> PR i\ CiV FTâ Uredniški bi upremlškl prostori: XSS7 South Lawadale Ava. I Issued «any aaeapt i Sundays end H rn v9 Y IL I /I GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Offtee of Publication: tea? South Lewndale Ave. Telephone. Rockwell 4*04 j LETO—YEAH XL HM 11«! JMMII It, lb« Aot *f CHICAGO sa. ILL.. SREDA. IS. AVGUSTA (AUGUST 25). 1141 SekeerlpHoa SS.00 Yearly rtVVMUUM» MM Iti I Ulla «i itMi'MU S Marate 1. irn mi» ji thrii— pmviege lat + —HO*. Act 1 OcU S. â¥l?. authoruod on J una 4. lili». STEV.—NUMBER 117 poslanki kon fer1rau s premierih stalinom Upanje, da bodo nesoglasja izravnana, se dvignilo RAZGOVORI SE BODO NADALJEVALI Moskva. 24. avg. — Ameriški poslanik W. B. Smith, francoski poslanik Yves Chataigneau in Frank Roberts, odposlanec brit-skega zunanjega ministra Erne-sta Bevina, so se sinoči sestali s premierjem Stalinom in zunanjim ministrom Molotovom v Kremlinu. Konferenca je trajala štiri ure in 40 minut. Naznanilo pravi, da se bodo razgovori nadaljevali. Odločitev je dvignila upanje, da bodo nesoglasja med zapadnimi državami in Sovjetsko unijo glede Berlina in drugih nemških problemov izravnana. Poslanik Smith je bil optimističen po konferenci v Kremlinu. Pred časnikarji je izjavil, da se bodo razgovori nadaljevali. Poslaniki zapadnih držav so .pojasnili svoje stališče Stalinu, ko je nastal zastoj na sejah med njimi in Molotovom. Konferen-ca se je pričela ob deveti uri sinoči in trajala je do 1:40 danes zjutraj. Na vprašanje časnikarjev, ali so bili razgovori u-spešni, je Smith odgovoril: "Mi smo veano optimistični. Pričakujemo najboljše in pripravljeni smo za najslabše." Izjava je bila v nasprotju z onimi, katere je Smith podal po prejšnjih sestankih, katerih ni hotel komentirati. Pred konferenco v Kremlinu so opazovalci izrekli napovedi, da se bodo razgovori izjalovili. Sporna kost je ruska blokada zapadnega Ber lina in drugi nemški problemi. Sedaj izgleda, da bodo nesoglas ja izravnana. Pred sestankom med poslaniki zapadnih držav, Stalinom in Molotovom so krožila nepotrje na poročila, da bosta Smith in Roberts zapustila Moskvo v 24 urah. Oba sta se potem premislila. Po sestanku v Kremli- Rusi izpustili ameriške uradnike Nemiki fotograf aretiran Berlin. 24. avg.—Rusi so izpustili tri ameriške uradnike, katere so držali v svoji coni po aretaciji. Ti so Thomas P. Hea-den, šef oddelka za informacije ameriške vojaške vlade, poročnik Sherman Turner in Rowland M. Mvers. Vsi so uradniki ameriške vojaške vlade. Nova napetost je nastala, ko so Rusi udrli v ameriški predel Berlina in aretirali nemškega fotografa. Sovjetske oblasti so prepovedale snemanje slik v bližini svojega predela. Policija v zapadnem Berlinu je naznanila izpustitev Franza Erdmana, šefa policijske divizije v ruskem predelu Berlina. Erdman je bil aretiran zadnjo nedeljo v britskem sektorju. Izpuščeni ameriški uradniki so izjavili, da so bili Rusi prijazni napram njim. Neki ruski častnik je dejal, "da naši ljudje dobe ukor, ako se zmotijo in napravijo napake." List Frankfurter Rundchau poroča, da bo avtobusni promet med ameriško in rusko okupacijsko cono obnovljen v petek. Ustavljen je bil v juniju, ko so sovjetske vojaške oblasti odredile strogo kontrolo obmejnega prometa. Spopad pred tovarno korporacije Jackson, Mich., 24. avg.—Pika-ti in pisarniški delavci so se spopadli pred tovarno Aero-cjulp Corp. Več je bilo pretepenih in zbitih na tla v teku spopada. Stavko proti korporaciji je okli-cala avtna unija CIO pred šestimi tedni, ko je bila zahteva u-nije za zvišanje plače odbita. Mestni uradniki so naznanili, da bodo apelirali na governerja Si-glerja, naj pošlje državne milič nike v mesto za vzdrževanje mi ru in reda.. Židovska grupa ugrabila ameri- nu so poslaniki zapadnih držav uradnika šli v poslopje smeriškega poslaništva, kjer so se posvetovali. Jeruzalem, Palestina, 24. avg. Pričakuje se, da bodo sestavili — Ameriški generalni konzul poročila o konferenci v Kremli- John J. MacDonald je naznanil, nu in Jih poslali vladam v Wa da je bil George F. Paro, urad shingtonu, Londonu in Parizu, nik konzulata, ugrabljen v nede-Mnenje prevladuje, da se bo ljo. Ugrabili so ga člani Ster-končno našla zadovoljiva podla- nove grupe, teroristične židovske ga za izravnavo nesoglasij med organizacije. Držali so ga sedem zapadnimi državami in Sovjet- ur. Po zaslišanju je bilo Paro iz sko unijo. Ipuščen. diskuzue 0 politični akciji na seji članov sveta adf Chlcago. 24. avg. — Politična akcija proti •> kongresnikom in senatorjem, ki so glasovali za Taft-Hartleyev protidelavski zakon. je predmet diskuzij na seji članov eksekutivnega sveta Ameriške delavske federacije v hotelu Drake. Seje se bodo udeležili tudi člani strateškega od-bora Delavske lige za politično vzgojo. Načelnik lige je Joseph D. Keenan. On Je nedavno izjavil, da bodo na seji sprejeti načrti glede kampanje, da ae bodo v*i člani unij ADF udeležili volitev v novembru Unije imajo 7.500.000 članov. "Zdi se fantastično." je rekel Keensn, "ko slišimo glasove in napovedi mnogih članov unij ADF. da je zmaga reakcije neizbežna pri volitvah v novembru 'Ti so pod vtiaom. da se lahko volitve na čudežen način obrnejo na eno ali drugo stran. ginje in navijanja cen ni odgovor. Iti moramo na delo sedsj, ako hočemo imeti Ibieralni kon greš po volitvah. V Ameriki Je čez 100,000 volilnih precinktov. Kakor imamo v vsaki delavnici, v kateri so upo-sleni člani ADF, zaupnika, bi morali imeti tudi političnega za upnika v vsakem precinktu v in teiesu zaščite naših političnih interesov. Vaak zaupnik naj bi organiziral grupo za politične aktivnosti Uspeh našega pro grama zavl»l a pol tetas sa teosmnstv« »11 M. stssi ter tho United States texcept Chicago) and M.00 par yaar. Chicago and Cook Couaiy $t.M par I« foroifn oauntries $11.00 par yaar. Casa oglssov po dogevociu-Rokoplei dopisov ia nenaročesdh člankov aa na vračajo. RokopUl literarna vsebine (trtice, pove»ti. drama, pasmi 114.) m vrnejo poélljstelju I« v slučaja, ča js prltešll Advsrbslng rsiss on sgrscmant —Manseripts et cotnrau niest Ions snd unsolkited srtlclss will not be returned. Oibsr msouseripts. such as stortes. plays. pssms. sie« will he rsiurned to seodsr osly «rhsn sccompsnisd by sell-sddre«sed aad stampsd snvslops. Nester na vss. kar Ima siik s llstoasi PROSVETA SSIT-M So. Lawndale Ava.. Chicago 29. IlliaoU ................... , MIMMMI^ I pfiwjs..... ■MMII i I >1« I IUI I tcMmmmMceM*****^^ Glasovi iz naših naselbin Potvarjalci zgodovine—lil Naj se Ae danes nekoliko pomudimo pri gospodih okrog Ame riške Domovine, ki v svoji domobranski gorečnosti brez vsake rdečice prostaško potvarjajo zgodovino zadnjih let. Vs4 z«to, da bi oprali "razseljenega" škofa Rožmana in druge slovenske klero fašiste, ki so se po okupaciji Jugoslavije udinjali Hitlerju In Mus-soliniju in jima slutili kot zvesti hlapci in pomagali klati in trpin ¿iti lastni narod. Kdor o tem dvomi, naj prečita stotine pisem ki smo jih po vojni priobčili v dnevniku Prosvete, kakor sta jih lepo Število priobčila tudi Glas Naroda in Enakopravnoat. Vsa ta pisma so pisali naši lastni rojaki in sorodniki, navedli kraje in datume okupatorskega in domobranskega terorja in pokoja in požiga, imenoyali imena poklanih ljudi, kakor tudi neštete detajlirane primere denuncijanstva z rezultatom, da ao bile žrtve bodisi postavljene ob zid ali pa odpeljane v italijanska ali nemška koncentracijska taborišča. Tisoče teh žrtev se ni nikdar vrnilo. V svojem barbarstvu so šli domobranci celo tako daleč, da so v boju |>j;oti partizanom spreminjali cerkve v trdnjave aH celo v klavnice, kjer so morili svoje ujete žrtve. Taka domobranska klavnica je bila na primer pri Sv. Urhu. Z vso to tragedijo natrpana tudi medvojna in povojna slovenska literatura. V Pro-gveti smo priobčili že lepo število teh črtic iz časov velike Gol gote slovenskega naroda. < Klerofašistični glavarji in njih goreči pristaši okrog A. D. zdaj radi zbrisali vse tu tragično poglavje sodobne slovenske zgodovine. Vse zato, da operejo svoje do neba vpijoče grehe, svoje izdajstvo in svoj barbarizem nad slovenskim narodom. Zato brez vsakega sramu zapišejo: "Ves slovenski narod je bil ves čas voj ne s celim srcem in svuju volio na strani zavezniških sil in proti okupatorju. Vsak slovenski človek je hotel storiti in žrtvovat za zmago zavezniških sil vse, kar je bilo v njegovi moči. Ves na rod je veroval v zmago zaveznikov proti fašistom in nacistom. ves narod je to želel, ves narodtje za ta namen delal ..." . . ★ Mi bi želeli, da bi bilo tako, in sicer ne samo v Sloveniji, marveč tudi na Hrvaškem, v Srbiji, šlrom vse Jugoslavije. Ce bi bilo taku: če bi med Slovenci in Hrvati in Srbi ne bilo narodnih izdajalcev in krvoločnih kolaboratorjey in brezvestnih propalic, bi jugoslovanski narodi zadnja leta ne bili šli skozi tako krvavo in grozovito Oolgoto in tudi povojna zgodovina bi se najbrže drugače razvijala: v večji strpnosti, ob lažjih notranjih razmerah, bolj svobodno, biez izdajniških »in vohunskih procesov. Zakaj tisti elementi, ki soiiili med vojno na strani okupatorja, mu prostovoljno ali vsled kleiofašlstlčnega nahujskanja služili, so tudi danes na delu v zamejstvu in doma za sti moglavljenje Titovega režima, ljudske vlade. Če bi bilo resnica to, kar ie zapisala A. D v prej citiranem uvodniku^ tedaj bi dr. Natlačen, klerofašistični ban Dravske ba novine, takoj po oku|)aciji Sloveniji* ne bil te^el v Rim. Tam se je poklonil Musaoliniju in mu obljubil "lojalno sodelovanje In pokornost vsega slovenskega naroda" z italijanskimi okupacijskimi silami in po implikacijah tudi s Hitlerjevo armado, zaveznico Italije, ki sta imeli v načrtu popolno iztrebljenje slovenskega rodu. Dr. Natlačen je bil |>otcm radi tega svojega izdajstvu likvidiran po partizanih. Ce bi btUt prej citirane besede A I). resnične, bi v Sloveniji ne bilo duha o kakih domobrancih. niti ne na Hrvaškem u ustsših in "križarjih", kt so kot pobesnele zverine morile svoje rojake, zlasti se pravoslavne Sibe in Žide. V vsem tem barbarizmu je bil uprežen od začetka do konca ves vatikanski klerofašistični aparat z raznimi škofi in jirelati in sprijeno nižjo duhovščino na čelu. Kdor se hoče prepričati u barbarstvu in povojnih komplo tih ustfiško-klci ikalne hande na Hrvaškem, naj zdaj v dnevniku Prosvete čitg z.apiMiik vohunskega procesa, ki se je vršil zadnji mesec v Zagrebu. PIKNIK DRUftTVA 273 SNPJ V SHELDONU Shsldon, Wls. —Naše društvo št. 273 SNPJ bo priredilo piknik na Delavski dan, 5. septembra, v Sheidon parku. Tudi druga leta smo imeli piknik na ta dan. V Prosveti čltam o velikih pripravah za Narodni dan SNPJ, ki se bo letos vršil v Milwau-keeju. Naš piknik bo sicer na isti dan, toda ker smo tako daleč oddaljeni drug od drugega, mislim da to ne bo škodovalo ne nam ne Milwaučanom, zato vabimo vse stare in mlade člane, da se bomo zopet enkrat malo po domače pozabavali. Pripravljalni odbor bo gledal, da bo dovolj pijače in jedače za vse, saj je že 30 kokoši obsojenih na smrt. Kdor pa ni prijatelj perutnine, bo dobil pa dru ge mesnine. Kosilo se bo pričelo servirati ob 12. uri, zato glejte, da ne pridete prepozno. Imeli boste tudi priliko slišati našega gl. tajnika F. A. Vidra iz Chicaga, ki bo glavni govor ni k ter nam raztolmačil razliko med komercialno zavarovalno „'l^rrJ^T, JUGOSLOVANSKI DAN Oddali bomo tudi 20 lepih daril, in sicer kdor bo kupil vstop-1 Euclld. O—Slovenci, Hrvati, nico za kosilo, bo zaeno dobil'Srbi in Macedonci priredijo 29. poseben listek, ki mu bo lahko avgusta "Jugoslovanski dan" na prinesel darilo. Torej ae gotovo vr*u Društvenega doma v Eucli-vldimo na pikniku društva 273 d". O. Prostori Društvenega SNPJ v nedeljo, 5. septembra.1 *>ma so v sredi naselbine in Ce pa bi slučajno deževalo, se imajo lep senčni vrt, torej naborno pa preaelili v staro dvo-.*«** praznovanje združenja rano, ki je precej velika. Zve-'Jugoslovanov. Vabimo vee pri. čer pa bo ples za stare in mlade J»t*lje in prijateljice, posebno še Torej na svidenje v nedeljo, 9. septembra! O t to Grosnik, tajnik. OPOMBA. — Glavni izvršni odsek še oi ovtdil končnega zaključka glede vaše prošnje za govornika; sporočeno vam je bilo le, da poetoji sklep gl. od* bora, ki določa, da se govorniki, ki jih plača jednota, smejo pošiljati samo na prireditve federacij in kadar aodeluj« več društev pri skupni prireditvi, ter na bolj važne obletnice posameznih društev. V smislu tega bi vam torej ne smeli dovoliti govornika, razen če bi bili pri volji sami plačati njegove stroška. Medtem pa smo imeli polletno zborovanje gl. odbora in je bil tisti sklep spremenjen, tako, da m sedaj lahko pošlje govornik kamorkoli gl. izvršni odsek smatra za umestno. Torej bo sedaj imel gl. Izvršni od* sek proste roke glede vašega vprašanja, k», mu bo predloženo na prihodnji seji in o njegovem sklepu boste kmalu obveščeni.— V. CAINKAR. gl. predsednik. Ce bi bilo to resnica, kar je zapisala A. D., bi slovenski klero-fašisti /diu/em z nacljskiini okupatorji »pomladi leta 1944 nt bili prtiedili v Ljubljani proslav v počast Hitlerju na njegov rojstni dan 20. aprila Na teh proslavah mi slovenski domobranci tudi pusegli zvestobo in (Mikormrst, ne zavezniškim silam, kakor bi zdi'j rada pnkazala jezuitična A l), marveč "avojim nadrejenim da bo v .kupnem bolu s NEMŠKO OBOROŽENO SILO. STOJEČO POD POVELJSTVOM VODJE (HITLERJA—ur.) VELIKE NEMČIJE. SS ČETAMI IN TAJNO POLICIJO (nacllsko— ur.l. proti bandttom in komunizmu kskor tudi NJEGOVIM ZAVEZNIKOM (Ameriki. Am|lt)t. Rufttl — ur.) svoje dolšnosti vestne ispolnievsl ss svojo slovensko domovino kot DEL SVOBODNE EVROPE (V«lik«. to J« Hltl«rleve Nemčtio^ ur) . . Ta domobranska priMr^a, podana 20 aprila 11144, ko mi /o tudi v Ljubljani lahko vedeli, da he Hltler.iu in njegovi Veliki Nemčiji bili« konec, niti z eno samo črk" ali henedo ne podpira tega, kar je zapisala domobranska. A D, odn«»*no, kar je rekel škof Kož-man, "da je bil ves slovenski narod ve* čas vojne s celim srcem in svoio voljo na stisni /ave/ntških mI in proti okupatorju" Rte etc 7a ta prisega kaze hai obiatrio? Pted nabo imanm tri fidoatatlčne »tiani ljubljanskega "Sloven ca" z dne 21 aprila 1U44 Ta dokument ja.no ptiča na kateri stiam |e bil del slovenskega nap h» tisti d«l. ki J« sl«dll Roš isish In Rupntku Vse tri strani te izdale "Slovenca" so po* v* čene Hitlerjevemu rojstnemu dnevu in ljubljanski nacljsko-do m« brsnt»ki proslavi Irjema Je poročilo o "velikih nemških tma-gah" v Rusiji, kjer so Hitlerjeve armade tedaj naglo "/magova le" v smeti Berlina TUHRKR JU ZA ROJSTNI DAN ' .gllvn^ Raslov na prvi plesalce. * Lucaa Dernovsok. blagajnik. VABILO NA PRIREDBO DRUftTVA 2M 8NPJ Bon Air, Pa.—V Prosveti či-tamo o piknikih in veselicah društev SNPJ. Tudi jaz želim poročati, da v Bon Airu ne spimo. Preuredili in popravili smo naš društveni dom, na zadnji seji pa smo sklenili, da priredimo priredbo s kratkim progra-' mom, katera se bo vršila v nedeljo, 9. septembra, začetek ob dveh popoldne. Glavni izvršni odsek smo vprašali, da bi nam poslal kot govornika prvega gl. podpredsedniku Hayg Travnika. On je bil rojen tukaj med nami in bi naredil dosti koristi naši jednoti in našemu društvu, toda ekse-kutivni odsek ni ugodil noši prošnji. Ko sem pa kgt tajnik društva 254 SNPJ dobil iz glavnega urada prošnjo za obrambni fond našega naprednega časopisja in jo prečital na redni seji, je članstvo takoj priskočilo na pomoč s $50, katere sem poslal na pristojno mesto v Cleveland. Da ne bo članstvo naše jedno-te mislilo, da imamo v Bon Airu tako majhno društvo, naj omenim, da naše društvo šteje 200 članov v odraslem oddelku in 140 v mladinskem. Prireditev se bo vršila vseeno, zato vabimo vse naše članstvo kot druge člane in članice SNPJ iz naše okolice, prav tako vse'Poset. prijatelje in prijuteljicc. ' iz zunanjih naselbin. Obiščite nas v velikem številu, kakor ste nas v prošlosti. Zabav« bo za vae dovolj. Preskrbljeno bo, da dobite pečeno jagnjetino, pristne kranjske klobase in gulai, povrhu vsega tega t?oste pa deleini tudi pečenega prašička in drugih dobrot. Torej pridite gotovo 29. avgusta zgodaj popoldne. Bodite prepričani, da boefcg prebili popoldne v prijetni družbi, zraven p« pomagali dobri stvari do moralnega in gmotnega uspeha. Za odbor: John Pollock. PROSLAVA 40-LETNICE DRUftTVA M LEPO USPELA Ropublic, Pa*—Proslava društva 85 SNPJ je imenitno uspela gmotno io moralno. Vsem je izredno ngfcjal« godba Johna Brulca. Udeležba je bila velika in odbor je vzorno vršil svoje delo. Lepa hvala govorniku F. Oradisku, dihUiktoemu podpredsedniku, kateri nam je tako lepo govoril, dg smo ga vsi radi poslušali. \ Po govoru smo oddali lep ra-dio-aparat, ki ga je dobil br. Mike Unetich iz Republica. Vsem posetnikom se lepo zahvaljujemo, kakor tudi delavcem. Deluj mo še nadalje za društvo in mu pridobimo čim več novih članov. Nadalje naznanjam vsemu članstvu društva 85, še posebej tistim, ki pošiljajo asesment po pošti, da je bile sklenjeno na se ji meseca julija, da vsak član prispeva k asesmentu še 75c. To je izredni asesment za vsakega člana in članico, bodiii da živi v bližini ali daleč od aedeža dru štvg. Izvzeti pa so le tisti, ki so bili na bolniški listi v mesecu juliju. Torej vas prosim, da asesmentu. Ta odlok morate vsi upoštevati. Tisti, ki ga ne bi, bodo dobili (»osebne karte in če tudi tedaj ne bi plačali izrednega aaesmenta, bomo prisiljeni poetopati v smislu pravil SNPJ Točka pravil pravi, če član ne plača izrednega asesmenta, potem ni treba plačati niti rednega asesmenta. Torej naj nihče ne dopusti, da bi bil suspendiran radi tako majhne vsote. Članstvo tudi prosim, naj redno plačuje društveni asesment in* sicer ne pozneje kot do zad njega v mesecu. Pomnite, da človek nikdar ne ve, kdaj ga zadene nesreča. Udeležujte se redno sej in pri peljite s seboj tudi kakšnega no vega člana. Na svidenje 5. septembra| Hrvatskem domu y RepuMicu; začetek seje ob dveh popoldne Anton Marlnich. tajnik. V NEDELJO VSI NA PIKNIK ODBORA IZLETNIŠKE FARMEI Cleveland. O.—Kakor je bilo že poročano na naši seji 19. a v guata, je naš odbor na delu s pripravami za naš velik piknik, ki se bo vršil v nedeljo, 29. avgusta. Vabimo širno javnost, da se udeleži tega piknika v veli kem številu. Na tem mestu tudi oporni njam tajnike in posameznike, ki imajo na rokah naše knjižice, da jih vrnejo tajnici izletniške far me še pred pikrfckom, ako je mogoče. V nedeljo, 5. septembra, pa priredi piknik naše društvo 748 SNPJ. Članice tega društva pomagajo na vaakem pikniku naše farme. Torej ae tudi naše društvo priporoča za velik Theresa Gor jane. Druga glavna vest na prvi strani se glasi: ' SLOVESNOST HITLERJEVEGA ROJSTNEGA DNE V OPERI — Ljubljana le nadvee svečano počastila prasnlk voditelja nemškega Ralka Adolia Hitlerja" Pod tem več kot pol strani velikim naslovom in podnaslovom čltamo tole i "Snočt je hila v državni Operi slovesna proslava rojstnega dne voditelja nemškega Rajha Adolfa Hitlerja Za to proslavo je SS (•itippenfuhrer Roesner povabil k svečanosti vse odlične in vodilne oeebnoati našega javnega življenja in so se njegovemu vabilu odsvali prezident pokrajinske uprave general Rupnik s soprogo nemški generalni konzul dr. MUlIer. konzul Negavisnc Države Hrvatske prof. Salih-Baljlč s soprogo, PREVZVIŠEN1 KNEZO-ftKOF DR KOZMAN . . .M * V LJubljani so proslavljati Hitlerja, a« a prisego sr klin J «11. da s« bodo borili ramo ob raasl a "nemško oboroš«no silo. stoječo pod vodstvom vodje veliko Nemčije." ta smago Hlllarjovega orošja nad handtti in komunizmom kakor tudi njegovim tevoanlkom." t Ameriki pa koč«Jo sds) paradlrstl kol aelvočjl pc is t sil asvesni ikih ali I "Vsak slovenski človek je hotel storiti in žrtvovati za zrragn zavezniških sil vse. kar je bilo v njegovi moči Ves narod je veroval v zmago zaveznikov proti fašistom in nacistom, ves nsrod je za ta namen delal . . Vse te njihove trditve postavljajo na laž njihovi lastni doku menti. še boli pa ntihova lastna itdajalska In barbarska dejanja med vujno. Ce bi zdaj priznali, da ao grešili in s« izpovedali svo Jih grehov in nannl proaijl odpuščenja, hi jih polten človek lah ko vsaj pomiloval Toda nastopajo kot volkovi v ovčjih oblekah faibajo svoje zapeljane pristaše s pntvarjenjem Zgodovine in res atram te izdaje "Slovem a P«al njim je janlan (Sohhelsov go- .g^o govraštvo in hujskgjo na novo klanje. Cim manj bo vor. ki ca le imel \ TVrlinu na predvečer Hitlerjevega mineta imela Amerika takih "tlemokralov" in "razseljeficev" tem bo- i IJc bo zanjo in za ves svet. dne ve, kdaj ga doleti nesreča ali pa smrt. Na dan 5. septembra bo običajna veselica Doma slovenskih društev v korist domove blagajne, začetek ob dveh pojpoldne na vrtu Doma slovenskih društev. Članstvo je vabljeno na veliko udeležbo. Delujmo' za večji in lepši dom! Ob tej priliki tudi vabim članstvo zgoraj omenjenega društva, da se v polnem številu udeleži prihodnje redne seje na dan 16. septembra. Na tej seji bomo volili tri delegate, do katerih je društvo upravičeno za gl. sejo Doma slovenskih društev. Seja se bo vršila zadnjo nedeljo v mesecu oktobru, to je dne 31. oktobra v dvorani Doma slovenskih društev. Tudi ta seja se bo pričela ob dveh opoldne. Ako se kdo čuti zmožnega voditi pivniške prostore, katere daje dom v najem od gl. zborovanja do gl. zborovanja, katero se vrši vsaki dve leti, naj se pri-» glasi pri tajniku Doma slovenskih društev. Priglasi se naj pred zborovanjem. Tajnik doma je E. Krasovich. John Malovrh, taj nik 218 SNPJ. PIKNIK PROGRESIVNE STRANKE V WAUKEGANU Waukegan, 111.—V nedeljo, 29 avgusta 1948, se bo vršil velik piknik progresivne stranke 40-LETNICA DRUftTVA SS SNPJ M«o» Run. Pa.—Društvo št. 88 SNPJ v Mocjn Runu bo obhaja-o 40-letrltco svojega obstanka na Delavski praznik, v ponde-Ijek, 6. septembra, v Slovenskem domu, začetek ob petih popoldne. Dolžnost slehernega člana in članice našega društva je, da se gotovo udeleži te važne priredbe. Vabimo tudi članstvo sosednjih društev in federacije ter prijatelje in znance od blizu in daleč, ob priliki vam bomo pa vrnili poset. Na proslavi bodo nastopili razni govorniki, glavni govornik pa bo Filip Godina, upravnik Prosvete, dalje Anton Cipčič, predsednik pennsylvanske federacije, in sestra Mary F. Prasni-kar, podpredsednica tretjega o-krožja SNPJ. Ob tej priliki se bodo tudi predvajale kino-slike iz stare domovine. Veselični odbor je pridno na delu in bo preskrbel vsega dovolj za vse j?osetnike. Za ples pa bo igrala izvrstna godba Johna Kreiga iz Presta. V imenu društva čestitam našim ustanovnim članom in izrekam željo, da bi dočakali tudi društveno 50-letnico. Torej na svidenje v Moon Runu na Delavski praznik, 6. septembra! Joaaph Krmel. IZLET FARME SNPJ Cleveland. Ohio. — Izletniška sezona se rapidno bliža k za ključku. V nedeljo, 29. avgusta se bo vršil zadnji izlet v korist izboljševanja izletniških prostorov. Odbor je preskrbel vse potrebno za vsakovrstno zabavo kajti prostori so dobro oprem ljeni za razno zabavo. Plesal cem bo igrala izvrstna mešana godba—obeta se zastopstvo šti rih, mogoče petih godb. Tudi za transportacijo je preskrbljeno. Prvi avtobus odpelje izpred SND na St. Clair ave. ob 1. uri popoldne, kakšnih 20 minut za tem bo pobral izletnike pred S. D. na Holmes ave. in za tem pred D. D. na Waterloo rd. Drugi bus pa odpelje izpred S. D. na Holmes ave ob 2.30 in za tem pobere izletnike pred D. D. na Waterloo rd. Voznina bo 75c, nazaj pa prosta za one, ki se izkažejo, da so se z avtobusom pripeljali na izletniške prostore. Farmski odbor je imel v načrtu še marsikatere izboljšave, a se je moglo marsikakšno delo opuatiti za tekoče leto vsled pomanjkanja sredstev, kakor tudi prepičlega odziva proetovoljnih delavcev. Na tem izletu se bo tudi ugotovilo, kdo so srečni lastniki listkov za moderni pralnik, čestil-nik etc. Kdor si teh listkov še ni dovolj nabavil, bo imel prili ko dobiti jih le na dan izleta Na svidenje v nedeljo, 2S. avgusta. na farmi SNPJ. Blaš Novak, predsednik. Twin-City-parku, Lews in 11. cesta, Waukegan, 111. Govorniki bodo: Grand Oakes, predsednik F. E., CIO in kandi-da za governerja na progresivnem tiketu. i Rebecca Styes Taylor, vodi teljica črncev in učiteljica na Chicago-univerzi ter kandidati-nja za državnega tajnika na progresivnem tiketu. Oba sta izvrstna govornika. Na programu so razne igre in tekme. Pijača in prigrizek se bosta servirala po zmerni ceni " Ptknik^Hrej^d^ednjl odbOf1 progresivne stranke za Lake okraj. Sicer so vse narodnosti uključene v pripravljalnem odboru, vsi lokalni progresivni klubi in razne grupe. Vstopnina na piknik je prosta. V nedeljo, 15. avgusta, sta se vršila kar dva piknika narodnostnih grup progresivne stranke. Makedonska skupina se je imenitno zabavala v Twin-City-parku. Samo 6 koštrunov so spekli kar v parku ln tudi prodali. Pa še kako hitro! $1.00 za funt pečenega koštruna! "Joj meni," je rekla neka ženska, "kam smo prišli!", ki bi ga rada kupila, pa ni mogla priti zraven. Armenci pa so imeli svoj piknik 10 milj zahodno od Wauke-gana. Obe progresivni skupini sta imeli zelo dobro udeležbo. Na obeh piknikih je govoril Chermak iz Chlcaga. Na svidenje 29. avgusta v Twin-City-parku. Martin Judnič. POROČILO TAJNIKA . DRUftTVA tli SNPJ Denver. Cola — Da nesreča nikdar ne počiva, nam priča alu-čaj pri društvu št. 211 SNPJ. Izgubili smo dolgoletnega člana Josepha Zajca, doma i Dolakega pri Ljubljani. Soproga in hčerka sta mu umrla pred več leti nekje v Pen nsy Ivan i j i. • Pokojnik zapušča v Denvorju nečakinjo Rose Lavni k in nečaka Franka Mihelčiča Bodi mu lahka coloradska gruda, sorodnikom pa izrekam globoko eoialje! Zatorej, bratje in »ostrt. bo dite bolj redni s plačevanjem društvenih ln jednotlnlh prispevkov. ker človek nikdar ne DOMAČA ZABAVA KROŽKA I PS Mllwaukee. Wla.—Krožek št 8 Progresivnih Slovenk v Mil-waukeeju bo priredil domačo zabavo 23. oktobra in ne plesno veselico, kakor je bilo prvotno poročano v Prosveti, in sicer radi gotovega vzroka. Prosimo naša mllwauška društva in klube, da vzamejo na znanje to pojasnilo. Domača zabava se bo vršila v Lenkovi dvorani. Več o tem bomo poročale pozneje, kajti sedaj smo vse članice Progresivnih Slovenk zaposlene s pripravami za Narodni dan SNPJ. ki sc bo vršil 4., 5. in 6. septembra. Po tej veliki tridnevni proslavi pa bomo šle vse krožkove članice na delo za našo domačo zabavo. Danes pa že vabimo članice krožkov PS iz Chtcaga in Shebovgana, da nas obiščejo 23 oktobra na domači zabavi, s katero bomo praznovale prvo obletnico ustanovitve našega krožka. Mary Gornlck. PIKNIK DRUftTVA 2M SNPJ Waleanburo. Celo. — Društvo SNPJ priredi piknik 29 avgusta na La Veta Passu. Vabljeni ste vsi člani odraslega in mladinskega oddelka, da •e udeležite pclnottevtlno Louls« Zupančič, tajnica VABILO NA SEJO PODRUŽINCE 1 SANSa Detroit, Mick. — Redna seja podružnice št. 1 SANSa se bo vršila prvi petek v mesecu, začetek ob pol osmih zvečer v Slovenskem narodnem domu na John R. Apeliram na člane in članice, da se redno udeležujejo sej, kajti le nekaj ljudi ne more pokazali one aktivnosti, ki bi bila potrebna v današnjih časih. Ako nočemo, da dobimo prihodnjega novembra tako slabo ali pa še slabšo vlšdov ptfrter« moramo1 iti' na delo in pridno agitirati za progresivno stranko. Ce pa bo väe delo ležalo na ramah le nekaj oseb, ne moremo pričakovati tistega uspeha, kot bi bil, če bi skupno poprijeli. Torej pridite na sejo podružnice SANSa v velikem Številu, da Jbomo skupno poprijeli in želi Gadove našega truda! Katherin« Kralns. tajnica. NAZNANILO~ČLANICAM ŽENSKEGA KLUBA Detroit, Mich.—Članicam ženskega odseka Slovenskega narodnega doma naznanjam, da nas vabijo ženske gospodinjskega kluba z zapadne strani na balincarsko tekmo dne 29. avgusta, začetek ob treh popoldne. Na seji smo vabilo z veseljem sprejele in odločile 12 članic za ta tekmo. Torej |X)setite to tekmo v velikem številu. Vršila se bo v Slovenskem delavskem domu na Livemois ave. Zabave bo za vse dovolj. Naj ¿e omenim, da je bolna Frances Babič, zapisnikarica našega kluba. Zdravi se na svojem domu. Želim, da jo članice kluba posetijo in da bi kaj kmalu ozdravila. Anna Sordoner. SHOD PROGRESIVNE STRANKE V CONEMAUGHU Johnstown. Pa. — Kakor sem že poročala, bo tukajšnja progre sivna stranka priredila shod dne 29. avgusta, začetek ob pol osmih zvečer v Slovenskem domu v Conemaughu. Na shodu bodo nastopili razni govorniki in nam tolmačili, kaj reprezentira progresivna stranka. Vabimo vse naše rojake ln rojakinje, tud« one. ki so morda nasprotni tej stranki. Pridite vseeno, da slišite obe strani. Na gotovo svidenje! (Ostalo bo prl-občeno v dnevniku —Ured ) Mary Vidmar. PRAVILNI DATUM KONFERENCE PROGRESIVNE STRANKE Hormlnlo. Pa.—Nssnsnism. da le pravilni datum konforooc« peogroatvne stranko sa Waat-morel snd okrsj dne 29. avgusta In s« 22. avousta. Pošlji!« sa st «pni ko um to konferenco, ki •e bo vršila v Pano Albert-hotelu v Gr««naburgu. ssč«t«k ob dooh popoldne. Torej na evident« - nodeljo. t%. avguatal Anton Zornlk. SREDA, & AVGUSTA 1948 PRbDA SE OOHODNtôKO POSESTVO, 4Url hile itn fllcni mnljiACu, Ki meri 134x300 čevljev. Kna hila je pet sobnu in klel, tri mi p« po 4 sut>«-Ml wiiiujo v najem vse je v 100% stanju. saiaču «m 3 avtomobila in »e nahaju blisu si edine mm tu Puntam*. Cena Je 120.000 00 Za pojasnila sc obrnite uu naslov: ANTON JORDAN. 4liti W Aiii.w Ulvd.. Kontana. Calif. vem, ila dolični člani niso tukol pusti, du bi hoteli vedno sedeti doma ¿a pečjo . . . Malo razvedrila vsakdo potrebuje, blagajna pa denar za kritične čase V dnevih 4., 5, in ti. septembra bodo imeli v Mtlwaukeeju velike slavnostl v počast SNPJ. Nam se ni mogoče udnieiiti radi velike oddaljenosti, zato pu bomo imeli svoj praznik v naši okolici. Torej člani, udeležite se v velikem številu, Knako vabimo člane in prijatelje iz drugih naselbin. Torej na veselo svide nje nu pikniku v Yukonu dno 5. septembra! Ana Kovačič. seibin: Pridite in vam nc bo žal. V parku je duvuU prostora za več tisoč oseb in velik prostor za avtomobile. ' Za prenočišče pa se obrnite na Iftance* Debelak, 800 W. National a ve. Dobrodošli u vseh krajev in mest širne Amerike! Na vseh postajah vas bodo sprejeli n«|i člani in Članice ter peljali pa našo slavnost. Mary Gornick. Morete Imen pravo èreveaao edvaJeUoa! SEJA PODRUŽNICE 2 SANSa Chlcago.—Članstvo podružnice 'J SANSa vabim nu sejo, ki se bo vrnila v soboto, 'Jll. t. in., pri br. L. Katzu, 31M N. Mu«-nolia ave., začetek ob osmih zvečer. (Ostalo bo objavljeno v dnevniku.—Ured.) John Turk. tajnik. SEZNAM PRIREDB DRUŠTEV priglašenih k tademcUam S. N. P. J. LUDMILE CANZEL kstars Ja praminuls 20. avgusta 1947. Odtla si od nas prsrano in nas pustila sa vedno, ali «al spomin ne Tebs, draga soprog* in mam», ta vadno ftlvl in oslana v sretk nalih do konca nalih dni Počivaj v miru.- žalujoči oslslli Martin Cansal. soprog in Helen. hči. Datreil. Michigan. PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJE DRUlTEV SNPJ ZA CLEVELAND IN OKOLICO* POSESTVO NA PRODAJ V Knelaku pri št. Petru na Krasu je na prodaj znano posestvo "Pri Markovih" (h. št. 22), sestoječe iz 26 različnih zemljiških parcel. Na njem Je hiša, hlev in lopa Proda se po zelo ugodni ceni. Kdor se zanima za nakup, naj piše sedanji lastnici in vdovi jhi Matiji &krlj. Naslov je: Johana IkrlJ, Bo* H A, RFD 1. fielpor. Utah. «nnsa« s m ■ soboto v meseeu v S. M. Dom« SL Clair ave. • PIKNIKI PARMSKI ODBOR priredi piknik « nedeljo. 2g. avgusta. DRUŠTVO SVOSODA 74« BNPJ la kreisk 1 PROGRESIVNIH SLOVENK priredita skupni piknik v nedeljo, ft. septembra. I Vsi pikniki se vršijo na Isietntikik prostorih BNPJ. I VESELICE CLEVELANDSKIH DRUŠTEV SNPJ DRUlTVO VIPAVSKI RAJ 311 SNPJ priredi vesellae v soboto. 2. oktobra, v Slov. domu na Holmes ava. DRUlTVO CVETOČI NOBLE 410 priredi veselice e sobote, 23. oktobra v SDD na Res ker eve. DRUŠTVO STRUOOLERB 014 BNPJ l priredi veaeliee v nedelje. 7. ne- [ eemhra, v BDD na Waterloo rd. DRUlTVO ZDRUŽENI SRATJE 31 BNPJ priredi veaeliee e nedelje. ft decembra, v BDD ne Waterloo vd OPOMBA TAJNIKAi Dmfttva. a prirejajo svoje piknike to vaaoHas na) le praeašesne eaananljo lafeto federacij*! JOSEPHINE TRATNIK 1110 E. 71st B tree t. Cleveland. Oble tEDERACIJA DRUlTEV SNP. ZA JUŽNI WISCONSIN Milwaukee. Wis. S.N.PJ. DAN so bo slavil lotos dno 4., ft. In 0. septembra. V sobote, 4 sept. v Celit«-Merer Post S vero ni. no 72ft W. Notional Aeonuo. v «od*l)o. ft. sept, e Pleasant Valley Parku i« v pondeljeh. dne 0. sept be plesna sekava v laheaee«» Turner Hall 4 ver oni n« 72ft Na t iona 1 ave. Pridite val In »o sobo v*|to s «aml—Odbor. Društvo«! tajniki «a| se e sad***» federacije obrnejo na tajnika »IATHEW SMOLE. 1124 So. Mik Street. We*« A lila 14. Wis. V blagi spomin prvo oblatnice smrti moj* ljubljene soproge im malore kal*»* nss )* s* v*dno sspustlla dn* avgusta Draga soprog in naša. vse sme ^^^P^P potkurili, da bi Tabo se «stfalje c m*d nami. prodno si od- ^ I II* od «*• v večneat Odtla si I U*. od kodsr več vrnil »a ni. Mi 3 smo Tabo tako srčno ljubili, da H^p nam oslanol v tro|nom sporni- W I nu, dokler tudi ml ne prld*ny> u ^^MK? •« Teboj. Počiva) v irlrii i« lah pl Sa ns) Ti bodo somljico.—žalu bml^^S K l h Joči rstolli Anton Puael. soprog. iHM^MM^^m Johmtown. Pa.i Mary Mogarsek, fctfwflHEMHHHHHW Detroit. Mich.. Kalhorlno Hu«> pnter, HlghUn-i Park. Mich., Sylvia McRoberl*. Pawtucket. Rhoda Island in Oenevteve Qerup. Piltsburgh. Pa., hčerei A««* Novotny. sestra v Johnstownu. Pa.. In Itirje bratje v stari domovini. Tal. K Udara 0070 Sovenska pakarija » . Mi Apecialiritamo v ra*nem pecivu: TORTE ZA SVATBE in drugo pecivo in slalčice. 