Official Publication Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno Glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki 'olume 83 Issui y/February, 20 IT’S IN EVERY SLOVENIAN National President’s Message 1 Bylaws and National Convention News 2 VP of Home Office 6 ' • /'' SWU Scholarship Program 7 HERITAGE NEWS Men in a SWU A World 10 Death of a Surname 12 .Prekmurjeby Manja Lilek 13 Win Calendar Fund-Raiser 17 Slovenia Heritage Weekend 20 Branch Reports 23 CULINARY 'cina Predjama Castlei Zarja The Dawn EDITOR: Debbie Pohar DIRECTOR OF DESIGN: Bonnie Pohar Prokup (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA 431 N. Chicago St., Joliet, 1L 60432 EDITORIAL OFFICE: 16% Illinois St, LaSalle, IL 61301 TELEPHONE: 815.223.9596 FAX: 815.224.1074 Communications for the next issue of publication Do you have something SWUA-related you would like to share with readers, like an event you want to let people know about or an idea for an article? We would love to hear from you! Please e-mail the editor at pohar4( Member FDIC S3S From Heritage SWUA2011 National Convention Janez Bogataj, Ph.D., renowned Slovenian Author, Educator, and Professor will be our guest at the June 16th -19th, 2011 National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin! Quote from Dr. Bogataj, “What is most precious for me?” “Man, family, cultures and ways of life. Also, creativity, material, social and spiritual wealth of cultural heritage.” This statement defines the mission and purpose of sustaining our organization. Let’s provide a warm Slovenian welcome for Dr. Bogataj at our National Convention! Email: VP of Culture & Heritage, Mary Lou Voelk: I Denise P. Bartlett, Convention Chair: What is a KSKJ Life Tax-Deferred Fixed Annuity? A financial vehicle that accumulates money on a tax-deferred basis and can also be used: • As an alternative to bank Certificate of Deposit. • To Provide lifetime income that you can never outlive. • A systematic way to save for retirement. For more information call 1.800.THE.KSKJ Check out the KSKJ Life 1 -Year Window Annuity Rate* at *Rates subject to change without notice. Not available in alt states. Not FDIC insured. Backed 100% by KSKJ Life with no sales fees. Slovenian Women’s Union of America p A T E 26th NATIONAL CONVENTION Slovenian Win Calendar February 2011 Fund-Raiser $10.00 PER TICKET CASH PRIZES TOTALING $2,500 24 Daily Drawings at $55 Feb 1st and 28th at $110 Feb 8th and 14,h at $220 28 Daily Seller Prizes at $ 10 EI Top Seller Prizes: Rl 1st Place-$110.00 2nd Place - $70.00 F j 3rd Place - $40.00 q | Towards Convention Package You are eligible for all daily drawings in the month of February, 2011. Sellers of the winning entries will receive R | $ 10 as an award for their selling efforts. The daily drawing amount and the seller’s $ 10 prize will be mailed to the winners of record the next business day. Winners will be personally contacted and posted on the website. For information on how Fund-raiser works, see next page. The following entry form should be printed clearly and accompany your $ 10 donation. Detach at perforation j_l Entry Form Entrant’s Information: E! Name: Address: ^ I City:____________________________________________________State:__________________ZipCode E I Phone:___________________________________________________Email__________________________ Seller’s Information (Can be the Same as Entrant): Name: ____ Address: City: State:____________________Zip Code Phone: Email_____________________________ Branch Location and Number: Please complete form (Print) and mail with your check in the amount of $ 10 payable to SWUA to Denise P. Bartlett SWUA National Treasurer 7902 West Howard Avenue Milwaukee, W1 53220-1612 Phone: 414.327.4990 or Slovenian Women’s Union of America 26th NATIONAL CONVENTION Slovenian Win Calendar 2011 Fund-Raiser Need additional entries? Contact Denise P. Bartlett at: Phone: 414.327.4990 or Winners chosen on the 1sl and 28* of February will win $ 110 each. The month of February has long represented love and our beloved Slovenia is the only country in the world with “love” in its name. Thus, the names chosen on February 8lh - Prešeren Day (Slovenian Cultural Holiday) and February 14lh - Valentine’s Day will win $220 each. In addition, the top sellers (1sl, 2nd and 3rd place) will win $ 110 and $70 and $40 respectively towards their Convention package. It’sa WIN opportunity for everyone. E 2011 SWUA National Convention. SWUA holds its National Convention every four years in host cities around the country. These gatherings are important not only to conduct SWUA business but to have a forum I p for branch representatives to come together to give their reports, share their ideas, discuss concerns and further cement their mutual love and respect for all things related to their Slovenian heritage. Our next SWUA National Convention will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from June 16-19,2011. ! ^ F Plans are underway to make this another memorable event. The successful completion of this “Slovenian Win | q Calendar” Fund-raiser will provide monies to help defray the costs of conducting SWU A’s National Convention. The Convention Committee is striving to offer an affordable convention package to enable delegates and members from every SWUA branch to attend. The calendars make excellent gifts for the holiday season, birthdays, and to say “Thank You.” ] T E How Does the Fund-raiser Work? Everyone participating in the SWUA “Slovenian Win Calendar” Fundraiser has the chance to win cash prizes. Prizes have been raised 10% from 2010. Each day in the month of February, 2011, one winner will be chosen to win the listed cash prize for that day-$55, $110 or $220. In addition, each day the person who sold that day’s winning ticket will win $ 10. The daily winner and seller can be one and the same and win both prizes. i E R A R E Your Participation is Appreciated! Good Luck! Adventure Slovenia Adventure Slovenia is an established travel company based in Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia. Our team is fortunate enough to make our passion our priority through providing group adventures that reveal the historical sites and natural beauty of this hidden European gem of a country. We have worked hard to gather the most hardworking and knowledgeable of tour guides, who are able to provide exceptional tours at affordable rates. Our specialty lies in small group adventures, but we also cater to larger groups, striving to ensure that all customers leave with a positive experience. Adventure Slovenia prides itself on its flexibility and willingness to accommodate the personal travel wishes of its customers. It is this quality of service that truly sets us apart from typical tourist organizations within Slovenia. We provide authentic Slovenian experiences for the leisurely traveler through our classic, active, culinary, winter and 8 days adventure packages. The soft adventurer can also find unique and inspiring experiences in our Active Adventure packages that include hiking, walking in parks, and various adventure samplings. Thus Adventure Slovenia works to meet the needs and demands of a large spectrum of clients, refusing to confine itself to the strict rules that govern a typical travel company. Adventure Slovenia is an outfitted organization with close ties to the national government of Slovenia. We work side by side with countless Slovenians in all areas of business to actively promote the tourist industry within Slovenia. Due to the strong and united ideal that we share with the Slovenian Department of Tourism, we have been granted exclusive rights and access to funds and resources to which our competitors do not have the same privilege. We have time and again proven that Adventure Slovenia has an unprecedented level of excellence and professionalism when it comes to promoting tourism within Slovenia, most recently seen in our participation at the London Tourist Expo. Adventure Slovenia’s record of excellence does not end at its flexibility or professional involvement, but continues through its extremely user-friendly website. Through descriptive details of the various tour options available to potential future adventurers, along with clear outlines and instructions to assist in the process of tour bookings and confirmations, Adventure Slovenia works to make its website a helpful indication of its dedication to the highest level of customer service. Overall, Adventure Slovenia is the top tourist company within Slovenia. Our record of excellence proves that we are indeed the best choice to enjoy premiere adventure trips throughout the country. Jure Gaspersic, CEO and founder of Adventure Slovenia (+386) 31 362 368. Adventure Slovenia is affiliated with a fully licensed travel agent Sark. Rocky Mountain Potica 720.587.9499 “Sample Slovenia!” Heritage Weekend Year Three [Mount lngla\ At Mohican 1 iik Arriving Friday afternoon at the Mohican Outdoor Center in Blairstown, New Jersey we viewed the subtle, sober beauty of the landscape, waiting for winter, grey rocks, faded green moss, towering brown tree trunks already denuded of fall’s leaves, the rushing streams sparkling with the reflections of the brilliant blue skies. The stillness is soul stirring - but it’s cold, and it feels good to get inside. The fireplace at Blueberry Hill Lodge soon had a roaring fire going, while folks introduced themselves and made new friends. It was a lively group - from 5 year old Natalie (who celebrated becoming six years old with all of us on Saturday) to one intrepid hiker who admitted to 76 years! We were fortunate to have a member of Branch 109 Twin Cities Minnesota decide since celebrating a family reunion by traveling to Slovenia was not in the cards, this weekend would be the next best way! Family from as far away as Arizona joined us. This was not the weekend to go on a diet! For Friday night’s potluck meal we had Ria Whitmire’s Joto, a bean, barley and sauerkraut soup (brought back by popular demand from last year’s weekend), fresh bread, green salad, plus contributions of fruit, potica, and other tasty nibbles brought by guests. To drink we had apple cider, fruit juice, Yuengling beer, and Laško pivo, Slovenian beer once again carried in over state lines from Virginia by Idamary Smith. After dinner we settled down to watch a delightful Slovenia romantic comedy “Vesna” from 1953 starring Metka Gabrijelčič, sort of an Audrey Flepburn look-alike garbed in wasp-waisted Dior “New Look” dresses with a jaunty neck scarf, which, as we learned from Ria, had an immense impact raising fashion consciousness amongst the young girls at the time. The strudel dough was stretched, and stretched, and stretched! For those of you who (like myself!) casually just reach for the frozen phyllo dough, this is truly an awesome vision! And yes - it does taste better! After the fillings were added and tops brushed with butter, into the oven they went! Everyone was looking forward to Saturday night’s dessert! After lunch, about half of the group went on a hike with an Appalachian Mountain Club hike leader up to a ridge via the Rattlesnake Swamp Trail. Did someone really see a bear? The rest of us either napped or took advantage to peruse the books/articles of Slovenian interest brought by Branch 93 members. The evening started off with a wine and cheese party to which another AMC weekend group, “Maps and Saturday morning, after breakfast at the visitors center (blueberry pancakes and sausages) we went around the room and had each person introduce themselves and tell us why they came on this particular weekend - some were of Slovenian descent and some signed on through the AMC because the weekend looked so appealing! Ria gave a quick tutorial of basic Slovenian - dober dan/good day, lahko noč/good night, etc. and everyone joined in repeating. Lynn Zalokar then had everyone testing their wits with a “How does the Proverb End?” game (where if you knew your Slovenian you really had an advantage) - half the group had a complete Slovenian proverb, plus the first half of the quoted proverb translated into English. You then had to track down the missing half. With everyone now warmed up and knowing each other, time to do a little dancing! Branch 93 is so fortunate to have as one of our members, Annette Kirk, a talented folk-dancing instructor. A favorite from last year was a German circle dance “Lott is Todt” which our newcomers also enjoyed. Then Ria began the strudel demonstration. Believe me, this is not for wimps - the dough has to be kneaded for 20 minutes! And she made tM’o batches, since later - the dough (if not the cook) has to rest - we would be peeling apples for Jabolčni strudel and