SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, 111. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. * * * DIRECTORS of Recreational and Sports Activities: Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. Slate President of Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. Stale President of Illinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. ♦ * * Finance Committee-. JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * % Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA —THE DAWN ^f1 Uradno Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, III. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America glasilo Slovenske Zenske Z veze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the. Editor by the tenth of the month. V si dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo bili v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. DATES TO REMEMBER... March 20 — EASTERN BOWLING TOURNAMENT, E. 80th Lanes, Cleveland, Ohio April 2-3—MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT, Rival’« Alleys, Joliet, 111. April 6 — Br. 95, So. Chicago, Ilf., Games Party, 8 p.m. Sacred Hart Church Hall April 10—Br. 45, Portland, Ore., Easter Communion, St. Mary’s Cathedral April 10 — Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo., Easter Communion, 8 a.m. April 24 — Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio, Easter Communion at 9:45 a.m. St. Jude’s Church, followed by Anniversary Banquet at 4 p.m. at Sbkol Tyers Hall May 5—Br. 13, San Francisco, Calif., Whist Party May 13— Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio, Rummage Sale May 15—Br. 17, Misc. Card Party, West Allis, Wise. May 25 — Excursion to Europe, Via "Queen Elizabeth" June 17 — Excursion to Europe, Via “Air France’’ jet plane June 6 — Pilgrimage to Shrines in Europe, Via TWA Constellation June 12 — Wisconsin State Convention and State Day, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. June 26 — Penna. State Convention, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. Oct. 2 — Ohio State Convention, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 9—Br. 17, West Allis, Wise., Misc. Card Party HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MARCH Supreme Officers: March 3 — Ann Podgoršek, Supreme Auditor, Duluth, Minn. Branch Presidents: March 4—Mary Kovač, Br. G3, Denver, Colo. March 10—Helen Shuster, Br. 37, Greaney, Minn. March 16—Pauline Kokal, Br. 90, Universal, Pa. March 20—Frances Hren, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. March 21 — C. Matakovich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. March 24 — Agnes Dragovan, Br. 34, Soudan, ^linn. March 25 — Frances Nemeth, Br. 89, Oglesby, III. March 28—Helen Corel, Br. 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. March 29 — Anna Zaverl, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. MANY lHAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXII — No. 3 MAKCH, 1960 LETO XXXII — Št. 3 Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. Fasting We are now entering upon Lent, a time particularly dedicated to fasting, prayer, mortification and self-denial. By these penitential exercises, we must endeavor to seek a reconciliation with God by the means which are most likely to obtain his mercy. Especially fasting is conducive to the spiritual transformation. It is good for both body jmd soul. As for the body, fasting serves as remedy. This ■s common diagnosis of many doctors. It is by true and sincere repentance, that we must render our fasting acceptable to God; for if we pay no other regard to this holy season, than by making a change ia our diet, we shall be far from keeping it in the manner God requires. Quite many people do not like fasting because they lost the real meaning of fasting. The fast which God has chosen is to loose the bands of iniquity, to convert ourselves to him with our whole heart in "fasting, weep-InS. and mourning, to rend our hearts and not our garments, by true contrition and sorrow for our sins.” God had promised mercy and pardon to those who in obedience to the voice of the church, relinquish their sinful habits, apply themselves to the exercises of mortification. self-denial, retirement, and recollection; to frequent Prayer, spiritual reading, alms-deeds, and works of charity, without, having any other object in view than our own spiritual advantage. lasting is one of the means for self-denial which is theJfc Prioe of self-control. The necessity of fasting i« stated in^B Holy Scripture also. When Jesus cured a possessed boy which could not be done his apostles, they asked hira: “Why could not we cast the devil out?”. Jesus said to them: “This kind can be cast out only by prayer and fasting. Christ certainly gave us a most extraordinary example of the necessity of fasting for St. Matthew tells us that he had fasted forty days and forty nights. “And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights afterwards he was hungry.” (Matt 4,2.) In a magazine we read the following story; A newspaper man asked a professor in a research laboratory: “What is your principal difficulty with your research workers?” “Ivack of imagination”, was the reply. “The great obstacle to progress in research in the United States is the lack of imagination. My young men are industrious, they are conscientious, but they cannot progress beyond a certain point. They stick just there.” “What do you attribute this to?” “Too much food; to little fasting”, was the reply. “Food”, continued the professor, “interferes with the growth of the imagination. Our young Americans are too well-fed. I tried”, said the professor,” the ecclesiastical fasts upon the mice: making them abstain completely from food two or three days out of the week, and feeding them generously on the other days. Result? Somewhat smaller mice; but with keener intelligence. Just so with human beings. If they do not eat so much, particularly if they observe the fasts of the church, they will not grow so large and so tall, but they will be more active and more intelligent.” O postu Ko Blišimo besedo o postu, nas kar malo stisne pri srcu. Prvo, kar nam pride na pamet je misel: Že zopet ne bo mesa In redne hrane. Kisle obraze delamo ob misli, da se bo treba zadovoljiti z ribami, sirom in jajci. Ker posta ne razumemo, zato imamo proti njemu vsemogoče izgovore in predsodke. Nekateri zmigajo z ramami in le z nejevoljo sprejmejo post, drugi v duhu cerkve BPrejmejo post, ker je tako ukazano. Zopet drugi se zanj 8P!oh ne brigajo. Tem je glavna skrb zadostiti željam lač-nesa želodca. Le malo jih je, ki se zavedajo, da je post velikanskega pomena tako v telesnem, kakor v duhovnem ozirtu travniki, brez razlike verskega prepričanja, priporočajo Post kot zdravilno sredstvo za telo. Če je človek vedno nabasan ni dobro. S polnim želodcem se ne da misliti. Poln •elodec napravi človeka neokretnega in zaspanega, če nepre»tano polnimo svoj želodec, mu ne damo prilike v redu prebaviti zaužito jed. Jasno je, da imamo motnje s Prebavo. Telesna lakota človeka razbistri in mu pomaga duševni okrepitvi. Sveto pismo velikokrat govori o postu. Priporoča ga kot sredstvo za duhovni napredek in kot pomoč zoper hudobnega duha, ki si vedno prizadeva, da čoveka, ki je ustvar-n Po božji podobi tako onesreči kot je sam. Sveti Matej 5*0» pripoveduje kako je Jezus ozdravil mesečnega dečka, t^ok je bil obseden od hudobnega duha. Ko ga je Jezus ozdravil, so pristopili k Jezusu njegovi učenci in ga vpra-“Zakaj ga mi nismo mogli izgnati?” Poizkušali so munreč, pa jim ni uspelo. Jezus jim je zanimivo odgovo-1 "Ta rod Be ne prežene drugače kakor z molitvijo in Postom.” V življenju svetnikov beremo, da so se za javne nastope Pripravljali v samoti z molitvijo in postom. Duhovno okrep-Jeti! so bili zmožni zastopati božjo stvar v vseh položajih v katere jih je življenje po božji volji postavilo. Tako beremo o svetem Pavlu. Tri leta se je pripravljal, da je mogel izvršiti nalogo kot izvoljeno orodje od Boga. da ponese božje ime pred pogane. Sveti Hijeronim, je delal tako strogo pokoro, da so nvu kolena klecala od neprestanega posta. In vendar ga poznamo kot poznavalca, prevajalca in razlagalca svetega pisma. Malo mož je tako znanih v tem oziru kakor on. Sveti Frančišek asiški se je postil ob vsaki priliki. Nekoč se je postil za praznik svetega Mihaela nadangela štirideset dni. V tem času je vzel le en hlepček kruha, da ga ne bi napuh premagal, da se je postil toliko dni kakor naš Gospod. Še danes občudujemo njegovo zamisel popolnega uboštva, zamisel vesoljnega bratstva, ljubezen do narave. Poznamo ga tudi kot moža, ki mu je bilo dano nositi rane Našega Odrešenika. Vsem tem zmagovalcem nad poželjenjem mesa, nad poželjenjem oči in nad napuhom življenja in vsem tem herojem v čednostnem življenju je post v veliki meri pomagal doseči to, kar so dosegli. S pomočjo posta so se otresli posvetnosti in postali svetle zvezde na obzorju cerkve. Da je post del pokore, sprava za grehe in klic za božje usmiljenje, so razumeli tudi Judje. V Esterini knjigi beremo ,da je perzijski kralj dal ukaz pomoriti vse Jude in razdeliti njihovo premoženje. Ko so Judje slišali so žalovali z jokom in postom. Bog jih je uslišal in se jih je usmilil. Naš Gospod sam nam je pokazal, da je pot posta zveličavna, da je močna obramba proti skušnjavam, da je po-moček za premagovanje slabih nagnjenj in da je vodilo k vzvišenim mislim. Sam se je postil štirideset dni in štirideset noči in se tako pripravljal za javni nastop in tako izpolnil Očetovo voljo. Sveta cerkev te dni moli: Daj svojim vernim. Gospod, da bodo častitljivi post z voljnim srcem pričeli in ga s pravo pobožnostjo preživeli. MINUTES OF THE DIRECTORS’ SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING Home Office, January 26, 27, 1960. The semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors began on Tuesday morning, Jan. 26, I960 at the Home Office in Chicago, 111., at 9:30 a.m. Present were the following officers: president, Josephine Livek; secretary, Albina Novak; treasurer, Josephine Železnikar and auditors, Mary Otoničar, Katie Triller and Anne Podgoršek. The first item of business on the agenda was the examination of financial ledgers. The audits completed, a visit was made to the Metropolitan State Bank to examine the contents of the safety deposit box. All investments were found in order as specified in the secretary’s statement. The auditors expressed their satisfaction that all financial accounts and documents were found in perfect order. In the afternoon, the Directors continued the meeting with the reading of reports. REPORT OF SUPREME PRESIDENT Greetings to all present at this first session of 1960. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the membership, to the Board of Directors, to the State Officers of Youth and Women’s Activities, and to the Editor for the cooperation and devoted team work which has contributed to the success of our 1959 programs and activities. Due to ill health, our secretary of finance committee Director Marie Prisland will not be present; nevertheless, she has sent in her complete report. We all wish her a speedy recovery so she can join us soon. The Campaign just closed Decemiber 31st brought fairly well results, we gained 330 members. I want the solicitors to know that I personally appreciate their contributions and welcome the new members wholeheartely. The activities in the organization the last six months has been successful in many ways. The state conventions have drawn large crowds of members and friends and concluded most successfully. But there are some members who still confuse State Conventions with Zveza days not realizing that Convention means "Meeting” and it must be carried out that way. We all gain by attending meetings and meet with each other. This program is only half won, we have a lot to add as we go along. I urge every member of our S.W.U. to get behind the committee in her state. I do not know of any greater service that you Directors can perform than to throw you full weight in this program to acquire for the organization the result we are seeking. Eventually we should organize branches where the younger members would conduct their own meetings and choose their activities. I strongly believe that absenteeism at meetings would be corrected. I have by letter reminded each state president that the time is now to notify each branch to elect a delegate to the state convention. The information is urgent so that the Editor can publish same in Zarja’s monthly calendar to prevent repetition with other branch festivities and projects. This year hr. no. 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 will commemorate 30th anniversaries. I wish to congratulate the members and the officers for their effective leadership. To the leaders of groups that will lead the Zveza Tour’s Europe this summer, I wish the best of luck; and I hope, you have a large group. The report on finances and investments will be reported by the Directors in charge. I have received the sad news of the death of two former members namely, sisters A. Mahovlich and J. Praust. Sister Mahovlich was a member of br. no. 95 So. Chicago, she attained the honor of convention queen when enrolling over 100 members — she was on the Membership Honor Roll 1st degree by enrolling in all more than 600 mem- bers. Sister Mahovlich was a loyal member and a booster for the S.W.U. Sister J. Praust, a past supreme Auditor was a member of br. no. 18 Cleveland, Ohio; she also was a strong supporter of the organization and a constant contributor to Zarja. I personally, and I am sure bespeak the thoughts of every member extend sympathy to the bereaved families and to the departed, may they rest in peace. My correspondence is heavy but I am always ready and willing to answer constructive Inquiry I have sent out letters to all branches for Chrismas asking for future cooperation. I have more to report when the time comes later. I hope and pray that our deliberations at this session will accomplish many wholesome ideas and worthy decisions which will bring progress to our S.W.U. Josephine Livek REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE SECRETARY AND PRESIDENT OF SCHOLARSHIP & BENEFIT FUND Dear Sisters, A most happy and prosperous New Year to all! That good health is yours, is my sincere wish — as health is the most treasured gift. It is to my great disappoint that I cannot be with you in person at this meeting, but I am sending my written report to you as follows: INVESTMENTS In the last six months, $15.098.00 was put into three types of bonds, first, $5,778.00, for 300 shares of Boston Fund, Inc. bonds; secondly, $4,320.00 for 300 shares in Massachusetts Investors Trust (at 1% Interest); and thirdly, $5,000.00 in bonds of the Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Holy Ghost at Techny, 111. These bonds were issued for their hospital, St. Therese Hospital at Waukegan, 111., and will yield 5%% interest (maturation date, May 1, 1968). At the time of the depression, Kaspar State Bank in Chicago was closed as were many financial institutions. Our Union had $347.71 deposited there then. Since that time, the bank has been re-established and is doing business for many years. We received in the last few months, the entire $347.00 returned by the Bank and for this, we are very happy and grateful. Especially were we happy to see such honesty and integrity shown to their previous depositors. SCHOLARSHIP FUND The balance as of June 30, 1959 was $7,291.89. The Income received was from Mrs. Clarence J. Weber, Sheboygan, Wise., in memory of Mrs. Mary Fale, $5.00; from Mr. and Mrs. Peter Starin, Cleveland, Ohio, in memory of Frank Podborsek, $5.00 and Interest totaled $106.25 from the Community Federal Savings and Doan Ass'n of St. Louis, Mo. and $33.21 from the Sheboygan Savings and Loan; total income: $149.46. The one disbursement was a scholarship paid to Patricia Hren, Chisholm, Minn., $100.00 (Student Joseph Widina did not report for his scholarship grant). The balance in this fund as of Dec. 31, 1959 is $7,341.35. BENEFIT FUND Balance was $185.65. There was no income; one disbursement was $13.00 for help in Slovenia; balance, Dec. 31, 1959, $172.65. The balance in both funds is $7,514.00. The fund is kept in two savings institutions, $5,000 in the Community Fed-gan S. & L. in Sheboygan, Wls. The checking account balance is $382.17. In the past months, our Union lost two fine and loyal officers, the former Supreme Officer, Agnes Mahovlich, member of br. 95, of So. Chicago, 111., who was a most diligent organizer for the Union and our first Convention Queen (Milwaukee, 1936). She was most dedicated and devoted to our organization. Sister Josephine Praust, for many years the secretary of branch 18 in Cleveland, Obio and former Supreme Auditor was one of our most regular reporters for Zarja. Her articles were always most interesting and interspersed were many poetic phrases. She had the gift of the poet. These two sisters will always be held in our fondest memory. My home branch in Sheboygan was very pleased to bost the first state convention of Wisconsin. It did seem that this function brought a great re-awakening of spirit and enthusiasm among our branches. The reports we have read in Zarja about other state conventions and their successful results, shows that the state convention has become a wonderful and valuable activity for our organization. It would be really fine if every state in our jurisdiction would arrange to hold a state convention yearly, for the betterment and progress of the Union. In conclusion, I wish to thank you all, as well as to all pur officers and members, for the kindness shown me during the time of my illness and for the many diferent ways you remembered me. I hope God will bless you and show you the same kindness in return. To your assembly, my wishes for success and good progress for the benefit °f our organization Marie Prisland REPORT OF SUPREME SECRETARY Statement of Income and Disbursements Pregled Dohodkov in Stroškov July 1, 1959 — December 31, 1959 Income — Dohodki: Assessment: Class A .............. $16,729.00 Class B................... 7,986.05 Juvenile department .. 1,601.50 Social members ............... 62.65 Miscellaneous ............... 355.55 Interest: Bonds — Obresti od bondov 2,862.25 Savings — Obresti od bank 4,942.38 Rental income — Najemnina .................. 850.00 Total — Skupaj ........................................ $35,389.38 Disbursements — Stroški: Death claims — Smrtnine: Class A Razred A (71 claims) ......... $7,100.00 Class B — Razred B (3 claims) _______ 650.00 Juvenile — Mladinski (1 claim) _____________ 100.00 $7,850.00 Zarja — The Dawn, July to December: Printing — Tiskanje ..................... $5,900.00 Postage & address changes .................. 332.63 $ 6,232.63 Officers salaries — Plače uradnic ....................... 3,600.00 Administration and other officers ....................... 2,330.00 Travel and per diem — Potovalni stroški .... 862.85 P-O.A.B. & unemployment tax ............................... 122.28 Home office rent — Najemnina za gl. urad 400.00 Printing, office supplies — Tiskovine, razno.. 137.75 Postage, telephone — Znamke, telefon ...................... 255.30 'Uel, electricity, water — Kurivo, luč, voda .. 126.84 Actuarial service — Aktuarska posluga ..................... 120.00 Miscellaneous & advertisements — Razno .... 390.63 Repairs on rear house — new windows Popravila na posestvu (nova okna na hiši) . . 267.44 Peal Estate tax — Davek na posestvu (1 year) 373.60 Accrued tax — Dotečene obresti na bondih .. 89.38 Six Six CLASSIFICATION OF FUNDS RAZPREDELBA SKLADOV Class A Income — Dohodki ............ $10,455.60 Paid 71 claims (71 smrtnin plačanih) 7,100.00 $ 3,355.60 Interest on Mortuary fund — O'bresti 4,680.64 Total — Skupaj ............. $ 8,036.32 Class B: Income — Dohodki ............... $ 5,524.50 Paid 3 claims (3 smrtni slučaji) .... 650.00 4,874.50 Juvenile Dept : Income — Dohodki.. $ 1,601.50 Paid 1 claim (En slučaj izplačan) ___________ 100.00 1,501.50 GENERAL EXPENSE FUND — STROŠKOVNI SKLAD Class A contributed (Prispev. raz. A) Class B contributed (Prispev. raz. B) Miscellaneous — Razni prispevki .... Interest on savings and bonds Rental income—Najemnina od posest. 6,273.40 2,461.55 418.20 3,123.99 850.00 $13,127.14 Disbursements 6 months — Stroški 6 mes $15,298.70 Income 6 months — Dohodki 6 mes..................... $13,127.14 Deficit in 6 months — Primanjklaj v 6 mes. $ 2,171.56 STANDINGS IN ALL FUNDS DEC. 31, 1959 STANJE VSEH SKLADOV 31. DECEMBRA 1959 Class A — Razred A ................................ $275,501.52 Class B — Razred B .................................. 108,798.95 Juvenile dept. — Mladinski od.................. 38,410.45 General expense — Stroški .................... 6,176.40 Total — Skupaj ............. $428,887.32 Depreciation on property ................................ 395.17 Total — Skupaj ................. $23,148.70 month income — 6 mesečni dohodki ................. $35,389.38 mos. disbursements — mes. stroški ................ $23,148.70 Six month gain in all funds — 6 mes. prebitek $12,240.68 Balance June 30, 1959 — Prebitek 30. junija .. $416,646.64 Total — Skupaj ......................$428,887.17 'o depreciation on property .............................. 395.17 Balance Dec. 31, 1959 —Prebitek 31. dec. 1959 $428,492.15 Balance Dec. 31, 1959 — Prebitek 31. dec. 1959 $428,492.15 STATEMENT IN LEDGER ASSETS NALOŽBA DENARJA Total U.S. Bonds ................................... $105,326.89 Total State Bonds .................................... 34,775.50 Catholic Bonds ....................................... 15,817.00 Mutual Bonds ......................................... 10,098.00 Savings & Building & Loan Ass’n...................... 240,000.00 Saving in Central National Bank ....................... 3,297.05 Real Estate Valuation .............................. 12,777.53 Metropolitan State Bank ............................... 6,400.18 Total ledger assets .............. $428,492.15 Balance June 30, 1959 — Prebitek 30. jun. 1969 $416,646.64 Balance Dec. 31, 1959 — Prebitek 31. dec. 1959 $428,492.15 Financial statement presented at the Board of Directors’ meeting, January 26, 1960. JOSEPHINE LIVEK, President ALHINA NOVAK. Secretary JOSEPHINE ŽELEZNIKAR, Treasurer Books and financial report oi Supreme Secretary and Supreme Treasurer examined and found in complete order: MARY OTONIČAR, Auditor KATIE TRII>LER, Auditor ANN PODGORŠEK, Auditor Chicago, Illinois, Jan. 26, 1960. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of January, I960. LOUIS ZEFRAN, Notary Public I greet you most sincerely at this our first meeting of 1960. As always, there are important deliberations on the order of business which I hope will bring about wholesome conclusions. In the second half term of 1959 we made a gain in all funds with the exception of the general expense fund, which of course, is to be expected because the overhead is increasing the same as in every other enterprise existing and our contribution to this fund Is low. Death was somewhat more merciful in the last six months. We lost 75 members, 71 in Class A, three in Class B and one Juvenile. Total paid in claims amounted to $7,850,00. In the entire year of 1959 we lost 180 members by death and paid $18,675.00, in claime which is no small amount considering the number of entire membership. As usual, we lost a number of members through suspensions, mostly because of lenience on the part of our secretaries who through their kindness keep the members in good standing, and when the amount of dues in arrears piles up, the decision of the member is that she wants to drop out. I’m certain that our secretaries dislike suspensions because it means a decrease in the membership, but in most cases there is no other way out. At the same time I know from their letters that by keeping after the members to pay their dues promptly, the results are surprisingly good. Therefore I would like to recommend to the secretaries: NOT TO ALLOW THE DUES TO BE IN ARREARS! We have many secretaries who have been successful in getting their members to pay in advance in which case both sides are benefitted. Our main topic of discussion at this meeting should be the coming membership campaign which will be the Preconvention campaign. I have a number of suggestions and I hope that we will decide on a program which will bring us many new members. Our recent campaign which closed on Dec. 31st brought us over 300 new members, mostly juniors. Thanks to our wonderful mothers and grandmothers who answered the call for help. The final count is not on hand since some of our secretaries are mailing in the applications this month with their monthly report. On Sunday, September 13th, I attended the annual Minnesota State Day held in Ely. The attendance was very gratifying and the day was a memorable one and also a beneficial one to the membership and our SWU. Congratulations to all who helped and mostly to the officers and our State President, Barbara Rosandich and Supreme Auditor Ann Podgoršek, for having arranged a very good program. The Ely branch has a wonderful club within its jurisdiction known as “The Dawn Club” and all who belong to this club are ready to give their full cooperation to every affair for which they deserve our highest compliments. Reports on the proceedings of the day appeared in the November Zarja. I stayed in Ely on Monday to discuss plans for our coming National Convention which will be held in Ely in 1961. Rev. Mihelčič, Pastor of the beautiful new St. Anthony church was very kind and offered many good suggestions and full cooperation. They have wonderful facilities in the basement of the new church for our convention. I also met the manager of the Community Center who was a very congenial man and he is very much interested in a large attendance from all parts of the country because the northern part of Minnesota has many scenic and wonderful places to visit. I’m certain that our delegates and visitors will be very pleased for Minnesota has many unique attractions which are not found in any other part of the USA. Another certainty is that the folks in Ely will extend a warm and colossal welcome to the convention! I will explain in detail when the convention topic is up for discussion. My one regret was that I traveled to Minnesota a-gainst. doctor’s orders. This was not easy and if I didn’t seem to act as cheerful as the members are accustomed of seeing me it was because of my health. In returning I had to take a complete rest for a number of weeks and am glad to be able to report that I have fully recovered. Many thanks to Mrs. Josephine Železnikar for her assist- Chi the Cover . . . “Slovenian maidens in costume on a Sunday afternoon.’’ ance and to my daughters Corinne and Gloria for carrying on my office work during my convalescence. God bless you all! At the last Directors' meeting you appointed me iu charge of the excursion for SWU members to Jugoslavia this coming summer. Plans are well on their way and there are three excursions in the making. Mrs. A. Tanko, State President of Ohio is conducting the group on Queen Elizabeth steamship on May 25, Mrs. Mary Otoničar is conducting the pilgrimage by plane starting from New York on June 6, and I’m to conduct the group on June 17 via Air France jet plane. Reservations have been coming in for all the three groups and if good fortune is with us, we should have a fine number of tourists in each group. According to the present plans the trip will take about six weeks which will be a much needed vacation for me and I hope that those of us who are conducting the groups will come back in top shape. In November, I attended Bishop Rozman’s funeral in Lemont, Illinois. Bishop Rozman was a great friend of the Slovenian people and his memory will live forever. On December 14th I attended the funeral of our first SWU Convention Queen, Mrs. Agnes Mahovlich, who was one of the few members on the First Degree Honor Roll because of her untiring work in the membership campaigns. May the good Ix>rd abundantly reward her unselfish work for humanity. I learned later of the sudden passing of our former national officer, Mrs. Josephine Praust who was buried in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Praust’s name will always be encircled with a golden wreath in our Book of Memory because she gave so much of her talent and love to our SWU and especially with her popular contributions in Zarja. To the bereaved I extend my heartfelt sympathy. In conclusion, I wish to express my best wishes for a speedy recovery to our Founder Mrs. Marie Prisland, who has asked to be excused from this meeting because of her illness. Needless to say we will miss her and her constructive good advice in our discussions. The present cold weather does not make our meeting time most pleasant but I do hope that we will try to keep our spirits high and warm. Albina Novak REPORT OF SUPREME TREASURER Greetings Directors gathered together for this meeting of Jan. 26th. My report of the past 6 months Is brief as there was little activity in my office other than the regular business of which you heard a complete report from the Secretary. The totals are as follows — and, I am in full accord with this financial statement: Income of the 6 months period was $35,389.38. Disbursements were, $23,-148.70, leaving a total gain for that period of $12,240.68. The balance as of June 30, 1959 was $416,646..64. With the 6 month gain added, the balance as of Dec. 31, 1959 is $428,887.32. As you see from the financial report, we have received larger amounts in interest from our investments due to the increase in dividend rates. We were able to realize a nice gain in the last six month period. The Campaign results are also good -— thus, we have reason to be happy with our progress in the last 6 months. Congratulations to all who have worked for this important a-chievement. I am happy to see the improved health of our two officers. namely, Mrs. Novak and Mrs. Prisland. I hope they will enjoy good health in the future. Thanks to Mrs. Prisland for her careful and watchful guidance as to investments of the Union’s money, and for her interesting column in Zarja as well as to all who are regular writers for our publication. With combined efforts, the magazine becomes more and more interesting. This concludes my report for the 6 months. My thanks to Mrs. Novak for the good cooperation we have hod tor the good of our Union. Josephine Železnikar REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF AUDITING COMMITTEE Best wishes to all, together assembled at the first meeting of 1960. We miss our Founder, sister Marie Prlsland, who has absented herself due to ill health, and we wish her the most speedy recovery. With the other auditors, I have completed examination 'Of all financial ledgers of the Supreme Secretary, Treasurer, Editor of Zarja and Chairman of the Scholarship & Benefit Fund and have found all to be in the best order. ’Our compliments to these officers for their conscientious work. For the past membership drive, the results are not what * would have liked as far as our branch is concerned, "however, I hope that in this year, we will make a better showing, with the help of many of our members. This year, the Ohio branches will again arrange a moBt complete ^•nd interesting state convention to take pla«e under the auspices of the combined Cleveland branches. It will take Place at the Waterloo Road Slovenian Home on Oct. 2nd. More details w'ill be announced by our state president, Antonia Tanko, as time goes on. Last year, Mrs. Tanko showed her extreme capbilities by making a wonderful success of the First Ohio State Convention, and we know Hhe will do the same this year. The branches in the state of Ohio are urged to do their part in supporting this event w*th their attendance and their interest. With God’s blessing, my hopes are now materializing for the pilgrimage to the shrines of Europe this summer "nder the sponsorship of the Union. I hope many members will take this opportunity to make the trip of a '‘fethne and join us as we tour the interesting places of •Europe. Everything is being planned for the travelers’ enjoyment. Accompanying us will be Rev. Fr. Varga who has made a similar trip twice before and knows how to ^ake our trip most pleasant and worry-free. It is my wish that at this meeting we will make decisions for the good of our Union and it is my special wish that we make some plans to create more interest for the ,!oming membership campaign to be held as a preliminary to the 1961 convention. It is the time when we can expect Ir>ost conscientious work from our offfcers and members. Mary Otoničar REPORT OF THE SECOND AUDITOR Greetings Directors, on this occasion, at the first meet-in8 of the year 1960. God grant that this year will be a healthful, happy one and full of good things for the welfare of our Slovenian Women’s Union. I hope that this gathering will bring about many important decisions for the Union and its members. Today we gathered to examine the ledgers of our Supreme Secretary, Treasurer, Editor of Zarja and President of the Scholarship .& Benefit Fund. We have tho-r°Ughly checked all as well as the documents at the Bank fuid found everything in the best order. Compliments to m.11 for the efficient handling of records which were shown to be in perfect accord with the business of the Union, •’hanks should be especially noted to our secretary of the Znance Committee, Mrs. Prisland, who always looks to M‘e that the moneys are put into the most lucrative investments. Sincere thanks, at this time, to our Spiritual Advisor, l!ce-pre8ident Frances Globokar. We hoPe she and Mr. Gabrenya will en-3°y each others company for many 'ears to come. ^ur ‘‘Good Time Treasury” was attened when the following members generously donated money: Carol-|ne Gabrenya, Frances Plevnik, An-^nia Trebec, Jennie Ivancic and Anna Hrovat We forgot to mention in last Month’s issue that Sister Jennie Mo- žina donated to our good time treasury in December. Mrs. Frances Gerchman will celebrate her 75th birthday on March 14th. Once one of our most active members, she was set back by blindness in her later years. She is still full of humor and willing to give advice from the experiences she has stored up over the years. Other members who will be a year older this month are: Josephine Blatnik, Prances Baloh, Mary Bradac, Frances Erzen, Josephine Kastiger, Mary Klun, Josephine Kozlevčar, Mary Mule, Florence Lapuh, Mary Pike, Amalia Povirk, Jean Roberts, Mary Rome, Matilda Ropret, Josephine Skerl, Mary Sporar, Margaret Stanonik, Marie Stark, Frances Stopar, Pauline Ulle, Jennie Vodnik, and Ann Snyder. Pauline Cesar, Secretary No. 17, West Allis, Wise. — Our annual meeting was held in January, and for the brisk January weather, we had a fair attendance. The officers elected for the year are: president, Josephine Sclilosar; vice-president, Marion Marolt; secretary, Marie Floryan; treasurer, Frances Plwoni; rec. secretary, Fanny Medle; auditors: Vicky Kastelic, Josephine Imperl, Anna Kegel. Reporters for Zarja, Angela Kastelic and Marie Floryan. We wish to thank Mrs. Anna Kegel for the good job she did as our president for the past several years. Meetings will be held every 3rd Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Aud. No meeting will be held during June, August and Sept. A $1.00 donation for the treasury will be asked to cover current expenses. A Miscellaneous Card Party will be sponsored on Sunday, May 15th at 2 p.m. for the benefit of St Mary’s church fund. Another card party Is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 9th for our treasury. Donations will be welcome for these two events. Flowers will be sent to sick members and a $3.00 baby gift for members’ new arrivals. Mary Petrich has been selected as our Mother of the Year. She is the secretary of St. Mary’s Lodge no. 165 and a Supreme Board member of K.