Dean of Slovenian Clergy Fr. GEORGE M. TRUNK Celebrates his 70tli Anniversary of Priesthood! (See Story on page 196 anil 217) Starosta Slovenskih Duhovnikov č.g. JURIJ M. TRUNK oh proslavi 70 letnega jubileju inašniškega posvečenja v slov. cerkvi v San Francisco. Gospod Trunk je priznani slov. pisatelj, ki je ob svojem 94 letu še vedno krepak. Iskrene čestitke! San Francisco Catholic Monitor Photo Fr. Trunk on his 70lh Jubilee with Bishop Jos. McGucken in Procession ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 10 OCTOBER, 1965 VOLUME 37 ZARJA - THE DAWN % Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Entered, as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. fficial Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America radno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveie v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IH. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. Vol. XXXVII — No. 10 OCTOBER, 1965 Leto XXXVII — Št. 10 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUf Spiritual Adviser—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis, * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Avc. Sheboygan, Wis. President—ANTONIA TUREK, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 204S W. 23rd St., Chicago, Illinois 60608 Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave.. W. Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. Director of Women’s Sports Activities'. ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Director of Youth Activities: LOUISE EPLEY, 20294 Emery Rd., Cleveland. 28, O. Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. •JCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, S830 W. Mineral St, West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K. K, Cudahy, Wis. State President of Ohio-Michigan— MARY BOSTIAN, 19617 Mohawk Ave., Euclid 19, O. Stale President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Calif. State President of lllinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, III. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: ANTONIA TUREK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * • Scholarship Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, Pres. HERMINE DICKE, Sec’y ANTONIA TUREK 3717 Council Crest ALBINA NOVAK Madison, Wis. 53705 * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60608 Tel. Bishop 7-2014 HAPPY BIRTHDAY J/V OCTOBER! Supreme Officers: Oct. 8 — Antonia Turek, Supr. President, Wickliffe, O. Oct. 9 — Corinne Leskovar, Editor, Chicago, Illinois Oct. 15 — Anna Pachak, State President, also Pres., Br. 3, Pueblo, Colorado Oct. 15 — Mildred James, State President, also Pres., Br. 95, So. Chicago, Illinois Oct. 30 — Elizabeth Zefran, Women’s and Sports Director, Chicago, Illinois Branch Presidents: Oct. 8 — Olga Saye, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Oct. 10 — Mary E. Roso, Br. 45, Portland, Ore. Oct. 11 — Theresa Potokar, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 14 — Josephine Oswald, Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn. Oct. 22 — Theresa Lach, Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 2>2 —.Mary Stupar, Br. 85, DePue, 111. Oct. 23 — Nancy Satkovich, Br. 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. Oct. 29 — Henriette Van Haverbeck, Br. 9, Detroit, Mich. Oct. 30 —.Frances Bresak, Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Oct. ------- Annual Birthday Celebration (Date to be an- nounced), Br. 73, Warrensvllle Hgts., Ohio Oct. 17 — Slovenian Day, Combined Branches of Cleve-Oct. 23 — Sausage Supper, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Oct. 24 — Poultry Card Party, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Oct. 24 — Party at Aurora Rd. School, Br. 101, Bedford Heights, Ohio Hot Off The Presses !!! Handy, pocket-sized SONG BOOK with all your favorite Slovenian and American folk songs, LET’S SING ! This song book is in such demand, the S.W.tT. has printed a new supply, in the size everyone likes the most, pocket size, and with a soft cover, that makes it easy to slip into pocket or purse! You’ll love to have it with you whenever you’re in a group or just for the family! Don’t be without a copy of LET’S SING, wherever you go! Send $1.25 for your copy of Let’s Sing to our Supreme President, Mrs. Antonia Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Or, have your secretary obtain a copy for you and pick it up at the branch meeting next month! SEE Back Inside Cover For OCT. MEETING DATES *** *’♦ »»♦ »J* ♦*« »*« **♦ »j* >.*« *♦, >♦«. ,*» »♦* ,.♦* ,.♦« *♦* ,♦« »*♦ *♦« »♦* »♦« *J» >*♦ >£♦ ♦♦* *♦* *♦« »*«. »♦, »*♦ »?♦ *j* _*♦ >*♦ *t*. ♦♦♦ i*+ *.♦« »j* .t, »*« »♦, f»4 *♦«. »♦» *♦«. *' «j» »*♦ »*♦ »J« *£♦ «J* ^ **♦ >*♦ »J« ♦*♦ ♦*« »*+ ►*♦ >*♦ ♦*♦ **♦ »J* *j» »J- ♦j* I ANNOUNCING . . . S.W.U. 40th ANNIVERSARY l t ❖ T I I I v'1"'7'/,. RUBY Campaign I'm M ’j. As we step into our 40th year, the Board of Directors of Slovenian Women’s Union has directed % that an Anniversary Campaign be held, to conclude on April 1, 1966. The prizes for this campaign X are scaled for everyone’s benefit — a cash award for every new member, PLUS, a beautiful S.W.U. X Emblem Charm to wear on your bracelet or necklace for achieving 10 points. The charm is a gold *;* disc with the Zveza emblem in three colors, red, white and blue. ■*** ♦> f Join us in celebrating the great, 40th Anniversary of S.W.U. !!! X * These are the prizes: ♦Jf * Individual Workers: X Cash Award of $1.00 for every Class B member; 50^ for every Class A member and 25$! for $ I I every Junior member. Branches: $20.00 Cash for First Place Branch with largest total of new members; ♦ >*♦ $15.00, $10.00 and $5.00 Cash for next three top branches. I THE POINTS AND HOW THEY ARE COUNTED * Every worker, besides being entitled to a Cash Award will be given the following points: ♦ X Class B, 1 full point; Class A, l/2 point; Junior Class, Mi point. *:* For 10 points, a special award will be given, the S.W.U. Emblem Charm! ❖ % The “Ruby” Campaign is now in effect and will continue until April 1, 1966. EXTRA! EXTRA! Happy news has been received from the city of Washington, D.C., I that we will have a new branch there. Miss Irene Planinšek, daughter j of president of Br. 20, Joliet, III., wishes to have those members of Slo- J venian Women's Union with relatives and friends in the Washington J area, to kindly send her the names and addresses of any prospective i members, so that she will contact them and invite them to join the j Union. Write to her at 12 So. Van Dorn St., Apt. 28, Alexandria, Va. j To organizer, Irene Planinšek, our deepest thanks, for her dediča- I tion to the S.W.U. that has given her the interest in organizing the new j branch. Congratulations and a BIG THANK YOU, IRENE! j Antonia Turek, Supreme President 2 ) -------■------------------------------------------------------------- I Miss Irene Planinšek Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. CONSCIENCE Conscience is the voice within us which tells us what is right or wrong. It is the faculty within us which decides on the lawfulness or unlawfulness of our actions, thoughts and affections. There is an Eastern Fable of a great magician who presented his prince with a ring. It was a gift of a great value because the ring was made of a rare and mystic metal. The prince wore it comfortably in ordinary circumstances; but as soon as he entertained evil thoughts or committed a wrong, the ring suddenly contracted pressing painfully on his finger. Conscience is to the heart what the ring was to his finger — putting pressure for the right on the whole inner man. Conscience is not always a safe guide; it may operate like a clock which, while running perfectly, is set incorrectly and thus does not give the correct information. But a healthy conscience, based on the word of God, will convict sin and wrongdoing. When the Pharisees and Scribes brought to Jesus a woman taken in sin, He said, ‘‘He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Being convicted by their own consciences, they left His presence one by one. Even Judas, before he hanged himself, was convicted by his conscience that he had sinned and betrayed the in- ACT IV IT IES No. 2, Chicago, HI. — We extend a hearty wish to our members to attend the next few meetings of the year when we hope to have many enjoyable times. In November, on the 11th, we will have our annual Penny Social and this always is a lot of fun. We will certainly appreciate your kind donations of prizes and baked goods, if you feel so inclined. In October we shall hear all about the 111.-Ind. State Convention which was held on the last Sunday in August at Joliet. Due to the time of the year, and a big local picnic, many of our members couldn’t attend; however, we officers represented Chicago with a full report on the busy schedule here at Br. 2 all year long. We also will hear about the Lemont Zveza Day. Most of us believe this year’s event in July was the best ever, from the standpoint of crowd and co-operation. Death snatched from us a long-time member, Mrs. Agnes Bencan who died at the age of 83 on Sept. 9th. The officers attended her wake and prayed in the name of our members. She was buried from Queen of Angels church on the far north side. Our condolences to daughter, Genevieve Schwab, 3 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. Mrs. Bencan was a loyal member who often brought still warm "krofe” to our doings, having made them and hopped on a bus to deliver them fresh. She practiced her charity often in life. nocent blood. St. Paul in the Epistle to the Romans states that when the Law is written in the heart, the conscience will bear witness to it and will accuse or else excuse the individual An unemployed janitor in Los Angeles found a bag containing $240,000 in the street. It had fallen from a Brink’s armored truck. When asked why he did not keep the money, he replied, “If I had, I would never been able to look my three kids in the face.” The conscience may be defiled by a low standard or by ignoring and prostituting it. It may also be seared with the hot iron, which implies extreme insensibility. In a memory book of a boy we read the following: “When I was a boy we had in our sitting room a clock which ticked quite loudly. I became so accustomed to its ticking that I would have to stand facing it and listen for some time before I could actually hear it.” So is with conscience — if one is not in the habit of listening to it, he does not hear it. If we should be well-balanced Christians, we must have well-developed conscience based on the high moral standard; and when conscience speaks, we must obey. St. Augustine said: “A good conscience is the palace of Christ, the temple of the Holy Spirit, the paradise of delight, and the standing Sabbath of the saints.” Another has said: “A good conscience is a valuable possession, and the only way you can get it is to give it to yourself.” Mr. John Hozian, Sr. The passing of one of our finest Slovenian Catholic men, shook the community Sept. 2nd, when John (Ignace) Hozian, Sr. went to his eternal reward. He was the husband of our dear member, Mrs. Gizella Hozian and father of one son, John, Jr. and two daughters, Mary Puklavetz and Betty Ebzery. There are 16 grandchildren. Tho the Hozian’s always lived on the north side and most recently in Skokie, a far north suburb, never did an occasion pass that the Hozian’s were not present at St. Stephen’s or at a local affair. They were true believers in their church and nationality. Mr. Hozian’s funeral was the largest this community has had in many years and friends from far and near came to pay their respects to the man who was a credit to his ancestry. The Hozian’s are also known city-wide as proprietors for many years of the State- Kinzie Grill in Chicago’s downtown. Mrs. Hozian is also the president of St. Ann Society of KSKJ and a hard worker in fraternal fields. Her husband, John, was ever at her side with a quiet approval of all that was being done. Mr. Hozian was a man with a noble soul and highest character that made one proud to know him. May he rest in the bosom of the Lord. Another member, Mrs. Ursula Kržišnik, lost her husband, Michael suddenly on Sept. 9th. Urslta and her two daughters and son will miss him very much. Our deepest condolences. We send wishes to all our sick members for good health and good luck! And, a new bowling season has begun with our Br. 2 league again ten teams strong. Compliments to them and many strikes! It was nice to see Mary Tomazin at our Sept. meeting; we were happy to hear she’s feeling better. And, we enjoyed an unexpected treat in the form of a chocolate cake brought by Mrs. Catherine Persa who celebrated her birthday the day before. Many happy returns of the day to her and all our fall celebrants. Corinne Leskovar No. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. — I hear our June meeting was very well attended. After writing in the Dawn about members forgetting to attend the meetings. What does yours truly do, but forget! And, a recording secretary, at that! A discussion was held at the last meeting to hold our annual sausage supper on Oct. 2'3rd. So, members, please let us start the Sept. meeting to further discuss the plans of this CHI GALS ROLL OFF! No. 2, Chicago, III. Bowling News— The 1965-1966 Chicago S.W.U. bowling season got under way August 31, as 10 teams, comprised of 50 women, met at Townhall bowling lanes. It was a time to renew old acquaintances after the summer lay-off and to greet a few new faces. Among those who were not able to return to bowling for health reasons are A-melia Russell, Alvina Leben, Ann Vucko and Liz Zefran. We hope it won’t be long before they are able to join, us again on Tuesday nights. Mary Anne Kos and Peg Elsberg, who are expecting babies this fall, hope to resume bowling also. The league’s officers, elected last May, are: Liz Zefran, president; Ann Vucko, vice-president; Lil Putzell, sec-retary-treasurer; and Barbara Zurek, scribe. The ten tams are; Zarja; Marquette Service; Zefran Funeral Home; St. Paul Federal; Reliance Federal'; Dr. Grill; Wagner’s Bakery; Barbara’s Beauty Shop; Gold Cadillac Lounge and Nickey’s M.G.M. Lounge. Barbara Zurek affair. The meetings are held every 4th Sunday of the month at 1:30 o’clock at the Slovenian National Home. Have you a friend that would like to join? Bring her along and we will be glad to take her into the fold. I do not get much news, but here is something I picked up: The bowling season will be starting soon. We have quite a few women in our branch who bowl in different leagues. We are hoping we will be able to send a few teams to the next S.W.U. bowling tournament. Hey, gals! Anyone for golf? We have a few chasing that little ball around, namely, Josephine Turk, Sophie Mu-maugh, Nada Stanich, Mary Bayt, and Lil Brezigar. The president of our branch, Sylvia Stanfield, did a fine job of getting together at least 34 people to visit the Shrine of Marija Pomagaj in Lemont on July 17-18. Everyone said they enjoyed the trip and the lovely day that was spent in Lemont. This year, two men were present on the bus, amongst all the women, namely, Prank Velikan and Martin Bonbarich. 1 hope next year the women can convince some of their husbands to attend this wonderful affair. Mrs. Antonia Bayt traveled by car with her son, Sylvester, (laughter, Mary and daughter-in-law, Marianna. Antonia Bayt was not able to travel on the bus as sho is confined to a walker. But, we were very glad she could visit her favorite pilgrimage spot. at Lemont. A little late for this item: Congra-(Continued next page) Supreme President’s Message “OUR RUBY CAMPAIGN” Since Zveza will be celebrating the 40th anniversary in 1966, the Board of Directors at their semi-annual meeting decided to call our new campaign for new members, the “Ruby Campaign.” The “Ruby Campaign” shall begin retroactive from June 2, 1965 to midnight, April 1, 1966. In this campaign the branches, too, will be able to win prizes. The branch which gets the most new members will receive $20.00 cash; second place branch will receive $15.00; third prize will be $10.00 and fourth will be $5.00. So, even your branch treasury will gain with the members enrolled in this new campaign. Individuals will be eligible for beautiful, engraved charms with the SWU emblem, in beautiful colors, in honor of the 40th anniversary. Also, winners will receive cash awards, so for every member you enroll, there’ll be something for you! Details on the “Ruby Campaign” will be in this issue and forthcoming issues of Zarja. It was a great pleasure for all the Supreme Board and especially yours truly to attend the Illinois-Indiana State Convention in Joliet. We all attended Mass at the St. Joseph’s Church and afterward, gathered at D’Amico’s Club where wre were served a delicious dinner. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Butala, pastor of St. Joseph’s and spiritual advisor of Br. 20, was our special guest at the dinner and gave a very interesting talk on our Zveza and the work that is being done under her banner. We were all very happy to have Monsignor Butala with us. Josephine Muster did a wonderful job as toastmistress. State Pres. Mildred James, who presided at the meeting did her duty graciously. The meeting was conducted in good order and many interesting subjects were brought up for the good of the organization. All delegates present were called upon for their reports. These reports were very interesting and educational. It was nice meeting the grand group of ladies present and our Junior reporter, Regina, who is Mrs. Olga Ancel. She was there with her mother, Mrs. Josephine Erjavec, the efficient reporter of br. 20, and sister, Mrs. Mildred Pucel. It was also nice having as guests Mrs. Rose Kraemer, State President of Wisconsin, and two members of br. 43. At our speakers’ table was the former Supreme President, Josephine Livek, of Oglesby. It was nice to have her with us along with her group who came from Oglesby. The other cities represented were LaSalle, So. Chicago, and Chicago each with a nice group. All Board members were present also, as our semi-annual meeting was to take place the following day at the Home Office in Chicago. Compliments to Frances Gas-pich, Supreme Auditor, who took the responsibility lor this day and to Mrs. Muster, former Supreme Treasurer and Mrs. Josephine Sumic, also a former Supreme Officer, for all the work involved in making it a very lovely affair. Our Semi-annual meeting was held Aug. 30 and 31st with all the officers present. All records were found in good standing and finances well-invested to give us good returns for the future. Sunday, Sept. 19th was planned by a number of Ohio members as the day to visit the Pennsylvania branches for their annual State Day, this year to be held at Acmetonia, Pa. Accompanying me was Mrs. Mary Bostian, State President of Ohio-Michigan, Supreme Auditor Vicki Faletič and 35 other guests. Compliments to our fine officers of Pennsylvania, headed by Mrs. Mary Tomsic, State President. “SLOVENIAN DAY” THIS MONTH! Slovenian Day which will be held Oct. 17th sponsored by the Combined Branches of Ohio will be held at the Rechar Hall in Euclid, Ohio. Admission is only $1.75 and for this you will be served a delicious dinner plus enjoy lively entertainment. Old favorite Slovenian songs which have been sung by our parents, grandparents and everyone you know, will be on the program. Beautiful girls dressed in colorful Slovenian costumes will serve you. Wonderful door prizes will be given, plus the television, $100 bond, a case of cheer and $25 cash on the special tickets. Only $1.75 per person and children pay only 90(‘. Make it a date to be with us oil Oct. 17. Now with the cool days ahead of us, we will have more time for cooking and baking. The cookbook, Woman’s Glory - the Kitchen is your best partner for these chores. They are still available and all secretaries have a supply on hand; if not, write to me and I will send them to you directly. The cookbook sells for $2.75 including postage. Please turn Father George Trunk of San Francisco’s Church of the Nativity celebrated an unusual jubilee of ordination Sunday, July 25, 19G5. With a strong voice and firm step the 94 year old Slovenian, the oldest priest in the Bay area, offered a High Mass to mark 70 years as a priest, a jubilee aptly named “iron.” Joining with him in the celebration were Archbishop Joseph McGuclt-en and Bishop Merlin Guilfoyle, who was once the administrator of the Church of the Nativity, the national church for Slavs. Cardinal Francis Shepar of Zagreb, Yugoslavia, would also have been present according to a reply which he wrote to a telegraphed invitation, but an important appointment prevented it. Another Yugoslav prelate, Archbishop Joseph Pogačnik of Ljubljana, sent his congratulations. ‘Retired’ Father Trunk has been serving at the San Francisco parish, where Rev. Vital Vodušek is pastor, since 194G when he “retired” as pastor of a Slovenian church in Leadville, Colo. Up until recently, he performed the duties of an assistant pastor, offering a parish Mass and hearing confessions. Only the liturgy changes in the Mass which have introduced the extensive use of the vernacular and demanded considerable reading and concentration have prevented him from continuing to do so. Physical activity has always been a charcteristic of Father Trunk’s life. Born in mountainous country in what is now Austria, he has been a mountain climber since his youth. At the age of 76, when he was about to retire from the parish in Leadville, he scaled 14,000-foot Mt. Massive. When he first came to San Francisco, his daily practice was a walk from the Church of Nativity rectory to the ocean beach and back, a distance of ten miles. In 1955 he was severely injured by an automobile while crossing an intersection near the church. Taken to St. Mary’s hospital with severe internal injuries and a broken leg, he was given little chance to recover. Yet, he was soon out of the hospital and in a few months was back to offering daily Mass. After the accident, Father Trunk 70th JUBILEE OF FATHER TRUNK changed his routine of treks to the beach for two half-hour walks near the church. But he keeps to his lifelong practice of 15 minutes of cales-thenics on arising in the morning and for short periods during the day, “whenever I get tired from sitting,” as he says. Father Trunk still writes a weekly column of observations on world events, which he has been doing for the last 30 years. The author of several books, he completed his last one, entitled “Remembrances,” in 1950 at the age of 80. His talent includes mural painting. When he was pastor in Leadville, he painted the inside walls and ceilings of the church with scenes from the Old Testament and the Gospels, a job that took 20 years and involved sitting and lying on a scaffold. Father Trunk did the work though he was in his 60’s and 70’s. .. Father Trunk was born on Sept. 1, 1870, in what was then Austria Hungary and is now Austria. He was ordained in 1895 and served in the parishes of the region which was predominantly Slovenian. In 1904 he became pastor of Holy Cross church in Villach. After the first World War he came to the U-nited States and was made pastor of a German national church in Berwick, North Dakota. Three years later, he became pastor of the church in Leadville. Sometime ago, on another occasion marking a milestone in his life, Father Trunk remarked, “Looking back at my life, I am not sorry for one minute that I became a priest, but when I consider the trials, it' I had to make the decision again, I’m not so sure that I would do it.” Father Trunk’s next goal is to celebrate his hundredth birthday. To look at him today, it is a pretty safe bet that he will make it. No. 5, Continued: tulations to the Slovene National Home on their 25th anniversary which was celebrated on June 5tli. They had a wonderful program. Our branch donated a gift of money. The SNH also held their annual picnic on Sept. 5th at Borlaw’s Park. Mrs. Anna Kovach, 84 years old, who was one of our oldest members, passed away on July 28th. No immediate survivors. She resided at the home of her godchild, Anne Neese. Anne took good care of her, as if she were her own mother. I am sure God will reward you for that, Anne. We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Ludmille Deal, who was saddened by the sudden death of her husband, Robert, on July 8th. May God rest the souls of two departed. Here is extended good health wishes to all who were and are on the sick list. Please let us know when you are confined, as the secretary does not know unless you tell her. The members who have not paid their dues, please oblige your secretary as it really isn’t much to pay a few months ahead. That’s all for now, except I would like to thank Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak for sending us wishes and a lovely card from Europe. Sophie Mumaugh, Rep. No. 13, San Francisco, Cal. — Sorrow seems to be a frequent visitor to Br. 13. With the death of two of our fine members, Charter President, Barbara (Bara) Nemanich, who was mother of the year in 19G4, passed away after a rather lengthy illness. Bara insisted that when death came she wanted her Slovenian prayerbook which was her gift as our Mother of the Year, to be buried with her when she died. Her daughters saw to it that her request was carried out. She loved Zveza and was so proud on the day we honored her as our Mother. Of course, daughter, Ann was nominated, but passed in favor of her mom. Truly this fine lady was well-loved. Daughters Ann Stich, (our financial secretary) Mary Rahmer and Josephine Silvester were ever at her side. Bara leaves, besides the three daughters, 12 grandchildren and 1G great grandchildren. Granddaughter, Judy Weiner gave birth to a fine son, Paul Joseph after grandma’s funeral. God sent a new member to that household to make up the loss of Bara a little easier to bear. Rest in peace, Bara, knowing you’ve done a fine job as mother. Sister, Mary Yerman passed away after a bout with heart trouble. Her close-knit family will miss her. Daughter, Mary Kunip was very devoted to her mother having lived together for years. Mrs. Yerman had great regard lor Tony, Mary’s husband. Daughters, Mary Kump, Angeline Tomsic and By Tony Maurovich The Monitor, S. F., Cal. Supreme President’s Message: We are happy to announce the new songbook is now ready for sale! It’s called LET’S SING and is a pocket-size treasure of Slovenian folk songs and a lot of American favorites. These books will sell for $1.25 and are also available thru direct mail from me or the branch secretaries. In the next few months, I hope all branches wiil have a very busy season and will try to write in some new members. All prizes and awards have been made with you in mind — so, you will really have the incentive to get out and work for your organization. I’m sure, too, that the branches will be happy to be in line for some prizes, from $20 on down to $5. In conclusion, a very happy birthday to our lovely editor, Corinne Leskovar and sports director, Elizabeth Zefran, both celebrating birthdays in October. Toni Turek (And, a Very Happy October Birthday to You, Mrs. Turek! — C.) OHIO BRANCHES INVITE YOU, OCTOBER 17th! "Slovenian Day” for the branches of S.W.U. In Ohio will be celebrated Oct. 17th at Rechar Ave. Slovenian Home. I hope you have read all the details about it and I urge you all to invite your friends and relatives. It will be exciting, I’m sure and you will enjoy every minute of it! There will be Slovenian food served all day, an interesting program and entertainment of all kinds, prizes and a special surprise for the one who picks out Miss Slovenia from the crowd. Slovenian music, too, will delight you. I’m sure there hasn’t been an affair like this in the Cleveland area yet! And, there will be some very important guests whom I know you will enjoy seeing. It will all be very exciting, so, I hope you are all planning on making this a day with the members of Slovenian Women’s Union. We’ll all be very happy to see you there! Oct. 17th is the date! From 9:30 A.M. will be the Bake Sale followed by serving of dinner from 3 to 8 P.M. and entertainment all day! See you at the hall, Oct. 17th! Mary Bostian, Ohio-Michigan State Pres. sons, Edward and John and seven grandchildren will feel a great loss as Mrs. Mary Yerman was always active with her family. Mary will be missed by many of her sister members, too. May their souls rest in peace. See you at the Oct. meeting. Fran S. Chiodo, Hep. No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — With an ideal summer this year, not too many hot humid days, it made days pleasant and ideal for all, so that one could do as one pleased in comfort. The S.W.U. Founders’ Campaign has ended with 328 members. Congratulations to the winning branches and to all the workers in this campaign. It is wonderful to see that so many did participate, because it shows that we are keeping the S.W.U. in front. It is wonderful that Branch No. 1, Sheboygan, took first place in the Founders’ Campaign, and I am sure that Mrs. Prisland is very proud of her branch and members. Congratulations also to our Supreme President, A. Turek in getting first place for enrolling the most members, and to Margaret Fischer, daughter of our founder, for taking second place. The 35th Anniversary of Br. No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. was a wonderful affair and with its celebration, the Wisconsin State Convention was held which turned out to be a successful day. Milwaukee, Wis. is very fortunate that among our civic leaders we have the Uhlein family of the Schlitz Brewing Company, who are great humanitarians. We are very proud of them as they give so much of themselves, yet all we do is say “Thank you,” but it does come from the bottom of our hearts. Again this year they made thousands happy, children small and big, the.young and old, with the big circus parade on July 4, 19G5. They came from all parts of the city, neighboring towns and states, .after hearing what a parade we had here in Milwaukee in 1964. It is gratifying to know when you hear of the shut-ins who were able to view it on television and then hear them tell how much they enjoyed it, how it brightened their day, and many more days to come. In these troubled times it is a wonderful feeling to know that there are such good people who have their interest in their fellow man. May God shower blessings on them. The welcome mat is rolled out to the European travelers, vacationers, hope you all had a pleasant trip and that your vacations were up to all expectations. It sure is good to see you and have you back. Our Mrs. Josephine Scholar decided that her trip to Europe was not quite long enough, so with her daughter, Mrs. Jackie Nimmer and granddaughter, Nancy, decided to fly to Vancouver, Wash- ington to visit relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Zagar, formerly of West Allis, and from there to British Columbia, Lake Louise, and other interesting places for several weeks. Nancy, a pupil of Pilgrim Junior High, 7th grade, won the award Elm Grove Trophy Women’s Club. It was a 500-word essay on “The Declaration of Independence — The Foundation of Our Country.” She was the only pupil of the 7tli grade to achieve this accomplishment. Congratulations. Congratulations to Clemens C. Zeb-rowski who received his Doctor of Education degree in June. He also holds a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science degrees. He is well experienced in the line of teaching — administrator, supervisor, coordinator, Ful-bright exchange teacher, superiority ability program, and co-ordinator of orientation Center Program for inmigrant and transient children. He is the proud son-in-law of our Vice-President Vicky Kastelic. Thanks to men like Clem our children are getting a wonderful education. Congratulations are also extended to Barbara Kozleucliar who graduated from Quincy College, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in the Department of Sociology. She was on the Dean’s List with the last 2 semesters with grade point average of 3.29. The branch is very proud of its younger generation. The sudden death of Anton Schubel, noted baritone singer, teacher and director of many famous Slovenian singing groups will be a great loss to many Americans and the Slovenes. His songs and all he did for the American Slovenes will live in the years to come. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family. May he rest in peace. Our branch has really been hit hard as we have lost 7 members this year. The recent ones are Anna Senica, Louise Barborich and Mary Raly. Our condolences also to the family of Mary Kastner, on the loss of her husband, Joseph. Our deepest sympathies are extended to the bereaved families. May God grant them eternal rest. Congratulations to the new-born babies: Mr. and Mrs. James Olles, Palatine, 111. — a son, John Joseph. Proud grandmother, Mrs. Herbert Nimmer, great grandmother, Mrs. Jos. Schlos-sar. Mr. and Mrs. John Zore, a daughter, Karen Ciel. Proud grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Zore. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Nuteson, a son, Timothy. Proud grandparents, Mr. andMrs. Anton Koz-leuchar. All children are enrolled in the S.W.U. On Sunday, June 2I7, 1965, St. Mary’s Help of Christian Church was honored by a Golden Jubilee Mass offered by the Honored Jubilarian Rev. Frances Yaklich, a relative of our member, Mrs. Kristine Kolar. The altar was beautifully decorated with flowers and candles. Rev. F. Yaklich is at present at St. Camillus Hospital. He was assisted at Mass by Rev. Emil Hodnik of Almond, Wis. Immediately after Mass, a delicious banquet was prepared by Mrs. Kolar. Among the guests were m any distinguished priests and friends from Canada and neighboring cities. On our sick list we have Ceil Ver-bick who is at home and Agatha Zevnik at Villa Clement Nursing Home. Do drop them a get-well card if not posible to visit them. They will love you for thinking of them. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Remember to keep Sunday, October 24, 1965 for an affair to attend. It is our Poultry Card Party. The card party will be at St. Mary’s Help of Christian Gym Hall, So. 60th and W. Madison, at 8:00 P.M. Marie A. Floryan No. 20, Joliet, III. — We mourn the loss of two of our members who passed away almost at the same time and to whom we paid our respects both at one time. One was Miss Agnes Skul, 716 Vine St., age 60 who died at St. Joseph’s after a lingering illness. She is survivod by two sisters THE ERJAVEC'S ON THEIR 45th ANNIVERSARY Joseph and Josephine Erjavec of Joliet, 111. celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary recently at festivities attended by daughters, Jonita James, Mildred Pucel and Olga Ancel and son, Ronald, and their families. Mrs. Erjavec is the reporter for Br. 20 and Mrs. Ancel, our Junior columnist. Best wishes. and six brothers. Her parents preceded her in death and her mother was our social member for a long time. Our membership included her sister, Mrs. Mary Smidberger, aunts and nieces. Her brother, Frank, is deputy sheriff of Will County. Mrs. Barbara J. Wilhelmi, age 28 years was our second loss. She is survived by her husband, three daughters, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Papesh and numerous other relatives. Her grandmother, Mrs. Zelko, was our charter member but she passed away many years ago. Mrs. Wilhelmi was laid to rest at the Res-surection cemetery while Miss Skul was interred at St. Joseph’s. Both were parishioners of St. Joseph’s and grads of St. Joseph’s school. Also, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Chepuran was buried from St. Mary’s Church. He is survived by his parents, John and Dorothy Chepuran who is our member, and sisters who are also our members, Anne Kobe and Mrs. Mary Shepich. There are numerous other members in the family. Our condolences to the relatives and friends of the late Rev. Pius Petrich who died at St. Joseph’s after a four month illness. Rev. Petrich was a friend of Zveza’s and helped organize branches in Johnstown and New York. May he receive his reward from the One Above. Our condolences to the bereaved families and may the deceased rest in peace. Speedy recovery is wished to our president, Mrs. Emma Planinšek, who broke her wrist some weeks ago and she is still under medical care. Our previous Vice-president, Mrs. Theresa Marentich, also broke her hand and Mrs. Theresa Juricich, who is one of our bowlers, underwent a serious operation at St. Joe’s. By this time, the children are all back at school and the old routine of the year has begun. Such is the case in the Ed and Olga Ancel family (who happens to be my son-in-law and daughter), with 5 children all off for school each morning. Thre’s the job ol’ delivering Vera to St. Francis College, son, Joseph, to Catholic High School, Nadine to St. Francis Academy, Carita and Marie to St. Joseph Parochial School. Baby Andrew will be ready to join his sisters and brother in a few years. Also, my daughter, Mildred Pucel, with the four boys, has one, Christ M. at Joliet Catholic High School, another son, Philip at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Rudolph Thomas and Victor at St. Joseph’s where their mother is a teacher for the second year. I am sure many of our members have these same problems every year with their growing children! The daughters of our members who are teachers in their religious orders spent a few days at home with their parents. They are; Sister M. Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sti-tnac; Sr. M. Laetare, daughter of Mrs. Josephine Martincich; Sr. Mr. Elizabeth Marie, sister of Marie, Betty and Dorothy Klepec (their parents passed away many years ago and we remember their mother as she was our member) ; Sr. M. Marlene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Val Ambrose (Mr. Ambrose Is bed-ridden for 8 years); Sisters M. Cherubin and M. Cecelia, daughters of Mrs. Ann Adamich from Lemont, High School and sisters of the Rev. A1 Adamich, assistant pastor at St. Mary’s in Waukegan. Wishes to all students and their teachers for a very successful year at school and to their parents, a healthy year with abundance of good will. Until we see you again, at the meeting, Oct. 17th. Josephine Erjavec, Re]). No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. — We extend our sincere condolences to the families of our members, who passed away, Mrs. Mary Sinkovio lost her husband, Louis, who had been ill for some time. He is also survived by two daughters and two sons, twelve grand children and three great grandchildren. Mr. Sinkovič had been founder and charter member of the West Park Slovene National Home, 4583 West 130th St. also cited in 1964 as outstanding Slovenian of the year in West Park, Ohio. Mrs. Nellie Strodtbeck and her family lost their husband and father, Albert, who was sales-manager for the Laub Baking Co., and had been with that company for more than 45 years in various managerial positions. Bereaved family includes five sons, two daughters and fourteen grandchildren. Sincere sympathy is extended to charter member, Ella Prisel on the loss of her brother, Joe Preattle from Ritt-man, Ohio. May our deceased rest in peace. Wedding bells rang out for Mary K. Koellikar and Douglas H. Capek. Douglas is the grandson of Frances Perusek. Best wishes for a happy future together. Congratulations to LaVerne llosta on her engagement to Donald Ches-nik, they will wed Oct. 30, 19G5. Helen Konkoy and her husband, John, celebrated their silver Wedding Anniversary on Aug. 3rd with a second honeymoon trip to beautiful Hawaii. Alice Vidmar and her husband, Edward, celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary with a nice surprise given by the family and other relatives who brought everything to their home, good, music, cheer, also cheer in the bottle! Congratulations to both couples and many more. Hospitalized recently was Pauline Friedel and now she is convalescing at home. Get-well wishes were sent to her. Mrs. Frances Kavc, our Slovenian language reporter, had a lovely vacation in sunny Florida. Ladies, don’t forget about our S.W.U. Slovenian Day on Oct. 17th at 20713 Lindbergh Ave. and Rechar Rd. in Euclid, Ohio. All members who can help on this big day will be greatly appreciated also members are asked to donate baked goods, poticas, strudels, and homemade bread, noodles, or cookies. Hope to see you all there. Stella Dancull No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. — Campaign-time again! 40th Anniversary of Zveza, celebrating with a “Ruby Campaign,” new and better than ever — a chance for members to obtain a beautiful gold pendant with a Zveza emblem. All one needs is 10 points. Please look for rules and regulations explained elsewhere in this Zarja. It’s fun when many can participate and the Board of Directors has tried to make it easy, yet a challenge for every worker. Sept. 19tli, Stella Koporc and I were tripping along to Acmetonia, Pa. with a bus-load of members — also our recording secretary, Dorothy Ster-nisha and members of other branches. Oct. 17th, remember, the combined branches are having a day of fine programming and entertainment, dinners will be served, prizes and baked goods plentiful. From 9:00 A.M. to 8 P.M. at. the Jugoslav Hall on Rechar Ave. in Euclid, Ohio. OFFICERS OF BR. 25 AND THEIR "QUEENS" Posing for the camera isn’t one of the easiest things these hard-working officers of Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio do. but Vicki was lucky to get Mary Otoničar, Pauline Stajnpfel, Mary Kolegar and Dorothy Sternisha away from their work long enough for a quick picture. They just celebrated the crowning of their May Queen for 19G5, Jenny Feme, seen on the right photo with Mrs. Stampfel and out-going Queen, Marie Orazem. These ladies enjoy being together and are very active in their own branch and the Combined Branches of Cleveland. Photos shown are of our officers and a “pair of Queens” and Mother of the Year. Dear members, please try to keep up with your dues — it’s easy if you ckeck your books every so often. Forgetting is easy, too. So, please do your best and our secretary will appreciate it very much. Thank you. Vicki Faletič No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Vacation time has past for most of us and with 2 months without a meeting, there are a few doings of which our members should be reminded. In October, after the meeting on the 5th, we will celebrate our Anniversary and members’ birthdays from May to October. We invite you to join in on our mouthwatering lunch and the good get-together we usually have. You are also asked to buy one book of tickets ($1) for the annual bazaar of the Combined Branches on Oct. 17 at Rechar Hall on Lindbergh Ave. in Euclid. To make it short, read all about it in the articles of our Pres, of Ohio and Supreme President. This is an affair not to be missed and each year it gets better. Who knows, you may even be a winner of one of the prizes. Hold the day open — Oct. 17. The sponsors of this day are asked for donations as door prizes. In case you have things that you think might be good prizes, bring it to the meeting, or to any officer. I^et’s try to help on this big affair of the year. While I’m on the subject of officers, thanks and appreciation for the warm greetings sent from their tour of Europe to Marie Prisland, Albina Novak, and Josephine Livek; also, from our President, Theresa Potokar. In less than one month, 2 grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Potokar were married. John Popovič married JoAnija Globokar and Janet Potokar married Frank Haley, Jr. Congratulations to the couples and parents and grandparents. May God bless them in wedlock. Katherine Golinar became grandmother once again; never a dull moment in a large family! May God bless them and grandma! How nice! To our sick, we trust Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary, for help and health to all of the sick members and their families. Our treasurer, Molly Gregorc, still isn’t quite well and Mary Noda was very sick. We hope she’s much better now. Mrs. Krmavec had surgery and we hope and pray she too recovers quickly. May our Blessed Mother help and heal them. In July, Annie Tekavec visited her ailing mother in Eveletli, Minn. She is 83 years old and the father passed 2 years ago. May her dear father rest in peace. We invite all to come to the Mass on the first Friday, Oct. 1st, for the living and deceased members of om branch. Try to come. Make an effort. In closing, come to the meetings and help our secretary by paying your dues on time. A. Tekavec, Rec. Sec’y No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. — Vacations are being ended and our ladies, with their husbands are home from their travels thru beautiful country in the United States. Some are also home from their travels in Europe. Mrs. Antonia Kastelic, with her husband, Louis, is expected any day now from their trip to Europe which I undersand was a lovely visit. Mrs. Mary Yemec and her husband, Jack were in Colorado. Mrs. Antonia Matis and her husband, Frank visited Titusville, Penn, for a well-deserved vacation. Some of our members have cottages by the waters, weekends were usually spent there and the regular vacationers, our children, spent the summer in various preoccupations. So, all in all, I hope everyone had a good time. Mrs. Antonia Legan is out of the hospital after an eight week stay. It was quite a siege. She is now recuperating at home, doing nicely. While in the hospital she received the best possible care that can be given a mother by her five daughters and daughter-in-law. Two of her daughters are registered nurses and one is an L.P.N. while the other two daughters and daughter-in-law helped wherever help was needed. I call this type of cara TLC, that is, tender, loving care, which is care given beyond any expectation. Also a great factor was her determination to live. Prayers and more prayers were offered for her re- covery if the Good Ixird wanted her to live. Mrs. Ivana Hrovat is still on the sick list. Mrs. Jennie Perko also. If addresses are needed for you to send them cards, let me know. It is with very much sadness in my heart that I write this. One month ago we were congratulating Teresa Filips and her husband, Anton on their 25 wedding anniversary. The next month, he is being buried. Anton had suffered a stroke a few years ago and was doing pretty well, up and around, tho not able to work. But, at least he was there and provided Teresa with companionship and someone to talk things over with. They were so very happy and went out for supper this one evening, enjoying themselves, when he suffered a heart attack and that was God’s way of taking him to his reward without any more suffering here on earth. Te earned his reward of heaven eternally by his cheerful way while suffering. Our deepest sympathy to Teresa and her sons. God doesn’t call only young people or the elderly. Every now and then, he takes a little innocent child and puts this child with the other angels that are with Him in heaven. Such was the case of Cheryl Nickshinski, granddaughter of Jennie and Frank Intihar and great granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hrovat. She was a beautiful child with eyes so filled with wonder. I used to see her when she would come to pay dues with her grandmother. Also, deepest sympathy to our recording secretary, Mrs. Milly Lipnos (Glavic) on the loss of her sister, Mrs. Julia Drsek who died in child- GILBERT, MINN. MOURNS ANTON LOPP birtli, and also lost the baby girl. To our bereaved, our deepest sympathy. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord! Ladies, don’t forget Slovenian Day on Oct. 17th at Rechar Hall held by the combined lodges. Try to attend, so that the work of getting the program together and the dinner will not be in vain. Am I'lanniru; on taking part in (he program, so ladies, let us ail Ju our share in co-operating with the committee. If everyone helps a little the load of work isn’t all on one person’s shoulders. So, until next time. God keep you in His love and care. Louise Prhne, Sec’y No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Our vacation days are to an end, and our monthly meetings are again resumed. I wish to thank all the members who participated in the current Founders’ Membership drive. The Phillips Family spent their vacation up North; shortly after getting home, Toni was confined to the hospital, but came home recently. Another member Julia Schnick has had surgery, and too is now recovering at home. Best wishes for a speedy rcovery, and to all our other members who have been convalescing. The Groths’ and the Schultas’ spent their vacation up at Mackinaw Island. Several of our other members also visited the island, the Bevseks and Mrs. Helen Riffel. The Gallun family with “Tina” went to Tichigan Lake and spent a quiet two weeks. Elsie turned out to be quite a golfer, she won a prize for the longest drive. Mrs. Mlinar, from Western Springs, Bl. and Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Dvornik, from Lafayette, Ind. were visiting friends and relatives in Milwaukee. Mrs. Korošec from So. Milwaukee had a very pleasant reunion with her son and his family from Phoenix, Arizona. The Phillips’, Groths’ and Schultas’ were having a great time at the cook-out which was held at Vic’s House in So. Milwaukee, who is another son of Mrs. Korošec. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stein were surprised by a large group of relatives and friends on their 25th Wedding Anniversary, on Sept. 25th which was given by their daughter and son. Congratulations and best wishes for another 25 years. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Angeli who were the proud parents of a baby boy. The Slovenian Choir of St. John’s Parish in Milwaukee has made a record of 16 beautiful Slovenian songs. The record is entitled “Echoes from Slovenia.” The jacket was designed by Mr. D. Svetlic. The records are available at St. John’s Rectory, 823 Anton I. Lopp, 76, pioneer resident and one of Gilbert, Minn.’s oldest businessmen died on Saturday, Aug. 28, at his summer home at Lake Esli-quagama. He was born on Oct. 30, 1888 in Dobrava, Slovenia and came to United States in 1905 settling in Sparta and later moving to Gilbert in 1908. He and his late brother, Joseph, established a meat and grocery business in 1910 in which he was active until the time of his death. Mr. Lopp, one of the most active citizens of this community, is credited with initiating a host of local activities in his busy lifetime and was never too busy to help put Gilbert over the top whenever it needed it. He served on committees and acted as chairman for numerous drives, celebrations, banquets, parades and etc., that brought many people to Gilbert. In 1909, Mr. Lopp was one of those who helped organize the Gilbert Vol unteer Fire Department and was a charter member. He was the captain of the Firemen’s tournament team, which brought to Gilbert many honors in winning first prizes for various fire fighting activities such as coupling, ladder and hose races. He served the Gilbert Volunteer Fire Department as its assistant chief and for many years as its chief. Back in 1912, Gilbert was without a baseball team. Mr. Lopp purchased suits and equipment from the village and sponsored a team himself. In 1917, W. Mineral St. or Ernst Majhenich, 1010 So. 9th St. The record is High Fidelity, 33J and sells for $5.00. A long standing dream came to reality. The beautiful singing of St. John’s Choir became a perpetual memorial. We extend our heartfelt congratulations on the wonderful job accomplished, to the choir master Ernst Majhenich and to all choir members. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y he was one of a group who organized the Gilbert Curling Club and was one of its most active members serving as president and holding various other offices over the years. He was cited us one of its first honorary charter members. He also sponsored and skipped one of the first women’s curling teams on the Range. He sponsored basketball and softball teams in 1919. These teams travelled all over the Range and kept Gilbert’s name on the sports pages. In 192*7, he was elected President of the Gilbert American Yugoslav Club. He served the State Yugoslav organization as president for two years and was on the Board of Directors. Til 1940, the Village of Gilbert became a city and in 1941 he was the first mayor elected to the city of Gilbert, serving in that office for ten consecutive years. He also was an original member of the charter commission. In Jaunary of 1956, Mr. Lopp was named as the seventh member of the Gilbert Hall of Fame by the Chamber of Commerce by being selected as the town’s outstanding citizen for 1955. Mr. Lopp was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, the Msgr. Buh General Assembly Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus, the Gilbert K of C Council No. 5031 and had been a member of the Knights of Columbus since 1914, headed the Gilbert Order of Moose at one time, now non-ex-istant; St. Joseph’s Society No. 20; American Fraternal Union; Catholic Order of Foresters, and charter member of the Eshquagama Country Club. 1-Ie was married on Sept. 27, 1916 in Eveleth to Pauline Chernoff, who survives him. Other survivors include two sons, Cyril J. of Corpus Christie, Texas and Gene A. of Gilbert; one daughter, Mrs. Anthony (Phyllis) Kuk-ar of Gilbert; one sister, Mrs. Mark (Antoinette) Lucich of Gilbert; one brother, John, in Yugoslavia; and eight grandchildren. To the Lopp family, all very faithful members of our Br. 31, sincere condolences and we offer our prayers for the repose of his soul. No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. — Dear sisters: We gathered again at the Little Grove for our Sept. meeting and it was well-attended. We do wish we could have a few more new faces join us, so, please laides, try to make our next meeting which will be on the first Wed. in October, the 6th. Our Secretary-treasurer, Rose Chiodi was absent but we all wished her a safe journey on her vacation and hope to see her back soon with many inter-(Continued on page 203) Joliet Man Leads Viet Team LE MY, South Viet Nam (UP1) Navy Lt. James J. Zelko, 27, of 925 N. Broadway, Joliet, 111., and his five-man hospital crew are fighting a different kind of war in this village nine miles west of the Da Nang air base. The enemy is disease and infection, a foe just as formidable as the Communist guerrillas who lurk in the jungles surrounding the village of South Vietnamese peasants. It is a battle that medics of the 3rd Marine Regiment say will not be won for a long, long time. Lt. James J. Zelko Lt. Zelko, who went into service in June 19G4 after completing his internship at Cook County Hospital has been in Viet Nam since September and has confidence in the “battle’s” success. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zelko of the Broadway address A native of Joliet, he was graduated from St. Joseph grade and Joliet Catholic High School before continuing medical studies. His twin brother John, also of 925 N. Broadway, is a builder. Another brother Raymond is an accountant at Goldblatt’s. He has three sisters, Mrs. Michael (Delores) Frankovich and Mrs. Martin (Josephine) Spanich, both of Joliet, and Mrs. Louis (Lillian) Korilko, who is enroute home to Joliet from St. Louis. Her husband, an army veteran, recently was reassigned from there to the Viet Nam theater where her brother is stationed. lit. Zelko is unmarried. For centuries, the Vietnamese peasant has never known the simple rules of cleanliness. The paddy fields and hot jungles of Le My are far from running water and porcelain bathtubs. The farmer had no weapon to fight the simplest of wounds. Infants died because there was no medicine to combat infection. Without the tools of proper hygiene, the death rate soared. But with the arrival of the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines, and the establishment of a battalion aid station here two months ago, an effective weapon was introduced for the first time. The weapon is soap. An organized attack was launched to rout the enemy of germs from his ancient stronghold. (In line with this fact, the Chicago American newspaper has begun a drive to collect bars of soap to be sent to Viet Nam and many of our members have already answered this call. Mailing soap directly to Maj. Gen. Lewis W. Walt, c/o APO 96243, San Francisco, Calif, at domestic postage rates is all that is required if you wish to join in this cause to win friends and keep down the disease in Viet Nam. — Ed.) The first part of the battle involved winning the confidence of the villagers. Lt. Zelko took on the challenge. He was also faced with the problem of dispelling the fear of Americans placed in the minds of the people by Viet Cong terrorists. Villagers were hesitant about visiting the Marine aid station. Zelko persevered. He began making daily house calls in the tradition of the old American frontier doctor, and told the peasants to come over to the aid station when they had trouble. Within a week, more than 100 patients a day crowded into the little first aid post. They waited patiently for treatment of sore throats, skin infections, arthritis, eye and ear disorders, scarlet fever, intestinal ailments, pneumonia, and malaria. But it is a never-ending battle, There are more patients that medical supplies can handle and accomodations are not adequate. The war goes on. More than 200 patients a day now place their trust in Zelko and his staff. Villagers are learning lessons no one ever tried to teach them. And slowly the war is being won. (Joliet Herald News) Y I T y T T Y I T T T I T Y FIVE GENERATIONS Sheboygan, Wis. — An age span of 87 years is represented by this five generations. Seated from left to right are: Mr. Anton Bogolin, celebrating his 87th birthday last month, Mrs. Tony (Antoinette) Zore, Robert Zore, Mrs. George (Barbara Zore) Kolar, and Jaqueline Kolar. Mr. Bogolin was born September 12th, 1878 in Brezje, parish Leskovec in Slovenia. He came to the United States in 1906 with his wife, who died in 1946, and two daughters, Antoinette and Josephine, both members of Sheboygan branch. Barbara and Jacqueline Kolar are prospective members. Our best wishes for health and happiness to Mr. Bogolin and his wonderful family. M. P. j JOIN ONE OF S.W.U.’s THREE JET EXCURSIONS TO SLOVENIA IN 1966 ! ] j Details in November issue of Zarja \ MINUTES OF THE 6TH ANNUAL WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION The Wisconsin State Convention was held in Milwaukee, Wis. on June 13, 19G5 and branch No. 43 were hosts. The state convention opened with a High Mass at 11:00 A.M. at St. John the Evangelist Church and Rev. Claude Okorn O.F.M., Spiritual Advisor of the Slovenian Women’s Union, officiated. A very delicious dinner was served at the parish hall immediately following the Mass. A short program followed. The convention meeting was called to order at 2:00 o’clock, by our State President Rose Kraemer. Father Claude Okorn opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes from the previous convention meeting were read by Victoria Sporis, moved by Ceil Groth and seconded by Margaret Fischer from Sheboygan, Wis. Victoria Sporis, Br. No. 43, again was appointed recording secretary for this convention. State President Rose Kraemer, welcomed the delegation and membership, and also made an appeal for new members. Father Okorn gave an inspiring talk about making a practical resolution for all year-round social gathering, progress, must work, can’t quit, must work with society and support it, and must cooperate at all times. Supreme Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar said a few words in Slovenian, then said she was very happy to be with us, she also reported that the Slovenian Women’s Union is going upward, and is inspiring for the youth. She also stated that all Questionaire Reports be taken to the National Convention . Director of Women’s Sports Activities, Liz Zefran was also present and spoke a few words on bowling and other activities. Our Vice-President, Marie Floryan also greeted the membership and delegation. The delegates were then asked to report from their branchs. Margaret Fischer, Br. No. 1 from Sheboygan, was the first delegate. She reported 241 members, 36 obtained at the current membership drive. Activities are Mother’s Day program and had 85 present, even juniors participated. Card Party to be held in September. Improvements; that State meetings be held in Fall, and articles for Worldwide activities of women. Especially, approve of scholarship to young people, are very proud of Zarja and receive compliments on Pots & Pans& & Pastime Column. Second delegate to be called was Frances Plesko, Br. No. 12 of Milwaukee. She reported 198 members, 2 new members at last current drive. Activities, Card Party in April, every meeting games and lunch. Communion Mass for living and deceased members. They disapprove of raising monthly dues, and brought up the question: AVhat to do with male Jr. when they reach 21 years of age. Third delegate — Marie Floryan, Br. No. 17 of West Allis, Wis. They have 222 members, and acquired 10 new members at last campaign. Their activities at present are a Card Party, Bus trip to the Grotto at Dickeyville in Sept. and to Lemont on Zveza Day. The improvements; members and non-members are asking for higher Death Benefits. The fourth delegate was Ceil Groth from Br. No. 43 of Milwaukee. She reported 214 members, and acquired 31 new members at the last membership drive. Activities are Rummage Sale, Luncheon and a Card Party. Improvements, to raise the Class B age to GO years. A space in the Zarja for members to correct their addresses once or twice a year. The members approve of the Zarja, the Cook Book, Scholarship and Pots & Pans& Pastime Column. The members disapprove of raising the dues and not the Death Benefits. Branch No. 102 from Willard, Wis. was not present, but the questionaire was sent in. They have 24 members. Their activities are a bus trip to Holy Hill, Wis., Donation to Church building fund, a Slovenian Social Hour in Fall. The MESSAGE FROM STATE PRES. OF ILL.-IND. Aug. 29th began with 12:00 o’clock Mass at St. Joseph’s Church in Joliet, III. The Mass was offered for the living and the deceased members of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Afterward, dinner was served at the famous and exclusive D’Amico’s Supper Club, and it was here in this glamorous atmosphere, we held our State Convention. I am deeply indebted to Msgr. Butala for his opening address. Although I have heard many good talks, I can say sincerely without any flattery that I have listened to one of the most constructive and thoughtful speeches, on a subject of major interest, that has been delivered in many years. I also want to express my sincere thanks to the following women who have taken on the job and responsibility of running the convention. Toi Josephine Muster for her kind remarks in opening and closing the convention; to Frances Gaspich for her energy and enthusiasm, and her skill with which she displayed her ability as our Rec. Sec’y; and to Jo Sumic who is exceptionally qualified to speak, led the entire delegation in saluting the American Flag, our thanks. Last but not least to the members for your hospitality in your fair city, for the opportunity, and for the right to be heard. May I say you all have handled your duties very efficiently, and met your obligations with pride. Might I also add, that I have been very impressed by the cordiality of our beloved Founder and Honorary Supreme President, Marie Prisland, Supreme President, Antonia Turek, Supreme Secretary Albina Novak, Supreme Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar, Ann Podgoršek and Vicki Faletič, Auditors, Corinne Leskovar, Editor, Past Supreme President, Josephine Livek, and Rose Kramer, State President of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and her guests who accompanied her to Joliet. Believe me, your support made my tasks somewhat easier. I am also indebted to the delegates and their guests of Branches: 2, 2'0, 24, 89 and 95, for their comments which threw a revealing light on some of the strangest things that have happened in their branches, the ideas just have been made clear that their determination to be noticed makes their opinions worth noticing. For this you have been a grand group of women. To each of you I owe my affection, gratitude and respect. Again, I thank Br. 20 for their generous hospitality, for the greetings .and best wishes sent by Mary Bostian, Ohio-Mich. State President, and for everything, I thank you all. Mildred James (Minutes of the Ill.-Ind. State Convention will be in the next issue. — Ed.) members approve of the publishing of Cook Book and Scholarship awards. These were the reports from the various branches. State President, Rose Kraemer then asked for an open discussion. There were questions pertaining to Social members. Until now, it has been up to the branches, to decide. Mothers of the year were presented with corsages. Br. No. 1, Mary Brezonik; Br. No. 17, Mary Grasch; and Br. No. 43, Herta Majhenich. It was decided that Br. No. 1 of Sheboygan, Wis. will be the next hosts to the Wis. State Convention, combined with their 40th Anniversary. Ceil Groth complimented our State President, Rose Kraemer on the wonderful work she has done. The 3 piece Luggage Set was won by Louise Meyer. The centerpiece by Mary Udovich of Sheboygan, Wis. and was donated to St. John’s Altar. In conclusion Father Claude Okorn thanked the group for attending. State President, Rose Kraemer thanked the membership, and the meeting adjourned with prayer at 3:45 P.M. Vickie Sporis, Rec. Sec. COMBINED BRANCHES MEETING REPORT Meeting held in September was a grand one with a large attendance of members. This is what I like. The discussion was very lively, all about our big Slovenian Day on Oct. 17th and the interest is high among all members to make this a truly great affair. We also made final plans for our trip to Aemetonia, Pa. for Penna Zveza Day on Sept. 19th for which a bus was chartered. We know we could look forward to having a grand time. Our discussion was also about another grand event to take place next year but we are not ready to make a public announcement yet, until all plans are made. But, •believe me, it will be something very beautiful and thrilling for all our members and all the Slovenian people here. Our Supreme President, Toni Turek announced the new campaign for members that will really be wonderful, in celebration of the 40th anniversary of S.W.U. We were all anxious to hear about it and the fine prizes that will be given. We send along speedy recovery wishes to Ella Starin, sec’y of Br. 41 who broke her wrist in a fall. May God bless her and give her a speedy recovery and better luck! Hearty congratulations to Ernestine Jevec and her husband who celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary on Sept. 7th. We also wish loads of good luck to Sophie Zagorc and her husband on their 18th Wedding Anniversary in September. I nope we will all see our out-of-town members at Cleveland-Euclid for our Oct. 17tli Day. The invitation is out to all our members in Michigan to attend because you’re not so far if you can arrange transportation. I know all our Cleveland members would come to Michigan for a State Day if we could plan it someday. I saw a perfect example of what a little courage can do at Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. that accepted one year to host the Penna Day and really made a success out of it — so that this year, they have again undertaken the same program. So, Michigan, hello to you all and we hope to see you soon. To everyone in Ohio, best wishes, too, and we’ll see you Oct. 17th at the S.W.U. Slovenian Day. May God bless you all. Mary Bostian, State Pres. esting things to tell. Our Rec. Secretary, Rose Trombly was also absent and we regret, to say her husband, Roy, is at the Chisholm Hospital and we send him God’s speed to a rapid recovery. Pres. Jos. Oswald gave us a report on their trip to the convention in Aurora. They all seemed to have a wonderful time and if all things go well, lilans are being made for next year’s convention at Crosby. So, girls, let’s get on the ball and pave our way down to Crosby next year. Congratulations were also out to sister, Angeline Hrovat on the marriage of her daughter, Margaret Hrovat to Mr. Robert G. Gardner, on Sept. 11th. The wedding took place at the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Hibbing. We wish them all the happiness in Jhe world and may God bless them both and may they be as happy forever as on their wedding day. Congratulations! And, if by chance, I have missed any of you on our sick list, I hope and pray that you will all be well soon and stay in good health. Sister Josephine Oswald thus concluded our meeting with a prayer. We then had our social of the meeting at which time hostesses were sisters: Gertrude Kochevar, June Je-rulle, Margaret Kochevar and Betty Strazishar. Prizes were awarded to the following sisters: Ivanna Prelesnik, Angeline Hrovat, Celia Palitano, Elizabeth Spinelli, Florence Techar, Mary Musech, Jenny Crae and Angeline Russ. The delightful lunch was enjoyed by all. The evening closed with great anticipation for our next session as we do enjoy being together once a month. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again — and, drive safely as the life you save just may be your own. Yours truly, Gertrude Kochevar, Rep. No. 54, Warren, Ohio — This month, we have sadness to report. Our beloved member, Carolyn Smuke, passed away Aug. 24th. She was my aunt, the sister of our president, Rose Ra-cher and mother of our vice president, Maiy Waltko and sgt..-at-arms, Josephine Kassan. Mrs. Smuke was bom in Zamastec, Yugoslavia in 1888. Formerly residing in Utah, she settled in Warren with her large family in 1937. She was married twice and both her husbands preceded her in death. She leaves four daughters, Carolyn Knezevich, Mary Waltko, Josephine Kassan, Frances Sainato and five sons, Louis and William Gorsick, and Joseph, Edward and Richard Smuke. Sister, Hose and a brother, Ixjuis of Yugoslavia complete the family. It’s very hard to put into words how much she will be missed, tho she was ailing lor years and had been seriously ill for the last. two months. She was buried from St. James church and laid to rest at All Soul’s Cemetery. Our members recited the Rosary at her bier and attended the funeral in a group. May she rest in peace and may God grant comfort to all her family in this time of sorrow. Vacations are over for another year and our meetings will resume again on the third Tuesday of the month. Call me at 393347-S for the whereabouts of the Oct. meeting. Please ladies, come to the meeting. If there is some particular gripe you have, let us know about it and we can discuss all our problems together. Speedy recovery to all who are on the sick list. Joanne Ponikvar No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — Well, here it. is about four years later and I have just been elected to write this month’s article in the Zarja. If I should happen to repeat a few articles from the past write-ups, please forgive. Four years is a long time. Congratulations and Happy Bon Voyage Home to Sophie and Tony Kren who just returned from a four week vacation tour of Yugoslavia. Sophie’s husband won the free-paid trip there for enrolling the most new members in the campaign of another lodge, must I say? It’s SNPJ. Sophie, Tony’s long-wedded wife, has been a member of SWU since way bade when. Glad to see the Kren’s back home in Girard, now. Special hello to Mrs. Snezick of Bessemer, Pa., whom I had the pleasure of meeting recently and she tells me she reads the Zarja regularly. She is the president of Br. 67. To all our members, I must say the meetings have resumed as of September and now we expect a big attendance as vacations are over. As the old saying goes, into each life some rain must fall, according to many parts of the country, rain is both a disaster and a blessing. If that is meant to be so, it will be, but, many times it seems in our lives this rain falls and saddens the hearts of many. Why and how we just never seem to understand. When our Dear Ixjrd calls, we must answer. Our deepest sympathies from the members of br. 55 to the Mehalco family on the loss of their beloved father and the husband of Mary Mehalco, our sec. and treas. for many years. Also, she has been our reporter. (That’s why I have elected myself to fill in this month.) Mike Mehalco passed away this past week. May his soul rest in peace. In the past few weeks, we’ve had a few members on the sick list. Mrs. Gail Hlasta was recently discharged from the North Side Hospital and is now recuperating fine. Just received a telephone call relating that Mrs. Ann Kren is on the THROUGH “ZVEZA-LAND” U.S.A. By Toni Turek, Supreme President (Conclusion) We then drove through No. Dakota to Chisholm, Minn., my home town. On arrival I found my mother in the hospital so I was unable to do much of the traveling 1 had planned around the iron range. We did take a trip to the Soudan mine that has been opened for tourists to see. I had been born and raised in this section but never had the opportunity to see how ore is mined underground. Work in the Soudan mine closed about two years ago because it was too expensive an operation, altho the ore was of the finest grade. Now, the state is making it into a park. We took the elevator ride down 2540 ft. and then a 3000 ft. train ride through a tunnel carved from Ely Greenstone. A winding stairway took us to the upper level where we saw how ore is drilled and dumped into ore cars and taken out of this enormous hole. George Nemanich, a native of Soudan and brother of Joseph Nemanich, Supreme President of K.S.K.J. is the man in charge of the mine arid park. We were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Yapel, Mrs. Yapel being our Br. 34 reporter and sister of George and Joe Nemanich. Anyone taking a trip to Minnesota should definitely include a visit to the Soudan mine, especially for children. It is very educational and interesting. Our arrival at Aurora that afternoon was just in time to see president of Br. 35, Mary Smolich and secretary, Frances Bradach. Discussion was on Minnesota Zveza Day on August 29th. Reports given showed that they anticipated a large turnout and that it would be a very successful convention. Our representative from the Supr. Board, Marie A. Floryan, Supreme Vice-President of West Allis, Wis. was given the assignment to be present. On our way back, we stopped off to see sister Mary Lenich of Eveleth who is secretary of Br. 19. She was recuperating from surgery on her foot, but I found her to be as spry as can be, hopping about like a grasshopper altho her foot was heavily bandaged. She is always in the best of spirits and smiling. Mary is one of our true Zveza pioneers and she has this organization in her heart every minute. Wish there were more like her. Good health is our wish for Mary! During my girlhood, I was a wildlife lover and found 1'un in walking through the woods picking berries. My wish came true again as I was able to go up a blueberry hill to pick enough to make a couple of pies -— my favorite! But that evening, I could hardly walk from all the exercise bending over! It took me a couple of days to get back into shape again, but it was fun and worth all the effort. My mother returned from the hospital a few days before we left and I had a nice visit with her at home. She is feeling better now for which I am very happy. Our last stop was Joliet where we arrived Saturday, July 17th. We saw the headquarters of K.S.K.J. and Mr. Louis Železnikar who is the Supreme Secretary showed us the premises. The rest of the day was spent visiting Frances Gaspich, our Supreme Auditor and her family and a former national officer, Josephine Mustar. I called the president of Br. 20, Emma Planinšek and former national secretary, Josephine Erjavec but found no one at home. We also renewed acquaintance with a lovely couple who made Zveza’s Hawaiian trip in 1961, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hulina. They were now celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary. We were their guests for the evening. Thanks for your kind hospitality, folks. On Sunday, it was a pleasant day at Lemont tor Zveza Day, which