SDM vesti s »-»a Maj, 2011 Številka 16 AVSTRALSKO SLOVENSKO SOCIALNO ŠPORTNO DRUŠTVO MELBOURNE INC AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN SOCIAL SPORTING ASSOCIATION MELBOURNE INC 82 Ingrams Road, Research, Vic. Australia PO Box 185 Eltham 3095 SLOVENIJA LETOS PRAZNUJE 20 LET SAMOSTOJNOSTI VSE NAJLEPŠE ZA TVOJ ROJSTNI DAN IN USPEŠNO NAPREJ NAŠI PRIDNI KUHARJI NA MATERINSKI DAN 2011 HVALA VAM FANTJE Janez, Stanko, Werner, Alek, Rex, Stanko, Andrew, Frank, Miro, Lojze in Jože DRAGE ČLANICE, DRAGI ČLANI SDM Pred vami je prva številka SDM Vesti s hriba v tem letu. Zaradi negotovosti in napredka SDM so te sicer tudi bolj skromne. Ob koncu leta smo ostali brez tradicijonalnih dogajanj pri SDM kot so to Miklavževanje, Štefanovanje in Silvestrovanje. Prav razveselilo me je, da smo se ponovno lahko zbrali na hribu na Velikonočni ponedeljek, ter ob praznovanju dneva mater. Čestitke Stankotu Penca, da je pristal in prevzel predsedniško funkcijo do naslednje letne skupčšine, katera bo na 24. julija. Pred tem časom pa nas odbor vabi na sestanke, sicer forume, da se pogovorimo o možnostih, idejah in o pomembnejših načrtih momentalno v poteku. Prisotnost slehernega člana na teh sestankih je zelo pomembna. Od nas je odvisno kaj in kako bo z našim društvom. SLOVENIJA PRAZNUJE SLOVENIJA MLADENKA, VSE NAJLEPŠE ZA TVOJ PRAZNIK. OHRANI TO, KAR JE ŽE STOLETJA TEMELJ NAŠE SAMOSTOJNOSTI. Junija bo minilo dvajset let od kar je Slovenija postala samostojna država. V tem zgodovinsko kratkem času je veliko dosegla. Slovenci smo ponosni na svojo državo, na svoj narod. Trajajoče sanje in hrepenenja naših prednikov so se uresničile. S kakim veseljem smo sprejeli novico, da je ta majhna deželica pod Triglavom 25. junija 1991 postala svoj gospodar. Vendar sta se naš smeh in veselje kar hitro prelila v strah in trepet, ko je nad Slovenijo nenadoma zagrmelo. Spomini se vračajo v tisto kritično obdobje, ko se je naša domovina odcepila od Jugoslavije, ko je marsikateri dvomil o njeni sposobnosti in morebitnem napredku. Tudi mi v Avstraliji smo doživljali neprespane noči, bili v skrbeh ko so se nad Slovenijo pojavila letala Jugoslovanske armije in začeli groziti ter razbijati s tanki. Je pa res, da zadnje čase svetovna kriza tudi Sloveniji nagaja in ta doživlja krizo. Upajmo, da se bo tudi to čimprej uredilo in se tako spet nasmehnilo sonce. PATRU CIRILU PRIZNANJE AVSTRALSKE VLADE - O AM Sliko posredovala Marija Anžič Na sliki s p. Cirilom tudi prejšnji dobitniki istega priznanja Draga Gelt, Jožica Ledinek- Paddle in Peter Manlelj Na praznik dneva Avstralije letos je bil pater Ciril eden od prejemnikov avstralskega priznanja OAM -Medal of the Order of Australia. To priznanje je v četrtek 12. maja patru Cirilu osebno izročil guvernor Victorije Alex Chernov. Priznanje je potrditev njegovega nesebičnega dela, napora in truda med Slovenci v Avstraliji že skoraj 20 let. V nedeljo 15.maja smofarani patra presenetili z darilom, sicer s sliko sv. Mary McKillop, katero je izdelala umetnica Marie Plut-Hogan. Pater Ciril, prejmite tudi čestitke članov SDM in prisrčna vam hvala za vso vaše delo med nami. Bog vas živi pater Ciril! A Message from the President In 2010, at our last AGM, we were at the crossroads. We had only a Caretaker Committee and no President. The Caretaker Committee decided (rightly or wrongly) that no functions/events would take place until the Executive position was filled. Finally, on 23rd March this year, the Committee accepted my nomination as Interim President with Rudi Vizintin as Vice President, Julija Campelj as Treasurer and Lily Conlan, Secretary. The rest of the Committee had already been accepted at the last AGM. The "new" committee immediately decided to re-instate some functions/events till the next AGM, but the most important task was to get a new Committee together for the next year and inject new blood and ideas to manage SDM's future. So far we have had three events since the start of April: - A working bee on the 17th April to clean and spruce up the place was well attended and the hill looked much fresher just in time for the Easter. - Easter Monday picnic was a great day both because the weather was perfect and so many people attended (we even ran out of food!). I was overwhelmed by everyone