-S.K.J. Mary is a charter member of our branch and has always been active in our affairs. For the Midwest Bowling Tournament, it was decided that the branch sponsor a team, Jackie Nimmers of Schlosar’s will back a second team, and Ermenc Funeral Home will sponsor a third team. A bus is to be chartered for Sunday, April 3rd, so members and friends who wish to join the bowlers may do so. Call me after 7:00 p.m. any evening for your reservation on the bus. GOLDEN JUBILABIANS Mrs. & Mrs, John Zalar Our branch has increased its ranks by 4 adult members and 16 juniors. How about some more of your relations and friends joining in 1960 — to make it a really successful year for our branch! Another one of our members recently celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary and she is Mrs. Jennie Zalar, who together with her husband John, observed this wonderful anniversary on Jan. 17th. They were married 50 years ago at Marija Vnebozeta church in Dobrova prl Ljubljana. That was Jennie’s birthplace and her husband was born at Brezovica. The three sons John, Frank and George were bom in Europe and the family come to Milwaukee in 1920 after which 2 daughters, Mary (Mrs. Cimer-mancdc) and Ann (Mrs. Gorenc) were bom. They also have 13 grandchildren. The family residence is at 627 S. 63rd St. Congratulations and best wishes for many more happy years to them! Belated congratulations are extended to the proud parents, Mr. & Mrs. James Olles of Palatine, 111., who were blessed with a baby boy, James Robert. Joan’s mother is Mrs. Herbert Nimmers, who became the proud grandmother and Mrs. Josephine Schlosar, the great grandmother. Mr. & Mrs. Geo, Marcic were blessed with a baby girl, Paula Lynn. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Oman were blessed with a baby boy, Lawrence John. All three babies were enrolled as members of our branch in the last campaign. Many thanks to the donors for cakes, strudels, and other goodies which were served after the annual meeting. We also had a very nice gift exchange. To our sick members, best wishes for a speedy recovery'. Members in arrears with dues are asked to kindly take care of this either at my home or at the next meeting. Best wishes to all. Marie Floryan ROLLING ALONG IN JOLIET No. 20, Joliet, III. — The lead in the Joliet S.W.U. League is assuming the best toss-up proportions so far. The previous month leaders were cut down to a single game front and the last place team has connected with five victories. Jo Mlakar’s Northwest Recreation Club Tigers were able to hold a slim margin in 1st place by virtue of their 7 of 12 wins. It was the valiant captain in all of her over-average tallies and superbly aided by Theobald and Sorg in the over 500 assault. Stiglich and Flynn came thru when all seemed lost. The red hot Horvath Bakers came up from the blazing ovens somewhere near the bottom in a 10 of 12 fury in catching up to the Tigers. It was every member of the team smacking them right down the line lead by Captain Marge Rachor. Vicky Bernikas, the slow starter, was in for over 400 everytime and ably assisted by Madame Horvath herself. The pros Edna Grohar and Mitzie Mrozek saved a couple close ones with last inning fill ups. The half game behind in 3rd are the once leading Merickas. Captain Ann Savol was able to hold her charges in there 7 of 12 completions. The three honey makers Kostelc, Suski and Zobel are the main reasons with their spectacular performances and especially Suski and Senffner who posted 197 and 169 respectively in recent winning games. The Clarence Ellena builders fell in three to the dough beating Horvath’s and then into 4th place. Captain Klainsek is worried more about the team than about herself, — it is not like her to shoot under 450. However, her two gun Annies, Stefanic and Sternicha are popping them over in Tombstone Territory style. Madame Ellena and Jo Goron are getting their signals crossed — a long fly ball is no good with nobody on 3rd. One couldn’t find a nicer team to be in 1st place of the second division than our once “kill’em all” shep’s Ruby Street D-Xers. They’re wearing out their second pair of ruuning shoes under the rigorous keep-fit schedule of captain Nickleski. It’s more than rosey cheeks that’s paying off — two clean sweeps and a 7 of 12 clip. Pav-nica and McCarthy are the most improved while Lieutenant Rudman and Sargeant Nemanich are still saving the tough games. The American Slovenian Home spoilers grabbed a hold of the Papesh Funeral Home frock tails to slip past them into the 6th spot — nine and half games behind. To do this in 4 of 12 wins is a remarkable feat. Helping Wajchert most ably are Dianne Mrozek and Golobic. Koerber’s cannonball is still inclined either to the left or to the right — once it gets on the beam lookout everybody. Ann Cotx’s secret formula needs a few more freckles polished to join Koerber in the devastations — they got it in for all their opponents. During the last 12 games Gen Gas-movic has become the most valuable and most improved to her team, Papesh Funerals. Captain Lill Berge gave up using the rod — she’s keeping them after school now. Something radical must be done in the 3 of 12 showing. And you can’t blame it on the performances of Ann Papesh, Theresa Trishner and Shirly Goron, they’re all over average. It’s just those close games wherein lady luck smiles on the opponents. Just like Tom Sawyer sitting under a huckleberry bush sucking on a straw is captain Rothlisberger who says: “This is the life — to be in last place with nothing to worry &-bout”. Lying right beside her is Ann Mack adlibbing: “It’s really fun to knock of the big ones and give the small fry a boost.” Rita Mitchel finally came home with a big fat chicken on her most recent 469 series. Rezick and Sumic are giving the Kraus Radio and T.V.’s a new name: “Giant Killers”. The Standings (Jan. 25 included) Won Lost Northwest Recreation Club 36 24 Horvath Bakery 35 25 Mericka’s Restaurant 34.5 25.5 Clarence Ellena Builders 31 29 Shep’s DiX Service Station 30 30 American Slovenian Home 26.5 33.5 Papesh Funeral Home 25 35 Kraus Radio & TV 22 38 Queens Row: (All over 175) Jo Mlakar 202 185 180 Berge 202 Suski 197 Golobic 197 Nickleski 194 179 179 Rachor 192 182 180 Di Mrozek 191 179 176 Mitzie Mrozek 188 Wajchert 187 Gasmovic 185 177 Kostelc 183 177 Rothlisberger 183 176 Ann Mahovec 182 180 Stefanic 180 Pavnica 180 177 Dot Makovic 179 Klainsek 177 Rudman 76 In the hall of fame: Bernikas 6-7 Koerber 5-7 We’d like to give all of our split converters a place in the hall of fame — when a split is coverted please enter it in the book. The girls are stepping up the pace tremendously. There are more than two columns worth of 450 plus series. Everyone is getting ready for the big tournament which will be held here in Joliet with uh as hosts on Saturday and Sunday April 2nd and 3rd. We wish that all the members of the league volunteer to be on the general committee in the promotion of the tournament and for them to accept all the assignments given, such as: scorekeepers, receptionists and all around helpers. Proceeds from the grand prize enterprise will be meted to our treasury. Let’s get rid of at least 10 books each of us. That we all chip in like this means that the Tournament will be most successful and at the same time show the S.W.U. world that Joliet is still the best. Our sympathies and condolences to Marj Wajchert in her bereavement. The good Lord visits us in our sorrows — He blesses us with a peaceful calm and serenity of resignment and He inspires us with hope of the everlasting Future. Josephine Sumic No. 20, Joliet, III., — The first meeting of this year was well attended. Our paster, Monsignor M. J. Butala, installed the officers for the year of 1960. At this time our retiring auditor Lil Berge was also remembered. Our treasurer, Jo Sumic, gave full details of our coming bowling tournament which is to be held here in Joliet April 2-3, at Rival’s Park. Our secretary, Frances Gaspich, reported she mailed cards with best wishes for recovery to our members, Ursula Ambrose, Veronika Tadej and Katie Jeriha. A sympathy card has-been mailed to Marjorie Waycert who lost her mother. A welcome was extended to our new member Frances Hubert. Door Prize-was won by Mrs. Mary Golobitch. There was also a large potice given away, taken by Mrs. Louise Dusa. The proceeds will go to a special fund of the branch. After the meeting, colored movies have been shown by Messers Josephi and Ronald Erjavec, the pictures consisted of the last days of the Erjavec-family in Jugoslavia — with its women performing their duties as washing clothes by the stream, farewell, etc. The second reel consisted of the l’arwell to Yugoslavia of our members Mrs. Louise Nasenbenni, Mrs. Ursula Ambrose, Mr. John Riffel, this farewell took place at the Union station. We also saw the farewell of Mrs. Anna Mahkovec and Anne at their home-and at the Midway Airport before flying to New York, on their last fling to Jugoslavia. These pictures I am' sure brought many pleasant memories. Other activities of our members were also shown. Members watched these pictures with intense interest. Various selections on the Hi-Fi were accompanied. In the very near future more such films will be shown, with 4 i v EASTERN GET-TOGETHER BOWLING TOURNAMENT, SUNDAY, MARCH 20th! East 80th Lanes, Slovenian Home, E. 80th St. Cleveland, O. This tournament will be run on an 80% handicap basis! All bowlers in the eastern states are invited to enter — and those who are not bowlers, to join in the fun of this tourney. Luncheon will be served after the events at the Slovenian Home. Antoinette Tanko, Manager JOLIET, ILLINOIS HOSTS THE MIDWEST BOWLIHG TOURHAMEHT AT RIVAL’S CLUB LAHES, APRIL 2 & 3! 1425 No. Broadway St., Joliet, III. Saturday, April 2nd, Doubles and Singles, afternoon and evening; Sunday, April 3rd, Team Events, all day. Added event will be the “Grandmother’s Trophy” given to the Grandmother-granddaughter entry who has the high game in any tournament event. Deadline for entries is March 12th. Send them to: Elizabeth Zefran, 1941 W. Cermalc Rd., Chicago, III. Joliet Ready For Tournament Joliet made the final arrangements and preparations to become the host the 23 rd annual Mid West S.W.U. Bowling Tournament which will be “eld here at the Rivals Club Lanes 1*25 N. Broadway Street on Saturday Sunday April 2nd and 3rd. At a joint meeting of the Branch . officers and the officers of the ^®ague held Monday, Jan. 12 at the ■“Vais Club, the programs and the ^tures of the tournament were set. fce Rivals Club is the official headquarters of the Tournament; there all “e programs and features will take Place. Namely; bowling, entertain-ent, games, lunch and refreshments. The following committees were sel-t'ted: General chairman: Josephine tunic; Co-Chairman: Bernice Kos-•C; Registration Committee: Jo akar, Marge Rachor, Lorraine Roth- II ei'ger; Reception Committee: Lil-siiT ^erge> Edna Grohar, Gen Klaln-k. Emma Planinšek, Ann Savol; p, '00 Dollar Doll: Prize Committee: 'ances Gaspich, Jo Goron, Jean Nlck- °lher activities of our members in the t ast. Our president, Emma Planinšek, every one who attended also ]j . ra- Lesnik who baked ever de-Ms°US potlcas- Also t0 our Pastor, to r\' ^utala f°r his presence and f0?lga Ancel who was substituting Sence r mother during the latter’s ab- ^ *th best , wishes to all members, leski, Marj, Waychert; Score markers Committee: Mary Rudman; Dinner and Lunch Committee: Shirley Goron. Hotel reservations are to be made by writing to the Hotels directly. Hotel Louis Joliet, 22 East Clinton St., Joliet, Phone Saratoga 6-6171; rates as follows, all with bath: Single room $5.00 to $8.00, Double (1 bed 2 girls) $S.00 to $13.00. Twin beds $10.00 to $13.00, Additional roll away bed $2.50. Hotel Woodruff, 26 East Jefferson St., Joliet, Phone Saratoga 6-6241; rates as follows, all with bath: Singles, $6.00, Doubles, $8.50, Twin beds, $8.00 to $9.00, Suite with extra bed $12.00. Please send in reservations early. Reservations will have to be made for the full dinners Saturday and Sunday, to Shirley Goron, c/o Rivals Club, 1425 N. Broadway St., Phone SA. 2-3597, Joliet. Complete beef dinners are $2.35, Complete Chicken dinners, $2.00, both including desert and beverage. The beautiful Prize doll is a tournament keepsake everyone will want to have. It’s really a work of art made by our star bowler, Agnes Koerber. We have everything staged here in Joliet with the help of Branch 20 members and with the help of the members of the bowling league to make this tournament the most enjoyable replete with many interesting programs and features. Joliet welcomes the entire S.W.U. world to participate and enjoy. No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio — To make our club successful, we need the cooperation of all the members, and we urge all of you to attend our future meetings so that this does not become the burden of a few members and the officers alone. Thanks to the following for their donations towards our treasury: Mary Ann Hosta, Josephine Weiss, Ann Pelcic, Mary Golic, Agnes Zakrajšek, Josephine Struna, Stella Dancull. Sincere thanks to Mrs. Helen Less for donating the lovely hand-made pillow slips. On the sick list reports are: Cecelia Brodnik, Mrs. Mary Hosta, Marie Hosta (daughter-in-law). Remember, any member who is sick at home or in the hospital should report it to the secretary so that we will know about it and cheer you up with cards and visits. In Memoriam The officers and members wish to extend our deepest sympathy to our loyal member Mrs. Anna Sustersic, on the loss of her husband, Jacob. May he rest in peace. The Edward Zakrajšek family had the pleasure of having their son, Richard, home for a 30 day furlough. He is stationed at Hawana serving with the Marine Corps. Happy birthday to all our members who will celebrate during this month of March. Till next month, again, Josephine Erjavec Josephine Sumlc Stella Dancull, sec’y Milwaukee Ready For Activity This Spring Milwaukee, Wise. — In our January issue of the “Zarja” our Supreme President, Josephine Livek, asked members to resolve to participate in all celebrations. On April 2nd and 3rd our Midwest Bowling Journey is taking place at Joliet, 111. I urge all bowlers in Wisconsin to take part in this event. I’m sure Branches 1-12-17-42 and 103 will each send at least one team. In previous years, we always had several teams attend these tourneys. Anyone wishing to bowl please contact me as soon as possible. West Allis and Milwaukee are chartering a bus, together, which will leave on Sunday. Anyone wishing to make reservations may do so. You can contact Marie Floryan in West Allis or Rose Kraemer in Milwaukee. Let’s get into the old Milwaukee spirit by working and playing together. On Sunday, June 12th our second annual Wisconsin Convention Day and the 30th Anniversary of Branch 43, will be the high-lights. Branch 43 still has four hard-working branch charter members. They are: Josephine Kolar, now president of the branch, Celia Marolt, auditor, Christine Rebernisek, and Antonia Velkovrh. More on this subject in the next issue of Zarja. Two of our well-known Milwaukee members are vacationing in Florida. They are Mr. & Mrs. John Rebernisek and Christine Rebernisek. I sure hope you had some warm weather while down there. Be sure to attend the next meeting and tell us all about it, gals. To all our sick members a speedy recovery. — Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. David Phillips on their new baby boy, and our very best wishes to each and everyone celebrating a birthday or anniversary this month. A reminder to all members to pay their dues. Rose Kraemer, State Pres, of Wisconsin No. 24, LaSall«, III. — My heartfelt appeal to our members to come to our monthly meetings in larger number — so that we can resume a full year of activity and so that our officers have better moral support. As your secretary, I urge you to remember your dues payments so that I won’t have to make separate calls to your homes to collect back dues. Our treasury is depleted and if there is not enough interest among you to keep up the payments, I will not have enough to cover the monthly assessment which goes to the Home Office. You members who are not paying are being unfair to those who are. Please take this appeal wholeheartedly and look into the matter as it concerns you. Our sincere sympathy to the members who have lost dear ones recently: Alojzija Korošec, who lost her sister, Johanna Mahnich; Mary who lost her father Alex Sever and to Loretta Strukel, whose father William Lukas passed away. May they rest in peace. The stork delivered a bundle of happiness to our member, Geli Gene and her husband, Bob — a little boy. Mother’s maiden names was Mertic. Irene (Furlan) and Eddy Mavsar were presented with a girl and Juanita (Simkus) and George Helmer also have a new baby girl. To all mothers and babies, best wishes for good health. Those of our members on the sick list are: Mary Kastigar, Antonia Frenchak Anna Meglen, Frances Kotar, Antoinette Kefferli, Justina Anglevar and Martha Radlap. To all, a speedy recovery. Hope to see you at next meeting. Angela Strukel, sec’y No. 