Image 4 Democracy International Archives Week Challenge 2024 International Archives Week 2024 Austria 01 Belgium 02 Bulgaria 03 Croatia 04 Cyprus 05 Czech Republic 06 Estonia 07 Finland 08 France 09 Germany 10 Greece 11 Hungary 12 Ireland 13 Italy 14 Latvia 15 Lithuania 16 Luxembourg 17 Malta 18 The Netherlands 19 Poland 20 Portugal 21 Slovenia 22 Spain 23 Abbreviations A / Archive R / Reference code T / Title D / Description Image for Democracy At the initiative of the Historical Archive Celje The selection of material we received is very (Slovenia) and the Town Archives of Ieper diverse. On the one hand, it shows the similarities, (Belgium), every spring we launch a campaign to and on the other, the diversity and specificity of select archival material, which we present during concrete environments that greatly enrich the the celebration of the International Archives Week. common European space. The material reflects Every year around June 9, when the International the implementation of various levels of suffrage, Archives Council was founded (1948), archives represents the processes of democratization, mass around the world celebrate and point out the key gatherings in the event of political breakthroughs role of archives in society. Again this year, we sent a and changes in the political or social system, shows call to potential partner archives from all individual the processes of women’s emancipation, efforts countries of the European Union. The concept of to resolve conflicts peacefully... The range of the the project is such that every year we enhance material is also very large in terms of time and the campaign by issuing an electronic and printed shows the importance of understanding democracy publication from the “International Archives Week in a timeline from medieval charter to a website Challenge” series. Namely, only one individual that will be published in the summer of 2024. archive from each country of the European Union From its own perspective, each piece of archive participates in the publication, which is presented material shows the great story of the realization of with one example of the archival material it stores. democratic principles, and the range of topics and This year too, we estimate that we have been very individual emphases ennobles and interweaves successful, as the project presents 23 original stories mutual knowledge of various contents. The through reproductions of various archival materials. catalogue connects various archival institutions in a special way and messages mutually enrich the This year, the International Archives Week also knowledge of the community. On the one hand the coincides with the elections to the European catalogue highlights the collective identity anchors Parliament. This fact really challenged us to of the individual member states, and on the other combine the event, which will take place in all the hand put in focus the professional decision of the representative countries of the European Union on contributors, who participated in the selection of the June 9, as a celebration of free political choice, with material. a suitable theme. We therefore took the election as a starting point for the selection of material. But we Sincere thanks to all the participating archives and wanted to go further, because we think that with individuals, because it is precisely with such projects the topic of democracy we can capture even more that we jointly contribute to the preservation of clear messages. Moreover, we also want to present values and create the foundations so that we will archives as institutions as bearers of democratic better respond to the challenges of the future, both ideas, since free access to archival material enriches on a professional as well as a personal and collective our knowledge of human society, promotes level. democracy and protects citizens’ rights. In the appeal, we also called for the selection of material that reflects the expression of free will, calls for the activism and participation to implement changes for peace in society. 01 Avstrija A/ Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv / D/ The end of the war and the “revolutionary” upheavals sealed the Styrian Provincial Archives, Graz end of the centuries-old Habsburg monarchy. Thus, November 12, 1918 in Austria can be seen as the final break with the old R/ AT-StLA-AKS-Graz-Republik-I-003 system and the first day of the new republic, both at a national T/ The first day of the Republic, level and for Styria. The picture postcard (based on a photo by 1918. Fritz Eckert) shows a demonstration organized by the Social Democrats at “Franzensplatz” in Graz. From the balcony of the local Theater, the Social Democratic councillor August Lindner welcomed the “Republic of German-Austria” proclaimed by the Provisional National Assembly in Vienna. Two days later, “Franzensplatz” was renamed “Freiheitsplatz” at the request of the Social Democrats in the Graz municipal council. 02 Belgium A/ Stadsarchief Ieper / Town D/ In the 19th century, only a privileged group had the right to vote. Archives of Ypres During the Dutch period (1815-1830) there was an indirect electoral system. The members of the national parliament were R/ SAI, Ieperse aanwinsten C09_234 elected by the provincial estates. The provincial estates were T/ Voter list of the town of Ypres, assembled by three separate electoral colleges. In West Flanders 15th September 1824 the town and city councils elected 33 of its 81 members (5 of them came from Ypres). The Ypres town council was elected by a limited electoral college. The town had approximately 14,000 inhabitants in 1824, but only 154 wealthy men had the right to vote, mostly home and landowners but also doctors, judges, lawyers, civil servants and wealthy traders. 03 aria Bulg A/ Цeнтралeн държавeн архив / D/ Right before the first democratic elections in Bulgaria after Central State Archives, Sofia the end of socialism (10th November 1989), the Union of Democratic Forces (UDF), a coalition of political organizations R/ CSA, fonds 1559, inventory list 1, and movements (established on 7th December 1989), convened archival unit 47, sheet 4 one of the largest political rallies in the history of Bulgaria. The T/ Rally on “Orlov Most” in Sofia, 7th UDF mobilized its sympathizers for successful participation in June 1990 the elections for the VII Grand National Assembly (GNA), which had to adopt a new, democratic constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria. The place where the rally was held – Orlov Most (Eagles’ Bridge), is the symbolic gate of the capital Sofia. The photograph reflects the public mood of the masses, typical of the historical moment. A/ Državni arhiv za Međimurje / State Archive for the County of Medjimurje, Štrigova 04 R/ HR-DAM-214, District Commitee of the communist party of Croatia Čakovec, 1945-1963 T/ Elections in socialist self-management. Proclamation (poster, 1963) D/ By the Yugoslavian constitution legislated in April 1963, socialist self-management was introduced oatia in legal regulations. Formal changes in election system of the working people for councils of federal and republican assemblies (highest state and self-government authorities) Cr were introduced to general public for forthcoming elections in April and May 1963. The process of candidate enlisting began at conferences attended by citizens and other members of political municipal assemblies. After detailed discussion and confirmation of the candidate, the election process began. In most cases, only one candidate was given almost the whole political support from all members of municipal assemblies and citizens. Croatian Parliament (Sabor) at that time de facto didn’t have real political power, the instutition was used as a legislature of Communist party of Yugoslavia. 05 Cyprus A/ Κρατικό Αρχείο / Cyprus State D/ Notice for the first elections for the President of the Republic of Archives, Nicosia Cyprus, 13th December, 1959. Candidates: Archbishop Makarios (1913-1977) and the lawyer Ioannis Clerides (1887-1961) R/ Elections Service of Cyprus-Minute papers: ΚΥΕ1/64 T/ 1st elections for President and Vice-President of the Republic of Cyprus, 1959 06 epublic A/ Státní oblastní archiv v Plzni, D/ During the reign of Wenceslaus IV of Luxembourg, King of the Státní okresní archiv Cheb / State Holy Roman Empire from 1376 to 1400, the power and social Regional Archive in Plzeň, State crisis broke out in full force. The empire was reeling in internal District Archive in Cheb conflicts, the papal schism continued. The Landfried movement became at least a partial way out of the crisis, which the monarch R/ Town of Cheb fonds, document was unable to manage within his own power. Land peaces were No. 305 from 13th April 1412 partial agreements in which the parties committed themselves T/ By mutual solidarity running to mutual assistance and joint action against criminals and across borders to ensure peace enemies. Their goal was to establish peace and security in and security: The agreement of the territories covered by the agreement. The land peace unity between princes and cities, concluded in Cheb in April 1412 far exceeded the borders of the Czech R concluded in Cheb in 1412, to Czech Kingdom. Through the proxies of King Wenceslas IV, the protect regional peace westernmost territory of Bohemia with the regions of Cheb and Loket as well as the areas of the Empire lying beyond the border of the Czech state, namely the Duchy of Bavaria, the Margrave of Miessen, the County of Thuringia, and the territory in Saxony, pledged to mutual help. Even today, just like then, evil can be suppressed only if people learn to communicate with each other. 