Metodološki zvezki, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2007, 21-36 Permutation Tests for Heterogeneity Comparisons in Presence of Categorical Variables with Application to University Evaluation Rosa Arboretti Giancristofaro1 and Stefano Bonnini2 Abstract In social sciences researchers often meet the problem of determining if the distribution of a categorical variable is more concentrated in population X1 than in population X2. For example the effectiveness of two different PhD programs can be evaluated in terms of the heterogeneity of the set of job opportunities. The job opportunities are nominal categorical variables and populations X1 and X2 include all PhD holders for program 1 and program 2. We may define that a PhD program is “better than another” if it is able to offer a larger variety of job opportunities. Several other examples can be mentioned to highlight the importance of heterogeneity comparison problems in social sciences; moreover this problem occurs also very often in genetics, biology, medical studies and other sciences. The nonparametric solution of this problem has similarities to that of permutation testing for stochastic dominance on ordered categorical variables, i.e. testing under order restrictions. If ordering of probability parameters in H0 is unknown and it has to be estimated by sampling data, only approximate nonparametric solutions are possible within the permutation approach. Main properties of test solutions and some Monte Carlo simulations in order to evaluate the tests’ behaviour under H0 and H1, will be presented. A real problem concerned with University evaluation is also discussed. 1 Indexes of heterogeneity In social sciences researchers often meet the problem of establishing if the distribution of a categorical variable is more concentrated in population X1 than in 1 Rosa Arboretti Giancristofaro, Department of Mathematics, University of Ferrara, Via Machiavelli 35, 44100, Ferrara, Italy; 2 Stefano Bonnini, Department of Mathematics, University of Ferrara, Via Machiavelli 35, 44100, Ferrara, Italy; 22 Rosa Arboretti Giancristofaro and Stefano Bonnini population X2. For example the effectiveness of two different PhD programs can be evaluated in terms of the heterogeneity of the set of job opportunities. The job opportunities nominal categorical variables and populations X1 and X2 include all PhD holders for program 1 and program 2. We may define that a PhD program is “better than another” if it is able to offer a larger variety of job opportunities. In this case the monitoring of the first employment of PhD holders through a post-doc survey is useful. Another example is given when a company can be interested in the evaluation of the degree of heterogeneity of the customer base. Heterogeneity can concern educational qualifications, hobbies or other categorical variables. In this case the heterogeneity of the customer base of product 1 and that of product 2 can be compared to obtain useful information for the marketing strategy. In the evaluation of an academic course the monitoring of the type of secondary school from which students come can be of interest for academic management. A heterogeneity measure of the distribution of the type of secondary school can be adopted in order to compare two different academic courses. Several other examples can be mentioned to highlight the importance of heterogeneity comparison problems in social sciences, but this problem occurs very often also in genetics, biology, medical studies and other sciences. The concept of heterogeneity is mostly used in the field of descriptive statistics. Homogeneity notoriously means the disposition of a statistical variable X to always be manifested in the same category Ai, i = 1,…,k, 1< k <¥. A set of statistical units is therefore homogeneous if all units that make it up are characterized by the same category. If this does not occur, that is if at least two categories in the set of statistical units are found, then heretogeneity is indicated by absence of homogeneity. Therefore the degree of heterogeneity obviously depends on the number of categories observed as well as on their associated frequencies. In particular the heterogeneity is at a minimum if the distribution of the observed variable is degenerate, i.e. it presents a single category with a relative frequency equal to 1 and all the others with a frequency equal to 0. On the other hand heterogeneity is at a maximum if the variable is equally distributed on all categories. Consequently an index that syntetically translates the degree of heterogeneity of the observed phenomenon must have the following characteristics: To assume minimum value when the phenomenon under study is manifested with a single category, i.e. in the presence of maximum homogeneity; To assume increasingly greater values the more one moves away from the degenerate distribution and the more one approaches the equidistribution;. To assume the maximum value in presence of equidistribution. Heterogeneity can be associated not only with the concept of concentration but also with that of diversity, that is the attitude of a qualitative variable to assume different modalities. It is directly associated with the concept of uncertainty and that of information because in the case of minimum heterogeneity also the Permutation Tests for Heterogeneity Comparisons… 23 uncertainty of a decision is at a minimum and the information derivable from the single observation is at a maximum. In the opposite case of maximum heterogeneity one has maximum uncertainty and minimum information derivable from the single unit. Starting from this notion, various indicators were proposed of which only the most commonly used will be mentioned. The index of heterogenity proposed by Gini (1912), for a variable X which assumes k categories with relative frequencies fi, i=1,2,...,k, is ? () ? G = ks= 1 fi 1- fi =1- ks= 1 fi2 (1.1) whose normalized version is G* = G(k – 1)/k. Shannon's index of diversity, also called index of entropy of a distribution, is associated with information theory (Shannon, 1948) and is ? () ? ( H = ks= 1 fi log 1/ fi = - ks= 1 fi log fi (1.2) where log(×) are natural logarithms, even though in the original version they were in base 2, and we assume that 0 log(0) = 0. The normalized version is H*= H/log(k). A generalized index taken from the field of information theory, is the generalized index of entropy of order a proposed by Rényi (1966) H k a 1-a log ?ik= 1 fi (1.3) with a ¹ 1. Ha is a non-increasing function of a. As a varies, one obtains different indices of heterogeneity and some particular cases among the most frequently used are: H = lim 1 1-a log gfei = 1 fi')l=-Ii = 1 fi log ( fi ) =H , (? ) H2 = -log ik= 1 fi2 = -log(1-G) H =lim 1-a logfek f") log sup ( fi ) 24 Rosa Arboretti Giancristofaro and Stefano Bonnini 2 Permutation tests for heterogeneity: The two-sample case In the previous section we dealt with heterogeneity from the descriptive point of view, namely considering the indices that measure the degree of heterogeneity of a distribution of frequencies in a certain set of statistical units. From now on we will take into consideration the inferential problem which consists of comparing the sampling heterogeneity of a categorical variable X in two populations, in order to test the hypothesis that the heterogeneity of one population is greater than that of the other. In doing so we shall use some of the indices described in section 1. It is assumed that the values of the variable X can fall within one of the k categories A1, A2,..., Ak. From a formal point of view, given two populations X1 e X2, if we indicate with Het(Xj) the degree of heterogeneity of the population Xj (j =1,2), the problem of hypothesis testing can be expressed as follows H0 : Het(X1) = Het(X2) against H1 : Het(X1) > Het(X2) . We take into consideration the indeces of Gini G = Si pi(1 - pi), of Shannon H = - Si pi log(pi) and the versions of that of Rényi for a = 3 and for a ® ¥ , corresponding to H3 = - 1/2 log( Si pi ) and H¥ = - log [ supi ( pi )], where pi = Pr {X Î Ai}. The choice of H3 instead of H2, which is perhaps the index of Rényi most used in the literature, is dictated by the fact that H2 is one-to-one related with G, and therefore the two indices imply the same inferential conclusions when applying theory and methods of permutation tests. In other words, two indices are permutationally equivalent. By indicating with pi, i = 1,2,...k, the parameters of the underlying distribution, with p( i), i =1,2,...,k, we indicate the same parameters arranged in non-increasing order: p(1) ³ p(2) ³ ... ³ p(k). Four indices G, H, H3 e H¥ are order invariant, i.e. their value does not change if they are calculated with ordered parameters p( i) instead of with parameters pi. If we indicate with pj ( i ), i=1,2,...,k, the ordered probabilities for population j, j = 1,2, the fact that the indices of heterogeneity are order invariant allows us to express heterogeneity through ordered parameters: two populations such that {p1( i) = p2(i), i=1,2,...,k}, i.e. with the same ordered distribution, are equally heterogeneous. Moreover, if {p1(i) = p2(i), i=1,2,...,k} data of two samples are exchangeable and so the permutation testing principle applies. In addition, if Pj( i ) = >Zs£i pj(s) are the cumulative probabilities for population j referred to the ordered parameters, the null hypothesis of our problem is equivalent to: Permutation Tests for Heterogeneity Comparisons… 25 H 0 :P1(i ) = P2(i ) , i = 1,2,...,k. Vice versa, in the case of greater heterogeneity of population X1 with respect to population X2 implies that P1(i) £ P2 (i) must be valid and the strict inequality is valid for some values of i. In formal terms we can write: H1:P1(i) £P2(i) "i and P1(i) < P2(i) for at least one i. The definition of the problem by means of cumulative probabilities makes it very similar to the problem of stochastic dominance for ordered categorical variables, with the peculiarity that the order is determined according to the values of the parameters pi and not according to the categories the variable X can assume. Therefore, our problen can be referred to as one of dominance in heterogeneity. We may observe that X in problems of heterogeneity can be a nominal variable because heterogeneity is a property that concerns probabilities and does not involve the categories Ai of X, whereas the problems of stochastic dominance assume that classes A1, A2,..., Ak.are ordered. For problems of stochastic dominance the literature offers quite a long list of exact and approximate solutions. Among the many, we mention those of Agresti and Klingerberg (2005), Han et al. (2004), Hirotsu (1986), Loughin and Scherer (1998), Loughin (2004), Lumely (1996), Nettleton and Banerjee (2001). For the univariate case most of the methodological solutions proposed are based on the restricted maximum likelihood ratio test. Among these we mention Cohen et al. (2000), Silvapulle and Sen (2005), Wang (1996). In general these solutions are criticized because the distributions under the null and alternative hypotheses are asymptotically mixtures of chi-squared variables with weights essentially dependent on the unknown distribution P of the population. Nonparametric proposals are those of Troendle (2002), Brunner and Munzel (2000), Pesarin (1994 and 2001), and Pesarin and Salmaso (2006). The latters, based on the nonparametric combination of dependent permutation tests (NPC), are exact, unbiased, and consistent tests. As far as we are concerned in difference of heterogeneity, it is reasonable to set as test statistic the difference of sampling indices therefore arriving at statistics such as: TG = G1 – G2 = Si (f2(i)2 - f1(i)2) (test statistic based on Gini’s index G ), TH = H1 – H2 = Si [f2(i)log(f2(i))- f1(i)log(f1(i))] (test statistic based on Shannon’s entropy H), TH3 = H31 – H32 = 1/2 [log(Si f2(i)3)-log(Si f1(i)3)] (test statistic based on Rényi’s index H3), 26 Rosa Arboretti Giancristofaro and Stefano Bonnini THoo = Hoo 1 - Hoo 2 = log(supi f2(i ))- log(supi f 1(i )) (test statistic based on Rényi’s index Hoo), where Gj, Hj, H3j and H„j indicate the sampling values calculated for sample j, j = 1,2. Clearly the tests will be significant for large values, i.e. large values observed in the test statistic can lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis in favour of the alternative. In order to apply the tests according to the usual approach, it is necessary to know their sampling distributions subject to a proper estimate under H0 of the vector of the marginal ordered probabilities (p.(1),p.(2),...,p.(k))f, because the vectors of the probabilities (pj1, pj2,...,pjk) as well as those of the ordered probabilities (pj(1), pj(2),..., pj(k))', j = 1,2, are unknown. In reality this question is not easy to solve exactly, with perhaps the exception where k = 2. For this purpose, instead of the true ordering of unknown parameters {pj(1), pj(2),..., pj(k); j=1,2 }, we utilize their estimates based on ordereing the observed frequencies (two empirical orderings): f 1(1)^f 1(2)^...^f 1(k)= > p ˆ1(1) ^ p ˆ1(2) >...> p ˆ1(k) and f2(1)^f2(2)^...^f2(k) = > p ˆ2(1) ^ p ˆ2(2 >...> p ˆ2(k), thus, obtaining the following ordered table: Table 1: Estimation of the probabilities ordered by relative frequencies. Classes Sample sizes Population (1) (2) ... (k) P1 f1(1) f1(2) ... f1(k) n1 P2 f2 (1) f2 (2) ... f2 (k) n2 f' (1) f- (2) ... f' ( k ) N We note that the order is realized separately for each sample and as it is based on relative frequencies rather than on classes, it could be that the i-th column of Table 1 refers to two diverse classes for the two samples. In other words class (i) corresponds to the class whose observed relative frequency occupies the i-th position in the ordered sequence and can be different for the two samples. Obviously the order imposed by the frequencies presents a random component and may vary depending upon sampling variations. Therefore under H0 data are not exactly exchangeable as it would be if the true order of population parameters were known and used. The exchangeability property can only be obtained Permutation Tests for Heterogeneity Comparisons… 27 asymptotically. Therefore, permutation solutions are approximate for finite sample sizes and exact only asymptotically. Using the data in Table 1, the observed values of the test statistics TGo THo, THo 3 and To are calculated. For each permutation of the dataset one obtains a new permuted table (as in Table 2), with different values from those of the observed table but with fixed marginal frequencies. Table 2: Absolute frequencies after a permutation of data. Classes Sample sizes Population (1) (2) ... (k) P1 n*1(1) n*1(2) ... n*1(k) n1 P2 n*2 (1) n*2 (2) ... n*2 (k) n2 (1) (2) ... (k) N Using the data of the permutated table in the calculations of test statistics, one obtains the permutation values TG, TH, TH3 e TH . Calculating the values that can be obtained making all the possible permutations, one obtains the permutation distribution of each test statistic. Alternatively it is possible to extract from the set of all the possible permutations a random sample, thus obtaining conditional Monte Carlo estimates. In this way, for each of the four tests it is possible to calculate the p-value, that, if B is the number of considered permutations, is given by D G=#\TG * > TG | X)/B, ? H #\TH * > T Ho | X)/B , n =#t* >To |X \/B, H3 ' U Hc>0 =#\T H° >To H° | X)/B, respectively for the test based on G, H, H3 and H«,, where #\TG > TGo | X) indicates the number of times permutation values are not lower than the observed ones, conditionally on the dataset X={Xji , i=1,…,nj ; j=1,2}. Therefore, according to the general deciding rule, if the p-value is less than or equal to a fixed significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected in favour of the alternative, otherwise the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. In order to summarize our procedure, with reference 28 Rosa Arboretti Giancristofaro and Stefano Bonnini to permutation tests, after transformation of the original categories A1, A2, …, Ak into the ordered categories (1), (2), …, (k), where, for each sample, (1) is the category with the highest frequency, (2) is the category with the second ordered frequency,…, (k) is the category with the lowest frequency, we apply a two sample permutation test for categorical variables. Observed data are generally organized in a 2 × K contingency table (see Table 1). Permutation analysis is probably easier if, in place of usual contingency tables, data are unit-by-unit represented by listing the n = n1 + n2 individual records. In the 2 × K design, it is intended that in the dataset first n1 records belong to the first sample and the rest to the second. It is worth observing that in univariate two-sample designs, since they contain exactly the same amount of information on the unknown distribution of data, the marginal frequencies the pooled data set X as well as any of its permutations X are equivalent sets of sufficient statistics under H0. Under H0 data are exchangeable, hence it is possible to change the position (the row) of some statistical units in X assigning them to a different sample respect to the observed dataset. In other words it is possible to make permutations of the data set. Considering all the (N\ possible permutations, or a random sample of them, and calculating the value \n1) of the test statistic for each permutation, it is possible to determine the permutation distribution and to calculate the p-values of the test. After each permutation, the number of units with associated category (j) is equal to n. ( j ) (for each j) and it does not change but number of these units associated to the first n1 rows (sample 1) and to the other n2 (sample 2) can change. For this reason the column marginals and the row marginals of the contingency table remain constant but the frequencies nj(i) and fj(i) may vary. 3 Simulation study In order to assess the properties of the test we consider a simulation study in which data are generated according to the following model: X ~ 1 + Int [ K ¦ U ] where he R, U ~ U(0,1) and Int [ • ] denotes the integer part of [ • ]. The random variable X is therefore discrete and its domain consists of the first K positive integers. The situation of maximum heterogeneity can be simulated making 8= 1, because in this case X ~ U(1,2,...,K) and fi = # (X = i) / n =1 / K, Permutation Tests for Heterogeneity Comparisons… 29 where n is the sample size. Increasing d the distribution of X moves further away from maximum heterogeneity, approaching that of maximum homogeneity where frequencies tend to be concentrated on the first category. The choice of this model, as an alternative to the generation of data hypothesizing some distributions of probabilities for the two populations, mainly depends on the fact that studying the power of a nonparametric test, the variety of proposable alternatives for simulations is so vast that it is almost impossible to consider them all (Lehmann, 1953). In this way we can generate discrete distributions with different degrees of heterogeneity using a single parameter instead of K, as we would if data were generated from a completely specified distribution, such as: p1, p2,..,pk. Generating the data as described, for some sample sizes, some couples of parameters d1 and d2 for respectively population X1 and X2 and some values of nominal significance level, we calculated the rejection rates of four tests in order to evaluate their degree of approximation as well as their power. Table 3: Rejection rates of four tests of heterogeneity under the null hypothesis (K=8). d1 d2 N1 n2 alfa nominal Test 0.01 0.05 0.10 1 1 20 10 0.0020 0.0220 0.0670 TH 0.0005 0.0150 0.0510 TG 0.0020 0.0310 0.0815 Th3 0.0045 0.0130 0.0405 Th¥ 2 2 20 10 0.0095 0.0485 0.0955 TH 0.0085 0.0480 0.0920 TG 0.0135 0.0620 0.1105 Th3 0.0070 0.0265 0.0500 Th¥ 40 30 0.0115 0.0455 0.1000 TH 0.0130 0.0515 0.1035 TG 0.0180 0.0625 0.1130 Th3 0.0095 0.0375 0.0685 Th¥ 60 30 0.0110 0.0505 0.0965 TH 0.0115 0.0550 0.1015 TG 0.0135 0.0590 0.1090 Th3 0.0075 0.0290 0.0670 Th¥ 3 3 20 10 0.0120 0.0545 0.1030 TH 0.0120 0.0530 0.0995 TG 0.0130 0.0605 0.1165 Th3 0.0060 0.0265 0.0480 Th¥ 30 Rosa Arboretti Giancristofaro and Stefano Bonnini Table 4: Rejection rates of four tests of heterogeneity under the null hypothesis (K=16). d1 d2 n1 n2 10 30 30 10 30 30 10 30 30 alfa nominal Test 0.01 0.05 0.10 1.5 1.5 20 0.0060 0.0510 0.1075 TH 0.0030 0.0290 0.0730 TG 0.0125 0.0585 0.1185 Th3 0.0120 0.0285 0.0470 Th¥ 40 0.0080 0.0395 0.0810 TH 0.0060 0.0340 0.0700 TG 0.0095 0.0540 0.0965 Th3 0.0105 0.0345 0.0780 Th¥ 60 0.0070 0.0420 0.0910 TH 0.0045 0.0390 0.0840 TG 0.0115 0.0560 0.1155 Th3 0.0080 0.0305 0.0725 Th¥ 2 2 20 0.0110 0.0635 0.1245 TH 0.0080 0.0490 0.0955 TG 0.0185 0.0755 0.1340 Th3 0.0100 0.0355 0.0560 Th¥ 40 0.0105 0.0570 0.1100 TH 0.0100 0.0525 0.1020 TG 0.0155 0.0665 0.1215 Th3 0.0065 0.0350 0.0730 Th¥ 60 0.0085 0.0470 0.1025 TH 0.0090 0.0465 0.1070 TG 0.0125 0.0605 0.1220 Th3 0.0060 0.0250 0.0670 Th¥ 2.5 2.5 20 0.0125 0.0610 0.1200 TH 0.0125 0.0505 0.1050 TG 0.0200 0.0690 0.1355 Th3 0.0055 0.0265 0.0500 Th¥ 40 0.0145 0.0575 0.1145 TH 0.0095 0.0445 0.1120 TG 0.0135 0.0545 0.1195 Th3 0.0050 0.0270 0.0600 Th¥ 60 0.0115 0.0605 0.1120 TH 0.0120 0.0570 0.1010 TG 0.0150 0.0640 0.1160 Th3 0.0070 0.0320 0.0720 Th¥ Table 3 reports the rejection rates under the null hypothesis for a discrete variable with K=8 categories, for some degrees of heterogeneity with d1 and d2 ranging from 1 to 3. 2000 dataset were generated each with 2000 permutations in order to approximate the related permutation distribution. Reported results show that, in general, the most conservative test is that based on the index H¥ of Rényi. For the other three tests the performances are very similar, even though that based on H3 shows itself to be slightly anticonservative but in any case we can conclude Permutation Tests for Heterogeneity Comparisons… 31 that the tests are substantially well approximated. In general, by increasing of d1, d2 and d2-d1, the rejection rates tend to increase. Table 4 shows the results of analogous simulations for K = 16 categories. Also in this case, in the presence of maximum heterogeneity, the rejection rates are clearly below the nominal significance levels. Again the two tests based on Rényi's statistics stand out: TH¥ for its lower than nominal rejection rates and TH3, vice versa, for its tendency towards rejection rates slightly higher than the nominal levels. In any case TH3 behaves not so far away from the tests based on Shannon’s and Gini’s statistics. Table 5: Power of nonparametric tests of heterogeneity (K=16 classes). d1 d2 n1 n2 alfa nominal Test 0.01 0.05 0.10 2 2.5 90 30 0.0810 0.2050 0.3190 TH 0.0830 0.2210 0.3420 TG 0.0970 0.2290 0.3660 Th3 0.0460 0.1600 0.2520 Th¥ 2 3 0.2110 0.4360 0.5790 TH 0.2375 0.4690 0.6095 TG 0.2620 0.4920 0.6270 Th3 0.1565 0.3780 0.5110 Th¥ 2 3.5 0.4180 0.6630 0.7860 TH 0.4330 0.6970 0.8090 TG 0.4510 0.7090 0.8180 Th3 0.3320 0.5880 0.7260 Th¥ 2 3 60 30 0.1990 0.4170 0.5710 TH 0.2070 0.4280 0.5910 TG 0.2440 0.4580 0.6130 Th3 0.1400 0.3290 0.4790 Th¥ 2 3.5 0.3540 0.6150 0.7330 TH 0.3710 0.6310 0.7540 TG 0.3930 0.6470 0.7620 Th3 0.2690 0.5200 0.6570 Th¥ 2 4 0.5480 0.7790 0.8750 TH 0.5620 0.8090 0.8910 TG 0.5900 0.8240 0.8960 Th3 0.4500 0.7190 0.8320 Th¥ To evaluate the power of four tests we considered some situations in which the heterogeneity of the two populations were different. In this case 1000 dataset were generated and, for each of these, 1000 permutations. Obviously, the power of the tests increases with the increase in the difference of heterogeneity parameters di, i=1,2 (Table 5). Comparing the performances of the four tests it emerges that the 32 Rosa Arboretti Giancristofaro and Stefano Bonnini test TH¥ seems slightly worse than the others, whereas a preference is shown for the test TH3, based on Rényi's entropy index of order 3. 4 An example: University Evaluation In this section we deal with an application problem in the context of the University Evaluation. The data refer to the type of secondary school (TSS) attended by graduates of the Faculties of Engineering and Economics at the University of Ferrara in 2005 (see Table 6). The problem consists of the comparision of the two faculties from the point of view of TSS attended by graduates. The aspect of interest is the heterogeneity of TSS. High heterogeneity means that the undergraduate degree can be obtained by students coming from a large set of secondary schools. The goal of the study is to answer this question. “Is the heterogeneity of TSS of graduates in Economics greater than that of TSS of graduates in Engineering?”. In order to answer this question we applied a two-sample heterogeneity test for categorical data and one-sided alternative hypothesis. Table 6: Type of secondary school attended by graduates at the University of Ferrara in 2005 (relative frequencies). Data from Almalaurea ( Type of Secondary School Economics Engineering Scientific 38.2 43.3 Technical 48.5 50.2 Humanistic 8.2 4.5 For elementary school teacher 1.7 0.0 Linguistic 1.7 0.0 Vocational 1.7 2.0 Artistic 0.0 0.0 100 100 The system of hypotheses can be formulated as follows: H0: Het(Economics) = Het(Engineering) against H1: Het(Economics) > Het(Engineering). Permutation Tests for Heterogeneity Comparisons… 33 Table 7: Ordered table of the relative frequencies. Ordered frequencies Cumulative ordered frequencies Ordered Class Economics Engineering Economics Engineering (1) 48.5 50.2 48.5 50.2 (2) 38.2 43.3 86.7 93.5 (3) 8.2 4.5 94.9 98 (4) 1.7 2.0 96.6 100 (5) 1.7 0.0 98.3 100 (6) 1.7 0.0 100 100 (7) 0.0 0.0 100 100 Looking at the plots in figure 1 we can say that, from a descriptive point of view, TSS of Economics dominates that of Engineering in heterogeneity. Figure 1: Cumulative relative frequencies for the ordered classes. Using a simple Monte Carlo random sampling of B = 50.000 permutations from the set of all permutations we obtain the p-values reported in Table 8. 34 Rosa Arboretti Giancristofaro and Stefano Bonnini Table 8: p-value of the nonparametric tests of heterogeneity. Test p-value TH 0.05924 TG 0.10362 Th3 0.14158 Th¥ 0.38760 5 Concluding remarks This work presents an inferential nonparametric procedure that allows us for a solution to the problem of hypothesis testing, in which the objective is comparing the heterogeneity of two populations on the basis of sampling data, i.e. to test the hypothesis that the heterogeneity of one population is greater than that of another population. The proposed test statistic consists of the comparison of the sampling indices of heterogeneity calculated for the two samples and it can vary according to the index of heterogeneity considered. Therefore we propose a general method to solve a peculiar problem. We think that other possible indeces of heterogeneity, i.e. other test statistics, can be adopted within the same framework. We think that the kind of index used is one of the aspect of the solution but not the main problem. In fact from the simulation results we can say that the performances of the four tests are very similar and we cannot conclude that one test is the best. The simulation study allowed us to assess that the proposed nonparametric tests of heterogeneity show high degree of approximation under the null hypothesis and good power behaviour under the alternative. The rejection rates increase with the increase in the homogeneity of distributions. Among the test statistics considered, that based on the index of Rényi of order 3 seems to show higher rejection rates under H0 but a slightly higher power under H1. Moreover the choice of a nonparametric test proves to be both practical and efficient, easy to apply and it requires few and weak nonparametric assumptions. Permutation Tests for Heterogeneity Comparisons… 35 References [I] Agresti, A. and Klingenber, G.B. (2005): Multivariate tests comparing binomial probabilities, with application to safety studies for drugs. Applied Statistics. 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