PROSVETA GLMULO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uradniški la upratatAkt MIT B. Lewndaia Ava. - Of (tea al Pablleattoat mst Boatk Lavaoala A». Üockwwll 4MM * flm»i a «»ia Komentarji KoUko je pravic? Kolikor je rax ličnih nazorov! Vsak človek, pa naj poskuša umostojno misliti eli če enojta vno pa pisari sa drugimi, ima privico na jeziku. Kakšno pra fico? Tisto pravico, katero sma tra i ozirom na svoje življen. iko, to je eksistenčno stališče in ivoje verovanje za najboljšo. To pomeni, da je na svetu toliko pravic koliko.- je nazorov n^ičnih verskih organizacij konomsko-socialnih razredov, i Realističnih filozofov, političnih itruj in nacionalističnih taborov. Z drugimi besedami: pra vica je relativni pojem, po doma ¿e: kakor se vzame! Kar je ne komu pravica, je drugemu krivi ea in narobe. Človeška družba — niti veči na družbe — še nima enotnega nazora o pravici in pravičnost kakor ga ima na primer o matematiki. Matematika je samo e-na, ki velja v praktičnem življenju za ves civilizirani avet. Isto-tako je tehnika sprejemljiva za vse civilizirane ljudi. Ampak matematika, tehnika in ostale sorodne stvari so le sredstva, orodje, katerega se človek poslužu je u dosego nečesa drugega. Nazor o pravici in resnici je sekaj višjega —- je cilj in namen Čakaj ni nazor — namen in cilj - enoten ? Zato, ker izvira iz razvoja raz- ičnih življenjskih interesov, zla-iti pa ekonomsko-socialnih interesov, ki ne morejo biti enotni v nzredni družbi. Odkar pomni godovina — okrog šest tisoč let - je bilo človeštvo razdeljeno v ekonomske razrede povsod, kjer ie je razvilo poljedelstvo in kjer se ustanovile stalne naselbine i teh pa države. Bile ao kaste Utnftov zemlje, obrtMK&tfTftv »kov, trgovcev in sužnjev. Ta razdelitev v razrede traja ie danes -— in to je temeljni vzrok. da človeštvo še nima o-Botoega pojma o pravičnosti, «j »a ne more imeti! Vsak razred ima svoje pojme o pravici. Ti >ojmi si ostro nasprotujejo. Po-eg tega so razna organizirana verovanja (cerkve), ki usiljuje-jo svoje nazore; je cela vrsta i-dealisticnih (filozofskih) nazo-1 rov, ki imajo* več ali manj pri-•tašov. In vsak teh nazorov, ko-likorkoli jih je, je odsev eksi-«tenčnih interesov svoje skupi- (Pred kratkim so v Chicagu razpravljali profesorji katoliške univerze Notre Dame o pomenu **ialne pravičnosti. Profesor Bolger, ki je obenem duhoven, fc svečano izjavil, da socialna pravičnost je, kadar ima dovek pravico, da nemoteno uži-v« *voje dedne pravice, ki so: ttvrftovanje verskih dolžnosti, »nitev in stalen zaslužek! — Iztoliski nazor o socialni pravič-P<>«ti torej postavlja versko pra-Pjeo na prvo mesto. Zakaj ? Zato« ker verska svoboda omogoča ««¡Ktenco in bogastvo duhovni-«♦ kaste! Na splošno pa cerkev •oKlaAa z nazorom posedujoče- f1 to je kapitalističnega razreda > o* oden pred oltarjem v cerkvi Sv. Križa v momentu, ko se je pripravljal z veliko mašo. Nekaj minut kasneje je umrl v zakristiji. V cerkvi je bilo 260 Ver nikov, toda v gneči prod oltar-em ni nihče videl, kdo Je to storil. Prijeli so dvs sumljivs človelu. Armenca. In ju neusml-Jeno pretepli. Domnevsjo, ds Je vzrok umors političen. vrši vse svoje dolžnosti napram družbi. Te js mart en je Me earl-aiaa pravičnost! Žalost» božič v Fritclji |)vs žeieznlčsrjs sretirsns zsrs-dl kstastrofe i Paris, 26. dec. — Največja že leznišku katastrofa v Franciji ki se je pripetila v soboto zve čer 16 milj od Pariza, kjer sts tr. čils skupaj dva vlaka, Je direktno prizadela okrog 600 družin Ir povzročila mučen vtisk po vsej dež« II. A te vilo mrtvih še iedm raste iw j« že prekoračilo 200 dočim je čez 300 ranjenih. Po nesrečen i potniki so bili večino ms dijaki in razni državni urad niki, kl so se vračali domov ns deželo za praznike. Med mrtvi mi sts dvs poslsncs državne Zbornice, eden bivši minister H rriotovem kabirwtu, župsn Verd uns in več odličnih držav nikov. Poleg velikega števila mo ikih so doslej našli v razvalinah obeh vlakov 46 žensk ln brez ms legs 20 otrok obojegs spola, kl ao Izgubili življenje. Razvaline razbitih vagonov so posute z za voji božičnih daril, kl so Jih ponesrečenci nskupili za svojce. Strojevodja in kurjač ekspres nega vlaka, ki je dohitel in uda ril v drugi vlak pred seboj, sta bi is aretirana. se Nemčije in obtoženi — velelz-dajstva, delovanja proti Hitler-evemu režimu, največ kroženja antinaclstične propagande. Prijetih jih je bilo nad dva tlaoč, od katerih jih namerava Goo-ring, diktator Prusije ln deans roka Hitlerjs, posaditi na zatožno klop tisoč naenkrat. Obeta •e največji massker v moderni zgodovini. Nedsvno je tajna fašistična policija prišla na sled v Dres-denu tajni socialistični organi-zaclji, ki je ekapediclrala praški "Neue Vorwaerts," Iz Prage so pošlljsli list v Nemčijo v zabojih kot tobak in bili po več mesecih prijeti. Aretiranih Je bilo nad 200 socialnih demokratov. V koncentracijskih kempah Je okrog 100,000 antihitlerjancev, med njimi tudi več tisoč "štur-marjev", Hitlerjevih vojšča-(ov, ki s6 spregledali, da so Jih "nsrodnl soclslistl" grdo potegnili in so rebellrsli. Kolikor Je znano, Je v "tretjem rsjhu" 68 (oncentrscijsklh tsborlšč, cd katerih Je nsjbolj zloglasno taborišče v Dachau, kl je v rokah nekega notoričnega sadista po imenu poročniks HelneJs. Re-belni "šturmsrjl" so Izolirani svojih taboriščih. Tudi vse Ječe ao urtnatrpsn«, vsled česar je bilo "za božič" par tisoč političnih Jetnikov pomlloščonih — da napravijo prostor drugim NsJboH ironično pa Je to, ds je Hitler kandidat za Nobelovo mirovno nagrado zs leti» 1933! kakor piAe fsšlstlčno časopisje, I Mirna! špsnaklh socialistov Madrid, 26. dec. — Voditelji socialistične stranke v Španiji so dali premierju Urrouzu ultimat, ds mora vlad;» takoj prenehati s cenzuro delavskega ča sopisja. filavno glasilo socisli stov je bilo pred neksj dnevi za plenjeno, ko je a|*lirslo ns de-lavce, naj im» nasedajo na Uma niče sindikalistov in snsrhlstov ftpsnakl revolucionar umrl Madrid, 2«. oec. — Krsnciaco Meda, vodja republičanov v Kataloniji In predsednik te znamenite španske province, je včeraj umrl v starosti TI let. MuN*oJini udaril ameriške filme Rim, M dec. — Italijanska fašistična vlada je odredila 12000 carine na vsak amerižkl film. Vssk smerilki zvočni film mors biti podvojen z Italijansko govo rico. Hitlerjevci jezni na sodnike So se pa potolažili, ko je 20 dru gih obNojenih pod sekiro llerlln, 26. dec. — Vodilni na-cijski listi v Nemčiji, ki so v soboto ostro kritizirali rezultat po-žigslske obravnave v Lipakem oprostitvijo vseh štirih komuni-atov, ao ae mslo potolažili. V soboto so pisali, da je sodišče naredilo "grdo napako", ker je o-proatilo komuniste Torglerja Dim i t rova. Daneva in Popova— kajti po sodbi fsšiatov so komu-nlsti krivi vsegs, česar so obtoženi, samo zaradi tegs, ker so komunisti. Fašisti danes pravijo, da sprej mejo pravdorek sodišča, saj je dovolj drugih komunistov, ki so obsojeni ns smrt. Dvajset jih čaka na sekiro. Oproščeni komu* nlsti niso bili izpuščeni na prosto. Tri Bolgare nameravajo de-POirtfratl, Torglerja pa čaka nova sodnljska obravnava s drugimi komuniatlčnlmi voditelji vred, kl ao obtošeni "velelzdajatva". dmmqnm* Adamičev obisk Chicago. — Na božični dan Je obiskal našo naselbino, pisatelj liOuis Adamič. Bil Je še večkrat Chicagu, toda sdaj je prvič prišel v dotlko s člksškiml Slo-venci. Nastanil se je v hotelu .a Salle. Tam ga je dobil urednik Prosvete ln razgovarjala sta se kake tri ure. Zvečer je bil A-damič gost gl. tajnika SNPJ Fr A. Vidra In zanlmU razgovor v krogu majhne družbe je trajal pozno v noč. V torek je Adsmlč posetll gl. urad SNPJ. V Chlčs-gu ostane tri dni, nakar odpotuje v Cleveland in Pittsburgh. Kljub temu, da Adamič piše le angle ško ln so giblje brez malega le ameriških krogih, govori zelo dobro slovenščino, is stene domovine je prinesel lepe vtiske ns kraje in ljudi ter Je v domač' druščini Jako mikaven družabnik. Drugi pionir umrl Bridgeport, O. — Tu Je umr' pionir In ustanovitelj društvs št. H SNPJ John Kenigristar 70 let n doma od Kočevja. Čeprav Je bil kočevski Nemec, je bil popolnoma vešč slovenskega Jezika in živel je vedno med našimi rojaki. Bil Je tudi član hrvaške za-ednlce. Zapustil Je ženo, dva sinova in dve hčeri. Pokopan Je bil civilno. Dva grobova v starem kraju West AHIa, Wis. — Vincent PugelJ je prejel vest, da Je v (¿rsJu Križu pri Kamniku umrla njegova msti Ana PugelJ v starosti 87 let. Rolens Je bils v Strugah. Zspušča dvs sinovs in eno hčer. Gross, Ksns. — Julija Vene članica društva št. 206 SNPJ, Je prejela Vest, ds Je v Laza h pri Bučki umrl njen oče Jožef Go renc v starosti 86 let. V Ameriki zapušča eno hčer, v starem kraju i m Štiri hčere lh sins. Msrljsa Pfelfer obsojen Chkago — Ljubljanski listi Izročajo, da i" bil tt. decembra pred okrožnim sodiščem v Ljub tjsnl obsojen 27-letnl Marijan 1'feif« r ris 3000 liin denarne kaz ni oziroma 60 dni zapora žara-dih raznih prevar. Dokazano mu je bilo, ds Je oslepsrll šest o-*«t» za «7dlnsrjev, Ta Pfelfer Je bil nedsvno v Ameriki. Držal se Je v New Vorku, kjer je vodil propsgsndo zs jugoslo-vsneki režim. Neerečs Cleveland.* Avto ji podrl Johna Ruaa, ko Je šel z dels in gs zelo poškodoval ns glsvl. Neha js se v liolnlšnlii. Mejak napaden po pomoti Cleveland. — Zadnji teden «ts dva mlada n*znsnes napadla 26 letnega Franks Lundrs. sins po-moneys hišniks Jskoi»* Lun. drs v poslopju srednje šole v K. 66. ulici Nspadslra sts najbrž ssmenjsia mladega fanta z ne kim plesksrsfclm «Mavnin, kl Je CIKAM KAPITALISTI PRIZNALI SOVJETE Vodilnegs komunista In sovjetskega zaslopnlks pogostili po vseh buršoasnth predptath — varok je rusko alaln. Mnenje Rusinje o Američankah Chlcago. — (FP) — Bogovi se lahko smejejo, ko vidijo tako naglo pobratimijo med stebri najmogočnejše kapitalistične države in vodilnimi nepresentanti sovjetov. Do takega alučaja je t« dni prišlo v Chicagu, ko ao ae najbolj "vplivni meščani" — največji kapitalisti — drenjalt okrog Wilhelma Kurtaa, enega vouilnih ruskih komunistov in mu prijszno segali v roke. Kurtz je predsednik Nemške sovjetske republike ob Volgi, glava Inturlsta, sovjetske poto-valne agencije, in Član centralnega izvršnega odbore Sovjetske unije. Nahaja se v Ameriki ns študijski in trgovinski turi. , - Ko je Kurtz prišel v Chlcago, je dobil sprejem kakšnega po-tentata In čikaškl kapitalisti ao mu priredili sijajen banket v ekskluzivnem Cikaškem klubu, kamor Imajo dostop Is Izvoljeni milijonarji ln multlmlJIJo-narjl. Zastopniki vseh večjih industrijskih, bančnih Ur trgovinskih podjetij so bili nsvzočl, da allšijo.iz ust važnega sovjetskega funkcionarja, koliko naročil lahko pričakujejo iz Rusije. Ob tej priliki Je bil sklenjen ' le dogovor, kolikor Je Javnosti znsno, da se sovjetske Rusija prihodnje leto udeleži čikaške razstavo Stoletja napredka. Kurtz se nsjbolj zanima aa povečanje potniškega prometa med obema dešelsma, o katerem misli, da se bo močno povečalo, odkar je Amerika priznala eovjete. Atudlrs ameriško hotelsko upravo. Neka rsporterica Je vprašala njegovo šeno, mre. Kurtz, kakšne vtise Je dobila o ameriškem nežnem spolu in kaj misli o A-meričankah. Odgovor Js bil, da se naš nežni spol očividno najbolj zanima za zunanjo telesno lepoto, za llšpanje In eleganco, Rusiji pa igrajo glavno vlogo socialna vprašanja, kako razmere izboljšati. Rusinjam telee-na lepota ne dela posebnih skrbi ln preglsvlc, Je rekla mrs. Kurtz. Sploh se Chlcago zadnje čase močno zanima za Sovjstsko Rusijo na vseh frontah. O nji ss vrše predavanja sa predavanjem, še oelo na zadnji seji Čikaške delavske federacijo js nekdo predaval o Rusiji m hvalil sovjetski sistem — ss Rusijo. V Ameriki bi ne obstsjel niti 24 ur, je rekel pozne valeč sov Jo-tov. Nedavno so se spopsdli komunisti in reakcionarni Ukrajinci, ker so slednji s procesijo., protestirali "proti zatiranju U-krsjliicev v sovjetski Rusiji." Komunisti so (»dgovorill s napadom. na piki unijskih delavcev, ker pod vodstvom CWA z drugimi vred pleska šolo, dasi ni član u* ni Je. Mladega Lundra sta no-znanca silno pretepla — strla sta mu kosti v nogah — da ao ga morali od|ielJatl v bolnišnico. Napadalca ata |»obegnila. Otrok zgorel na božič Battle Creek. Mich. — Ivsn liritvec Je na božični dan po starem običaju postlal 1**1 svoje hI* že s slsmo. Slsms se Je užgsia in v nekaj minutah je bila hiša v plamenu, v katerem Js našla smrt njegova majhna hčerka, njegovs slepa šens Je |>a bila la-ko opečena, da zdaj leži v bolnišnici in zdravniki nimajo upanja, da ostsne, liritvec Je bil pri so» aedu v* čaau požara in ko je pritekel dimu »v, je komaj še poteg, nil evojo ženo is goreč« hiše. DRUŠTVENE iSR? Plesna venelira Joaeph Terlip, Mike Kolenc; reditelj Ver ona, Pa.—Društvo it. 216 je John Oerl. Društvene seje «e vrle sklenilo prirediti plesno veselico dne I vsako tretjo nedeljo v mesecu pri Pr. 30. decembru. Ker je to prva naša"" zabava po dolgem času, uljudno va bimo vsa sosednja društva, rojake in rojakinje od tu in iz okolico. J» run poselijo v čim večjem številu in tako pomagajo do boljšega uspeha. Po-sobno pa apeliramo na člane tega društva, da ne prezrejo tO zabave Ur da pokažejo svojo lojalnost napram društvu. Veselica se bo vršila v korist društveni blagajni. ' Sicer se zavedamo, da so slabi ča:s in da na« tarejo ie tri leta, je pa vstopnina Uko nizka, da jo lahko vsak zmore. Ta je samo 26 centov za moške in ženske. Odbor se trudi in bo gledal, da bo vsak posetnik do bro post reže n. Za piesaželjne Je t ud vse preskrbljeno in pripravljeno *tn. upamo, da bo vsak zadovoljen. Pri-četek veselice ob 7. zvečer v prostorih j na 312 Arch st. Veaeličnl odbor. Hternisbi. V imenu druitva se zahvalim vsem odbornikom, zastopnikom in zastopnicam Zveze slovenskih društev v Jo-lietu kakor tudi drugim, ki so ae ude ležili nate zabave \ 17. decembra. Upam, da ste bili- vsi dobre volje, zlasti pa Anton Turkovič, katerega je doletela sreča in se je s tem zvezi izboljšala tudi društvena blagajna za par dolarjev. Lepa hvala tudi M. J>ernulovetzu za godbo. Frank Sterniaha, tajnik. Obvestilo društva .120 White Valley, Pa.—Članice društva it. 320 obveščam, da je za mesec januar razpisan izredni azesment 25 centov na vsako članico, ki bo šel / društveno blagajno. Dalje nazna njam, da se bodo naše redne seje v prihodnjem letu vršile vsako drugo sredo v mesecu ob 7. zvečer v navad nih prostorih. Članice, udeležujte ne aej, ker so na dnevnem redu vselej važne stvari. France« IJ«hinr, taj. Iz urada društva M. 279 Ramaey, O.—članom drultva it 2711 naznanjam, da sem ponovno spre jel tajništvo za prihodnje leto. Vse opozarjam, da plačajo asesment dc 25. v- mesecu, kajti jaz ne bom za nobenega zulagal. Ako bo kdo suspendiran, bo to njegova krivda, kei Ui plačal asesmenta. Na člane tud apeliram, da ao bolj redno udeležujejo »ej, ki se vriijo drugo nedeljo v mesecu ob 10. dopcMne v navadnih prostorih. • Joe Kt enlna, tajnik. Važna seja druitva it. 209 Nokomis, III.—Na seji, ki »e jo vriiia .'I. decembra, je bilo sklenjen), da se vse člane druitva it. 200 pozove, da se udeleže prihodnje seje 7. januarja v polnem itevilu. Na dnevnem redu bo več važnih stvari, katere nismo rešili na decembcrski seji. Ude-ležite se vsi, da ne bo kdo pozneje godrnjal, da to in ono ni bilo prav urojeno. John Deželak, tajnik. Člani druitva it. 78 udeležujte ao aej Manor, Pa.—Članom druitva it. 78 poročam, da je bilo na seji 3. dec. sklonjeno, da se mora vsak član udeležiti seje najmanj na vsake tri mesece. Z vsakim, ki toga ne stori, ae bo postopalo strogo po pravilih, kar naj člani upoitevajo. Glede uradnikov tega druitva je ostalo vse po starem, člane, ki ao počasni pri plačevanju asesmenta, opozarjam, da poravnajo svoje obveznosti kakor hitro mogoče, da bom lahko sestavil trimesečni in letni račun ter predložil knjige nadzornikom v pregled. Thoa. Oblak, tajnik. Hprememba seje Windsor lleiuhta, W. Va. -Na letn seji druitva it. 868 je bilo sklenjeno', da se bodo redne sejo prihodnje leto vriile tretjo nedeljo v mesecu v istih prostorih in ob istem času, ne pa prvo nedeljo kot doslej. Prihodnjo seja se torej vrii 21. januarja, kar naj člani upoitevajo ter se je udeleže v polnem Itevilu. Na tej aoji boste sliiali poročilo uradnikov. Kdor hoče dobiti stenski koledar SNPJ, naj se zglasi na domu tajnika prod sojo. Običajno izrekamo ob novem letu vo-Mila in dajemo darove. Najlepii dar, ki ga moremo pokloniti SNPJ, bi bil to, da ji pridobimo kakega člani v odrasli ali pa v mladinski oddelek. Na Člane, ki še nimajo svojih otrok v jednoti, upeliram, da jih vpiiejo na prihodnji seji. Fr. Kolenc, tajnik. Nov odbor druitva it. .10 Fleming, Kana. -Na letni soji drultva It. 30 so bili izvoljeni sledeči člani v druitveni Odbor: Matt Lomit» k, predsednik; Frank Zupančič, podpredsednik; Frank Gasperut, tajnik; Jos. Zupan, blagajnik; Frank Zupančič, nadzornik; dr. Hays, društveni zdravnik. Drultvo opozarja člane, da se morajo strogo držati pravil. Ako Jih ne boste spolnjevali, si pripilite posledice sami sebi. Tajjrik ne bo hodil na domove članov in jim tolmn-čil pravila. Frank Gasperut. taj. Odbor druitva it. .190 < alumet, Mick.- Drultvo it. 300 je izvolilo naslednje v odbor na letni seji: Anton Turk, predsednik, 841 Rccklan st.; John Somrak, tajnik, 22 6th st.; Joseph Hrehrnak. blagajnik, Ril f»th st.; druitveni zdravnik dr. Kauch. Seje se vri«» prvo nedeljo v mesecu ob 0. dopoldne. John Somrak, tajnik. Veselica druitva it. 312 . Cleveland, O.—Drultvo it. 312 je izvolilo sledeče uradnike za prihod njo leto: Andrew Božič, predsednik Krist Marc, podpredsednik; Heroniir. Stanich, tajnik; J%hn Štrancur, blagajnik; Vinko - Zgonik, zapisnikar Nadzorni odbor: Anton Mravlja. Frank Cigoj in Mary Bolko. Dru fctvena zdravnika: dr. A. Skur in dr M. A. Davis. Druitvena zastopniki za clevelandsko federacijo drulte PNPJ sta bila izvoljena Andrew Bo žič in Anton Mravlja; za brezposel-roatno akcijo Ciril Blaško; za Slo venski delavski dom Louis Furlan ir Vinko Zgonik; za Slovenski dom Kris Kalin in Ciril Blalko. Sklenjeno je bilo, da ostanemo ie nadalje član Prosvetne matice in da darujemo za iol< Slovenskega doma $3. Kakor običajno vsako leto, tako b< tudi leto^ drultvo Vipavski raj pri rodilo avojo veselico, ki se vrii 30 decembra v Slovenskem domu nt Holmes ave., pričetek ob 8. zvečer, nt katero vabimo brate in sestre, da ae je udeleže s svojimi družinami tet pripeljejo a seboj tudi prijatelje h znance. Vstopnina je zelo nizka, v predprodaji 20 in pri vratih 26 cen tov. Prijetna zabava za vse, kajt igral bo Sadorjev orkester. Torej na svidenje na veselici! Heronim Stanich, tajnik. Druitvena veselica Lowber, Pa.