30, Aurora, III. — Our December meeting was attended by 14 members and hostess was Barbara Fayfar. Even though it was several weeks before Christmas, our hostess’ home was decorated in the wonderful yule spirit. We discussed entering the bowling tournament and it looks as though we will have enough bowlers to represent our branch. The election of officers took place and the following will serve in 1960: Emma Tomse, president; Pauline Wackerline, vice-president; Theresa Zefron, secretary; Florence Aister, recording sec’y; Barbara Fayfar, treasurer. Mrs. Mezan, a bed-ridden member, was remembered with a gift. Many of us do not see her throughout the year, and this is one way we can show her we think of her often. After the meeting, we played “who-pee”. Prizes were awarded and as usual, each member purchased a ticket for the hostess’ gift. We also had a gift exchange. The lunch was delicious and enjoyed by all. The latter part of January was the time when Barbara Fayfar underwent surgery. Now we hope she is well on the road to recovery — and we wish her a very speedy one. A belated greeting from all of us to you — for a holy healthful and happy year 1960. Mary DeKing, reporter No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — Despite-the fact that other activities kept most of our members busy the day of meeting, we enjoyed a nice turnout at the January meeting and were amazed at how quickly decisions were made and business concluded in a most satisfying way. Keep it up, girls, we need you all. Games were played and prizes awarded, followed by a nice lunch, served by the new officers, [Elizabeth Smolnikar, Frances Danko. Mary Schubitz and Rose Ann Mun-sell. We were shocked to hear of tho passing of our former pastor, Fr. Michael Papesh. He served our parish for 10 years and was not only well-liked by his people, but also by others of the community. His converts, whom he instructed, loved him for his extreme understanding of human problems. He was always willing to give-a helping hand and very generous in every way. Even tho he was most, recently assigned to the parish at Tower, Minn, many of his former parishioners of St. Elizabeth’s here kept in touch with him by frequent visits. Just last September, as we were enroute from Ely where our branch attended Minn. Zveza Day, we stopped off at Tower to see Fr. Papesh and visit with him. Our chartered bus was filled to capacity with 42 passengers and Father was kind e-nough to get on the bus and talk to each one of us. Everyone was so happy then, little knowing that in just a few months time he would be gone and this was our last visit. May his soul rest in peace and the light of the Lord shine upon him. St. Anthony’s in Ely, from where the funeral was held, was filled to capacity by the many mourners. A-bout 70 St. Eliz. parishioners attended the funeral — which showed how deeply he was respected and liked. Our condolences to the family. He will be sadly missed by everyone who knew him. We who attended the sad event in Ely wish to thank all the wonderful people who were responsible for the dinner served to out-of-towners. The Papesh family is well-liked and well-known thru-out the range. I have just returned from the S.W. U. Home Office in Chicago for the semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors and the auditing of books. We missed our dear Mrs. Prisland who is the president of the Scholarship committee. Due to illness, she did not attend. We wish her a speedy recovery. May God give you back your good health so that you will be able to carry on the wonderful work you do! Good health to all our officers who do such a marvelous job for the success and progress of our organization. To all our sick members, a speedy recovery. Ann Podgoršek, reporter State President of Ohio-Michigan Reporting We hope for a 100% turnout at the important meeting on March 9th at 1 p.m. at the St. Clair Recreation Center — with those branches who have not been able to attend previous meetings, giving us their fine cooperation and attendance. It will be Important especially because there will be no meeting in April, due to the heavy Easter schedule we all, as housewives, have to follow before Raster. Thus, we urge you to attend this meeting so that all the information can be passed on to our branches in the shortest order. A special letter will also be send to all of our Ohio branches, with details of the impending Ohio State Convention on Oct. 2nd, all mapped out. Spring is just around the corner, and I'm sure you all are thankful for that — so that the warm days will cheer our spirits and give us that added energy, to do things. Planning your summer vacations and summer activities is really the most exciting part of spring. I do hope our members who are travel- No. 45, Portland, Oregon — The December meeting was well attended. Election of officers was held, and roost of the officers were re-elected except the secretary and recording Secretary. After the meeting, Christ-roas gifts were exchanged and refreshments were served. The meetings will be held as in the Previous years, 1st Thursday of the roonth, 7:30 p.m. at Violet Fazio’s home. Violet is our recording secretary now; at this time we wish to thank Violet and her husband for letting us have our meetings in their home. The annual Holy Mass for the living !,nd deceased members of our branch will be held as in previous years at St. Mary's Cathedral on Palm Sunday, !lt 9:45 a.m. Members are requested to attend this Mass and to receive holy communion. Members will be Potlfied where the breakfast will be held after services. Congratulations to Mrs. Cecilia Pezel, selected as Mother of the year. Our sympathy is extended to the tamily of Tomazina Rubich who passed away December 28, 1959. May her soul rest in peace. We wish a speedy recovery to all those members who roight be ill. Members who pay their dues by mail, please address to Louise Struz-nik, 915 N. Stafford Street. Louise Struznik, Secy’. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. — We had a fairly good attendance at our February meeting. Some new faces were Present We had a fine time giving away a Pair of pillow slips made and do-nated by a member Mrs. Eva Hosek. ing will hawe wonderful trips and will return all rested and ready for the Convention activities in Ohio on Oct. 2nd. Reserve this date, now! The Eastern Get-together Bowling Tournament will be held on March 20th at the East 80th Bowling Alleys at Newburgh. The games will begin at 2:30 p.m. and will be handled, as was mentioned before, on a 80% of 200 handicap basis. Good luck to all bowlers and we hope to see some high scores! After bowling, a luncheon will be served and prizes given. Hope to see many of you there, rooting the girls on! I’ve been hearing some very good news — and that is of the new activity among our sewing circles, and organization of some new ones. The sewing clubs will be busy making beautiful things for our Zveza Fair — I’m sure that all branches will want to follow suit — and begin early so that we have a large and beautiful exhibition at our coming Fair. Antonia Tanko It was good to see Mrs. Hosek present again after her operation. It was good to see you looking so well. Hope you continue to do so. Pillow slips were taken by president, Jo Prebil. We decided to have our Mother’s Day Party the first Sunday in May. Will have all the details for April meeting. So you will be able to turn your reservations in at that time. Congratulations to Mrs. Elsa Susin; she is a grandmother again. Her daughter had a baby girl; both doing nicely. Ladies, our Easter Communion will be April 10th, at 8:00 Mass. We will have breakfast again with Sacred Heart of Jesus Lodge. So let’s have a good showing. Mary Thompson, Rec’d Sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio — The first meeting for 1960 was held on Monday, January 18th at the St. Vitus School Hall. The Christmas holidays must have worn out some of the members as the attendance at the meeting was rather low. Let’s hope for better attendance next month. At this meeting we welcomed into our Branch, Mrs. Christine Duche, whose membership was secured by Mrs. Mary Hočevar. On our sick list we have our Secretary, Mary Ixjushin whom we missed very much. Home from the hospital are Louise Vidic and Ann Malnar. We wish you all a speedy recovery. Since our meeting we have lost our member Olga Slapnik. We extend our deepest sympathy to the Slapnik-Smovrsnik families. Our Branch will have three teams in the bowling tournament which will be held on March 20th. The captains of the teams will be Mrs. Antonia Tanko, Mrs. Ann Slapnik and Mrs. Mary Hočevar. A Rummage Sale is planned for May 13th, so ladies let’s start now collecting from neighbors and friends so we can make this a grand success. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the members who celebrated their birthdays in February: Mary Grdina (4th) Frances Seitz (11th), Frances Bencin, (14th) Olga Basko (20th,) Sophie Zagorc (22nd) and Theresa Petrish on Feb. 24th. Let’s try to have a grand turnout for the March meeting. Mitzi Bencin No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. — At our meeting at the Little Grove, we had a nice attendance and the main discussion held was on the bake sale and white elephant sale. Please bring in all your unwanted articles next month and if no articles can be found, bring some baked items for sale. It's all for the benefit of our branch. Our other business discussion was very brief and thus, the meeting was concluded with prayer led by president, Josephine Oswald. We then had a slide showing presented by Mr. Rudstroum. Thank you very much, and we really enjoyed his trip through Europe via the slides. Our hostesses for the meeting were sisters, Angeline Russ, Jenny Crea, Frances Oswald and Angeline Hrovat, and the lunch was delicious. Prizes were given to sisters Josephine Oswald, Mary Musech, Carmella Bonaz-za, Ann Kochevar, Rose Chiodl and Celia Politano. We wish all our sick members God’s speed to a rapid recovery. And the same good wishes to Frances Shega who is recovering at home from the 1'lu. Hurry and get well — we’ll be looking forward to seeing you up and around. We also wish to express our deepest sympathy to sister Elizabeth Splnelli and Margaret Jurelle in their bereavement. They lost their dearly beloved mother and mother-in-law, Mrs. Jennie Jerulle. We all know what her departure means to her dear ones left behind. We hope and pray that in some way our sympathy will help you all to sustain the grief which I know is felt by all relatives, friends and neighbors. May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, thru the mercy of God, rest in peace. We wish to thank the sisters, Mildred Barbatto, Celia Politano, Dorothy Russo and Alice Baratto for taking over and making the family more comfortable in their time of need. And also, to sister Josephine Oswald who led the rosary prayer. Our next meetings will be interesting — please try to make the first Wednesday of the month, your S.W.U. meeting day. Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter S.W.U. SUMMERTIME TOURS TO SLOVENIA & EUROPE! May 25, 1960 — via "S.S. Queen Elizabeth" depart New York, arrive B | May 31st in Ljubljana. Steamship fare, from New York to Ljubljana: | | cabin class, 646.85; tourist class, 540.35, round trip. Mrs. Antonia Tanko, Ohio State President, 6313 St. Clair Ave., | | Cleveland 3, Ohio, is the official S.W.U. representative of this tour. June 17, 1960 — via Air France, Boeing “707” jet aircraft, depart j | Idlewild New York, arrive in Ljubljana, June 18th. The cost of this | | transportation, round trip New York—Zagreb $594.20. Official representative of S.W.U. for the jet trip is Mrs. Albina § | Novak, Supreme Secretary, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. The August Hollander Travel Bureau, 6419 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland g | 3, Ohio is handling arrangements for May 25th and June 17th trips. June 6, 1960 — via TWA, New York, Lisbon, Fatima, Lourdes, Ro*ne, 1 | Venice, Ljubljana and return, $735.00. This pilgrimage will include stops § 1 at the major Marian Shrines of Europe before arrival in Ljubljana. Traveling with this group is Mrs. Mary Otoničar, Supreme Trustee | | and secretary of br. 25, 1110 E. 66th St., Cleveland 3, Ohio. Bled Travel Service, 6113 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio has charge' j of this extensive tour. — Reservations should be made at once! ■ from the editor ... Dear Readers, As a gesture of appreciation to all our wonderful ZARJA reporters, those who benefit most from their conscientious work, the branches, will have an opportunity to pay a little honor to our writers in the year 1960. Beginning in April, we will set aside a special column for a “Reporters Honor Roll” — and there carry the names of every reporter who has had a new member enrolled in her name the month of her birthday. The worker who solicits the new member will still have every privilege as to campaign awards, etc, for the big membership drive coming up in a few months. But, your branch reporter’s birthday month, will be the time when one new member for your branch will he the goal — one new member in honor of your reporter. I hope that this will be not only an easy goal to achieve, but one which you will find worthwhile and important. The “Honor Roll” will have the name of the new member and the name of the reporter printed as we receive them every month. Now, I hope you’ll get busy and when your reporters’ birthdays roll around, the new member will be there, too, waiting to be signed up. Those of the branches with two reporters will have a double job and those without regular writer, may decide to join Honor Roll in honor of some officer’s birthday. Best of luck, and send in the names as quickly as time allows. Congratulations to all our Josephines, Pepcas and Pats, celebrating the wonderful feastdays of St. Joseph and St. Patrick this month. This month we also begin our lenten devotions and fasting, and I hope that you will remember our beloved past officers who have gone before us, in your prayers. Especially, Fr. Alexander Urankar, whose death two years ago is remembered with sadness. In memory, we have some of his most touching thoughts — his own poetry — in this issue. Corinne Leskovar No. 54, Warren, Ohio — Our February meeting was held with a nice attendance at the Slovenian Home. With the approaching springtime, we should have even more members attending, and it’ll be a treat for you to spend a few hours in company with your sister members. After the business session, we all eather around a long table and this month, we had our St. Valentine’s party with all members bringing a card for exchange. The table decorated with all sorts of goodies brought by Josephine Kasson, who is responsible for the lovely decorations and favors; also Rose Racher, Mary Waltko, Anne Simpkins, Jennie Shine, Josephine Gliha and Millie Habich. After the goodies were devoured, cards were passed and the winners received nice prizes. New juvenile members are Judy Smuke, Lynn Marie Smuke, Paul F. Racher, Timothy Racher and Mary Lynn Habich. We have quite a few sick members; Carolyn Knezovich and Anne Volk have returned home from the hospital as well as Mrs. Helen Gradishar. We wish you all speedy recoveries and our prayers are with you. A reminder ... our meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at the Slovenian Home. In July and August, we will not hold meetings. To all members celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, good wishes and the best of everything. Joanne Ponikvar, rec. sec’y No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — At our January 12, 1960 meeting, we had the veiling of the charter for one of our members Mrs. Lucy Stark, who died on December 12, 1959 at the age of 81. Mrs. Stark had been one of our members for the past 35 years. Mrs. Stark was bom in Yugoslavia and came to Hibbing in 1900. She was a member of the Blessed Sacrament Church, KSKJ Lodge of Hibbing, and the Slovenian Women’s Union #56. She is survived by one son, Peter J. Stark, Hibbing, three daughters, Miss Lucy Stark, Hibbing, Mrs. Joseph (Mary) Bissonette, Hibbing, Mrs. Ann Johnson, St. Louis Park; two brothers Peter Bizal, Yugoslavia, Paul Blzal, Buhl, three sisters, Mrs. Frank (Katherine) Medved, Chisholm, Mrs. Marco (Anna) Majerle, Hibbing, Mrs. Frank (Mary) Gorjup, Yugoslavia, 17 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. Six grandsons served as pallbearers — they were: Bruce Johnson, Jerome Johnson, Peter Bissonette, Kenneth Bissonette, Bernard Bissonette and Paul Stark. Mrs. Stark will always be remembered for her congeniality, her lovely gardens, as a loving and devoted mother and grandmother. And at our meeting of Feb. 9, we again had the veiling of the charter. This was in memory of Mrs. Frances Jerkovich who just passed away. Frances Jerkovich was a resident of Hibbing for the past 35 years. She was bom in Yugoslavia on Nov. 18, 1890. She is survived by 5 sons, John, Michael, Joseph, Hibbing, Casmir, Levington, Montana, and Aldon, Minneapolis; one daughter (May) Mrs. Howard Bibby, Coleraine; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Minerich, Long Beach, California, and Mrs. Mary Minerich, Buhl, Minnesota; and 19 grandchildren. It is sad to report but for the past eight or nine months we have had the veiling of the charter for one of our deceased members at every meeting. After the business routine, games were played with the following recipients of prizes: Mary Masslch, Amanda Butorac, Frances Prosnlck, Agnes Barkis, Ann Bauers, and Ann Selvo. A delightful luncheon with a Valentine motif was