ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 21 · 2011 · 2 161 Short scientific article UDK 591.159:597.556.221.1(262.26) Received: 2011-10-03 MORPHOLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES IN THE ANNULAR SEA BREAM DIPLODUS ANNULARIS (OSTEICHTHYES: SPARIDAE) FROM THE LAGOON OF BIZERTE (NORTHEASTERN TUNISIA, CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN) Nour El Houda KHENFECH & Moncef BOUMAÏZA Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie Littorale et Limnique, Université du 07 novembre à Carthage, Faculté des Sciences, Zarzouna, 7021 Bizerte, Tunisia Christian REYNAUD & Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur la Didactique, l’Éducation et la Formation, E. A. 3749, case 77, Université Montpellier II, Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France E-mail: ABSTRACT Morphological abnormalities observed in annular sea bream Diplodus annularis (Linnaeus, 1758) collected in the Lagoon of Bizerte (northern Tunisia), such as abnormal body shape, skeletal deformities and a reduced anal fin are presented in this paper. The origins of these abnormalities are commented and discussed. Key words: lateral line, vertebral column, hyperkyphosis, scale, environmental pollution ANORMALITÀ MORFOLOGICHE IN SARAGO SPARAGLIONE DIPLODUS ANNULARIS (OSTEICHTHYES: SPARIDAE) DELLA LAGUNA DI BIZERTE (TUNISIA NORD-ORIENTALE, MEDITERRANEO CENTRALE) SINTESI Diverse anormalità morfologiche sono state osservate in esemplari di sarago sparaglione Diplodus annularis (Lin- naeus, 1758), catturati nella Laguna di Bizerte (Tunisia settentrionale). Nell’articolo vengono presentate deformità scheletriche, forme corporee anormali e pinne anali ridotte. L’origine di tali anormalità morfologiche viene commen- tata e discussa. Parole chiave: linea laterale, colonna vertebrale, ipercifosi, scaglie, inquinamento ambientale ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 21 · 2011 · 2 162 Nour El Houda KHENFECH et al.: MORPHOLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES IN THE ANNULAR SEA BREAM DIPLODUS ANNULARIS ..., 161–166 INTRODUCTION According to Bradaï (2000), at least 21 sparid speci- es, all economically important, are commonly collected all along the Tunisian coast (Fig. 1); some of them enter brackish areas, such as the Bahiret El Biban in the south and the Lagoon of Bizerte in the north, where they live and reproduce. Sustainable populations, established in the Lagoon of Bizerte (Fig. 2), are targeted by fisher- men throughout the year. Sparid production of the area ranges between 2.8% and 7.7% of the total producti- on of sparids for Tunisian waters with mean 4.8 ± 1.5% (Anonymous, 2008). During investigations conducted in the area since 2006, focusing primarily on elasmo- branch species (El Kamel et al., 2009a, b), an annular sea bream exhibiting morphological deformities was captured. Comprehensive bibliographies of recorded abnormalities in teleost species did not report any case in Diplodus annularis (see Dawson, 1964, 1966, 1971; Dawson & Heal, 1971; Jawad & Hosie, 2007; Jawad et al., 2010). The aim of this note is therefore to describe an abnormal specimen and comment on similar abnor- malities previously observed in teleost species. Additi- onally, we try to explain the cause of such deformities in a specimen captured in a restricted area submitted to intense pollution. The role of pollution on fish species and consequently on fishery production could constitu- te one of the most important pieces of information for improving fishery monitoring and management in the study area. MATERIAL AND METHODS On 15 August 2010, one annular sea bream pre- senting an abnormal body shape was collected in the northern region of the Lagoon of Bizerte, off Menzel Abderrahman, (37°13’31.34’’ N, 9°50’28.79’’ E), with commercial gill-net, having 26 mm of mesh size, at a depth of 9 m approximately, on sandy-muddy bottom, with other annular sea breams (Fig. 2). The fresh specimen was measured to the nearest mm and weighed to the nearest gram. Eviscerated mass, liver mass and gonad mass were also recorded, the stomach content was removed, sorted, weighed and prey items identified whenever possible. Morphometric measure- ments and meristic counts followed Bauchot & Hureau (1986); they were recorded in the abnormal specimen and compared with those recorded in 3 normal speci- mens (Tab. 1). Twelve scales were removed from the lateral line of the abnormal specimen and a normal Fig. 2: Map of the Lagoon of Bizerte, showing the cap- ture site (black star) of the abnormal Diplodus annularis (FSB-Dip-ann. 01). Sl. 2: Zemljevid Lagune Bizerte z označeno točko ulova (črna zvezda) abnormalnega primerka Diplodus annula- ris (FSB-Dip-ann. 01). Fig. 1: Map of the Mediterranean Sea showing the Tu- nisian coast and map of Tunisia showing the location of the Lagoon of Bizerte. Sl. 1: Zemljevid Sredozemskega morja s tunizijsko oba- lo in zemljevid Tunizije z označeno Laguno Bizerte. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 21 · 2011 · 2 163 Nour El Houda KHENFECH et al.: MORPHOLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES IN THE ANNULAR SEA BREAM DIPLODUS ANNULARIS ..., 161–166 specimen, and measured from the anterior edge to the posterior edge to the nearest 0.001 mm, by micrometric calliper under binocular microscope. Some specimens used in this paper were preserved in 10% buffered formalin and deposited in the Ichthyo- logical Collection of the Faculté des Sciences of Bizerte (Tunisia), receiving the catalogue numbers: FSB-Dip- ann 01 for the abnormal specimen, and FSB-Dip-ann 02, FSB-Dip-ann 03, FSB-Dip-ann 04, for the 3 normal specimens, respectively. To study the relationship total length (TL, in mm) vs. total mass (TM, in g), 21 speci- mens were used including the abnormal specimen. Reference FSB-Dip-ann01 FSB-Dip-ann 02 FSB-Dip-ann 03 FSB-Dip-ann04 Weight (g) 45.7 35.9 32.9 37.5 Morphometric counts mm % SL mm % SL mm % SL mm % SL Total length 138 120.0 134 114.5 135 120.2 136 119.3 Standard length 115 100.0 117 100.0 113 100.0 114 100.0 Anal fin base 3 2.9 23 19.8 25 22.8 24 21.4 Body depth at anal fin origin 17 14.9 40 34.5 41 36.8 36 31.6 Width at anal fin origin 8 7.3 13 11.2 12 11.2 11 10.0 Maximum body width 15 13.3 14 12.4 13 12.2 12 10.6 Anal fin length 10 8.9 31 26.5 30 26.7 31 27.5 Caudal fin length 26 22.9 26 22.8 25 23.1 25 22.4 Caudal peduncle length 10 9.1 9 8.3 9 8.8 9 8.1 Caudal peduncle depth 4 3.3 3 3.2 3 3.2 3 3.1 Dorsal fin base 48 42.1 54 46.7 57 51.0 56 49.6 Cheek depth 11 9.7 11 9.5 10 9.3 9 8.4 Head length 30 26.3 30 25.9 30 27.2 31 27.2 Head width 17 15.6 14 12.4 14 12.8 13 11.7 Eye diameter 4 3.6 4 3.9 4 3.6 3 3.4 Interorbital width 8 7.1 7 6.7 7 6.8 8 7.4 Postorbital length 18 16.3 19 16.7 19 17.3 19 17.4 Pectoral fin length 34 30.3 38 33.2 37 33.3 38 34.1 Length of pelvic fin 24 21.2 23 20.3 22 20.2 25 22.4 Snout length 14 12.7 12 10.5 11 10.6 12 10.8 Distance from snout to anal fin origin 88 77.2 70 60.1 70 62.4 68 60.3 Distance from snout to anus 47 41.1 64 54.7 63 56.3 62 54.9 Distance from snout to dorsal fin origin 37 32.5 35 30.1 36 32.2 39 34.4 Distance from snout to pelvic fin origin 32 28.3 36 31.4 37 33.6 37 33.1 Distance from pelvic fin origin to anus 19 17.1 28 24.8 28 25.1 25 22.3 Body depth at pelvic fin origin 15 13.9 14 12.6 13 11.7 13 11.8 Meristic counts FSB-Dip-ann01 FSB-Dip-ann 02 FSB-Dip-ann 03 FSB-Dip-ann04 Dorsal fin rays XI + 11 XI + 11 XI + 11 XI + 11 Pectoral fin rays 11 12 11 12 Pelvic fin rays I + 5 I + 5 I + 5 I + 5 Anal fin rays 6 III + 11 III + 11 III + 11 Caudal fin rays 18 16 16 16 Scales in lateral line 54 46 46 45 Scales in transversal line 21 18 20 18 Tab. 1: Morphometric measurements and meristic counts recorded in the abnormal Diplodus annularis (FSB-Dip- -ann. 01), and 3 normal D. annularis (FSB-Dip-ann. 02. 03 and 04). Tab. 1: Morfometrični in meristični podatki za abnormalen primerek Diplodus annularis (FSB-Dip-ann. 01), in 3 normalne primerke D. annularis (FSB-Dip-ann. 02. 03 in 04). ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 21 · 2011 · 2 164 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The abnormal Diplodus annularis exhibited an irregu- lar and sinuous lateral line (Fig. 3A, a), while in normal specimens it is regular and curved at pectoral fin level (Fig. 3A, b). The specimen was photographed with soft X- rays in order to point out a potential correlation between lateral line and osteological malformations (Fig. 3B). The abnormal specimen presented hyperkyphosis, defined as an exaggerated curvature of the vertebral column at the thoracic region level (Fig. 3B, a), with vertebrae fused and apparently less developed than those observed in the nor- mal specimen (Fig. 3B, b). The number of scales of the lat- eral line, 54, was higher in the abnormal specimen than in 3 other normal ones, all having 46 scales. Such differ- ence was probably due to the fact that the sinuous lat- eral line was relatively longer in the abnormal specimen (Tab. 1). Additionally, scales of lateral line removed from each specimen were not morphologically different, but significantly smaller in the abnormal specimen (paired t-test, t = 4.31, df = 11, p = 0.007), and consequently more numerous (Fig. 3C, a, b). The anterior belly of the abnormal specimen was hyper developed as an effect of the deformed vertebral column, while the posterior re- gion was strongly reduced, especially in the terminal part. The anal fin of the abnormal specimen was considerably reduced; it was smaller than that of the normal specimen, representing 8.9% SL in the former and 26.5-27.7% SL in the latter, respectively (Tab. 1). Additionally, the pterygi- ophore supporting the anal fin lacked, no spinous ray was found; only 6 soft rays were counted in the anal fin of the abnormal specimen while all normal specimens had 11 soft rays in the anal fin (Tab. 1, Fig. 3D). Lateral line deformation and scale deformity were the result of irregular scalation, mechanical dysfunction in ontogeny, and probably environmental and genetic factors according to Jawad et al. (2006-2007). They could also be due to skeletal malformation, as observed in the present specimen having a hyperkyphosis; similar patterns were reported by Jardas & Homen (1977) in the whiting Merlangius merlangus (Linnaeus, 1758) and the bogue Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758). Jardas & Homen (1977) added that such anomalies were not very rare in teleost species from the Adriatic, and suggested that parasitic infection could be also the cause of skeletal deformations. Jawad et al. (2010) noted that anomaly in fins could hinder the performance of the specimen especially its capacity to get food and to avoid predators. In the case presented herein, the observed deformities did not af- fect the life of the abnormal specimen which lived and developed in the wild as other normal specimens of the same size class, as shown by the relation between TL vs. TM plotted in Fig. 4, with TM = 0.267 TL + 0.579; r = 0.827. Similar patterns were observed by Al-Mamry et al. (2010) in silver pomfrets Pampus argenteus (Eu- phrasen, 1788). In contrast, Matsuoaka (1987) and Bo- glione et al. (2006) noted a lethal effect caused by severe skeletal deformities in teleost species living in natural conditions. Similar patterns concerning fin absence, re- duction of fin, or abnormal fin were listed by Dawson (1964, 1966, 1971) and Dawson & Heal (1971). Biotic factors such as an attack of aquatic organisms cannot be totally excluded (Dulčić & Soldo, 2005), even if it did not concern the studied specimen. Abnormalities in fish species occur during the early stages of development and could constitute an impor- tant indicator on unfavourable environmental conditions and pollutants, induced stress in the wild (Sfakianakis et al., 2004). Heavy metals such as Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu are suspected to cause reduction or absence of fins (Sloof, Fig. 3: (A) Diplodus annularis, both specimens were caught in the lagoon of Bizerte, scale bar 25 mm; a - abnormal specimen (FSB-Dip-ann. 01); b - normal specimen (FSB-Dip-ann. 02). (B) X-Ray photograph of D. annularis, scale bar 20 mm; a - abnormal specimen (FSB-Dip-ann. 01) with arrow pointing out the hyper- kyphosis of the vertebral column; b - normal specimen (FSB-Dip-ann. 02). (C) Scales of lateral line removed from D. annularis, scale bar 1 mm; a - abnormal speci- men (FSB-Dip-ann. 01); b - normal specimen (FSB-Dip- ann. 02). (D) Terminal region of the abnormal D. annu- laris (FSB-Dip-ann. 