SVET NAŠIH OTROK WORLD OF OUR CHILDREN SVET NAŠIH OTROK WORLD OF OUR CHILDREN ¿braia DRAGA GELT Compiled by V tej knjigi so izbrane slike, risbe in spisi otrok slovenskega porekla, ki so sodelovali na razstavi ob priliki 'Mednarodnega leta otroka', katero je priredilo Slovensko društvo Melbourne, 29. julija 1979, v slovenskem kulturnem in razvedrilnem središču, Ingrams Road, Research, Viktoria. Presentation of Paintings, Drawings and Essays by the children of Slovene descent for the 'International Year of the Child' competition, organized by the Slovenian Association Melbourne, on 29th July 1979, at the Slovenian Cultural and Recreational Centre, Ingrams Road, Research, Victoria. ZAHVALA Izdaja te knjige bi bila nemogoča brez sodelovanja sledečih rojakov in njihove velikodušne denarne pomoči: Darko Koren Miro Ogrizek Jože Golenko Janez Žemljic Ivo Leber Helena Van de Laak Kari Bevc Andrej Fistrič Stanko Prosenak Lojze Markič Maks Hartman Matija Cimerman Anton Knap Jože Gelt Martin Adamič Werner Remšnik Peter Mandelj ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Publishing of this book was made possible with the genereous financial help from the following: Alojz Cvetko Pavle Česnik Jože Turk Ljubo Pirnat Jože Brgoč Marjan Preložnik Alojz Krajnc Jože Popovšek Bruno Sdraulig Franc Kordeš Franc Ličen Peter Krnel Franc Tomažič Walter Prosenak Peter Florenini Alexander Vičič Max Pišotek Posebna zahvala gospodu Simonu Špacapan in gospodu Stanku Prosenak za njihov prispevek. Special thanks to Mr. Simon Spacapan and to Mr. Stanko Prosenak for their contribution. vsebina contents uvod introduction vtisi sodnikov impressions of judges stran page 5 starost age zaključek conclusion 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 9 10 11 13 14 18 24 29 36 43 49 53 Otroci so svoje risbe, slike in spise osnovali na danih področjih: Svet Jutri, Prijateljstvo in Družine danes. Področja so bila izbrana z namenom, da nam otroci prikažejo življenje, kot ga oni vidijo — da nam prikažejo, kaj jih osreči. Prijateljstvo so prikazali največ v igri: otroku je prijatelj, kdor se z njim igra, deli z njim igrače in mu položi roke na ramo v trenutku, ko je osamljen. Prijateljske vezi otrok nas povedejo med otroke drugih ras, med otroke drugih narodnosti in običajev. Tudi živali so jim prijateljice: nemo in potrpežljivo delijo z otrokom veselje, žalost in včasih tudi razočaranje. V 'Svetu jutri' je izraženo navdušenje nad tehničnim napredkom in strah pred negotovostjo, predvsem pa upanje na lepo in udobno bodočnost v svetu miru. Področje 'Družine danes' je izrazito povdarilo družino, ki deli srečo, medsebojno razumevanje in sodelovanje. Otroci so se nam v slikah, risbah in spisih s svojo preprostostjo in ljubkostjo ponudili v varen, topel objem, da jih z razumevanjem, pogumno in varno vodimo v bodočnost. Children's drawings,paintings and essays were based on given topics: Tomorrow's World, Friendship and Families of Today. The topics were selected with the aim for children to show us, what makes them happy. Friendship was expressed mostly by playing games — to the child a friend is someone, who plays with him, shares toys and comforts him in his time of need. The ties of children's friendship lead us among the children of other nations, races and customs. The animals too, are their friends - the quiet, mute friends, which patiently share happiness, sadness and even disappointment with the child. In 'Tomorrow's World' the excitement for technical development and achievements was expressed and at the same time fear of something, they have not experienced before, but first of all, the hope for a beautiful, comfortable future in the world of peace. The children have in their paintings, drawings and essays, with their simplicity and naivity, reached out to us/in our safe embrace, so we can lead them into the future with courage and understanding. VTISI SODNIKOV IMPRESSIONS OF JUDGES Firstly I would like to thank my friends of the Slovenian Association Me,bourne for asking me to take part in the judging. 