07 onia Est A/ Rahvusarhiiv Filmiarhiiv / The D/ The Baltic Way records the human chain through Estonia, National Archives of Estonia, unit Latvia and Lithuania (from Tallinn to Vilnius) on 23th of the Film Archives in Tallinn August 1989, marking the 50th anniversary of the German-Soviet non-aggression pact signed in 1939. It was a peaceful R/ RA, EFA.250.0.139849 political demonstration which celebrated the aim for freedom T/ The Baltic Way, 23 August 1989. and democracy of the nations of the three Baltic states. Photo: Harald Leppikson Approximately two million people joined their hands to form a human chain spanning 690 kilometres across the three Baltic states, which at the time were occupied and annexed by the USSR and had a combined population of approximately eight million. The Baltic Way belongs to UNESCO’s Memory of the World Heritage. 08 Finland A/ Kansallisarkisto / The National D/ In 1907, Finland held its first modern parliamentary elections, Archives of Finland, Helsinki pioneering universal suffrage. Both women and most men gained the right to vote in 1906, enhancing societal equality R/ Ca:567 (Collection ID: and citizen empowerment. The new unicameral parliament 486513439) replaced old estate assemblies, broadening participation. Social T/ Minutes of the Imperial Senate of Democrats won, reflecting diverse political desires, with 19 Finland Regarding Preparations women among the 200 representatives. Although dissolved for the First Modern General within a year, this parliament laid the groundwork for Finland’s Election in Finland (1906) continuous democratic journey. The documents we presented for the competition were selected from the archives of the Imperial Senate of Finland, specifically from its minutes from the summer of 1906. In these, the Senate discusses for the first time the organization of new types of elections and proposes, in the Emperor’s name, a decree based on the new electoral law and parliamentary order regarding preparations for the elections. 09e Franc A/ Archives de la Communauté D/ On May 1968, a political, social and cultural protest movement d’Agglomération du Pays de Saint-arise in France, which notably gave rise to new thoughts on Omer / Archives of Saint-Omer democracy. It results in student demonstrations and global Urban District strikes throughout the territory, as in the Saint-Omer area: demonstrations, stepping at the sub-prefecture (state service), R/ Fonds Raymond Dufay, 3Z 171 are organized every day, sometimes gathering thousands of T/ The arrival of the glassmakers at people, as on May 24th, when nearly two thousand people the sub-prefecture of Saint-Omer, attended the inter-union meeting. The same evening, Arques’s Friday, 24th May 1968. Drawing Glass and Cristall factory staff organized a demonstration which by Jack Robert, 1984. brought together nearly four to five thousand people, melting teachers, workers, and local government officials and civil servants. A/ Stadt- und Stiftsarchiv Aschaffenburg / City Archives Aschaffenburg 10 R/ citizen-archive-platform-cap/ (webpage) T/ Citizen Archive Platform: A y Participatory Digital Archive for Europe (Summer 2024) D/ Archives play a crucial role in ensuring legal security in democratic societies, providing access to information for all citizens. The upcoming Citizen Archive Platform (CAP) is set to launch in summer 2024 with the goal of creating a comprehensive digital repository for various data-based objects, including images, videos, audios, texts, as well as hybrid and German digitized analogue materials. These items will be curated by responsible museums and archives and integrated into a professional, non- profit archival system that complies with industry standards. The CAP is developed by the Stadtmuseum Graz as part of the Dialog City project ( and co-funded by the European Union, with the City of Aschaffenburg (Stadt- und Stiftsarchiv) serving as the lead partner. It aims to provide a platform where diverse forms of cultural heritage can be preserved and shared with the public in an accessible and engaging manner. 11e eecGr A/ Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους / D/ The November 1974 elections were the first parliamentary General State Archives of Greece. elections in Greece after the fall of the seven-year dictatorship of Central Service, Athens the colonels (1967-1974) and the restoration of the democracy. The photograph shows ballots of the parties that participated in R/ Archive of Yiorgos Anomeritis, the elections (New Democracy, United Left, Centre Union - New file 1 Forces Party, Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK), National T/ Ballots of the participating Democratic Union, Revolutionary Communist Movement of political parties in the Greek Greece, Coalition of the Liberal Democratic Union) and the parliamentary elections of decision of a leftist organization to abstain from the elections. November 1974. The elections were won by the New Democracy party, which formed a government with Konstantinos Karamanlis as Prime Minister. A/ Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Bács-Kiskun Megyei Levéltára / Hungarian National Archives, 12 Bács-Kiskun County Archives, Kecskemét R/ HU-MNL-BKML-XV.76.a. 1. sor. 7.t. 25. T/ Election leaflet of the Social Democratic Party, 1945 ary D/ In Hungary, which was preparing for elections after the Second World War, society hoped for the arrival of a new democratic world. Few suspected that the victory of the democratic forces – under the shadow of Soviet weapons – was only temporary. The leaflet of the Social Democratic Party called Hung its followers to action as follows: »This is how you should vote. Social Democratic Party. Put a cross in the box under number 7. This is your party! Do you want democracy? Vote for list 7! The Social Democratic Party is the solid foundation of Hungarian democracy. Vote for this!