in dnevnik! Samo devet tednov preostaja! LITO—YEAH M Om liste J« 91.00 PROSVETA glasilo slovenske narodne podporne jedn01m_ CHICAGO, lLU SREDA. XI. OKTOBRA (OCTOBER SI), IMS Uradniški te uprav»liki prostem HIT 8. Lawndak An. Off toa of Publication i MT loath Lawndale Ava. Tolopboa«, rookaall 4004 OFENZIVA SO-VJETSKE RUSUE prottfasizmu v Moskvi se pripravlja akcija v prid španski republiki ŠPANSKO UUD- STVO BRANI MADRID Moskva, 20. okt. — "Prihod-iji dnevi bodo kritični za zgodo-rino Evrope", je rekel včeraj vi-iok sovjetski uradnik. "Sovjetska unija priskoči na pomoč zakoniti vladi Španije z vsemi svojimi silami". Na kak način bodo s6vjeti po-matrali španski ljudski vladi, je ie tajnost. V sovjetskih krogih pravijo, da bo program akcije izdelan v nekaj dneh in tedaj bo oitrmel ves svet. Nič zato, ako španski fašisti medtem vzamejo Madrid. Sovjeti nameravajo ne le »vreči nevtralnostni dogovor, temveč docela raztrgati ta dogovor, ki je le krpa papirja, kolikor letiče fašističnih držav v Evropi. Situacija je danes takšna, da fa-btičiH režimi lahko intervenirajo proti vsaki legalni vladi, kadarkoli in kjerkoli se jim zljubi, ¿očim druge države ne morejo storiti tega. London, 20. okt. — C. R/ At-Im, vodja delavske stranke v jsrlam^ntu, je včeraj nujno ur-firal premierja Baldvvina, naj taiooj skliče parlament k zasedanju in parlament se naj brez od-kfa bavi s krizo glede Španije, tod vse m naj zbornica takoj vza-»«na dnevni red obtožbo, kate-n je Sovjetska unija naperila Foti Italiji, Nemčiji in Portu-pl»ki, da zalagajo španske fa-ii»te z orožjem in strelivom. še ni odgovoril, vendar « lahko premisli in ugodi At-Nu. Parlament se ima sestati oktobra. Barcelona, Španija, 20. okt.— pdsednik španske ljudske republike Azana je včeraj dospel «mkaj iz Madrida. Z njim vred »prišli justični minister Funes, ^a ministra brez portfelja Gi-in Irujo ter bivši vojni mini-**r. jrcneral Masquelet. Petori-& je bila navdušeno sprejeta. HSipanys, predsednik avtonom-province Katalonije, je objel in ministre vpričo velike «*>iire. nakar je bila objavlje-uradna vest, da se je prednik Azana s tovariši ustavil * Barceloni na svojem potovanju J republiki. Predsednik se je ^ ' ZM turnejo, da opogumi •Pwiako ljudstvo k nadaljevanju t,Vlln«' vojne, dokler ne bo faši-P v Španiji zdrobljen. ™r;d. 20. okt. — Španska * '«fia je mobilizirala več 2 uk^Jev za hrzo dovažanje P»»atnvolj«-evt živil in streliva na £j»ca. \ ,.c ko m ukilijev je * ak< iji in poleg tega so v r1"' -lužbi vsi avtobusi, ki so * r^lKilago. Ljudske čete čvr-(' r/' "vojc |K»stojsnke v oko- ^11-Madrida in vsako postojan- . r,. . «TT "" mc*tt4-*lmm 1»»»mi is. isas, m ta« muhin »t caa«,». m*** mšm u*/^..w o—»— w sua i. i m. Accoptanco for msilin* at «setal rata of posta«« provided Été la aoctioa IIS», Act af Oat S, 1S1T, aatborlaad «a M» 14. ISIS. Subscription |8.00 Yearly ÄTEV.—NUMBER 208 Bodimo enakopravni v vsem! Kadar govorimo o enakopravnosti v SNPJ, imamo gotovo v mi-sHh popolno enakopravnost vseh članov in članic, in tako je prav. LaiI0rgfnUaciji 1 demokratiino "Pravo v najobširnej&em smislu, aakrina je pri nas, sploh drugače ne more biti. Toda — smo li res popolnoma enakopravni? Ali se zavedamo naše enakopravnosti v vseh ozirih? AU se čutimo enskopravni, kadar je treba izpolniti kako dolžnost naprsm naši organizaciji ravno tako kot takrat, kadar iščemo svoje pravice od nje? To so važna vprašanjs in priporočljivo je, da si jih zaatavi vaak član in vsaka članica SNPJ. In ako si bo vaak izmed na« resno izprašal svojo vest, bo najbrže opazil marsikaj narobe glede tega; marši-kaj, kar je treba predrugačRi in obrniti ns bolje. Kadar gre za pravice, smo glede enakopravnosti vsi precej de-' sledni in včasih skoraj nekoliko preveč. Ako imamo dobiti bol-niško podporo, skrbno pazimo, da se nam izplača vsak cent, ki mi-»Urno, da nam gre. Ravno tako je glede drugih podpor ln dajatev, katere pričakujemo od jednote, in ako se kedaj dogodi, da ka-teri član dobi manj kot je pričakoval, je strsšno nejevoljen In navadno je takoj pritožba. Pravilno je seveda, da vsak član zahteva svoje pravice In dobi, kar mu po pravilih gre. To ni nič več kot prav in pošteno. Toda kadar je treba izvrševati tudi svoje dolžnosti napram organizaci-ji, takrat pa nismo vsi tako natančni in dosledni, pa tudi pošteni ne. Kadar je treba prevzeti kak odbor za veselico ali kake druge društvene aktivnosti, kjer je treba zastonj delati in se za organizacijo žrtvovati, takrat pač preradi pozabimo na enakopravnost. Znano dejstvo je, ds takrat, kadar je treba, da članstvo kaj pomaga in doprinese v korist društvu ali celokupnosti, se oni, ki najbolj glasno vpijejo o enakopravnosti in največ zahtevajo od naše organizacije, nič kaj radi ne prijavijo, pač pa se drle proč, kolikor mogoče. Apllciranje principov enakopravnosti ns ts nsčin je seveda napačno in škodljivo za vsako organizacijo in mora seveda biti tudi za našo. Zato pa moramo gledati, da se to zlo iz nsših vrst čim prej iztrebi. Veliko članov in nekaj društev je očividno pozabilo, da se enakopravnost enako razteza kakor na pravice tako tudi na dolžnosti, tudi v letošnji kampanji za člane našega mladinskem oddelka. Medtem ko se neksteri trudijo na vse pretege in stwe kolikor največ morejo, da dobe kaj novih članov in da bi bila mladinska kampanja uspešna, pa se drugi malo ali prav nič ne zmenijo sa to stvar in zrejo takorekoč brezbrižno tjavendan, kar ni prav ne bratsko. Bratje in sestre — vsi smo enakopravni člani in članice naše dobre Jednote. Zato storimo tudi svoje dolžnosti vsi enako v UJ kampanji sa mladinski oddelek, kakar tudi m pridobivanje odra-slih članov Ur v agitaciji za dobrobit naše cefokupittmtl splok. Pojdimo na delo in poskušajmo vsak po svoji mofl izrabiti priliko ter se potruditi, ds bo jednota ob koncu tega leta zopet pokazala lep napredek v članstvu. Vssk član in članica naj poskuša pridobiti vsaj enega novega člana ali pa vsaj enega otroka v mladinski oddelek, pa bo kampanja uspešna. Zavedajmo se svojih dolžnosti do nsše organizacije kakor se zavedamo svojih pravic in—BODIMO ENAKOPRAVNI V VSEM! VINCENT CAINKAR, gl. predsednik. Domače vesti I Novi potresni sun- Italijanke tete pobijajo Ahesince Masaker talcev lijantkih lain ¿amejo fašisti, morajo "»ti. Ker je Francovs armada v premoči z I-"i« letali in nemškimi strojnicami, je mož-i'r'dejo fašisti v Ma-•« vnak korak bodo od-" ceno. Madrid je ta-f*M *» bodo fašisti mo-H» vsako ulico in vsa- ko pristanišče Alican-priplul ruski parnik »*mi živil in oblačilne- 0rJ"gaUka krona Vodena iz grobnico • ¿0 okt. — Krona ^rtugslskih kraljev, ki Obisk Chicago. — Gl. urad SNPJ in uredništvo Prosvete je obiskal George Vidak iz Verone, Pa. Nagla smrt marljivega delavca Detroit, Mich. — Dne 16. t. m. je srčna kap zadela Jos. Obra-noviča na ulici, ko je čakal na električni voz in bil je takoj mrtev. Star je bil 58 let in rojen v Novem selu pri Kočevju. V Ameriki je bil 14 let in tu zapušča ženo in dve sestri, v starem kraju pa dve hčeri. Bil je zelo aktiven pri 81ov. del. domu in kot član društva 518 SNPJ, pevskega zbora Slavca in krojaške unije. Pokopan je bil civilno. Važen shod v dvorani SNPJ Chicago. — Prihodnji ponde-Ijek, dne 26. oktobra, ob oamih zvečer se vrši v dvorani SNPJ shod zadružnikov, na ksterem bo govoril Henry J. Msy iz Undo-ns, Anglija,- generalni tajnik Mednarodne kooperativne zveze. May je bil delegat na zboru A-meriške »adrüine lige v Colum-busu, O., in zdsj potuje po več)ih mestih Amerike. Bolniki v Penni Mclntyre, Pa. - V bolnišnici v bližnjem mestu Indiani se ns-hajajo sledeči člani in člantce društva Solkan 361 SNPJ? Jos. Kasteie, bivši predsednik In ae-danji zapisnikar, ki se je moral podvreči težki operaciji; Anto- nijs Kalister. ki je bila tudi operirana In Mary JakšMič, žena društvenega tajnika. Obisk vaeh je dovoljen. ki na Primorskem Mnogo mrtvih in ranjenih; cez milijon ¿kode Benetke, Italija, 20. okt. — Manjši potreani sunki v severno-vzhodni Italiji so se včeraj ponovili in število ubitih se dsnes računa na 34, ranjenih Je pa 158 oseb. Gmotno škodo cenijo na 20 milijonov lir (milijon dolarjev). Največ mrtvih Je v Vidmu (Udine) in okolici. V samem Vidmu je 16 ubitih, v vasi Šarile 15, v Polcenigu dva mrtva in 150 ranjenih in v Conegllanu Je eden mrtev. Mrzlo, deževno vre-me je povečalo trpljenje tisočerih prebivslcev, nshsjsjočih ae na prostem, ker se ne upajo pod streho, Vlada je dals ljudem ns razpolago vojaške šotore. (O posledicah potresa na Goriškem, Krasu in po alovenakih krajih v Jugoslaviji ni poročil.) je bila ahranjena v atekleni omarici v Pantheonu, kraljevski grobnici. Je Izginite. Pogrešajo Jo od zadnje nedelje. Krona iz sls ta In posuta z dragimi kamni Je predstavljala veliko bogastvo. Addis Abak«, 20. okt. — Kolona 500 italijanskih vojakov Je z letali dosptsa i Lekemti in napadla domačine, da tako maščuje smrt ¿0 italijanskih letalcev, ki so jih Abeefoci umorili 8. julija 1.1. V navalu ao Italijani po-bili večje številf domačinov, o-stale pa so raskropHe bombe in krogle is strojnih pušk. Med iUlijanSMlmi letalci, katere so Abeelncl ubili, sta bila tudi general Viieenao Maglioc-co, pomožni letalski minister v čssu italijansko-abesmske vojne in major Antonio LocatelU. TO je bila že dru«a Italijanska maščevalna ekspedieija po masnem umoru italijanaklh letalcev. Po tem "čiščenju" so fsšteti konsohdirali svoje sile v zspad-nem delu Abealnlje in sedaj čakajo prihoda motorne kolone, ki je na poti Is Addis A babe. Socialna taičita pred tribunalom Odlok bo mofda podan v aedanjam zasedanju VVsahington, D. C., 20. okt. — Federalno vrfrotno sodišče Je bilo včeraj peavisno, naj poleg drugo sakono4aje, KI Je bila sprejeta v kmggpie, di o ustavnosti sekons socislne zaščite. Petieljo Je predlošil Edward F. McLennen, bostonski odvetnik. On Je apeliral na sodišče, naj vsame to stvar na re-šeto v zvesi s zakonom brespo-se I nos t nege sa varovanja, ki je bil sprejet v državi New York. Naatop McLennena Je isne-nadll člans vrhovnega sodišča, ker niso pričakovali, da bo u-stavnost sakona socialne zaščit« prišla na dnevni red v sedanjem zasedanju. Mcl*nnenev argument je bil, ds zakon socialns zaščite predviduje davke v take s vrhe, ki Jih federal ns ustavs prepoveduje. Edward Jones, oljni magnat iz New Yorka, je že prej predložil peticijo, nsj vrhovno sodišče pods odlok o ustavnosti zakona aoclalne zaščite, a je bila odklonjena iz tehničnih razlogov. Jones je bil zmagovalec, ko Je Isnsko leto tiral vprašanjs ustavnosti federalnsgs borznega zakona pred vrhovno sodišče, katerega je aodišče razveljavilo. Srbskemu krvni• Aru je bito preveč ie s t eksekucij Belgrad. 20. okt — Drtavni krvnik je imel včeraj obeaiti šest zločincev v ZaJečarju. Ko Je pa obesil štiri poštne roparje, je bil tako utrujen, da je puatll dva morilca pri življenju, češ, da lahko počsksts 24 ur! Rudarska stavka pri• ha j a na Škotskem Glasgow, 20 okt. — Rudsrsks organizacija ns Škotskem Je včeraj u vrgla novo masdrvo pogodbo t lastniki premogovnikov Ako lastniki ne sprejmejo zahtev ru-darjev, pride stsvka. Poštni department preiskuje zlikovstvo New York. — Poštne oblasti so pristale ns preiskavo Incidenta na Harvardskl univerzi, kjer so vaeučiliške oblasti zasegle in uničile pamflet o Sacco in Van-cattiju. ki je bil poalan olj priliki proslave 800-letnlce harvard-skim absolventom in profeaor-Jem. Unionistom preti zapor Csmden. N. J — DvsJaetim unionistom preti zspor vač let zaradi aktivnoaii v stavki pri RCA Mfg. Co. Aretirani so bili ns obtožbo hujskanja na Izgrede na podlagi sto lat starega zakona. Delavske unije v tem mestu ao ustanovil« odbor, ki bo branil obtožen* delavce Stavka uradniških usluibencev na vzhodu New York — Pri Glob« Mail Service j* laatavkalo 95 ualuž-bencev proti miz«rnf plači pat do ena jat doterj«v na tadan, Stavko vodi Bookkaapera, BUno-graphers and Accountants unije VSTAJANJE ZADRUŽNEGA GIBANJA VAMERKI Kongres zadružne lige i i v a manifestacija zadružnega razvoja VELEBIZNÏS PRIČEL -Z NAPADI ColuMfcve, O. — (FP) — Deseti kongres Ameriške sadrušne liga, ki ae Je vršil zadnje dni v tem mestu, Je bil živa manifestacija velikega napredka ameriškega zadružništva in sadrušne misli. Bil j« živ dokas, da ae je tudi amoriško zadružno gibanje postavilo na noge in da ima vse prilike za smotreno rssvijs-nje. Kongresa se je udeležilo 516 delegatov, ki so sestopali 11,000 konsumnih trgovin ln organisa-cij vseh vrst. Poročeno je bilo, da snaša letni promet teh ss-drug približno 400 milijonov dolarjev. Največ tega prometa od pad« na farmsk« zadrug«, ki najhitreje rastejo. Tajnik sa družne lige E. R. Bowen je poro čat, da ao fsrmsrsks zadrug« svi-šale svoj promet od $ 136,000,-000 lete 1929 do $250,000,000 lete 1984. Letošnji zadružni promet Je 18.8% večji od lanakef Dokas, da ameriško zadružništvo postaja tiv faktor, Je v tem, da ta kongres ni šel mimo nobene skupine. Zgodilo se Je prvi» v zgodovini, da mu je tudi velebls-nia posvetil večjo poaornoet. H< opazovalci je Mto mnogo iaste nfkov bistriških orgaidsaclj poročevalcev biznfšklh publikacij. 2e pred kongresom s« Jo nad zadružno gibanje spravil velebl znis, ki J« zastopan v Ameriški trgovinski zbornici. Par tednov prsd eborovi^njem ssdrugsitJev je trgovska sbornlca oposorlla s vitrioličnim napadom ladrutns-ga gibenja vea ameriški blsnls. V svoji izjavi svari trgovce prsd zadružno nevsmostjo in energi čno pobijo vaško vladno pomoč temu gibsnju, ns primer olajšavo v davkih in financiranje za drug s cenenimi vlsdnimi posojili. Pri tem je trgovska zbor nies popolnoms pozabite, da Je vladns rekonstrukcijsks finančns kor poracijs v zadnjih letih dals lest milljsrd ameriškemu vele-biznisu. Proti tej vladni pomoč veleblsnisu ni trgovska zbornica nobenkrst protestirala, protesti rs ps proti temu, ds bi vlads pomagala konzumentorn. da bi se iznebill svojih pijsvk. Ampak veiebiznis Je zmeraj Imel dvojno mero, kar Je peč značilnost raz redne drutbe. William Green je kot predsed nik Ameriške delavska federari Je (»ozdravil zadružni kongre« pismeno. V svojem pismu svar zadrugarj«, da bodo zgrešil cilj, ako naj zadružništvo posta ne "le arsdstvo za pomoč nicko plačanim delavcem, da bodo ne koliko lažje živeli ob drobtinah "Mezdni standardi nvirsjo bi ti podpreti z močno unijsko o r ganizacijo, ako naj imajo zadru garji dohodke, katere bodo lati ko potrošili v zadružnih trgovi | nah," |»ravi Green. "Strokovna organizacija ln zadružništvo mo rate Iti roka v roki. Življenjski-standarde je treba dvigniti z zvlšsnjem pisč In a prihranki od zadrušnega nakupovanja. Zadružno gibanja lahko atori mnogo, da acamentlra svojo zvezo z delavstvom, In sirer ns ts nsčin, ds InsisUrs, ds mors biti blago, katerega prodaj s jo zadružne trgovine, izdelano pod dobrimi de lovnimi razmerami, s zahtevsn* jem unljakega znaka In z dajanjem pobude zadružnim uslužbencem. ds se orgsnlzjrsjo v uni-JshH (Dalja as i *ree!) Mussolini jev zet obiskal Berlin o Utrjevanja vezi med Italijo in Nemčijo Berlin, 80, okt. — Grof Gsle-asso Ciano, italijanski zunanji miniater in Mussolinijev zet. bo danes kot načelnik velike delegacije dospel v Berlin, kjer bo ostal štiri dni ln konferiral s vodilnimi naeiji. Predmet raagovo. rov bodo devaluacija, ekonomska kooperacija m«d Italijo In Nemčijo, kolonialni problemi, reformiranj« ustroja Lige narodov In situacija v Španiji in Avstriji. N«kat«ri domnevajo, da bo I-talija sklonila novo pogodbo s Nemčijo, daai uradni kakor di-pl o matični krogi to sanikajo. Po mnenju diplomatov j« Muasollnl poslal v«liko delegacijo v Berlin, da prepriča Anglijo ln Francijo 0 tesni zvesi med Italijo hi Nemčijo. Medtem, ko bodo fašistični in nacijski državniki konf«rirali v Berlinu, s« bo velika skupina vodilnih nemških industrljcev mudila v severni Italiji. V Rimu se sedaj nahaja tudi Heinrich Him-ler, načelnik necijske policije. 8premlja ga gensrai Kurt De-luege ln Reinherd Heidrich. Ta trojica bo konferlrala s načelniki Italijanske policije. V Rim Je dospsl tudi generai Hans Mikh, tajnik letalskega ministra, kot gost generala Olueeppa Vaileja. V Berlinu upajo, da bo Ciano podprl nad J oko borbo proti bolj* ševtemu In da bo konferenca u-trdila veti med Italijo ln Nemčijo. Po konferenci bo Clatgl o-biakal diktatorja Hitlerja v Berchtesgadnu, Bsvarska, kamor je odšd na oddih. Berlin, 20, okt. — Hitler je včeraj poveril g«n«raiu (Joerin-gu, letalskemu ministru, Isvsja nje ekonomskegs načrta, ki J« bil s))rsj«t na nedavni konv«ncl JI naoijske strank« v Nuremb«r gu. Cilj t«ga načrta J« gospo-dsrsks neodvisnost "tretjega o«-ssrstva", ds n« ho Nemčija od visna od uvoza surovega materiala, ki ga mora sedaj kupovati v drugih državah. Musfoliai odstavil tržaškega škofa 7 0,000 Jugoslovanov zapusti katoliiko cerkev Belgrad, 20. okt. — Sademde aet tisoč Slovencev In Hrvatov Is PrlmorJs, ki ae nahsjsjo kot ns aeljsnci v Jugoaiaviji, j« te dni zagrozilo z masnim liatopom iz rimsko-katoliške carkve in s praatopom v pravoala vja k»H znak protesta proti odstavljanju ka toiiškegs škofs Kogerjs v Trstu Akof Kogar Je vztrsjsl, ds ae slovenski manjšini v njegovi škofiji dovoli cerkven* petje, pridi ganje ln molitve v domačem jezi ku, toda s tem ** Je zamaril fs šlatičnim oblastnikom iti policij »ki prefekt v Trstu je presedal rabo slovenakega Jezika v cerkvi. Akof Kogar ja odločno na stopil proti prefektu, ki Je bil preatavljen Zdaj je pa Muaaolln pritianll na papHta, naj odatsvl j škofs Pspež ae Je uda! in odred! ; škofu Kogerju. naj reslgnlra, če noče biti odslovi Jen. Krvavi verski izgredi u Indiji/ 58 mrtvih liombaj, Indija. W okt, — Pri 1 včerajšnjih avežth veraklh iz-gretih ao bite nadaljnje štiri o- ubite, akupaj 68 mrtvih v zadnjih |*tih dnah Vojaške čete patroljirajo ulica. Izgradi ao izbruhnili 16. oktobra, ko ao Hin-dujcl odprli avoj temiel v bližini muslimanske mošeje. PORAVNAVA SPORAVDELAV-SK1 FEDERACIJI Lewisov nasprotnik signiral kot član eksekutive HUTCHESONOVO POJASNILO Waalilngton, D. C. — (FP) — Naznanilu, da je Willlam L. Hutcheson, predsednik tesarske unije, resignlral kot podprod-sednlk Ameriške delavske fsd«. racije, so sledile govorico, da bo kmalu prišlo do poravnav« konflikte, ki 'ga J« Isvalo vprašanj« poklicnega in industrij« skega unlonisms v vrstah orga-nisiranega delavstva. Hutcheson, največji nasprotnik Johna L. Lewiaa, predsednika rudarske unije in načelnika Odbora sa industrijsko orga-nlsaeljo, Je v izjavi pojaanil, da Je reelgnlral kot član «ksskutU v« AiDF, ker m ni mogel udeleževati ssj eksekutive saradl nujnih poslov, ki jih mora vršiti kot predsednik svojo unije. Drugi varok je dejstvo, da je imela njegova unija doelej dva representante v eksskutlvl ADF. Frank Duffy, član tesarske u« nija, je drugi representant. Vest Is saneeijlvih krogov as glasi, da -ča proti ja|s»naki vladi v zadnjem februarju Za|>uatil Ja pismo z beaedilom: "Naj živi ca-aarska famlllja. Globoko «M»taiu-jam Hvala." Tanaka m- je udeležil vojaškega poča, ker Je Ml prepričan o |a»trebl strmoglav-IJsnja vlade privilegiranega rss-reda Ogromen meteor se razpočil nad vzhodno Kanado fit J-ohn's, N. K , 20 «rkt. -» Prebivalci Nove Kuttdlandije ao včeraj opaio>aii veličasten prizor, ko se je vlnoko v ozračju raslatel ogromen meteor In pio hs ognjenih krogel in Isker se ja rszaula ns vas «trani. Ognjeni fenomen J« trajal pol ure. V t Œâ^L^TOBRA mo to imimnnlfen; Za cto bu Igral Barbliev orkester i( Uradne vesti društev ni trgal racij« premožnim in jih dabjJ alroMkMn. Takjh je pač Tal» cvet U cvetom z našega osladnega dnevss^, na njih mssty pa vtbffti se**atja m nogoobaca joči popek, M ga pa neugodno tuje podnebje umori a v va Meto Ofcvanevicfcu «ksanimt «eeten ipominl ' ttr vos« pofrebnike brfkpÉS* no. še celo isLoral na sa prill in t takem Vremenu. Ptfcojnéni našemu «obratu naj bo mnka s - - a - * a » a Mary "Otarie, tgjnEa. Glasovi B Bftfdbn no. uradnik, če izootand, pa ča Sbc. Zapomnite si, 4a to ja sklep društva! — Uljudno vabimo vse cenjeno občinstvo ie Jo» hn>towna in okolice, da nas poseli na tej veselici dne 7. nov. ob pol 8. tvečer. Na svidenje! Frank Chuchek, tajnik. JOSEPH Thomam W. V a. — te več let ni bilo nobenega napredka na društvenem poQu. Na redni o-ktobrski seji društva it. 29 SN-h ji pristopilo 4 društvo efiro-ma je bik) predlaganih osem (8) novih kandidatov ali proeilcev v mladinski oddefek in ena članica pa za oddelek odrasHk. Apeliram na vse ona starše, ki še nimajo svojih otrok v mladinskem oddelku SNPJ, da jih takoj vpišejo. dokler je v veljavi kamper nje, kajti sedaj je proela pristopnina in zdravniška preiskava. Obenem tudi apeliram na naše člane, da se v večjem številu udeležujejo društvenih sej. — Pet izmed sedem rovov Daviš Coal and Ooke Co. obratuje s polno paro. Pred štirimi leti so zaprli dva rova, eedaj bodo e-nega odprli, to je dne 1. nov. rov št. 39, Pirce, W. Va. Ako je kdo brez dela in ni prestar, bi morda dobil delo. Rojak J. P., ki je delal zadnjo pomlad na Leelieju, naj se mi spet oglasi, kje je. Pozneje sem mu parkrat pisal, pa je vselej pismo bilo vrnjeno. I*. VVerdinek, tajnik. roll, ÄS^ foboto ,24. qkt. o^ \ ^Kečer v fe» ote tovornik bo Phfflp Godiria. Vab-jenl aš» «al 4iéûslovani. da m ^BOXWt rarnJfcf «M*nke, ki resoičr* z*~ itofm del^vcf. pa je a. Oodina Krušen delavec fn govornik, ae K>aie lahko prçprtôali s*mj v >om 84. qkt. PTPftf . VeaeHca iénakep kluba 8mm. jv>- gospodinjil tlub SDP itfjmlno vabf^ae pjj-ateUs k)ufe} (p po^mm Upe. c veselje* y yoMo akt. Qd-■ f> ■ ■■f.