NO. 152 Ameriška Domovina Avfl/ft'E K* IG/* 11!» HO JV1E AMCRICAN IN fPIRIT FOR€HSN IN LANOUAOfi ONit National and International Circulation CLEVELAND OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 1964 SLOVCNIAN MORNING N€WSPAP€fi ŠTEV. LXII VOL. LXH četka h UU -dGrnaČini trdi]}, Morilce I borcev ra civilise pravice slede ^ ima menda na listi imena sedmih osumljencev. Ko bo zbranega dovolj o-bremenilnega gradiva, bodo prijeti in stavljeni pred sodišče. JACKSON, Miss. — V torek So prišli agentje FBI k lastniku ozemlja v bližini Philadelphije, kier je bil nedavno zgrajen nov Jez za zadrževanje vode v pre-cel rnočvirnatem predelu, in ga vPrašali za dovoljenje, da presedajo ta jez. Ta ni imel nič J*1,0!! temu. šli so tja in začeli kepati na mestu, ki so ga mora-k imeti izbranega že v naprej. kratkem kopanju so našli P°d nasipom zemlje tri trupla, reiskava je kasneje dognala, a 80 to trupla treh pristašev etilnih pravic, ki so prišli ju-r,’ja v Mississippi pomagat črn-c°m do njihove enakopravnosti, Pa so 21. junija izginili. ^si trije bili ustreljeni Oblasti so bile od vsega za-prepričane, da so bili iz-■ lili umerjeni, prenekateri pa so v to dvomili in da so pogrešani namerno JZginili”. Preiskava trupel je °®nala, da so bili vsi trije u-fu-ljeni. Od trojice sta bila dva 20 lot stari Andy man in 24 Schwerner, tretji 'n.iun 'Spremljevalec. fro trupel sc prišli potom “izdaje” Gospodar zemljišča, na kate-so našli trupla pogrešanih, q, ^ iznenaden nad to najdbo. ^} asti so ta kraj že preje te-e lito pregledale in preiskale, nihče mislil, da bi uteg-,! 1 biti izignuli pokopani pod ezom . p0 poročilu “Birming- dai^p ^eWS" na^ bil nekdo o ^1 podatke o umorjenih in ^^'‘•^tnih morilcih za nagrado Gre menda za sedem Taen’ katerih pa FBI ni izdala. Y0,° vsej stvari molči, del i sku'Pine v Jacksonu je ha ^ ^e’ '^e kit uspeh dosežen df.i f!melju trdega in načrtnega a brez posebne “sreče”. }, *srn° Dicku Gregoryju g0rnani ernski komik Dick Gre-tren-'*° C*e^ab da je dobil pred tena" r!0^* Ptsmo iz Washing-dotn' v- v katerem je neki ep ],aCan Mississippija nazna- grega^’ k'’er nai bi bi!i trije po-ijtlen 1 za’kopani in navedel borce* PCtlh 0:Seb’ ki na'i bi tri in , Za Gtvilne pravice prijeli eh u relili' ^ed njimi naj bi lail bolicapf^S^OVSk^ duhovnik in dva ki * a' Gregory je Pon , 36 dc>bil ol da POf^rvp. -----*''*> ■**■* do „ °dkriti morilce, nagra-Pgj5’000- Poslal takoj FBI. tako u° ^Gm P^smu molči, prav Birtrij a3; motči o poročilu nRham News. Iz drugih je zvedelo, da je pismo Byrd zavlačuje zakon o bolniškem zavarovanju WASHINGTON, D.C. — Kot smo poročali, hoče senator Ja-vits vključiti bolniško zavarovanje v zakon o povišanju pokojnin Socialnega zavarovanja, ki ga je predstavniški dom že izglasoval. Zakon se sedaj nahaja pred senatnim finančnim odborom. Mislili so, da bo tam sprejet brez ovir. Pa se je načelnik odbora senator Byrd spopinil, da je treba pred debato o zakonu še zasliševati interesente. Včeraj je kot prvi nastopil zvezni tajnik za zdravstvo. vzgojo in socialno skrbstvo A. Celebrezze in se odločno zavzel za predlog. To, kar uganja Byrd, je nepotrebno zavlačevanje, ki so mu ga svetovali zastopniki znane zdravniške organizacije AMA. AMA se je tako zagrizla proti obveznemu zavarovanju, da je še celo proti temu, da bi bili dravniki zavarovani za starost. Temu stališču se ni priključil niti pristojni odbor predstavniškega doma, ki je vse drugo kot napreden. Byrdova taktika je na tem, da pokoplje vse: povišanje pokojnin in bolniško zavarovanje. Ali se mu bo taktika posrečila, bomo videli prihodnji teden. Kongo se bliža razsulu VaHkan *Waail *laiL sporazum z Madžarsko Good let stari Mickey oba iz New York pa črni domačin,. rem Uporniki so zasedli drugo BUDIMPEŠTA, kadi. — Ma- največje mesto V državi džarski komunistični režim je Stanleyville in ga napravi-! verjetno obupal, da bi mogel li za s'edez vlade “Ljudske skleniti z Vatikanom splošen V Franciji vse na počitnicah PARIZ, Fr. — Francozi imajo za počitnice posebno radi avgust. Tako jih je odšlo pretekli oetek po uradni cenitvi uživat svoje letne počitnice kakih 12 milijonov. Od industrijskega de-avstva si je izbralo za počitni- republike Kongo”. LEOPOLDVILLE, Kongo. — Večinoma s sulicami, loki in puščicami oboroženi uporniki pod vodstvom Gastona Emila Sou-mialota, ki jih podpira rdeča Kitajska; so bili v torek zavrnjeni na pohodu proti mestu Stanleyville, ko so že dosegli poslopje ameriškega konzulata v mestu. Naslednji dan so zasedli najprej letališče, nato pa še mesto, središče Vzhodne pokrajine, ki je bilo nekdaj sedež levičarske A. Gizenge, naslednika u m o r j e nega Lu-mumbe. čombejevo vlado so proglasili za “nezakonito” Soumialot je pred nekaj dnevi potem, ko je s svojimi uporniki dobil pod svojo oblast dober del vzhodnega Konga, oklical “Ljudsko republiko Kongo”, med tem ko je že preje javno proglasil Čombejevo vlado v Leoooldvillu za “nezakonito”. Poskus Čombeja, ki mu je predsednik J. Kasavubu izročil vlado, ko je bilo očitno, da vlada Cirila Adule ni več kos položaju, pomiriti državo z vlado, v kateri naj bi bile zastopane vse politične skupine, se je ponesrečil. Upori se nadaljujejo in u pomiki obvadujejo že okoli eno petino vse države. Mobutujeva armada nesposobna Domača armada, ki ji pove- sporazum, ki naj bi uredil vsa sporna vprašanja. Zato je bil med njim in Vatikanom sklenjen samo delen sporazum o načinu, kako cerkev lahko postavlja škofe. Je namreč, že dolgo vrsto let precej škofij brez rednih škofov. Vatikan bo lahko prosto izbiral škofe, toda madžarski režim bo odločal, ali na-stooijo svoje službe ali ne. Vsa ostala vprašanja so ostale nerešena, med njimi tudi tisto, ki je najbolj kočljivo — u-soda kardinala Mindszentyja. Kardinal živi še zmeraj v ameriškem poslaništvu v Budimpešti kot političen begunec in se noče nikamor premakniti. ----------------o—.-..—. Goldwater napovedal glavne točke volivnega boja NEW PORT BEACH, Calif.— Goldwater je tekom svojih kratkih počitnic izjavil novinarjem, da misli, da se bo volivni boj sukal okoli štirih vprašanj: afera Baker, afera Bill Estes, naša politika v Južnem Vietnamu in pojemanje ameriškega u-gleda v mednarodni politiki. Kot se vidi, si je Goldwater izbral le dva problema iz domače in dva iz zunanje politike. V domači politiki se je spretno izognil debati o civilnih pravicah Kar ima zagrizenih pristašev, ne bodo ,s tem omenjenim programom zadovoljni,, ker se jim bo zdel premalo udaren. Ali jih ,.c .,a uu.( imsiva-i - - - . . , - v." bo Pa Goldwater mogel' držati kov. Tovarne in druga podjetja !obor°2‘t'’1 <“«»“!“)> 20 nobf „a vajetih, o tem. pomični op,- „„ i—u i r no resno nalogo. Njene enote' ^ . . • , .. . , . , .... v 'zovalci močno dvomijo, beze pred uporniki, se predno; jih prav vidijo. Z njimi se Čom- „ _ -.° be ne bo mogel pomagati. Če1 Bolton se zavze- bo hotel oblast ohraniti in drža- nia za vrnitev zena in vo obvarovati pred popolnim otrok iz JuŽ. Vietnama razsulom, ho moral ustvariti o TITO BI RAD OD ZDA 1.5 MILIJONA TON PŠENICE! Kljub vsem planom in napovedim dobre letine je letošnji pridelek pšenice v Jugoslaviji okoli milijon ton manjši, kot so nanj računali. Vlada je napovedala, da bo zaprosila Združene države, da ji prodajo poldrug milijon ton pšenice, seveda za - dinarje, to se pravi z drugo besedo, naj jo ji poklonijo. CLEVELAND, O. — Jugoslo- dija s 400 milijoni prebivalcev vansko časopisje sp je že pred naj jo pa dobi samo 4-5 milijo-dobrim mesecem norčevalo iz nov ton na leto in plača v do-poročil o stanju letošnje letine larjih! pšenice. Časopisi so navajali vse Tito hoče torej, da mu Ame-mogoče napovedi, dobre in sla- rika proda trikrat toliko pšeni-be in vsaka je bila “utemelje- ce kot spomladi po pogojih, ki na”. Reveži pd tem so bili Tito- so zanjo trikrat neugodnejši, vi strokovnjaki, kajti nanje je Radovedni smo, kako se bodo letelo največ puščic. Pozdravila poskušali Titovi prijatelji v Wa-so jih celo vprašanja, ali so shingtonu izvleči iz te zanje go-sploh še strokovnjaki. tovo neprijetne zagate. Ameri- ška javnost bi pa za Titove na-Krivo je “vreme”! Črte morala izvedeti že sedaj Teh šal je sedaj konec. Ko- mecj volivno kampanjo! munistični režim je moral pri- ______p znati, da so napovedi o letini 7 J * j.* pšenice bile napačne na celi črti.) K^ClCtTlJC V€Stt Zasejano je bilo nekaj nad CLEVELAND. O. — Na državni ce ta mesec skupno 88.7 odstot-®en' ^J°bu^u’ kljub svoji 2 milijona hektarjev pšenice,! so torej lahko kar zaprla svoja vrata. V remtnski pridelek bi moral znašati okoli 4.5 milijonov ton, znaša pa sko-[ raj milijon ton manj! In to| vkljub temu, da ima dežela nad^ 40,000 traktorjev, opremljenih s primernimi poljedelskimi stroji, in da je porabila nad 1,700,000 •ton umetnih gnojil. Odgovornost za tako katastrofalno letino noši seveda “vreme”: Jeseni je bilo preveč dežja, potem pa pozimi preveč pbzebe, spomladi preveč mraza in dežja, potem pa preveč suše! Razlaga je lepa, toda ji nihče ne verjame ne v Jugoslaviji ne na tujem. “Plačali” bi pšenico z dinarji Režim upa, da ji bodo verjeli ysaj v ameriškem državnem tajništvu. Je namreč že nopove- cesti Rt. 41 kakih 35 milj jugozahodno od Columbusa sta se na nekem ovinku zaletela drug v drugega dva osebna avtomobila. Vseh osem potnikov v obeh avtomobilih je bilo mrtvih. Iz Clevelanda in okolice 1 Ohijska federacija KSKJ vabi na piknik— Ohijska federacija KSKJ vabi v nedeljo na piknik v park Društva sv. Jožefa št. 169 na White Road. DNU pri Sv. Vidu vabi na Slov. pristavo— Društvo Najsv. Imena pri Sv. Vidu ima pri osmi sv. maši zjutraj skupno sv. obhajilo, po sv. maši kratek sestanek v cerkveni dvorani, popoldne pa svoj običajni vsakoletni piknik za člane in njihove družine na Slovenski pristavi. Trgovina Familia zaprta— Ga. Kristina Brodnik sporoča, da bo trgovina FAMILIA na 6116 Glass Ave. zaprta od ponedeljka 10. avgusta do četrtka 13. avgusta. Šole se bodo odprle v miru— Vodniki črnega in belega dela prebivalstva mesta so v posebni izjavi zagotovili podporo novemu šolskemu superintendentu P. W. Briggsu pri izvajanju predloženega načrta, v katerem je dejal, da je sicer treba pospeševati integracijo šol, da pa je treba najprej gledati na res dobro šolsko vzgojo. prerok pravi: dal, da tod prosil pri Johnsonu W A S H I N G T O N, D.C. — za 1,500,000 fon pšenice, ne bo Delno oblačno, možnost ne- boroženo silo, ki bo svojim na- Kong. Oliver P. Bolton iz Ohia je pa mogel plačati v dolarjih, logam kos. Morda bo jedro uporabil svoje nekdanje otroke ameriških vojakov V|ton pšenice za dolarje, sedaj pa nazaj “katanške žandarje” in njihove bele vodnike. za njeno je p0novno pozval obrambno^ampak ^amo V dinarjih! Spo-' tajništvo, naj umakne žene in mladi je še kupil pol milijona' — Prebivalci Bretagne v Fran- Južnem Vietnamu v nima več dolarjev. To se pravi, Združene države, ker so tam Amerika naj zopet pokloni Ju- viht, toplejše. Naj višja tempe-'ciji so keltskega porekla kot v življenjski nevarnosti zaradi goslaviji z 18,000,000 prebival-ratura do 86. |Valežani v Veliki Britaniji. (razširjenja bojev. Icev 1.5 milijon ton pšenice, In- to pismo, na osnovi svoje bo dal tistemu, ki Sr * 2evifi SU./apisal neb* biv®l flu gel njv nik’ ki o umoru ni mo- ^Poroči^ff1 in zat0 FBI t6ga Bopv x . Udl n3 iemaIa resno. b°Va ,esan^ 80 bili najdeni, nji- 4 » yIa s° *“■ t-b2 ie S pred Sf>r!1-v?10nlCe’ iih staviti Zatj jn ••1*Sce’ -i3111 krivdo doka-3°§o ne*1 kaznovati- Ta del naje bil p^ra ne bo n*G lažji, kot v dež!uiZaVa ^haroa je druga v Produkciji koksa. Čemu je prišlo do vojnega spopada v zalivu Tonking? CLEVELAND, O. — Zadnjih sprožili vojne spepade v par dni dobivamo od povsod kinškem zalivu? skoraj vsako uro novo razlago, Komunisti imajo ie od nekdaj zakaj so torpedovke Severnega navado, da škodujejo svojim Vietnama napadle zadnjo ne- nasprotnikom in sovražnikom deljo rušilec Maddox in s tem tudi v domači politiki. Zato se spražile vojni spopad, ki o njem‘mešajo v vsake parlamentarne vsaj lahko upamo, da je zaklju-', volitve v svobodnem svetu. Občen, o čemur pa še ne moremo lika vmešavanja je seveda zme-biti prepričani. Med njimi se ra različna in se ravna po danih nam zdi najbolj dosledna, toda' prilikah. Tudi. sedaj hočejo de-tudi ne čisto resnica, sledeča: j lati sitnosti naši deželi, ki se Ton- njihovih političnih načrtih. Akcija v Tonkinškem zalivu ima še druge postranske cilje. Mi vsi vidimo samo rdeče vietnamske gverilce in njihovo zagrizenost, ne pomislimo pa, da je narod v Severnem Vietnamu tudi sit vseh žrtev za boje na jugu in težko čaka, kdaj jih bo konec. Temu narodu je treba vliti novo voljo za žrtve, to pa Nihče ne dvomi, da za vso akcijo ne tiči samo vlada Severnega Vietnama, ampak tudi rdeča Kitajska. Obtožbe te vrste letijo na Peiping od vseh nahaja sredi volivnega boja. To'uspehom tam, kjer ga nihče ne so pokazali že pred meseci, čim pričakuje. kitajske komuniste, da so poslali svoje tovariše iz Severnega Vietnama, da so šli po kostanj v ogenj za slavo kitajskega komunizma. Komunisti so si pri tem opekli prste. Ameriški nastop jih je presenetil, kot je presenetil ves svet. Nihče ni pričakoval, da se bo predsednik Johnson tako malo ceremonil z vietnamskimi WASHINGTON, D. C. — Obrambni tajnik McNamara je dejal včeraj, da bo rdeča Kitajska poslala v Severni Vietnam svoja vojna letala, ker ta sam nima vojnega letalstva. Povedal je tudi, da doslej niso opazili nič takega, kar bi kazalo na kak komunistični vojaški nastop kot odgovor na a-meriško kazensko bombardiranje pomorskih oporišč v Severnem Vietnamu. ATHENS, Ga. — FBI je prijela štiri belce, od katerih eden je priznal, da je sodeloval pri uboju črnca Lemuela Penna 11. julija letos, ko se je ta v avtomobilu vračal z vojaških vaj v Washington, D. C. SAJGON, J. Viet. — Severni Vietnam se je obrnil na 14 podpisnic ženevskega dogovora iz leta 1954, naj preprečijo “ameriško invazijo” Sev. Vietnama. V diplomatskih krogih razlagajo ta korak kot komunistično odločitev odgovoriti na a-meriško bombardiranje Sev. Vietnama po diplomatski poti namesto po vojaški. WASHINGTON, D. C — Včeraj je predsednik L. B. Johnson Kenncdvjeva razstava v mestu— Včeraj je prišla v mesto razstava pok. J. F. Kennedyja in bo ostala štiri dni v Public Hall. Včeraj je pokojnikov brat Robert Kennedy razstavo razkazoval vodnikom mesta. Odprta bo vsak dan do vključno ponedeljka od 9. dop. do 9. zvečer. Vstop je prost (skozi vhod na E. 6 St., naj bližji St. Clair Ave.). Vsa javnost vabljena! Zadušnica— V nedeljo ob sedmih bo v cerkvi sv. Vida sv. maša za pok. Antona Sajovica ob 12. obletnici smrti. V torek, 11. avg., ob 8.15 bo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete sveta maša za pok. Mary Strojin ob 11. obletnici njene smrti. Romanje v Frank— V avtobusu za romanje v Frank, Ohio je še nekaj praznih mest. — Več v oglasu! Seja— Podr. št. 47 S2Z ima v nedeljo ob dveh pop. sejo v SDD na Prince Ave. Popravek— V zahvali za pok. Johna Vičiča je bilo pomotoma izjuščeno ime vnukinje Frannie. Naj prizadeti oproste! se da doseči najlažje z novim napadalci. Zato tudi taka zme- denost v komunističnem svetu, pa tudi pri tistih nevtralcih, ki MOSKVA, ZSSR. — Vladno gla bolj se je bližal pravi čas za a-imeriško volivno kampanjo, tem bolj aktivni so postajali v Pei- ipingu. Stalno naraščanje dr-'nobene izgube, pa vendarle ne strrrni, toda režim Mao-Tsetun- vojne v Južnem ^ izzival ameriškega odpora. Ako Napad na ameriške pomorske sile bi pomenil že takrat velik uspeh, ako ne bi zadal Ameriki ga jih še ni zanikal. Pa tudi na-| Yjetnamu je dober barometer, vadna zdrava pamet govori za kako nam kitajski komunisti Amerika ne bi reagirala, bi dobilo veljavo kitajsko stališče, da to domnevo. Počemu naj bi Se- ^^gjg kvarj)d račune v sedanji'je Amerika samo “tiger na pa-vemi Vietnam tvegal svojih par nagj volivni kampanji, Ipirju”. To bi poživilo vero v obrežnih patrolnih torpednih ^ Državljanska vojna v Južnem zmago ne samo v Severnem čolnov za akcijo, ki o njej ve Vietnamu je že dosegla take me-1 Vietnamu in na Kitajskem, am-vsak otrok, da bo v vojaškem j6) da se lahko vsak trenutek pak vplivalo na ves svet, seve-pogledu morala spodleteti v par preievj v pravo. Tega kitajski da v škodo Ameriki. Mimogre-urah in imela za posledico po- kcmmmsti očitno še nočejo iz- de bi pa tak napad prekrižal še sprejel z vsemi častmi glavnega tajnika ZN UTanta in ga Velik p<)žar y Lakewoodu zagotovil, da bodo Združene države tudi v bodoče izpolnjevale svoje obveznosti do Združenih narodov. U Tant sc je razgovarjal s predsednikom tudi o vietnamski krizi. radi tolčejo po Ameriki, na primer v Parizu. Vsa poročila iz Pariza trdijo, da so tam zmedeni in — nezadovoljni. Kitajski komunisti so napovedali, da bodo Ameriki plačali račun za spopad v Tonkinškem' zalivu. Morda so to izjavili, da1 zmanjšajo pobitost, ki vlada se-1 silo “Izvestia” je sinoči zapisalo k mednarodnemu položaju: “Sile miru imajo vse iz-glede, da ne samo preprečijo rast plamenov spora, ampak da jih tudi pogase.” Vse kaže, da so vodniki Sovjetske zveze prepričani, da je višek vietnamske krize že mimo. daj v vietnamski prestolici Ha-1 WASHINGTON, D. C. — Število Včeraj pozno popoldne je nastal v A & P supermarketu na 15412 Detroit Ave. požar, ki je povzročil okoli $100,000 škode. Celotno gasilstvo Lakevvooda je prišlo gasit in porabilo skoro štiri ure, da je požar ukrotilo. Pomočnik poveljnika gasilcev W. Koster je bil ranjen, ko je padel s strehe gorečega poslopja. Okoli 50 ljudi, ki so bili v trgovini v času, ko je bil požar opažen, je z uslužbenci vred mirno in brez nesreče zapustilo poslopje. Ogenj je nastal v kleti in so ga opazili okoli 5.30 popoldne. noju, morda pa mislijo zares. Ce mislijo zares, se Amerika tega ne bo ustrašila. Vojne priprave, ki jih je odredil predsed gubo večjega ali manjšega šte- zvatj Zato so se odločili za ak-1 načrte, ruskih komunistov, ki nik Johnson in ki so veliko več-vila že itak ne mnogoštevilnih cjj0 v Tomkinškem zalivu. Ho-'zmeraj bolj zagovarjajo načelo j« kot to, kar ve o tem javnost, vietnamskih torpednih čolnov? |gej0 mešati račune obema glav-(mirnega sožitja in obsojajo voj- s<> take, da bodo morda ohladile Zakaj so kitajski komunisti nima ameriškima strankama v no nasilje. Vse to je>pripravilo tu s katerim nas ve-sP0min6p°Zabni ier neizbrisni v° (jev1’ romali smo v Barago- ^ithcT-0 Z namenorn> da se u* svetnjMln okrepimo v poznanju družil e^a škofa ter da se pri- ^ splošnemu P j e] Ptho 'gOVo gibanju za aihik beatifikacijo; glavni K. J. p gibanja je Father Maro r°Wn, 521 Fisher Street, podi e: Michisan- Sv°iib Uaim° to gibanje po m močeh! -; _ Ernest Terpin Hiša naprodaj Lastnik prodaja zidano hišo, spodaj sprejemna soba z ognjiščem, jedilna, soba in kuhinja, 2 spalnici in kopalnica. Zgoraj zgotovljena velika spalna soba, stranišče in umivalnik, klet pod celo hišo, preproge, beneški zastori, mreže in zimska okna, garaža i, 2 kari, nadglavna vrata, nizki davki. Hiša je prazna, se lahko takoj vselite. Kličite za sestanek. Nič agentov. 19716 Arrowhead Ave. KE 1-2497 Moški dobijo delo STOŽČASTA STRUŽILNICA OPERATORJI Iščemo moške, ki lahko sestavijo in delajo podnevi ali ponoči. Skušnja zaželjena na W. & S. št. 2, 3, 4, 5. Odlični plan za dobiček. Plačana življenjska in bolniška zavarovalnina. Uniforma preskrbljena. KERR - LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC. 21850 St. Clair Ave. (153) MALI OGLASI Zidan bungalov Na E. 160 St. severno od St. Clair Ave., v bližini Holmes Ave. je naprodaj lepa zidana hiša s 6 sobami in veliko kuhinjo. Možnost za razširitev! Poldruga garaža s cementnim dovozom. Vse zemljišče lepo urejeno. Cena zmerna. Kličite LI 1-4843 po 4. popoldne. -(152) Izvršujemo cementna Doyozne poti, pločnike, brezplačna ocenitev. JOHN ZUPANČIČ, KE 1-4993 dela V najem E. 58 St., 4 sobe, zidano poslopje; opremljene sobe $65.00, neopremljene $45.00. Kličite 881-7138. (153) Tudi barvamo - likamo In popravljam« ACME DRY CLEANING & DYEING CO. j 572 E. 162 St SL 1-MT« Naprodaj v fari Marije Vnebovzete 8-sobna enodružinska hiša, tudi lahko dvodružinska 4-4, na Holmes Ave., nekaj minut od farne šole; lot 200 čev. Cena znižana. Vprašajte za John Launch, IV 1-0232 ali kličite PAGE REALTY INC. KE 1-1030 (152) Lastnik prodaja Dve hiši, obe blizu E. 185 St., na 18401 LaSalle Ave., zidan veneer bungalow ima prostor za razširjenje za 2 sobi; blizu katoliške šole in cerkve; druga hiša na 19006 Muskoka Ave., enodružinska, 5 sob spodaj, 4 zgoraj, aluminijaste strani. Dober dohodek. Kličite KE 1-9623. —(153) Strokovno popravim hladilnike, zmrzovalnike in vseh vrst klimatske naprave. • Refrigeration & Air Conditioning. Louis Stergar • Tel.: 361-0181 Naprodaj Kompletno orodje za papi-ranje sten za $15, 4-delna spalna oprava za $70, divan $30, en tapeciran stol in pod-nožek za $30. Naslov dobite v uradu A. D. 31 ,7,14 avg) Oddamo štirisobno stanovanje za 2 osebi, zgoraj, na 4702 St. Clair Ave. Kličite 361-6089. — (155) V najem Tri neopremljene sobe, krasno dekorirane, oddamo 1 ali 2 zanesljivim, treznem osebam. — Vprašajte na 1176 E. 61 St., spredaj. $36.00 (xTu-Fr) CERTIFIED TYPEWRITER SERVICE 1127 East 66th St. Pisalni stroji in seštevalni stroji naprodaj v najem in v popravo Trakovi In carbon papir J. MERHAR Pokličite HEndenoo 1-9009 Delo išče Starejša Slovenka, samska, išče zaposlitev v gospodinjstvu, varstvu otrok, čiščenju ali strežbi bolnikov. Izobražena, pridna in vestna. Kličite 391-5966. —(152) V najem Oddamo opremljeno sobo na 1008 E. 71 St. Kličite HE 1-8127. (152) V najem Oddamo sobo s hrano mirnemu in starejšemu Slovencu. Kličite 431-0216. (153) SLOVENSKA BRIVNICA (BARBERSHOP) 783 East 185 St. JOHN PETRIČ — lastnik se priporoča. ZA DOBRO PLUMBINGO IN GRETJE POKLIČITE A. J. Budnick £ Co. S PLUMBING and HEATING ■ 6631 St. Clair Ave. Business Phone: UT 1-4491 Residence: PO 1-0641 RADENSKA VODA mineralna 65c liter. ČAJ: Planinski — Odvajalni — Tavžentrože — Kamilice. Vsakovrstne knjige in muzikalije TIVOLI IMPORTS «407 SL Clair Ave. HE 1-529« Schaefer je tisto pivo, ki ga vzamete, kadar mislite na več kot eno. Kadar ste res žejni, tekne prvo hladno pivo —vsako hladno pivo —naravnost čudovito. Toda kasneje, pri drugem in tretjem kozarcu, začne večina piv izgubljati okus. izgleda kot bi postala nekako prazna. Toda Schaefer je drugačno. Užitek Schaefer piva po eni ali^dveh čašah nikoli ne izgine. Še celo tedaj, ko je vaša žeja prešla, ima Schaefer prijeten in krepilen okus. To je kakovost, ki loči Schaefer od drugih finih piv. Ljudje pra- vijo, da jim daje to krepilno mrzlo, bleščeče zlato Schaefer pivo isti polni užitek čašo za čašo. Oni so dejansko deležni užitka prvega piva pri vsakem pivu. Čemu torej vi ne poskusite Schaefer piva? Prihodnjič, ko kupujete, vzemite en šeststekleničn* zavoj ali morda dva. Ugotovite sami, zakaj imenujejo Schcreferja pivo, ki ga vzamete, kadar mislite na več kot eno. Schaefer Breweries, New York and Albany,.N. Y., Baltimore, Md. Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. MI 1-004G Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE! PO VAŠI ŽELJI! V SLOVENSKI GOSTILNI SILVER BAR INN 5925 ST. CLAIR AVE. je ples vsako soboto zvečer od 10:30 dalje. Igra domača slovenska godba. Pridite in poveselite se ob veselih zvokih, ob dobri kapljici, okusnem prigrizku in prijazni postrežbi. Na veselo svidenje še to soboto! JEANNE in TONY KRISTAVNIK, lastnika ZAKRAJŠEK FUNERAL HOME CO. Mig St. Clair Ave. Tel: ENdicott 1-3113 TONY KRISTAVNIK Painting & Decorating • Sedaj je čas, da nas pokličete za barvanje vaših hiš. • • Hitra postrežba! Nizke cene! — Pokličite še danes • HE 1-0965 1171 E. 61 ST. • CVETLICE ZA POROKE, POGREBE IN VSE DRUGE PRILIKE • Brezplačna dostava po vsem mestu • Brzojavna dostava po vsem svetu FT D STARC FLORAL Inc, 6131 St. Clair Ave. Telefon podnevi: 431-6474 Dom: 1164 Norwood Rd. Telefon ponoči EX 1-5078 Smo tako blizu vas kot vaš telefon! Naprodaj Zidana veneer ranch hiša, 3 spalnice, sprejemna soba z ognjiščem, IV2 poploščena kopalnica, kuhinja in jedilnica. Cena okoli $25,000. Kličite 232-7242 od 3. do 7. ure. (152) RUDY KRISTAVNIK COMPANY GRADBENA DELA • MIZARSTVO 5908 Bonna Ave. — Tel. zvečer po 5. uri HE 1-1108, podnevi HE 1-0965 Najmodernejša okna NA ALUMINIJASTIH TRAKOVIH namesto vrvi za odpiranje. Notranji obod popolnoma obložen z aluminijem. Barvanje popolnoma odpade. Odpiranje in zapiranje je brezhibno gladko. • Cena z delom po $8.00 za okno navadne velikostk EUROPA TRAVEL SERVICE 759 EAST 185 STREET CLEVELAND 19, OHIO Vse potrebno za potovanje hitro in točno uredimo. Imamo zastopstva avijonsluh in ladijskih prevoznih družb. Nabavljamo in v Jugoslavijo pošiljamo vse vrste aparatov in živežne potrebščine. Denar nakazujemo po vsem svetu. Za vse informacije se zaupno obračajte na lastnika JEROME R. BRENTAR, IV 6-3774 rrarxxk*kXXXXxxxXX XTTXT TTXXXXXXYTTxxxx XXxxXXXXXXxYXXTi Hiša naprodaj Dvodružinska, 5-5 zidana, 3 garaže, v fari Marije Vnebovzete, v izvrstnem stanju. Kličite lastnika za sestanek PO 1-3141. (152) V najem Petsobno stanovanje s kopalnico, zgoraj, posamezni plinski furnez, oddamo odraslim. Na 6307 Carl Ave. telefon 431-3853. —(153), Pierre Benoit: VELIKI JEZ ROMAN IZ IRSKE Kadar kaj potrebuje, potrka s palico po tleh. Tako, sedaj po trka nekdo na vrata s ceste! Poglej, kaj je, Mihael!” “Ali misliš, da .. je začel gospod Hughes ne preveč navdušeno. “Poglej, kaj je, sem ti rekla. Ljudi ne smemo pustiti, da bi stali na cesti. In to še toliko bolj, ker se mi zdi, da je to glas gospe Walsh.” Ko je prišla gospa Walsh v sobo, je bila vsa prepadena. “Kaj je?” je vzkliknila gospa Hughes. “Pri nas je bil pravkar neki uporniški častnik. Svetoval oziroma ukazal je — sicer je to vseeno — naj zapustimo hišo. Borba se razvija v smeri Church Streeta. Ko sem ga vprašala, kam naj grem, mi je odgovoril, da je trenutno miren samo North King Street. Takoj sem se spomnila na vas. Hotela sem vam poslati svojega moža, toda ta je kakor ohromel od strahu; ne more se niti premakniti. Tedaj seip si hitro ogrnila plašč in pritekla sem. Saj nas vendar' ne boste pustili na cedilu, gospa Noemi?” Gospod Hughes je kašljal. “Bog obvaruj,” je rekla gospa Hughes. “Bog obvaruj. Toda nekaj vam moram povedati, moja draga Marta. Mi imamo tukaj že te štiri gospode, starega Davisa in še Denisa. Vem, da je Denis še mlad fant, in vem, da . . .” Gospod Hughes je močneje zakašljal. “Saj lahko spimo v šupi,” je dejala gospa Walsh z glasom, ki so ga dušile solze. “Neumnost, v šupi vendar ne morete spati. Toda kar pridite, si bomo že kako uredili. Prinesite pa s seboj nekaj posteljnine.” Gospod Hughes je obupano pokašljeval. Profesor Henrik-sen pa se je smejal na svoj poseben način. “To že ni več hiša, to je že gostilna,” je dejal. Gospa Hughes je oba divje pogledala. “Komur tu ni všeč,” je menila, “gre še vedno lahko na Church Street.” Kmalu po devetih sem odšel v svojo sobo. V hiši je vladala smrtna tišina; zunaj pa je vedno bolj naraščal bojni hrup. Ob pol desetih se je zgodilo, kar sem pričakoval. Nekdo je previdno šel po stopnicah navzdol. Stopnice so rahlo škripale. Na široko sem odprl svoja vrata. Luč je razsvetlila stopnišče in na njem je stal Denis z izrazom grešnika, ki je bil ujet. čevlje je nosil v rokah. Zagrabil sem ga za roko in ga potegnil v svojo sobo. “To ni prav,” sem dejal smeje se, “da ste prelomili besedo, ki ste jo dali svoji ubogi teti.” “Nikomur nisem dal besede,” je začel. Pomiril sem ga. “O’Dohertyjevi gotovo n e stanujejo daleč od Bachelons Walka?” sem ga vprašal. “Ne, ni daleč,” je odvrnil in me nezaupno pogledal. “Dobro. Gospod Denis, zatisnil bom oko z ozirom na vaš prestopek, toda samo pod enim pogojem. Napravite mi uslugo in odložite obisk pri lepi mis 0‘Dohertyjevi za nekaj minut in mi med potom pokažite, kje je Kellyjeva hiša. če se prav spominjam, je Kellyjeva hiša n a vogalu Bachelor Walka in O’Connel Streeta.” Denis je okleval. “Sicer je pa to vaša stvar,” je dejal. “Pridite in ne delajte preveč ropota. Moja teta je še v prodajalni in čaka na družino Walsh.” Preplezala sva nizko zidovje na notranji strani dvorišča m v petih minutah sva bila na CHICAGO, ILL CHICAGO, ILL. MALE HELP ENGINEERS MATERIAL HANDLING MECHANICAL PROCESS AND AIR-CONDITIONING Architectural Structural Designers and Estimators CHEMICAL Experienced in design of commercial, industrial and chemical plants. Call or write: MR. F. B. ROBERTS Austin Engineers, Inc. 2978 W. Grand Boulevard Detroit 2, Michigan Phone TR 5-7737 (153) ELECTRICAL ESTIMATOR Immediate openings for electrical estimator and Material listers. — Experience in industrial, commercial and chemical plant work. — Call or write to MR. R. J. HARRISON Austin Engineers, Inc. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY This Is A Fine Chance ONE COMPLETE -SEWERAGE BUSINESS With All Equipment and Trucks. Reasonable. — JU 7-0176. (152) TAVERN & LIQUOR STORE — A Bargain at $75,000. 2A of property on intersect, of Rtes. 66A & 53. Will sell complete. 2 car gar., business, property, etc. In the contr. of a subdivision. Selling because of health Call 739-7049. (155) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SKOKIE — Sacr. By Owner. 4-level, 3 bdrm. air-cond. home. 2 frpls., rec. & den. New all elec. kit. Mid 40’s. Sm. dn. payment to qual. buyer. Open House Sunday 2-5 p. m. — 4730 Enfield — WH 4-1105. (153) 2978 W. Grand Boulevard Detroit 2, Michigan Phone TR 5-7737 BY OWNER RETIRING — 6 Rm. Deluxe Brick House nr. 87th and Stony Island. 10 yrs. old. 3 bedrms., IVa cer. tile baths, dry bsmt., overhead sewer, oil ht., W/W crptg., range, air-cond., IVz car gar., patio, wide lot, fenced, extras. Nr. everything. Call RE 1-2692 Wkdays aft. 6 p. m. Anytime Sat.-Sun. (155) Capel Streetu. Kmalu sva dospela do Grattan Bridgea. Streljanje iz pušk je postajalo vedno močnejše. No črni površini valujoče reke so se odražali rumeni in rdeči obrisi ognja, ki je objemal hiše ob obali. Oba sva za trenutek obstala in se naslonila na mostno ograjo. Ogenj nama je razsvetljeval obraza. Videl sem, kako se je mojemu tovarišu iz strahu in začudenja spačil obraz. Čutil sem, kako išče mojo roko. “Ypern,” je Šepetal z vročičnim glasom, “to je Ypern na Liffeyju.” Krogla, ki nama je zabren-čala okoli ušes, naju je povrnila v resničnost. Nadaljevala sva svojo pot. “Gospod profesor Gerard, če se ne motim.” Spoznal sem pred seboj gospoda Clarka, enega' izmed uporniških voditeljev, ki mi je bil pred nekaj urami predstavljen v Kellyjevi hiši v isti sobi. Mirno je kadil svojo cigaro. “Kakšen je položaj?” sem vprašal. “Dober, dober,” je odvrnil. “Vedno več pridobivamo tal. Saint Stephens Green, sodišče in City Hall so v naših rokah. Sam sem prijel pet in dvajset ljudi. Toda, zdi se mi, da me hočete nekaj vprašati. Smem li vedeti, kako da ste tukaj?” ‘Dolgočasil sem se v sobi, ki mi jo je določila začasna vlada. Na Irsko sem prišel zato, da bom vsem dogodkom prisostvoval iz največje bližine. Sedaj ni primeren čas, da bi spal.” Clark se je smehljal: “Tudi jaz tako mislim,” je dejal. “Ali smem vprašati, kje je grofica Kendale?” “Prav točno vam ne morem odgovoritir Toda pojdite na pošto v Sackville Streetu. Tam je glavni stan. Grofica Antio-pa je gotovo v družbi s Pear-sejem in z O’Connollyjem.” V veži sem se zopet sešel z Denisem. “Denis,” sem mu dejal, “jaz grem na pošto in vas ne bi rad še nadalje zadrževal. Povejte mi, prosim, samo . . .” V svoje veliko začudenje sem opazil, da me Denis noče zapustiti. Zdelo se mi je, da je pozabil tako na pudding kot na lepo Ani ODohertyje-vo. Takoj mi je tudi pojasnil, zakaj je spremenil svoj načrt. “Včasih se dogode v življenju čudne stvari. Veste, koga sem pravkar srečal v veži Kellyjeve hiše v času, ko ste se vi razgovarjali s poveljnikom ?” “Koga, Denis?” “Evgena in Edvarda ODo-hertyja, Anina brata. Lahko si mislite, da danes ni ne duha ne sluha o kakem puddingu v ODohertyjevi hiši. Prihranili ste mi odvečno pot, gospod Gerard.” ‘To me veseli, Denis. Kaj pa delata Anina brata tu v Kellyjevi hiši?” ‘Kaj delata, gospod Gerard?” Od začudenja sem naravnost osupil. “Oba delata to, kar delajo ostali. Prihajata iz boja in se zopet vračata. Tudi onadva sta upornika in jaz nisem o tem nič vedel. Sicer je to njihova stvar in čutim, da imata v nekem pogledu prav. Da, celo meni sta ponudila puško in me povabila s seboj. Toda saj razumete, da za človeka, ki je na dopustu, ni to prava zabava . . . Toda ! Kaj je to? . . .” Denis je nenadoma obstal. Prišla sva v ozko temno ulico, sporedno s Sackwille Stree-tom. “Poglejte!” mi je zašepetal vojak na uho. Pogledal sem in opazil za železnim zastorom neke izložbe dve sključeni senci. “To pa ne gre,” je mrmral Denis. Skočil je nanju. Z vsako roko je zagrabil enega razbojnika. Udaril je oba skupaj in ponovil: “To pa ne gre, to pa ne gre.” Krepko sem mu pomagal. Oba moža sta se uporno branila. Molče in obupno sta se borila. Denis je divje zakričal. Nihče ni mogel predvideti, kako se bo končal ta dvoboj. Z nenadnim prihodom uporniške straže se je boj končal v našo korist. Straža je takoj vedela, kaj je treba napraviti in ni prav nič štedila z udarci puškinih kopit po obeh razbojnikih. “Razbojništvo, zasačeno na kraju samem,” je dejal vodja straže. “Dve priči. Prav! Gospoda, iti morata z menoj kot priči.” “Kam?” ‘Na pošto.” “Pojdimo!” V zakajeni sobi glavnega stana sva morala ponoviti svoje poročilo o razbojništvu. Denis in jaz sva podpisala svoje pričevanje. Nisem se mogel otresti občudovanja za upornike, ki so z dva tisoč možmi hoteli zavzeti mesto z dve sto tisoč prebivalci in pri tem niso pozabili skušali obdržati red in mir. šest prostovoljcev je odpeljalo oba razbojnika. Kmalu so sledili streli. Skočil sem po- konci. Pred mojimi očmi je zaplesal podpis, ki sem ga ravno dal. V BLAG SPOMIN DVANAJSTE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠE LJUBLJENE HČERKE IN SESTRICE Bridge! Marie Resnik ki je v cvetu mladosti, stara 19 let, izročila Bogu svojo deviško dušo dne 9. avgusta 1952. Devetnajst let si bila stara, kot lilija bela vedro vesela, pa smrtni angel Te je preselil, v raj nebeški Te je odpeljal. V raju vesela, med angelci si, pa prosimo Te, spomni nas se, da ko bomo zemljo zapustili, se bomo v raju s Teboj veselili. Žalujoči: JACOB in JENNIE, starši; BRATJE, SESTRE, SORODNIKI Cleveland, O., 7. avgusta 1964. č Vv-UvU'.-v-D' GRDINOVA POGREBNA ZAVODA 17002 Lake Shore Blvd. 1053 East 62nd Street KEnmore 1-6300 HEnderson 1-2088 Grdina trgovina s pohištvom — 15301 Waterloo Road KEnmore 1-1235 GRDINA — Funeral Directors — Furniture Dealers USTANOVLJENO 1908 Zavarovalnino vseh vrst vam točno preskrbi HAFFNER INSURANCE AGENCY 815 Superior Ave. 771-2929 ysfli ... v 1887 M HARLEM AND ARCHER AVE. — BY OWNER. Modern 3 flat, Brick and Stone. 2-5% Rms. 3 bedrms. Cab. kitchen, Cer. tile bath, 1-4 rm. with 2 bedrms. Cab. kitchen, tile bath, Alum. S&S. Baseboard hot water ht. $39,000. PH. After 6 PM BE 5-0371. (155) BERWYN — 6% Rooms, 3 bedrms. Gas heat, Side dr. 2 car brick gar. Attic, Full basement. Close to schls., church and transp. — By owner $24,900. — Call ST 8-6193 or ME 9-9791 (153) ANZLOVAR'S DEPT. STORE 6214 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, O. 44103 Razprodaja z V popusta MNOGA OBLAČILA ŠE CENEJŠA konča v soboto, dne 15. avg. VSEMU BLAGU SO CENE ZNIŽANE VSAJ ZA 20% Sedaj je čas, da kupite oblačila za šolo: kik-Ije-bluze, srajce-hlače, perilo za vso družino in izredno VELIKO PRIHRANITE. Dobrodošli vsak čas! Pridite, ogledujte si vse blago, celo trgovino popolnoma brezobvez-no. Dvojne zelene EAGLE ZNAMKE ob torkih. F BLAG SPOMIN OB TRETJI OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE UMRLA NAŠA LJUBLJENA SOPROGA, MATI IN STARA MATI MARY ZGONC Njena plemenita duša se je preselila v večno življenje dne 8. avgusta 1961. Ko bi ljubezen odločila in solza mrtve obudila, ne krila Tebe bi gomila. Saj ne mine nikdar dan, da ne bi bili v duhu tam, kjer dom je Tvoj hladan. Spomini vedno k Tebi nam hite, kot svetla luč ogrevajo srce. Počivaj v miru, blaga žena, preljuba mati v grobu tam, v spomin,u trajnem boš ostala, nepozabna, draga nam. Tvoji žalujoči: JOŽEF ZGONC — soprog FRANK, RUDI, VICTOR in LOUIS — sinovi s svojimi družinami Cleveland, Ohio, dne 7. avgusta 1964. AN ION 0BIAK * COUNCAv PERRY HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. 