31 Sodobni vojaški izzivi, junij 2019 – 21/št. 2 Contemporary Military Challenges, June 2019 – 21/No. 2 STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION(S) – KAKŠNA JE RAZLIKA? Iris Žnidarič STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION(S) - WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? angleškima zvezama in in ali je je s terminološkim pristopom ugotoviti, ali zvezi delujeta kot sinonima ali kot dva Terminologija, koncept, strateško komuniciranje, strateške komunikacije, Nato. between the phrases and , and terminological approach it aims to establish whether, in practice, the two phrases Terminology, concept, strategic communication, strategic communications, NATO. and Povzetek Ključne besede Abstract Key words Introduction DOI:10.33179/BSV.99.SVI.11.CMC.21.2.1 32 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges Iris Žnidarič and 1 DEFINING THE PROBLEM communications communication no agreement on whether it is or 33 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION(S) - WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? 2 INTRODUCTION TO BASIC TERMINOLOGY CONCEPTS between the phrases and , it is an extensive subject area and could be broadly discussed in an independent article or , and abstracts and conceptualizes all the objects sharing the same properties, which means Figure 1: Triangle of reference (McCreary, 2006) 34 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges (synonymy), or 3 STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS (PLURAL) Iris Žnidarič 35 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges to his perception both concepts are needed in the same context, where the phrase in the physical, virtual and cognitive domains to create the perceptions, attitudes communication plural phrase . by selected audiences, as well as (b) programs and activities deliberately aimed at communicating and engaging with intended audiences, including those implemented STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION(S) - WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? 36 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges 4 STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION (SINGULAR) Public fundamental values and national security objectives Iris Žnidarič 37 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges 1 military and 2 public diplomacy as a separate notion, which is in the real world closely connected munication - tion used in a governmental context has some overlaps with , on messages, media and public relations, while the many perspectives on government 1 STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION(S) - WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? 38 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges communications AUTHOR TERM DEFINITION DIFFERENTIATION between singular and plural 1. NATO Strategic commu- nications The coordinated and appropriate use of NATO communications activities and capabilities, Public Diplomacy, Public Affairs, Military Public Affairs, Information Operations and Psychological Operations, as appropriate in support of Alliance policies, operations and activities, and in order to advance NATO's aims. NO but P. Clarke (SHAPE): the phrase “strategic communications” denotes the deliberate information activities we do in the physical, virtual and cognitive domains to create the perceptions, attitudes and behaviours we desire (what is said and done), while the phrase “strategic communication” would imply the effects we have. 2. Chatham House Strategic commu- nications A systematic series of sustained and coherent activities, conducted across strategic, operational and tactical levels, that enables understanding of target audiences and identifies effective conduits to promote and sustain particular types of behaviour/…/ /.../ comprises four main components: information operations; psychological operations, public diplomacy, and public affairs. NO (inconsistencies in citing – pointing to the fact that they treat the terms as synonymous) 3. Reding et al. (RAND) Strategic commu- nications Using NATO’s definition NO 4. King’s College Strategic commu- nications How states and their governments communicate in international politics and how they shape long term strategies in a range of fields from military to diplomatic to aid and development. This includes preparing for conflict between states or with insurgent groups, communicating a path during hostilities, transitioning through post-conflict situations and also how states use diplomacy, culture and economics to manage the peace and avoid conflict and engage in treaty and trade negotiations. NO Iris Žnidarič 39 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges AUTHOR TERM DEFINITION DIFFERENTIATION between singular and plural 5. White House Strategic commu- nication By ‘strategic communication(s)’ we refer to: (a) the synchronization of words and deeds and how they will be perceived by selected audiences, as well as (b) programs and activities deliberately aimed at communicating and engaging with intended audiences, including those implemented by public affairs, public diplomacy, and information operations professionals. NO (implicitly admits the terminological confusion and synonymy) 6. C. Paul (RAND) Strategic commu- nication Coordinated actions, messages, images, and other forms of signalling or engagement intended to inform, influence, or persuade selected audiences in support of national objectives. YES Strategic communications comes from industry and constitutes a part of public relations. -Strategic communication used in governmental context has some overlaps with strategic communications, although industry (using the plural form of the phrase) focuses more on messages, media and public relations, while the many perspectives on government strategic communication include actions as important sources of images, messages and signals (Paul, 2011). 7. US National Strategy for Public Diplomacy and Strategic Commu- nication Strategic commu- nication Public diplomacy and strategic communication should always strive to support our nation’s fundamental values and national security objectives. NO Differentiates between public diplomacy and strategic communication, which NATO considers as a single concept. 8. Hallal et al. (IJSC, 2007) Strategic commu- nication The purposeful use of communication by an organization to fulfil its mission. Strategic communication focuses on how the organization itself presents and promotes itself through the intentional activities of its leaders, employees, and communications practitioners” NO 9. Zerfass et al. (IJSC, 2018) Strategic commu- nication Military/governmental context: - Pashentsev: The state’s projection of certain strategic values, interests and goals into the conscience of domestic or foreign audiences by means of adequate synchronization of multifaceted activities in all the domains of social life with professional communication support. - NATO definition NO (by citing NATO’s concept they implicitly show that they treat terms as synonymous) STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION(S) - WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? 40 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges the table is indeed from another in a certain context can reliably be attributed to a certain concept and the possible either to designate a similar concept, as might indeed designate a more matter experts, the buzzwords that can, most importantly, mitigate possible misunderstandings and ambiguities are and consistency Conclusion Iris Žnidarič 41 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges 1. 3. 11. 13. Bibliography STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION(S) - WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? 42 Sodobni vojaški izzivi/Contemporary Military Challenges Iris Žnidarič