International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies VOLUME 11 | 2 018 I ANNIVERSARY ISSUE Mediterranean Knowledge Institutions: Inspired by the Past, Anticipating the Future This anniversary issue pays tribute to the institutions that produce and disseminate knowledge and reflects on their role in fulfilling the potential of individuals and societies in the Euro-Mediterranean region. It offers an appreciation of the historical significance of universities, libraries and academies in the region and celebrates the dynamic diversity of their contemporary counterparts in responding to a challenging modern-day environment. vv^/ International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies ISSN 1855-3362 (printed) ISSN 2232-6022 (online) The aim of the International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies is to promote intercultural dialogue and exchanges between societies, develop human resources, and to assure greater mutual understanding in the Euro-Mediterranean region. L'objectif de la revue internationale d'études Euro-Méditerranéennes est de promouvoir le dialogue interculturel et les échanges entre les sociétés, développer les ressources humaines et assurer une compréhension mutuelle de qualité au sein de la région euro-méditerranéenne. Namen Mednarodne revije za evro-sredozemske študije je spodbujanje medkulturnega dialoga in izmenjav, razvoj človeških virov in zagotavljanje boljšega medsebojnega razumevanja v evro-mediteranski regiji. The Internaitional Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS) is indexed in Scopus, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, Directory of Open Access Journals, Index Islamicus, OCLC, and Summon by Serial Solutions. INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via e-mail Manuscripts are accepted on the understanding that they are original and not under simultaneous consideration by any other publication. Submitted manuscripts are subject to anti-plagiarism control. All manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed. For detailed instructions about the style and content of papers, please see our author guidelines at The International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies is published in English with abstracts in Slovenian, French and Arabic language. The journal is free of charge. COPYRIGHT NOTICE The International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies is an Open Access Journal distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Copyright for all articles published in ijems is held by individual authors. No author fees are charged. published by Euro-Mediterranean University Kidričevo nabrežje 2 SI-6330 Piran, Slovenia Phone +386 59 25 00 56 Fax +386 59 25 00 54