bhaja «k PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Ursdaiiki ta upmrailki prostori: « i ie&7 South LavnSals Am Ott!« of Publications tea? South Lftwndak Ato. Telephons, Kockwill 4*04 ^ leto—year xxxm. "Ï^SrCHICAGO, ILL., SREDA, 8. JANUARJA (JANUARY 8), 1*41 Subscription 16.00 Yoarly ÔTEV.—NUMBER 5 for —Utof at »podal rat» of pooUgo proTid«d far —tioa 1101, Act of Oct. t, ltlT, aathortsod unnA pod ppšfcijski« I ^^títoi ski zunanji minister in vodja nadzorstvom. falangistov. On Je glavni ^za- gibanje ruskih letalcev podaljšano Moskva; 7. Jan. — Doba vež->*nja vojaških letalcev je bila P"d*)jA*na a treh na štiri lete. 1 ravkar objavljeni dekret ni bil sodišče oprostilo * Utotnlka Gastona Roberta, čast-Inika francoske tujske legija. On je bil obtožen, da Je aodelova! Angleži In podpiral rebelne ak 7 tlvnoati generala De Gaulla, na- Cornlk tesne kooperacije med p€¡ kanadskih , mijo in oaiščem Rlm-Berlln. ¡ . # s __ ubilo List Arriba, uradno glasilo fa- letalce V SO ubilo ä ä ä r - ts^rssñ ■■ seveltovo poslanico kongresu kot j«, vloiila pri sodišču proti raz- Važen odlok vrhovnega sodišča Zma^ga federalnega delavskega odbora Washington, D. C„ 7. jan. ^ Federalno vrhovno sodišče je podalo dalekoaešen in važen odlok, da morajo delodajalci na podlagi Wagnerjevega zakona podpisati dogovor, ki ga sklenejo a delavskimi unijami in se ta nanaša na mezdo, delovne ure in delovne pogoje. Odlok je rezultat priai va H. J. Heinz Co., ki ga sodbi federalnega delavskega odbora, da mora razpust itVfcom-panijski unijo in priznati unijo Canning A Pickle Workers, včlanjeno v Ameriški delavski federaciji, kot predstavnico delavcev pri kolektivnih pogajanjih In podpisati pogodbo. Mnenje sodišča, katerega Je podal sodnik Harlan F. Stone, Je bilo, da Wagnerjev zakon ne zahteva, da mora/o delodajalci skleniti dogovor s delavci, toda odklonitev podpisa pogodbe ali dogovora, kadar je dosežen, pomeni, da ae delodajalci nočejo kolektivno pogajati, kar je kršenje zakona. Unije ADF in.CIO so vložile Že več pritožb proti kompanijam, ki so zavzele stališče, da Watfn«rjev z«Jkon ne zahteva podpisa pogodbe, pri nižjih federalnih sodiščih, toda slučaj Heinz Co. je prvi prišel pred vrhovno sodišče, ki je zdaj Rooseveltove poslanice kongresu. Namignjeno je bilo, da bo uradni komentar prišel po teme-ljlti študiji poslanice. Roosevelt je v tej le ponovno naglasil svoje znano stališče glede mednarodnih zadev. Rim, 7. Jan.—Rooaeveltova poslanica kongresu Je bila slaba novica za Italijane. Ti so zdaj Uverjeni, da se je Rooseveltove administracija postavila na stališče, da morata biti Italija in Nemčija poraženi v vojni z Veliko Britanijo. Iz fašističnih komentarjev je razvidno, da Je Italija Še vedno uverjena, da bo Velika Britanija poražena, predno bo mogla slednja dobiti učinkovito |K)moč iz Amerike. Wa*hlngton. D. C., 7. Jan,— Predsednik Roosevelt Je v svoji poslanici kongresu med drugim naglasil, da vidi dan. ko bo ponovno vladal mir, za*no pa Je napovedal ustanovitev Zveze demokratičnih držav, ki bo skrbela za ohranitev miru. Tnenil Je štiri točke, na katerih bo slonel mir. Te so bil/: Svoboda govora In izražanja pg vsem svetu. Svoboda za vsako osebo, da moli Boga na svoj način. O d p r a v a pomanjkanja po vsem svetu. Odprava bojazni pred vojno In znižanje oboroževanJa na točko, da ne bo mogla nobena država Izvršiti agresivnega čina proti svoji sosadi. — lavskega odbora. Vrhovno sodišče je včeraj tudi potrdilo legalnost odloka, da mora Nemčija plačati odškodnino $50,000,000 Lehifrh Valley Railroad Co., Bethlehem Steel Co. In agenturi Canadian Car A Foundry Oo. za v ekspksaijah povzročeno škodo, ki ao se pripetile v Black Tomu in Kingslandu, N. J., preden Je Amerika stopila v svetovno vojno. Uradni krogi so izrazili mnenjer da Je odlok sodišča zadnje poglavje v pravdi, ki Je bila pred mednarodnim tribunalom od I. 1927. Katoliška revolta proti Coughlinu Katoliški val proti katoliškim "apizarjem" Chicago, 7. Jan.—Petnajst profesorjev na katoliški univerzi Notre Dame v Ho. Bendu, Ind., je včeraj podpisalo poziv na amariAke katolik«, naj se ne o-zirajo na izolacijsko in "aoizar-sko" propagando katoliških veljakov v Ameriki kot Je njihov kolega reverend John A. 0'Brlen, profesor apologetlke na isti univerzi, župnik Coughlin in drugI katoliški duhovniki ter lajiki, ki na vso moč agltirajo za mir s Hitlerjem In proti |>omoči za Anglijo. Omenjeni 0'Brien Je pred nekaj dnevi apeliral za podpis« "miHjonov ameriških katolikov" na peticiji, katero namerava predložiti kongresu proti nadaljnji pomoči Angliji, ker "to vodi v vojno." Na čalu omenjene jmtnajsto- BOLGARIJA SE ZANAŠA NA SOVJETSKO POMOČ Ruski vescak dospel v Sofijo TURČIJA ZAUPA VELIKI BRITANIJI Sofija, Bolgarija, 7. jan—Tukajšnji diplomatičnl krogi so uverjeni, da bosta sovjetska Rusija hi Turčija nastopili proti Nemcem, če bodo skušali invadi-ratl bolgarsko ozemlje. To prepričanje prevladuje, čeprav ae poročila glase, da sovjeti ne bodo storili nobenega koraka, če bodo nacijske čete udrle v Bolgarijo in zasedle njeno ozemlje. V Sofijo je dospel Aleksander Mihajkovič, Visok sovjetski uradnik in veščak v balkanskih zadevah. On je direktor divizije sovjetskega zunanjega komisarljata. Poročilo, da je že konferiral z bolgarskim kraljem Borisom in zunanjim ministrom Ivanom Po-povom, še ni bilo uradno potrjeno. Iz dlplomatičnjh virov so prišle vesti, da je Turčija koncentrirala več tisoč izbranih vojakov v Tracljl ob bolgarski meji. Druge vesti is bolgarskih mest pravijo, da se ni pokazalo nobeno znamenje, da bodo nemške čete, zbran« na drugi strani Dona- potrdllo odlok fed«raln«ga de-fv*, prekoračile mejo In udrle v Bolgarijo. Helgrsd, 7. jan.—Ceprev tukajšnji nemški krogi trdijo, da j« Rusija sklenila sporazum a Hitlerjem, da lahkq nem«ke čete Invadirajo Bolgarijo, prevladuje mnenji«, da a« to ne bo zgodilo, dokler ne bo reka Donava zamrznjena ali pa se dovolj odtajala, da jo bodo nemški vojaki, ki ae nahajajo v RumuhiJI, lahko prekoračili. Ti krogi so izjavili, da se J« bolgarski premier Bogdan Filov sestal z nemškim zunanjim ministrom Ribb«ntropom In mu povedal, da s« Bolgarija ne bo upirala nacijskl Invaziji svpjega ozemlja, če J« Moskva v resnici sklenila sitoravum s Hitlerjem glede vkorakanja nemških čet v Bolgarijo. Ankara. Turčija, 7. Jan,—ftdaj, ko se nemške čete zbirajo v Južni RumunlU, 150 milj od turške meja, Je premier Refik Haydam zagotovil državno zbornico, da Je cilj zunanje politik« varnoat Turčije in da vlada popolnoma zaupa svojim zaveznikom, med katerimi je V«lika Britanija. Premier je dalj« rekel, da se odnošajl med Turčijo In sovjetsko Rusijo prijateljski, _________ Mehika nastopila proti nacijem _ Vodstvo nacionali-^ stične stranke premešano •» Mazlco Cltjr, 6. jan.—Navzoč-R|pt organizatorja rmmšk« tajne policij« in bivšega vojaškega governerja v Berlinu v Mehiki j« rezultlrala v preiskavi, ki Ima ugotoviti, kakšn« cilj« zasleduje rlc« katoliških profesorjev j« oslšče v Mehiki. Povod preiaka-~ dr. Franci« K. McMahon, prof«-j vi so dale tudi protlžldovaka de- Roosev«lt Je v začetku omenil, m>r filozofije na unlvarzl Notre monstracija, katere ao podžgali da čita svojo ptislehlrb kongresu Dame, ki apaUra na katolike Hitlerjevi agentje v Mehiki, v momentu, ki »« im more pri Združenih držav, naj podpirajo i'..».Hila iz dlplomatlčnlh virov merjati nob«nemu drugemu v progrsm predeednika RoosevelU omenjajo premelanj* v vodstvu •IM pomoč Angliji lut vsej črti Vanauardia Nacionalista, mehl-ln za oboroženo pripravljenost šk* nacionalističn« In protlžidov-Amerike. ~ ~ —TJÉr politične stranke, katere ____________— predstavniki širijo fašistično in Slavna anglekka letalka se ubila zgodovini Amerike, fte nikdar prej ni bila varnost te dežel« tako ogražena kot je^ sedaj. Nemška letala vozijo vojake v Italijo Relgrad, 7. jan. - - N«niške l^oudon, 7 Jan Amy John-tala ao prepeljala več tiaOč vo- son Mollison, slavna, angleška Jakov iz JutiH* Avstrije v Italijo U-tsIka. Je Izgubila življenj«, ko od 28 decembra do 8. januarja. J« njeno letalo treščilo v Tako pravi poročilo Jugoslovan- vodo reke Temze miufere krotijo v| španskih mestih. Prot iameriški Madridu in drugih nllo v llišta. zrak a tukajšnjega leta- častnika v alužbi Frsnc^ In ga j|. oprostilo. I1" 550 letal Italijo. mrzlo <>na je iavrši-la več uapešnih poletov iz Anglije prevažalo voje- Je v Avstralijo, Ameriko, Japon- isko In KlUjsko ter čez Afriko. | Ingtona pn»tftjdovsku propagando. TI vo- ^ nik dr. Menton. ^ Franeea A rt sc h, tajnica. f - St. Ixrala, Mo.—Društvo Pia ¡ÄÄESÄ fr"-- a Wi ä L " u '..j,-, tem letu se UkIo naše seje vršile ¡» .Jiv «llkn « i. v"»k *>trtl P*Mi v meiecu ob n« j»««»'»»" -ji «*>- jÄ'ÄLLt renc. pripeljal mladini darila In ^J! ^Mut • '.„„,¿JE" jo raaveielll. Zahvaliti ko «h«.'!?}*!" mä mo tudi «In« br. Jereba tn nje- ui .». ««. pravkar nastopili. Glavno vpra KI MfvJ. 4»"J« J« drultvana blagajna, k zabavala s godbo. Nam <#lraslim , ' Ji»..!,». u«.. mi« <»u članom je Miklavž privlekel sod- V^'™1™ ,€tu Iftdob,,R «lo' ček ječmenovca in še nekaj moč- ^"JJ*™ nejšega; vsi člani in članice, ki; J*d,J".Ui.T* Tt \ 1.111 «„.„«ai iu »..ji r' h«Hco, katoro priredijo naši mla-so bili navzoči, so še tudi pose- ,, ... . .. A* fl - k_______ Iwj dobili majhno darilo. Zabavali smo se, dokler je bilo kaj v di člani in Članice dne 8. februarja. J talino* t naša je, da jim pomagamo In gremo na roko, da bo sodčku, potem smo se » pošlo- ' "» vili in ai ieleli praznike in -eč-j^^ oblečen v dolov no obleko. Tore praznike no novo leto. - Naša prihodnja seja Me vrši v nedeljo, 12. jan., ob 10. dopoldne. Pozivam vse člane, da se udeležite v velikem številu. Slišali boate poročilo nadzornega odseka, če smo napredovali ali nazadovali v zadnjem letu In zaključiti moramo tudi glede ve-sclfctv katero mislimo prirediti enkraf v februarju. Na svidenje na seji. Matija Marovich, predsednik. Chl^ag<».~JČlanstvu Narodnih vitezov 39 SNPJ naznanjam, da so odborniki za 194! sledeči: Pred». Charlei Pogorelec, pod-pradi. Vinko lx>cniskar, tajnik John Potokar, blag. Joseph Testen, zapis. John Alič, reditelj John Polaniek. nad*»rnikl Frank Udovich. John Hujan, Frank Renchina, zdravnika dr. John J. Zavertnik in dr. Charlen Neu-man. Seje »a vrše vsako tretjo sredo v mesecu. Društvo je zaključilo na letni seji, da bodo na vsaki seji klica na imena v*eh članov in če bo datični navzoč, bo dobil 91 iz bla-gaj ne. Torej udeležite se prihodnje seje. 16. jan., v velikem številu v navadnih prostorih. Važno je. ds je dru«Ko še nsdalje član' Prosvetne matice in da ne bo izgovora, da kdo nima lepe obleke. Mary Stakar se zdravi doma In zdravje jI gre na bolje. 2ell mo, da se udeleži januarske seje Br. Frlskovlč je bil operiran in se nahaja v Alexian Bros. Ho. spitalu. Obiski so dovoljeni. Jo seph Skubie je še vedno bolan že nad dve leti. Vreme imamo jako milo In toplo v tem času. Letošnjo zimo tukaj rabimo tako zvani "smoke-less coal", kar je velika pomoč za čistost našaga mesta, da ne ležijo tiste črne saje po dvoriščih in ulicah. In tako smo imeli res čedne božične praznike. Fraak Zvanut, 107. Gilleapie, lil. — Pri društvu 466 so bili izvoljeni sledeči u-radniki za 1941: Predsednik 'aul Jesich, podpredsednik Paul Sejun, preds. nadz. odbora Mi-chael Lebe, tajnik Kari Guna, blagajnik Carl Guna ml., zapisnikar Louis Maurich. Kari Guna, tajnik. Clanl, pojdita mu na rp^o. Zdravnik je Stefanec. Pro.syftni matici prlapevamo 50c na mesec, mladinskemu krožku pa do-lir. Društveni prU^vki so 20c od člana na mesec, oziroma pet centov za tista, ki so zavarpvani samo za smrtni no in lOc za zunanje Člane. Plalati morajo vsi brez izjeme. V slučaju amrti člana, n)u društvo pokloni venec in plača pogrebni avtomobil, Gled$ atenskih koledarjev. Članstvo ni več navdušeno zanje, posebno letos ne. Pravijo, da je slika krasna, ampak Številke in črke so premajhne. Bolje bi bito, da bi se tisti denar pora lim # tajnike *J#re T. , dru-uríúinike mla- bii xa u^i o ment in bila bolj * najlepša hvala. zadovoljstvo članstvu. Društvo bo imelo plesno zabavo 22. febr. v dvorani K. P. na 26th in National ave. Vstopnice, ki so po 30c, vam bodo poslane na dom in vsakdo bo dobil eno več, da jo proda drugemu. To pomeni, da se udeležita 4va, kar ni več kot prav, ker vsakdo ima prijatelja in ta dan gresta lahko skupaj na veselico. Ker bo na pustno soboto, bo nekaj posebnega — bodo pljug vlekli, kot pravijo. Vstopnice morajo biti plačane do 80. marca radi federalnega davka. Plačajte jih pri tajniku. Vabim vas na prihodnjo sejo, ki bo drugi torek v mesecu, to je 14. jan., v S. S. T. halli. Frank Perko, tajnik. Loa Angelea, Cal. — Pri dru štvu Gora Wilson 616 SNPJ je bil izvoljen sledeči odbor za 1941: Predsednica Mary,Hartman, podpredsednica Mary Re-pik, tajnica Mary Kočnik (1221 9o. Indiana st.), zapisnikarica Anabel Sadar, blagajnik F. Ju-rado, nadzorniki Frank Novak, Jim Bartoli, Lois Ercek. Seje se vrše vsako tretjo nedeljo v mesecu ob 10. dop. v starem prostoru na Witier blvd. In Herbert, st. Vsi člani ste vabljeni na prihodnjo sejo 19. januarja. Mary Harttman, predsednica. Bon Air, Pa. — Naznanjam članstvu našega društva 264 S. N. P. J., da se vrši prihodnja seja 19. jan., fiE drugo nedeljo v mesecu kot navadno. Vzrok je, kar je menda že večini znano, ker 12. jan. praznujemo 25-let-nlco društvenega obstanka. Bolniki torej lahko daste nakaznice izpolniti en teden pozneje. Apeliram na vse članstvo, da se vsi brez izjeme udeležite proslave in seje, ker bo oboje zalo važno. Proslava 00 zanimiva in dovolj postrežbe za vse. Joseph Vidmar, tajnik. Milwaukce. — Pri društvu 16 8NPJ Je vse bolj po^starem. Clanl In članice se nikakor ne morejo navaditi, da bi se udeleževali društvenih sej. Na decembrski seji jih je bilo nad sto, kar ni veliko za društvo, ki šteje nad 400 članov. Vsak mesec imamo po seji malo pijače in prigrizka, da bi s tem člane privabili, kaj ti odvadijo se lahko, toda priva bijo se bolj težko. 4 /^-žl Uradniki za 1. 1941 so ontali vst stari še nadalje. To je bilo aplavza na seji, češ naj bodo še naprej, posebno pa tajnik, ki vodi U posel že 27 let. Sedaj bo že 28. leto in je eden najstarej ših tajnikov pri SNPJ. Zastop-nlk za Prosveto Je L. Barbartch. FRANK PAULICH D.D.A., M.D.8. um a (taram«va Mb«) A v» • Mm omn su auasaaLL nam annii m a wi Midway, Pa. — Na letni seji našega društva 89 SNPJ je bilo sklenjeno, da se pozovejo vsi čla ni, ki so pristopili 1. 1940, na januarsko sejo, ki bo v nedeljo, 12. Jan., ob 1. popoldne, da boste položili prisego kot zvesti in dobri člani; Torej udeležite se te seje vsi, ki še niste storili svoje dolžnosti. ' John Juat, tajnik. upozore dinskih društev. Dalje apeliram na vse člane drušfv« 89. da «e ^ polnem številu udeleže januarske seje. Na dnevnem redu bodo važne razprave tikajoče se društva in slišali boste letno poročilo društva in kluba- Storite svojo dolžnost In udeležujte se društvenih sej. Naše društvo se lepo razvija in stalno napredujemo po malem. Mati Odella Wallerja, zamor-Mladinski krožek nam )? prire- skega farmskega najemnika, ki dil, krasno igro, gospodinjski je bil oboo jen v smrt zaradi urno-klub pa Miklavžev večer., Mi- ra svojega gospodarja. kjavl je bil v novi obleki i p obdaril vser stare in mlade, za kar =Š5= Louû Capuder, preds. .gospod, odseka. St. Mary'a Pa.—Naznanjam vsem članom našega drultva 681 SNPJ; ki se niso udeležili letne seje, da so bili izvoljeni za 1941 vsi stari odborniki. In sicer predsednik John Roje, podpredsednik Michael Bukovec, tajnik Gabriel Uljan, podtajnica Mary Uljan, blagajnik Ludwig Bon, zapisnikarica Josephine Bon; bolniška nadzornika sfa Michael Bukovec in John Rolih, za člane v Ridge-way ju pa Mary Tršelič, nadzornika John Rolih in Katarina Tro-ha, zastopnik Prosvete John Tro-ha rti, zdravnika dr. J. R. Sunders in dr. Lewis Restak. Sèjé se vrše vsako tretjo nedeljo v mesecu na 623 Curry' av. ob 2. pop. Naš zadnji ples 28. dec. je bil še dosti dobro obiskan in tudi s filmi, katere smo dojbili od jed-jiote, je bilo občinstvo prav zadovoljno. Vsi smo z zanimanjem zasledovali kraje, odkoder «o prišli naši starši in videli smo dosti lepega in zanimivega, kar nam ostane v prijetnem spominu. Hvala tudi Josephu Rolihu in njegovim sinovom, ki so nam lepo igrali ta večer. Edward Kramar in Louis Prudič, oba člana našega društva, sta odšla prostovoljno k vojakom. Gabriel Uljan, tajnik. Midway, Pa. — Naše društvo 89 SNPJ ulj ud no vabi vsa sosednja društva jednote, starejša kot mladinska ter gospodinjske odseke na skupno sejo, ki se vrši v nedeljo, 19. Jan., ob 2. t>op. v naši društveni dvorani» Namen tega sestanka je, da razvrstimo datume naših veselic za leto 1941, kot smo to že storili zadnjih par let Prosimo vsa bližnja društva, ki se zanimajo za to, da pošljejo svoje zastopnika na to sejo, ker le na ta na-, čin nam je mogoče urediti datu-, me za vse leto tako, da ne bomo drug drugemu delali zaprek. Denver, Colo.—Društvo Co-lumbine 218 SNPJ uljudno vabi vse Člane in Članice na prihodnjo sejo, ki bo V četrtek, 16. jan., pričetek ob 7:30 zvečer. Na tej seji bo nastopil novi odbor, po seji pa bo nekaj prigrizka in pijače in preskrbljeno bo tudi nekaj poskočnega. Torej na svidenje na prihodnji seji v domu slovenskih društev. Mary Grande, blagajnica. SLOVENSKA NARODNA PODPORNA JEDNOTA ^ izdaja svoj« publikacij« in š« posebno lim Proflvct« za koristi, 1er potrebno agitacijo svojih društev ln ilanstva In za propagando svojih Idej. Nikakor pa a« za propagando drugih podpornih organizacij. Vaaka organizacija ima običajno stoj« glaailo. Torej agitato-riini dopisi In naznanila drugih p9d pornlh organizacij la njih društev aaj M N» noMIJaJ« listu PrnuveU. ZASTOPNIKI LISTA PROSVETE ao val druitv«nl tajmlhl la tajnic« la liani. hI Jih druétva Izvalijo v to avrho Naši naatovl)«ni khalai I« potovalni I ledvice, êreva Itd NAZNANILO "PLANINKA" ZDRAVILNI (AJ "BAHOVBC" Is LJebljane. Je še vedno ns razpolago. Avetovno-zlavno sredstvo soper bolezni šelodca, ledvic, ire-veeja aU loKa. Tudi soper saprtje in za utrjevanje hrvi, Cena tedaj: 1 Ihatlja 11 U. t ik. $1.4S—3 fth. |WI 1'RATIKK m» tudi dospele. Blaonlko-ve in Druiiniihe. zslogs pa Je majhna. Kdor Pratiho teli. naj tahoj naroči. Cena ZAc komad. ftpanshl tefran. Mnthatov cvet ali Urber Jagode. < ona velike Matije lk ra%Aeutro!e, KamcBce, Rncjan, Lapuh. Lipovo cvetje itd. v fhatljah po Mc. MeAsnl taji Knajpovih sdravli za želodec. za pijača. i«per prehlad, kašelj. v škatljah po 7Sc. zaatopnih! sa 4>lof»i ekrajo eot Sacramento. Cal. Društvo Lóala Bar bor ich. as Milwaahoo, Wta. la okolloo. Anion Jaahevleh, ta Cleveland. Ohio la «kolke Andrej PtrU Iz Elf. Minn, za «rta ve Minneooto. « ja» dum 1 , . m . .1 Klon la I hUholm«. Minn., aa Mt» SNPJ je izgubilo ig svoje j chkhoim in «belk«. srede br. Majka Chankovlcha. rraah Cv«ta« iz TIre Rili Pa. sa veo srednj«.vzhodno Panno. Anton Somih Iz Hermlale. Pa. as vao aapedne Peaneylvanljo. Im Peternal k Library, Pa, sa za j 1 vaaklm nsro^ik« od S1JM sli vW i»uAlJemo zastonj naš hraoea VELIK KTKN1KI KOLEDAR. 