design method with the LMI's solution used to control our system. The section 4 presents a numerical application and results in both the frequency and time plan are presented And finally a conclusion is given in section 5. 2 System presentation and modelling The following figure represents the wind turbine system Wind Reactive Power \ Active Power / Electrical energy consumption Doubly fed asynchronous machine Electrical network Figure 1: The Wind turbine system The system use the wind power to drag the double fed asynchronous machine who acts as a generator, the output power produced must have the same high quality when it enters the electrical network, i.e.: 220 volts amplitude and 60 Hz frequency and the harmonics held 144 Informatica 32 (2008) 143-150 S. Gherbi et al. to a low level in spite of wind speed changes and electrical energy consumption in active or reactive power form. References [4], [5], [6] describe detailed models of wind turbines for simulations, we use the model equipped with the doubly fed induction generators (asynchronous machine) (for more details see [7]), the system electrical equations are given in (d, q)frame orientation, then the stator voltage differential equations are: d (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Vds = Rs -ids + ~O ds - ws -O qs dt Vqs = Rs•I qs + d£ O qs + Ws ' O ds The rotor voltage differential equations are: Vdr = Rr ■Idr + d Odr - W qr V = R I + — O + W -Od * qr dt dr The stator flux vectors equations are: O ds = Ls Jds + M -I dr O =LI +MI qs s qs qr The rotor flux vectors equations: O dr = Lr ■Idr + M I ds O qr = Lr -Iqr + M-Iqs The electromagnetic couple flux equation : Cem = P^- ds -Iqr -O qs 1dr ) Ls The electromagnetic couple mecanic equation : Cem = Cr + J^ + f n dt With: Vds, Vqs : Statoric voltage vector components in 'd' and 'q' axes respectively. Vdr, Vqr : Rotoric voltage vector components in 'd' and ' q' axes respectively. Ids, Iqs : Statoric current vector components in 'd' and ' q' axes respectively. Idr, Iqr : Rotoric current vector components in 'd' and ' q' axes respectively. O¿s, Oqs : Statoric flux vector components in 'd' and ' q' axes respectively. Odr, Oqr : Rotoric flux vector components in 'd' and ' q' axes respectively. Rs, Rr : Stator and rotor resistances (of one phase) respectively. Ls, Lr : Stator and rotor cyclic inductances respectively. ws, wr : Statoric and rotoric current pulsations respectively. M : Cyclic mutual inductance. p : Number of pair of the machine poles. Cr : Resistant torque. f : Viscous rubbing coefficient. J : Inertia moment. 2.1 State space model In order to apply the robust controller design method, we have to put the system model in the state space from; we consider the rotoric voltage Vdr, Vqr as the inputs and the statoric voltage Vds, Vqs as the outputs, i.e. we have to design a controller who acts on the rotoric voltages to keep the output statoric voltages at 220volts and 50^z frequency in spite of the electric network perturbations (demand variations ... etc) and the wind speed variations (see figure.2). perturbations / K u fc G y ^ t Figure 2: A Doubly fed wind turbine system control configuration Where: u, y and e are the rotoric voltage vector (control vector), statoric output voltage vector and the error signal between the input reference and the output system respectively. K , G are the controller and the wind turbine system respectively. R : is the statoric voltage references vector and perturbations are the electric energy demand variations, wind speed variations .etc. Let us consider x = [O dr Oqrfas a state vector, and u = \fds Iqs Vds V f" as the command vector, the stator flux vector is oriented in d axis of Parks reference O qs = 0 and I—s , Iqs are considered frame then constant in the steady state i.e.: Ids = I qs = 0 . We use the folowing doubly fed asynchronous machine parameters: Rs = 5n ; Rr = 1.0113Q ; M = 0.1346H Ls = 0.3409H ; Lr = 0.605H ; wr = 146.6Hz ; ws = 2n • 50Hz Let w = ws - wr and cr = 1 - M1 Ls • Lr The state space (11) can be obtained by the combining of the equations (1) to (8) as follow: X = A • x + B • u y = C • x + D • u (11) Where: R ROBUST Hm CONTROL OF A DOUBLY FED. Informatica 32 (2008) 143-150 145 x = Vdr $qr T u = [Ids 1 qs Vdr Vqr f y = Vds VqS] And: - Rr w r - Rr Rr M 0 Rr M A = Lr - wr B = Lr 0 Lr Lr c = - M. L„ Rr w Rr D = M 2 Rs h—— • Rr s L2r r <• Ls W - <• Ls W M2 Rs h—— • Rr s L2r r M Lr 0 1 0 0 1 0 M Lr 3 The H controller design method It is necessary to recall the basics of a control loop (figure.3). With G : the perturbed system. G K i G I Wt (jw) = 0.55(0.02 jw +1) (1 + 0.0001 jw) 0 0 0.55(0.02 jw +1) (12) (1 + 0.0001 jw) The figure.5 show that the singular values of Wt (jw) bounds the maximum singular values of the uncertainties in the entire frequency plan. The robust stability condition [11] is then: J[T(jw)• W {jw)\ -< 1 (13) Or: a[T(jw)]< a[Wt (jw)]-1 (14) Where: