| 167 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/2 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA L Miran Kuhar odgovorni urednik | executive editor DRUGA ŠTEVILKA THE SECOND VOLUME Drage bralke in bralci Geodetskega vestnika! Kot bi mignil, in že smo pri drugi številki Vestnika, čeprav se zdi, kot da sem komaj odložil prvo na polico. Vse bolj vroči dnevi kažejo, da poletje trka na vrata, in niti pomisliti si ne upam, kako hitro bomo pri zadnji številki najinega prvega letnika. Med pripravo prve letošnje številke sva bila z glavnim urednikom še malo nerodna, usklajevanja je bilo kar precej, sedaj se mi pa zdi, da stvari tečejo že povsem gladko. No, vprašanja za nekdanjo glavno in odgovorno urednico se še vedno najdejo. Izkušnje vendar nekaj pomenijo. Odzivi na prvo letošnjo številko so bili pozitivni. Strokovne kolegice in kolegi so posebej pohvalili spre- membo spletnega videza revije, in vsaj upamo lahko, da bodo tako dobronamerni, če se enkrat spremeni tudi grafična podoba revije. Vsi se zavedamo, da je treba zaradi mednarodne vpetosti revije objavljati članke v angleškem jeziku. Raziskave so večinoma objavljene v slovenskem jeziku in z vzporednim angleškim prevodom. Tokrat imamo ravno nasproten primer: prikaz arhiviranja satelitskih podatkov misije Sentinel-2. Avtorji so namenoma izbrali objavo v angleščini, ki bi zaradi velike aktualnosti za Slovenijo dosegla tudi zaintere- sirano strokovno javnost v tujini. Na pobudo uredništva so avtorji pripravili članek tudi v slovenščini. S tem bo krog bralcev zagotovo širši. Zanimiv je časovni razpon tematike tokratnih člankov, ki obsega skoraj dvesto let. Imamo prikaz stabilizacije trigonometričnih točk na Primorskem in opis geodetskega dela, s katerim se je vsak takratni projekt šele začel. Po drugi strani pa nam dva članka ponujata vpogled v dve zelo sodobni tehnologiji: posnetke daljinskega zaznavanja najnovejše misije Sentinel-2 ter upora- bo spletne platforme Flickr, ki spada med najnovejše dosežke razvoja računalniške in komunikacijske tehnologije. Ne gre spregledati prispevka s področja vrednotenja nepremičnin, s katerim nas kolegice in kolege seznanjajo z delom na tem razmeroma novem področju geodetske dejavnosti. Druga, pomladna številka vestnika nam prinaša tudi obilico društvenih novic. S končanjem epidemije in odpravo ukrepov je vendarle zadihalo tudi družbeno življenje. Rubrika ponuja zapise o ekskurzijah, izletih, zborih. Upajmo, da se bo obilje priložnosti za druženje še nadaljevalo in bodo zoomovska srečanja ostala samo v bežnem spominu. Na koncu naj omenim tudi manj veselo novico, ki je bralci ne boste mogli prebrati. Število naročenih | 168 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/2 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA L izvodov vestnika vztrajno upada. Razlog je očiten. Z vsako izdajo je manj »analognih« bralcev, na po- hodu je »digitalna« generacija. S tem se moramo sprijazniti, saj so mladi navajeni brati na elektronskih napravah tudi daljše vsebine, kot so sporočila SMS. Vsem bralkam in bralcem želim prijeten poletni oddih. Svetujem vam: preberite to številko, preden krenete na dopust. Ko bo poletja konec, bo v nabiralniku že naslednja. Dear Readers of Geodetski vestnik, The second issue of Geodetski vestnik is already here, although it seems I have just put the first one on the shelf. Increasingly hot days are a sign that summer is approaching, and I can hardly dare to think how quickly the last issue will be here. Preparatory work for this year's issue was a bit of a strain for me and the editor-in-chief; it required a fair amount of coordination, but at the moment things have been running smoothly for quite some time. Admi- ttedly, some questions for the former editor-in-chief remain. One cannot deny the importance of experience. This year's first issue evoked positive responses. Professional colleagues have especially praised the improved online layout. We can only hope to evoke such goodwill with a possible future change in the overall design of the journal. Being an active part of the international scene, we are all well aware of the need for the articles to be published in English. Research articles are mostly published in Slovene, with a parallel translation into English. This time, it was just the opposite: this refers to the paper on the archiving of the Sentinel-2 mission satellite data. The authors have decided to publish it in English, as the content, which is of high interest to Slovenia, might also evoke some interest abroad. At the initiative of the editorial board, the article was later translated into Slovene. This will undoubtedly widen the circle or readership. In this issue, the articles cover a span of almost two hundred years. Let me begin with the presentation of the stabilisation of trigonometric points in the Primorska region, plus the description of the surveying work that marked the beginning of each project. Furthermore, two articles offer an insight into two cases of state-of-the-art technology: the remote sensing recordings of the newest Senitnel-2 mission and the use of Flickr, a well-establi- shed online image platform. One should not overlook the article about the real-estate evaluation, where our colleagues offer an insight into this relatively new field of land suveying. The second issue also brings an array of news from professional societies. The end of the epidemic and the abolition of measures have finally revived social life. This segment brings records from excursions, field trips and conventions. Let us hope that plenty of opportunities for socialising continue to exist and Zoom encounters remain just a distant memory. In the end, allow me to mention less pleasant news, which is not included in the publication. The number of journal subscribers has been steadily decreasing. The reason for that is rather obvious. There are fewer ‘analogue’ readers with every issue: the ‘digital’ generation is coming. We have to accept that young people are perfectly | 169 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/2 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA Lused to reading longer content, not just short text messages, on electronic devices. I wish a pleasant summer vacation to all our readers. And a piece of advice: read this issue before you go on holiday. When the summer ends, the next one will be waiting for you in your postbox.