9 aTnh; z?";;: dchi,dren is very excitina'as * * — ^ and m,nds. The drawmgs, pamtmgs and essays in this exhibition clearly demonstrate the vitality, wonder and excitement of the young mind. demonstrate the The ideas expressed are varied. It is fascinating to note the different Interpretations dev r I:::1 dren after they have been given—y - - - -r:::: The Ideas vary from simple Idealistic images and daydreams to well conceived intellectual axercses. Some ideas are brillantly origina, and a few intentionally very funny The Slovenian Association can be justly proud of the creativity of its children. Robert Marshall Shire President, Shire of Eltham, Bachelor of Architecture, Diploma of Town and Regional Planning Zavedati se moramo, da je otroško slikarstvo, četudi enostavno, najlepše, najbolj nedolžno ustvarjanje sebičnih in svobodnih vtisov. Šele ko se otrok zaveda svetovne likovne tehnike, "že tako ponavljane in izčrpane", postane razočaran in boječ v svoji svobodomiselnosti; zaradi nenehnega popravljanja učiteljev, da 'knjiga tako pravi', se prestraši svojega mišljenja. Umetniško ustvarjanje ima svoj značaj. Prav zaradi tega me je razstava slovenskih otrok prisrčno razveselila - spet sem se povrnila v otroški raj v njihovih slikah, risbah in spisih. Vsak umetnik želi ostati v raju originalnih vtisov in domišljije. Nekateri umetniki ostanejo v tem raju in mu pravijo 'dar Boga'. Se danes ne vemo, od kod ta neizmerna in nenavadna moč do umetnika. Razstava otrok v Eltham - u me je presenetila ob spoznanju, da imajo slovenski otroci toliko življenja lepote in svobodomiselnosti v sebi. Uporabljali so lepe barvne kombinacije prelivanja v svoji direktni idealistični ustvarjalnosti. V 'Družinah danes' in 'Prijateljstvu' so uporabljali lepe in tople oblike. Za 'Bodočnost' — za 'Svet jutri', pa so v svoji humanosti pripravljeni za veliko spremembo. V njihovem barvnem ustvarjanju ni bilo nobene deformacije. Otroci so lepo dokazali ljubezen do narave in spoštovanje do svojega. Prepričana sem, da v skupini otrok lahko iščemo bodočega umetnika — samo da jih nebi današnji materialistični svet premotil I We should realize, 'children's art' is one of the most spontaneous and free style of art. Children's art may look naive - it is a true and honest self expression. Later, when child is influenced by wordty technics, he becomes unsure if he is doing the right thing. This should be overcome as art is a fine way to show your feelings and character. Slovenian children's exhibition at Eltham - through their work, they made me live again; in thoughts of true 'Heaven', which every artist wishes to remain. The ones, that do remain in this state of originality have a 'Gods gift'. Even today we don't know where this peculiar force comes from. I only can say that the childrens exhibition was a fresh surprise that our Slovenian children have so much life, beauty, warmth and free thoughts. The colours - the tones were not 'harsh', but beautifully balanced of tonal qualities; also the directness and idealistic form of love for self expression. In all, I did not find any disformality in their works of art. The children had shown a great love for nature and respect for (ife in artistic way. To me it is a way of light, that from all the children exhibiting at Eltham we should have some, that we will be proud of in the future artistic world. 