served fcy the following: Mary Meadows, Josephine Badiali, Mary Putzel, and Mary Ayotte. About 35 members attended the meeting and we spent a very lovely social evening. We were very happy to see Angeline Passino and Claire Simmons attend the meeting. They both looked hale and hearty after their sojourn at the hospital. We also are happy to hear that Gladys Klaysmat ia back from the hospital and hope to see you at our next meeting. Again we must commend our hard working president, Anna Satovich, for the wonderful results achieved from our recent pastry sale and dinner. Through her efforts and her co-workers help, and Ann says she has the most wonderful group of ladles working with her, our Union treasury was credited with a large amount. The ladies plan to have two more pastry sales shortly. Here’s hoping to see many of you members at the next meeting. Mary Ayotte, Reporter No. 57, Niles, Ohio — Our last meeting was well-attended, but we still would like to see many more faces at the coming meetings. Our branch was saddened by the death of one of our dear members, sister Frances Jerina, who pased away on January ! the family, our deepest sympathy. May she rest in peace. Our condolences to another of our members, Mrs. Adele Sabbot, whose father, John Patka, passed away on Jan. 9th. On the sick list is Frances Kosance who was in the Trumbull Memorial Hospital. To any of the members who are in and whom I have missed in this article, a speedy recovery. Taking in the nice warm sunshine is sister Mary Opalka, who motored to sunny Florida with her husband, son and grandchildren for a brief vacation. Hope your stay is a very Pleasant one, Mary. Congratulations to Mary Ann Leonard on the birth of a baby girl, born Dec. 17th. That makes Viola and Ignace Logar, Jr., grandma and grand-Pa for the second time. See you at the next meeting. Frances Hribar, Reporter No. 73, Warrensville Hgts, Ohio — A delicious spaghetti dinner was enjoyed by the 32 adult and 6 junior Members who attended our February Meeting. Hostesses for this affair ^ere Jean Hren, Virginia Fortuna, r®tty Matjašič, Dorothy Kastalec, Mary Sebo, Min Bradac, and Ann Rogei. Our annual communion mass will be held at 9:45 a.ra at St. Jude’s, April 24, 1960. At 4:00 in the after-the same day, our Anniversary “anquet will be held at Sokol Tyers rtall. Hope to see everyone at both affairs. ttibs for the Rosemary Home for rlppled Children are still being made. Instead gift exchange this year each lady gave a donation which was used to purchase towels for the home. Another donation came in later so Louise Epply bought the material and is now sewing bibs for the home. On January 14, 1960 we lost a dear member, Mrs. Maxine Dusek. She was one of our branch’s earliest members. Mrs. Dusek was also chosen our mother of the year for 1960. Also members of our branch are her daughter, Ann Butorac, 2 daughters in-law, Helen (J) and Helen (S), a sister, Mrs. Rivacheck and her niece is our president, Mary Juratovac. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to the bereaved family. May her soul rest in peace. Also our deepest sympathy is extended to Mary Schimitz who lost her husband recently. On the sick list is Mary Pabuda. Our wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to her. Congratulations to Ann and Joe Rogal who recently celebrated their 41st Wedding Anniversary. To every one celebrating birthdays this month our very best wishes. Rosemary Mauer, Reporter No. 83, Crosby, Minn. — Our February meeting was held at Mary T. Deblock’s home. Sister Deblock has been secretary since the S.W.U. was organized in Crosby in 1937. We are grateful and appreciate all the work she has done. We are fortunate to have such a devoted secretary. Our deepest sympathy to sister M. L. Perpich on the loss of her daughter, Elise, who passed away, Jan. 25. May she rest in peace. Greetings were sent to our branch from Sister Ann Zauhar our past president, and from Sister Ann Widmar, Rec. Sec’y. Both are enjoying the warm weather in California and visiting friends and relations. We also received Greetings from Antoinette Nanik, our secretary’s daughter who lives in California. Thank you girls for remembering. Our congratulations to Helen Kovali and M. L. Perpich who are new Grandmas. After the meeting games were played and prizes given to the winners. The evening was concluded with a luncheon served by our hostess. A very enjoyable time was had by every one. A speedy recovery to all our sick members. March meeting will be at Helen Kovall’s home. Molly Domin, Reporter No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. — At our last meeting, we had a nice turnout with everyone enjoying themselves together. Mrs. Concetta Matassa was chosen our Mother of the Year. We also decided to have meetings every three months and hope this will bring out more members each time. They will be held in March, May, Setember and December on the second Tuesday of the month at our secretary’s home: Amalia Sorch, 409 Virginia Ave. Our next meeting is March 8th at 7:30 p.m. We hope you all will come and make it an evening “out”. We are planning a social hour after the meeting and will play our usual games with refreshments to follow. Jo Dallas No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — The large number of members who have been attending our meetings are to be complimented for their faithfulness and cooperation. Don’t forget our games party which will be held at our Sacred Heart Parish hall, 96th and Exchange Ave. on Wednesday night, April 6 at 8. a.m. admission is $1.00 There will be individual prizes for every table and many, many beautiful door prizes. Refreshments will be served. Evelyn Ashenbrenner, our Chairlady, is asking the members most earnestly to help, and each member to bake a cake, also to sell one ticket to a friend to come along for an enjoyable evening. Better yet, bring a group of friends! Our new member, Helen Spilich was introduced to the group with a hearty welcome. Another member in our junior department who was not mentioned in our last issue is Donna Jean Kuehl. Welcome Donna! A blessed and happy birthday to the following members who celebrated in the month of February: Polonia Ashenbrenner, Anna Bozich, Mary Brozynski, Ljuba Brunski, Louise Dolan, Ann Hlacar, Mary Kortege, Matilda Kovacevich, Anna Isac, Bene-dicto Marino, Martha Pozanin, Mary Provich, Diane Simunic, Antonet Sucic, Antonia Svorcina, Anna Velcich and Agatha Mesin. We are ever so grateful to the following members who donated cash to the treasury: Polonia Ashenbrenner, Sophie Barbich and Victoria Rukavina also a prize which was donated by Mary Perkovich. Many thanks to the following on the success of the Fannie May Candies sale: Sophie McNulty, Amelia Cuzella, Mildred Poropat, Mary Medonlck, Evelyn Ashenbrenner, Ann Pave and yours truly, this netted $150.00 Last but not least thanks to Agatha Mesin for her potica, Ann Hlacar and Mary Brozynski for their cakes which were not only enjoyed by our members but our good sisters of the Sacred Heart parish shared in the goodies. Our sympathy goes out to the family of Anna Nogoda on the passing of their mother Mara (Babica) Ser-tich. There is much to be said that was fine about her. She worked quietly and enthusiastically as a devoted mid-wife to the community of South Chicago. Her devotion is a long legend to all of us. The Community lost a brave spirit and a genuine friend. May God- reward her and grant her eternal rest. All members are encouraged to be present at our next meeting March 2 at 7:30 p.m. Fidelia Svalina will show movies on her trip to Yugoslavia. Please attend. Mildred James, Pres. ES. 5-5789 No. 100, Fontana, Cal. — Well! The flu epidemic has gotten us! It was really something, but with the help of God, all of our members and their families survived. There still seems to be many on the sick list and to all, a speedy recovery. Sincere congratulations to our recording secretary, Mary Lou Lipovec oh her engagement to Frank Joseph Vidergar. Mary Lou is the daughter of Mary Lipovec and her late father was Louis Lipovec. Frank is the son of our vice-president Mary and Frank Vidergar. The new couple will have a wonderful life together as they are well-liked and fine young people. I am happy to announce that Frank’s mother, Mary Vidergar is to be our Mother of the Year. She surely deserves this honor as she is a wonderful person and has raised a very nice family. Mary is always willing to help and does more than her share. May God bless her! We were happy to welcome Josephine Strnad who transferred from branch 79 in Enumclaw, Wash. Thanks to Gertrude Rupert for the treat last meeting night. Please try to come to the next meeting and enjoy what has been prepared for us by our good officers. See you next month. Anna Petrich, Reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — January is a bad month for meeting attendance, so, very few members were present at Mrs. Julia Zrimec’s home. Those who were sick included Mrs. Ault and Mrs. Vidmar. Guests at my house prevented me from attending; so, I haven’t much to report concerning the meeting. I do know, however, that the hostess was very gracious and a very lovely luncheon was served. And, we want to thank Mrs. Zrimec for her hospitality for the wonderful time that was had. Hope everyone atends our next meeting as well as all the meetings of the year. The February session was held at our president’s home, Julia Panzica. The hostess’ gift was received by our new member, Pat Patterson and we are expecting new prospects to be introduced to us by Pat at future meetings. March is our anniversary month. We usually celebrate it by having a cake with proper inscription. We still remember the meeting held at Mrs. Mary Kochevar’s home. She has been very sick lately — and we all hope she’ll be on the recovery list soon. We miss her very much. More about our anniversary in later issues. We haven’t had a bad winter so far, for which we are grateful. But, still we are looking forward to spring and we hope it is not too far away, I noticed today, the little white snow bells are up 2 inches and are showing buds. First sunshiny day we have, they’ll pop up and open. They do come in February as soon as we have some sun. Narcissus and jonquils are also 2 inches high already on the south side of the house. This poem, I think, is a nice thought for all. Rose Jamnik, Reporter .*»**«.*. ‘fr 'ž* 't* I KNOW SOMETHING GOOD ABOUT YOU Wouldn’t this old world be better, If the folks we m«t would say; I know something good about you, And then treat us just that way! Wouldn’t it be fine and dandy, If each hand-clasp warm and true, Carried with it this assurance, I know something good albout you! Wouldn’t things here be more pleasant, If the good that’s in us all, Were the only things about us, That folks bothered to recall! Wouldn’t life be lots more happy If we’d praise the good we see! For there’s such a lot of goodness In the worst of you and me. Wouldn’t it be nice to practice This fine way of thinking, too; You know something good about me, I know something good about you! r-~r Coffee-Flavored Delicacies COFFEE SAUCE A smoothie that’s sure to win aplause for the cook. Mix 1 tablespoon Instant Coffee, % tablespoon flour or % teaspoon cornstarch, and a dash of salt in a small saucepan. Add % cup light corn syrup gradually, blending well. Add % cup light cream and 1 tablespoon butter. Simmer 5 minutes, or until thickened, stirring constantly. Serve warm or cold on ice cream, pudding, or cream puffs, or spice- or chocolate-cake squares. Or layer with spoonfuls of ice cream in parfait glasses and sprinkle with nuts. Makes % cup sauce. COFFEE GLAZE A party trimming for cookies, tea-size cream puffs, or plump doughnuts. Dissolve 1 teaspoon Instant Coffee and a dash of salt in 3 tablespoons water. Add 2% cups sifted confection- ers’ sugar; blend. Add more water to make thinner glaze. Makes % cup. CREAMY COFFEE FROSTING Luscious on your prize chocolate or spice cake. Cream % cup butter or margarine. Gradually blend in about 1 cup confectioners’ sugar (you’ll need 1 pound altogether) and a dash of salt. Mix in 1 egg, % teaspoon vanilla, and 1 tablespoon Instant Coffee. Then add the rest of the pound of sugar alternately with about 2 tablespoons of milk. Beat until thick enough to spread. Makes 2% cups. COFFEE CHARLOTTE SQUARES Make this yummy ice-box dessert the night before the big game. It’s a Winner! Cut 30 marshmallows (10-ounce package) in small pieces. Then dissolve 3 tablespoons Instant Maxwell House or Instant Sanka in % cup hot water and add the marshmallows. Stir over low heat until marshmallows are completely melted. Chill until slightly thickened. Whip 1 cup whipping cream and fold into the coffee mixture. Separate 12 double ladyflngcre. With half, line bottom of a 10x6 inch or 8x8-inch serving dish. Add half of coffee mixture. Cover with remaining ladyflngers. Add remaining coffee mixture. Chill 8 hours or overnight. Cut into squares. Serves 8. COFFEE MERINGUE A light touch for rich custards, puddings, and pies. Mix together % to 1 teaspoon Instant Coffee and 4 tablespoons sugar. Beat 2 egg whites until foamy throughout. Add coffee-sugar mixture gradually, beating until meringue will form peaks. Pile onto puddings or cream pies and brown lightly in hot oven (425°F.) 5 to 10 minutes. Or drop by teaspoon onto soft cuatard pudding and serve unbaked as Floating Island. COFFEE WHIPPED CREAM Ever so delicate ... ever so handy for dressing up plain desserts quickly. Add 1 tablespoon sugar and 2 teaspoons Instant Coffee to % cup chlled whipping cream. Beat until cream thickens and holds shape. Do not overbeat. Makes 1% cups. OJhje, Seating, MoAy. a$ Q |_ A S S Cotton-soft or diamond-hard, heavy as cast iron or lighter than cork, perfectly transparent or virtually opaque — any of these diverse traits can be built into a 75,000 year old “wonder material” known as glass. Housewife, storekeeper, salesman, farmer — whatever your occupation, you may see and use as many as 450 different types of glass on an average day. Hut scientists know over 20,000 types. Glass today can be a sheet of paper a hammer handle, a hairthin thread, a curtain, transparent curtain wall, or gleaming door panel. Glass yesterday ^as a vase, a lens, a w'indow pane — but also a weapon of war, a rich man’s toy, a state secret guarded by the death penalty for suspected betrayers! Just what is this amazing stuff we call glass? Its main ingredients are sand, soda ash and limestone, though almost all the basic elements of the earth are required by one or another of the glass-making formulae now in use. In fact, if the earth’s entire crust were properly crushed and mixed, heated hot enough and cooled fast enough, the resulting substance would be glass. The first known glass was nature’s Product — a volcanic glass called obsidian. It was found by a club-toting explorer and fashioned into a much more efficient weapon — arrowheads — some 75,000 years ago. A somewhat different glass weapon was employed by the Egyptian belles who enhanced their beauty with glass beads, and with aromatic oils stored in glass jars — 50 centuries ago. More conventional weapons — knives and such — protected the secret formula by which Venetian glassware was made. Craftsmen were prisoners, kept apart from their fellow citizens and spied on by police lest they blab the secret. If they tried to leave town, assassins followed — to make sure that the artist and his art would not reach a rival city. Eventually, of course, the secret spread across Europe. Beautiful vases and goblets multiplied, but there was not much progress in other directions. “Mirror, mirror on the wall” was only a fairy tale till the 12th or 13th century. But if milady couldn’t see her shiny nose, neither could milord — the first optical lenses, produced a-round 1285, were useful mainly as showpieces in the jeweled lorgnettes of the rich. The first plate glass windows, appearing about the same time, were similarly unrevealing, and also reserved for the wealthy. Only in the last 150 years has glass left the ornamental luxury category and become a clear necessity. “People who live in glass houses,” once a purely mythical group, may soon include the entire population as windows become wall in an ever-increasing number of office buildings, schools and private homes. Oddly enough, some of the newest architectural ideas are being expressed in a type of glass relatively “old” for the fast-paced field of glass chemistry: white Carrara glass, developed 60 years ago. Carrara, manufactured by the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, is the only material that will retain its whiteness forever. It was put to dazzling use in the brand-new Corning Glass Works Building in New York. The dark green walls — four and a half acres of Solex heat-absorbing glass in aluminum, frames — are set off by the eye-catching white Carrara panels surrounding the door frame. To complete this study in contrasting color and texture, the door panels were ground in two finishes, one mirror-smooth, the other a soft suede. Inside the gleaming glass-enclosed buildings now rising all over the nation, ancient wonder material is per-t'orming a dazzling variety of functions. Glass fiber for curtains and draperies that can be wiped clean with a cloth ... glass barriers that block atomic radiation ... glass to conduct electricity or insulate a- Various steps in the making of 18th century French goblets. The apprentice helps to join the base of the glass to the stem, but the final delicate work of shaping and poliBhing belongs to the master craftsman. The helper lifts the finished product into an annealing arch, where it will be cooled slowly