-WII- nimV r'it| delavec Jo* Ubranovfch. Smrt ga je dohits*J»je čakaJ^» affc- la ga je srčna kap. Pokojni je t?fl doma |s vasi Nova^la ori Kočevju. Star Ji bil 66 let. V A meriki je fcval 14 lit. V Dttiol-tu zapuičf kujoče soprdgo in sestro, v Jugoslaviji pa dve hčeri pokottiVfcfl Joe Je bU naprednega mišljenja in povaod priljubljen. Udej-stvoval se je zlasti pri Slpy. lavakem domu. Krt večletni tajnik je bH duša te organi^i^ ki ga bo nedvomno telko pogrešala. Dalje je bil član društva 1518 8NPJ, pevskega *bofa "S^-vec" in krojaške unije. Sw|cas je bil tudi član aoc. klub* U5 JSZ. toda fa je opustel vsled finančnih razmer. . Pokojnik je bil inteligenten dečko in izboren družabnik. V življenju je doživel maraikatero razočaranje, pa tudi par avantur. V razburkanih valovih življenja je odločno vztrajal Bil jf mehke — da, skoro premelje narave. M»d vpjne je bjl občjn- NA NOVO SO SK NAROTfLI NA DNBVNTK PR08VET0 N«znani|o in zahval* 1 «¡L' ^ ^ 1,1 Unl preminul ljubljeni za želodčna UMNÉ arys Ipalnu Silitoiiflo SDwLviU) j« t .om, plinom, kbl boMIAam. varno dravljca^k »Mtlk IN MUM ^'V. pyiâ. i.j l'ïuTji0 J^iTTîîiu'îLlw pM»u modarncca tbUm Unpljt. Povrna rrl «tradaln* i« ■>• ÜkuJ« myÎC » «Mfi. CfM è È'ifk ,îi^ M ****** w- ^ ÎALESKÏ'fl LABORATORIES TW4 8. Halstod St^ Chlaafté. ÎIL . ^ eSMei MmHw.'; v . Barberton. O. — Jesen je in listje odpada z drevja. Tako so začeli odpodati listi f, drevesa SNPJ. Pred kratkim je društvo Št. 73 SNPJ iz svoje srede zgubilo dolgoletnega člana, brata Antona Verino, ki je umrl po 16 mesečni bolezni. Pokojni sobrat se je rodil 13. maja 1881 v vaai Iška Uka. fara Ig. Član našega društva je bil 25 let Za njim Žaluje žena, pet otrok bi sestra. Iskreno se zahvaljujem vsem Članom društva št. 48, ki ste priskočili na pomoč. Zahvaljujem se v imenu njegove druiine vsem, ki ste pokojniku Obiskali za časa njegove bolezni ter mu nudili pomoč. Hvala tvdi za cvetlice. ki ste jih darovali in ga spremili na njegovi zadnji poti. Hvala tudi vsem onim, ki ste dali na razpolago svoje avte MUT* SUM wchwï* Naročala* svile ffjt na leto, $UB «s pol lau Nasll#i MMfruti^UbÜt? 2801 8& UWiale Am» WBVNfp PH08VET0 SLEDEČI: Tsar Sefilch Josspk Pevst Uirard, Kim. Jack »trapi G Uda to a«. Hick. Halt i*srk«vich Iroawpod, Hick. Freak GUapsl Dulsth, Minn. Aston ,, , Jokn Bobaa New Daluth, Hiss. Frank Vesa«l i Roosevelt, Hlaa. Jpcob Grub«slc Dswsoa, N. Me*. Naznanila in zahvala äv 4' PIRNAT Joopphlae Vesel CloTelaad, Ohio Msry Zupsnclr Broughton. Ps. Math Pustovrh Int perlt I. Ps. Hstt Pečjak Jokasiowa, Ps. Greror Berfoch StrsbSna. Ps. Anteil Lavrlch Strsbsae, Ps. Adolph Tom sieh Strsbonr, p«. ZAHVALA lakreno no ieliva Kahvsliti vam najinim prijateljem, ki «o naju obiskali dne 10. oktobra 11*36 sveder v SIOMIN 25-LKTNK'E najinega zakonskega življenja, ter nsnts prinesli lepa in dragocena darila ta v spomin. ILala vsem, ko ste nama ieleli veselo in sdravo ftivljenje ie mnogo let. Vslsd ginjanosli veselja so nama stopile solte v oči in neveva sli sva se vsms na licu me s ta zahvalila sli n«, tortj sprejmite sedaj na tem mestu najino najtoplejlo zahvalo «s vse in ficer: mr. In -mrof A. Oorent, mr. In mrs. A. Auhel, mr. in mrs. G. Rulič, mr. in mrs. Verbajs, mr. in mrs. P. Res-liet, mr. iu mrs. L. Stmonttt, mr. in mrs. J. Hesgovtek, mr. in mrs. M. Kestrotnik, mr. in mrs. Fr. Petje, mr. in mrs. I*. Meaojednlk, in Ae posebno pa hvala mr. Gorencu, ki nam Je igral vesele komade tu ples in sabavo. Torej Ae enkrat najlepAa hvala vsem In ttkupaj in ta vse. Ostali nama bodo-te v lepem spominu in ob enaki priliki «va pripi avl jena tudi midva Vsm povrniti. Vala vam hvAleftna: Frank in 1'rAula Znitich, 17a ae ne zavešte-ni napram samim sebi. John Tsncek. tajnik. Wiwunilo ia zahvala (thaa aolllMa Saaat « Mart kraji * AUAS •«• Na«M « Mart kraji H ADAS Mila kmf to lUNft kraja I KARTE sa vta islata l'tialkl s aaâtai poaredovsalem pot«- jejo najeenojo ta sod«veljat. Itaatret poMIJko IsvrAoiomo teh» Ia isoealjlv« p« dnevnem Wega. V S UMUVUO V RAUJO U • t M .. IM Ma ta I « S . IM Uv sorodnikom, ins irt «trkala üvljenj la prij«t«llmn rgs aoprogs IS JERNEJA Umrl Jf 12. oktobra IM« v okrajni bolnllniel. Bolehal Jo ss p aeSkami. ki )lk Je d«sa ^rl del« e tov s mi pred poldrugim let«m H Jen Je bil v Zakrila Kolovrat, fsrs Vaie pri UO)I lete lttl V An rlkl Ja bival t* tet ta sodajlh devet let |e ftlvd v Mllw««|ife. Wls.. i Ml «Itn drattva M. te, SMPJ. ta drutiv« Balkan. SSPZ. katerih «It stvo «a apremlU ee H«Uy Ovoas ptkepeBM«. Ttm i><*cm p» M bkreo« lokvaHtl d(«|t%a It 11 SIVFJ. ta «omoi ta tolatbo ta tako leno bvtU tudi drstftv« -Balkaa." 1 rP. hvsls tt darovane rt re 4r«ttvom Staž«.* "Balkan" is "Veneri" Sorodniku draital 1 dergtr. ter draHeam Ia pooametntkoM namreč: drolinl Gaber. A štal Ha Mrk. drtdlni Porets. mr. ta «rs. Vlrtkk. m. ta mrs. Jd aeklttge. Jokn Mera. Joe Pogleda*, mr. ia «r% Pogerete. mr. Ia P JerSin is dmital. sir. ia Si rs. StoopM. nr. Ia mrs. Al Ogsek, «f. mr«. Uvrtar 1'erho. mr. ia mr«. A. Bloaieo. druiini Cektati, mr. m^s. t keksi. mr. ta mr^ J. Koate|lk i« Aa«e. mr«. J. Gradiakek di Hm ta draltal Pltarti-i mr. i« mr» % % Settat ta H m*m kttl« vsem tasmec« ta prijateljem, ki «ta tMtkoe«ll ta tolpi pokojnike v trn* balet m Teki dragi aopreg is taot a«A pa Mta a«H«a| V mir« ta l«kko nel Ti bode tmerlUt .emlj« -žtloJWi e«U Kod)« vider g ar, top^gt; Frstrfttks Vidergsr. «aotrs ia Aego«tl deegor. keotj^sipt doMoall Frsnk Vidergsr. brat v A loški 1«, dn Ozdravil tMt rtvaidzai Johnnlonn. Pa. - Društvo Triglav At H2 SNPJ priredi veselico k proslavi svoje 2K letnice dne 7. nov. v 8IH>, Lomit» Boro. Imeli lM>mo Inigat program. t ju itorjena Ihi emtdejska igra *'"Mita" in |a*vaki slnir "Ju-iHislavija' Ia» stateloval a par |»e-»•mimi, 7.m plei« | m i konranvm programu |»a ho igral doU*r orkester. Zabave W<» dovolj za stare in mlade, tako ita ne Ig» nikomur žal, da j« i.h M-til m^P veselico. — Obenem 6|s»zarjam članstvo naiM'ga društva, da vsak, kdor se ne udeleži \ciM>lire, mors prispevati 25c v društveno Uagaj- WEÎT ALLI8* WIS. V ABU/O « na elvoHUv Meme preMmih gostilnišk.h P^tom GRAND OPEN m Y SOBOTO. K« OKTOBRA 193®: ^ ! - «oetltao vodtto a a «smernik i. ««^J IZ* » I Prta^eš^a pHtaMNi «i *eo»«t® , tMse «driefke- pnMi» ta i^rsw« » J. M. ÇAWERS fs. 852.1 Greenfield Ave. ' HMlVKNIC PITRIJ8HIN0 (XX (Glas Naroda- Troeol Bnvoon) tlt W«e it ai Nom Tot N. T. REVMAT1ZEM 0t£t>A, 21. OKTOBRA. Federacije S. N. P, J. m* Iglica barbertonik* . •federacije Mcrton. 0.-Cl.n.tvo 2T severovzhodne ohijske _j je SNPJ s« vabi ni vo- tki ** vrši v soboto zve-^dne 31. okt. v Akronu v „jinaki dvorani n« Coric« , Vstopnini je samo 25e. ft, bo prva veselica federacija okrožja, ki se bo Trills Akronu. Nekateri pravijo, kij se bo vršila v Akronu in I y Barbertonu. Naj omenim, * več ko prav, da damo vsa-Bu društvu prednost in pri-,, d« v imenu federacije na-tvi eno veselico v svoji na-bini, kamor gremo vsi «lani članice iz vsega okrožja, da bolj seznanimo med seboj. kko sodelovanje je potrebno koristno za vsa društva. g«r se tiče vožnje, se ni tre-Bif bati. Bomo jo dobili vsi. i« ne bo dovolj eden bua, bo-dobili pa dva. Bus bo pred n0 društva Domoviha ob irtfer. Apeliram na vse, da točni. Tisti, ki imate svoje p, pa nočete voziti sami, se 10 pridružite nam in se bo-skupaj vozili. Cim več bo skupaj, tem bolje bo za Kar se tiče postrežbe, bo pre- jeno prvovrstno za vse — edača in pijača. In plesali bo- tudi, za kar bo skrbel Tom-fev orkester. Slišali bomo ali slovenske pesmi od zbora mik iz Barbertona. Torej nekaj za vse. Apeliram na vse članstvo te ideracije, da se odzovete v lern številu, kajti uspeh in >bitek je namenjen vsemu tvu federacije. Naj se no-uli nobena ne izgovarja, da ideracije ne potrebuje, ali da nič ne koristi. Danes ne nikdo reči, da ne bo po-eboval podpore v enem ali ro slučaju. In če je toliko pečen, da je ne bo, toliko bolje ij. Federacija skrbi aa po-*bm> člane in je že plačala nad $400 asesmenta. Poltjo je, da delujemo za na-redek federacije, ker koristi enake, eni preje, raji kasneje. Nikdo ne ve Rta, kdaj bo dobil počitnice tem sistemom, katerega o danes. Torej bratje in vsi na veselo svidenje l. oktobra zvečer v Akronu. kbrodoAli so tudi nečlani. John Yankovich, preds. federacije. spitnik seje girardehe federacije Girtrd, O. — Seja federacije »hodnoohijske in pennsylvan-federacije se je vršila v ^merju, Pa., dne 27. sept. taiwdnik jo odpre ob 2.25 » primernim nagovorom. ivroCi ho vsi odborniki razen •Üjnika, ki pa pride pozneje, «opina «o «ledeča društva: <9 - Bogataj, Blazich, Tan-it. 55 - Bredlih, Bistrich; ■J- Marotte, CibarjAt. 163 Petrich; št. 262 — Cvilbar; št. 321 — Pe- * Jaž; št. m — Bergant, JJ«; št. 476 — Omejc, Korit. 643 — Verbič. Dru- V|- ki niso bila zastopana, so: 277 in 746. i«P'«nik prejšnje seje spremi ¿itan. Odborniki nima-»**>nih poročil razen tajni-•1,1 Poda finančno porodilo. J«' razvidno, da ae je C1^ v i'lagajni dne 27. T V"°U m606 Nadzorni poroča, da je pregledal tovne knjijpe in da ao raiuni ^ Spr^eto. »Hijo poročila zaatop-F1'' K.,t Je razvidno, nima-"►-»bn.h naročil od drušUv. C P* da ae bo pri- di, ko pride točka _ red. Sledeča dru-Prijavila svoje prlred-4 >r^vo 64.-1 priredi jeeen Hb., ,1Co dn* 17 oktobra v '»rani na Rayen «d ave., Youngstown, O., društvo 321 letno veaelico dne 12. de cembra v Warren u, O. Pri točki v korist jednote in njenih ustanot se priglasi k besedi br. Tancek, ki pravi, da se bliža konvencija SNPJ in da je čas, da se društva poglobe jednotina praVila in njene prin» cipe. Treba je paziti, poudarja br. Tancek, da ti principi ostanejo ée nadalje v veljavi. Ako to telimo, je naša dolžnost, oziroma dolžnost članstva, da itvoH le napredne delegate, take, katerim so pri srcu delavski interesi, kajti neglede kakšnega prepričanje je kdo, izkoriščani smo vsi enako pod sedanjim sistemom. Nato br. Tu-Aek priporoča neko resolucijo, katero naj sestavi odbor in jo predloži prihodnji seji. Nato je na predlog brata Bergante zaključeno, da se priredi veselico v korist federacije. Sklenjeno, da se vrši v soboto, 28, nov., v Ukrajinski dvorani na Rayen ave., Youngstown, O. Vse potrebno naj preekrbi odbor. Vstopnina v predprodaji 26 centov, pri vhodu 80 centov. Predložena je prošnja od društva 97 za člana br. Rudolph« Miglicha, ki prosi, da mu federacija plača asesment za nekaj mesecev. Sklenjeno, da se mu plača za tri mesece. Prihodnja seja federacije se vrši dne 27. decembra v Hrvatskem domu v Youngstownu. Sklenjeno, da se da iz federa-cijske blagajne dva dolarja v kampanjski fond soc. stranke. Seja se lepo zahvali društvu HBZ z brezplačno dvorano za zborovanje, ki je zaključeno ob 4.45 pop. Frank Verbič, zapisnikar. Zastopnikom federad' je zapad ne Penne Strabane, Pa. — Ko sem pre-čital zapisnik seje federaoije SNPJ za zapadno Penno, ki se je vršila v Braddocku, sem proti koncu zapazil v oklepaju, kdaj ae vrši prihodnja seja, ker je sapisnikar poročal samo to, da se vrši v Clairtomi,' ne pa datuma. Moralo bi biti zapisano, da bo četrto nedeljo v oktobru. Ko bodo člani čitali te moje vrstice, bodo društva že gotovo izvolila svoje zastopnike, torej nima pomena, da bi jih urgiral tukaj, naj to store. Na kar mislim opozoriti zastopnike, je to, da društvo v Clairtonu želi, da bi bili ob pravem času tam, tako da bi sejo skončali do kosila. Društvo nam bo popoldne priredilo malo zabave v spomin svoje 16-letnice obstanks. Torej upoštevajte to. Na tej seji bo tudi podsno finančno poročilo o pikniku, ki se je vršil v Brsddocku o priliki zadnje seje federacije. De-lujmo na to, da bodo naše seje konstruktivne in zanimive, da bo vsak zastopnik ponesel društvu dobro poročilo. Bratski pozdrav. John Terčelj, predsednik. Konferenca in zabava federacije zapadne Penne Clairton, Pa. — Bliža se seje federacije SNPJ za zapadno Penno. Vršfla se bo na 25. okt. v Shady parku pri Clairtonu. Da bo naše delo uspešno, je potrebno, da ao društva polno zastopana. Vabijo ae tudi ona društva, ki ée ne spadajo federaciji, da pošljejo opazovalce. Ako imajo dobra priporočila za dobrobit članstva, se jih bo u-poétevalo. Saj stari rek drži, da več ljudi več ne. Federacija pa obetoji zato, da se razpravlja na aejah o problemih jednote in skuša iipopolnitl, kar ae smatra za dobrobit članatva v splošno-stl. Ako se članstvo ne bo bri galo za svojo jednoto, drugi • gotovo ne bo. In zapomniti si moramo, da kakršno je članstvo, taka je organizacija. Po seji se bomo malo zaba vali. 2eleti je, da nas poaetijo tudi soeednja društva, to je članstvo. Za ples bosta igrala Frank in Joe. Skoro vam tudi garantiramo hladnega piva in gorkih kranjskih klobas. Mi jih bomo nadomestili s svinjskimi klobasami. Torej na svidenje na 26. oktobra. Kažipot: Kateri pridete i pittsburške strani, viemite ce sto 51, ki vaa pripelje skozi do naselbine Large. Tam pazite na napis in kazalo, kam se o-krenete. Naselbino oziroma mesto Clairton boste že našli, ker je na zemljevidu. Shady park pa se nahaja na zapadni strani mesta, med naselbino Clairton in Large. Ko pridete v Clairton, vprašajte za Shady park n vam bo vsakdo pojasnil. O-menim naj, da se mesto pričenja ob reki Monanghahela, glavni del mesta pa je na brdu, kakor tudi Shady park. Pri vhodu pazite na napis SNPJ. Mike CebaAek, 426. Federacijaka aeja Moon Run, Pa. — Federacija društev SNPJ ta zapadno Penno >o obdržavala redno sejo v nedeljo dne 26. okt. v Shady Parku, Clairton, Pa. Pričetek točno ob 0. dopoldne. Ker bo baš Istega dne društvo 426 SNPJ obhajalo svojo 15 letnico v Clairtonu, to bo po končanem zborovanju, se yabijo vsi zastopniki, da se proslave udeležijo v velikem števi-u. Zborovanje se bo pričeli točno ob 10. dopoldne. Jacob Ambrozich, tajnik. Glasovi iz naselbin Družabni večer "Vodnikovega Venet" Cleveland, O. — Prav prijetna zabava se obeta v soboto večer 1. oktobra v spodnji dvorani S. HOIV1TI — N. D. na St. Clair ave. Ta dan prireja društvo "Vodnikov Ve-nec" št. 147 9N*J «a svoje članstvo, njih sorodnike in prijatelje domačo zabavo aH družabni Tffter. In kadar priredi to društvo veselico, je vselej sabavno. Pri veselih ljudeh je vedno živahno razpološenje. Pa kaj bi ne bilo, ko ae pa ta ve6er skupaj zbere članstvo i vaeh strani in delov mesta enkrat na leto v takem številu, kjer v krogu atarlh znancev poteče čas kaj prijetno. Naše članatvo živi raztreae-no po vaem mestu, nima prilike se sestajati drug t drugim, zato so nam taki večeri potrebni, da se članstvo seznsni in bolj sporna med seboj. Za ratne dobrote bo najbolje jfeakrbljeno, igrale ae bodo tudi kart«. Barbič bo s svojo čudodelno harmoniko preganjal li nog revmatisem. Vstopnina je samo 26c za o««bo. Društvo. prljaaao vabi na to prirtdiUv vse Člane SNPi it t« okolic«, kakor tudi prijatelje in tnanee. . ' , Uo. Poljšak. Vinska trgatev SDD Johnatown, Pa. — Slov. dol. dom priredi vinsko trgatev na Moxhamu (Johnatovvn) dne 31. okt. tv«č«r ob oan^ih. Ker že več Wt ni bilo. vinska trgatve v naši nasslbini^ zato je dlrektorij Slov. doma sklenil to prireditev, k«r nudi v«Iiko aabave in ne bo nobenemu ial kdor bo prišel. Cenjeno občinstvo is Johnstowna in bližnjih okolic, SDD vaa ulju-dno vabi, da pridoU na našo trgatev. Vstopnin« je 25c za vaa- govali predsodke drug proti drugemu, n« bomo nikamor prišli, p« naj s« to tiče SNPJ, Pra-svete «11 p« delavstva n« splošno. Moj« edina kritik« te «kcij« j«, ker v«bil« n« sodelovanje ni podpisal jekl«raki kampanjski odbor kot tak, ker potem bi ne bilo nobenega dvoma, da j« U odbor v tesnih stikih a priprav* ljalnim odborom, ki je sklical to konferenco. Končno naj omenim še tole: NI j« boljše prilike za impregni-ranje «11 za aejanje delavske zavesti v naša podporna društva, predvsem p« v «ngleško poslujoč» društva, kjer je U potreb« največja, «ko n«š« seje dfflnitiv-no, positivno ln konkretno "me-š«mo « unljakimi kampanjami." To rečem kljub temu, d« bom mogoče prištet k "tujerodnim, samo«v«nim 'revolucionarjem', ki neprenehoma trobijo svoje formule ameriškemu delavstvu." Delsvoi moramo v razrednem boju sodelovati drug i drugim, p« bilo n« strokovnem, političnem (v delavski stranki—da te š« nI v širokem pomenu beaede, mi j« tnan?) in zadruin«m polju in n« glede na vero, polt «II narodnost. Le če ae držimo tog« starega načela, ki v«lja tudi sa delevake podporno org»nia«clj«, bomo vsi akupsj nekam prišli. Anton Garden, 1, Urednikova pripomba: Br. Garden, ki je drugače marljiv fant, ima to boleoen, da povsod več vidi kot p« o ti pije. T«ko j« tudi v člsnku, ki g« krltltir«, videl podobo Landons. Toda Gar-den se moti. London hoče imeti «meriške delsvce v svoji politiki in nobeni drugi. Gordnov« trditev, d« «t« «i Proavetin članek ln Landonov argument po- ko osebo, otroci pa so prosti dobna, j« tavijajoča ln zlobna vstopnin«. Pijato, prigrizek in o,,^ njmt nW oprftvl. godbo bo preskrb«! odbor, svidonj« 81. okt «večeri tajnik. Na "Kdo naj organizira ameriške delavce? ( hicago.