©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, JUNE 2004 Vol. 12, No. 1: 129-138 XVII. SIEEC, Radenci, 2001 NOTES ON THE TAXONOMY OF THE GENUS CARABUS L. (COLEOPTERA: C ARAB ID AE) IN CROATIA Lucija ŠERIČ-JELASKA, Snježana VUJČIČ-KARLO, Paula DURBEŠIČ Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Rooseveltov trg 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, e-mail: slucija@zg.biol.pmf.hr Abstract There are various opinions on the taxonomy of the genus Carabus Linnaeus 1758 and the taxonomic position of some species and lower taxa has still not been determined. The genus Carabus has 132 species in Europe, while 32 species, 53 subspecies and 81 forms and aberrations have been determined for Croatia. This paper provides a review of all species of the genus Carabus in Croatia, with a reference to the problems in taxonomy. One problem consists of the very large number of synonyms, particularly in older literature, and in the substitution of old with the new names, as well as the taxonomic status of certain taxa. The greatest number of synonyms is recorded for the subspecies of the species C. catenulatus Scopoli 1763. The subspecies C. hortensis neumeyeri Schaum 1856 is mentioned by some authors as subspecies of C. preslii Dejean 1830, because of certain similarities. Many authors agree that the species C. croaticus Dejean 1826, a Croatian endemic, has been insufficiently investigated and it is necessary to confirm its taxonomic status. Forms, aberrations and subspecies of certain species recorded in Croatia are not to be found in the latest checklists and atlases in Europe, and it is necessary to determine their taxonomic status within the genus. Redeterminations and reclassifications with the assistance of morphological and molecular biological methods are necessary for the taxonomic problems to be solved. Key words: Coleoptera, Carabidae, Carabus, taxonomy, distribution, Croatia. Izvleček ZAPISKI O TAKSONOMIJI RODU CARABUS L. (COLEOPTERA: CARABIDAE) V HRVAŠKI O taksonomiji rodu Carabus Linnaeus 1758 obstajajo različna mnenja, tak-sonomski položaj nekaterih vrst in nižjih taksonov se ni določen. Rod Carabus šteje 129 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezkstoiiflftttJrnologica slovenica, 12 (1), 2004 132 vrst v Evropi, 32 vrst, 53 podvrst ter 81 oblik in različkov pa je bilo ugotovljenih v Hrvaški. V tem delu nudimo pregled vseh vrst rodu Carabus na Hrvaškem, z ozirom na težave v taksonomiji. Ena izmed težav je veliko število sinonimov, posebno v starejši literaturi, ter zamenjava starejših z novimi imeni, kot tudi taksonomski položaj nekaterih taksonov. Največje število sinonimov smo zabeležili za podvrste vrste C. catenulatus Scopoli 1763. Podvrsto C. hortensis neumeyeri Schaum 1856 nekateri avtorji zaradi določenih podobnosti omenjajo kot podvrsto C. preslii Dejean 1830. Mnogi avtorji se strinjajo, da je vrsta C. croaticus Dejean 1826, hrvaški endemit, premalo raziskana in je potrebno potrditi njen taksonomski položaj. Oblike, različki in podvrste določenih vrst, najdenih na Hrvaškem, ne najdemo v zadnjih seznamih in atlasih v Evropi, nujno je ugotoviti njihov taksonomski položaj v okviru rodu. Ponovne določitve in uvrstitve s pomočjo morfoloških in molekularno bioloških postopkov so nujne za rešitev taksonomskih težav. Ključne besede: Coleoptera, Carabidae, Carabus, taksonomija, razširjenost, Hrvaška. Introduction The genus Carabus Linnaeus 1758 belongs to the subfamily Carabinae, family Carabidae, suborder Adephaga and order Coleoptera. According to Brezina (1999) there are 802 species of the genus worldwide and 132 species in Europe (Turin et. al. 1993). This work comprises records of 32 species of the genus recorded in Croatia (occurrence of three of them are dubious). Among them there are 53 subspecies and 81 forms and aberrations with a very large number of synonyms present, particularly in older literature. These results are based on data comprised from literature, collections from the Faculty of Science in Zagreb, and part of collection from the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb. The data comprised from literature go back to 1763 and the majority of data found in literature was published before 1950. The first publications on the Carabus species in Croatia are the works of Scopoli (1763), Schlosser (1877), Apfelbeck (1905), Depoli (1929) etc. During the middle of the 19th century, Novak (1952) collected valuable data about their distribution in Croatia (mainly in the coastal region). Several species of ground beetles (according to the data retrieved from Durbešič 1968, 1982, 1989, 1992; Drovenik & Peks 1994, 1999), present in Croatia, can be found on the European lists of endangered species. However, their distribution in Croatia is not known in detail. Because of endemic and endangered species of the genus Carabus, knowledge about their biology and habitats is important for preservation of biological diversity in Croatia. But, as the taxonomic position of some species and lower taxa has still not been determined and co-ordinated, we started with collecting and systematising of data about the genus Carabus with the aim of establishing present state of our knowledge and defining objectives for further research. 130 Lucija S.-Jelaska, Snjezana V.-Karlo, Paula Durbesic: Notes on the taxonomy of the genus Carabus L. (Coleóptera: Carbidae) Because of great variability within species, many forms are described under various infrasubspecific categories that are not commonly used by entomologists. There are many names of taxa originaly published as natio, morpha and aberration, or as a variety or form which is inconsistent with the ICZN (1999). Problem of uncritical description of variable specimens as new forms (etc.) was observed by Drovenik (1972) in his work about the genus in Slovenia. This paper provides a critical review of preliminary list of all species of the genus Carabus in Croatia, with a reference to the problem of taxonomy. Results and discussion The map of distribution of the Carabus species in Croatia (Figure 1) points to the insufficiency of the exploration of the whole area. The uneven exploration on Croatian territory demands additional field explorations of the areas which are poorly or not at all explored. The following list of the species in Croatia comprises 32 species with available data about their localities. Species with doubtful occurrence, according to the authors, are marked with asterisk (*) and discussed later in the text. List of species: Carabus (Limnocarabus) clathratus Linnaeus 1761 C. (Morphocarabus) praecellens Palliardi 1825 C. (Morphocarabus) scheidleri Panzer 1799 C. (Morphocarabus) scabriusculus Olivier 1795 C. (Carabus) granulatus Linnaeus 1758 *C. (Carabus) menetriesi Hummel 1827 - doubtful occurence C. (Eucarabus) arvensis Herbst 1784 C. (Eucarabus) catenulatus Scopoli 1763 C. (Eucarabus) parreyssi Palliardi 1825 C. (Eucarabus) ullrichi Germar 1824 C. (Autocarabus) cancellatus Illiger 1798 C. (Archicarabus) montivagus Palliardi 1825 C. (Archicarabus) nemoralis Mueller 1764 *C. (Hemicarabus) nitens Linnaeus 1758 - doubtful occurence C. (Mesocarabus) problematicus Herbst 1786 C. (Orinocarabus) carinthiacus Sturm 1815 C. (Oreocarabus) glabratus Paykull 1790 C. (Oreocarabus) hortensis Linnaeus 1758 *C. (Oreocarabus) preslii Dejean 1830 - doubtful occurrence C. (Tomocarabus) convexus Fabricius 1775 C. (Pachystus) cavernosus Frivaldszky 1837 C. (Hygrocarabus) variolosus Fabricius 1787 C. (Chaetocarabus) intricatus Linnaeus 1761 131 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezkstoiiflftttJrnologica slovenica, 12 (1), 2004 C. (Platycarabus) creutzeri Fabricius 1801 C. (Platycarabus) irregularis Fabricius 1792 C. (Megadontus) caelatus Fabricius 1801 C. (Megadontus) croaticus Dejean 1826 C. (Megadontus) germari Sturm 1815 - by several authors regarded as a subspecies of C. violaceus (e. g. Brezina 1994) C. (Megadontus) violaceus Linnaeus 1758 C. (Chrysocarabus) auronitens Fabricius 1792 