Editorial Four papers make up this issue of Journal of Criminal Justice and Security. The first deals with Slovenian police officers' ability to cope with trauma, two papers from Nigeria examine the factors relating to prison recidivism and how weather conditions influence the committing of criminal offences, while the last paper from Estonia describes the ways local governments can manage security issues in local environments. Tinkara Pavsic Mrevlje analyses the issue of the Trauma and Coping of Criminal Investigators in Homicide and Sexual Offences and Juvenile Crime Departments within the Slovenian Police. The study seeks to expand the research field of trauma among police officers in two specific police groups: criminal investigators from the sections of Homicide and sexual offences and Juvenile crime. The results show that both groups are within the average range of posttraumatic symptomatology. Generally, most participant investigators demonstrate good resilience. The author concludes that resilient officers cope quite well with the emotional demands of their work tasks and therefore do not suffer from posttraumatic symptomatology. On the other hand, a low level of these symptoms might also be a result of underreporting due to the need to be seen as less vulnerable. The finding of police officers' infrequent use of the coping strategy "seeking guidance and support" tells a similar story. Participants in the two groups show the tendency of relying mostly on themselves and very rarely on others, which might also represent an effort to be viewed as strong and resilient. The results for both groups reveal low posttraumatic symptomatology that is linked to specific, mostly avoidance-coping mechanisms. Gabriel Agboola Adetula examines in the paper Procedural Justice and Fairness in Cases Adjudicated and Attitudes to Recidivism among Nigerian Prisoners several factors that can influence the behavioural practice of recidivism within the Nigerian socio-cultural context. The author shows that imprisonment term and adjudicated case hold a significant negative relationship with recidivism attitude, while a significant positive relationship was discovered with the perception of procedural justice measure with the crime committed and the imprisonment term. Procedural fairness has no significant relationship with recidivism attitude, indicating the neutral impact of these variables on each other. It is concluded that it is a matter of national urgency that the administration of the judiciary encourages judges to make greater use of procedural justice and fairness when handling their cases. They should avail themselves with the non-custodial sanctions available in the penal statutes, especially for first-time offenders and those convicted of non-violent and minor crimes. An interesting issue of the influence of Weather Conditions and Crimes Prevalence in Ifako-Ijaye (Lagos State, Nigeria) is considered by Elisha Ademola Adeleke, Abiodun Daniel Olabode and Abimbola Emmanuel Oni. The paper aims to analyse the influence of weather parameters on crimes with a view to understanding the varying degrees of crime prevalence. The study results reveal that rainfall is a major contributor to the occurrence of any criminal activities and that vegetation cover within the environment provides hideouts for criminals. It 319 was discovered that, although the climate affects all criminal activities, rape and criminal conspiracy are the most susceptible to the weather. The study shows the level of rainfall as the most dominant parameter that induced murder and kidnapping, while maximum high temperatures induced theft, false pretence and cheating. The authors also call for further research on other crime-induced factors. In the article Local Governments as Providers of Public Order: The Case of Estonia, Ero Liivik deals with the legal regulation of Estonia's public order from the aspect of local governments. Based on an analysis of national legislation, the authors conclude the central task of local government is to provide public services and improve the living environment. The principal provider of internal security in Estonia is the Police and the Border Guard Board, a nationally based organisation. Local governments in Estonia do not have their own police structures, the only limited possibility the law gives is to establish a law enforcement unit. The municipal police department operating in the capital of Estonia, Tallinn, is an exceptional case. The law restricts the competencies and power of a law enforcement unit so, compared to the police, the tasks and legal power of local governments to be responsible for security issues remain limited. Nevertheless, local governments have the right to establish voluntary committees dealing with security and public order issues, while measures to maintain public order in local communities are usually regulated in a local government development plan, with the notion that preserving public order is performed in cooperation with state structures only. The Editorial Board hopes you find all the articles interesting and a good source of new ideas. And, since this is the last issue for 2017, we wish you very best in 2018! Assoc. Prof. Branko Lobnikar, PhD Editor of English Issues 320 Uvodnik V tej številki revije Varstvoslovje objavljamo štiri prispevke. Avtorica prvega prispevka analizira načine soočanja slovenskih kriminalistov s travmo, prispevka avtorjev iz Nigerije sta namenjena analizi zaporskega povratništva ter vpliva vremena na storitev kaznivih dejanj, prispevek avtorja iz Estonije pa analizira vlogo lokalne samouprave pri zagotavljanju varnosti v tej skandinavski državi. Tinkara Pavšič Mrevlje v prispevku z naslovom Travma in strategije spoprijemanja pri kriminalistih z Oddelka za krvne in seksualne delikte ter Oddelka za mladoletniško kriminaliteto analizira odzivanje policistov na travmatične dogodke. Rezultati analize kažejo nizko posttravmatsko simptomatiko, ki se veže predvsem na izogibajoče strategije spoprijemanja. Avtorica v prispevku opiše tudi nekatere specifične delovne situacije, ki se povezujejo z višjim posttravmatskim stresom. Na podlagi ugotovitev so predstavljene smernice za preventivne in nekatere kurativne programe za kriminaliste, ki bi lahko izboljšali dobro počutje zaposlenih in dopirnesli k učinkovitejšemu delu policije. Gabriel Agboola Adetula v prispevku Postopkovna pravičnost in poštenost ter stališča zapornikov v Nigeriji do povratništva analizira vrsto dejavnikov, ki bi lahko vplivali na povratništvo v zaporski sistem v Nigeriji. Avtor v prispevku kritično obravnava postopkovno pravičnost in poštenost v sodnih postopkih, opisuje zaporniški sistem in stališča zapornikov do vplivov tretmaja na njihov odnos do povratništva. Rezultati analize so pokazali, da šest spremenljivk v različnih smereh in z različnimi stopnjami statistične značilnosti korelira med seboj in s predmetom proučevanja - odnosom do povratništva. Zanimiv je prispevek avtorjev Elisha Ademola Adeleke, Abiodun Daniel Olabode in Abimbola Emmanuel Oni z naslovom Vremenske razmere in razširjenost kaznivih dejanj v Ifako-Ijaye (država Lagos, Nigerija), kjer poskušajo pojasniti pojavnost kriminalitete z vremenskimi in okoljskimi vplivi. Avtorji trdijo, da lahko določeno pojavnost pojasnijo s temperaturo ozračja in poraščenostjo okolja; vremenski pojavi so se izkazali kot statistično značilno pomembno povezani s pojavnostjo več vrst kaznivih dejanj, pri čemer so avtorji še posebej izpostavili posilstvo. Avtorji opozarjajo tudi na povezavo med količino padavin in stopnjo umorov ter ugrabitev, medtem ko poročajo o povezavi med visokimi temperaturami in tatvinami ter goljufijami. Pri tem poudarjajo, da pojavnosti kaznivih dejanj ne smemo pojasnjevati izključno z v analizo vključenimi dejavniki, vendar jih tudi ne smemo popolnoma izključevati iz pojasnjevalne matrike. V prispevku Lokalne oblasti kot subjekti zagotavljanja javnega reda in miru: primer Estonije Ero Liivik opisuje zakonsko ureditev zagotavljanja varnosti v lokalnih okoljih z vidika občinskih oblasti. Avtor na podlagi analizirane zakonodaje ugotavlja, da ima policija v Estoniji primarno nalogo zagotavljanja varnosti tudi v lokalnih okoljih in da lokalnim oblastem zakon ne omogoča, da bi zagotavljale varnosti s pomočjo lokalnih policijskih organizacij, kot so na primer občinska redarstva. Izjema je zgolj Talin, glavno mesto Estonije. Ne glede na to omejitev avtor opozarja, da imajo lokalne oblasti pravico, da organizirajo prostovoljna združenja za krepitev varnosti v lokalnih skupnostih, prav tako pa lahko načrti 321 lokalnih skupnosti zajemajo na primer ukrepe za zagotavljanje javnega reda in miru. Izvajanje teh ukrepov je mogoče samo s tesnim sodelovanjem z državnimi institucijami, kot je na primer policija. Uredniški odbor verjame, da so članki, ki smo jih po temeljitih recenzijskih postopkih izbrali za objavo v tej številki revije Varstvoslovje, zanimivi in bodo v pomoč bralcem pri njihovem delu. In ker je to zadnja številka revije v letu 2017, vsem skupaj želimo uspešno leto 2018. Izr. prof. dr. Branko Lobnikar Urednik številk v angleškem jeziku 322