mixing farmer’s cheese for the Sirov strudel. Compass” was invited. The wine had been generously donated by Emil Gaspari of TriWines, (check out his website at and everyone agreed - Slovenian wines are something special! Saturday night’s dinner was prepared by Ria and Branch 93 member Mia Branc. Mia made goulash and polenta with ocvirki (pork tidbits). Ria’s salad was a cabbage and apple slaw with walnut morsels. Dessert was Mia’s potica, Lithuania amongst others. The biggest hit was the Pojster Tanc, a Slovenian pillow dance traditionally done at weddings between unmarried couples, where they must clasp each other tightly enough not to let the pillow drop to the floor! We speculated on how flat a pillow a couple could get away with. Sunday morning came all too soon even with the extra hour we gained with the end of daylight savings time! After another hearty breakfast (sausage and eggs, biscuits and porridge) another hike was taken through Van Campens Glen. Then followed the last lunch, (where it was voiced Ria and helper’s strudels, and Natalie’s birthday cake. We sang to the tune of “Happy Birthday” the Slovenian version for the day - Vse najbolše :a te - four times for Natalie and others with birthdays close by. After this of course we had to dance again! So after pushing the sofas to the edge of the room and figuratively rolling up the rug, we kicked up our heels doing a Czech polka, a schottische, and circle dances from Serbia, Israel, and that we should extend the event for at least a week, or better still a Slovenia month, or even a Slovenia year!), a final clean-up, pack-up, and good-byes - and starting to think about next year. Mmm, what about flancati, or štruklji ?? Branch Reports Poročila Podružnic BRANCH 1 - Sheboygan, Wisconsin October was a busy month for us. On October 24lh we hosted the State Convention in our church hall. We started the day with a beautiful polka Mass sung by the Singing Slovenes from Minnesota. Some of our members dressed in traditional Slovenian costumes, and after Mass we enjoyed brunch in the church hall. Members of Branch 43 joined us for the meeting. Denise P. Bartlett, National Treasurer, told us about the wonderful apartment they use for office space and meetings in Joliet, IL. Sounds like a lot of time and work went into the remodeling and most of it volunteered. Denise also spoke about the National Convention that is coming up, June 16 - 19 in Milwaukee. She urged all our members to attend. The night before the Convention, the Singing Slovenes at Jakum’s Hall entertained us. Their music was great and we enjoyed a buffet dinner, which included Slovenian chicken, potatoes, potica and many other delicious foods. We are currently working on the 2011 Schedule of Events. Mark your calendar for Sunday, February 13lh for the first meeting held at St. Cyril Church Hall after Mass. Hope everyone had a Happy and Healthy New Year! Na Svidenje. CHERYL KOTNICK LOPOUR BRANCH 2 - Chicago, Illinois The IL/IN Convention, was well attended, there were 20 members from our branch. Fr. Michael Anderjek said Mass at Holy Family Church. We enjoyed the singing of “Edelweiss” by 3 generations of the Landgraf-Ebner family. Thanks to Branch 89, you all did an excellent job. For the year 2011 we will be busy. SWUA National Convention will be held in Milwaukee-June 16-19. The Committee is show casing their city for us to enjoy. Hope you saw the spread in Zarja; it would be a great place for a family vacation. It is not too far away from Chicago. Branch 2 will host the IL/IN Convention, celebrating our 85"' Anniversary of SWUA, if anyone has pictures or memorabilia you would care to share from the past please contact Fran Morison 708.485.5063. On October 9, we lost our oldest member; she was honored at Zveza Picnic on her 99th birthday. Condolences to the Reich family, to Mary, Elsie and Billy Reich on the loss of their sister, Christine Pirman, a member for 68 years. Condolences to the family of Mary Kregul Bernasek, and to her daughter Jane on their loss, Mary was very active with Branch 2, she belonged to SWUA bowling league. She was a member for 68 years. Please remember them in your prayers. At this writing, we hope those who were in the hospital are out and feeling better: Jean Zubek, Mary Newbould, and Terry Morison. A cheery hello to all our shut-ins! Welcome to new members: Cheryl Seibert Brueckman and Jordon Woodrun. Keep our Troops in your prayers for a safe return. DAISY BRANCH 13 - San Francisco, California Contact Information: I hope all of our members and their families had a beautiful Christmas and a Happy New Year. We had another successful year in Branch 13 thanks to the leadership of our President Doreen Sustarich and our entire Board of Directors. It was no wonder that the entire Board was unanimously re-elected. The officers for 2011 are: President Doreen Sustarich, Vice President Agnes Leach, Financial Secretary Moreen Spencer, Recording Secretary Barbara Chiodo, Treasurer Michele Twers, Auditors Virginia Sustarich and Ann Sustasrich. What a team! Our monthly meetings have been fun. We invite all of our members to attend! Just call President Doreen at 415.468.5039 and let her know you are coming. Our pot luck luncheons are great; we have so many wonderful cooks in Branch 13. We celebrated Virginia Sustarich’s 86th birthday at our November meeting. She seems to get younger each year. She is active in so many organizations and is always on the go. The San Francisco Giants won the World Series. Our member Jackie Krambic Lowe is a huge fan. She missed our November meeting because it was the Giants parade and she said she waited so long for them to win. My son David who is a football coach at Sequoia High School just completed a perfect winning season and the championship of the county. I would like to thank Frances Granger who sent in the beautiful article and pictures of her mother’s 100th birthday. We all enjoyed reading about it as Betty Doherty was an active member for many years and is well remembered and loved by all of us. Thank you Frances. BARBARA CHIODO This past year has been sad. Our President Marge Mitchell lost her husband John on November 5th. His daughters Mary, Marlene, Barbara, his son John and grandchildren survive him. Fran Novak passed away suddenly on October 31st. It was a complete shock to everyone. Fran is my brother Rudy’s wife, and the sister-in-law of Mary Jane Strus. Fran had two sons, Fr. Paul Novak, OSM, Tom and his wife Colleen, and two granddaughters, Megan and Caitlin. Everyone will sorely miss her. Please keep both John Mitchell and Fran Novak in your prayers. May their souls rest in peace, and may the souls of all the departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace, Amen. Rosemary Petrich’s husband is in the hospital because of a problem with his heart. Pray that everything will be fine. We miss our dear member Gladys Buck. She moved to Minnesota to be with her niece Barbara. Gladys celebrated her 91st birthday this year and was finding it a little difficult to do things like she used to. We had a beautiful get together before she left. We wish her loads of good luck and many happy days. Vickie Krcmaric also moved. She wasn’t feeling well, and she decided to move closer to her daughter in Libertyville, IL. We also wish her loads of good luck and many happy days. We miss both Gladys and Vickie very much. After all the sad news, I must report that Mary Brozovich, who lives in Springfield, MO, will be celebrating her 95lh birthday on January 10.1 understand she is in good health and takes a long walk every day. Keep it up Mary. Our next meeting will be on January 8lh at 1:00 p.m., hope to see you all there! DOROTHY NOVAK ROSSI Branch 20 Scholarships Applicants must be SWUA member for at least 3 years. Adult Continuing Education Scholarship: Member 21 years of age or over who is pursuing advanced or continuing education. High School Scholarship: Graduating eighth grader accepted to one of the Catholic high schools and is enrolled for the fall 2010 semester. High School Scholarship: Current high school student who wishes to continue in a Catholic high school or is planning to transfer from a public high school to a Catholic high school. Scholastic ability must be shown as well as an evaluation of the applicant’s character and code of behavior. For eligibility information and application forms, contact: Branch 20 Scholarship Program, %Geri Pope 3820 Hennepin Drive, Joliet, IL 60431 Applications must be received prior to April 1,2011 Members and families enjoyed getting together for dinner and dressing up for our traditional holiday treat. Branch 20 has kept the St. Nicholas tradition alive with a special greeting and treat ($) for our junior members on December 6. Member Pat Figurowski sent beautifully made cards inscribed with the legend of St. Nicholas to each junior member. Each card came with a surprise included. Many, many years ago in our family, St. Nicholas brought oranges embedded with a quarter to each of us. I think I remember that more than what was under the Christmas tree each year. A big congrats to Margaret Koncar, junior member, on becoming corresponding secretary for Joliet Catholic Academy’s math honor society. The New Year begins with the installation of board members, or should we say, the same board members. Why mess with success? Char Kobe will once more take on the duties as president (for her twentieth year). Other officers graciously accepting are Jeanne Warsaw, VP; Jean Herbst, treasure; Robyn Coyne, corresponding secretary. The Board wishes to thank the meeting hostesses who really outdo themselves for each meeting, and to the membership who can always be counted on for donations and helping hands. Our condolences go out to the family of deceased member Mary Gregorich who passed away in September. PAT SCHAGER SCOLA WWW.SCOLA.ORG Helping people of the world learn more about one another Dober Dan! January is my favorite month. The rush of the holidays is over, outside work has come to a halt, and nights are longer - giving us plenty of time for reflection -thinking about the past year and looking forward to the new one. This past November our branch attended the annual Mass for our deceased members followed by a brunch at my home. Our hearts were warm and happy as we shared the meal and good conversation. Looking at the faces of these faithful members, who have dedicated much of their lives to their Slovenian heritage and still do, made me realize even more how much our heritage and customs are important to us and we must strive to instill that in our young people. Our branch has had a good year - good attendance and everyone pitching in to make our meetings meaningful, interesting and fun. My compliments and appreciation to you all! We take a brief “hiatus” January and February, but, we will be back - full force - in March with much hope and dreams for the new year. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year. Pray for and remember our sick and shut-in members. Pray also for our men and women in the armed forces - that God will bring them home safely. Remember, this is the land of the free because of the brave. And, until next time, may your hearts be filled with peace and love. LORETTA STORY BRANCH 35 - Aurora, Minnesota Contact Information: Prayers were said for all SWUA members and for all past and present veterans who served and who are now serving our country. Another year came to an end! How true that old saying, “The older you get, the faster the time goes”! At our past meeting, we had a toast with some wine to celebrate St. Martin’s Feast Day. We discussed the bylaws that will be voted on at the National Convention in June. The members also elected a delegate Anita Vovk, and alternate Marlys Rabb. Hostesses for the day were Barb Urick and Gabriella Goritchan. A delicious apple crisp with ice cream was served along with some sweet treats. As usual President, Anita Vovk donated prizes and there were four happy winners. “Veseli Zahvalni Dan”! Wishing everyone peace, happiness and good health throughout 2011! MARLYS RABB BRANCH 39 - Biwabik, Minnesota Contact Information: 218.865.6600 October was an interesting month dealing with the issue of the approval of the 2009 Minnesota Regional minutes that were not read at the 2010 Regional meeting. Many e-mails were sent and received and all I can say is many thanks to the home office and Denise P. Bartlett for the advice and directives. It is good to know they can be called upon when items need to be clarified. The membership decided that the 50-year pin is a moot issue. With the pending name change and the branch finances we must think of another way to honor the