8TKVK MOHQRKO CO. 7*4 Heath Sad aue«t. Mihvanhoo. Wk. Bolehal je 17 dni in bil v bolnlš-niči tukaj In v Kan Franciscu Dne 27. dec. ao nam naznanili, da je umrl. Društvo mu Je priredilo aljajan pogreb, seveda s pomočjo njegove žene, in mu poklonilo lep venec na krsto. Pako-pan je bil SO dec. ob 2. pop. na Maeonic pokopališču, kjer se je v i mi* nu društva od njega pošlo-vU br. Alek Uielac, v imenu pit- Pole« vseh teh pa khke vaah llaa aH nar«éaih sam podlj« av«Ja nar^ni no direktno lista PROKVET\ ' MŠ7 Srn Laaradak Ave. Chkag* I1L »«»aHHMMIMMi PROLETAREC k tldvaSako glasilo sorlalktlša« strank« v Ameriki. Vsak doto-ve« ta rojak, 14 se saalsM sa soeialleem, bi ga motal iltati. ker vas PRAVO SLIKO SOCIALISM A Naročnina zaaša 13.00 m leto. f 1.71 aa pol leta N aalet: PROLETARBC 2301 So. lawadale Ava, ^ CR IC AGO ' . . ILLINOIS Plšlto pe n«i eaoth knjtgt ............................ ČISTO PRIRODNO ZDRAVILO ZA PRSA Za olajftanjo TEŽKEGA DIHANJA in nadležnega KASLJA vzled prehlada, rabite itborrio zeliično pripravo — PECTORAL "MOUNTAIN" TEA. Cena izdatnega zavitka je $1.00 s poitnino vred. Na--ročl se pri: MR8. GRETA LESKOVAR 5»7 E. 7Srd 8L - New Yorh, N. T. A VLOGE tej posojilnici aavarovaae de R.NMI po Federal Savings é Loan lasarsneo Corpora tka, Washington, D. C Sprejemamo osebne la drultvene vlog« Plaëaae obresti po S% • St. Clair 8avings 4 Loan Co. •SU Si Clair Avmrao - Bond. M7t CLEVELAND, OHIO Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN * BURGBON ornea aouaa at 1714 W. Mtk Street h ctivm tttl al 1US W. Cermak Ri. «i»a-«iSt p. m. M. Oaaal IMS a s mi k »Iiis...... tell Cn*M S4M tr so ANswaa—cau a trma svss Stoletnica Morse-jeve telegrafi je 2e 1. 1837 so delali prve po^ skuse za sporočanje vesti s pomočjo elektromagnetskega brzo-java. L. 1840 pa je Američan ,^orse nadomestil svojo prvotno irzojavno pisavo v lomljenih črtah s sistemom znakov iz krajših in daljših črtic. Ta sistem poznamo še danes kot "Morseovo abecedo." Človek bi si mislil, da se je moral takšen izum, kakršen je Morseov brzojav, poroditi v glavi fizika ali tehnika. Namesto tega je bil Morse le slikar, ki se je bil dotlej bavil le s čopičem in barvami ter si je kot takšen pridobil tudi nekaj imena. Seveda ni bil sam, ki je izumil elek-tromagnetski pisni brzojav, temveč so že prej Gauss, Wqber in Steinheil ustvarili znanstveno podlago za ta izum. Na povratku z daljšega potovanja do krajev antične umetnosti v Italiji je dobil Morse pobude za električne poskuse. To je bilo L 1832. L. 1837 je z uporabo slikarskega stojala izdelal prvi, za patent godni model brzojavnega pisalnega aparata. Na vseučilišču v New Yorku se je izvršil veliki poskus pred študenti in profesorji, znake so razločno sprejeli in so se samodelno zabeležili na papirni trak. Toda ti znAki so bili še primitivni. Vstvariti pa je bilo treba pisavo, ki bi bila preprosta, kratka in vsem umljiva. Morse je flftftftA, S. JAVTTAItTA proučeval to vprašanje dolgi' te dne in mesece. Zanimivo je, k J ko je prišel potem do izuma tak šne pisave. Nekega dne je vze| r roke star časnik, preitel je poj edine črke in njih pogostost, pri tem jih je na ko« papirja označeval z znaki iz pik in Črtic. U. U 1840 je stopil a svojim mom pred javnost in ga predvajal tudi kongresu. Znaki so pri. hajali skozi 10 milj dolgo žico razločno do sprejemnika in jih je bilo mogoča hitro in preprosto brati. Ameriška vlada je bila navdu-šena m je takoj določila 30,000 dolarjev za postavitev prve br-¿ojavne proge. Zaradi gospodarske krize, ki je nastala v Zedi-njenih državah, se ta načrt sprva ni mogel uresničiti. Morse, ki je ostal slikarstvu zvest kot ravnatelj akademije lepih umet-nosti, je bil nevoljen in se je po. svetil spet slikarstvu. V decembru 1842 pa je ameriška poslan-ska zbornica znova načela vprašanje Morseovega izuma in je določila potrebno vsoto za gradnjo poskusne brzojavne proge med Washingtonom in Baltimo-rom. Dne 27. maja 1843 je bila ta 60 km dolga proga dovršena, Morse je dosegel svoj smoter. Bogat in obsut s častmi se je tedaj tehniki umaknil in je živel v podeželski hišici pri New Yorku spet upodabljajoči umetnosti. Na njegovi mizi je stala do njegove smrti 1. 1872 Morseova tipka, s katero se je lahko zvezal 1 vsako brzojavno postajo na gvetu. Prva brzojavna proga, v Evro-pi je ob priliki frankfurtskega narodnega zbora vezala Berlin s Frankfurtom, pozimi leta 1849 so po njej sporočili kot prvo vest o izvolitvi nemškega cesarja v Berlin. SLOVENSKI ZADRUŽNI POGREBNI ZAVOD (The People's Undertaklng Co.) v Frontenac, Kansa« TELEFON 5042 AMBULANČNA POSTREŽBA PROSTA KLOBASE, ŽELODCE BREZKOSTNO MESO IN SUNKE^ po domače nar^ene s česnovim okusom, vsak dan sveie prekajene s Hickory leaom, kar ns-pravi izvrsten okus. Kateri še niste poskusili mojih izdelkov, vam v resnici nekaj primanjkuje pri okusnih Jedilih. NAROČITE SE DANES! To lahko servirate za zajutrek, kosilo in večerjo, za veselice in drujfe :abave. Za poakuinjo, pošljite nam fl.00 in mi vam pošljemo 3 funte klobas. Poitnino plačamo. Vsa naročila vseh naših izdelkov 15 funtov ali več cena 30c funt, poštnino, plačamo mi. Poiljema^v vse kraje v Zedinjenih državah. Denar z naročilom pošljite na naslov: JOSEPH LESKOVAR 420 High Street - Racine, Wis. Počivaj v V blagi apomin prve obletnice smrti dragega soproga JOHN SHUSTERJA kateri Je preminul S. januarja 1940. ilru. dragi soprog, in lahka naj TI bode ameriška zemlja. Žalujoč« ostala : MARY SHUSTKR, soproga. Load. 80. Dakota. t * REVMAT1ZEM Hitra «II hm I >|hlUlB WMtlMI n» . tatwt« m-1 IskarMTi*. »i «k^llt«« N al miWIMM >»■»— UMI »rtfcrHto. MMk OmS« Ii ata» wnwMipt C«*» M M*f r«aijm» «m «eter « »«lut mfcatftm. c. o U m M M»» Chi»sfs. U. NAROČITE SI DNEVNIK PROSVETO Po skl«pn U. redne konvendje ao lahko naroči aa list Prosveto Is prišteje eden, dva, tri, štiri aU pot članov la ono druiine k «nI naroč-nlnL List Prosveto «ton« za vm enako, ia lian« ali n«člane $6.00 sa «no letno naročnino. Ker pa člani še plačajo pri esesmentu $1.10 ss tednik, se Jin to prišteje k nsročnlnl. Torej sedaj al vzroka, reči. ds ' J« liat predrag sa člaa« SNPJ. List Prosveto Je vaša lastnine in gotovo Je v vaaki družini nekdo, ki bi rad čltol list vsak dsn. " Pojasnilo:—V»«lej kakor hitro kateri teh članov prenoha biti član SNPJ, ali če se preseli proč od družine in bo tahteval ssm svoj list tednik, bode moral tisti člsn is dotične družine, ki J« tsko skupno naročena na dnevnik Prosveto, to takoj naznaniti npravništra lista, in obenem doplačati dotično vsoto listu Prosveto. Ako toga ne stori, tedaj mora upravništvo znižati datum za to vsoto naročniku. - Cena list« Prooveto J«: Z« Zdrnž. dr žare In Kanado HM 1 tednik In............. 4.80 S tednika la............S.60 S tednike In............2.40 4 tednike In............ 1.20 5 tednikov In.................nič Za Evropo Jo. • Za Cleero In Chicago j«...r. Joe Vidmar kar na lepem izmislil. Kako pa v slučaju, če so gl. odborniki obenem odborniki federacije? — Br. Vidmar ponavlja obtožbo, katero je suge-stiral milwauški federaciji, da Prosveta ne širi več delavske izobrazbe in ni več urejevana v smislu resolucije, katera daje smernice jednotinim publikacijam — dokaza pa ne navaja nobenega. "Urednik ima dokazov polne roke, kar pregleda naj svoje članke zadnjih dveh let!" Kaj je dokazanega s temi besedami \ Nič! Na ta način, br. Vidmar, ne trdijo resni možje. Ce je u-rednik obtožen, mora tožitelj pregledati članke in iz njih citirati di8kriminirane stavke, odstavke in vsako besedilo, ki jt proti resoluciji! To je dokazo vanje, br. Vidmar. LAŽ je, dt urednik piše propagando za voj< no in slavospeve demokratsk, stranki ter njeni newdealski ad ministraciji! Kdor to trdi, n< zna čitati ali je pa tako zaslep Ijen s svojimi političnimi dogma mi, da čita vsako stvar narobe Urednik Prosvete nikdar ne pi še kakšnih slavospevov, temvet konstatira le dejstva. — Smeš na je tudi Vidmarjeva trditev da so nazivi "komunist, petoko-lonec, sopotnik in apizar" žalji vi za naše Člane. Za katere čla ne? Kako more biti užaljen ne kdo, ki ni komunist ali sopotnik če Prosveta piše o komunistih ii sopotnikih? Besedt- "petokolo nec" in "apizar" pa sploh ne ve ljata za Slovence, ker smatramt — in upajmo, da se ne motim* . da med ameriškimi Slovenc ni petokoloncev, dočim besedi "apizar* rabimo le za one ame riške pustolovce, ki bi radi boža ii .Hitlerja po hrbtu in ga z bo žanjem pretvorili v krotko ma Čico. In to naj Žali naše Člane i Kje je pamet? — prično pojmovati, kaj je podpor-la organizacija. Pri našem kroi-(u imamo mladino do gotovih et, toda bolj odraslih, ki že začnejo pojmovati in bi se zanimali za SNPJ, teh pa nimamo, kar je slaba reklama za društva, in jed-noto. Seveda ne moremo takoj vsega pričakovati, ker je šele začetek in je bila to prva krožkova priredba. Imejmo pa namen, da >omo izboljševali toliko časa, da bo odgovarjalo namenu v korist SNPJ. V imenu društev" lepa hvala vsem, ki ste delali in darovali in s tem pripomogli mladini do male blagajne. France« Artach, 14. , Društvo 603 zadela velika nesreča ; Samsula, Fla.—vire. Vendar pa je odbor treh Hanov še vedno ostal na delu In rledal, kako začeti z delom in ka-!(o priti do finančnih sredstev, udi ta ovira, ki nam je delala lajveč preglavice, je bila odstra-ijena. Društveni predsednik fohn Pleterski st. je dobil osebo, ti je bila pripravljena posoditi lenar, ako posojilo odobri članstvo našega društva. Odbor je takoj sklical izredno te jo, ki se je vršila 18. oktobra 940 in povabil vse članstvo. Na tej i je pojasnil, kako lahko dobi-no denar in ako je Članstvo pripravljeno, da tudijpomaga, kajti K>sojilo ne bo zadostovalo, ako ami ne izvršimo gotovega dela. Razpoloženje članstva na tej se-i je bilo zelo razveseljiv^ in tvar je bila soglasno odobrila. >dlok odbora in članstva je bil: «daj pa na delo! Prav lepo je bilo videti, kako e rastla stavba, ki bo v ponos ilanstvu SNPJ in vsej naselbini, fukaj Be je pokazalo, kaj je članovo pripravljeno žrtvovati, da te ideja Čim prej uresniči. In pri lelu si videl ne samo člane, marveč tudi nečlane. Seveda bo na-a dolžnost, da jih v bodoče privijemo v našo organizacijo 3NPJ. ".S ' Ko je bilo zidarsko delo do-cončano in so se na pročelju zasvetile črke "SNPJ št. 603", je narsikdo, ki se je peljal mimo, »bstal in si ogledoval lepo stav-j »o, ki je zrastla v tako kratkem j asu. Na božični dan sva s taj- j tikom govorila, kajt naj ukrene-no na prihodnji seji in kdaj naj jo otvoritev, da dobimo predsed-lika jednote br. Vincenta Cain-tarja kot glavnega govornika. Dne 27. dec. pa pride ponoči »lementarna nezgoda, ki nam poruši dvorano do tal. Ko nje Je zjutraj prišel-obvestiti neki Američan, da je dvorana popolnoma uničene, nisem vedel, kaj bi storil. Sel sem takoj na lice mesta in ko sem zagledal razvaline, bi te kmalu razjokal, ko sem videl, da je vihar uničil v par minutah we, kar smo mi zgradili v par mesecih s trudapolnim delom. Delo, denar, požrtvovalnost član-itvs in potežkoče, vse to mi stopi pred pči. Ksj sedaj ? Ali se zopet popri-nemo dels in gremo naprej, ali pustimo vse skupaj pri miru? Moje mnenje je, da gremo z de- PROSVETA lom, katerega smo začeli, naprej. Ker nam je elementarna katastrofa uničila vse, imamo še pota, katerih se lahko posluiimo in sem prepričan, da ne bo zaman. Ako apeliramo za finančno pomoč na gl. urad SNPJ in na društva, jednote, katerih je preko 700, nam bodo gotovo pomagala is tega žalostnega položaja. Ne spominjam se, da bi gl. odbor kdaj v zgodovini SNPJ odrekel pomoč društvom, kadar jih je doletela taka usoda kakor je doletela naše društvo 603. Apeliram tudi na posamezna društva in dvorane, da nam pomagajo kolikor je v njih moči. Podpisani je delal že pri več društvenih in narodnih domovih, na primer v Prestu, kjer Ustuje dvorano Izobraševslno društvo, v Canonsburgu, ki je last društva 133 SNPJ in pri Slovenskem delavskem domu v Clevelandu, O. Ko sem se naselil semkaj, sem takoj videl, kakšnega pomena je, ako ima naselbina svojo lastno dvorano. Tako sem tudi tukaj začel delati na to, da si društvo postavi svoj lastni dom* v katerem b1 se lahko zbirala starejša in mlajša generacija in kjer bi lahko razpravljali o problemih, ki se tako hitro spreminjajo. O tem hočem napisati nekoliko pozneje. , Jernej Hafner, 603. Mnenje o koledarju Smithfield, Pa.—Tudi jaz se moram zahvaliti za letošnji (1941) koledar SNPJ. - Včasih sem rada pogledala nanj, sedaj pa nimam kam, ker so tako majhne Številke datumov, da jih ne vidim in «i moram prej očala kupit.-Sedaj še ne bom vedela, kdaj je treba plačat asesment. Žalostno za našo jednoto. Mary Debevc, 291. Slika kaše Italijanske vojake pri gradnji ceate v bližini egiptsko-libijske meje. ■ __v - ■ Nesporazum Hay ward, QU.—Prosim za malo prostora v Prosveti, da bom pohvalil Miklavža pri društvu 594 SNPJ. Tukaj so bili napravili "whist party" in je tajnik poslal pet vstopnic na dve osebi, ki se pa nisva udeležila. Zdaj hoče imeti te vstopnice plačane— za vsako 35c, od katerih gre 4c za davek. Jaz to smatram kot kazen, tajnik pa kot asesment— Čudno se mi vidi, da imamo pri našem društvu davek na asesment. Tajnik pošilja pošto po članih, ako teh vstopnic ne plačam v januarju, da ne bo vzefc asesmenta. Tukaj plača vsak član 15c mesečnega asesmenta v društveno blagajno. Prosim za pojasnilo, če društvo lahko kaznuje člana, če se ne udeleži veselice. - Frank Gognave. Uredniška pripomba: Društvo ne more nikogar kaznovat^ Če se ne udeleži veselice. Lahkot pa ob priliki kakšne svoje priredbe vsem članom brez razlike, če se veselice udeležiš ali ne, naloži izredni asesment, Članom pa "podari" vstopnice. Z drugo besedo: legalno mora član plačati izredni asesment, ne ps vstopnice, če se ne udeleži. Ce je vaše društvo v tem smislu zaključilo, je tajnik v pravem, če ni, ste vi v pravem. f riževe poti današnjega potovalca Po naroČilu uredništva "Frankfurter Zeitung" je švedska publi-cistka dr. Margret Boverl potovala preko 8ibirije in Japonske v Zedinjene drŽave, kjer naj bi se nastanila kot poročevalka tega lista. S kakšnimi težavami je mogla dospeti do svojega namembnega kraja, opisuje v dolgem članku, Iz katerega posnemamo poučne odstavke o borbi za potne liste. Danes, pravi dr. Margret Bove-riejeva, ni več mogoče, da bi človek kakor 1. 1872 do sedmih večer v klubu igral whist In eno uro pozneje brez nadaljnjih .priprav stopil v vlak za potovanje okoli sveta (kakor je. to napravil nesmrtni Phileas Fogg, junak 80-dnevnega potovanja okoli sveta Iz Verneovegs romana). Tudi ni več mogoče, da bi spravil v ročno torbico dve srajci In tri pare hogavic, vse ostnlo pa bi si kupoval meonskem—In parnik, ki od plove 22. avgusta, je videti še dobro dosegljiv. Toda ob začetku julija amerlškoga vizuma, od katerega je vse nadaljnje odvisno, še vedno nI v tvojih rokah . « . Navzlic temu naročiš prostor na ladji za 30. avgust. Pobotnica, da je potnina plačana, je tedaj za ameriški konzulat pripravlje-na. Začne se čakanje. Sredi ju-lja Izgubiš skoraj vse nade. Ali bi ne bilo pametneje, da bi opustil brzojavijanje In nastopi) drugo potovanje, ki ga imaš v načrtu že od zime? Toda 18. julija ti izjavi ameriški generalni konzulat, da bo odločitev o vizumu padla 22. julija. Takoj si naroČiš prostor na letalu, ki odpotuje 23. julija v Berlin. Naslednji štirje dnevi potečejo v polni napetosti, s polovičnimi pripravami, s koncipiranjem poslovilnih pisem—toda vse brez pravega prepričanja. Dno 22. Julija izpolniš y resnici veliko belo polo I mnogimi natiskanimi vprašanji, vse skupaj se pokrije z več podpisi, na vsebino prisdtoš t dvignjeno roko pred ameriškim konzulom. To je ameriški vizum. Tega ne vpišejo na kakšno strah potnega lista, temveč je listina zase, kos papirja, ki ga lahko, izgubiš in ki je nonadomestljiv.- , Vozni listek za polet v Berlin se torej vendurle izkoristi. Dne 24. junija se začne krožno potovanje okrog zastopstev Rusije, Japonske in Mandžukua. Toda nenadno ne zanima več dragoceni ameriški vizum, ki je veljal doslej za osnovni pogoj vseh nadaljnjih zahtev, nikogar več. Noben človek si ga noče niti pogledati. Namesto tega pa zahtevajo druga potrdila In Izjave. Kandidat za potovanje je morda razpoložen za točnost kakor Phileas Fogg, merda poskusi tudi to, da se ne da spraviti 1« miru, toda če čaka s sedemdesetimi drugimi ljudmi v predsobi kakšnega kon-zulata, sedi, stoji, sili naprej in ga porivajo nazaj, med tem ko se za zaprtimi vrati dogajajo brezkončni pogovori, se „ga na zadnje vendarle spet lotijo dvomi, da 11 se bo njegovo potovanje sploh kdaj začelo. Navzlic temu tvega sedaj ponovno nekaj: določi st za odlet is Moskve 9. avgust, naroči si vozovnico za letalo In za transibirsko Železnico. Vse je tako preračunano, da bo mogoče s kakšnimi štlrlmUpetl-ml dni za nepredvidene zakasnitve tisti psrnlk, ki odplove 30. avgusta, vendarle doseči, Končno Je vse opravljeno. Dali pa bo oddana prtljaga ob tvo-Jemj>rihodu res že v Tokiu, da 11 bo mogoče v Mančullju priskr-. beti sl potrebne karte za petdnevno potovanje do TokIJ*— takšna vprašaja ostanejo nerešena, Najzanesljivejše dnevne de-latske vesti so v dnevnika "Pro-sveti.** Ali Jih IlUte vsak daaT Maškeradna veselica Detroit, Mkfc. — Ženski odsek Slovenskega narodnega doma priredi maškeradno veselico v soboto zvečer, 11. Jan., v SND na 17153 John R. Najlepša ma-ska dobi nagrado. Imeli bomo novo godbo za ples in mislim, da se bo vsem dopadla. Vstopnina bo samo 20c. Za lačne in Žejne bo vsegs dovolj. Prebitek bo šel v prid novi kurjsvi. Vabljeni vsi. Mary Koshlr, 121. p* vikarja raašaleaa šrefttveas Oversea f Kaa»ali fiertés. ar« V d denar naj deluje za vas 4 o Mi Imuno 48 letno akuinjo In vitlu vlog« Je zgvgrovtn« do $5,000 od Ftderftlne vlade Zedlnjenlh dritv. POZOR! Nove vloge vložene do 15, januarja I1M1 bodo prinaiale dividende od 1. Jan. Kupit« $M>00 na plaéiln» «broke. Tako » ram bo nabrala lapa yota deiMrJS. J te«, 4. prijiranita „ar dolarja n. MhW eMail koliko flkrsalle v I, 10 In 1» Mik. Piéila sil poklMéi* ns lalafon ta knJUlro, ki opi.uje nal Kalrfleld hranilni naért. FAIRFIELD SAVINGS • AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 2729 Wilt Cermak Road - Tel. Lawndala 6400 B. IM .|J»4» t r.M«Mi cmcàM, ILUWOU PROSLAVA 25-lETNICE društva st. 254 S. N. P. J. v Bon Air, Penna. v nedello 12.JANJJARjnMl v . hpc PROSVETA PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT IM uutnina »Lonmij* roorosNS jbomovb T 4rU>« Itn« miMf) I m lata, W.ta aa pal U»*. •»-*♦ MM r-M aa aata Wta I»'» •• M WUI »■•« rata* i far ÜM Umita* »tata* (««aH CM««») M par paar. CUoft Claar» flM pm *m». tri« » M pot r«M p« 4o»ím* la ratajo aatoplai Utaaaraa wWm ( tam, »mi tU.) m rtmmim p<4Ujata0a la v alataj«. /UtiftWM »ta« «a »»■■nt-MMMiillU «i mta maaliaita* artUUa will m« ta MUirwi Ottar web m atari«, alara. P«—, «ta-, wlU ta rataraaS - - ■ - ta te fe - PBOSVKTA . •mi 4» Sa. UwaSaU a»*.. cta^aa. MKMSSS Of thk flDItATO» i jjjssrts s s ff fffffffi............................ Ltetuia v ukUpaju m primar (January SI. 1S41). pola* »»Ml« ti, ta va«i ia • tM 4atumode dne 18. januarja v SND. Zapomnite si, da pevski sbori in kulturna društva., drle našo slovensko javnost skupaj. Kjer teh ni, so takorekoč naselbine v mrtvilu in njihove narodne stavbe hirajo. Sicer bo pa to veselico Malo pod nos Eaat Helena, Mont. — jemalo sem se začudil, ko zagledam moje poročilo v Prosveti št. 254 o smrti br. Antona Saška. Skoro neverjetno je, da se more poročilo toliko spremeniti med potjo' iz East Helene v Chicago. Moja kopija kaže, da je bil star 56 let in rojen v vasi Igienk pri Novem mestu, ne Smihelu-Stopičih. Dalje je iz poročila popolnoma izginilo, da je zapustil tri hčere in tri brate v Združenih državah, tri sestre v starem kraju in da e bival tukaj nad 80 let. Mogoče je videlo vam moje poročilo malo preobširno in da bi vzelo )reveč dragocenega prostora 'rosveti. Bil pa sem pod vtisom, da imamo tudi na zapadu malo pravice do prostora v Prosveti, Dosebno še, ker vidim obširna K>ročila~ iz vzhodnih naselbin. Ker pa ste mogoče prejeli poroči-o od koga drugega in moje zavrgli, prosim pojasnila. Joe. Mihelic, tajnik št 148. Urednikova pripomba: O smrti br. Saška je Prosveta prejela dve poročili. Pravilo je, da ob-avimo vest, ki pride prva. Ta vest je bila seveda pomanjkljiva. Kadar umre član, si navadno pomagamo pri pomanjkljivih poročilih, da pogledamo v listine v jednotinem arhivu glede starosti n rojstnega kraja pokojnika. To smo storili tudi v slučaju br. Saška In v pristopni listini, katero je pogojnik sam podpisal, stoji, da jeoil rojen v dmihelu-Stopi-' črh. Poznejša vest, katero je poslal br. Mihelič, je bila seveda drugačna, ampak naša navada je, da se pri spornih vesteh vselej opiramo na uradne listine. Ali bi ne bilo bolje, če bi se bratje pri društvih sporazumeli, kdo naj bo poročevalec, namesto da poročata dva ali celo trije in vsak drugače, potem pa vsi skupaj zvrnejo krivdo na uredniitvo? van Cankar" uprizorili Finžgar-jevega "Divjega lovca", ki je poznana ljudska igra, katera je še vedno popularna, akoravno je bila igrana že večkrat. Igro re-žira Vatro Grill, in kot sem čul, so Cankarjevci odkrili novo zve-' zdo v osebi mlade miss Čebulove Addison Rd. (čestitam!).. Divjega lovca bo predstavljal poznani Rudy Widmar, ki se vedno dobro poetavi v ljubavnih vlogah. Imen ostalih igralcev za danes še nimam in upam, da bodo objavljeni pozneje. Torej prijatelji naše dramatike! V nedeljo, 12. januarja, na komedijo •X), ta vražji fant'' v Delavskem domu,na Waterloo Rd.; v nedeljo, 19. januarja, pa na "Divjega lovca" v Narodnem domu na St. Clair ju. Louie Kaferle. doma za velikodušni dar in za plemenito razumevanje ideje J Slovenskega narodnega muzeja. S. N. muzej se priporoča organizacijam, društvom in posameznikom za razne zbirke zanimivih stvari, da jih poklonite v hranitev muzeju. Poleg tega daru je še precejšnje število posameznikov, katerih imena doslej še niso bila objavljena v javnosti, prispevalo večje ali manjše zbirke zanimivih stvari S. N. muzeju. V bližnji bodočnosti bodo objavljena vsa imena darovateljev, katera še niso bila doslej. Vsem darovateljem pa najlepša hvala in da bi našli še mnogo posnemovalcev!— Za Slovenski narodni muzej, Erazem Gorahe, tajnik-arhivar. SREDA, 8. JANUARJA Na milijone hinavcev.,. "O, U vražji fant" Cleveland, O. — Dramsko društvo "Verovšek" bo uprizorilo v nedeljo, 12. januarja, zavozlja-no komedijo "O, U vražji fant" v treh dejanjih na odru Sloven skega delavskega doma na Waterloo Rd. To bo druga predstava Verovškovih igralcev v ti sezoni. Za predpustni čas si društvo ni moglo izbrati boljše komedije kot Je "O, ta vražji fant", ki bo vsakemu ugajala, posebno še, če vemo, da "ta vra ijl fant" ne bo nihče drugi kot poznani Frank Slej ko. Saj se ga spominjate iz igre "Pred poroko" in v "Denarju", ko Je kar na dobelo špekuliral, potem sitna deklina, ki mu bo "štrene mešala", bo Florence Jeray-SIa-by; ženo, kateri po naključju naprtijo dva mota. bo igrala Josephine Kovač, njenega pravega moža Ton v Drenik, starega bo zbor Svoboda priredil v korist pre(utavljal Joe Godec in nje-nove kurjave v našem domu, in ^ Uno Ana Zaic. jeray-Sla-še posebej nas vseh veže dolž- ^^ Kovačeva, Godec in Drs- nost, da se late udeležimo. Na svidenje 18. januarja! K. Junko. 121. nik so igrali zadnjič v Moškrico-vlh "Rdečih rošah" za 22. obletnico Ivan Cankarjeve smrti pod avapicijo Cankarjeve ustanove, kjer so vsi odlično odigral! svo- Ksneešks pogrebna zadruga Arma, Kana. — Ob koncu leta aem raznašal stenske koledarje pogrebne zadruge po okoliških naselbinah in tako obiskal precejšnje število članov. "Pa kako, da ima naša zadruga letos tako malo biznesa?" so me vpraševali. Hm, prvič je minulo leto pomrlo precej manj tukajšnjih rojakov kot povprečno druga leta; drugič ima ta zadruga ravno take potežkoče kot vsako drugo zadružno delavsko podjetje: nerazumevanje, ignoranca in škodoželjnost od tistih, za katere dobrobit je bila ustanovljena. Tre tjič pa ml ne hodimo obiskovat bolnikov po hišah z namenom prikupiti se domačim, da dobi mo "hiznes", ko bo bolnik umrl kot delajo nekateri drugi. "Rad bi šel v bolnišnico obi skat prijatelja, pa se bojim, da bo mislil on in njegovi domači da komaj Čakamo na njegov konec", mi je pojamral upravitelj zadruge. "Ampak drugim tega ne zamerijo, če tudi jih obiščejo edino iz tega namena," je pristavil. Na potu po naselbinah sem naletel na 83-letnega starčka, ki samotari v majhni koči. "Oh, ali še oskrbujete pogrebe V' me je vprašal. Pritrdil sem mu in ob enem želel srečno novo leto, kot je že obibaj. "Veš," mi je rekel, '.'ne bom več dolgo, pa sem že naročil, da me vaš zavod spravi, ko pride konec. Pred nekaj leti ste tako lepo in poceni poskrbeli za pogreb moje žene". Pa mi je nadalje pravil, da mu je več let pred tem umrla hči in mu je neki drugi pogrebnik računal samo za obleko tnipla 85 dolarjev in za njajhen cvet liHje za v roke 8 dolarjev. - Kljub letošnjemu majhnemu prometu je zadruga v dobrem stanju. 2e to, da zadruga posluje 15 let, je napredek, na katerega smo lahko ponoeni. Vse delo v zvezi s pogrebi še vedno vrši za zadrugo mr. Bert Morgan, ki ima sam ugledno pogreb-niško podjetje v Pittsburghu. Iz praktičnega stališča zdaj tudi zadruga rabi njegove moderno urejene pogrebniške prostore, dasi imamo še vedno v Fronte nacu drugo opremo in zalogo krst. Precej let je menda bila ta zadruga daleč naokrog edina te vrste. Is raznih poročil pa je razvidno, da je bilo v minulem letu ustanovljenih že nad 50 zadružnih pogrebnih zavodov žirom Amerike. S temi vrsticami se tudi opozarjajo vsi člani na letno sejo druge, ki se vrši v nedeljo, 19. januarja, ob 2. uri popoldne slovenski dvorsni v Fronte nacu. Na dnevnem redu bo, poleg drugih stvari, celoletno poročilo o prometu in stanju tega zavoda ter volitev odbora. Pridite na sejo! A. Hhular, tajnik. Smrt člana v Kanadi Nanalme, H. Canada.~Tu. j, v|oge Igro retira John Stekaj Je naglo umrl 7. dec. m. I. wi.i li __.«»—i.__u__i __ blaj. ki je mojatrsko odigral ne hvaležno vlogo podravnatelja Filderja v "Rdečih rožah Dramski zbor "Verovšek" se Tajniške težave Gillespie, DL — V Prosveti vidim, ko neki Član kritizira koledarje SNPJ za 1. 1941. Mislim, da se kritik ne moti. Jaz imam slične izkušnje.1 Ko prinesem koledarje na sejo, nekaj članov mene gleda, nakaj pa koledarje, naenkrat se pa eden oglasi: "Ce naša organizacija nima boljših ko so ti, še te nazaj pošlji." Jaz jih nekaj časa tolažim, da jaz nisem kriv, če jim koledarji ne ugajajo, pa se nekdo oglasi: "Za nas majnarje so dosti dobri." In tako sem bil rešen sitnosti, da mi jih ni bilo treba nazaj v Chicago pošiljati. Ne vem pa, če so koledarji pri šli domov, ker je bilo vreme silno viharno.- V Prosveti in Enakopravnosti tudi vidim, da se bosta ti organizaciji združili. Kot tajnik, o-pozarjam vse društvene tajnike SSPZ, naj pogledajo točko 102 v pravilih SNPJ. Razvide» boste, da ne boste imeli tiste pravice kakor ste jo imeli pri SSPZ. Kot tajnik našega društva 465 SNPJ bi rad videl, tisti uradniki, ki so dali točko 102 v pravila, prišli na letno sejo in bi videli, kako se po malih naselbinah pričkajo prodno spravijo skupaj društvene odbornike. Tako se je zgodilo na naši zadnji letni seji. Dve uri smo kovali predno smo skovali skupaj društveni odbor. Veliko članov na letno sejo sploh ne mara priti. Jaz imam člane, ki mi prinesejo en teden pred sejo ases-ment, samo da se izognejo uradu. Kari Guna, tajnik. Uredniftka pripomba: Nobena točka v pravilih nI večna ali ne-izpremenljiva. Ce pride do zdru ženja, bo treba marsikaj spremeniti in izboljšati« To se lah ko zgodi letos, ko bo konvencija Nova pridobitev 8. N. muzeja Cleveland, a — Direktor!j S. D. doma na Waterloo Rd. je na svoji zadnji seji sklenil pokloniti v 8. N. muzej H. G. Peruškovo sliko, ki se je originalno imenovala "Molitev", pozneje "Nevihte", nekateri pa trdijo, ds se imenuje "Preporod". Slika je ....................._ ( bila prvotno last SNPJ v Chlca- Je delal v premogorovu. fto štl- l»r*loev ln režiserja za ne- gu. posneje Je bila poklonjena rih letih se Je s drušlno prese- «MJ«ko predstavo "O. ta vražjLS. D. domu na Waterloo Rd. v lil v Nanalmo, B. C., kjer Je tu- f*nr d°himo zatrdilo, da ta igra'Clevelandu. in ta jo je sedaj podi delal v premogorovu. Pred par ho.d«»bro Igrana in če ei hočemo klonil Slovenskeihu narodnemu leti Je bil pri delu poškodovan P«r ur* <*»hre zabave in obilo muzeju. Slika je bila še prepe-na nogi. kar je tudi povzročilo I 'mrha. pridite v nedeljo ob treh;|jana in doetavljena v musej. ki njegovo smrt. prtpokJne v Delavski dom. kjer Je s njo zopet precej bogatejši Pokojni Je bil akrben oče svoji boste deležni vsega tega. ^ ] na svoji sblrki. druftini in priljubljen\pri znan-' V nedeljo, 19. januarja, bodo . Vodstvo S. N. muzeja se iskv*-cll> irt prijateljih, kar se je tudi pa igralci dramskega zbora "1- no zahvaljuje direktorjem 8. D. John Kralj, dolgoleten In zaveden eiat| društva 109 SNPJ. Rojen Je bil 18. Jun. 1. 1886 v vasi p£»£o d- r ku,tur °r je prišel s svojo zaročenko Aloj- f*" > zljo Knez L 1912, ae nastanil In PH»nanJe In pobude oftenil v Canmorti. Alberta, kjer « l**rivovalno delo. Is in*; Uspela božičnica Loa Angelea, Cal.—V dolžnost si štejem, da se v imenu našega društva Gora Wilson 615 SNPJ najlepše zahvalim vsem, ki so posetili našo miklavško priredbo in s tem pokazali, da so naši prijatelji in nam pripomogli do boljšega uspehs. Lepa hvala tu di vsem, ki so nastopili na programu. Prvi so bili "veseli seljaci", k so nam igrali na tamburico in zapeli par lepih pesmi. Prav dobro se je postavila naša mlada članica Adria Bros, ki je s tremi svojimi prijateljicami igrala na harmoniko, da jih je bilo veselje poslušati in tudi pesmi so bile lepe. Priznanje našemu čla nu Nikoli Mujku, ki je dvakrat nastopil In je rojen za komedijanta. Prihodnjič ga bomo zopet videli 16. februarja. Hvala vsem, ki so brezplačno igrali za ples do kasne ure, posebno pa br. Avgustu Kočniku. Vsi smo bili židane volje, samo škoda, ker nas ni bilo več Pričakovali smo večje udeležbe Med nami so bili tudi mrs. in mr Frsnk Mandič ter sin is Besse merja, Pa., ki so tukaj na obisku pri sorodnikih. Upam, da se jim dopade kolifornijsko solnce In da se pteselijo semkaj. Mary Hart t man. predsednica. JUglJIMe degrajeao Sygan, Pa. — Društvo Bratstvo 6 8NPJ je dogradilo novo moderno Kegljišče. Odprto je bilo na Silveetrov večer in je adaj na razpolago cenjenemu občinstvu in prijateljem, zlasti tistim. ki jih veeeli kegljanje. Torej oglejte si naše moderno ke-gljišče. kakor tudi naš predelan društveni dom. La (Dalja Is prva li komunizem, kakor oni, ki so si izbrali fasi. zem (razen fathra Coughlina ia še nekaterih), za demokracijo! Danes vsi pojejo glorijo ameriški demokraciji! Kako je to mogoče? Ali je mogoče, da w vsi oni, ki so še včeraj videli le fašizem in ko-munizem, danes zagledali tudi demokracijo? V nekaterih posameznih primerih je to mogoče. Človek, ki je leta In leta slep, lahko izpregleda in spozna resnico. V vseh teh primerih radost-no pozdravljamo izpregledance in jim kličemo: Dobrodošli, bratje in sestre, dobrodošli v naših vrstah! — Na splošno pa to ni mogoče. Vsi niso in ne bodo nikdar izpregledali, enostavno zato ne, ker niso bili vzgojeni za to — ker niso bili vzgojeni za demokracijo. Iz tega razloga lahko upravičeno zaključimo, da je v današnjem slavopetju demokraciji kolosalna nota hinavfc-čine. Ljudje, ki ne dado nič na demokracijo, se igrajo demokrate! Ta igra jim ni težka in zanje je celo opravičljiva. Enostavno uve-riš samega sebe, da to, kar ti hočeš, je največja demokracija! Hudiča namalaš z obrazom angelja in hudič je angelj — in angelj je hudič v miselnem svetu! Ta igra je že stara. Stara je bila že takrat, ko sta Lenin in Trocki krstila svojo diktaturo za največjo demokracijo na svetu in vsi pravoverni komunisti še danes z mirno vestjo pravijo, da je Stalinova diktatura največja demokracija na svetu. In stara je bHa tudi takrat, ko sta Mussolini in Hitler krstila svoji diktaturi — ko je špahski krvolok Franko o-značil svojo diktaturo — za največjo demokracijo na svetu.' To ni nič novega; to se ponavlja že stoletja. Zgodovina je polna gnusobe, ki se je skrivala za najlepšim obrazom, ožarjenim s svetostjo . . . Zgodovina je polna prič, ki nam pripovedujejo, kako je "namen posvečeval sredstva" . . . 1 Yes, v Ameriki je danes na milijone hinavcev, ki pojejo glorijo demokraciji — v isti sapi, ko pojejo, pa tuhtajo,. kako bi to ameriško demokracijo prikrojili zase, kako bi iz nje naredili ponižno deklo, katera bi služila samo njim . . . Bratje in sestre! Toliko časa smo že na svetu, da smo se lahko naučili, da gola pesem ali gola beseda' ne pomeni nič. Delo, dejanja so, ki štejejo! Ako hočete videti hinavca, pazite dobro, kaj dela sosed, ki poje slavo demokraciji. Njegovo delo v krogih, ki izpod-kopavajo stebre 'demokracije, njegova pajda-šija, katera se na tihem veseli zmage totali-tarstva, njegovo neprestano iskanje napak v načrtu obrambe ameriške demokracije, njegova navdušenost za mir, ki more v tem momentu biti le Hitlerjev mir in smrt za demokracijo, njegova trditev, da je razlika med to in ono diktaturo — to vam lahko odkrije sovražnika demokracije, pa naj še tako poje glorijo demokraciji. Čuvajte se ga! — Katoliški list o revoluciji Glavno glasilo švicarske katoliiko-konser- vativne stranke, "Vaterland" je v oktobru —zapisalo sledeče značilne besede: 'K)b smrti Trockega je časopisje govorilo o Trockem kot o "permanentnem revolucionar-' ju." Beseda gre stvari do dna, kajti Trocki je bil v resnici večni revolucionar. Napačno bi pa bilo to večnost videti le v Trockem, kajti revolucionarnost se je v tem vulkaničnem razumniku kazala le kot v kakšnem gorišču. Od leta 1789, ko je stopila* revolucija kot zunanje zgodovinsko dejstvo na pozornico evropske celine, je bila revolucija na dnevnem redu vseh drŽav in preži že 150 let na vsako politično, socialno in versko vprašanje; zjrodovinsko raz-, dobje od 1. 1789 sem lahko Imenujemo dobo permanentne revolucije. Na zunaj je imelo to zlo svoj vzrok pri vladanih, ki jih ni bilo mogoče obvladati; toda najgloblji vzrok sam je ležal in še leži pri vladajočih, ki vladajo brez ljudstva. • To se je zgodilo z usmrtitvijo življenjskega živca, ki je vezal svobodo z avtoriteto, to se je zgodilo z zavratnim umorofrr avtoritete same. — Noben diktator zadnjih 150 let, začenši od Napoleona do najnovejših, ni mogel revolucije notranje premagati. Zmaga nad revolucijo je možna le z novim duhom. Dokler se ta duh ne bo usidral v politične, socialne in gospodarske zadeve, bomo živeli v stalni revoluciji; "permanentni revloucionar" Je mrtev, permanentna revolucija je pa bolj-živa kot kdajkoli poprej." (Iz Prosvete, 8. januarja 1921) Domače veati. Slovensko dramsko društvo v Chicagu je imelo drugo predstavo s tremi novimi komičnimi enodejankami. Zadeve SNPJ. Gl. tajnik je objavil imen» prvih delegatov za izredno konvencijo SNPJ. Dela vitke veatl. Število brezposelnih dela* cev je prekoračilo dva milijona. Inozemstvo. Angliji preti velika financ"» kriza. » Sov je taka Ruaija. Angleška vlada je »P* pretrgala trgovinska pogajanja a sovjeti. qrrDA. 8. JANUARJA élmujA* Nanita« goftporttt Irfrmta 2*57-5» te. UwiWi Af«. Chicago, IlllMh GLAVNI ODBOR BT^cvun 01 M7 «. LawaSala A v*» M« H. LavaAaU A»... SWT a. u*ydt A.. . MIT a. Lafrafela Am. BMT a. Lawadala A**, all a. U«>ak UIlMto ¿^l VHrtek. »rv« Krm»k Balluh iienln»" S- Jr.. ,rri AMHktel CmIIM UntA. j^. ni«* «»** Katk P«<»»ia> Vladat Caiakar . F. A. VM*....... Jaka Vaaridl .... Jaha OUp ........ D.aal4 J. ooarooAaaaj odsbki ..............................SU B. ltla* at. ......................SMT a. LawaSala Ara« Otap, ............... SMT a. LmwmdmU in, CM««*. ...........*..........SMT a. Law»4ala Am. CM—*. ............-.«...Ml a. Pm»Mi An, ciwua« .............'........................a. TrambaU Am. CUcm. ........... ..............HM a. LwkiH Am. Smna. 1 POaOTNI ODUKi , l. nari«é. araáwírik..».«m.........».»...............414 w. bay a., boataafmá. l£!lk Bar*«.........................................1Mn Am. Claralami. Ani.n Skalar .......................................................Baa ST, Aim, B j^k Vrata rick ..............................................St^ Laaaraa, jaha Tri«U .......................................................*•« MT> MaOZOBNI ODSBEi ......................SMI B. LawaSala Am. CMraae. ...............................M Waatcla» Am. Fan. MUaa Madvaakafc.................... ..................HIM AraaSa Aw., CWvtlftBái iu. . m. OMa Fa. Fa. Fraak Zalta. OUa ' ■ ' ' Í . ' ; Predsednikova kolona V NOVEM LETU ^0 Je za nami in natopilo Je 1941. Kakor v tej deželi navadno ob vsakem prehodu iz starega leta v novo, je bilo tudi topot veliko pozdravljanja in izmenjavanja sezonskih voščil, mnogo popevanja in veseličenja ter drugih takih ceremonij. In kakor drugi, smo se tudi člani SNPJ verno držali teh prijetnih tradicij ter obhajali spremembo leta na poseben način. Saj praznikovanje, prijateljska voščila in veseličenje za razvedrilo je na vsezadnje tudi na mestu, čeprav ni zmeraj neobhodno potrebno. Toda take reči hitro minejo, posebno za revne sloje in sedaj, ko je konec lahkomiselnih ceremonij in smo se znašli spet v resnih časih, je potrebno, da začnemo spet tudi z resnim delom. • Ob nastopu v novo leto se navadno vselej radi ozremo nazaj v dogodke iz preteklega leta. Nehote nam prihajajo misli o tem in onem, kar je bilo in kaj vse smo doživeli in menda vsak normalen človek se poskuša iz tega kaj naučiti ter praktične izkušnje iz preteklosti izkoristiti za izboljšanje svojega položaja in svoje bodoče dobro. In kakor je to z nami običaj glede nas samih, tako je glede organizacije. Tudi v organizaciji se dogajajo tekom leta številne reči in prav gotovo ne zmeraj samo dobre, in tudi iz poslovanja organizacije se vsako leto lahko veliko naučimo. In kakor poskušamo na podlagi lastnih doživljajev in praktičnih izkušenj izpoj)olniti svoje znanje ter dobiti širše obzorje, kakor se trudimo samo sebe izboljšati ter postati v bodoče še bolj koristni član! človeške družbe, prav tako je na mestu ih tudi potrebno, da na podlagi izkušenj in dobljenih rezultatov vedno izboljšujemo, večamo in izpopolnjujemo svojo organizacijo, da bo še bolj dovršena in človeštvu bolj koristna. In slednje je še toliko bolj važno. Kpjti naš uspeh in napredek v osebnih poslih in zadevah osrečuie in navdušuje več ali manj le nae Same ter nas bodri k Še večji (relavnosti, večjim naporom in vztrajnosti, medtem ko od našega dobrega in uspešnega dela v organizaciji poleg nas samih Ima koristi še stotine in tisoče drugih in blagodatnost, ki prihaja od našega zanimanja in aktivnosti, je vseobča. ^m ---T • I Zavedajmo se tega dobro, bratje in sestre! In odločni, da ne popustimo, temveč bomo še povečali aktivnosti za našo dobro jed-noto, v tej zavesti začenjamo leto 1941! KAJ NAS ČAKA Zro* nazaJ v nftAe organizacijske aktivnosti iz preteklega leta bomo lahko opazili marsikaj. Opazili bomo precej živahnosti v naših vrstah in opazili bomo tudi prilično lepe uspehe, zlasti ponekod. Ko bodo pregledana vsa društvena poročila ter izdelani končni računi našega letnega poslovanja, bo razvidno, da smo v preteklem letu spet dobili lepo število novih članov, da je spet narselo naše premoženje in da je napredek jednote vsestranski. Vae to je lepo in gotovo razveseljivo za vsakega dobregs člana. ToiR nas ne sme spraviti iz tira pri agitaciji ali odvrniti od nadaljnjega dela za jednoto, temveč naj učinkuje na nas ravno nasprotno: To zadoščenje in zadovoljstvo nam naj bo v nadaljnjo pobudo za aktivnosti v nas toplem letu! Ne smemo pozabiti, da člani tudi umirajo ter da ne organizacija stara in je vedno potrebno nadomestilo z novimi. Tudi ne smemo pozabiti, da je še veliko mladine, ki v resnici pripada nam, pa še ni naša. Vse te moramo pridobiti t V naši jednoti je pravo mesto za njih in pri naa je prostora za vse I Z nantopom novega leta je bila prenešena iz starega tudi naša mladinaka kampanja, katera se konča to pomlad in jo moramo dobro završiti. To je naša važna naloga za to leto. In ker ima kampanja tako lepe koncesije ter toliko izrednih privlsčnosti, ni i*»«ebno težko človeka zainteresirati in z njo pridobiti novega člana. Dajte se torej na delo in poskusite! Ako znste govoriti količkaj prepričevalno, boste gotovo ifrpeli. In poleg zadoščenja, fca boHte imeli s pridobitvijo novega člsna in s tem, da boste prijatelju pomogli v eno najboljših brstskih organizacij, boste še w*mi nekaj zaslužili zraven. Kolikor je važno in potrebno, da ob prehodu iz atarega leta v 'nzno razmišljamo o tem, kar smo delali preteklo leto ter jami sebe strogo sodimo glede osebnih stvari, kar naj bi nam slu-v lastno dobro in napredek v bodoče, tako je toliko bolj Važno, '"to «torimo glede naše delavnosti v društvu in organizaciji Kajti kakor znano, ao imela naša društva baškar svoje J ovne letne aeje, na katerih je bilo sprejetih nešteto dobrih za-»iJučkov. Zaključki pa so res nekaj vredni le tedaj, ako se tudi Rajajo To pa pomeni kooperacijo društvenih članov in odbor-,v* dani se ne smejo zanašati samo na društvene uradnike, ,a i »a morajo tudi oni vršiti svoje dolžnosti. Za dobro poslovanje a m dobrobit vaeh je tudi potrebno sodelovanje vseh! ^toanje poletje bo tudi 26 let, odksr smo začeli izdajsti naš nni-vnik Prosveto. To je vsekakor važen zgodovinski dogodek. "J'« delavskih dnevnikov js malo in še manj takih, ki bi v težki 7 li!,kor im»i° pristni delavski listi, preživeli eno ftetrteto-J'* Tako znamenitost moramo dobro prosbfriti in to bomo sto-ako pridobimo v tem letu mnogo novih naroč- '-v drugih važnosti, ki ao pred nami In a katerimi ae bo treba UviuA*vria in gonilna sila. In kakor znsno. je s pripravami za njo P108VETA veliko posebnega dela. Sploh je konvencija največje važnosti za društva in članstvo ter oelo jednoto. Torej je pred nami veliko déla, ki čaka agilnih članov in pridnih rok. Veliko prilike za koristno udejstvovanje v vrstah naše organizacije se nam nudi to leto. Poprimimo se ga s veseljem in pravo nam lastno energijo v trdni zaveati, da delamo zaeno zase in za najbolj dobro ip plemenito stvar, ko smo aktivni za jednoto !-r V. CAINKAR. gl. predsednik. Naš stenski koledar 7" F. A. VIDER, gl. tajnik £aša jed nota izdaja stenski koledar že mnogo let in bili amo prvi med našimi podpornimi organizacijami, ki smo istega pričeli izdajati v svrho reklame, katera se je brez dvoma dobro obneala do poslednjih časov, dokler je bil koledar poapbnost in «ne kakor dandanes, ko ga je lahko dobiti skoro v sleherni trgovini ali aalunu. Izvršni odbor je vedno gledal ter pazil pri naročanju stenskega koledarja, da bi izbral takega, ki bi zadovoljil veliko večino članstva organizacije. To se v vseh slučajih mogoče ni posrečilo, kar mora biti razumljivo, ako se vzame v poštev, da je v naši jednoti nad osemintrideset tisoč Članov v oddelku odraslih in da v mnogih ozirih nimata dva enega in istega okusa. Da je poleg tega problema treba gledati tudi na finančno stran, mora prianati vsakdo, ki hoče biti dosleden. Izdajanje koledarja za tako obsežno članstvo torej ni lahka stvar. Nekateri člani dajo mnogo na sliko koledarja, drugi se zanimajo samo-za koledar, to je za številke, ki značijo dneve, tretji za oboje, četrti za ličnost in umetnost itd. In kdo naj zadovolji vseT~^ .— - Naše koledarje smo poslednja leta opazili viaeti v prostorih, kamor niso spadali in kjer niso delali nobene reklame jednoti. Prejemali smo tudi pisma z opozorilom, če bomo izdajali vedno enake oblike koledarje, da jih temu ali onemu društvu ni treba veliko pošiljati, češ, da se jih je članstvo že naveličalo. Sedaj, ko je forma nekoliko spremenjena, pa zopet pri nekaterih nI zadovoljstva in mislijo, da organizacija, kot je naša, bi morala izdati koledar, s katerim bi se postavili, ne pa tako "revnega" kakor je letošnji. Ce bi se koledarji izdajali po bogastvu, potem bi jih morale bogate zavarovalne družbe izdajati v naj razkošnejši obliki. Pa poglejmo kaj izdajajo in koliko! Kritike v naši organizaciji so na mestu, ker verujemo v demokracijo in kar j^bilo do sedaj izraženega v listu glede letošnjega stenskega koledarja od ene ali druge strani, je bilo dostojno in tako je pravilno. Ce se bomo držali tega principa, smo lahko prepričani, da bomO mnogo več dosegli za našo organizacijo in s tem za svojo korist, kakor če bi se na primer po nepotrebnem gnjavili ali celo prepirali radi takih ali sllčnih vprašanj. Izvršni odbor je vednorpripravljen upoštevati želje in priporočila članstva, kolikor je to mogoče. Ker sem že pri stenskem koledarju, mogoče ne bo škodilo, ako člane seznanimo s finančno stranjo tega vprašanja, o katerem imajo nekateri napačne pojme, kar bi se dalo soditi po njih izjavah. Letošnji stenski koledar stane 9c kos, lanski je pa atal nekaj več, kar je zelo malo. Za devet centov ne moremo pričakovati kaj posebnega, pa če istega tudi izdamo v tisočerih izvodih. Letošnji veliki koledar stane 49c kos, prejšnji so pa stali od 60 do 82c koa s poštnino vred. « Devet centov za stenski koledar za organizacijo, kot je naša, boste mo^>če rekli, je res malo in se boste vprašali, zakaj M potrošimo več. Na posamezen koledar res nI veliko, toda, če število 35,600 pomnožite z 9, dobite vsoto $3,196.00 in če ti vsoti prištejemo še poštnino, ki znese približno cent za koledar, pa dobimo vsoto nad $3,500.00 za mali koledar in potem pride še veliki. Vprašanje za nas je samo eno, in sicer, aH se za našo organizacijo še izplača izdajati tako visoke vsote za koledarje -v dandanašnjih časih, ko je v tem oziru taka kompeticija? Ali bi ne bilo bolje in koristneje dotično vsoto obrniti v drugačno reklamo, recimo radio? Izvršni odbor kajpada lahko izda večje ter bogatejše atenske koledarje od letošnjega, toda za 9 ali lOc ne moremo dobiti ničesar boljšega, ker ponudbe so bile dane več drutbam, ki ae pečajo s te vrste delom ali trgovino in odločili smo se za ono, kar je bilo najcenejše. Sicer bo pa najbolje, da bo članstvo glede tega vprašanja odločilo In po želji članstva se bo v bodoče ravnalo. Leto 1940, bratje in sestre, je za nami. V prošlem letu je naša organizacija z vašo pomočjo ter aktivnostjo zopet beležila lep napredek v članstvu kakor tudi premoženju Za to vašo lojalno delavnost zaslužite vsi oni, ki ste na ta ali oni način pomagali do uspeha, priznanje in pohvalo, ki vam jo v imenu organizacije tu izrekam, kakor tudi vsem društvenim odbornikom, posebno pa tajnikom, s katerimi imamo največ poslovsnja, za prijazno sodelovanje ter kooperacijo. Upam in želim, da se bo to naše prijateljsko sodelovanje vršilo tudi v letu 1941. Na tem mestu izrekam tudi zahvalo vsem onim članom, ki so poslsli nešteta sezonska voščila In katerim se ni bilo mogoče osebno zahvaliti! Obod pri elektrarni ob jez« Grand ( oule* v Washington«. Od tm do Časa komentira in poroča Milan Medveaek Mnogi rudi mulijo o ljudeh, ki ae odlikujejo na tem ali onem polju, da ao ae rodili z "dobro glavo", za to je njih znanje aa-mo ob aebi razumljivo. Res je, človek mors imeti vsaj delno razvit razum, da se lahko uaposobi zs kateri koli poklic. Se več pa šteje pridnost, vztraj-noat in veselje. Ns primer nekdo ima lahko "najboljšo glavo", toda če ae ne trudi spraviti svojih možganov v pogon in Če jih ne msše, ostane vseeno samo bedak. Nekateri pa mislijo, ds je šols tisti čarovniški ključ do izobrazbe in znanja. Do neke mere je, a če ni v človeku samem stremljenja po znanju in blatrenjU duha, mu nobena šola nič ne pomaga, prav nič! Poznam ljudi, ki so mnogo let trgali hlače po šolskih klopeh in nekateri imajo celo diplopte, navzlic temu pa se bi človek razjokal nad njih pametjo. Na drugi strani pa naletimo na preproate delavce, ki ao imeli v mladoati malo prilike za učenje, a ao se pozneje sami izobrazili in danes bolje presojajo svet in Življenje kot marsikateri profesionalec. Lepi vzgledi aamoukov-izobra-žencev ao baš naši uredniki, pisatelji, govorniki, igralci, frater-nalistl in drugi. Večina al je s vztrajnostjo in zanimanjem pridobila znanje in.iaobrazbo. Toda vse to je bilo že velikokrat povedano, zato rajši nekaj besed o mojem prljstelju J. M. Ko je posečal gimnazijo v Ljubljani, ao "učeni" profesorji kon-štatlrali, da nima talenta, da I-ma slabo glavo za učenje. S slabim izpričevalom ao ga poslsli domov. A-fant ni obupal In napotil ae Jeeliram na vse roja- SEZNAM PRIREDB! DRUŠTEV : pridtknih k {«Uracijaai 8.N.P.J. ■»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»♦»»»»»»»»«♦»»a»»»» PRIREDITVE DRUŠTEV CHICA&KE FEDERACIJE 8.N. P. J. Društva aaj prtvofiiM naananijo ivtj« priredb« tajniku aa analov: Frank Alsah, 2124 8. Pulaakl Rd. TM.1 Lawndnl« «ML CHICAGO, ILL. PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJE DRUŠTEV 8.N.PJ. aapadne Pennsylvanlje Drultvnal tajniki aal naiaanljn •vojn prlrvditvn tajnika t JACOB AMBKOZICH R. D. No. 1 McKoon Kocka. Pa. FEDERACIJA DRUŠTEV SNPJ EA JUŽNI W18CON8IN Mllwaukee. Wla. KKOŽHK Ar. IS SNPJ |irlr« Clalr av«. - OPOM HA TAJNIK A i Draštva. M prirejaj« aveje pikalke la veaelica. naj U pravoéaane aaaaaalj« tajniku f« deradje, da ss eakrat tajnik. rredi i« objavo v liria ».—J, F. TKRBltAN. PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJE DRUŠTEV S.NJ*J. v Conemaugh Valley, Pa. OPOMBA TAJNIK A i Aim kateeo draitvo, ki prireja «vej »tkalk ali ve-aeHe«, al f Um eeaaaai«, snsši, da nI bil« prlJsvUMM ta Jaiba f«4«rariK ANDHRW VIDRICH, TM faraet A v«. J ob ««town. Pa. FEDERACIJA ZA VZHODNI OH 10 IN W. VIRGINUO Vaa dr uit v« apadij«4a ped te federacijo aaj aasaaalj« avoje prlroditv« tajnika br. Ust« Pavlini««. K KO Na t. Nm 11 Hellalre. Obi«. PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJE DRUŠTEV 8.N.PJ. Beveme Kalifornija VAL. LANARNAR, Ujnlb TM Bsa Hruno A v«. Ha« Francleco, Callf. TRPKll NA ŽRLODCU Aka Irv»»a ra^U. »M*a«»m ea^Sav, átaaja ■— alia*« la »a»a« a »a 1*4 turn-Hifft*UM*nm kislim §|| MŠasas atoa, iMahualta UUMal a4ravllal «a/ «toa. I, Ta laSaraa aalMéna priprava pfimé» pumrn** |wafca»IJeU la aSvajMI peraMJ» aa »a«*!, Caaa ta4ata*ea aavtUa |a fl.M • pulla I aa >n4 Marata m pri i MRH. (JRKTA LKRKOVAR AST K. Ttrd HI., New York. N. T. TISKARNA S. N.P. J. \ IPRKJKMA VHA v tiskarsko obrt spadajoča dola Tiska vabila za vssellce in shod«, vlzltnlce, časnika, knjigo, kolsdarje, letake Itd. v slovenskem, hrvatsjcšm, slovaškem, češkem, angleškem Jsziku In drugih VODHTVO TIHKAKNE APELIRA NA TLANKTVO H.N.PJí, DA TIHKOVINE NAROČA V HVOJI TIHKARNI «««»»•••» Va« pojaanll« daje vodite« UakanM.-Cena imam«, onljako del« p rea vrat« Pilite p« Informacij« n« naaloe! , ^ SNPJ PRINTER Y 2467 M K. LAWNDALK AVENIJE • CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Tel. R/irkwell 4004 "Ü--V-'............. SNPJ in 371 h Year of Continuoue Service 1904 - • - - - < 1941 ......... . ■ .MiKHffrr— ■ ■■» — PAGE SIX ENGLISH SECTION ". 1 ~ ^ ___ For Member» of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovene* PROSVE ■secee»»»—oeocccoeoooeeo»—oeooooo#co«««x Fifteenth Annivertary 'of SNPJ Englieh Speaking Lodges WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8 Form New Circle In "Motor City" (DETROIT, MICH.—We are indeed Silver Jubilee of Prosveta ! ' • ' . On next July 1st, our daily Prosveta will be 26 years old. A quarter century in the life of a daily newspaper which _____ is being published by a fraternal organization-first and j gw V^ZT^ j 5?»* * Badgerland News MILWAUKEE. WIS.—This Sunday. Jan. 12. It the Badger» Athletic Club Card party at Sostarich's hall. 6th and Bruce. All member» and 'Morning StarsR of Pittsburgh (PITTSBURGH, PA—The reallta- Golden Eagles to the SNPJ world írieDÚ* ínvítad to *ttend' AfUr tion of the Morning Star men'a bowl- orgaalsed here in Detroit, Sunday. Dec. 20, 1940, at the fist meeting of thia group held at the SND on John ft. This formal organization of the circle ww st the aame time a great yuletide gift both to the Detroit SNPJ Federation and the Society. And now we are ready tnd eager to tail on and on to. reach our common goal of success and to be listed in \the roster of our Juvenile Circles among tho active circles. The attendance due to very bad weather was rather small but the spirit was there. Representatives of the Fvderatipn were Bro. Korsic, Sis. Junko, Sis. Bogatay and the writer. The boys and girls who were present showed that they are very interested in the circle end certainly hsve tho only paper of its kind in the Slovene language—is not a small achievement ; cm the contrary, it is an epochal event not only in the modest history of our immigrants in America, but also in the history of Slovene public life generally. This fact must be recognized also by those who disagree with us in principle if they want to be sincere. Since the silver jubilee of our consistent freethbught and labor daily paper is a great event and a special occasion, it is proper that we so observe it. This shall be done. The Executive Committee of the SNPJ at its last meeting decided to issue the Prosveta in commemoration of its anniversary the week before July 1st, 1941, as an anniversary edition on at least 12 and not more than 20 pages. Besides the usual official eight-page weekly, the anniver- pep and spirit thai mean«, "Lookout sary supplement will be printed in photogravure on fine, jjp* taTeJ'JJb'? paper and will contain in word and picture a review of They elected their officers: Dorothy I the work and achievements of the daily Prosveta during EsJ1 its first 26 years (>f existence; the size of the supplement —four, eight or twelve pages—will depend on the amount of material we will be able to prepare. The anniversary supplement will also contain English articles. It is known to every SNPJ member that the daily Prosveta during the past 26 years has been the most effective agitator for our Society. For the past 15 years the Prosveta has had in its Wednesday edition also its English Section, which means that the English Section of the Prosveta hag today a fair number of regular contributors from among our younger generation; this is evidence that the Prosveta has succeeded exceedingly well with its agitation also among our youth. All this will be brought to the attention of our members and our public with our anniversary edition. The twenty-five years of the daily Prosveta have been a new era, and a special chapter in the history of our Slovenes in America—and it is not merely coincidence that this period actually marks half of the life of Slovene journalism in America. 