— sredo j« pod Povod za U uvodni čl«n«k je M _ - tem naslovom izšel v Prosvetl u-1 menda konferenc« podpornih ¿^^T**1 vodni členek, keUri mi je prt či- društev in j«dnol, katere so blU 8NW« *** M or*™™**0 tanju v dobršni meri obtičal v|A|| pa ae Jih skuša pritegniti na gflu. Ni prijetno polemjstrgtl a sodelovanje s unijakim odborom, W vodt kampanjo^i*orsfanlilra- nfoj)m predstojnikom; toda vest mi ne da miru, ker «o mi vidi članek popolnoma sgrašen. Zgre. šen namreč za delavricf Hst n Jedro članka je najbolj« xapo-padeno v zadnjih dveh atavkih, kjer pravi br. Molok: "N« me-šajmo torej naših jednot t unij-sklmi kampanjami. N«ie jednote ne morejo organizirati Američanov v njih unijah kakor Utoo ameriške unije org«nltlr«le naših jednot!" Isti dan kakor t« članek aen\ čital tudi v ameriškem tlaku Landonov govor, katerega je i-mel v Toledu, O., In v kat«rem je ' svaril ameriško dOlavstvo, "naj »e ne podaja v politiki." O- vabljene so sigurno bile. nje jeklarskih delavcev. Konferenc« se vrli prihodnjo nedeljo, 26. okt., v Plttaburghu. Na ao-delovanje v tam gibanju je bila povabljena tudi SNPJ, federaci-jaja SNPJ ta tapadno Penno pa j« že n« zadnji mJI itvollla dva taatopni ka, br. Antona Hrvata in Antona Barilarja, da sodelujeta v imenu federacije v Um gibanju, v| kataNm sodeluje oeem jednot «li njih glavni funkcionarji. Sedam j« tujejealčnih, med njimi Itiri jugoslovsnske— HBZ, SNS, KSKJ in JSKJ. Ce to vse organitscije oflcielno zastopane, mi nI tnano, toda po- ba argumenta sta ti fundamen-talno podobna — "Ne mešajmo naših jednot z unijtkimi kampanjami" in "dolavci naj ae drž« proč od politike,". Zgodovin« a-meriškega unijskege gibanja j« polna tekih in podobnih proMbl-cijskih argumentov In edlktov. "Delavci ne delajte tega, delavci proč od tega." Koliko delavskih voditeljev in "prijateljev" delavcev j« že s svojo enotirno filozofijo sli p« tudi brez nje učilo in "reševalo" ameriško de-lavstvo. In amsriško delavsko gibanje prsv v sled Uga ni dririlo tistega razmah« k«kor bi bil potreben. V naših podpornih organiza-cijah je nam bil do adaj najbolj tnan klic: "Proč s politiko It podpornih organitaeij t" Odkod Je prihsjal, nI treba omenjati. Mar nsj zdaj dobimo še gMio: "Proč z unionlimom it naših Jednot r In to pri »*PJ, na kaU-rt delavski karakter smo se vedno sklicevali a ponoeomT! In to v čaau, ko j« prvič po dolgih lotih. sploh prvič v zgodovini industrijske Amerike tavaloval splošen sentiment med dete v. stvom ts unlonltem in ko je v teku v več m«enih industrij«h širokopotetna kampanja ta organiziranje d«l«veev T N«men tega gibanja )* očivid-00, d« zainteresira delavce prizadetih narodnosti ta to unij-sko kampanjo In Jih pridobi v Jeklarsko unijo. Da j« aodek>va-nje toh, m«d tujezemaklml delavci telo vplivnih organitaeij lahko telo vaMn faktor v tej J«* klarski kampanji, j« jasno, ker fmlgranti In njih otroci faktično tvorijo veliko večino del«vc«v v tej Industriji. Nftjštevilnejši faktor so slovanski delavci. Ker imajo vse navedene organltacije veliko čl«M» med j«kUrakimi delavci, j« njih sodelovanj« vsaj meni umljlvo In taželjivo z več kakor enega stališča. Razumljivo jo z vidika lastnih interesov, kar org«nii!r«nJ« j«klarskih delavcev pomeni izboljšanj« «ko-nomakega atanja pritatf«tih členov in « um tudi j«dnot, š« bolj p« J« razumljivo in odobravanja vredno t delavskega razrednega stališča. Ugovor in nasprotovanje Umu gibanju menda izvira it predaod-kov proti komunistom. kaUri ao ga menda Inlzlatirall med podpornimi organizacijami v PltU-burgha. Toda. če Lewleov kampanjski odbor lahko sodeluje t njimi, mar naj mi napravimo križ, kjerkoli ee pokaže kakšen konuiniet? Ce bomo sledili In ne- ti s politiko, Umveč se tiče le odnosa naših podpornih jednot do unij, namreč odnosa j«dnot kot oelot, no poesmetnih članov, f 9 BUlišče ProsveU, oziroma urad-nlka, ProsveU, napram bona fide unijam je dobro tnano it neštetih prejšnjih Čl«nkov. Vedno amo članom v u- nljah; to d«l«mo š« danes In bomo v bodoče. Garden im« vso peavieo, da ae lshko ud«j»tvuj« v katerikoli uniji hoče ln čim več bo Imel uspeh«, Um v«č bo imel simpatij. /Ne mor« pa Garden tarhUvati, naj jednoU otiroma gl. odbor, ki prodatavlj« j«dnoto kot ooioto,, organitlra nJega ln njegove tovariše v uniji. Naloga JadnoU J«, da organizira naše a klubov UJ-nlk John Kak. Po s|K»redu plea in prosU zabava, Igra Hchwabov orkester, Vst4>pnlca v predprodaji *6c, pri blagajni 40c. Dobite Jih pri vaeh članih kluba In pri tajniku v Slovenakem delavskem centru. Nedeljska kampanjska prlre-diUv bo itredno zanimiva. Vršila se bo v znani dvorani CHPH na 18. oeali In May ave. Našim rojakom Je ta dvorana dobro znana. V njej so ss vršile številne naše prireditve, in vselej ae je naše občinstvo bad v tej dvorani imenitno zabavalo. PotrudlU se, da boste gotovo navtoči, da sll-ŠIU prvovrstnega slovenskega govornika Etbina KriaUna In da vldlU ostale točke itbranega programa. Potem se bomo val skupaj zabavali v prijazni družbi Hi ob tvokih dobrega orkestra. Pub odsek. Dr. John J. Zavertnlk physician s ataosow orrira «ouas sv STt4 W. Ml S SiroH I>M l4»-4M-« H 0«iir U r»*M mi al ISSS W ( «rsiaš s4. «M- 4 >«• p m im* r*. uni |im W*»m4n š St,M4ar b» i»H.«m.«« mi» S■■«»■■ I rd i ( W«M MM ir MO amvis-4au. al «tin mm Desetletnica Planinskih rož Mllwsukee. Wis. — Zopet je tuksj sezona jesenskih veselic in priredb. Ene teh je obhajanje 10-letnice ženskega pevskega zbora Planinske roše, ki bo na 25. okt. v NSi; dvorani. Pred desetimi leti so se članice društva 6 JPZ Sloga zbrale in zapele v počast tega društva, ko je imelo 16-letnlco, Ko je pevski tSor Naprej obhajal avojo 15-letnico, je tudi povabil do-tlčne Članice, da bi tapele na njegovi proslavi, kar smo drage volje storile. Naprejev predsednik Frank Krmenc nas je pohvalil, da smo dobro tapele In izrazil željo, da bi še večkrat nastopile. To nam je dalo poguma, da smo ustanovile zbor pod imenom Planinske rože. Seveda Je vsak aačetek težak, kakor že pravi pregovor. Se težje pa je pevske tbore obdržati, ker je to tvetano a atroški. Prišla je tudi depreaija, ki menda ni prltaneala nikomur. NajUŠj« je bilo u tbore, kje dobiti v teh letih sredstva ta obstanek. In tudi pevke ao Itgublle veaelje do petja, ker amo bile vae prizadete, ene bolj, druge manj. Skrbi za dom ln vse to ubije veselje do petja. Ali kjer je volja, Je tudi zmaga. Tako amo tudi me premagale vae tapreke In aedaj s ponoaom glsdsmo na bližajočo se desetletnico. Zbor Je lepo narasel In šteje nad 20 članic. Ob pričetku Jih Je bilo deset. Gojile amo tudi dramatiko s pomočjo drugih moških «borov, ta kar se Jim ob UJ priliki tahvalimo. Tudi ob Uj priliki bomo upriaoriit lepo narodno igro "Pri kapelici", ki še ni bila Igrana tukaj. Zato upamo In vabimo, da nam bodo prijatelji petja, ki ao nam šli m roko do aedaj, tudi ob naši de-aetletnlcl napolnil! dvorano ln nam a tem dali veaelja ta nadaljnje gojenje naše lepe alovenake pesmi, kaUro ao nam pele š« ob plbell naše maUre. Kako radi bi v starem kraju tam na Prlmor-akem za|»ll slovensko pesem, toda j« ne smejo. Tukaj pa nam nihče ne brani. Zatorej prepe-vajmo naše lepe pesmi do zadnjega izdiha. Torej se še enkrat priporočamo vsem društvom v Milwaukae-Ju In okolici In vsem priJaUlJem petja, da nas posetlts dne 25. okt. v H8T dvorani. Igra ae prične ob 2.30 popoldne, večerni program pa ob oamlh. Naše vrle članice vam bodo poatregls, da ne bosU na lačni ne žejni. Mar-tlnškova godba vam bo igrala veaele poakočnice. VediU, da Je bilo pri Planinskih rožicah še zmlraj iušno. Na svidenje! Katle Dellcek. predsednica. Bsžlfina skupna pstovanja a MUrIm h M9*««4Mlfc *M «fc«l»»li> (Hri.i.nJ Ahm M« VI ——I—I * Mm* krni m I« »«•«•»•. b « VM«s U#m« M Ufc.i M'«« »a Mm fUM, M tpméét m»MmiI »nl«f m m mMIJm M l.oiu • MMl kart IM Ml m- »m «MM IMS I« H»M« Horošalb« la turna kraja h MMI Mkdia. IMi. AMtil, Ma m MMJ mm, r«4iu m4m*m (smim imtmi* eotu M« Um4*«M Ul.,aMo. §U4é VMSl «mMAISMI t Omca Biaraliralak« is«av* 14 M« IMSa* »a M« iMte ktém 4r«4* • «torta, k.*>MB. m «M«Mto rssa naMABNie rošiuarav r. i ij im Im« bim , m tu - VM M* " " 4 M IM " » n.- »44 - - um ,, m - - uj4 im4 " " h- .. m4 " • 14.- IM* " - »♦— I M# -« m.« »M4 - ■ na.- a.M* -T* MM *» HntM. »»»WM 4MM .M t«rl — r*auMM* to4l v 4« Mto'Sk la ••buk v m »kw i u im« pmémk* LEO ZAKKAJ8EK OaiinJ Tn«al Isila las 80S K. 7Ssd štH New Terfc. M. T. All «I« aarešeal aa| 'PreaveU'T Podpirali« «vej Malt ^ lil IIB «T i I 0 7 ▼ Chicagu, vabi na svqjo prvo i • KLUB ST. 1. J. S. lf v NEDELJO, 25. OKTOBRA Nastopi zbor „"SAVA", govornik ET1I« IMW 1« FALCOir, RECITA 6IEENE itd. Vstoonice oo 35c v prodprodait Po sporedu plesna m pi ZJL21 ▼ •T» PR08VETA TUB WHUCWTKMMmrr ILO n U«TNWA »i m »mm mn (imi Clin—» Ib •M» M M*. V N «14* m émut M» i M I» «MM Hü M MU krt*. Itn m e* latoi M V morju težav Povprečni ¿lan SNPJ, čigar od no« do jed-note je le v Um. da pride enkrat na mesec na eejo In plača evoj aseament, težko pojmuje celo vrsto zunanjih težav in sitnosti, s katerimi se mora neprestano boriti njegova organizacija. O teh težavah vedo najbolje odgovorni odborniki, ki imajo opraviti z njimi. Članstvu je znano, da so naše podporne or-ganizaclje odvisne od zavarovalnih organov država, v kateri so inkorporirane in vseh onih drfav, v katerih imajo dovoljenje za poslova-nje, toda kakina je U odvisnost v praksi, je mano, kot prej rečeno, le onim, ki imajo stalno opraviti a temi organi v interesu organizacij. Državni tavarovalni oblastniki (Insurance commissioners) so vijski svojih političnih malin, Id se menjajo z vsako izpremembo državne administracije. Enkrat so republikanci in drugič demokratje, katerim so strankarsko-poiltični interesi vedno prvi in vsled tega dor sled no gledajo na vodstva podpornih organizacij s svojega političnega «tališča. Kjerkoli .najdejo svoje politične pristale, se razume, da je dotična bratska organizacija pri njih bolj favorizirana kot ona, pri kateri vidijo svoje politične nasprotnike. Res je, da ogražati ne morejo, dokler se organizacija drži zakona in polteno posluje, kljub temu lahko nagajajo na tisočere načine in delajo neljubi organizaciji stroške. : Nala jed no t« ni priljubljena pri državnih zavarovalnih organih, prvič, ker ne prispeva v volilne sklade njihovih političnih malin (neka ameriška podporna organizacija je letos priapevala 130.000 v volilni sklad demokratske •tranke), drugič pa, ker je pred njimi vedno obrekovana kot "skrajno levičarska" organizacija. Obrekujejo nas pred «odiiči, pri katerih Ima 8NPJ vsak čas kak opravek, in obrekujejo nas na vseh koncih in krajih. 8 tem obrekovanjem nam sicer ne morejo do živega, vendar eo lahko nagajivosti, ki niao prijetne. Državni zavarovalni* department v Sprlng-fieldu, III., se prej ni brigal za nale publikacije, zdaj pa zahteva, da moremo pošiljati tja tedensko in dnevno Prosveto. To so stvari, o katerih nale članstvo v splošnem ne ve ničesar, in če bi tudi vedelo, najforže ne bi polagalo posebne važnosti na to, ker ne direktno ne tiče njega. Reanica je, da se to ne tiče članov, zavedati se pa moramo, da se to tiče jednote in na koncu konca so člani jed-nota. Zato to omenjamo. Rusija in demokracija Rusija in demokracija sta severni in južni pol. Sovjetska Rusija je diktatura in vsaka diktatura je nasprotje demokraciji. Vsaka diktatura mora biti po svoji naturi nasilje napram opoziciji, dočim demokracija tolerira opozicijo in ji daje svobodo kritike. Zadnje dni se je pa zgodilo, da se je nede-mokratična Runija krepko potegnila za obrambo španske demokratične republike, katera je v smrtnem Im>ju k fašizmom. Kašisem Je diktatura na desnem koncu, medtem ko jc sovjetizem diktatura na levem. Ol>c diktaturi enako zaničujeta in zatirata demokracijo in ne (Mtelužujeta enakih sredstev — nasilnosti in terorja — napram nasprotniku, toda cilja obeh «ta s teoriji različna. V teoriji, kajti v praksi ju še ni. Skratka: fašizem in sovjetizem sta ni smrtna sovražnika, dočim je demokracija nasprotje obeh. Vloga Ru»ije bi morala biti v tem momentu vloga demokratične Francije, demokratičnih škandinavskih držav in Anglije, ki se ponaAa, da je mati demokracije — toda /.godilo m? je, da se demokratične države v Evropi v tem momentu ne brigajo za usodo demokratične Spe* nije in morala je priti nedemokratična Rusija, da opozori demokratične države na nevarnost, kstera jim preti, če se Španija j*»grezne v sitem! Naj InkIo motivi Runije kakršnikoli — naj je njena akcija indirektno naperjena proti Nemčiji, ki bo so\jetom Ih»IJ nevarna kot faši-stična Špaimka — v tem trenotku je akcija so-vjetov v interenu demokracije in če je v Fran-ciji količkaj razsodnosti, bi morala izrabiti ta moment isaj.v svojo korist, ako že ne v korist svojih prijateljev in zaveznikov v Španiji. Demokracija se mora braniti, ako hoče živeti! demokracija ne bo \artta. dokler ne izgine zadnji tiran «sveta. Klin se izbija a klinom! Ce je Rusija voljna pomagati demokraciji, je to dobro znamenje, da |irej ali slej nama |>oetane demokratična. bomo radevolje poeet vrnili. Društvo št. 47 SNPJ pripada k federaciji SNPJ, odkar federacija obstoji. Naše društvo je tudi priredilo par veselic v prid federacijske blagajne, ki ao bile zelo uspešne. Zato bo sedaj tudi naše društvo z veseljem sprejelo naklonjenost in poeet društev, ki spadajo k federaciji. Bratje in sestre! Ne pozabimo dne 26. okt. in pridimo vSI v Slov. dom, da skupaj proslavimo 30-letnico oruštvs 47 SNPJ v Springfieldu! Začetek točno ob 3. popoldne. Frank Krmelj, blagajnik. Glasovi iz naselbin Poročilo društva "Delavec" ¡dom. Kakor smo slišali, Jih pri- So Chicago 1IL — Društvo de precej iz drugih naselbin. Do-"Delavec" It. 8 SNPJ je ime*o ! brodošli ! V slučaju, da bo vale jesenako veselico z igro v nede- društvo priredilo kaj sličnega, Ijo dne 11. okt. Igra "Rdeče rože", katero je uprizoril že šestkrat po raznih odrih isti zbor, je tudi pri nas sijajno uspela. Igro je uprizoril dramski odsek kluba št. 1 JSZ. Kar se tiče igralcev, so vsi kakor navadno izvršili svoje vloge do pičice. Program je otvoril predsednik društva s kratkim nagovorom, pozdravil udeležence ter apeliral, naj se drže mirno ter pafcno sls dijo programu. Nsto je predstavil brata Filipa Godi no, kateri je govoril o pomenu slavnoeti ter raztolmačil pomen igre. Zatem je pa pričela igra "Rdeče rože", ki je trajala dobri dve uri. Med dejanji je nastopil s harmoniko sin društvenega tajnika Joa. Ko-sich ml., kl je zelo povoljno ter resno prvič na odru nastopil. Občinstvo je vseskozi mirno sledilo celotnemu programu. Udeležba je bila prilično dobra, ali pogrešali smo mnogo o-brazov, ki so navadno prisostvovali našim priredbam, kar se tiče članstva je pa že kot navadno, da pozneje pridejo z raznimi izgovori. Prišli pa so člani od sosednjih društev št. 490 in 610 SNPJ. Poleg tega smo imeli goste il Garya, Ind., Hamonda, Pullmana In iz velikega mesta Chicaga. Godbi smo imeli dve. V gornji dvorani je igral Kočevarjev orkester za mladino, v spodnji pa Josef Divjak za starejšš in domače udeležence. Kakor je bilo razvidno, je bilo občinstvo vsestransko zadovoljno z lepo igro in plesno zabavo. Celotna prireditev do konca je dobro in prav mirno izpadla. Društvo Delavec si šteje v dolžnost, da se zshvali vsem oglaševalcem na naših velikih plakatih, klubu št. 1 JSZ ter njega i-gralcem, vsem udeležencem, odboru društva in vsem delavcem, posebno pa bratu Oadežu ter njegovi družini za pomoč pri bari in v kuhinji. V nedeljo 26. oktobra ima veliko kampanjsko prireditev klub št. 1 JSZ v dvorani CSPS na 18. cesti in May ulici. Nastopil bo pevski zbor "Sava" in izvajal se bo zanimiv program. Vstopnice se dobe pri tajniku našega društva. Frank Koale, predsednik. Zadružna prireditev Waukegan-No. Chicago, III. — Ze večkrat je bilo poročano, da se je naša zadružna zveza Wau-(egan-North Chicago Coopera-ive Ass. ustanovila s pomočjo finske zadruge Waukegan Trading Co., in sicer leta 1920. Največ Informacij se je dobilo tam. Kajti tiste čase nam ni bilo zadružništvo še toliko poznamo, ampak je veljalo geslo "narod za narod", kdor je bil priljub-'jen, bolje zanj. Od ustanovitve naše zadružne zveze se je ta ideja precej spremenila in tako je tudi več naših rojakov s|K>zn»lo, da posamezne narodnosti ne pridejo daleč in da se mora delavstvo medsebojno podpirati, ne glede na narodnost. Tako od ustanovitve naše zadružne zveze vedno prirejamo skupne prireditve in vodimo a-gitadjo za razširjanje zadružnega gibanja kot ena skupina. Ta ko tudi obe ti zadrugi priredita v nedeljo 25. oktobra v SNI) koncert z večjim programom |m>|m>I dne ob 2. uri. Na programu bo petje, igra, umetni ptoe In več muzikalnih t.m k (¡lavni govornik b > Henry G. May, tajnik mednarodnega zadružništva. Vstopnina k |»o|>ol-danskemu programu prosta. Zvečer ples od 9. ure naprej. Vstopnice k plesu si preskrbite v zadružnih trgtninah, ki ae dol>e brezplačno. Igra Mahnichex kester,—Poročevalec. Kaj vem o društvu "V boj** Cleveland, Ohio. — V Clevelandu sem se nahajal že menda 6 mesecev leta 1917, pa sem še vedno bil član društva št. 1. Nato sem vzel v roke Prosveto,. pre-iskal Imenik društev in prona-šel, da je najbližje društvo št. 53 in da zboruje v Kunčečevi dvorani na 15612 Waterloo rd. Neko nedeljo v zimskem času sem se napotil na sejo tega društva. Čakal sem pred vrati, pa se je pokazal velik mož z brkami. Bil je John Zupane, predsednik društva. Povedal sem mu, da sem prišel s prestopnim listom od Slavije. "Kar notri pojdi", je dejal brat Zupane. Vstopil sem. Premotrili so me sedeči člani in jaz nje. Pri točki bolezni aem že posegel v razpravo, ker niso mogli priti do zaključka, kaj ato-riti s kršilcem te točke. Bolniški obiskovalec je poročal, da je zasačil bolnika v salunu. Bilo je vprašanje, kaj storiti, ker doti-čni Je bil navzoč in kršitev priznal. Ker je bilo precej govore-nja kaj in kako, ni pa prišlo do zaključka, sem vstal in priporočal, da se mu podpora odvzame od dneva ko se ga je videlo v gostilni, ker je to tudi sam primal Člani so me pogledali, misleč : "Od kod se je pa ta priklatil!" Moje priporočilo so odobrili. X Leta 1918 so bili "dobri fesi". Nastalo je republičansko združenje, kateremu sem se med prvimi pridružil, in prav nič mi nI žal, kakor nekaterim. Tako eem se malo bolj seznanil z našimi radikalci. Radi "dobrih časov" so začeli člani bolj opuščati seje, in ko sem prišel neko nede« ljo zopet na sejo, je celo predsednik poslal pismo, da resigni-ra, ker je pričel trgovina in ne more posečati sej. Tajnlkoval je Anton Dolinar, ki mi je rekel: "Kar ti vodi sejo!" Tako sem postal "predsednik" društva o-stali del leta. Koncem volitev za novo leto so pa pričeli prihajati na seje stari radikalci, katerih jc bilo takrat precej in so hoteli, da pride na krmilo eden starih. Izvoljen je bil Kari Kotnik. Na seje som pohajal še vedno redno, ker'so mi dali menda mesto bolniškega nadzornika. Na združevalni konvenciji je bil Kotnik delegat. Ker je bil tudi upravnik "našega lista" Enakopravnosti, je deloval na to, da bi SNPJ kupila njih tlsksrno. Pred konvencijo je med nama prišlo do ostre debate. Kot večina Klevelandčanov, je bil tudi on proti Cikažanom, jaz pa za. !