—članstvo drultva It 683 je na izredni seji dne 16. decembra sklenilo prirediti veselico dne 30 decembra v korist svoji blagajni. Vec člane vabimo, da so veselice udeleži v velikem itevilu. Člani plačajc vstopnino, če se veselico udeleže al ne, in sicer člani 50 centov, članice pa 26c. Otroci, člani mladinskega oddelka, so vstopnine prosti. Uljtltdno vabimo tudi sosednja druitva in posamezne člane, da nas po set i jo nu veselici. Za te je vstopnin« nizka, zu moške 28 in za iene in de kleta 10 centov. Uljudna postrežba In dobra zabava za vse. Joseph Klun, tajnik. Votčili ai bomo običajno "srečno no vo leto," katero pa skoro gotovo ie ne bo priilo za delavce, kajti kapita lizem, daai so ruii, jo 6e vedno v sedlu in se ne da kar tako pregnati z njega. . Na veselo svidenje dne 30. doc. na naii veselici! Frank Laurich. Veaelica druitva it. 464 Midland, Pa.—Članom druitva It. 404, ki niso priili na letno aejo, spo točam ,da bomo imeli v 1. 1934 aejc vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu ob 2 popoldne v dvorani L. Ivoieviča na peti ulici. Dalje Jo bilo aklenjeno, da priredimo veselico dne 18. februarja 1934 ter prosimo sosednja druitva. naj ne prirejajo svojih zabav na ta dan, za kar se jim ie vnaprej aahva ljujemo. Anthony Boaieotar, taj. Zahvala In poročilo Joliet. III. Zahvaliti se moram članom in članicam društva št. 1 IA za veliko udeležbi» na letni seji 17. decembra. Ako »e boste tudi prihodnjih udeleževali v takem lUtvilu, bo drultvo prav gotovo napredovalo. Treba >•, «la nr -zanimamo za drultvo In Jednoto in da plačujemo asesmente rodno In oh pravem času, ker nihče ne vo, kje ga nesreča čaka. V zadnjih desetih meseci h smo imeli pri društvu pot smrtnih slučajev, llmrll s«. Rose Turkov lč. Anna Klepec. (¿oorgo Dajčman. Joseph Jelenik in John ftkamperle. Bratje In sestre morajo pomisliti, da hI bilo slabo aa svojce teh umrlih članov, ako ne bi ti plačevali aae» mvntov oh pravem čmu in hili zavarovani pri jednoti. Člane, ki še ni-majo svojih otrok v Jednoti, prosim, «lo Jih vptfejo, kajti SNPJ nudi naj boljie pogoj*. Za 18 centov na me-aoe lohko zavarujete otroka In smrtninski certifikat roste od eneca do iestnajstfgo loto. od 6.14 do $000. Uradniki našrgs društva za prihodnje leta: Pred Malte, predsednik. 1617 Dearhorn aLi Lnu»a Kerhlikar. podpredsednik; Helen Nterniaha, taj- SZj^MSiSZfZ* I?T'" I »J;J,J„ Di Kern,|,M.m<, mhtt„U imenitno, kajti to Rudolf SJr, Mdojo iHoiaja voollaa. Druitvena doklada I ron wood, Mich.—Na aoji druitva št. 303 10. decembra jo bilo aklenjeno, da vsak član in članica plača 26 cen tov v društveno blagajno. To jo po sebno važno sa člane, ki ao odaotnl. Dalje jo naše drultvo izvolilo posebni bolnilki odbor za naselbino Maro ni seo, Mich. Člani v tej naaelbini nuj ko v slučaju boloanl ali nesreče obračajo na Goo. Jolicha (Turina), Box 72. Na ta načim ao bomo izognili nepot robnemu piaaaja, kor bo br. Jelich uredil vae potrebno. Kar ae tiče novega aavarovanja, naj *e člani obračajo na drultronoga tajnika, kateri ha tolmačil nojaano atva ri glede tega zavarovanja. Novo aa-varovanje Je koriatno aa člane, kor ai bo lahko član, ki ao nahaja v potrebi, izposodil določenp vsoto aa plaéeva nje asesmenta. S tem lahko aasigu-ra smrtnino; to je ugodnoat, do ka-tere ni upravičen, če ostane paatven Joka F. Plev, tajnik. Prva veoollea v L 1664 PiiehU, Cola.—Drultvo Oral It. ti SNPJ priredi prvo veaelleo v lotu 1034 dno 1. januarja cb S. avečer Uljudno so vabijo val Člani kakor tudi ostali rojaki v Pueblu In blllnji okolici. Zabave bo obilo aa stara In mlado. Igral bo znani Pečkov orkester. VeoaHtH V «orlico druitva it. S6T lt»re«utown. Pa.- Druitva it. SS7 SNPJ priredi plesno veaelleo dno SO dec. v Slovenskem domu. Uljudno vabimo voo tukajšnje In okolliko ro Jako ia rojakinjo. Pridite In ae aa havajte a nami! Postrežba bo iavrat-na ia godba tudi. Igrali bodo vm«r* ln angleške komada, trgala ho no tej veeeliri oddan tudi velik puran: dobil m %a nekdo, ki * Plesna veaelica Ewell, lAak. — Drultvo "Zgodnja Danica" it 296 SNPJ bo imelo plea-no veaelico (datum?—ured.), dobro godbo in pijačo. Vabimo vaa druitva SNPJ v tej okolici in tudi vaa druga slovenaka druitva in posamezne Slovence. Charlaa Bizjak, tajnik, Box 143, Helper, Utah. Agitacija za nove člane Joliet, IIL—Kot tajnik druitva 189 vabim vse članatvo, da se udeleži prihodnje redne seje dne 7. jan. 1934 ob 1. uri pop. Obenem prosim člane, kateri kaj dolgujejo, da v teku toga meseca avoj dolg poravnajo, da mi bo možno naaledniku izročiti knji-ve v pravem redu. Proaim tudi člane, da naj agitirajo za nove člane; posebno mladinski oddelek nudi jako dobre ugodnoati. Sedanja kriza nam je zasekala veliko rano in treba bo precej dela, da jo zacelimo, kajti zgubili amo več članov. Za pojasnila se obrnite na prihodnjega tajnika: Philip Bebar, 216 Cora at. Vsem skupaj želim boljie novo loto! Jooepfe MarkovUf, tajnik. POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPORI zapisnikar. -Nadaornikl: r /- . Nakaiana 4na «. «Wamfcra 1IU 5 Henry Uabich St8. John Grebene $14. Anton Roje 9iS. K stari na Papca $44. Frank Duas $28. Jennie Bratovleh $64. Josephine Rich $99. 6 Franco, Borln $1$, Joaeph Hrovat $20. Msry Matu lov leh $24, Kstsrfns Mandoa $10, Juatins Prawn $22. Jacob Drobne lt| • John Koejek M. 12 David Zupan $$, Milks IJadovInae $8. 1$ John Koeni* $14, William Wukaanovlcb $40.60, John Cricar «4«. 14 Prsnk Suataralc $0, Rom Krlsaj $14. 'John Blab« $14. 1» Martin Obersan $14. $S Jueephlne Rosenberser $27. I* Prsnk KiJaa $$T. 4$ Joseph Jave $8. »0 Hartoi Zsvbi $28. „ «2 Matt Brula $17.60. •$ Anton Shuater $20.60. •4 Mary Kosik $10.60. 71 >(ary Iatenle $17, Anton Istenic $1$. 74 John 8hira $8. 86 Roee Oabrovich $1$. »7 Mary Besi« $«2., Elisabeth Verhnjak $17.60. Matt Afrieh $17.60. ........ 101 Karl Petroveie $66. 100 Panika Kobe $10. 116 William Brilli $«. 11« Morris Pargotatein $67.50, Louia tiikov- sek $60. 11» John Ravnohrib $16. 122 Ilija Bosnich $17.60. 1«$ Joseph Perjaneic $16, Prank Malovee $27. 128 Anna Plauts $20. 142 Michael Zadel $11. 166 Valentin Lukanci« $42. 168 Amalia Btercar $12. 171 Niok Mochilar $12, Mary Potisek 17« Uraula Rack! $14. 182 Miriia.i Debelak $17J0. ' , 18B Jacofi Mlhellc $29. Joaeph Verovic it7. 194 PeUr Knaus $46, Jo»eph Zauhar $61. 206 William Bmnaeiunid $17.60. Helen Krai $29. Jomj Murkovich $94. 209 Kebaatian Poe«bal $10.60, Matt Kaucie «"• ........ 210 Prank Fatek $17.60. »94 Kstherlno Žlindra $40. 296 Louis Platotnik $1$. John Orosen $66. 242 Antonla Zorko $92. Antonia Zorko $18, Kathcrlne Zuhal $9-969 Andrew Mohorovfeh $16. 294 John Mikllo $19.60. 290 Anna BrodnHi $19.60. 90S J99 Mary Mllave« $19. 409 Anna Oaroviek $9«. 419 VeiJko Chacenovich $9. 44« Josephine Hkufra $9«. 460 Annie Oofe $1$. 479 Catherine $(9. 48$ ftenrer Mineky $$4. 48« John Jureieh $94. «•$ Mary Lira $1$. 999 Christ Geonreff $64 $19 a lava Komtwovieh $91. $47 O juro Lieina $$$.$0. 994 fttove MI ben Ik $44. 999 Raae Humrada $1$. «09 Zlvo Ttttn |t8. 91$ Anna Oarwea $71. 619 Mak» 8kube $9». Petar Jeienic 99t Anna Maltanl $1$, Prank Kruais $$ Oma Jauk $9«. 994 Francea Chuk $9$. 979 Mark« PeHerber $22 919 Geonre BJeaovleh $9. 999 Chrietlaa Hoi man $91. Marsa ret Obed $17. 799 Prank Luanar $99. 711 a«Htora Gadao $90. 71$ Joaeph Lanrua $99. 719 Mary Pwaharieh $17. ak«iNii-aa,»99.90. Lawesos« GradUek. pomednl tajnik Nakaaaaa dae 19. decembra 1119 t Anton Piator |19. Anton Arehul $19. Joeeeh Metelko 919^9. Jam* Xuriha $7. Frank Perenebak 11$. Praak Ramee $98. $ Joba Kladaik Ol. Mary Cartalic $6.9«. JofSOj IWVSSC Jioephlnr Mâjstl I« Léala Veeovieek $7.M. Patee MueMi P. Jennie a*mard $14.69. Jahn Asaetji 941 J««ab V ardían $9«, Ell Obiaeich 999 84. MIlan 1$ Mary BarborMi $19. Jereb Ora] 998 Praasae V oda Ik ft. LaOwta Kramef 888. Maedalene Pokal $11. John W..I«Unrt III. Josephine Meb $9s. Anloa ieOer 991 Pra»k 8aoar $09. R».le "a 884. Joba And rato a 980. Km9Ma9 Xubar r. II Jaeopblae th—bardl $94. 9Ur4a Janear 999. Frank Saieekar $19. Pratw*. Jever $tS. Anta* Rteetl $9«. 89 Job« Vidmar #14. J«eeh P«a.l $14. Fiawiea 8akrwie*k $18. Matt Oe»IU $99. PrtMUi aeeee Its 84 Alton Kllae $7 RHatto« RHeber $18. Anna ttori $1«. Anom l^ai $tl. An-* aie R line $99. Prank Ok rato «ja $&$. J» Vivada 989. rt Pvwnb F Im at Nt 94 Fr«ok I $16. Ht Vaîkar $11 M A $18 Jaba UM* lit AfO $14 !$«. 82 Andrew Vidrich $29. Praak Turk $1$. Michael Lampraht $42. Jacob Kraeovac $48. $9 Mary Veliki $14. Jabn Bene i c $14. 97 Cecilia 8bo«f $87, Thomas C«lak 949.69. UI4 Ivaaa Kodre $16. Anton Mmranik 927. Krfetina Novak $8. Joaeph Baahel $90. Louis Mlakar $1$. 106 Michael Vehar 910. Prank Perpar $28, Max Boalch $98. Mayer Morriaon 869. 189 Joaeph LaakovUh 928. Virginia Man siai 929. MIJo Paljuk $19. Euaene Me-liaaa 929. Sudimaco Fulla $91. Carlo Jus-aa $99. Angelo Cormone 990. Ill Franoea Tanko $14. 114 8am Frsaeli $99. Prank Gruden $19. 118 Rudolph Zupančič $14. Pranem Zepuhar. $99. Joeepb StnkeJj $14. Anni* Klun $99. Joaeph ZupaneS $10, Louie Oatroaka $42. Louia Bikovaek |24. 192 Joeepb Prank $28. John Radkovich $94. Georce Pink 941. 149 Michael Bedene $84. J 169 Mary Butkoeie $28. 166 Frank Prah $27. 197 Prank Maeek $19.60. 199 Join BriU $16, Matt Kr*bel $90. ' ^ 199 John Lindic $22. 17$ Louie Firman $16, Anton Klun $16, Mary D«ro $16. Mary Petelin $16. John Konte $19, Tadej Bodovinac $$4. 174 Anton Hribar «4. Henry Pscaric. Jr.. $44. 18$ Boja Svilar $8$. 197 Ka^ie Gayda 928. Praneee Paulin $11. 191 MUbael Biric 996.60. 200 Praneae Hvacnik $1$. Prank Sveenik |S0. 204 Katherina Krxnarich $28. Joaeph Murad $60, Vinko Murad $26, Prank Poljantek 920, Martin Btojakovfc $40. 212 Mary Bupancicb $29.60. 219 Carl Vrablch |7. 226 Josephine Gorenc 111, Anton Zajc $29, Peregrin Leejak $19. 226 Jurij Hnidlj $2$. 227 Louis Fiatotnlk $1$. . 2$0 John Gudae $62. Anton Ivandeiovieh $89. 292 Jernej Patur 999, John 8prohar 928. 249 Prank ZaroUak $$9. 269 Illja Munjaa $12, Andrew Mohorovich $6. John Sardellch $86. 262 Joseph Cimperman $28, Anton Zidanaek $10, Joseph Godina $$7, Josephine Kramar $6. 297 Anna Kropuaek $87, Anton 0. Pritcel $87 268 Prank Shepel $82. 970 Antonla Paekvan $16, Andrew Vran« 8$. George Vidaa $89. Michael Luketlch $1. 271 Katica Nikollcb $17. 274 Prank Kunatok $$8. 277 Paujina Gcrek $19, Mary M. Ziogar 919. G«orge Pusich $88. 280 Michael Kaatelic $8. f ' 289 fraaom Chamberi $1$. 999 John Zadnik $20. f* ' 29» Pranem Tillman $16, Pauline Martin $14, Louis Orjak $29. Krneetine Rentier 918, Helen Grabuenlk $89. Karel Suatereie $19. Jamea Lorenco 962. 291 Bam Kovach 928. 292 Mary Dermoto 128, Pra'nk Pregar 96. 806 Mary Jankolich $17. 907 Vlnoent Kristan $17. 911 Plorian Rak $9. 917 Mila Rcfaich $14, Mary Vuc^ich $16, An-drew Drinjeviph $44. Prank Kusnik $64. Bronielaw Springto $48. 919 Joaeph Kaua $99. 929 Emil P. Bertleh 9«. John Miloknoja $24.60, Robert Orivleich $66.60, Joeeph Rajko-vieh $91.90. $96 Stefan la LaPever $2$, Micha^ Luka« $14. 869 Fred Haacak $94. 966 Matt Olenlk $1$, George Verde $60. $91 Prank Storing $19, Joaeph Kravcar $87, Math 8uatonlc $48. Fi mk Stepineek $42. Prgnk Camlak $27, At. Irew Loacak $90. 964 Annie Mlstrovich $81. $66 Sophia Sadua $16. 97« Martin Rokave |15, Anton Opska $82, 8am Krebar $62, Paul Prlne $22. 986 Jacob Pabich $99. 999 Anton Btremljan $16, Stefan Ritonija •48, Nlek Harbut $28. John Gregorich 8$9. 890 J^h Skufra $14. $$f Andrija Pavieic $98. Thereaa Btunaki 811^ 49* Stove Kalichuk 117. 408 Katherine Jeaelnik $29. 481 Oebrge Hroac 164. 4C6 Anna 8ha*er 196. 427 Prank Krajaek 991. Andrew Kruva 127, Joaaph Bukovac |91. Jacob Setina 926. 492 Elvira Mrak $6, Anton Kaatelic $$2; Vaao 1 Barovlch $1.90. 448 Praaem Lovae $97, Anna SvlgelJ $16. 14$ Petor I'odbevaak $16, Peter Sekirica $14. Jacob Napotnlk $29. Gregor Hrmcak $9.60. (60 Joseph Copras $26. Joeephine Kotnik $26. Joeepb Vueie $29. 469 Mary Periea $19. Anton Vukovlch $64. 461 George Peekir $41. 4f4 Milk« uomaatar $92. Stovan Vojnovlch $46. 470 Maria Canlc $91. 477 Anton Bubni« $10, Anton Kallator $2H. 489 8imon Strm I jan $21. 499 Mary Marvieh $19. 497 8am Koatadinovle $92.69. 499 George L«sieh $66. 600 Stove Raapotnik $19. $17 Charlee Doroah 919.90. 6S0 Petar Zajae $62.60. 699 Michael Miller $80. 699 Mary Smith $1$. 639 Anton Pstrie $9. 949 Petor Lisle« $29-6f>6 Santo Mladoaaleh $19. Andrew Baakar $99. Ivan Broainich $7$. C00 Justlns Znldaralc ««.60. «M Anton Vena 989. Prank Trentoi $28. Jo- aephlno Gabr99ek $1$. 81$ Leopold Zomik 122. Rudolph Zornlk $li. $14 Mildred Bartel $19. Anne Bajee $19. Anna Bup« Ik 996. William Benedict $«9. 6«9 Charlm Dormish $22. 9«9 Kato C vet n leh $9.$0, Ivana Baaara $28 60. Dora I^ukenich $10. 499 Anna Kolar $19. 940 Frank Kovaeie $19. 718 Frank Mlklaveie $10. Skupaj 94,689.60. Lawreoee Gradiiek, pomol n i tajnik Rooaevelt pardoniral vae vojne ''zločince" Washin^ton, D. C. — Predsednik Roosevelt je v sobote proklamiral amnestijo za vse tiste osebe—1000 do 1500 po številu — ki so bile med vojno obsojene zaradi kršenja protivo-hunskega zakona in ki so potem izgubile državljanske pravice Vsi ti "zločinci", ki so bili brez malega vai že davno na prostem, so zdaj dobili nazaj vse izgubljene pravice. SREDA, 27. DECEMBRA. POPRAVEK Pravilno se ima ?lax¡t¡ i^u . in ne Drobnik. J°h" Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN A SURGEON OFFICE HOUB8 AT * 6724 W. 26th Street 1:90—8:30—9:90—9:90 Daily Tel. Crawfard 221« at 1868 W. Cermak Rd. 4i90—9:00 p. m. Doily Tel. Canal 99»6 Wednesday a Sunday by appointmenta only Keaidtaee Tel.: Crawfard 9449 IP NO ANSWER—CALL AUSTIN 9799 OGLAS! Čaa je zopet tu za dkusne domače KLOBASE r Sedaj so boljie ko ie kedaj prej. Denar naj ae polije z naročnino. Prodajajo ae po 25c funt, a Um Je poitnino plačana in viteta za Združene države in v Alaako. JOSEPH LESKOVAR 610—14th Street, Racine, Wis. Vesele božiče praznikTl - in SREČNO NOVO LETO vsem prijateljem in odjemalce« želi: JOHN DOBNIK slovenska cvetličarn« 935 W. National Ave Tel. Oreh. 3540 % MILWAUKEE, WIS. m ITALIAN ^ AccordiomS Roin« drlo - dub„ ln en. „¡Z J a n. I im o ladoroli,.,. BBEZPLAOEN 0«tk brvipiatao. p» Previjamo in » raiun »ur. harawuik. IULUN ACCORDION CO 1914 Blue laland Av.„ Cblca.,. |U. Starokrajske plankace, kose, motike in raznovrMne kot Hike se vedno r«» pošiljamo nt v* kraje. Pišite pg nal cenik. Depresija ali ni depresija, mi ved no prodajamo elect, pralne sirojr u raznovrstno pohištvo na lahka me«* na odplavila. Oglasite se os«4>no al pa pilite na naalOv: STEPHEN STONICH Chiaholm, Min«. NA NOVO SO SE NAROČILI NA DNEVNIK PROSVETO PROSLI TEDEN SLEDEČI: Frank Kickel, Knczville, III—Joseph Perovaek, New Baden. 111._Anton Church, Springfield, III.—John Zifman, ^ridgeville. Pa.—Harry Morel, Cairn-brook, Pa.—Anton Slvavec, Canonoburg, Pa.—Frank Dimetz, Hunkers, I'a.-Mary Konchan, Johnatown, Pa—John Pongrac, Meadvllle, Pa.—Joseph («. bron, Rockingham, Pa^-Joeeph Koaky, Rockingham, Pa.—John Galuf, Fnum-claw, Waah.—Dan Perman, Greenwood, Wlo.—John Miskulin, Racine, Wis.-Joe Ruaa, Superior, Wyo. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Žaloatnega srca naznanjamo sorodnikom, znancem in prijateljem čirom Ameriko, da Je kruta usoda zabela mene in moje otroke. Moj ljubi aoprog in oče iel je dne 9. decembra 1933 zjutraj zdrav na d"l« in dobre pol ure zatem ko je priiel na delo, ga Je zadela kruta nesreča v pramogorovu, kjer je naiel smrt ljubi - * louis lipovšek Rojen je bil v Rimskih Toplicah pri Zidanem Mostu in ob smrti je bil 52 let star. Pogreb ae je vršil na tukajinje pokopališče. Tem potom se prav lepo zahvalim vaem, ki ste me tolažili in mi stali ob strani v uri žaloati, posebno pa druitvam it. 204 SNPJ. it. 192 SSI'Z In iL S4 Nemškega podpornega druitva. katerih je bil člar skozi dolga I ¿ta, ki ao mu podarili kroane vence kot v «Bdnji pozdrav »obratu. Najlepia hvala m rs. Groiel. ko mi je tako točno in zvesto pomacaU in atala ob strsni v čaau nesreče. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste podarili vence mu v zadnji pozdrav, vaem ki ate ga obiakali ob mrtvaškem odru in ki ate ga spremili k zadnjemu počitku. Lepa hvala vsem skupaj. Teli i, dragi aoprog in oče, pa želimo, počivaj v miru in lahka naj Ti bode ameriika zemlja.—Žalujoči ostali: Luise I.ipovšek. soproga: Frank Lipoviek, ain in Pauline In Mary, hčeri; ena sestra tukaj v Ameriki, v starem kraju pa tudi ena aeatra. Luzerne, Pa. DR. J. E. URSICH PHYSICIAN A SURGEON 1666 W. Cermak Read CBICAOO. ILL. Uradne are t 1—8 popoldne ia T—8 sveder. Uradni «al I Canal 49ia i La Granee BOŽIČNA DARILA Ake kadeta Malall evajeem v «tarem krajo Ji» «"»r»« «a Bedi4, j. eedaj ri.rajši Oea* sa pa9njke * dinarjih la lirah ae t «h 8 8^-.. Ma 199 Za $ a.M LI» IN L—'». " 919 19.90,.. - tat -------« 49S 99.99... " i »».aa,.. - m,, - I i asa as*—... - i. 199.99... - t i Aba aa t» Vaba ta pat Mile pa braadavaem $1.—. ——--- - v ■ ■ 1 1 ■ rne a« e lf¡P ZAKRAJSEK WMtil T«val Servira 1S8§ 8mM Avat N«w Tart, M. T. NAPRAVITE BOLJŠO KAVO S FRANCKOVO CIKORIJO Naučite avojo hčer, kako pripraviti boljio kavo. Ce hočete razkriti resničen uii tek kave, napravite tako kot «lav ni kuharji v najboljših hotelih in restavracijah, in pripravite kavo s Franckovo Cikorijo. Zgodaj ae je že spoznalo, da ima posušena in praŽena korenina cHtorijake rastline sama po sebi lin duh, ie je pa zmeiana s kavo, da čaAi izreden okus. Poleg tega ima kava, ki ji je dodana cikoriju, močnejšo vsebino, boljši okus in bolj bogato barvo. Cikorija tudi pomaga kavi, da o-hrani dalje svoj duh. Vsledtega napravlja Franckova Cikorija najboljšo kavo še boljšo: dej sivo je, da ae ne more napraviti dobre kave brez cikorije. Cikorija je dobra zaprebavo. Odobril jo je American Medical Aas'n. To je dobro znano po vsej Evropi, da gospodinjam in kuharjem niti na um ne pride napraviti kavo brez Franckove Cikorije. Pa tudi, č« v Ameriki dobite v restavraciji zares okus- no čašo kave, ste lahko gotovi, da je bila pripravljena « Franckovo Cikorijo. V južnih mestih in državah, kjer je arneriAka kuhinja najboljša, je uporaba cikorije zelo velika. New Orleans, ki slovi po svoji francoski kuharski umetnosti, porabi več cikorije kot katerokoli dw> a-meriško mesto. Denite kavino žličko Francko-ve Cikorije v lonec ali percolator, pa boste videli, kakšen okus ima dobra kava! Povejte «voj» hčeri, da uporabljajo cikorijo vsepovsod v stari domovini, d« izboljšajo okus pijače. Naučit« otroke (fcUti najfinejšo kavo po dobrem starem načinu. Franckovo Cikorijo lahko do-bite v Akatlji, palčici ali tabletm obliki v grocerijah ali prodajalnah kave. Skatlja, ki stane samo 10c, bo trajala mesec ah dy Kupite danes! Ce ne morete dobiti v s aoji soseski, nam poAljit* 10c v znamkah in mi vam bmrm poslali škatljo. Pišite na: Hei>. Fraack * Saw, FbakiilJJ- 7 dni do JUGOSLAVIJE Z ZNANIMI EKSPRESNIMI PARNIKI BREMEN • EUROPA vlah ab porniko v MM laia'i najbolj odabaa potoraaje t LlaMjano. železa like svoao ta« 4a Cfcerfcoarga NAJHITRPJÄA POT V »TARO DOMOVINO U I .1Mb...... vpeaaaMe kate.^abeM Malmve tl^Ä NORTH GERMAN LLOYD IM W. SREDA, 27. DECEMBRA. PROSVETA Ob tridesetletnici društva Slavije in SNPJ DOKUMENTARNI PODATKI K ZGODOVINI RAZVOJA NASlH PRVIH DRUŠTEV IN NASE JEDNOTE XII. članstvo Slavije V prvih mesecih — od ustanovitve pa do konca decembra 1903 je imelu Slavija 47 članov, ki so plačevali po 25c na mesec. Do pričetka prve konvencije jih je pristopilo nekaj nad trideset. Aprila 1904 je imela 74 dobrih članov, to je takih, ki so imeli plačano članarino. V jeziku na-iih podpornih organizacij o-značujemo člane, ki redno plačujejo svoje obveznosti, za "do-brostoječe" (posneto iz angleškega "good standing mem-bers"). Pionirji Slavije kn SNPJ Ako bi ml bila dana naloga, da vzporedim prve člane Slavije po njihovi vrednosti za 4™-Stvo, in za jednoto, katero so imeli v osnutku, je ne bi izvr-¿il. Vzrok je, ker je nemogoče reči, "ta in ta ima največje zasluge," zatem drugi, tretji itd. Bila jih je cela vrsta, ki so vsak na svoj način imeli "največje zasluge". Res je, da so nekateri dobili več priznanja in drugi manj — nekateri preveč in drugi premalo, ta ali-oni pa nič; res je tudi, da so v poznejšem razvoju jednote nekateri bili deležni priznanj zgolj zato, ker so bili ali v prvem glavnem odboru ali pa, ker so imele prve certifikatne številke. Delo in boji Martina Konde Martin Konda je bil človek zelo agresivnega nastopa. K vplivu v društvu Slaviji in v novi jednoti mu je pomagala ta njegova lastnost in pa dejstvo, da je bil izdajatelj Glasa Svobode in da se je lahko ves posvetil listu in društvenemu življenju. Član Slavije je postal na ustanovni seji. Dne 30. junija 1904 je bil Konda izvoljen za gl. tajnika SNPJ, ker je dotedanji tajnik Frank Medica odstopil in odšel v stari kraj. Devet čikaskih glavnih odbornikov, v&i člani Slavije, so se sešli skupaj in si vzeli mandat, da izpolnijo izpraznjeno mesto. Kandidirala sta za tajnica na tej seji gl. odbora KondA in Anton Mladič. Konda je dobil 6 glasov in Mladič 3. V Slaviji in na konvencijah je bil Kondov vpliv velik. Nemalokrat je bil zelo robat v ponašanju tudi z ljudmi, ki niso bili njegovi neprijatelji. S tem «i je nakopal precej osebnih sovražnikov tudi med onimi, ki mu niso bili načelno nasprotni. Njegovi najožji pristaši pa so bil i z njim v vsakem slučaju. Martin Konda je bil ne samo Član Slavije nego tudi član kluba št. 1 (JSZ), katerega je pomagal4 ustanoviti. Ampak tisti klubovi člani, ki so se navzeli socialističnega prepričanja v industrijskih in rudniških centrih v Evropi, so prišli s Kondom kmalu v nesoglasja in ta nesporazum se je razvil v ljuto borbo, ki se je končala za Kondo porazno v klubu in v SNPJ. V boju med njim in večino kluba št. 1 je moralo poee$i vmes vodstvo socialistične stranke čika-škega okraja. Poaeben odbor stranke je uvedel valed pritožb, obdoliitev in obtoib z obeh atra-ni preiakavo. Izgledalo je te, nt druAtvenikom aa veatno in trudepolno delovanje v tekočem letu in ob enem voAči veselo ■nidrnje k prihodnji seji prihodnjega leta. H tem zaključi sejo ter udari trikrat tako hudo s-kladivom po mili, ds bi bil istega skorsj »drobil v prsh in snsmenje stere*»» lets. Noveirs leta ps, kojcas smo nastopili, |k»iuJ rs vil Je pisstelj teh vrsti« veselega sres, ker mu ne b« potrebe več protokola plsst. Istotsko srčno in veselo posdrsvljsm vse nsvsoAe društvene brste in Jim Aellm v tekočem letu vse nsJbolJAe kakor sam sebi. Ob enem pa prosim, če sem se kateremu Ismed vas brstje ved«ms sli nevedoms xeeetil, sli kojegs ras talil, prosim oprostite mi kskor tudi jss vsm odpuščam v snemenju IJs-t ««ni bratstva In sloge, Zlvlot — Marlin Kontht. sspisnlksr. Seji Je predeloval Frank Klobučar. !,. v Neglede na hlU» Martina Konde, in na Me ter očitke, ki jih j« imel a posamezniki In nemalokrat a alovensko"7 aociali-atično »kupino v celoti, ao njegove zaaluge velike, poaebno v borbi proti mračnjaški verski vzgoji, ki ao jo prlneall naši pri-seljenci iz starega kraja. Vreden je priznanja za svoje delo »' Slaviji in v 8NPJ. Priznanja Je bil aicer v življenju prav malo deležen, ker al ga je oviral s 'svojimi odbijajočimi svojstvl. Nemalokrat ao mu ta zakrila vse njegove dobre atranl. Kar ae tiče kazni. Jo je M. Konda v 8NPJ dobil najhuj-6o kazen, ki Jo more nad avojim članom izreči podporna organizacija. Delal je poten» z vnemo v SSPZ, ali tudi v njej je bil zaradi svojih hib v taktiki polagoma potisnjen ob stran. Veliki so bili njegovi napori za ohranitev svojega lista Glasa Svobode. Z uredniki je imel ¡celo slabo srečo — največ po svoji krivdi. Martin Konda je umrl 8. marca 1922. Zadela ga je kap pri zdravniku, ravno ko je zdravnik izvrševal malo operacijo v nosu. Zavedel se ni več in kmalu potem je umrl. Ho jen je bil L 1872 v Osojniku pri Semiču v Belokrajini, V Ameriko je prišel I. 1886. S časnikarstvom se je začel pečati že v Pueblu, kjer je sodeloval najprvo pri listu Mir, potem pa je 1. 1902 usta- novil s svojimi kolegi Glas Svobode. V Chicago ae je i listom vred preselil 1. 1903 in takoj poaegel v društveno in politično življenje. Na zadnji poti a njegovega doma v krematorij ao ga spremili poleg svojcev, prijateljev in nekaterih članov SSPZ tudi čikaški glavni odborniki SNPJ in urednik ter upravnik Prole-tarča/ Pogreb je bil skromen, kajti ko je Konda umrl, je i mol že zelo malo prijateljev. Na vodstvo SSPZ ao prodrle nove moči. Na njegovem domu je govoril ob rakvi Zvonko Novak. ki je bil tedaj urednik Glasa Svobode, la» malo ljudi — njegovih najbližjih — je bilo v sobi in le malo v sprevodu. Toda zgodovina Slavije in SNPJ ter zgoddVina ameriških Slovencev bi Martina Konde na mogla pozabiti, tudi če bi ga kak zgodovinar akušal potisniti v pozabljenje ali v brezpomem* bnost. (Dalj* prihodnjič.) Išče Honeda Ironwood, Mich. — Iščem mojega soseda in znanca F. •> Jsrob Harté tri m«M John Blsjak $80. Terealja H pol Jar tri Ivana Doleae $*¿. Joseph Jereb Ui meseee asesment Krank Keterael It« KrančišbeeTrehe $**• Mer? Aljenčteb $tS. John Me>4leb tri lx*te Metko $*& It. íes At. 171- At 174 it. 100 At. At At it. št a-h At. 871 87t 800 m tos iii-iii IIS At. 884 Mary Kaustarlch $15. At. :tS4 -Joseoh Lavrkh tri mesece asesment. At. 8« H-M.—lukicnrUM r»urn: tor Um UattaS StaUa (uaH Chtcaa«) aa4 CaaaSa HM fmr mr. ChUmmm m*4 Cimmrm |7A« pm /«ar. lavUaa MlUla MM »ar y«ar. AlttrtbiM rat« Mf MftmmmmuL—MaauMrlpW «III Mt h Maslo* u nt. U/ Im «tU • IMm i PBOttVETA, SMT-M Sa Lawaiate Affc. I3B Glasovi iz naselbin Zanimive beležke iz raznih krajev Sumljivi bolniki .Miiwaukee, Wis. — Cital sem dopis br. M. Slanovca, ki opisuje, kako je br. Barbič obiskoval bolnika, ki je rad vinee pil. Zdi se mi, da taki slučaji niso redki. Bolniki »e radi kratkočasijo h pijano in se je tu pa SNPJ poslopje) in sicer vsako prvo in tretjo nedejo ob 2. pop Izjema bo le prva nedelja v marcu, ko se bo predavanje vršilo soboto zvečer radi nedeljske pr: redbe kluba ¿t. 1 JSZ. V četrtek večer ob osmi ur dne 8. februarja pa bomo imeli SREDA, 27. DECEMBRA. |V prihodnjih par mesecih bomo v zapadnem delu Chicaga i meli torej ^osti prilike za izpopolnitev našega znanja o važnih vprašanjih in kar je važno, tudi okrepili naš borbeni duh. Vstopnina na shode je prosta, za predavanje pa bo deset centov za kritje stroškov, brezposelni prosti.—Odbor. tam tudi pošteno na.nrkajo. Pri javen shod v dvorani SNPJ, kjer nas smatramo take stvari za bo govoril o NRA August Claes-malenkost, navedel ps bom slu- sens iz New Yorka, ki je prvak čaj pri našem društvu, ki se med socialističnimi oratorji. meni ne zdi malenkost. I NRA bo govoril s socialistične Sestra G. je bila namreč na( ga vidika. 0 "novem dealu" je bolniški listi, sestra M. jo je pa mnogo različnih in konfliktnih obiskovala. Slednja je na seji pojmov. Mnogi so navdušeni za poročala, da se ji zdi sestra G. NRA, drugi so skeptični, večino-nekam sumljiva. .Izvolili smo, ma pa vlada velika konfuzija dva člana, ki naj bi jo sprem- Kdor se bo udeležil tega shoda Ijala k zdravniku, da jo pre-, bo dobil jasno sliko o pomenu išče. Ce se ne motim, ee je to NRA za delavstvo in deželo, zgodilo po naročilu iz gl. urada. Zdravnik se je izrazil, da je sestra G. sposobna za^ahka dela, saj tako sta poročala člana, ki sta bila z njo na preiskavi, a kljub temu je ona dobila podporo. To jo je toliko opogumilo, da je obtožila sestro M., ker je ta še vedno trdila, da sestra G. ni bila upravičena do podpore. Vršili sta so dve porotni razpravi, na kateri je članstvo s tričetrtinsko večino odločilo, da se sestra M. oprosti ysake kazni. Nato je tožiteljica izročila zadevo višji inštanci. Gl. porotni odsek je razveljavil društveno razsodbo in sestra M. je dobila ukor, menda zato, ker je govorila resnico, kar potrjuje tudi društveni zapisnik. Ko sem prečital odlok gl. porotnega odseka, som spoznal, da so bili napačno informirani. Na prvi seji sem sugostiral izvolitev odbora treh ali petih članov, ki naj bi preiskal, kaj in kaj ni bilo poslanega na višjo inštan-co. Odgovor od višjih je bil, da stvar ne spada društvu v preiskavo. Sestra M. je kot ob-toženka dvakrat vprašala društvenega tajnika, kje je zapisnik društvene porotne razprave. On je odgovoril, da ga ni, neki član pa jo namignil, da so ga miši snedk». Pri gl. porotnem odseku smo vložili priziv, od tam pa je bil poslan gl. upravnemu odboru. Odgovor obeh je bil, da proti i taki kazni ni pri-ziva in menda stvar še danes čaka rešitve nekje na polici. Btar pregovor ae glasi, da čez sedem let vse prav pride. Frank Ju van, 16. Murtinek in (¡eer govorita v SNPJ dvorani v petek večer Chicago. — V zadnjih pnr lo-tih jo izAlo v Prosveti več dopisov iz Oh i« o prizadevanju društev in drugih delavskih organizacij, da izvojujejo zakon za *ta-rontno pokojnino. To so dosegli pri novemherskih volitvah, ko so ga volilci sprejeli z veliko veČino pri splošnem državnem gla-aovanju, O tej borbi ohijakegs delavstva ter o zakonu *amom Im» pri-hodnji potok večer, dno 29. d«\ ob 8. url, govoril v SNPJ dvorani Joseph Murtinek, vodilni"(V-Aki social ¡nt v Clevelandu. On m »M» koncem trdna nahajal v Chicago in ko to priliko izrabili če-Aki socialistični klubi ter klub At. 1 JSZ za prireditev tega shoda. Vprašanje starostne pokojnine je vat no tudi za na.-« v lllinoisu kakor |m> vseh državah, zato *> udeletite tega shoda. . Govoril 1m> tudi Owen Geer o zavarovanju proti brezposelno-■ti. Oha Uta dobra govornika Martino k Im» govoril tudi v an. gloAčinl. Ko pišemo o tom »hodu pri. hodnjl potok, naj Ae omenimo da vsi proj omenjeni sociallstič ni klubi prično prvo nedeljo v Januarju mrl jo predavanj, Aost po Atevilu, o Nocialnih In oko. nomuklh problemih. Pndavanja *e bodo vršila v Sokol Havliček Tjrrš dvorani, 2*19 R. Uwndale •ve. okler bomo take stvari trpeli, ne moremo upati na boljše dneve in nogoje v bodočnosti. Ako bi v nsša pravila uključi li točko, da mor« vaako društvo, ki napravi deficit, poravnati raa-lik« i izrednim aaeamentom. bi kmalu našli krivce. V naselbini Mareniseo, Mich. ima naše društvo lir članov, ki so prejeli do 1. decembra bolniške podpore $1,406. Jaz ne trdim, da niso bili bolni, toda vprašanje je ali so biji v resnici tako dolgo bolni, za kolikor so dobili podporo? Jsz brez pomoči ostalega članstva ne morem na to vprašanje odgovoriti. Rekel sem že, da ne vem, kakšen vtis bodo naredile te vrstice na članstvo. Ali je bil rezultat nepovoljen zaradi nesodelo-ianja članstvs? Zdravniki nočejo pričati proti svojim klientom, kajti svoje izjave dajejo tako kakor člani hočejo. Mi moramo sami gledati, da o-ču farno organizacijo za nas < in našo mladino. Ne smemo dopustiti, da bi jo kdo izkoriščal, kaj ti treba je gledati tudi v bodočnost, da nam ne bodo izkorišče valci pustili prazne vreče. Pozabiti moramo na vse pomanj kljivosti v prošlosti in gledati, da bo SNPJ v resnici koristila poštenim članom, ne pa onim, ki ji kopljejo grob.—John F. Plow, tajnik št. 323. Vprašanje previšnih dnevnic Radley, Kana. — Društvo št. 72 SNPJ je na svoji redni seji 19. novembra razpravljalo glede previšnih dnevnic, ki so bile iz plačane nekaterim delegatom desete konvencije. Kot je razvid no iz izjave gl. odbornikov, so prejeli ti delegatje vsoto $600, do katere niso bili upravičeni. O tem se je nekaj debatiralo v glasilu in par društev je zahtevalo, da se imena dotičnih delegatov objavijo. Gl. urad ni prejel do danes niti centa od delegatov, ki so preveč prejeli, niti niso bila imena objavljena. |Naše društvo zahteva od glavnega nadzornega odseka, da objavi imena tistih delegatov, ki so prejeli preveč, obenem pa zahteva v poročilu dotično vsoto. Ako se nadzorni odsek boji objaviti imena dotičnih delegatov, naše društvo apelira na vsako posamezno in združena društva, ki so poslala delegate na deseto redno konvencijo, da postavijo svojega bivšega delegata pred društveno poroto, kajti pod tisto krinko je osumljen sleherni bivši delegat. Naše društvo tudi o-pelira na bivše delegate, da protestirajo proti gl. odbornikom in zahtevajo objavo imen dotičnih delegatov, drugače so vsi osumljeni. Člani 8NPJ bodimo na straži! Vsota $600 ni baš velika, toda če se bo imetje SNPJ razmetavalo na vse strani, tedaj bodo nam starim članom ostali samo propadli bondi. Društveni odbor,—John Dollar, predaednik; Mihael Frece, podpredsednik; Js-cob Remshak, tajnik. Uspešna proslava 25-letnice Moon Run, Pa. —- Delavske razmere tu in v okolici so zelo slabe. Pittsburgh Coal Co. o-bratuje svoj premogovnik zadnje čase samo par dni v tednu. V sosednem mestu McKees Rocks skoro vse tovarne počivajo; nekatere obratujejo le polovični čas. Čeprav se mnogi navdušujejo, za Niro, vse kaže, da nas ne bo nasitila. Prostega Časa imamo dovolj in vsled tega se zanimamo za društvene stvari. Naš dramski odsek je pridno na delu v tej sezoni.* Prvo igro je priredil na zahvalni dan v korist društvu št. 88, ki je slavilo 26-let-nico svojega obstanka. Ta pro-slsva je prav dobro izpadla in sedaj se igralci pridno učijo druge igre, ki bo posebnost, kajti ženske bodo igrale tudi moške vloge. Uprizorile bodo igro Gospa Kordula" ali "Gašper strahopetec". Gotovo je, da kdor bo prišel na to prireditev, ne ne bo keaal, ker mu bo nudi-obilo smeha. Igro bomo uprizorili ns starega leta večer, 31. decembra, ob 8, ob polnoči pa bomo videli ha. Vsi v Moon Run '31. decembra ! Popotnim članom tega društva naznanjam, da po novem letu prevzamem tajništvo in da se v vseh društvenih zadevah obračajo na raoj naslov. Jacob Skerl, R. D. No. 10, Box 180, Crafton, Pa. "Radikalna kura" Detroit, Mich. — Na Silve-strovo nedeljo, dne 31. dec., ob 3. pop. bo imela detroitska slovenska publika priliko prisostvovati v Slov. del. domu novi, prvič v Ameriki uprizorjeni spevoigri v treb dejanjih — "Radikalni kuri." Dr. & Dobovišek, avtor te komedije, je črpal zadevno snQVrv znanem letovišču Rogaški slatini. Svoje junake je Izbral iz vseh poklicev —^od kmetskih fantov in deklet pa do pustolovcev, zdravnikov ter vojaških častnikov. Višek popolnosti je pa dosegel s krasnim razposajenim petjem, kojega divne melodije nam bodo pričarale na oder vso krasoto slovenske zemlje in tudi običaje njenega ljudstva. Junak dneva je baje vinotržec Bombe k, ki ga ima njegova huda žena Cecilija že tri leta zaprtega, ker se boji, da bi mu "sapa mozeg ne izsušila" Po naključju pa izve za njegovo usodo zdravnik dr. Rogan, ki prepriča Cecilijo, da je za Bombeka e-dina pomoč — radikalna kura v Rogaški slatini. Naivna Cecilija, ki o zaroti niti pojma nima, seveda z veseljem dovoli Bombe-ku odhod v toplice, kjer se zdravijo fizične, kot tudi srčne bolečine na primer: Ce želodec Vas boli ali v jetrih kaj tišči, hitro v avto, hop, hop, hop, in v Rogaško gre galop! Naši znanci se v Rogaški slatini izborno počutijo. Bombek prične krokati po receptu. Pri "Veselem petelinčku" ga najdemo v dokaj pisani družbi. Ob veselem razpoloženju ga Konte Bombelli proglasi za barona, dočimllga madžarska lahkoživka Etelka u-vaja v ljubezenske tajnosti. Sledi petje ples—revmatizem izgine, berglje odpadejo. Tedaj se pojavi novica» da je prišla njegova žena Cecilija. Učinek je porazen. Pred nami se pojavi vila Do-nati. Naši znanci skujejo ponovno zaroto proti Ceciliji. Etelka de Gomboš pa uči Bombeka madžarski, češ, da bo to najučinkovitejše orožje proti vražjemu "huzarju". Prične se vaja s sledečo kitico: Curica je kišason, poljubac pa čokolon, neretni je ljubiti, nemoj zaboraviti. Proti Ceciliji uved.ejo zarotniki fingirano sodnijsko postopanje. Sledi kompromis, ki je pa porazen za Cecilijo, dočiui Bombek triumlira. V igro ao dalje vpleteni tudi ljubimski prizori , in intrige. Igralno iq pevsko Osobje, SO po številu, je dobro izvežbano. Pevske točke spremlja Berllsgov orkester, režijo pa vodi podpisani. Ker je z ozirom na bogat spored vstopnina skrajno nizka, ae pričakuje na starega leta popoldne In «večer sijajna udeležba. ■ . Frank Cenen. je zagotovo udeležite, kajti to bo v korist skupni organizaciji. Ker bomo zaključili ta dan leto 1933, ki ni bilo za nas delavce nič prida v splošnem, bo takoj po tej seji domača zabava in ples za vse delničarje in zastopnike društev in klubov. Gospodinjski klub bo skrbel za brezplačni prigrizek, godbo za plesalce in pa saj veste "bara" bo tudi na razpolago za žejna grla. To bo menda prvič, da bo letna seja spojena z domačo zabavo. Ne pozabite delničarji in zastopniki, da je zadnji dan tega leta določen za našo sejo in skupno veselico. V nedeljo popoldne. 31. decembra, pridimo vsi v dvorano našega Doma. Direktorij. Smrtna kosa E velet h, Minn. —* Smrt je spet obiskala društvo št. 69 in iztrgala iz naše srede M. Primozicha po par tednih trajajoče bolezni. Pokojni brat je bil rojen 23. marca 1877 v Beli Krajini. Tukaj je žlrvel 33 let in imel je gro-cerijo ter mesnico. Več let nazaj je vodil gostilno. Bil je skrben mož in oče svoji družini in zvest član našega društva. Tukaj zapušča soprogo, sedem sinov, dve hčeri, enega t*ata, v starem kraju pa dve sestri in enega brata. Njegov pogreb se je vršil dne 27. novembra ob veliki udeležbi članov našega društva, ki je tudi položilo venec na njegov grob. Tufcaj imamo ponoven dokaz, kako koristna so društva, zato vabim rojake, ki še niso člani, da pristopijo v SNPJ. Storite to, dokler ste še zdravi, kajti nihče ne ve, kdaj ga lahko doleti nesreča. Pokojniku želi društvo št. 69 miren počitek, njegovi družini pa izreka globoko sožalje. Jacob Setnikar, predsednik. Letna delničarska seja Detroit, Mich. — Letošnja glavna seja delničarjev Slovenskega narodnega doma se bo vršila dne 31. dec. na 116 Six mile rd. Pričetek točno ob 9. dopoldne. Pridite vsi, kajti to bo zelo važna seja za vse. Domov tajnik je obvestil člane z dopisnicami. Kdor je ni dobil, naj upošteva to obvestilo fn naj gotovo pride na sejo dne 31. dec. Pokažite, da se zanimate za SND! Ne bodite Hoo|*s formiral dodatek proti otroškemu dele Pennsylvania zbornica sprejela Skemu delu pod brilijantnim parlamentarnim delom sociali- stičnega poslanca Harrisburgh, Pa. ^Zgodilo se je, kar pred enim tednim ni ni-kdo pričakoval, namreč da bo državna zbornica sprejela zv*z. nI amendment za odpravo otro-škega dela. To je storila zadnji četrtek predno se je razšla na božične počitnice. Tega namena ni imela, najmanj pa starogardni voditelji zbornice, ampak si niso mogli pomagati, ker niso bili kos brilijantnim parlamentarnim po-tezam Darlingtona Hoopesa, so-cialističnega poslanca iz Readin-ga, ki je vso zbornico prisilil na akcijo. Sploh je poročevalec Asoci i ranega tiska zapisal, "da ima en sam socialist zbor-nico na vajetih." Hoopes je pričel agresivno nastopati pred nekako tremi tedni. Ker so voditelji zbornice nameravali z naglim zaklju-čenjem, je Hoopes najprvo zbornico prisilil s poimenskim glasovanjem pri zasedanju, dokler ne reši delavske zakonodaje. Par predlog je bilo tudi sprejetih. Zadnji torek pa je pričel na-skakovati zbornico z ratifikacijo zveznega amendmenta proti otroškemu delu. Ratifikacijska resolucija se je nahajala v rokah zborničnega odseka za delo od prvega dneva zasedanja. Hoopes in Lilith Wilson sta že večkrat prej poskušala, da bi stvar prišla pred zbornico, ampak vedno zaman. Do odločilne bitke je prišlo zadnji torek, ko je Hoopes predlagal, naj odsek takoj poroča o resoluciji. Pri navadnem glasovanju je predlog prepadel, nakar je Hoopes zahteval poimensko glasovanje. Precej velika večina poslancev je sedaj drugače glasovala! Voditelji zbornice so bili v kaši. Sledilo je kratko posvetovanje in že je predsednik zbornice naznanil, da ratifikacijska resolucija itak ne spada odseku za delo, kjer je sebičneži v tem oziru, 'ampak ... , - . . . , . d«Jte par ur ia.a .kupni stvari! Se je čas! Zato pa na plah vsi za naš skupni Dom v Detroitu! Brothers, do your part! Veselo in zadovoljnejše novo leto vsem! Anton Jurca, predsednik. Vabilo na domovo veselico Springfield, IIII. — Tukajšnji Slovenski dom priredi veliko plesno veselico dne 31, decembra v svojih prostorih. Pridite in poslovite se od starega leta in pozdravite nastop novega v družbi veselih ljudi! Tudi stari Miklavž bo prišel. Ples traja do & zjutraj. Zadnjih šest mesecev je Dom precej dobro napredoval. Zato pa pomagajmo, da bo zaključni mesec tega leta najuspešnejši. Pridite zgodaj, kajti vrata se za-pro točno ob 11. uri zvečer. Joe B. Brinocar. xolo pozdravilo in pognalo sta ro leto v posebnost. Zabava in ples bosta trajsls do jutra. Vstopnina bo samo 26 centov za vso noč. Vae to bo prirejeno korlat Slovenakemu. podpornemu društvu v Moon Runu. To društvo vabi cenjeno publiko is tukajšnje in bližnjih naselbin. da nas poneti na omenjeni večer, da se tako skupno ras ved rimo in pozabimo na vaakdanje skrbi Pridejo naj val člani našega društva In tako pomagajo do boljšega uspe- Skupna letna seja In veselica . U Salle, III. — Vsako" podjetje, bodisi lastnina posameznikov, velikih korporacij ali pa delavske ustanove, dela ob koncu leta svoje račune, pregleda de-.1 o vanje prošlega leta ter dela ns podlagi izkušenj pretekloati zaključke In načrte za bodoče delovanje, ki naj prinese boljše rezultate ket so bili v preteklosti. Posebno v teh težkih časih je potrebno skupno in dobro gospodarstvo pri naših ustanovah. Tudi delničarji družbe Slov. nar. dom v La Saltu se bomo Federacije SNPJ prizor Novo leto ki nns bo ve- .brali k sLupni letni aejl v nede- >|o 81. deccmbra popoldne db 1.30 v naših lastnih prostorih, da pregledamo delovanje in poslovanje naše dru|be sa to leto ter s svojimi zaključki začrtamo delovanje naši družbi za bodoče leta Ns tej aeji boste slišali poročila vaših direktorjev in uradnikov in tudi goepodinjakega kluba. Treba bo rešiti več važnih vprašanj naše organizacije, zato direktorij uljudno vabi vee delničarje in delničarke ter tudi{ zastopnike raznih društev in klubov, ki ao delničarji, da ae te ae- tet Illinoiska federacija Virden, Vil. — Seja centralne illinoiske federacije jednotrinih društev se bo vršila v nedeljo, 7. jan., pričetek ob 9. zjutraj, v navadnih prostorih SD na 11 in Kansas v Springfieldu, 111. Uljudno se vabijo vsa društva iz te o-kolice, da pošljejo vaaj enega zastopnik* na prvo federacijsko se. jo, ki se bo vršila v letu 1934. Nobena organizacija ne more napredovati brez sodelovanje članstva in društvenih zaatopni-kov. Na vseh prošlih sejah so bili navzoči vedno eni in isti zastopniki. Treba je več kooperacije med člani in društvi, in u-apeh vam bo zagotovljen. Pričakuje se sanaprej, ds društva ae bodo boljše odzvala za to ustanovo 8NPJ dne 7. januarja. Na tej eeji bomo volili tudi federa-cijski odbor sa prihodnje leto in reševali važne stvari, ki so o-stale še od prejšnje seje. Na svidenje T. januarja. Frank Ileršič. tajnik. za ustavo, kamor naj odroma — k večnemu spanju! Hoopes je bil zopet na nogah s predlogom, naj zbornica vzame to resolucijo iz rok odseku in takoj odredi prvo prečitanje. Ker je naznanil, da bo zopet zahteval poimensko glasovanje, ao se voditelji zbornice premislili in naznanili po kratkem posvetovanju, da bo odsek za delo predložil resolucijo "v bližnji bodočnosti". Hoopes je znova predlagal, naj zbornica gre na odmor, po odmoru, ob pol-šestih zvečer, naj pa odsek predloži resolucijo. Zopet se je vršilo poimensko glasovanje, pri katerem je Hoopes zmagal i večino. S tem je naredil pot do gls-sovanja o resoluciji. Po odmoru je prišla na dnevni red resolucija in bila sprejeta z veliko večino; isto se je zgodilo v sredo in v četrtek (resolucija je morala biti prečitana trikrat v treh separatnih dneh). U šeat poslancev je glasovalo proti. S tem brilijantnim delom si je Hoopes spletel novo parlamentarno lavoriko. To je 19. državna ratifikacija tega zveznega amendmenta. MLADINSKA SOLA V GACU CHI- AM JOi ČMate vm* Chlcago. - IMhodnja kiM* ura slovenske ralsdinske šole društva it. 559 SNPJ ho v soboto, dne 6. januarje I9H * 9.30 dopoldne v nsvadmh pro štorih jednotinega poslopja. Star-« ne prosijo, d« svo|e otroke rrfl no in točno pošiljajo vaške aobo; to v šolo. Obenem se vabijo ostali slovenski starši, ki ia»s>" otroke bi še niso člani nsše šs£ de jih pričnejo pnšHjsti i letom. Pouk bo zanimb is k" tek. koristen In prnst Sok*i »s nričaj ne k mala po BOVfT. prične priprsvljsti ss aki program, ki be podaa «akrsi v april«. r Na asMenje dne J SoLSfci ODBOR- SREDA, 27. DECEMBRA. PROSVETA Slovenska Narodna 1904 Podpor» jidnotTj lakorp. 17. jeaiis 1907 vdrferi IIIfeofc TeL Kock vrli 49*4 At«., Ave., Ave., Ave., Ave. Ohicago, 111. Chicago, I1L Chicago, TIL Chicago, 111. Chicago, 111. «74» 8®. Uwsdala Ave^ Ckieage, I1L GLAVNI ODBOR S. N. P. J. UPRAVNI ODSEK: •nifENT CA INKAR, predsednik.... »667 S. Lawndsle IrFU a VIDER, gl. tajnik.........2667 S. Lawndale U^RENCE GRADISHEK, taj.bol.odd.2667 S. Lawndale JflUN VOGRICH, gl. blagajnik......2667 S. Lawndale ¡¡UP GODINA, Upravitelj gkaila. ...2667 S. Lawndale joHN MOLEK, urednik glaaUa......2667 8. Lawndale Ave., Chicago, IU. uT _ ODBORNIKI: IraNK SOMRAK, prvi podpredaednik.......996 E. 74th St., Cleveland, O. ¿¿UN K. LOKAR JR., drugi podpredaednik. .1198 E. 170th St., Cleveland, O. GOSPODARSKI ODSEK: IATII PETROVICH, predsednik...........696 E. 140th St., Cleveland, O. SthONY CVETKOVICH..............988 Seneca Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. •¿HN .......................s- Proapeet Ave., Clarendon Hills, IU. POROTNI ODSEK: JOBN GORSEK, predsednik..............414 W. Hay St, Springfield, 111. «ITON ŠULAR...................................Box 27, Anne, Kana. JOHN TRČELJ..................................Box 267, Strabane, Pa. i «ANK PODBOJ.................................Box 61, ParkhiU, Pa. fRANK BARBICH..................1§010 Parkgrove Ave., Cleveland, 0. NADZQRM ODSEK: rRANK ZAITZ, predsednik.........1........8639 W. 29th St., Chieago, III n?EP MALGAI..............................26 Central Parte. Psru. Ill JACOB AiMBROZICH......................418 Pierce St, Eveleth, Minn. POtOK !~Bar»ap».«a.M ■ |la«ala.l siton.!«. W a*s|s » Si mndm. m wrU t«k«la. VIA I I8MA. ki m MMttJ* mm pmU *l. pradaadnlka, mJ m ««ala«. m pradaM.lltra. vgje denarne p.iiu.Ha tasMsH. ki m tu*U si. M»™*» »aa» «a totasu «kis, .i m notiliai* na si. tadslilN. vJ«dava. IftaSfe« m toU.Uk. Hp.™, mml n pNUMJ. m tot tai.ll«,*. Vm «deve * "nI > ktasajnliktol pmII. m| m patlljaja .a UmiilUM VII PKITOŽBK |M, p^knajt v «L i»n»M »itof. mJ m p.iUjaja Wnmk Urnim. liiidalfcii utontft »Stori V8I PB1ZIVI m *L paratnl *M m naj raUUaJ. u Jato Oarika, »wtaiiki pwal- I "viteiai I. *rm*i apUl. m*m»IU. aplaat. mmntmlmm ta «M aa« tot J. v s**M filiulU- Mn,(*. m j m paillja M "PBOBVBTO." MIT a. UwiW, A»».. CklrM*. UL NOTIC: Corraapa.da»«a wlUi «to Bapraa. OfftN aka.ld to Mtanri m faUawai U.aMicattoM far U« «.prava prealdaat ahaald to .ilraaial to klm. All raa.itta.aas af mmmmr v' toaiaaaa aa.ear.Uc laSsaa a»d a. am kar» attov Um. atok iMtflt »kaaU to aSSraaaaS to «to aacratary'a afflca. Sitter* af atek toMfit atomM to addraaaad to Um Matatoat atiratary. Financial aatUra ..Sar Um JuMUIIm af tka traasarar'« affiaa ato.U to toka. m» vttk hi«. Ca.plalnta cM.aar.tas «to war* af «to «unita tori ato.M to »iiw.ii to Pru»k Uiti. ckalma. af «to Board af B.parrlaara. Ckargaa, romplal.U and appaala ato.M to »Mfi.if to Jak. Garlak. atol CMaiittaa. RAČUN MED JEDNOTO - VPLAČILA - I— IZPLAČILA — It. Članski Mlad. članski Mlad. IN DRUŠTVI dr. LsHsa No. od da Irk | oddal. _ M—toa.__ oddaMk Disburse, oddal. Jua. ■i'aac. novemkra 1881. Adult Juvanlla Adult ! FINANCIAL STATEMENT 114 ... 208.11 1.10 687.001 ...... Month of Novamkar. Uli 116 ... 144.10 U.62 88.00 ...... K V1LAČ1LA - i— larLACtUA - U« ... 74.11 1 Ml 88.00 ...... UT ... 118 ... 104.04 «84.18 U.M 118.00 \k Članikl Mlad. Članski i Mlad. t7.40 140.00 ...... s. oddelek oddal. oddale k 1 oddal. 118 ... tll.4» 12.86 ......... ...... LMt* - Bacalpta - -—Disk w 120 ... 414.11 11.10 140.»0 ...... Adult Juranlla Adult 1 Jar. Iti ... Ml.«! 11.40 111.00 ...... r i .. « 48H.09 1 10.00 1 »4.001..... 122 ... 14.11 ......... ...... 1 1 " 888.M 21.40 47.SO # , , t , , 123 ... «6.87 4.10 50.00 ...... i i ... 202.01 10.70| ll.M 114 ... 868.30 18.81 115.60 ...... 4 .. 1 164.11 2.401 ll.M ...... 12» ... 106.61 1.80 18.M ...... [ I ... 1,400.00 11.00 ¡ 111.60 ...... II« ... 7M.71 10.80 1,101.00 ...... « ... 286.46 12.40 78.10 117 ... 8.50 ....... ....... ...... il ... 240.80 10.40 ...... 128 ... 2«.71 ......* ......... ...... I • ... 428.74 11.80 ...... 128 ... 284.00 10.00 103.M ...... » ... 236.86 1.70 74.00 IM 280.66 11.10 •8.00 ...... 1» ... 784.10 18.60 M4.60 ...... »i ••• 7.00 76.60 ...... 11 ... 611.60 T.00 ...... 182 ... 11«.»« 12.40 188.60 ....... f II ... 807.71 1.10 ' 67.10 IU ... 204 72 8.40 108.60 ...... II ... 804.87 11.40 152.60 ...... 116 ... 170.18 1.10 ......... ...... Í U ... 768.41 10.40 168.60 ...... 11« ... U.01 ....... ......... ...... ' 1» ... 20.41 .60 ...... 117 ... »47.17 7.10 86.50 ...... ! 1» ... 1,006.00 28.SO 217.00 ...... 188 ... HM.82 60.S8 81.60 ...... 17 ... 460.34 10.00 404.00 .. .... 118 ... 117.61 6.80 11.00 ...... 1» ... 80.62 4.40 11.00 ...... 140 ... 118.16 2.80 .....;,,, ...... to ... - 422.6« 4.00 147.00 ..... • 141 ... uit» 8.10 It.oo ...... tl ... 624.40 U.«0 410.4« ...... 141 ... 1.IM.IT - 66.68 401.60 ...... tt ... 188.16 1.60 ........ ...... IM ... llt.ll I.S0 11.00 ...... tt ... 74.15 4.60 •1.00 ...... 144 ... »4.17 4.10 U.M ...... tl ... 187.67 7.00 241.00 146 ... 168.6T • M ....... ...... II ... 65.71 1.10 ......... ...... 14« ... 41.81 1.40 ......... ...... t7 ... 188.05 2.80 •00.00 ...... 147 ...j 417.TO 11.00 II.M ...... a ... 126.00 4.80 11.00 ...... 148 ... 14.00 1.40 18.00 ...... » ... 66.11 2.40 14.00 ...... 148 ... 81.18 1.10 »I.M ...... il ... lui.04 6.60 16.00 ...... UO ... 11.4« ......... ...... « ... 22.4» .20 ...... a • • ...... Ill ... 100.06 8.60 17.60 ...... M ... 808.62 13.40 106.00 ...... 161 ... 144.44 6.00 61.60 ...... U 416.60 26.10 •«.»O ...... 114 ... IM.10 4M 81.60 ...... a 611.16 .60 .....»... ...... 156 ... 82.45 l.«0 10.00 ...... a ... 217.10 10.02 228.60 ...... IM ... 61.10 •0 »0.M ...... 17 ... 78.16 1.40 40.00 ...... 158 ... 282.»T 11.10 161 00 ...... t» ... 118 81 2.40 ...... 168 ... 11.4« •M 14.00 ....... a . 846.62 10.10 150.60 ...... 141 ... lll.M 1.80 41.M ...... .. .1 I4I.II .40 41.00 ...... Ut ... 4l.t7 t.10 ......... ...... 111.60 I.M ......... ...... IM ... 4T.10 ....... ......... ...... a ... 111.11 4.10 16.00!...... IM ... M.M 4.M 41.00 ...... 44 146.08 H.10 80.60 ...... IM ... 160 M 7.70 ....... ...... N i.. ! 18«.U 11.10 11.00 ...... MT ... • 1.40 17 50 ...... M 61.62 taaaaaa«* ...... UR ... 111.44 11.10 TI.M ...... 47 ... ! 868.14 7.40 141.00 ...... IM ... •8.7a 1 M ......... ...... a o hi 11 12 II M U Ni t; 466.71 11.10 18.00 ...... 1T0 ... »4.0t 2.00 11.00 ...... 267.M 11.74 IM.IO .... ». 171 ... 10».!0 4.00 41 M....... ms. m 2 60 86.00 ...... 172 ... 87.81 6 00 18.04t ...... 110.00 0.40 »•«••••«a ...... 171 ... 178.71 7.M Ul »0 ...... »16.14 18.10 17.00 .....-, 17« ... 111.47 U.M 100 00 ...... 1 .'HS. 17 10.40 262.M ...... 171 ... 11 ».00 1.80 ......... ...... 117.02 1.16 18.00 ...... m ... 110.11 1.00 418 00 ...... 80 86 4.Ml ............... ITT ... •1.18 4.10 ......... ...... 280.84 1.10 M4M...... U0 ... M.IO 1.40 ......... ...... 161.10 «M .128,00 100.00 Ul ... • 41 ....... ......... ...... i» m «i .. 67 82 2 «KI 10.00 ...... IM ... ULM 1.00 10 M ...... UMI •.10 TO.M ...... IM ... 114.70 160 10.00 107.M «II ......... ...... IM ... M.M LM KLM 2.60 10.60 ...... IM ... ■T.TI l.fel ......... ...... «i tt 18».17 ' «M ...... 117 ... »5.04 1.40 17.00 ...... 11 ».a« 1.84 10.00 ...... IM ... M.04 4.10 I.M ...... ♦4 U 246.M U.M • LOO ...... IM ... 11» 40 a.M M.M 17«.»« i.TO 1M.M ...... IM ... IM. 11 lo.Ta M.M ...... II 181.71 I.M 40.60 ...... Ul ... IM.M 4 ao M.M ...... a» Il M ......... ...... IM ... IM.I7 8 10 0».M|..... 10.18 ' 2.M ......... M.M IM ... aa.M lia MM ...... to 6ILI7 ll.M ...... 184 ... MST LM ILM ...... 71 Tt ji 77 «t .a« MM 107 ... loa.71 4 40 ...... 16 II IM ... a.M MM ! ...... , »I M ........ .1...... IM ... MO ... M.M ISO ILM ...... M.»7 I.M ........... IM M' ll.ia UN ...... 7| • 86 »2 L 80 ll.M ...... tot ... IM ... III 04 IN M.M ...... H mu 440 168.»0 ...... M.M .10 IT.M ...... MU L«. .........,...... IM ... lll.M ISO MM II «1 »I i!t UM ...... 104 III M 11.10 71.M ...... 7» M «1 IU JV I.M IIS r.77.7 (Ol IM.4Í I M' 68» on 2IT.7« 4 40 ILM ...... IM ... MM I tl 14 N ...... UM 4.10 TOM ,...;. IST ... 4H.M IM 1 ,,,,,, tuoi 4.10 MM,...... IM ... M.M LM ......... ...... *t 401 T« rr.M ULM ...... IM ... lll.M 4M • LM mo» 4M Mai...... US ... tM II • M 40.M ' ...... 87 U LM OLM ...... III ... m U IM 40 .m 1 ...... h. 14« M ITS 40 M ...... tu ... mm ise mm ...... f* »MM ■ SO MUM ...... tu IU .14 IM UM ...... », »MSI IT. M t .ousel...... tu ... im.U IM 0NN ...... to •70s« mm mm ...... tu ... 144 17 • IS ......... M HIN ILM- lioso tu ... M4 TO la m MM ...... »1 ! tl IMST 4 40 tIT ... •4M ISS! M.M ...... lit M •ss * r tu ... IM 44 • M ULM ...... t% IM 74 4 40 IM OSI...... «M ... ....... ...... », 74.11 IM MM ...... MI ... M.M 4M ......... 1 ...... at MM IM m ... UM ISO MM ...... », tH U IN . , . j Ji*, '. '. Ml ... ITT AI 7 M ...... r -MIS4 a.M M.M 1*4 ... •4M ISO MM ...... IM «4 UM UJM ...... MI ... IST M 4M IM M *mm MM mm ...... IM ... mm »M 1 •........ ' MM . iss MM mt ... «iso im IN IM 10 IM tt« ... ma iss 4m m um • toise ...... IM ... m r ' in u7n ...... •T M los ««•»i.,*j espose MI ..< MM •ss »M TI uts t«ss l "ht0 M . utom ,. .. tu ... IM ... IM m •t m 7 M MM | M on n mri 1 ae> tM ... mim tas MM » 14, »i tes MO M' Ha ... hui tss Tsse •u.ts MM MOSS ...«..! im ... 17107 tss «TN n« oe S4É tt «a...... M7 ... Mil ta •ta« ft«s m4í...... mo ... tuse lues •se sn m so, MS, «rae ...... im ... i m ...... n Claitakl 1 odidalak ( M Ud. oddal Claaakl I oddaiak IU* — MUA -■iA-l Lodea — Serai Adult ! .i. _ _ No Juvanlla Adull "î.v UO ... 114.41 ».M UM Ml ... 1T0.M 7.M ' M.M 242 ... TI.4T 1.41 41.M 248 ... 86 80 1 10 ...... <( 244 ... M.M 1.71 ......... 246 ... 17.11 I.M ... Í ' ! 147 ... 177.14 IM Tf.M 248 ... •1.61 1.10 1» M . « t III ... ......... 1.10 ......... •62 ... 14.37 LU .. 2M ... 114.11 MO |7 00 16« ... 111.71 11.14 1.786.60 ..... 257 ... 141.07 4.10 17.10 .'A Í..' 161 ... 116.17 1.40 UOO 168 ... U1.M I 10 . U.M Ml ... 108.8» »40 Ml ... 178.M 14 tO «•i "t't* MI ... 7I.M 4. tO 264 ... 16».»» 4.00J II.M 166 ... 1M.S» ».•0 ........i M« ... 71.88 . i 10 11.00 t«7 ... 103.68 ».ao 1 .IM.00 11... 268 ... 241 68 1.40 U M !,<«(. IM» ... 178.81 •.40 IM.00 170 ... M0 . 41.00 171 ... 4.18 •M.M ICx 171 ... 11.71 • . l.po ... t,.... 17« ... M.<1 LIO . i . . . 275 ... 168 ¿8 6.80 • 70.00 17« ... 180 11 80S 00 177 ... IU.88 T. 40 •a.M 178 ... 146 84 11.40 71 00 IT» ... «8.81 t tO ....... ...... 180 ... * 88.24 4.11 .......VI 181 ... «4.47 1.10 122.51 ... », . III ... 118.11 4.00 IM ... »4.14 .1.40 ......' .1. 18« ... 84.64 '».M U.M •HM. 18» «.'. •7.1» 1.40 IM ... '.. 68 05 8 10 MT ... III.M ILM U.M Ul ... »8.01 4 00 IM ... M4.80 .ILM 114.60 180 ... 125.06 6.20 16.00 181 ... 41.11 1.40 • • 4 a a a « » • ...... 18t ... 1UI.71 / 14.71 T. 10 • 101.10 ., fi M 183 ... IM ...... ut 'J^V, 184 ..-.1 4.60 ......... tu ... 170.00 1.10 f 14 00 I 2M .,. 111.81 , MO uo.oa 287 .„. , 111.17 1.10 48.00 MI ... 108.01 «.«0 U.M », •... IM ... 1M 61 MÛ. 17.00 ...... 100 .,. 871.7« 17.14 111.10 Ml ... 31.78 I.M ' 11.00 802 ... 11.44 .40 80.10 w-rr 804 *... 480.0« 1.40 SI Ml 806 ... ILTI , -IAi| 140.M • •vatl 806 ... • 71.41 4.10 311.41 807 ... ' 27.54 " 1.10 ......... 808 ... UT.6I * ,8.64 125.00 ...... 808 ... 60.83 4.10 M.M ...... 810 .,. ,»••7 ....... »11.00 311 ... 86 0» ' I.M ...... 31t ..i 411.04 14.10 267.50 313 ... 111.77 1.40 «8 00 ...... 314 ..." 180.21 4.2(1 14.00 ...... 81» ... 111.17 4M . 11....., ...... 816 r.. 1W 17 1.80 114. »0 ...... 317 ... 171.41' 17.«0 113.10 ...... 311 ... •4.70 6.00 ,«43.M ...... 818 ... 141.71 4 00 UM V..,., 810 17.U ...... 811 ... IM.4I 7.M Ift.M 811 ... 170.11 lO.M •MO 823 ... 170.1» •.14 •0.00 815 ... 4.1« M.Il Uiii, III ... M.40 7.M 17.U 117 ... 71.10 1.00 ...... 118 ... 1M.M I.M ll.M 880 I.M ....... .•...... • ...... Ul ... 46.10 LIO U.M ...... 831 ... 16.41 .10 ......... ..'.''. t. 3M ... 110.14 «.M ttoo 1 .... . 114 ... II.U .M 18 00 ...... II» ... 176.01 ' 1.00 •M.M IM ... • II .M ......... j. .. 117 ... 141.84 «.M M 00 IM ... ■I.M MO .......„,! kaVf • . . MB 1.00 ......... 140 ... 41 80 MO 141 ... 11.41 LM ......... 141 ... 41.41 MO ll.M 144 ... lll.IT 1L«0 ll.M ...... m ... 11.71 • Ml .......Il ...... u« ... 11.14 ....... ... .Lv.,.. •47 ... 170.41 a.M ......... ....... «41 ... II.Tl 1.10 ......... '.V.Í .. MO I0.M ....... ....... Ml ... M.Ot .10 ...... III ... 14.11 to mos* IM ... 174.04 .... ».,. ■ <»|«f MI ... ' »4.47 8 00 M oo ...... IM ... 18160 MO M.00 j ; 117 ... T.TI .11 10,M fit,' t. IM ... MM «00 U.M ...... MO ... U.I! .«• ......... ...... Ml ... III.M a M lit .M ...... Mt ... •4.47 1.40 ......... ...... MI ... 81.11 MT M4 ... •7.»0 1 80 ...... IM ... 118.84 MM »«4M »M..... Ma ... TI.44 8 47 LM .40 88.4HI ) • ...... Ml ... U.M •0 .......r., 17t ... 110.11 8 40 ......... ...... 171 ,,, 111.17 oto 148.M ...... 17« ... I4I.M 4.40 IM.U ...... 171 ... MJT I.M ......... ITT ... 160 44 LM »6 M ITI ... MTI 1.40 ...... ... ...». • 171 ... MM MO 17 M ...... IM .,. TIM Ml ......... .4. .. , MI ... U4.M MO MM i...... MI ... 111 U 4.•• ll.M ...... 884 ... II.U .... .rr '.........T...... M» ... ' M.M III ......... ....... SM ... 111.14 14 at TI M SIT ... MI.T0 IM .......N4 ...... SM ... UT.4T aa« MOM ....... SSI ... MM IM lion SM ... IM MM 381 ... IM.4I HI ......... .,•«#»! SOS ... 110 7» I.M ...... .T. 1 • • V • so« ... IM ... IM ... M.IO 4A40 M.M 1 an I.M .M M.M 1 .*. ,. M7 ... IIT.TI Ilia 1ST.Ml...... Ma ... «M ... 171 M ilia • II MM ■M MM «M ... II.U .«0 ......... ü'.iü «M ... 147.M IM INN ...... «06 ... IT.IT IM M.M ...... 4M ... MM 1 Ol 4 «JS 4M ... 4M ... IIIS IM MJK...... T» M ...... «II ... T4 M IM .......... «II ... 117 N T.«« i ......... ...... «Ii ... »7 M IM ......... 1 ,,,,,, 414 ... T 4i M «M UN ...... 41« ... 1 U l»0 ■ 40 II N ....... 411 ... IMSI 7.M UM'...... «II ... 4M ai »4 1 40 TIN ...... 1HJI III SIM ...... 4M ... MM ! iM......... PTTTTTT 414 ... 1174 IM ......... 4M ... MU IM ......... 1...»«. 4M ... t U.M 1 7» NIM 8 j..... 417 ... Ml M II M HON;...... 4M ... 4M ... M 44 4 M ....... IM TI 4 M ........ 1 . " 411 ... MST M ........ j ,."•>• 411 IHN IM IHN i...... «M ... fTTO IM trn 1.,(... «M ... INN IM IMSI 1....... 4M ... MM H Ate ........ 1»•».,. 4M ... 4M ... * MT« IM ...... UM IM .....*.». 1 I-I**' 44S ... • M M ........ ]...... 4M ... HTM IM MM mri......J........ • n eel ........ N ...... 4M .. MM IN UM 1' .»,... MT t., SM ... ist m LM rs» im 17 4M aa * r!...... 4M IM II «SO «T« t 4M .. USSI • M MS4 i)...... MI ... 4M .. 4M ... M Tl NM 44 84 im ........ im ....... MS ........ 1..... • MT ... 4M TIN IM 14 t 40 1 UM ....... MS ... Tt AI im! ........ mi ... 17 M ji mm m ...... 4M IM M • N iis! »'...... • M M 1 im ......v. i VPLAČILA____I lir LA OI LA - čtouakl J Ml.a [ članakl Mlad m^ nSaseta i Miad S». I «dfetofc I MM Ltofa - Baealpto —J No j Adult I Ju« »IIa! 4M 4(7 4M «70 «TI * «TI «7« «7» «T« . «T7 «7* «7» «10 «•1 «U «al «m «m «a« «•M «N «•o «M «M «t« «»5 «•7 «M «M »00. MI »Ot »U lo& »10 ... »H ... »U ... »I« ... »17 .. »1« ... »1» ... uo ... Ml i... Mt ... Ml ... M« ... Ml ... M7 ,. ."t »II ... »M ... Ml ... Ml ... Ml Ml ... M« ... Ml ... »M ... »17 ... »M ... »II ... »«0 ... »«1 ... »«I ... »41 ... I«« ... »47 ... •«• ... MO ... »»1 ... »M ... Ml ... »»« ... M» ... Ml ... 667 na ix. »M .,. Ml .,. »II ... Ml .., MT M »T»'... IT« ... •T» ... »TT - ... »TI ... »M V., »ai ... »al 14. ■r MT .,.. »aa ... »ai ... »M ... »II ... M« ... »M ... Ml •01 ... aoa ... •M ... mm ... aoT ... 4M ... lil .{. •il ... :¡S ::: •1» ... •u r •IT ... Sla .t. «Il .k i •Il SI» .¡M •M 41 •IT .. •m m •M ... •M ... Ml Ml ., •M •40 Ml •41 •41 •44 •4» Ml Ml MT ma Ma ,.j •ta ... •71 •t4 .. •7» ... #T« .. ! •tt .,,! •ta .,,] •ta Ma ml 1M.M •t.m 14 «m 10.M 1m.ts 111 m na.Mi 41. «4 m »4 I.m1 t« m »im um 41.74, lili »•111 m.mI im«« M.n! * ii.ii' M.4I Mil «lt«) Mil! »«.««! «i.7ai 17.11 >•1 «0 M.IM M7¡ l«7-77 •aj| 71.1« 10» »4 1M.I» 4i.m Ml Mil im.»»1 11.Ml 4t.i0 »1.07 171.17 ii ii an TI.m 11.10 M1IM |mi 11.17 111.14 ll»4 mm T«.«a mm ion ll.TT i.m 101.1» 141.m »a 10 mm Till TI.T1 mm II.II M.aa •7.0* M 0ft Ml »a »«.14 II I« •«.M la.M • I.M MM «I ft« II «« II« 6« 71« M TI .M MIO «l«T •ITT MOM »a 71 IM II sm IM M III 4« UM V ll.T« mm MM mm 144.11 tl.stf im.»4 44.m •4si ii.m ihm 10» »4 10.44 1t.m ihm «i.m1 MTI iii t« mst 14 M •t .4 4 MM MM m. 41 m 41 Il M mim i70s#) •4M MM< 14« IUI. im. 141 «0 «»' l»M ILM' «• M, ... «fí.-l 7im ■ «««I MSL M II t» m MIM im m iii.m IIS •im •aal «i «1 ue nI Mit ihm ilm III« m i«! m m mm na' m 4« m m M 41 i« m •IM Mail mm MIT m H mm 11*1 • im ims4 M.Ii mm m mm mm mm • i m m m mm m r imsi mm mm tim m la il.ii, i m 140 .M • 00 »40 1 10 ISO IM ft «0 M I 00 , M •40 Lao I MU. CM I 00 «O «M IM I.M lia lao IM LM f.» IM 1.00 a.M 14« IM .•0 I. 4 4« La« I.M I.M IIS .10 So 1.40 LM ' SO .40 1.M 1.00 \1 1.40 I 10 100 I.M TOO 1.10 1.10 1.10 LM I.M 1.00 1.00 110 1.10 I.M 410 1.4« 1.10 L4I «10 IN LM •• 1.00 1110 1 00 100 .«• .«I •so 100 »II IM I.M ao IM L«0 .40 IM 4.M M d M I.M I.M T.II ISO LM «M IM M I «0 Iii !.«• I.M «I I.M m 4M IM 4.14 4« M IM .«« ■jJ IM M M' ** in t.MÍ IM1 IM IM IM I M IM1 I M M • M IM 101.00 fü.M ULM 1100 1000 117 00 »4M 11.00 «•M TT.M »«SO »•1.00 UM TOM SI.M M oo III 10« iftoo MM UM «IM •IM ai.M Vft 00 7» 00 KIM II «100 aft »0 MM «a.m »10.11 »im i« m ism n •i 40 m ••m it m ulm Um •»•• ...... lis ,..., •t oej .....< TUM ..... U»«a M im so m im im i m m im I M i m im im IM • ts iso iso oso ja* im TIS0 I« mm TIS0 —— v TLAČILA -1-. IKH1.A0U.A - Ät f 6lai«kl I Mlad I Č la tlaki I lHa4. oddaiak j addal ir- 1 a.t.. t .,* ••••••S UM «84 ... 84 40 .M Il «IV U.M «M ... U.»I - LM ......... ...... •M ... u. u ......«aa ......... «M ... Tasa 1.40 USM M.M 7 IM ... Il M I.M ......... ...... 7M ... 01 IT ' MM 7M ... , I.M ...... M.M ...... 701 ... «I.M IM ......... U.M ...... 7M «o.a» 10 ...... t.. ,,'.,. t I7.»0 ...... 7«T ... »t IT t 10 ...... r. r..;.., 7M ... M»« ....... a.oo .......... ...... TU ... 17.14 1.10 ...... ........ ...... Til . IM tl IN M.M ,,,,,, TU ... * »I M 110 ll.M ...... .t ...... TU ... TI« ... M.M I« U «O 8 00 . » .. ...... TU ... M.17 ^I.Nl ......... ...... TU ... •lis 10 I4.M • t...... ...... TU ... •TM 1.40 ......... ,,.,,,.« • Tlo ... 1.40 .10 t....... i ........ ...... Tli ... .*. IT M ...t.,.»., •t.... Tli" MM .40 .....i» 84 00 •..... 71» . . 7M ... la to II. II la^n ...... TtT ,.. . a ......• Ta M MM ...... 7U ... TU» •I.M . la sa ...... ...... 7M ... 4MI .M •M.M ...... TIO ... TU TU ... M. M 14. M ' 4181 1 tO 40 t. 00 TS lo • .fc... ...... TM TU .., 10.71 . 10 46 1.40 MM TM ... Uli 4.00 ILO«...... 41.M . 's., v» TM 717 ... UIT • 7.4» .. 11 ».. . e»....., "'"V" ........ ...... TM ... «LM ISO II 00 ...... TM .., 17.81 t...... ,,,,,,, v. ...... 44.00 ...... T«0 ,.'. •Ml ....... ...... ILIO ...... HI .... IT.M ....... ...... 6» »u 7«8 ... 21 4f> ....... ""'""I ........ Skupaj" M1.4TÏ »I IM00.4I I44.IM t«I||M A. VMar. «I tatjttlk. KREDIT ČI.ANOM MLADlNHKKtiA ODDK1ÜA XA ASKHMKNT V DEt EMltKtJ Decent lisr, 19.1,1 ak praalapa « »ddelei. adraalllt It Va»»M dru» im kradli« M». Amisu.iu No Nama Cradll 1 An umi. UUiak........... ......i 110.80 i William Xt.1. l.............'fW »00 - Jannia Maurl............. »»»•«,!. 0.10 • Ludvik Pauli............. M .. .1 1 . 7 60 t Mary PIvlaC............. ......»K i. mo 1 Joaapfc A. Sarimaat ....t. t.00 11 Anna Vakar ............. |0»tt Joku Ovar................ .....wí mo tl Krna Hoakavar,.,,.,..,... ........ lo.fto It Mtaiikanla P.tor..........', t.M K nima lisirtr ............ v 60 it Mary t lan »al ............. mil 4« A mira«« Oaatx-u .,,.,,.,,. ism 40 William Kelti............. ,,,,,,,, » 00 ti Luay Markovlah .......... ........ hm ti Ntav« Ua.lak .,,,.,,,,,,,, . 4, . .'.ft •.m as Vir» In la Urtow«.......... "lift! lb su m K'ianeaa A. l«nt|iert ..... «••«IM« a.m k st lier tu» t^na .........., lil« •t Luvla Nlator ............. m0 Ltlllam rilaa .......'..... »60 141 William Oamakar.......... ms MarparM Oamakar ,,,,.., m.00 141 Bllsatotk Xi^tan.....,.... . •'. 11. 8 0s ht l'aulina Kovoala ,,,,,,,,,, ....... • t m A u t. ai MraSM»v>.......... lit su hi ji«m>k iNltor is so •irrbmi vrihomm «• • « « « « « t •<..»» » III M Juaapk Mliali ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Milit »J t> Ml iti H.^iliia Ki «lak............. ....').. V la 80 im Mar» ................... ........ f 80 Am..,. I'rapr«tl,,..,,,,,,, «.00 Krank Bkarja....... ..... ..,.. í 10 00 iii l'aitorin» JurkiKieh,,,,,,, ..'.. eit., 7 60 114 Ntuktlpk j. lira aa »t ..... •lt.,,** H.liS iii William ClmparM...,,,,,, , i. re-. . . a.m lia i^iutoa hafitpr. ........, im Boaa Mm Hak r ...........t I . .'i , , I , IS.60 im Buaa Ntamplliar ,,,,.,..,. o oo Ml Jok. Vala.MMak>. ..,,.... 1 it o i *. a 410 IM Prank NUrtonk ,,,,.,.,,, Miti I .« *»», t 00 t»a AAdpk K>*Janrlr.,,,,,,,, >,ll,l.. mm • IT 4'hrlslina Boa .,,......... MO M*rka«,.....,,.. ........ o.»u Mary n>«»Hlk nt |4 •m Mary Mlakar, ,,,,„ ni», ,, .... 10.»s "1 Harlh« Wllfan ,,,,,,,, 8 Ml mt Mary SaM|i ,,, >V> • > ,*.*... ...... , , 10 6s •44 l'aulina ^odia.......,..,. .... . .'i . » m •4 T Joaapk IMMlar.,,.,.,,,.,., a M 8»» Allna TmSNM..,,.,»....... .....p ,f loos »M Ana. tl»rksak,.,».,,.,.,. ...... 11 t.M •TT Jannia N roman ,,,,,.,,,, I, »», .#4 IM 4M Ja. tÀt llarlllik.....,,,,,,, ISftO •U Iba» k aalall» ............ '.'.y,y/. i IM M4 Mary l^a.lakar .,.,..,.,, ,.,. ,, 10 M Jannia M<«H»»ar ,,,,,,,, .... -,. 0 60 »M Ohr a Padar ,,.,,....,,>,.. i. «. Af. I0.M J|d»,t Skalar,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i |H|MI SM M4 Mary Valant ............. IM i V JITCOSf.AVIJO l>r«Aó aulaf n« pruea v t.eweva all a Trat K rarr»na vtSitla Juirwlavijti aku«l araAuaaMaki, KK\ Jan 4 rUNTB III SA\tllA.......... " M BKX ...... ................ rak. I «ONT*. Ill a A vol A..... ,. rak I» I »trak I na MtaauUka avaa. U II,»»»». I'ulitlWa apraiMa MuU<(iHtk dtuftlw I.' ilk a|>r«MlJ. ta pr.vll.u odpravi • kllrl« «to* praaalM «lak«mi « Ju*t»lavtio. Ulrakt.a «atn|a « t tal NOMA ..................... .Jas. II Vtll.CANIA ....,............ M II Udobna pualra«ka. livrât M kuklaia. Oalaalla a« pri na «am Maat, all pri ITALIAN LINE. •ITAIIA"—"COSULICH" Ml N. Mt.kl.aa Atta. » fcleata. IB. Cemu trpeti valed SRBEČICE ka pa lala lakka lakaj aalatlla a kazon pasto t Mlatita Sakra Madia prall arkaOM. prkla-!.. alanaSalnaati. lap.M.lai.,|a«a I. «nt|l. nereSnaellat kaMplakanaatl. Ta •drat IIa aa |a Ukaaala, da Ja aMa aapatM, I. aa praSaJa pad lam.itaa« "VBNKMll IlBNAB". t'BNA JN ILM BA I.IINČBB. . KAZON COMPANY 816 It Clark Htrset. Cklesfo. III ŽENE la,al« MaaiaM, IM. all total. »adna «ima^a. .ara«lta m mJ, sh*> k ra laka adra «IIa. cm». aa«aj. H.-H Illa «I ■ vali« papal a tat aaapaajatl MBB. UN KT A LBBBOVAB »0T B. TIfd a«. Na« Y ark, N. V. uaimickvo / zkijiätk Čadu.ttu M, a vila a. »aladf.a p«, »a«a Maki pratovl, aa taSlaa.ia ta kr#. V •aladea. M ra v I kalna )a4ra, ,>ai,a akMU« I. «lall Ml«. IMpravl .l.ianl.a I. nafto ta aaka la krvi. Ta adravlla krap«. I. latoll»« apa«l«. T. la aSramUkl raeapl la Marapa kraja pripravila, r «a|aM lakainUkaM Is* karala,In la trail,, llalla, kara.1. I. Jaaad, Narartla aa ta«.a ,a*pa«illa .. rao kraja Amerik* lana |a ||.M a« alaklanlaa aU «4 M m Irl alaklaalaa. MI JaM«lMa I« pra-paral Pilita naaî M danaa. na .aata« 1 IVAN I.AIINir, lekarnar, 104« Ava., < Meaaa, III. (AOv.J DOMAČA ZDRAVILA », Idami, toa. ta tmpmHámmm aâf-Hta, kstafs prta a aal» »s*. bsle> domači zdravnik MATH. PKZDIR Nas 771, City Mall S4a^ NRW YORK. N. T, PROLKTARRC Jo alov.nakit glaailo loelalUtllae atranks v Amoriki. Vaek dele-vse In rojak, ki as eanlrna aa •oeialiasnt, bi ga moral redao iltsti, ksr vara kale PRAVO RLIKO H4M IAI I7.MA Naročnina anaAa $3.00 m leto, |l.7ft mi pol leta « Naslov: PROI.KTARRC SH39 W. 26th Ktreet CHICAOO, ILI.INOli Pilile pe a al reelk kalifi NAROČITE SI ONiVNIK PROSVETO Pe sklee« lt. redne k».es Iskks esrs#l ne list Preevela le prt* Msjs sds«, dr«, trt, Miri ali pat #U««v I« «m drsllns k sni nar#/.l«L I .tal PrwvsU sisas as va. seske, aa Haas all iw»#ta«. M M rs ma 1*1«« earel* «I««. Ker m fisnl le plelsje pri i*Ms«la II.M s« l«d«lk, ss |le» U prt-éts|s Ii *«r«#«l«l Tor»J ssds) el Tarsia, rsll. ds |e Mort prsdrsg as llsae H. N. P. I. IJst 1're.vH« )e eelp lssl«i«s I« g«Heve )o e ras kl dralle! se-kdo, kl M red MUl IM v ask dea. < mis lisie Prssvsle |si Ks rissre I« Cklsspe }«,,,,,, 17Jf I todslk I«.,,«,,,,,,.».«,, Ml t tedstks ib. ,,.,,.,. »,..., I Isdaéks la.,,,,,,.,,,.,,, » MI 4 ledalks la.,,.....„•«»„ t.76 mimmiii mi U Zdruft. drtsfs la Rseade NM I isdnlk In,,............. iM t tsdnlks le..............; iJ# I (sdelks tm............... ! <• 4 lad.lka le............... I.» I led sikov le............... aH • Is. /.a l.tiojio |e....,.,.....$êM lapMsile siMdsil kspMi, prlMIls p«Hr«4»iie *•»!• dnisrls ail Order r pé»»a le al laarWMe Preevsie, lis«, kl J. vala ls*t«lea. Ps)aaaihe:~Vselej kakor hitre kslerl Uk llsnoe prens4te bill llsa^NPi, aR il m pfilM P9ê9 4mllne la bo astiievei osa svej lisi Uidelk, bede «•eral ttaM Has ta doUéns d retins, ki js tslu» okupno nerojena na daeealR Hroovsto, is takoj naananltl «rravnlltvs lists, In ok*nèm due Isis ti dotilne vaoio liste Peesvsta. A ko tege as store, todo) more aprsvailtoe anlleN Istum as to vsoto nsročnlka. PROU V RTA, SN Pi, lift? Bs. Uvsdsls Avs^ f Mrsgs, |R PrtklMto p*áél|sm ssrWelse as Iis« PrssvMe »»da I D im«_______________________________....___________dreMee M. l'afavMa tsdslk le §• pripMIls k m"|I asfo/sisi mà alrdWIb ilasev a.>e MeMen __________________________________________________tt dr .alta M.......—aM»e Wft ___________ tl.». M. ...... fl dfsMoe M. ................C%. M. Orla*a JMir aereé**-................— «Mi ef religious, phlleeopfc- INN Br-fcw» IP [Ruis Adamic's book about Jugoslavia, "The Native's Return," which Hsrper & Brothers, of New York and London, will puolish on Februsry 1, is a success before It b mibl¡shed. A few day* ago, the Book-of-the-Month Club, the largest book-distributing organization In America, selected the book for its February "book of the month." This means that on the first day of that month the organization will send more than 55,000 copies to ita subscribers, who Include some of the most prominent and influential citizen» of the country. Every "book of the month" selection almoat Inevitably becomes a best-aeller, and it is ex-pected thst in sddition to the Book-of-the-Month distribution, from 20,000 to 50,000 copies of Mr. Adamic's book will be sold in bookstores before the middle of 1034. "The Native's Return" was picked by the judges of the Book-of-the Month—-Dr. Henry Seldel Can by, William Allen White, Heywood Broun. Christopher Morley, and l>orothy Can-field—from among nearly 1,000 titles which are to be published in America during February. It was. moreover, their, unanimous choice. \ The book will appear also in England and arrangements are being made for its tranala-tion, during 19:14, into the Russian. French, Czech, Spanish, and Daniah. SNPJ Federation VERONA, PA.—Last minute instructions for the participants in the SNPJ Federation Bowling Tournament to be held on New Year's Day. Don't forget to brinff copy of the Entry Blank property signed ito Ambridge. The address of Pike's Bowling Alleys, where tfie Tournament will be held, is Fourth st. & Maple wood avenue, Ambridge, Pa. The Tourndment will begin piynoptly at 1:00 p. m. Immediately after the Tournament„ the Federation is sponsoring a dance at the Croatian Hall, Ambridge. The price for the dance including a luncheon unll be 35c. We sincerely hope that all the lodges affiliated with the Federation will co-operate with the Athletic Board \by participating in either the bowling or the dance. ATHLETIC BOARD. ■ Pittsburgh, Pa.—-Keeping step with the New Deal, we have planned one of the largest Federation eventa on New Year's day for our members and their friends — the Bowling Tournament, Luncheon and Dance which will be featured on New Year's day at Ambridge, Pa. (the home of the Revellers). Reports are being received from the lodges, showing great enthusiasm and interest regarding the New Year's day event, which will provide splendid entertainment for oar members. The Athletic board is in charge Of the fowling Tournament. They report that cash prizes will be awarded to winners of all events. Trophies will be awarded to members in the men and women divisions making high scores. The Bowling Tournament will be held at Pike Bowling alleys in Ambrjdge, Pa., and will be started promptly at 1 p. m. The Luncheon will be served immediately after the Tournament. The girls from the Revellers and Excelsiors lodges under the capable leadership of our secretary, Louis Kosela, will have charge of serving a specially prepared Slovene Menu to the membej-s and their guests. corn Special) and what not . . . so with all that and go:d music, and good fellowship ,.. we dare you not to have a good time! The Executive Board of the SNPJ E. S. Federation of Western Penna. extends to all SNPJ members the season's greeting and an abundance of happiness during the New Year. May the joys and happiness of this festive season be with you, your families and friends, and may the spirit of the occasion help us to manifest good will towards all. F. J. Kress, President SNPJ E. S. Fed. W. Penna. • Now then, friends, in order to start the New Year off right, we want you all to come to the Big Dance which will be held at the Croatian Hall, Ambridge, Pa., in the evening. Dancing from 8:30 until you leave. Ernie Vagiae and his orchestra, one of Pittsburgh's most popular bands, have been engaged to furnish the music. Be sure to come. You know the splendid times we always have . . . and Brother Ja-kovac and the committee have exerted themselves to make this the biggest and the best ever. And that's reason enough for every member being there. Brother Grandovec promises lots of refreshments (John Barley- Bwkiys'BKs By Oh Barberton. Ohio.—This department takes pleasure in congratulating "Lindy Lokar" on hia election for President of the 8trugglers. This being .his eighth year, we believe that he has made a record or something. Two more years and you'll be celebrating a decade, Lindy.- We wish you more hick for 1984. — ( The Buckeyea should not forget ttiat on January 27 we are holding our 6th anniversary dance; so atart the New Year out by coming to the first meeting on January <6 and help plan the event. By the way, here's • good resolution every Buckeye should make and NOT break. Re-solved: to come to every meeting of the Buckeyea in -1934! Milwaukee News Milwaukee, Wis.—All aboard for the New Year's Eve Frolic! It will be a merry-go-round with galloping entertainment, with a fanfare of noise makera, with bells ringing and music playing. * You're bound for a tiptop jubilee. With a carload of refreshments, scheduled to take place at the National Clubhouse, at the corner of South Eigth and Weat National ave., New Year's fcve, Sunday, Dec. 81, 1933. Admission will be thirty-five cents. Step aboard! Everybody is welcome. I? Little Fort News Waukegan-No. Chicago.—Our Annual Little Fort meeting, held on December 21, was the best attended of the year, but not as well as it should have been. The important matter taken up was the election of officers for ensuing year. They are as follow: Louise Zelesnik, President; Francea Kirn, Vice-President; Christine Strltar, Secretary; Frances Me-sec, Recording Secretary, Mary Ml-chalski, Treasurer; Angela Dobrovolc, 1st Trustee, Edward Konchan, 2nd Trustee; and Edward Ogrin, 3rd Trustee. The Publicity Committee constats of Tlllie Meaec, Mary Meaec, and Albena Ogrin. The girls have it all over the boys this year since there were only two bo ye elected to hold office. Last year'a officara were very well praised for their work, and now It'a up to the new officers to make a good impression. Anton Konchan is our newly transferred member, being transferred from Lodge No. 14. Refreshments were served after the meeting in real Xmas style by Sis. Marie Gary and Sla. Elsie Gan-tar. gts. Stritar played the piano and we all joined In ainging Xmas carols. Anne Hendricks Is on the sick list Wont you pay her a visitT Next month we will celebrate the installation of offleera by having refreehawnta, which will be served by "Foxy" Mesec, "Duke" Novak and "Ham" Mesec. Don't forget that there are also girla In the lodge, boya. The play. "There Goes the Bride," is coming along fine and should be In tip-top shape by February. Tickets for the Anniversary are being given out and every attempt should be made to sell those given you and even more if poeaible. Sports Club is giving a card and bunco party on January 20 for the benefit of the girls' basketball team. Good refreshments will be served and there • will be many prisee. The tickets are only 25 cents and can be obtained from Frances Mesec, who haa charge of the event. Sell as many aa you can to help the girls along. Now, aince the other two of the publicity committee gave their goodbye speeches, I might as wel give mine. Firat of all, I thoroughly en-Joyed writing theae articlea although I know some of you didn't care eo much about reading them. All in all, I think we've kept up aa well as could be expected and hope the next year'a committee will do as well and even better. -«aye- Old and New 1933 haa been a year of hardship for the members of the Badgers, but as far aa lodge work la concerned, with hard work and co-operation of the membera, the Badgers have progressed. In times of adveraity, in times of depression, when a lodge or a group of members can look back and see what they have accomplished during the past year and see that success has been their ^ reward for their untiring efforts certainly this group should be paid a compliment and urged to keep up its good work and courage. Therefore, as the past year has been so successful, and we are facing a new year, let us resolve to keep up this pep and enthusiasm. Each of ua as members of the lodge and the great SNPJ must contribute everything we are able to widen the progress of the Engliah Speaking Lodges which have suffered unsual hardships during the past few years. Wishing all my fraternal Brothers and Sisters, a very happy and prosperous New Year. Somewhere la Old Aurora Somewhere in Aurora, Minnesota, are two Badgarettes who have gone to their folks to spend the holidays. They are, Frances Zupancic and Alice Glaven. Give my regards to all the folks. Happy New Year to you both. My Appreciation Thank you Dicky, for the lovely card, and everything included. May thia coming year bring you much joy, health and happiness. Toodle-doo. Molly Pogorelc, Badgers Publicity Com mi tec, Lodge 584 Wolverine News , Detroit, Mich.—The Young Americans have challenged the Wolverine keglers to a bowling match. We cannot make a definite reply at the present as we have not been able to get ia touch with all of the Wolverine bowlera, but we will have a reply forthcoming sooa. The Young Americana will celebrate their eight anniversary oa January 6 and 7, 1984, at the 8lorene Home, 487 Liveraoia ave. There ia no doubt that tkeee «**> daya of celebration #fll be a great aucoeea. There will be out-of-town apeakera Coming Events (Serial Dates ml Kagllak »peekin« l/odgea of SNPJ for Dee. and Jaa.) Dae. Veronlan Ledge, No. 880, party and dance at Vsesaa. Pa. Dee. ta-Flood City Lodge. No. 711, New Year's Eve Ball. Jefeaetewa. Pa. Jaa. Ift-Jolly Alii Lodge, No. 88«. card and dance party. Pilgrim hall. Weal AUK Wk Dee. 81— Badgers Lodge, No. 184. New Year's Frolic, 88T hall. Mltwaa- Jaa. I—«. 8. Federation of SNPJ Lodges ia W. Penna holds Bowling Tournament, Luncheon and Da nee at Ambridge, Pa. Jaa- 1—Lodge No. 748 assembles at New Year's Dance at Grachan's, 8722 H E. it h st., Lea Aagelee. Calif. Jam. 8 and 7—Lodge Young Americana, No. 687, St h nnnlveraary celebration at Slovene Home, «87 Liver-nols ave.. Istreit, Mich. Jaa. 20— Lodge Silver Stan 729. 3rd anniversary, Slovene Mall, Take«, Pa. Jaa. 27—Ledge Ramblers No. 718, dance at Harmarville Hall. Harmar- ville. Pa. Jaa. Sa Integrity Lodge <21, eo» anniversary celebration. SNPJ hall. m . at the banquet on the firat night, then, on the following night, one can be sure of an enjoyable night of dancing to good music. Tickets to the event can be purchaaed from any Young American offleera. Let's all be there. t The winner of the door prise at last Wolverine meeting was Vincent Straus, our preeident-elect. We ase by the papers that Ed Potochan, a former Wolverine, was elected secretary of Lodge 292, at A vol la. Pa. Congratalationa. When It cornea to talk about mystery men. I think that Detroit boaata of one who haa no peer—none other Windy—who has contributed __very fine articles to the Probata. Almost every member of the Young Americans and Wolverines haa been aceaaed of bMag this said per-aea. Many admit that they ajpe, which fact makee It all the more complicated. We are still In * quandary as to his identity. A few of the Y. A. Entertainment Committee have been trying to find out who he ia. They would like to have him speak at their Anniversary Banquet. That weald be a treat, and K la probable that they will get him. The entire change In the personnel of the Young American officers for the year of 1084 came aa quite a surprise to almost everybody. Our for year Tha Reporters' Revolt | Whatever else—and there is a great dt • \M may be charged to the credit side of the XR'jfl nothing is more striking and, we hope. Vgnif« cant than the development of newspaper guild! For years every effort to organize the brail workers in newspaper offices has failed r! porters and sub-editors being {oo cowed fcul as we have already reported, the NRa hi made is possible for these white-collar slave! to organize with complete safety. If any ntwl paper proprietors dare to forbid organization! there is at last a superior tribunal to whicll their workers may appeal. At first there wa| considerable resentment on the part of em! ployers. Thus, the Philadelphia Bulletin the Philadelphia Inquirer warned their em! ployees that it would not be healthy for then! to take part in the discussion of the propose! press code before the Deputy Administrator! or to be affiliated with a guijd in so doin J The Editor and Publisher, special organ o] the journalistic fraternity, which depends up] on the good-will of. the proprietors for its ad] vertising support, was a first very doubtful] "Are editorial craftsmen ready for unioniza] tion?" it asked in August last. "We doub] this > . ." Now, in December, the movemen] has spread so fast that the Editor and PubM lisher no longer has any doubts as to whethe] the workers want unionization. As far back] as September it admitted "unrest among edit«] rial workers without parallel in our memory 1 In its issue of November 25 it reporteJ tha J the Cleveland Newspaper Guild had takeJ stepft to organize the craft in the 107 cities ol more than 50,000 population. It is doing this] not only in order to obtain permanent organ! ization, but so that a more determined opposiJ tion may be presented to the newspaper pub-l Ushers when the final hearing on the Iong-I delayed newspaper code take place. It ha.J gone farther than this. It has asked the work] ers in every other department of a newspaper] to organize separately for the purpose of join-l ing the guild, especially the business, adver-l tising, and circulation departments. The guild! reported that it had received applications for chapter status from three other journalistic groups—the employees of the Newspaper Enterprise Association, the Central Press, and the wire .groups headed by the International News Service. At the same time the Newark, New Jersey, Newspaper Guild reported a membership of 126, and its intention to be represented by delegates at the national meeting in Washington, D. C. The New York Newspaper Guild has shown a remarkably militant spirit. On November 15 it resolved that "the freedom of the press is one of the essential foundations of human liberty," thus apparently giving support to the publishers' campaign headed by Colonel Robert R. McCormick of the reactionary Chicago Tribune, who has been exerting himself on behalf of that liberty in a crusade which both General Johnson and the Deputy Ad-ministrator, Profesor Lindsay Rogers, declare to be entirely unnecessary. But then the guild proceeded to aim a savage blow st its employers in these words: Retolved . . . That we do not believe, however, that the newapaper Industry, which sssert» iU freedom from governmental Interference with the newi, or free comment on the news, can rightfully its responsibility to assume, by orgsnixstion under a code of fair practice, the same responsible« for public welfare that other Industrie« sre bunf called upon to assume. This is opposition pure snd simple, for the publishers in the open hesring on the code in Washington on September 22 absolutely refused to accept the government's suggestion that they embody in their code a statement oi fair practices similar to that of other industries. Their attorney informed the Deputy Administrator that they were quite competent to take care of any abuses thst there might i* in their business. They were not moved when John H. Fahey, publisher of the Worcester Post, declared on that ssme occasion that n< "knew of n<\ industry characterized by m<>* unjust agd unfair competitive prsctices than the newspaper industry." The New York Guild evidently does n£ differ from Mr. Fahey in feeling that tas newspaper publishers, now so ««Manly to the freedom of the press thougn nine-tenth of them have connived at unnumersble in * ferences with personsl liberty, fiwio^ speech, and public assembly ever since * ought to sdopt a code of fair prsct.ce withoi a day's delay. We sincerely trust that whe., ih* ^ „ have perfected their organisst.ons tr*y utilize them not only to insist upon fair Ir tices in the business iteelf. but to me* ■ ^ that the editors and owners are conai« . regard to the freedom garsnteed by institution to individuals aa well as to we P The newspapers ought »"¡"«"¿¿^ every time some "red" is denied his cons tional rights. It is a blow at the individual and of the pre- ^J^^o* id&'M'. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27. PROSVETA I The Reveliers' Column ^bridge. Pa.-With almost a cent attendance the Reveller»' Decrmber meeting we» the lengthiest f the year. The new officers for 1934 »re: President Martin F. Spec. I Vice-President John Gaul, Sec'y 'Katharine Rasky. Treasurer Louis Kosela, Rec.-Sec'y George Maletich, Serg.-at-arms Betty Obed, Trustees Wm. Towncimak (chairman), Nick Pavlik, Anthony Grandovic, Jr., Sick Committee Rudy Kosela (chairman), D,n Obed, Kick Pavlik. Edward Rosenberger, Mike Spec, Frank Po-stgs, Rudy Kuhel, Louis Uhernik, Sam and Anthony Cousins, Physician Dr. Fleming an\Publicity Louis Ko-•ela. As the Revellers' Jodge was placed in charge of preparations for the Jan. 1 Federation luVcheon and dance program the followlh*, three who serve as a planning conrmtttlee were also placed in the following\capaci-ties: Chairman of DecorationriV Rudy Peltx, Chairman of Luncheon, John Kerzan, Chairman of Dance, Louis Kosela. The members were unusually responsive in accepting committee positions for the affair. The Excelsiors have also selected some of the girls to assist at the luncheon and dance. Both lodges, Excelsiors and Reveliers, have responded to the call for co-operation exceptionally well. Committee members' should hold themselves in. readiness to assume their responsibilities on Jan. 1. For the SNPJ E. S. Federation conference that will be held in Am-bridge on Jan. 21 the Reveliers have delegated Bros. Kerzan, Pavlik and Towcimak to be the lodge's representatives. The program offered by Chairman Gaul and his committee for the after-meeting social was both hilarious and enjoyable. Two door prizes were offered (winner unknown to the writer). Tony Grandovic won the chair-rirrlinjr-sittipg-rising-walkathon con-teat, with rVnny Ochman as runner-up (sit*' <-downer). Ed Rosenberger fu ushed the music. Chairman Gaul lead the Reveliers' Symphony Orrhestra in a silent half hour rendition of classical airs with the assistance of Martin Spec, who assumed the role of executioner for those not in harmony with the leader. Following the fun the girls served a luncheon. (And in the end quite a number were speaking in praises of the pro* grain.) ♦ • • ALL THAT SORT OF THINGS. The Revs have elected officers for rS? With Comrades the new year. If in December you helped in the election, even it one of your nominees may not have been selected, it's your part to keep fcoing along. If you were one of the two or three absentees you tdb are expected to co-bperate . . . Sec'y Kerxan has given three years of sen-ice in the toughest job within the lodge. Now it is Sifter Rasky who will manage t,he secretarial duties in 1934. . . Frank Zorman, Jr., was elected a trustee in 1932 and vice-president in June 1933. He was one of the lads deserving of credit . . . For my part, I hope 1934 will be a banner year for the Revs, the other E. S. lodges, the E. S. Federation, and the Society as a wholo. . . The Strugglers ought'a give a push to Lindy to renew his articling. . . Jane Fradel's recent con-triba complimentary to the E. S. Federation and Ambridge should be acknowledged. So here goes—Thanks. . . . That Preseren chap's words are welcome in these pages. . . Prexy Spec of the Revs read an item out of Whoozit's column at the last meeting and commented on the lodge that gets 100% support from its membership. The same lad said some nice things about the Revs columns of the paat, and with the membership giving the ,writer the glad hand made it—shall it be denied?—pleasant. . . To Marion Konchan: Sailing isn't exactly in my line, but under a good Commodore the trip should taatpleas-ant. . . If you notice a smoky atmosphere in Cleveland on Feb. 10 you'll know Kosela and the cigar's in town, . . With you, Commodore, knowing who the Two Beacon Rachelorettes are—I knowing them, and the editor knowing their identities—, well, the Bachelorettes better behave themselves, at least in writing. . . The tournament, I predict, will draw a thcong of SNPJ enthusiasts into Ambridge to the Pike Bowling Alley (at Fourth Bt. & Maplewood ave.) in Jan. 1. The dance hall (Croatian Hall, Merchant st.) will be packed. Ernie Vagias' eleven piece orchestra will assure the best in dance music . . . Last week I omitted the Rev entrants in doubles events. They are Denny Ochman and Dan Obed. . . The Excelsiors have written that some twenty members will at-tejjdj the Comets, fifteen; the Revs, everyone. . . And now at 3:45 a. m., so long until again. . . Louis Koaels. - Mr. Ewolski of the Commodore, trying to sell the Comrade girls t*k-eta to their dance.—Lodge Comrades purchase dozen aah trays with SNPJ insignia. Members may buy them when the Sec'y. gets them.—A new publicity committee should be ap-pointed.—Laat but not least—we wish all the writer» of the Prosveta and all SNPJ membera a very happy and successful New Year. Saint and Sinner. Excelsiors Lodge No. 721 W. Aliquippa. Pa.—Our annual lodge meeting was unusually well attended. The officers elected are: Frank Struble, President; Tony Mi-chic, Vice Pres.; Matilda Derglin, Secretary; Elizabeth Smrekar, Treasurer; Mike Zekrasek, Rec. Sec'y.; and Joe Michic, Sergeant-at-arms. On the Auditing Committee: Josephink Slvic, Chairman; Mary Somonich, an/Mary Smrekar. We hope that thekVoffi-cers, including ourselves, will serve our lodge as faithfully in the future as they did in the past and with the help of each and every member raise our lodge to far greater heights. The howling epidemic has taken Aliquippa by storm. Both girls and boy» have entered their names for the tournament on Jan. 1, at Ambridge. None of them claims to be an expert, but they are I taking a chance at the sport regardless of whether they win or lose. All paths lead to Ambridge Jan. 1 for a good time! Do you knew that: Tony M. can be found at Paradiee Gardens any Sunday nite? . . . Victor ia spending his spare time learning the "Granish" lingo and at the same time mastering the "Granish" hop. . . Noticed Jane Fradel back in the news racket. Glad to 'see her in these pages again. . . Paul Y. Slovene tongue is complimented on wherever he goes. A Keen Obaerver. Jolly AMIs Weal A His, Wia.