1101 Norwood Rd. Phone: Office, 361-5840 Home, 881-9947 Modernizirajte svoj dom kuhinje • cementna dela • spalnice strehe • žlebove * garaže kopalnice • zidave • mizarska dela Aluminium Siding & Storm Windows Izdelamo in popravimo: Vsa dela zavarovana. Proračun zastonj. Nič naplačila. Plačilo v obrokih na pet let. 1906 1962 ' E»STES "SLOVENE VILLAGE" * 6802 ST. CLAIR AVE. — HE-1-3344 I i & p <šs je— Is i 1 u is J ar O Domača gostilna Vam nudi VSAK DAN TOPLA JEDILA: juho, golaž, vampe, goveje in telečje zrezke. Poleg drugih okusnih jedil imamo OB PETKIH postno juho, ribe, rakce (shrimp) in sirove štrukle. V zalogi imamo vedno prvovrstna DOMAČA IN IMPORTIRANA VINA in pivo. V vrčkih točimo holandsko pivo “Heineken”. ^ • Ob sobotah igra pogosto najboljši slovenski orkester “VESELI SLOVENCI” v Vašo g F BLAG SPOMIN OB DRUGI OBLETNICI ODKAR JE UMRLA NAŠA LJUBLJENA SOPROGA, MATI, STARA MATI, SESTRA IN SVAKINJA LOUISE VIDIC Zaspala je v Gospodu dne 7. avgusta 1962. Spomin na Te je naš zaklad, saj vsak od nas Te imel je ra ’ pri Bogu zdaj se veseliš, a v srcih naših še živiš. Luč nebeška naj Ti sije, v mislih naših si vsak čas, srce naše zate bije, Ti pri Bogu pros’ za nas. zabavo pristne domače melodije. Za obisk se priporočata DUŠAN in MARY MARŠIČ Tvoji žalujoči: soprog JOSEPH VIDIC; hčerki MRS. DOLORES NOOMAN in MRS. FRIEDA DELAA1’ sin DENNIS VIDIC; sestra MRS. MARY SUSNIK; svak JOHN SUSNIK; bratje: JOHN, FRANK, JOŽE in, LUDVIK MOČILNIKAR! vnukinja LINDA MARIE DELAAT; vnuk DAVID ALLEN DELAAT. Cleveland, Ohio, 7. avgusta 1964. /Iiieri$k/i Domovi m /%' ivt' E R ■ €/l’ Ul— H O fWI E 'GUBICAM IN SPIRIT POMION IN LANOUAM ONSV SLOVCNIAN MORNING N€WSPAP€R sr Mat uo tke, MOffiDlhy TED O ur Threatened Heritage At a time when advancing civilization is threatening redwood forests, beaches and open spaces in America, a United Nations agency has come out in defense of natural beauty spots everywhere. “Sites of unusual charm or character are essential to the life of man,” says a report by the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The agency has in mind such wonders as California’s magnificent stands of redwood trees, jeopardized by a motorized so- ciety’s need for more superhighways. A conference of UNESCO experts suggests that legislation may be necessary to preserve such sites. Conferees stressed the need for control over road, airport and dam construction. They added that regulation of billboards, lumbering and camping also will help save beauty spota frcm destruction. “All this,” the experts conclude, “will be ineffective unless backed by public interest and cooperation stimulated by education and information media campaigns.” St. Joseph Teacher Co-Chairman Iffl Ameriška Pomovima _ CONDENSED NEWS FROM OUR HOME FRONT Our Newburgh representative, j missed its target brought a 21-year-acob Resnik, celebrated his 86th' old woman into Ohio State Univer-(rthday on July 27th. Congratula-1 sity Hospital, police said. She was ions and. wishes for many m0re " ---f—* 1----— happy and healthy birthdays ! g” Prof. Mirko Jeglič of South end, sends greetings from Lisbon, ortugal, to all his friends and dCtluaintances. ^ Regarding lodge business of ^-arniola Tent No. 1288 T. M„ mem-®rs are requested to get in touch hh Mrs. Pauline Debevec, 24151 ^osemite Drive, Euclid, IV 1-2048, nile the secretary, Mr. John Tav-ar> is recuperating from a fall. * Mrs. Anna Tusek of 1162 E. 61 reet, was taken recently to St. _ exjs Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery! 116 J£rS' Amonia Crcek of 3062 W. g St., has returned home from j ' Luke's hospital, where she un-lwir?',ent a major operation. She to thank all, who visited her the hospital Rowers, gifts or oicome at home! 12n suhscriber, Mr. Gross of v North Ave., Geneva, O., cele-3lst tr birthday on July Dri • snti likes to read Ameriška — Congratulations and for many more happy and a thy birthdays! GlasEmilee s Beauty Salon at 6128 - Ave-, is again open every day, ePt Sundays and Mondays. Ga,.fH°len Krofl of 12501 York Rd-’ fro 1IG^ Heights, has returned home gjjJ11 Marymount Hospital, where Sho Ur}derwent a major operation. e Ky. — The day be-rurai he .retired, Arthur Webb, a ing n n}a11 carrier, sent the follow-rOute°S‘‘r! Carcl t0 a11 iamilies on his Vvoo^ Gear Patron: It has been a a ft erlul experience to serve such I kave and loyal group of people. \vhene rei°iced with many of you ed or,^011 received letters from lov-Sorro , away from home. I have ters ofh wllen some received let-Vvith bac* news- I have anticipated that y°U t;dal lonS awaited letter nfistak V6r came. When I made Ned rn'S your understanding car-brincr 0 ofl' ^ay tke yedrs ahead joy i>^0U antl your families much • and peace.” Golufnbus, O. _ A kick that away the 150-pound ornament left two eggs in its place. ★ Nashville, Tenn. — John Link, manager of the Madison Lanes, was puzzled by a young lady bowling first with her left hand and then with her right. You’ll improve your game if you just concentrate on, one hand,” he counseled her. “Oh, I don’t care much about my score,” she replied. “I’m concerned about my weight. I want to take some off each side.” •fa Lawrence, Kansas. — Mrs. Flora Cowgill, who first enrolled at the University of Kansas in 1889, is again a coed, at the age of 91, the oldest student enrolled in. the school. This time, Mrs. Cowgill is taking a feature writing course from the University’s Bureau of Correspondence Study. Now living in Terre Haute, Ind., she hopes to write I a book about her early life in Kansas. -At Louisville, Ky. — The traditional wedding marches were missing when Miss Frances Burke and William Earley were married. Before the ceremony, guests were treated to a 45-minute full scale concert, then the couple marched down the aisle to the strains of a suite for trumpet, string and organ. The unusual event was arranged by the bride’s father, Robert Burke Jr., a music critic. ★ Tampa, Fla. — Gus Garride, Tampa service station operator, who recently set a world’s bowling endurance record by rolling 1,150 games in sever, days, says his marathon was good for his father. Garride told the North Tampa Chamber of Commerce: “At the time I decided to do this, there was so much about this cigaret deal (the surgeon general’s report on smoking), my dad never has been able to stop smoking. He promised me to give up cigarets the minute I gave up the marathon.” And so far, Garride says, his father, Oscar, has kept his end of the bargain. ★ Des Moines, Iowa. — While in Germany on business, Edward Bird of Des Moines visited a town which was captured in World War II by the battalion Bird had commanded. Bird returned to the mayor the town’s flag, which had been taken as a souvenir. The major expressed gratitude, then asked Bird if it would be possible to locate “an American soldier who carved his name” in the organ of one of the Many persons over age 65, who are working full time or part time, may now be eligible to get some monthly social security benefits. For example, if a person’s monthly benefit is $100 and he has earnings of $2000 per year, he would still be eligible for $650 in benefits for the year. He would be entitled to partial benefits because for each $2 he earns between $1200 and $1700, he loses only one dollar in. benefits. For each dollar he earns above $1700, he loses one dollar in benefits. Pederson emphasized that two particular groups — those over age 65 (even though still working), and those previously denied benefits because of having not worked enough — should get in touch with the nearest social office. says announcements or. all basic matters for 1965 will not be made until the end of the season. Owner John Fetzer likes Dressen personally and Fetzer respects the manager for his around-the-clock devotion to baseball. Barring a sluggish finish, it is likely that Dressen. will get a new contract, probably for one year. Dressen will be 68, September 20. The Tigers hired Dressen, June 18, 1963, and the team improved to finish eight games above .500 (55-47) under his direction. After 15 Silver W&Mrag taiversary Sunday, August 9th, 1964, the well known Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Strniša of 797 E. 156 St., will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary with a Mass at 10:30 a.m. in St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Ave. Fred and Dorothy were married August 5, 1939 in St. Vitus Church by Rev. Matt Jager. Five children were born to them: Fred Jr., Dorothy, Joseph, Joan and Gregory. weeks, the Tigers were four games Three are still living but two —• under .500 (48-52) and had ten Joseph died in 1946 at the age of weeks left for plus for 1964. Dressen to show a Hart’s First Error in 30 Games Offset by His Homer Los Angeles, Calif. — After 30 14 months, while Dorothy died in 1960 at age of 17 years. Their son, Fred Jr., is married and has a little daughter named Jeanette, so that Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Strniša are also proud grandparents. Fred consecutive errorless games at third'jr j completed his studies at Case One World Oay Beauty Obntesi The Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation is commemorating the 18th Annual One World Day Sun- base, rookie Jim Ray Hart of the j jnsjjju^e an(j js now a physicist at Giants finally fumbled one, July 24, General Electric at Nela Park, against the Dodgers in Los Angeles and it cost two unearned runs. The active campaign. Hart, who had made 16 errors in his first 60 major league games, , , , on n/r- i handled 87 chances — 36 putouts day, August 30. Miss Cultural Gar- „nH , Hnnc nf IQfiA ic ,n Vin co.nnl^ I ^ 5i ,aSS1StS ~ dU™-g ^ chain of flawless games. celebrants have been very ______ at St. Mary’s parish and the Giants finally overtook the have seen to it that all their child-Dodgers and Sandy Koufax and ren received a Catholic upbringing, won, 5-2. The deciding blow was a I Congratulations and wishes for Lvo-iun, 420 foot homer by Hart, ■ many more happy and healthy anni-of course, his eighteenth of the' versaries! dens of 1964 is to be selected. The Yugoslav Cultural Garden League extends an invitation to young ladies, between ages 18 to 25 years, of Slovenian, Croatian or Whal’s Stab, I3as four Legs, Burns Bushes? Close Resemblance Between Lock and King, Nat Roomies x ^ l