"D ABSTRACTS XI I NTERNATIONAL CANCER . CONGRENS ■ i LJ COMFEREKS SYMPOSIA WORKSHOPS FLORENCE 1974 348 Workshop 1 O • Cancer epidemiology EPIDEMIOLOGY OF LUNG ^WCER Ilf PR BULGARIA«, Iv.Popov, N.Monov,N.Uzunov,Zh. .Tsvetanski,Ts .Krua- teva. The National Center of Oncology at the medical Academy in Sofia. Sofia-56 Darvenitza- Bulgaria In terma of intensive and standardized indices incidence rates o:f lung cancer in PR Bulgaria are discussed for the period 1961-1972-in general as well as after groups of population and districts in the country. An attempt is made to elucidate the occurrence of .'lung cancer in associ -ation with .cigarette snoking and air polution carcinogens. Statistical data record an increase o:f morbidity rates of lung cancer fron 17,3 in 1962 to 30.02 in 1972, men being substantially more afflicted than wonen,in a ratio of 5,6 :1.Urban population suffers more /predominautly males , which is attributed to greater. cigarette smokinR as well as working in oifices with smokers and biological sex differences.Comparisons between smokers in towns and villages reveal equal morbidity rates in botts groups.This fact gives grounds for the assumption that cigarette smoking is the leading carcinogenic factor as compared to air pollution carcinogens in our country. 'MULTIPLE PRIMARY CANCERS AS RECORDED ' BY THE CANCER REGISTRY OF SLOVENIA - A PROBLEM OF RELIABILITY B. RAVNIHAR ond V. POMPE KIRN, TORIA^ Institute of Oneology, J^ , Ljubljana, Yugoslavia The cases recorded by the Slovene Cancer Registry in the past years as new cancers occuring synchronously or nonsynchronously with one or more other primary cancers in the same individual 1 have been thoroughly reviewed. According to the preliminary data for the year 1971, e.g. among the total of 3959 new cancers registered in this year, 137 (3,5%} such cases were 'bund, 62 in males .(3,1%) and 75 in females (3,8%). Strictly applying the criteria established by Warren and Gates, and respecting the requirement of Moertel, i. e. to eliminate the cases verified by cytology only, the above given number and rate of multiple cancer cases would be reduced to 81, i.e. 2.1% (1,5% in males and 2,7% in femoles) of the corrected total number of newly diagnosed cancers in the year 1971. The median age when the second primary cancer has been diagnosed was 70 years in males and 65 in females. The incidence of multiple cancers in the pop-ulatian covered by the Registry, accarding to the site and tissue of origin, and the average interval between consecutive neoplasms will be presented and discussed. Analysing the cases recorded as multiple primary neoplasms it was felt that in certain instances in selecting these cases for further studies one can rely also on the cytological findings and the clinical course of the disease. SISTEMA NACIONAL DE CONTROLE DO CANCER Joao Sampaio Goes Júnior Kaculdade"de Medicina da Univer sidadf de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo - S. P. BRAZIL The Federal office for cancer research and control in Brazil, presently develops a nationalwide program of early detection of the desease, aiming at the establishment of the establishment of the basic conditions for the control of the desease. This program, nomed SISTEMA NACIONAL DE CONTROLE do CANCER, is structured into the four sub-systems: Diagnosis : SISTEMA DE DIAGNÓSTICO DE CANCER; Info-processing : SISTEMA DE REGISTRO DE CANCER; Epidemiology : SISTEMA DE EPIDEMIOLO - GIA DE CANCER; Therapeutic SISTEMA DE TRATAMENTO DE CANCER; The system o1 Diagnosis is composed of diagnosis modules, spread among the official and private entities according to operational agreeements. The system -of therapeutic, is composed of a series of therapeutic mo -dules, spread among the official and pri-