>ejal je, da so jim Cikažani "u-kradli jednoto". (Ker ni bilo zadostnega števila članov, niao mogli ob pričetku inkorporirati jednote v državi Illinois, pač pa v \ ili lenako društvo Svoboda st. 748 SNPJ. K nam se je pa tudi priklopilo prejšnje žensko društvo Planinski raj, po združevalni konvenciji pa eno društvo prejšnje zveae. Praznovali smo tudi 25 letnico in povabili Filipa Godino kot govornika. V času depresije smo pomagali mnogim članom s plačevanjem asesmenta; le bi se to dogajalo, da ni tudi naših fllOO zmrznjenih v North American banfci (slovenske podjetje). Pa le to vem, 4a bomo leto* proslavili 30 letnico obstoja našega društva. V teku so vse priprave, izdan bo tudi program. Za oglase in čestitke smo poleg trgovskih oglasov prejeli od sledečih društev SNPJ: It. 5, 49, 126, 129, 186, 142, 266, 264, 277, 312, 231, 442, 450, 476, 577, in 614. Nadalje od št. 26, Združeni Bratje SSPZ, št. SDZ, pevsko društvo "Jadran", dramatično društvo "Anton Verovsek", Slovenski delavski dom in SNPJ. Vsem skupaj se zahvaljujemo, ker ste se naa spomnili ob naši 30 letnici. Program bo zelo obliren. Po programu bo ples v obeh dvoranah. Spodaj bo igrala godba "Bled" na pihala za stare plesalce, zgoraj pa Barbičev orkester za mlade. Glavni govornik bo Frank Zaitz, predsednik nadzornega odbora SNPJ. Nastopita tudi John Lokar, predsednik društva "Strugglers" in Leopoldina Vozel, predsednica društva "Svoboda". Posebnost na programu bo u-krajinski ples 2 deklet in 2 fantov, vključivši kozaški ples. Nastopijo tudi Vadnalovi in sestri Sežun. In več drugih točk bo. Vae to se bo vršilo 8. novembra v Slovenskem delavskem domu na 15335 Waterloo rd. v Clevelandu (nekdaj Coílinwcod). Pričetek ob pol treh popoldne. Na svidenje! Člani društva "V boj", ako niete prejeli valih vstopnic, vprašajte tajnika zanje, Za člane so proste. Frank Barbič, 53. Nale aktivnosti La Salle, III. — La Salle je zelo prijazno, mesto, leži na prijaznem valovitev ozemlju in šteje nad 18f000 prebivalcev, med temi okrog 2,000 Slovencev (vštevši turojene). Dasi se ne moremo prištevati večjim naselbinam, vendar i-mamo štiri društva pod okriljem SNPJ. Kakor drugod, je tudi tukaj dolgotrajna depresija vplivala na društvene aktivnosti, da pa nismo trpeli velike izgube na članstvu, se moramo predvsem zahvaliti SNPJ za izredni ases-ment. in posojila. Mnogim članom so tudi društva sama priskočite na pomoč in jih pridržala pri dobri materi Slovenski narodni podporni jednoti. Ne smemo tudi pozabiti, da so imeli in še imajo društveni tajniki radi depresije mnogo izrednega dela. Toda zavedali so se in se še zavedajo svojih dolžnosti in dobro srčnosti SNPJ, kar jim je dalo pogum, da so pri delu marljivo vztrajali. Za vse njihovo delo in trud zaslužijo največje priznanje. Rojaki in rojakinje, kdor še ni član SNPJ, se mu toplo priporoča, da se v najkrajši dobi odloči in pristopi. Ob času bolezni, ki lahko doleti vsakega, boste s|>oznali dobrosrčnost SN- Tu imamo Slovensko samo-1 stojno podporno društvo Edinost Člani tega društva smo 907c člani pri SNPJ in vse društvene potrebščine se naročajo v tiskarni SNPJ. Dasi nisem bil med ustanovitelji tega druttva, se zavedam, da je to društvo vedno delovalo v prid delavstva. Slišal sem govor sobrata Leo Zevnika, ki je med drugimi tudi omenil, da je bilo društvo Edinost prvo, ki se je zavzelo, da se v tej naselbini zgradi Slovenski narodni dom. Tudi delavci drugih narodnosti so spoznali, da se Sk>venci zanimajo za delavsko gibanje. Sedaj zboruje 18 unijskih lokalov v SND. Društvo Edinost je povabilo društvo Prešeren a Chicaga, ki se je odzvalo in dne 22. nov. bo uprizorilo igro "Prodani ded" s pevskim koncertom. Pričetek točno ob dveh popoldne v zgornji dvorani SND. Po igri ples s prosto zabavo v spodnjih prostorih. Ker bo to naša prva prireditev tekočega leta, se uljudno priporočamo vsemu članstvu, kakor tudi članstvu sosednjih društev in vsemu občinstvu sploh, da nas posetite, o priliki pa posest vrnemo. Vabljeni so tudi rojaki in rojakinje sosed njih naselbin, da nas obiščejo. Da bo s postrežbo sleherni zadovoljen, bo skrbel pripravljalni odbor. John Furar, zapisnikar. Veselica z igro Johnstown, Pa. — Društvo "Naša Sloga" št. 600 SNPJ bo obhajalo desetletnico svojega obstanka z igro in plesom na 14. novembra v Slov. del. domu na Moxhamu. Pričetek točno ob osmih. Uprizorjena bo igra "Stari grehi", komedija v treh dejanjih. Devet igralcev se pridno uči svojih vlog. Za ples bo igral izvrstni orkester, za dober prigrizek in pijačo bo skrbel odbor. Prva točka na programu bo pevski zbor "Jugoslavija", ki se tudi pridno uči novih pesmi; zapel bo najlepše pesmi. Vsa društva v tej okohci se prosijo, da ne prirejajo veselic na ocenjeni dan, marveč da nas posetijo na tej, slavnosti v velikem številu. Pevsko društvo "Jugoslavija" bo priredilo veselico 24. Oktobra v Slov. del. domu na Moxhamu. Zapelo bo dve krasni pesmi. Tudi dober orkester bo igral za ples. Odbor bo poskrbel, da bo dosti dobrega prigrizka in tudi dobrega piva. Zato uljudno vabimo vse rojake in rojakinje od daleč in blizu, da se udeležijo. Štefaniji Zalw, članici "Naše Sloge" SNPJ in Franku Zalar, oba sta člana "Jugoslavije", se je narodila dne 15. sept. lepa krepka hčerka. Obilo sreče in zdravja! Mary Konchan, tajnica. or- Si»letnica društva 47 SNPJ Sprlngfleld. III. —- 8e en trden dni, pa bomo imeli naš dan, ki I o za springficldsko naselim.o raj-lm|J živahen In pomembni dan. praebno za ilane društva »»t. 17 SNPJ, katero slavi JU» letnico. Ven program je bil že prtobčen v dopisih in v oglasu in (dbor *e tudi pridno pripravlja, da bo preskrbel vse najboljše Potrebno je torej Mimo, da ai \*ak ta dan dokKi in pride v Slovenski Važna aeja SDD Sharen, Pa. — Pozivam vse člane in članice Slovenskega delavskega doms, da se gotovo u-deležite redne seje, ki se vrši v nedeljo dne 25. t. m. točno ob 2. popoldne. Ta seja bo jako važna, zato pridite vsi, ker se mora u-krepati o več stvareh, katere so velikega pomena za našo letošnjo zimsko sezono. Vabljeni ste posebno še tisti, ki spadate v odseke. Svoje mnenje predložite PJ. Dne 25., 26. in 27. septembra članstvu, ki bo razpravljalo o smo imeli v SND razstavo umet- vsakem vašem predlogu. Nada- nih Peruškovih slik. Občinstvo Ije bodo predložena tudi nova se jc pomikalo od slike do slike pravila, katera je direktorij že in občudovalo dela, katera je «prejel. Tukaj imate zadnjo be- s|M)sobcn izvršiti le umetnik Pe- vi« Kdor se zanima, naj pri- Ohio, kjer so to lahko izvršili, za'-! Opaž» sem vtis na umet- Kakor hitro bodo nova pra- lno,/ [nlku samemu, ko jc hodil z ob- vi,a P"*1» v veljavo, jih bo tež- Lcta 1927, ko je bil postavljen ,einMlvom »like do ^ P*l-Dom. pri katerem jc društvo št !■J"nomr .f**1 »K)men M glavni delničar, sva s tajni- *U*' I)h i« bil» udeležba kom Johnom Bostičem šla pred ,H>,J 'MC,H' J« bil<> krivo deževno direktorje. Ae predno je bil dom vr,,,nr- Kjerkoli bodo te slike zo dozidan, da se da društvu "V i*1 razstavljene, priporočam boj" prvo nedeljo xa proslavo v»kc«iu. da si jih ogleda in mu dvajsetletnice. Ustregli so nam, ne dasi mnogim ni bilo p>volji, am. ko spremeniti. Zato je v vašem lastnem interesu, da pridete vsi na sejo. Tajnik. Naznanilo Chicago. III. — Članom Jugoslovanskega stavbinskega in po-V nedeljo 4. septembra je Go- sojilnega društva naznanjamo, rak dvoran) smo dobili. To je spodinjski klub priredil živahno da je radi smrti bivšega tajnika bila ena velikih proslav ra dru- domačo zabavo v spodnjih pro- Josephe Steblaja tajniške posle štvo. Verjemite, da jr bilo oku- štorih SNI). Rila je obilna ude- prevzel Harry C. Brose. Vse po-sno. ker naš či^li dobiček od \c- ležim in občinstvo se je pozno v «lovanje se vrši kot prej na 2634 •«ilice tisti večer je zna¿sl $802. noč veselo zabavalo. Kot običaj- Po. I . stavka 2700 delavcev, so ^^^ v so jih izzvali najeti kompanij"k« P™ Edisonovi elektrarski tovarn, v oran. Y., je zastavkalo 600 delavcev. . Svetoima vojna - Srbi in Bolgar* ^ o zmagah na Južni balkanski U tudi poročajo o uspehih v Galiciji■ ve. Chieago, ni. J^OGRIChT«». bUtaJalk. . .......£7 8. Lwradalo, ;ji«sgo,m. flUP ¡OBN ^VToGRICH. gl» blagajni*.........f***!*!* ' SSa upravlUlj glasila......9#W«.UwadaleA e., Chicago, I1L "K ^^orSnUiU.........2U7t.Uwadol.ATc 1»cago,IlL H ODBORNIKI: ^SK JOHN ^snMRA*. prvi podpredsednik.» •»» 996 t. 74th 8u, Cleveland, O. Je uSjTi£. drogi podrredeednik..l087 B. lWtb St., ClovoUad, O. GOSPODARSKI ODSEK t S. IS lit St., Cleveland, O. .....«........MB Soaoeo Are., Brooklyn, N. Y. MTH PETROVIH, p^dnlk ^ONY CV1TW»». » • • • • — - — j^^t At^ Cterwkdoa HilU,' III BHN 0UP..............POROTNI ODS«: JOHN GORSBK. predsednik..............414 W. E«y8t. StoN .......................................RVr.n. p. SgN ......................................*5¿' £ —Tvi« PODBOJ.....-....................................ra« GÍSÍ ...........................UwM» Ato., Cleveland. O. m NADZORNI OD0BK: fRANK ZAITZ, predsednik.........IS01 So. £ ITrn .....................................M \Jsntrai mrk, ron», ut. .....................y*U WL. lT.kU. MlM. POtOlI-*",^mwwtmi_._ . 1f-------........... m wma. ki ZJZL um «ST TU DIN ARN* " ^ m yelUJaJe ss P. «"MM* ■ _ — - ^ «wj rJSÍSLSfEZ S S t» a^« * • StoSiiSIWSBS »J*« " m KKlTOlBS «toi« »M»«toa|s T «L «ersvMa ^Oft« MiMCMt* __ . , nirtizivi m «L eatUU » "M M .Ii-*" fil DOPW to «»M* I KOTE: m^ll»1 y«»mUssM ¿nM || «Mmimí t, lúa. frjw ¡¡mU^tTluim^Mm ... ,iMii,rr ¡ÜÍÜÜÜal mtun e«4«» «to JuMMtoa sf Ms Mssmbsb* «Uto» AnU h* tahaa m «M Of ftt "cw«». «ampiélala urf gPREMEMBE PRI DRUŠTVIH mt'hict septembra, 1936 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP September, 19S6 Udge No. 1 Umrl: John Belko, c. 21. 5 Umrl: John Mislej, c. 24709. 7 Črtan zopet »prejet: Louii Ra- Umrl: Frank Tuahar, c. 16400. ^ Črtan zopet »prejet: Frank Grum, c. (W090. CrUni: Mary 0»el, c. 3U017; John Joseph Wa-•H. c. 75590. Pasivni »opet MTejeti: Sophie Kavchich, c. John Kavcic, c. 24860. ^ JJ'nrla: Mary Jevc. c. 26692. * Črtan zopet aprejet: Michael Harkovic, c. 79612. črtani zop©t «prejeti: Stefon i'avlovic, c. 9620; John Zalokar, 90483. Črtani: Jo»oph Kun, c. 11214; John Umik, c. WH«; Matt Mihakic, «. 22868; M»njH Kunuich, c. 23291; Anna Uznik, e. 58249; Frank Iakra, r tZilHr». {Jt'mrl: John Poljanec, c. 374. »Cnani r.,^ »prejeti: Vince R. . H»' t r 47023; Viotor Afafo-noff «• 75202. črtani: Alea 8tim,r< 1244U; J(>hn Millevol, 1 Frank Matko. e. 67413. ^ mr,k K..»e Knen. c. 76108. Antonio Del Bianco, e. teti: 14 i/' » " •: Angela Drogar, c. Krnil Hanich, c. 91320. >"hn Lovae. c. 66004. Anna RoHiovicb« c. Kiizabeth Benehek. c. 1 ">rl: Joaepb Kajfet. c. to VmI Dr. It. Lodgo No. Črtani: Joseph Goriin. c. 60626; France» L. Gorsin, c. 71646. 121 Črtana xopet »prejeti: Bertha Cupovich, c. 34798. črtani: A-lex Ivanoff, c. 23626;- Fanny Berliag, c. 52680. Umrl: Frank S kerbe, c. 22982. 122 Črtani: Anna Krikik, c. 75325; Vojin Krtokwh, c. 72868. 124 Črtan »opet aprejet: Tony Ce-rar, c. 91612. Črtan: Matij» Jevaovar, c. 87636. Umrl: Frank Kozievcar, c. 26076. 126 Črtan »opet »prejet: Joseph Kamber, c. 66990. Črtana: Anne Blatnik, c. 66840. 180 Črtataa «opet aprejet»: K»the-.. rine Pallack, «, 87639.,« „ . „ 181 Črtani »opet sprejeti: Urban Ströhen, e. 64116; France» Ströhen, c. 54116; Albert Hlada, c 46863; Mary Chergonja, c. 88669. Črtan: Karl Ströhen, c. 182 Črtan: Peter Kosovich, c. 91212. 140 Črtana: Dolore» Baefcch, c. 88768. Umrl: Lovrenc Cedilnik, e. 34149. 142 črtana: Rose Klemencic, c. 84820. Umrl: Joseph Crnkovlch, c. 86888. 145 Črtan: Charlo» Sheffler, c. 86201. 147 črtani: Anton Makae, c. 24810; Leopold Ladiha, c. 19474; Mary Ladiha, c. 30766; Mary Ladih«, c. 90880. 168 Umrla: Eli«abeth Belk?vlch, c. HH632 167 Črtana: Pauline Ohlin, c. 83141. 168 Umrl: John Skof, e. 43569. 170 Črtana: M«ry Antolovlch. c. 176 Črtan: Steve Zalaar. c. 88236 182 Umrla: Krlatine Zšllet c. 57542. 198 Črtan »opet »prejet: John Trünke!, c. 76349. 203 Črtana »opet »prejet»: K»the-rine Burrowä, c. 18076. 204 Črtani Thomaa Zlatanin, c. 90842 206 Črtana: Mary, e. 83981. 210 Črtan: Matt Piratch, c. 86897. 221 črtana: Ann» Hur«t, c. 91107. 280 Črtana: Mary Grgvrich, c. 240 Umrl: John Keaman, e. 36606. 244 Črtani: Ignac Pugar. c. 7044.1; Stanley Kinkel», e. 89911. 247 Črtana: Joaephine Penko, c. Crt«! * Čn«. * rejet: Peter Ma- rinich, c. 55082. 461 Črtan: Joseph Iskra, c. 82866. 466 črtan: Vaj» Drakulic, c. 78641. 464 Črtan sopet aprejet: Adam Kri-sovsija, c. 66116. črtani: Ljubi-ca Hajdin, c. 46968; Bossie He-gedin, c. 90726; Lubica Bljelich, c. 66835. 472 Črtan: Psul Ladesic, c. 63572. 483 Črtana sopet »prejeta i Mary Vukovich, c. 88640. črtan: Ml-hajlo Bošnjak, c. 64290. 486 Pasivni sopet sprejeti: Michael Bosovich, c. 50461; Stfve Zago-rac, c. 52806. 503 Črtani sopet prejeti: John Batista, c. 21486; Alea Corelsan, e. 76511. Črtan: Wllliam Koa-mach, c. 91162. 518 črtani sopet sprejeti: Joseph Ruclgoj, c. 40098; Mary Dugar, c. 66899. 566 Črtani Frank Volcich, c. 70264. 669 črtani sopet sprejeti: Irvlng Croasdale, c. 90660; David Bo- f Stic, c. »7149; Víctor Boatk, c. 87160; Robert Koranda, e. 80289; Anns Rjftthel, c. 68261; Willlam Townsley, c. 72227; Josopblne Townsley, c. 38101; Joseph 8a-jorlc, c. 78674; PhyUis WUllaans, c. 86969; Joe Gornik, c. 82881. črtani: Ross Archull, c. 89700; Irene De Santls, c. 861S0; Maris Veas, c. 78439; Cari Krlrtan. c. 91644; John 8inkovlek, c. 66450. 664 črtani: Angels Zupsn, c. 87781. Jennls Zupsn, c. 87732; Harold E. Kraven, c. 86067; Matthew Plsnlc, c. 87626. 666 Črtani: Helsn Sire, c. 88139; Androw Sire, c. 81493; Agnes Sire, e. 81492; Frank Svlgelj, e. 17983. 668 Črtan: Jacob Nagode, c 72606. 584 črtani: Ann Zakrajeek, « 87632; Anton Stnakel, c. 90974; Psulins M odie, c. 86884. 586 Črtsn: Kari Rlsgler, c. 64738. Umrla: Cbrlstlns Kravanja, «. Me. Num Oart m m A UM ITT KO OtTOgaa 1. UM i 1 CkrlallM Hukarakni« Sllai « kes II M I Julia 'faMlywaevtok «mi SM 1 K4wln Koaan« .... inii IM t.M Mary Oar«4kar ... MM 4M I.M S CMartea SaSMialtk WIM Me l.M Joaaek K ral ...... SCII7 IM .. i M Krmn«ae Sufanc .. SMSS I.SM l.M HtanWy Oragocte . SUM l.«M IM 1« JMaek Kaaate..... . Silil IM l.M 11 Matt Uteri ...... snu 4M l.M Ktok D. TuMsato . snu IM l.M M OMra« Snaarak ... . Mill IM l.M IS Mtaehanla Ma« .. . MM» . IM l.M IS William M. OMter ..sita« SM l.M •1 rrank IxMaKla ... . »mi IM l.M II Krank rraMk ..... ..•uit US l.M M Kila «ratina ..... . .HIM IM l.M J okli KwnataU .... „mu l.SM l.M Btri Elm|ieHn§ft . .»mi I.SM IM 11 Jm r. «ualrk .... ..SM M IM l.M «S J ur Siruk»ly ..... . .MM! AM l.M e« «Unlay Hees ..... ..IHM kM l.M T« JuaUna M. SkAMa ...»m» kM l.M II Mary Va^ ..MIH MO l.M M AneallM Oariallak lili« IM l.M M Joka «eknar ..... ..MM» 4M l.M M Mary Barki« ..,.. ..mri IM l.M M Malaa «ter ....... mu US l.M ISS ARM OtNM ..»ttio IM l.M «teva SAffraa .,. ..»IITi MS IM Hl Anthony t. Masaesk slITI MO l.M Mareara» l*u«aMr .,11111 IM l.M IM Joaaek VuKentolf ..MS* I.IM l.M Krank MaHaeah .. .sin« IM l.M lit Tteraaa Kantnlkar IM l.M 111 Aaaa Pasa« ...... .'.MITI 4M l.M US K ra mm «trajear . HITI IM l.M lit John Tratolk ..... ..»UŠI IM l.M 141 Joa Mikali ....... ..»mt 4M "0** Mary Oapek ..... . .MMM IM l.M 1U ÍZH wTMthsBe« IM l.M .smi 4M l.M 141 Asna gcatnle« ',. . SttM IM l.M Ut Mary Kilripr t. . msi IM t.M Ill Uela g. WaM. .SMSS IM •m 33066. Joseph Lipov Aek, c. -... - » ' »i..... Julisns Lawrenclc, c. Frank Truanovic, c. sprejeti: 64759. 609 Črtan: 59009. «14 Črtani sopet »prejeti: John U-■enicnik, c. 77664; Olga Usenle-nik, c. 88230. Črtani Kalman Meatrovkh. C. 91910. 618 Črtan sopet »prejet: MIha Mat-ko, c. 21167. Črtan: Mertin Mo-doah, C. 70870. S40 črtan: Albin Putnik, c. 73900 660 Paaiven »op^ sprejet: Fr»nk Htrukel. c. 63972 HM Črtan: Rudolph K»mln. c. 80294. M6 Črtane: . Elisabeth Di Dlo. e. •7460. ^ Aao Črtan: Dominic Groarf, e. 91760. am Psaivns: Mary R. Zabrl«, e. c. 87766. Dani«a "9 «prejeli: Andraž U Burk», e. 88681; P»ul Kmolln- c 89166; Joaeph Bl»fl»«»k, c. 87762; Ales Bul»in, r. HP78. Črtani: WillUm Stigllrh. c. HHS74; Nellie Senik, e. Hg68i»; Matt Kwnik, e. 88166; Ito-nny P O« hman, c. 86606; David file, e. 87888. 712 Črtana: M»ry E!i»abeth »en. di«r. c. 80780 715 Criena^,« M»ry ,Cerdln»le. c. 91034. ■ 70686. 269 črtana: HHHO 266 črtan: 87683. 271 črtani . . Radosevich. c. 31047; D.n.c» Kastel k. c. 23123. - Črtan»: Annie Bablcb, c. 6.1696. 278 črtaal: Radolph Damj»novt<«», c 66640; Katherlne D»mj»no-v ich, o. 88722. Umrl: Anton Mlklkch. a 90886 281 Umrla: Mary Brill, e. 23670. 286 črtaa: frank Perae, e. 82502 292 Umrl: Stonon Doliaar. c WV67. 800 Umrl: John SlanU. e. 416*2. 804 Črtan «»pel »prejet: ItmZ«- ^^ ^ .pr.jeU: Blanche gel j. e. 88133 Črtan»: Sophie " f >J#1f Crtaais Caro- Hprague. e. 86877^ ||||# Hšmmr f 9SO0«; M-rvIa C. 308 Umri: Avram B.skupovlch, c. ^ c 729 Črtan: Henry GrlU. r 91291 307 Črtani sopet -prejeti. A» »»n. «prejeli: Edward Dolence, e. 84480; Ann» Dolenc, ^^ fršnil Nelan. e. Ei IIpäP^JB» ms« IM I.0O IM Charta« M «aal ..... MtSt m l.M IST Loula 0treis »HM SM l.M IT« As am Stahsr ...... SUM IM ... IM Mary MOevM ..... m»T IM .M IM Nini' Pto«aya«fcl.. »IM» l.MO l.M m Marserei Meato vi. IM NIIM iMrtm moo »IM1 m IM .11 IST Viator Aunt«« ..... •UM •HM I.OM IM l.M l.M IM Oeorea Orachen ,., •IIM I.MO l.M IIT Joa Mikalete ....... •MM I.0M l.M Mt PraSa Komat» .... •IUI IM l.M rraa«M MaroW .... •IIM IM IM m Leela Ma roll ...... •MM IM l.M ITI WttKa» Votojak ... •MIO AM l.M Mary a TIrate»..,.. .Hill 100 l.M Walter i. Cul lan .. •Mit 1,000 1.00 Wattar St rom akt ... .Hill 1,000 l.M ISI Ktey4 M Ulito ...... Mill IM l.M •U Isa K. UrhM....... •UIT IM l.M UT Mauhaw Ktomanala mu l.M IM Juila M. aiaahr, ... Mary Aa« Kraraar mu I.OM ... lllll IM l.M 1^1 Violet tlMMI^éi 11 MUI SM l.M MT f««l Miara« Mm IM H 114 John P. NMtetovtek .HUI Mo . i • 111 iehn Praaull ....... Sltll ue l.M MI Sophia M. lUalleh... .mu IM l.M IM Karl Dlv^sk, ....... Mill SM l.M 144 I««m Maja ....!.*.? MUS IM l.M MS John Malalke .•un IM IM 1ST Antonia «kaea ..v •mi 4M 1.00 4M AMly Kraacvlak ... •MM MO l.M 4M III Ja Tom Iah ...*/). SUIT 4M l.M 110 Mary Ora4y ....... .mu IM l.M U« B4mond J. PoSoha left , MIM IM l.M IIT Aloyalua J. SalaMto Hill 4M IM 441 Samuel MIMrUa ... .•••41 IM .i. »A4 Mb« Matkovlak ... Still U0 l.M III Ol«a Mealah MO ao MS (tears. Q. ^sato8w,érWU UT William «idler..tilIS ia«v IM l.M 1.00 IM Maary K. USi.i... .•HIT 1.000 IN Hetty ftiiimin i«»< .mu 1.000 IM ; John r. Celllna..,,, Prask K ehUaa ..... •T« «teva Hnyrllla .. ¿ •Uli •UM t,0M IM l.M l.M .MM! I.OM IM John Hranlad ..... mu 1.0M l.M HI ftUrUn Ceffar ..... MITI IM l.M Ml MIMra4 Pru»ai MUI IM l.M MS A«k Twralna ...... •UM IM l.M 414 Lawraeea »»«arln« . till) I.OM l.M IM Mary S«eto .«MU 100 «.M HI Mary i- . .......... »tU» IM l.M John r»Mln .MM« IM 1.00 HI K4war4 i. Metnlkar m Alten KuK.l MUI IM ... •IUI MO ... TM iohn K. Lamlak.,.., MUI IM l.M TM AAellna K. Pevke MM 4 MO t.M Kahart W. Iterey um MO M Borte Hribar ...... •im I.OM l.M William OroMmaa HUT IM IM K u e» n« L. maker IIM IM ... TU a«rnk» Kaelata .. MITI kM l.M ADMtTTSD SBPTKMSKR I, IUI II Boaa Tamlch ...... •Uli IM 40 Marlin K Hut ...... •IMS I.OM l.M John Btolntek .... MUT I.OM l.M ine J. Vera«...... MUS I.OM l.M II BuSolek OrsSlaak .. •IUI IM 4 • • M K tkal DarswHte .... MMS SM l.M IIS Soten T»aoh «•int 1,000 1.00 IIS Manu Patela .... HUI MO k« ITI Ml Idr «4 SuewvlU... Ulli 4M l.M Mary OrahevM ... •tm MO l.M IH iuaaeklna .. »Ilm 10« IM m Annie B te« ter MS»! IM l.M SM K«an Kehartek ... um i«e l.M MT A«hm Ban »In .... ms« IM •. • MS Blllte S»lto ....... MUI 100 l.«0 ITS WUntey A. M«4»«««k Mill IM IM IM Anno i. «Iah» f.. MBU I«« 1 mt IM VlaAamlr VnaaUr MUS IM l.M MT Jahn Varhele ... HUI MO 1.00 AOMITTSO 1. IMS M Amalla Emtell •UM IM 1 »« M ThMMM Praear ■ > •HM IM III Prank i. Prateanik •IIM 100 "ir IM An4r KMnlk ,.. . •Uli am 1 M IH Mary B»m^ .i. . , ,MIM leo 1 M Ii» Martha i. MekV MST« IM l.M AOMtTTSI) JMI.» I. m IS Mewr, M «r»« ••• •tu» im IN »T Carolin» Clhar , •IM« kM ITI Mary MlteAtek .. M|ll H« IN Mark i Papo^». MIM M«< ZAPISNIK UPRAVNE SEJE (rfur i 4. uAlotoMi iW< Predsednik otvorl aejo g), upravnega odsek» SNPJ ob 1 uri ptpoidn». v navsotnoeti vseh upravnih odbornikov. Prvo »v »prejme sapisnik upravne aeje s dne 7. oktobra. Nato gl. predsednik predloii proinjo skupine članov aa ustanovitev angleško poilujodeg» drultvt v okolici Manor, Pa., ter saeno tudi pismo društva št. 78, ki lam oosluje In katero ustanovitev prlporota. — Usta* novi »V novega druStv» ae dovoli pod pogojem, d» Ima. Jo sadostno število novih ¿Ionov In ako drugače sado-stl/ predpisom praril. N dalje predloii pismo ud tajnik» organisaclje Pennsylvania Fr»ternal Conoreea, ki t»o imel» »vojs letno «borovanje 8. in 4. decemfcra v Plttebui-ghu, Pa., ter vabi jednoto, da poilje ¿voje aaatopnike. — Ker je U organised!