longstanding members. We will wait for directives from the board. Carol Sherek arranged for our annual Christmas/Epiphany Dinner on January 9. We will meet at the Rustic Rock Chop House in Eveleth, MN. We are looking forward to an interesting afternoon with entertainment and our dice game. Photos of the apron and towels made by Mary Lou Voelk were shown. They are available for purchase from the home office. What a neat Christmas gift and of course, this is a good thing to help defray the cost of our National Convention in Milwaukee in June. They were on display and for sale at the Regional convention and they really are nicely done. There is no end to all the great ideas for SWUA that come from Mary Lou. Rosemary Ribich was voted as a delegate to the National Convention in June and Jeanne Korsman was voted as an alternate. Credentials will be sent in a timely manner. Wishing all a holy holiday season SRECNO NOVO LETO. ROSEMARY (SERT1CH) RIBICH BRANCH 43 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin Contact Person: Jan Gehm 411.321.1413 Upcoming events for 2011: Po Božična Zabava (Post Christmas Party) January 15, at the Open Flame Restaurant; Pustna Veselica, February 26, at St. John the Evangelist Church Hall, doors open at 5 p.m. and dinner served 6 p.m.; April 16, Making of Butare at Triglav Park, and April 17, (Palm Sunday) Blessing of Butare at St. John’s Church and breakfast (place to be determined). The American Red Cross honored Rose Chepeck. Rose was chosen as The Female Volunteer for the Year 2010. This award was for exemplary service while serving as the National Representative for the American Red Cross and as a volunteer for the Clement Zablocki Veterans Administration Medical Center. Congratulations to Frank Bevsek, who was presented Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine - Host of the Ohio State Convention with the Service Award for 2010, from the Slovenian Arts Program at the University of Wisconsin. Frank is a big benefactor to the Slovenian Community, the SWUA and especially our branch. He is a supporter of all our events and has emceed many of our programs. Frank, we salute you and thank you. About 16 of our branch members attended the Wisconsin State Convention in Sheboygan. Our sincere thank you to the members of Branch 1 who outdid themselves to make sure their guests were made to feel welcome. The Polka Mass, played and sung by the Singing Slovenes, was great, the delicious breakfast, served by the Men’s Club of St. Cyril’s, and all appreciated the beautiful door prizes. Denise P. Bartlett is enthusiastic about the National Convention. She is hoping for a great turnout from the community. Her committee is meeting regularly to assure that these days will be filled with Slovenian culture, music, food and displays. The bake sale was a huge success. Our branch netted over $600. Special thanks to our members who baked several items and helped through out the day. KUDOS TO YOU ALL. May 2011 be a great one for all of you. Vesele Praznike. MICI BREGANT BRANCH 50 - Euclid, Ohio Contact Information: 216.531.2745 FOND NEW YEAR’S GREETINGS FROM THE “FIVE-O” on America’s North Coast! Fresh on the heels of our annual Christmas party held at the Dubrovnik Gardens restaurant at the Croatian lodge in Eastlake, Ohio, we are enthusiastically looking forward to the new year. The Ohio convention last October was a great success, with more than 40 members in attendance at Our Lady of Lourdes national shrine in Euclid, Ohio. Representatives from Branch 50,10,14,42, and 47 were present for the Mass, breakfast, and meeting. We will present a proposed by-law change at the National Convention being held in Wisconsin in June, providing the option of holding a regional convention only once every two years. We also discussed some controversial proposed charter changes, changing the name and Christian identity of the national organization, which will be considered at the National Convention in June. There was near unanimous opposition at our convention to this proposal. Please plan to attend your National Convention and make your voices heard! We are thrilled to announce that the 3,500 member Baraga Association recently named our intrepid member, Ivanka Matic, Woman of the Year at the annual Baraga Days. The news of her honor took Ivanka by surprise and really energized her! Ivanka has long been a strong local supporter of Bishop Frederic Baraga’s cause for sainthood. We are proud she was recognized nationally for her many years of hard work and dedication in this important calling. We are very sad to report on the recent deaths of Frances Blatnik, a Branch 50 member since 1973, Mary Wolf, a member since 1974, and Jane Berkopec, a member since 1975. Our condolences and prayers are offered to their families and loved ones. A friendly reminder from our President, Rose Mary Toth, to all our members to check your invoices for the upcoming year and be sure that those annual dues are paid up. Please remember to call or write with any updates for our next Branch 50 report. ANNE TOMSICK ' ZIMMER FUNERAL HOMES ' Mark Zimmer, Funeral Director 805 North 6th Street, Sheboygan, Wl 53081 Tel: 920.457.7012 Fax: 920.457.7013 W 2132 Ganton Rd„ Sheboygan, Wl 53083 920.565.2331 \______________________________________________ / Greetings and Happy New Year 2011 from Branch 55! How quickly another year is upon us! I hope the past holiday season was a joyful occasion for all. It is such a great time of year to catch up with our loved ones and share in the holiday spirit. In Branch news, the 2010 Holiday party was a great success. Members of Branch 55 and AMLA Lodge 42 enjoyed a fun evening of fellowship, food, and Slovenian and English carol singing. All in attendance had a great time. In other news, the Kren family welcomed the addition of baby Lawrence Kren, son of Brian and Amy Kren, this past September. Congratulations Brian, Amy, and big sister Sophia! The Selak family welcomed the addition of baby Rogan Selak, son of Mark and Molly Selak of San Diego, CA, this past October. Congratulations, Mark and Molly on your new addition! On a sad note, my grandfather, Frank Kregar, husband of member Milka Kregar, passed away this past September. Očka, as he was affectionately known, was an extraordinary person who touched the lives of many in the community. He is greatly missed