to make the glass less brittle. Picking up the pieces, a necessary evil in so many projects, was an essential step in 18th century glass manufacture. Today, glass-making combines high artistry with scientific precision. gainst it. Today kitchen utensils of glass, tomorrow homes that cook with glass and have windows which automatically control light and heat transmission by the nature of their chemical composition. Whole cities may one day be enclosed in glass "skies” which can filter the weather! Some fine day you may hop into your car — which will also have more glass than today’s model — and find glass tmilt right into the highway! Phosphorescent glass could be used as a wear-resistant road material, softly but distinctly outlining the highway at night and elastic enough to prevent disintegration by frost. It may even take the place of that other glass landmark, the traffic light. While envisioning this sparkling world of tomorrow, scientists also have a clear picture of the space age. It will feature satellite stations, spaceships, rockets and other aeronautical apparatus constructed in large part from newer end tougher types of glass. Already, missileheads are being made from an incredibly hardy substance which consists of glass converted into a ceramic by heat bombardment. That arrow-whittling caveman would surely have cracked up if he could have been told what his discovery would lead to. But the rest of us, though we might be a bit glassyeyed from this vision of progress, can’t doubt that it will come to pass. It’s as clear as crystal — oops, sorry! — crystal glass. JANEZ JALEN OGRAD Z dovoljenjem cerkvenega oblastva LEDENA POMLAD Vlak je sopihal skozi gosto meglo. Dolgočasno, enakomerno so podrdravala kolesa. Na gole veje drevja ob progi se je obešalo ivje. Da leži po polju še vedno nekaj snega, je oko komaj še razločilo. Pavla kar verjeti ni mogla. Pred nekaj urami je bila videla v Gorici, kako se razcvita pomlad. Na mandeljnih je rožnato nadahnjeno cvetje že po-bledelo in se osipalo, kakor bi padal cvetoči sneg. Okrog Ljubljane pa megla in mraz. Pavla si je težko predstavljala spremembo, pa je bilo. le res. Še teže pa se je skušala vživeti v misel, da res hodi svojo današnjo pot. Pavla je povesila oči na pokojno sklenjeni roki v naročju. BHa je utrujena in sram je je bilo. Najbolj jo je skrbelo, kaj jo utegne doleteti v Gorici sami, na poti iz zaporov na postajo. Sedaj se je zavedela, da bi se zgrudila, če bt bila morala iti peš in za njo orožnik z nasajenim bajonetom. Pa si je Filip, njen mož, vse prizadejal, da so z njo obzirno ravnali. Uspelo mu je, doktorju Andrejčiču, zaradi visokih zvez, da se je smela peljati v zaprti kočiji, in spremljal jo je, oblečen kakor za izprehod, samo gospod Sivec. Le na peronu je obstal pred njo temnolas gospod, očividno iz nižjih krajev doma. Zagledal se je v njen obraz. Dasi je Pavla vedela, da niti slutiti ne more, kam jo vodi gospod Sivec, je začutila kurjo polt po životu in zardela je. Južnjakarju pa se je zaiskrilo oko in polglasno je vzkliknil: “O, che bella bionda!” Nezavedno se je Pavla tujcu nasmehnila, kakor bi ji skazal mimogrede iz vljudnosti uslugo. Gospod Sivec jo je dvorljivo spremil prav na vlak. V posebnem oddelku je čakal nanjo orožnik Krvina. Spoštljivo jo je bil pozdravil in ji bolj ponudil, kakor pa odkazal prostor ob oknu nasproti sebi. Gospod Sivec je sebi naloženo pusto nalogo opravil. Pavlo je zaskrbelo, če ji za slovo ne bo voščil srečne poti. Videti je bilo, kakor da se norčuje iz nje. Sam bi se pa izkazal za nerodo, podobno tistemu, ki se je hotel visoki gospe pokloniti, je pa na novo naloščenem parketu padel, kakor je bil dolg in fiiok. Njena skrb je bila odveč. Gospod Sivec je bil uvideven in razumen in prizanesljivega srca. Segel ji je v roko in se poslovil z besedami: “Zbogom, gospa doktorjeva!” Glas se mu je skoraj tresel. Dokaj pomilovanja je bMo v njem. “Hvala, gospod Sivec!” Več Pavla ni mogla reči. Stisnilo se ji je grlo in z vso silo se je morala premagovati, da ni zajokala. Pavla in Krvina sta ostala sama. Obema je bilo nerodno. Molčala sta. Pavle niti najmanj ni mikalo, da bi pogledala po ljudeh na peronu. Dogovorili so se bili, da izmed domačih nikogar ne bo tačas na postaji. Mama je sicer silila, pa so ji ubranili. Izmed drugih bi jo pa utegnil kdo prepoznati in bi ji privoščil. Tembolj vztrajno je pa gledala; skozi okno, ko se je vlak poslavljal od sončne Goriške in drdral čez skalni Kras, dokler ni zastrla pogleda megla nad Ljubljanskim barjem. Krvina se je ves čas vedel, kakor da bi ga sploh ne bilo poleg. Mož je dobro razumel, da gospa doktor Andrejčičeva za dolgo zemlje slovo od priljubljenih domačih krajev. Vlak je zropotal na most čez Savo. Pavla se je zdrznila, pa manj od ropota kakor ob misli, da mora v sedmih letih grenkega življenja zveneti dokaj plavolase lepote. Pa saj je prav za prav v duši, je pomislila, se bridkovdano nasmehnila in dvignila glavo. Sama je še vedno sedela ob oknu in njej nasproti orožnik Krvina. Venomer je gledal v meglo, kakor bi ga bilo sram druščine, ki jo je bil privedel v Ljubljani njemu popolnoma nepoznan stanovski tovariš, sedeč sedaj pri vratih in budno pazeč, da bi se ne zgodilo kaj proti predpisom. Krvina se je za ženske, izročene tovariševi skrbi, komaj zmenil. Pavla pa jih je po vrsti opazovala. Poleg nje je sedelo še kar precej čedno, napol gosposko oblečeno dekle. Najbrž kakšna krščenica. Utegnila bi tudi biti delavka v tobačni tovarni. Žalostno otožen in hkratu uporen je bil njen obraz. Pavla je postrani pogledovala in skušala uganiti, kaj je dekle zagrešilo. Morebiti je služila za borno plačo sredi bogatega razkošja, pa je tudi sama zahrepenela po udobnejšem življenju, se spozabila in kaj premaknila. Morebiti? Tej nasproti se je zvirala in poskušala pomežikovatl z orožnikoma zabuhla, nekako tridesetletna ženska. S čim se ukvarja, se je izdajala sama. Pavle niti zanimalo ni, zaradi česa je bila obsojena. Očividno je bila že vajena hoditi v spremstvu orožnikov. Kakor preplašena ptička, ki so jo bili ujeli zlobni paglavci in ji njej v muko, sebi pa v zabavo, populili najlepše perje, se je stiskala sama vase lepa, mlada ciganka. Dve debeli, temni kiti ogljenočmih las si je bila vrgla vea-daj preko ramen. Padali sta ji nizko doli do pasu. Da je kaj ukradla, je sodila Pavla in se čudila živopisani obleki in nemirnim temnim velikim očem, ki so nemirno Iskale, kje bi ostale. Pavli se je cigansko dekle smililo, pa ni vedela zakaj. V kotu je ždela zdelana zgarana kmetica. V obrazu ji je Pavla brala dokaj prestanega trpljenja. Tak izraz imajo žene pijancev, ki so večkrat tepene kakor site. Morebiti je po dolgih letih trpljenja v jezi zamahnila s sekiro po nekdaj ljubljeni glavi. Pavla je opazila, da prav tako kakor ona druge od časa do časa tudi njene štiri sopotnice pogledujejo njo. Zavedela se je, da one prav tako skušajo uganiti njeno krivdo. Čudno se jim mora zdeti, kako gosposka ženska zaide v njih družbo. Povrh so pa gotovo vse opazile na njeni roki zlati, poročni prstan. Mimogrede se je spomnila, da ji je zaročnega z vdelanim dragimi kamnom odvzela sodnija, da vsaj nekoliko povrne prizadejano škodo. Vedo, da je gospa, čeprav še mlada, ta ali ona utegne misliti, da se je morebiti preveč znosila nad nezvestim možem. O, ko bi vedele! — Pavlo je spet postalo sram in je znova povesila pogled. Vlak je obstal v Škofji Loki. Pavla se je spomnila svojih dekliških let, ko se je šolala na gradu, prezidanem v samostan. Skozi meglo je živo videla ljubeznivo, staroslavno mesto za gradom in Hribcem in v bližini za gozdovi Crngrob z rebrem ajdovske deklice pod stropom. Nekoč — sedemnajst let je bila stara takrat — je z vrstnicami vred molila po Hribcu navzgor križev pot. Ni se mogla zatopiti v molitev, pa se ni mogla. Pri postaji, ko Jezus pade tretjič pod križem, se je zasmejala. Zvedela je mati Pija in jo ukorila. Da bi ji čim bolj nazorno prikazala, kako ni Pavla prav ravnala, jo je opomnila s primero. Da naj pomisli, je rekla, kako bi se njej zdelo, če bi kdaj v življenju morala nositi težki križ za drage in bi padala pod njim, ljudje bi se ji pa smejali. Takrat ni razumela globokih besed pobožne nune, sedaj jo je pa postajalo kar groza. Je mar pomenilo? Bog ve, če se mati Pija še spomni? Seveda, gotovo je že zvedela in z njo vred vse njene vzgojiteljice, da je njo, Pavlo Gradišnik, poročeno Andrejčič, porota obsodila na sedem let ječe, s samotnimi temnicami vmes. Ko prestane, se jim razodene. Prav takrat je vlak zavozil navzdol v Drulovko. Pavla se je zdrznila. Pod njenim sedežem je bila zacvilila zavora in jo bridko spomnila ,da nikdar vse svoje žive dni ne bo smela sebe braniti, če noče, da se njeno in še bolj Filipovo življenje ne razleti v breznu globokega propada. Na sliki na naslovni strani: Naši ameriikl izletniki, ki bodo obiskali Slovenijo to poletje, bodo srečali mnogo brhkih deklet. "Krainburg — Kranj,” je trikrat zaporedno vzklical sprevodnik. Sava je izdihavala gosto meglo. Pavli se je zdelo, da ljudje, ki so vstopali, kakor plavajo po megli. Zabuhnjenka s temnimi kolobarji pod očmi se je dvignila in hotela planiti k oknu, pa jo je njen orožnik trdo posadil nazaj. Kakor ponevedoma ga je za vračilo mimogrede občutno sunila s komolcem pod rebra. On se ji je pa privoščljivo smejal in jo zasmehljivo tolažil, da bo čez poldrugo leto spet lahko poskušala svojo srečo, če jo bo kakšen pes povohati maral. Ciganka je žensko zaničljivo pogledala in se koj nato Pavli nasmehnila. Kmetica je stisnila pest in namrščila obrvi. Napol gosposko dekle je pa na široko odpJo oči. Pavlo je pretreslo. Krvina je prestavil puško izmed kolen na stran in nerodno prižgal cigareto in se opravičil: “Saj dovolite, gospa?” "Seveda,” se mu je Pavla družabno nasmehnila. "Kakšna gospa!” Zabuhnjenka se je visoko vzravnala in namenoma opozorila na tolsto obilnost svojega mahedra-vega telesa. “Nič več gospa,” je pristavila zasmehljivo. “Še danes bo z nami vred samo kaznjenka in nič več in nič manj.” "Tiho!” Orožnik iz Ljubljane je segel v torbo in porož-ljal 2 verižico: “Samo zini še, pa te uklenem. Prekleta —” Nj Jarekel, pa so vsi vedeli, da je hotel debeluški vreči v obraz pocestno psovko. Pavla je zardela. Na srečo je vlak spet potegnil. Pavla se je domislila, da v Kranju, v zemlji domači prhni truplo pesnika velikana doktorja Franceta Prešerna. Kako je kot dekle sanjarila ob drobni knjižici njegovih poezij In prisojala največ sveta otrokom Slave. Nikakor pa se ni mogla vneti, da bi z Bogomilo hranila up sreče onkraj groba. Sedaj bo pa morala bridko resnično občutiti, da je življenje ječa. Zavoljo drugega Pesnika, ki tudi na kranjskem pokopališču v črni gomili čaka jasnih dni za svoj narod, je bila Pavla v samostanu celo kaznovana. Ne bi smela imeti Jenkovih poezij; zalotili pa so jo, ko je pravkar brala o deklicah, ki hodijo po hosti. Na oba grobova je bila položila cvetje. Megla se je pričela redčiti. Stisnjena v ostro strugo se je tik ob progi previjala med skalnimi čermi zelenkasto Cista Sava. Vodo je Pavla vedno rada gledala. Tudi sedaj se je zazrla vanjo in za nekaj časa pozabila na vse drugo. Na postaji Otoče se je Pavla spomnila Matere božje na Brezjah. Zapekla jo je vest, da se ob odhodu iz Gorice ni nič priporočila Mariji na Sveti gori. Pa se je hitro potolažila. Je že moralo biti tako. Odslej naprej bo nekaj let stanovala dokaj bliže Mariji na Brezjah, ki je za kaznjenke gotovo najbolj primerna priprošnjica, prav posebno pa še zanjo, ko je bila vendar obsojena zavoljo ponarejenih podpisov na menicah. Vedela je, da je bil čudodelno podobo Matere božje na Brezjah naslikal Layer iz zaobljube, če ga reši Marija iz ječe, v katero je bil zašel, ker je v stiski Ponarejal denar. In pa, prva ozdravljenka na Brezjah je bila doma iz Begunj, kamor sedaj potuje ona. Po končanih šolah sta bili z mamo na Brezjah. Filipa takrat še ni poznala. Pred Marijinim oltarjem se ji je zazdelo, da jo Marija vabi v samostan. Za hip je skoraj Pristala. Ko sta se pa kasneje z babo peljali na Bled, je misel na samostan za vselej zavrgla. V poletnem soncu s<> na ravnem polju med temnimi gozdovi Jelovce in zeleno Dobrčo, pod skalnato Begunjščico in čokatim Stolom zorela žita. V ozadju je z višave pogledoval na vasi pod sabo priostreni vrh Triglava. Ob cesti v leških klancih je pozvanjala čreda rdeče cikaste govedi. Onstran Save je bilo nekaj glav živine ograjenih. Lepo raščena junica je stegovala glavo čez plot, kakor bi hrepenela v svobodo, kjer so na ravnici tik pred njo razigrano poskakovala žrebeta ob mirno pasočih se materah kobilah. Da bi kobile Predaleč ne zašle — bela cesta reže pašnik na dvoje in vabi v daljni svet — so jim uvidevni gospodarji prve noge speli s sponami. Samo na kratko so se mogle prestopati, spone so pa nekako ugovarjajoče porožljavale. Za vse na svetu bi se ne bila mogla Pavla takrat za vedno odreči tej, s široko odprte božje razsuti lepoti in se pustiti za vse ;l---------------------------------------- —------------- — Bodi pozdravljena! Bodi pozdravljena, rodna vasica! Vedno ljubeče te boža oko. Kot bi'v zadregi zakrivala lica, . v drevju košatem si skrita ljubko. Nisi bogata, le hišice male, ena ob drugi se tesno vrste. Nagelj in rožmarin deklice zale r lončkih na okno obilno goji. V tujih vaseh sem in mestih hodila, videla lepih vasi sem povsod. Vendar le eno sem v srcu čutila: Tebi enake, ni najti nikod! Srečna mi bodi ti, rodna vasica! Čuva nad tabo naj Večni z višin! Mojemu srcu ostaneš kraljica, saj spl v Tebi premnog moj spomin. A. Salmič ------------------------------------------------------ dni tostranskega življenja ograditi s samostanskim zidom. Ko bi bila slutila, da jo bo želja po življenju pripeljala za več let za kaznilniški zid, be ne bila takrat tako naglo sklepala. V tistem na široko razprostrtem poletju se ni bila domislila, v gosti pomladanski megli se je pa zavedala, da ni bila dolžna, pa je kljub temu pogrešila, ko ni na Brezjah pri spovedi postarnemu dobrohotno uvidevnemu župniku omenila tudi dozdevnega namigljaja Matere božje zavoljo samostana. “Tempi passati!” Pavla ni izpregovorila, samo ustnice so se ji n ar ah V* razgibale in nezavedno je zamahnila z roko iz naročja proti životu. Začudila se je pa sama sebi, da je s tujo besedo vzdihnila, ko je vendar še vedno, dasi šolana Goričanka, mogla lepoto Italijanske knjige doumevati samo z besednjakom na mizi. Vlak je planil v predor in Pavlo sta zajela tema in zamolkel ropot. Na licu je začutila solzo. Hitela si jo je obrisati, da bi njene prikrite bolečine ne izdala dnevna svetloba. Ropot je potihnil. Leno se je razkadil dim, ki ga je bil vlak pritiščal pred sabo iz predora. Pavla je zastrmela. V obraz ji je posijalo jasno sonce. Tostran predora ni bilo več megle. Nizko spodaj jo je spet pozdravila Sava. Pavlo je zamikalo, da bi napisala pesem o bistri Savi, materi pevskih umnosti, kateri trda skala zastavi pot, pa se ne utegne z njo muditi. Ogne se ji v širokem ovinku. Prikrito ponižno si išče pot skozi spolzki okroglasti grušč in hiti jadrno naprej budit sinove Slave. Skalo bodo že v teku stoletij druge vode predrle. Kakor bi hotel prikimati k bežni misli, se je gospe doktor Andrejčičevl iz daljave nasmehnil zasneženi Triglav. Z brega so jo pogledovali široko razprti, rdečkasto navdahnjeni cvetovi teloha, vmes pa so bili razmetani lcrvavordeči grmiči resja. “Poglejte, gospa!” je pokazala ciganka z roko proti oknu. “Kakor ognji!” “Vidim,” je mirno odgovorila Pavla. “In jaz naj bi nikoli več ne posedala pri ognju sredi cvetja,” je kakor sama sebi povedala ciganka. Sunkoma pa se je obrnila proti orožniku, dvignila rok6 in skoraj zakričala: “Gospod, spustite me, jaz sem nedolžna,” Plašno se je ozrla po vseh obrazih naokrog, kakor bi pri vsakem posbej iskala zavetja. Vsem se je zasmilila. Še celo debe-luška, ki je že imela pikro besedo na jeziku, je molčala. Ciganka pa je spet zaprosila: "Gospod!” (Dalje prihodnjič) Marie Prisland: Z obiska v stari domovini sem prinesla nekaj prav dobrih kuharskih navodil, da jih od časa do časa v Zarji objavim v npanju, da bodo zanimale naše kuharice. Škofov kruh Navodilo za "škofov kruh” sem prejela od moževe sorodnice odlične, v Ljubljani izšolane kuharice, ge. Vere Štiglic, p. d. Prislanove na Rečici. Njen gost sem bila 10 dni. Hvaležna sem za njeno in njene družine ljubeznivo gostoljubnost. Navodilo: Vzemi 4 rumenjake, masla (butter) za en oreh, % šal-čke (measuring cup) sladkorja, Vtepaj, da se speni in dobro naraste. Dodaj drobno zrezanih olupkov od polovice pomaranče. Dodeni % šalčke fino semletih orehov, Vi šal-čke fino semletih lešnikov in *4 šalčke mandeljnov, isto-tako fino semletih. Dodeni trd sneg iz 4 beljakov. Ilahlo primešaj % šalčke presejane moke, v katero si djala dve kavini žlički pecivne sode in jo skupno z moko presejala. Dodeni *6 šalčke opranih rumenih rozin ter *4 šalčke na male kocke zrezane pecivne čokolade. Model dobro namaži in peci eno uro pri vročini 300c. Orehovi ajdovi štruklji V družbi potnic Zinke Gregorka, Ančke Kovačič in Mary Bernot sem se na povabilo v gostoljubni Jerajevi hiši na Rečici udeležila “Štrukljevega banketa”, ki je bil nekaj posebnega. Štruklje je pripravila in mi dala navodilo bivša hotelska kuharica gdč. Marija Jeraj, p. d. Smrečka, v Nizki vasi. Navodilo se glasi: Dve šalčki (measuring cups) bele moke, eno šalčko ajdove moke, dva jajca, masla za en oreh, pol šalčke mlačne vode in kavino žličko soli. Iz tega napravi mehko testo, ki naj vsaj pol ure počiva. Testo nato razvaljaj za nožev rob debelo ter’ ga namaži s sledečim nadevom: K eni šalčki kisle smetane primešaj dva rumenjaka in malo cimeta. Nato dodeni eno šalčko fino semletih orehov in štiri jedilne žlice sladkorja. Temu dodaj eno šalčko na maslu zarumenelih kruhovih drobtin. Testo namaži, a ne prav do kraja ter ga trdo zvij. Štrukelj položi v vrelo slano vodo in počasi