Washington, D. C. — This is the .Serbian descent to enter the con- story of two Washington “roomies” test. Preliminary judging will be _ Don Lock and Jim King — the made on: a. Personality; b. Educa- two outfielders who couldn’t be tion, c. Charm and beauty; d. Final closer if they were Siamese Twins judging will include appearing in On July 25, the two roommates iecTwas“round and abour‘Jta]l native costume. I had the same number nf hiic ■lect was rouna ana at:)0ut as tall The queen is to be crowned in the * H ?5 ’ 3 Car’ Xt WaS shinV and stnod SOCORRO, N. M. — It was round, stood on girder-like legs, and scorched grass and bushes, but Socorro policeman Lonnie Zamora does not know what it was. Zamora saw it and state policemen and air force officials saw what it left. Zamora said the mysterious ob- as a car. It was shiny and stood on conjBnction with Parade of Proeress h tu™ number ,of homers 1151 four girder-like legs, conjunction with Parade oi Progress and the same number of runs bat- But when he me at the new Convention Hall under ted in (49) Lock h-iri nnc mm-c Li u . . ^ the Mall. For further irformatibn double 11-10 ard one more trinle 1 °bjjC:t at dusk: a he f°und wa8 call Mrs. L. W. Phillips at EV 2- 2-1 triple four indentations in the ground and 5454 or write to: Miss Lily Volosin, On that date Kine was hittine'8^^ cUShenu { r-. ____ loon , o, ", "1UC oaic, rang was hitting; Zamora told Sgt. Sam Chavez of Chairman, (309 vVest Blvd., Cleve- .267 and Lock .260. Lock had nine the New Mexico state police. They took six other men to the spot and land, O. 44102. more times at bat. WEDD1KG BELLS Being married Saturday at 11:00 a. m. in St. Vitus Church are Miss Joan Marie Brodnik and Jack Go- WojfcTs Fair Tour Over Labr Day Weekend found four indentations 14 inches long and six inches wide. White Sands missile range officials confirmed the markings and the burned grass. They reported the incident to the officer in charge of unidentified flying objects at Hollo- The Midwest Chapter of the Na- dinich. The bride is the daughter tional Railway Historical Society is . ^ of Mr. and Mrs: Joseph Brodnik of sponsoring a trip by rail to the Fair.) base near Alamogordo, New 1063 E. 69 St., and granddaughter Train leaves Cleveland on Friday, . , of Mrs. Jennie Luzar and the Idte September 4th at 5:20 p.m. In New Holloman Officials investigated Anton of 1035 E. 69 St. The groom York, rooms are provided at Hotel 11,e lnclclent- is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Le.rington. Train returns Tuesday, --------°--------- corhmunity churches. Bird asked'Godinich of 7027 St. Clair Ave. The September 8th at 7:30 a.m. I In youth, one has tears without the soldier’s name and came the! bride attended Notre Dame Acade- For complete details call TU 4- grief; in age, griefs without tears.______________ reply: “Kiiroy.” |my. Wishes for happiness! 6882. 1 Roux. A LIGHT TO LIVE BY It is customary to think of the United States as a young nation, and genealogically this is true. As a people, as Americans owing allegiance to none but ourselves, we are young. We declared cur independence 188 years ago. We won it after seven bitter years of war 181 years ago. But what we forget is that young as we are, we are nevertheless the oldest major republic on earth. We have more experience at community government than any other nation save Switzerland. It has worked wonderfully well for us. Even our Civil War resulted in cementing us more firmly together, and in our 181 years we have grown from a small, barely independent nation into the lustiest, most powerful people of them all. What our detractors cannot conceive is that we have no desire to rule. Autocratic governments must rule to live; they cannot govern because to govern is to carry out the wishes of the citizenry and few citizens of any nation want domination and political slavery. The distractions which surround us must not obscure in our minds the means of preserving what our forefathers gained for us nearly 200 years ago. Those patriots lit a lamp that still burns brighter than any other and if we tend it well will continue to shed its warm and kindly light long after the cold flame pf despotism has burned itself out. ST. VITOS UOL4 [MIC Sl/eekig Ifeviejy] Holy Name Society »s News HOLY NAME SUNDAY All members are reminded that this Sunday, August 9, is Holy Name Sunday. Members will attend the 8 o’clock Mass and receive corporate Communion. Please arrive by 7:45 at the school auditorium, so that the Society can go to the church in a group. A brief meeting will follow. ANNUAL PICNIC The annual picnic is also scheduled for August 9, at the Slovenska Pristava in Geneva. All members and their families are invited to attend. Bring your own. lunch and refreshments. Catholic War Veterans St. Vitas Post 1655 FOR GOD FOR COUNTRY FOR HOME St. Vitus Post 1655 CWV regular monthly meeting Tuesday, Aug. 11. Post Clubroom. At this time every member of Post 1655 that has any interest in CWV activities should be aware of the fact that the CWV national convention is being held here in Cleveland at the Sheraton Cleveland Hotel, from Aug. 4 thru 8. The most important day of the convention for Post 1655 is Friday, Aug. 7, which is known as Monte Carlo Night. Now this activity of the convention has been entrusted to Post 1655 in its entirety. Most of the preliminary work has already been done, but the most important job is still ahead of the Post and that is the job of members and WIVES showing up to man the various games. Most people know of Las Vegas Nights which is the same' as Monte Carlo as games of chance, with play money. It’s an'Cn joy able evening of fun and Post 1655 is entrusted in making it a success, to justify the preliminary work already put into it. Contact Jim Logar or Jim Slapnik Co-Chairman of the affair or just show up at 7:00 or 7:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Cleveland. Check in the lobby for the location of Monte Carlo Night. Remember that Post 1655 will be on display on a national level. See you there “Sam.” * * * For the near future Aug. 20 thru 23 our own Carnival on St. Vitus school grounds. A smile re-cures the wounding of a frown. — Shakespeare. Ssneral War Claims Deadline Extended WASHINGTON, D. C. — Dr. Edward D. Re, Chairman of the For-egn Claims Settlement Commission, announced today that the Commission has extended until January 15, 1965, the deadline for filing World War II claims under Public Law 87-846, the General War Claims Act. In making this announcement the Chairman stated that the Commission had recently received countless numbers of inquiries by telephone, telegram and otherwise froth potential claimants who, for various reasons, were unable to file claims before the initial deadline of July 15, 1964. Accordingly, the Commission has exercised its discretionary power to extehd the deadline for filing in favor of these potential claimants. Dr. Re stated that over 60,000 notices had been mailed to potential claimants but that vast numbers had been returned undeliverable due to failure to advise the Commission of change of address. It is hoped, he said, that these potential claimants can now be notified through the press. The statute authorizes a period for filing claims not to exceed eighteen months from the date of original publication in the Federal Register. Since the original publication of July 16, 1963, fixed a one-year period for filing, this extension to January 15, 1965, is the last one that may be granted pursuant to the express provisions of the statute. The Chairman urged all individuals, corporations and other entities who have claims under Public Law 87-846 to file them without delay. This statute provides for four general categories of claims of nationals of the United States: (1) property damages and losses arising out of World War II in certain specified countries and areas of Europe and in territory attacked or occupied by Japanese military forces; (2) damage, loss or destruction of ships and ship cargoes as a result of military action by Germany or Japan during World War II; (3) net losses of insurance companies under war-risk insurance policies covering losses of American ‘ ships resulting from rriilitary action by Germany or Japan during World War II; and (4) death, personal injuries, or property losses of civilian American passengers on the high seas resulting from military action by Germany or Japan. Awards granted by the Commission will be certified to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment as provided by law. It is estimated that in excess of $220 million, will ultimately be available for payment of these claims. The money to finance this program does not come from the taxpayer’s pocket but from the proceeds of former enemy assets seized by the United States Government during World War II. In urging all potential claimants to file their claims without delay. Chairman Edward D. Re pointed out that claims must be submitted on official application forms which may be obtained from the office of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commissions. The Chairman’s announcement was made in conjunction with the continuing efforts of the Commission to advise all potential claimants of their rights