M. KOVA^I^, D. NOVAK: PREDICTION OF THE CHEMICAL NON-HOMOGENEITY OF 30MnVS6 BILLETS ... 69–74 PREDICTION OF THE CHEMICAL NON-HOMOGENEITY OF 30MnVS6 BILLETS WITH GENETIC PROGRAMMING NAPOVEDOVANJE NEHOMOGENOSTI KEMIJSKE SESTAVE PRI GREDICAH 30MnVS6 S POMO^JO GENETSKEGA PROGRAMIRANJA Miha Kova~i~, Damir Novak [tore Steel d.o.o., @elezarska cesta 3, 3220 [tore, Slovenia miha.kovacic@store-steel.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-11-13; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-02-18 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.280 [tore Steel Ltd. is a small and flexible steel plant. The plant also produces the 30MnVS6 steel grade, which is used for crack connection rods in the automotive industry. The chemical elements are not uniformly distributed over the billet cross-sections, consequently influencing the final product properties. The chemical distribution depends mainly on the casting parameters. The article presents an attempt at predicting the chemical non-homogeneity of 30MnVS6 billets. With respect to the chemical-element distribution (% C, % Si, % Mn, % V, % S) over the billet cross-sections and the casting parameters (casting speed, casting temperature, meniscus level), several models for the chemical non-homogeneity prediction were developed by means of the genetic-programming method. The results show that the most influential parameter is the casting speed. The results of modeling can be practically implemented in order to reduce the chemical non-homogeneity of the billets. Keywords: steel, casting, billets, chemical composition, non-homogeneity, modelling, genetic programming [tore Steel je majhna, a prilagodljiva jeklarna. Proizvajajo tudi jeklo 30MnVS6, ki se uporablja za ojnice, ki se izdelujejo z lomljenjem, za avtomobilsko industrijo. Kemijski elementi niso enakomerno porazdeljeni po prerezu gredice, kar posledi~no vpliva na lastnosti kon~nega izdelka. Razporeditev kemijskih elementov je najbolj odvisna od parametrov vlivanja. V ~lanku je predstavljen poskus napovedovanja kemijske nehomogenosti gredic jekla 30MnVS6. Glede na razporeditve kemijskih elementov (% C, % Si, % Mn, % V, % S) po prerezu gredice in parametre vlivanja (hitrost vlivanja, temperatura vlivanja, nivo taline), se je izdelalo ve~ modelov, za napovedovanje kemijske nehomogenosti gredic, s pomo~jo metode genetskega programiranja. Rezultati ka`ejo, da je najvplivnej{i parameter hitrost vlivanja. Rezultati modeliranja se lahko uporabijo v praksi z namenom zmanj{anja kemijske nehomogenosti gredic. Klju~ne besede: jeklo, litje, gredice, kemijska sestava, nehomogenost, modeliranje, genetsko programiranje 1 INTRODUCTION Due to a gradual solidification during the continuous casting of steel, chemical-composition variations occur, which influence the cast and, consequently, the pro- cessed-material properties; therefore, their optimization is essential.1 In the previous research2, the chemical composition of the cross-section of a high-grade pipeline slab was measured point by point. The results indicated that a ne- gative segregation inside the central line is more severe than that outside the central line, and that the highest positive segregation of the elements appears close to the inner sides of the negative segregation strips. In addition, the segregation of the elements in the central area is higher than that in the outer and inner arc areas. Article3 discusses the manufacturing of bearing steels of low distortion potential. The 100Cr6 steel billets were spray formed to achieve metallurgical homogeneity. The microstructures and properties of the billets produced under different thermal conditions were studied and evaluated. A heat-transfer model for a growing billet was established in order to investigate the thermal profiles of the billets during spray forming. An apparent correlation between the cooling and solidification conditions of the deposit and its metallurgical properties was revealed by means of a numerical simulation and an experiment. Gheorghies et al.4 developed a theoretical model that was adapted for studying the steel continuous-casting technology. The model is based on the system theory, considering input/output, command and control para- meters. It can be used to describe the physicochemical processes, thermal processes, chemical processes and the characteristics of the cast material on the basis of the above-mentioned stages. In the research described in5 LIBS scanning measure- ments were performed on samples displaying segrega- tion. The resulting quantified elemental maps correlated very well with the data obtained with the conventional methods. In research6 an artificial-intelligence analyzer of the mechanical properties of rolled steel bars was proposed using neural networks. The complex correlation among the steel bar properties, the billet compositions and the control parameters of manufacturing was developed. The developed analyzer could be used in practice in order to improve the steel quality. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 69–74 69 UDK 669.18:004.89:621.74 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(1)69(2016) Hwang et al.7 tried to minimize the center segregation with the help of a developed coupled temperature/dis- placement finite-element model. The center segregation, center porosity, homogeneity of elements and equiaxed crystal zone were improved. This paper discusses the use of the genetic-pro- gramming method for predicting the chemical non- homogeneity of the 30MnVS6 billets, used in rolled conditions, for forging crack connection rods in the automotive industry. Genetic programming is an evolu- tionary computation-based methodology of artificial intelligence (AI); it is similar to the genetic algorithm (GA).8 Genetic programming (GP) is capable of solving many different problems in industry; however, it uses different natural phenomena in comparison to many other AI-based approaches, such as artificial neural net- works (ANN), swarm intelligence (SI) and gravitational search algorithm (GSA). For a comparison of the practical uses of the above-mentioned methods in indu- strial applications see reference literature, for example.9–12 The problem is stated in section 2. In the subsequent section the experimental background and, afterwards, the essence of the chemical non-homogeneity prediction are presented. The analysis of the modelling results are presented in section 4 and, finally, the main contributions of the research and the guidelines for further research are given in the last section. 2 EXPERIMENTAL BACKGROUND Steelmaking begins with scrap melting in an elec- tric-arc furnace. The melting bath, which is heated up to the tapping temperature required for the further treat- ment procedure, is discharged into a casting ladle. After achieving the proper melt temperature in the melting bath, the billets are continuously cast. The melt flows through a sliding-gate system and ladle shroud towards a tundish. After filling up the tundish with the help of the mold-filling system with tundish stoppers and sub- merged pouring tubes, the casting is established. The billets, with a square section of 180 mm, are cast. After reaching a certain melting-bath level, the potentiometer starts the flattening system, which drags the billet out of the mold. In this way, the continuous casting is estab- lished. Each billet goes through the cooling zone toward the gas cutters, where it is cut and laid off onto the cooling bed. The data for the analysis was collected on the basis of 30 consecutively cast batches of the 30MnVS6 steel in [tore Steel Ltd. (Table 1) from May to September 2011. The data was taken from the technological documen- tation of the cast batches and from the chemical archive. The goal was to get as wide a range of influential para- meters as possible, namely: – the contents of C, Si, Mn, S and V in the tundish (w/%) – the average melt temperature in the tundish (°C) – the