-Think of the swell time we're going to have st the Badgers' New Year's Frolic, Dec. 31. at the South Side Turn Hall. I hope to see a lot of the Brothers and Sisters of the Lodge there. It's indeed good^ news that the Stalwarts are to continue as a lodge. Congratulations! We are very glad to hear this because of the wonderful hospitality we have received from them during our past social and athletic relations with, them. By the way, folks, don't forget our card party Jan. 1W at Pilgrims hall at So. 72nd and W. Greenfield. There will be a prise at every table, dancing and refreshments, I see by the papers that the girl»' basketball team lost their fir»t game of the season. Dont' let this dis-hearten you. Your victories will be much. »Wfiler after tasting the bit-terness of defeat. FLASHES Chicago, -Cool weather and a nice bunch of yotinir folks greeted the Pioneers on their first Xmas Dane«, Sat., Dec. 23. But it seems that people like to stay home the night before Xmas. e e e i Noticeable, more thin anything else, was the absenee of the old folks. Despite the fact that we had Pettk's two-piece "kranjaka" orchestra in the "subway," especially reserved for them, only a few attended. Being the night before Xmas ttiey were all playing the role of Santa. However, the young folks made good use of both orchestras, upstair« and down stairs. After 1.00 a. m., when the Merrymakers had ceased playing up stairs, they all flocked into the base, ment, there to prance to Petek'a Cleveland, Ohio.—Our annual election held on Tues., Dec. 19, certairfly was a big affair. We've seen some Comrades for the first time. Members that never come to our monthly meetings came to our annual meeting und we had a nice crowd. Of course, there are always some members thut just can't come to even one meeting, but since they won't come of their own accord, it's just their hard luck and they wonder why only the same members are always on committees and hold office». We noticed that even tho' some new people were nominated for various office», they refused to run, and the officer» that were elected for the Comrade Lodge for the year 1934 are all old-timers, that i« all except one or two and even these have held smaller portions in the Comrade Lodge. After about »ix nominee» for Pre», 'dent five declined the nomination», leaving Joseph Fifolt our new Pre»l-dent for the year 1934. For Vice ''resident we elected John Alich. We know he i» very capable and will do h's utmost a» Vice Preaident and ' hairman of entertainment commit-For Secretary we retained Otto '••kautz and a« Recording Secretary Teresa Turk was chosen with Frank Truden as Treasurer, ■ Ahd now watch the Comrade» go pl»c«a! To continue with th« election», Mr. Kruman, Mr. Zorman and Mi«» Alice Belinger were elected for the Audit-•ng Committee. For delegate» to the Federation Bro». Vehar and Jarc were selected. John Alich remained 'n the office of delegate to Club Dru-*ur I,odge will not take part in the event. before. I>u«' to the death of Bro. I4iwreiir<* Lotrich Sr., our r«gul«r supervisor and general all-around manager, Don aid J. Lotrich, was not present. "Doe" Nachtman with the assist siu -ure that this new group of of. vou sav Loul»? fleers will co-operate, with the best you say, uoui.i | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ MthM)j|flm Don't forget you members about monthly meeting on Jan. 7, 1934, u\ 7 p. m. sharp. The J. I. Jrs. Lodge (W2 extend to all I^odges a happy and prosperous New Year. Frank J. Amhroslc Jr. Friendly City Johnalown, Pa. -The elections are over. The following were elected to IN MEMORIAM The Pioneers were cast into sorrow last week by the death of Brother Lawrence Lotrich Sr., member of our Lodge. He paseed away unexpect-edly on Dec. 21, 1983, at 0:50 a. ». Uwrence Lotrich Sr. we» 47 year» old at the time of hi» death. He wa» buried at the Bohemian sister Albina Bombatch, Trees. The entertainment committee ii: John Volk, John Gabrenja, Josephine Volk, Jennie Bombatch, Sophia Biles. |y, Els!« Culk«r. They «r« a bunch of good workers «nd we c«n d«pend on them for some good times this coming y««r. They'll have a surprise for u« nest meeting, which fait» on every »econd Sunday In the month, the meeting to »Uit at 7 o'clock in the evening. You can depend th«t N at I© n«l" Ce nTe te ry "on £ ZulZ'fZ 26, 1933. Six Pioneer, .erved a. don't mia. It. A If or th. fun hi. __ a jI' „,„„_ ».tf s for member» only for J«nu«ry. pallbearers. Addrea»«» were made uy, •• <>r (h# ¿anee U i|ohn 0|lp> „n that we ran lie proud of It. Now lt'> your duty, memlwrs, to earns to the meetings, and your part. Those members who are at present in a rear with due. are usktd to pay up all bark dues, and also December dues, Notice from Supreme office urge. u. to Mind In our due. early m> that the book, may lie closed for the current your. The Secretary's hooks also must lie balanced beforv the newly elecUal secretary will accept them. Upon resignation of Cha.- Berry as the be.ket ball manager, Hilly Travnik will take hie place, Other) deiallo of the basket ball team, etc., will appear in the Proaveta from time Ui time. Thus* Interested may get Before the new officer, take over their duties, the auditing committee must audit all hooks and take inventory! this «hould lie done »mm mi that the new officer, will hav« everything to date. The celebration of the Young American Rth Anniversary will lie the largeot event In the hlotory of Y. A'., which lo to take place on the 0th «ml 7th of January 1934. Ticket, are »«lltng fast and those who do not h«ve tickets and want th«m, should get them now, becsuMi only « limited number will be wild, The ticket, are 11.00 for the two day o«iebr«tion. On Saturday the tlth, the b«nqu«t will lw held, «nd ther« will be « guest sp««ker from Chicago, Supreme Sec'y from SNPJ, Fred A. Vlder, Play, and other entertainment will lie featured. Hun-day th« 7th, the ltirthd«y Dane« will lie in progress. A lieautiful souvenir liooklet io Ik-Ing printed, and we must give «11 the credit to Hilly Travnik, who has worked mighty hard, tu. secure ads to help pay for It, '' The howling tournsmont by the R. H. Federal ion of West«rn Penna scheduled for Jan. I, should prove s great success, Years «go Chicago lodg«. held howling tournaments to which all lodges wer« «oked to par« tlripate. Y. A '» sent their teamo on several oecaoiun». The good old day», where friendship and frster. nallsm reigned. May I wish thla tournament great suee«»» in Ihelr achievement, «nd I sure Would Ilk« to lw there. Those memtier» who have been Minding In their due. by mall, will kindly M*nd your 1934 due. to the new Hac'y, Ray Travnik, at I724P Cameron, Detroit, Andrew (irum Jr., I/»dg« 604, Stalwarts TO TIIK MEMBER* Of TtIK STALWART LOÜGK • 4210 Sheridan rd., K«nu«ha, Wis. (Out-of-town game, prefered.) Th« Stalwart« wish ta «¿tent the s#a«on'» wishes to all the lodge, of the NNPJ Ht Daddy'« Hen«. Wls.—Our neat meeting shell lw held on Jan II, 1934. At the home of Mrs. Mary Coajykow-skl, 923 40 St. Be »ur« te sttend the meeting of most importance There «hall airo he s oot-lal gathering after meeting «s thi» I. th« fir«t meeting of the year, a. Il will be of greet There .hall al»o be a «social gathering after the meeting, flash. Os» Turk, started the bell rolling. Ile I» our naw Pre»y. But he need» a little help from the members. Osle Od«r and his colleague are answering his appoel far help. And. howl We are for better meet ing «nd s still better hidge We érould like to »tart the new year right, with s bang snd with a l»ad one at that. We doa't espect to reach our former ^«ge of preelige Inven« or twe months," but we do intend te gat there within good time end stay there. The Roman empire wasn't InilH In « day, aor wa« It rebuilt, after Ite fall, neither were the *talw«rt« but ta differ with the Roman» we shall rebuild- In order to build up the lodge we sll agree that publicity M an imi'ortaat Ram. Wr also know thai mut only must we gel aew members bet we aiuM )**,.< all the branches ef the lodge, ta croate an iaterael la all sport loving people who «an net rertet a party new aad then We than have r*»d peint« ta «ppeoarh ear pre«peHs with Far that reason, we woe id like any lodge with a basket hell team i» write aad get la cantad with «Mr Athletic IMreriwc Gas Turk, HprlngileM, III- Where to New Year's KveT On Dec 31, the Dom win sponsor a big dance, «nd Invite« you all to com« and help eelehrate the peoalng of 1933, and welcome the New Year. Santa will he there, «nd dancing wMI continue until 11:1« s. m. A monster crowd lo «lnrer«ly looked forward lo.^ltut neVertheleM, lie our« you come. The la«t oil months hav« been prat-, ty good month, for the Dem. lttf»y evening, at the Ifem With th«. operation of the geag, We're going to pat It acme«. We esiend oar keertfett «ympethiee to Mr« Ueirsi« Letrirh, Donald, lee renee, Freak and K lee nor, family of Ike recently deeeaoed l-ewi Lut rick present Br. all of Ch aim 1« Ihelr s About This and That VOICE OK THE INTEGRITY Chicago, III.—It ha« been • Ion« time «ince I h*d anything to any. But now the time haa come when I of n vague somebody, who, aa far na they were concerned had no connection with the locnl SNPJ branrh nt Library. We know now, that though am forced to »ay n few things con-1 the man ia dead, the ideas for which cerning the Federation of the SNPJ. it's not that I am again«t Federations, becauae i am not. I believe in belonging to one myself but not any of them that they have these days. They »11 take, but never give; feed you a lot of promises, but you can't live on a promise Unlay. I suppose all the members remember what happened to the la«t Chicago SNPJ Union! Well it wit a total flop, 'iney promised a lot of things, but did just the opposite. They »aid they helped a lot of ooel miners in Illinois with the money they got in, which they might have don«. But I don't see why they didn't take care of their own members like they should have done. I believe that when a union of lodge» has enough he stood are still in exietence, and worthy of emulation. Dr. Zavertnik himself proved to be delightful personality—« o n g e n 1 n 1, courteous, learned, modest, and a friendly con-versionalist. I am sure that everyone enjoyed hia presence, and that we shall look forward to future viaita from him. Again, Dr. Zavertnik, the J. Z. Jra. of Liberty thank you. Aynik and Traven were "the gravy" on the program. The bril-liant sketch, "Hired and Fired," which was presented by them was worthy of the Toudeat applause. It was witty; it was well played; the actors were well auited for their parta, and acted them like professionals. Without their aid, we must admit, that PROSVETA money to upend they should spend it! there would not have been any prog-on the needy of their own lodge. | ™m and even the kind efforts of Dr, I know several ease* where the Zavertnik would have been waited and members got suspended for being be-1 belittled by the mediocrity of the J. Jilnd with their dues and the lodge Z. Jra. performance. Aynik and Tra- had money galore. They had enough money to help outsiders, why didn't they help their own lodge like they ven, however, brought the program to a fitting close, and made the after-noop at leaat partially aatisfactory should have done? Well, the answer to the audience. In the evening, of to this question is that when money jcourae, the Cleveland retinue waa juat ia spent out of town it is not eaaiiy •« cheerful aa in the afternoon, and to "hit the hay" and othera didn't. one time waa the Veroninu ink- alinger. We thank you! Following a nite of whoopee we journeyed on at 11:30 p. m. to Library and atopped at the home of Frank and Frances 8trimlan. Here we received a warm welcome and meale that will never be forgotten by the Bencona. We went to the "Gra-nish" (Slovene) Hall where we enjoyed the afternoon program im menaeiy. Evening aoon came and everything that goes with it. Here (it ia the belief of your dot and daah er), never aince the day the SNPJ convention adjourned, had ao many English speaking delegatea of the Eaatern states met. Thoae present were: Henry Prevk, August Riaka, Louis Koaela, Jakob Dolenc, Joeeph Stefancic, Dr. Zavertnik, and your acribe.—The J. Z. Juniors had a won dtrful crowd at their birthday jamboree, among the lodges represented were: Comets, Keyatoniane, Revel iers, Silver Stars, Veroniana, Beacons, and Siatera Yamnik, once right hand supporters of the Lucky Stare. But where were the Musketeers, Ramblers, Morning Stara, Torchea, Yough Valley Knighta and the Quacka? The Dialoyal Disorder of the Fleaa was well represented. Time flew and even though the bottlea were all taken care of, and emptied, we could not aay "So Long." This continued until it waa almoat daybreak and time to retire. Some went Forest GHy Hows traced and no one knows how inyeh is really spent. —^ I know a number of members that got suspended or put on the passive list (which there isn't much difference) that would keep up their dues if they had work. But everyone knows that some people are leas fortunate everyone shall long remember their antica. To the Beacons we give our thanks; to actors Aynik and Traven we doit our hats; to all of you we say, "Thank you." Local Newa litems:—Perhaps not the least important development in this community within thé last few than others, so why not give them montha waa the election of Bro. Lud- a chance too? Everybody knows that vick A. Zupancic of Broughton, Pa., when anyone has a job he wouldn't to the office of Tax-Collector of quit it just to get his dues paid by Snowden township. Zupancic ia well the lodge. I sbppose everyone knows known to many of you aa the "Vags- that when ^ member is suspended he bond of the SNPJ," for hia many and ia through. * Well, to tell you the fact, long hitch-hikes into all parts of Am- there isn't much difference in a pas- erica are pretty generally known, slve member, and I'll tell you why. But, we seldom hear of him in hi* When a member is on the paaaive list more aerioua momenta. He waa form- he hasn't a chance to vote, he doean't erly Secretary of the Keystonians receive sick benefit and hia insurance lodge, but achool preaaure haa aince is canceled if he dies. The months force him to abandon the poaition. drag on and when the time ia up he Lud. ia at present a senior in the has a certain amount of money to Law School at the University of pay on his back duea besides'hia reg- Pittsburgh and will aoon be ready to ular dues which will make the mem-J apply for admission to the Bar. He ber realize that he can get into an- graduated from the College of the other lodge or insurance for only a Univeraity of Pittsburgh in J931, at few dollara. So that'a why I think the age of twenty, one of the young- that he lodge should look after their eat to graduate from that achool. In own membera first if they want a college hia record waa above average lodge. Each lodge should have an in- throughout, and now, in Law achool veatigator with power to investigate hia work haa been even more exemp- whether or not the member ia really lary. It ia no wonder, then, that the in need of the aupport. people of Snowden Townahip have de- At our December meeting we had cid«d to entrust the collection of a representative from the Federation tttxes to him. present, whom I think we made an| Weet I'enn Bowling Tournament:— enemy. But I am very aorry, Brother Socially, the outstanding future func- John Rak. I am quite aure you mean tion in thia vicinity will be the Bowl- good, but I hope that by ua not enter- jng Tournament to be ataged at Am- ing the Federation will not make ua bridge on January 1, under the aua- enemies. We have to be cautious of pjceil 0f the English Speaking Fede- the many miatakes we make these ration of Western Pennsylvania. All daya because they are too costly. We affiliated lodges are acquainted with haven't a thing againat you but there the details of the program. There are others that can't be trusted; at will be a Bowling Tournament in the least I dont. (Juat a few, not man- afternoon, to which all participants tloning any names.) The Integrity wiu be admitted free, and in the Lodge stands behind Ita name. We evening a luncheon and dance will be don t believe n politics and federa- giv«n, both at a nominal fee. tlons of your kind. We ve been going along swell till now, and we'll still be going when you're dead. (I think I'll have to change the subject to make It short because I could write a book on the work that has been going on in the last four or fivu years.) We had an average attendance at our last meeting which gave us a chance to elect officers for the coming year. We will 'have all new officers except one, and I hope It will be a successful year. After the meeting we had beer as usual, which was donated by the officers of IMS. Concerning girl»' basketball. I as manager of the F.rlc Clothlerr would like to bonk a few game* with different lodge* in the city and out. fall Rrunnwlck 2417, or »end me n card and well make arrangements. Albert Koycht. Ixxlge Ml. OBSERVATIONS ON WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Library, I'a.—Although 1 must admit thai my inexperience and medi-ocrity na newspaper eorreapondent makes my statemrnta somewhat bor-ing; yet, I »hall venture to Htate a few fact» which may or may not Verona, Pa.—Thia ia the last reminder for the Veronians' Big Annual New Year's Dsnce to be hold on Saturday, December 80, at the Costa Hall, Front at., Verona, Pa. A very popblar orcheatra haa been engaged and all the neceaaary arrangements have been made to make thia dance the Veroniana' outatanding affair of the year. The committee alao advises they are making elaborate preparations to make your viait with the Veroniana one of the most enjoyable yet. Won't you raaerve that day fbr the Veroniana and an evening of fan and dancing you will not forget for a long time. Remember the date, Saturday, Dec. 30. We'll be aeein' yuh. The Veroniana' final meeting of the year waa held a few days ago. With the exception of a few minor offices, moat of the officera were reelected. Perhaps it would not be amias-to say a few words in. regard to the paat year which the Veroniana have completed. They can point with pride to the fact that they have increased their memberahip during the past year and have been very active; this in spite of the many obstacles to bo overcome. Fmiii our obaervation and experience in lodge work we find that the President and Secretary of a lodge, as a rule, are uaually burdened with a majority of the reeponaibility and a large portion of the detail work. Upon them ia dependent to a large extent the success of thoir lodge. If they are active and take a wholehearted interest in their work, then the lodge is practically aaaured of succesa. With thia in mind we offer a few worda of commendation our Preaident, Matt Kern, and Seerotary, Joseph Stefancic. They both worked unceasingly during therpast year for the Veronians, and the members take this opportunity to extend their sincere appreciation. Alao a few words of praise are due to Steve Rafiy and Paul Kirn through whoae untiring ef-forta the Veronians' Muahball team enjoyed auch a successful season in 1038. They were Captain andXMan-ag»-r of the team. They are alao active in the lodge, Steve being Vice President and Paul the Chairman of the Trustees. Bill Radojcich ia back from woods again; thia time to stay. He has secured a job and has severed hia connectiona with the Foreat Army, ber* of the lodge extend their utmoU, Leaving Cleveland in the early part The Veronians are preparing to in-appreciativv thank* to all tho»e who'C)f the afternoon we headed for V.r-•o kindly gave of their time and m.»