0/}WJM¿¡ Romana Favier • Mednarodno priznana slovenska slikarka Internationally acclaimed and recognized Slovenian artist Reading the children's essays gave us a great deal of enjoyment. Some of the contributions made us laugh, others were sad, some expressed hopes that could never be realized; others simply described the things the children loved, like family picnics, and games with friends. Even the shortest and simplest piece gave us a feeling of the child's secure identity within his circle of family and companions. When considered with the paintings we had a kaleidoscope of emotions and experiences showing healthy, happy minds and bodies keenly preparing for a part in future Australia. It was difficult to choose just which essay was to be named "the best" in each age group. It was immediately obvious to us however, and to others I have since communicated with, that within the collection were several outstandingly creative pieces. Ten year old Anne Brencic's story of The Duck' is magnificent. She writes with a verve and sense of humour that gives a timeless folk-tale quality. The writing of another ten year old, David Bergoc was also exceptional. His poem about 'Every time I climb a tree' shows maturity, a sense of poetry and wit that marks him out as another with talent beyond that normally expected of one so young. All the essays deserve careful reading however. They contain the hopes and fears of the generation of tomorrow, eloquently and sincerely expressed. Sharman N. Stone B.A. (Hons.,) M.A., Lecturer at the Institute of Early Childhood Development ''i- Nagrajena slika za najboljšo idejo Prize winning entry for the best idea Andrew Urbancic Nagrajena slika za najboljšo uprizor itev področja Frances Ge/t Prize winning entry for the best depiction of the topic Nagrajena slika za najboljšo idejo Antoni Vo,k Prize winning entry for the best idea Julie Rozman Barbara Smrdel Nagrajena slika za najboljšo uprizoritev področja Prize winning entry for the best depiction of the topic A. \JiJoteirJvX Urit).s 6} ' \ 1 r ^ ' /h nxec s. iAm^ 'icVcn Natasha Urbas Nagrajena slika za najboljšo idejo Prize winning entry for the best idea Geanette Urbancic Nagrajena slika za najboljšo uprizoritev področja Prize winning entry for the best .depiction of the topic Geanette Urbancic "7 Dami on Fiaotek Age. years. Tomorrow's World.' r Io 0 ■1 Q Nagrajena slika za najboljšo idejo Prize winning entry for the best idea Damian Pisotek Rudi Plut Nagrajena slika za najboljšo uprizoritev področja Prize winning entry for the best depiction of the topic Christine Prosenak f> Cl*-, 4 k.onico 7 Lei- ¿Varel- Our house on C» our (, Veronika Smrdel Igor Brgoc STAROST O Nagrajena slika za najboljšo idejo Prize winning entry for the best idea Najboljši spis The best essay 1c Pc; p^rtdaklp Mi, /Vk,a « ye^rs S do S ^ tue Pr eJS "»Ww "pUppy Utp fU^ it ¡J tUTJ^ Tt °ns I haue a Cfl/- nViose IS B lucky. and claci^y very loi/es us all happy frtruly. L '/tn^ cJvJA ryucU a <— I -uAdxtr* ... '.«ini tc be LOTJLf A W cVf c-hilcbtn em tkvs •-V&r4cl a»» ^.is.l^a-ppy curvd noi aJAiL tc kox* wKcU ntacl. Strma OH cut^d cuw Kurujt-y, bl\M.t us ^»hj .-iw^-i wwlv ai/ cMilcLvn I* Ita-pf-uj, cuvci Lkwvxj ¿n patKcc ItGtUW. L Vuü-f O- »(- shcV quns m l'lne Vy>\&. ~TPiere \-we- dnd Fiv/o c^rls čjnd vvc?ir: CJlAV~ Cjr~CA- Ip won, I 'sl^cvine: my and plc^j lutn vvilh .DoivicJ- Eric Gelt & - v h V 8 FR1ENDSHIP no ■ki tfl* 'I Rosemary Radeich 1Wi ^Tf^^Js u^UX pJL U. rrvc^L,cf ■Úsu.aaOjiU-, urho .CLKs txü*^ -OycUixj- If • CLNL- ln-CKiq kfc U/V UÁÍX Lo^^JJX^L ^ •+• J cx>uL L«- CL , wusts -uJb Kurt^ivr oa^L fafcu • "¿cy eacL> kii/t- dikir- OJV OJtïi U- W u^clorj . w cuotL . /W^ UML U. LAM^ UfD'S UJtlL ^ j u¿Ll IMŽ- AX3 UXU-ÏS, jw^t- UH>4>aAA. fOace^-. I Najboljši spis The best essay Mary Krusec Pföie tfltfc Jfc Mo^ga^fc I tíqjeu ¿ru^MUl mo, && IjuxU. flcrjo, ctua 1/m-fet stína. O/li prveLno, ¡vrv sfvcvtu-. Nqa 3¿sí>ra, je i/^v je sM^m-m&rn. Morja. mo/im j¿ l^ia i«, cftt tu&A. ja/3 srn ÎVaj^m/iûjsa, . u- ctru^w"'. Margaret Smrdel F, rane €5 Nagrajena slika za najboljšo idejo Prize winning entry for the best idea Frances Urbas D oi:C"> sem ¥-> <\\o\em.u ju, Mitozo \é. Retcv. O" wo. se^Vro be- V,\ iie Jörn t. N V, c¡<\ f r\C í\ty\;\\ je \wa\m \\CV,\\cíx\&. v V^So m n\xÀ\\c\ ms "cho^ ^ 'bei-o v-vcsvU ¡ta mi ècx iV»eo. Po V.