8* pripoiočamo JOSEPH KADIVNIK ft400 Kf. Montrose Are« Chicago. IU. Naznanilo in zahvala Žsloalnog* srca namenjam vsom sorodnikom. sn*nc*m In pri)«' leljem tulne vest. d« J* dne 10 Jull)* 1040 so »edno preminul me) ljubljeni soprog Slovene Floriet» CVETLICAMA IIIS W. Cersaak Bd. CICERO M. ILL. ANTON BOZlC OLYMPIC 1230 - «00 Del le Chicago. Serwyn. Oak Park. Ljreaa. -----— ——'H j i asa Dr. John J. Zavartnik PHYSICIAN B BUM EON 3724 W. MIh Street Wmi Cnv«*I Mil tr aa AM«n cau. avsti« »ros orr if« moo «a 141 t* s p m •» •» r M PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJE DRUlTEV SNPJ ZAPAD NE PENNSYLVANIJE DRUlTVO IT. M SNPJ proslaet s»-letnic s ne Deleesld prosnlk dne •. septembra e Slovenskem Domu v Moon Rm«. Pa. Društva nef prijavijo sveto prire dttvft na asateei JACOS AMBRO EICH. R.D. No. I McKoos Roch* Pa r Slovenska, Narodna Podporna Jednota 2SS7-59 So. Lawndale Ave. Chicago 29, IUlnota GLAVNI ODBOR VINCENT CAINKAR. «1. predaednlk r. A. VIDE*, gl. tajnik___________ ANTON TIIOIAR. gl pgmotnl Ujnik MIRKO O. KUHEL. gl. blagajnik ...... 3887 SO SM7 Ho 3M7 So. Sa«7 Bo. LAWRENCE ORAOISEK, tajnik bol. odd .....SM7 So. MICHAEL VRNOVNUC. dir «k t m Ud oddal.. 3*7 So PHILIP CODINA. upravitelj Proevete______3817 So. ANTON OaROEN, uradnik Proevete------v.__MSI 8«. RATMOND TRAVNIK, prvi podpreda«-dnik JOSEPU CULKAR. dru<) pudpradaednlk „ Lawndala Lawndale Lawndale Lawndale Lawndale Lawndala Lawndala Lawndala Ava.. Ava., Ava.. Ava.« Ava-. Ava., Ava., Ava.. Chlcafo Clitcaso Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago ,.ryt» Middle poln te, Dearborn. Mich 411 Woodland Ava.. Johnatowa. Pa Dtotrthial inigniaadalkt JOHN V. CEBULAR, prvo okrotja___________<1M Bhallcrooa St . Phlladalphla M. Pa. FRANK ORAOISEK. drugo ukrotla -_.„ ____________bok M. Har.nlnte. Pa. MARY P. PARKNIKAR lietje okroftje Box 211. Harwick. Pa, JOSEPH rirOLT, éètrto okroftja....................1237 E. OOOi St. Clavaland 3, On le JOHN SPIl.I .AH. pat«, okrotja 3070 Handall St , St I .oui» 1«. Mo URSULA AMBHOZICH, ««ato okrotja JOHN PETKITZ, trdmo okrotja_______ FRANK PoLSAK. oaml okioftje ..;___ MATH PCTROVICH/pradaadnlk VINCENT CAINKAR_____ F. A. VIOER---------- , , . ........ MIRKO O. KUHEL----------------- 4IS Piarca St., Eveleth. Minn 24M Carmona Ava. Loa Angela« I«, Calif MO Srd St W.. Roundup. Mont JACOB ZUPAN_______ RUDOLPH LI8CH________ DONALD J. LOTItlCH. ANTON SHULAR. pradaadnlk FRANK VKATAHJCH ANDREW VIDR1CH...... JOHN KOBI, SR...... CAMILUS ZAKNICK. ____Ml B. 180th Bt. Clavaland I«, Ohio --------------Mit Bo. Lawndale Ava.. Chlckgo », III. -------------MM So. Lawndala Ava.. Chicago 33. HI --------------SM7 So Lawndala Ava., Chicago ». Ill ------1400 B. Lombard Ava.. Berwyn, III. ------------------------700 E. »0th St.. Euclid, Ohio .■■■■—..-.,—I»7 Bo. Trumbull Ava., Chicago », III Para tal adaak Bum t7, Arma, Kanca« .—...........SU Tañar St.. Luaarna, Pa. 70S Forçat Ava., Johnctown, Pa. FRANK ZAITZ, predaeonlk MICHAEL R K 11 M Kit ......... M A ITH KW J TURK ........ IXMJIS KAPERLE ...___________ ANDREW ORUM -------------------90S So «2nd Ava W., Duluth 7, Minn ,.----------- MM4 W. 07th Bt.. Clavaland S. Ohio Nadaoral adaak ------------»01 So Lawndala Ava.. Chicago ». Ill Bom 04. Unlvarcal, Pa -...... 204(1 H Lawndala Ava, Chícalo ». III. -.. .......... 18301 Eaat Park Drlva, Clavaland. Ohio Bnowdan. Detroit 21. Mick Zapisniki sej gl. izvršnega odseka SNPJ taja 7. julija 1*41 I I'ifdaedriik odprt? sejo oh eni uri popoldne. Razen br. blagajnika, ki je na počitnicah, so navzoči vm ("luni glavnega izvrforgu ods*ka. Predložen in sprejet Je zapisnik izvršne »eje t dne 23. junija in je «prejet. Nato predloži vprašanje, kdaj naj «e vrši polletno zborovanje glavnega odbora, namreč do kdaj bo luhko zaključeno poslovanje zu prvo polovico lega leta in pripravljeno vse potrebno za pregledovanje po nud zorniklh, ki se pri na« običajno vrAi tik pred vsakim rednim zborovanjem gl. yd bora,—Sklenjeno je, du ■e zborovanje vrli proti koncu drugega tedna v avguatu in prva seja «e začne v petek dne 13. avgusta. Predsednik nato poroča, da je pozvan, da «e kot član glavnega odbo ra Ameriikega slovanakegu kongresa, katerega glavni «tan je v New Yorku, za «igurno udeleži seje, ki se ima vršiti 22 julija. Ker so nu agendi važne reči. Je sklenjeno, du ae udeleži te seje. * Glavni tajnik nato predlo*! sled* če zadeve v reiltev. Zadevo «ostre Mu reel le Smith, članice druitva «t. 1 Al. Witt, M, ki se Je morala podvreči operaciji, pu v smislu pravil ni upravičeno do redne operacijske podpore, Nu podlagi nadaljnjih podatkov je «k len je no, da »e jI nakaže vsota $50.00 Diufttvo Hrvatsko-slovenakega do. ma v Kanaaa Cityju, Mo, «poroda, da je doba za jednotin oglas nu oderskem /agiinjalu njih aviortVM pri kraju In se priporočajo, da oglas obnovimo, kar je odobreno. Drufttvo it HA, Republic. Pa., po roča. du bodo 23 julija obhajali 40-letnico svojega obatanka in želijo, da se udeleži gl. urednik Garden kot sovornik za jednoto. Ker pa ae Garden ne more udeležiti, je «kle njeno, da se jim to spoioči in zueno priporoča biatu Petmvicha 1'rečituno je planto sestre A San nemann, v katerem omenjena poro ta o svoji resigned j I kot dlstriktna mladinska direktorica in voditeljica mladinskega kiozka Al 2(1 Resignu cija kot diatnktna direktorica, Je aprejeta Hi mladinwki direktor nato predloži sledeče zadeve: V Fonfa ni, Culif , je uatunuvljen mladinski kiožrk i«m| okriljem on-dotnih diuMev Priporoča, du se mu nakaže vwita $25 00 kot začetna po-moč krožkove uktivnoati. kur |e odobreno Nudslje piipoiotu, da ae obnovi j nunK nina im« »evijo Nution.il It ««orea j tion Mug»/m< /,< nadaljne leto Odobren'i Nato pi ed|o/i prof nje /a denuin«» |Midp«,io v «vilin atlelicnih aktivno* ati «hI druiti v «t fl Svgun, P« , t0!V IndianuiHili». Ind. in «t «>H2, Libia »y. Pa Odobreno vaekentu 1100.00 I Gl« »le d i u«te V »t ^or» South\hew 1 P«, is«. Sliabene, Ha. «t ,M»o Cleveland O. m n| 0011. Ambrtdgej Pa. poroča, da je «ri aa mo polov no livrini «matte lo zadevno »talikie /a |,ro\dno m »klr ne da *e trm diuttvom nukMŽr d»-narna p^alpota \ vaiti $.Vi (ki v*., kemu Mladinaki ktožek it M v South viewu, Pa , tudi proai /a denarno podporo za »noj« atleti« ne aktivno atl in aklenjeno je da m Jim že vaota on Sklenjeno h tudi da ae latlj zanimivi prizoil ob pnli> noali dneva KNI'J, ki »e hJ vriila v Md«aukeeiu m da t< go izvede lir mladinaki d r« k tor Br upravnik porrrfa da >e dolgo trajni apoi z uni>o tipogr«^kih de lovcev kod. no izravnan V anu«|» doaeženega »t»orazurtin ae jim te<|en «ka plao meni. do imi pla maaala |S2 (M ter ti 73 za |m» iinm al i «kupaj 9W3 73 n., tedtn Pia«'. ti tk« ■likalo i a lev > letoa • nalo za stavce na strojih znaiu po novem $»3.40 ter $3.79 za počitnice na teden, Pogodba je veljavna za 18 mesecev. To bo seveda toliko večje breme za na« in to omenja zato, da bo lažje razvidno, kako nas draginja vedno bolj tepe in zakaj nastaja prirtianjkijaj pri Prosveti. Br. glavni tajnik nato poroča, da se je kot govornik udeležil pokrajinske slavnosti dneva SNPJ. ki se Je vriila pod pokroviteljstvom federacij društev v zopudni Pennsylva-niji v South !'urku pri Pittsburghu 27. Junija. Izrabil Je zaeno prilot-no«! ter govoril za jednoto tudi na radio postaji VVLOA in priporočal tudi SANS, pri čemer mu je tla uprava postaje prijazno na roko. Udeležba na prireditvi je bila velika in vidno je bilo, da «e članstvo zanima za jednoto in nje bodočnost Po njegovem mnenju je bila prireditev lep moralni uspeh. Sledi ruzpravs o operacijskih zadevah, ki so bile predložene vrhovnemu zdravniku v pregled Na podlagi njegovih priporoči! so bile odo-bi ene v izplačilo kakor sledi: &t dr. Ime Vsotn 13 John Karkulu $29 00 14 Frank L. Ogrin 29.0< !WJ Mike Lubovich 39.Of. |2l Antoni» Hubner 39 0f 142 John Kržen .,.., 29.00 208 Mihael Smole 25.0(T 247 Mike JeNtrepakv ... 29.00 427 Ana Arhnovur 29 00 981 John Goochee HO 00 721 Amalia Yaklich . 29 00 734 Albinu Blasic-FInei 2900 Zaključek seje ob 3 30 pop. fteia 20. julija lt4l l'iedaedmk odpre aejo glavnega isvrinega odaeku ob eni uri popol-rine. Navzoči «o bratje Cainkar, Vider, Trojar, Kuhel, Gradiiek in Vr- hovnik. lir u> tajnik predloži vpraianje glede izplačila «mrtnine za pokojno članu O Kilvijo Volle od druitvg it. fl On « njena je preatopilu tz mludin-«kesa oddelka m v proinji navedla, da je pop«dnoma zdrava, dočtm se poročilo zdravnika, ki jo Je zdravil pied smrtjo, glusi, du je bolehala za jetikn že čez tri leta Sklep je, da »e nuj vproia pravnega svetniku in slede izplač ila tuvnu po nj«*govem nasvetu Slane I' KudoAevič «kI druitva It. 209, Duluth. Minn., je puraliziran na lev i toki; p«»Ak«idho je dobil, ko ie bil v vojni službi in proai za oblčap n«» veteransko podporo,- Sklenjeno, «lii • mu izplača vauta $2«> v i»t> «vrhe «alopirno $79 00 <»d druitva tt ion ki poaiuje v Južnem «le|u čikeikega meata. »e P''-anje za jetlnrdin zv«a'ntk namreč da im um ga jfiadiii ze njihovo vt1-rioveeetteo, ki jo ikmI«i imeli v vm*> ■ dne 8 avguala t I in k je no • i, e CREDIT za attlmm ¿lahov mladdvskboa oddelka pzetlopU v oddelek odzaslih meseca avguala l$4t Credit for miiimnB gives te Juvenile who transferred Into the adult dept. in August. 194« Dr. iL L. No Wag» ff "1 William Reich 3 (ienev've Oreskovich John Oreskovich ... i Nick Svilar ............I ček prejel tajaik lecr'r zeeeived Milan Medvesek .....$ 10.00 1000 19.00 12.00 IMary Vidmar .......... 90.00 8 Steve Kulenlch .. Evelyn Simone .. Dorothy A. Walters 8.00 8.00 19.00 14 Blanche L. Mesec .. 40 Jim Jakshe ............. 49 Eugene Ferenczy ... 94 Frank Vukovich ... 88 Julia E. Umek...(.. 82 Dorothy J. Hody... 01 Kose Dragovich ..... 107 Raymond Skubiz ... 119 Raymond Janes ..... 120 Kose M. Marinsek 128 Dorothy A. LipViye Rose Mivsek ...... 130 Ronuld F.. Kokul Dorothy Lah ..... 132 Roy M. Jackovich 138 Nike Kapustynski Dorothy Moze John Wirant ........................35.00 France« Zgkovsek ... 17.00 Louig Jakshe .......16.00 John Rovan ..........................20.00 Albina Kravanja............19.00 Frances Slana ................8.00 William Zabric ............3.00 Paul Cempre ....................17.00 Thereea Speck ................19.00 Angeline Sile ....................14.00 Anton Gantar ....................19.00 20.00 • 00 John J Gabrenja... 28.00 ........................................ 4.00 ......................................... 18.00 22.00 Josephine Frantar ... Mary Jellar.........12.00 ........................................ 2.00 ..........................................................................19.00 Jacob Pavcîc ............ 21.00 183 William E. Franklin Joe Ceglar ............... 8.00 199 George Oblock ....... Jacob Peternal ........ 10.00 197 John Vidmar ..........! Anton Krmpotich ... 17.00 201 Joe Anselme .....4 Frank MUavec . 209 Alb.M Hattenberger Francis J. Petrúh 287 'John Bu loga Agnes Ldvin Alice Lovin 292 Richard Mleku*.... 297 Dorothy Srok ......... 308 Law. J. Lescantz.. 319 John H. Galicic....... 4.00 2.00 2.00 321 Jean Persin ..... William Zeaken 323 Rudolph Jelich ..... Mildred K. Sa bol 409 Michael Marks 407 Andrew Kendo ... 484 Martha Susich ..... 477 Dorothy F. Vrh..... 903 Norma Masciocchi 918 Josephine Modic ... 984 Joseph Debelak .. Jean A. Kochevar ... 808 Dorothy H. Rebich 817 Julia Strnigha ........ 830 Helen Krmpotich...... 834 Joseph Andrejevee. I 889 Jeanne Arch ............ 723 John A. Vidergar... 738 Sonia H. Zderich ... 741 Ustina Modic .......... Frank Laurich ........ 8.00 Pauline Debelak ............19.00 Matt Starkovich ...... 10.00 May Preskar ________19.00 Amelia Kos ...................12.00 Joseph Jez 18.00 4.00 22.00 17.00 19.00 Anna C. Plow.......... 36.00 Mary Kustich ......... Frank Kolence» Sr. Mildred Bomegtar ... Gasper Segulin ........ Joseph Zidar ............ Frank Tehovnik........ Frances Debelak 14.00 14.00 16.00 10.00 6.00 14.00 1800 10.00 28.00 predsednik federacije, in dis-triktna podpredsednica Mry F. Prasni kar. Po programu bo ples. Druitvo 166 (Presto): Darovali so za svobodni tisk in j&dpirajo tudi slovenski radijski program; 31. julija bodo priredili veselico v sklad za radijski program skupno z vsepii društvi v Prestu. Umrla je sestra Josephine Feme. Društvo 138 (Strabane): Napredujejo in so aktivni na {5oli-tičnem in kulturnem jx)lju. Umrl je br. Frank Majzel in sestra Frances Žele. Društvo 287 (Bur-gettstown): So aktivni v kam* panji in so pridobili 8 novih v odraslem in mladinskem oddelku. Društvo 295 (Bridgeville): 5 novih v odraslem in 4 v mladinskem oddelku. Društvo. 386 (Library): Poslali so telegram na konvencijo progresivne stranke v Philadelphijo v imenu fe- ^H deracije, kar se odobri. Imajo aPn1' "}aJ ,n iumi' kateri 80 s 747 Mary J. Clarini George Seidel ... Anne Prosper ....................16.00 Luka Yurkovich ............6.<00 Anton Iskra ............................10.00 Frank Resnick .............17.00 John Ujcich, Jr...........16.00 Anna Vidmar ....................17.00 Antonia Remitz ............19.00 France« Korošec, Jr. 16.00 16.00 2.00 Helen Ambrozich...... 18.00 L Skupaj—Total......$750.00 F. A. VIDER, gl. tajnik—Supreme Sec'y. Br. blagajnik poroča o prireditvi federacije druitev v okrajih Fayette in Green, na kuteri so zueno obhajali 40-letnico druitva it. 101, Greensboro, Pa. Udeležil se je na proinjo omenjenih ter na podlagi zaključka gl. izvrinega odseka kot govornik za jednoto. Na prireditvi je bilo dovolj veselega razpoloženje in bratske zavednosti in po njegovem mnenju je bil dober uspeh. Na dnevni red pridejo razne operacijske zadeve, ki so bile izročene vrhovnemu zdravniku v pregled. Odobrene v izplačilo so kot sledi: ât. druit. Ime Vsota 9 John Dermdta ....................$25.00 114 Ana Gruden 90.00 24» Herman C. Boltezar............ 90.00 381 Josephine Curgus .............. 80.00 ■ > > Nadalje «o predložene in odötfre-ne «ledeče proinjr za izredno podporo: PROftNJE ZA IZREDNO PODPORO Applications for Special Benefit Drultvo It. Lodge No, 3 Anton Kukec, useament za lest mesecev, 9 Mary Sundeen $39.00. 13 Louis Strauss $30 00. 20 John Puce!, ase«ment zu lest meseeev. 24 Louis Logi in Mary Vozel vsak po $29 00. 44 Joseph Borstnar. uneament tri mesece. 110 Louis Prebil $29 00. 130 Angela Putzet $29.000. 141 George Bogatay, useament lest mesecev < 193 Chiirlea Osolinaky, asesment za lest mesecev. 163 Aloulse Grgurich. aseament zal lest me«ecev , 239 Helen Hostar $29 00 268 Gregor Zelzek, asesment za dvn 'meseca, ,, 292 John Žalec, ase«ment za lest meserev, 299 Anna Berdmk. asmment za lest rresecev. 323 Andiew Hujkovich. usesment za lest mesecev. 328 Frances Beddick $29 00. 341 Anton Volcich. asesment za tri mesece 838 Valentine Kochevar, John Logar in John Trlep. vsak za lest mesecev usesment. Ker je % tem itčrpano vse. kar Je bilo pripravljeno za danainjo sejo. predsednik isto zaključi ob treh po poldne, T. CAINKAR gl. predaednik F A VIDER gl tajnik za •t. druitva Ime Cart. Bmrt- In It. nlna odSk No. Death Siek Cart, lit fit Moza Dorothy 123339 500 1.00 Smith Carl W 133330 500 1.00 147 Danoawar Olga . 133337 500 1.00 151 Braunaala Hanry 133338 1.000 3.00 Hulchina Edward L. 133338 350 3.00 Hutchtns Josephina 123330 183 Franklin Wm. t... 301 Anaalmo Joa 333 Yurcavlc Oaorgr 330 Okorn Angelina M 347 Mlchalcic Mary 287 Baloga John A 203 Oault Archla Mleku ah Richard Yolch Julia A Yolch Mlchaal | | 300 Nlchola Virginia 1 SSHn«»r Viol« L . '.'.... t 133331 133334 133338 133337 133338 350 1.00 500 3.00 500 1.00 500 1.00 350 Dis. 500 1 00 133350 500 1.00 133300 1.000 133383 1.000 1 00 NOVOPR18TOPLI ČLAN! 133340 1,000 1 00 133343 350 . 133344 500 ... 133345 350 1.00 133348 500 1 00 133347 500 1.00 P* 100 1.00 307 Srok Dorothy Mae.. 133340 500 1.00 200 Ducanack Roar L. .133350 1.000 1.00 321 Paraln Jean ..... 123353 1.000 |.00 Zrakon William I233S4 1.000 .122 Caaay Ruth 123355 500 1.00 Dunda Anne 123358 500 1 00 Gazvoda Roberta J. 133357 1.000 1.00 Paikovlch Dorothy 133358 500 1.00 Rupar France* .133 Jelich Rudolph 338 Kallch Uigla 345 Sivarinac Margaret Ml Carr Louia Jr. 405 Mark« Michael Jr. 407 Kendo Andy T. Jr. 448 V.'roneal Maria E 484 Hurlch Martha 477 Vrh Dorothy 503 Maarlocchl Norma 520 Ntell Norbert II. 55« Cainkar Ruth T. Nadvornlk Betty . 