ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 10 - 2000 • 2 (21) original scientific paper UDC 574.5(267-14) received: 1. 2000 CALCAREOUS STRUCTURES BUILT BY THE CORALLINE ALGA PNEOPHYLLUM CONFERViCOLA (KUTZINC) CHAMBERLAIN (CORALLINALES, RHODOPHYTA) IN A MARINE CAVE IN THE GULF OF OMAN Jože ŠTIRN 5Î-6230 Portorož, Fizine fi Cuido BRESSAN, Lia Angela GHIRARDELLt & Lorenza BAB BIN I □¡partimento di Biología cfell'Università degli studi di Trieste, IT-341 27 Trieste, Via L. Ciorgiuri 10 e-mail: ghirardl@ur>iv.trieste.U ABSTRACT A peculiar marine ecosystem has been discovered in a karst cave system, popularly named the Tiwi Sinkhole, which is located in the south-western coastal zone of the Gulf of Oman, Indian Ocean. This small, isolated ecosystem comprises a very unusual benthic community occupying the sinkhole's sunlit walls. Its components occur in the form of calcareous layers enveloping the primary bedrock and sometimes forming bulk concretions produced apparently only by one prolific population of a crustose coralline species. The results of microscopical analyses and other taxonomical examinations of numerous typical specimens demonstrate that all the structures are produced just by one species, identified as Pneophyllum confervicola (Kutzing) Chamberlain. Key words: bioconstruction, coralline alga, Pneophyllum confervicola, marine- cave STRUTTURE CALCAREE COSTRUITE DALL'ALCA CORALLINA PNEOPHYLLUM CONFER VICO LA {K Ü TZ1N C) CHAMBERLAIN (CORALLINALES, RHODOPHYTA) IN UNA GROTTA MARÍN A NEL GOLFO DI OMAN SI NT ESI Un peculiars ecosistema marino 29°C). the "lake" water is moderately brackish and shows rather important seasonal variations of salinity and temperature values (ranges of 19-25 psu and 22-33°C, respectively with lower values during winter conditions) and is as a rule quite well oxygenated. Therefore, receiving enough solar light for at least sciapbiiic algae to grow on its walls, this unusual habitat provides quite specific conditions for the tlour-shing productivity of the above mentioned corallines {Fig. 3), and the rest of a relatively rich benthic community {Fig. 4) composed mainly of the following niac-rocomponents: Fig. 2: The Sinkhole photographed from its upper edge showing the "lake" surface and the rockpile of the collapsed roof of the cave. Note at the left horizon, the adjacent coastal sea. (Photo: /. Štirn) SI. 2: Ponor Tiwi, fotografiran z njegovega gornjega roba, z "jezersko" površino in gmoto skal zrušenega jamskega stropa. Na levem horizontu je lepo videti dotikajoče se oba/no morje. (Foto: /. Štirn} PARAMETERS EUPHOTIC/F Depth: 0-7 m SULPHURETUM/S Depth: 7-17 m DEPTH/N+D N: 18-24 m D > 25 m TEMP CC) 22-33 28-31 29-30 SAL (psu) 19-25 30-31 34-35 OXYGEN' (ml H) 3-6 ± 0 0.1-1.5 H-)S (mg H) 0 - 180 0 NITRATE-N immoi I ') 0.1-17 0.1-0.4 0.1-0,5 PHOSPHATt-P (mmol H) 0.02-0.30 0.10-1.50 0.30-0.60 VIS (m) 1-25 <1 >25 Tab. 1: Physical and chemical characteristics of habitats in the studied area. psu = practical salinity unit - approx. ppt; VIS = horizontal UV visibility as estimated by divers; euphotic - for plant growth adequately illuminated habitat; hypoxic - low oxygen environment, arbitrarily <7ml O2 l~7; H?S ~ toxic hydrogen sulphide (rotten-egg-gas); sulphuretum = aquatic community dominated by sulphur hacteria. See figure I for explanation. Tab. 1: Fizikalne in kemične značilnosti habitatov raziskovanega obinočja. psu = praktična enota slanosti = pribl. ppt; VIS - horizontalna UV vidljivost po oceni potapljačev; evfotičen - za rast rastlin zadovoljivo osvetljen habitat; hipoksičen - okolje z majhno količino kisika, in sicer !. CAICAKEOI 'S STRUCT UKR GUI! T P.Y 111 r COEALUNL AtuA miOHIYUUMCOKFCKVICOlA. IKOTZIMGil 219-2M Figs. 5, 6: Macrophotography of the compact (Fig. 5) and the porous (Fig. 6) part of the bioconstniction. Bar 1 cm. Typically, this encrusting species is forming, in the Sinkhole and elsewhere; small ihalli with creeping filaments, which vary from partially (fig. 7) to entirely unconsolidated forms (fig. 8). Generally, the thaili are composed of rather small cclJs (10-16 ¡mi x 20 pm) whose shape, observed in surface view, is squarish and isodiametric (Fig. 8), among them intercalary trichocytes are rare (Fig. 9). There are also epithailial cells for which SUM observations show pits and actual holes where the calcified wails seem to be much thinner (Fig. 8). In section the thaili appear monostromatic and unistratified, except in places were the epithailial cells are visible. The conceptades observed by SEM (Fig. 10) in surface view are clearly uniporate, hemispheric and measure 90 urn x 60-70 ¡.