ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 9 • 2018 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROCILA IN OCENE, 57-68 THE 23rd ANNUAL CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE Dublin, Ireland, 4th-7th July 2018 The 23rd annual congress of the European college of sport science was held in Dublin (Ireland) between 4th and 7th July 2018. It was organized by two universities: University College Dublin (UCD) and Ulster University. In total, there were 2900 participants from 71 countries with 2002 presented abstracts. We had 4 plenary sessions, 41 invited sessions, 161 oral sessions, and 43 minioral sessions. The Congress participants presented their latest research from different research fields. Namely, presentations were given in the topics of physiology, training and testing, health and fitness, sports medicine and orthopedics, biomechanics and others. This year, the ECSS Young Investigator Award 2018 contest was held again, where the oral presentation winner was Alessandro Del Vecchio (of the Imperial College London, United Kingdom with the title of his presentation: Populations of Longitudinally Tracked Motor Neurons Increase their Discharge Rate Following Four Weeks of Isometric Strength Training) and the mini-oral (poster) presentation winner was Henri Tilga (of the University of Tartu, Estonia with the title of his presentation: The Effects of Web-based Intervention Program on Physical Education Teachers' Autonomy-Supportive and Controlling Behaviour). The ECSS 2018 was attended by one member of the Institute for Kinesiology Research, Scientific and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia. Uroš Marušič, Ph.D. presented the recent discoveries from the GIBKOP project in which he cooperates with two coauthors (prof. Rado Pisot and dr. Jeannette Mahoney). He gave a lecture as part of the "motor development and motor control" section with the title: "The influence of improved cognitive control after non-physical training on mobility-related outcomes in healthy and physically active elderly: A randomized controlled trial". Next year's 24th annual congress of the European college of sport science will be held from 3rd to 6th July in Prague, Czech Republic. Uroš Marušič 65 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 9 • 2018 • 1 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROCILA IN OCENE, 57-68 23. LETNI ZNANSTVENI KONGRES »EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE« Dublin, Irska, 4.-7. julij 2018 23. letni znanstveni kongres »European college of sport science« (ECSS) je potekal v Dublinu (Irska) med 4. in 7. julijem 2018. Letošnji kongres sta v sodelovanju organizirali dve univerzi in sicer »University College Dublin« (UCD) in »Ulster University«. Letošnjega kongresa ECSS se je udeležilo 2900 udeležencev iz 71 držav z 2002 predstavljenima povzetkoma. Kongres je bil razdeljen na štiri plenarne sekcije, 41 vabljenih, 161 ustnih predstavitev in 43 kratkih ustnih predstavitev. Udeleženci kongresa so predstavili svoje najnovejše ugotovitve na različnih znanstveno-raziskovalnih področjih kot so fiziologija, treniranje in merjenje, zdravje in zmogljivost, športna medicina in ortopedija, biomehanika, če izpostavimo le nekatere. Tudi letos je potekalo tekmovanje mladih raziskovalcev (ECSS Young Investigator Award 2018 contest), kjer je v kategoriji ustnih predstavitev zmagal Alessandro Del Vecchio iz Imperial College--a iz Londona, Velika Britanija (Populations of Longitudinally Tracked Motor Neurons Increase their Discharge Rate Following Four Weeks of Isometric Strength Training). V kategoriji predstavitev v obliki posterja pa je slavil Henri Tilga iz Univerze Tartu, Estonija (The Effects of Web-based Intervention Program on Physical Education Teachers'Autonomy-Supportive and Controlling Behaviour). Letošnjega kongresa ECSS 2018 se je udeležil en predstavnik Inštituta za kinezio-loške raziskave Znanstveno-raziskovalnega središča Koper. Doc. dr. Uroš Marušič je v soavtorsvu prof. dr. Rada Pišota in dr. Jeannette Mahoney predstavil izsledke svoje zadnje raziskave GIBKOP. Predaval je v sekciji gibalno učenje in kontrola in predstavil prispevek z naslovom »Vpliv izboljšane kognitivne kontrole po kognitivnem treningu na parametre mobilnosti pri zdravih in gibalno aktivnih starostnikih: randomizirana kontrolirana raziskava«. Naslednje leto bo 24. letni znanstveni kongres ECSS potekal med 3. in 6. julijem v Pragi, Češka republika. Uroš Marušič 66