« 13 elandIr A/ Seirbhís Chartlainne Chathair D/ Photograph of Captain William Redmond campaigning for agus Chontae Phort Láirge / election in the 1918 elections in Waterford. The photograph is Waterford City and County framed with a caption “I voted for your father 27 years ago and Archives Service I’ll vote for you”. Waterford was one of the few places in Ireland in 1918 that returned a candidate from the Irish Parliamentary R/ IE-WCA-P-44-04 (Lumley Party in an election that was dominated by Sinn Féin and which collection) resulted in the establishment of Dáil Éireann. Captain Redmond T/ Redmond’s Fight at Waterford, was contesting the seat left vacant by the death of his father 1918 John Redmond, leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party, who had represented Waterford from 1891. The 1918 election was very contentious in Waterford with factions from the Irish Parliamentary Party and Sinn Féin party clashing on the streets. The photograph shows the close relationship that the Redmond family built with the people of Waterford. When Captain Redmond himself died in 1932 his wife Bridget Redmond was elected for Waterford in the general election of 1933. A/ Archivio di Stato di Gorizia / State Archive of Gorizia 14 R/ Prefettura di Gorizia, Archivio di Gabinetto (1945-1986), box 271, file 608 T/ Letter sent by the President of the Municipality of Gorizia to the President of the Gorizia Area (under Allied y Military Government 1945-1947) about the organization of the Municipality Committee for the repair of buildings damaged during the WWII (1945) D/ At the end of the World War II, the allied Ital army militarily occupied the so-called Zone A of the Julian March, which the city of Gorizia was part (12th June 1945). The Allied Military Government (AMG) issued general orders also encouraging the establishment of democratic customs through the collaboration and participation of local administrators and ordinary citizens. Order no. 14 announced criteria for the repair of buildings damaged by war and for the organization of committees provided with citizen representation. Article 2 reads as follows: “In each Commune, within the Occupied Territory, which contains an appreciable number of damaged houses a Housing Repair Committee shall be appointed by the Comunal President, who shall be the Chairman thereof, to be composed of not less then 4 members, chosen as follows: two from the owners of war-damaged houses, one as a representative of the persons rendered homeless, and the fourth to be a person of high standing in the community. For the purpose of assisting the Housing Repair Committee, the Area President may also appoint an advisory committee, composed of experts or others belonging to economic organizations or other interested groups.” 15 Latvia A/ Latvijas Nacionālais D/ On 23 August 1989, the 50th anniversary of the infamous arhīvs – Latvijas Valsts Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the peoples of Latvia, Lithuania, Kinofotofonodokumentu arhīvs and Estonia joined hands in a human chain spanning across / The National Archives of the Baltic States, calling for the end of the Soviet occupation Latvia – Latvian State Archive of and restoration of the independence of the three countries. Audiovisual Documents, Riga Surpassing all expectations, an estimated 2.000.000 people or a quarter of the total population of the Baltic States participated R/ LNA_KFFDA_F182 in the event, which was not a small feat to organize in the T/ The Baltic Way, 23 August 1989. times before mobile phones and internet but was nevertheless Photo: Arnis Blumbergs achieved in just a month by the popular movements of the three countries – Tautas Fronte, Sąjūdis, and Rahvarinne. The Baltic Way was a pivotal event of the Singing Revolution, becoming a symbol of the unity of the Baltic nations and the power of peaceful demonstration, as well as an inspiration for similar events around the world. A/ Kauno regioninis valstybes archyvas / Kaunas Regonal State Archives, Kaunas 16 R/ Fond No. 2058; The Lithuanian Reforms Movement Kaunas Branch. Collection of posters T/ The Knight (Vytis) Breaking the Wall (Author: G. Gesevicius, 1990. Paper, 57 x 38 cm) D/ On March 11, 1990 the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania declared restoration of Independence of Lithuania. The main political organization which led Lithuania to Independence was The Reform Movement of Lithuania (Lithuanian: Lietuvos Persitvarkymo Sąjūdis) - a political organization which led the struggle for Lithuanian independence in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It was established on June 3th, 1988 as the first Lithuania opposition party in Soviet Lithuania. Its goal was to get free from the Soviet Russia occupation (which lasted from 1940 until the beginning of 1990) and to seek the restoration of Independence of the Republic of Lithuania. An armoured knight on the horse called Vytis is actually the coat of arms of the Republic of Lithuania and it symbolizes Lithuania breaking the wall of occupation and opression. 