-1 i»,., fttt#nd a ^^ h#,d by ney to help make the affair » »ucce«». the SNPJ Veronians. No. «80 We But, even more, wr are Indebted to arrived at the home of Joe. Kern, our friend* from Cleveland and Chi-, who la preaident. at about six o'clock.,........... cago without Whooo cooperation no Time went fast and we soon atarted i secure some of the prises being program would have been possible. I t„ Coato Hall. Here we met many awarded by the Tournament Commlt-am aure that our feeble effort* mould Veronians and a few other local lodge tee. Spectator. have made the afternoon a dismal representative». Hours were very _ failure, if Dr. John J. /.avertnik of v.ry ,h,,rt, and long before we con-| EDITOR'S NOTE Although I advocated an entirely free program, I am firmly convinced that there are many poaaible benefits in such a program,( and am heartily in favor of it. The importance of the affair ia selfevldent. It will make it possible for the members of the many lodges associated with the Federation to meet new friends and to join with them in good fellowship. It will rejuvenate the lugging members, indi-vidua!» and lodge», by presenting a program which is suitable to all. Finally, It will help to reestablish the Federation as a worthy institution, by proving to skeptics and cynk», like myself, that the Federation has not forgotten one of the main purpose» for the existence of the Federation, namely, promoting good fellowship. If finances and circumstances permit, you will find it to your benefit to reserve a date for the Bo wling Tournament in Ambridge on January First. Frank Bolte, I,odge 682. A TRIP TO WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA By Max F. Traven Cleveland. O.—It was Wednesday, But believe it or not, that our pal John Aynik could not find hia way, until about six the next morning. Good luck, John! "Spaga'a" clock atruck twelve and we were forced to depart, but your carbon allnging acribe can aaaure you that they will never forgot the J. Z. Juniors. Especially Mrs. and Mr. Strimjan, parents of "Spaga," and Francea, Mrs. Kosaon, Mr. and Mra. Ocenek, and other J. Z. Juniors who made our viait a delightful one. Many thanks to Mra. Strimlan for her wonderful hoapitality; we hope that aome day we may be able to repay it. The aeven Beacona schemed to kidnap the young Revelier Louis Koaela, but failed. Under no circumstancea would he accept our invitation to travel to Yukon with ua. (To bo concluded.) Veronians prove interesting but which sre, nev. N„v. 20, IMS, that your scribe and ertheles», proper at thl» time. hi» wandering Beacon», namely John First of all I must thank everyone Ayn|k, Anne Traven, Mary Hocevar, of the countless number who parti-1 Frank Votk, France» Hocevar, and Cipated in the celebration of the Tony Sara decided to leave for Ver-Fourth A.,mver»ary of the "Jo»eph „na. Pa., and the stamping grounds ■/.avertnik" SNPJ Lodge. The mem- of the J. Z. Juniors. By Joeeph Draaier Per eat City, Pa__A nice crowd of forty-aeven members turned out for Lodge No. 124'a yearly meeting. The following officers were elected for the new year: V. Germ, Pres.; J. Draaier, Vice Prea.; F. Ratic, Sec.; L. Saaaoe, Roc. Sec.; A. Goatisha, Treas.; Auditing Committee: A. Draaier. Chairman; V. Meheltz, J. Kagoe. Representatives to the WEDNESDAY. DECF.MRFE „_ Lodge News Not es SHIP AHOY—NEW BRANCH AHEAD r\ Lorn Angeles, Calif.—Lodge No. 743 SNPJ, a new, recently organized branch, have certainly accompliahed something worth talking about. Consisting of an enrollment of thirty -eight members and already obtaining Federation five new membera. theee facta have meetihga : L. Sassoe, F. Draaier and been the moat eaaential. A. Goatiaha. * Some of our active young membera were quite buay after the meet- We are holding our monthly meet-inga the firet Sunday of the month at 2 p. m., thai) next meeting to be ing diatributing copies of Proletaroc held on January 7. vade Ambridge o«C January 1 for the Fvderation'a Bowling Tournament. A bua haa boon chartered with Cometa of Universal and they will travel to-i-ether to Ambridge and attempt to hwago. and John Aynik. M»t Tra- ,id«.ied leaving the orcheatra played Due to th« mason's ru.h a nUmK,r ven and the.r retinue from Cleveland.1 i|„mr Sweet Hom. Th. a.v *Vm # . »oaaon • ruah a number j ... • "«"»•• Tl»e day still of communication» Intended for th a had not Wen on hand to give u* their being young, we decided to go to a U.uc „„hod our office at the time Ï; /a vert mW wa. the .„..t., . T T T,"- who* *e t» press. They will Dr. Kevertiflk we. the speaker . f owned by the Veronlan secretary. Jo», he published In next week's issue th. afternoon. He gave a brief hut Strf.nck. Here wa stayed until the P ,MU#' very comprehensive address on g.n- wee hour. of the morning. The "Une Rrnwii „„.. . . . ___ eral fraternal matters, especially Star." your soribe bel eves la well HroW1>" « • wonderful what aome stressing the character of the late»*r»«l hv J,. S*...*KirK ,.f fi., Insecta eon do. A grasshopper eon Joseph Zavertnik. his father, and th. ^^ jKàÎTÎÂ? ¿SCÎLE T"' man whom our Lodge named. ! «trat«* ht. vocal chord, a few years That snet h Ing : I end For the fir.i „me the member, of „„„. „„ lhal th„ rM< of th, Jp he ÎJTTf. Ï? ¿ÄT"1 once saw thieo , „ , . - . 71, "SW. *'■•» »fir rw O! I ne irip ne | J * J" man 'could hardly .p.«k. We received °ff th* KrWtnd and aelling the Ameriiki Druiinaki Koledar. ,, j A abort time ago, we in Foreat City had the great pleasure of meeting our own well-known Jugoalav-American writer and author, „ Lou ia Adamic. Every Slovene in America will do well to read Louie Adamic'e book on Jugoalavia which will be out in the near future. After completing his book on Jugoslavia, Adamic ia to go on a nation-wide lecture tour, taking aa hia aubject "The Relation of the Immigrant to Contemporary America." Every Slovene, foreign or American born, 'ehould avail himself of the opportunity to hear Adamic. Many worda of praiae for the 1034 iaaue of the Ameriiki Druiinaki Koledar are heard from ita local read-era and already we have local talent rehearsing for Ivan Molek'a "Nova Igra" (New Deal) which will be put on by membera of Lodge No. 27, SSPZ, during their 26th anniversary celebration. Among the membership of Lodge No. 124 we are fortunate in having a well-known high achool instructor who, we recall, madg a reputation for himaelf while in coflfege aa a feature writer of the college paper. And now we ask you, Joe, now about an occaaional article for the PROSVE-TA? Membera of Lodge No. 27, SSPZ, are going to make a big time of it on February the tenth celebrating their 25th Anniversary. They requeat that all SNPJ and other local lodgea arrange their dancea ao aa to avoid con-flicts. Only too often two and even three local lodgea have Bponaored dances on the same night ending up with a handful of dancers on each floor. I believe that some central organization or body in our town, poaaibly the city council could handle thia matter in such a manner aa to avoid two dancea being held on the same evening, simply by having all the organizations in the town announce the date on which they would like'to hold é dance to the town council who would 'act aa a governing body to grant the date if it were open and refuae the date if it had been already asked for by some other organisation. The painting entitled "A Wayside Garden," is well chosen art for SNPJ'a 1034 wall calendar. Last night, from two to three a. m., we worked at digging a communication trench between our front lines. In the darkness, which waa but faintly Jit by the moon behind the clouds, the battlefield of our last advance preaents an extraordinary aight. There la nothing to be seen ou the gashed and torn-up ground but every kind of wreckage and ruin. Guats of the amell of corpaes. The .Germans work unwearingly every night from six p. m. to aix a. m. A hundred hammera atrike the boring bars and the hundred minea explode in the night. Thia work mnkes no grent impression on ua. We know that nothing will reaist the action of our artillery. A gray sky thia morning. Ten a. m.; a somewhat weary resumption of heavy ahell fire. The concert becomes more lively aa the horizon clears.—From MY WAR DIARY—.Benito Mussolini. What con yon expect from a War maniac who writes about war in thia manner, I aak you? And another thing—we are having a New Year'a Eve Dance at the Gra-chan'a and we expect everyone to turn out. Place ia located at 3722 Vk East Fifth Street. Outaide of modern dancing there will be koloa and good old-faahioned dancing. We guarantee a good time, and that'a aaying eomething. Dancing begins at 8 p. m. until—? And atill another thing—I forgot to mention the new officera of our Lodge No. 743 for the coming year: Tony Jakavich, Preaident; Vince Cha-dez, Vice-President; Frank Graekan, Secretary; Chariea Lanky, Treasurer. We owe our appreciation to Brother Frank Grachan for hia efforta and undertaking in atriving to build up thia new lodge. He aeems to put a new spirit in the lodge and our members are for him 100%. So much for Lodge No. »743 and until next i, week you'll be hearing from uo again. Anna Grachan, Reporter, Lodge No. 743. GO WAN DA BOOSTERS Gowanda, N. ^ Y.—The following officers were elected at our meeting of December 21, to lead ua during the year of 1034. Preaident, Joseph Wal-gus; Vice Preaident, Joaephine Klani-car; Financial Secretary, John Mate-kovich; Treasurer, Joseph Zakaitys; Recording Secretary, Mary Zakaitys, re-elected; Sergeant-at-*rms, Jennie Walgus; Chairman of the Auditing Commjttee, Frank Oman; Chairman of the Publicity Committee, Louia Klucik. With such a dependable group of officers the year 1934 should be very suoceaaful for ua. Congrat-ulationst Membera, please notice that our meeting date has been changed from the Third Thursday to the second Tuesday of each month. It won't be long now before the day of daya will be here. 1 mean our "Third Anniversary. Dance," of course. The committees have all been appointed and we feel aure they will each do their work to the beat of their ability. The orchestra is still an undeckjfid question, though we have a committee out to find one that witl be sure to pldase thoae who attend this dance. The admlaaion ia to be 35 cents for gents and 26 cents for the ladies. The Ticket Selling Conteat Captains again requeat that those having tickets pleaae report to their captains as soon aa poaaible. The girls gpt off "to a good atart and are believed to be leading at the present time, but we must keep up the good work, girls, if we expect to win. i Three new members were proposed at our annual meeting ending the year with a bang. Let'a start the New Year the same way, gang.— Wishing everybody a happy and prosperous New Year. Amelia Andolaek. RAMBLEK REPOSINUK ' Harmarville, Pa.^The R^u are sponsoring a dance M j 1034 at the HarnwrTiiie Haj*n' j^?' freahmenta and music will L X" beat. All attendants wiiu'I ££ ia only *c per person. ^ J get your quarter's worth, folk, I take this opportunity to thant Bro Louis Kosela for the C.rd £ r,!i,inr me *ood >"k good health. I appreciate your kind u"ul I/? J>ro*re8»'n* along the Health Highway at a rapid clip The Ramblers held their meeting on Dec. 17, and elected the followilj officers to conduct the busine*« ior the ensuing year: Joseph Komat* Pres.; Tony Kaus, Vice Pres.; j0*ph Langus, Sec'y.; Anna Witkoviu Treas.; Eva Witkovits, Rec. Sec\ • John Kapron, Chairman, Auditing Com.; Charles Kitchen, Sergeant-at. arms. Meetings are to be held ever* third Sunday at 3 p. m. In order that our meeting will not conflict with the Federation Confer-ence, the January meeting will be held on the aecond Sunday at 3 p. m You will be informed about the meet-ing place in a later article. All mesi-bera muat attend at leaat one meeting every three montha. i Let'» iee all of you at the next meeting. Rambler Joe. Oakmont. Pa.—With the last meet-ing of the year over, and the new offices for the coming year elected, we, the Ramblers, can hope to make 1934 a success if we can get the cooperation of all, which includes evei? member with no exceptions. Give your /lodge, at least for one year, your whole-hearted support and watch us get ahead. At the last two meetings, a Rambler affair, those which are few and far between, was discussed and with a committee now appointed and an admisaion price aet, you can watch for definite announcements to be given later. Let'a all make aome good resolutions for the new year in behalf of our lodge, try to get new members, have a co-operative interest, and attend the meetings regularly. Anna and Eva Witkovits. LABOR RALLY IN SNPJ HALL NEXT FRIDAY Chicago.—Joseph Martinek from Cleveland and Owen Geer from Chicago will speak next Friday, Dec. 29, 8:00 p. m., in the SNPJ Hall under the Socialist auspices. Martinek, a leading Socialist in Cleveland, will talk about the old age pension which the workers of Ohio have secured at the last election. He will tell us how they did ami what they got—with a moral for us in Illinois. Owen Geer will apesk on unemployment insurance. Everyone invited to this mass meeting, to which there is no admission. Committee. ALL STAR CAST Detroit, Mich.—The Slovene Work-era' Horn? presents on Sunday, Dec. 81, at 3 p. m„ a 3 act musical comedy "Radikalna kura" (Radical cure). Beside the comical prose, we will hear beautiful songs J^ifsted by dancing. Aa usually, after the play there will be dancing in both hall«. Slhrer Creacenta orchestra will enter-tain. F. Ceaea.. World of Labor IMPORTANT MEETING MORE JOBLESS Unemployment in the United Statea incrcaaed by 11,000 between September and OcWber, according to calculation of the American Federation of Labor baaed on government and union figurea. The Federation eatimated the number of jobleas aa 10,076,000. The government reported an increase in employment of one-tenth of 'one per cent between September and October in the industries it eovers. The moat pronounced -gaina in indi vidual industries were aeaaonal gains in the beet sugar and radio Indus tries, according to figurea of the U. 8. Department of Labor. Payrolls in the aame period increaaed only aix-tentha of one per cent, "appreciably leaa than the average increase shown in October over the preceding 10-year Interval," the department said. HIT STRIKEBREAKING AGENCIES Legislation to prevent the trana-portation of strikebreaker and a Congressional Investigation of agon-cies which specialise in providing ecaba, are aaked ia a roaolution adopted by the recent American Federation of Labor convention. The convention directed attention to the practice of transporting professional strikebreakers to any point where employers deeire to attack established wage and working conditions. Strikebreakers are alao trana-ported to pointa where strikes have not occurred or even boon threatened, with the purpoae of intimidating the employee. MOON BY FILM BOYCOTTED The existence of a boycott again* at that meeting. If you have at- the film. The Strange Case of Tom tended and have been sufficiently | Moo ney." la charged by the National tanpreaoed. it la hoped that you will. Tom Mooney Council of Action, let othera know about it and bring | "There has boon a boycott of the Chicago.—How much do you know about the gold standard? The various inflationary meaaurea? The up-wnrd and downward spirals of business? Are you following vague headlines in the newapapera, eager to know more about the current top-ica in direct, comprehensible explanation, bet at a loss to know where to find the information? The recently organised elub, termed the Social Study Club, was formed expresaly to meet that demand. The lecture committee had planned a |ystem of discussion whereby you are able to answer the very question you came to learn about. The meetings take the form of an informal dlacuaalon. whore all participate, and where any aug-geetions or comments are welcome. If you have not yet attended one of ita mootinga. you are cordially Invited to bo present Thursday evehlng. Doc. tt, in the Eaat room qf the SNPJ Hall, at 8 o'clock, and without any ebligntlon*. Election of of fleer* for the coming year will alao ho held a number of your friends to the meeting. A Member. The Ve*liat: »tody Trimé: 'Vm going away to How (gr away?" Moanoy film ia many sections of the country, eapecially In the weet, according to reporta made te as by the distributors," the council statement The distributor* explain that film because it bares the frsmeup againat Tom Mooney so effecti^y. "Hundreds of local unions hsve asked their local theatres to »how the film and now we are writing them suggesting that If their asking' didn't get reaults, they demsnd that the film be ahown. Organist labor will amash this anti-Tom Mooney boycott" The Tom Mooney National Council's new addres. ia Bo* 1««, Station D, New York City. PROTEST TRANSFER OF WORK Removal of coach repair work from the Denver ahops of the Colorado * Southern railroad to the Aurora. HU shops of the Chicago, Burlington a Quincy railroad waa protested by employee of the Denver »bops last month. The employee requested tw Colorado Public UtllHles Commissi««» to intervene with the Federal Transportation Coordinator. «^P''*-Raatman, or with the Inter.tate Com-merce Commission, and ask that tne C. A S. be directed to suspend it* order transferring the work. \ NAZIS FIRE MANY RAILROADERS Because they were not Nazis 20,000 workers on the ijcrm State Railways who were •^»J? th. German Ballwaymen a •» have been fired, according to ternational Tmnspertworker. * ation. The workers are to practical starvation s<»~ they rs" not got unemployn^nt ln«r.^n .fits from the Nasi f^»^ Some 80.000 members of storm-troops are to be put 1» the charged workers' plocea. CHILD LABOR DAY Obeervance 1 CWM ££ 1«£ during the week end of ¿-J"., 10, 1M4. is «IM for by the IB ■ Child I.aber Committee The rem*1 there ta a boycott" oa Rfct fPM If mont for _" ...ti u- ta. point, oot th^there^X [« proximately 040,000 rMrt ■■ihlae le ernipotl^ »•»