« selu aktlvn» In vedno n» »trail sa koristi podpornih organlssclj v omenjeni drlavl, je sklenjeno, da se polije dv» »astopnlk« Is okullce Pitta-burg ha. Nato poroča o napravi sa gretje poalopja, na katerem j« posojilo it. 10, in katero posestvo Je sapadlo j od noti, in sicer, ds Js isto v slabem stanju In se je ne laplaia popravljati, nova bi pa «tala najmanj 8176. — Sklenjeno, da ker Je poelopje naprod»J, ae e to atvarjo odloll. Predloii nadalje ponovno »ahtevo br. Unvtleha., goap. saat. v Gary, lnd., da pride gl. predaednlk čimprej tja, da si ogled» Isvriena popravila In kaj J» le potrebno na Jednull »apadlem poeeetvu, ker Je nujno. Br. Csinkar k temu doda. da ae mu nI bilo mogoče takoj odavatl, toda bo to v kratkem livrlll. — Se v»a-me na ananje. Nato gl. tajnik predloii aledede aadeve: Pismo od odvetnika Hellerja, v katerem poroča o situaciji detaultlranlh Racine Hotel bondov In pred-loienem načrtu sa refinanciranje. — Sklenjeno, da se načrt sprejme. Poročilo odvetnika Gloyecka o posestvu v Mllwsu-keeju, na kaUrem Je posojU« it. 29, namreč pod ka-klml pogoji hoče prvotni laatnlk ddblti poseetvo nsanj In iell lavedett. če so por>Jl •• «ss sprejemljivi; v n«-sprotnem slučaju bo poaestvo prodano. — Sklenjeno da »e predlolene pogoje aprejme in odvetniku naroči, da pri ladelavl potrebnih listin pail, da bodo jednotlnl Interesi sadostno savsrovanl. Plemo odvetniške tvrdke Davla A Ktehhorn v Gary, lnd., v imenu strank«, ki Iell odkupiti Jednoti sapadlo posestvo s pomočjo posojila od vlads Ur sahtevs pl-tntenu lijavo o nallh pugojlh. — Sklenjeno, d« to uredi br. Calnkar, saeno ko se bo mudil v Gsryju po drugih opravkih. Piamo od gosp. sast. Benedicts v Detioltu, Mich., ki s« nanala n« posojilo H. 78. Posestnik saostsjs s plačili In se brani poravnati račun aa savsrovalnlno proti ognju In tornadu, ki i« potekla. — Sklenjeno, da se gs posove, da mora poravnati glede savarovsL nine T teku deeetlh dni; eko ne, se naroči odvetniku, da podvssme koraks »s sodno postopanj« Pismo od br. Simona Trojarja, v katerem prosi «a breaplačno rabo »podnje dvorans ss podučevsnj» sa-gleščine In potrebnih reči aa dobavo drlavljanstva, ob večerih ko nI drugim oddana. — Se dovoli. Proinjo usluMienke sestre S. Homec, sa povtlanjs plače, kstero utemeljuje s tem, da Je prestavljen« na bolj odgovorno mas to in ds so se llvljsnslfe potrebščine podrsiUs. — Sklenjeno, da se JI svila sa 82 tedensko, in da svilanj« stopi v veljavo 19. okt. 1986. Proinjo br. M. Kodera, čl. dr. It. 1, aa Isredoo pod-poro. J« le dolgo bolan In — nahaja s drullno v ve. liki potrebi. — Dovoljeno $60. Proinjo ses. Fr. Avenmarg, II. dr. št. 137, sa Išied-no podporo. Imela je vsllko stroškov s operacijo, s» katero v milslu pravil »i upisvičens do redrte odškodnine. — Dovoljeno 886. Prošnjo aes. Jos. Paaevina od dr. it. 673, ki Je bila operirana — a ni uprsvlčens do redne operacijake odškodnine. — Dovoljeno 880. Nsto gl. tsjnik še poroča o proslavi petindvajset-letnice dr. št. 168, v Youngwtown, O., katere se Je ude-leiU kot glavni govornik. Udeleil» Je bila kljub sla. bemu vremenu prilično dobre in proslava Je končala s dobrim moralnim uspehom. N «dalje poroč«, da «i Je saeno. ko se Je t «m mudil, uglede) po»e«tvo, n« katerem imamo posojilo št. 18J, ter odredil potrebno glede popravil Itd. In ravno tako Je odredil potrebno ss savarovanje Jednotlnih koristi glede poeojils It. 28. — S« vasme ns ananje. Nato poroča br. gl. bl«g«Jnlk o poteku »horovanja oiganiaaoije North Caroline Municipal Council, n« katerem Je a«ato(Mil Jednoto. Se vs«me n« ananje. Gl. pomolnl tajnik nato predloii ssdevo dr. št. 388, ki se nnnni« na »tanje bolne«« br. A. M«alota, kateri je glasom adrsvnilkoga «pričev»l« po«t«l slaboumen wle68 -Društvu sa otroke Hollah, člani mladinske-gs oddelka $7 ss asesment. ftt. 116 Andrew Hsrtoss, $14.60. st. 286 Simon Hribernlk. $20,- Mike S t er gar, $16. ftt. 886--Joe Zupsn, $10, ftt. 862 Anton Zidenlek, $17.40, ftt. 870-Karl Baakover, $7.82. ftt. 879—Ivana Dolene, $8.88 ftt. 884—Mary Ksualsrich. $16. ftt. 844—Frank Metelko, $16. ftt. 888- -Nick Harbuth. sa asesment $11 Jl. ftt. 618—John Martnkh, $11. • • ftt. 814-^Ubert ZaUr, $11. ftt. 088— Mary Jenl«, $20, 1 Vincent Calnkar, gl. yredaednlk, F. A. Vider, gl. tajnik. r. A. VM*r St.»r»i» U—tmimrr. e. r__ 309 Črtani: Ann. Beiobr.jdk. e P0898; KaU Fijan, e. 34777; Catkenne Belobr«)dk. c. 90203; Dora lelotorajdkh. c. 49830 810 Črtan Jeaeph Setineek. t. 24*»v 811 čftaai Utp»i aprejeti; M »che« «1250 741 Crtae Uwrriu« Weir, « 9ISI4. f. A l'td**. gl- Ujaik, Supreme Se«>. AM Tm^ WtnJU w POROČIM) O NAKAZANI ROLNIftKI PODPORI k«WM Srn* IS. «SMOf« l»M aaroar or nas «aKarn rAms»n rmrmrnu * »š. i»m i Mfiw«i «««r« stiae. ***•*» »«• HM IriMrtO »«4 i ja« j«wu* »i«. si**u>, r»*» sn I Muk thrn Ml T «sa, ¿«s» » mmmi i«y i» • w Ja» i«-»' •i» IS CWN J M*« SS S.»» IH+tm»* SI» II a«N. ass U (|M>jl t«U»»M »u H TTiii.nifi Sar», aa* *•«*• »ifUnM Ml Imm» N»»a* šai u. M S I I »r &•<»» HI se «r*«k «««Molj mu i*««» n* liker SIS H Jv^ CtrfHf •»*. I*—t» |v*Mt« Ml Si «a» S«!»«»* SI», i^m »»«i» hi. ja« iuimm» si«, V«*e*B. ses I»k I SSI fliMl -tr* »»• A -m* H—**»»" M« J.a*. MSI ss || TM e M-«» »*«r«M« III, /A« «MM ll*e» •« |»t Mi»'" M*—tU»** t: r j*~r h». #•»a» i•■•»«• s* m« rmu» ••• s •I Krane«« Sabalin •»«. i*m>h M«>ir »IS, I,k,., liani« «S«, Martin fakrijnk M II Julin l'»rnM»h SIT. Mall T«rk »M II Ju«Un* U*tor III, V ft JaštovlaS «SS. U William <'•'<• «IS. M. O. VaMlaari «II. »u»« a»nh SSI. M r ra nk OJaiar M«. Ju»«»»h Sua M». Kraa- m Marias 110 SS r«ur Valah III. M Mary PmrIt HI. II Mara» »vU IS, Jnlin SlaMwiui« III, rranb Sl^toi III, Jm*ii »«r«h« lis, 71 1/urrH« Sraj III. II «olla SUfanala 117. rranb AmIh-I II» »s •I Una u«vak»r 014. Mary M»w«*«k lia < IS Mary K«rk..l «10. Martin liartanl« IM Vincent Klana»! II«. Krank Sutn* II» lei J.»r|»l"ii. Jante»»lali Uli Um.U Mal« III, Maraarat 1'lnUr IS. Anna IU-1 IIS, Ji«Meli Salar III, Anna »u|>u«ar III, THiMna* Jaltah III, fr»*** Maf lln^k |ST lea Mary Pimh« IM. Kranra. J«r». IIS tu, j.nni* TaSava« IIS, a«aa (tornea« SM IM JaawS /.ii»lrh III, IIS Krank Kuntak MAS III Uul« llal.»». IHM IIT AnUm Uurlr Ml IIS JuM|»k l'Maara, HS.M. iiAn Maljak II« Jim^Ii ÜU4k«IJ lil. Jnaaehlsa Mame M. Pluli). I'M«» i II«. Martin SarJifc II« I «ur T.«»— HI M. I^wla Hte« IM III HaUn Maj»lk III, Annla aualali M« M III ai»« M Ik llali IM III iimmv« 1 um lala IM. iniin 0»rnlk SM l'aUr authifvlrk III, AnUin RtoNte« IM III Yfntm A»ann»are «M. Ani>a r.r»U MI, K«UK MraSar IIS, C«alMa l'l«rl.k.. MI. Mary Martini «IT, Kann!« Kwlrh SS». J.M*Mn« aialnlk III, KriMN hart« IIS. Mary K n 14a ral* III, *ua« Kana« IM, Amula O«» m M IIS Jukn <»a»i»aiin II III IIskrila M. IT« Anten K.raan MI I III Mary KuUaak III, lt.«»«. Macar Ml 111 Martin IJeH IIS.M AnMa MU* Mr i III J.»ri»h ««TIMM III, Mary Uknfwk IIS JMIIn K«4wr III las IU4nlk III. Ifcilatin. Kallar III, Jut,: r«4r Mi IM III a*ia« «wwn Ml III Hm» fr**» SM IxuU Ihm*» III An> im TH-Him IM IIS Materina Mair III, A »im, r«4nar r 1*7. AMail"«« M* 117 Jrétr* J ««k« Mt MI SlaaIr, V«W*«*•«•• M, J*k* Mirfn»' IM Ja»« K u*— iii. M«r»aa« im tSS iura KaHrk III. III Ma» rwmnri» III M Aa«rla Ja«k»»K MI |AI J«aae* IteaS IM MI Mar»« M>kain II nufaa Iiiimii ii* |«l »«loa lt—**4a 117. im Mall Ctiank IIS » IM J »An Mrnl» MS Mail f Um—tu t- iii l^a m Aal«* SIS. Krank Stete III l'tea Bilm»* SM M1 Mary U>riak III ta* < «rwilm Maaa IM Atela K wm» SM SM Anna U.lraru MI, KaAte» MalaUnl* IIS MI Im» »iMaal M« Kr«»» I «krij III «M>a KwaMk III. I«Iim ««rxa»*■«■» III tu» Mark« Tmu M* Ml MM* klanriKk II« M v Hfktri «»Mi II» M K renk k .«ri-A M Hmm» ««eU»«MS II* III Ma«ha» SUate III laa M..alia ii» l«ana Sue IM III A4«» e»e— MI 111 A»«*« »»»»—I« II1AS Mil» a««"** II I .M JaM*» i«*k» II* lie y raok (teal lit ,se» Maléele UTe*ar »II. Vate Mm« M« III ( alliarinr Kllllnewr ill, Muaana l'uahku III. MS Valanlln Sa Hu» II III HiiOiiluli Mnakoii III. Anlim llraanlkar MISS St« JuMn Miilak III.IS, llruw IUIiii lll.l», Anten <>|i«ka III, J-«»ih Hr.i» III, Mall llrtei» III MS Annla I «nkn IM. frank lUila.huk MI. MS TK«r»M Uarnlluaar III, Mo Krank MuaMuteh IM, ISN Nlkula Maldiiak IM, (INI yfnmm l'ul.wnlk M, I..i4»»l«k ll<«aU| •IHM. J.ihn Kaaulia III, rrank lluanar IM III Mlki llurlili MI IIT Mla»a Uaraaeu«M IM, IM Ji,«ir« Mi|ii«kii»|cli III.»« III Krank HanHwinn III, Nufli» KmIia IM. Kmnk Marl» IM IIS Krank Oumla III, Mary AiimIi lllk«; Ivana Tmwa» Sil. IM Jü-iili ('«eraa 114, JuMn Mma IM. IS« Alle« l'utlaak SM III Al»aii4«r ll..rr«n«*» M«. l'uOmia Kur». IIa« IM IS« ia««li Hlra«l III. III MUlan Viwk IM, «am Marirk IM, III Krank Kam IM, iwiA TraM M« im Amin OssseMl IM, Ml flfMM HM« im Ji.Iih (»all«i»li M kM Julin Ka4iM» II« »M Jmwph Kutimarli III MI Mary Onalali III »71 l'anlln« (teraak IIS klI Mary Mau»«i IM. iiM^ikln« faa^.ln« ||| fr« ka« Krank MkiMi Ml. «al l'aullna l»|.a. i» IIS, Auaua* f«"rin« IM MS Jannla T.irlial IIS »Of |.i«aa M Tru«»n IM Sil Mary Uurl» IIS SM J»a»*li r.lilA»f»l»l> Ii« SM Mi!« »Wk«»l»fc M* k« »IS Krank I' Mrkia. Ml SM inlia Kinn II« »I« itv« l v«iUl I» Sil Nk-fc Mavrall« III •II Maiy Kra|nr kf» K4Mk M««*Im Slk. J.*»i»li a«ra>n« IM AnbMi 1'uUaak 1« M' Aen»a Mar.Mai.i IIS* III Anna K»r»kln III IM AnUMi Safari» MI «kueal 1iA«l M.aaSM | «•<»«•• I.,a4i»«k irnnKil»! UJMk Aaa'l «M'y Vstajanje zadružnega gibanja v Ameriki fNadelievaiije s I. stisni f Kongres Je na to |»>alatilco odgovoril S «I»rejrtjmi reaolu-cije, v kateri fx»*dravlja dolav» «k« in farmarske organisarijo, katere urgirá na o8lU vo<- Jo vsoto ta financiranja sadrul-nega gibanja. RsksI J», da ya Js sadrulnUtvo pričelo sanlma-tl, "ko Jo sposnal, da konsumn« gadruge lahko veliko pripomorejo do roAitve problema dlstrU buclje. Hlsnis Je sapasol svojo prilike radi svojega trsUidonal-nsga mlAlJsnja. Organlilranl bisnU nt« more doumeti, da Js njegova edina prilika xa «talno prosperiteto v distribuciji pro-m paritete msd vsa amerUko ljudstvo." On ni načelno proti privatnemu bisni«u, ampak «a-mo v«led njegove |tolrstne dia-tribucije, Predsednik AmsriAke sadrul-ne lige Jame« P. Warbaae Jo govoril o polorifu sedanje blwil-ske civilisat'ije. "Prav oni elementi nate drutbe, katerih ak-Uvnosll NO odgovorne sa razpadanje blsnlikega sistema, nočejo videti snamenj raxiwdanj» ,<• a In medtem, ko «e profltamkl W8-ni« ruši na vseh straneh, Js sa-n i in Ivo to, da Iis ftvedakem In Finskem, kjer Je mogočno sa-drutno gibanje, nI v »sdnjlh hm-Mtlh usodnih letih propadlo niti «no gadruftno isidjeljc, je nagla-Aul Warbase, ki Je teoretlinl o-čv ameriškega ladruinUtv«. O jtadrulnl medicini je govoril dr Michael Hhadld, o xadrut« ni filosofijl dr. Iloraie M Kal-h II HI i«/iu.ntii»ko\ lijaki 0 dragih fasah «adrulnlltva Kongres je Jioftdravil tudi gl tajnik Mednarodne Zadruine tvil« Henry J May, 4r|JC Ake vea b tenb #i««en)e 'perilo) le ali ak« .•« neredne ali belelo, ne rollte el nemudoma mej« »Ufa-krajske glaeevtu sdrsrtle. Btaae $|. TlIlU mt S polni« ssupaajsMs. MMM t, MKT A I.MMIkOV AM M7 U TI •».. New Terk. H. Ali ato la naročili PraavaU •H Mladlnakl l.lel avojemu prijatelju v domovino? To je eál al dar Irajno vrodaooti. ki ga in mal denar lahko poiljet« svoj» I rem v d«Hnof Uw. . . ^ i A: M SNPJ32 Years Young Offen Soft, Sound Protection Solicit Your Friend• for SNPJ Membership FAOB HZ For Members of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovenes WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21. Progressive Anniversary luckystars ^ i MDirui A I PA__Th» I.iK'kv Sil EUCLID, 0.—We are at It agsin, her« to make our Eighth Anniver. sary a gala affair and merry one for averybody present; right from th« bottom we come up suddenly prepared to shake hands again. It's getting to be a habit with us, you know. The Progressives of Euclid SNPJ Lodge 641 are having their Eighth Anniversary on October 24 In the Slovene Worklngmen's Home on 15333 Waterloo rd. ___, ------- Anyway, it is not customary lor the Progressives to celebrate their anniversary on such a date, as it previously has been in the month of May, however, as it is now the fall season, when you will want to do some dancing occasionally, so won't you please make this your opening dance? Again repeating, the dance in the Slovene Workingmen's Home, 15333 Waterloo rd. (Stragglers Home), so that many more can eome, its conveniences are accessible to all, being located in the heart of Collin-wood, it is easily located. Hsving previously held our dance of Febru- ary here for the first time, went over the top, we hope, sincerely, to again see most of you. The same musicians will be in Cleveland again. The Jol ly Five" from Akron, who play over station WHW. They play till your hearto' content, with variety. Remember, brothers and sitters, this it tomorrow nlte, October 24. Please try and be present, and if you cant stay till the end, come in and let us see you even for a short time. It you have a date, bring the piirtnirr, we alway» like the couples, for—two is better than one. The admission is only thirty-five cents and it takes place tomorrow nlte I Notice to Member* Due to the twenty-fourth day of October failing on Saturday, I am going to be at the Slovene Home on Reohar ave. on the 23rd day this month« not the 24th. This is on a Friday nlte, tonita, so please try and come early. Thank you. Will be waiting to see you all tomorrow nit«. HELEN BETTY MEGLAN, Sac'y Lodge «41. Canonsburg Pioneers October-rHalloween CANON8BURO, PA.—With the falling of the autumn leavea and the fields of golden harvest, we know that thia is the month of October and gay Halloween, l'ioneeis are .taking full advantage of this season. Vari* ous entertainment committees are busily at work arranging social diversions that no doubt wiU prove to be rip-snortin'. So plan to attend esch and every one and have u grand time. 1'ioneer Social Calmdur: October SI Girls' Athletic Club entertained Its members with a Halloween Masquerade Party at the home of Mamie Progar. October U ^^ Again Pioneers extend invitation to all local SNPJ Lodges to attend their Hallowken Mayjuerade Dance. It will be an occasion of impersonating and imiuting, and for doing all sorts of silly things that you would probably not dare to do otherwtee. All in all there will be plenty of fun in atore. Join with the reat of the gay and congenial crowd and have a pleasant time. Prlaes will be awarded, November J ■ On this date the lower hall will lend itself for the evening for a spooky appesrsnoe in decoration of witches, gob lena, croas hones, etc for the Pioneers Halloween Party. If you're not present at the dance, don't miss this affair, for aa usual there wiU be dancing ami plenty of refreshments. So why not come with a creep and take a peep at the Pioneers und Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. * December M5—Xmu* Dance For many years the Pioneers have held an annual affuijr^durijif^ the winter months—and thai T» the Christmas Dance on December 25th. We're publishing this affair two months in advance, so keep this date in mind for more particular! concerning it will follow in later editions. New Member» The membership of Pioneers is •teadUy Increasing every month. Several new mebers are admitted into our great organization every month from this locality. At our October meeting Pioneers had the pleasure of welcoming into their midst Charles Koval, Margaret and Donald Gommell. Dele nahe» Kleeted At the laat Föderation meeting held in Burgettstown, Pioneers represented ss delegates were: Msry Pro-gar, Mary Podboy and Mary Tomn-ilne. Certonal»: Gnedon Chesnic is on the sick Hat. Sylvia Verch returned from the Great Lakes Exposition at Cleveland, Ohio . . . Frank Stcrle, who waa a member of the CCC, stationed at Laweresnoevllle. Virginia, hss returned to his home . . . Happy birthdsy to Mary Progsr on her 20th birthday . . . Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ludviok Hervole, proud parenta of a baby girl . . . "JO" AMBRO«K. Lodge 589. IMPERIAL, PA.—The Lucky Stars' anniversary dsnce was a success, thanks to all who attended. So it ia with great pleaaure that we announce another dance which will be held on Saturday, October 31. This will be a polka dance, and will be sponsored by the Lucky Stars and the Senior SNPJ Lodge 106 of Imperial. A very good orchestrs has been obtained for this affair. L. L. ZUPANCIC, Lodge 716. Badeerland ag Bi uzz YOUNG AMERICAN HERS Musketeers' Musings MOON HUN. PA.—A great deal of Interest, enthusiasm atui attention Is given to the Musketeers' Annual fall dance of Novsmber 14 from the Iocs I people, snd would also like to have the asms interest from the various lodges throughout the SNPJ and lik «•wise the Federations. We hsve secured the services of Ted Houghton and his orchestra, one of Pittsburgh's finest and smartest dsnce bands. This dance will be held in the newly painted Slovene hall of Moon Hun. Invitations slresdy have been sent to the various lodges of Western Pennsylvania. Ksch snd every membiw must pay the rngulsr fee of adml*lon whether or not he attends the dsnce. It Is your duty to attend. Sister Mildred Jersls married recently to Paul Yakllch \o» two are now sailing through life together and may you have smooth Milling». A gtoup of Musketeefa intends to sttend the Morning Ktai%' Eight An-nlversary l»anre on Nov. 7 and here's hoping it will be a succe*». Wonder what has happened to the Phantom Scribbler? Jennie Prince in print. Keep the good work up, Jennie. Please reserve November 14 for the Musketeers. ELIZABETH M. AMBROZIC, Lodge 706. Integrity News By Betty Boop MUSKEGON, MICH.—Breaking into print in the good old Slovene paper, the Prosveta, after a long absence. Many interesting things have taken place since I wrote laat and the outstanding event of the history of the Badger Lodge was th« celebration of the Badgers' Tenth Anniversary. Ten years of hard work and patience —to group as many young people as possible to form the Lodge Badgers. Those trying ten years proved that the Badgers had the right atuff in tbem and came through with flying colors. Which only proves that the result from all that hard work means success. All you members can reminisce on past undertakings you took part In and fee I proud of that success. * • • I made that trip to Milwaukee with the intention of helping celebrate that occasion. I -did and I fult mighty proud to be n member and happy to be there on that occasion. Seated In the banquet hall listening to the fine welcome address given by Frank Bol-ka, short speeches by two of our senior members and, last but not least, the wonderful speech the Hon. Judge Max Nohl of the Municipal Court in Milwaukee gave. That speech was something you and I and everyone who heard it will long remember. The musical moments were rendered by Anton Martinsek and Del Hazzard. Badger land Buzz All Milwaukee Lodges were well represented a* were out-of-town lodges with the exception of a few. Many senior members attended, which was Just fine. Joe Gradisher, a former Badger, now a member of Lodge 266. Muskegon Heights, Michigan, also made the trip to Milwaukee and the celebration. Another visitor who came all the way from Ely, Minnesota, was Stanley Pechavar. • • • Sunday, following the banquet and the celebration continued, a program in the aftarnoon with Donald J. Lot-rich aa guest speaker. In the evening dancing to fine music by Oscar Bsker's orchestra. • * a And so ends the first ten years— | what will the next ten hold for the Badgers? More hsrd work. Keep right on building and let's add an other ten successful years. It can be done!!—>It must be done!! • • « "Busies" Autographs: Pink Indies, Manhat tans. Sloe Gins and What nota were all a part of the gay evening. • • • A gay parade in styles and colors made up the feminine attire. A wide and varied »nay of fresh flowers were worn by most of the femmes. By Ray, Bob and Bill DETROIT, MICH—The Young Americans are eagerly looking toward* the fall and winter seasons. On "Spook" night or Halloween night our first Dance of the season Is to be held at 17153 John R. and the date as mentioned above, October 31. Prizes to best mssked, eats, and drinks galore. So, for an enjoyable evening, don't fail to attend our Halloween Dance. Admission only. 26c and music suitable for both young and eld. "What's wrong with Michigan?" Young Americana, did you notice this question being asked by our Supreme Secretary in last week's Prosveta? Our answer is, "Nothing il materially wrong with Michigan, but, rather, we have failed in our duties and. now that a challenge has been issued we shall endeavour to make the secretary shortly answer back, "Michigan ia O. K.t" Our goal for Juvenile members for the balance of 1936 is ONE HUNDRED JUVENILES. Notice Young American* The meeting date of thé'Young Americans haa been changed from the Second Sunday of each month to the Second Friday of each month. Therefore our next meeting comos on November 13 on "bad luck" Friday. Notice also, Young Americans, some of you have been very lay in regards to dues, which has not helped your secretary anyi Remember all due* M'UST lie paid by the 25th of each month and henceforth no dues shall be accepted other than at the Young American meeting and at the secretary'« home. .'] Member» are asked to act accordingly. « 1 _ d__r Mainly through' the combined efforts Of the Young Americans and Wolverines, the SNPJ Federation of Detroit has been revived and held their first meeting on October 6. A fine spirit of cooperation was shown as you can ^readily see that alf five SNPJ Loflfces of> Detroit wane.present: 181,61«, 504, 677 and 711. Officers el«cted for the balance off 1936 were: Andrew Gram. Jr.