1 ad everyone come up and enjoy yourself. Louie Kramer of the Pioneers challenged the Badgers to a bowling match game and I «m sure the Badger» won't let this lad unchallenged. (How about Sunday, Louis, before the card frarty?) The Badgere also received their trophy for winning the SNPJ Softball Championehip. But it ia a traveling trophy and must be won 3 time» in order to retain ownership. Cf)ga Marie Knapich, the correspondent for the Young Americans, was visiting the Zagar family in town tnd we were glad to make her acquaintance. Now, since the holidays are over, it is time to buckle down and get after tho* new members. What aay members, let's give it a push and go 1 over the top. y, LEO SCHWEIGER, 584. team ctme true; and that was, I GIRARD, OHIO —We are 'way late with our thanks for excellent hospi- to win the National SNPJ ©uekRin j ttlily given us during the paat three Championship on New Yetr's Day afc! weeks. T say the feeling ¡¿ as corn- locals were pitted» fortable as an old shoe. There was ' the very pleasant stay at Petrovich's place who gave us the key to his house, and I mean thai literally. Then after the gsng (1L Kumer, Cassol, D Gowanda Boosters GOWANDA, N. Y.—The annual election meeting of the 6NPJ Gowanda Boosters Lodge 728 was held on Dec. 26 with the following officers being elected: Ernest MIHer, president; Louis Klucik, vice-presidentt A. Kahiaa, financial secretary; G. Miller, treasurer; M. Klucik, recording secretary; Anthony Rlsao, auditing committee chairman; Joseph fi'lch, cergeent-at-arms; E. Miller. V. Klancer, delegatea to directors' meeting. Our meeting date has been changed from the third Thursday of the month to the third Monday of the month. Members please note the change and see if you can't attend more regularly. At thie annual meeting^jrf had a fairly good attendance considering what it has been In the past. This credit Is due Tony Rlsso. After lunch, when the meeting was completed, Tony and two other musician* provided ftusle for dancing which everyone enjoyed. Lately there haa been much discussion as to why the Boosters have not been more active as a gang of old faithful members got together and decided to get things going again. This after-the-mecting party des a resultant and they hope to have many other surprises for you In the future, ln order to make their plans a success they need the help of each and everyone of you member«, eo tee If you can't attend the monthly meeting« and cooperate with them. Remember the new day. the third Monday of etch month. In Januarj* Verona Lodge 680 Plan Dance on Jan. 25th VERONA. PA.—The Veronlans Lodge Is announcing to til of our member* and friends that they are sponsoring a President's Ball on Jan vary 26. featuring Taffy Domovina orchestra from Berberton, Ohio. Pro* coeds will go to the victim* of-Man tile parelyeie. Everyone is Invited and assured that there is a pleaeant^bfet left handed howler in lime in store for everybody. Congratulations to the newlyweds Mike Burirh end Frank Jakovac. Since 4he meber*hlp rempelgn U on, why aot have your wives Jot** Incidentally, M tke ia ene of the draftees. To Hooker: Sorry We were unatfte lo eUend your Christmas dance Note: Kumer. don't forget our dan** Jan. tft. veronica yugovioii. -josephine BURS1C, ato. the meeting date will be on the 20th. Please keep the day In mind. The flrat big undertaking in the new found spirit is our anniversary dance, which will be held on February 1st at the Slovene Hall. Since this dance Is going to he along the same lines as in the good old days, everyone is assured of a good time. More in formation will be given later or sa soon as the program Is complete, but in the mesntimc how sbout some of you out-of-town lodges getting a gsng together snd come to Gowsnds snd fthare the gayety of the night of Feb-1 ruary first with us Booster*t What do you say Loyalites, Young Americans, Glratd Golden Eagles, Wolverine*. Buffalo Big Pour, Johnstown, Universal, St. Marys, and the many other Booster friends? You art all welcome. Perhaps a bowling match or two can be arranged for the following day. If you are Interested, write to 263 Miller St.. care of yours truly, so we can arrange for your stay here. . On Dec. 22, at the Slovene Hall, the Slovenes of Gowanda congregated with their'children who were visited by Santa and a good time was had by everyone. That graqd old Slovene pioneer Charles Rternlsha Sr. opened the ceremonies with a fine and touching speech. Mrs. Julia Bosich fol lowed with the Introduction of the children who were ready to show their talents. Three prises were given for the best show of talent, these being awarded as follows i 1st prise. Bobby Vehar; Snd. Eleanor Matehevlch; Srd. Walter Gnesda and Dick Hmcllewska Thanks is extended to Georgt Samson for rendering his polkas and all other workers who did their beat In helping to make this a success. The Boosters' Bowling team, after slow start, now find themMlves In a three way tie for firet piece. They are also howling about the beat scores of the M HH^ill due to en Brothers as ter. By the way, Emle la still the (he |s the only left-handed bowler) lllgh single game goes to Peter Beicht>n who had a nifty MS. la the ladles' League our France« Strauss l* sUM considered about tops when H comes to bowling. This Column will give Me full sup- del, rec. sec'y; Edbin Spendal, treat. The various committees will be elected at the next meeting, Sunday, Jan. 26, at 2 p. m. A name haa been selected, "Juvenile Spirits of Detroit" Many problems were discussed. It wss decided to psy 6c dues etch month. Circle meetings will be held each last Sunday of the month at the SND on John R. at 2 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all juveniles to attend as the doors of welcome art open to you. 'For the holidays I traveled to MIL waukee to visit my friends, but as there were no SNPJ affairs there dur-ing the holidays 1 was not able to meet many SNPJ members. I talked with Bro. Schweiger and found that he is very interested in circles, for which he deserves all credit. On Friday evening three Juvenile members of Circle 4 came to mo me, namely John and Mary Pokier and Robert Glsvan, president of the Junior All Stars. This trio certainly deserves a lot of credit for making their circle so outstanding. They are an enthusi astic group very much interested in the welfare of all circlaa. My thanks go to Bro. Ctinktr and the. Jolly Kansans Circle for their fine compliments in the letters, and my sincere appreciation to the Violet Rays Circle of Milwaukee for their card and encouraging words. Our circle would very much like to correspond with other circles so that cooperation can be had among our circles. OLGA MARIE KNAPICH. Lodge 6««. Integrity Broadcast CHICAGO, ILL/—Our young juvenile member, Therese Marie Poterac^ ky, passed away on Jan. 1st, 1941. The Integrity Lodge express their etneere sympathy to the bereaved Poteracky fsmily. Sifter Amelia Ravnikar and Sister Augusta (Alicb) Di Cenxo attended the funeral for their step-fsther in Arksnsas whert it took place on Dec. 31. Our Lodge wish to express their heartfelt eynipathy to the Ravnikar family. Jg MICHAEL FLEISCHHACKER, 681. Lodge 89's Important Meeting on Jan. 12 MIDWAY, PA.—It was decided at the annual meeting of 8NPJ lodge 80 to . Invite all new members who joined during the past year, to attend the next regular meeting Sunday, Jan. 12, at 1 p. m. at which time you will be officially admitted into our organisation. JOHN JUST, Secretary. Out of the HÜU of West Virginia Keystonians' Dance Saturday, Jan. 18th HERMINIR, PA.—At our dance on Christmas night we experienced what is termed a big success. The reason can be applied to the mutual gather Ing at this affair. The Keystonians held their annual meeting the flrat Sunday of the month of December and reelected the same officera for another year. Each officer expreasod words of gratitude and cooperation, respectively: Frank Gra-disek, President; Martin Urana Jr., Vice President; Joseph Satis Jr., Sec. retary; Anne Rahne, Treasurer; Mary Klavors. Recording Secretary; Edward Marn, Sergeant-at-Arms. , I To start the year right we ask you to drop In St the Slovene Hsll, Her-mlnle, Pa., on January 18. and rejoice to the swing of Frank'a Trio and his aatured girl ainger in a manner pleasing to anyone'e ttr. The invitation is extended to every Individual and couple to spend the night out In fun and frolic. There may be a "next time," but you make It "thle time" st the Keystonians' Dance—January 18. ANNE RAHNE. «13. EDITOR'S NOTE | MUSE. PA.. P. M. B.: Your letter postmarked Dec. SO p. m. reached js two d^yt after last week's official Issue went to press. STAR CITY, W. YA.—A new year and a new leaf. I made no resolutions (resolutions like promises are msde to be broken)« My one lodge ambition is to bring together all English speaking members of 388 and form a lodge of our own. I'll know we havo succeeded only when we ride together bound for Natl SNPJ Day In Chicago. If I go to Chicago alone, then. . . Try harder in 1042., Another new member was accepted by Lodge 888. and we are glad to havu in our midst, Bng. speaking, Tony Furaich. I spent a very pleasant afternoon with Tony and he believes In fun and seriousness, therefore he will be a good member. Remember, Tony, Jan. It Is our next meeting date, and bring George along. Two new juvenile sppllcants shall be brought up to the meeting Jan. 12. If I remember correctly a new adult applicant ia also to be brought up. Well, good I We want mora and more members. Who said Lodge 888 was asleep T I On Jan. 2, 1041, Lodge 888 members paid their teat respects to Mrt. Jacob Takavec. Bro. Takavec had been missing from his home since Dec 22, 1040, tnd was found dead on Dot. 81. Burial wsl on Jan. 2 at the Beverly Mills Cemetery. He will be sadly mlased by all members -at the meet, ing* and social tffairt which he had alwaya attended. Bro. Takavec la survived by three daughters and three sons. A reminder to all 888 members. Our nexi lodge meeting to bo held on Sunday, Jan. 12, at the usual place, Bro. Zeleanlk's hall at ten o'elotk. Bee you at the meeting. Bring t new member. VIRGINIA SELAK. 888. Championship Carriek. The against the Veronlans and subdued them, by a fair margin, and after that were never headed by the other contending teams. So far 1041, at least the Morning Stars bowling squad (Frank Stefan-cic, Rudy Ujcich, John Ujcich, John Fabec, Dan Fabec* think, has beon quite profitable. Congtate -to the Sharon bowlers, last year's chsmps snd who were runner-ups this. year. In sticking together, we think we can withstand all opposition in the future, and win mtny more tourneys* , In this tourney we were matched with our neighbors and real sports the Veronlans, who teemed to be below par. Our girls' team didn't fare as well as was expected, in losing out to the Jolly Juniors' girls of Sygan, but they promise to blast those pins into oblivion at the next tourney. The girls' team (Rite iBarilar, Elsie Klun, Anna Klun, Hose Fabec and Sylvia Fabec) were pitching their best, but those pins failed the fair ones,, and thus the girls had no luck. You'll get "the bacon" next time, girls! On Dec. 16, the Morning Stars' bowlers traveled to Export where the locals engaged the Marines in a return match, and the M. S.'s sunk the Gobs by 286 pins. Saturday afternoon, Jan. 11, will find the local Champs heading for 8haron to engage the Keystoners in a bowling match, and later attend tho Keystoners' dsnce in Sharon. Hope to see Rexek there. The tournament dance at Library was a real fun frolic and many thanks to the respective committee in securing Taffy's Domovina orchestra, a band that has everything. All the local members wjip attended were enthused over the melodious and lifting tunes and enappy polkas of Taffy's band. . About three carloads already have planned to be at Veronlans' dance on Jan. 26, where the same orchestra will play. Those going, sec Dan Fabec for tickets. A Teal treat la in store, and you can have a grand time with the Veronlans. Tourney Views We wtre glad to see Rose Mary and .Dot Rossa at the tourney. The Y. A.'s boys pepping things up with Beachey Bruce displaying his union button. A1 Peternel throwing a "sinker ball" that sunk one out of every 10 pins. Bast of luck to Frank Hribhr, who left for "pineapple land" to serve with the U. S. Army. (See you at the tournament in May, Frank.) Resek, the csmera enthusiast, snapping all "main cogs." Kumer displaying his machfhe gunning act. (YouH get a medal soon. Mike.) "Mudgey" of Strabane "machine gunned" a 228 high single game, and Rudy Koseie of Ambrldge pulling through in the doubles, with his partner. Nice ko-ing, fellas. All Morning Stars are requested to attend the regular meeting Sunday, Jan. 12. beginning at 2 p. m. The 8ports Committee will meet at Mrs. Anna Klun's home Fri., Jan. 10. at 8:80 p. m. Plans for a Softball team, to be entered in the coming SNPJ League, will be formed, and other events will Jm discussed. - Let's see everybody at Sharon Key. atoner Dance Jan. 11; Veronians' Dance on Jan. 26; Comets' Dance on Feb. 1*s who cannot attend the meetinir-please mail or send your duea to my tddraas, 4663 Roaalie Ave., Dearborn Mich., one and one-half blocks weat of Greenfield Road. I hope this is satisfactory at all dues mutt ho in by the »O* of each month. RUDObPH RE K SICK. Lodge «T7 FLASHES (CHICAGO, ILL.—A grand total of 721 members on the active list and another thirteen on the cancelled list, was reported to the SNPJ by the Pioneer Secretary as of January 1st, 1041. Both the juvenile and the adult department each have the largest membership ever attained by us. We are taking full advantage of the present membership campaign to do our fraternal ftaty snd to increase our ranks. New prospects are available, and new members can be procured if we utilise our ability and scout them up. Six prospects are already lined up for the January 17 meeting, and at least another four or five will be secured by the meeting dste. The Plonaer honor-roll in the I membership contest will be published in the monthly Pioneer Bulletin. Frank Gfoeer, Mae Grocer and Anton Plrman form the first 1041 quarter Sick Visiting Committee. The sick membars are as follows: Justine Shame. Scammon. Kansas; Sylvia Homes, Auburn, 111.; Joseph Yenrich, 2061 Waahington Blvd.; Irene Bodl-gar. 2140 Wl Coulter; Rom Vldmayer, 2428 8. Central Park; Anna Guberaek. Fort Wayne, Indiana; Clara Blasek. 8816 W. 24th St.; Rudy Longo. 1410 N. 16th Ave., Melroee Park, IH.; Mildred Zerdaai, Municipal 8anitarium, W. iBryn Mawr and N. .Pulaski, and John Sedntk. 3326 W. 23rd St A fine big bouncing baby girl ar. rived in the ftmily of Mr. and Mrs. George (Matjasie) Moe. Congflatula tions!—Frank and Mary 6»teach spent the Chrtataae holidays in Kansa Another Reveu boy Is coming into the Pioneer lodge. Hie name is Frederick, the son of Louis and Anna Raven.— Dr. J. F. Naehtsaan has left for a brief vacation In Florida.—Many Pio nee re attended the New Year's social of Branch 1 JKF at the Lawndale Masonic Temple and had a most enjoyable time— Ann. (V Id mar) Samp-cess. who resides in Washington, D. C.. stopped in to say hello before «he returned to Waahington. She was down to Livingston, Illinois, over the holidays te vlaK with her parents. A lot of important things are brought out by the A«*ori*ti»n of life Insurance Precedents One very important fact Is that the rates on investments have been reduced from 6.03 to 3.64 in the ten year period ending December, 1940. Government bonds form one of tha largest items in the portfolio, just under twenty per cent of totsl ss-sets, while ten years ago it was le* than two per cent of total asset*. State and municipal bonds account fllding Year's Day. And right now we tip our hat to SNPJ— one of the most cosmopolitan organ iiation. in existence. The SNPJ members assembled in Pennsylvania en New Year's Day came from »ev "" * V ' 7" TV I chance to prove 1 the Missus; Joe Anslovar and wife, for pa on jjew Tubby Jefpian and wife; Birchy Kromer andi wife, the Frank Perne., the Xuguxt Prusnicks; Schmultz and hi. future; the BUI Sitter.; the Ver-hotzes, ouy Maestro Frank Yanko- w mt vich and wife; drummer Lee Novak eral gUkteg and wife; the Fraijk Cernes, the Christies; the Frank Urfcanics; Josephine Yankovich; Chubby Grego- I - %is» -n—» ***** mp '**"»> »■* »atij Detroit Talk Considerable comment is hfcard and read about SNPJ'. 1941 .mall wall riTgeport, OMoTln last°week's Pro-1 DETROIT, MICH,-Our present veta calls attention to the fact that membership drive is progressing he picture on the calendar represents very nicely since mo.t of our mem- keteers, and to Rinl, their new sac , „_____.„..ii Unnvun bers have taken an active part. If retarv. At last we finally met ut All our old friends were there and plenty new ones. We saw Machine Gun Kumer who is .till the king of German polka.; Frank Resek (whan are you going to let u. .ee that SN PJ album); Joe Bertovic, Jimmy Maglich and hi. wife, Ann, and her sister. Congratulation, to Betty Am brcsic, the new Prexy of the Mus poer John Greenleaf Whittler's well-known W. have taken an active part H The Barefoot Boy" with quota- we continue to do a. well in the fu-ihe line "Blessing. on thee, ture as we have done in the pa.J, Hn . . ." from the same poem, we will have reached the 300 mark t in a coincidence that a biographi- »n a very short time. It is the most al sketch of the poet in which the sincere desire of the Young Ameri-wm is mentioned appeared in the can lodge that all members continue ecember number of Mladinski List, to keep up their commendable work __i in the future. .. . | Last month's campaign for new ^ f7r brought into our lodge fc'i, luJan Dorothy Marti us. Katharine Frank, illy 1, 1916. ll^Ut^eS' ^ fditor of Prosveta since 1929, has been ith the paper since its beginning. Drobnic, and John Fabyanic, to whom we wish to extendi our heartiest welcome. At this month's meeting we vHll have Alice and Ester - .. . ... - Haase of Clinton, Indiana; Frank nrforrSwrediter ot Turkovich, George Kolar, Jean Pre-and prior to that wa8 edit0r i gel, and Ralph Argue joining our lodge. Let's see how many members ' can bring a niw member into our Lodge for next month's meeting. YOU dq your part: Get a new member. Very few members have purchased their 1941 Club Membership cards. Did you get yours? If not, do so at once. Card, and key may be obtained from SND Secretary John Jane or at the SND for the price of $1. Uh your key for the door, don't knock. Lately there ha. been very little talk about building a new SND here in Detroit and very little talk about buying new .hare.. Detroit is very | much in SND la IMPERIAL, PA.