17 A/ Archives municipales de Luxembourg / Luxembourg City g Archives R/ LU Imp. IV/4_4 T/ Luxembourg is free and democratic again, 10th December 1944 D/ On September 10th 1944 the American army liberated the city of Luxembourg from German occupation. Immediately the pre- war democratic elected members of the city council and its aldermen under the mayor Gaston Diderich resumed their role representing embour the city. This proclamation in French and Luxemburgish calls on all citizens to participate in the task to rebuild a free and independent Luxembourg: “Long live Luxembourg – Vive Luxembourg – He’ch Letzeburg!” Lux 18 Malta A/ L-Arkivji Nazzjonali ta’ Malta / D/ A vote cast in the 1867 election for the district committee, National Archives of Malta, Rabat second countryside district (Żebbuġ and Siġġiewi), where the electors where to write the name of the three candidates of R/ CSG01, vol. 1, 118/1867 their choice. This vote was declared invalid as the voter did not T/ Ballot paper, 1867 indicate the Filippo Zammit he was voting for when there were two candidates with the same name. 19 A/ Regionaal Historisch Centrum Eindhoven / Regional Historic Center Eindhoven R/ Collectie beeld- en geluid RHCe, nummer archiefinventaris 20096, inventarisnummer 32045 T/ Election pamphlet Women of Eindhoven circa 1905 lands D/ It is not so long ago that women’s suffrage was introduced: in the Netherlands it became a fact in 1918. But that does not mean that women had no influence on the election outcome before that time. It is not without reason that the Dutch saying goes: behind every strong man there is a strong woman. That is the reason why an election pamphlet circulated in Eindhoven in 1905, specifically addressed to female residents. The manifesto calls for action: “There are two things that are most urgently needed in our city. So necessary, of so paramount importance, that we think we may invite you to take a break from your busy domestic duties for a moment and read the following carefully, in order to discuss it in more detail with your housemates.” These pressing issues were the The Nether poor quality of drinking water and the lack of higher education in Eindhoven. Apparently the women managed to convey the messages well. The first water pipe was installed in 1904 and the Higher Citizen School was founded in 1910. A/ Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych / The Central Archives of Historical Records, Warsaw 20 R/ Towarzystwo Królewskie Przyjaciół Nauk / Royal Society of Friends of Science, no. 78, p. 45–67 T/ 1831, Treaty of Eternal Covenant among Civilized Nations. A Constitution for Europe. D/ Wojciech Bogumił Jastrzębowski (1799– 1882) was the author of the project of Constitution for Europe written in 1831. During the November Uprising of 1830 (Polish independence uprising against the Russian Empire), Jastrzębowski joined the Warsaw National Guard. His Poland war experiences led him to contemplate the immeasurable suffering that wars bring, which he included in his treaty. He proposed the creation of an alliance between nations to ensure eternal peace in Europe based on fair legal norms (included in the draft constitution). He identified the main sources of evil as the abuse of power by those in authority, insubordination of subordinates, envy, pride, or greed between nations and their rulers. According to his proposals, the fate of nations and their way of life should be decided not only by rulers and monarchs, but by all people. His vision for Europe is that of a federation of nations that speak different languages but are subject to the same general rules of the political system, while fully respecting national identities. He also advocated for the abolition of state borders, freedom of movement, and equality for all dispersed nations, including Jews and Gypsies. 21 al Portug A/ Arquivo Nacional da Torre do D/ Freedom Day is celebrated in Portugal on April 25 marked Tombo / National Archive Torre the beginning of democratic life in Portugal. This date do Tombo commemorates the Portuguese Democratic revolution, who on April 25, 1974 carried out a military coup d’état, putting an R/ PT/TT/SNI/ARQF/RP-003/35013 end to the fascist regime, which was led by António de Oliveira T/ “April 25th in Lisbon” - Freedom Salazar and opened the way for resolving the problem of the Day. Photo: A. Tavares, 25th April colonial war and for the democratization and development of the 1974 country. A/ Zgodovinski arhiv Celje / Historical Archives Celje 22 R/ SI_ZAC/1581/105 Novi tednik Photo Library, archive box 18 T/ Elections, Trnovlje pri