*. Secretary - Treasurer, Raymond Travnik, Recording Secretary. Suggestion* were presented by each Lodge but no final action was taken on any problems aa it seemed ad- visable that each lodge send their delegate! to the next meeting on Nov. 3 at 437 8. Livernois. with directions concerning topics of vital interest to all. The Federation also decided to hold an SNPJ Federation ''Reorganization Dance," and this event will occur on November 14 at 487 So. Livernois. So SNPJra of Detroit, you are cordially invited and it is your duty to atend this worthy event and help show others that Detroit is not backward and can also boast as fine a Federation as any city in the country. On October 24 our Senior Lodge 121 presents a "Dooiads zabava" and ia also sponsoring an SNPJ badina championship. All team« have been picked ami raring to go, and each lodge is asked to come and bade their team to the limit. Of course this evnt takes place at 17153 John R. in the afternoon. Tournament starts at 2 p. m. Morning Stars MORNING STARS' ANNIVERSARY CHICAGO, ILL.—It's almost a year since I've written my last artiele snd had It in print In the Prosveta. This one concerns our Grape Festival and Dance on November 7 at the Aldlne hall. (Ml Center st. The Integrity Lodge has plsnned on this affair for many months already. So don't miss it. We want everybody, young and old, to come and enjoy themselves un this night. We know you'll have lota of fun stealing the fruit and getting fined, etc. Music will be flurnlshed by Tony and his Pal-Notera. So don't forget the date and location You msy all be assured of a good time. TINY JO, l^>dge Ml. Westmoreland Federation News HFHMIS'IK. I'A.—IV- aval ewafeeeaee «1 th* Weatasorelsad (V tVders tton ml MNP J Mrh «ill I» held Hands), Ort. 15, si !• a. m.. la Ike Slmmr ksll si rtaridge. Pa. Alt SNPJ UdgM sffiliated »Ilk It* *..imoeelaad fa Federation are a*ked ta «4erl at least t*e detegatas (a rrprecea« «heir Ml* at Ike «-Malng •aettag. As this Is the last Meeting before Mir b|| rrleWstia« which will he held Nevewhft ia at Cleitdge. I here »III he n»sn> Impartaat Matter« im r*m|.l*4e far h Msay other tan portent prebtew« will aUa reqatre yaar fall raa«»d«-ra- A line or two to a "Mohawk". I wish I knew whst it was that yours truly parted with and is in the pos session of. "Starry." Bye, bye! _ PITTSBURGH, PA.—It will be a relief from the mad whirl of polftical harangues, international intrigues and demagogic theoriea to attend the Eighth Anniversary Dance planned by our Morning Star Lodge in Pittsburgh. It is a fortunate coincidence that the date of this great celebra tion fall* on November 7, a few days after the National Election. I shall see to it personally thut u sign is nailed in a conspicuous place reading "Leave all worries behind you who enter here." If the plans of those responsible are successful, the Eighth Anniver sary of the Morning Stars will be as long remembered as that magnificent Federation Day at Idora Park last June. Benny Burton's orchestra, often featured by the'National Broadcasting Company, will furnish the masic. I have been given to understand that most of the promient men and women in the SNPJ will be pres ent, and I have been constantly reminded that our beautiful dekleta will be there in droves. Well, I hope to be still single on November 7, and P am most anxious to see all those that I hear so much about at 67th and Butler streets that night. LUDVIOK ZUPANfcTC, Lodge 665. ' ■ ii i SCREENINGS SPRINGFIELD, ILL.—I have recently begun attending Lincolnite meetings again, aft«r being away for almost a year, and it's good to be back. During the «ummer the attendance dropped to almost s half-dozen, I understand, but now it is back to normal. And here is hoping that we will yet improve on this—that we will build our brsnch, by increasing our membership and being of greater service to our brothers and sisters. • • • This coming Sunday, October 25. SNPJ I/odge 47 is celebrating its 30th Anniversary at the Dom in Springfield. It was one of the early pioneer lodges In our movement. Many memt>ere and friends are expected from the surrounding communities, and a general out-pouring from this city. • • a On October 28. Albert Goldman, nationally outstanding lawyer on the subject of criminal syndicalism, brilliant defender of the workers and leading legal participant in many recent union cases of prominence will talk in Springfield, in Redmen's hall, on Monroe street, between Fourth and Fifth, at 8 p. m. His subject will be "The Spanish Labor Unions and their fight against fascism." He is a leading Illinois Socialist and will speak under au sploes of the English branch. Every one ia invited «to attend. Com« to learn what is going on in Spain, what we think were the mistakes msde by those workers and what we think is a winning program for them. The events in Spain are rocking the whole internstionsl labor movement. The Socialist program in th« November election will also be presented. There is no admission charge. JOE G. BRINOCAR, Lodge 567. Excelsiors ' Extra W. ALIQUIPPA, PA.—For the past six years, once each fall, the Exceptors have staged their Annual Fall Anniversary danoe. Those of the past have been headliners in their field. With us they remain only as a guide to make each succeeding anniversary dance e^ual to thoae of the past or bett«r. Thia year the date has be^n announced a» Saturday, October 24, the place Slovak hall on Main street. In every respect, will this year's dance compare favorably with thoae of the past? Iri music and service it will be equal td any of them. To back this statement: We have engaged the services of one of Pittsburgh's finest dance bands of radio fame, namely, TED WAILDON and his swing band. As previously announced, this will be TED WALIXXN'S first appearance in this vicinity. Come and convince yourself that his band really is just that. As far as service is concerned, the committee has arraagad to have hard-working members at each post, ready to please our patrons. A final invitation to attend is extended to all neighboring lodges. The committee has done everything necessary to make the night pleasant and eajoy-able for everyone. Their reward will be if everyone attending has an enjoyable time. Members, please take notice!! Daring the month of November, there will be a special assessment of thirty-five cents on each member, this special assessment being in effect during November only. A detailed explanation regarding cause for same will be made by the Secretary when such assessment is paid with the monthly dues. Members also please take notice of the meeting date change! Beti«»;.. with November, the «entWy S? lags win take place the first Tu„ day ia each month instead of th* •ad Thursday as previously. same place, Slovene hall, s«me timei , ^ o clock. In case one of your member friends does not see this notice, pleas« call his attention to it. Such change is being made at the request of »ev-eral members who find the new dste more convenient. We Should celebrate our six years of existence by bringing in at least six juvenile members to be initiated at our neit meeting. This would indicate true Exc«laio spirit, the real spirit of eo-operation. Some members say, MI have done enough for the lodge." Such a statement! Come out to the front and make "enough" be twice as much, and still it will not b« "enough." If you don't like the way things are being carried on, don't blame anyone but yourself. Your neglect to attend monthly meeting* is the blame. You don't care to come to the meetings to express yourself, so how should it be known? How should the officers and "faithful members" know what wanderi through your mind? Excelsior members, pleaae regard this as an appeal to those who want to see the Ex-celsior lodge where it should be. Under the chairmanship of Julia Bogatay, the Morning Stars are busy formulating plans for their November 7 Eighth Anniversary dance. The ever popular Benny Burton's orchestra will be featured for dancing. This affair should attract many neighboring lodges. Future success to you, Morning Stars. JEAN SMREKAR, Lodge 721. Spirit- O- Grams Bj Whoosit ST. LOUIS, MO.—What a night! That ia probably what every one waa saying the morning after the "Grape Festival", which waa sponsored by the Central Illinois Federation held here in St. Lou!«. Although the hall was packed to Its capacity, everyone had a very good time. The grape picking amused everybody, young and odd. The attendance prizes were awarded as follows: The first, a cash prise of $5, went to Charles Kacin, 2909 Sidney tt., second, $3, went to C. Weisenborn, 5740 Holly Hills, and third, of $2, went to Mrs. Horath, 3819 Shennandoah. The beautiful floor lamp was given to Sis. Tillie Lucat«, and the "fruit crown" to Bro. Stanley Sohoeber. Every merWber is thanked for their share of work they had done in making this affair such a success. At the beginning of the day the Central Illinois SNPJ Federation meeting took place. This waa a very interesting meeting as some very important subjects were discussed. The by-laws committee gave their reports of by-Jaws which they do not approve of. These by-laws were carefully discussed and will give the committee some material to work on. There were some resolutions drawn up and will appear in the Proaveta Slovene section. Every member is The Clairtonians Halloween Dance POWKD l"OlNT. O.—What now! A Big Halloween Dance sponsored by the West Point SNPJ Pioneers I you is that you will have a grand time. Remember, you won't have to knock-knock at this affair, but stay right in and Join in the fun. For those who enjoy dancing there will be good music furnished by Jack Gutel and his Melody Mixer« from ruddy. Pa. Plenty to drink and plenty t.. eat In stare for evaryon«. So pack Ksfk «ad every nfte wf y mm detegair« make H a poHrt to be there mm time FRANK «TURN. Itoe >. CLAIRTON, PA —A« Mike Ceba-ftek told you in the last issue of the Prosveta, on October 25. the SNPJ Senior Federation of Western Pennt sylvsnia lodges Is going to hold its conference at Clairton. The senior lodge of Clairton has arranged quite a nice welcoming program for delegate« snd all who may wish to attend. Frank A Joe, Slovene radio aitl«ts. will furnish the polka*, the Slovene ladies the klobase, the men will see that nohody Is thirsty. And the Clairtonians are aaked to be on hand to help entertain. So, some o! you members of E. S. Lodges, If you have nothing important on for that night, why not drop In Clairton. There'll lie many Clairtonians there, and it will be nice getting acquainted In this Informal w^y. up SNPJ »ace« Aba«t Tana: Julia Bogatay in town .»A busing«« . . . | Jennie Zalakar, Silver Star, in town visiting friend«. . . And at a local your friend«, young and old. and CPU dance wkich many Clalrtonian* Power Point. Ohio. Well •««•"dad. »ere >een a host of Ve-1 *r» at the Halloween! n,l,l*"B Mikr Vlr J.eko-| meeting Clairtonians welcomed Frances Drnach. our latest juvenile to grow up. . . Anne Matich presented with a gift by the members and looking the picture of a happy bride. . . Mike Cebasek. Vincent Drnach, and your scribe delegates to the federation meeting at Burgettstown. . . An invitation to attend the Excelsiors' Dance on October 24. . . Letting you in on a big secret: There'll be a big time in Clairton in July, 1937. If all goes well, we'll be seeing you in Aliquippa on the 24th. JENNIE PRINCE. Ixtdge 719. Victim: "Hey, that wasn't the tooth I wanted pulled." I »enlist: "Calm your«elf, I'm coming to it!" "I see that the football train came home in section«.** Yes. and «o did «orne of the play* »me to be *e#tri( you D«i re nn Oct. tl. KHAN* F.N RKRtlANT. Hae'y^ Ledgr 716. vac. Jennie and J"hn Le«er Shady Park, some J. 7. Jrs. At Meet lag Miaale«;-At the October Judge-And why do jn»o think ■ hoald he lenient with you? Defendant It's my lawyer'« firat case. urged to watch for these resolution! and reàd them, or have them read to you, for they will be of great importance to every member Ister. Every member will have to vote on these resolutions and it will be yosr duty to know what you sre voting for. There were quite a number of menfbers who came from different section of Illinois: Mr. and Mr«. Kavcic and aon Henry of Virden, 111., Mrs. Church of Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Matko of Carllnvllle; Mr. and Mrs. Grichnlck of GiHespie; Mr. Vale and Mr. Homez of Auburn; Mr. Illersioh of Virden; Mr. and Mn Zaverl of Springfield; Mr. and Mri. Louis Maurfch. and Mr. John Rogel of Gillespie, and the delegste from Lincoln whose name wa« not obtained. After the meeting there wsi lundi served, then during the sfternoon they were entertained by the sccof-dion music of Rudy Gabrian snd hi» friend. Then, after supper, there was danc!ng and the grspe picking « • • Everyone watch out for Nov. 22. That is the date on which the Spirits are giving their anniversary psrty and dance. More will be heard sbout thia later. The committee is starting to make arrangements for this party now. Mohawks LA SALLE, ILL.—Don't forget our next meeting. Let'a make it a hundred per cent. You'll be surprised to see the happy faces In our lodge. We will have a joyous time if you all come. At our last meeting, I am very happy to say, we todk in SIX new adult members and TWO juveniles. Someone is working hard. When are you going to bring In a new member? Some have promised, so work on these promises snd bring them in. Let's make it ohe of the largest« E. S. lodges in Illinois. How about some of you Mohawk membera having your wives join? Come to our meeting and let our secretary explain and let them see how our lodge functions. The cast in the play, "When the Wife's Away," has started rehearsing. and I am alao told that Sis. Alice Krulta shall have charge of the vocal chorus. There are some very fine voices In the Mohawks and I hope tbey render their help. J. J. Jakse Jr. shall also be back for the winter. How about you and Wait giving us a song? How are the tfcrket sales going? Are you out pushing the sales? Don't forget there is just a abort time until Nov. 14. and time fli«e. If anyone haa gotten rid of their tickets we have a lot more, so see your captain. If this Is a success we promise to give you a surprise. We sre working on snother program now where you wIM not have to sell ticVets. Some ml you that attended our last meeting probsbly know about this. A committee is working tniB. A this program now. « » » Sis. V. has s qusint collection "j suvenir«. She stsrted sn origin* idea. By the looks of It . ^J1 have to get a V^SZ She has any brand of fin' fir* you may want. But she jar ; J drinks, boys, but you csn J-k-« The latest brsnd come« fram « waukee. • • • Starry B. say. he J«* get the "Betty Boop' of HoJ^ Rhe'a « fine kid. To« *I £ watch y-r -up. *«>• girls are jealous. Frank M. I Chevey truck He -T' no trouble Hauling the ■ ,jk, around now, and I that rattling Ford snywsy ■ » * Klse* I believe the rea*>n J£J ^ a* was so much ia ^ ^t "Mixmaeter" prize ^ of his baklnf d cake and pastry rer.«~ U., I*:-»?™? J! £ side lodge. I* .t Vegrich for ^^ we « Festirsl. ' «nT THI PHAMTO* r.r>r^8atn mmtiila Boosters PROSTATA i iWnA N Y.—Have you e*?r ¡ when other people begin to advertise m.nv memhs*» M' ^ | 'o* you gre in for a bright fu- CÎÎ refu* to «IV. tWr EL Tor ftJTk ^Jf1 ¿ want to. run feA at th. W« thought of fa ï public get a bed .tuck TÄur* SI W other> üh0 _,.,v.l amnion* fa* do not give opinions the credi worthwhile. Ifcrr ^ves the credit of thinking'that If you have ^hsdthe opporunity of talking to members outside of a meeting V0U would immediately notice fajfertaflf. They suddendly low (fcu. •»complex.'' Tthere anyone who can give us a 1 treatment to administer to C m«mbert »0 that they will be attend their lodge meetings Zkt able to get up and talk with Zbett of the»? Thoae of you who t0 get ai»«ad. remember that | Will never get anywhere by tak-■M, bgck »eat and sitting there aa 2rt is a mouse. Then after a day ¿two, after the meeting, accuae other members of thia and that have already designeted their intention! of attending the Midwest J$K Regional Educational Conference on Nov. 14 and 16 in Chicago, III. Wa urge all who are interested ia disseminating the proper knowledge among our young peopl« to attend this Coaferene, as five prominent men Furthermore, I hear that the boys to report on "The road lo a aaore Detroit News ABOt'T THIS ANO THAT That ia about enough to buy s box of cigara that ht smokes (whle on lodge duty ha-ha). We have no high paid offtcera. They work for the I11 be their hard luck. Poe-liUy sickness, accident or death in fa family will enlighten them to join 1 fraternal organisation that always fa been and alwaya will be a good arther to its members. Conditions will »rise that will be for the benefit tl w lodge and other lodges of our tffiRization. The Lodge Gowanda faonters trailing with "BIG TEN" is UPWAg from month te month, since It was organised, and a» 1 hear, we vili again have a few new applicants proposed before this article goes to print. Yes, our future looks bright fa we believe that from now on we •ill trail with BIG TEN. Some of you brothers and sisters vill «ay: "How in the world can they aroll new membera all the time in wck a snail locality as Gowanda?" Well here it goes. In fay last srtl- tk it was mentioned..... fins in the world can't keep from athletics and from stepping out for new members. Since then, our fkii and boys organised bowling mo, each joined in the bowling laruc. Now there arw aome fine sport lovers choering for them and aop«i or later they will become ou^ atmbm. The boys also took over Not long ago I was asking myself the following question^: Did I read the npinutes of the annual meeting of the Supreme board? I did. Am I in favor that lodges should give children's programs twice a year? | am. Did I do my share to get new subscribers to the Daily Prosveta? I did. Did 1 get any new members this year? I did, some of them. Is it my duty to collect dues every month around the house»? No. Do I miss articles written by Herman Rugel, Herman Preseren, Frapk Kress, William Kadoicich, Frank Progar, Frances Rak (formerly Ls|»-gerholc), the Beacon Buchelorettes, from Orangeville, from Sunflowers, from Cvetkovich-ville and many oth-era, YES, I DO. Am I in favor that the lodge buya the lateat Adamic's book, "Cradle of Life"? I am. Difd Bro. F. Groser receive bis lug-that ill the gob- via the Knock-Knock route i t^ceep Fosters, 'rom Gowanda? I don't know. When will we have an E. S. lodge In LibUe 'Falls, N. Y., and Newark, N. J.? I hope soon. Why don't we have an E. S. lodge in Farrell, Pa.? Inquire et their SNH. How can we Sit more little Boosters to write to e Mladinski List? I have an idea. ....... ^ ______ _______ For present I must close; my better Cowsmia f qo&Ifteam and you~sh^uld half is calling me: "Don't dream all them K0 at it. They won the first, night by that old typewriter. Why ' don't you go to bed?" "Get New Juvenile Members." is the present password of all SNPJ pat by the score of 21 to 6 defeat-at ih« strong Sprigville team. And *>* some local well educated people talk about it, and by doing that they lodges. « sdvrrtrainK the Boosters, and future for tke young The subject is of vital importance to all young people and trained, indeed experienced men will lead the discussions. Two other regional conferences will be held, one in Cleveland and another in Pennsylvania. • • * Who is an American? A man like Avery Brundage at the head of America'« sports group which competed in the Nasi Olympics this year and who on return stated that Aasertce needs a Hitler and a system like tke Nasi* have, or a man like Norman Thomas who aeeks U> remedy our ills with a more just and equitable ays-tem, one which will give a better return to the workers of America for their labor? You and 1 would go to jail should we openly ask for a conflict to usher in a more advanoed system. Brundage, speaking for big business, actually receives the applause of these parasites. * • « A word to the wise: Don't throw your vote sway again. Vote your hopes, your pride, your class, your desires on Nov. 3 by voting for Norman Thomas.—For war, graft, corruption, fear, unemployment, depressions, hardships, vote for Roosevelt, Landon, Lemke. D. J. LOTRICH, Lodge 5M. Friendly City News News!—-Imagine, two articles from Friendly C-ity fa the same week! Every week, I have acanned the Prosveta columns for news of my ex-lodge, Friendly City; to no evail. 1 feel sure that the members who n-member me. knoy that I tried to be y^ Integrity Lodge invites all Sble You aat upright, atared across the one of their booster* when the lodge lJ¥mberi of th, gNPJ ln Chicago, blackness of the room. And then it originated. Therefore. I understand I§Uo 1wmber> tran\ outside of Chi- aeqeied that your heart would burst, the difficulties Sister Secretanj Ye-, l0 atl.nd inUfrily'g Grape coby is having St present. If you ^ Noy ? §l lhf AU|lnt ^ members won't cooperate by being U1, at a n m Tic4ltU mrt Three cheers for herd working Bro Leo Morrello. May he keap up the still wfcisp«rlag acw»ea ysmr badroviv's good work for the Integrity I it official' audden inexplicable fright crawled «0 that fvery member could re«d It, maggot-like through your ^marrow. mcouwr. won* », ..j c u t t „ m TickeU are perc present at lodge meetings, peying the JJ ^J ^ ^ af dues to the secrefary personelly, and , ,„t#frUy WIH hold having the welfare of the lodge at ™ „¿„^^ yT We know «t'a impossible for all of you to be If any members are coming from out-of-town, we shall take cart of tbom over night If you In. tend to stay, We are nearing the end of the 1 like The musie ceased* died away Into al> lease. Now, with widened eyes, you perceived a FACE looming before Hwmrkt JMapiiik reus around with l.amuvh new. Me ecu M aasisUnt manager and trainer for the LIBRA-HY TIGERS. The L J Kg. ere getUag ready for their Thanksgiving effair. The melodrama. "Curses Whet a Night." haa been chosen as the main attraction during the afternoon. During the course of the afternoon there will be the preaeatation of e pentomlme oalled the "Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter." This la slao e melodrama. Then, too, the negotiations fur the eervlcee of the BLED HINGING SOCIETY are A haunting, glowing, ghastly being carried on. In the evening fine heart, dont you think it Is dlscourag ing for your officers? You all know that many happy times are In store for those whose Lodge is listed, namely—»Progressive and Successful." Sisters and Brothers, after spending over two years of my life in a large city, you cant imagine how Juvenile campaign- I like tp have fortunate you are to be a group from every Integrity member to 4e his a small city. There is ever so many and her pert by securing et least advantages over us. For instance, 'one now member before the year la here are members from one mile to JOHN MATEKOVICH, Lodge 728. FLASHES CHICAGO.—On« new and three »«'ferred members were received _ last Friday's Pioneer meeting, ■wy interesting reports were sub-■'tud snd a number of nominetions The meeting broke up early »How for the "mock convention" •hfh *a* only partially successful the democratic and repub-P«n representatives failed to show ■ whieh left the time to th» Social-«CommuniKt and Prohibition party *P'*wnutiv«s. There are a lot of ¡«1*' to prohibition, we found out. sorter, Umperance inatilledv Into ^ thru education and knowl-t* *ould do wonders. To prohibit, •bothei thing The Socialist speaker the need of a new system, a •*Kut ve system, to give all work-"J at minimum wages of at 2,400 per year. Jkat is possi-» our tw^uol^aj knowledge " ^»Pment. A Labor Part^ was m,!n '|ue«t ion for the Commun- ■1 Th, i" • • mock ";tivvntion experiment, -Sther hurriedly, we« en-sb)f ^ numbers. After th^ r "V..ra| queftiona were I!.^hruittK followed. A . g Will be held on Fri- ' ; I., ma.k the nth anni-■¡■1'" LK-s'nning of the Plo-M be free to the mem-Mvatiuna wiy have to be ; HW committee has uremeQfa. »... aar, ,t F» b.jt , A "I. < (h ¿.(Mt are i Is, i ÍUi s». tr»... k. hi 1». publicly-owned power '» o/»**retint profitabIf and towns. Only IWO l,(1 power plante ace is ^merir^ according to '' by the I'ubHc Owner «hirh h«>)d a big cos "ingfiefa, m., |M( JOHNSTOWN, PA.—Well, here I am agfin, bubbling over with joy. What an attendance at our October meeting. A total of 21 members attended, which in comparison to our total membership isn't bad, but a lot better than it has been. We still are far from our goal of having a or more attendance at all our meetings. You members who didn't at-tend our Oct. meeting make it your business to attend all meetings from now on. It really is an evening well spent. ! hope to see some new feoea next month. We accomplished a great deal at this meeting. A "Grape Dsnca" will be held at the Conemaugh Slovene hall on the 7th of November. This affair is in the hands of the following committee: Joseph Culkar, John Bombatch, Frank Urbae, Frank Jan-cer, Beanie Jacoby, Jennie Bombeteh, and Vida Zabric. They promiee it to be "a grand affelr." A good orehea tra will furnish muale for dancing-snd plenty of rsfreanmenta will be served. Discassions and future plans were in order for a "get-together* party for all members and parents This will be furnished by our branch and tor the purpose of getting better acquainted with our elders. Also a "Good Old-Fashioned" dance will be put off soon. All attending will wear the national costumes of Jugoslavia and prises will be ewerded te con-testanta for various folk danoes. This will be some affair, ao watch this pa per for further news of the above- mentioned affairs. We had a visitor at our last meeting, Miss Olive Chuchek. You were very welcome and you are Invited to come again. Maybe as our own member? How about it, Olive? The Jugoslavia Singing Society will hold a dance on the 24th of Oct at the Moxham 8lovene hall. They promise good music. All those interested come and help support the club, for without support a club of thia nature cannot exist very long. All singing clubs are invited, and they certainly would like to see a good attendance. In general all public is invited. A discussion held at Friendly City meeting practically assured 100% attendance at this affair. The Jugoslavia Singing Society recently made a trip to PUUburgh to I help celebrate "Preseren's" annlver-Meetings this week: Thursdey. iary. They conducted a very nice Oct. 22, Chicago District Federation con(.ert, some very well known clubs of SNPJ at the SNPJ hall.—Friday, participating and two *olol»»a. I Oct. 23, Branch No. 1, JSF, Slovene penion,||y must say I enjoyed it very Labor CCPter.-Monday. Oct. 2«. i'lo- much. Wonderful hospitality wes neer Dence Committee. Slovene Leb#r r,,ukred and we eU as a whole en-Centex. joyed ourselves very much. We hope • * • some day to see some ef our Pitta- Whatever else you do this wfak- burgh friends a* one of our affairs end don't forget to take in the Big here in J .hnstown. Variety and Campaign Program of Anns P. Kresna has recently con-Branch No. 1, JHF, at CSPS lu^ll. tr^uU-d to the Prosveta. Friendly 114« W. 18th st, We cannot over- city members wen very glad to r*ad emphasise the treat John Greene, juries, for she reciiitly was a Frances Zele. 3828 S. Lombard ave. (62nd), Berwyn, has reported ilL— Frances Stark will have undergone an operation by the time you read thia notice. We still need blood donors for her.—Joseph Koenik was elected president and George Cerda secretary-treasurer of the SNPJ Pioneers Bowling League last Tuesday night. We're still looking for one backer. The boys roll every Tuesday night a( the Southwest alleys, 18th and Blue Island.-Frank Jordan. Stev. end Rudy Dude* will be transferring to class C insurance. twenty miles away from the meet ing hall. Yet meetings ere well attended. In fact, I am almost assured my presence wouldn't make much difference. Also, everything la conducted ao smoothly that it makes it a joy to be present. Furthermore, the affaire keld hare, ere trom ten to forty miles distant. Lodge expenses, too, are high for we have plenty of competition. Yet—they are e succuaal Whet is behind it? Almost e perfect combination of- The Right Spirit and Cooperetiou! This only illustrates that it can be done; even under adverse conditions. So, for old time's sake, think seriously over the artistes the Prosveta issued in th« week of September 30 and give your lodge "Vun Beeg Poosh"! SOPHIA (BRICELY) BENSON, I .edge Young Americans M4 Integrity Broadcast CHICAGO, |LL*—Son»« persona would like to brans the INTEGRITY LODGE with grofaeque matters and inflame other numbers that the Integrity lodge la not e fraternal lodge Yea, we are 100*. We carry the SNPJ colors all the time, we work for the betterment of the Society. Propaganda that la not concerning the Lodge or halp it In freternal waye is not In the Lodge's hends, for promoting or gaining mebershlp. This ia to derlfy tke lodge In a civilised way from auoh pefsona that carry tke personal grievaee*« against aome Individual member or membera. Further more we do not elm to jeopard-iae the SNPJ principles, but is there any harm If any member or members present some good program that the Society would Imnefit by it. Furthermore, the INTEGRITY LODGE and ita members always cooperate with all l»dge* no matter where the U>dg* or lodges maybe, with our best of ability that Wf possess. Of course all the members cannot be present st all affairs St sll times, nor is it our Infaution to keep away from 0NpJ affalri. It Is Op to the lodge or lodges to aapt out invitations if they like tj have some lodge present. We are always willing to ooop^rata. No lodge can refuse to grant us this. I stand by the Integrity members 100% because I do know that they are always willing tp cooperate and they ara reel member« of tha SNPJ I and they do n<^ carry pfrsonal affairs egelnst lodge* When I write my articles, good or bad, you *Jw*ya find my nam« undei them. I do sot know ell the Iocs' members of the SNPJ end it Is Impossible for other members to know them. Every knock is e boor« and sc ¿iter ell the INTEGRITY lodgt is making good on the NORTH HIDE OK CHICAGO. If you hsve any complaints to make sg»in»t 'he Integrity lodg* or Its meiribers, bring sttch matters to our lodge meeting and we'll lie de-ligted to trash Uils out. Herd rocks are bard to crack so is the INTEGRITY LODGE hard to break. There is ae English speaking lodge on »he Northslde of ChUu-t end the nsme is INTEGRITY Lodge «Hi, SNI'J. M-etings are held over, I know ypu can du U U jiou only make a little effort to do so. If the SNPJ was sot a sound Bo-ciety I would not tsll you to aecurt new members. You can make U more Bound with your cooperation, by little help in securing the new members. MICHAEL FLE18CUHACKER, Secretary Lodge 0SL. Milwaukee News MILWAUKEE, WLS.—Our 10th anniversary la history now. la behalf of the Badgers 1 want to thank every one who perticipated. Plana have already been started for an SNPJ day in Milwaukee on Labor day. One of the finest and largest park'a in Milwauk«e country haa si* reatly liren rented, namely— pleasant Valley park. It la not too soon to alert udvertiaiug fur thia glgautlr affair now. Our laat meeting wa i very poorly attended. Waa it due to rain, fiah frg_or outright laaineas? Regardlea«, thoae preaent dispersed with the business in a hurry and rented the lower Turn hall for a dance in January, definite date to he announced leter. Aiter the meeting a ponny, fish fry, and ringing by the gang In general with Pence master of ceremonies with the piano. Juvenile Cempefa* In laat week's Proeveta Wiscoasin waa taken to taek on aoeount of 14a poor activity In the Juvenile campaign, but frofa now on, membera who have children can expect the writer at their home with an application for membership. Ex- green face, disembodied and sardoni eally leering. Even as you stared the gieen-lumlnous face came slowly toward you. It seemed to float upon nothingness; to advanc« bodlleasly, like a greenish blob of horror, lu pointed beard dripped downward from g distorted mouth; each separate hair of the trimmed goatee glowed with an Individual, hellish lumlnes-cence. It was a nightmare, you tried to tell yourself. It was an evil dream. Then suddenly you know that it Ia no dream. You know thet the Phantom is on another rampege. Local Laat week Library celebrated Its victory In a football game with Stra-bane. The Library boys slithered to S II to I victory. Much credit for the victory of the Library boys can go to Coach Lernuth who has worked Mreleaaly with the beys and getting them ready for action. The Library team was limited to only four plays boeauee of the scouting which prevailed. Among the players who stood eut in the game was the CLAIRTON KID (Charles Mtrimlan). Others whu starred were William Rupnlk, Frank Yerman, Joseph Rlgattl, Kenny guln-trel, Frank Ambroaic, Jacob Doltmee Msnarie, Comls, Josephitis. and musie will prevail. Detalla for thia afteUr will be ls*ued later. Theie and Thoee A new scribe from Clairton asserts that she knows my identity. I say that SLA PN IK did not let the oat out of the bag. The secret remains intact. .. . Julia U announces her engagement to an Ohlan. Lucky stiff. . . Don't forget the Morning Stars' dance on November T. » . A scribe from Moon Run says that she knows who the Phantom Is. Why don't you put it in prlntT The Phantom will give you or anyone guessing Ills Identity the large sum of ten cents. In return, I am to receive five eenta every time an error Is made. I'm positive that I would have been ahead of the game. , . Quite able to determine the hints made by the RARBERTON TRIO. . . Wondering who "Oh's" »evere critic Is. From Sll reports on the affair at Universal, I should say that Stefle la a better taker-on-the-ehlnner than you. She got in the way of the Champ's light, didn't she? , . . So Jean Snueaker is wondering? Mo am 1. Nationally Famous I knew he was n.politician because his facial expression and his handshake did not metch. PHANTOM SCRIMHI.KR, Your Health Friendly City member gs well as our •c«»t ding *ec'y. We wonder if she »till at times recalls "the** goal old - |||KTORY be wrils i professional baritonist, has in store for ue. And the rest of the program will b«- good, too. So. come end en-Jqy U. Dancing follows the pro grem^-The other aoctal «vent is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 30. the gloven. Ubyr Center and will be In the form of a party. Our Social ...... Study Club ie the sponsor end. oh ^^ ATTEND MKCtlNG INHOMNIA (Inability to Sleep) Insomnia Is a disorder of sleep, which may be In tha form uf delayed onset of sleep, a »hallow ur fitful sleep, or an untimely waking. In so mala may arise from e number of different cauaes. Some of the summon causes for insomnia are noisy sleeping quarters, lll-ventllated, overheated rooms, too meny or too few bed clothes, cold feet, retiring hungry, overeating, toe much coffee, tea, cocua, of an eaceeelve amount of al-uohellc liquors, tobacvo, or druga. There also may be emotional cauaea, such as grief, worry, eaves rskal or slve physical or mental fatigue, nervous prostration, 01 diseased nerves. Another rauer may tic ptiystrat 4ls¿ u — • —h i comfort auch as pain, cough, fever, pe«t to sign everyone wttero . eau, ^llri**, painful urination, Itching, otherwlsu I will not leave. Bo all you Badgers be prepared and think-only 184 per month, Sifk M»mk*r» Fr. Kaker is at home, ami Kath-erlne Obrovifa il it Ufa M«ir«»»e sanitarium. Pl#a«s pay them a visit. , Thi§ V TKot Plana era under pay for a visit with the Integrity on Nov. 7, end tha Mohawks on Nov. 14, Anybody latending to go gat in tpueh with Frank Bolke ft 780 W, Nal'l avs. Freddy ZaJes la «itea4lng the University of Wisconsin 1» Madison taking a course in alagtjpjpsl engineering. When in Madison, pay frits a visit. errs Harvest spd grape {«ftivel will tgkf place tkla Saturday at the Ipwsr g. I, Turner ball with Phil de Mlo'e orchestra. With grapes and fruit looking at you invitingly to be stolen but there are ear lady copa who will take you before his highness Judge Kuban who will meet impertial Jurtlce to all. For a good time 00 Saturday we invite you to the Pun-o.|*ers llerveet end Grape festival. LEO NCIIUI4GE. Lodge 584 stomach and bowel Irritations, Indi gestlon, gas, excessive amount of aeid In the stomach, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea slid difficult br»sth ing. Severe headache, night sweats, high blood pleasure, low blood pressure, goitre, hegrt diseese, hardening of the liver, lockjaw, yellow fever, chronic rheumatism, anemia, Infection of the brain, and diseases with high fever, era also causes for insomnia. Insomnia In children is usually rauaed by hunger, Indigestion, which Is due from excessive or improper feeding, constipation, lack ef fresh eir, bed habits, such as rocking during sleep, night feeding, violent 01 exciting play. Inherited nervous Irritability, hip Joint diseese, Inflem mat Ion of the kldneye, acqle infections, breln Infection», uough, dlffl ciilty In bieathlng, anemia, adenoids, enlarged tonsils, worm* and teething are other cause* for Insomnia In children. To eyeicoq>e Insomnia, the cause must be found, if possible. Worry being one of the moat potent eause* every 3rd Wed of •*ale. We'll be reminding you until Der ' M»ke. I that tbf Pioneers will hold e dance truuk*" .......^ the SNPJ hall ou thst ntjhi ' '»fficlaTs 'from mepy! want you, even at |hi ear ly taU. Jl" *«re presenv Tbe put a big red circle aw-und hat day d' publicly owned plenU, Y> book /onr best date and ^ trot ♦litstloa, whether our »">«M fa tbe company of four many * ""WflllW K or not. fronds = Dsr«e Plants gjve better and Monday, Oct glover* Center, sir?k*. Wy cheer on I • • • et.eur "r>'W i)tñ{ r„u me» Im« w what ^cy S'e ft forget, «♦"»•(„„a «hat they do th* firs« one is • *JffiÎ7» Rro Leo Moretlls. our treaeaaer. EtJIE Cl LgAR, eas JGsap ht W»s the Int'grHy — " ' . drl sad »rtH" mimt' Tbf» I'et and Mike atood Weie a sag f ^ [ft.,nt wut (|(jM f»m why do«>'i y*u Mijr a What fer?" To fuur eMb*s in." •Whstt and ase go naked?' -tvhip Uagu« Mayl A number of promfaeat Jw»ng »4 adopud everywhere' v. from MÜweo|-e. Wa^egSr new Chicago, I4 Salle ¿I Sprfngf»»«. Oth«ii T4 gtudent: "TWo oolversltg f'ofe^ ii Of them could teach sod #( a»sy It s'-yhere else They're ** dumb. Why. they gughtagrti« a I flunked, tee/ tie ign broagkt Bru Hojr/jla bot ', te Us We ere eerif happy irde«d to bge« hjm U k This yefr he spent hl« time In reorganising «he lod job of H -fsr rnpre IfllÉr drr#mt yf I ""ÊLwË hi « wort if much redit M» roe Lenge*bot« Kok, will present e) Pley fa«, EMiin "The New Deal." of Insomnia, can be currecled by Im-piesslug the patient that the Urne for sleep la shurt, and the time being awake is loug. and that a very few hours of good aleep Is necessary to maintain life. Stopping mental activity la the evening, a moderately warm bath or shower, followed by general massage end a little hot milk with crackers, before going to bed, are frequently effective measures for promoting sleep. A fairly long walk or other exercise in the afternoon, or S short walk in the evening, may be helpful, especially^ for Individuals whose occupation may require a lot of sitting. Where there Is hardening of the arteries and a tendency to high blood pressure, the evening meal should tie light and taken early Where there Is acute Inflammatory pain, an (ce bag or hot water beg to the Involved region ia often sufficient. Hut weter buttles in bed will promote sleep, where the sleep Is Interfered by cold feet or legs. Diugs should be avoided as much as po**iblc, especially when tha pe> tient cannot be kept under close supervision of a physician, In milder eese*, bromide* are given at bed time and are the safeat and frequently effU elant remedy. Other drugs such as vhlorgi hydrftte, opium, morphine and veronal are prescribed by the femlly physii-lan, to relieve Insomnie in savors cases. Another treatment ia hydrotherapy as a foot bath, with or without mustard. Ice cold clolhs can be applied to the head, local packs to tha leg* or abdontsn may be aegvéreoble A general bath sterted Wann and allowed to cool until there Is decided dilatation of skin vessels, followed by fi let ion or light msaaage, U another good method. Ilot whiskey and water induce* aleep, but If an overdoae Is. teken may reuse •leopleasiieas. JOHN J. 7.AVKIITNIK, M D. principe! address oa ronditlons bore and ot.roed In teletion tu the lebor UM veni. nl, II« will be followod l«y John Hak, ser'y of branch I, end Jnbn Greene, tia*«J*erltone, Negro ort!