average meniscus level (mm) – the average casting speed (m/min) – the average strand temperature in the cooling zone (°C). From each of the selected 30 batches, a billet was taken from the middle of the casting and a slice was cut out. For the chemical analysis, optical emission spec- troscopy was used (instrument SPECTRO LAVMC12A). Five spark spots were used for determining the chemical non-homogeneity (Figure 1). For example, the carbon content obtained from five spark spots on the sample from batch number 1 is pre- sented in Figure 2. The carbon non-homogeneity Cn–h can be easily cal- culated: C C C i i n h− == ∑ 1 5 (1) where i is the individual spot size and C is the average of all five carbon-content values for each spot: C C i i= = ∑ 1 5 5 (2) Similarly, the non-homogeneity for each individual chemical element can be calculated. The experimental data and the non-homogeneities for individual chemical elements are presented in Table 1. M. KOVA^I^, D. NOVAK: PREDICTION OF THE CHEMICAL NON-HOMOGENEITY OF 30MnVS6 BILLETS ... 70 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 69–74 Figure 2: Carbon content at each spark spot Slika 2: Vsebnost ogljika na posami~nem mestu ob`iga Figure 1: Sample from the billet slice with the spark spots Slika 1: Vzorec iz rezine, odrezane iz gredice, s to~kami ob`iga 3 MODELLING OF CHEMICAL NON-HOMO- GENEITY WITH GENETIC PROGRAMMING Genetic programming is probably the most general evolutionary optimization method8 and it has already been found useful for several different applications in [tore Steel Ltd.13–17. The organisms that undergo an adaptation are in fact mathematical expressions (models) for chemical non-homogeneity, consisting of the avail- able function genes (i.e., basic arithmetical functions) and terminal genes (i.e., independent input parameters and random floating-point constants). In our case, the models consist of the function genes of addition (+), subtraction (–), multiplication (*) and division (/), while terminal genes include: – the contents of C (C), Si (SI), Mn (MN), S (S) and V (V) in the tundish – the average melt temperature in the tundish (TM) – the average meniscus level (ML) – the average casting speed (SPEED) and – the average strand temperature in the cooling zone (TC). Random computer programs of various forms and lengths are generated by means of selected genes at the beginning of the simulated evolution. Afterwards, the varying of the computer programs during several itera- tions, known as generations, is performed by means of genetic operations. For the progress of the population, only the reproduction and crossover are sufficient. A new generation is obtained after the completion of various M. KOVA^I^, D. NOVAK: PREDICTION OF THE CHEMICAL NON-HOMOGENEITY OF 30MnVS6 BILLETS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 69–74 71 Table 1: Experimental data Tabela 1: Eksperimentalni podatki B at ch C (w /% ) S i (w /% ) M n (w /% ) S (w /% ) V (w /% ) A ve ra ge m el t te m pe ra tu re in tu nd is h (° C ) A ve ra ge m en is cu s le ve l (m m ) A ve ra ge ca st in g sp ee d (m /m in ) A ve ra ge st ra nd te m pe ra tu re in th e co ol in g zo ne (° C ) C no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) S i no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) M n no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) S no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) V no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) S um of C , S i, M n, S an d V ch em ic al no n- ho m og en ei ty (w /% ) 1 0.29 0.55 1.43 0.05 0.09 1543 74.53453 1.135516 1092.7 35.28 34.30 34.17 31.52 33.57 168.83 2 0.29 0.58 1.44 0.058 0.1 1548 76.11422 1.128306 1091.669 5.61 1.77 2.19 10.81 2.41 22.79 3 0.28 0.59 1.43 0.05 0.09 1543 74.34058 1.114705 1093.121 10.32 6.98 7.49 19.51 6.71 51.01 4 0.3 0.6 1.43 0.051 0.1 1542 74.38523 1.148343 1110.401 22.01 23.24 24.73 22.12 24.72 116.82 5 0.29 0.59 1.46 0.052 0.1 1545 74.55143 1.143362 1100.045 40.36 