C. (Procrustes) coriaceus Linnaeus 1758 C. (Procerus) gigas Creutzer 1799 The greatest number of synonyms is recorded for the subspecies of the species C. catenulatus Scopoli 1763, C. coriaceus Linnaeus 1758, C. caelatus Fabricius 1801, C. cancellatus Illigeri 1798. There are a great number of permanently invalid names (e.g. C. convexus latus Depoli 1925 nec Linnaeus 1758), misspellings (e.g. C. ull-richii Germar 1824, C. paraysi Palliardi 1825) and substitutions of old names with the new ones. A correct name C. arcensis Herbst 1784 was substituted with more often used C. arvensis Herbst 1784. In this research problem of taxonomic status of certain taxa is obvious because of many forms present within the genus. C. praecellens Palliardi 1825 was described as a variety of C. scheidleri Panzer 1799. (e.g. Kuthy 1900). Drovenik (1972) and Drovenik & Peks (1999) treat it as a separate species. In the recent checklists and atlases (Brezina 1994, 1999) this taxon is treated as a subspecies of C. scheidleri Panzer 1799. In Croatia following taxa were recorded: C. praecellens styriacus Kraatz 1887 at Dilj Gora in Slavonia region (Koča 1905), C. praecellens illigeri Dejean 1826 (Apfelbeck 1905; Schlosser 1877), and C. praecellens curtulus Ganglbauer 1892 as endemics (Drovenik & Peks 1994). *C. menetriesi Hummel 1827 is a higrophylous species morphologically and ecologically very similar to C. granulatus Linnaeus 1758 (Casale et al.1982), that can be found in Croatia in lowland areas beside rivers (Durbešič et al. 2000). C. menetriesi is present in Central Europe, Northern Russia, Finland, Byelorussia and Latvia (Brezina 1999). Some of its subspecies are recorded in eastern Austria (Brezina 1999) and in Bulgaria (Gueorguiev & Gueorguiev 1995). There are no other records for Croatia besides the single one from Valpovački park area. The specimen from the collection of the Faculty of Science in Osijek needs to be re-evaluated, because it was probably mistaken for C. granulatus. C. catenulatus Scopoli 1763 was previously named and cited as C. catenatus Panzer 1805 (Casale et al. 1982). Therefore it was recorded in Croatia as C. catenatus found at Ogulin, Fužine, Velebit, Rijeka, Bakar and Gospič areas (Kuthy 1900). Information about the distribution of infraspecific forms of the species in Croatia were collected from 16 papers (Brezina 1994, 1999; Casale et al. 1982; Depoli 1929; Drovenik & Peks 1994, 1999; Durbešič 1982, 1992; Kuthy 1900; Magistretti 1965; Novak 1952, 1970; Rucner 1994; Schlosser 1877; Turin et al. 1993 and Winkler 132 Lucija S.-Jelaska, Snjezana V.-Karlo, Paula Durbesic: Notes on the taxonomy of the genus Carabus L. (Coleóptera: Carbidae) 1924-32). Following taxa were recorded: ssp. catenulatus Scopoli 1763, n. catenula-tus Scopoli 1763, v. herbsti Dejean 1826, hosti Depoli 1929, troyeri Born 1911, v. fontanellae Reitter 1897, v. mosorensis Mueller 1930, a. dinaricus Apfelbeck 1904, v. Padewiethi Csiki 1906, v. Gattereri Gehin 1882, aenescens Depoli 1929, f. alternates Houry 1885 and f. subvirescens Motschoulsky 1865 (names are cited as they were originaly published). Turin et al. (1993) and Brezina (1999) treat taxa herbsti, hosti, alternates, troyeri, mosorensis as synonims, and aenescens as incorrect. *C. nitens Linnaeus 1758 is Central and Northern European species (Casale et al. 1982). Schlosser (1877) found this species at Velebit and in Dalmatia. This reference is the only source for this species found by now. Therefore, it should be checked by further research of literature and collections. According to Casale et al. (1982) there are certain problems in the systematic position of the species C. hortensis Linnaeus 1758, that various authors tend to solve in different ways. Casale et al. (1982) considers this species not to be present in western and southern parts of the Balkan peninsula, where it is substituted by *C. preslii Dejean 1830. The species C. hortensis neumeyeri Schaum 1856 is considered by some authors as subspecies of C. preslii