—The next meeting * well known fact to many of our f the ES Federation of StfPJ Lodge, visitors as well as our own people f Western Pennsylvania will be held here. The preaent SND ha. proved n the Slovene Hall, Moon Run, Pa.,1 many times that it hasn t the adequate m Sunday, January 19, at 2 p. m. I f^Uities to take care of a large crowd Many items of importance will be The City of Detroit has progressed card and discussed. It is eaaential > m™y y,an!5 hat each affiliated lodge be repro- hkewUe, n*ny of our Slovene people ented with three delegate.. Among. h"ve Progressed, building new homes he item« to be heard are: (1) Report\tor themselves, having places of bus f 'he joint federation dance held in !"*• Uoin« very well, and a few do he first head editor of Prosveta tras the late Jole Zavertnik, who erved in that 1929 and prior the SNPJ Glasilo for six yjears. Still another birthday this year ill be the twentieth of the Mladinski 1st which Was established in 1921. Isny an adult member who con-ributes to the Prosveta English Sec-ion made his first appearance in he early editions of the juvenile gatine which since has undergone omiderable change. , henn ES SNPJ I federation Items retary. . At las£, we finally met up with our twin sister, and so to Chris Ambrbslc: "Hello, it's nice having .uch a nice twin." For a one family .how, we nominate Dan Fabec and hi. two sisters who would put even the famed Caruso to shame. Johnny and Rudy Ujcich seemed to be having a plenty good time, too. Now know where Al Peterlin, YA's Presl dent, got all his wim, wigor, and vitality. His Mom and Pop, brothers and cute »later, are sure nice folks. Our alncere thanka to them for their hoapitality. Othera we aaw swinging it on the dance floor or participating in the tournament were Universal'. Ralph Yoreb, Rudy Urf and Jolly Sam from Strabane, all the Kumer brothers, Larry and Mary Caasol, and Pee Wea Prevec. Congrats to the Universal uvemle Circles Form New Circle in Detroit; Sleet Officer» and Select Name DETROIT. MI Oil.—On Sunday, Dec. 29, we held the first meeting of our new Juvenile Circle here in Detroit. A. this was our initial meet Ing we elected the following officers to lead the Circle during the coming year: Dorothy Pleeh was elected President of our Circl'j; Dorothy Karun, Vice President^ Vera Semec, Secretary; Elaine Spendal, Roc. Secretary; Edbin Spendal, Treasurer. We also decided on a namo for our Circle—we are to call ourselves "Juvenile Spirits of Detroit." After the meeting, refreshments were served and we all had a awell time. Our next meeting will be held on the laat Sunday in January, that ia on Jan. 26. At this meeting we expect many more membera to attend All you Detrolteia, conic to the meet, ing and let's have .the best Juvenile Circle in the good old U.S.A. J, DOROTHY KARUN, Vice President. Circle 3 Electa Officer»; Next Meeting on January 25th CLEVELAND, Q.^-Circle 3 elected their new officers for 1941 at their December meeting: Leo Navoda, pre». Tony Smith, vice pres.; Amy Slajko rec. aec'y; Dora Terblsan, correspond ing sec'y; Francia Brate, treaa.; Joa ephine Gorjanc, publicity manager, Speaking for the Circle, I can aay that our former presTdeHt, Eugene Terblsan, fcga been an able president and we hope our new preaident win be just as good. Our next three monthly meeting, going to be held on Saturday. are instead of Friday, becauae of ths large attendance of our members the basketball games. Our Circle has purchaaed a combination radio-record ' player. We will uae it for our actlvl-tiea and apcials before and after the meetings. Two boys In our Circle have a large collection of record« which wj use for the record player. Our next meeting will be on Saturday, Jan. 25. We want a good at-tendance at our first meotlng of the new year. A¥Y SLEJKO, Circle 8, Universal Comets A Cleveland Week-End UNIVERSAL, PA.—Over the week-end of Dee. 81, Larry Cassol, James Maglich, Dan Fabect and the writer, all Pennaylvanlaiis, and John Alden of. the Cleveland Comrades lodge, journeyed to Cleveland to participate in the festivities of the seven ESL'a celebrating the 16th birthday of our Youth Movement The trip waa a pleasant one, and our ftrat atop was the Slovene Workmen's Home on Waterloo Road. From there we \yunt to the home ot Mr. and Mil. Math Petroyich, where we diacusaed fra ternal problems, cleaned up a bit, accepted the key to their home to take it over lock, aiock, and barrel, and procbeded to the dance on 64tb and St. Clair, the National Slovene Home. The .even KSL's did a good job of arranging the decoration. ii> the hall, and they h*d a huge crowd oi mem bfr. and friend, in attendance. At the dance we had a good time da no Ing, conversing, and doing everything to make an enjoyable evening for our selves. Following the dance we, to» gether with a crowd of Clvvelandors, visited the Rossa home where we continued the good time, until the wee hours of the morning. On Sunday we visited Louis and Betty Jarta, and there we talked about everything and listened to "Ballad, for America" played on the phonograph. Later we witneaaea two girls' team, from the Loyal I tea' lodge bowling, and then joined the bow). Ing .eMion of the girls from the Comrades' and Struglers' lodges. In mid-afternoon wa attended the Scrlbes's Supper under the able direction of Rosemary and Dorothy Rpssa and Albina Gruden, all three Loyalite members. Here was in evidence a good crowd of active SN* PJ members, giving hi a hire's eye view of who's who in the Cleveland ESL'a. This affair was a success, and should prove fp^ more intereat A Column By MARY JUOd - tJ The New Year ^uch to be regretted, certain s*a havo hecofne so much a stock expression that they have lost alt their significance. We mual all wait for Thankaglvlng Day to look to a-day of hearty eating, for December 26 to wiah each other merrlneas, and for the New Year to aet free all thoae inhibitions which would be lookoJ upon unfavorably at any other lime. Becauae, to net our conscience right, the new year earrlea anothor tag to, conaole us: "Ut tha dead iiast bury It. dead." | If we want to be truthful with our-svlves, we will realise lhat thl* favorite text for Now Year serfaons cannot be true. * U is contrary to all the rulo. of physiology and psychology for fcny complex organism like the human body to live a certain way and to think a certain way. for a complete year, or for five or ton or more years, and then wait until a certain spot on the calendar rolla around and aay; "Now, 1MI cast away all of my past life and begin anew. What's past Is dead; I'll bury It," It li Just as untrue as that we need a hear.ty meal only on Thanksgiving or that we neod to be morry only on Christmas, No) growth does not occur once In 666 days, (t Is a «lay by-day proees«. The human »yatem establishes hard, MOON RUN, PA.—The first meet- «n* sometimes too-deepty-lntrenched, ing of the new year waa held at the' habits aa a matter of bodily efflclen-Slovene Hall, Jan. 6, with a very1 cy and function. Wk> have divided good attendance; indwd. Keep it up thjm Into categories of good and bad. feliuw members; a good beginning, a The human machine does not «are good ending. If the enthusiaam Is | about that. And it will take more MmM, throughout the year aa It conacloua effort than one day In the was at this meeting, we the "Mua- year to eradleate any we do nor want. «ure their lodge a delegate; social thinking more widespread within recent yeara should make a cooperative organisation such aa oura a greater attraction over private inaurance companies. More again on our campaign-In the meantime, let'a get in there and aecure more members, "A Column" ia doing a good job in contributing material that makea for heavier reading in paving the way for . social progress. We agree that public ownership without democratic management and control will result in conditions wprse than we have today under private enterprise» There if that in the world t«> day, and a Change will ebnto about not peacefully, but by force battling power. A situation of public ownership without cowl rul by the masses will mean autocracy and not democracy, and thut the masses will be the victinta of power, both economic and political. In the United State, we will see in the Immediate future greater con trot of private Industry. Whether It to the wage earning tend on whether oui ntlnues to be the friend has justly been credited will be half class will government of labor It with bolng. MICHAEL R. KUMKR, TIB. Moskiturs' Musings be continued SNPJ. It will after year, and It, will be an added attraction and inters.t in the annual list of popular SNPJ events. The conclusion of the Supper reminded us that it was time to go home, but Joe Fifolt reminded us that y*9 owe him a, so there we went, together with Frank Reaek, Pauline flpik, and Marie Stefanlc. There we renewed our friendship wfth Mr». Fifolt and mot the tWo children. After an hour'r chat we departed, with Pauline directing u. in her car for about fifteen mile, out'of Cleveland. A very good time waa enjoyed by all qf us, and we want to thank "the Petrovleh family, particularly, In ad- keteers" will be up In the "limelight." A committee was cho.en to make elaborate plan, for a "Carnival Dance" to be held May 24, 1941. in I Watch the Proaveta for further de- Comet's winning toam and to who hit 60 (to Al—another 60, too). Qrc|e Had Sttcceaaftl! Among our music memories, we're Y pr«!*« Senior Cooperation 1 dltion to the Flfolta, Rossas, Bplk, rating Taffy Domovina aftd his or- Ye,ir' 1 rWii ' '""l Stefanlc, Chellgoys, Medvesheks, chestra from Barberton a 4-star dance OIRA^D, KAN$.—Jolly Kansans jirtM<( Koss, Zarnlck, Zorko, Hoyt, band. I Circle 11 reports that Aha third an- Zadell, Gruden,, Udy, Mickey Detroit wa. well-reprewntod and Yule party wa. a huge succe... strictly by Y A's, too* (Wolverine., I Jhe program ncludod « wecom. ad-watch out! A-L Stalls a pack of dy- ** Prw1fl*nt H' W' namite.) Lefty Hostnlk and Emll Istnick were going right to town on wrU*r, a short talk by those duckpina and we still insist that. Shular, and a vocal duet by two of Em is a good competitor of Little our youngest members, J. Clserle and Jack Little of radio fame. From | V. Humgr. . first Tiand information, we tWnk' Our Manager, Miss Mary Shular, Casen, George Curda and Stan Zupan. Frank Resek jslned ua on the »«u ^ a .k i way back, and we atoppad In (llrard u ¿ ? o * ;h0' »nd had a short chat with Jennie and ahort talk by Bro. Anton rrtnk Verbic, ~ Nawa aad Views There ara many good reaaona why all membership campaigns of oUr ^n^te1 on ¿he mean- J SNPJ ought to be successful: Oura to him as Chairman of the Entertain- j ing and work of our Society A. a 1. on. of the few great fr-ternal or-ment Committee for the YA'a. If. "P'clsl feature, four-yaar-old Helen, ganlsatinn. In.Jme.-lea wl Aloha for ¿Sk -Hrlbar who left, Firm aang a aolo. In between were cratlcally managed and controlled; last week among first draftee, for* several recitations and musical num- It is baslcslly an organisation op«rat-Hawaii. We're adding another name be»«. >v ing not for profit but for the In- * After the program Santa passed terent of all the members who belong ii. JittKburgh on Nov. 30; (2) Executive Committee report on the current lembership drive; (3) Executive ioard Teport on the Joint Federation invention Committee; (4) report on ie Eighth National SiiPJ Duckpin tournament; (5) election of officers; |6) report of the delegates attending p la«t senior Federathn conference, ["d (7) report of the Jan. let dance feld in Library. Do not fail to aitend. Be prepared » offer constructive suggestion.. The Musketeers wlli be our host». See you at Moon Run, Sunday, Fan. 19. ES Federation of SNPJ Lodges Western Pennsylvania: JAMES M. MAGLICH, Secretary. •ucky Start to Give >ance Jan. 25 IMPERIAL, PA.—The final plsns p now completed for the dance to be kid by the Lucky Stare Lodge 71« s»'urday, Jan. 26, in the Slovene »'1 in Imperisl. Music will be fur-»•h^d by Martin Serro and his or->ie*tia. wt> cordially Invite all oar rbtwnng lodges to attend. A good i» in store for you, ao pUn to be ¡¡U U" for sn evening of fun end v>ng. , -^HBBH Th«- Dee: 8th meeting was well at-[MH «rvl the officers for the year Ml wrre elected; Pres.. John Mik p*«e; vice president, John R^ -k; " " > Jsmes Maglich; treasurer, (»¡'eka; chairman orthe alek ■»"»itiee. Polly SUdick; auditors: «"Ik. Tony, Anns L,rrr k w. secretary, Anna Me- r ^"yone had a flae time at the "St tournament and the da ace at P w* girls did not bring home pr but wa had lots of fan an i 'X»kl«g forward te neat year's jrnsm. nt The match .ehrdub-d tor r w^k against tl»e Oakdale Girls pmutn u> be an exciting one. A lar. put away for pld age security. When will we Slovenes of Detroit make any progress in having a bigger and bettfr center for our people? We have two lots next to the SND which are fully paid for, costing $12,000. If all of the Slovene people In Detroit would get together on this Idea of building a new SND, wc could have a new SND built on these two lpts very soon. Come on all of you Detroit Slovenes, make other lodges take gotice with Detroit having the most modern SND of all lottos fn the SNPJ. The Young Americans will *pon-at»r a dance on Jan. 28 at the SND. The net proceeds will go towards the paying of the new hestlng system which has already been Installed. Let's see a nice turn out st this dance. A real treat (s In store for yoM. News concerning our bowling league has not been neglected, It's Juat the Idea that we want to aurpriae you lodges when you come to Detroit for the National SNPJ Bowling Toumamefit this May. However, thla much can be «Md about Anthony (Red) Tsehlltsch who Is leading the entire league with a score of 275. There are many other bowlers who are very close to this score. The Y. A. Keyatoners gave the SND (leading the league) a trimming taking three games? This was an upaet to the SND since they have been doing se well In the p**t five waeka No doubt they will be back in th» lead soon. | The SNPJ Federation of Detroit is detng very wall in organising a Juve nile Circle. Tb® first Jnvenlle meei-iag held Sunday, Dee. 2V, was fairly well attended Considering the bad weather and the fact that all JuveniU members did net receive an Invitation card, Nam« of all Juvenile members were sent to the FedereUon i - iO—H»—4 m .1 « nee*r *MSVery to Bro John Tw who i« still on th* sick list. . MARY J. HAOLICH* Ledge 7I#. out the gifts to our juvenile mem- to Itj it is designee! to offer protec bers, then refreshments were served,' tion and security to Its membera ' followed by dancing which filled the case of sickness and to the benefleia bill of fare for the evening. I wish rles In case of death of Its members; to add that all the affairs held in 1U40, it Is organised on a frae thought by the Circle were successful, thanks. basis ami to awakSn in Its member-to the willing cooperation of our sen- »hip a social consciousness, both of ior members. I only hope we will re-¡which are more essential today than celve the »ame cooperation during in sny period since our organisation ltt4J | began thlrty-sla years ago; It has the Our last masting was held on Jan. 5 the financial resources, the (Details In future Issues niost Important consideration In the expansion and development of any ' business enterprise; it haa the hu- at Franklin, of Prosveta.) HENRY WM JELOVCHANj Preaident. to our long liat of awell people, Ann Kaua of Harmarville. Were aur-prised to meet a former Clevelander, Mrs. Klun, now living in Pa. Michigan caught up to Ohio on the trip , back and we're wondering how soon they reached Detroit. The Loyalites have marked in rod the following dates as "must" attends: January Veronlans' Presidents Ball. February 1st—L o y a J11 a Male Chorus First Qance. February 15—Wolverines Dance in Detroit. March H—Young American's Dance »«y|0t«i lta> BI«Ct N«W in Detroit. , < Offlcem; Win Meat on Jan. 2Sth May 3 and 4—National Ten-Pln * Tournament in Detroit. MILWAUKEE, Wli^-Vlolet Rays, We've given up the idea of attend- Circle IS. elected new officer, for the ing a Universal Comet's dance. We coming year at their annual meeting, juit never .eem to be able to get Tb,*y art: Anthony Zaja, j together on a day-but we're Hill Ann* P«tl.k, vlce-prii.ld.nt; Lois Babeock, .ecretary; Richard Klop- ..OH""?; tlW^'lZ ToX C,Our™Mg. 747 will celebrate change ywir^d-^ 1^1.¿°n! ^Z^Vv'' have to send vert».tlm to you the l*' lectures I delivered to Ro^m.ry In« Aulll^ hopes that you'll both decide to return, '•»« ■•" J«n; 26 AU Tii« vrihM1 folH 1 *rt neked to attend, to the scribe. foM (| ^ u, the CCC In Milwaukee. Ou, jh4 Fhh.v. for the week prom- f WJ from Camp Brul. * .SI!!?*, Z' to Cam» Estebrook In rty opinion, Wkve It 1. be ¡Itity of fta UHfei ^ . wonderful thing officer, to not only attend their owti , k-vK. lodge meetings but .1« to att^ their own lo«(gf social affair, and I ANTHOKY ZAJA, President. al«i other SNPJ function.. The mem- ? "7* bers shewed their confidence in you Rworrl Atlend.iftr# al by voting for you—now bow about prtfe 2« *f«€th»K «alnrdajr doing your pert? | cHK^QO^iiele "Young Bio- . Pet peeve t: The grand attmdanee1 ivato its aanua^. mating on at the I aet meeting of the year should Jan. 4. We bad a record ai tender*» M-rtsinly not be an eiire^Iorf. The'of u m»oib»f. but our clnle--- members who have enough inters* In i tror* membaf s, All juvenile thrtt Lodge to come to one meeting i,via of U hp J lodge. In Chkago are of th< >ear to cast their vfU and royally invited to Mn the Circle, partake of the year tails. The Musketeer, are In the mood to sacur^nrit members thl. year. A very capable committee under the co-chaiiman.hip of BUI Bogatay and Jake DeBevec were appointed to head the campaign. Come oh member., let's all get behind the wheel and drive. . A goodly number Of Musketoera attended tha Bowling Tournament and •lance and all had one awell time. Congratulations to all the prise winner. and the committees who made tha affair a real success. It was nlee seeing those old gangs from Detroit, Sharon, Johnstown, Ulravd and Cleveland and all uur Western Pennsy friends. 'Twas nlee meeting oodles of nvw friends too. The Federation meeting will be hold in Moon Run, Jan, 10. As this meeting Is of vital importance each and .very lodge should hav. delegate, represented. " Musketeers' officer, of the year are Betty Ambrosic, preaident; Chris-sy Ambrosic, i)a«retaryi Frances Yonclk, treasurer; Jacob DeBevec, recording seeretary Did you know—Val U ranker is Moon Run'a fir. chief; France. Arch recently Mid "1 do"; Frank Hribar of tha Y. A's, Is on hla wsy to Hawaii to give his services for year| Betty atlll holds the title of champ saleslady; Musketeers plan to attend the Veronlans dance Jan, 25. See you at the Federation meeting BETTY and ClRlMY, Isidg. 70flj incidentally to freshmente, should also ■ra* their *( th J mu duty to come arypnd to a few mo»tkr I) meetings If |T alt possible This, of cou«aa. ia oui directed at those paofle whe weik night« but n*>arit for thr other» wV de hav» th» timo te stf«^d the meltlnffe. DOROTHY ROSSA, ■fot we are planning a very ir» tereeUng program for th» future Our Cirile moeU on the second en.J fourth Saturday ef oaeh month at 10 a. m. at the SNfJ hall. The meotlng was called to order at S p. m. the <4d offéeers gave short rrfM,rt* aa hUi Marya Omah»n and IBaiMHMHkl». man resourcee In Its membership, the lodges and federations, and the officers and mombera which make up theae unite, But there are additional reasons why the present campaign should be one of our beat, If not the moat successful: America Is on the treshold of a great boom, and we ought to tak. full advantage of Itj no previous campaign ha. been ao liberal with awards aa the present one, thus as suriag sufficient compensation to aech solicitor of his or her efforts; an eye on this year's convention Is stepping up activity among lodges who are ambitious to have that required one hundred members to aa- . i •. • „^r '.. ...._ Gowanda Boosters (CoaOonei the Interest ef the SNPJ d#serve# the full support of all. The Booster, are trylrie to get a spoeiel permit to etay open unttt the woe hours of the morning en tho night ef our anniversary dene*. W. also hope to obtain motion pkture. from the *NPJ headquarters to rfiow b»for» 'h» dance. Another sttraction will be the performance of sever.! amateurs. Many people are wondering when the shooting contest between L U. matte and Joe Bohlnc I. to take j*», could It b» that Joe I'ocnlk was trying to outdo the kiddie« at the <*rl.U ma. Party ? Joe tmmmMt W|jKe visitor to Gowanda lately. We eUw With this thought: Ameriea. W»ee II; or teave H. .WfitH egalft LQUUI MLUOIK, Ledge 7ff. Flasket (CwNllhUMl . r«m |N*f reported In the week of Christmas: Mika Hmarka, lx>dge JMI; Frank Ma. moc, Lodge 1; and Frank Petek, Lodge 550. Did you notice that "The Grapes of Wrath" was proclaimed the best picture in yL¥4ö, and ' that Charlie Chaplin wa» selected as the best actor for hi» part In "The Great Dictator," but that be rejected the award becaus. he does not believe .in„discouraging other actors «ith such awards. And .that we had five lynchlngs in America during 1040 despite efforts on th. part of all intelligent people to put an anti-lynohiiig bill on the statute books. The Pioneers will show movies afU er their nest meeting.on Wday, Jan 17, They will Include thoee token at the Pioneer 15th Annivirrsay Banqu.t W. Invite our many friend, to be our guests that evening. DONALD J. LOTRICH, 55#. N. Y. All-Americans to Hold Dance Feb. IB BltftOKLYN, M Y.- The member* of XNrJ lodge New York All-Ameri cans 5*0 are busy making prepera Hans fer a Valentine's !»ance te be held Saturday, Feb, 1«, at 5 p. m The music will be furnished by your favor i t a. and the dance will take (>***• el the Elks' Is* rabin en f>ntrel Ave nue near Gates Avanuo. For a dons tion of Me you ean join In the fun. Tlekets cen b» obtained from any of the memb»rs er the secretory. Mere information laj*' L •yirhrH," i^dge 5«e —Just a. It will take real effort to | make »very day Thanksgiving Day and every day a day of m.rrlment and good will and .very day a happy one. a Rudolph Koalc'a Proposition The above dlicuMlon, It .eems to me, carries the kernel of the answer io Rudolph Koala1« objections tn the / Prosveta laaua of December 81, «He does not agree that ,social reforms within tha capitalistic system are what we should strive for and quotes to prove that they are Inauf. flelent. "Our Job, th.n, Is not to pr..erv., by reforming; capltSllam, but to abolish IV-whether capitalism masquerade a. a democracy, aa Na> sllam, or aa Fasclam," he sa;'a. lan't that aynonymoua with aaylng, "On New Year's I'll turn over a new-leaf" T Does It not Imply that al-though for a century ur mure our country haa been operating under a capitalistic economyr becoming more and mora camples, and more and more firmly intrenchod, and Ua bad features more and mot. acute that, all of u sudden, the people who in tho majority have not «peelallaed. In coo* mimics (some of them do not av.n know there is such a process as economic systems) will, on a certain day —un an election day -march to the polls and make a clean sweep of ev> erything that haa been and start all aver—new T Isn't that too much to expect? If we don't expect the Impossible from our own ftingU, individual unit of bodily mechanism, over which wo Ilk. to think we have more or l.ta control, how can wa «sped the Impossible from shout 50,000,000 Individual units of an equally eomple* system7 And the Impossible didn't happen, Ut us grant, far the sshe of argu. merit or otherwise, that "only one candidate in ¿he recent election dared to «spOtu th« real issue, and that la whether or not capitalism «huuld bo preserved" arid that that man was John W. Aiken. Of th. total of 4U,. mm,(142 votes cast, Mr. Aiken received 14,Mil. Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Will-kl. together received 40,6*0,105. At thl. rate, how lojig would It take Mr, Aiken te be »lerted? And what would W* be doing ill the meantime? Surely w. would not be protesting against social reforms within whatever system we were living and waiting for th. day of complete victory. On the other hand, suppose that Mr, Roosevelt saw Just as clearly aa any of the labor candidatoa that all of th. bad features of capitalism should be Immediately abolished fit has good features, too, you know) and that the 60,d00,000 of the people who cast their votes did not. And suppose, further, that he de-elded to giv« hi. 50,000,000 Voters a complete change of .ystom which he thought would be for their good» but the 5o.eoo,(MM) did not want that change even though it might be for their good. HI. only recoura. would he—force. In the Inevitable chaos that muat reault from «uch measures, and In tho knowledge lhat force begot. force,, would we then be happy t If we hrebk what we have already attained inaieed of building from hare an, we eapnqt hope to aee the dawn of a new -ord»r at a certain specified spot on the calendar. It will he as superficial as our preeent conception of "aaw year." ' ' ' : If we follww the rule, of growth, our Job Is chratly with the 50.*Hi.o0a and Mr Kristan'. ronclutloni "that II i. new the responsibility ef the Whf Net? Policeman! "Your wife has fainted. ^lÄeT'-ilke her ermmd the', worker, to e-ublish firm fround for Mrti»r te Ihe filling stallen The air th» «wie» protf* Ihet has heon ini-1. free there." - - , ttoted" ie aier. tru. than ever. PROSVETA WEDNESDAY. JANUARY g ' i S.N.PJ. Sports Eighth Annual National SNPJ Duckpin Tournament UNIVERSAL. PA.—In both infer-est and attendance, Aha Eighth Annual National SNPJ Duckpin Tournament ic now recorded as the greatest and largeet affair of ita kind in SNPJ. This information strikes an encouraging not«, for it indicates not only mora intareet for future and eimilar tournaments, but also sarves to indicate increased activity in other endeavors of our Society. There wars a total of li2f tournament lines bowled, as compared with 1441 bowled a year ago. This shows an increase of 166 tournament lines, a steady and definite achievement. We're pleased to report that from the vary beginning of our promotion of duckpin tournaments, each succeeding one finished with some net gein. That is e healthy sign in any enterprise. Seventeen lodges from the states of Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania participated to make up the grend total. They are as follows, with the number of five-person teams listed according to the largest entries from each lodge: Universal Comets 7 IS—sis teams; Sygan Jolly Juniors 660 and Am-bridge Reveller* 600—five teems each; StrSbanc Pioneers 680, Verona Veronians 680, and Imperial Lucky Stare 716—three teams each; Claridge Ixxigv 7, Avella Lodge m, Pittsburgh Morning Stars 666, Library J-Z Jun. iors 682, Johnstown Friendly City 684, Harmarvllle Ramblers 718, an.! Sharon Keystoners 766 two team« eech; Detroit Young Americens 664, Girard Golden Eagles 648, and Ezport Marines 768—one team each. In ad-dition to these, Udge 118 of Pittsburgh entered one doubles' team. Of the total of seventeen lodges represented in the tournament, members from ten of those lodges figured in the awards that will be distributed. Below are the first two winners in eech event: Plve Man Tearnqft 1. Pittsburgh Morning Stars Lodge money to the winners just as soon as the scores have been recbecked and the standing of each winner ia determined in the Society. All checks will be mailed to the secretaries af the lodges to which the winners belong. Pollowing the bowling events, a successful dance was held in the Slovene Hall, Library, Pa. A capacity crowd that at least equalled any paet attendance at a similar affair was present. Even after a full New Year's Eve and Day, the people present enjoyed themselves to the fulleet. Taf-fy'e orchestra of Berfnrrton, Ohio, did a commendable job, and for proof aak all ¿hose who were there and had the ploaaure of dancing to his musie. On behalf of our Pederstion, I take pleasure in thanking ell those lodges and members who came and participated in the Tournament and Dance to make the Eighth Annual National SNPJ Duckpin Tournament a complete success. Particularly do we express our appreciation to the lodges and members who traveled a long distance to be among us, and to the Ped-eration Athletic Committee and their aides who worked so efficiently and energetically for a smooth functioning tournament. And to the Library J-Z Juniors Lodge 682 for their conscientious efforts In promoting a good dance successfully; and to the Prosveta staff, we are deeply grateful for their willing cooperation. HighHghte Prom out Michigan way, the five Young Americane mentioned earlier proved ideal fraternaliata. Prank Hri-bar left early to return in time for the U. S. Army on Priday. He will be missed. A) Peternel and Beaehey Bruce, president and chairman of the Entertainment Committee, respectively, ot the Y-A'a l*>dgc, and fraternal spark plug«, stayed over until the neat day. They made a hit with ihe|of ^ •«knock-'ero-down-drag-'em-oiU meddling tor foreign politics. We American people should wake up and quit dreaming. The war 1* at our door and aa usual we will not be prepared. One man is not good enough to impose on another, neither ia one nation good enough to nrle another. Hiatory will prove that again. Let America be at peace. We can do more good in patching up Europe than we can helping to lake it apart. Let us be the beacon of the world inetead of plunging into the darkneae that covers so much of the world now. ^ ANNE A. SVAZIOH. (Editor's Note: Senator Wheeler want* a "negotiated peace" which means a dictated peace based on appeasement, the kind of "peace" Czechoslovakia and other countries received from Hitler, America would be blundering indeed, if it hadnt learned anything from recent eventa abroad. It was through appeasement and treachery aa well as by the breaking of non-aggreesion pacta that Hitler was able to enalave Europe. Therefore, it ia up to America to give England all poesible aid to keep thaaggresaors from our shores and to break their power. The safety of the United Statee depends on British victory.) >i throng of friends that they made at the tournament and dance. Cleveland was well represented by Dorothy and Roaemary Roeea and s friand. They are members of the Loyalltes' Lodge. Stan Zupan was missed. A telephone call was received at Puck-Pin Dope UNIVERSAL, PA.—"Our team ia red-hot," was the chant of the league-loading Niblics as they tripped the 2nd place Mashies twice despite the handicap of working With an abbreviated squad of only four keglers. The Niblics are now enjoying a two game lead with nine games to be played, and they are getting hotter by tho week. Yet aa hot aa they think they may be, they are absolutely frigid compared to the heated battle being waged by the other three teams for their hides. Only one game aepsrstee the Mashies from the 8rd place Dynamiters and in turn only one game separate* them from the (cellar team. In other words, the margin of games separating the first and last place team« is only four—a sure indication 666-2268 pins—(Dsn Pabec, Johi*. the tournament from Marco Shappeek J Pabec, Prank Stafancic. John Uj~ of the Milwaukee Badgers. Ha ex-rich, Rudy Ujcich) , pressed regret over his inability to be I. Sharon Keystoners Lodge 766— aniong as, but passed elong his best 2117 pina—(Bill Becik. Al Go- wishes. His Interest was. told to our re nee. Prank Koveck, Rudy Loch-nikar. Mike 8tribly) Plve Womaa Teams L Universal Comets Lodge 711;— 1741 pins—(Mary Caesar, Mary Kumer, Margaret Vlchlch, Anna Ward, Anna Yeneta) 2. Verona Veronians Lodge 660— 1608 pins -(Mary OjSljMf Ann Gostky, Stella Gostky, Prances Keeme, Kate Youk) DOUBLES Man 1. Ambridge Revellers Lodge 600— t»68 pine—(Rudy Kosela and Pete Svegel) 2. Ambridge Revrliers Lodge 600— 022 pins—(John Licker and Nick Pavttk) Womaa 1. Universal Comets Lodge 716—842 pins (Anna Ward and Anna Ye-nets) 2. Claridge Lodge No. ?—766 pine— (Eleanor Schmuck and Marie Schmuck) SINGLES Man 1. Sharon l-odge Key at oner* 766—A. Kovek .................601 pins 2. Claridge Ixidge t—Prank Hupan cic ................................664 pins , Woman 1. Universal Comet* Lodge 716— Anna Ward............ 427 pins 2. Johnstown Friendly City 684—Ann (telle*............,....,424 pins HIGH m ORE—8INGLK GAME Msa 1. Stiabane Pioneers Lodge 68'i Joe llolsey...........,. 228 pins VN i,man 1. Universal' Comet A Lodge 716— Anne Ward...........*..IM pin* HIGH SCORE—THRKK GAMES ANY EVENT friends at the tournament and an. nounced at the dance In the evening. That call waa an expression of fraternal Interest, and we thank Marco for remembering us. Pull credit goes to Prank Hrlbar of the Y-A'e, a ten pin bowler, who averaged 166 In the three games of Ufa five-person event. He was determined to beat the writer's average of 161 I» ili.- same event. But well get him In ten's next May—If we oSn get him away from the Army for that great event. But Paternal was disappointed in not winning the LOW SCORE-SINGLE GAME with his 64—Boom Rotelll bowled the required number of 60 and beat him out for the prias. Those that assisted most at the tournament were the following: Ped. eration Athletic Committee of John Barafaldi, Larry Caaael Prank Ope ka. and Prank Podboy. They were ably assisted by Jamee Maglicb, Ped eration Secretary, John Leaar, Boom Rot« III. and John Uicicft. Any others cannot be recalled at this rapid writ, ing. They did a good Job, and deserve the bast wishes of our SNPJ. MICHAEL R. KUMER. Federation President. fight" to the finish which \p only 8 weeks away. ^ - The man who is proving himself the league ace ia Prank Prevlc with a 27 game average of 180 and a high ringle game score of 106. Frank grabbed himself an early lea I wish to add that I have enjoyed meeting members of different lodges throughout the past ymr. However, I would like to eee our younger members carry on more faithfully in the coating year in order that we will make it a greater year than 1040. CHAS. P. HREN, V • Fed. Roc. Sec'y. Detroit Talk not for Simon Trojar, our advisers. Then we elected our officers for 1041 by eecrat ballot. They are: Ruth Medic, president, Angelina Plutb, vice-president; Ruth Popek, secretary; Emil Kmetec, treasurer; John Mi-cek, sergeant-at-arm*. The meeting adjourned at 4:16. Refreshments were served and dues collected. The members all went home thinking about new ideas to make the circle more active and one of the rnoet outstanding. We want to thank Simon Trojar, Ann Sanneman and Marya Omahen fo advising and helping us through the past year. EMIL KMETEC, Treasurer. 1 Salem (Ohio) Circle Elect New Officers; Will Meet Jaa. 12 SALEM, O^-Circle 10 elected the following officers for the coming year: Martha Omaits, pres., Mary Kardan, vice-pres.; Helen Wukaticb, sec'y; George Kavich, rec. sec'y; Anna KriZay, treas. The circle held their New Year's party on Dec. 28 at Mrs. Katar'a home. We played games and received prises. Refreshments were served after the meeting. On the same date several members attended a dance in Weat Point, O. We had the pleasure of seeing our good friend, Frances Novak, of Sharon, Pa., at this affair. We all had a good time. Our circle meete on the second Sunday of each month. . The next meeting will be held Sunday, Jan. 12. All members are asked to attend, (A more detailed report of our cirale will appear in the Mladinski List) HELEN WUKATICH, Secretary. Junior All Star News; Plan Annual Spring Concert MILWAUKEE, WIS-—The Junior hospitality. | All Stars, Circle 4, held their month-1 Let's see a large attendance at the, ly meeting on Saturday, Jan. 4, at meeting thie month Jan. 12 when Ripple's hall. A fairly large num- our new officers will be installed, ber of members was in attendance The Young American bowling team and the new officers for the year which was sent to Pittsburgh to bowl 1041 were installed. Plans 'for our in the Annual Duckpin Tourney did (Continued from put 7) 11 with a large nutaber of namee having any addreasee, so it is this reason that you may have not received your card. The SNPJ Federation of Detroit regrete this happening very much and wishes to express their sincere apology to all pa rente and juveniles. The Federation expecta to receive a more complete list of all juvenile membera' names and addressee in the very near future. At the next juvenile meeting you will be sure to receive an invitation. NOTICE: Y. A. members who pay their dues by mail may continue doing the same by sending their money to Sec'y Thomas Hostnik, 12624 Maine St., Detroit The phone number is Townsend 7-7200. Spirit'O-Grams ST. LOUIS. MO.