39.00 38.98 27.54 36.84 182.72 6 0.29 0.57 1.45 0.051 0.11 1544 74.62807 1.144693 1100.519 33.73 34.43 35.10 38.21 34.41 175.89 7 0.29 0.58 1.47 0.05 0.1 1551 74.61523 1.115993 1092.786 33.68 38.06 38.73 36.24 40.04 186.76 8 0.3 0.57 1.43 0.058 0.1 1530 74.5125 1.136773 1123.988 32.08 35.08 33.65 26.26 33.60 160.68 9 0.29 0.58 1.45 0.05 0.1 1548 74.49432 1.136511 1123.195 22.17 22.17 20.65 23.32 20.46 108.76 10 0.3 0.57 1.45 0.059 0.1 1536 74.46816 1.139951 1121.601 5.64 5.86 6.76 22.05 8.12 48.43 11 0.3 0.63 1.44 0.059 0.11 1538 74.54645 1.142406 1121.38 33.94 33.88 31.97 27.54 33.80 161.13 12 0.29 0.58 1.43 0.06 0.1 1553 74.59237 1.116969 1116.805 40.13 40.46 39.14 36.08 38.92 194.72 13 0.29 0.58 1.43 0.055 0.1 1549 74.52381 1.117879 1111.379 24.40 28.32 26.53 42.90 29.29 151.43 14 0.3 0.55 1.43 0.045 0.09 1544 74.4881 1.133849 1105.889 25.87 26.01 25.05 23.44 23.03 123.41 15 0.29 0.61 1.45 0.052 0.1 1549 74.32708 1.126732 1108.002 19.93 23.92 23.15 23.20 24.09 114.29 16 0.28 0.6 1.42 0.053 0.1 1541 74.39798 1.150479 1118.254 32.04 33.77 32.41 26.27 33.59 158.09 17 0.28 0.57 1.46 0.06 0.1 1548 74.36111 1.133132 1120.187 21.63 22.42 20.75 24.63 20.04 109.46 18 0.28 0.58 1.44 0.058 0.1 1543 74.37007 1.165916 1119.613 32.89 33.99 33.22 30.33 33.84 164.27 19 0.28 0.59 1.45 0.05 0.11 1547 74.39048 1.130368 1123.507 35.47 39.57 38.79 39.55 39.49 192.87 20 0.29 0.6 1.45 0.058 0.1 1546 74.49107 1.134441 1115.035 12.77 7.91 6.69 12.62 6.95 46.94 21 0.29 0.63 1.48 0.06 0.1 1545 74.50678 1.139199 1119.22 23.28 23.68 23.88 14.81 23.63 109.29 22 0.29 0.6 1.45 0.059 0.1 1542 74.49815 1.144132 1127.137 39.29 40.28 39.51 38.89 38.91 196.88 23 0.29 0.6 1.42 0.052 0.1 1547 74.3956 1.110585 1126.187 7.69 6.32 6.86 15.46 5.16 41.48 24 0.29 0.58 1.42 0.056 0.1 1558 74.46951 1.092817 1124.571 9.03 8.00 7.44 21.41 7.21 53.10 25 0.29 0.61 1.43 0.06 0.1 1555 74.32818 1.082388 1120.363 23.68 20.73 21.52 25.79 22.54 114.26 26 0.28 0.61 1.46 0.052 0.11 1543 74.47059 1.125766 1132.468 3.85 0.88 1.50 6.82 0.92 13.97 27 0.29 0.59 1.44 0.052 0.1 1557 74.41155 1.103096 1116.793 21.61 23.94 23.45 17.61 22.57 109.19 28 0.28 0.58 1.44 0.055 0.1 1546 74.31526 1.132103 1133.436 23.16 21.12 21.20 26.43 20.55 112.46 29 0.29 0.58 1.44 0.055 0.1 1556 74.43371 1.101385 1128.988 32.11 37.68 39.59 42.06 38.09 189.53 30 0.29 0.62 1.45 0.052 0.1 1548 74.42917 1.09335 1126.615 21.81 23.84 23.54 17.37 22.90 109.47 computer programs and this generation is then evaluated and compared with the experimental data. The process of changing and evaluating organisms is repeated until the termination criterion of the process is fulfilled. This was the prescribed maximum number of generations. For the process of simulated evolutions, the following evolutionary parameters were selected: the size of the population of organisms – 500; the greatest number in a generation – 100; the reproduction probability – 0.4; the crossover probability – 0.6; the greatest permissible depth of population (6); the greatest permissible depth, after the operation, of the crossover of two organisms – 10; and the smallest permissible depth of organisms when generating new organisms – 2. Genetic operations of reproduction and crossover were used. For the selection of the organisms, the tournament method with tournament size 7 was used. For the model, the fitness average relative deviation from the monitored data was selected. It is defined as: Δ = − = ∑ E P E n i i ii n 1 (3) where n is the size of the monitored data, Ei and Pi are the actual (experimental) and predicted sums of the C, Si, Mn, S and V chemical non-homogeneity, respec- tively. We have developed 100 independent civilizations of mathematical models for the chemical non-homogeneity prediction. Each civilization had its most successful organism – mathematical model. The most successful organism of all the civilizations is presented here: (4) with an average relative deviation of 27.82 %. It is obvious that only C (the content of C in the tundish), S (the content of S in the tundish), V (the content of V in the tundish) and SPEED (the average casting speed) are included in the model. 