01), arrow showing the reduced anal fin, scale bar 20 mm. Sl. 3: (A) Diplodus annularis, oba primerka ulovljena v Laguni Bizerte, merilo 25 mm; a - abnormalen primerek (FSB-Dip-ann. 01); b - normalen primerek (FSB-Dip- -ann. 02). (B) Rentgenski posnetek D. annularis, merilo 20 mm; a - abnormalen primerek (FSB-Dip-ann. 01), puščica kaže na hiperkifozo hrbtenice; b - normalen primerek (FSB-Dip-ann. 02). (C) Luske s pobočnice D. annularis, merilo 1 mm; a - abnormalen primerek (FSB- -Dip-ann. 01); b - normalen primerek (FSB-Dip-ann. 02). (D) Zadnji del abnormalnega primerka D. annula- ris (FSB-Dip-ann. 01), puščica kaže na zmanjšano pod- repno plavut, merilo 20 mm. Nour El Houda KHENFECH et al.: MORPHOLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES IN THE ANNULAR SEA BREAM DIPLODUS ANNULARIS ..., 161–166 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 21 · 2011 · 2 165 1982), vitamin C deficiency has been associated with ca- udal fin degeneration (Havler, 1972). Several cases of ab- normalities were described in animal species collected in the Lagoon of Bizerte, a restricted brackish area polluted by both inorganic and organic nutriments and heavy me- tals (Mzoughi et al., 2002). Such pollution could explain the specimens of Torpedo torpedo from the Lagoon of Bizerte presenting abnormalities (Ben Brahim & Capapé, 1997; Ben Brahim et al., 1998; El Kamel et al., 2009b; Mnasri et al., 2010; El Kamel-Moutalibi et al., 2011). The common torpedo lives buried in sandy bottoms, where pollutants are accumulated. Louiz et al. (2007) noted that skeletal deformities observed in 3 gobiid species were significantly higher in the severely polluted areas. Ad- ditionally, gastropods are collected in the area, such as the purple dye murex Bolinus brandaris (Linnaeus, 1758) and the banded dye murex Hexaplex trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758). Both species, at present, exhibit the development of imposex in females, a phenomenon linked to the use of organic biocides, such as tributyltin, the consequence of environmental pollution (Abidli et al., 2008). The annular sea bream described in this note probably constitutes a new instance of abnormality induced by environmental pollution in the Lagoon of Bizerte. MORFOLOŠKE NEPRAVILNOSTI PRI ŠPARU DIPLODUS ANNULARIS (OSTEICHTHYES: SPARIDAE) IZ LAGUNE BIZERTE (SEVEROVZHODNA TUNIZIJA, OSREDNJE SREDOZEMLJE) Nour El Houda KHENFECH & Moncef BOUMAÏZA Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie Littorale et Limnique, Université du 07 novembre à Carthage, Faculté des Sciences, Zarzouna, 7021 Bizerte, Tunisia Christian REYNAUD & Christian CAPAPÉ Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur la Didactique, l’Éducation et la Formation, E. A. 3749, case 77, Université Montpellier II, Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France E-mail: POVZETEK Članek obravnava morfološke nepravilnosti pri šparu Diplodus annularis (Linnaeus, 1758), ulovljenem v Laguni Bizerte (severna Tunizija), npr. nepravilno obliko telesa, deformacije skeleta in zmanjšano podrepno plavut, ter mož- ne izvore teh nepravilnosti. Ključne besede: pobočnica, hrbtenica, hiperkifoza, luska, okoljsko onesnaženje Fig. 4: Relationship total length (TL) vs. total mass (TM) in 21 specimens of Diplodus annularis collected in the Lagoon of Bizerte. Sl. 4: Razmerje celotna dolžina (TL) vs. celotna masa (TM) 21 primerkov Diplodus annularis, ulovljenih v La- guni Bizerte. Nour El Houda KHENFECH et al.: MORPHOLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES IN THE ANNULAR SEA BREAM DIPLODUS ANNULARIS ..., 161–166 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 21 · 2011 · 2 166 REFERENCES Abidli, S., Y. Lahbib & N. Trigui El Ménif (2008): Ef- fects of tribultytlin (Tbt) on the imposex development in two gonochoristic Neogastropods: Bolinus brandaris and Hexaplex trunculus collected in the Lagoon of Biz- erta (Tunisia). International Conference on Monitoring & Modelling of Marine Pollution. Book of Aabstracts. 1-3 December 2008, Kish Island, Islamic Republic of Iran, pp. 89. Al-Mamry, J. M., L. A. Jawad, I. H. Al-Rasady & S. H. 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