Dejean 1830 (Casale et al. 1982; Taglianti 1993; Turin et al. 1993) (Figure 2). Winkler (1924-32), Brezina (1999), Drovenik & Peks (1994, 1999) cited C. hortensis neumeyeri Schaum 1856 as a Croatian endemic distributed in Dalmatia. Novak (1952) records it in southern Dalmatia near Dubrovnik, and taxon a. Walteri Reitter 1896 in central Dalmatia. Taxa ostariensis Born 1912 and starygradensis Born 1912 are recorded at Velebit, Benkovac, Starigrad-Paklenica and Ostarije-Velebit (Novak 1952; Born 1912; Winkler 192432; Casale et al. 1982). Brezina (1999) cited these taxa as synonyms for infrasub-specific forms within ssp. hortensis, taxon preslii as a subspecies of C. hortensis Linnaeus 1758 distributed in northern Greece, and taxon Walteri as a synonim for ssp. neumeyeri. C. caelatus Fabricius 1848 and C. croaticus Dejean 1826 are sister species, differentiated by way of geographic isolation for a long time and also by different ecological circumstances (Casale et al. 1982). Many infraspecific forms are recorded for Croatia. Brezina (1999) cites taxa macretus, procerus and dinaricola as synonyms ranked among ssp. dalmatinus, while Drovenik & Peks (1999) treat taxon macretus as a separate form within the ssp. dalmatinus and taxon procerus as a subspecies. Turin et al. (1993) consider its status doubtful. Taxon schreiberi is recorded as subspecies (see Turin et al. 1993; Brezina 1994, 1999), but some authors treat it as infra-subspecific form within ssp. caelatus (see Drovenik & Peks 1994, 1999). The distribution map of Carabus caelatus taxa (Figure 3) suggests that C. caelatus macretus prefer north-western region with caelatus and schreiberi, while C. caelatus dalmatinus, dinaricola and procerus prefer southern regions. C. caelatus dalmatinus is distributed along the coastal region of the Adriatic See. C. croaticus Dejean 1826 is an endemic species of the western part of the Balkan peninsula, distributed in SW Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and NW Macedonia, excluding coastal region of the Adriatic sea (Durbesic 1982). It 133 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezkstoiiflftttJrnologica slovenica, 12 (1), 2004 was described in Croatia in Baske Oštarije region. Another form frankenbergeri Obenberger 1914 was described at Velika Kapela region. C. croaticus and C. caela-tus, differentiated into separate species by their geographic isolation, can be found together in Gorski Kotar and Velebit (Figure 4). Many authors agree that C. croaticus Dejean 1826, a Croatian endemic, has been insufficiently explored and that it would be necessary to confirm its taxonomic status. Forms, aberrations and subspecies of certain species recorded in Croatia are not to be found in the latest checklists and atlases in Europe, and it is necessary to examine and determine their taxonomic status within the genus. This overview should be supplemented by the detailed studies of each individual species, while the specimens in collections should be redeterminated. Also, further studies on morphology and phy-logeny with a molecular analysis are needed for further clarification of their status. Acknowledgements We wish to thank Mr. sc. Sven Jelaska for assistance in creating the UTM maps of distribution and for valuable suggestions. We are greatful to Prof. Božo Drovenik for valuable comments. Literature Apfelbeck, V., 1905: Nove vrste koleoptera s balkanskog poluostrva. Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja u BIH, 1: 99-104. Born, P., 1912: Carabologishes von der Balkanhalbinsel. Entomologische Blätter, 14(7-9): 193-200. Brezina, B., 1994: The Check-list of the Genus Carabus (Coleoptera Carabidae). Klapalekiana, 30(1-2): 1-164. Brezina, B., 1999: World Catalogue of the Genus Carabus L. Pensoft Publishers. 170 pp. Sofia-Moscow. Casale, A., Sturani, M., Taglianti, V. A., 1982: Carabidae I. Introducione, Pausinae, Carabinae. Fauna d'ltalia, Edizioni Calderini. 