4 ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS A randomly driven process builds the fittest and the most complex models from generation to generation and uses the ingredients that are the most suitable for an experimental environment adaptation. For curiosity’s sake, the analysis of the genes (parameters) excluded from the models is presented in the next figure (Figure 3). Based on the number of the genes excluded from 100 mathematical models, we may make assumptions about the influence of the parameters on the chemical non- homogeneity. It is clear from the figure that out of 100 genetically obtained mathematical models only 21 models do not include the parameter of the average casting speed (SPEED) and fewer than 30 out of 100 models do not have the parameter of the contents of C (C), Si (SI), and V (V) included in the tundish. We can, therefore, speculate that they are probably the most important parameters influencing the chemical non-homogeneity. Figure 4 shows the calculated influences of indivi- dual parameters on the chemical non-homogeneity using M. KOVA^I^, D. NOVAK: PREDICTION OF THE CHEMICAL NON-HOMOGENEITY OF 30MnVS6 BILLETS ... 72 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 1, 69–74 Figure 3: Frequency of genes excluded from the best 100 mathema- tical models for chemical non-homogeneity prediction Slika 3: Frekvenca izlo~enih genov na podlagi najbolj{ih 100-ih mate- mati~nih modelov za napovedovanje kemijske nehomogenosti Figure 4: Calculated influences of individual parameters on chemical non-homogeneity while separately changing them within the range from Table 1 Slika 4: Izra~unani vplivi posami~nih parametrov na kemijsko neho- mogenost pri le-njihovem spreminjanju znotraj obmo~ja, navedenega v tabeli 1 the developed model (Equation (4)) while separately changing the individual parameters within the range from Table 1. The dashes at individual total decarburi- zation ranges represent the calculated average chemical non-homogeneity of all 30 collected samples, which is 98.88 %. The average chemical non-homogeneity value of the collected data is 122.96 %. Figure 5 shows the calculated correlation between the casting speed and the chemical non-homogeneity while separately changing the average casting speed. This can be calculated and, consequently, used for individual influential parameters as a tool for selecting the optimal casting speed. It should be noted that the average value of the average casting speed for all 30 cases is 1.127 m/min (a standard deviation of 0.0191 m/min). 5 CONCLUSION The purpose of this research was to predict the chemical non-homogeneity of 30MnVS6 steel grade billets. The data for the analysis was collected on the basis of 30 consecutively cast batches. The distribution of the chemical elements (% C, % Si, % Mn, % V, % S) over the billet cross-sections and the casting parameters (casting speed, casting temperature, meniscus level) were gathered. On the basis of the gathered data, several models for predicting the chemical non-homogeneity were developed by means of the genetic-programming method. There were 100 different models developed and only the best one was used for the chemical non-homo- geneity prediction. The relative average deviation between the actual and the predicted scrap was 27.82 %. In addition, the frequencies of the genes excluded from the best 100 mathematical models for the chemical non- homogeneity prediction were analyzed. The results show that the parameters influencing the chemical non-homo- geneity the most are the casting speed and the contents of C, Si and V in the melt. Also, the influences of individual parameters on the chemical non-homogeneity were calculated while separately changing individual parameters, using the best genetically developed model. 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