I have reported in my monthly message. It ended what was a memorable trip throughout Zveza-land for Frank and me, one which we’ll never forget because of its many interesting and heartwarming experiences. sick list. “Grandma” as I always refer to her, has been a member before I ever heard of SWU. Get-well wishes are extended to Grandma Kren from all her sister members. Also, we hear that Mrs. Josephine Perusek has been admitted to the North Side Hospital. Jo is also a longtime member. Get-well wishes to her and hope her stay will be the shortest ever. We returned home from Kent University a few days ago where we “saw” off our son, Bill, for his first year there. We heard the Dean speak for about an hour and as I write this I feel as if I’m taking the Dean’s place, telling you all the news and facts of our branch. All things must come to a close and before closing this column, may I wish you all God’s blessings to each and everyone of you and I'll see you at the next meeting. Your Pres., Barbara Umeck No. 66, Canon City, Colo. — Time now for everyone to get back to work, eh? Hope you all enjoyed the summer, whether vacationing or at home. In July, we had a very nice surprise, our Supreme President, Antonia Turek and her husband, Frank, came by to visit with my husband Supreme President, Antonia Turek visits with Agnes Pogline, Pres, of Br. 63, Denver, Colo. and me. Also, she visited with our secretary, Cecile Adamic, who must have forgotten to include it in her last article. We enjoyed visiting with them very much and we thank them for taking time off to stop. It was indeed a pleasure. Our State President, Mrs. Pachak, also remembered us as did our Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak with a card while vacationing in Europe. Thank you Mrs. Novak and Mrs. Pachak and welcome home, ladies. We have a hot, raining and humid summer which is very unusual for Colorado. With vacations over, we a-gain resumed our meetings in Sept. this fall. Do hope you plan on being with us for the next meeting in December. Best wishes to all. Christine Konte No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio — As I am writing this letter, children are waiting for the school bus — taking them back to school. God luck to them all. Betty Adamovich had hor baby, a boy, making five now. Congratulations and hope all are fine. We are so sorry to report another member of ours has passed on to her eternal reward, Pauline Mrklas, who was buried from St. Mary’s in Bedford. Her honorary pallbearers were A. Modic, L. Epley, B. Bayus, D. Dušek, J. Turk and A. Yoger. Thank you and also, to the members for coming to pray the Rosary for our departed member. We all extend our deepest sympathy to her husband and son. Also, my father passed away suddenly on Aug. 5th, the same day as our beloved member, Pauliue. May they rest in peace. Don’t forget to make returns on your tickets. Good luck! Happy Hallowe’en! Betty Bayus, llep. DOUBLE GRADUATION AT KOMPARE HOME Dr. Edward Ansel Kompare and Bernard John Kompare, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Kompare, 9132 Constance, were graduated early in June, both receiving degrees in their respective fields. Edward received his M.D. degree from the University of Illinois, College of Medicine, at commencement exercises held in the Aire Crown Theatre of McCormick place in Chicago. Dr. Kompare will serve his internship at the Illinois Research hospital in the West Side Medical Center and will seek a residency In Internal Medicine. He was graduated in 1961 from Dr. Edward A. Kompare No. 89, Oglesby, III. — The September meeting was taken up with the discussion of the state convention. Mary Kernz, who went as delegate, gave her report and thanked the ten other members who accompanied her. Through the medium of the “Dawn,” our branch wishes to express their appreciation to the Joliet members for their gracious hospitality. It’s great to renew old friendships and make new ones. An auction sale was held for the social part of our evening together which proved profitable for the treasury. The auction runs the gamut of articles from discards to hand-made linens to choice baked goodies. Good health wishes to all our sick members. May we see you soon at. the meetings. Mary Kernz, Rep. No. 95, So. Chicago, III'. — Our September meeting was spent In making plans for the fall and winter season. Interesting reports on the State Convention were given by yours truly, Ann Pave, Mary Sambol, and Marge Krmpotic, with whom I had the pleasure of traveling with to Joliet. Might I add that the ideas and enthusiasm generated by having our State Con- the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Science degree in pre-med. Dr. Kompare is married to the former Maria A. Mazza of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Bernard John Kompare received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Notre Dame at commencement ceremonies, June 6. This fall he intends to continue his studies for a master’s degree under a Notre Dame graduate grant in Political Science. Both young men are graduates of Warren Elementary school and Mount Carmel High school. This photo was published In Zarja in July of 1946 when the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Kompare were only 3 and 6 years old. Now Bernard, on the left is studying for his master’s degree at Notre Dame University and Edward, on the right, is interning at Illinois Research Hospital. Bright-eyed youngsters, they have become brilliant-minded men. vention should prove a big asset for the coming year. We are very pleased to welcome two more new members to our group: Mary Jane Brezene, 1726 Central Ave., Whiting, Indiana and Matilda Quinn, 9540 Muskegon Ave. Welcome ladies! Meanwhile, I am grateful to Mary Perkovič (96th. Muskegon) for the delicious cake she donated, and to Man-da Nosich, Anna Nagoda, Joanne Paul-ich, Mildred Poropat, and Anna Tum-picli, for their generous contributions to our treasury. Belated Birthday Greetings to September celebrants who were: Katherine Bandla, Matilda Cacich, Gaspa Dorkin, Mary Hecimovich, Mary Gas-par (Paw Paw, Mich.), Katherine Klepich, Kate Markulin, Mary Perkov-ich (96th. Muskegon), Manda Spehar, Kate Starcevlch, Anna Tumpich, Dragica Vukasovicli, Lucille Benkovich. Best wishes to the following who are celebrating birthday in October: Evelyn Driscoll, Marie Grankowskl, Mildred James, Mary Kovacevich (Allegan, Michigan), Helen Ann Gorsha, Phyllis Perko, Katherine Rajcic, Ann Sorak, Barbara Vuckov, Frances Zbu-rin, Margaret Pavletich and Mary Kresich. We have on our scik list Mary An-dretich, Johanna Malicich, Anna Jov- Bernard J. Kompare anovich who is on the mend after a broken arm, Mary Perkovich (96th Houston) Is also feeling much better after a leg operation, and our beloved Victoria Rukavina who has had more than her share of illness is feeling much better. Our affections follow all of you with prayers for your good health and contentment. Our very best wishes to Dolores Sambol who has welcomed their second child, Lorri Ann. Congratulations, Dolores! Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barbich, 9330 Muskegon Ave. who observed their 30th Wedding Anniversary; also to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mesin 10730 Ave. “M,” who celebrated their 38th Anniversary recently. Both families began the celebrations with High Masses of thanksgiving. Our condolences to Mary Plesha, Helen Spelich and Lucille Nosich on the loss of their beloved father George Alivojvodich, who was first and foremost a f_amily man and a devoted father ana husband to his dear wife. Our deepest sympathy to this fine family. Plan to attend our November meeting which will be held on the 3rd when we will have a program of interest for you. Mildred James, Pres. Edward and Bernard are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kompare and they are a very prominent family, serving the community for over 30 years as owners of the Kompare Funeral Home. Mother, Ann, is a respected, loyal member of Br. 95 and was a delegate to our last national convention, representing her branch and the membership in the finest way. She’s also known as a tip-top homemaker and cook — one of her recipes has already appeared in our Pots and Pans column and there may be many more in the future. Mr. Kompare is also active fraternally, belonging to various organizations. Our warmest felicitations. C.L. HALLOW E'EN and »AS«1"4 It was a real pleasure to attend the meeting of the Supreme Board of the Slovenian Women’s Union last August. It gave me the opportunity to discuss this column and I was delighted to know that “POTS AND PANS” is being well received. After a lively discussion, everyone agreed that the family-type and seasonal recipes are most popular, with your favorite personalized recipes topping the list. After telling the Supreme Officers my plan to occasionally stress certain nutirtious foods, and that, as an example, I was looking for good liver recipes, immediately three suggestions were made for liver dumplings: one with a flour base, another with farina and still another with bread or cracker crumbs. When the exact measurements are figured out by the donors of recipes there will be a column on liver. The Board members will send other recipes of their own or from experts whom they know can make, for instance: ox tail soup, noodles, pizza from “scratch” (not from a commercial mix), močnik (which I never heard of), special kind of strukli and others — so, ladies, there is more to come. Won’t YOU please send me your favorite recipe? * * * 9fc * Since Mrs. William Proxmire, wife of the U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, works in her husband’s office on Tuesday and Wednesday, she cooks for several days on Monday. One of the family”s favorites, which also makes a good company dish, is this Lasagne. Ellen Proxniire’s Lasagne Two tablespoons salad oil One pound ground beef, crumbled Two cloves garlic, crushed One can (8 ounces) tomato sauce One No. 2 can tomatoes One and one-half teaspoons salt One-fourth teaspoon pepper One-half teaspoon oregano Eight ounces broad lasagne noodles One-half pound sliced mozzarella cheese Three-fourths pound ricotta or cottage cheese One-half cup grated parmesan cheese. Heat salad oil in skillet; add ground beef and garlic and cook until brown. Add tomato sauce, tomatoes, salt pepper, and oregano. Cover and simmer 15 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile cook lasagne noodles until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain and rinse. Fill a rectangular casserole with Some children appreciate receiving cookies when they cry on Halloween Night, “trick or treat.” These bars will be a treat. CHEWY ALMOND BARS 18 graham crackers % cup roasted diced almonds 1 can (15 oz.) sweetened condensed milk 'A cup melted butter or shortening Vz cup semi-sweet chocolate pieces % teaspoon salt V2 teaspoon mace (optional). Crush graham crackers very finely with a rolling pin. In a large bowl combine crumbs with remaining ingredients; blend well. Turn into a well-greased 8 inch square pan. Bake in 250 degr. F. oven 30 to 35 minutes. Remove and place on rack to cool 5 minutes. Cut into bars 2x1% inches. Remove from pan immediately and cool. Store in a tightly covered container. Makes 20 bars. JAM-OATMEAL BARS This is a plain, but very good cookie. My family loves them. 1% cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup light brown sugar 1% cups quick-cooking oats % cup butter I cup thick jam. Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt; mix with sugar and oats. Cut in butter till mixture resembles fine crumbs. Press % of mixture into II x 7 inch baking pan. Pat down firmly with palm of hand. Spread with jam and top with remaining crumbs patting gently. Bake 350 degr. F. for 25 minutes. Cool. Cut in bars. Makes 16. alternate layers of noodles, mozarella cheese, ricotta cheese, tomato-meat. sauce, and parmesan cheese, ending with a layer of sauce and parmesan cheese. Bake in a moderate oven (375 degr. F.) 15 to 20 minutes. Makes six servings. Casseroles aren’t the only thing Mrs. Proxmire makes ahead. “I usually make a roast on weekends which is enough for two meals,” she reported. “I try to plan my time so I don’t have to make a full scale meal every day.” * * * * * HOUSEHOLD HINTS 1. When you want to replace old elastic in a garment, lightly sew the end of the old and the new together. When you draw out the old, the new follows. Tape or ribbon can be replaced the same way. 2. A woman who washes 2)5 shirts a week suggests this method for laundering: Turn the shirts inside out, and include several towels and the usual amonut of soap. You’ll be amazed how this method cleans the necklines and cuffs without one bit of scrubbing on the soiled parts beforehand. (It really works. The terry cloth towels must act as a gentle buffer and remove the soil lines on the shirts.) * * * * # Look for the good points in people — remember they have to do the same with you. Send correspondence and recipes to: Mrs. Hermine Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53705 “SLOPPY JOE” In the cafeteria of one of the Madison high schools, the most popular noon lunch dish called “Sloppy Joe” is served on buns or rice. (For 4 to G persons) 1 pound ground beef 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped celery 11/2 cups canned tomatoes Vi cup catsup 2 tablespoons vinegar 3 tablespoons brown sugar l'/> teaspoon prepared mustard lVz teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons flour cup water. (For larger amounts) 4 pounds ground beef 2 large onions, chopped 2 cups chopped celery 2 cups tomato puree 1 cup water 1 cup catsup Vz cup vinegar 1 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons prepared mustard 1% tablespoons salt. For thickening: 2 tablespoons flour to each cup liquid. Fry me9 913.40 TOTAL $7,959.69 Scholarships It is always a difficult task to select a scholarship winner, but this year it was harder than ever since there were so many excellent students who needed our support. In view of our generous delegates at the last convention, and the good fortune of selling so many of our Cook Books, 1 recommended to the Board of Directors that two additional scholarships be given this year in addition to the regular grants. The Board concurred. The winners appreciated their decision with grateful letters, which signify the good work ZVEZA is doing in promoting education among our youth. — “You will never know how much your scholarship means to a student,” writes one grateful recipient. The four scholarship winners for the academic year 1965-66 are: Mary T. Statkus, member of Branch 2, Chicago. She will attend Alverno College in Milwaukee to study nursing. Diana L. Schriver, member of Branch 26, Pittsburgh, is enrolled at the Edinboro State Teachers College. Michael S. Francis, whose mother is a member of Branch 1, Sheboygan, will enter the State University of Colorado to become an aeronautical engineer. John M. Novak, he and his mother both are members of Branch 73, Warrensville, Ohio. A pre-law student, he will attend the State University of Ohio. To our scholarship winners we offer our congratulations and best wishes for a successful future. Membership Campaign Three hundred twenty eight new members joined our forces in the last campaign. I am most happy that my own branch is in the first place. Many of the new members joined — I was told — to receive ZARJA which among other interesting items has a column of recipes and household hints, which is quite popular with the younger set. A hearty welcome to the new members and a sincere "Thank you!” to all the workers in the campaign. On my visit to Slovenia this summer I was invited to see the Archives of the Ljubljana University Library, which houses much historical material of Slovenian organizations all over the world Including our ZVEZA’s historical material sent to them last year. I was amazed and very much impressed to see the many priceless documents the Library contains. The Illinois-Indiana State convention which I attended in Joliet last Sunday, was very well organized and successfully carried out. I was very happy to greet so many members. Meeting our members is and will always be my most treasured privilege. May God bless them all! Marie Prisland Report of Supreme Secretary Greetings and best wishes for a most successful meeting! Since our last Directors’ meeting the most outstanding achievement was the Founders’ Campaign which brought 328 new members, with 60% of our branches assisting in solicitation. Class B gained 134 members; class A 5J members and 141 juveniles. The awards for the campaign workers wore based on the point system and at the top of the list is our beloved President, Mrs. Turek. The charms with the SWU emblem have been received from the jeweler and they are most attractive. I’d like to suggest that we give the 40th anniversary campaign for new members much thought and make the point system or whatever we will decide on, as attractive as possible; one which will encourage more workers, who will earn a beautiful charm which can be attached to a bracelet or necklace. To all our past workers, I wish to extend deep appreciation for their efforts and good will. Many of our friends and drop-out members are past the age limit to join and I hope that we will publicize our “Social membership” to them and bring them back into our circle. The net income in the first six months of 1965 amounted to $42,923.28; the disbursements totaled $37,409.06. The gain in all funds amounts to $5,454.22). The total ledger assets as of June 30, 19G5 are $506,034.38. — By death we lost 88 members and paid out $9,125.00 in claims. The years are passing too fast for many of us and a higher death toll is to be expected from now on. That is one of the big reasons that we must all work hard to replenish the losses with young members, and preserve the financial standing to continue growing. It pleases me very much that the sales on our cookbooks are satisfactory since we have a great goal for the proceeds. The pocket size songbook "Let’s Sing” is almost ready for the market and it should bring a favorable turnover. Soon we will have to begin on the plans for our National Convention in 1967 in Washington, D.C. Now is the time to appoint someone to go there in person and make reservations in place where they have the necessary facilities and accomodations. Because this is the first time in our history that we have chosen a place which is most interesting for visitors, we should attract the biggest attendance of any convention so far. My trip to Europe this summer was unusual; because of health reasons 1 spent a good part of my time at a hot spring health resort known as “Dolenjske Toplice.” It was worthwhile because it helped my aching back and almost cured the dislocation. Our members are most grateful that we are able to travel in a group and at a special fare. These trips have brought us a gain in members and also publicity which is beneficial to our S.W.U. The Hollander Travel Agency of Cleveland has been most helpful to us in respect to group and individual traveling to the “old country.” I hope most sincerely that our young members will join the next trips and be enriched with beautiful, lasting memories which only a trip to the land of our parents offers for our pleasure. The annual Zveza pilgrimage and picnic at the shrine in Lemont held this year on July 18th was well-attended. Many members and friends from near and far gathered there and it is most encouraging to meet old friends and make new ones which surely happens every year. In parting there is one prevalent promise: “We’ll see you next year!” In closing, I wish to thank branch 20 in Joliet for the hospitality extended to us at yesterday’s state convention. To our president Toni Turek and husband Frank who have moved into a new home this month, I wish an abundance of blessings. Most sincerely yours, Albina Novak STATEMENT OF INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS January 1st — June 30, 1965 INCOME: Assessment Class A Assessment Class B Juvenile Department Social members Miscellaneous Interest on Bonds Gain on Bond Sale Interest from Banks Rental income on property Cookbook sales TOTAI, DISBUREMENTS: Death claims: 82 Class A — 5 Class B ■— I Juvenile Zarja - The Dawn, printing, postage Salaries and administration Fuel, electricity, water Real Estate Tax (1 year) Bowling awards and tourneys Secretaries awards (tajniške nagrade) Office supplies and printing Telephone, telegrams, postage Actuarial service & annual report Director of Internal Revenue Cookbooks and postage Junior activities and sundries Rent of Home Office, 6 months Traveling and per diem, meeting Insurance (office contents & property) State Insurance department (report) Accrued interest Miscellaneous awards TOTAL Income in 6 months Disbursements 6 months Gain in all funds, 6 months Balance December 31, 1964 Six month gain Balance June 30, 1965 STATEMENT OF LEDGER ASSETS: U.S. Government Bonds State Bonds Catholic Institutional Bonds Mutual Funds Savings & Loan deposits Public Utility Central Bank in Cleveland, Ohio Metropolitan State Bank, Chicago, 111. South West Bank, Sheboygan. Wis. Metropolitan State Bank Real Estate, fully depreciated Grand total ledger assets yrs. $ 14,447.49 10,018.25 1,493.80 70.45 1,267.01 5,790.77 1,023.00 4,882.51 930.00 3,000.00 $ 42,923.28 $ 9,125.00 9,268.32 6,790.00 291.59 485.IS 485.00 573.45 472.32 480.45 370.00 1,201.50 5,124.21 409.43 150.00 771.25 277.00 25.00 319.36 550.00 $ 37,469.06 $ 42,923.28 37,469.06 $ 5,454.22 $500,580.16 $ 5,454.22 $506,034.38 $ 83,416.00 38.558.00 111,174.00 4,320.00 220,000.00 14.962.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 5.000.00 7,295.43 11,308.95 $506,034.3S Financial statement presented at the Board of Directors meeting, August 30, 1965, Antonia Turek, President; Albina Novak, Secretary; Josephine Železnikar, Treasurer. Ledgers and financial reports of Supreme Secretary and Supreme Treasurer examined and found in complete order: Anne Podgoršek, President Auditing Committee; Vickie Faletič, Auditor; Frances J. Gaspich, Auditor. Chicago, Illinois, August 30, 1965. Subscribed and sworn before me this 30tb r< 1965. Louis r Report of the Supreme Treasurer Heartfelt greetings to all gathered together for this important meeting; and, I hope we will have a good meeting with worthwhile deliberations for our organization and members. My usual report follows, as it agrees with that of the Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak. Income in 6 months ? 42.923.2S Expenses in 6 months 37,469.06 Balance for 6 months 5,454.22 Balance, Dec. 31, 1964 500,580.16 6 month Gain 5,454.22 Total Balance, June 30, 1965 $506,034.38 The 35th anniversary of Br. 43 in Milwaukee, Wis. in June was a very nice affair which I enjoyed atttending as the official representative of this Board. It was held also in conjunction with the State Convention. The attendance was very good and ail arrangements carried out well. The lively discussion at the convention convinced me of the increased interest in our Wisconsin branches. Congratulations to Br. 43 and wishes for continued success and I was happy to note that they also enrolled a number of new members in the last campaign which brought them into 4th place. This year, as always, our Lemont Zveza Day was a success and attendance was a very good with large representation of members and friends. We were especially pleased to have our Supreme President and her husband with us. Many local Supreme Officers were also there. We thank the Franciscan Fathers at Lemont for their kind hospitality and to Fr. Kalist Langerholz for his solemn celebration of the Mass. This year’s campaign was a long one and, I think, a successful one. We did the best we could at our branch, No. 2, and am happy to say we weren’t among the last. Thanks to all our diligent workers in the campaign. We also enjoyed ourselves yesterday at the Illinois-Indiana State Convention in Joliet and thank the members for their nice cooperation. This concludes my report. Josephine Železnikar Report of the President of the Auditing Committee My heartfelt greetings to all on this our semi-annual meeting of 1965. We, the Auditors, have examined the books of the Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasurer, Editor of Zarja and the President of the Scholarship Fund, also all the investments in the safety deposit box at the bank and all were found in perfect order. I am sorry I was unable to attend the Minnesota Zveza Day at Aurora, Minn, which was held yesterday, Aug. 29th. I’m sure it was a huge success as usual. Our branch was unable to fill a charter bus as we have in previous years, the reason being that the earlier date of the event found many of our members still away on vacations. Some of our members did plan to attend however, by private cars. In the Founders’ Membership Drive, we brought in 10 new members for Br. 33, five of whom are to my credit. Our three bowling teams and yours truly attended the Midwest Bowling Tournament held in Virginia in April. It was wonderful to see the Slovenian Women’s Union so well represented. This shows our strength and true colors so to speak. It was nice to visit with our many friends of the midwest and iron range. Our branch activities will soon be in full swing again the hot weather leaves us. Prisland and Mrs. Novak look very well after re-'*• trips abroad. report. My best wishes to all and a Ann Podgoršek Report of Second Supreme Auditor Greetings members and officers of the Supreme Board. It’s nice to meet again on these special occasions. In auditing the financial standings of our organization all was in fine order. Branch activities are always on the know through “Zarja.” When the cooler seasons approach many festivities and constructive ventures resume. Campaigns are our big gest project. The membership campaign that has just been completed was very successful. It was in honor of our Founder, and Hon. President Mrs. Marie Prisland. Branch No. 25 has had a variety of programs. There also have been quite a number of celebrants of 25 and 50 year couples, indeed something to be proud of. Our meetings are well attended and the ladies enjoy these gatherings. Semper Fidelis. The combined branches are having a special day Oct. 17 at Bechar Ave. Br. 25 intends to do their utmost to make this day excell by added support. A program has been carefully planned for this day plus an abundance of prizes. Dinners and refreshments will be served. Zveza-lites are always on the go making the organization with its branches one of the best of its kind. Vickie Faletič Report of the Third Supreme Auditor My sincere greetings to you all. We have gathered here to check the ledgers of the Supreme Officers, namely, the Secretary, Treasurer, President of the Scholarship Fund, also the Editor of Zarja-The Dawn; we also made a visit to the bank to check the investments and bonds kept in the safety box there and I agree with the other auditors that we found all records in very good order. On Saturday, July 17th, Josephine Sumic and I went to Lemont for the candlelight service and we also met some of the ladies from Indianapolis, Ind. who were here for the Zveza Day doings. On the following day, I attended the pilgrimage and picnic that has become an annual event for our midwestern members. The Holy Mass was well-attended and the afternoon service was held outdoors as well. Yesterday, the 111.