¡m, whereas the light microscopy showed that they are tetra/bisporangial. Based upon the above-mentioned morphological variability, there were the folfowing two taxonomic forms previously recognised for this species as f. typica and f. lacunosa,. (jotme? f, rninutula; Chamberlain, 198,-i). The f. typica is a compact form with consolidated filaments (Figs. 8, 11), while the f. lacunosa often shows a partially unconsolidated thai I us (Fig. 7). The very sur- Sl. 5, 6: Makrofotografija kompaktnega (SI. 5) in poroznega (SI. 6) dela hiokonstrukcije. Merilo 1 cm. face of the Sinkhole's specimens is almost always dominated by the f. typica. DISCUSSION The results of microscopical analyses (the germination disc wiili 8 central ceils, intercalary trichocytes, uniporate conceptades) and other taxonomrcal examinations of numerous typical specimens demonstrate a rather surprising fact that, despite such a great variability, all above structures are produced just by one species only, identified as Pneophyllum confervicola (Kutzing) Chamberlain (Chamberlain, 1983). The coralline P. confervicola is obviously a very tolerant, euryoecic species, which has a wide geographic distribution from the boreal Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, in the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. However, in ail other records it es reported only as an epiphyte growing on a wide range oi macroalgal species (Irvine & Chamberlain, 1994). The only known exception is the Sinkhole's population whose generations overgrow on previously deposited layers of the same algae, which causes the forma- 2 23 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 10 - 2000 • 2 (21) loa? Stirn a.a. calcareous structures euitt sv tme coralline alga pNtoa-nuuM cowfRvtcoiA (kütz»ng>, 22b m Fig. 7: Detail of the bioconstruction with thalli characterised by creeping filaments. Bar 100 pm. SI. 7: Detajl biokonstrukcije S steljkami, ki jih označujejo plazeča se vlakna. Merilo 100 pm. i., -'¿cä j® * t, ,< " JsP ' "■ ' . - šmštmnm iMVa m- .fet® šm V ■?. i a msM-. s ■ r , , - , „ C' , - .v Si Fig. 9: Detail of the thallus showing an intercalary trichocvte and the monostromatic structure. Bar 10 pm. Si 9: Detajl steljke z vrinjenim trihocitom in monos-tromatično strukturo. Merilo 10 pm. ¿WW ÊmMMMMMmiê ÄiW , i * i ■ ' > ggs p a ♦ ** * «■TOB «Î g pill : Ï1 ,■ j > ■ -i.V fell Fig. $: Young thallus of P. confervicola in which the epithallial cells are clearly visible. Bar 20 pm. SI. b: Mlada steljka koralinske alge P. confervicola z lepo vidnimi epitalialnimi celicami. Merilo 20 pm. tion of massive calcareous structures described above (Figs. 5, 6). from a biological point of view, it seems indeed that it is the overgrowing capacity (Figs. 7, 11) of the thalli of this species on itself that generate the bioconstructions. The dominance and the richness of P. confervicola in these bioconstructions, probably dLte to a considerable viability of the species, seems to fully accord with what occLirs for at least another species of this genus: Pneophyllum conicum (Dawson) Keats, Chamberlain & Baba, the only non-geniculate coralline that has been observed to regularly anil commonly overgrow and kill corals, especially taxa with small polyps and relatively smooth colonies (Keats et at., 1997). Also in the case of the bioconcretion of Tiwi, the construction examined seems to have been produced by the overgrowing of a multitude of thalli present under the form of extremely small scales (Figs. 7, 11). This leads us to believe thar the above forms art' more likely the ecotypes evolved through a morphic 224 ANNALES Ser. his», nat. • 10 2000 2 (21) ¡Oie S i IRN tt ai.. C.ALCARtOL/S STRUCTURÉS null T BY THF. COKAUiHC AI CA PHUOPHYLiUM CONFERVICOlA (KUTZINGI, 219-226 Fig. 10: Uniporafe conceptacle. Bar 20 pin. Si. 10: Enoporni konceptakel. Merilo 20 pm. process adaptation to small-scale differences in the ranges of environmental factors, among which the illumination intensity probably are the most crucial. Moreover, the total absence of any type of disturbance in such a particular biotope (lack of wind, current and limited tide range) seems to have contributed to tlie building of these formations. The adaptation ability of this euryoecic specics seems justified by the relative structural simplicity of its thai lus. Fig. 11: Overgrowing thalli of P. confervicola. Bar 100 pm. Si 11: Razraščajoče se steljke ko ta finske alge P. confervicola. Merilo 100 p m. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are very grateful to the Oman Cave Divers, guided by R. Hill, to Miss 8. Troian for her assistance during SEM observation, and to Mrs. M. Attilio for the revision of the English text. APNENČASTE STRUKTURE, KIJIH GRADIJO KORALINSKE ALG F PNEOPHVLLUM CONFERVICOLA (KUTZING) CHAMBERLAIN (CORALLINALES, RHODOPHVTA) V ENI IZMED MORSKIH JAM V OMANSKEM ZALIVU jože ŠTIRN Si-6230 Portorož, Fiziiie 8 Guido BRESSAN. Lia Angela GHIRAROELU & i.oren za BABBiNi Oddelek za biologijo. Univerza v Trstu. IT-34127 Trst, Via L.. Giorgieri 10 e-niail: POVZETEK V jugozahodnem obalnem pasu Omanskega zaliva v- Indijskem oceanu je bil v nekem kraškem jamskem sistemu, ki mu domačini pravijo ponor (liwi), odkrit prav poseben morski ekosistem. Ta mali, izolirani ekosistem zajema zelo nenavadno bentoško združbo, ki živi na ponorjevih steniih, obsijanih s soncem. Njegove komponente se pojavljajo v obliki apnenčastih plasti, ki obdajajo matični substrat ter tu in tam oblikujejo zrastke. ki jih očitno gradi zelo plodna populacija skorja ne koralinske vrste. Rezultati mikroskopskih analiz in drugih taksonomskih raziskav številnih značilnih osebkov so pokazali, da vse strukture gradi ena sama vrsta, identificirana kot Pneophyllum confervicoia (Kutzing) Chamberlain. 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