584 McLaln Jerome D Smoltz Emily J. 578 Roaainan Ann MO Kuilna Edna V. zn 584 Deltelak Joe , Onrlahek Anne Palmer Antoinette Sciiuknecht Ai line 804 Jenko Milan C. Nachttgal Oenevlave 123385 turn Rebich Helen D 815 Don E Beverly 817 ktiniaha Julia M. 831 Baffettl Henry 834 Andrejevee Jimeph Brunachmid Henry 713 McCarthy Oertruda 718 Meacrl Thelma Hw«ia«er William R 133308 1 000 1 00 721 (amp Katheilna 123307 500 Camp Hanfoid 123308 500 723 Vidergar Johnny 133309 500 1 00 734 Hainicktl June L. 123400 500 1 00 747 Clailnl Mary J. 133403 500 1 00 Heldel Geor«e L 133404 250 758 Krukowaky Henry f 123406 500 Dta 757 Kokal flora J I3340A 1.000 I Oil 758 Vichoaky Mary C. 133407 500 I 00 782 Tulle Mar» 123408 5O0 I 00 ADMITTED JULY. 1*48 40 Jakahe Jlmmic J. 123304 500 1 00 54 Vukovlrh frank 1333m 500 88 tlmek Julia E 133307 500 I 00 •I Ui a«ov Irh RiMemary 193310 500 111 Janea Raymond 133313 1.000 11« Lipanve Dorothy A 133314 500 1 00 IM Obkirk Oeorfe K IS3332 500 I 00 107 Wldmar John T 123333 500 1 00 »IS Modic Jnaephlna M 123371 I (MM 100 t3A Krmpolich Helen 1333»« 100« 100 741 Modic Patina J 123403 I.OUO I uo ADMITTED JUNE. IMS Federacije SNPJ ZAPISNIK FEDERACIJE ' DRUÔTEV SNPJ V ZAP. PENNSYLVANIJI ZAPISNIK CLEVELANDSKE FEDERACIJE Cleveland. Ohlo.—Zadnja seja elevelandske federacije društev SNPJ se je vršila 24. julija v običajnem prostoru. Predsednik Matt P^trovich odpre sejo ob osmih zvečer. Zapisnik seje z dne 26. junija preči-tan in sprejet s popravkom, da vsak delavec za piknik 8. avgusta dobi za $1 trošnih listkov. Nato se določi ure za odhod avtobusa na piknik in se določi 75c za voznirvo na izletniško farmo in nazaj. Dalje se prečita pismo kluba tretje stranke za 32. wardo, v katerem se odbor zahvaljuje za prispevek v znesku $25. Sprejet je predlo«», da se naroči oglas za $15 v propramni knjižici za narodni dan SNPJ. Tajnica prečita račune za Ime Name on it Bmrt- m nina od«a Death Stell Cart BI Bt ADMITTED AUO |« I Reich Wm Jul r I Ortdimir i tiene* I Oreakovii-to John J I *#»wr»»a r«t« N i « Budavi«*e William J | IWan Hriniid Rulenieh Sieva Kimone Evelvn M 14 Roarhafc ifnea Meaar RU*v-«te L Il Mlaka* Mailla 2B Hum Ve>a » /«Mfc« ('«IhfiM« A 40 reran«» \ Eugene IM Marinar* Rn«emar> 131313 IM Mlv-anfc K «Me Ann 13331» 13a K «tkal R«««aM E Uh DiHota* Jean Imwi tHa Sel« m I Anita L' ISO J*eko\ M-k Rot 1ST <««ill Ma««ere4 A I JO Ektwar* tan« L H«»».. Jam, « ta Kanuatintki Niek 130380 • »00 It on son I oo 13331« loan ISMII 300 iBiii I oaa iu$it lean 13333» i «a» I IBM I ISO 13X339 IB3JS4 I 00 I 00 I 00 I oa too I oo I en I oo I oo leo Dm I 00 I ao I oa I 0« I oo 1 oo i oa I oo ,l «o I oe II33U0 »00 1 00 133331 250 1 00 13333« 500 133341 »00 1 00 133342 >40 1 00 IS335I 1 000 1 00 I33MI 1 000 1333aJ MIO 113401 »00 1 80 M4 Jacub» Urate E 307 Lavin A«ne« l.min Alice 300 t^aranta lawtenea »04 Ktehever Jean A M Arth Jeanne A .M Zderich Sonia M ADMITTED MAY I— 3 Svtlat Nirholaa let »kohl» Baymnng E 310 OaUetc lohn i3? Aahol MiMred K ADMITTED MARCH. IMS 0 W jlle«« Dot >lh> A IHM »00 II 02 II-«d» Dorath« J. I333«0 M« I I f A. Vtder gl Ml Sue* Aee v I333M I .«R. 100 123311 »oa 133383 1 008 1 08 133*1 1 ono 1 ao NAROČNIKOM (A tagua t 91. \Ut) poleg veiega laiosi m saslev« pe«a»oet fia )• b 1MB dattaestMs» potoki Mro¿aisi. Planilo lo peeve • m tub I lat m mmUri priporočilom nadzornega odseka sprejeti Meddruštvena keglja-ška liga vabi vse ke?ljače v ligo, kateri bodo igrali na Chester-kegljišču na E. 30th st. Atletič-ni odbor poroča, da je collin-woodska kegljaška skupina že prinravljena, ne pa st.clairška in z zapadne strani. Farmski odbor želi prostovoljne delavce, ker na izletniši farmi čaka še veliko dela, katerega ie treba izvršiti. Za podružnico 39 SANSa poročajo, da vodijo kamnanjo za progresivno stranko. Za krožek št. 2 SNPJ poročajo, da so seje dobro obiskane, prirejajo razne zabave in piknike, v Milwaukeeju pa bodo razstavili nekaj ročnih del. Krožek št. 3 pa se zahvaljuje federaciji za finančno pomoč. Tudi ta krožek ima razne aktivnosti, v bodoče pa bodo obdržavali eno sejo za člane do 10. leta in eno za člane nad 10. letom. Tudi ta krožek bo poslal nekaj predmetov na razstavo v Milwaukee. Poročila društvenih zastopnikov: Društvo št. 5: Pridobili 1 člana v mladinski oddelek; piknik dobro iznadel. Društvo 26: Dobili precej delavcev za fede-racijski piknik na dan 8. avgusta, Društvo 28: Pridobili tri. Člane v mladinski oddelek in dva v odrasli. Društvo 137: Pg^ redili bodo piknik 15. avgusta. Društvo 147: Pridobili enega člana v odrasli oddelek. Društvo 185: Pridobili enega člana v odrasli oddelek; imajo dosti poletnih priredb. Društvo 264: Priredili bodo piknik 8. avgusta; pridobili tri nove člane. Društvo 53: Piknik dobro uspel. Društvo 477: Pridobili enega člana v mladinski oddelek. Društvo 566: Jutri priredijo piknik. Društvo 576: Pridobili 12 novih članov. Društvo 604: Pridobili šest novih članov v odrasli oddelek in štiri v mladinski; prvo nedeljo v avgustu prirede piknik. Društvo 742: Kupili vse knjižice za izletniško farmo. Na predlog /br, Zarnicka je sklenjenp, da se da atletični ligi nalogo, da skliče sejo keglja-čev iz st. clairškega okrožja ter zapadne strani, da se uredi vse potrebno še pred sezono. * Zastopana so sledeča društva: SNPJ in federacije. Se vzame "unu obhajalo 4U-letnico in ima- ^ ^ 126' ^ 135, 139, na znanje. Br. tajnik Jakob Am- ^kov, «e daruje $10. 264 477 566, 576, 604, brožič poda finančno poročilo za ' Prihodnja federacijska seja se' 42' kroi*kt S| 2 n 3' '^etniska zadnje tri mesece V blagajni je vrSila v "«ieljo, 24. oktobra,'farma- ^t.čna liga ni podruž-$1329.25. Br. blagajnik in nad- v Slovenskem domu v Universa- mca »ANba. tudi sedaj prenovljeno dvorano s kegljiščem. To kegljišče je eno izmed najmodernejših in so ponosni, ko vidijo sad težkega dela in požrtvovalnosti, za kar jim gre vse priznanje. Društvo 427 (Coverdale): Umrli sta sestri Mary Brown in Cecilija Rese-vage. S tem so poročila zastopnikov izčrpana, nakar , sestra podpredsednica pozove navzoče, dä vstanejo v zadnji pozdrav za pokojnimi člani. Sestra Mary F. Prasnikar je zastopala federacijo na seji angleško poslujoče federacije in poroča o njenem delovanju, kar se vzame na znanje. Angleško poslujočo federacijo zastopa br. Mike Kumer in njegovo poročilo se vzame na znanje. » Razno: Sklene se, da se pošlje zastopnik na Ameriško-slovan-ski kongres v Chicago. Nomini-rana sta br. Anton Čipčič in Mike Pleše. Br. Čipčič je dobil 22 glasov, br. Pleše pa 15 glasov. Da-Braddock, Pa.—Redna federa-'ruje se $25, kar se pa tiče dru-cijska seja se je vršila v nede- gih stroškov, pa se bodo plačali, ljo, 25. jul., v Slovenskem domu ko pride zastopnik nazaj in pred-v Libraryju. , loži račun. Kar se tiče Narod- Predsednik br. Anton Čipčič neßa dn*va SNpJ za let<> 1W9, ni bil navzoč iz razloga, ker je se »klene, da federacija prevza-šel na -konvencijo progresivne mc priprave in se povabi na so-stranke v Philadelphijo, zato od- delovanje tudi bližnje federacije pre sejo podpredsednica ses. Ma- kot na primer: Westmoreland-ry F. Prasnikar ob 10.30 dop. federacijo, angleško poslujočo ¿Miopana.so sled«ča društvA:, 6, federacijo in federacijo za okra-33, 35, 88, 118, 138, 141, 145, lfö, Gteen in Tayette: Sklöhe se 287, 295, 300, 386, 419, 427 in 586. tudl« da 1)0 sedanji odbor tudi v skupaj 16 društev s 36 zastopniki odboru za dan SNPJ za leto 1949. in odborniki. Zapisnik' dopoldan-1 Na razpravo tudi pride inci-ske seje vodi br. Anton Rozanec dent na dnevu 'SNPJ v South-in prečita zapisnik prejšnje seje, praku dne 27. junija. Soglasno t ^ kateri je bil sprejet s poprav- je sprejet predlog, da federacija 33303 5oo i oo j kom, da je pri društvu 427 (Cov- obžaluje postopanje par odbor-12338» 1000 ¡ 00 erdale) umrla ses. Anna Kumer, nikov. Kar se tiče udeležbe od 12.1388 »oo kar je bilo pomotoma izpuščeno, strani starejših članov in druš- 123387 500 1 00 I233H8 500 I 00 13330« 1,000 1.00 123370 500 133373 1.000 3 00 133373 500 133374 250 1 00 123375 500 133378 210 133377 330 133378 1,000 133370 1.000 1 00 12330» 350 133382 MO 200 123383 500 133384 250 123385 500 .. 123388 1,000 1 00 123387 500 I 00 133388 ¿00 I 00 13330(1 1.000 Dta 123301 500 1 00 123303 350 133304 500 1 00 133305 500 I 00 Dopisi: Br. tajnik prečita pi- tev federacije, se velika večina smo od gl. predsednika br. Cain- strinja z govorom br. Vidra, ti-karja. v katerem se priporoča fe- kaJ°*ega se tretje stranke, in se deraciji, da bi prevzela odgovor- aPel«ra na br. Vidra, da dotični nost za pripravo Narodnega dne- incident ne vzame preveč res-va SNPJ prihodnje leto. Se bo no- obenem pa se tudi sklene, da razpravlialo pod točko "razno." *e da priznanje odboru za pri-Poročilo odbora: Podpredsed- Pravo dneva SNPJ za delo in nica ses. Mary F. Prasnikar se trud< In tako se da zahvalo zahvaljuje federaciji in zastop- Vrtem društvom, kakor tudi po-nikom za nominiranje za dis- sameznim članom in članicam triktno podpredsednico, za kate- za »odelovanje, s katerim so pri-ro mesto je bila izvoljena od P°mo«l> d<> tako lepega finanč-gl. odbora. Zagotavlja, da bo de- neRa usPeha. lovala po najboljši moči v korist Ker 00 društvo št. 88 v Moon Runu obhajalo 40-letnico in ima- zorniki se strinjajo, nakar se ra- lu* Pa • zaietek ob 10. uri do-čuni odobrijo. ; po'd"e. Br. Anton Čipčič poda pisme-' S lem.jc bil° deJ>° (,OVI" no poročilo, v katerem pravi, da "akkar * ses Praf"»kar za* je izvršil delo pri federaciji po ^akL,:,Urth,anCan; ^ najboljši moči. Kar se tiče f.-'"0 kosi,° ,n P°str*žb° "klju-nančnega poročila za dan SNPJ. Zaključek seje ob desetih zvečer. Carl J. Samanich. zapisnikar. je vse v najboljšem redu. Kar se pa tiče obnašanja nekaterih odbornikov na tem dnevu, pa ni nič kaj zadovoljen in pravi, da naj nam bo to šola za bodoče. Udeležil se je zborovanja Ame-riško-slovanskega kongresa za zap, Penno, kateri se je vršil v Fort Pitt-hotelu, 24 -26. sept. pa se bo vršil kongres v Chicago in priporoča, da bi bila tudi federacija zastopana s par zastopniki Poročilo br. Cipčiča se vzame na znanje Poročila zastopnikov: Društvo 6 (Sygan): Umrla Je ses. Svlvia M Volle in br. Andy Klančnik Društvo 35 (N Braddock): Društvo )• aktivno v postojnski SANSa, št. 104 in vabi vse na piknik «postojanke v nedeljo. 15. avgusta Društvo H8 (M<4tn Run); Na delavski praznik. 6 sept . bt\ društvo obhajalo 40-letnico obstanka^^šlrnim programom Kazale m- bode» tudi slike is starega kraja; gl. govornik bo br Philip GAdina. upravnik Prosvete, Anton Čipčič, či sejo ob 3. uri popoldne. Anion Rošanec Anton Rodnak. zapisnikarja. in OGLAS—Slovenec star 60 let bi rad dobil robo v najem, pri naAih lju-| doh. Ako ima kateri sobo (room). | naj so /.glasi na: 1131 W National i ave , Milwauk«f\ Wts, Lahko pokličete Oreh. 2-5785. r VABILO NA PROSLAVO 40-LETNICE DRUŠTVA ST. 88 SNPJ katera se bo vršila na del a vakl praanik (Labor Day) DNE 6. SEPTEMBRA 1948 V MOON RUNU. PA. Govorniki: Philip Godina. upravitelj Prosvete iz Chicaga. Anton Čipčič, pred slov. federacije SNPJ in sestra Mary F. Prasnikar. podpredsednica 1. dist. okrožja SNPJ, ter drugi. Kaaal« ee bodo slike is starega kraja In SNPJ Za ples bo igrala Johnny Krek godba iz Presto. Pa., izvrstne polke in valčke; tako da bodo zadovoljni vti, stari in mladi. Uljudno vabimo vsa društva, članstvo, prijatelje in znance, da nas posetite v obilnem številu na ta dan. Kuharice bodo pripravile dobre jestvine. tako da bo vsega dovolj, dobre, hladne pijače in prigrizka. Prlčelek ob &. url popoldne Vstopnina samo 7$c. davek vatel Pridite vs» in ae zabavajte v veseli dru/bt z nami. vabi Odbor' Slovene Nat'I Benefit Society in 45th Year of. Fraternal Service-1904-1948 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1948 ENGLISH SECTION Help to Increaêe Dar Juvenile And Adult Memborthip = For Member* o4 Slovene National Benefit Society and Americah Slovene* PAQE riVB Our Milwaukee Lodges Preparing to Entertain Vast Number of SNPJ Members for Labor Day The Three Day Gala Event Will Be Something to Remember; A Fine Program of Cultural and Sport« Activities Is Ready. Prepare to Attend! MILWAUKEE,—With the event of events the National SNPJ day celebration coming up soon, all eyes will turn to Milwaukee, Wis. On September 4. 5. and 6, the mammoth celebration will take place. Three great days of activity and fun are in store for all who attend. The SNPJ day committee has a tremendous job on hand, but with the cooperation of all the members and workers we should make a tremendous success of the whole affair. We have a lot/ of entertainment, speeches, music, games, etc., planned. We have scheduled three outstanding bands for this affair. Frankie Yankovic and his Yanks from Cleveland are the stellar attraction at our mammoth picnic. Frankie has reached heights of popularity never before reached by any Slovene band. The title "Polka King" was officially bestowed pn him right here in Milwaukee at a national polka festival. Our second outstanding orchestra is Louie Bashell. Louie's group is one of the rising polka groups. His recordings have been selling heavily all over the midwest. Two outstanding bands will furnish almost continuous music at the picnic. Spacious Pleasant Valley Park at S. 98th and W. Oklahoma ave. is the locale. Admission will be 75 cents and no more. Parking and dancing ate absolutely free. At least three outstanding speakers will appear at our picnic. Heading the Society speakers is Bro. Vincent Cainkar, supreme president. Bro. Mirko Kuhel. supreme treasurer, will also speak. The honorable Frank Ziedler, Milwaukee's socialist mayor, will also speak. Mayor Ziedler is extremely popular with the Slovenes of Milwaukee and has proved to be one of our most progressive mayors. With this outstanding syeakipg program, p)us ¿drtte" V'ei-y fcodd music, games for all, food, refreshments, etc., a swell time should be had by all. Sunday, Sept. 5, is the picnic. On Saturday. Sept. 4, the national SNPJ golf tournament will be held at Greenfield park golf course, located at So. 12fth and W. Greenfield ave. Send your entries in right away. Entry blanks are printed each week in the Prosveta. The National SNPJ softball championships are being held on Sunday morning at Franklin field, located at S. 88th and W, National ave. Four outstanding teams from all sections of the country will appear. Some outstanding teams appear each year. A complete program is being printed and will be available. On Saturday, Sept. 4th, the Collins-Meyer Post hall at 729 W. National ave. is. the locale. There will be tour« of several of Milwaukee breweries early Saturday afternoon, followed by a supper. 1 am informed that the supper is really one for a king. After the supper a program is scheduled, commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Juvenile department and the 10th anniversary of the juvenile circles. An outstanding program spearheaded by Circle No. 4 of Milwaukee is on tap The circle is presenting an original play under the direction of circle director Marie Ermenc. Bro Michael Vrhovnik. juvenile director, will speak. Several singing societies will sing and some out-of-town talent will perform. Bro. Tony Verbick will be master of ceremonies for the two day«. Frank Bevsek and hi« orchestra will play for dancing. A parade from the Collin» Meyer hall to Pleasant Valley Park is planned for Sunday just before noon Out-of-town vi«itor« should have no trouble locating the various place« mentioned here. • They aie all located in the «outhrrn part of Milwaukee and Milwaukee county Highway 41 1« the logical point of entry from the »oulh. Thi« i« T7tn St in Milwaukee Turning left on 27th and Oklahoma and continuing on Oklahoma to 98th will take you tn Pleasant Valley Park To gi to the Collin* Meyer Poat hall, conlmtf-north on 8 27th. until National ave 1« reached, then turn right and continue to the hall. In ca«e of very had weather Sunday, the Collin« Meyer poat hall will be uaed Thoae of you who desire o re. aerve hotel room«, had better do it right away. Time is growing short. The Wisconsin hotel. 720 N. 3rd, and the Schroeder hotel, 509 W. Wisconsin ave., are the places. Mention in your reservation that you are with the SNPJ day group. Milwaukee will be crowded over the Labor day weekend. On Monday, Sept. 6, a meeting will be held in which next year's SNPJ day site will be picked. Awards will be given to the winners of the previous two days sporting events. Quite a few other details will be discussed at this meeting, so each lodge is requested to attend if possible. All workers are requested to be on the job at the appointed times so that everything goes off smoothly.- The supervisors have been picked for all of the various jobs, to with everyone'« cooperation, the work will be done. Meal« will also be served at John Rebernisek's tavern, corner of So. 6th and W. Bruce st. Let's. see you all on September 4, 5. and 6. JOHN POKLAR, Publicity Committee SNPJ Day Athletics WEST ALLIS, Wis —The day is rapidly approaching. It won't be long when once again members of the SNPJ from all over the country will come together and bring back memories of past occurences of this Slovene Organization. However, my department is Athletics. I wish to stress my disappointment on the lack of more entries into the Golf Tournament. I will accept entries no later than Saturday in order to fill my reservations at the Golf Course. So if you have any intentions of entering, you may still do so.* Waukegan; by the way, has their teams all set, and are ready to give all comers a battle. As I see their entries, it may be added that they are of the best thus far. Get your entries in and make this a real competitive SNPJ Golf Tournament. This tournament will be conducted on a handicap basis. The Peoria Handicap System will be used. All the weaker golfers are given a chance to win. Prizes and awards will be given for both medal and handicap divisions. The prize list to be in next week's issue. I would also like to see women in thi« tournament. However, 1 must ask for at least eight women, and make it just an individual SNPJ tournament. Less than that would only make it difficult for scheduling An entry from Waukegan la waiting. One more will do it. The Tournament will begin on Sat , Sept 4, promptly at 9:00 a. m. All contestant« will be notified, and will be asked to be prompt. Any skipping or delay may deprive you of competing in this tournament. All contestant« are a«ked to register at the club house at least one-half hour before beginning round. Give the committee your full-hearted support and act accordingly. , All distant out-oftowners are asked, upon arrival, after registering at the CollinnMeyers hall, to J a«k where the tournament Is to( take place. Some arrangements will be made to give tran«porUtion to all contestant« for thi« tournament. As for baseball, it ii rapidly getting into shape The place of thi« •ite will be at the Franklin Stadium located on 8#th and Beecher St.. a block south of National Ave. All preparation for a successful tournament are being made There 1« plenty of «eating capacity, and a wonderful place to have this sort of competition With three teams already qualified, the fourth will toon be announced The field can only accommodate one game at a time. Thua. a draw will be made between the four team captain« on Sat. night, or if po««ible that after noon, to aee who play« who. and which team« draw the opening game. The first game to he played at 9 20 a. m. The second imme diately following The winner of the first and the winner of the 2nd game will play for the 1S48 SNPJ Softball Championship Thla game will be played at 1 10 P m aft*-» ; a slight intermission for lunch All members are asked to boost then, respective district champions So come out and do your rooting 1 am also asked at this time to give the route of the SNPJ parade for Sunday. Sept ft So get busy you members and see what kind of floats you can arrange The parade will start from Colluu ' Meyer's Poat. the SNPJ Day headquarters, on 7th and National ave., at 10:00 a. m. The route will follow thus: From the headquarters the parade will proceed up National ave. to 40th and National, left to Beloit rd. for a few blocks to Greenfield ave. It will then proceed up Greenfield ave. through West Albs business section to 70th and National ave. Here we turn left on 76th and go south for about 2 miles to Oklahoma ave. On Oklahoma ave. the parade will proceed west to 90th and Oklahoma ave. On 90th turn right and a few blocks north into the picnic grounds from the south gate of Pleasant Valley Park. There you have the final point« on our Athletic Event« fur this SNPJ Day. To make thi« a complete success, keep in mind, it Is you alone that can make it «o. Therefore, give u« your co-operation, and abide by the committee« decisions. They're trying to do their best, and believe me that task is not easy by all nfeans, ANTON J. KOSTANJEVIC, JR. SNPJ-Day Athletic Chairman. Kansas Federation Picnic ARMA. Kans—Our thoughU wander to another gala affair which 1« in store for all SNPJ^members in southeast Kansas, and of course, including the Jolly Kansans Circle members. It is the Annual Federation Labor Day Picnic to be held at Yale on Sept. 5, beginning at 2 p. m. We are very grateful! to Bro. Anton ShuJar and other members on the picnic committee for contributing free tickets to all Jolly Kansans Circle members. Thanks and we will be looking forward to having good time; and to all Circlfc members who were absent at the last meeting. I will try to see that you receive your tickets as soon as possible. Knowing thai the committee is hard at work and that a full pro gram is being planned, so come out young and old. We will be «eeing you Sunday. Sept. 5, at the SNPJ grounds at Yale. JOSEPHINE LANGFORD BADGERLAND NEWS MILWAUKEE. Wis.—Note to you bowlers. In a few weeks the Badger bowling league will be aiming at the maples in kill force. The setup so far is for *> men's teams and four women's teams. The bowling will be done at the Silver City Lanes, So. 38th and W National ave. Still a few openings on the men's teams and it will be on a firat come first served basis. The bowling will be done on Wed. evenings on the 7 o'clock shift. Du« -Dues — Dues Veronian News VERONA, Pa.—Your reporter will take enough time out while touring Niagara Falls, New York, Atlantic City and Washington, D C., to remind you members of the important regular monthly meeting, Sun, Aug. 29, at the club, beginning at 2 30 p. m As previously stated, many complain about some of the officers not doing a good job as officers. Again say the meeting is the place to discuss our differences, likes and dislikes, so be present. There will definitely be a meeting lot the month of August. See you Sun. at 2 JO, CORNELIA GORtJN Avella News AVELLA, Pa—Dates to remember:- Sept 12 That'« our regular meeting dale. Very important business to be transacted so please be prearnt. On our aick list we have Pete Kartelia. hurt in mine accident, and Michael Weimh. hurt in auto ac cident, Pio Kebchio. Frank Pecnac and Mary Bregar ailing. To all g speedy recovery. Our congratulations to Mrs Fran res Steklancic Peterson on the birth of a big >ouncing boy Frank Htek-lamic sure la a happy grand papa No doubt we will have an addition to our juvenile roll Our sympathies to Camillo Gabriel whose wife Nancy pasaed away due to In Juries received In an automobile accident, and Andrew (Dutch) Gaber whoae father passed away after three months of Jllne«* Our »oftha 11 team u still leading In the E S Federation and., brothers. their eye» are on Milwaukee To date they have won 10 gan e# and lost 2 Latest victims were Verona and Imperial Score« Avella • Verona ft and Avella 21 Imperial ft, We are hoping to aee a nice big trophy on our be» So all you guys and gala let » all give a little boost for the boys FRANK ZRIMM, 2*2 Again we find that too many members are in arrears with their duefc. The secretary cannot take this sad plight on her shoulders, so members who don't pay up will find themselves suspended and cancelled and no one to blame but themselves. So take heed and get your dough on thé line and be in good standing at all times as we never know when disaster will strike. John Maren needed for southern Illinois to spend his vacation down there with his folks and friehds. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Owen and children along with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gla-van Sr. silent a week up in Aurora, Minn., with relatives and friends. Dates to Remember Aug. 27. This will be your last invitation to attend the regular monthly meeting of the Badger lodge. Let's see some of the old-timers there again. Many of ihe younger people are taking an active interest in lodge affairs which is a good sign and bodes well for the future of the lodge. So make It a date and let ua see a nice attend* ance at this meeting. The place is Rebernisek's Hall, located at So, 0th and W. Bruce st. TiTne, 0 pm sharp. Aug. 21. Thla will be the date of the Badger outing. The affair will take place at Chuck's Reaort located on Silver Lake. All details will be given out at the meeting or cal the secretary for further Information. Aug. M. Leo Sohweiger will have his grand opening on this date at his bowling palace. 1901 W Galena st. Open bowling at all times till tbjdge 117 will have a p»cm« and dance on Sunday, September ft. at the Yulum Slovene Hall 7"he pie ni< will start at 2 o'«lo«k darning from t until I o • [ummer season I* on the way out and we won't have many more opportunities to frolic with Mother Nature Make plan* to attend — bring the whole family It is intended thai this affair will l»e one of the largest of the season Musi«' will consist of s Jrfrn Sesaion ith the leading Slovene orchestras on Ihe bsndatsnd A bus has been ■»cured for Dnw* larking transportation It will stop at the National Home* on St Clair, Waterloo and llolrne* Ave All In all a g«md time is promised Li tb"*e who show, up Don t for-rt to biing the youngsters Olrt* Bowling One of the main reawms for the »Itch from Collinwiaal tu east side illrya wa* the fa< I thai the West Hid« lodge- have hern aaking to »srtiripate The switch was made hla year with the eapectation that it least two team* Bom the west >ide would enter ihe league Thua far no team has entered. S.N.P. J. SPORTS Mid-West Athletic League News MILWAUKEE —The SNPJ Mid west Athletic league softball scs-bun u over with Lodge Moderns 634 of Sheboygan as the champion The Modern« knocked off Lodu« Uanica of Indianapolis to become the official representative of districts 5. 6 and 7 in the National championship* at Milwaukee. She-bygan deserved to be the winner, having played in a local league all year while the other teams were not. The Modern» displayed some good hitting power in addition to some neat pitching The record shows: Sheboygan 3-0 Milwaukee 2-1 Waukegan 1-2 Chicago 0-3 The season started late in Julv due to the inability of some of the teams to organise. It's too had we couldn't have had a round robin but next year things will be dif-ferent. Waukegan had one of the youngest teams in the league, one that played good ball. The Chicago Pioneers lost 3 games but were not beaten by mora than a few runs in any game. They showed a lot of spirit. The Badgers played fair ball but had too many ups and downs, hot and cold in othei words, It looks like Sheboygan will have quite a bit of competition nest year. It should be possible to get o couple of other teams into the league next year. Another Chicago team and one from some other area should be in the leagu* next year, It looks like four very good teams in the National tournament at Milwaukee on Sept. 5 1 have been informed that the first game will start at approximately 0.30, the second at 11 00 and the final game early after dinner. The committee wdl have sandwiches and beer ami possibly a little police for the ball players Just before the final game. It will be practically impossible to furnish a meal since all the cooks will be at the picnic grounds, making sandwiches etc. We will try and have everything . in order. Showers will be available. The golf enUies are coming in slowly. As usual, everyone waits for the last minute rush. Get your entries in right away. Use the official entry blank which has appeared in Prosveta. Let's see you all in Milwaukee over the Labor day weekend on Sept. 4, ft and 0. « JOHN 5 POKLAR, Sec y SNPJ Midwest Athletic league men on. Steve Sandusky slammed hts homer to win the ball game. In our lone defeat, to the Trojans, Larry Langerholc's "blooper" hall had checked Triglav very effectively while Semenick'f batting lead the way 4o the Trojan victory. On the 29th of Auguat. Triglav is having a picnic at Zolbe park in l-oraln Boro. I want to take this opportunity to invite all the neigh-horlng lodges to this affair. Many events are planned for the day. Enjoyment for everyone has been arranged. So make it a dale and bring your frionda along. WILLIAM ZABR1C, Sec y 82 Wolverine Sports DETROIT —The Wolves are howling Their battlrcry has changed from "On to Cleveland" to "On to Milwaukee " After beating the Young Americans in a hectic battle 3 0 the Wolverines traveled to Cleveland and defeated the Loyalties 5 3 Freddy Marks, our pitcher, was credited with 17 strikeouts. We have in Freddy one of the liest pitchers and aie telying on htm to bring from Milwaukee another trophy for the Wolverines. The hall team will travel to Milwaukee by train.- leaving at 7:10 a. iti Saturday, returning on Mon day. Anyone wishing to accompany the team must contact Joe' Cerne as soon as possible, We must have 35 people itefore we are eligible for this private roach. On August IS. the Wolverines 'traveled to Cleveland to I* guests of the allies. The two lodges have always been the best of friends legurdiess of competition on the diamonds or bowling alleys,. As usual we wete treated royally and especially enjoyed ourselves at the hall after the ball game They fed us and the dunks were on Ihe l.oy allies We really appreciated all this and our only way of thanking you fine people is by hoping that we Wolverines can lie your hosts next year when you make the trip hetr The Wolvei tne hall team has en-tried the final stag«*« of the playoffs in our eity league at Royal Oak. Two games have been played to date, our boys winning both, with Fied Maiks pitching. by the scores of 5 3 and 15 2 A trophy goo* to the winners of this league and our hoys aie almost certain of winning It. Bowling »»«son is atiout to tiegin, so contact your bowling chairman il you intend to bowl. MILDRED UKIINICK 077 Sports and Other News of Lodge 82 JOHNSTOWN. Pa—The athletes of Lodge Tiiglav again repeated then way in winning by rapturing lite Conemaugh Valley Softball title The competition in litr leagoe has m.proved considerably this sea-nun Although Tiiglav hail only one setback, tlu games were not won until the final inning was over In exploring tit« title, Tiiglav won fiver |y*tg« Adna 3 hy three tirnrijr home run» With Tnglf Wailing I 0. Tonv Zupan l*l»*d home run with two men «board to tale a 3 | !♦• ad Adna lied Hp the ImI! game in Ihe fourth inning This tunc &alnic hammeied with one aboard to again take the lead Once more Adna evened the count then in the final frame, with two Cleveland Bowlers9 Meeting Aug. 29 CLEVELAND, Ohio.—An impor tant meeting of local bowlers will be held this Sunday, August 29, at I 30 p. m in the Slovenisn Home on Waterloo Road. All lodges that expect to enter teams in the Sunday SNPJ league must hand in their rosters at thia time. Five lodges were represented at the August 15th meeting in which the rules and regulations were given a careful going over. Approval of these rules and additional suggestions will be completed this Sundsy along with the election of officers. It is most important that all bowlers be present to assure a prompt start on the opening date. e Following are the rules and regulations that were discussed during the meeting: 1) All participants must be SNPJ members. 21 Bowling fee will be «2 00 per bowler. 11.10 for bowling and t.tO for prizes. 3) An entry fee of »5.00 will be sessed to each team. 4) Limit six men to each team roster. 5) The point system will be used exclusively. One point for each game and one point for total pins. 6) A tie game will be decldkd on the total score in the first frame of the following game. In case of u total pin deadlock, a half point will be shared by the two squads. 7) The league will be run on a handicap basis 80* of team average from 1000 constitutes handicap with both teams involved. 8) Individual scores will be acknowledged in actual and handicap standings. 0) Bowler must have two-thirds of season games rolled to be eligible for individual prizes. 10) New bowler after two-thirds of season games are rolled must have O K of all team raptuins(> ID Season to start September 12 and end April 10. 12) Seven knockdowns to be inserted in schedule to make up the necessary thirty weeks, 13) A good excuse for\oatponed aeries will be accepted and tif*anged If the secretary and opposing ctlH tain are notified one week in advance, 14) Al lother A BC. rules to be enforced. J J SPILAR. «04 Westside Inter-Lodge Bowlers to Meet Monday A meeting of the Westside SNPJ Inte<-Lodge Bowling League will be held at the SNPJ Hall. 2850 S. Lawndale Avenue, on Monday evening. August 30, at 8 pm. All bowlers. men and women alike, who are Interested in bowling on Sunday evenings, are requested to attend. A general discussion will be had on rules, formation of teams, and the officers will be elected. Each lodge Is expected to submit a list of bowlers who have indicated their intention to bow| in the inter-lodge league. COMMITTEE SpbM-G,mi [national j sopnall play-offs Women SNPJ Bowlers CLEVELAND, Ohio—It is only a few weeks before the bowling season will open and I am sure thai«* are many who are still nut on a team or in a league. Any girl interested in howling at Grdina Alleys on Thursday nights —0 20 p. m —can get in contact with Pauline Spik (HE 0788 or Val DelM'lak (EX 2308). As long us you aie u n ember of SNPJ you can bowl even though your lodge doesn't huv e a team in the league This league will start bowling on Sept 2, so huri v and contact ut before. VAL DEBELAK. Secy, 570 SNPJ Women Bowlers • y Memories •.. By Clarence Zalii CHICAGO.—What are some of the first things a guy misses when he first legvfcf home for his venture into the world? I lust traveled 2,000 miles away from home and I'm beginning to find out. Maybe it's the affections of "brotherly-sisterly love" which I last experienced as my sifter Ar-lene stood on the depot wglk and waved frantically at the train with tegrs streaming down her face while my train pulled slowly from the stktion. Or muybe it's my little brother Eugene trotting up to me to have his wheelbarrow fixed. Many times he had a block or wood in one hand and a piece of string in the other which he would want fastened together to foyn a "boat." But oh! How my s|omach Jumps when I think of the deliciously overloaded lunch buckets Mom used to have for me every morning—something that was a Joy to look forwsrd to sll morning st work. Or on a Sunday afternoon Dad and I would take a hike to the top of a mountain and have fun hunting through the remains of the winter snow for deer tracks which criaa-crossed the snow and the mountainside made muddy by the melting snow, Then there was the fun of meeting the "gang" down on our pier in the afternoon and spend the rest of the day swimming and diving and enjoying the warmness of the sun, and the warmness of companionship. Maybe we'd all pile into our offi-clai craft, the "River Rat" and take a cruise upstream, than lie on the wooden deck to drift downstream in the sun. Then, Just as we'd gotten ourselves comfortable — the boat would drift into shore and everyone would have to grab for the paddles in an effort to avoid a collision with a rock, or a low-hanging tree. Yes, these are but a few of the many memories which make a fellow homesick. CLEVELAND, Ohio—The Wednesday night shift of the SNPJ Women's league will get underway on Sep temlM i I. at 7 p m Please be punc tual so that the league can start roiling as scheduled Dust oft your Utwling hag, shine up your huwling hall, polish your bowling shoes and you'll he off to a good *t57 S Lawndale Ave, Chicago 23. Illinois. ' DUI No. I- James J Troflno. 417 Woodland Ave, Johnstown, Pa. Dki no. 2 Lawrence Cassol, 711 Washington Ave. Oakmonl Pa. Dtst. No. 3 Stanley Zupon. 15614 School A\r. Cleveland 10. Ohio. Dtsl. No. 4 Joseph Goha. 20484 Mult. Detroit 3. Mich Dtst No. & Kiank Mivec. 1148 N Ifoln,« Av» lndian.i|H»lsi, Ind Dtsl. No S ► t ank (iroser 4255 W PoUctiar Avr ( hi«-go II, lll r Dtsl. No. 7 Marco Khappeck. 27M N 2nd hi, Milwaukee It. Wis. My country, tight or wrong If M s light I II grab credit fu» it If iff wrong. Ill claim It* right. Family Helpmate By DOROTHY SODNIK CHICAGO—Here we are again now that the usual vacation doldrums have disappeared, reluctantly getting down to business. Since the weather is still too hot and humid to use Ihe oven we'll settle for Jelly rilled Raised Doughnuts this week. For this you will need: 2Mi cups milks, *4 cup sugar, 4 cup butter or shortening, 2 teasp. salt, 2 cakes yeast. V« cup lukewarm water, 3 eggs beaten, 84 or 0 cupa bread flour. Scald milk, add sugar, salt and shot toning, «nil to lukewarm. Add ST. LOUIS. Mo.—At our recent meeting on Aug. 13 the membership selected SEITBMJSSR 1» (SundayL As "Springfield Day." Complete details are not available at the present time, althoug we think a 37 passenger deluxe bus Will be chartered for the trip. The rates will be approximately $300 round trip per person. Leaving St. I Louis about $ a. m, and returning about 11M p. m. You will receive further information via mail, and we expect those who are plannig to reply immediately. All you have to do from today on is put aside 15c per day until Sept. 10 and Sour fare will be paid. We would ke to have a good representation from our Circle 89, Springfield, here we come! Our Anniversary Dance will be held Nov. 20 at the Winter Garden of Concordia Hall. 13th and Arsenal St. The Xmas party will also be held at the Winter Girden. The Date being Sat., Dec 18. Plenty of Spirit activity according to our Fall season schedule Congrats to our recent (first half) membership campaign winners. We are glad Bro. Luka Podbregar of Witt, III., was among the winners. We Spirits better roll up our sleeves and get to work. We teal-ly fell down on the Job with a "boom". Here's hoping we do a better job for the second half of the contest. The AH »lav Picnic held Aug. 15 at Pontoon Beach in Granite Citv was very sucecasful financially and morally. Many fraternal ofganiaa-tioos were represented. The Slav Youth Club presented a very elaborate program. It was colorful and entertaining Credit goes to Chairman J. Kalicek for his fine work in handling affair and thanks to those who worked so faithfully in various departments. From Planln-ski Raj Sis. Theresa Speck worked In., the kitchen. Martin Oiolusi chips, from the Spirits Sis. Mary Rhoduse and Anne Spiller selling soda and iee cream. Bro. John Spiller in the amusement booths. Many out of towners were in attendance and it was good to see so many old acquaintances. Whether you were Jugoslav, Czech, or Rusaian, there seemed to be a solid understanding, working hand in hand, as one brother and sister. Naturally the imperialists are disappointed, to see it as such, since they don't want it that way. The more friction and divided we are tlfe more they csn use the whip on the poor underdog, collecting millions off the sweat of our brow. Personals—Pres. ' John Yurgec had s phone inatdlled—number ia Mohawk 3173—The Walter Young mans have moved Into their beau tlful new ranch home, address is 0?55 Southview Lane. Afton, Mo. Phone Swifton 0843. Lots of happiness. Sybil and Walter!—We hope Sis. Sophie Vertovsek's mother in Livingston. 111., who has been ill for some time, is on the road to recovery.—We visited Bro. Tonv, Hervatin who is on the sick list and want to say he is regaining his health and looks hit naturally self again.—Frank and Cele Yartz and their two daughters motored to Chicago for a two week vacation with friends and relatives. Also attend-od the Railroad Fair and visited relatives in Ringwood, HI., and Lake Geneva—Sir Stork reports there will be at least 3 new Spirit Juveniles enrolled for the second half of the membership campaign. —Glad to see the Pete Boranlchs and daughter Pauline. Gillespy, and her nice family at the All Slav Picnic—Juvenile Gary Kokal is vacationing with his grandparents in Advance, Mo.—Sis. Julia Krall will spend her vacation In Oarv. Ind—Bro. Frank Roaeman spent his two weeks at home —Jack and Donnie Williams (783) and their parents motored to Kansas City.— Louis and Anne Lafhner and son Richard visited Anne's folks in Sa lam. Ohio—Thanks to Jack Wil ham for helping us at the All Slav Picnic—Sis Mary Rhodus Is rc covering from a freak eye Injury. —We hope that Ann Sanncmann's > The national softball play-offs which will be held In conjunction with 11* National SNPJ Day celebration at Milwaukee will bring together I lour of the best teams in the SNPJ. each qualifying for the right to participate in this outstanding sport event through district or interdislrict elimination* Three of the four athletic districts into which the Society is divided have-already qualified their representative teams The only districtyet to decide »ts winner is District No. 2 (Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia). Here a late start by the ESL Federation Softball League, a longer schedule due to an increase in the number of team«, and a very cloae race In which at least three teama have a mathematical chance of finishing ort top prevents a final report of the district champion at this writing. However, we are certain to have this news for next week's issue of the Prosveta. Tviatv. t-Qdge Johnstown, Pa , wijl represent District No. 1 (fa*tern Pennsylvania amlNew York) for the second straight year, having eliminated Adrija Lodge 3 and Trojan Lodge 740 in the Conemaugh Valley League. Laat year Triglav fell in the opening game of the national pley offs. losing to the Rcvclien (800) of Ambridge, Pa. in a close, hard-iought contest. The Johnstown lodge is entering a veteran team in the playoffs, reputedly stronger than last year, and so should be fit and ready to provide plenty of first «class competition in its effort to win national honors. Districts 2 and 4 (Ohio and Michigan) will be represented by the Wolverines, Lodge 887, Detroit, Michigan, who won its wsy into the national Clay-offs by first defeating a strong Young American (584) team by the Hutout route. 2 to 0, and then traveled, to Cleveland a week later where they met and conquered a scrappy Loyalite (500) nine by the seore of 5 to 3. This is the second time the Wolverines have qualified a team for* the national play-offs, the time before being 1042. On the strength of the team's excellent reeerd Iji a fast local league and their decisive victories in the district games, the Wolverines stand a good chance of copping their first SNPJ championship. The midwest states (Districts 5, 8 and 7) will be represented by the Moderns (834) of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, who qualified for the national play-offs by winning the Midwest SNPJ League title, making a clean sweep of their games with the Pioneers (550), Badgers (584) and Little Fort (588), and then trounced Danica (186) of Indianapolla In a one-sided contest played at Chicago. !n addition to these games, the Moderns also played a full schedule in the city's open league where they gave a good account of themselves at all times. They'll be in their best playing form for the national play-offs, that's for sure. These three loams (Triglav, Wolverines and Moderns) together with the winner of District No. 2 will provide the competition in the national soft1-ball play-offs. Following the practice of previous National SNPJ Dav celebrations, all games will be played on Sunday. Sept. 5, with the first two games (semi-finals) in the morning and the final contest for the championship in the early afternoon. Should weather conditions interferí so that the games cannot be completed on Sunday, they will In that case be moved up to the following day. The scene of the softball games Will be Franklin Field, at 88th and National Avenue. A meeiino of the National Athletic Board and managers (or other representatives) of the four softball team* will be held St six-thirty, Ssturdav evening, Sept. 4 at Rebernisek's Hall, 5S0 3. Sixth Street. Besides the pairing of teams for the semi-final games, the meeting will consider anv last minute question or recommendation pertaining to the rules and regulations affecting this event. The national play-off games shall be conducted under the official soft-ball rules as approved by the Joint Rules Committee of the Amateur Softball Association of America, except as otherwise provided in the SNPJ rules. It is very important that all players be members of the SNPJ in good standing, having joined the Society not later than June 1. 1048. Eligibility rules shall be strictly enforced. Eaeh of the four teams in the national softball play-offs will be entitled to regular railroad coach fare (not Pullman or First Class) to Milwaukee and return for fifteen (IS) players, including the manager. Payment of traveling expenses will be made by the Main Office to the local lodges after the teams have returned home. A statement, listing the names of all the players who made the trip and fares to which they are entitled, Trail Blazer Lodge News CHICAOO.—The annual picnic of Trailhlaaer Lodge 1B0 turned out quite successful despite occasional showers and threatening clouds which overhung the sky during the early hours of the afternoon on August 8. The weather cleared up sufficiently by evening to attract u large croWd of pedple to the Wèst Pullman Gardens, where the affair was held, who enjdyed dancing lb the rriusic of Frank ke Kocacich and Ms orchestrk ahd bther SctWitlfes planned for them by the Committee. Two of the beat represented k>dges at the picnic, aside from the Trail-blazers, were the Calumet Sentinels and the Victorian» Members were also present from Slavija, Nada. Pioneers, Integrity, Delavec and Lodge 490. The Committee takes this means of extending a hearty Thank You to all who came and helped to make this event a moral an financial success. The large number of juveniles, who attended the picnic with their parents, enjoyed the games and contests vPhich were arranged and conducted for their pleasure by Stanley Tome, Director of Juvenile Activities. Most exciting of these were the pie-eating and halloon blowing contests in which both boys and girls participated. Another diversion which provided fun gnd recreation, this mainly for the older folks, was the popular game of balina. A special match took place between the Trailblasers and the Victorians which the south -aiders copped in two straight games. >■ The General Electric portable radio, which was given aWay at the picnic, was won by Fred Springer, 11921 Stewart Avenue The toSst-master was won by Katka Zupancic of Berwyn, 111., and the Sessions mantel clock by Walter Krimoff of Coloma, Mich., the latter two being members of the SNPJ, An affair of this kind always requires that a group of members donate their services at the bar, kitchen, ticket booth, etc. Among those who deserve speçlal mention for their work are John and Agnes Vranicar, Ernest and Pete Vrhov-nik, Joseph Puzell, Stanley Tome, William Grum, Pauline Kuhel, Stephie Sheehy, Mildred Vrhovnlk and, also, Joe Jereb, member of In-; tegrity, who did a good job "pinch-Hitting" ft* his father, a charter member of the Trailblazers. Thanks to all you good people for your services and to anyone else whom we might have overlooked. Miscellaneous: Visitors from dis- alt kill. ""v ™-r —---— - - . shall be sent to the Athletic Director and same paid upon approval In ------------- addition.to the. traveling oxpemi* the, team Winning the nations Cham- iant places at the picnic were Clar-pionship will also receive permanent toAesslOn ¿f'k'tfoj>hy and a cSsh , ence Zaite 0f Grants Pass, Oregon, award of $150 00 to be used in the purchase of jackets or sweaters for whD has returned to Chicago after the players and manager. I absence of five years and Leo Cret- — . tmv nik of Fort Smith. Arkansas. Glad CONFERENCE OH LABOR DAY Once mote we call your attention to the National SNPJ Day Conference which will be held in the Collins-Meyer Hall on Monday morning, Sept. 8 As customary at past gatherings of this nature, reports will be heard on bids for the next year's National SNPJ Day and a vote taken by the duly designated representatives of the lodges present to decide where it shall be held. Because the celebration is being held In the west this year, it will be the east's turn to have it in 1040. The conference will be open to a general discusson on athletics and any other matters of a constructive nature beneficial to the SNPJ. As an added feature^ trophies w be presented to the softball and golf champions. All lodges who w 11 have representation at the National SNPJ Day are urged to designate two members who will be the lodge's spokesmen and have voting pnvl, lege at the meeting. Use the credentials sent out from the Main Office. MICHAEL VRHOVNIK, Athletic Director - • nr hi»i. nun yoaat dissolved in V« c lukewsrm VIM.Blum at Bo4* Lake, Indiana, water Beat in the eggs and enough wi|1 ^ h,., health a lot of good — flour to make a soft dough, Knead until smooth Place In greased howl, brush with fat, cover and let rise in a warm place until double in bulk Punch down and lot rise again Roll out >t Inch thick Cut into 24 In circles, place teasp jelly in center of one circle, wet edges with water, place another circle on top and press together. Brush with (at Slid lei rise until double in site Fry in deep fat until bruwn on both sides Drain on ahoorbent paper, when cooled a little sprinkle with powdered or tegular sugar. In the sewing room, If you want something useful yet different for a haby ¿ower gift, try cutting a turktsh towel, the large one, into an apron with a piece cut out for the neck. Piece nit from nerk can be used for pocket. Trim around apron in pink and blue print, or solid color. At Ihe bottom of apmn embroider a rhubhy hahy's fare (you don't have to lie an artist to diew ottel. rut a piece of the titmmlng material into hapc of bonnet and stitch annind t«eby'a head and lace (»ee yom <«lal<*ue or msg«ee vou at our Sept meeting Same to all the Spirits and don't forget Sept It Is "Spring field Day " Save voui* pennies and there will be no excuses That s all for the preoent tinu folks ANNE SPILLER Waukegan Progressive Party Picnic WAUKEGAN, HI.