15 Dobreknjige.si – projekt slovenskih splošnih knjižnic Dobreknjige.si – project of Slovenian public libraries Luana Malec, Polonca Kavčič, Irena Škvarč Oddano: 31. 8. 2016 – Sprejeto: 23. 9. 2016 1.04 Strokovni članek 1.04 Professional article UDK 004.738.5:655.3.066.11(497.4) Izvleček V družbi, kjer je knjiga izpostavljena zakonom trga, je razvoj bralne kulture svojevrsten izziv sodobnih knjižnic, zaradi česar so v nenehnem iskanju novih in izvirnih promocij dobrega branja, katerih novejši produkt je tudi knjižni portal Dobreknjige.si. V pri­ spevku osvetlimo vzročno povezanost med stanjem knjižnega trga in portalom, pred­ stavimo njegovo vzpostavitev, namen in cilje. Obrazložimo vsebinsko in organizacijsko zasnovo portala ter analiziramo prve učinke njegove uporabe. Na koncu poudarimo še specifike, ki jih je treba ob načrtovanju in upravljanju takega portala upoštevati, ter nakažemo ambicije nadaljnjega razvoja. Ključne besede: spletni portali, Dobreknjige.si, kakovostna literatura, splošne knjižnice, Slovenija Abstract In modern societies the book is becoming increasingly subjected to the laws of the mar­ ket that mostly satisfy the need for entertainment. The development of reading culture in such circumstances is an increasingly difficult and demanding task for modern li­ braries. They must always search for new, innovative and effective means of raising the levels of the reading culture. A newer product on this field is also the web site Dobre­ knjige.si – the site for readers and book recommendation. In this paper we highlight the causal connection between the state of the book market and the portal to present its establishment, purpose and goals. Substantive and organizational design of the portal is reasoned and the first effects of its use are analysed. At the end, we stress the specifics that need to be considered at the planning and management of such a portal and indicate the ambitions for future development. Key words: web portals, portal Dobreknjige.si, quality literature, public libraries, Slovenia