*« «inger, a*» >«npentnod by Marion I.) > Ii»»tbeim Th» mniiwlini numlo«) will be e ma«* mitation of 'Requiem/' by Berkel Kloprie, en lmpre»*iv» labor tsMeeu«. Aftei ih« piogram. whkh ahell not lest more theo two beura end e half, there will lie dencing »«mblned wlth e gonuine "domede sabeve," Buddle Ibhweb'* 01 bestia will iureiah deae« mu*M Admi«eloo -. 3lr in advaaee. 4n- el tbe 4e-'r, Mecure y««ur tiekots flow, «all R««< k w«ll iSS4 Doo't for-gel to eilend this i'SMtpeige relly and piogram Sunday, IM. tf l'l'H COMMITTEE "Wowt" tielbiwad Utile Msry. "Wliat Svw *' " asked hol muther. "Jun.or's gono awey end went pbsy ihereh wlth ■*■ any more " "Well. I «vpp«*e Juawr doesa^t have t<* play rhureh If he doesa't Kneten, apeekor, (He well-knows j u will deliver tho "But be ees the rotioctfaa plate. PfcOSViTI Six-Month Campaign For .Now Subscriborsjo Prosveta Effective July 1 to December 31,1936; Two SeU of Prizes Offered for Subscribers and Agitators The Supreme Administrative Committee of the SNPJ luui laid campaign plana for the Molicitation of new Hutmcribera to the Daily I'roNveta. The campaign officially opened July 1 and will done Be rem her 31, 1936. Any member of the SNPJ, intereoted in »eliciting new eubaerib era to the Daily among membera or non-member*. may participate In the campaign. Every new subscriber b* welcome. The number of aubecribers to the Dally muat be Increaaed, ao that our cultural miaaion will be etrengthened and broadened and uo that at the clone of the campaign, we will be In position to en large the Prosveta. Conditions Covering the Campaign All Mubecriptlona will be counted on a full year baaia. Two half year, or four quarter year subacriptiona will be counted aa one year aubecriptiona each. Where there are eeveral HNPJ member» In a family, a new aub-Mcriber may be aecured in this manner; If there are four who will give up their Weekly imum to be Included in a Daily, one of the membera, or all of them combined, need pay only an additional aum of $1.20, and a daily subacription for a year will be enter«* for the family. All that ia neceaaary ia that the naanee and lodge numbers of the membera in the family are given, ao that the anb* acription can be properly recorded. In cane the Weekly ftaauea of five membera In a family are com bined to make s Daily aubacription, no aum of money need be added, but auch subscription ia not counted for award in thte cam paign. In Chicago and Cicero, where aubacrlbera pay 91.50 for pontage on eubecrlptlons which include five Weekliea, the aub* script ions cannot be counted for awarda either. Our ayatem of entering subscription for the Dally Proeveta ia aa foVowa: . For the tailed 8tats* and Canada for oeo roar...............16.00 Weekly and. " and. M and. " and. M and. .... 4.SO ... S.S# ... 2.40 ... 1.S0 .no cash For Cicero sad Chicago fer «m year .......................9TJÍ 1 Weekly and.................$*Jt 2 " and.................1.19 S " and................. 199 4 " and.................f.T9 5 " and................. 1J9 For Kurope .................. tji Awards to Subscribers Any Individual who aubscribea to the Dally Proeveta for one year, during thia campaign, and aenda hi« aubacription to ua direct, taking no diacounta or commiaalon, will be given aa s prise a copy of "Ameriiki Slovene!" published by the SNPJ, or a copy of "Tha Native's Return" by l*uia Adamlc. These hooka are valued at 92.00 to 93.00 and will be given only aa long aa there are any in stock. Any one who, during the campaign, aubacrlbea to the Dally for a half year only, and nenda hie nubocription to ua direct, taking no discounta whatever, will be entitled to a copy of any one of the following books aa long aa there are any in atock: "Pater Mala-Ventura," "Jimmie Hlgglna," "Zajedalci," "Zakon Biogenexe," "Hlovenako-AngleAka Slovnica," or any other book of equal value. Awards for Agitators The following awar4la will be given to agitator« who secure new subscribers for Proeveta: For 100 full-year new subscriptiona, a typewriter valued at 9100.00 or 9100.00 in CASH. l or 50 full-year new subacriptions, a portable typewriter valued at 950.00 or 950.00 in CASH. For 25 new, full-year subscriptions, 925.00 In CASH or a wrist-watch valued at 925.00. For 10 new, full-year subscriptions, 910.00 in CASH or a ring valued at 910.00. For 5 new, full-year subscriptions, 95.00 in CASH or a fountain pen valued at 95.00. For two, three or four new, full-year subscriptions, $1.00 In ( ASH for each subscription. Brothers and Misters: Let us all get to work and secure new subscribers for the Dally Prosveta! ■ PHILIP CiODlNA, Manager. Women's Round Table (oar yearn following nn «taction is doodad by scandal casoa. "bait woman" notes, King Edward's lova affair«, and western movies. e i Perhaps ovary woman who de-plorea thia state of affairs (and there sre over so many) oan have some measure of eoaaolation in the fact that this condition ia not peculiar to the female sex alone. Men are very noticeably subject to the tame »leaping sicknesses. "Oh, no?" Wall, how about the big, husky man reading the True Story magazine on his way to work, et cetera, at cetera? e But this consolation is not enough. It doesn't mean anything. Only men and wumen—working together—will be able to establiah an order that will be fit for human brings. Women's logic must reach the point where the idea of men and woman being a different species of animal wiU be abandoned—and learn that every interest of man likewise affects the status of woman. About This and That AMONC8T US CHICAGO, ILL. — Reminiedng over the week-end spent in Milwaukee and Weat Altts, Oct. 10—11. We have among our souvenirs those boar steina; quite a novelty. Jolly AUia. Can «till hoar Frank Zup's whistling, accordion playing. Couldn't explain confetti and peanut shells brought home Sunday morning after the Jolly Allia dance. Wondering if Milwaukee's Board of Hentlh overlooked the piece of paper ws threw on their streets. Saw while roaming (quoting Addie Yersin), "The world's laiigant" sunken garden. Really beautiful. Namea that stick:—Kinnickinnic strest, Mr. Cloud *> ths tMrd Fridays ets. Keep in mind these two dates for of each month? Our girls have »imply' 'gone Hv f|H theatre parties are only secondary now. ,. * The A. M. A. tfam will be at your service at the Nov« meeting. amtoef Remember to «aye this date. ANNE GOLUB, Lfelgt 569. By MARY aUGU Logic u now |»»i»er which So, according to this woman's logic. she cannot see why women ajr« fighting f»r the very things they don't like. (fur ll #itun it'H Now Hml thru I» *u|»)*>mnl to In» liberal gets hold of some feature writer, who, by his l<»glr, intend* to »how up the fallacy of another, It ws» with th * In mind that a particular eity daily employed a w.Miian feature writer to contribute u few articles pertaining to woman's so wrong. interests. She called her series "La | gven by trading only the news reportinir in the very same news-paper that rarrtel this article, any woman *h»uld kn»w which of the «' ove sre mhtatementa. S good time at Canonsburg; DANCE *ur,y over taking. Dencing November 21, with Joe Papa's orchestra, snd DECEMBER 26, THE PIONEKRS' TENTH ANNUAL CHRI8TMA9 DANCE. We welcome into our midst Charles Koval who was initiated at our last meeting. Perhaps the charming Mrs. Koval will transfer to the Pioneers now that her husband haa become one. We sincerely hope so. Application for membership was by Donald Gemmel through Mas Chesaie, Plans are in progress for a Halloween Party and Dance SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 1. Admission 26« and music by the Moonlite Serenaders from Bridgeville. October 16, the fioneer Girls' Club gathered at Boodle's Alleys to open their BowlHig season. We know of two girls who are determined to be champions this winter, so they say. We wonder? Mary Progar topped the score sheet With a 113, Frances Fior-ganci 109, Anna Koklich 110 and M. P. 104, quite a few ln the nineties and to L. K. went the honor of having ^he Idwest scors. W« JUDGE FRANK J. LAUSCHE Frank J. Lauache, judge in Municipal Court of Cleveland and candidate for Common Pleas Court, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, en November 14, 1896, the son of humble Slovene immigrants who Wbtf considerable din- tor, all of which he refused, preferring tinction in the" ¿naturalisation of thousands of immigrants -in Cleveland. He received"* common school education and studied law. Much of his boyhood was spent on the fandiota of jGlevelapd, where he showed a great prowess' as a ball playing with the gineers and the player, at one time old Stinchcomb En champion White Motor Autos. If not Mamie Progar eajt on the sidelines keeping an eye 911 nephew Sonny. "g down the alley est score. We promised M. P. nearly g_ publish it so we'll Just let It'with the ball. S. N. and F. P. among go at thai. Agnes Curtis surprised the missing. iA| the shy violets us ell. Thf first time she ever saw bofrling on alley it, We wonder how S bowling glley or bowled and she many were stiff and sore the next pessed up quite a few of the others day. And so until we meet again who have bowled for several ysars. at the bowling alley—bye. P. C. —r*S*r* las Ftsseee, Hary H. Woodring. Secretary of War dies in l>i*tre*s. Now, thny used to teach us (and let us hope they still do) that when sny premise of a syMoglam is wrong, th> conclusion is, without saying, si- nd went hack to the graduating earn laud u m from Joha Marshall School of Law in 1990 and, the same year, passed the Ohio bar examination with a grade of 91.7. being the second highest in a class of 160 applicanta. Three years after his graduation from John Marahall, he was called back as professor of law, teach big agency, a subject that requires an encyclopedic knowledge of law. After teachiag for aome six years, he turned hia whole attention to the practice of law. 8oon after young Lausche began to practice law, he associated himself with the firm of Locher, Green and Woods. He showed unmistakable genius in his legal work as student, teacher and practitioner. The late United States Senator Cyrus Locher was his political mentor and guide. Not satisfied with the narrow bounds of the legal profession, he ran, in 1992, for thé office of state repre-sentative on the Democratic ticket, but was defeated in the Republican landslide. Two years later be ran for State Senate and met with the same fate. Meanwhile, he continued his highly successful legal career. His work as a lawyer consisted mainly in trial work and he early achieved success as one of the best trial lawyers in the city of Cleveland. He tried most of the appropriation cases of the Cleveland Metropolitan Park Board. In May, 1928, he married Jane Sheal, daughter of a prominent Cleveland business man. Ths year 1982 brought a great change in the legal fortunes of Judge Lausche. This year he was plunged anew into the turmoil of politics and backed Ray T. Miller for mayor, and when Miller was elected, he was offered the poets of secretary to mayor, Safety Director and Utilities Direc- he ran for re-election, Judge Lausche led the list of ten candidates with a total of over 83,000 votes. All three Cleveland newspapers, the bar and the Citizens League had endorsed him. Within a short time after he became a Judge, he established a precedent in hia deciaion dealing with 3% loan agencies. Under the law these institutions are allowed to charge 3?r on loans made by them. They, however, until Judge Lausche's decisions, also charged, in addition to the extravagant interest of 3% vne extravagant interest oi aVr per . . . » • r month, attorney's fee», repair charges, niKoWJ J«*«*, Soviet Commissar to remain a lawyer. So conspicuous were his abilities that in December of 1982 Governor etc. Judge Lausche held that under the taw, if any such chsrges were made, they were in violation of law. As Judge, Mr. Lauache also took the stand against eviction of poor tenants. Springing from the common people his sympathies are with them. His sympalmis were first aroused by the plight of the evicted tenants and he became their champion. In the end his policy got the support of banking and other institutions. Although he haa been on the bench only four years, he has written more legal opinions than any other Judge of the Municipal Court of Cleveland. of the Interior tklan Generous, with high moral qualities, he has acted always in what he conceived to be the public interest, never in the interest of hi. own pri-vate ambitions. He does not care for high office and has remained in the public arena through a high »enw of duty rather than love of power. ATTENTION, "SNOTTY" CICERO, ILL—Two weeks an we saw sn srticle in the organ in regard to the Pioneer dance. It said there were no Integrity member» at the dance, and the party didn't even Laat July, Judge Frank J. Lausche sign his or her name. Whoever it waa urged by the Cleveland Pres to be its eandidate for mayor. After a few days, he emerged with his decision not to run for mayor. At this time the Press said editorially, "By continuing to be a fair, honeat and courageous judge, and perfecting himself in the knowledge of the law, he can become one of this country's greatest citixens." The Plain Dealer said, "Such a decision is creditable both to the judge's good sense and his sense of civic responsibility. Though comparatively new to the bench, having aerved but three years in Municipal Court, he has impressed himself upon the Community as a man of ability, of courage, of true judicial qualities. In the natural course qf events he should have a long and increasingly creditable career on the bench ahead of him." A man of the higheat honor, Judge White appointed him to the office of. Lausche represents the highest type judge in the Municipal Court of of judge rather than the astute poli waa he or she evidently ig not ac-quainted with all the Integrity members. Next time we will wear identification tags, or "Snotty" will have to attend more Integrity affair» ts get acquainted. Integrity is a small lodge compared to the Pioneer lodfe, but proportionately more Integrity members attend Pioneer affair than Pioneer« attend Integrity affair». We were at the Pioneer dance to the end. MR. and MRS. JAMES L. K0LAR, Lodge 631. "Gosh, you're dumb. Why donl you get an encyclopedia?" "The pedals hurt my feet." , for ihs "PROSVEWr Labor and Prosperity L«bor haa always contended that the pay check gets it in the neck no matter what happens. In good times, wages go up more slowly than the values added by manufacture, and never get as high. In bad times, vages as a rule drop fatster and farther than values added by manufacture. So It is rather consoling to find that others, outside the Labor movement, sometimes agree in substance with what Labor has long contended. Last week the Council for Industrial Progress issued a report confirming Labor's claim that the workers always get the first boot. In all manufactures, the Council report says, value added by the manufacturing processes increased 28 per cent from 1919 to 1929, while wages increased only 11 per cent. From 1929 to 1988, value added by manufacture fell off 64 per cent and wages dropped 55 per cent. Values of iron and steel products went up three times as fast as steel wages during the boom years, but in the toboggan slide from 1929 to 1933, values went down 64 per cent and wages 68 per cent, so says the Council for Industrial Progress, t It has always been thus. But when Labor makes the charge, it is always discounted as pure propaganda. When an institute, sponsored by the industrialists, says the same thing —then it is regarded as authentic, comprehensive and worthy of notice. But industry won't do a thing about it beyond admitting that it is the mamy with the pay check and not the coupon clipper who always get in the neck. —Minn. Union Advocate. Wisdom The candid citizen must confess that if the policy of the government, upon the vital questions affecting the whole people, is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made ... the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their government into the hands of that eminent tribunal. —Abraham Lincoln. The kind of rich men who now support the Liberty League and the Republican Party are very likely in a crisis to support Fascism preferable either to confusion or to Socialism as did many of their comrades in Italy and later in Germany.—Norman Thomas. A thousand years scarce serve to for» » state; an hour may lay it in the dust—Lord Byron. Perseverance The difference between perseverance sed obstinacy is that the first comes from a strong from a bad will while stomach. the second comes The John Smiths By Harold Maçin One could make 1 !>»• following outline «»f fcr,- reasoning! h'trwf pitwiif: Soviets, nana, fasnst«, unit rum inuniM» »ee't t» make the trsgedy of ••»»«• woman the tragedy of ten« of thousands of other*. No woman * ho like* freedom like* this. In (,«-miany every woman between IN and 2S must spend six month* in n lal»or tamp doing «11 the murhantee of hmitework. German girls do not like this. M..fc»olini make* the women to go en masse to rhurrh to t»e marriad Italian «omen do not like this. Muaaolinl encourage* woman to l«ar large numtwr* of children Italian wrnnen do not tike thia. Women everywhere want freed'vm They do not want regimentation Srcvmd premier The M|»anish women are fighting for the *ame thing* a* did the fier< man atd Italian women er women who*e govrrnv feaciette. The„f.r,. , ih* -at 1» kind of 'aw* woi m and Italian *tm «n in all »ther fasc««ik You will notice, however, that In building Op the case, the first prami«« ws* made very Impressive. It was so elalxirate that the M«lm|iie" fact ¡that »he said that "Spanish are ftghtirttf for fa«elam" unnoticed. And so- Mise Weishimer wrote up a "brilliant" article, ahow-li%| )u»t how much logie and common sen*e it la poaelMe even for S *<>nvan to hava.t!) One eould just I»et she would nevar fight to get In to a nte«a that «he knew she didn't, like! { Thia example cornea to mind; he-reuse it Is typten) of swal of the wind->H*Bging that I« gntng on darin t thawe few weehs prsaed ng eter tk Ills and all *th sr lents la»awrv\n ••men want as (»erman n end worn • ounthes. n The only objective ia Ui e*tab-i a <