ûi'Av sem sfc o^Onov* . Mo\e ^ñ^CkU^e •sevn \u>vC\\J\\ -a^. \uá\ V mfft. jftVxV» v? Äo, . ' .'". ...... d") David Krnel Nagrajena slika za najboljšo uprizoritev področja Prize winning entry for the best depiction of the topic Katharina Kordes i wrtrt Ivan Marsic Friendship .. ItuMft Frru-Jii'-c. Euti-u cn-v We. t^jjrv o, Phju^CL. ...... oijjJtM-JŠ» Cro-T- oJat cmiu Vhiccuj^S.^ tKttj-j -troAt (-jou^ U^fc . . i. ?cx'-tk. uv "^JrJtrVN . . ; "^f" UOU- Uojj-e. o^ Pi^kfc oj^Jkk. .. ... tKturv-v «•"'•«U-isfe rrvliiCjt ojLuo-uSw L Tania Franetic "Onr I cirri otru (iiitij tc W>«/ a (b/n.tifj ft1t| mum cW and 1-fotW cu-e.x-tu-xj femd Icr ovL.Mu mu,ni kn-k-j ^Li-- .Y..-UCi'tj oi 1 am" iuVu. rvld a/id i am'en cyoxk tour. I Kcudirekt tkol.^ t^id \ Uk-Tc ¡\.d.L ± X haiMl Ufiiitotneuui nloc^m h u^tnife. Lu&t iM^-nb tc VeMh Luniti vni| £cumir èo-t ücu- "ÎIKGIIÎ} OcL bc bvct ih£.. l'tLifc datK 1P ucax kujiL. ^CîrQa^ one.. tjou. -üicuW. tivcuj..''-Y3t"rM* u? W- r- cf- Prxaru^skjLp,, Vb ' «y- ^ yju. ar-e^ lcuf_, ftn-d ui^v dsÂçlîJ vs tau<_ ucîJ" C^ïv, <\êL mojmo..d..'Pe«j \AXLS\V5 Uj&k- Cicu. 'Ä.txrt hWng3 <=>mo£l fWrvfc, Loibr crv cd^p^t ùXiasjv.T^ir. cixnJX. 3-UÄC1TS loÎAti? w- écarte hiüx. UxWssTKji. ïYuifei; ixXXLU, b«- aov--^, chJ,AtrtTTKjin. ujVuurv 4uu <>eJc tktii start aouto -fer SckooL ,Qat loWïv Olti °NV*W oxvi dut J tkf c:hiXtb-i.t!_ çjrvjould Urok oJ^f Vvou^. tcr ■iKcu.^ tWi. Wruç. b i. O Son/a Simunkovic icud. 4 • mm mr ^j^liii' ro.u/ iroarrco 5" Hmxx^ uv .3 ovfXX.Jcv^ sa/n_'_Wa/yco Ja.3 . CWÎci/uv ^O/Û- SCK-Cu le. rux-St Ux^ßrct ckraul Ml ^ ' ' o '-/ flor^eU, 1 Bictc-k- P6xck. Ja5.Si/ru 9 up ¿,W<£IQ.. IXÙUÔ-, r^urgo-. '03^ je, Ja^ j & 'i ¿ßiru'^ ÄLl/' WlWvt-- . iOMJ kwxS^C /WarK Krusec Sonja Simunkovic Edi Vitez v r " i m tigyurc ' ¿wrd «4, M/ FAMILY Cvrt b piapil , Cftw*" fofnvlu ' Idi IlOAse rvO fuli. Oua^ fcim^lu M&i ¡yWAjmty FožUtUl (vn¿ (vaftia.) ■íojU/QM ¡rid a. Soli " Wku . doivV uä drawn, ku-n.." "TWim <¿1 aar-eod.. " E-ony nauči, mcming fekfljLj StarW. ¿LoaÎAg a. koto. tKfty cLag fer tuxr m-crrdK^ uÄr\. ^Sy (övi-sKsicl. diûciùvc. \Kûu ÇUiacL iL ukik, ujdfau-— tkßjN. tJvitijJ fekfi. cLu-ch, ù\- IKa. ujb&ir. IÄR amojzfiii \ka ckick. ccuJLdL ^ujun.. il^flcL Uiccuisa. tura arvontks cf . •Auckts aoid . I tki. . cpAr Ugs bej=cujÄ& Wcl your U^s oralis-. "3a ikoM uiilcu^i. fvftopia. ±ka. duck. wno Prtjablj stw ~fanicL tlacJiuc 'jtjra. i o id. iXjo.t z/y ruvrx v rag .X V rursjj'"^ -^-..j., -j..-j. -- i^a ^ ruiryu t/i/stEjA, ¡/v ^i^t/w i aoÀJjru. pjyJ^fyu. ^ vildumj., in Jaixkc btjz^u. v sj~ca. K^.a^sii.iT- j z -trtM&cr vmqB&um, in- W -dane ni/, v oLnar^x,, C^ T,tC ¡vyrriiX^pA fS^otil^u., W. /V^dU^it^r, Jt^Ai. k rrunvii biti r^^A'f^ £rUL ^ ^ i4^1- J^h ^ * ' ** 1 ^ x ^ , Cl burner si t« iT" vtü. psi^xttl^ J&l&č issjs&n^ -utc ¡^rmo^oA U. rn^roh lih. ^jcJ^Aa [rj, ¿rui. cirvjo^t^ trt ml f^uaÀi^iÀv- -trnka" cJ-a- td^toV4-' ■^rorrutJa, a. una sfcusrMT ^r^iÄtUr u. Anne Brencic Tania MarkiČ O ft S VC7 J^'fri Steza z o ko I f s o t je ÍV tv UWüii ^au";«,, -ROCUw- -ncka^ fcJ>L ría a Vf Tixtvtna, pélala. ■ Orj^n»,;. Sem nr. i, oj^üoia V li ,futre pu moin mU'ko ..; i t Mo „ Get % the pečatu ! XryxL^xia se.n ma ^ trt ^e 7odA 'C, t cfl M - ^ - a Kot s/uT'üW t sa n,o . 'm\ '.ti^ ■nacUÏL fectsaiî. ^ . /,,,|ljf *** '"t"'1'0 « Po--, { Patricia Surina HS Sandra Kumar Tania Markic ! Vi i y m.n Ja^ imcwn. crjib ir rw>ja ¿JHJJ^uvfl.. Mo^ o& je Frojvk. RoyiVJA , rrvoja. je tlu^cbetK RoyKaA ,nu?j brai je DcuAd. < wAtm. JP. JVLUJI. Rc^nvoJv , mx^ riwx ^v-ni J t JokjX,riM3Jv.,Uv. jcLT, MQJ^O-KJ R.Oz,h\DJV . J cut, -z,UHm. u. |U/vJvi KjAL . Mi uwxnvc- U^t.V ortu. mi ikajrutr uJmaXct , m ^eJ^jcurP ."