under Public Law 87-846. All inquiries and requests for official claim forms should be forwarded directly to the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States, 1111 20th Street, N. W„ Washington, D. C. 20579. Don’t forget... every litter bit hurts KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL Published as a public service in cooperation with The Advertising Council. HANCES P. BOLTOM • Congressman, 22nd Didrkt, Ohio '3f©~ Q' PROGRESS ON MY CREDIT -I CARD BILL. A Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee has taken favorable action on my bill (H. R. 2828) to amend the U. S. Code to prohibit the transportation or use in interstate or foreign commerce, with unlawful or fraudulent intent, of counterfeit, fictitious, altered, lost, stolen, wrongfully appropriated, unauthorized, revoked, or cancelled credit cards. Along with the ever increasing use of credit cards for convenience sake, there has also been a phenomenal increase in the fraudulent use of such cards. These crimes affect many millions of people to whom credit cards have been issued as they are held liable for any charges against such cards prior to notifying the issuing companies in the event they are lost or stolen. Thus, the individual person as well as the many companies which do business through the use of credit cards have a vital interest in this legislation. A number of state legislatures, including that of Ohio, have recognized the need for strong legislation to cover fraudulent use of credit cards. However, because of the great mobility involved, particularly with respect to credit cards issued by the oil companies, this matter is more appropriately a Federal-Interstate one. In the period of one month a person committing a credit card fraud can travel through many states prior to the time that the person to whom the card has been issued, or the company may be aware that the card is being misused. Further, because of the mobile character of the person committing the fraud and its interstate nature, it is virtually impossible to apprehend the wrong doer without the assistance of the F.B.I. I am hopeful that H. R. 2828 will be cleared by the full House Judiciary Committee and passed by the House and Senate in this session. COST OF LIVING CONTINUES TO RISE The housewife may expect her food bill to increase even more in the months ahead as a result of Administration policies. For example, President Johnson’s wheat bill (which I voted against) went into effect July 1, and it is expected to boost the price of wheat by 18 cents a bushel. This will be passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices on bread and other products made of flour. Even that good old American institution — the coffee break — will soon feel the results. The price of coffee is being set in London, under a “world mart” as a result of the International Coffee Agreements ' Act pushed through by the Admin-istration last November (which I voted against). This sets up an artificial pricing system designed to put a floor nder the price of coffee. Every penny-per-pound increase costs U.S. consumers $35 million. Government milk marketing regulations are keeping milk prices high. Dairy economists have estimated current milk prices are five per cent above what they would be otherwise. Federal price setting of feed grains ups costs to farmers. This pushes up the cost of milk, ice cream, butter, cheese and other dairy products. While all this has been going on, a million persons left the farm last year, proving that Secretary Freeman’s artificial marketing, price-prop-production control program is a failure in preserving the familysized farm. Thus, both the farmer and the consumer of his products have been hurt by the Administration programs. From the Indian Tepee G. I. BENEFITS The Veterans’ Administration reports that families of deceased veterans of peace-time, as well as wartime, military service often overlook these benefits that are available: a gravesite in a national cemetery and opening and closing of the grave; a United States flag for the casket, and a headstone. Arrangements can be made through local offices of the Veterans’ Administration. Push and Go The young clerk was summoned to his employer’s office. “Of all my clerks, Freeman,” began the boss, “I notice you seem to be most interested in your work. No hours seem too long for you and you never let the slightest detail escape you.” “Yes, sir?” said Freeman, with glowing and expectant satisfaction. “Yes,” continued the boss, “and so I am forced to fire you. It is such! your.g men as you who learn here and then go out and start a rival business.” An event, one of the most colorful and heartwarning of the season, is Tribe Father-Sons Pay, when the players meet their sons in action between games of a doubleheader against the Minnesota Twins on Sunday, August 9. The powerful Minnesota Twins invade the Stadium for a twi-night doubleheader tonight, August 7. The series against the Twins is especially crucial in that the Tribe faces its nearest competitors in the won-loss column, and, if successful, can move into the first division. The Twins lead all other major league teams in home runs and are A. L. runnerups in, team batting. Contributing to this high offensive output are Harmon Kille-brew, Tony Oliva and Bob Allison. The August 7 twi-nighter, a makeup for the rained out game of June 15, is Canton-Stark County Night at the Stadium. The Twins stay in. town on Satur day, August 8, which has been set as Society for the Blind Day. For this annual event, the Indians set aside a section of seats for blind persons, who, after the game, enter the playing area and meet the players. The homestand closes with a double header against the Twins on Sunday, August 9, when between games, Indian Dads meet their sons in a brief game. The youngsters will be wearing uniforms identical to those of their fathers. Also, on this day, the Indians play host to fans from the Defiance area Visit Foreign Lands At Home — Foods sold for use in the management of disease, or for certain conditions especially for infants, the aged, the obese, or the pregnant, must comply with the special dietary labeling requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Art, to furnish the information needed by the user. JVaznanilo in ^Zah-dala Z globoko žalostjo v mojem srcu naznanjam sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem da je nenadoma umrl moj ljubljeni soprog, ’ J DANIEL MURN Previden z zadnjimi tolažili sv. vere je umrl dne 24. junija 1964. leta. Rojen je bil 15. julija 1882 v Prezidu na Notranjskem, odkoder je prišel v Ameriko leta 1907. Pogreb se je vršil 26. junija 1964 iz pogrebnega zavoda Jos. Žele in Sinovi v cerkev sv. Jeroma, kjer je za pokoj njegove duše daroval slovesno sv. mašo zadušnico Father James P McCann. Potem pa smo prepeljali truplo pokojnika na pokopališče All Souls in ga tam položili k večnemu počitku v družinsko grobnico. In the All Nations Fair entertainment program at the Parade of Progress exposition in Cleveland's brand new Convention Center Hall on the Mall, August 28 through September 7, some fifty different singing, dancing and musical groups will stage festivals such as seen in their ancestral homelands. These dancers, representing the Netherlands American Society of Ohio, wiU participate in the evening programs of folk-loristic festival in various original provincial costumes. This nationality entertainment is almost the equivalent of a free trip around the world, for the countries represented include such groups as; Armenian, British, Byelorussian, Croatian, Czech, German, Greek, Hungarian, Russian, Saxon, Serbian, Syrian-Lebanese, Swedish and Ukranian, according to A. J. Šuster, who is arranging this portion of the Parade of Progress entertainment. The Show hours will be il:00 am. to ll;oo p.m. dally. Your Election Laws • Take neither hot nor cold show-t ers. A hot shower or bath can satu-On November 3 Ohioans will go;rate y0U with a longlasting feeling to the polls ard cast their votes for, 0f heat. Cold water shrinks the dia-President and Vice President of the meter 0f the skin’s blood vessels, United States. Those who vote in making it more difficult for your counties where paper ballots are ’ skin to cool itself. Instead, bathe in used will receive a separate ballotjwater of skin, temperature. Don’t for President and Vice President, a take too many baths; frequent ballot on which only those two oL fices appear. Also, only the names of the actual candidates for President and Vice President will be on the ballot; the names of people running for electors will not be on the ballot. Our older voters will undoubtedly remember presidential ballots whicl) were entirely different from tfye short, simple ballot we will vote on this year. Prior to the adoption of the office type ballot in 1949, Ohioans voted on a party column ballot. The candidates were listed under their parties instead of under the offices for yvhidi they were running. Each group of candidates was callerl the “ticket” of that party, and the candidate for President headed his party’s ticket. A straight vote for every candidate of that party could be cast by putting an X in a circle printed at the top of the ticket. Many