*Corr. Author’s Address: PSG College of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Avinashi road, Coimbatore, India, 1807rm01@psgtech.ac.in 611 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, 611-621 Received for review: 2021-08-03 © 2021 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. Received revised form: 2021-10-07 DOI:10.5545/sv-jme.2021.7356 Original Scientific Paper Accepted for publication: 2021-11-08 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, XXX-4 © 2021 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. Original Scientific Paper — DOI: 10.5545/sv-jme.2021.xxxx Received for review: 2021-08-03 Received revised form: 2021-10-07 Accepted for publication: 2021-11-08 ApplicabilityofMCDMAlgorithmsfortheSelectionofPhase ChangeMaterialsforThermalEnergyStorageHeatExchangers PaulGregoryFelix * -VelavanRajagopal-KannanKumaresan PSGCollegeofTechnology,DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,India Latentheatthermalenergystorageheatexchangersstoreheatenergybyvirtueofthephasetransitionthatoccursinthethermalstoragemedia. Sincephase changematerials(PCMs)areutilizedasthemedia,thereisacriticalnecessityfortheappropriateselectionofthePCMutilized. Sincemultiplethermo-physical propertiesandmultiplePCMsarerequiredtobeevaluatedfortheselection,therearisesaneedformultiplecriteriadecisionmaking(MCDM)algorithmstobe adoptedfortheselection. Butowingtothedifferentweightestimationtechniquesemployedandthevoluminousquantityofselectionalgorithmsavailable,there arises a need for a comparative methodology to be adopted. This study was intended to select an optimal PCM for a sustainable steam cooking application coupled with a thermal energy storage system. In this research study, six PCMs were chosen as the alternatives and five thermo-physical properties were chosen as the criteria for the evaluation. 11 different algorithms were augmented with 3 different weight estimation techniques and therefore a total of 33 algorithms were employed in this study. All of the algorithms have chosen Erythritol as the optimal PCM for the application. The outcomes of the MCDM algorithms have been validated through an intricate Pearson’s correlation coefficient study. Keywords: latent heat, multiple criteria decision making, phase change material, thermal energy storage Highlights • A comparative methodology has been proposed to select the optimal PCM for thermal energy storage heat exchangers. • An optimal PCM for a sustainable steam cooking application has been selected by adopting multiple MCDM algorithms. • A clear demarcation has been presented between the functionality of all of the algorithm combinations adopted. • A three case Pearson’s correlation coefficient study has validated the reliability of the ranking outcomes. 0 INTRODUCTION Phasechangematerials(PCMs)playanimportantrole in latent heat thermal energy storage (TES) systems. PCMs act as heat sinks to absorb and store excess heat energy from then heat source and then release the stored heat energy as and when required. To facilitate this process of heat energy storage and release, TES heat exchangers are employed at the application site. Several types of heat exchangers can be adopted for such latent heat systems [1]. On the other hand, the research outcomes based on renewable sources of energy, more specifically, based on solar thermal energy has improved over the recent years, that even steam cooking can be done directly using steam generated from solar parabolic trough collectors (PTCs) [2]. But the non-availability of solar energy throughout the day and night demands the necessity for a TES system that would store the excess thermal energy during sunshine hours, and the stored thermal energy could be retrieved during the off-sunshine hours. At the application site, steam generatedfromtheTESheatexchangercanbeutilized forcookingduringtheoff-sunshinehours,whereasthe steam generated directly from the solar source (PTCs) can be utilized for cooking during the sunshine hours. Taking into consideration the fact that latent heat TES systems based on PCMs store much more higher heat than sensible heat systems, it can be asserted that such TES systems are suitable for this sustainable steam cooking application. For designing TES heat exchangersforthisapplication,thefirstimportantstep hastobetheappropriateselectionofthePCM[3]. This is because, each PCM has different thermo-physical propertiesandthechoiceofthePCMexplicitlyaffects the design. For instance, PCMs having lower latent heat will increase the size of the heat exchanger. Hence, the selection of the appropriate PCM suitable for the application is required to be performed on scientificevaluationgroundswithmultiplecriteriaand alternatives(PCMs)considered. Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) has evolved as a mathematical tool to aid designers to perform subjective evaluations in operation research [4]. The applications of MCDM algorithms in the domain of mechanical engineering are multiple. Few examples include determination of the threshold for extreme load extrapolation [5], choosing systems for drying paltry-seeds [6], assessment of energy crops for producing bio-gas [7], ranking renewable energy resources [8] and optimal material selection [9]. Concerning PCMs, it has also been observed that *Corr. Author’s Address: PSG College of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Avinashi road, Coimbatore, India, 1807rm01@psgtech.ac.in 1 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, 611-621 612 Paul Gregory Felix – Velavan Rajagopal – Kannan Kumaresan Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, XXX-4 researchers have applied MCDM algorithms to select the appropriate PCM for low-temperature applications [10], ground source heat pump application [11] and even for domestic water heating [12]. While selecting a suitable material, it is necessary to estimate strategic weights for each evaluative criterion such that the decision becomes subjective. But the choice of the algorithms applied for a particular case depends on the decision of the heat exchanger designer. It has been observed from peer literature that many research studies have limited their study designs to a very few algorithms with a limited choice of weight estimation techniques. Concerning the weight estimation techniques, it has been learned that using either only subjective or only objective weighting scheme in the study can be considered as a deficiency [11]. Hence, heat exchanger designers are required to refer to multiple literature sources to understand the functional mechanism of several algorithms and will need to perform an intricate study on various weight estimation and MCDM techniques to arrive at a conclusion to select which MCDM algorithm would be appropriate. But, in this study, a methodology incorporating a comparative study design has been proposed. This current study presents a novel comparative approach than several previous works such that an intricate comparative selection can be made. This research study, through its proposed methodology, asserts that, for a PCM selection involving multiple alternatives, a comparative study involving multiple MCDM algorithms can provide a reliable solution to the selection process. This is asserted because, the methodology does not rely only on one algorithm, but instead has adopted multiple combination of algorithms for the selection. Hence, the PCM selected through this methodology will be a reliable choice for the heat exchanger. 1 METHODS 1.1 StudyDesign This current study was performed in three parts. The first part of this study was to select the alternative PCMs and criteria through a pre-screening and then estimating the desired weights through entropy weight method (EWM), criteria importance throughinter-criteriacorrelation(CRITIC)methodand analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. The second part was to apply the derived weights to select the suitable PCM through 11 selected algorithms. The third part of the research was to perform a Pearson’s correlation coefficient study to correlate the outcomes of various algorithms and validate the concurrence of the outcomes. The study design adopted is presented in Fig. 1. Since steam is required to be generated (from the heat exchanger) at the application site at a minimum temperature of 100 ◦ C, PCMs were desired to have a melting temperature around 120 ◦ C. Hence from an initialscreening,sixPCMswereselected. Theselected PCMs along with their thermo-physical properties (criteria) are presented in Table 1. In Table 1, it can be observed that a mix of both laboratory grade PCMs and commercial PCMs have been considered. But however, all of the PCMs were selected such that they share a close melting temperature to 120 ◦ C. But, out of the alternatives, one PCM is required to be selectedbasedontheotherthermo-physicalproperties. There has been no specific preference among the mix of laboratory grade and commercial grade PCMs in this analysis. The research methodology has been oriented such that there exists no bias between selecting laboratory and commercial grade materials and hence this methodology can be envisaged to select any kind of PCM that would be technically appropriate for the particular application in study. Among the listed criteria, specific heat alone was categorized as a non-beneficial criterion. This is because, for the steam cooking application, higher magnitudes of melting temperature, heat of fusion, density, thermal conductivity was preferred. Hence, the aforementioned four parameters were considered as beneficial criteria. Whereas, for the application, lower specific heat magnitude is preferred, as a higher specificheatwillincreasethemeltingtimeofthePCM. Since this steam cooking application is intended to be integrated with solar energy, faster melting and charging of the PCM was preferred as the entire charging process will have to be completed within the sunshine hours. Hence specific heat alone was considered as a non-benefit criterion. 1.2 Estimationofthecriteriaweights 1.2.1 EWM In this method, the decision matrix X was normalized using the sum method (Eq. (1)), and the weights w j were estimated through calculating the entropy value E j [12], as presented in Eq. (2). The decision matrix X is an array of the considered m alternatives and n criteria. In the equation, p ij indicates the normalized value of the decision matrixX. 2 Paul Gregory Felix - Velavan Rajagopal - Kannan Kumaresan Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, 611-621 613 Applicability of MCDM Algorithms for the Selection of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage Heat Exchangers Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, XXX-4 Pre-screeningofPCMs Selectionofcriteriaandalternatives CRITICmethod EWM AHPmethod WSM WPM SAW COPRAS ARAS WASPAS MOORA TOPSIS GRA VIKOR PROMETHEE Comparisonoftheoutcomes SelectionofthebestPCM ValidationoftheoutcomesthroughaPearson’scoefficientstudy Fig. 1. Study design adopted Table 1. Considered alternatives and criteria PCM no. Name Melting temperature Heat of fusion Density Thermal conductivity Specific heat Reference [ ◦ C] [kJkg −1 ][ kgm −3 ][ Wm −1 K −1 ][ kJkg −1 K −1 ] 1 Erythritol 120 331 1480 0.733 1.35 [14] 2 MgCl 2 .6H 2 O 117.5 200 1569 0.704 2.25 [15] 3 PlusICE A118 118 195 900 0.22 2.2 [16] 4 PlusICE H120 120 120 2220 0.506 1.51 [17] 5 PlusICE S117 117 125 1450 0.7 2.61 [16] 6 PlusICE X120 120 180 1245 0.36 1.5 [17] p ij = x ij n ∑ j=1 x ij , (1) E j =− m ∑ i=1 p ij .ln p ij ln n and w j = 1−E j m ∑ i=1 (1−E j ) . (2) 1.2.2 CRITICMethod In this method, the decision matrix elements x ij were normalized using Eq. (3) and the weights were estimated using C j as presented in Eq. (4) [13]. In the equation, r jj n represents the relative correlation coefficient between the j th and j n th criteria and σ j represents the standard deviation of the normalized matrix. Applicability of MCDM Algorithms for the Selection of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage Heat Exchangers 3 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, 611-621 614 Paul Gregory Felix – Velavan Rajagopal – Kannan Kumaresan Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, XXX-4 p ij = x ij −min j (x ij ) max j (x ij )−min j (x ij ) , (3) w j = C j n ∑ j n =1 C j =  σ j n ∑ j n =1 (1−r jj n)  n ∑ j n =1  σ j n ∑ j n =1 (1−r jj n) . (4) 1.2.3 AHPmethod In this method, a relative importance decision matrix with elements a jj n was constructed using the Saaty’s scale[10]andtheweightswereestimatedbyusingEq. (5). The relative matrix is a matrix representing the importance of one criterion over another. w j = a jj n  n ∑ j n =1 a jj n  n . (5) 1.3 EstimationoftheOptimalPCM 1.3.1 WeightedSumMethod(WSM) In this method, the decision matrix was normalized using the square root method. The alternatives were ranked based on the weighted sums S WSM i estimated using Eq. (6). S WSM i = n ∑ j=1 w j × x ij p ij = n ∑ j=1 w j × x ij  n ∑ j=1 x 2 ij . (6) 1.3.2 WeightedProductMethod(WPM) In this method, the weighted product for each alternative was estimated by raising the normalized decision matrix elements to the power of the weights, aspresentedinEq. (7)andthealternativeswereranked based onP WPM i . P WPM i = n ∏ j=1  x ij p ij  w j = n ∏ j=1  x ij  ∑ n j=1 x 2 ij  w j . (7) 1.3.3 SimpleAdditiveWeighting(SAW)method This method is similar to WSM, except to the fact that the normalization of the decisive matrix with elements x ij was performed separately for both the benefit criteria elements and the non-benefit criterion elements. The normalization was performed using Eq. (8). The preference indexV i was then estimated using Eq. (6) and the alternatives were ranked. p ij =  x ij max j x ij , for benefit criteria. min j x ij x ij , for non-benefit criterion. (8) 1.3.4 ComplexProportionalAssessment(COPRAS)Method In this method, the decision matrix was normalized using the sum method. Then, the maximizing index S +i forthebenefitcriteriawasestimatedasarow-wise sum of the weighted normalized matrix for the benefit criteria values, and the minimizing index S −i was estimatedinthesamewayforthenon-benefitcriterion [18]. Utilizing the estimated values, the relative weight Q c,i was computed using Eq. (9). Then the performance index U i was estimated using Eq. (10) and the alternatives were then ranked based onU i . Q c,i =S +i + min i S −i m ∑ i=1 S −i S −i m ∑ i=1 min i S −i S −i , (9) U i = Q c,i Q c,max ×100. (10) 1.3.5 AdditiveRatioAssessment(ARAS)Method In this method, for each criterion, the optimal value was determined based on whether the criterion was a benefit or a non-benefit attribute and the decision matrix augmenting the optimal value was then weight normalized using the sum method. Then, the optimality function S i and the utility degree K i was estimated using Eq. (11) [19]. The alternatives were then ranked based onK i . K i = S i S opt = n ∑ j=1 p aug ij w j S opt . (11) 1.3.6 Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS)Method This method is a combination of WSM and WPM. In this method, the normalized decision matrix was estimated by segregating the beneficial criteria and non-beneficial criterion using the maximum-minimum method as presented in Eq. (8). Then the total relative importanceQ i was estimated through Eq. (12) [20]. The alternatives were ranked based on the total 4 Paul Gregory Felix - Velavan Rajagopal - Kannan Kumaresan Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, 611-621 615 Applicability of MCDM Algorithms for the Selection of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage Heat Exchangers Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, XXX-4 relative importance. In the equation, λ represents a transformation constant. In this case, a λ of 0.5 was adopted. Q i =λ n ∑ j=1 p ij w j +(1−λ) n ∏ j=1 p w j ij . (12) 1.3.7 Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis(MOORA)Method In this method, the decision matrix was normalized using the square root method as in WSM and WPM [21]. Then the normalized assessment sumS i for each alternative was estimated by subtracting the weighted sum of the non-benefit attributes from the weighted sum of the benefit attributes, as presented in Eq. (13). Then the alternatives were ranked based on the assessment sum. S i = n ∑ j=1 p ij ×w j    Weighted sum of non-benefit attributes − n ∑ j=1 p ij ×w j    Weighted sum of benefit attributes . (13) 1.3.8 Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution(TOPSIS) In this method, the decision matrix was normalized using the square root method as in Eq. (6). Then the relativeclosenesstotheidealsolutionP i wasestimated by Eq. (14) [12]. In the equation, A ∗ j represents the best criterion value of the weighted normalized matrix (positive ideal) and A − j represents the worst criterion value (negative ideal). The alternatives were then ranked based on the relative closeness. P i =  n ∑ j=1 (p ij .w j −A − j )  n ∑ j=1 (p ij .w j −A ∗ j )+  n ∑ j=1 (p ij .w j −A − j ) . (14) 1.3.9 GreyRelationalAnalysis(GRA)method In this method, the alternatives were ranked based on the grey relational degree b i [22]. The deviation Δ 0i was estimated as a difference between the referenceseries(largestvalueseries)andtheindividual alternativeseries[22]. ByestimatingΔ 0i ,thevaluesof b i were calculated as presented in Eq. (15). b i = n ∑ j=1 w j min i min j Δ 0i (j)+δmin i min j Δ 0i (j) Δ 0j (j)+δmin i min j Δ 0i (j) . (15) 1.3.10 VIKORmethod VIKOR is an abbreviation for its Serbian expansion ‘Vise kriterijumska optimizacija i kompromisno resenje’ which means Multi-criteria compromise ranking. In this method, the normalized decision matrix was obtained using the square root method as in Eq. (6). From the normalized matrix, the maximum criterionvalue p ∗ j andtheminimumcriterionvalue p − j were estimated and were applied to Eqs. (16) to (18) toestimatetheaggregatefunctionU V i (alsoreferredas VIKOR index) for each alternative. In the equations, the superscripts ‘ ∗ ’ and ‘ − ’ represents the maximum andminimumvaluerespectively. Thealternativeswere then ranked in the increasing order ofU V i [23]. U V i =v  S i −S ∗ S − −S ∗     I +(1−v)  R i −R ∗ R − −R ∗     II , (16) I=  n ∑ j=1 w j  p ∗ j −p ij p ∗ j −p − j  −  n ∑ j=1 w j  p ∗ j −p ij p ∗ j −p − j  ∗  n ∑ j=1 w j  p ∗ j −p ij p ∗ j −p − j  − −  n ∑ j=1 w j  p ∗ j −p ij p ∗ j −p − j  ∗ , (17) II=  max i w j  p ∗ j −p ij p ∗ j −p − j  −  max i w j  p ∗ j −p ij p ∗ j −p − j  ∗  max i w j  p ∗ j −p ij p ∗ j −p − j  − −  max i w j  p ∗ j −p ij p ∗ j −p − j  ∗ . (18) 1.3.11 Preference Ranking Organization Method for EnrichmentValuation(PROMETHEE) Inthismethod,thedecisionmatrixwasnormalizedand the overall global preference index P j was estimated by estimating the difference in the values of one alternative criterion with another (preference matrix). Using the preference matrix, the positive preference flow φ + (i) and negative preference flow φ − (i) (for non-benefitcriterion)wasestimated. Thenthenetflow φ(i) was ultimately estimated using Eq. (19) [24]. Thenthealternativeswererankedbasedonthenetflow (PROMETHEE II). φ(i)= 1 m−1 ∑ x∈X n ∑ j=1 w j P j (i,x)    φ + (i) − 1 m−1 ∑ x∈X n ∑ j=1 w j P j (x,i)    φ − (i) . (19) Applicability of MCDM Algorithms for the Selection of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage Heat Exchangers 5 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, 611-621 616 Paul Gregory Felix – Velavan Rajagopal – Kannan Kumaresan Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, XXX-4 Table2. Estimated evaluating parameters through the employed algorithms Algorithm Algorithm Evaluating parameter Phase change material index name Parameter Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 WSM-EWM Weighted sum S WSM i 0.5064 0.4511 0.2896 0.3581 0.4097 0.3107 2 WSM-CRITIC Weighted sum S WSM i 0.4662 0.4413 0.3189 0.3811 0.4166 0.3320 3 WSM-AHP Weighted sum S WSM i 0.5350 0.4385 0.3282 0.3284 0.3780 0.3277 4 WPM-EWM Weighted product S WPM i 0.4868 0.4489 0.2641 0.3407 0.3910 0.3076 5 WPM-CRITIC Weighted product S WPM i 0.4491 0.4394 0.2944 0.3651 0.4027 0.3275 6 WPM-AHP Weighted product S WPM i 0.5140 0.4363 0.3037 0.3082 0.3574 0.3240 7 SAW-EWM Preference index V i 0.9407 0.5017 0.8331 0.8166 0.1956 0.3776 8 SAW-CRITIC Preference index V i 0.9402 0.6142 0.8684 0.8425 0.1014 0.1942 9 SAW-AHP Preference index V i 0.9752 0.5584 0.7802 0.8887 0.1086 0.2075 10 COPRAS-EWM Performance index U i , % 100 78.6542 49.3705 69.8570 67.6893 61.4469 11 COPRAS-CRITIC Performance index U i , % 100 82.0728 58.1734 79.7784 73.2509 70.3310 12 COPRAS-AHP Performance index U i , % 100 73.1212 54.0881 59.7485 59.4716 61.2537 13 ARAS-EWM Utility degree K i 0.9403 0.7420 0.4625 0.6609 0.6408 0.5787 14 ARAS-CRITIC Utility degree K i 0.9358 0.7710 0.5473 0.7517 0.6908 0.6621 15 ARAS-AHP Utility degree K i 0.9752 0.7164 0.5273 0.5888 0.5858 0.6 16 WASPAS-EWM Relative importance Q i 0.9356 0.7423 0.4453 0.6525 0.6339 0.5758 17 WASPAS-CRITIC Relative importance Q i 0.9350 0.7785 0.5435 0.7523 0.6940 0.6699 18 WASPAS-AHP Relative importance Q i 0.9728 0.7217 0.5144 0.5891 0.5852 0.6031 19 MOORA-EWM Assessment sum S i 0.4205 0.3080 0.1497 0.2620 0.2437 0.2153 20 MOORA-CRITIC Assessment sum S i 0.3750 0.2877 0.1687 0.2779 0.2383 0.2296 21 MOORA-AHP Assessment sum S i 0.4555 0.3061 0.1986 0.2315 0.2243 0.2393 22 TOPSIS-EWM Relative closeness P i 0.8452 0.6029 0.2191 0.4195 0.4786 0.3134 23 TOPSIS-CRITIC Relative closeness P i 0.7929 0.5895 0.2070 0.4866 0.4722 0.3467 24 TOPSIS-AHP Relative closeness P i 0.9369 0.4902 0.3004 0.2579 0.3232 0.3080 25 GRA-EWM Grey Relational degree b j 0.1510 0.1024 0.0632 0.099 0.0929 0.0782 26 GRA-CRITIC Grey Relational degree b j 0.1509 0.0917 0.0648 0.1190 0.0827 0.0989 27 GRA-AHP Grey Relational degree b j 0.1601 0.0933 0.0666 0.0909 0.0818 0.0843 28 VIKOR-EWM VIKOR index U V i 0 0.1744 0.5 0.3973 0.3833 0.3116 29 VIKOR-CRITIC VIKOR index U V i 0 0.2273 0.5 0.3362 0.3394 0.2726 30 VIKOR-AHP VIKOR index U V i 0 0.2912 0.3043 0.5 0.4870 0.3434 31 PROMETHEE-EWM Net flow φ(i) 0.4902 0.0918 -0.3992 0.0254 -0.0867 -0.1214 32 PROMETHEE-CRITIC Net flow φ(i) 0.4635 -0.0482 -0.3844 0.1832 -0.2380 0.0238 33 PROMETHEE-AHP Net flow φ(i) 0.5879 0.0347 -0.2866 -0.0674 -0.2162 -0.0524 1.4 ValidationoftheOutcomes Tovalidatethereliabilityoftheoutcomes,acorrelation of outcomes method adopted by Villacreses et al. [25] was adopted in this current study. The ranking outcomes acheived through all of the 33 algorithms were correlated with each other. Three cases of correlations were performed and Pearson’s correlation coefficient was estimated for all of the cases. In the first case, the outcomes were correlated by considering all of the PCMs. In the second case, a rank-wise frequency estimation was performed and the alternatives witnessing highest first, second and third rank frequencies alone were considered for the correlation. In the third case, adopting the similar procedure, the alternatives witnessing highest first and secondrankfrequenciesalonewereconsidered. Based ontheresultsofthethreecases, the concurrenceofthe outcomes were validated. The Pearson’s coefficients r kl were estimated using Eq. (20). In the validation process, all 33 algorithms were correlated with each other and hence a total of 1089 Pearson’s coefficients were estimated for a single case. r kl = m ∑ i=1 (k i − ¯ k)(l i − ¯ l)  m ∑ i=1 (k i − ¯ k) 2  m ∑ i=1 (l i − ¯ l) 2 . (20) 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2.1 SelectionoftheOptimalPCMthroughMCDMAlgorithms In this study, a total of 33 solution combinations were tested. The weights were obtained, and further the obtained weights were employed to estimate the evaluating parameters. The evaluating parameter for each algorithm was estimated and the alternative PCMs were ranked based on the magnitude of the 6 Paul Gregory Felix - Velavan Rajagopal - Kannan Kumaresan Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, 611-621 617 Applicability of MCDM Algorithms for the Selection of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage Heat Exchangers Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, XXX-4 Table 3. Estimatedweightsthroughtheemployedmethods Criteria EWM CRITIC AHP Melting temperature 0.0003 0.2030 0.0676 Heat of fusion 0.3077 0.2021 0.4531 Density 0.1778 0.1794 0.0743 Thermal conductivity 0.3615 0.2515 0.2636 Specific heat 0.1528 0.1640 0.1414 evaluating parameters. The estimated evaluating parameters are presented in Table 2 and the graphical form of the ranking outcomes is presented in Fig. 2. The weights obtained for each case is presented in Table 3. From the table, it can be observed that the weights obtained through the objective and subjective methods differ from each other. Since the weights differ, the functional priority for each criterion is changed. This will have implications on the outcomes as well. The objective method EWM has prioritized thermalconductivityovertheothers,andhasestimated melting temperature to be the least prioritized criteria. ButinthecaseoftheCRITICmethod,thoughthermal conductivity has been prioritized over the others, all other criteria have been estimated to have similar weights. Further, observing the weights obtained through the subjective AHP method, heat of fusion has been estimated to have the highest priority and melting temperature has been estimated to have the least priority. This was expected because EWM and CRITIC are objective methods, wherein the outcomes were purely based on mathematical outcomes and AHP is a subjective approach wherein the outcomes were based on the preferences from the designer. Since in the EWM and CRITIC methods, thermal conductivity has been estimated to have the highest priority, the outcomes employing those weight will prefer materials with higher thermal conductivity. On the contrary, AHP has estimated the highest priority for latent heat of fusion. Hence the method will prefer corresponding outcomes. The results are reliable as thereisacleardemarcationbetweenthesubjectiveand objective weighting scheme outcomes. But since this current study is intended to select a PCM through a comparative approach, this variation will be helpful to select the optimal PCM from a holistic approach. The necessity for such a holistic approach arises as this research study addresses the research gap due to the deficiency of utilizing limited weight estimation schemes. From the figure, it can observed that the first alternative PCM Erythritol has been ranked as the best alternative in all of the algorithms. Also, it can be observed that the PCM MgCl 2 .6H 2 O (MCHH) has been ranked as the second best PCM in most algorithms. On a comparative note, it can be further observed that the solutions derived through applying EWM weights and CRITIC weights are similar in most cases. But comparing the efforts required for each method, it was observed that COPRAS, GRA, PROMETHEE methods required more level of mathematicalcomputationsthantheothermethods. 2.2 Pearson’s Coefficient Study To validate the reliability of the outcomes, a three case Pearson’s coefficient study was performed. The results of the study are presented in Fig. 3. In the first case of the Pearson’s study, it was observed that most of the correlation coefficients were above 0.5, but yet there was a significant quantity of coefficients below 0.5. This indicates that all six ranks of the 33 algorithms did not concur each other. But, the objective of this study was to select the optimal PCM for the TES heat exchanger. If one would accentuate the objective, it is necessary that the first ranked PCM and the second ranked PCM is similar in most cases. This approach to study the concurrence of the first ranked and the second ranked PCM was employed to validate the reliability of this comparative study and as it could be noted from Table 3, PCMs were ranked purely based on their evaluating parameters. Even when there is a very small difference between the evaluating parameters, the PCMs will still be rankedbasedonthe differences. Further, theapproach does not rely upon a single combinational algorithm, but depends on the comparative conclusion derived through employing 33 combinational algorithms. In thisstudy,allofthealgorithmshadrankedErythritolas thesuitablePCM,irrespectiveofthetypeofalgorithm and the weight estimation scheme employed. Further, most of the algorithms have ranked MCHH as the secondbestsuitedPCM.Hence,therankingschemeis reliable. To verify the reliability of the outcomes, two more cases were performed. A frequency study was performed to proceed further. A rank wise frequency was recorded. The rank wise data is presented in Fig. 3. It has been observed that Erythritol was the best rankedPCM(Rank1)inallofthealgorithms. Further, MCHH has been estimated as the second best PCM in 28 of 33 algorithms. Similarly for all other ranks, the frequencies were recorded. From the frequency study, it was observed that Erythritol, MCHH, and PlusICE H120 were the first three prioritized PCMs frommajorityofthealgorithms. Hence,forthesecond caseofPearson’sstudy,onlythethreewereconsidered ApplicabilityofMCDMAlgorithmsfortheSelectionofPhaseChangeMaterialsforThermalEnergyStorageHeatExchangers 7 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, 611-621 618 Paul Gregory Felix – Velavan Rajagopal – Kannan Kumaresan Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, XXX-4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCMs Rank EWM CRITIC AHP (a)WSM 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCMs Rank EWM CRITIC AHP (b) WPM 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCMs Rank EWM CRITIC AHP (c)SAW 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCMs Rank EWM CRITIC AHP (d) COPRAS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCMs Rank EWM CRITIC AHP (e)ARAS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCMs Rank EWM CRITIC AHP (f) WASPAS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCMs Rank EWM CRITIC AHP (g)MOORA 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCMs Rank EWM CRITIC AHP (h) TOPSIS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCMs Rank EWM CRITIC AHP (i) GRA 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCMs Rank EWM CRITIC AHP (j) VIKOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 PCMs Rank EWM CRITIC AHP (k)PROMETHEE Fig. 2. Comparisonofthe various ranking outcomes 8 PaulGregoryFelix-Velavan Rajagopal - Kannan Kumaresan Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, 611-621 619 Applicability of MCDM Algorithms for the Selection of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage Heat Exchangers Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, XXX-4 Fig. 3. Panels (a)-(c) present the variation of the Pearson’s correlation coefficients for different cases and panels (d)-(i) presents the ranking outcome frequencies of the PCM alternatives Applicability of MCDM Algorithms for the Selection of Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage Heat Exchangers 9 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, 611-621 620 Paul Gregory Felix – Velavan Rajagopal – Kannan Kumaresan Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)11, XXX-4 for correlation and for the third case of the Pearson’s study, only Erythritol and MCHH were considered. The second case correlations indicates that there is comparatively stronger correlation than the first case. Further, the third case indicates that there is very strong correlation compared to other cases. All of the thirdcasecorrelationshaverenderedacoefficientof1. Hence from this three case analysis, the reliability of theresultshavebeenvalidated. 2.3 DiscussionfromHeatExchangerPerspective Byapplyingtheaforementionedalgorithms,Erythritol has been selected as the optimal PCM for the steam cooking application. If one would intricately observe the functionality of the various weight estimation techniques, it can be observed that the objective techniquesEWMandCRITIChaveprioritizedthermal conductivity whereas subjective AHP has prioritized latent heat of fusion. This can be ascribed to the Saaty’s scale weights provided by the the authors. But despite this observation, all algorithms have selected Erythritol. Erythritol has the highest latent heat of fusion(331kJkg −1 )amongthealternatives,andhence less quantity of the PCM is required. Since, less quantity of PCM is required, the heat exchanger size will be comparatively smaller than when other PCMs are used. Further, Erythritol chosen has the highest thermalconductivityandandhencethemeltingtimeof the PCM will also be comparatively lower. The lower specific heat of Erythritol also is an added benefit. Further, if one would consider the highest density, PlusICE H120 has the highest density, but since latent heat and thermal conductivity were prioritized over density, the algorithms have preferred Erythritol over PlusICE H120 PCM. Hence, from a heat exchanger design perspective, it can be inferred that the chosen PCM can be strongly envisaged to be suitable for the sustainablesteamcookingapplication. From this study, a clear demarcation has been asserted between the functionality of all of the considered algorithms. From the study, by combining the weights and the main algorithms, it was observed that TOPSIS, GRA, VIKOR and PROMETHEE algorithms have significantly distinguished the outcomes based on each weight estimation scheme. Furtherinsteadofrelyingononesinglealgorithm,this methodhasmadeareliableselectionoutofthevarious combinational algorithms proposed. Hence, this novel method integrating MCDM and Pearson’s coefficient studyishighlyrecommendedforindustrialpractice. 3 CONCLUSIONS Renewable energy based steam cooking paves the way for a sustainable steam cooking process when integrated with PCM based TES heat exchangers. However the optimal selection of the PCM plays a crucial role in the heat exchanger design. Hence, this research work has performed a comparative study for the selection of the appropriate PCM for the application. This study has tested 11 MCDM algorithms with 3 weight estimation techniques and through all of the algorithms, Erythritol has been chosen as the appropriate PCM. Erythritol has satisfactory thermo-physical properties to be used in the TES heat exchanger for the application. The ranking outcomes from various algorithms were validated through a three case Pearson’s correlation coefficientstudy. ThePearson’scorrelationcoefficient studyhasvalidatedthatallofthealgorithmshavevery strong correlation in selecting the first and the second bestPCMs. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India andPSGCollegeofTechnology,Coimbatore,Indiafor theirfinancialsupport. 5 REFERENCES [1] Sharma, S.D., Sagara, K. (2005). Latent heat storage materials and systems - A Review. International Journal of Green Energy, vol. 2, p. 1-56, DOI:10.1081/GE-200051299. [2] Motwani, K., Patel, J. (2019). Cost analysis of solar parabolic trough collector for cooking in Indian hostel – a case study. International Journal of Ambient Energy,DOI:10.1080/01430750.2019.1653968. 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