—The Centra! committee of the IMofressive Party of laikf county a ill spunaoi a plena. and rally «mi Sunday. Aug 20. at Twm O'y Park, llth ami lan No 79—Hug was paid off in full 'Mi May 7 in the amount of $ I ,'iWO 49 FHA Loan No 5- Setoff in the amount of $4.004 60 we paid on June 2 and FHA No 4- Peck a waa paid in the amount of $1.631 21 on June IOth The final balance on regulsr l»sn No. 66 -Matjasu amounting to $243 26. wa» paid on Mav I. and the (mixrue of $10 00 due on l/osn No l#7 (iordon wa* paid on May 28 On May JMr we sold to Kidder, Peabody and Compsny 77 and 7001. 1000th of s share So Carolina Z|re-♦t 1» and Gaa Company rorrmm etoc k and the proeaeda were $612.51. We also sold to tha same Company war-ranta for rights to purchase new stock in the reorganized Company. Wa will get for these rights $3.70, while the taxes and commission on same amounted to $2.30. These rights expired on May 26 and were mesningless to our Society. In tha ssme period we received dividends on the following stocks owned bv the Society; Clsrk-Monroe Building Corpors-tion, $1 per share ot $30 on April 13, General Public Utilities Corp., 20c per share, or $135.40 on May 14. Ohio Forge and Machine Corp., 50c per share ur $800 on June 10. The Slovenian National Home of Detroit advised mc that the city permit for $137,000 structure was received from the municipality. The Conunittee will now avail itself of our commitment to luan the fuuds to the extent permitted by law, There arc no funds available for investment as of V>dsy, but $50,000 will be available on June 15, M. G. KUHEL, • Sec'y Finance Comm. The report of Secretary Kuhel was unanimously received and all transactions — including additional loans in the amount of $4.666 $4 in GI mortgages, change from 10 to II year tearm of the Cooperative Trading, Inc., and the sale of South Carolina Electric und Gaa Company common slock—were unanimously approved, Secretary Kuhel read annual reports of Clark Monroe Building Corporation and Ohio Forge and Machine Corporation. After a short discussion, both icports were filed. Secretory Kuhel presented application of Theresa Ellis for extension of the balance of the mortgage amounting to $1,300, at 5% and quarterly payments of $5000 until paid. Extension was gianted unanimously Secretory Kuhel reported that a mortgage loan waa applied for on property at 2737 Kvet green Avenue, the loan to bv $13.000 01 $14.000, 20 years at 4'*. The property waa appraised in 193H at $16.000 The original loan waa repaid in full. It was unariimoualy decided that Brothers Kuhel. Cainkar and Vider aie authorized to give a 4% loan if the loan is 50'1 of appiaiscd value, 4%% if the loan is ovei $0%. General discuaaion of Uur contemplated loan to tha Slovene National Home Society. Detroit, Michigan, followed. Previous decision regarding this mortgage loan remains unchanged, During a lively diacu*aion of nortgage loan* on business proper* ty. It was unanimously decidi d that *uch loan* can be granted only up •o 50% of appraitMO value After a careful i.iuJy of invest* merit poaaibilitle*. it waa unariimoualy dended to invc*t $40.000 ill thi Fliat Fudeisl having* and lx»an Aa-socislMHi of Bak«i*fK-ld. California, and aeven other imurnd Having* and Loan Aaaocistiona $5 000 In tech Individual aasociation st 3% or better dividend late. Hi others Cainkar. Vider and Kuh«-I were empowered lo *« hit th« associations Tbrif la ing no further hu»i!•'•** the meeting adjourned at II 30 A M MA1T PETROVICH Chairman MIRKO G KUIIEL. Sortetory JACOB ZL'PAN H < See'y First, they contributed to the International Solidarity Committee which is fighting for the American Anti-Fasciat Commit tea, which group has been threatened with Jail sentences by Attorney Geftcral Clark We. kaow that the Anti-Faacist Committee did a splendid jub in helping those who fought Facism in Spain. Secondly, Mae tiroaer took up the collection for the American Committee for the protection of foreign born and signed petitions against the wave uf deportations. Only good and conscientious union leaders and citizens are being deported. We havvn't heard that one single fascist, royalist or reactionary has l>eey deported, It's a shame on th«»se whu are fighting the wave of progress. Then, we contributed a little to th«' appel of SANC and elected delegates to the All-Slav Congress .which will be held in Chicago in September. We also selected Mae Groaer and Ju Mersol to represent us at the Milwaukee SNPJ Day meeting. The Pioneers will participate in this year's Federation Yule Juvenile Party. In the sbsence n| the chairman, Louis Zorko prrsidid Discussions were varied and widely participated in. a * * Our bowlers will be meeting Wednesday, August 25, at the Center to approve the 1948-49 schedule, to select officers for the new term and to adopt the rules fur the coming season. Matt Brlnovcc called to tell us that he will ImiwI with our league this scuson again So will Fred Bennett whu used to lie a proprietor of bowling alleys, but who now sells cars.—Angela Kalu-sha has reported well. Our sick list is now compeNied uf Louis Kramer, 3246 Sunnyaide. Brook field; Clara Bakule, 2304 8. Gunderson. Berwyn; Andrew Misko, Municipal Tubercular Sanitarium; Eugene Skoff, 3531 8 57th Cl.. Cicero; Tillie Loc-niskar, 5526 S. Mulligan; Anlonia Rihel, Tucson, Ariz.; Stanley Kuznik. Hinea Memorial Hoapital; Cumilie Gratchner. 2331 8 Kidgeway Ave.; Caroline Fischer, 5023 8 Oak Park Ave.; Joseph Terdln. 2332 W. 21st Place; and Mary Pieciynakl, Ogles-by, III. The Hat Is large, so we need the help uf all of our numbers to vlall them. • a • Frances Stark postcards from Es-Cfriaba, Mich., when* Hie went for a re«t. She reports that it is cool there.-—Frank and Mully Lotrich have gone lo Johnstown, Pa„ for a vacation. They will be visiting many of our active SNPJers on the way.—Louis Zoiko is in charge of the distribution of licketa for our group for the large Progreaslve Party rally on Wednesday, September 14, where Henry Wallace will speak The Cuba Ball Park ha* Itoen hired. They expert to fill all the seats arid there are 38,500 of them I want to report thul tickets cun ul*o be gotten from the Pioneer Secretary at 2010 8 Lawndale Ave. Every Progressive should promote this meeting, because it will make u showing that will make the crooked politicians lake notice.—We learn that Boyan Alesh, son of Frank and Minka AU*h of Chicago, who havf worked haid for many years in the progreaslve labor ranks and for the SNPJ. was married in New York City to Theltna Flowerinan Congratulations!-. We want to report that Phillip Mul t ay, President of the CIO, to whom we sent u picture from the Chicago Sun-Time» showing the National Guard pushing th« atrikehi around In Ohio, didn't aee fit lo respond to oui appeal that he take cognizance of ihe manner in which the present day politician» handle labor situations We a*ked hiru to step out again*! this kind of National Guaid stiike breaking ' This would have been a go««d time for him to let tlioa« in p«»w« r know that laboi's light lo strike should not be abrogate«! • • • The rrwad horrid atoiy that we have heard in a long time i* one that mine* from Spain, aijd l* now being preaaed for action by the Drill er Nation*; It «omenta the whole world though only 2ft miner* und a few official* were Involved Tha iep«»t! ha* il that 4ft rninei* were dragged; from then home* and thrown into a well and becau»«' they were not kill«*«! in thia manner <y ware hl«*'ed with dynamite slier then «lothing wa* *stuiat«>d Willi ga*«>liri«f Th< 1'ionei rs went on leeoid to notify our Slate Department to make rep l»M*nlation lo the Kpaniah Government agalnat auch »hocking mur» d«*rs — You would think that the prl«ea of bread and other f»aflatuffs would tana will keep it rolling on July 4, 1949, I hen San Francisco in I960 For our 1949 California SNPJ Day we will have a new hall, modern in all res|Nor Dapt »how big iiuTea»oti in output per worker in the »hiit, shoe and cement Industrie» between |U29 and 1947 The labor time needed tu make »hilts wa» cut I0''<< during the 8 year pciiod Over the aame peiiod there waa a 14% nicies*«* in output per worker in the »hoe induntiy and a 21% increase in cement output. Veronian News VKHONA. Pa.—This letter I» to announce two conning date* which araviiv impôt hint I* 11 *l l* the *pe-uial meeting called for Auguai 29 All member* are uiged tu come to aetlle an important matter, Tha time la 2 30 p m The aeeond la the coming dance on August 211 Music will Im* fUr* ntahed hy Kiank Porovne and his Mu*ual Sly Hal* U t * all come down to the Veionians' Club and make thia dance a gieut aucceas. TILLIE DOLES A Paid Vacation That Refreshes the Pause Nest time we hear a united under able leaders They made It becauae the union made them tlrong VacalKtna, of roursv, aie »»nly one of the advance» up thiough umonum W« h«»p«' y i hi enjoy your vs« atnm Hut don't folget how you brought it about thiough youi own atrrngth tog< th« I in the union From 7'he Mm himst, I A M RECREATION FARM BOARD PICNIC AUGUST 29th 1948 at S.N.PJ. FARM, Heath and Chardon Rd. Good music by Bajee from Fairport, Ohio Good time for everyone Welcome all! henry wallace is in it-he's already won By LOUIS ADAMIC and R. V, CASSILL in T*T (Continued) He's "In It" With Thw Wallace is "in it" with the schoolteacher who loat her Job when »he »poke out freely against war and fascism. end thus learned first-hand why a new political movement dedicated to the best in traditional Americanism is urgent . . . with the college instructor booted off the campus for daring to preside at a Wallace meeting . , . with Don Matchan, the North Dakota publisher-editor who lost his paper when he denounced the Truman Doctrine . . . with John Brown who stood on the scaffold end lifted his eyes toward the sun as he said, "This is a beautiful country!" . . . with Henry Thoreau who did not believe the sky was the limit for the expansion of the human spirit . . . with the s«d Abe Lincoln wfto saw that Americans would pay the full price of their liberty . . . with Nikola Tea la and Charles Steinrnetz. visionary scientists and inventors whose work now is part of everyday practicality . . . with the mill-worker on the picket line, the miner in cbnstant danger of his life . . , with the old farmer in Illinois who put it this way: "War is for the rich to get richer" .. with the woman in the Delaware Valley who said, "Imagine, lamb chops $1.12 a pound!" . . . with the perplexed young people, some six million of whom are yet to cast their first vote in a Presidential election . . . with the Negro people everywhere . . . with the Jew whose children's lives are being distorted by antisemitism. and who worries shout the new Stale of Israel . . . with the Spanish-speaking American in the Southwest who hasn't bothered to vote heretofore but who will vote in '48 because he is against the bipartisan Yanqut Imperialism In Latin America . . . with the Slavic American whose old country may be devastated if ft comes to another war . . . with the Catholic layman who has no sympathy for the hierarchy's political machination . , . with the Protestant minister who knows that a far-flung Counter-Reformation, direct* d by the Vatican through Spellman ("the next Pope"), is underway in the U. S. . . . with the ex-Ol who hasn't a house to live irt and doesn't want his kid brother to die in World War III . . with the spied-on Federal employee whose second cousin allegedly voted for FDR all four times and who is therefore suspect of being Red . . with the non-Communist who does not wish to become an anli-Com-munist or red-baiter, for red-baiting is part of the drive toward a new war . . . with the non-Communist who will have no alternative but to become a Communist if tradition*! Americanism dissolves under the ty are in, a man or a political organization has to have some give, some defense in depth, some secondary lines. Wallace hasn't any of FDR's political glamor; he is no actor; but a study of his personal campaign so far In '48 shows that he understands the tiny loopholes left in the popular mind and that he possesses a great deal of political skill, including that weird and magic sensitiveness to people, individually and en masse, which is so necesary to a political leader. A Strange Man—He THINKS . Is Wallace a good administrator and organizer? Well, one of his chief detractors, radioman Fulton Lewis Jr., is on record to the effect that under Wallace the Department of Agriculture was the best organized and administered branch of the government in the Roosevelt Ad-ministrstion. There is something in Wallace, a modesty, an inhibition, that keeps him from revealing him« self, from exposing his abilities. For instance, when he says in public that he Is a successful buisness-man, his words come with an embarrassed manner. Wallace is a strange man to be of a new dawn blinds our eyes. New forces, new energies, sre being released, are releasing themselves— not only in 4he mysterious realm of physics but also in the overlapping political, social and cultural fields, which are ill understood even by individuala whom it may not be inaccurate to describe as conscious, informed, intelligent or thoughtful. The situation bristles with if» and may bet and question marks. One word for it is chaot, another is critit. The Wallace-Taylor movement— the Progressive Party—sprang out of this chaos, thia crisis. As of this writing, the movement, the party, is but slightly above, or .ahead of, the general situation. To a very large extent (and, in the main, inevitably so) it is an integral part of the situation. It, too, bristles with i/s and maybet and question marks; it, too, is in the chain-reaction process. There are tensions within it, too; it, too, can be split and fragmentized. All sorts of forces, themselves in a state of disintegration, are loosed, which want to split and fragmentize it.