state and local candidates were carried into office becaqse the voters looked only at the names of the presidential candidates and voted a straight, party ballot. soaking stops perspiration. Best advice is to take no more than two baths a day. • You’ll burn up as many calories in hot weather as cold, so don’t try to get along on just salads. Fill up with meat, eggs, cheese, and whole wheat breads. These contain thia mine, which releases heat gradually so you won’t feel overheated. • The more you perspire, the more water you should drink. On a hot day, you can pour off 15 quarts of ^ water, but your normal thirst won’t make up for the fluid you’ve lost. Drink hot or cold liquids every hour. • Take it easy. Avoid frantic lunch-hour shopping on hot days. Avoid the rush home by waiting 15 or 30 minutes. At home, haul out the paper plates. Do your “dishwashing” in the, trash pail instead of the sink. • Get more sleep during hot weeks. On muggy nights, try putting the mattress on the floor. Hot an- rises and leaves you surrounded by cool ajr. • Help air circulation by pulling In 1949 Ohioans voted into effect a constitutional amendment insti-J large furniture away from"the"wan tuting the office type ballot we now! and arranging it at right angels have. At the same time, the presi-, This breaks up air currents • Blues and greens make dential ballot was separated from the rest of the ballot and printed on a separate piece of paper. Fox-some years the names of all the „---- —-— you feel cpolor, so use these colors for tablecloths, towels and drapes. If you don’t have an air condi- presidential electors were printed tioner, place a 12-inch 'fan, Bil je član društva V boj št. 53 SNPJ in Waterloo Grove št. 281 W. O. W. V dolžnost si štejemo, da se s tem iskreno zahvalimo Father James P. Cann za molitve v pogrebnem zavodu, za darovano slovesno sv. mašo zadušnit-a in za ginljiv posmrtni govor v cerkvi sv. Jeroma. Ravnotako se prisrčno zahvalimo članom pevskega zbora fare sv. Jeroma za žalostinke, ki so jih peli med sv. mašo in pogrebnimi obredi. Srčna hvala vsem, ki so ob oder pokojnika položili tako lepe vence cvetja in mu s tem izkazali svojo ljubezen in spoštovanje. Toplo se zahvalim vsem, ki so darovali za sv. maše. Hvala vsem, ki so pokojnika prišli kropit in molit ob njegovi krsti, kakor tudi vsem, ki so se udeležili pogrebne sv. maše in ki so ga spremili na pokopališče. Hvala pogrebcem, članom društev, ki jim je pripadal in ki so nosili njegovo krsto. Hvala vsem, ki so dali svoje avtomobile brezplačno na razpolago za spremstvo na poko pališče. Iskreno se zahvalim vsem, ki so mi izrekli svoje sožalje ustmeno ali pismeno, kakor tudi vsem, ki so mi v dnevih moje žalosti bili na pomoči. Posebno se za njih pomoč zahvalimo Mr. in Mrs. John Weber ter Mr. in Mrs. John Ažman. Hvala našim dobrim sosedom, ki so nabirali za venec. Toplo se zahvalim članom društev, ki jim je pokojnik pripadal za lepo slovo od svojega umrlega sobrata ter Mr. Rožancu in Mr. Surtzu za poslovilne govore od umrlega v pogrebnem zavodu. Hvala osebju pogrebnega zavoda Jos. Žele in Sinovi za vzorno urejen pogreb in za vsestransko izvrstno postrežbo. Razposlala sem zahvalne kartice vsem, ki so darovali ali prispevali. Ako kdo take kartice ni sprejel, naj mi blagohotno oprosti in naj s tem sprejme mojo globoko zahvalo! Ljubi mož, počivaj v miru v blagoslovljeni ameriški zemlji in lahka naj Ti bo gruda te Tvoje druge domovine! Vse prehitro si zapustil ta svet. Pogrešam Te vsepovsod! Žalujem za Teboj, trdno pa sem prepričana, da Te bo Gospod Bog obilno poplačal za vse dobro, ki si ga na tem svetu storil. F,nkrat pa se bova zopet sešla in skupaj uživala radosti večnega življenja. Do takrat pa se Te bom vedno spominjala z ljubeznijo v mojih mislih in molitvah! Žalujoči: ANTONIJA — soproga V starem kraju zapušča sestro JULIJANO OŽBOLT in mnogo sorodnikov. OSTALO SORODSTVO Cleveland, Ohio, 7. avgusta 1964. on the ballot. In 1955 we asked the legislature to take them off the ballot and leave only the names of the actual candidates for President and Vice President. After all, the people of Ohio are voting for President and Vice President, not for individual electors, and they expect the electors to cast their votes for the candidates who win the popular vote. The presidential ballot you receive this year will be, therefore, a short and simple ballot. The names of the candidates for President and Vice President will be printed in blocks, and the voter need make only one X to vote for the national ticket of his choice. The ballots will of course be rotated — that is to say, half the ballots will carry the Democratic candidates first and the other half will carry the Republican candidates first. When you receive! a ballot with one party listed first,’ you will know that there was a1 fifty-fifty chance you might have received one with the other party first, and undoubtedly your neighbors did receive such ballots. On the voting machines, the presidential ballot will be just as simple. Only one lever need be pulled. . _ ---- —... on the floor during the day and bounce the breeze off a far wall. At night, set it three feet from an open window and blowing out. It will blow hot air out and suck in cooler air through other open windows. -----—o-------- BUY SAVINGS BONDS I Keep Cool When summer’s searing weather sends the mercury soaring, there is nothing you can do about it. But there are a number of things you car. do to keep cool and comfortable. • Men, wear those T-shirts. They absorb perspiration and protect the skin from irritation of exuded salts. • Everyone benefits by wearing porous materials and avoiding tight or binding clothing. Leather shoes generally are cooler than those made of composition materials. • The myth that dark colors are j “hpt” and pastels are “cool” goes , down the drain. U. S. Army tests show the actual differences in heat ' absorption is pretty much imagina-I tion. ^omdhintj Old domeihme/ /l/ew... Amavnc* H In I Ha ■pp up riala manna •MwbftolT toakkmi brrftavteos prit« «1 mrSmmqt K«OMk« lavftotlon In OoM IDO Pro* Informal* STOP IN AND CHOOSE FROM Ol'R CATALOG AMERICAN HOME PUBLISHING CO. _ 61 n at. Clair At*. DEATH NOTIGES i Avenue. Vacula, Mary (nee Leposchak) —' Brodnik, Ann (nee Malnar) —iWife of Ladislaus, mother of Bar-Wife of Stanley, mother of Ann) bara Ann Wolke, James, sister of Bove, Stanley, Darlene, sister of Nick, Lou s. Blase, Rose Erick. Re-Anthony, Olga Jesensek, Mary Volf, j sidence at 16201 Glenburn Ave. Caroline Kastelic, Louis, James,) Vraneza, Joseph M. — Husband Carl. Residence at 24670 Hawthorne of Susan (nee Baker), father of Drive. ' I Christopher, brother of Mary Vo- Cercek, Frances (nee Kenik) — 8Dn> Rosalia Ferraiuolo, George. Mother of Mary Doerflinger, Jose-, ^es^ence 17201 Neff Rd. phine Wehrmeyer, Stephanie Novak, . Yartz, Margaret Mother of Lil-Michael (Calif.), Joseph (Allen-. ^ian Drederico, Eleanor Quinn, Ro-town, Pa.), John (Nevada), sister] James, Raymond, stepmother of Mary Gornick, Johanna Kus,!0* ^nra Ryan, Frank Yartz. Res. Julius Kenik. Residence at 9805, Hecker Ave. Heath Ave. Železnik, Rudy — Father of Gwen- Cestaric, Joseph L. — Husband of 1°^ TnpT,E11,!n\u0n Angeia (nee Turkovich) brother of - Anthon^^ank l^ary Kustra"Re- Shore Blvd. Gornik, Frank G. — Husband of Jean (nee Campbell), brother of John, Albert, Mary, Anne Grzy- Be Grateful Tenant: “Is that the landlord?” Voice: “It is.” Tenant: “Well, last night the rain HELP WANTED — MALE bowski. Residence at 30 E. 216 St. came through the roof and gave me Kromar, Louis — Husband of a shower bath. What are you going Frances (nee Sttucin), brother of to do about it?” Caroline Sever, Frances Modic, | Voice: “What do you want me nephew of Frank Virant, uncle of to do — give you a rub down? Frank Urh, Lillian Bratina, Sonya' Kromar. Residence at 1566 E. 204 Street. Mauer, Vera (nee Udovič)—Wife of Anthony, Mother of Robert, Ernest, Veronica, daughter of Mary Udovič (nee Intihar), sister of Luke, John, Ludwig, Andrew, Joseph, Frank, Vincbnt, Rose Kneztic, Anna DombrowsRi. Residence at 19600 Monterey Ave. Nemeth, Nellie (nee Karkula) — Mothe) of Mary, Julia, Anna, Joseph, Agnes, Helen, John, Geneva. Residence at 1393 E. 52 St. Presterl, Mary (nee Rozman) — Mother of Joseph, Edward, Emily Corsaro. Residence on McElhatten Watchmakers who can qualify for top grade trade shop. Steady employ-m e n t, permanent position, excellent working conditions. Poliak Wafch Ssmca Go« Please call 241-4413 (29,31, 3,5,7 aug) ^o0()oooo()()<^>o()00000^ (Houses I WEAK OUT! REPAIR O R IM PR OVE YOURS WITH A CLEVELAND TRUST LOAN 70 CONVENIENT, HELPFUL BANKS ” thanks Pop! “Thanks for the love and the companionship you’ve always given me, and for teaching me football and baseball, and helping me with my homework. “And thanks too for thinking of me in practical ways — for the Sun Life insurance protection which will give Mum an income If anything should happen to you; for the Junior Adjustable Policy which will be so helpful to me when I’m grown up, and for the policy which assures me a college education. “You’ve given me the best possible start In life, Pop. Thanks.” JOHN R. TELIGH. C.LU. MICHAEL TELIGH 2829 Euclid Ave. CH 1-7877 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA