Bled Workshops in Physics Vol. 12, No. 1 p. 39 The Schwinger model in point form* D. Kupelwiesera, W. Schweigera, and W. H. Klinkb a Institut für Physik, Universität Graz, A-8010 Graz, Austria b Dept. Physics and Astronomy, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1479, U.S. Abstract. We attempt to solve the Schwinger model, i.e. massless QED in 1+1 dimensions, by quantizing it on a space-time hyperboloid x^x^ = t2 . The Fock-space representation of the 2-momentum operator is derived and its algebraic structure is analyzed. We briefly outline a solution strategy. 1 Introduction The Schwinger model is quantum electrodynamics of massless fermions in 1 space and 1 time dimension [1] and serves as a popular testing ground for non-perturbative methods in quantum field theory (QFT). It is an exactly solvable, super-renormalizable gauge theory that exhibits various interesting phenomena [2], such as confinement, which one would like to understand better in 1+3-dimensional QFTs. Originally it was solved by means of functional methods [1]. Later on also operator solutions were found [3] and spectrum and eigenstates of the theory were calculated by quantizing it at equal time x0 = const. [4,5] or at equal light-cone time x+ = x0 + x1 = const. [6]. We rather attempt to solve the Schwinger model by means of canonical quantization on the space-time hyperboloid xo xi — t 2. Each of these quantization hypersurfaces is associated with a particular form of relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics [7], namely the instant form, the front form and the point form, respectively. The quantization surface in point form is a space-time hyperboloid which is invariant under the action of the Lorentz group. The kinematic (interaction independent) generators of the Poincare group are therefore those of the Lorentz subgroup. All the interactions go into the components of the 2-momentum PH, i.e. the generators of space-time translations, which provide the dynamics of the system. One of the main virtues of point-form dynamics is obviously a simple behavior of wave functions and operators under Lorentz transformations. This has already been exploited in applications to relativistic few-body systems [8], but corresponding studies of interacting quantum field theories are still very sparse. The best-known paper is that of Fubini et al. [9], who deal with point-form QFT in 2-dimensional Euclidean space-time. We rather want to extend equal-T quantization in Minkowski space-time, as it was worked out in Ref. [10] for free field theories, to the interacting case. The solution being known, the Schwinger model * Talk delivered by D. Kupelwieser would be an interesting example to test the point-form approach against other methods. The hope is then that point-form quantum field theory will eventually represent a useful alternative in the study of 4-dimensional quantum field theories. The Lagrangian of the Schwinger model is 1 i ^ 1 photon part fermion part interaction part £ = £Y + £e + £int = --F^ + 0 (1) with the 2 x 2 Dirac matrices being represented, as usual, in the Weyl basis, i.e. Y° = o"i , y1 = i°2 and y5 = Y°Y1 = — o3 . 2 The 2-Momentum Operator 2.1 The free part This exposition follows closely Ref. [10] to which we refer for further details. Fermions: In order to obtain the Fock-space representation of the free fermion 2-momentum operator, we Fourier-expand the Dirac field ^ (x) in terms of plane waves using the fermion and antifermion annihilation (creation) operators c^ (p) and d(t) (p) and the spinor basis {u(p), v(p)}. In the massless case, the spinors are (P° = |p1l): \/2p° VP + P / v/VVP +V°J The free fermion 2-momentum operator in point-form is then obtained from the stress-energy tensor by integrating over the space-time hyperboloid = T2: P^ 2d2x6(x2-T2) 9(x°)xv ©7, with = (3) point-form "surface" element Inserting now the plain-wave expansion for the fields and interchanging momentum and x integrations we are left with the covariant distribution Wv(q) = 2 d2x 6(x2 - T2) 6(x0) xv e-iqx = 27t6(q2)e(q°)qv +27te(q2)6(q0)Io(TV/q2)g.o nT 2iT e(q2) [iYi (xv^q2) + e(q°)Ii (xv^q2) F9(-q2)K1(TV/^q2)q.. (4) When evaluating equation (3) for the free parts of the Lagrangian (1), Wv is contracted with spinor products of the form Uyvu, Uyvv, etc. All the contractions q V with qv vanish and only the term