¿UHr u NcWa. PiA Ja^,DuL ¿A TUJJX cjraiY- (iii-ttio/ui iJw-e, ivuU ULS^. rnaqiM^UeL qlcLis. asid. tki. t^vu. £ tte^c. rn^cjh-t Ut- r'J-u_~ w>~ti of ac-A OJ'-^.- H i^iii's . /h^A. Iil. ainmt tfic year tuxr WwuAOjui nu-u. l^jrAmL, llurt, Ut. ^iä.¿ ¿iar" JUvL iOTJiji. ^Lo/yli ^AIL Uw ci i_ y«. ,>vr-c-iT_. inJjkt bic, raAaji l''tvv«-i> tut^ Aio/^i O-iX kcn^i. a. j«/ tiuxl g«^ Ujlit. nvxijl Margaret Rozman John Krusec THE?TWCT" ORPHAN- FAMILY i&Jpfis' li'sk °M cane of h.nern unh'l t-heu ix>e.r>e $ioc o ears o/d._ , , y Pcomj-hi? hheu nprkQuf-t I it e f o Pi* +henYs,e/i/e.s^ ncl Sue sef, font-h mi or? exf-U nedcheq Joh the b 3 fo,er- brace . buf him Pijie d LU ith are eel wouldn't euen look af -hhose two . tired.hiinnr>M rtnd rcicjgeci lif-fl sef forf/i a»/ ra c(o thincj, oo' bendicjCL loner tftety wefy? f-pm/.snecr I heu tr >fgt) top food at a rIcniacins ibr^e.buf h»m Prf/ed u/ifn are< th oon ,ere fried Ujq , iiredhunqrn .hi/drer, boon .ff), house , people HUea. ineu were u.ihecf 1 n's-iofe f.or fWd and a/, children , Oooo , ffleu CcJOie fo qno->jfherer.spme o+h« tf-ßd. iheu.L^en^ / ci- ther rich dr e g ier ed in clear) clothes an J 6 'f>e Kind near tec/ people |e + them sleep their Pdr fhe mah/- lij) fhe morninq ±neu Were deac/. • I hi ^J'^li tfuw u^fc to Tuiaiw IA/W ^ ^^ f .i^fc gcu* tlwv {TK>d am fhc O, thiricj htcvrj s aHln,-| I' 1 1 Veronika Ferfoija Katarina Strancar HofcjacV Rce.i>xci, Ac Famil/ Margaret Rozman drüAiXNa cWlviuxvk«. wuk wvaWxv. u, w\sW JAcr, ^ u\ w. tAo^ VJVOL ^ vYvn. VWSAA. ^ ui\ mL syvto Karl Pa we I d&ižiiUL. Jaz La enjtg«. /Wa.. Ja* ueU^ eiruW. J«* 0YlO ^ i Uctrd cdo. M lojov iiaj j IjoJsŠO.. i tg »a, j t s^yocflr- MöJC- cinc^Mxc lirte. je krMA£<. Oarvajt. kru^c-c. 10 Id^. Janez Krusec TOtKO WOIUO ^afcour'mo, l-rro^. rxve mMjim ¡r drih Ijuéí. McJi-'foHi injäk Vo-^íta,* e, "-•si-« ík.'^i'.t Sí!í.ja.¿íolWa i, /.^Ct". T&fíiplár. fe we"- M<()"<*«(''. dcewi.- I» icte tyretoi irt¡rí¡'.': Uj,.i. nnc'fcc,^ mlrcM» tfl0-m; he«*«*«'- Po^'fp' -i-.< f í'n twi;1' r<' «*"* ' r^'liftgH^/^^i, Shu^k* ich v fe* íl.ii. J'U.pj-e m-jc'\>c-i¿e. fsr.ír,¡ r«a i£>; tu ; : !(t i¡ i-í'Ca • Go spet Celt m ^'púii f /' i'n crl'Vi: . J c< = ---"' ■><'!.-. ¡>vdí<;Jih ¡u-oj/A V; k Je, Je fc¿«i po-n-1 i-.-ti- y.T'.r-, dop« ((e.. Posebno ísm D^h/>trem í.'/t>) afilen« kpílJ íiimí (ti üD.?l'eoii)í'+:iivt, V|' r,\, " Cjf'C \ •¡tur-' rrjama =tüi Topic■ 1ht iscrU 'famorrour "Tarüa. Markte. Act¡¡.\ ¡O tetara fitéf- MíchanccA. 7oi omerrenj-, In. alsouio- cmií^y, I tknk Úu uvtÚ tsíM lt aÄ auikwaiús., emA. aiüoí of fiepÖi TiÁÍÍ í-uxi/t Koíitefcs; fer ¿-.. t?J¿k,~h>fr í'k (>, a .r t oí lh'¿C mi ¡e b J 7 T b*rbfH ir i'/ci fatl-éjz jt, lc¿e,. u ' - ti^if ct^' - 'ícjcthw.n Ädwt \0 let Robert Erzetič Li-crijWcUj W ^ kwl . t^l^Lu ka* o- fujkK a. btejul »w, Öii ^ !> b. 'ac/o napi So/o ma', sps, od svge c/ruž, ne, k af-er, Srna sf.ije e/or,. . 5/-Qrši jos in n-voj brQf. ^.vimo , /£perF1 ne nQ ro/ntm ,ri ^ no br.U^ bole zelo bi,2u * UoKe/j(r6 rac/o bod.m.Moj J6- ^¡o dober nos do^, V rc,trecju na& je. 31, Mčencevj imom deib, pr-ljol-elc v moj; ŠoL. Hodim v pek Zq ^oj prosi-. ¿os ignom kilavo in KjTom Uo^orka po plavam. Nqš. 5oSe.c), So z.e.lo cJobr-i , imajo lepe ga moeta pa se racia «gr-a/n z. Pred nekoj le.t- sem bilo •/ Jugo^lovij i. "Zelo se rn, je ciopocJlo Upa noro« • Ko smo pnšl> v Severno 5lo/e.mjo rc,da imelo lepe ¿ 9 ,cljOne. HccJi v kgK šola ire,bjo le(-o. V;^,502^ carp&nfer pa je xm,rQj re|Q ^apo^. Kodar ,mo prosi-, ¿05 no3 peljQ no p,kn,k al. pc. v baz:en, 5e KapcJ", koj ,morr, najrajši. Mojo je zeJo pr,dna, rado Kuka m lepe ro£e. 1 me rcicla. no vrfu. Napisalo Arvrm. B^AO-C. stara ,o -t" T W. fkafr art Idese. mlnte k-childwi or- hojrvMjs. f^idi aÂwft shaufy Ca*. (Uid tum, thab dwf cant tum things ^ Mf ^-^Mkf ruccC cc m den't fei Uwfr and- cm ktpsc tml tum. 1k< oéij ¡¿of cc~ a, Pwiiù ¿s fo" lt. (HKB., Katarina Strancar MO/ Totnorpvur-'ç tvvrw ■JiM an tk gmnd.And Mus tkànq'<> sW/cim. Robert Erzetic TOORlW^WDR! D Salta Laurie ¡o zA /ur ^wievtui .^'Uwi J Anne Brencic Sa/vi Mavric VA1&- rv\v \fvf„V O» Çcv.ojvi.1 ponpX« C\ Wy ■a.-rvvcw-toj WärdS <*>\Vi\ ona ^tnoMmoí;, licrtrc®. Oi,r( v*r>>V-\ ÇcWwiïï Vjy sVo^riu. Vcvrti orçuCt. STAROST -i-i AGE I I Nagrajena slika za najboljšo idejo Prize winning entry for the best idea Julija Campelj Jop," pr-icd^ . thU The /Wi. C My of Me pic-fure - i i Julija Campeij Mfi ctriiftuw. *,ei( Moja dSrwim jt zato- /nuMm. ^ wm arfp. ¿ro/a, & ¿bra n-umtaJM bred. twxharm. iOO^J^^T mT ck¥< alack/a If imrcji l^l edui udtJi comni karuaa. (Aa tftofc CUHJJ^ULQ inn u 10 oumb COURT NORTH D/iNQENCKW - - -Son/a Lapuh David Bergoc I Najboljši spis The best essay Tañía Brgoc * r-ofukû of Tabu anru RxoMab n ijíora rsumve tue doil bim teto- luiL U On the. c^r hand [oLs of - IxrWou CT- d's LbvJms er Eoskr. "Hot tàft ss ¿¡p * « - Suzanne Prosenak Nagrajena slika za najboljšo uprizoritev področja Prize winning entry for the best depiction of the topic David Kordes 0"7 "Xqoo ft nr. it Ta nia Barat <» ^CccJ I -"OV-CCLJA. rm pc toJi _ _ p-tj. -'aonriio.. ktr so- fu-^U. S Kcu-or, ^ ßoLo . " ^ ^O^LOJLO. fe—, ^ r «Ï — kr^L . A^r ¿fet? ^ <0 —nvL^ov«. cU ru v-Ou^uo- cd _ Rje- s/ruj-., s^rvo- trti enojli . J<- cLcv u^oJi __ -St- Qo^fu-ik^ Act I I Tania Brgoc e-^felon. o'^^^H- dinpt, yum, sííwW so- Mi O^Jlk im. omkfL ^SL WULKX. LT- " Cdror, /sö-l-X uuzmxx tr — Dcflm-v. wxAáU, ! Xxo^-o- rjYvifOJL . i*- n^UpX ^ iHSrrvo- lt unfofWil that. rvi ali ckiLW Wut d. witW ov toIW-. Ttu, clxilJiVn, uAo- Wk, jwwtft dwU U. i*™ liajvpu Lok of cKJdiw Iwft ti (Jr br oUrfft io- qet tkü- food. O^Ci, I itad. (¿.nut a, Iroi^ who- lux* uv A|Wa H«. did*!, luu«, o. ¡WÄ» He- Iwft br op tr tkt lubUfch, bfi te- qet «m\e. -fay ^, hwb Uotk»- and. jniW-cuvi ttuWf. -(W. (alW exuv tiJka- oU. "tkowji, cu^ .nujqwL and, vtuj, WWn, {klW >=01x1 s>onii tiuiigi. W. luoukl u.1 out of it TtauyWys uwre qniuj jvom. pfo«, told.»«, TVu^ ujouJiL mniu. a luii cut, cf ■uw^f, of miifed, tin, uid ujood. He kafr tVr ~ Ä tiw, dotW, (in^. So- lu, liDft V Is ia Ws ^WU^ ctdWi ail tks, ■ He cU-iAni. luuwr Knw to uivdi,rwA beouuht.'lKfi^ Wwdl qottnowqVu nvcmi^to- ■bi>\J. Kuyv to- icVool 'iff ipvo oxiv <=aj2- liotu- LluAu^ flu. oluLW orn, udw Vpjä f\oy«nJ>b trlw«. d»ul ecu«, ftn- tUw JajJ. a, Uij Iwufee. mUlv a nux , Ub $ dotWi, iiWp., fws[\fti" huaIai totjbj (raolyb, (um oWa. V go- tr 4cKoot diul Wn. lot^ af otW- "tiung:, MCJms Vojvoda 11 quar \j«o>- ^-MuTA. cvivK. '"Voxyv . ^-Icv»* Kic. CP-KV Vv/vijtt o_ ^citevcX- for v^rxx^b . o-f«- ^SP-AJIJ ^¿vslc-A*; or«-o^Ato^rXW^i«- for r^croA, &«/e I sio*l. ftere ce chltf^ oll c^y fKc uo/Hd ^tn a-c tartjry. cûld ood tonrj Mfch .r-tebi b-uhal Kejfrr^nf H ^ r«*- rHey needo-j.thfc !,)«, ^ ^ ^ hdp fen, ^ of û*ter\»or» ccve, u/i.if- .„>(.• »hv. >»u- HIUJ ** )ßE. Uufi h c fhrg Wie,» fi-ohÄT üb Hönde. . .1 . wf atoeue, VäoI rw] IVn gbei I . rxai ¿JVC A 'ryvnütK^j I Qct pur. t+nr pr.ij <• ttatt K »-• i,\ I 1 ..'Kiho-c^ ,'/ C HlL&ßfN ., . -.1 [ Maria Vucko / Tolin .Gcrriarir. M \\ 9.7 Scott StTL-^J* John Gorjanc JVaSXKj nöjjUrr. d^ ^oC.Vyx k V flXO \ \>A_ . aa-'V VUAJ3AAA I I '---i v \ - ----a - V-CsfT-CWb uellko v s"x A— ' ---~ ru"; CC _ ___¿¿itaAS ——---- Edward Brgoč Andrei a Lotric Najboljši spis The best essay — STAROST -4 9 AGE 11 ^ Nagrajena slika za najboljšo idejo Prize winning entry for the best idea ««Mtf onA tnn« Cör^Ddv - AU WCWtu. rr^.KW Men® eonyfxuBHi. '»il ¿COV^^S, er ^WWSB ^LU vx- ctok ^ «re ^c «Sv V"«^^ , .TW ^«orvi^J« V",)*t O» v , v. -U ■Jr^SltV- VJ, A-:-»*» "*■' Stefan Srnec ^ >CJ- yMVfSi. Nagrajena slika za najboljšo uprizoritev področja Daniel Milic Prize winning entry for the best depiction of the topic "Some Da\£.«a.<\. -\fL v/e\iWx. W. ç>& otrok ir\ oVck irv Jqx ir^ttn vet \-Q> ¡r\ drricerf i<\ "irvoc^o brokxrvcAV .A seV-f.&rvVsi rW> HA^.Živijc*/ ¿»o^er^i \f\ V Ccx/VxAi • Oosh'kraJr si piWo \rv s» pooe^vo svoje. ADV'IOL . Sox. dvcx^Woi-Q^ irv cW , . *>«,Vy£. so it veViW ir\ 2£ cMc^o. So lAfcihdjiCa. n trvc Se ^olar^i. Vti KOC^^td v HjlOjrv Ç>cKoo\ J02- rv^^Ii v ^ojex Vu • AW 'vrv ^o^rx '.Kviojtv. zA> ra&i.TuAv otroci i^r-w» V'ie raj;. Kar iMr^'p ZA. OAS. W irr^i- if-cx( 12, Fcwvjili'e^. cf -VodQy . Fon-iAiCi cÇ VrdQM ore ndo. px,- ateroi-e. cf nch $»«1,« o^ ^JV oM qe* u>hi.V yjar+. 0 fevO pcfte uiho ait nen, friink Vne^ rc.oe VVi^ 5*»" OJïngvie arc\ ÎWn^. frcfk; "-V-o ore less pa<-K*note deep ip , i^&rtW ieoWng (W- loerV. Vx< fcuppo.-t fomil.eô . Tonmlea ho^t lote cf pieces te çp oni do, ce a«and kooL fUn fJay.r^ ord sorr-aU,,-^ legelVc' • Wr pB=pte. œlctraie. a^Wcn,, bo-n^auj,, &vslo-arcA ujiVV', ott-er re\aV.a->s. whilst" Ht jto- fscrfe haœ. te o-olc Oc W.W. ujKiV Hwyut . Wlv^n O rrerrtur oS Q |& tick reltWt, orA ^Vc ra* c( fc* Çbm.Vj cerfo V terd flvtm giV uRll caid; ord preœrto, »W 05, 0f) ft*. c*V«r ford Ht; p«^ d? ftrfcxok. forkî Kcpe ftr H-« m„txlei !o yofjpn, tx»V VW fçar fa- tt* uxvot- J Štefan Srnec Sonia Ogrizek A A )c$eph fa Usee, ■■ 1 Q^act; (row p/°CM- j Vre Htar 2,000. >»wi ¿t „ 0„ , Iwft /«rr ^uUspreac/^d ki//1//J, <7t mocenf peap/e ■ ,The L' S-r}; ü>«1 Miltes J*",. W The,* nw tte ugkht's so -«/meWco,/« „,;// , by,vL, ;/,£ * h^y^opu, Z s»J*t Meys „// .^V W^V*». «v c,.,ip»ocUc ! ; Mv H. = w W©*«*** DoWt.s ImWu lot« _ if/ ;, /"" s , ^ ^ •Boi ^ /w * c, T/JuJn* 00 lU g^g P^/^ ^ have eUckc ¿e by dome and 4,ere ¿W beg/» * p'tOcY colohie \Je sl^/d sew/ sopprfa,« m-b sf»ce 4c wfilafiek Uic/> Jo /-.f^- c/! EaHln People shoe,u l/ye in ¡he sec, under Süp^C/.i'/f-?L*S ttey buM cJy-Ues Md mIM Und. b^r Hie. -.-m „„ybe W reserve^ of-Ge/ fW//o^ c>n Mr, there reserves [0 he refine J \Un4er U {\rf c,Jy -h, be Ul vndc^Jer SU/d be ¿«lied fl+tetf*s ttlW fc Grt'tahlM snkihtsaK&rfy***«*, Vie ■supply hill eweQvfh&e3or&oe 4hcm/, wUh / C ./"/»./ C ' *(pp tys ' b-x)M If people 4e \h< P^/e w.'l recycle her had/.Ma^i-^M/^ will come jiroyn -¡he tedyiand so^weeU will ipK>dt/co uj.VK mn Vomo-ujart. ord Vofe v^. VtoU. cpW. °oW bq^ nooo eWXoj CœT v^e Orx>, \ei-5, on LO-U-, VUmj. 0,1-cX on CcirrtpR .""\V\e- \ VsoVp *-r>c\W '»v, ie> be gccA. rX «HrWcV a^ -\a i-\o\o {cAW VeV^. -m Lo'.Ui m^ C^kvcnÎQn h»ne. ux>rL heipi/^ ft**, uarie. ^Wcs ».nji l-aOftX«,. V-Ve_ \A01X -U» eu*«. TVO- KoV'^ r-.-^ ir-s-U^- aQ Kar WL. \ -W WAq . Wo-I ir, 'U^ One,, Voy. CoViir^ cO brordias \ w aoL very oJ- bife^Wr ^ Vta\p£L\ le rvie. Wdpi»^ »-we UjAK ^""¿Vpi-r^ fâA'^rçj. USvtkrj^ . s>4^y « r^-ta. i-iKco \ ev^ rv->od Or- \ \ j^lr^. \ vcfsj, . taxt*. « Cv-iili^ Wcs\oso- \>-> loo Ai , V, QxJ-j ' WLs pwptç, in __ 4Ul uasAà, Vv^ve. ro . ûxra- W ore* (T=> Wn -W >C \Xq){ prtiAaWi-x- ay. tO. -_______ Christina Basa tf cxvv^cA \ o^- .»-pUo^Y-. fL>o_LLk. G^äjt- cjr 1 -LC\ lovvxivA « \ »«^wO-kfi^ ^^Sfefc-vcta? cx^ jc^j&t o.V^ovA eo^i-tjcio-t •t- VcclcXAA , VxiC.C^A^^e- V«fiio-4_» I V.& CcOJvy. plcuj VoottA-ii-f, cwvc! djCxxj k. C C*t«Jc\ C^O Vo VW^ ^vcKct^ uo. iiCO-v^i, HZEEvïIP OOO cLc^-,; L te^-oto, I •<£ ■flvsyu otii. cLc^j cv tirviioW ¿ùio^ W-O-ci- V^O c£" tKßÄ. O^d^Ca I •JJCiO î.v_j.i_ Voi^.Vm.» > ijjt^U^ Vo ctKtl- C"^ çl.o,. j Co-fckxj Vo «CMjing tA>_e. to il- u^c-A ^v-oj-oelt<>ws uit ^-N-.xci-t' pAenib tixJL. «^vd . Té> Se- SerJ- fêre-oe-*" • Elizabeth Horvat yS' ÎVI1- mik> (MV Joseph Krusec Hoja želja je da mi mladinci dobimo SVOJ< ¿a kotira se trudimo tako n / I / rN Sonja Ogrizek h .vehf my oiorm clock i c ,o, o ^ »vin fe f 'eeptlu corne «30,3 Ol-, a plcf-e rcW oul- oP/HP sbf- f01~ «•„ f ju* hac* * cupofcocoo ^(te-go.m throuqh the ccnveuct- loeh i c,o tO '«hcc/. /h ¿?tir ochool clo^t houe Every c^iici ba* ther* own CCmputvr-, Ih-e name oP m,ne FmV. ,s vrru ro wse. On hhe P cnh oP h.»n fh^ J k*y -> hke A bijpc-unter . kbrti i ¿j.w*, fotxblehn I JUS)- iy^OH cuf- /^e ans«,^-loctay (to.QhtxJ SiVtfVfo-* .