— But these forces need not succeed. It will be, at least in pert, up to us in the Progressive Party to see to it that the anti-Wallace plots will fail, and that the party and Wallace as a man will be the magnet attracting the fragmenta split off other political formations now falling apart. This will depend on the personnel in the party's national headquarters; on state and local leaders; on money; on whether or not there are a auarter of a million progressives ready to work day and night, or in all their spare time, on the precinct and ward levels during Aug., Sept. and Oct. This T4tT presumes to want to be helpful to those \^hose duty it will be to muster, inform and train the 260,000 active and devoted campaign workers, a large proportion of whom will be ready to continue the upper crust the washington scene Sy Richard Sasuly WHO GOES TO JAIL? Throughout the time that the Sherman and Clayton antitrust laws have been on the book?, no businessman has ever been sent to jail for monopoly practices. _________ On the other hand, the honor roll, of workers who have besn raiiroad- mg quote from a Univis statement: ed to jail for going on rtrike would "... the secret of our perpetual fill this page and dozens like it. I IUCcess is that we do not license This double standard of justice anyone who has the slightest idea ar-0 in contemporary American politics:, . ..... ,, he think». As FDR once put it, he pol Utc ally active a ter the Action has ideas about some of the World's centrul problems. He keeps himself informed. He has perspectives. Worse yet, Wallace is utterly independent—an objective patriot, indifferent to special interests, concerned only with over-all interests. And those who know him well In spite of his tendency to conceal his abilities and successes are sure that he would make a good and successful President, and are almost certain that son eday he will be President of the United States. We hear questions, "But can Wallace win? He can't be elected In '48, can he?" And we answer "Wallace has already won. He has won the victory of the AWrican conscience. He has won another chance for a progressive, decent America; 1 or tile American Intelligence, the American Instinct, the American Dream (now turning Into a Nightmare), to come into play again in propaganda blasts directed against ( our national life and on the world every progressive thought and im- »cenc. jf,. ha» caused the reaction pulse . . . with the Communist who is persecuted and hounded . , . with the liberal or progressive intellectual who knows that our destiny ran be greater than are our present-day fears, doubts and puzzlements . . . with the man in every community in America who was fright* ened away from a Wallace meeting . . , with the common folk in Latin America, now exploited by Wall Street's pouleiters disguised as U S embassy officials . . . with the masses of people in Europe, Asia and Africa who. like most Americans, want peace, above all else—" Whence Comet IIit Significance By many of his supporters Wallace is regarded as FDR's political heir. Some of us realize that Wallace larks FDR's "political wizardry", hut we feel too that Wallace Is a bigger and finer man than was the late President. Wsllace's »igntfi-eance come» from his speaking for our time in the political terms of our civilization's morality, and meaning every woid he says in trims of action, of ptogiams to be put in effect which wn nut always true of PDK Out support of Wallace Is. in fact, the tribute we puy to what 1» decent, to what Is liest, in ourselves. Some of us who have closely followed Wallaces development also know that he is politically astute. He did not resign from the Truman cabinet, he waited for Truman to fire him and thu» sharpen the clai • ity of ht» position in American poll-tics To I else the idea that peace IS possible when we weie on tl»e veige of s "preventive wai" was great political »tietegy, to write an open letter to Stalin was an effective maneuvei within his |ieace stiateg> To visit the auto woikecs pkket line m l>etioit was not only m deeply slneeie gesture but a shrewd political move, showing he was "in it" with the 'men who were out for s fsir »hair of corporation pi of its Off and cm. reading or hearing his speeches some of u» who may tie to the left of hi» left of-the-cen trr and who aie not too experienced politically tear that Wallace may he wilting before the ptopaganda blasts against him but then we leel that the occasional swaying may be a healthy thing a wise political tai tic. Up to now he ha» had to stand so much alone without the kind of open and stalwart support which would make it a bit ee»ier to »tar»d in his exposed position, that there might have been the dang« r of dev-eloping all intransigent bnttleness that might suddenly shatter like a pone of glass For the kind of or-deal that Wallace and the new par- ities and fascists, the warmongers, the exalted criminals, the brass-hats. the "elder statesmen," to pause in their purposes. He ha» started and inspired a great resistance movement, which has won—for the moment: only for the moment. It is up to the people to translate this victory into political reality at the polls ... in 1048 . . in l«fto . . in time , , , before the powers person!-lied by Dulles and Dewey, Spellman an Murray, Hearst and McCormick, Hut ney llarurh and Herbert Hoover, Henry and Clare Luce. Pegler and Mencken. Tooey Spaatz and Joe Collins, Leahy and Truman plunge u» into u new war, This emphasis is important. What evar the results on election day, the Progressive Party must continue beyond next autumn. In view of the complex chain reaction operating in our national life, the election of Wallace and Taylor, although unlikely, is not abaolutelv excluded; but we two who sign this article are scarcely interested in that. We think that Wallace, as the leader of progressive Arncrics. is today where Jeffersoh was 160 years ago, where Lincoln was in the llOO's; and our primary concern is that Wallace and Taylor be given a large vote and that a score or more of Wsllacites be elected to Congress, partly so that some of the other countries, now fearful of the U. S, will know that there Is "another America"; and that a flrnr. basis be laid for the Progressive Party, so Hitt H een put a score or two more Wallacites into Congress in 1000; and then, in '52, after the next "bust"—possibly sfter the next war, If anything will be left of the country—the Progressive Party might be elected Into power, (X.IUdJUMN "Are you sure you had one? I don't hear a thin*' T GOP Campaign Strategy Within A Complex Chain Reaction The danger of fascism in the U.S. and of World War III continue to enst (m fact, llterv is danger that puny Truman and the eager-beavers in charge of hi» campaign are apt to maneuver woi Id affairs into a vast explosion in order to have their little egos and the Democratic Party, now disintegi ating before our eyes, and to keep themselves m power to do the bidding of Wall Street snd I the Vatican) So tai Wallace and Taylor have done only this; ! They have challenged the trends {and tides towsid fascism in the 17 S and toward war by holding up the I »est and traditional Ameiicanism which the un-American» in and out of Coftgreas denounce as Communism. They have bioken tluouah some of the apathy, through a cornet of the "paper curtain ot Ins and distentions. They Kentucky Court Upholds Payroll Tax LOUISVILLE. Ky. —(FP)—The working man (and everybody else) must pay a license fee for privilege of working in the city of Louisville. That was the essence of an opinion In which the Kentucky court of appeals upheld the city's new 1% payroll tax. The tax had been fought by the CIO on grounds that It is sn income tax. which only the state may collect The appellate court itself called the levy "quite novel and revolutionary'* Twisting the state constitution out of shape, it upheld the city's contention that the tax , th(, Is "a license fee for the privilege | £uiW * of engaging in any business, occu pat ion. calling, profession or labor" The com t sow nothing wrong with the fsct thst the 1% Is levied on groas income of individuals but on the net profits of businesses and profession» When Mrs. Oksana Kosenklna was served with, a subpoena to appear before the UnAmerican Activities Committee, the doctor said she probably would be in the hospital 12 weeks. If you look at the calendar, you will notice that this is too long. It is now less thsn 11 weeks until the election, and the committee can't very well postpone her appearance past that date. So much has been written about the international implications of Mrs. Kosenkina's recent activities that her exact physical condition has not received the attention if dcecrves. Yet it la a matter of the utmost importance, and no doubt has received much earnest discussion in the strategy Conferences Gov, Dewey has been' holding with his top advisers. ' ' > On the day Mrs. Rosenkina Jumped from the window. Dewey's campaign manager gave reporters to understand that the current spy investigation would be the chief issue in the election, and that Truman wuild be accused of helping Communists. "Do you think the public Is more interested in that than in inflation?" a reporter asked. "It is more interested in that than in anything that happened in Washington in the paat three weeks," Mr. Browned replied. By all the rules of melodrama, the committee's star performer must make her appearance before the curtain drops. It is not likely, even If she mends rapidly, that she can be persuaded to repeat her leap for the benefit of .the committee. But maybe she, would be well enough to play Eliza escaping across the ice. Stalin could be an off-stage Simon Logree. and Truman could be accused of feeding the bloodhounds. < With all the movie cameras In commfUee members rush % forward to save Liza. M. Landls of these terrible things will happen. The Russian menace is here to stay, and >o are columnists, editorial writers, military strategists and the political strategists who Flfow how to divert attentlonfrom the coat of meat. The meat we live on these days is Russian bear and we must have it for breakfust, lunch and supper, served raw, pickled or roasted. Instead of our becoming satiated with this daily diet, it seems to grow on us. A recent public opinion poll shows that most Americans are dissatisfied with our present policy toward Russia, and the prevailing view is that we should get tougher. Within the last few months our policy has been so toitfh tSkt our generals in Berlin we* talking of sending armored supply columns through the Rusaian Unas. -FeopJ» in Europe trembled af (he prospect of another war in a few weeks. Things reached such a point that our diplomats suddenly got scared, and went hat in hand to Moacow to ask for a conference they had been refusing to cpnsider. .»• was never better shown than by the recent Univis strike in Dayton, O. For more than three months Local 708, United Electrical Radio it Machine Workers (CIO) was on strike against the Univis Lens Co. During that time the strikers were beaten so badly by the Dayton police that they had to be sent to the hospital. At least 22 were arrested. The local court warned live of the strike leaders that they would be fined $2,000 a day each if they even approached the vicinity of the picket line. The full weight of the state was brought to bear on the 000 Univis strikers -when 1,500 National Guardsmen w^re brought in, supposedly to protect scabs. The troops used bayonets and tear gas. They rolled up a Sherman tank and an armored car. The House labor committee did its bit by ordering five of the strikers to appear at a hearing in Washington for more badgering. Further threat of jail sentences hangs over the five because they refused to knuckle under to the committee when asked «questions about their political beliefs. « The Univis Lens Co. has also had iU dealings with the law. The company,' however, received rather different treatment than its employes. . Univis makes bifocal lenses. In 1931 it organised an efficient lens monopoly. Through- control of patents it issued licenses to manufacture only for companies which would agree to maintain high prices. In Darel McConkey's book Out of Your Pocket appears the follow- \\ of cutting prices on any kind of merchandise." As extra protection for its high prices, Univis would not license dealers who advertised installment buying. That meant you had to be able to put cash on the line for Univis bifocals even if you were going blind. In 1930 a competitor appeared, the Titmus Optical Co. Under pressure of Univis' thneat to bring suit for patent infringement. Titmus backed out of the market. All of this was clearly antisocial It was illegal. The Justice Dept. entered a complaint against Univis in 1940. The government suit was upheld in the Supreme Court in 1942. But, while the company was ordered to stop violating the antitrust laws, no one was sent to jail. No police appeared at the company's offices to work the Univis executives over with clubs. JJnivis did not receive special treatment. No corporation official has ever been sent up for violating antitrust laws. Actually, it is unlikely under present conditions that the bulk of antitrust cases will ever come to trial. More than 1,100 complaints of antitrust violations have been made by the Justice Dept. Yet, in the last three years only 80 cases were disposed of through the courts. Most of the cases which get through the courts sre won by the government, but the victory is meaningless. Fines amounting to a few thousand dollars are levied. To a $10 million corporation, a $10 thousand fine is nothing more than a licensing fee for engaging in monopoly practises. (FP) eight for health Doee the By the Physicians Forum A.M.A. Mean What It SayaT Last month, at the National Heal4h Assembly, the American Medical Association seemed to be making a little progress away from its reactionary position on health care for the Ameriean people. ? * ^ Unfortunately, actions speak louder than words. This is the story of hoyv the AMA agreed to some fine-sounding words and then, a few weeks later, forgot all about them. National Health Assembly. A delegates seemed willing At the the AM/ to go 11 long on several issues (a Yet the figures show that only lesst in words) a. long as they coulc a microscopic fraction of the Ameri-can people want to relax toward Russia. Seven times as many want to get still tougher. record for national health insurance. Thus, the AMA went along with a resolution which attacked "the in- its members not to participate in any voluntary insurance plan not approved by the society. Since only medical society-sponsored plsns arc approved,' the "advice" strikes out at labor, farm and consumer-sponsored plans, and particularly the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York, i v . * As the New York Times stated. "While the society only 'advises' its members, it was pointed out that 'advice' in such cases may go a long way, as few physicians, particularly the younger ones anxious for advancement and desirable hospital appointments, would tvish to offend the powers Shat be in organized medicine." Actions really do speak louder than words. In a matter of this kind the will ^«J" 1" T .,V™„/ as n I «^Si^pl? Wallace, Robeson Will Speak In h voluntary f% | • Q a 1J cooperative I hlCQgO Mpt. ¿4 House Appropriations Committee Joins Purva Drive WASHINGTON — (FP) — The Houae appropriations committee haa moved in on the wsve of loyal- hiss Stalin, and in the confusion, Dewey could collar Truman. • • • All plans for the script, however, must depend on the speed of Mrs. Kosenkina's lecovery. According to one authority, she has a fractured leg, and various Internal and I>ack Injuries But if this is the full extent of her injuries, and she receives the best medical care, there is no reason Why the Republic apa shouldn't fp Into thu campaign with considerable optimism Even if Mrs. Keaenklna hasn't fully recovered, there is still one sure way the Republicans could have shown that |>eace is possible, ty Investigations in the government take the play away from Tfuman thai t'MT is unnecessary They have given tradeiship to those who since the Kulton speech or since the inception of the Truman Doctrine hav. sc-en th«- need of a new party, if lli< US and I tie world aie to have a futuie Doing this. Wallace and Taylor have evoked in many Ana i nans an impulse to try to regain control of thru government fSnd therein is then victoiy | However we air at a pes* in human attaiis wheir ttrailv everything if not * vc i ything exists very tentatively and pieearlously In Its p»«-»ent fotm» and seeming potentl* sillies It r not only the atom that Is la oig split, a chain reac tion is tngulfmg and it-fashioning everything in (lie. human wot Id Nothing may appi at to tie lomottew * hat tt I'toks to Im- today l.ook at the Comintoim-Ttto rift; look at the ria tion of loyally investigating boaid», and copies of induction» fot pa»» ing on case. WASHINGTON iFPl Land ownets tn t'alifonia'« Lindsay' Strathmoir .rngatum district voted 100 to I in lavot of e water set vice contract embodying ISO acre limitations of the Reclamation act. the Interior Dept announced Aug 10 The 100 acit li'mUdion has come under fir from 'ng landowners, n supported by opet slots ot small farms. Who Said War Is Hell? In Boston the other day a federal Judge awarded to Standard Oil of New Jersey I. O. Farben's «hare of 284 patents which the two trusts used to own jointly. • • • Question: If a chicken-ijnd-half lays an fcgg-and-a-half In a day-and-a-half. how many eggs will nine chickens lay in six days? Anawer: What's the difference? We couldn't afford to buy them anyhow. • • • Shortly after a friend of ours hit the Jackpot question on a quit show he got evicted from his apartment. He won a television set, a trip to Azorcf. a herd of Hereford cattle, it B-29, a Cadillac convertible, a Junior partnership in the Natl. Broadcasting Co.. a completely outfitted stain'eas steel compression chamber, a Bessemer blast furnace I and a carton of Krispy-Krunth \ Pr pales, the Miracle Cereal. The landlord obiected to the cattle Said they kicked up the rugs in the halls l ITS A GREAT SYSTEM* If this menace would suddenly dry up snd blow away, a good part' Help in the R-pht Piece of the nation would become en o ^ it