wishing myself and the committee luck and urging us on to ensure SDM survives this crisis. I thank you for that and it makes me proud to be Slovenian and a member of SDM. - Our Mothers Day luncheon was fully booked and a wonderful occasion. It was held in our Dining room which was heated and just as well as it was cold and wet outside. The food was terrific (no one went hungry) and a big thanks to our fathers and a couple of mothers who prepared it. This year was the first time we charged everyone including all mothers and with only a few grumbles, most people accepted it. I'm afraid this is a sign of the times with increased food costs and the Committee has to be mindful of SDM's finances. Now for the future. Where do we go from here? Last Friday 27th May we held an open forum for our younger generation to express their ideas and thoughts. The get together was in the dining room where about 25 - 30 people attended, and I noticed more than half were non members and quite young. I must admit I listened with admiration as these young adults talked and believe me, there was enthusiasm in the air. I think the Committee is on the right track. For a start we received a few applications for membership to SDM. Out of this open forum a small group was formed to help the Committee forge a plan for SDM's future. Of course any plans would need to be considered by the full membership of SDM. Next we will convene another open forum for all our members on Sunday 12th June, at which we will discuss not only what has occurred to date, including the meeting with the next generation last Friday, but also what the members think we should do to ensure the survivability of SDM. (I am sorry the meeting is being held just after many of our own members will be heading on a tour overseas, but we have simply run out of time). At this meeting we will put up some ideas for discussion as discussed by the committee: - upgrade and extension of the servery upstairs to a full kitchen, plus extension of the verandah and new roof. - creation of a disability toilet downstairs between the men's toilet and the office. - adding a large water tank and connection to our toilet system. - upgrade of road from the 'Koca' to the schoolroom. We have been granted a large fund (up to $40,000) to cover this from the government providing we cover half the cost. More on this at the meeting which we hope you will attend as you will be the final judge on whether the project will proceed. As you can see from the report above we have been active and are determined that SDM not only survives but that a plan is devised to ensure its perpetuity. If we have to seek outside professional help, so be it. I and the committee don't want to see SDM close down. Stan Penca President I wish to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed in any way over the last couple of months and I must admit I have been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the committee and all members. It makes our work a pleasure when you get a pat on the back. Anica, Jemima, Lojze, Maks in Marija Balinarji - Edo, Alek, Branko in Franc Vera, Stanko, Karl, Joze, Joža in Lyn Velikonočni ponedeljek - Danila, otroci in pirhi AKTIVNOSTI PRI SDM Delavne akcije 17. aprila seje udeležilo kar lepo število. Na žalost pa vsi pripravljeni sodelovati niso bili obveščeni o točnem datumu, pa drugič. Hvala vsem udelžencem, naš hrib se je v nekaj urah trdnega dela kar spet pomladil. Velikonočni ponedeljek na hribu pri SDM, še sonce se nam je smejalo, da smo uživali na prostem v krogu prijateljev in znancev. Otroci so se veselili na otroškem igrišču in bili zelo veseli pisank. Udeležba je bila še kar, bilo bi nas lahko več, da bi dali svoj pečat in podporo upravnemu odboru kateri se trudi da obdrži ta naš klub pri življenju. Materinski dan je bilo lepo družinsko doživetje. Možje/očetje, s pomočjo nekaterih mamic, so pripravili obilno kosilo in vsi smo bili lepo in prijazno postreženi. Bila nas je polna jedilnica. Presenetila nas je prisotnost gospe Ivanke Penca, katera se zaradi bolezni nahaja v domu onemoglih. Še pred ne tako dolgim časom smo jo občudovali, kako je vedno nasmejanega obraza bila stalno s svojim partnerjem, sedaj že pokojnim, na plesičšu. Kako se čas spreminja. Prav lepa hvala vsem požrtvovalnim za ves trud in skrb, da je bil ta dan tako prijeten. BODOČNOST DRUŠTVA V petek 12. maja se je sestala skupina mlajših, da izmenjajo njihove ideje in mnenja o naprednosti SDM. Izkazali so, da tudi njim ni vse eno kaj in kako bo v bodoče. Naslednje srečanje bo v nedeljo 12.junija ob 2.30h popoldne da se pogovorimo, premislimo in načrtujemo o bodočih potezah. Naša udeležba, če le mogoče in naša mnenja so pomembna. Če se teh pomembnih sestankov ne udeležimo tudi nimamo pravice ogovarjati. Bodočnost SDM je odvisna od vseh nas. PRAZNOVANJA Najlepše želje in še veliko zdravja Stani in Pepiju Hervatin. Stana je pravkar praznovala svojih 85 let, Pepi 84, a še oba tako mladostna. V krogu svojih dragih in prijateljev je praznovala svoj 70. rojstni dan Helena Leber (slika stran 4). Vedno nasmejana, vedno pripravljena priskočiti na pomoč kljub svojim bolečinam je lep vzgled nam vsem. Helena kar tako naprej. Še na veliko zdravih let. V prijetni družbi in njej v veliko presenečenje je praznovala svoj visok jubilej mladostna Anita Pleško, 90 let, mama Magde Pišotek (slika stran 8) Čestitamo in še na veliko zdravih let tudi Aniti. NAŠI BOLNI Kar ni konca, še posebno v zimskem času, da slišimo o naših rojakih ki se nahajajo po bolnicah. Hitrega in uspešnega okrevanja želimo Mariji Plut, Milki Tavčar, Mariji Hervatin, Simonu Špacapanu in seveda vsem bolnim. MALO ZA SMEH V senci velikih ljudi je shirala že marsikatera država. Vse življenje je presedel v naslonjaču, a kljub temu je prišel daleč. Žarko Petan REDNI LETNI ČLANSKI SESTANEK BO V NEDELJO, 24. JULIJA, 2011 POPOLDNE. VABLJENI NA PRAZNOVANJE SLOVENSKE SAMOSTOJNOSTI V SOBOTO 25. JUNIJA NA JADRANU. V NEDELJO 26. JUNIJA V KEW. SPET NAS JE PRIZADELA SMRT V zadnjih mesecih so nas zapustili kar trije zvesti člani. Vsi trije so veliko prispevali k uspehu našega društva in vložili veliko svojega truda in dela da smo dosegli obogateti našo slovensko skupnost. Družinam, sorodnikom in prijateljem izrekamo iskreno sožalje. Pokojnim pa večen mir in pokoj. Naj počivajo v miru. PAVEL ČESNIK - predsednik SDM 1973-74 V domu Matere Romane je 18. marca 2011 umrl Pavel Česnik. Rojen je bil v Ljubljani. V Avstralijo je prispel leta 1950 in skoraj ves čas živel v Melbournu kjer je bil dolgolet aktiven član SDM, sicer dolgoleten, spoštovan član upravnega odbora in bil tudi predsednik leta 1973-74. SDM mu je bilo zelo pri srcu. Pavle je zelo rad smučal in ribil. Bil je poročen z Bebo, po rodu srbkinja. Imel je dva sina, Peter kateri živi v Sloveniji, Branko (svetovno znani zdravnik) pa je umrl leta 2008. Lani mu je umrla tudi žena. Vse prerana smrt sina ga je zelo prizadela. ANTON ŠKRLJ V Austin bolnici je 26.marca 2011 umrl Tone Škrlj. Tone se je rodil leta 1934 v Knežaku in prišel v Avstralijo leta 1954. Najprej je bil na delu v Queensland in se čez nekaj mesecev vrnil v Melbourne, kjer se je leta 1956 poročil z Vido. V zakonu sta se rodili hčerki Susan in Sandra. Kot dolgoletni član SDM je tudi on zelo veliko prispeval k uspehu našega društva z njegovim požrtvovalnim in marljivim delom, zakar smo mu zelo hvaležni. Bil je vnet balinar in prihajal na klub do skrajnega. Zraven družine, Tone zapušča v Avstraliji tudi sestro Marijo Golenko, Terezo Urbančič in brata Franca z družinami. MARJAN POTOČNIK Iz tega sveta se je poslovil še en naš delaven in zvest član, Marjan Potočnik. Za vedno se je poslovil 15. aprila 2011 v Domu Matere Romane, kjer je preživljal zadnje mesece v družbi dobrega prijatelja Pavleta Česnika. Rodil se je na Jesenicah 18. oktobra 1925. V Avstralijo je prišel leta 1955 in se leta 1958 poročil v cerkvi St Pius, West Heidelberg. Žena Francka mu je umrla že pred leti. V njunem zakonu sta se rodila sin Robert in hčerka Marjanda. Marjan je bil po poklicu pleskar in zelo veliko doprinesel k vzdrževanju društvenih prostorov, istočasno pa je bil tudi vnet smučar, tipičen Gorenjc. Marjan, hvala za ves trud. Naj vam bo lahka avstralska zemlja. MY FIRST TIME TO SLOVENIA I was nervous. I had never been to Europe before. I would see my homeland for the first time even though I wasn't born there. Last year Maria and I together with Maria's sister Jana and Dusan, my brother in law, flew to Venice via Dubai. The flight was without incident and we arrived in Venice on time. We spent our first night in Mestre at the Hotel Alexander. Unfortunately I was not feeling too well but I had no idea what was to come the next day. The following day we were met by Mario Suselj, Dusan's cousin from Trst, and were taken to Venice on a tour (Mario had been there so many times that he knew the place backwards). I was constantly lagging behind breathless and had little energy - I thought I was having heart problems again after 13 years. Somehow I kept going all day with constant stops to catch my breath. Finally late in the afternoon we caught a train to Trst with Mario and arrived there early evening where we booked in to Hotel Centro. I could not carry the luggage I was so weak. I lay down and the others went out for dinner. The next day we decided to walk around Trst and within 300 metres of the hotel I collapsed. Fortunately the girls were able to get a local Slovenian doctor who then immediately called for the ambulance, which also had a Slovenian paramedic making it easier for me to explain my symptoms. They then admitted me into "Ospedale di Cattinara" where, after a few tests, I was immediately given 2 litres of blood. I had a perforated ulcer and lost so much blood that my haemoglobin dropped almost 50%. The next six days I spent in hospital recovering and thinking about all the good time I was missing out on. But I must praise the hospital and its staff - they were brilliant constantly keeping a check on me. For those who do not know, Australia and Italy have a bilateral agreement for our public health systems to look after each others tourist free of charge in case of an emergency. Finally, I was allowed to go though I told them if they did not release me I would walk out. I had enough. I only had 3 days left to tour Slovenia before our trip on the Danube from Budapest to Amsterdam. The next three days past so quickly but I remember it quite vividly meeting with relatives and travelling through beautiful emerald green countryside with mountains in the background. We hired a car in Ilirska Bistrica through our friends Branka (nee Jelenic whom many of you will remember) and Damijan and then travelled to Ljublana and onto Novo Mesto where my dad was born and Maria's relatives (the Jeric's) lived. I loved the old part of Novo Mesto - I walked through it and just absorbed the sights. Not far from there was my dad's actual birthplace - Brezovica, a little village about a km from Smarjeske Toplice. We could see the rooftop of the Toplice over the trees. But my heart sank when I saw my grandfather's house in a collapsed state as no one lived in it. Very sad. But I can't do anything about it as even though I am the second last male Penca (after my son Simon) somehow it is in the hands of a distant cousin who I don't know. From Dolenjska we travelled to Stajerska where we stayed at Hotel Piramid and toured the city, which was very quiet as it was a Sunday. From there we visited Max Pisotek's relatives in Verhole and then on to Smarje Pri Jelsah where Maria grew up. The countryside was beautiful, fields every-where, the towns clean and most old buildings restored. As I still could not walk far, we drove to the top of Sv Rok, which was breathtaking. Unfortunately our time in Slovenia was at an end as we had to take a train from Maribor to Budapest to board a ship called the "Amadeus Elegant" which would take us on the next part of our European adventure. / r — Na domovini oceta - Brezovica I was disappointed that I had so little time in Slovenia as I would have liked to see many other places but time did not permit it so I decided that we would have to go back within two years and spend at least a month touring and taking more time to research my ancestors' history. I am grateful for the short time that I spent there for it will always be etched in my memory. I have many pictures and a diary of the events to ensure that I never forget my first trip to Slovenia. Next time I will write about the trip along the Danube which was another adventure never to be forgotten either. f> -y éa W i i «' Stan v bolnici v Trstu in Marija Stan Penca Vesti uredila Anica Markič (Več slik stran 8) MATERINSKI DAN Sandra in Kevin z mamo - Stano Hervatin in vnukinji Andrea in Marie.