-o / t . Äi1 ^ / It-ftKCjh i-»c bfrrt (/^ ff, giTiMr^ t-uhm I rell a rep I hf iqWs aut-cntahc lumev/cPf......... ROSiE (Vfi^UT ^£-.¡1 Rosie Nanut Darko Marsic Elizabeth Horvat Nagrajena slika za najboljšo idejo Prize winning entry for the best idea Tony Milic ^ \>di h Ckr Carta M-----------.^{/fe&friot _ /W+Í je ^¿«^....Ua^...^....„Jo-ifcH . Alev.v t j.t..5eJa-«, ke-v l/e-cAwo -«-cuc^x... >»> _ p^goWk^cA. ^..tviavio. ............ Ubü-cf. Je.- AciifmaAHev. ..... vsxÍaIc* vwt •Je-/ UsAdc^Utt^i. -Wkvít... Je. ¿Ja. ^o^a v -.ÍY.cU .\y - .Cevitt-........poue , .kc.j. ctsíajb -S'oh' <íe sem ¿wtac^. \/ IcaíÍI j.«.*, > ...... " o i «lo_v-v--. ; le^td. srvMs « .-r, ple^o.1 . . r el'-* iMCLIri py> ijqigJji^ Opcu», , cXa .-tiAoli doOv« Silvia Ferfolja Marta A/brecht omprrow/s w i Ros'e Prosenak trX ^ ^^c- izr*** w«* h* ^ ** —va CL - Silvia Ferfolja Pcr,pU w, j- »V . ,J ......... ^ Ppy • ÜJ*. hori -h, ^ — J Hcw yeo^s. ci/rj . Warte Albrecht —-f/CfercShOa j.. aufiflÄ. - (ZZKL&L ./uyneA^x^r Mdk^ie. s-ig. .i^ctow^j ^^ #7 ^cauie Si&n j/bt et^dc-i^n^ Juo čaatii, flfr Je sAz&tm^a-KxUfy sicfvcupior/u/w /ujoaiicC 'ncrtf aWt """ _ C?iva,j ¿yrt jMe, ^vteo^-nce. ^^x ^rx?>£ate£cf .c^fkw/z» qfjVie, fotza*, ^oÄy ^-ty ¿pzcon SM ^ce^oMon^ fox or -vqti/xxzC <&uuC suxri^cC sica/i-fum.sfia.jtr ¿¿n&yc&f /fOntf ß/m Mtä-flowvoo /¡.JA^C/I /rurte yvc^t&^yai/u^n ¿enyr/ump- ¿¿¡z svA^oh /Wae J//\a Äö^a^ti? ¿¿g/vt/U jt/u "■lövn ■ C/iono J&UZS- J/iestiz- /-jditC ¿t^ecS occtA ^ s/i£ct/I js/rfv/no- tf/iomfy ¿¿¿Oj^ouzrt ¿(M Meetx^ucct ^¿^»¿y Ax* av Me. sTLöcsu&x&x, ^Wperusx^ey -to/l fire /T^Ot-ls-lčoM^/lJe/f. ^ I C/.Mau/bS Zia-iv. CsO/ooižtfiirte, ^afcmÄz&or,«rcr (jft sAe. xxi"in- f^owancto yrv2.,Aen ¿-¿¿¿a ¿yco ^AcnaA^ ^Skrcdi&OjAe*. J&xob -fu^/ulo yujts langen ^ncC j&Jv oCcvric^nff ¿ri. Ave äy&of xt-j \/n Ma-sa/kru^y/^ J&710 ¿-i-cw*, , j^c-a/rm- 7 JAey ^ssce, ay/vet ¿afe&ca^^.^rieiQ. (/wo-mtuX. jfcf&e., ¿u* su^i-j - 'i/^OiüLoC feLČJtesi AO^IC&D, scšiiniiu/^ ^i^ou^y .^n/i. flonae^pi^ziča ß'uec, ¿o-sCasttfuč&j CfV&sJt ^tci^a. ¿ta sPioaaA ¿ernte, - suyi sria/no J/e^r^y-iorye.^ I—Mr J^LCU^ivz ¿fa /n&'-i&vvto, ¿-n e/no&čfr-i&to■cjfr sze&cA Jiao-t^n. " ------Cßb. tfouzi-^o^ ----j/Ste. C Äcrne, '' Silvia F erf olja MX2.uld JUJdf.. Paul Be vc Marto Albrecht 4 • -L- - ¡Aft- f^cldavija*™ ¿w íe&T, ¡ ¿a !m &J ,nu>j ¿m ■wiZ JLJJU t4i Ütcfyu Xyf^tj ¿t ¿A OM üuÁÍJ na^vc- ÍM X ^o vxa ¿•ií.vcia ¿V 'iÁnfi.V'tjiA MISWM $H íaJj ZWG& n-irnoy /yyu.^ ^ ¿¿nxty hiAMi. OivdA Ih WA/moy. J*™™.«™ sdh, & Af -v ■UKrul? &4¿; lairtA. Hm AqÚa hkx ¿n /^ia.k YcMli /Wncr rwrfy -Cn bko tenxixjxs y1 'vn^r\a!k -mVMÜ 4. kai^M. ¡MjpHtfus.- astdb, o^^uiA/a^L Aofya -uod¿>áíl ^^ AtSyM &¡ íi&e «m Mi /<0%. ^^nxAj. ÍM ¿JiMow vu&étf O-VAJ/X -¿m Ma -íW« Mi k /yec . J£ %Sa sx¿ AJfUydowA /W . (Ücríjail Su A.OWIMO& SÍAVAHÍL**! fHA -fy^íxT-lflUy? AVLfL^ílÜM. -W) ZÁf Ú •stjy^üiu irta /wtóüjw i flu^M HadkcsJi . 'tex c^u>a-JtL^Áání£i-.m<íÍ£ .^OOÍYIQ^L. ..<3M.. XJÁOM^Í ( -xa vitcár hoM ji ia MOA JMtmdtn Aosovcj. Ir Xeéí ÍH Al ita&í -MMO ii/Xo-1 -je AKnicnc ^uf&ubno-. •Xnjrau. ÍÁ 4QK0& JIXÍA& de- juhjJb^ a. dCaÁi ¿¿ihly ¿K tó -vasu jw^jsMy -Uo V- Sioier Sil i aíu6' -ív\ i sM^djim-w , (*> tako- Én fc&o wr, ¿a <*vut*nt7- $¿te Mxo&a, xLa. su. sxtM^y- ■VÜJ. tcr QÁcr AJpo^mruM. SIOA , aAa- " " ■ fM^nuAw.&tier at/uÁa JUb. ¿mkaw tx tó ruérfu? iwyinyíi, JL|ía J%i (fiij AÍÓKM -véÚur iMC ¿o+na fix&kr tA/uWpíU a -m M MOA -W A¿tUi Saso Krapez C, Slovensko društvo Melbourne želi z Izdajo te knjige doprinesti k 'Mednarodnemu letu otroka' ter istočasno dodati svoj delež k boljšemu razumevanju med različnimi narodnostmi pri razvoju nove Avstralije. The Publishers of this book, The Slovenian Association Melbourne, hope that this publication will contribute to the 'International Year of the Child' as well as enriching this multi cultural society of ours and thus making it a better Australia.