-Ind. State Convention was held in Joliet, and I was happy that we had a nice crowd. To Josephine Muster and Josephine Sumic, I am very grateful for their co-operation and a hearty thank you to all for your co-operation. This concludes my report. My warmest regards to all. Sincerely, Frances H. Gaspich Editor's Report This being our second and last meeting of the year 1965, we have come to the midway point between our last national convention and the one that is to come in 1907. So now, we can benefit from the ideas and hopes suggested before, while planning for an even greater 14th national convention in Washington, D.C. I wish to suggest at this time that we give some thought to the preliminary arrangements of the convention especially in regard to the organizing of junior groups throughout the branches of S.W.U. who would have the opportunity of attending the convention. My suggestion takes for granted the necessity of hard work and new ideas, but I’m sure that if we put the wish before our states at their conventions, much good will come of it. Therefore, let us give our attention to youth participation at the next convention. Now, since our last meeting and during the year of 1965, Zarja has had quite a bit of activity. I have seen that we love our Zarja as much as ever and even more. The publication is being used to a greater extent in promoting the good and fine womanhood and youth we find among our ranks. I believe these stories, of our members and their families, of their accomplishments and achievements, have a place in our journal, as they tell all of the heritage that has been passed on from our pioneers, many of whom laid the foundation of the S.W.U. Besides, it has made very interesting reading matter. Our youth, therefore, is taking the forefront in the world and Zarja must keep up with it. Congratulations are extended to our scholarship winners whom we presented in July and to all the fine students and careerists who come from Slovenian Women’s Union families. Here in Chicago, we have been kept busy with the business of keeping our circle of members active. We have taken part in all the events which bear some regard to our membership. Branch No. 2 has held their annual Mother’s Day celebration and in July, the annual full day program of Zveza Day in Lomont, both of which times I participated fully. In the spring, the parish of St. Stephen’s, which was the founding place for the S.W.U. celebrated the 60th anniversary of the church with a gala affair including publication of a souvenir book telling of the history and accomplishments of this fine parish. Since it was felt that St. Stephen’s had such a strong influence on the Union all these years, it was proper that the Home Office staff would take part. We did so, that is, the Supreme Scretary and myself joined the editorial staff for the book that is now a part of the historical archives of St. Stephen’s. Recently .another pioneer parish within the jurisdiction of our Union celebrated its Diamond Jubilee, and that was St. Joseph’s church in Calumet, Mich. For this occasion, they, too, issued a souvenir book full of the history of the parish and its people. On the request of our officers there 7,arja cheerfully contributed the use of several pictures and engravings. The book is a pride of every one in that Copper Country parish. As a result of my family’s travels last summer, a travelogue of the trip through a section of what is known as Baragaland, was written for two issues of Zarja, Jan. and March. This travelogue has received many favorable comments for which I am very grateful. Especially pleasing has been seeing the complete reprint from Zarja in the nationally circulated Baraga Bulletin and most recently, a reprint in the Marquette, Michigan Diocesan Sunday Visitor. I believe the Cause of Bishop Baraga to be so important that I would hope the youth of our organization learn moro of the Missionary Bishop who wrote many chapters of early American history for our nation. Affiliation with the Baraga Association is one way, and another would be the procuring of Baraga literature for all our juvenile members or at least, the juvenile groups. This would be an ideal educational activity; one of deep meaning to our religion and our nationality. In the six months from January to June, Zarja was published three times at 32 pages with cover and three times in the smaller 16 page issue. We began the series from the Juvenile Director called: Youth on Parade in March and have continued it monthly since. This is a very interesting and worthwhile feature for our young members. Minutes of the Semi-annual meeting appared in both languages in April and in May, the Mother’s Day dedication was comprised of 54 mothers of our branches. There were 154 in English and 20 in Slovenian language, each with story and photo. The trips to Europe were widely publicized in each issue and our thanks to the Kollander Travel Agency for their generous advertising. In the month of March, we had a four page travel guide that told the complete story of our excursions to Europe. Correspondence with my office has been running smoothly and we are constantly at the service of our membership, whether it be for address changes or the publication of our various reports and stories. A small amount of income has been seen in our Publishers’ Fund, but I hope that in the coming months, our advertising will be greater, especially for the Christmas issue. As regards our mailing of Zarja, I have had prepared a mailing list of members which will be kept in the office for further efficiency in this problem. I am grateful to the Supreme Secretary and Mrs. Bogolin for having taken so much time with the filing and bringing up to date, of members’ ad dresses. This is a very tedious and exhausting work and except for the smaller branches or those in smaller communities, seems endless. We will continue to appreciate the secretaries’ help in bringing to our attention all changes in address and cancellations as soon as they occur. Our Zarja correspondents have been doing a marvelous job. We have enjoyed working with the columnists and Directors who have given of their time and efforts so willingly this past term. We especially appreciate their understanding of editorial problems and all things related lo it. The Founders’ membership campaign concluded in June with every issue devoting space to the monthly tally of new members. We are pleased that it resulted in 328 new members which was announced in the July issue. The roll of our departed members of the years 1961 through 1964 was also published in succeeding editions of March and April. The 2 page roster of branches and officers appeared in the month of March. This resume is merely to recall all the wealth of material that has been printed in our organ, in addition to the aforementioned Directors’ reports and regular columns and articles from the branches. It is a pleasure to be with you again and my heartiest wishes to all the Directors here at the meeting and all the fine officers and members who have made our publication a true expression of the S.W.U. RECAPITULATION Balance, Dec. 31, 1964 Income: Yearly Adv. Subscriptions Donations $125.89 174.00 11.30 12.50 197.70 $323.59 141.05 62.37 30.00 12.50 5.00 24.70 275.62 Expenses: Cuts Postage Reporters’ Postage Photos Subscriptions Bowling Team Balance, June 1, 1965 $ 47.97 Corinne Leskovar All officers’ reports were accepted. The following written reports were read and accepted. Report of Supreme Vice-President Esteemed Supreme Officers: Heartfelt greetings to all of you and best wishes for a very successful meeting. Congratulations to all of the Winners of the Founders’ Campaign, which resulted with 328 new members. Special mention and honors go to Br. No. 1, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, where the Founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland lives. They took first honors in getting the most new members. Honors also to our Supreme President, Mrs. Toni Turek as Top Winner of Workers. It is wonderful to note that so many workers and branches increased their membership. I am on the alert for new members even between the campaigns. Br. No. 43, Milwaukee, celebrated their 35th anniversary combined with the Wisconsin State Day and it turned out to be a huge success. Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer, and Mrs. Elizabeth Zefran, Sports Director, were the distinguished guests. The Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn celebrated the Holy Mass at St. John’s Church and immediately after Mass a banquet was served and he gave an inspiring speech with many good poi to remember. These state conventions are drawing p " er number of members, and they can t opinions and take part in delite rat' be done for the betterment of Our blanch chartered a wonderful time and group is in anticipation of the next tournament. It seems bowling is the sport that the very young and young all enjoy. Thru this sport many a new member can be enrolled. Sincere thanks to each and everyone of the Supreme Officers for their hard work and in performing their duties well throughout the year, to Rev. C. Okorn for his inspiring articles and to the other various writers of the different columns who make the “Dawn” an enjoyable reading magazine. I had plans to attend Zveza Day at Lemont, Illinois but my plans were changed at the last moment due to unexpected company visiting me Sunday. I was indeed very sorry that I was not present. My very best wishes to all. Marie A. Floryan Report of the State President of Wisconsin Sincere greetings and best wishes to the Supreme Officers. Another calendar year is rapidly coming to a close and witli a great Founders’ Campaign, membership drive has been charted. Our Wisconsin branches have been very active in the membership drives and are to be commended for their fine work. The Pounders’ Membership drive brought in 78 members in our state of Wisconsin. I attended Zveza Day in Lemont with a group of 29 people. Everyone was very happy with the day’s program. I also attended the Illinois-Indiana Convention which was held in Joliet. I wish to extend my special thanks for the hospitality shown to me. The state president of 111.-Ind. conducted the meeting very well. The 25th Anniversary of Wisconsin State Convention was an outstanding event. The co-operation received from the members and branches was excellent. Due to physical ailments, 1 was unable to attend the Minnesota Bowling Tournament. In closing, I wish to offer my congratulations to the solicitors obtaining many new members and to all the Supreme officers for their splendid work. Rose Kraemer Report of the State President of Ohio-Michigan The following is my report for the past six months. April 6, 1965, I attended the meeting of Br. 41. April 13, 1965, I attended the meeting of Br. 10. During the month of April, I started a new baton twirling group of junior members in Euclid, Ohio. On May 16, 1965, I presided at the Ohio-Michigan State Convention and the same day, attended the Br. 41 celebration dinner on the occasion of their 35th anniversary. June 7, 1965, I attended the meeting of Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., Ohio. In July, I started to work 1'or our Slovenian Day on Oct. 17, by getting in touch with all branches by letter. The stenographic work had to be paid. Then, the work of lining up committees was begun and I hope my new system will be successful. August 9, 1965, I finally succeeded for our Euclid, Ohio, Baton Twirlers after some delay in getting a place to meet. I was able to make arrangements at the Rechar Hall and the first meeting was a happy time with the mothers in attendance. New junior members totaling 9, began their rehearsals. Afterward 1 treated them to some refreshments and I know they have appreciated it. I hope someday to have all their mothers join S.W.U. as well. Ann Cook and her two daughters are instructing the juniors and are doing a good job. We will have to pay a little something to the Hall for rent and there may be other expenses but we shall do our best. As yet, this new "■»up does not have its own treasury. "'’■Rranized the Drill Team of Br. 50 and am the pre-•"ranized a singing quartette (Gay Nineties) started, too. So far this year, this • and I am trying to work on new ' -ntly trying to sweeten some of the bitterness that occurs among some branches and hope to succeed. I also help our secretary in getting in touch with members who owe dues. I am calling each one personally asking them how many tickets they need and mailing them all over the city. Best wishes to you all. Mary Bostian Report of State President of Calif.-Wash.-Ore. Greetings and best wishes to the Supreme Officers. Our Zveza Day was a great success. It is our desire to some day celebrate State Day where members of all our Pacific Coast branches may participate. Our one draw back is long distances, separating our various branches, but God willing with improved Freeways and transportation we may get together. Hope to see you at the "1967” Convention, God willing. Sincerely, Rose Scoff, State Pres. Calif.-Wash.-Ore. Report of State President of lll.-lnd. Dear Madam President: I am particularly delighted, on this occasion of your board meeting, to send my congratulations and best wishes for continued success on the up and coming session. This important session offers me the opportunity to felicitate you on your many accomplishments during the long service that you have devoted to all of the members of the Slovenian Women’s Union. With warm personal regards, hoping to see all of you at our State Convention. Sincerely, Mildred Janies, lll.-lnd. State Pres. * * * Tuesday morning, President, Antonia Turek opened the meeting at 9:30 A.M. and led the prayer for God's blessing in all deliberations. Mrs. Turek extended a warm welcome back to all Directors and especially Mrs. Prisland and Mrs. Novak on their return home from Europe where they conducted two S.W.U. tours this summer. At Tuesday’s meeting, the Directors welcomed Mrs. Hermine Prisland Dicke of Madison, Wis. who was present in order to become better acquainted with the workings of the Scholarship Fund of which she is the newly named Secretary anil as writer of the homemaking column in Zarja entitled “Pots, Pans and Pastimes.” She responded with the wish that the Directors will guide her with respect to the column so that it continues to be well-accepted among the membership and secondly, that she will appreciate all counsel which can be given with regard to the handling of the Scholarship Fund which she considers a very important facet of SWrU business. The Directors were very grateful to Mrs. Dicke for attending this meeting and thanked her for her good work. In regard to the homemaking column, the Directors hope she will continue in the same way, which is, to bring the most personalized recipes of members and some of experts in cooking and baking before the readers. The> further promised to request more member participation in the column and asked the Editor to have Mrs. Dicke’s address printed in Zarja so members will be encouraged to write her. The President gave a full report on the standing of the cookbooks sales. She has been in charge of this project since it was undertaken in 1961 and has done extremely well in the prompt mailing of cookbooks to branches and individuals. For this she has had the help of her husband, Frank Turek, to whom the Directors are also veiy grateful. The 1964-65 printing, she received in December of 1964 is now being distributed. She presented a check for $500.00 at this meeting for sales received on the new shipment. The complete financial statement shows that the 1st printing of cookbooks still has several outstanding accounts to be paid and the 2nd printing is going well. Her accurate accounting was commended by the Directors who thanked her for the perfect records she has kept. The President and Secretary then announced the completion of work and the new printing of the songbook “Let’s Sing” which the Directors authorized at the last Bowling Tournament at Virginia, Minnesota in April where we entered 4 teams. Despite flooded highways and riding home on the tail end of the tornado, everybody had a meeting. The printing ol' the book was expected in September. Discussion continued on the way it was edited and compiled and the Directors were very happy to hear that is would be similar to the first “Let’s Sing” with very little exception. The pocket-sized song book will be distributed by Mrs. Turek as is the cookbook. The cost of the book was determined and the price set at $1.25 per copy if the book is ordered singly by mail and $1.00 if the books are ordered and shipped in bulk. A letter will be sent to all the branches when the book is ready for sale and an announcement will appear in Zarja. The Directors had fervent hopes that the profit from this sale of the song book plus that of the cookbooks will aid in covering the expenses of the next national convention in 1967. Investment officer, Mrs. Prisland introduced the subject of old and new investments of Zveza money. It seems newly placed investments in public utilities will be very rewarding. Some of the future investments will be made in certificates of deposit. Mrs. Prisland expressed her gratitude for the success of past investments which now maturing have resulted in nice gains. In the last six months $1,023.00 has been gained on sold bonds. As reported by Mrs. Prisland, new investments will be made in accord with the newly revised Illinois Insurance Code. A request received from the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia for old copies of Zarja for their Archives Dept, at the Library, will be fulfilled partially through the kindness of charter officer, Mrs. Mary Urbas of Cleveland, Ohio who will give her well-kept Zarjas dating from 1929 to 1910. Copies subsequent to 1940, will be sent from the Home Office. The Library will then have a complete set of Zarjas. Mrs. Prisland, on her visit to the University this summer was able to examine the facilities there and expressed her satisfaction with the Library and her confidence that this was a fine educational contribution for future students of Slovenian-American immigration. The Scholarship Fund awards were then described by Mrs. Prisland as they were given in the past year. She explained the operation of the committee for the benefit of the Directors and new secretary, Mrs. Dicke. Qualifications for the S.W.U. Scholarship grant is 1. membership in the organization by the applicant if she is a girl or the closest relative if he is a boy; 2. scholastic record; 8. need. The scholarship is payable upon verification of the awardee’s entrance in the college named and upon receipt of his or her essay on their knowledge or activity with the S.W.U. Other pertinent facts and methods of handling the fund were also explained and the deadline for applications set for April 1, of every year. The President of the Scholarship Fund, Mrs. Prisland , will continue in this office as will members of the committee, Mrs. Turek and Mrs. Novak. The secretary of the committee, Mrs. Diclce, will be in charge of applications and correspondence. She will receive a monthly compensation for this position and as writer for Zarja. In February issue of Zarja, notice for applications will be placed. Donations to the Scholarship Fund are necessary and very desirable. In order to raise the fund to the $10,000 mark, the president of the fund will appeal to all branches and individuals through her column in Zarja. The immediate result of this appeal, if it is successful, will be the granting of two additional scholarships in I960, in honor of the 40th anniversary of S.W.U. That would make a total of 4 scholarship for that year. The suggestion is made that branches sponsor parties, programs or games to gather funds without delving into their treasuries. The benefit is a most worthy one and will be one of the greatest promotions of the organization in 1966. The first such Scholarship Fund Benefit will be held in Cleveland, at a date not yet determined and will be a concert of the well-known mezzo-soprano, Marija Kranjc Fisch- inger of Chicago who has received much acclaim for her fine voice and delightful presentation. Mrs. Fischinger’e two successful concerts in Sheboygan and numerous appearances in Chicago, especially at the National Conven tion in 1964, attest to her ability and brilliance in concert work. The Supreme President will head the committee in charge of the arrangements to bring Mrs. Fischinger to Cleveland for the benefit performance. Ohio S.W.U. Slovenian Day celebration on Oct. 17tli was described by the President and the invitation extended to Mrs. Prisland to attend as the official representative of the Supreme Board. The State Convention of Pennsylvania in September will be attended by the President and Auditor, Vicki Faletič. The meeting was adjourned for lunch. Upon reconvening, the Directors read the correspondence received from Mary Lenich, secretary of Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn, who extended greetings to the Board and a letter from the Izsel-niška Matica of Ljubljana. The Board also remembered Rev. George Trunk on his 70th Jubilee of the Priesthood that took place recently. At that time, a telegram of congratulations on this exceptional anniversary was sent to him on behalf of the organization and at this time, the Directors will send a congratulatory message and box of cigars. His picture will also appear in Zarja. The President’s travelogue of her extended three-week trip through the near western states was given much attention as her description of the places and branches visited was very interesting. She gave in her report, the cities on the itinerary and also added the number of meetings held with various officers. She visited the Zveza states of Missouri, Kansas, Colorado and Minnesota plus other states where she vacationed. The branches visited were Nos. 3, 37, 38, 63, 66, 78, 92. The Directors were grateful for her report and commended her for having planned and carried out her promise to visit as many states and branches as possible this summer. It was assured that personal contact with the branches is the most mutually beneficial kind of work for officers. In active branches, it fosters greater pride in the organization and its members and in branches that are lacking in activity or that need to be revitalized, it provides the needed boost to make officers and members feel needed. The results of the Founders’ Campaign were tallied for the Board by the Secretary, Mrs. Novak. She explained the points counted for each worker. There were over 100 workers in the campaign which showed a nice response by diligent members. It was felt that new members can only be enrolled through the hard work and promotion of officers and individual members willing to go out in the field. Prizes for the campaigns must, therefore, be attractive and worthwhile. In the Founders’ Campaign, 32l8 new members were enrolled and the only worker who neared the 25 point prize was the Supreme President with 23% points. She recommended that as a manifestation of our gratitude to those who worked in this campaign, those who enrolled more than ten members be also given the prize which is the Zveza emblem charm. The emblem charms were just received from the jewelers and are beautiful gold charms with the emblem emblazoned in red, white and blue. The charm is suitable for bracelet or neck chain. The Directors all agreed that it is most beautiful and should be a very attractive award for the future campaign as well. Discussion on the next campaign followed. The recommendation was made that now is the time for the 40th anniversary to be celebrated since Zveza enters its 40tth year on Dec. 19, 1965. The name of the campaign, therefore, will be the 40th Anniversary Campaign and as an added description, the word “Ruby” will be added ,as the ruby is the gem signifying 40th year. Thus, the 40th Anniversary “Kuby” Campaign was named and concluding date set as April 1, 1966. New members enrolled since June 2, 1965, that is, after the Founders’ Campaign closed, will be accepted in this campaign and counted for the awards. Therefore, the campaign has already begun. Prizes for the 40th Anniversary “Ruby” Campaign: Every worker enrolling one new member in Class B is entitled to one full point; Class A and Junior Class members will earn \k point each for the worker. Workers who have a total of 10 points will receive a Zveza Charm with Emblem as a special award. In addition, there will be cash awards as follows: Class B, $1.00 cash award; Class A, 504 cash award and Juniors, 25^ cash award. The Directors expressed every confidence that many workers will be attracted by the attractive cash prizes and the special Emblem Charm prize for 10 points. Another recommendation was made and accepted and that is .that every branch also receive a cash award for being in the top four at the conclusion of the campaign. The first place branch ,with the most total new members, regardless of points, will receive a cash award of $20.00. The second, third and fourth prizes will be $15.00, $10.00 and $5.00 cash, in that order. This action was made to encourage the entire membership of a branch in the campaign. The Directors also wished to remind branches that new members should be urged among those who wish to join one of the excursion trips to Europe which Zveza will be offering next summer for members and their families. The reduced fare rate is only for members of G months standing or more. Social member- ships are acceptable for those prospects who are too old to join either of the regular adult classes. A social member pays at least 25$! per month, 20tf of which is to be sent to the Home Office as her contribution to the expense fund and the remaining amount remains with the branch. A branch is solely responsible for the status of the member and they decide if social memberships are acceptable to them. Social members are entitled to receive Zarja monthly. The President also reported on her attendance at the funeral of well-known singer and conductor of our Slovenian choruses in Cleveland, Anton Scliubel who died June 9. On behalf of the entire organization a floral tribute was sent and many Cleveland members attended the rites. Preliminary work in the arrangements for the next national convention at Washington D.C. will be done in the next six months by the Home Office and in order to see what possibilities there are for housing, etc., the Editor was authorized to visit Washington and set up the convention schedule. The dates and place will be decided upon her recommendations which will be made at the next meeting. The Directors suggested that the convention allows one day for sightseeing at the Nation’s Capital plus three days for the convention sessions. The Directors also approved the purchase of new and needed equipment for the Home Office. The next meeting of the Board will be Feb. 20-21, 19G6. Before adjournment, the Minutes were read and approved. Meeting adjourned at. 0:20 P.M. with prayer and a warm wish to all Directors from the President for their safe return home. Antonia Turek, Supreme President Corinne Leskovar, Recording Secretary ZAPISNIK POL-LETNE SEJE GL. ODBORNIC v gl. uradu, Chicago, Illinois, 30.-31. avgusta, 1965 Pol-letna seja Odbora Direktoric S. Ž. Zveze se je pričela v pondeljek, 30. avgusta, 19G5 ob 9:30 dop. v Glavnem uradu v Chicagu. Naslednje odbornice so bile navzoče: Ustanoviteljica Marie Prisland; preds. Antonia Turek; tajnica, Albina Novak; blagajničarka, Josephine Železnikar in nadzornice: Ann Podgoršek, Vicki Faletič in Frances Gaspich in urednica Corinne Leskovar. Directorice se zahvaljujejo članicam podr. 2, 20, 24, 89 in 95 za udeležbo in sodelovanje pri drž. konvenciji Ill.-Ind. v Jolietu v nedeljo 29. avg. Posebna zahvala Frances Gaspich, Josephine Muster in Josephine Sumic, ki so pripravile lep sprejem. Prva točka dnevnega reda je bila pregled poslovnih knjig. Po pregledu so vse direktorice obiskala Metropolitan banko, kjer so overovile in pregledale vrednostne papirje, ki so shranjeni v varnostnem predalu. Vsi dokumenti so bili v poročilu tajnice. Direktorice izrazijo svoje odobravanje, ker so vsi dokumenti in računi najdeni v najlepšem redu. Direktorice nato nadaljujejo sejo v gl. uradu s čitanjem poročil, ki so bila sprejeta, kakor čitana. Poročilo Glavne Predsednice Pozdravljene odbornice in dobrodošle na polletni seji. Hladnejše vreme se približuje in aktivnosti naših podruž-nis se bodo zopet povečale. Sedaj je čas, da napravimo dobre predloge in sklepe. Kampanja na čast Ustanoviteljic je za nami in vpisanih je bilo 328 novih članic. Žal nismo prekosile zadnje pred-konvenčne kampanje. Čestitke zmagovalni podružnice št. 1, v Sheboyganu, Wis., ki so nam pokazale, da res ljubijo in spoštujejo Ustanoviteljico, Mrs. Marie Prisland. Načeljevala sem Vzhodni kegljaški turneji ob pomoči Alice Arko od št. 15. Na tej tekmi je sodelovalo 22 skupin, oziroma 110 kegljačic. Tekme so bile v marcu v našem Clevelandu. Srednje-zapadna turneja se je vršila letos v Virginiji, Minn. ob soledovanju 2S skupin in nad sto kegljačic. Priznanje velja naši športni direktorici, Liz Žefran, ki je vodila zelo uspešno tekmo v splošno zadovoljstvo. Naši Min-nesotčani so bili veseli obiskov iz vseh krajev Amerike in upajo, da bodo v bodočnosti zopet gostitelji našim športnicam. Ko sem se mudila v Minn. sem imela krajšo sejo z odbornicami podr. št. 37 v Greaney in udeležila sem se seje št. 38 v Chisholmu. Dne 7. jun. sem se udeležila seje št. 101 v Bedford, O. in spremljala me je drž. preds. Mary Bostian. Na našem potovanju po Zapadu smo se ustavili v Kansas City, Kans., St. Louis, Mo., Pueblo, Crested Butte, Lead ville, Canon City in Denver, Colo. Ob tej priliki sem obiskala nekatere odbornice teh podružnic. Bilo je prijetno pozdraviti naše pridne odbornice, posebno ker so se zbrale prav v naglici. Odločitev za ta obisk je padla v zadnjem trenutku, ker moj soprog ni vedel, ako bo imel tri tedenske počitnice. Bila sem srečna, da sem obiskala tudi preds. Mary Smolicli in taj. Frances Bradach v Aurori, Minn. Imele sta polne roke dela in priprav za njihov Zvezin Državni dan, 29, Avg. pod okriljem podr. št. 35. Zaradi polletne seje, nisem utegnila biti navzoča za njihovem dnevu, toda naša gl. podpreds. Marie A. Floryan je gotovo dobro zastopala gl. odbor. Na poti domov, sem se ustavila na Zvezinem Dnevu v Lemon tu pod vodstvom podr. št. 2. Romanje in piknik je bil izveden odlično. Naše čla. so prišle z busi iz Indianapolis, Ind., Sheboygan in Milwaukee ter ostali z auti iz raznih krajev srednje Amerike. IG. maja sem se udeležila oliijske državne konvencije v Collinwoodtt, O. pod okriljem podr. št.. 41 ob priliki riji- liove 35 letnice. Zasedanje je vodila drž. preds. Mary Bos-tian, ki v resnici vrši sijajno delo. 19. sept. bom na drž. konvenciji za Penna. v Acmetonia. Pa. 37 članic iz Clevelanda se bo tudi udeležilo. Mladinske kadetke so še vedno zelo aktivne pod vod stvom Ann Cook, od podr. št. 22, Euclid, O. in njenih dveh hčerk, ki so prejele že mnogo nagrad zaradi odličnih nastopov. Tudi v Euclidu imajo 12 vežbalk. Čestitke vsem poročevalkam v Zarjo, ki tako obveščajo o vseh važnih dogodkih. Mladinska poročevalka Regina, Hermine Prisland-Dicke “Pots and Pans and Pastime”; Marie Prisland, “Oh, ta svet”; lepe duhovne misli č.g.p. Okorna; dopisom gl. odbornic ter poročevalkam podružnic. Vse to uredi naša urednica, Corinne Leskovar in tako imamo najboljšo žensko revijo. Zahvala vsem! Na rokah imam še mnogo kuharskih knjig in bomo se vse morale potruditi, da jih razprodamo. Ves denar od prodaje pošljem na gl. urad in se položi v banku kar je razvidno iz mesečnega finančnega poročila. To zaključuje moje poročilo in želim zdravo in srečno vrnitev na domove. Antonia Turek Poročilo Načelnice Šolninskega in Tajnice Finančnega Odbora Iskrene pozdrave vsem. Sledi finančno poročilo: DOZORELE INVESTICIJE US Zakladniški bondi v znesku $15,000 so dozoreli dne 15. febr. 1965. Izvirna cena je bila $14,015. Bondi so prinesli $2,475 v obrestih in imele smo jih C/2 let. Dobiček v prodaji teli bondov je znašal $985, a skupni dobiček je bil $3,400. NOVE INVESTICIJE $5,000 obveznice Karmelitskih Očetov v New Yorku; po 5% obresti, ki dozorijo 1. aprila 1979. Posojilo je za Misijonsko hišo. $5,000 posojilo za Materno hišo Sester St. Jude v Orange, Cal. Direktne obveznice so po 5% in bodo dozorele 14. okt. 1977. $10,000 American Tel. & Tel. po 4%% obresti, plačljivo 1. apr. 1985. Cena $9,987, poklicano po $103.75. $5,000 Consolidated Nat. Gas po 4%% obresti. Kupna cena $4,975; poklicano po $104.14, Plačljivo 1. avg. 1983. (Ostale podrobnosti tega poročila so objavljene v angleškem delu, str. 208). ŠOLNINE Vedno je izredno težka naloga izbrati zmagovalce za prejem šolnine, toda to leto je bilo to delo še dvakrat težje, ker je bilo toliko odličnih prosilcev, ki potrebujejo našo podporo. Zaradi širokogrudnosti delegatinj zadnje konvencije, ki so odobrile moj predlog, da ustanovimo še dve dodatne šolnine, ker smo imele dobro srečo pri prodaji naše kuharske knjige, kar so odobrile direktorice. Nagrajenci so se izkazali hvaležne z lepimi zahvalnimi pismi. To kaže tudi na dobrodelno delovanje ZVEZE, ker podpira vzgojo naše mladine. “Ne zavedate se, kako velikega pomena je šolnina za študenta,” tako piše eden izmed nagrajencev. Naslednji štirje so zmagovalci v šolskem letu 1965/06: MARY T. STATKUS, članica podr. št. 2, Chicago. Pose-čala bo Alverno College v Milwaukee in študirala za bolniško pomočnico. DIANA L. SCHR1VER, čla. št. 26, v Pittsburghu, ki študira na Edinboro Drž. Učiteljskem kolegiju. MICHAEL S. PItANCIS, katerega mama je čla. št. 1 vj Sheboyganu, se bo vpisal na Coloradsko Državno Universo, da postane zrakoplovni inženir. JOHN M. NOVAK, on in njegova mama sta čla. št. 73 v Warrensville, O. Kot pred-pravni študent bo posečal Ohij-sko Državno Univerzo. Našim šolninskim nagrajencem čestitamo in jim želimo mnogo uspehov v njihovih karierah. ČLANSKA KAMPANJA Tristo osem in dvajset novih članic se je pridružilo našim vrstam v zadnji kampanji. Posebno sem vesela, da je moja podružnica dosegla prvo mesto. Mnogo novih članic UDELEŽITE SE SKUPNEGA SLOVENSKEGA 0HIJSKEGA DNEVA, 17. OKTOBRA Letošnji Zvezln dan za Ohio, se vrši pod Imenom “Slovenski Dan” in v teku so priprave za največjo slavnost, bazarja skupnih podružnic, ki se vrši v nedeljo dne 17. oktobra v Slovenskem Domu na Recher Ave. Preskrbljeno bo za okusne slov. slaščice, potice, klobas in drugih dobrot, kakor tudi mnogo najmilejše slovenske godbe ter mnogo veselih presenečenj. Posebnost bo tudi izbira “Gospodične Slovenija” (Miss Slovenia). Prepričana sem, da take prireditve še ne bilo v Clevelandu, zato naj nihče ne zamudi. Pričetek ob 9:30 zjutraj s prodajo peciva, nakar bo kosilo servirano od 3 do 8 ure zvečer, in prijetna zabava ves dan. Na veselo svidenje! Mary Bostian, drž. preds. Ohio-Mich. se nam je pridružilo — kakor ml povejo — zaradi ZARJE, ki ima toliko znanimivosti, med njimi tudi kolono o kuhinjskih receptih in gospodinskih nasvetih, kar je prav priljubljeno med mlajšimi. Prisrčna dobrodošlica vsem novim članicam in iskren “Bog plačaj” vsem pridnim delavkam v kampanji. Ob priliki mojega obiska Slovenije to poletje, sem bila povabljena, da obiščem Arhive univerzitetne knjižnice v Ljubljani, kjer je zbrano zgodovinsko gradivo slovenskih organizacij po vsem svetu vključno material o zgodovini naše ZVEZE, katerega smo jim poslali. Bila sem veselo presenečena kako mnogo dragocenih dokumentov imajo zbranih. Državna konvencija za lll.-Ind., katere sem se udeležila zadnjo nedeljo, je bila dobro organizirana in uspešna. Bila sem srečna, da sem imela priložnost pozdraviti toliko članic. Srečati naše članice je bil in ostane moj najdražji privilegij. Naj jih Bog blagoslovi! Marie Prisland Poročilo Glavne Tajnice Pozdrav in najboljše želje za uspešno zborovanje! Od naše zadnje seje direktoric, je bila zaključena z lepim uspehom kampanja v počastitev Ustanoviteljice, kar je pripeljalo v Zvezo 328 novih članic. 60% naših podr. je sodelovalo. V razredu B smo pridobile 124 novih članic, v razredu A 55 ter 141 mladinskih članov. Nagrade za kampanjske delavke so bile razdeljene na podlagi točk in na vrhu lestvice je bila naša gl. predsednica, priljubljena Toni Turek. Spominčki z grbom SŽZ smo prejeli od draguljarja in so res prelepi. Rada bi predlagala, da sedaj pričnemo misliti na člansko kampanjo 10 letnice in da pripravimo sistem točk tako privlačen, da bo odziv kar največji. Vsem dosedanjim delavkam izrekam globoko zahvalo za njihova prizadevanja in dobro voljo. Dohodek z prvih šestih mesecih tega leta je bil $42,923,-28; izdatki so znašali $37,469.06, čisti napredek v vseh skladih je bil $5,454.22. Skupno premoženje z dnevom 30. jun. 1965 je znašalo: $506,034.28. — S smrtjo smo izgubile 88 članic in izplačale smo $9,125.00 smrtnine. Leta tečejo prenaglo za nekatere izmed nas, zato je treba pričakovati več izplačil v bodoče. To je še posebni razlog, da pričnemo trdo delati za nadomestitev z mlajšimi članicami, da bomo napredovale pri finančni in moralni rasti. V kratkem bomo začeli s pripravami za našo narodno ' konvencijo, ki se bo vršila leta 1967 v naši prestolici, Washington, D.C. Sedaj bi bil čas, da pošljemo zastopnico : v to mesto, da rezervira prostore za to priliko. To bo prvič, da bomo imele konvencijo v mestu velikega zanimanja in zgodovinskega pomena. Ob zaključku želim izreči prisrčno zalivalo podr. št. 20 ‘ v Jolietu za prijazno gostoljubnost, katere smo bile dalež-ne ob prilike včerajšnje drž. konvencije. — Naši preds. Toni Turek in njemu soprogu Franku, ki sta se ta mesec preselila v svoj novi dom, pa želimo mnogo sreče in blagoslova. Albina Novak Predlogi in sklepi V torek zjutraj je predsednica Antonija Turek, pričela sejo ob 9:30 dop. z molitvijo. Preds. je izrekla posebno dobrodošlico častni preds. Mrs. Prisland in gl. taj. Mrs. Novak, ki sta se vrnile iz obiska Slovenije. Direktorice so tudi pozdravile Mrs. Hermine Prisland Dicke, novo tajnico Šolninskega sklada in dopisnico kolone Pots and Pans. Direktorice tudi pohvalijo njeno gospodinjsko kolono in priporočajo članicam, da prispevajo svoje recepte. Preds. poda podrobno poročilo glede prodaje kuharskih knjig. Njen in njenemu soprogu g. Franku Turek so odbornice hvaležne za požrtvovalno delo. Na tej seji je preds. predložila ček za $500 kot izkupiček nove zaloge. Tudi prodaja druge zaloge gre dobro. Preds. in tajnica poročata o tiskanju zbirke pesmi “Zapojmo,” ki bo v prodaju koncem septembra. Razprodajo je prevzela Mrs. Turek. Pesmarica bo stala $1.25, ali pa $1.00 če se jih naroči več istočasno. Upa se, da bo prodaja te knjige pomagati pri kritju stroškov prili. konvencije. Mrs. Prisland poroča o investicijah in izraža zadovoljstvo, da je prodaja bondov nam v zadnjih mesecih prinesla $1,023.00. Ljubljanska univerza v Sloveniji, želi imeti stare izdaje lista Zarja, kar bo izpoljnjeno deloma po naklonjenosti Mrs. Mary Urbas iz Clevelanda, ki ima shranjene izvode Zarje letnikov 1929 do 1940. Novejši letniki bodo poslani iz Gl. urada. To je za knjižnico univerze ter za študije zgodovine našega izseljenstva. Mrs. Prisland poroča o delovanju šolninskega sklada. Njej bo pomagala Mrs. Dicke, a Mrs. Turek in Mrs. Novak ostaneta odbornice tega sklada. Nova tajnica tega sklada, Mrs. Dicke bo prejela malo mesečno odškodnino tudi za svoje pisanje v Zarji. V februarski številki Zarje bo priobčeno sporočilo glede pogojev in termina prošenj za Zvo-zino šolnino. (Več na stran 222.) Poročilo Glavne Blagajničarke Iskreno pozdravljene na tem zborovanju in želim, da bi naše ukrepanje bilo deležno blagoslova v korist članstva in organizacije. Kakor po navadi, zopet podajam skupno 6 mesečno poročilo, ker vse drugo poslovanje ste prejele in pregledale, kakor je predložila glavna tajnica, s katerim se tudi strinjam. Dohodki za G mesecev $ 42,923.28 Stroški za 6 mesecev 37,469.06 Preostanek za 6 mesecev $ 5,454.22 V blagajni 31. dec. 1964 $500,580.16 Preostanek za 6 mesecev 5,454.22 Skupno v blag. 30. jun. 1965 $506,034.38 Udeležila sem se proslave 35 letnice podr. št. 43 v Milwaukee, Wis. kar je bilo združeno z drž. konvencijo. Udeležba je bila lepa. Vse je bilo dobro urejeno in zastopnice so z velikim zanimanjem sledile razmotrivanjem za napredek Zveze. Podr. št. 43 čestitam in jim želim še nadaljnjih uspehov. V zadnji kampanji so tudi pridobile precej novih članic. Zvezin dan v Lemontu je letos, kakor vsako leto dobro uspel. Udeležba od strani članic je bila lepa in med nami smo imele tudi gl. predsednico Antonijo Turek s soprogom. Tudi druge gl. odbornice so bile z nami. Hvala lepa vsem in vsakemu posebej. Posebna zahvala čestitim očetom Frančiškanom v Lemontu, ki nam gredo vedno lepo na roke in še posebno g. p. Kalistu za mašne obrede. Letošnja kampanja je za nami in je dobro uspela tudi pri naši podr. Sicer nismo na prvem mestu, a na zadnjem pa tudi ne. Vsem čestitam in se zahvalim za trud. Delajmo tudi v bodoče za boljšo in močnejšo organizacijo. Ill.-Ind. Drž. konvencija v Jolietu je krasno potekla in veljajo naše čestitke prirediteljicam od podr. št. 2’0. Josephine Železnikar Poročilo Predsednice Nadzornega Odbora Prisrčne pozdrave vsem na naši drugi pol-letni seji v tem letu. Nadzornice smo pregledale finančne knjige gl. tajnice, gl. blagajničarke in urednice Zarje, kakor tudi načelnice Šolninskega sklada ter investicije in vrednostne papirje, ter našle vse v perfektnem redu. Žal se nisem mogla udeležiti Minnesotskega Zvezinega dneva, toda vem, da je najlepše uspel. V teku članske kampanje naših Ustanoviteljic, je naša podružnica dobila 10 novih članic od katerih sem pet jaz povabila. Naše tri kegljaške skupine in jaz smo se udeležile sred-nje-zapadne kegljaške tekme v Virginiji. Minil. Nastop tolikih skupin ob tej priliki je gotovo v veliko čast in ponos naše organizacije. Kakor hitro mine poletna vročina, bo naša podr. zopet v mnogih aktivnostih. Moja najboljša voščila vsem in želim vam zdrav povratek domov. Ann Podgoršek Poročilo Druge Gl. Nadzornice Pozdrav vsem navzočim glavnim odbornicam! Veseli me, da sem zopet z vami ob teh posebnih priložnostih naših pol-letnih sej. Pri pregledu finančnega stanja naše organizacije, smo našle vse v najlepšem redu. Delovanje naših podružnic, je vedno lepo opisano v naši “Zarji.” Sedaj ko se bliža hladnejše vreme, bo zopet poživljeno delovanje društev ter bližajo se razne slovesnosti in proslave. Kampanje za nove članice, so vedno najvažnejše. Kampanja, ki je bila pravkar zaključena, na čast naši Ustanoviteljici ter Častni predsednici, Mrs. Marie Prisland, — je bila zelo uspešna. Podr. št. 25 ima raznoliko delovanje in mnogo aktivnosti. Bilo je tudi precejšnje število slavljencev srebrne in zlate poroke. Gotovo smo ponosne na nje. Naše seje so dobro obiskane in naše članice se vedno prijetno razvedrijo na teh sestankih. Skupne podružnice bodo imele v nedeljo dne 17. oktobra, posebni dan in naša podr. št. 25 se bo potrudila, da bo pomagala k največjemu uspehu. Program tega dneva je skrbno pripravljen, imele bodo tudi mnogo dobitkov ter okrepčila. Naše članice so vedno pri delu, da napravijo Zvezo in podr. najboljše. Vicki Faletič Poročilo Tretje Glavne Nadzornice Prisrčne pozdrave vsem. Zopet smo se zbrale, da pregledamo računske knjige gl. odbornic; gl. tajnice, gl. nadzornice, načelnice šolninskega sklada ter tiskovni sklad urednice Zarje; obiskale smo tudi banko in pregledale naše vrednostne papirje in bonde. Jaz se soglašam z ostalimi nadzornicami, da je celotno poslovanje v zelo dobrem redu. V soboto 17. julija sva s ses. Josephine Sumic se udeležile procesije s svečkami v Lemontu, na predvečer Zvezinega dneva. Tam smo srečale naše članice iz Indianapolis, Ind. Naslednjega dne sem se udeležila Zvezinega romanja in piknika. Udeležba je bila lepa, tako pri dop. maši in domači zabavi popoldne. Včeraj se je vršila drž. konvencija za Ill.-Ind. v Jolietu in sem prav vesela, da je bila dobra udeležba. Iskrena zahvala Josephine Muster in Josephine Sumic za njuno sodelovanje; enako velja prisrčna zahvala vsem za pomoč in udeležbo. Tople pozdrave vsem. Frances Gaspich Poročilo Urednice To je naša druga in zadnja pol-letna seja v tem letu in smo na sredi poti od zadnje konvencije do prihodnje v letu 1967. Tako sedaj nimoremo pregledati in premotriti ideje in načrte zadnje konvencije, ko se že pripravljamo za prihodnjo, ki bo v Washingtonu, D.C. Želim predlagati, da bi se priprave morale pričeti sedaj, tako glede organizacije konvencije, kakor glede možnosli pritegniti mladinsko članstvo k sodelovanju ter jim nuditi možnost prisostvovati konvenciji v prestolici. Moj predlog (Nadaljevanje na str. 218) Marie Prisland: “Povej no v Zarji, kako je bilo v starem kraju; da osvežiš spomin na ljubo rojstno domovino nam, ki letos nismo mogle tja potovati . . pišejo naše članice. No, kako je bilo? — Tritedenski obisk kot je bil moj, je vseeno malo prekratek. Greš tukaj, greš tam; obiščeš te sorodnike, posetiš one, se malo okrog ogledaš, pa je čas odhoda tukaj. Vkljub kratkemu času je bil moj obisk prijeten in nepozaben. Naša domovina je krasna kot je vedno bila. Nikjer na svetu ni lepših krajev kot so naši domači. Doline, kot bi jih ne mogel naslikati najboljši umetnik. Zeleni hribčki, s snegom pokriti gorski velikani; na pobočju male bele cerkvice, med zelenim sadnim drevjem z rdečo opeko krite ljubke hišiče . . . Čudovito! Romantično! Pravi zemeljski raj! ljudje so prijazni in postrežljivi kot so vedno bili. Izmed mojih potnic je le ena imela pritožbo nad staro-krajskimi razmerami. Jamrala je: “Jemnasta ja, kako so se časi spremenili! Tri tedne sem po vsej Dolejnski in po Ljubljani obiskovala sorodnike, pa nikjer niso prišli žganci na mizo. Kako smo se pa nekdaj otroci tepli za plsker, kjer so se žganci kuhali, kdo ga bo postrgal. Žganci so bili naša najboljša jed!” Ekonomija Od mojega zadnjega obiska se je življenski standard v Sloveniji precej zvišal. Profesionalci, uradniki in tovarniški delavci nimajo povoda za pritožbe. Ne delajo z ameriško brzino, ki ubija živce. Imajo boljšo bolniško in socialno zavarovalnino kot mi. Višji uradniki so vpokojeni z polno plačo, kar se v Ameriki ne zgodi. Počitnice imajo v krasnih letoviščih, kjer se v čudoviti naravi okrepijo živci in spočije telo. Hrana je odličena in skrbnejše pripravljena kot naša, ker tamošnje gospodinje posvečajo kuhinji več časa. Mnogi uradniki in delavci imajo dva dela in dva zaslužka. Avtov je na cesti nič koliko. Promet na glavni cesti v Tjjubljani je sličen newjorskemu samo z to razliko, da so avtomobili majnši. Ljudje so razmeroma dobro oblečeni. Pritožujejo se pa kmetje nad visokimi davki in nizko ceno za poljske pridelke. Polja morajo obdelovati sami, ker mladina gre ali v šole, ali pa v tovarne. Doma ostanejo večinoma starejši ljudje, ki se mučijo od 10-15 ur na dan, da opravijo delo na njivah. Iz juga so zdaj pričeli prihajati poljski delavci, ki kmetom delo nekoliko olajšajo. Dinar Bilo je koncem junija, ko je vsakdo znal za “uradno” dejstvo, da bo dinar znižan v vrednosti. To vedoč, so ljudje hoteli vporabiti denar, ki so ga imeli. Trgovine v Ljubljani in Celju so bile natrpane, da se ni dalo priti do prodajalke. Vse je kupovalo, vse tržilo. Skoro je bila panika. Dinar je zdaj znižan od 750 na 1250 za dolar. Cene so takoj zelo narastle, plače pa točasno ostale iste. Univerzitetna knjižnica Želela sem videti Univerzitetno knjižnico v Ljubljani, katere arliiv vsebuje mnogo zgdovinskega materijala tudi iz Amerike. Odzvala sem se vabilu ravnatelja knjižnice ter z gospo Josephino Livek, bivšo Zvezlno glavno predsednico, obiskala ta odličen slovenski institut. Knjižnica ima ogromne literarne zaklade in neprecenljive narodne vrednote. Tisoč let stare, dobro ohranjene rokopise. Prvo ročno pisano knjigo v cirilici. Vsebuje ro-kopice slovenskih pesnikov in pisateljev ter številna krasna dela naših umetnikov. Knjig in zvezkov ima nad en milijon. V čitalnici je prostora za 300 oseb. Večinomn pri- hajajo sem študenti iskat znanja. Na razpolago so jim knjige in revije v osmih jezikih. Ravnatelj arhiva, profesor Jaro Dolar in njegovi književniki, so nama prijazno razkazali in pojasnili vsebino arhiva, kjer se poleg drugega gradiva v posebnem oddelku nahajajo tudi literarna dela in važni dokumenti slovenskih izseljencev iz Amerike. Vse to me je močno zanimalo. Z obiskom sem bila jako zadovoljna. Razstava Gasparijevih slik V Celju sem obiskala Gasparijevo razstavo. Krasne slike tega velikega slovenskega umetnika so me silno zanimale. Pritegnila me je zlasti Medvedova Ohcet, ki predstavlja živalski ples. Slika, ki je res umetniško delo, je last dr. Stane Verhovca v Celju. Potnice z Zvezinega izleta leta 1938 se bodo dr. Verhovca spominjale kot prijaznega družabnika. Potoval je z nami po Sloveniji. On je oseben prijatelj slikarja Gasparija, ki je še vedno delaven, dasi že v visokih letih. V arhivu imam pesmico o Medvedovi ohceti, katere avtentičnost sicer ne jamčin, priobčujem pa jo vseeno, mojim bralkom v zabavo. Medvedova Ohcet Novo pesem sem vam sklenil, da se Medved je oženil. Vzel je majhno si ženico, rjavo, rdečkasto Lisico. Bil za pričo mu je Jelen, ki je nosil šopek zelen. Volk mu bil je starešina, svatica pa divja Svinja. Opica je bila družica, ki lepo plesat zna. Je z Medvedom zaplesala, se z Jelenom norčevala. Veverica je cvilila; Polha dva sta v rog trobila. Miška je na citre igrala, Zajčka dva sta pa plesala. Kuhala je botra Vrana; najbolj zvesta, najbolj vdana. Sama je meso obrala, a kosti je gostom dala. Bil za peka je Petelin, ki je v kruh zamesil pelin. Črni Kos je vince točil, ter pri tem si kljunček zmočil. Proč od soda se ni ganil, dokler se ni upijanil. Godci so pa zraven stali, so igrali in piskali, da so gostje ponoreli, ko so v parih se vrteli. Vsi so bili misli ene — take ohceti še ni b’lo nobene! ♦ * si« * * Šolska naloga o revmatizmu Moj stari oče ima revmatizem. Stari oče revmatizem uporablja za napovedovanje vremena. Kadar ga trga v križu, bo dež. Če ga trga v levi nogi, bo nevihta z grmenjem; če ga trga v desni nogi, pa soparica z vročino. Stari oče pravi, da so pratiko izdelali potem, ko so jim revmatičarji povedali, kakšno bo vreme. Stari oče je moder. Svoj revmatizem porabi za izgovor, da ne gre na sejo, ali da ne more nekaj narediti, kar mu “grandma” ukaže. Samo takrat je stari oče neroden, kadar i rad počepnil. Vesela Novica j Iz glavnega mesta naše dežele sem ravnokar pre- j jela veselo novico, da tam dobimo novo podružnico. J Gdč. Irene Planinšek, nadarjena hčerka gospe Eme j Planinšek, skrbne dolgoletne predsednice podružnice j št. 20 v Jolietu, snuje postojanko naše Zveze v Wa- j shingtonu, D.C. j Gdč. Planinšek želi, naj bi naše članice, ki imajo j sorodnice ali prijateljice v Washingtonu in okolici, j njej sporočile ime in naslov, da jih bo lahko povabila za vstop v novo podružnico. Naslov je: j Miss Irene Planinšek j 12 S. Van Dorn St. Apt. 2S j Alexandria, Virginia < Lepa hvala Ireni za naklonjenost do Zveze! Čast j njeni narodni zavednosti! Novo podružnico prisrčno j pozdravljamo in želimo mnogo uspeha. J 70 LETNICA MAŠNIŠTVA UGLEDNEGA SLOV. DUHOVNIKA St. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — V nedeljo, 25. julija smo imeli čast prisostvovati izredni obletnici mašniškega posvečenja: Naš čestiti Rev. George Trunk je obhajal "železno obletnico” 70 let odkar je bil posvečen na duhovnika. Naš slavljenec, ki je pisatelj in po srcu veliki Slovenec in Slovan, se bliža 95 letu starosti, a je po duhu čil In telesno pri močeh, saj še vedno vsak dan bere sv. mašo. Pri slavnosti so bili navzoči preč. g. nadškof T. M. Guckern, pomožni škof č. Merlyn Guilfoyle, ki je pred 30 leti bil župnik v naši fari. Nadškof je lepo goivoril in daroval g. Trunku brošuro z medaljo in blagoslovom sv. očeta Pavla. Nadškof je prosil slavljenca naj kot najstarejši duhovnik nadškofije blagoslovi vse navzoče, nakar je Father Trank spoštljivo poljubil prstan na roki nadškofa. Prisotni so bili tudi drugi slovenski dostojanstveniki, med njimi Monsignor Gni-dica. Ljubljanski nadškof dr. Jože Pogačnik je poslal svoje čestitke, kakor tudi zagrebški kardinal Franc Separ. Zbor je pel pod vodstvom našega u-metnika Aleša Šimenca in naša pevka Ani Judnich je prelepo zapela “Bisero-mašnik bod’ pozdravljen!” Še nadškofu je petje zelo ugajalo. — Večkrat slišimo o srebrni mašni obletnici, včasih tudi o zlati obletnici, a zelo redko od diamantne, toda nikdar od železne. Prav zato je lahko slovenski narod ponosen na našega slavljenca, ki je prekosil vse rekorde, ki je sicer po letih star, toda po duhu mlad in še vedno rad pove kako špasno. Gospod Trunk je bil rojen na Koroškem, dne 1. sept. 1870. V drugem letu semenišča je nevarno zbolel, da ni nihče upal, da bo ozdravel. V duhovnika je bil posvečen v Celovcu, dne 20. julija 1895. V letu 1904 je postal župnik v znani cerkvi sv. Križa v Beljaku. Po prvi svetovni vojni je prisostvoval mirovni konferenci v Parizu in bil zelo agilen za Slovenijo pred plebiscitom na Koroškem. Zelo je bil razočaran, ko je ta del Koroške potem pripadel Austriji. V Ameriko je prišel leta 1921. Po treh letih žup-nikovanja v Bervich, North Dakota, je postal župnik največje slovenske fare v Leadville, Colorado, kjer je ostal do leta 194G ko je prišel na vabilo Fathra Voduška k nam v San Francisco. Naš slavljenec je spisal mnogo knjig. Najbolj poznana je njegova “Amerika in Amerikanci." Mnogo je tudi prepotoval po Ameriki in po sveti deželi. V Amerikanskega Slovenca še vedno pišejo, kakor tudi od časa do časa v nekatere druge liste, pred leti so mnogo pisali v Novi Svet. Father Trunk se odlikujejo tudi v slikarstvu. Cerkev v Leadvillu je vsa poslikana z njegovo roko, kar mu je vzelo 20 let. Tukaj v njegovem stanovanju so stene vse preslikane z njegovo umetniško roko, da se ti zdi, kakor da bi živel pod planinami. Bog daj našemu slavljencu živeti še vsaj do stoletnice! Pred par meseci smo izgubili enega najstarejših slovenskih pionirjev, ki je bil ob smrti skoro 94 let mlad, g. John Stariha. Pokojni je bil dober prijatelj našega slavljenca Rev. Trunka. Pok. je bil spoštovan in priljubljen pri vseh, ker je bil dober in veren človek. Naša državna predsednica, Rose Scoff je tudi izgubila edinega brata, George Stepan, ki je bil rojen v Utah kot edini brat sedmih sester. Naše globoko sožalje, Rose! Zgubili smo tudi sestri Barbara Nemanich in Mary Jerman. Obema žalujočima družinama naše globoko sožalje! V zadnjem šasu smo imeli tudi več obiskov. Nečakinja naše Rose Skolf, č. sestra Mary Aquinas je bila tukaj v posetih. Ona je hčerka Rosine sestre, Agues Lampe. Druga nečakinja je č. sestra Richard, ki je od druge Rozine sestre, Mrs. Anna Stepan Palm-gren. Obe sestri so nas obiskale v družbi sester reda Sv. Križ. Brat sestre Mary, Victor Lampe, študira za duhovnika v Oconomowoc, Wis. Obe sestri sta izgledali srečni v svojem poklicu in jima želimo mnogo let službe v čast Bogu in v ponos našemu narodu. Zelo nas je pretresla vest, o nagli smrti slovenskega pevca in dirigenta, Antona Šublja. On je bolj kot katerikoli obogatil našo kulturno njivo in po njegovi zaslugi je naša pesem zaslovela po širni tujini in segala v srca tudi pripadnikom drugih narodov, saj se še vsi spomnimo kako je delal koncerte in so nam solze zalivale naše oči ob prelepi pesmi “Kje je moj mili dom . . .” Iz domovine poročajo, da je preminul splošno znani violonist, Zlatko Bolakovich. Zapušča ženo potomko odlične rodbine Borden in sestro Zoro, ki je pisateljica. Naša pevka Ani Judnich se je vrnila iz evropskih počitnic. Pripoveduje mi, da je veliko videla, toda lepote naše Slovenije so neprekosljive, res nepopisne. Pozdrave vsem, Poldica Podgornik Zapisnik: seveda vsebuje mnogo trdega dela, toda, mislim, če bi to misel iznesli na državnih konvencijah, bi to obrodilo dobre sadove. Zato, mislim, da bi bilo dobro posvetiti več časa možnosti pritegnitve mladine na prihodnjo konvencijo. Od zadnje seje je Zarja se kakor vedno trudila, da je poročala o mnogovrstnih aktivnostih naših podružnic. Naše glasilo uporabljajo naše članice vedno v povečani meri, kar je izrednega pomena za rast naše organizacije. Mislim tudi, da članice rade čitajo poročila o delu in uspehih članic, kakor tudi naših slovenskih pionirjev, ki so polagali temelje naši SŽZ. Tudi na našo mladino, ki je up in nada bodočnosti, ne smemo pozabiti, ampak posvečati več paž-nje. Čestitke izrekamo posebno našim šolninskini nagrajencem in vsem pridnim študentom naših Zvezinih družin. Tukaj v Chicagu smo bili zaposleni pri delu podružnice št. 2. Naj omenim lepo uspelo Materinsko proslavo ter letni Zvezin Dan v Lemontu. Pri obeh pomembnih prireditvah sem sodelovala. Zadnjo pomlad je slovenska fara Sv. Štefana slavila svojo GO letnico in zdelo se mi je pra- vilno, da pomagamo pri pripravah za dostojno proslavo, saj je ta fara vedno igrala važno vlogo pri SŽZ, kjer se je naša organizacija ne samo ustanovila, ampak tudi imela svoj sedež vsa leta obstoja. Glavni urad je pridno pomagal pri delu in gl. tajnica in jaz sva bile tudi so-urednice zgodovinske knjige, ki je izšla ob tej priliki. Kot poslednica letnega potovanja moje družine lansko poletje po deželi, ki je poznana pod imenom “Baragova dežela,” sem dvakrat pisala moje vtise s potovanja v Zarji, toje v letošnji januarski in marčni številki. Omenjeni potopis je bil deležen laskavih priznanj za kar sem vsem hvaležna, toda posebno pozornost so temu potopisu izkazali pri “Združenju Škofa Barage”, ki so v celoti ponatisnili obe poročili iz Zarje v njihovem Glasilu ter v Mičiganskem Škofijskem nedeljskem obiskovalcu. Prepričana sem, da je zadeva misijonskega škofa Barage izredne važnosti. Prizadevanja Baragove Združenje moramo podpreti z vsemi močmi in posebno tudi pozanimati našo mladino za tega izrednega rojaka, ki je pisal del zgodnje ameriške zgo-(Nadaljevanje na st. 222) o. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: DVOJNI OBRAZ Velikokrat slišimo, da imajo mnogi ljudje dvojni obraz in da so v tem pravi umetniki. Tako se znajo pretvarjati, da bi jim prav nihče ne mogel odrekati odkritosrčnosti in pravega namena. Zelo bi bili užaljeni, če bi jih kdo označil za hinavce. V nekem velikem podjetju je bil zaposlen mož, ki je vzbujal veliko pozornosti med uslužbenci. S posebno spretnostjo, zdelo se je, da mu je prirojena, je dosegel precej visoko službeno mesto. Postal je vodja nekega oddelka. Toda pri uslužbencih in še bolj pri podrejenih je bil brez ugleda, da celo zasovražen. Imel je namreč grdo lastnost, da je bil skrajno nevljuden, oblasten in častihlepen do sebi enakih in do podložnih. Nasprotno pa je bil do nadrejenih, posebno pa do ravnatelja podjetja, kar sramotno uslužen, hlapčevsko vdan in ponižen. Kot predstojnik je hodil po svojem oddelku ponosno zravnan in samozavesten, pred nadrejenimi pa se mu je hrbet kar krivil, glava pa globoko sklanjala. Njegovi sodelavci so ga imeli za hinavca. Čeprav mu tega nihče ni povedal v obraz, se je kar nekam opravičeval rekoč: “O hinavec pa nisem. Da moram biti strog, zahteva pač moja služba, zato v službi res ne poznam ne prijatelja ne sovražnika. Zato povem vsakemu v obraz, kar mu gre.” Ko bi seveda ta mož bil tudi do nadrejenih tako odkrit in službeno natančen, bi mu lahko verjeli, a vemo, da je ravnal drugače in da je njegovo obnašanje bilo vse drugo kakor pa resnično. Prava vljudnost je izraz plemenite duševnosti, globoke moralne vzgoje in resnične ljubezni do bližnjega. Vljudnost zahteva od človeka predvsem, da se zna premagovati, krotiti svojo jezo in strasti in brzdati svoje jezik. Pri tem pa zares ne sme imeti dvojnega merila in ljudi opredeljevati v dve vrsti: prijatelje in sovražnike. Naravno je, da so nam nekateri ljudje ob prvem srečanju prijetni, drugi pa nas odbijajo in kar težko prenašamo njih družbo. Še pogosteje se zgodi, da se nam je kdo pošteno zameril in od takrat ga ne moremo več trpeti. Tudi se dogaja, da nekomu z lahkoto odpustimo žalitev in krivico, dočim jo drugemu za nobeno ceno ne moremo pozabiti. Vendar je potrebno, da smo v vsakdanjem življenju vljudni tudi do tistih ljudi, ki nam niso ljubi ali so celo do nas zahrbtni in podli. To je edino pravilno in krščansko. Potrebno je, da take ljudi pozdravljamo in jim odzdrav-ljamo. Takšno dejanje nima prav nic hinavskega na sebi, temveč je izraz plemenitosti, krščanske vzgoje in močne volje. Takšna je torej vljudnost, ki je potrebna v vsakdanjem življenju, če kdo hoče veljati za olikanega. Hodimo skozi življenje brez krinke in ne pretvarjajmo obraza. Iskrena beseda in dostojno zadržanje do vsakega — pa naj bo podrejen ali nadrejen — nam bo pripravila častno mesto v človeški dražbi. DOPISI Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Hladni jesenski dnevi so tukaj, počitnice so za nami in vsi smo se vrnili k svojim delom. Prosim članice, da bi prihajale na mesečne seje. Vzemite si ta dodatni čas vsaj enkrat na mesec, sebi v razvedrilo in društvu v korist. lipani, da sta se naša gl. preds. in njen soprog, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Prank Turek, dobro počutila in uživala krasote, naše coloradske države. Kakor sem slišala je naša gl. preds. obiskala vse podružnice v Colo. in si tako obenem ogledala lepote naših hribov, katerih imamo mnogo. Hvala za prijateljski obisk, žal mi je bilo, da sem bila odsotna, da se nismo mogle osebno pozdraviti. Dne 23. jun. se je raznesla žalostna vest, da je umrla naša zvesta članica Jennie Zbačnik. Neusmiljena smrt ji je nahitroma pretrgala nit življenja. Dne 24. jun. pa je umrla druga naša članica, Matilda Bajuk, ki je živela v sosednjem mestu Walsenburg. Zaradi oddaljenosti nam ni bila toliko poznana. — Res nikdar ne vemo dneva, ko nas bo Bog poklical k polaganju končnega obračuna. — Vsi preostali naj sprejmejo naše globoko sožalje, pokojnim sosestram pa nepozabni spomin. Naša tajnica je poslala "get well” kartice v bolnišnico naslednjim sestram: Angela Kral, Silvia Okoren, Mary Ahlin, Anna Skender in Anna Zaitz, ki je dobila novo hčerkico; dalje Pauline Škufca in Mildred Pechek, ki je imela resno operacijo. Vse naše bolne priporočamo v molitev za ponovno zdravje. Naša tajnica Frances Simonich in njen soprog Joseph sta obiskala svoje prijatelje v Leadville, Colo. in Glen-wood Springs in spotoma sta tudi pozdravila Mary Klun in Mary Vidmar v Deadville, Colo. Na obisku v rojstni domovini to poletje, sem imela več prijetnih doživetij. Izrek “stara domovina” ne bo več potreben, kajti tudi tam postajajo vse bolj “amerikanski.” V nekaterih trgovinah sem se počutila, kakor v A-meriki, ker nudijo prijazno postrežbo. — Toda naše gospodinje bo mogoče zanimalo, da so na vaseh marsikje hlevi prazni, ker postarani kmetje ne zmorejo več napornega dela pri vzreji goveda. Pri reji piščancev je pa I manj truda, zato so se nekatere gospodinje odločile za rejo piščancev pri čemer dobijo strokovno pomoč. Tako je bilo v Sloveniji prodanih piščancev v skupni vrednosti 116 miljonov dinarjev in od tega so rejci dobili za svoj trud približno 10 milj. dinarjev. Povedali so mi tudi, da je življenski standard se v zadnjih 8 letih precej dvignil in da so zgradili nad 58 tisoč novih stanovanj, kar je gotovo precej. To naj zadostuje za danes, pa še prihodnjič kaj več. Soses. Mary Kvas iz Denverja se lepo zahvalim za prijazni obisk. Ob zaključku pošiljam moj pozdrav tudi vsem mojim dragim v nepozabni domovini. Bog vas živi vse ^Anna Pachak/ Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Poročilo sep-temberske seje. Poletje je za nami in menda smo se članice dovolj odpočile po dvo-mesečnih počitnicah, da smo se kar v lepem številu zbrale na sep-temberski mesečni seji. V teku zadnjih dveh mesecev je umrla naša dobra članica, Mrs. Muka-vetz. Pokojna je rada veliko prispevala v našo “good time” blagajno, kadarkoli se je udeležila naše seje. Želimo, da ji Bog obilno povrne njena dobra dela in ji nakloni pokoj njeni duši. Žalujoči preostali družini izrekamo globoko sožalje. Zopet smo dobile novo članico, Mrs. Mary Vrhovsek. Priporočam, da bi se članice potrudile in pridobile še kaj novih članic. V oktobra bodo imele skupne podružnice banket na Domu na Rechar centru. Vsem se priporoča, da pridete v velikem številu na naš skupni banket. Članice se zelo trudijo, da bo vse najboljše pripravljeno. Mrs. Boštjančič priporoča, da bi spekle kaj peciva za prodajo v dobrobit skupnega sklada. Za door prize bodo darovale, Mrs. Stražišar (Arrowhead), Mrs. Iskra in Mrs. Sustar. Za pecivo so se oglasile, da bodo spekle: Mrs. Globokar, Mrs. Fakult, Mrs. Plut, Mrs. Kuhar, Mrs. Iskra in Mrs. Verhovsek. Naš slov. dom “Jugoslav Center” na Rechar Ave. praznuje letos 45 letnico ustanovitve, zato pridite na večerjo. Naši podr. so poslali 10 vstopnic, ki so bile takoj razprodane med članice. Ses. Mary Stražišar (Arrowhead) je pozvala članice, da bi kaj darovale za Mr. Šemeta, ki je oslepel na obe očesi in živi v težkih prilikah v Cali-forniji. Članice so takoj se odzvale in sklenjeno je bilo, da se pošle $25 iz blagajne. Mr. Šeme je bil nekdanji učitelj petja Škrjančkov. Več naših članic je zbolelo, med njimi so sestre: Strnad, Rupret, Milavc in Kavšek. Želimo jim, da bi jim ljubi Bog čimprej vrnil dragoceno zdravje. Na večer naše seje smo tudi praznovale trimesečne rojstne dneve, oz. godovanja. Članice so mnogo prinesle v ta namen. V jestvinah so darovale sestre: Fakult, Plut, Maudic in v denarju so prispevale sestre: Vidovič, Simončič, Stupica, Leksan, M. Globokar, Kuhar, Rupret in Ana Kuhar. Vsem se najlepše zahvaljujem. Predno zaključim, naj tudi nekoliko poročam o naših počitnicah. Mary Stražišar z možem Jožetom, ses. Iskra z možem, naša predsednica Till Špehar z družino in družina Šuštar smo bili na kratkih počitnicah. Vsi smo LEP OBISK V KANSASU Spomine na Zvezin Dan Veliko jet letalo Boeing 707 je pristalo 22. junija na letališču v Kansasu. Ko so prihajali potniki z letala ni bilo težko spoznati družino Mr. in Mrs. Edward Kostelec. Bilo jih je cel ducat, zdravih in veselih obrazov so se vidno dobro počutili po vožnji v luftu. Prišedši do vhoda, jih je pozdravil John Kostelec, brat Edwarda, ki je takoj vprašal, če ima vse pri sebi. “Upam, da!” mu je odgovoril Edward. Edward in žena, Lila, rojena Novak, sta bila rojena v Kansas City, Kans., zadnjih 16 let pa živita v San Francisco, Calif., kjer je Edward zaposlen kot poslovodja v poslovnem oddelku Pacific Telephone Co. V zakonu se jima je rodilo v IG letih 10 otrok, sedem dečkov in tri deklice. Družina je z avtom potovala iz San Francisca do Los Angelesa, kjer je obiskala prijatelje, nato pa se je skupno podala z letalom do Kansasa, kjer ostane dva tedna in obišče številne sorodnike in prijatelje. Tega obiska sta posebno vesela Mr. in Mrs. Joseph in Antonia Kostelec z 617 Splitlog Ave., starša Edwarda, pri katerih se je skoro vsa družina nastanila za časa obiska. Kostelceva družina je splošno poznana pionirska družina v kansaški slovenski naselbini. Kakor je Edward rekel, je bil zadnjikrat na obisku v Kansasu pred petimi leti, ko je družina štela le sedem otrok. Tedaj so potovali z avtom, kar pa ni tako komodno kot z letalom. Z avtom traja potovanje tri ali štiri dni, z letalom pa le tri ure. Sedaj bosta grandpa in granma Kostelec imela priliko, da se seznanita z vsemi svojimi malimi vnučki, katere sta želela videti. Pa tudi mali vnučki bodo brezdvoma odnesli kar najbolj prijetne spomine na svoje stare starše. Sestra Antonija Kostelec je delavna predsednica in poročevalka št. 64 že mnogo let ter njej in njenemu soprogu tudi Zarja čestita ob tem izredno lepem družinskem snidenju. bili v Kanadi razen Mary Iskre in njenega moža, ki sta menda prepotovala vso Kanado. Tam imajo tudi mnogo lepih reči za videti. V juniju smo imele sv. mašo pri romarski Lurškl Mariji. Bilo je nad vse lepo. Zbralo se nas je precej lepo število in po maši smo imele okusno kosilo pri sestrah. Upam, da bomo to lepo navado skupne sv. maše nadaljevale vsako leto. Po daljšem času, se je zopet udeležila naše seje, naša dobra članica, Margaret Tomažin. Bile smo jo zelo vesele, da je se otresla bolehnosti. Lepo se ji tudi zahvaljujemo za dar dveh lepih predpasnikov. Iskrena Vam hvala, Mrs. Tomažin in Bog vam povrni na vašem zdravju. Vsem članicam iskren pozdrav, Antonia Sustar, poroč. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Naše sožalje družinam, ki so izgubile svoje drage v zadnjem mesecu: družini Škulovi, ki je izgubila sestro Agnes, staro 60 let. Zapušča dve sestri; ena je naša članica Mary Schmidberger, ter 6 bratov. Brat Frank je naš deputy sheriff. Odbornice in Članice Podr. Št. 31 Predsednica, Rose Veronick, tajnica in blagajničarka, Antoinette Lucich, nadzornice Karoline Bradach In Josephine Stefanich ter sestre: Angela Sušnik, Barbara Španko, Karoline Suhadolc in Frances Pleska. Mama pokojne je tudi bila naša družabna članica mnogo let. Preminula je tudi Barbara Wilhelnii, stara komaj 28 let in za njo žaluje soprog, tri hčerke in starša Mr. in Mrs. Wm. Papesh, kakor tudi mnogo sestričen in ostalega sorodstva. Obe pokojni sta ležali na mrtvaškem odru istočasno in obe bile pokopane istega jutra. Obe sta obiskovale našo šolo sv. Jožefa in bile pokopane iz naše cerkve. Naša članica Dorothy Chepuran in njen soprog John iz Theodore St. sta izgubila sina, za katerim žalujejo tudi njegove sestre Anna Kobe in Mary Shepich, ki sta obe naši članici. Za njim žaluje tudi družina in ostalo sorodstvo. Pokopan je bil iz cerkve Matere Božje na isto pokopališče. — Vsem pokojnim naj sveti Večna luč in naj v miru počivajo v ameriški zemlji. Nesrečno je padla naša predsednica, Emma Planinšek ter si ve zapestju zlomila roko in se še vedno zdravi. Naša prejšnja podpredsednica Theresa Marentich, si je tudi zlomila roko v rami in ses. Theresa Juricich je prestala hudo operacijo. Želimo vsem bolnim članicam, da Ne bilo bi prav, ako bi ne bilo poročila o romanju 18. julija v Lemontu. Res je, da slovenska kri ne fali, ker to je bilo dokazano po naših vrlih že-nah starosti od 60 - 70 let. V mislih imam žene, ki so priromale že v soboto in v Lemontu prenočevale. Že v zgodnji jutranji uri v nedeljo so bile vesele in polne šale. Seveda najprvo so se posvetile Mariji Pomagaj ter prejele sv. obhajilo in opravile romarsko pobožnost. Pater Kalist je napravil globoko v srve segajočo pridigo. Bilo je več pripomb, da takih pridig se ne sliši zlahka kje. Čutile smo, da so nam njegove besede napolnile v duše milost božjo. Bog z Vatni, č.p. Kalist! Biti med mladimi in starejšimi ženami je bil res užitek. Sestra Zupančič je poskrbela, da je bila cela skleda okusnih krofov na vsaki mizi. Pri eni mizi so sedele štiri romarice iz Clevelanda. Imele smo res mnogo smeha, kar nam je še posebno poskrbela Mrs. Lojzka Čebular. V čast mi je bilo se srečati z gospo Antonijo Bajt iz Indianapolis, ki je korajžna mati prijazne družine, ampak rahlega zdravja in se je moralo bolj zgodaj posloviti od nas. Vreme je bilo zelo lepo in zato toliko večji užitek prisostvovati sv. maši pri groti in popoldanski službi božji. Petje Marijinih pesmi se je prekrasno razlegalo v prosti naravi. Prav gotovo si vsak, ki je bil navzoč želi, da bi v zdravju dočakal Zve-zino romanje v letu 1966! Lepo vse pozdravljam. Minka Grašič, čl. št. 2, Chicago kaj kmalu okrevajo in zopet vrnejo v našo sredo. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo tudi Mrs. Mary Gregorich in drugim sorodnikom ob izgubi strica Rev. Pius Petrič, O-FM, ki je po dolgi in mučni bolezni umrl v bolnišnici sv. Jožefa. Fr. Petrič je bil pokopan v Lemontu, kjer ima mnogo zaslug pri gradnji Grotte in drugih neizbrišnili del. Pok. je bil iz Jolieta ter je bil nameščen na mnogih slovenskih farah po Ameriki. Naj blagi pater počiva v miru! Bog mu bodi dober plačnik za njegova dobra dela! Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. —• Fo dolgem času se zopet oglašam. Počitnice so za nami in drage sestre, upam, da ste vse zdrave. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo naši sose-stri Mary Linkovc ob izgubi ljubljenega soproga. Naj jo tolaži Bog! Bolehata ses. Teresa Kožuh in Agnes Zakrajšek. Priporočamo ju v mi-litev za hitro ozdravljenje. Želim nekoliko opisati naše potovanje v St. Augustine, Florida, kamor smo odpotovali dne 13. junija. Ob 5 uri zjutraj smo odpotovali ter se najprej ustavili v cerkvi Marije Vnebo-vzete v Colinwoodu. Prisostvovali smo sv. maši, katero so darovali č. g. Father Godina za srečno pot. Zahvala velja nebeški Kraljici, ki nas je tako lepo vodila vso pot in smo se srečne in zdrave vrnile na domove. Zahvala velja Father Godina in Frances Zulič za lepo vodilo, da je dolga pot kar luštno in hitro minila. Dva dneva smo bili v Washingtonu, kjer smo si ogledali mnoge zanimivosti. Videli smo Senatorja Franka Ix>všeta in njegovo ženo, ki sta z nami prav lepo in po domače pogovoril. — Šle smo tudi na grob kardinala ter obiskali smo veliko cerkev Brezmadežne Device Marije; videli smo mnogo cerkva in drugih zanimivosti. Preveč bi bilo vse popisovati, samo žal mi je bilo, da nismo mogli obiskati v Floridi več naših sester. Povsod smo bili krasno postreženi. Ob kcfncu naj samo rečem, da je prav resničen slovenski pregovor: “Lepo povsod, a najlepše doma . . tak smo bile tudi me vesele ko smo vrnile na naše domove. Lepo pozdravljam vse članice naše podružnice in vabim, da se vidimo na prihodnji seji. Želim tudi, da bi pridobile kaj novih članic. Na veselo svidenje na seji. Frances Kave, poroč. Št. 24, LaSalle, III. — Sedaj so počitnice že za nami in upam, da ste se vse srečne in zdrave vrnile na vaše domove. Tretjo nedeljo v mesecu oktobru, bomo zopet pričele z našimi rednimi sejami. Upam, da se boste naše popoldanske seje udeležile v velikem številu, saj imamo mnogo važnih zadev za urediti, katere ne moremo rešiti same odbornice. Več članic se zdravi na domu. Pod zdravniško oskrbo se je nahajala Justina Anglevar in Josephine Foley, ki je v bolnišnici. Njima in vsem bolnim sestram želimo ljubega zdravja. Iskreno sožalje izrekamo Fannie Ko-bilšek, ki žaluje za svojim bratom Johnom Klopčič, ki je preminul v Chicagu. — Za svojim možem žaluje So-fie Kaskaski. Njen Stani je preminul po kratki bolezni in zapušča tudi hčer in sina. — Globoko sožalje Caroline Močnik ob izgubi njenega moža Jožeta. — Vsem sorodnikom pokojnih naše globoko sožalje, a pokojnini naj sveti večna luč! Žal moram zopet opominjati tiste, ki ste zaostale z asesmentom, da bi prišle na sejo i poravnale, ker veste, da moram članarino poslati vsaki mesec na glavni urad, a naša blagajna je prazna. Vsem bolnim naj Bog nakloni ljubo zdravje! Pozdrav vsem članicam in na veselo svidenje na prihodnji seji. Angela Strukel, taj. Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Vroči poletni dnevi so že minili in upam, da bomo imeli lepo in toplo jesen, ker mene prav rado zebe. To leto smo bili prav srečni v Au-rori, ker nismo imeli poplav in neviht, da bi nam delale škodo, kakor čitamo v listih o raznih krajih. Menda je naše tudi prav zdravo mesto, saj imamo ženo, ki je stara 113 let. Za njen 113 rojstni dan ji je v imenu mesta podaril župan lep in velik cake, z željo, da bi še par let dodala svo>-jemu dolgemu življenju! Ona pa je rekla, da bi rada živela par dni več kot njen stric, ki je dočakal 12(i let. Omenjena žena (Mrs. Wilson) se še spominja, da je videla, kako je bila njena mati v drugič prodana kot sužnja. Zdaj pa ima Mrs. Wilson že več kot 110 potomcev, torej 5 generacij in pravi, da rajši živi v penziji v Au-rori, kakor pa da bi bila odvisna od otrok. Tudi jaz želim dočakati 12'G let in še par dni več! Iz srca bi bila rada šla na državno konvencijo v Joliet, pa sem imela prav tiste dni tukaj na počitnicah hčer in njenega sina iz Californije. Zdaj ko to pišem pa sta že zopet nazaj pod cal. soncem. Nek mož, ki je delal denar za sebe je po pomoti naredil bankovec za $18 (naredil je dve ničli ena vrh druge). Potem pa ga je skrbelo, kje bi ga zamenjal. Pa si je mislil, grem ven na farme, pa bom že dobil koga, ki mi ga bo zamenjal. Šel je na farme in v trgovini vprašal ženo, če mu hoče izmenjati bankovec za IS dol. Žena pa pravi: Seveda bom, kakšne bankovce pa želiš; 2 po 9 dolarjev, ali pa 3 po G dolarjev? Za katere bankovce pa se je mož odločil pa, ne vem . . . Najlepše pozdrave vsemu članstvu od Vaše Frances Kranjc Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. — Sporočati moram žalostno novico, da smo v kratkem času izgubile kar tri članice pri naši podružnici. Prva je bila Mrs. Louise Novšek, ki je umrla koncem junija v lepi starosti 84 let. Bila je ustanovna članica naše podružnice. Druga je Mrs. Mary Ulle, ki je preminula 20. avgusta in tretja je Mrs. Mary Raspet, ki je zatisnila svoje oči dne 21. avgusta. Vse tri pokojne sestre priporočamo v molitev. Družinam pokojnih izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. Nekoliko je bolehna naša predsednica, Mrs. Mary Kuzma, ki je morala VSEM LJUBITELJEM SLOV. PESMIH! Že tolikokrat smo imeli priliko slišati petje našega pevskega zbora pri Sv. Janezu in premnogi so izrekli željo, da bi zbor izdal ploščo, da bi se tako naše lepe pesmi ohranile še za mnogo let. Sedaj je ta plošča izšla pod naslovom: “Odmevi iz Slovenije” in dobite jo lahko v župnišču 823 W. Mineral St. ali pa 1010 So. 9th St. V šestnajstih izbranih pesmih je povezan mešani, moški in ženski zbor. Na željo mnogih Slovencev v Milwaukee in širni okolici pojeta v duetu “Mamici” Janez Rifelj in Rudi Kotar in mnogi so mnenja, da se že radi te pesmi izplača kupiti to ploščo. Je to High Fidelity, 33i — cena je $5.00. Ovitek z lepimi narodnimi motivi je skrbno in mojstersko pripravil g. Dušan Svetlič. Zbor in pevovodja vabi vse, ki se za ploščo zanimajo, da si isto čim-prej nabavijo ker je zaloga omejena. v bolnišnico, a se sedaj zdravi na domu. Želimo ji skorajšnjega popolnega okrevanja. Gl. tajnici, Albini Novak, častni preds. Marie Prisland in bivši preds. Livek, prisrčna hvala za poslano razglednico iz stare domovine Slovenije. Na obisku je bila častita sestra Maria Mavrice. Doslej je bila naša članica. Ona je tudi moja nečakinja. Poučevala bo drugi razred v Aliquippa, Pa. Ime šole mi ni znano. Vsem članicam želim ljubega zdravja ter vas prisrčno pozdravljam. Jennie Stušek, taj. Št. 100, Fontana, Col. — Dne 2 sept. se je zopet vršila naša redna seja, prva po počitnicah v juliju in avgustu. Udeležba je beli lepa. Predsednica je poročala, da smo zadnja dva meseca izgubile dve dobri članici: Jennie Gonesh in Addie Mae Mizjsalc. V znak žalovanja smo članice stoje jima izkazale zadnjo čast. Na tej seji smo sprejele dve novi sestri: Theresa Paro in Mary Omaitz, katerima kličem prisrčno dobordošli-co! Po seji smo imele dober prigrizek ter priljubljene igre. Navzočih je bilo 20 članic. — Prihodnja seja se bo vršila dne 7. oktobra ob 7 uri zvečer v navadnih prostorih. Tukaj imamo vedno precej toplo, toda v Wis. so imeli že mraz, da jim je pozeblo, kakor nam piše naša hčerka, ki živi v Gleason, Wis. na farmi. Tukajšnji časopis Herald, nam poroča, da je dalo mesto Fontana gradbena dovoljenja v osmih mesecih za dva miljona dolarjev, kar je lepa vsota za naše mesto. Hvala lepa Albini Novak za lepe pozdrave iz Slovenije. Pozdrav vsem članicam, posebno še urednici. Frances Lukanich, poroč. Zapisnik seje direktoric: dovine. To delovanje je tudi precejšnjega vzgojnega pomena za našo vero in narodnost. Zadnjih šest mesecev je Zarja bila tiskana trikrat na 32 straneh ter trikrat v manjšem obsegu na 16 straneh. V marcu smo pričeli serijo pod naslovom Mladina v paradi, katero vodi Mladinska načelnica. To je privlačno za mladinske člane. Zapisnik zadnje pol-letne seje je bil ol>-javljen v obeh jezikih v aprilu in maju. Materinska številka je počastila 54 častnih mater, od katerih je bil 34 v angleški sekciji in 20 v slovenskem jeziku. Poleg njihovega življenjepisa, smo objavili tudi sliko zaslužnih mater naših podružnic. — Potovanja v Slovenijo so bila precej dobro oglaševana in zahvala gre Kolandrovi Potovalni agenciji za oglase. Dopisovanje z mojim uradom je potekalo dobro in sem vedno radevolje na razpolago članstvu v pogledu lista, kakor tudi spremembe naslovov in drugega. Naš tiskovni sklad je imel sicer bolj mali dohodek,toda to, upam, da se bo zboljšalo, posebno za Božično številko. — Glede imenika članic, sedaj delam na tem, da se ponovno celotni imenik popravi. Zahvala velja gl. tajnici in Mrs. Bogolin, ki so mi pri tem pomagale. Hvaležne bomo tajnicam tudi v bodoče, ako nas bodo redno opozorile na vse spremembe naslovov. Nedavno je še ena druga pionirska slov. fara slavila diamantno obletnico ustanovitve, to je cerkev Sv. Jožefa v Calumet, Mich. Ob tej priliki so izdali lepo spominsko knjigo z zgodovino cerkve in faranov. Na željo odbornic jim je Zarja z veseljem posodila nekaj slik in klišejev. Knjiga je vresnici ponos tej lepi “bakreni” deželi. Kakor vedno, naše Zarjine dopisovalke doprinašajo svoj delež k zanimivosti lista. Posebno je tudi prijetno sodelovanje s kolonisti in gl. odbornicami, ki redno pišejo v list. Hvaležna sem jim, da razumejo težave urednice. članska kampanja Ustanoviteljice je bila končana v juniju in Zarja je objavila mesečne uspehe. Veseli smo, da je v tem času pristopilo 328 novih članic. Seznam naših umrlih članic, je tudi bil obljavljen, kakor tudi dvostranski seznam odbornic podružnic. Ta kratki pregled je samo namenjen, da se spomnimo kako naš list služi članstvu v vsakem pogledu. Corinne Leskovar Poročila sprejeta. Pismena poročila nenavzočih g. odbornic so bila prečitana in odobrena. Poročilo Državne Predsednice za Colo., Kansas in Mo. Spoštovane gl. odbornice naše SŽZ: Z veseljem zopet pozdravljam naše glavne uradnice. Vsa čast tistem članicam, ki se v času naše kampanje zavedajo potrebe, da naša organizacija vedno raste. Število novopristoplih članic (328) je dokaz kako je naša SŽZ spoštovana med našim ženstvom. Prepričani smo, da je naša priljubljena častna predsednica, Marie Prisland ponosna na naše delo v prid naše edine SŽZ. Ne da se popisati, kako sem se dobro počutila v domovini to poletje. Imela sem lepo družbo ge. M. Prisland, ge. A. Novak, ge. J. Livek, ge. J. Schlosar, posebno pa tudi mojih domačih sorodnikov in prijateljev. Žal, da sem bila v času obiska naše gl. predsednice 'Poni Turek in njenega gospoda soproga, odsotna in da ju nisem imela prilike pozdraviti v našem Coloradu. Zborovanju želim obilo uspehov in blagoslova. Anna Pachak Predlogi in sklepi Darovi v v Šolninski sklad so potrebni, da se znesek tega sklada dvigne na $10,000, Načelnica sklada bo apelirala preko Zarje za darove, bodisi od posameznikov, kakor duti od podružnic, ki bi naj imele posebne nabirke, ali pa prireditve v ta namen. Tako bi bilo možno, da bi Zveza prihodnje leto za svojo 40 letnico naklonila štiri šolnine, kar bi koristilo ugledu organizacije. Prvi dobrodelni večer v prid Šolninskega sklada so bo vršil v Clevelandu. Datum še ni določen. Dobrodelna prireditev bo v obliki koncerta naše odlične slov. solistke Marije Kranjc-Fishitiger, ki je žela mnogo sijajnih uspehov s svojimi nastopi v Chicagu, Sheboyganu in tudi ob priliki narodne konvencije. Gl. predsednica načeljuje odboru, ki bo povabil go. Fishingerjevo iz Chicaga. Proslava ohijskega Slovenskega Dneva SŽZ se bo vršila 17. okt. in Mrs. Prisland je povabljena, da zastopa gl. urad. Na drž. konvenciji za Penna bo predstavljala gl. urad predsednica ter gl. nadzornica, Vicki Faletič. Po kosilu so direktorice čitale dopise. Pismo tajnice št. 39 Mary Lenich iz Eveleth, Mimi., ki pozdravlja zasedanje ter pismo Izseljeniške Matice iz Ljubljane. Odbornice so se tudi spomnile staroste slovenskih duhovnikov v Ameriki, č.g. Jurija Trunka ob čestitljivi 70 letnici maš-ništva. Zveza mu je poslala telegram s čestitkami ter škatljo njemu tako ljubih cigar. Njegova slika bo objavljena v Zarji, saj je samo 94 let mlad. Potovanje predsednice po zapadnih državah je bilo deležno pozornega razmotrivanja, ker je ona podrobno poročala o stanju naših podružnic, katere je obiskala: 3, 37, 38, 63, 66, 78, 92. Direktorice so ji izrekle zahvalo, ker osebno stiki so izredno važnega pomena. Gl. tajnica je poročala o rezultatih kampanje. Bilo je nad 100 sodelavk v kampanji. Ker se zdi, da samo trdo delo pridobi nove članice, zato je bilo predlagano, da se za prihodnjo kampanjo določilo vabljive nagrade. Predlaga se tudi, da bi se vsem sodelavkam podaril Zvezin spominček. Direktorice so bile vse edine v pohvali lepega spominčka, ki je primeren za zapestnico, ali ovratnico in bo kot nagrada tudi za bodočo kampanjo. Sledila je razprava o nastopni kampanji. Sklene se, da se bo kampanja imenovala v proslavo 40 letnice ustanovitve Zveze s pristavkom “Ruby,” ki je dragoceni kamen, ki predstavlja 40 letnico. Zveza stopi v svojo 40 leto obstoja 19. dec. 1965, torej to je bo datum nastopa kampanje, toda priznalo so bo tudi nove članice, ki so bile pridobljene od zaključka zadnje kampanje. Z drugimi besedami nova kampanja je že v teku. Nagrade so naslednje: Vsaka članica, ki pridobi eno novo v razredu B je upravičena do ene polne točke; nova članica razreda A in mladinskega oddelka nudi članici pol točke za vsako. Vsako članica, ki bo pridovila skupno 10 točk bo prejela Zvezin spominček z grbom in dodatno tudi denarne nagrade; kakor sledi: Za novo članica razreda B, $1.00, za razred A 50(4 in za mladinski oddelek 25£. Tako bo vsaka članica v tej “rubinski” kampanji deležna denarnih nagrad in spominčka, če bo imela skupno vsaj 10 točk. Direktorice so prepričane, da bo odziv velik in tudi sklenejo, da bodo 4 podružnice, ki bodo pridobile največ novih članic tudi deležne denarnih nagrad in sicer: prvo mesto $20.00, drugo $15.00, tretje $10.00 in četrto $5.00. To bo opogumilo vse članstvo, da sodeluje in tako pripomore k večjemu uspehu. — Prav tako se priporoča, da se pridobi nove članice med tistimi, ki nameravaja potovati v Evropo in se tako lahko priključijo eni izmed Zvezinih skupin, ker za znižane cene, dotična oseba mora biti članica 6 mesecev ali več. Družabne članice so tiste, ki so prestare, da bi mogle pristopiti kot redne članice in plačajo 25«f mesečno in 20«! od tega se pošlje na gl. urad za splošne izdatke, a ostatek ostane podružnici. Seveda je od podr. odvisno, če sprejme ali odkloni družabno članico. Predsednica poroča, da se je udeležila pogreba znanega slovenskega dirigenta in pevca Antona Šublja, ki je preminul v Clevelandu. Zveza mu je poklonila lepi venec. Spomin nanj bo vedno blag med nami. Predpriprave za prihodnjo narodno konvencijo, ki se bo vršila v Washingtonu, se morajo izvršiti v naslednjih 6 mesecih. Urednica je pooblaščena, da obišče to mesto in uredi konvenčne programe. Predlaga se, da bi na prib. konvenciji imele delegatinje en dan za ogled prestolnega mesta in 3 dni za zborovanja. Direktorice odobrijo nakup potrebne, nove opreme gl. urada in uredništva. Philiodnja seja direktoric so bo vršila dne 20. in 21. 1’ebr. 1966. Pred zaključkom, je bil čitan in odobren zapisnik seje. Zborovanje je bilo zaključeno ob 6:30 zvečer z molitvijo in voščilom predsednice, da se vse direktorice srečno in varno vrnejo na svoje domove. Antonia Turek, Gl. predsednica Corinne Leskovar, Zapisnikarica 58.60 56.35 22.05 30.30 20.20 8.95 12.05 12.00 11.35 17.80 11.50 2>4.60 38.50 15.00 25.60 12.65 9.20 48.50 29.45 8.95 11.32 SLOVENSKI DAN V CHICAGU, 10. oktobra lut zopt>t zhral naš narod na skupni manifestaciji slovenskih pesmi in plesov. Vsi vljudno vabljeni! ILLINOIS SLOVENIAN DAY, OCT. lOtli Slovenians of Illinois will meet on Oct. 10, 1965 at Sokol Hall, 2619 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago, III., to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Lud and Corinne Leskovar’s Slovenian Radio Program. The day has been proclaimed by Illinois Governor Otto Kerner and Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley as SLOVENIAN DAY IN ILLINOIS. A festive program begins at 3 P.M. with the colorful folk dancing and singing plus a variety of entertaining acts. Music for dancing follows to Jimmy Bovdik and His Melody Mates. All Slovenians of Illinois are cordially invited to attend! FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1965 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC JULIJ, 1965 Branch Assesments Membership 33. 85.65 148 SO No. Total Adult Junior 34. 19.40 39 7 1. 9S.45 174 59 35. 27.15 61 40 2. 218.50 362 167 37. 9.10 25 4 3. 151.15 278 167 38. 145 1 4. 4.65 16 — 39. 25.55 53 22 5. 92.70 107 33 * 40. 48.05 100 3 6. 52.45 114 12 41. 107.70 251 36 7. 62.70 102 103 42. 49 — 8. 24.85 53 — 43. 75.45 135 79 9. 61 1 45. 61 7 10. 157.25 338 39 46. 14.75 30 5 12. 81.80 198 51 47. 60.90 116 26 13. 53.50 112 16 48. 3.50 9 1 14. 146.00 289 27 49. 32.20 31 7 15. 123.65 231 26 50. 108.50 171 89 16. 150.40 130 78 * 51. 8.45 16 — 17. 82.80 155 67 52. 29.80 56 15 19. 60.35 128 33 54. 41.10 76 56 20. 187.15 414 127 55. 22.90 67 7 21. 89.60 107 46 * 56. 46.95 103 15 22. 20 i 57. 42.30 72 38 22. 118.35 234 63 59. 33 4 24. 81.35 168 75 61. 11 — 25. 372.55 718 194 62. 33 1 26. 48.90 107 12 63. 62.70 113 44 27. 61 4 64. 22.05 56 2 28. 29. 89 9 6 65. 66. 58 49 94 12.27 O.J 29 28.00 18 30. 18 ; 67. 74 15 31. 50.55 103 32 68. 31.10 49 8 32. 59.10 110 32 ! 70. 22.05 14 3 % i $4,092.24 8,689 2,482 % Assess, pd in May; ! June; * July, Aug.; # July, Aug., Sept. INCOME — DOHODKI: Assessment from members $4,093.24 Rental Income in July 155.00 Interest on Investments 1,104.37 Total — Skupaj $5,352.61 DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI: M. Bajuk, br. 3, Pueblo $ 100.00 J. Zbačnik, br. 2, Pueblo 100.00 G. Grmovšek, br. 10, Cleveland 100.00 J. Vodnik, br. 14, Euclid 100.00 E. Papeš, br. 15, Cleveland 100.00 F. Gliha, br. 15, Cleveland 100.00 L. Barborich, br. 17, West Allis 100.00 A. Seneca, br. 17, West Allis 100.00 P. Kerzisnik, br. 19, Eveleth 100.00 C. Hartman, br. 22, Bradley (B) 300.00 J. Femec, br. 32, Euclid 100.00 J. Bradach, br. 35, Aurora (B) 250.00 J. Zala, br. 47, Cleveland 100.00 G. Zimmerman, br. 55, Girard 100.00 M. Kraker, br. 65, Virginia 100.00 J. Drsek, br. 73, Bedford 100.00 L. Noszak, br. 88, Johnstown 100.00 M. Krznarich, br. 94, Canton 100.00 Zarja - The Dawn, July, 16 pages 1,054.31 Salaries & administration 1,015.00 Home office rent 75.00 Director Internal Revenue 600.75 Printing stationery 105.86 Tel., postage, supplies 106.45 Total — skupaj $5,107.37 Ledger Assets June 20, 1965 $506,034.38 Income in July, 1965 5,352.61 $511,386.99 5,107.37 Disbursements July, Ledger Assets July 31, 1965 ’65 $506,279.62 Albina Novak, Sec’y Hallowe’en Crossword III HOYS and GIRLS, ACROSS: DOWN: 3. Something to carry Halloween treats 1. Luminous bodies in the sky 5. Water flying in small drops 2. The upper atmosphere 6. Floating white Halloween creature 3. Eerie 8. One, some one 4. Cows 10. Bony, Halloween creature 5. Be still! 11. Timid G. To leave 13. Halloween face disguise 7. A witch’s pet 14. Complete, all 9. Sound 1G. Perched 10. A common Halloween costume 17. Belonging to thee 12. Opposite of no 13. A legend 15. Animal often found in old building Busy Jack Frost by Laura Arlon Yesterday the leaves were green On every bush and tree. Today it’s such a different scene It quite amazes me. Mother said that Jack Frost came In the still of night And painted all the leaves he could Before the morning light. Tonight as I lie here in bed It is hard to wait for day, To see how much more lie’s done Before he runs away. Yesterday the leaves were green. Today they’re red and yellow. Jack Frost must be so very tired. He is such a busy fellow! v MLADE MUCKE JE DOBILA. NA PODSTREŠJE JIH JE SKRILA. TAM JIH ČlIVA IN NEGUJE, DA SE MIŠKE VEČ NE ČUJE. LAČNA MUCA Muca mijavka: mijav, mijav miška vredna sedem krav! NAŠA MUCA NAŠA MUCA, MUCA MALA, JE PA MAMICA POSTALA. At the lllinoiB-Indiaua State convention held in Joliet, Regina was pleas antly surprised with the unexpected words of appreciation for this page. It was nice to hear so many mothers read this letter. I sincerely hope their children enjoy the same pleasure. Do send in any criticism or contribution, which will then be carefully analyzed so that Regina may remain a favorite. St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day is marked on the 4th, composed this prayer for Peace: “Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.” Speaking of writing brings us to words. Did you know that on October 1G, 1758, the Father of the American Dictionary was born in Conneticut? It was his live long dream to write a dictionary, which took twenty years to acomplisli. As you know, people in England and people in the United States use the same language. But some words are spelled differently in the two countries. This is because of Noah Webster. In his dictionary he changed the spelling of words as waggon to wagon, develope to develop, colour to color, jewellery to jewelry, and so on. He also made up some new words for our country as cent, dime, dollar and Congress. Words have various origins. Quite a number come from the names of people. The saxophone was named after the man who invited it — Antoine Sax. A beautiful flower found in the Phillippine Islands was named after the Jesuit who discovered it. His name was Fattier George Kamel. (“Camellia” is the T.atin way of spelling “Kamel.”) Words come from names of places. A sardine is named after the island of Sardinia, near Italy. That is where these fish were first caught in large numbers. Calico, a cotton cloth, came from a city in India called Calicut. Words come from other languages. When the colonists landed in the New World, they picked up many words from the Indians: moccasin, papoose, toboggan, skunk and tomahawk. From German settlers came the words: sauerkraut, noodle, kindergarten, pretzel and dachshund. Prom the French came prairie, depot, chauffeur, garage, city, river and cigarette. What words came from Yugoslavia I do not know. But in the September National Geographic in its writeup of “The Alps: Man’s Own Mountains,” Lake Bled in Slovenia is beautifully described in words and pictures. “ ‘Enchanted’ Isle of Bled beckons a Slovene couple in old-time dress; their boatman rows a “pletna,” or skiff. Church of St. Mary’s of the Lake thrusts its spire through verdant foliagp. Wishes made while the church bell rings always come true, avows a local tale. Requests to ring the bell have become so numerous that authorities express fear of ‘exhausting the cooperation of Providence’.” October most often reminds us of Halloween and its parties. If you’re stuck for a game, here’s one called “Pumpkin Pitch." Carve a funny face out of a big pumpkin, saving the seeds and drying them thoroughly. Let your guests take turns trying to pitch the seeds into the Jack o’ lantern’s eyes, nose and mouth. Each player gets 10 seeds to pitch. If he gets a seed in an eye, it counts 5 points. The nose is 10 and the mouth is 15. Highest score wins. Halloween is the night to watch out for witches and ghosts. Perhaps you use a jack o’ lantern to scare them away. How the jack o’ lantern got started no one knows. In Ireland, people tell this legend about it: lux -Qi; HUni 'si saX •zi XlR 'LI deoijs ‘ot TBS -9x 3SJ0U '6 XJ9A0 ’XI IBS '1 518UJM ’St 03 '9 Xqs -II qs -g uo}9ia5[s '01 uu '8 Xijoods 'g jsoq3 •[) A« e Xuids 'ij SJBJS 'X 5pi3S •£ : NAVOCI :SSOHOV Jack was a very wicked man who lived long, long ago. One Halloween he was walking down a dark and lonely road. Suddenly the devil popped up in front of him. "Jack, I’ve come to take your soul,” he said. Jack thought fast. He saw an apple tree by the side of the road. “Before we go, how about having one of those apples with me?” he asked the devil. “Hmmmm. They do look good,” a-greed the devil. “But the best ones are too high to reach.” “Oh, that’s easy,” replied Jack. “Just climb up on my shoulders, grab that branch, and swing up into the tree.” In a minute the devil was in the top of the tree, stealing the best apples. Quickly, Jack pulled out a knife and carved a sign of the Cross in the trunk of the tree. The devil was a-fraid to pass this holy sign. “Help me down!” he cried. “Not so fast,” Jack said. "First you have to promise not to take my soul when I die.” “I promise, I promise,” said the devil. So Jack helped the devil down the tree and then went on his way. You might think that Jack would have changed his ways after that. But he didn’t. If anything, he was even more wicked than before. At last wicked Jack died, and his soul was sent to hell. The devil, however, would not let him in. “Remember the promise,” he said. “But where can I go?” Jack cried. “Go back where you came from!” shouted the devil. “But how can I find my way bck? It’s so dark all around. “Here, take this with you.” The dev- il tossed Jack a hot, burning coal. Jack hollowed out a big turnip, and put the coal inside it. And on Halloween you may still see Jack wandering about with his lantern. This is only a make-believe story, of course. It has been told for hundreds of years. In some countries people make jack o’ lanterns out of big potatoes, turnips and other vegetables. In America jack o’ lanterns are made out of pumpkins. (Legend taken from Junior Catholic Messenger.) Forty-eight years ago Our Lady of OCTOBER MEETINGS 1st SAT. OCT. 2 Br. 62, Conneaut, O. 1st SUN. OCT. 3 Br. C, Barberton, O.; 8, Steelton, Pa.; 23, Ely, Minn.; 24, I^aSalle, 111.; 27, N. Brad-dock, Pa.; 51, Akron, O.; 92, Crested Butte, Colo.; 99, Elmhurst, 111. 1st MON. OCT. 4 Br. 29, Broundale, Pa.; 73, Warrensville, O.; 83, Crosby, Minn.; 101, Bedford Hgts., O. 1st TUES. OCT. 5 Br. 14, Euclid, O.; 32, Euclid, O.; 41, Cleveland, O.; 59, Burgettstown, Pa. 1st WED. OCT. 6 Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo.; 21, Cleveland, O.; 33, Duluth, Minn.; 35, Aurora, Minn.; 38, Chisholm, Minn.; 52, Kitzville, Minn.; 95, S. Chicago, III. 1st THURS. OCT. 7 Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal.; 45, Portland, Ore.; 80, Moon Run, Pa.; 100, Fontana, Cal. 2nd SUN. OCT. 10 Br. 37, Greaney, Minn.; 43, Milwaukee, Wis.; 46, St. Louis, Mo.; 49, Noble, O.; 61, Braddock, Pa.; 66, Canon City, Colo.; 67, Bessemer, Pa.; 74, Ambridge, Pa.; 97, Ca-irnbrook, Pa. 2nd MON. OCT. 11 Br. 4, Oregon City, Ore.; 25, Cleveland, O.; 89, Oglesby, 111. 2nd TUES. OCT. 12 Br. 7, Forest City, Pa.; 10, Collinwood, O.; 30, Aurora, 111.: 48, Buhl, Minn.; 56, Hibbing, Minn.; 57, Niles, O.; 70, W. Ali-quippa, Pa. 2nd WED. OCT. 13 Br. 13, Cleveland, O.; 28, Calumet, Midi.; 31, Gilbert, Minn.; 40. Lorain, O.; 71, Stra-bane, Pa.; 88, Johnstown, Pa. 2nd THURS. OCT. 14 Br. 2, Chicago, 111.; 16, S. Chicago, 111.; 19, Eveleth, Minn.; 55, Girard, O.; 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa.; 81, Keewatin, Minn. 3rd SUN. OCT. 17 Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.; 17, West Allis, Wis.; 20, Joliet, 111.; 39, Biwabik, Minn.; 47, Garfield Hgts., O.; 64, Kansas City, Kans.; 68, Fairport Hbr., O.; 85, DePue, 111.; 90, Presto. Pa.; 102, Willard, Wis.; 104, Johnstown, Pa.; 105, Detroit, Mich. 3rd MON. OCT. 18 Br. 50, Cleveland, O.; 86, Nashwauk, Minn. 3rd TUES. OCT. 19 Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 54, Warren, O.; 84, New York, N.Y.; 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. 3rd WED. OCT. 20 Br. 31, Soudan, Minn.; 65, Virginia, Minn. 3rd THURS. OCT. 21 Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis.; 106, Meadow -lands. Pa. 4th SUN. OCT. 24 Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind.; 94, Canton, O. 4th TUES. OCT. 26 Br. 22, Bradley, III. 4th WED. OCT. 27 Br. 12, Maple Hgts., O. Fatima in Portugal appeared and urged us to sacrifice and to penance for sinners, and pray the Rosary. As October is known as rosary month, all of us ought to try to say a daily rosary alone or with the family. Peace in our hearts, homes, country and world is so deeply desired. The “family of nations” will find peace only in the gentle rule of Christ, the King, honored so on the 31st of this month. Your friend, REGINA PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Plione CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois R.GRDINR& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 62 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio J0S. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. LOUIS R. ZEFRAN . . Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia /-dob« Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 FOR GREAT "HANDOUTS” Use some of the wonderful recipes for treats, donuts and cookies you will find in the famous S.W.U. Cookbook! Send for your copy of the famous S.W.U. Cookbook: WOMAN S GLORY -THE KITCHEN Over 600 delicious recipes from the world over — favorites of everyone! Order your copy now! Send $2.75 (postpaid) to: Antonia Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 I I I I I I I I I I I I I