by all who knew him, most especially his family. Our prayers continue to be with Milka during this difficult time. May God grant him eternal rest. Regular monthly meetings will begin again this month. Please try to attend as often as possible- it is very important for all members to be involved in branch activities! In closing, I include a short poem about the New Year 2011 by A.E and M. Keary. Resolutions Let us try to be good and content, Kind to each other, Healthy and gentle and brave, Obedient to Mother. For of such were the heroes of old - Patient in learning. Seldom rude, seldom cross, never cruel, From the truth never turning. MONICA SELAK BRANCH 89 - Oglesby, Illinois Contact Information: or 815.339.2714 Branch 89 hosted the Illinois/Indiana State Convention on September 19 and we want to thank all the SWUA members who came. We had a great attendance and hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we did. Congratulations to the money raffle winners: Joe Skala of Branch 2 and our State President, Theresa Kamnikar of Oglesby, and Barbara Pyszka of Branch 24. Thank you to all our members who baked strudels and poticas and to Molly Rodriguez whose crocheted doilies were such a hit in the door prize drawing. We give many thanks to Mitch and Natalie Landgraf and Jim Ebner for their outstanding musical entertainment. Because of the contributions of all our members, who decorated, set up, cleaned up and worked in any way we hosted an enjoyable well-organized convention. We also want to thank everyone who contributed to the very successful bakeless bake sale, especially our out of town members. We appreciate your generosity. Happy 80,h birthday to Marilyn Argubright our Chaplain and Sunshine Chairperson. A big open house was held for her at the Dickinson House; there were even relatives who came from Slovenia to help celebrate the day. Our November meeting was another Show and Tell with a marvelous assortment of family treasures and stories. Doris Ambrose brought her husband Charlie’s First Communion prayer book and rosary; he carried the little rosary all through World War II and home again. We have been a busy group. Paula Snell and two friends dressed up like The Three Musketeers and went trick or treating on horseback. Rosie Kamnikar ran in the 10K Canal Connection with the Starved Rock Runners Club and then, along with Julie Harbeck, brought refreshments to the meeting later the same day. We have two new members. They are Alex and Danielle Scharf, granddaughters of Mary Alice Corbett. We are glad to have you join. At our Christmas party; this year we added a white elephant gift exchange, it was a lot of fun. Keep in touch; it is always good to hear from members. BARBARA BRUCH BRANCH 93 - New York, New York Contact Information: Our “Sample Slovenian Heritage” weekend in November was a success (please page 20 of this issue). Please check our website for additional photos. We were very pleased to have ten members/spouses of the Sieverding family join us from Arizona, Maryland, Minnesota, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Sue Rademacher of Tezak’s 1908 - 2008 Home to Celebrate Life ® 1211 PLAINFIELD Rl)., JOLIET, IL 60435 www.tezakfunt'ralhonu'.con) 815.741.2563 Fax 877.587.8460 815.722.0524 Celebrating our 100"' Year! Branch 109 Twin Cities organized this family get-together! We take advantage of NYC consulate events whenever possible. Three members attended a panel discussion in early November at the Center for Jewish History on “Boris Pahor’s Necropolis: A Slovenian Story of Culture, Conflict, and Persecution on the Northeastern Border of Italy”. This was an eye-opener for many on the oppression faced by Slovenians in Trieste such as the WW 1 conscription of Slovenes in the Italian army and the changing of Slovenia surnames to Italian. (This name changing was referenced in a Louis Adamic book and even included names on cemetery headstones.) We were expecting a visit in the spring from acclaimed author, playwright and actor Andrej Rozman Roza (author of Forget-Me-Not’s Slovene/English How Oscar Became Happy New Year! We hope you had a very blessed holiday season and that the new year brings health and happiness. Last October, our branch held its 7th annual Bunco party and fundraiser. A great big thank you to all our volunteers who worked the event, and to everyone who donated bakery and raffle prizes. It was a successful day and our branch made almost a $ 1,300 profit. Grand prize winners: Re Carter - IPod shuffle (donated by Zefran Funeral/Mt. Auburn Funeral Home); Diane Sweigert - $100 Visa gift card (donated by the Mavec Family); Lillian Cepon - $ 100 (donated by an anonymous member); and Branch 20 -$100 (donated by Branch 99). Mille Bulaga won $70 in split the pot. Thank you to everyone who came out to support our branch! In November, we held a Slovenian Goulash and Polenta culinary class. The attendees learned to make this wonderful Slovenian dish. Thank you Fanika Fritz for your knowledge in showing the class how to prepare this dish. Also thank you Paula Mavec for your assistance with the class. a Detective). But his plans changed and he arrived much earlier in October. The consulate organized an event and a few branch members were able to attend and meet him. Slovenian language classes are being held at the Church of St. Cyril. Branch 93 member Marta Stemberger is teaching, for more information-phone: 718.919.0727 or Slovenian mass at St. Cyril’s is every Sunday at 10:15 a.m.; 3rd Sunday of the month there is a social hour plus a Slovenian meal/desserts afterwards. Our Kulturni dan (Slovenian Cultural Day) celebration is Saturday, February 5lh. We hope for good weather and another good turnout. We encourage branch members to attend the SWUA National Convention in Milwaukee this June to meet fellow members, learn more about the SWUA and immerse ourselves in Slovenian culture! Since we frequently get last-minute information about consulate events, please join our Yahoo group (e-mail: This is where we post communications and event news, don’t miss out! We’re also on facebook, (type in “SWUA”). We welcome ideas for activities/events and if you’d like to lead one, contact Lynn Zalokar at or call 201.947.6336 ELIZABETH GROSS The Cookie sale in December was a success. Thank you Paula and Mary Mavec for organizing the sale, and also thank you to all bakers who brought the delicious cookies! We also collected items to be donated to the military through an organization called Operation MOMS Cookies. Our military thanks you! Please support SWUA by participating in the “Slovenian Win Calendar” to help defray costs of the National Convention. Also, please consider joining other members by attending the National Convention this summer in Milwaukee, Wl. Share ideas and discuss several proposed changes to the organization. The 2011 Calendar for the branch has been planned. Officer election will be held at the January meeting. Wishing you a very Happy New Year! JANA HLADE Branch 100 has several new members for 2010. We welcome Jennifer Boudreau, Lina Kerwick, Mary Cummings and Nancy Kochevar. I may be missing a few, but please know that you are also welcomed into our group and hope that you will join us in our future activities. Rosemary Mlakar and Julia Trowbridge, long time members of Branch 100 reunite! It was good to see the nice article put together by Mary Turvey about the Fontana Slovene Rest Home in the November/December issue of Zarja. There were many nice times for the residents of that Home, especially during the 1960’s - 1980’s. We had the opportunity to visit often and work on the Annual Bazaar and Dinner to benefit the Fontana Slovene Rest Home. We attended some of the Christmas parties mentioned in the article, as well. It is very special that when the property was sold that a large donation went to the SWUA Scholarship Fund to help support the youth of this fine organization. At our next meeting we will discuss the upcoming convention and elect our delegate. I know there are several members who are interested in attending either as a delegate or just socially. Several of us attended the last convention and had a marvelous time. I’m sure that the Milwaukee event will be just as much fun for those who attend this time. The potica articles were also an inspiration to my family. I’ll have the opportunity to share potica with several hundred members of our local church, St. Timothy’s in Laguna Niguel during their “Las Posadas” celebration. Different ethnicities among the church members will feature their specialties and part of their culture during this special event. It will be fun to share some Slovenian Christmas Carols and prepare a “God’s Corner” with Nativity and artifacts and have the chance to introduce this to people who may not have even heard of Slovenia. The New Year of 2011 will be upon us by the time you read this and so in closing may I wish all of you “Srecno Novo Leto” JEAN KOCI BRANCH 108 - Olney, Maryland Contact Information: Branch 108 celebrated its 7lh anniversary on November 14 with an elegant lunch and historic tour of Georgetown University hosted by our spiritual advisor Fr. Peter Rožič. 7‘h Anniversary celebration at Georgetown University The majestic historical buildings visited impressed members and their guests, including the chapel at the Jesuit residence with stained glass depictions of the founders of the university. One of the highlights of our tour at the Jesuit Residence was a private viewing of an original oil painting of Gabriel Gruber, a Jesuit priest of Slovenian ancestry. Gruber was documented as being instrumental in initiating contact with the American Jesuits in Maryland through a petition requesting restoration of the Society of Jesus in August 1802 while Gruber was the Superior General of the Society in Russia. On behalf of the members and guests of SWUA, Branch 108, President, Bernadette Fitzsimmons thanked Fr. Peter for Fr. Rozžič accepting gift at 7"' Anniversary’ serving as Celebration at Georgetown University our Spiritual wmm\ Advisor and being an active member of the branch, and presented him with a gift and best wishes before leaving for Russia for nearly a year to complete his Doctoral dissertation research. At our luncheon meeting on October 24, Mrs. Ivanka Antolin was the guest speaker on the topic of Lojze Grozde, the first Slovenian martyr officially recognized by the Catholic Church in June 2010. Ivanka was a Miro Pregelj and Ivanka Antolin both classmates of Lojze Grozde classmate of Grozde’s and provided some interesting insights, memories and information from his childhood and young adult years. Mr. Miro Pregelj joined us as a guest for this meeting and also provided his recollections as being a classmate of Lojze Grozde. Our next meeting will be held on January 16, 2011 for branch elections. Installation of new officers and planning a Pustna Veselica (Mardi Gras celebration) gathering in March. BERNADETTE K. FITZSIMMONS BRANCH 109 - Twin Cities Slovenians Branch 109 opened its 2010-2011 meeting schedule at its new location: Little Venetian Inn located in the suburb of Little Canada. At our general membership meeting in September, Mary Schwanke showed photos taken during WWII by hergreat-uncle, John Oberstar, and other members of his unit. The presentation motivated our members to get involved with the SWUA project “Every Citizen a Soldier” which will highlight the many and varied contributions made by Slovenian-Americans during WWII. Mary Ann Palmer is collecting the member surveys which are due on Armistice Day-Nov. 11th. Our October meeting was highlighted by a presentation from John Zakelj on Slovenian Bobbin Lace. John had an interesting display of intricate lace patterns as well as books on the subject. In addition the membership viewed a DVD entitled “Slovenian Bobbin Lace Maker: Anna Zakelj Jesenko.” the Video was funded by the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation, the Ohio Arts Council and the Slovenian American National Art Guild. Our members were in total awe of the skill that Anna demonstrated as a CIPKARICA(woman bobbin lace maker) and judging by our member’s response this topic should be featured in a future edition of the Zarja. By the way Anna is a family friend and relative to our own John Zakelj. Another “how to” project -stained glass was the subject of our November meeting. Tom Moren, who has done a number of stained glass pieces, the “Last Supper” being probably the best, demonstrated the “how to” part; Mike Koski and Yul Yost prepared their portion of the talk acknowledging Slovenian and American contributions to the craft of stained glass making. Following the presentation a piece of stained glass art with a holiday motif was raffled to the membership. Marlene and Don Palkovich donated the piece. On December 18 Branch 109 had the rare privilege of interacting with a modern day Slovenian family, Joze and Kaseenja Rener-Sitar and their two middle school aged children. They are related to Mary Percic Bernard who helped acclimate them to the Twin Cities and the University of Minnesota where Kaseenja has a fellowship in the School of Dentistry. Joze is working on his law degree and preparing for the Bar. The family shared their thoughts on Slovenian holidays, schooling, politics, and Slovenian cuisine along with random questions from our membership about Slovenia in general. Needless to say it was a highly interesting meeting. Vesel Božic, Screcno novo leto NORM SETNICKER Jenka’s Taste of Slovenia A Loving Tribute to Hermine Prisland Dicke Jenka’s r.*‘» Hermine Dicke was inspired by her mother, Marie Prisland, Founder of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, to become involved in the organization. In 1953, she followed her mother as Director of the Scholarship Committee and served in that capacity for forty-two years. She accepted still another position, that of food columnist for Zarja The Dawn in 1963, writing the column. Pots, Pam & Pastime, until August 1995. Hermine’s food column was so popular that in 1979, she began assembling recipes submitted by members of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America from all over the country for a cookbook. In 1981, the first edition of Pots and Pans, which featured traditional Slovenian recipes as well as tasty American recipes, was printed. It was so well received that three additional printings followed in 1982,1986 and 1992. Since then Pots and Pans has become the cooking standard in many homes. To know Hermine was to love her. She was born in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the daughter of Marie and John Prisland and the sister of Margaret (Fischer) and Ted Prisland. Hermine graduated from St. Mary’s School of Nursing in Milwaukee with a RN degree. While she was employed at the Sheboygan Clinic she met her husband, Robert J. Dicke, a Professor of Entomology at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. They reared a family of four children: Robert, William, Mary and Katherine. Hermine, a highly respected woman in her community, had over the years received awards from the Black Hawk Council of Girl Scouts, Madison Exchange Club, Madison Area Association for Retarded Citizens, Slovenian Women’s Union of America, and the Downtown Rotary Club. Cooking was a natural talent of Hermine. Her daughter, Katie speaks of her mother: “Our house always seemed to hold the aroma of homemade soup, a roast or chocolate chip cookies. Mom loved to entertain and join her guests at a beautiful dining room table covered with a lovely embroidered cloth, which was set with Golden Wreath Lenox china, crystal goblets, candles and fresh flowers. She would serve a delicious homemade meal that everyone enjoyed and savored.” Hermine’s influence permeated many an American-Slovenian home and it is most fitting that she was honored by the Slovenian Women’s Union of America for her extraordinary contribution to her sister members, with a special tribute entitled More Pots andPans\ - by Corinne Leskovar (Original tribute written by Corinne Leskovar for the cookbook More Pots and Pans; Modified by Debbie Pohar for this issue of Zarja) The following recipes were two of Hermine’s favorites. I have prepared these recipes according to Hermine’s directions for this issue. I hope you enjoy as much as Hermine did and also the Zarja staff that was present during the preparation of this issue. -Jenka ROLLED PORK LOIN ROAST SUPREME (Prašičja pljučna pečenka - ribica) From a professional cook. Ingredients: 5 pound boned loin pork roast Salt and pepper, as desired 1 teaspoon crushed maijoram Garlic salt Butter Heat oven to 350°. Spread deboned pork loin. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and marjoram. Roll and tie securely. Rub lightly with more maijoram. Sprinkle with garlic salt. Top with few dabs of butter. Place on sheet of foil on an open pan; bake uncovered about 2 Vi to 3 hours until tender. (To avoid excessive browning cover loosely with foil first two hours. Uncover last hour.) Last hour you can add halved potatoes alongside meat turning after 30 minutes. Serve sliced with potatoes, tossed green salad (dressing: equal parts of vinegar, oil and sugar and a sprinkling of salt) and applesauce. 10 to 12 servings. Mary Ziegenhorn, Sheboygan, W1 Page 197 of Pots and Pans Cookbook Page 129 of More Pots and Pans Cookbook CRANBERRY FRUIT NUT BREAD Ingredients: 2 cups of flour 1 cup Sugar 1 Vi teaspoons Baking soda 1 teaspoon salt '/2 teaspoon baking soda '/4 cup shortening 1 tablespoon grated orange peel 3A cup orange juice 1 well-beaten egg 1 cup fresh cranberries, coarsely chopped Vi cup chopped nuts Heat oven to 350. Grease 9x5x3-inch loaf pan. Sift dry ingredients. Cut in shortening. Combine peel, juice and egg. Add to dry ingredients, mixing just to moisten. Fold in berries and nuts. Turn into greased pad. Bake at 350° for 60 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool. Remove from pan, wrap and store overnight. Nancy Beck Jagodnik, Bolton, MA Olga Ancel, Joliet, IL Page 67 of Pots and Pans Cookbook Page 99 of More Pots and Pans Cookbook Hermine Prisland Dicke 1912 - 2010 jenka’s Dober Tek! AIRMAIL NARODNA IN UNIVERZITETNA KNJIŽNICA DS II 54 78820ii MEMBER ID 70665 IRENA SESEK TURJAŠKA 1. P.O. BOX 259 1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA 920110982,1 PRAYER AND REMEMBRANCE MEMORIAL MASS FOR HERMINE DICKE JANUARY 5,2011 - AT 12:00 NOON All members and friends are invited to attend. Holy Mass in memory of our beloved Hermine Dicke will be held at the Slovenian Women’s Union Heritage Museum, 431 N. Chicago, St., Joliet, Illinois on Wednesday, January 5,2011. Our most beloved Slovenian heritage will be carried out in the form of prayers and songs that she held in her heart, taught by her mother, our Founder, Marie Prisland. We are happy that Fr. Christian Gostečnik, OFM, of Slovenia, will be here to celebrate the mass. Everyone is most cordially invited. For further information call the SWUA Home Office, 1.815.727.1926. Hermine Prisland Dicke 1912-2010