499 pp. Bologna. Depoli, G., 1929:1 Coleotteri della Liburnia. Parte I, Adephaga-Palpicornia. Rivista della Societa di Studi Fiumani, 7: 73-150. Drovenik, B., 1972: Rod Carabus L. (Coleoptera) v Sloveniji. Acta entomologica Jugoslavica, 8(1-2): 23-31. Drovenik, B., Peks H., 1994: Catalogus Faunae Carabiden der Balkanländer (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Sonderheft 1, Delta-Druck+Verlag. 104 pp. Schwanfeld. Drovenik, B., Peks H., 1999: Catalogus Faunae Carabiden der Balkanländer (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Coleoptera Schwanfelder Coleopterologische Mitteilungen, Neuauflage Sonderheft I. 123 pp. Schwanfeld. Durbešič, P., 1968: Utjecaj vegetacije na rasprostranjenost entomofaune u području Hrvatskog primorja i Gorskog kotara. Ekologija, 3: 143-160. 134 Lucija S.-Jelaska, Snjezana V.-Karlo, Paula Durbesic: Notes on the taxonomy of the genus Carabus L. (Coleóptera: Carbidae) Durbešic, P., 1982: Fauna kornjaša (Coleoptera) šumskih zajednica Gorskog kotara. Disertacija, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 256 pp. Zagreb. Durbešic, P., 1989: Zoogeographical characteristics of the beetle fauna in three forest associations in the district of Gorski Kotar, Croatia, Yugoslavia. Periodicum biologorum, 91 134. Durbešic, P., 1992: Die Carabidae und Silphidae (Coleoptera) in Waldassoziation Blechno-Abietum Horvat (1938): 1950 im Nationalpark Risnjak, Kroatien. Zbornik radova 6. IUFRO - Tannensymposium. 239-241. Durbešic, P., Vujčič-Karlo, S., Šerič, L., 2000: The Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Some of the Forest Communities of Lonjsko Polje. Internat. Assoc. Danube Res., 33: 151-156. Gueorguiev, V. B., Gueorguiev B. V., 1995: Catalogue of the ground-beetles of Bulgaria (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Pensoft Publishers. 279 pp. Sofia. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1999: International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth edition, W.D.L. Ride, H.G. Cogger, C. Dupuis, O. Kraus, A. Minelli, F.C. Thompson, P.K. Tubbs (eds.), Padova. Koča, G., 1905: Popis tvrdokrilaša (kornjaša) Vinkovačke doline. Glasnik hrvatskog naravnoslovnog društva 17: 119-212. Kuthy, D., 1900: Coleoptera. In Fauna Regni Hungariae, III Arthropoda, J. Paszlavszky (eds.). Regia Societas Scientiarum Naturalium Hungarica, 5-214, Budapest. Magistretti, M., 1965: Fauna d'Italia Coleoptera. Cicindelidae, Carabidae. 8: 1-512. Bologna. Novak, P., 1952: Kornjaši Jadranskog Primorja (Coleoptera). JAZU. 508 pp. Zagreb. Novak, P., 1970: Rezultati istraživanja kornjaša našeg otočja. Prirodoslovna istraži- vanja. Acta biologica, 6: 5-58. Rucner, Z., 1994: Beitrag zur entomofauna einiger Waldassoziationen Kroatiens. Natura Croatica, 3: 1-22. Scopoli, I. A., 1763: Entomologia carniolica exhibens Insecta Carnioliae indigena et distributa in ordines, genera, species, varietates, methodo Linneana. Trattner, Vindobonae. 420 pp. Wien. Schlosser-Klekovski, J., 1877-1879: Fauna kornjaša Trojedne kraljevine, I-III, JAZU. 995 pp. Zagreb. Taglianti, A. V., 1993: Coleoptera Archostemata, Adephaga 1 (Carabidae). In Minelli A., Ruffo S. & La Posta S. (eds.), Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana. 44 pp. Calderini, Bologna. Turin, H., Casale A., Kryzanovskij, O. L., Makarov, K. V., Penev L. D., 1993: Checklist and Atlas of the Genus Carabus Linnaeus in Europe (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Universal Book Services, Dr. W. Backhys. 79 pp. Leiden. Winkler, A., 1924-1932: Catalogus Coleopterorum regionis palaearcticae. Winkler A. 1698 pp. Wien. 135 ogiea&Cta entomologica slovenica, 12 (1), 2004 Fig. 1: Distribution of the genus Carabus L. in Croatia, based on literature and collections data displayed as number of present species/UTM 10 km2 square. 136 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezkstoiiflftttJrnologica slovenica, 12 (1), 2004 Fig. 3: Distribution of Carabus caelatus Fabricius 1801 taxa in Croatia. Fig. 4: Distribution of Carabus croaticus Dejean 1826 and C. caelatus Fabricius 1801 in Croatia. 138