Celju, 8 April 1990. Photo: Edo Einspieler D/ The first multi-party and democratic elections in Slovenia were held on 8 April 1990. In this photo, a photojournalist for the newspaper Novi tednik captures a voter at a polling station in Trnovlje near venia Celje. Alongside the elections to the three chambers of the Assembly, elections were also held at that time for members of the Presidency and the President of the Presidency of Slovenia. The elections were a very important step in the Slo democratization of Slovenia, the creation of a plural political space and, ultimately, an important step towards Slovenia’s independence. The elections were also the last to be held in Slovenia in Yugoslavia, as is also illustrated by the photograph of former Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980) on the wall. The scene thus simultaneously points to a watershed event in the democratization process, but at the same time shows that all watersheds are in fact linked to longer-term processes and transitions. 23 Spain A/ Archivo General de la D/ The General Administration Archive holds several photographic Administración / Spanish State collections that richly document many aspects of social and Archives. General Administration political life in Spain during the 20th century. One of these is Archive, Madrid held in the State Social Communication Media collection, an organization created during the years of the political transition R/ AGA,33,01629,00002. with the aim of liquidating the companies and media that made T/ Citizens voting at a polling station up the Press of the Movement, an enormous conglomerate of in Madrid in the General Elections newspapers, magazines and radio stations that during Franco’s of June 1977 (Photo Europa regime were attached to the single party. This organization Press) includes various photographic collections, intended to illustrate the aforementioned media, in the form of dozens of photographic reports on the massive turnout of the Spanish population (almost 80% of the electoral roll) for the General Elections held on Wednesday 15 June 1977, which for the first time since 1939 allowed free democratic participation by political parties to elect the members of Congress and the Senate. The winning parties in these elections were Adolfo Suárez’s Unión de Centro Democrático and Felipe González’s Partido Socialista Obrero Español. The big losers were the Communist Party of Spain, which had been predicted to win big, and Manuel Fraga’s Popular Alliance. I M P R E S S U M yac ge 2024 Edited by: Borut Batagelj / Zgodovinski arhiv Celje / Slovenia Rik Opsommer / Stadsarchief Ieper / Belgium eek Challen Contributors: Wolfgang Weiß / Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv / Austria Rik Opsommer ves W / Stadsarchief Ieper / Belgium Margaret Poppetrova / Цeнтралeн държавeн архив / Bulgaria emocr chi Jurica Cesar / Državni arhiv za Međimurje / Croatia Koula Pieri / Κρατικό Αρχείο / Cyprus al Ar Karel Halla / Státní oblastní archiv v Plzni, Státní okresní archiv Cheb / Czech Republic Birgit Kibal / Rahvusarhiiv Filmiarhiiv / Estonia Teemu Perhiö / Kansallisarkisto, Helsinki / Finland ation Matthieu Becuwe / Archives de la Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer / France Joachim Kemper / Stadt- und Stiftsarchiv Aschaffenburg / Germany tern Yannis Glavinas / Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους / Greece In Ágota Tánczos-Szabó / Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Bács-Kiskun Megyei Levéltára / Hungary ge 4 D Joanne Rothwell / Seirbhís Chartlainne Chathair agus Chontae Phort Láirge / Ireland Marco Plesnicar / Archivio di Stato di Gorizia / Italy Anita Čerpiska / Latvijas Nacionālais arhīvs – Latvijas Valsts Kinofotofonodokumentu arhīvs / Latvia Gintaras Druckus / Kauno regioninis valstybes archyvas / Lithuania Evamarie Bange / Archives municipales de Luxembourg / Luxembourg Leonard Callus / L-Arkivji Nazzjonali ta’ Malta / Malta Ima Manon Van der Linden – Kitslaar / Regionaal Historisch Centrum Eindhoven / The Netherlands Hubert Wajs / Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych / Poland Anabela Ribeiro / Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo / Portugal Borut Batagelj / Zgodovinski arhiv Celje / Slovenia Cristina Díaz Martínez / Archivo General de la Administración / Spain Design: Filter, Celje Url: Celje / Ieper #IAW2024 June, 2024 International Archives Athens / Celje / Eindhoven / Gorizia / Graz / Ieper / Helsinki / Week 2024 Kaunas / Kecskemét / Lisboa / Luxembourg / Madrid / Rabat / Riga / Saint-Omer / Aschaffenburg / Sofia / Štrigova / Nicosia / 3–9th June Cheb / Tallinn / Warsaw / Waterford 2024 Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID 196123651 ISBN 978-961-6448-63-5 (PDF, Zgodovinski arhiv) #IAW2024 International Archives Athens / Celje / Eindhoven / Gorizia / Graz / Ieper / Helsinki / Kaunas / Week 2024 Kecskemét / Lisboa / Luxembourg / Madrid / Rabat / Riga / Saint-Omer / Aschaffenburg / Sofia / Štrigova / Nicosia / Cheb / 3–9th June Tallinn / Warsaw / Waterford 2024