—The Spirits' regular meeting will be held Jan. 10 at 8 p. m. at Concordia Hall, 18th and Arsenal. This ia our first meeting of the year and Whoosit hopes there will be a large attendance. At this meeting the officers for 1041 will be installed, and you do want to bp there to wish them luck for the coming year. So all members are urged to attend. i Now that Christmas and New Year have passed we should all get down to work and gat some new member*. Let that be one of your New Year's resolutiona: every member gel a new member, and the other resolution, to attend all meetings. We were glad to hear the celebration for the Scribes was a success. Spirits send congratulations to those who were responsible. We were with you in Spirit The Spirits want to thank Charles Ducote for the donation of that teety sausage that we had for our Chriat-mas party. It seems as if the stork was hovering around the Cepaks. Good luck! It looks Very bright for the future of our Juvenile Department. Whoosit saya, for the Spirits, thanks to the old officers for their accomplishments and good luck Jto the 1041 -officers, also to new Whoosit WE 1040 Whoosit wish you lota of good articlea for Spirit-o-Grams. We are sorry to hear Sis. Ann Ko-kalj's mother, (Mrs. Domltrovloh, ia ill again. W|e wish her a speedy recovery. Postcards received from Los Angeles Were Sis. Julia KraU'a deugh- ■ I ■ ■ ■I 1' Ms,'. On Christmas day, Preeident Al . Peternel, Dorothy Martius, Katharine ter and family are vacationing. Frank, Anne Stengel, John Potocnick, Alma Maurlch believes In starting the a Wolverine, and. I drove to Cleve- New Year on the right foot, with a land to attend the Loyalites Annual beautiful sparkler on the left hand. Christmas Dance. A grand time wadjr^ WHOOZIT, Lodge 660. had by all. The only thing that we found to be old in Cleveland was the i uc»«" J The Other Side 1. 1. 1. 1. 1/tdge 766— .....601 . Mae Khanen Keyatoneni A. Kovak. ...v. Woman Universal Comet* I/odg* 716 Anne Ward ............427 pin« U»W W ORE -SINGLE GAME Mea St i altane Pioneer» l^dge 680 Sam Rotelli..............So pin* Womaa library JJt Juniors Lodge 6« - 8 te IIa. Ambroaie.. ........ 4.1 pin* 1 4ST BUT BY NO MEANS LEAST« I "Paving Way to War" OTTAWA. ILL-Having read an article 1n the Chicago Tribune, Dec. 24. 1040, concerning a speech by Sen ator Burton K. Wheeler of Montana, I greatly appreciated It as I bailee any true American would. We all helteve that the Preeident could engineer a Just peace. Instead, he ia neatly paving the way to war. We Americana have ahawn faith in him by electing him to a third term mainly becsuae of his promise to keep us out of war. Now the edges of that promtae are wearing off. The majority of our people oppose aiding Britain without security. Brit-iih» have conveniently forgotten the aid given them in World War 1. Well, a lot of us have net. whoever reard bf loaning armament* before? It Is Jefct a* convenient to forge*, returning them aa it Is mon-♦y, isn't It? Also turning over for* eign afhips in oar ports to England would bring us mighty eloee to war, too cloee fnr most people. On '41 SNPJ Calendars TRINIDAD, COLO.—Just a letter about the new 1041 SNPJ calendara. Our members are certainly dis. appointed about the calendars for the new year. For a society of the kind they are certainly cheap looking; the ones that we have had In previous years are better looking by a long ahot, compared to the ones 'We have this year. Wa almost need a magnifying glass to see the datee. If we happened to write up any new members this year, I don't ¿hink I would show them the calendar the society put out this year. They are just the thing that some bachelor would get from some individual store that can't afford an awful lot for calendara, and I must say they would be Ju«t the .thing to hang up In some bachelor's home, as they would match the houae keeping very well. I think wa need a new committee thia year to decide on some nice neat looking calendar for a society of this kind, and this large. For Instance, take the Western Slovanic Associa tion, which gave really a nice calendar! you can at least read the numbers on them, and that la more than we can do on the SNPJ calen dare for tnis year. For an organise tion of this kind and this large, 1 dare say that the committee ha* decided on a vary, very poor calendar. How about the committee deciding a neat looking calendar for 1042? Let us pick out something a little more appropriate for this society for next year. And new member* who saw thia calendar would really think that this society can't be very large when they put out a calendar like this one. IT we can't decide on anything nicer let's have the same one we have been having up until this yeeri they are a groat deal more preaentable, anyway. If wa don't have anything nicer next year you ran count on hearing from me again next year. CAROLYN SWIGLE, Sec'y Lodge 714. annual Spring concert were discussed and a committee was elected to plan for it. It is to be held on a Saturday night in April or May. A publicity committee was also elected for the year 1941. After the meeting, the members were served refreshments. I received a card from Olga Kna-pich saying that her new juvenile circle in Detroit had its fttst meeting and It was a success. Congratulations, Detroit, from Circle 4. We wish you all the success ia the world. It means snother city has awakened very well considering the fact that they are ten pin bowlers. The Young American team really did win a prise for bowling, although many De-.troiters think the team received the price for being the only team to travel the longeet distance to enter the tournament. " At the Stanley Alleys we saw many of our friende, both old and new. Amongst the most popular of these were the Rossa slaters, Frank Resek, Big Boy Caaaol, Jenny Tro-fino, John Ujcich, Mike Kumer, Betty and Chrisey Ambrozic along with to ita juvenile membership, it meane many, many other outatanding mem-more advertising of the SNPJ, more bers of the SNPJ. competition for the other circles. , After a two weeks' layoff due to the holidays, our singing club resumes practice again to prepare for our concert. Mr. Jursik wants all the We. members who were on .the Young American team wish to thank each and everyone of you for the wonderful way in which we were received at the Stanley Alleys and members to be preaent on time each at the Xibrary SND. We had a Wednesday night. We have a few grand time and thanks again to all new songs, English and Slovene. Our of you. new publicity committee, including Ladiea' Club, of the SND are hold- myself, will endeavor to write each ing a Masquerade Dance Jan. 11 week to the Prosveta. The members at the SND. They will serve the are Sylvia Politnik, Rose Urbancich,' beat In foods and drinks. Bob Glavan, Msry Poklar and John Poklar. JOHN POKLAR JR.. J. A. S. Reporter. w^^ST^i^S Madtaon Lodg« 309 1« b.vau*e oui' leaders are meaning ia GlV® DanCC Feb. 8 aomething which Is none of Unir fcjiMr**? Look at our Government] MADISON. ILL.—The Gorska Vila hospitals oda y filled with living dawd lodge 80S are looking forward to from the last war. Is there no leason meeting each and everyone of you at I to be drawn from that? Our iaadrrs have their hand a , our dance on the night of Fab. • at fall the new Polish H all in Madison. III. of sick committee; Willtgur Bergen*, Mary Halich and Joe Langus, auditors. The attendance at the meeting was rather good, we will be looking forward to such attendances at our meetings throughout the year of 1041. After the meeting there was a party and than the bowling teams bowled a few games. The teams promised to give a good account of themselves at the bowling tournament at Carrick on New Year's Day. The monthly meetings will be held each third Thursday of the month at 7:80 p. m. »harp at Bergena*. All you Ramblera know that your dues will he peid to Paul Kau« for the year 1041. Paul'e address is 876 Porte Street. Oaktpont PUBLICITY COMMITTEE, Lodge 718. : MOST CO!/>RM L AND BE NBA • ] taalatnar rare «f our country without The feature attracUan of the oventng TION A L TKN PIN ROWlÄf* m.ddlint in foreign affairs. The wtil be lhe ever.popular ?1-piece or-HOW LING THE liUOKPUIB- * j WPA and PWA cannot go o« f .rever,' of Karle LaBeuhe. featuring I K1ROI1 YOt..M.J* Uh.RH ANS not u mm tion a lot of ether 'hing*.! Wtlme. girl vocalist Dancing will w^w VEl* VEX' T>H# ""V"' <* •« ■:«•. We wt.h irt*«teod r RANK Main A a. MOS M»wi- j,, Britain would go a long way oar cordial invitation to all neighbor- NIK. AL PETERNEL, EMIL ( I.) lo relieving dletrras In this country, Ing lodge* Tema ene. come all and The Athl »tie ' osamittee of the E. S. 1 he piobiem* of our peovle have not get In on the fan which la la store Federet Urn • f f VP J Lnd|e« at West-, been solved bat merely aide-tracked JOHN KAZMAN. era Pennsylvania wdl aend ibe prise,for the mere earning business « Dance Committee. Southern Ohio SNPJ Federation Meeting I'HRJCHSVILLE.O—Tbe Southern Ohio SNPJ Federation meeting wae held at Slovene Club Houee at Ken-more on Nov. 24. 1010. at 10 a. as. In attendance wore all the officers and repreSentailvee. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Reporte of treasurer and secretary Ware accepted. The treeeury shows a total of |7*6 26. The Federation decided to pay duea for Bra. Matt Peklay of Lodge 466 for October and November in the amount of 98.76. Report of Max Ketnlk, delegate at the meeting of Prosvetne Matica, waa accepted. Amotion waa made that all lad gee Join the Prosvetna Matica. However, ft waa decided la postpone final (Weision until oer neat mealing. On Thursday, Jan. 2, there were approximately forty members of the DETROIT SNPJ lodgee that got together to bid Frank Hribar farewell. Frank Hribar was one of the first members of the Young American lodge to be drafted for military training. BEACHEY BRUCE, 664. Ramblers Lodge Elect Officers for 1941 OAK MONT, PA.—^At our December meeting,„¿he following officers were elected to ISad the SNPJ Ramblers Lodge 718 through 1041: John Kails, prea.; Chriatlne Kaus, vice pres.; Paul Kaus, sec'y; John Kaus, trees.; Ann KANSAS CITY, KAN8.—The An Keus, rec. sec'y; En*l Kaus, chairman meeting of SNPJ Lodge 600 was Hearts of America to Install Officers well attended and the following off! cers were elected for the year 1041: Tony Stoes, President; Zvonimir Kvaternlk, Vice Pres.; Frank Rodlna, Secretary; Mary Rodlna, Treasurer; Mary Stoes, Rec. Secretary; Joseph Resin, Richard Spacek, and Zonle Kostemik, Trustees. 'Meetings to be held on the Srd Wed. of each month. As there were several changes msde among our officials, we urge every member to attend our regular meeting on Wed., Jan. 16, at x p. m. at which time the above officers wiH be installed. Also, we have important business to transact Members, we again remind you of the Membership Campaign. A few of us have been active and we now have several prospects. To Bro. Martin Volk goes the honor aa well as the award of bringing in the first new member of thia Campaign. Let's get behind this 100% and make a real showing. We wlah to thank the old officers for past accomplishments, and .good luck to the new adminletration in the future. Joseph rezin, t . Sec'y Lodge 600. Fifteen Years Ago (Proas the Files of Ibe Prosveta) Jan. ft. 101ft—Chicago's ESL 660 Int t la tea 10 new members at Ita first 10C6 meeting, reach aa the 60 asark. and p re pa rea to select a nemo. WL 564 first a name. "Young Američane." Paul Selisnik and Anton P. Jarre Jr. publish articlea in Intareet of youth movement. MILWAUKEE, WIS.—Mary Jugg, in the Dec. 18 issue of Prosveta, has much to ssy concerning conditions in Ruasla. She cites several books, etat-ing that anyone falling to read them and "still prattling about the sun that is rising in the east" must be stamped as an "Irresponsible." She further states that "living standards are worse than under the Tsars" and that Russia "has returned to a state of barbarism."- No one haa to read F. Utley's book to learn of terror, horror, ate., In the U.S&R. Haven't our daily newspapers been doing a good job of that for the past twenty years? Paul Robeson, the great negro baas, lived in Russia for nine years, covering all parte of the country in extensive concert tours, and has nothing but praiae for Ruasia. Ia he an irresponsible? Or H. O. Wells who stated over the "Town Meeting of the Air" recently that for the peace of the world it is absolutely necessary that there- be closer cooperation be. tween the U. S. A. and the U. S. 6. R. Rockwell Kent, tho American artist, adyocates closer cooperation. Irresponsible too? Is G. B. Shaw who blames England's non-cooperation with Russia aa the cause of her present predicament an irresponsible too? Or Vlihjalmur Stefanason, the great arctic explorer, who on his recent return from Alaska, aaked that our "good neighbor" policy be extended to include Russia? Would you Include aa an irresponsible the late Lincoln Stef. fens, one of America's greateet reporters who, coming back from a visit to Russia, said, "I have seen the future, and it works?" Or Charles S. Soely, Lieut Commander of the U. S. Navy, retired, who says that he was abb to observe 2,000,000 Russians at else range and that "there is an air of satisfaction and contentment about them that makes a visitor envious." What about General Graves, who led the American Siberian forces in Russia during the intervention period efter the Worid War and who was a staunch defender of Russia until his death last spring? Shall we also Include as irresponsible Corliss Lamont, Theodore Dreiser, Prof. Hanson, the American horticulturist—but why go on? ' ^ Haven't the Hoares, Cliveden*, Hall-faxes, Hearata, Howards, the leaden of France who sold their country into Fsscism, also said that Russia was a barbarous nation? Are they concerned with the Interests of the common people? The Russian leaders no doubt may havs made mietakes. But the Rev. Hewlett Johneon, Dean of Canterbury In his book, "The Soviet Power," says that the defects of the Russian experiment have been over-emphasised end concentrated tfpon, while the "massive morel and material achievements" have been ignored. Stefanason says that the U. S. »hould adopt the soviet icebreaker as "the only one In the world for all year round usage." Is this barbarism? Serge Prokopieff left Russia in 1018 and returned In 1086. He haa lived since In his native bind. Did Russian barbarism induce blm to return to Russia, and help him in eompoeiag "Peter and the Wolf?" Moscow's 41 kiloasoter subway ia the moat beautiful In the world. The Milwaukee Journal Roto Art Section carried pictures of It several weeks ago. Did Serial barbarism be I Id thia? Enormous editions of Pushkin. Shakeapeare. Balaac. Heine, Goethe, Dickens, Gorky, Mark Twain, Tolstoy and others are published and dutr%. uted ip the Soviot Union. Robe** says there la abeolute race equalit» there. Are these things berbarout too? Who has been China's only rej friend in her fight against Paacim «» greaaion? Read Mme. Chiang K*i. Shek'e article in the Dec. 21 issue 0f Liberty. If Ruaaia haa aecompluhs* these things and many more as bar. barians, what may we expect wh« they become civilised? Seely says that the "overwhelmmt majority of. Russian people are happy and contented for tho simple reason thai they are much better off und«r the present system than under th« old regime." By all means read the books Mary Jugg suggests, but alw read Rev. Hewlett Johnson'* "The Soviet Power" and Lieut Com. Char-les S. Seely's "Russia and the Approach of Armageddon" and decide for yourself if therd Is any hope for the Russian future. PRANK OBLUCK, Lodge 684. Promotions in CCC as Natl Defense Goes On Greater opportunities for steppini into camp admlnlatratlve positions for young men enrolled in the Civili. an Conservation Corps, has been announced by the Chicago Selecting Office, 2647 S. Archer Avenue, Chi-cago, 111. Applications for the current enrollment are being accepted by this office throughout the month of January. Becauae of the expanding National Defense Program, more and more of the OCC officers are being called to active duty with the U. S. Army. Since thia necessitates filling these positions with other than reeerve officers, enrollees are now being trained to take over the responsibilities of company commanders, subsltern*. educational advisers, and technical foremen. It la also announced thst men in the camps are now being trained in the maintenance and operation of automotive and mechanized equipment, in auto mechanici at central repair ahops, in radio communications and in other civilian activities useful in national defense. Young citisena of our community who wish to participate in these and many other phases of the CCC program may apply ait once at the above address. Bro. Max Polsak Passed Away in Roundup ROUNDUP, MONT.—SNPJ Lodge Harmonizers 700 lost a true and faithful member, Bro. Max Polsak Jr., Dec. 20, 1040. He was killed in the mine in which he was employed by a rockfall which weighted about four tone. Brother Polsak was our President and a charter member and organiser of our lodge. The deceased was s very active member, always working for the good of our lodge. He accomplished much for Lodge Harmonize rs, and wa intend to carry hit work ont as he would desire us to. His spirit will forevdr remain with ... » • us. • To his survivors, we extend our heartfelt sympathy. Publicity Committee: SYLVIA RAYNIKAR, VIOLA KERZAN, JOSEPHINE OSET, Lodge. 700. Household Hints Frozen drain pipes may often b< thawed out by pouring a few hand-fuls of rock salt, or even table ssit, down them. eee A. cast-iron drain pipe rarely givei any trouble. However, now and then some section of such a pipe may crack. If ths crack can be reached teadily, it la often poesible, by using a sharp cold chisel carefully, to widen the crack until iron cement can be forced in, thus closing It again. eee A medicine dropper may be used U good advantage in removing stain* from fabrics, reducing the likelihood of rings caused by an excess of clesn. ing fluid. eee All brushing of pile fabrics should be againat the pile and lengthwise of the goods. MIKE ZAKOTNIK SERVICE STATION • on Roete 8ft N Wyoming Chief ead Goldes Eagk| GaaoBae, OU and Cabins KEMMERER - - WYOMING] Prompt Publicity la Preevete Wrtto Me la tek sa O*» /**^ 1'ImZ £Z Wti ftN MBa . ^