kuhaj pol ure. Kuhanega razreži in zabeli z na maslu zarumenelimi drobtinami. Okrasi ga z jajčnim cvrtjem in drobno zrezanim peteršiljem. — Izvrstna jed! Zamorček v srajci. (Čokoladni puding.) Naši politikarji se gotovo še spominjajo tovarnarja dr. Vošnjaka, ki je med prvo svetovno vojno po naših slo venskih naselbinah v Ameiki nastopal na odrih ter govoril za osvoboditev stare domovine izpod avstrijskega jarma. V njegovi vili sva lansko leto z prijateljico Zinko Gregorka stanovali en teden. Vila se nahaja v Šoštanju, lepem mestu na Štajerskem. Prejšnji lastniki živijo zdaj na Dunaju, vila pa je last države. Oskrbnica vile, gdč. Anica Levar, mladostna prijateljica naše potnice ge. Ančke Kovačič, je odlična kuharica. Ko nam je servirala “zamorčka” sem prosila za navodilo ,ki je: Mešaj % šalčke (measuring cup) surovega masla; % šalčke nastrgane, malo pogrete pecivne čokolade; 6 rumenjakov; % šalčke sladkorja in kavično žličko vanilije. Mešaj tako dolgo, da dobro naraste. Nato primešaj trd sneg iz 5 beljakov, % šalčke drobno zrezanih orehov in eno jedilno žlico moke. Testo deni v pomazan in z moko potrošen model. (Model je iste vrste kot ga rabimo za "Engelfood cake”. Meri 6-7 palcev v premeru in kakih 4-5 palcev na visokost.) Model postavi v lonec z gorko vodo, lonec pokrij in postavi v vročo peč ter pri vročini 350 stopinj v sopari kuhaj pol ure. Kuhan puding zvrni na krožnik in ga oblij z vanilijino peno ali s stepeno sladko smetano. Vanilijina pena: — *4 šalčke nastrgane pecivne čokolade; 4 jedilne žlice vode, 4 jedilne žlice sladkorja in euo kavino žličko vanilije. Mešaj in kuhaj kakih 10 minut. Vre naj počasi. Ko postane gosto, oblij s tem puding ter gorkega serviraj. * * * Morda vas bo zanimalo s čim je bil ruski premier Nlklta Khruščev in njegova družina za zajtrk postrežena, ko so se nahajali v Ameriki na obisku. Naprimer: Na potovanju po zapadu so v San Francisco imeli na razpolago najlepši hotel — Mark Hopkins. Kuhinjski štab hotela jim je neko jutro na izbiro serviral sledeče jedi: Kalifornijski oražni sok; kislo mleko (yogurt); mlečni sir (cottage cheese); mlado kokoš z rižem; steak; majhne prašičeve klobasice; pečen krompir, cvetača z jajčnimi beljaki opražena v olju; svež grah; mlade kumarce; sveži paradižniki; olive; švicarski sir; opražen kruh; žemljo; krofi; marmelada, kava, čaj ali mleko po izbiri. Ni znano če so tudi drugi hoteli servirali tako razkošen zajtrk. Brezdvoma so bili Khruščevi povsod odlično pogostem kar priča njih pohvala — da so v Ameriki dobro jedli. * * * V hrvatsko Primorje je štiri leta po zadnji vojni nekega lepega dne prispela skupina nemških turistov, ki se ni v hotelu nastanila, temveč zunaj na prostem. Razpeli so velik šotor in pod tem šotorom so kuhali in spali dva tedna. Ko so Nemci odšli, so domačini v svoje začudenje opazili, da so bile v zemljo izkopane velike luknje tam, kjer je stal šotor. Domači ljudje so prišli do zaključka, da so turisti morali biti bivši vojaki, ki so v vojni nagrabljeno blago tukaj zakopali, zdaj pa prišli ponj. To spričuje dejstvo, da so na groblji našli nekaj srebrnih žlic in drugih komadov, ki navadno ne ležijo po zemlji. * * * V Solčavi v Savinjski dolini se takoj pri vhodu v faro nahaja znamenita vitka in visoka skala, z globoko navpično zarezo, ki ima podobo igle. Zareza je kot šivankino uho, zato so domačini skalo krstili za IGLO. Pod to skalo se nahaja studenec, ki menda nima para na svetu, da točno presiha. Studenec je kotanja, komaj dva metra v premeru in morda četrt metra globoka. Nahaja se tik ceste, ki vodi v Solčavo. Ta kotanja se je v prejšnjih časih točno v desetih minutah napolnila z vodo do vrha, v naslednjih desetih minutah pa se popolnoma izpraznila, da se je videlo dno kotanje. To čudovito igro narava ponavlja že stoletja in stoletja. Voda iz kotanje izgine In se pod cesto odteka v bližnjo Savinjo. Naravoslovci so ta pojav označili kot nekaj navadnega in popolnoma umevnega. Voda pride iz gorskih pečin, kjer se je zbirala v cevi podobni luknji. Kil dar se ta luknja napolni z vodo ,se ista izprazni v studenec. Ihansko leto smo se na potu v Logarsko dolino ustavili pri tem studencu. Šofer je pričel praviti sledečo zgodbico: Za časa zadnje vojne so se okrog Solčave vršile silne bitke z Nemci. Vas Solčava je bila požgana do tal. Trpeli so tudi sosedni kraji. Neki dan je po cesti mimo studenca marširala nemška patrulja. Eden izmed vojakov opazi Marijino soho, ki je leta in leta stala nad studencem, nastavi puško in ustreli Marijo. Soha se prevrne v kotanjo; zadeta je bila v lice. Studenec je prenehal presihati. — Po končani vojni je neko dekle nad studenec obesilo Marijino podobo, ki visi tam še danes. Studenec je spet pričel presihati, a ne tako točno kot nekdaj. Mi smo pri praznem studencu čakali najmanj pol ure, a voda se ni prikazala. Morda je strel pretresel pečine, kjer se je voda zbirala, da zdaj studenec neredno presiha. PROGRAM POTOVANJA SKUPINE SŽZ Z GLAVNO TAJNICO ALBINO NOVAK, NA ČELU Pišite na naslov: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, III. ♦ 17. junija: Odhod iz letališča Idlewild v New Yorku z jet letalom Boeing ‘‘707” letalske družbe AIR FRANCE. •f 18. junija: Prihod v Pariz. Prestop z letala Air France na jugoslovansko letalo "JAT”. Prihod v Zagreb popoldne 18. junija. Priprave za povratno vožnjo, ki je vračunana v ceni, lahko vsak sam zase napravi z August Hollander Travel Bureau, 6417 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio. PROGRAM POTOVANJA SKUPINE Z LADJO, pod vodstvom drž. predsednice, Antonia Tanko, G313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 25. maja: Odhod iz New Yorka z ladjo “Queen Elizabeth” 31. maja: Prihod v Ljubljano pozno popoldne ROMANJE IN IZLET, pod vodstvom gl. nadzornice, Mary Otoničar, 1110 E. 66 th St., Cleveland, Ohio. 6. junija, odhod iz New Yorka z jet-letalom TWA, direktno Lisbon, nato Fatima, Lurd, Rim, Benetke, Ljubljana in nazaj. Prijave sprejema Bled Travel Service, 6113 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio. PODROBNOSTI 16 DNEVNE TURE Potovanje po Sloveniji, Istri, Avstriji, Nemčiji in Švici 1. dan: Odhod iz Ljubljane v jutra- njih urah do POSTOJNE. Ogled postojnske jame — po ogledu kosilo v Jamski restavraciji. Po kosilu nadaljevanje potovanja do OPATIJE — večerja, prenočišče, zajtrk. 2. dan: Dopoldan kratek postanek v Opatiji, nato avtobusna vožnja ob slikoviti Isterski obali do Pule. Kosilo In ogled mesta (amfiteater). Po kosilu nadaljevanje potovanja v največje slovensko obmorsko letovišče PORTOROŽ. Večerja, prenočišče v hotelu "Palače”. 3. dan: Zajtrk, po zajtrku izlet v 16 km oddaljeni KOPER in od tu po novo zgrajeni slikoviti cesti v SEŽANO, (kosilo). Po kosilu nadaljevanje potovanja po SOŠKI DOLINI in preko nadvse slikovitega prelaza VRŠIČ (1661 m) do BLEDA. Večerja in prenočišče na Bledu. 4- dan: Bled — izlet na grad z ogledom muzeja, na Blejski otok in po želji v VINTGAR oz. v DRAGO pri Begunjah (grob talcev). 5. dan: Bled — preko dneva izlet v BOHINJ in k Slapu Savice. 6. dan: Takoj po zajtrku odhod Iz Bleda mimo KAMNIKA v DOBRNO (svetovno znano zdravilišče), kjer bo kosilo. Po kosilu nadaljevanje potovanja v ROGAŠKO SLATINO. Večerja ln prenočišče v Rogaški Slatini. Isti večer bodo imeli izletniki tudi slovesni zaključek tega potovanja po Sloveniji. 7- dan: Po zajtrku odhod iz Rogaške Slatine preko CELJA (postanek) in ob novo zgrajeni cesti do Ljubljane. Izletniki bodo imeli v Ljubljani zaključno kosilo. 8. dan: Odhod iz Ljubljane v jutra- njih urah preko Podgoren-skega sedla do Beljaka (kratek postanek) in nato po dolini reke Drave do LIENZ-a, kjer se začne vzpenjati moderna gorska cesta na slikoviti prehod Gr. Glockner (veliki Zvonar). Izletniki bodo prenočevali v slikovitem kraju HEILEGENBLTJT. 9. dan: Takoj po zajtrku nadaljeva- nje potovanja do vrha prelaza, kjer bo pri hotelu daljši postanek in nato v SALZBURG. Postanek z ogledom mesta in nato nadaljevanje potovanja po moderni avtocesti do glavnega mesta Bavarske — MUNCHEN-a. Prihod v večernih urah. Prenočišče v hotelu. 10. dan: Po zajtrku ogled mesta, na- daljevanje do BREGENZ-a (prenočišče). 11. dan: Dopoldan kratek ogled mesta CENE Air France iz New Yorka do Zagreba tja in nazaj (Round trip) ....$594.20 Ladja Queen Elizabeth iz New Yorka tja in nazaj (turistični razred) $540.35 (kabinski razred) $646.85 Cena za letalo je takozvana "economy” cena, za ladjo pa je najnižja turistična oziroma kabinska cena. Zgornje cene se lahko spremenijo po vladni odredbi. in nadaljevanje potovanja do ZURICH-a. Med potjo ogled dveh svetovno znanih letovišč St. Gallen in Winterthur. Prenočišče v Zuri-chu. 12. dan: Zurich — ogled znameni- tosti, popoldan kratka vožnja po jezeru. Prenočišče. 13. dan: Po zajtrku nadaljevanje z avtobusom preko LIECH-TENSTEIN-a do INNSBRUCKA (Avstrija). Ogled mesta, znanega po svoji čudoviti legi, krasnem razgledu na Alpe, izhodišče za visoke gorske ture itd. Prenočišče v hotelu. 14. dan: V zgodnjih urah zajtrk ini nato z avtobusom preko prelaza BRENNER — v enegat najlepših gorskih delov Evrope — v DOLOMITE. Prenočišče v CORTINA D’AMPEZZO. 15. dan: Po zajtrku odhod iz Cortine d’Ampezzo preko SAPPADE v Jugoslavijo. Prenočišče in zaključek izletta v KRANJ-Skl GORI v Hotelu "Erika”. 16. dan: Po zajtrku v Hotelu "Erika” še kratek izlet na vrh prelaza Vršič (1661 m) in nato preko Bleda v Ljubljano, kjer se potovanje zaključi. V ceni te ture je vključen zajtrk, kosilo, in obed skozi ves čas potovanja po Jugoslaviji; in zajtrk v hotelih tekom potovanja po Avstriji, Nemčiji in Švici, stroški vožnje in prenočišča v sobah z dvema posteljema in kopalnico. SKUPNA CENA JE $152.00 SLOVENSKA ZENSKA ZVEZA VABI ČLANSTVO NA 1 ROMANJE — IZLET V SLOVENIJO LADJA HANSEATIC — 22. maja iz New Yorka. LETALO TWA — Iz New Yorka dne 6. junija 1960. New York - Lisbon - Fatima - Lurd - Rim - Venice - Ljubljana IN NAZAJ. I CENA $795.00 VKLJUČUJE: g Hotele I. razreda s hrano, vse prevoze, izlete po mestih, avdijenca pri J sv. Očetu, ogled Lisbone, Lurda ,Rima, Benetk. Letalo na celi poti, že- I leznlca: Benetke-Ljubljana in nazaj. Informacije daje - prijave sprejema: BLED TRAVEL SERVICE 6113 St. Clair Ave. - Cleveland S - Ohio. DOPISI Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — S .tem poročilom ste vabljene vse naše članice, da se gotovo udeležite seje 13. marca. Sklep zadnje glavne seje je bil, da zopet obnovimo birthday parties, kakor smo imele pred nekaj leti. Vsak tretji mesec prispevajo mali donesek ali v denarju ali v jestvinah tiste, ki so imele svoj rojstni dan v tem času, tako imamo po 3 mesečnih presledkih nekoliko družabnega razvedrila po seji, in ker so naše seje ob nedeljah popoldne, se skušajte udeležiti vsaj za kratek čas. In ker naša tajnica Margaret Fisher živi v Kohler naselbini nam ne bo tako prilično plačati assessment za Zvezo na njenem stanovanju kakor smo bile navajene pretekla leta, zato se iskreno apelira, da bi poravnale članarino na sejah, vsaj vsake tri mesece. Tako se malo razveselimo vse skupaj in uradnice vam bodo hvaležne za naklonjenost. Ko pregledujem našo Zarjo in čitam kako številno legajo v grob naše dolgoletne iskrene in lojalne sosestre pri Zvezi, me prevzame resnična otožnost; nekatere sem poznala osebno, nekatere srečala na raznih zvezinih prireditvah ko smo se z navdušenjem in veseljem spoznavale. Kako odkritosrčno smo razpravljale nekdaj o delovanju naših podružnic! Kdo bo nadomestil te iskrene in odlične delavke pri naših ustanovah? Iskreno sožalje družini Frances Babich, ki je umrla meseca jan. Bila je dolgoletna članica naše podružnice, skrbna in vzorna mati. Živela je samo za svojo družino. Naj ji bo ohranjen blag spomin! Mary Godez, poročevalka Št. 2, Chicago, III. — Kar dvajset korajžnih članic se je zbralo na seji združeni z Valentinovim večerom srčkov, kljub najhujšemu vremenu te zime — ledenim in zasneženim. Naše oči so se radovale ob pogledu na okrašeno mizo polno daril z velikim srcem v sredi, kar sta pripravili sestri Fran-oes Gomilar in Stephie Osterman. 200 malih srčkov je bilo pritrjenih na darila z raznimi moškimi imeni in vsaka si je izbrala priljubljeno moško ime in nekatere so bile prav srečne. Slavljenke rojstnih dnevov so prinesle slaščice v zadovoljstvo vseh. — Seja je bila kratka, a zanimiva. Predsednica Mrs. Novak je pozvala, da se vse potrudijo v bodoči kampanji, ki se bo pričela dne 1. maja. Med darili za najbolj pridne bo brezplačna vožnja v konvečno mesto v Ely, Minn. Kegljaška tekma se bo vršila dne 2. in 3. aprila v Jolietu z večino skupin od naše čikaške kegljaške lige pod sposobnim vodstvom Liz Zefran. Bo kakih 10 posebnih skupin takih, ki ne kegljajo redno in kdor se želi pridružiti se naj obrne na Mrs. Zefran za prijavnico, do 12. marca. Državna predsednica Mary Muller je sporočila, da bo državna konvencija za Illinois in Indiano v maju pod gosti-teljstvom podr. št. 16 v So. Chicago. Slavnostni banket se bo vršil v dvorani Sv. Jurija v nedeljo 22. maja. Najhitrejše okrevanje želimo Josephine Koren in Mrs. Arko. Najboljše želje gredo tudi naši bivši odbornici Lil Kozek, ki je že pet let privezana na bolniško posteljo. Predsednica je nato vodila molitev za pokojne soproge naših dobrih članic, Mrs. Mary Kochevar in Mrs. Al-vie Jerin. Smrt obeh poznanih slov. trgovcev je pretresla naselbino, predvsem še nenadna smrt Rudy-ja Jerin, ki je bil star samo 57 let. John Kochevar je bil dalje časa bolan, toda njegova slov. zavednost je bila poznana vsem. Naj počivata v miru božjem, ostalim iskreno sožalje. Na marčni seji bomo počastile vse Jožice in Pepce in jih obdarile v počastitev njihovega patrona Sv. Jožefa dne 19. marca. Okrasitev je obljubila Stephie Osterman. Vabimo vse članice od blizu in daleč, da se udeležijo in z nami proslavijo godovnice. Corinne Leskovar tajnica zalagati za celo leto, prosim bodite bolj točne ker pravilno je, da se plača za par mesecev naprej. Prosim, da upoštevate moj opomin ter točno plačate vsake 3 mesece. Iz urada se je poslovila bivša tajnica Antonia Klun, ki je točno vodila ta posel več let; upamo, da bomo še imele našo Tončko med nami. Za njeno vestno delovanje smo ji odbornice poklonile skromen dar. 14. jan. smo dobili zaželjeni sneg, ki je na belo pokril našo Pueblo. Vse šole in trgovine so bile zaprte. Ravno v tej snežni zmedi se je vršil pogreb naše umrle soses. Mary Močilnilcar, rožnega venca smo se udeležile, za pogrebne obrede pa nam ni bilo mogoče ker je bilo do 16 inčev snega. Pokojna je dočakala častitljivo starost vedno zdrava, samo spomin jo je zapuščal. 4. jan. se je rešila trpljenja dolge bolezni Mary Fabian. Hčerke zaslužijo pohvalo, ker so 5 mesecev stregle in tolažile v bolnišnici bolno mater. Vsako minuto je bila ena hčerka pri njej; ena ven druga noter, katere so vso skrb posvetilo bolni materi do zadnjega izdihljaja. :— Obe pokojnici sta bili moji osebni prijateljici, cenila sem jih, odkar smo bile soses. S.Ž.Z. Bili sta izredni ženi z dobro besedo za vsakogar. -— Pauline Jamnik žaluje za prerano umrlim bratom Martin Mohorčič. Umri je mlad za srčno hibo, katera kar na debelo pobira našo mladino. — Jeni e Jarc žaluje za soprogom, ki je po kratki bolezni odšel v večnost. — Njih trupla so ležala med šopki cvetljlc in daril sv. maš. — Johana Klun žaluje za rodno sestro Frances Merhar, ki je umrla tukaj pri nas. Ses. Klun je svojo ses. spremila v Chicago, 111., kjer je bilo truplo pokojne položeno k večnemu počitku. Vsi sprejmite naše sožalje. Zaradi avto nezgode se nahaja v bolnišnici že od nov. lanskega leta ses. Rose Jesik. Zdravje se ji počasi vrača. Rose, vse te pogrešamo na naših sejah. — Izven bolnišnice se zdravijo doma Frances Golob, Frances Grebenc, Agnes Cuzak in Frances Novak. Elsie Peashka si Je pri padcu v kleti na glavi ranila. Judith Jesik, Jr. članica, se je nevarno pobila. Omenjene so pod zdravniško oskrbo doma. Prijateljica naše pod. Johana Štancer se zdravi v bolnici. Naša dolgoletna bolnica Mary Anzik in soprog sta letos jan. obhajala 59 letnico zakona. Še na mnoga leta! — Vse nas je pretresla novica bolezni naše častne preds. Marie Prisland. Ga. Prisland, že večkrat Ste premagali bolezen in želimo, da bi se tudi sedaj Vaša bolezen obrnila na sončno stran. — Bog naj pošlje blagoslov vsem našim bolnicam in jim vrne zdravje. V glavnem mestu Denver države Colo. se je sprožila ideja spoštovanih in odličnih rojakov( Slovencev ln Hrvatov) dobiti dovoljenje, da se na denverski univerzi prične s poukom Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Meseci tega leta hitro tečejo. Lepi božični prazniki so odšli, le spomini daril so osta- li. Na željo članic je sprejel nadaljnjo odgovornost bivši odbor razen nove preds., ki je moja malenkost in podpredsednica je Mary Težak; potem tajnice Frances Simonich, njen naslov je: 1113 Mahren Ave. Vse članice ste prošene, da pridete plačat ases-ment na sejo, lahko pa tudi plačate na njenem domu. Vse tiste, katere mora V BLAG SPOMIN OB DEVETLETNICI SMRTI ']• Ann E. Pachak Pueblo, Colorado Le spavaj, ranjka, zdaj pokojno, v gomili hladni mir ti bo’! Vse bolečine naj stoterno povrne ti nebes Gospod z veseljem večno nevsahljivim, in slave vencem nevenljivim. Spavaj mirno! BBMW! Znamenita Sodražica na Dol., kjer je tekla zibeljka mnogim našim članicam. slovenskega jezika. Če se pravilno spominjam se je na zadnji konvenciji S.Ž.Z. razmotrivalo o pouku slovenšči-ne. Sklep je bil sprejet in odobren, toda sedaj je ta točka samo na papirju. Priznanje naši članici Erjavec, katera je vpisala lepo število novo-pri-stoplih članic. Sem radovedna kako naša podr. stoji v tem oziru. Vsem, katere ste dobile nove članice, moja skromna zahvala. Soses. Mary Novak je prišla s soprogom na pogreb svojega brata Vincent in očeta John Novak. Sin John Novak in družina stanujejo v Durango, Colo. Hčerka Mary Kristan je naša članica. Pokojno Josie Praust bomo težko Pogrešale. Njeni dopisi in smehljaj mi bodo ostali vedno v lepem spominu. Z bogom nepozabna soses. Snivaj mirno in sladko večno spanje. Vsem skupaj naj sv. Ana moja pa-trona podeli to ljubo zdravje. Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio — Na jan. seji ni bilo nič kaj posebnega. Udeležba je bila kot po navadi. Imele smo domačo zabavo s pokrivanjem številk. Za prigrizek je poskrbela naša dobra članica J. Šuštaršič, ki je slavila svoj rojstni dan in nas prav fino pogostila s flancati; tudi za dobro kapljico nam je preskrbela. Bile smo vse Židane volje, zapele smo ji Happy Birthday in sestra Čebular je podala prav posebno deklamacijo. Bog te živi Se na mnoga leta zdravo in veselo draga sestra. V blagajno so darovale sledeče članice: M. Komidar, M. Korošec in Gombach, sestra M. Vidmar, P. Kantelc, M. Batlch, S. Spehek in J. Zemic. Na novo je pristopila k naši podr. Janet Spendal in Teresa M. Rozman v mladinski oddelek; Mary F. Jevnl-kar in Marie Paynik pa v razred B. Preminula je članica Marion Malečkar. Bila je prva žrtev v avto nesreči mesta Clev. v 1. 19G0. Naj v miru počiva in večna luč naj ji sveti. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja. Naši članici J. Koren, ki nas je zapustila za nekaj časa in se podala na počitnice v toplo Florido želimo, da bi se prav dobro imela in da bi se zdrava in srečna vrnila kaj kmalu nazaj med nas. Je zelo aktivna članica in vedno pripravljena prijeti za delo, samo da je v korist podr. Lepo pozdravljam vse članice S.Ž.Z. Antonia Repic, poročevalka Št. 12, Milwaukee,. Wis. — Vabim vse članice na sejo 6. aprila ob 1 uri Popoldan v cerkveni dvorani. Pridite v velikem številu, prosim. Ker je sosestra Grahek odklonila *a podpreds. je bila izvoljena sestra Josepnlne Ping. Na bolniški listi imamo več sester. Prosim obiskujte bolne sestre. TUdi prosim, da bi pripeljale nove članice za nadomestitev sester, ki so odšle k večnemu počitku. Tudi za assessment prosim, poravnajte svoj dolg, ker je meni težko zakladati. Vsem sestram, ki imajo rojstni dan ali god v marcu in aprilu vse najboljše! Pozdrav gl. uradnicam, članicam posebno pri naši št. 12. Mary Schimenz, tajnica Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wise. — Naše seje v tem letu so kar prijetno obiskane ker jih imamo prvo sredo v mesecu popoldne v večji dvorani. Lahko bi pa tudi bila še večja udeležba saj so nekatere članice bile mnenja, da bo udeležba večja popoldne kot pa zvečer. Sedaj ni izgovora, ker se je tej želji ustreglo in tako izboljšalo za vse članice. Katere imajo čas ves popoldan lahko igrajo karte in čaša kave se dobro prileže po seji. Spominjam se še pesmice, katero smo v mladosti rade zapele: “Oj kofek ti, Oj kofek presladki, Ti žalost nam preženeš in skrbi.” Torej članice pose-tite seje, kjer se boste same prepričale, da se ne zbiramo za kakšno “Ki-kanje”, ampak da povemo na seji svoje mnenje v korist podružnice. Ne bi smele vzeti za slabo, opomin tajnice, če poroča naj bi se članice pobrigale za redno plačevanje assess-menta, ker je v slučaju smrti treba vzeti neplačan dolg iz posmrtnine kar je nečastno, čeravno pošteno. Članice, ki želite ostati zveste “Ženski Zvezi” plačujte redno asesment, ker drugače mora tajnica vedno priložiti, da potem lahko pošlje vse v redu na glavni urad. Ne odlagajte na jutri kar lahko storite danes, ker le tako bo društvo napredovalo In se ne bo slišalo nobenega prerekanja. Posnemajte nas starejše, ki že nad 30 let plačujemo redno. Odbor je vedno pripravljen ustre- či vsako drugo urejevanje kar se tiče društvenih pravil, če se pa katera res želi odstraniti pa tudi ni težko izreči eno besedo "odstopam”, če ima res svoj poseben vzrok. Ostanimo v prijaznosti, dokler smo na tej zemlji, ker čas bo prišel prej ali slej ko ne bo izbirališča in skupnih sestankov. Spomnite se nazaj na nekatere umrle članice kako so se redno udeleževale sej in bi se tudi zanaprej, če bi jih smrtna kosa prehitro ne dohitela. Blag jim spomin! Torej sestre berite mesečnik Zarja in udeležujte se sej, da bo vedno bolj veselo na sestankih. Pozdravljene vse vestne članice širom Amerike, posebno pa pri naši podružnici. Mary Mesarich, zapisnikarica št. 14, Eucl'id, Ohio — Poročilo seje 1 januarja: Ta večer je bila res lepa udeležba. Naše članice so pridne, zato gre naše delo res veselo in z uspehom naprej. Ustanovile smo tudi šivani klub in delo gre kar dobro izpod rok. Za klub se jih je precej priglasilo. Naša predsednica je vesela ker jo .vse rade ubogajo. Kar jim predloži, vse rade volje sprejmejo. Naša dolgoletna članica. Mrs. Ga-brenja je minuli mesec januar praznovala z možem zlato poroko. Čestitkam se pridružujemo tudi vse članice naše podružnice in ji želimo še mnogo zdravih in zadovoljnih let. Enako niene-mu možu. Zboleli sta zopet dve naši članici: Mrs. Kol jat in Mrs. Jelenčič. Želimo jima hitro vrnitev ljubega zdravja. Tudi naša podpredsednica Mrs. Stražišar se ni udeležila današnje seje zaradi hudega prehlada. V “good time” blagajno so ta večer darovale: Mrs. Gabrenja, Mrs. Plevnik, Mrs. Trebek in Mrs. Ivančič. Antonia Sustar VSO SREČO NAŠIM KEGLJAČICAM, ki se bmagajo pri prodaji vstopnic, katera. pa res ne more pomagati pri prodaji pa naj vsaj sama kupi in s tein pomaga pri podružnici do uspeha. Vabimo tudi sosedne podružnice, da se udeležijo naše prireditve. Ob priliki bomo pa me povrnile, če nam Bog da zdravje. Meseca januarja smo zopet izgubile eno članico, Terezijo Godec, ki se je po daljšem bolehanju preselila v lepše življenje. Pokojna zapušča pet hčera in dva sina, katerim ob tem času izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. Pokojna sestra pa naj mirno počiva v ameriški zemlji in večna luč naj ji sveti! Več naših članic je bolnih. Posebno bolehajo na influenci. Ulepičeva mama iz Rosewood že tudi dalj časa bolehajo, kakor tudi sestra Anna Glivar. Vsem želimo naj jim ljubi Bog olajša trpljenje. Pri družini Joe Zlccardi se veselijo novorojenke Judith Lynn. Mlada mamica je naša članica. Naše čestitke mladim in starim. Za častno mater za 1960 so članice izvolile mojo malenkost. Nisem pričakovala te časti ker vem, da so med nami druge, ki so si to čast bolj zaslužile kakor jaz. Več članic praznuje svoje rojstne dneve v januarju in februarju. Vsem skupaj želimo še na mnoga, zdrava in vesela leta! Pozdrav vsem, Helen Mirtel, poročevalka Št. 17, West Allis, Wis. — Nastopili smo leto 1960. Prazniki so že za nami. Vsem želim srečno in blagoslovljeno celo leto, ki naj nam vsem prinese obi- lo zdravja, sreče in božjega blagoslova. Januarska seja je bila povoljno o-biskana. Skušajte v tem letu malo Jk>1 j redno in v večjem številu obisko- vati naše seje, kajti tako bomo lažje kaj storile v prid podružnice. Januarja smo imele glavno sejo, ker je bila volitev odbora. Večinoma je bil izvoljen ves stari odbor, samo preds. Mrs. Ana Kegel je odklonila in njeno mesto je prevzela Mrs. Josephine Schlo-sar. Marion Marolt je podpredsednica, Mrs. Mary Florjan, tajnica; Mrs. Feny Medle, zapisnikarica; Mrs. Feni j Piwani, blagajničarka. Za poročevalko v slovenščini podpisana. Zaprisegla nas je Mrs. Mary Petrich. Za častno mater 1960 je bila izvoljena Mrs. Mary Petrich. Je pridna, rada pomaga pri društvih in se nikoli ne odreče nobenemu delu za podr. — Sprejeta je bila ena nova članica. — Zamenjale smo božična darila. Listki so bili vzdignjeni v velikem številu, kar so članile darovale. Prav vsem lepa hvala, ker ves ta dobitek je bil za blagajno. — Na zadnji seji smo odobrile, da bomo imele to leto dve kartni zabavi, ena bo za podružnico, ena pa za cerkev 15. maja zvečer ob 8 uri v navadni dvorani za 60 Madison St. Članice ste prošene, da darujete za card party, kajti s tem mnogo dobrega storite za našo blagajno. Sporočam, da bodo naše kegljačice imele turnament 3. aprila v Jolietu. Tins bo pripravljen za vse. Katera bo šla naj sporoči naši tajnici Mrs. Mary Florjan pravočasno. V letu 1959 smo izgubile eno članico. Bog ji daj večni mir. — Po daljšem bolehanju je preminul Joseph Ujcich, soprog naše članice Mary Ujcich. Poleg žene zapušča še 4 sinove. Naj uživa večni mir in pokoj, preostalim naše globoko sožalje. Čestitam našima dobrima prijateljema Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Mahar v Lead-ville, Colorado, ki sta januarja slavila zlato poroko. Zlatoporočencema želimo še mnogo zdravih in srečnih let, da bi srečno dočakala biserno poroko. Veliko naših članic je bolnih; želim jim skorajšnje okrevanje. — Po seji smo imele zabavo s prigrizkom. Naše dobre članice so napekle cakes, štru-del in potice ter kofi. Najlepša hvala vsem. Vas vse lepo pozdravlja, Angela Kastelic, poročevalka Št. 18, Cleveland, O. — Pozdravljene članice in odbornice S.Ž.Z. Na zadnji seji je bila prav slaba udeležba. Ne vem ali je bil dež in sneg vzrok ali pa članice še niso vedele, da imamo zdaj seje drugi torek v mesecu in to v čitalnici slov. doma na Waterloo Rd. Res je lepo, da Zarja pride pred sejo, ker članice berejo in tako ne pozabijo se udeležiti seje. Lepo se zahvalim Albini Malovašic za door prize in tudi Ani Morell. Sem ga jaz dobila! — Potem smo imele mali prigrizek in začele s priljubljeno igro pri kateri je vsaka dobila eno rutko ali hankie. Slišala sem, da je naša sosestra Mary Pavlin v Huron Rd. Hospital. Bog ji daj hitro okrevanje. Sestro Rose Glavič je tudi precej potrlo v teku treh tednov; še na sejo ni mogla priti, kjer smo jo zelo pogrešale. Lep pozdrav vsem po Ameriki, posebno pri naši št. 18. Nettie Strukel, preds. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Naša prva seja v letu je bila lepo obiskana. Gospod župnik Monsignor Butala je zaprisegel odbor za leto 1960. Blagajničarka Jo Sumic je poročala o prihodnji kegljaški turneji, ki bo v Jolietu 2-3 aprila. Tajnica Frances Gaspich je poročala, da je poslala voščilne kartice za ozdravljenje sledečim: Ursula Am- brose, Veronika Tadey in Katie Jeriha. Članici Marjorie Wajcert pa so-žalno kartico ob izgubi njene matere. Zaprisežena je bila nova članica Frances Hubert. “Door Prize” je dobila Mrs. Mary Golobitch. Ker so se na seji prodajale številke za poseben fond podružnice, je dobila “veliko potico" Mrs. Louise Duša. Po seji je bil običajni prigrizek z vsemi dobrotami in posebno dobro potico, katero je spekla Mrs. Mary lesnik naša nadzornica. Nato so se kazali filmi v barvah pod oskrbo Joseph in Ronald Erjavec. Filmi so bili zadnji del potovanja po Evropi družine Erjavec; "perice ob potoku”, slovo itd. Dalje so se kazali filmi pred odhodom naših članic na vlak in sicer: Mrs. Ursula Ambrose, Mrs. Louise Nasenbeni, Mr. John Rifel ltd., ko so odpotovali v Jugoslavijo. Videli smo tudi Mrs. Anna Mahkovec in hčerko Anne pri slovesu doma in na avijonski postaji predno sta odleteli v daljni New York. Tudi več drugih slik je bilo, katerim so članice z zanimanjem sledile. Da pa bi bile slike bolj zanimive je igral razne mehke melodije na Hi Fi kazalec slik, primerne za te filme. Predsednica Emma Planinšek se lepo zahvali vsem za udeležbo z željo, da bi se tudi prihodnje seje vse enako udeležile. Ob prvi priliki se bo pa na^ daljevalo s kazanjem filmov, kjer boste same sefoe videle ob raznih prireditvah. Hvala tudi našemu Monsignorju za navzočnost na seji in pa Olgi Ancel, katera je nadomestovala mater ter vodila zapisnik. Prav lepo pozdravljam vse članice, Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. — Sporočam žalostno novico, da je dne 21. dec. umrla Veronika hčerka sestre Mary Golic. Zapustila je žalujočo mater, 2 sestri in 5 bratov: Josephine, Agnes, Fany, Mike, Frank, John in Ray. Veronika se ^a že veseli v nebesih pri Bogu, saj je bila dobra hčerka, ki je lepo stregla bolnemu očetu. Že takrat se ji je pletla krona nebeške večnosti. Draga Veronika, mirno počivaj in Prosi Boga za nas. Mi bomo molili za tebe. — Preminul je tudi Jakob Šuštaršič, oče velike družine. Za njim žaluje žena Ana, hčere Ana, Ema, Kristina, Janet, sinovi Jakob, Frank, Eddie, Filip. Bog mu daj večni mir 'n pokoj. Vsej družini naše iskreno sožalje. Zadnja seja je bila bolj pičlo obiskana .Tajnica vas vabi, da pridete na prihodnje seje prav vse, da kaj dobrega ukrenemo v prid podružnice 'n Zveze. Tudi vas prosi, če katera kaj dolguje, da plačate, ker ona ne more zalagati. Tajnica se tudi najlepše zahvaljuje vsem, ki ste darovale v blagajno: Stella Dancul, Agnes Zakrajšek, Ančka Palcic, Mary Ann Hosta, Josephine Weiss in Josephine Struna. — Dne 9. marca bo obhajala svoj rojstni dan Mrs. Prances Kozel ln ji vse čestitamo ter želimo mnogo sreče. Enako želimo vsem ostalim, ki °bhajate rojstne dneve v tem mesecu, bi jih obhajale v zdravju, ki je največja sreča tega življenja. — Iz srca. se želim zahvaliti vsem tistim, ki so me prišle obiskat v času moje Nesreče in, ki so mi poslale voščila j.n darila ter cvetja. Moram se zahva-iti Bogu in Presvetemu Srcu esusovemu, da sem še ostala pri žlv-'enju, ker ko so me pripeljali v bolni-rc°. so mi nurses rekle, da sem srečna. alh “Ne veste ne ure, ne dneva...” Vse sestre naše Zveze najlepše popravljam. Rada bi videla, da se še atora druga kaj oglasi, drugače pa . 0 lahko pokliče po telefonu OK 1-®48. HUšna številka je: 13712 Spre-r Ave. Veselilo me bo, če bom od atere kaj slišala. Tudi ne pozabite prltt na seje. Frances Kave, poročevalka Prvi Kos Kos prišel je z juga, prvič je zapel Kot bi šlo za stavo žvižgal je, žgolel, Slišal sem kosa ni le dom in svet Duša moja zanjo je; Vigred tu bo spet. Ptiček moj na trati, koliko ti dam? Tvojo čedno vižo rad bi žvižgal sam. Pa kaj dajal bom kosu1 Vsega že ima, Sam se viže bom učil Groš prihranim, dva. A. Urankar, O.F.M. Št. 23, Ely, Minn. — Na februarski seji nas je bilo precejšnje število. Članice so prinesle dobitke za katere smo igrale po seji. Toda zdi se, da se vedno ene in iste udeležujemo sej. In po seji se nekoliko zabavamo, torej drage članice, če nas pride zadostno število vsak mesec, bi imele vselej kaj sličnega. Po igri pa smo bile postrežene s kavo in jabolčnim štrudlom, ki so ga prinesle so-sestre Glavan, Prešeren, Dejak in Slogar. V kuhinji pa so bile Rose Pucel, Ema Pucel, Mary Zgonce in Mary Omerza. Hvala lepa vsem. Na tej seji je tudi bilo sklenjeno, da imamo po veliki noči kakšno večjo prireditev v prid naše blagajne. Za častno mater naše podružnice je bila na januarski seji Izrana soustanoviteljica in podpredsednica podružnice Mary Jerich. Dne 15. januarja smo izvedele žalostno vest, da je na naglo umrl Rev. M. Papesh, star le 51 let. Rojen je bil na Ely. Za duhovnika je bil posvečen 30. maja 1935 v katedrali v Duluth, Minn. Prvo sveto mašo pa je daroval v domači cerkvi Sv. Antona na Ely 2. jan. 1935; torej bi to leto obhajal 25 letnico mašni-škega posvečenja, toda Bog je odločil drugače in se gotovo veseli v nebesih s svojo materjo, ki je umrla pred 5 leti. Rev. Papesh je bil prvi izmed petih ohijskih fantov, ki so si izbrali službo v vinogradu Gospodovem. Naj-, prej je bil nastavljen v Hibbing, Minn., potem v New Duluth, za tem v Gilbert in ko je bil prestavljen tower-ski župnik Rev. Jerše v Eleveth je prišel na njegovo mesto Rev. Papesh in tam pastiroval le 4 leta. Njegovo truplo je bilo najprej položeno v cerkvi Sv. Martina v Towerju, kjer so se njegovi župljani poslovili od njega z molitvami v nedeljo; in v ponedeljek popoldne pa jo bil prepeljan na Ely v cerkev Sv. Antona, kjer so se neprenehoma vrstili ljudje kotiček urednice ... Drage čitateljice! V znak hvaležnosti vsem marljivim dopisnicam, ZARJE, bodo podružnice sedaj imele priliko jih nekoliko počastiti. Z mesecem aprilom, bomo v Zarji imele posebno kolono “ČASTNA USTA POROČEVALK”, kjer bo priobčeno ime vsake dopisnice ,ki bo imela v mesecu svojega rojstnega dne, pridobljeno novo članico v njenem imenu. Tista, ki bo pridobila novo članico, bo vseeno deležna vseh nagrad kampanje .kajti velika članska kampanja se bo pričela v par mesecih. Toda rojstni mesec poročevalke vaše podružnice, bo prilika, da si podružnica nadene nalogo pridobiti vsaj eno novo članico — s katero boste počastile vašo poročevalko. Mislim, da to ne bo težko doseči, saj poročevalke veliko pomagajo podružnicam s svojimi dopisi. “Častna lista” bo nosila ime nove članice in ime poročevalke tiskane v vrstnem redu, kakor jih bomo prejeli vsak mesec. Upam, da se boste potrudile in ko bo prišel mesec rojstnega dne vaše poročevalke, da boste gotovo našle novo članico in jo vpisale. Tiste podružnice, ki imajo dve poročevalki, bodo imele tudi dvojno nalogo in tiste podr., ki nimajo stalnih poročevalk, morejo vpisati v “Častno listo” novo članico na čast rojstnega dne kake odbornice. Veliko sreče in pošljite nam imena, kakor hitro mogoče. Čestitke vsem Jožicam, Pepcam in Patricijam, ki bodo slavile svoje godove ta mesec. Ta mesec tudi prične post ln je prav, da se v tem letnem času spomnimo v molitvah preminulih članic. V spomin pok. P. Aleksandra Urankarja, ki je umrl pred 2 letoma, imamo v tej Zarji nekaj njegovih globokih misli. Corinne Leskovar ob krsti in molili rožni venci. Tudi članice naše podružnice smo molile rožni venec. Kako je bil Rev. Papesh priljubljen je pokazal njegov pogreb. Posebni avtobusi so pripeljali ljudi iz Duluth in drugod. Prezvišeni škof Gleen iz Duluth je daroval pogrebno sv. mašo. Bilo je nad 100 duhovnikov. Pogrebne pesmi je prepeval zbor duhovnikov pod vodstvom Rev. Milavasič, tudi rojen na Ely. Cerkev je bila nabito polna. Pokojni zapušča tudi brata duhovnika Rev. Bernard Papesh v Duluth, Minn. Potem očeta in še 4 brate: Joe, John in Anthony na Ely, Frank v Soudan ter štiri sestre: Margaret Ryan, Johana Kaivesto in Sophie Palčer na Ely in Mary Mesojedec v Soudan, Minn. Iskreno sožalje vsem preostalim. Težko so bolane naše članice Mrs. Šuštar in Mrs. Škufra. Katherine Slogar, poročevalka ZLATOPOROČNI JUBILEJ NAŠE GL. NADZORNICE Prizor iz cerkve Sv. Vida v Clevelandu, kjer vidimo Rev. Baznika, župnika, ko blagoslavlja zlatoporočenca, ki klečita pri obhajilni mizi. Za njima stojita vnuk Rudy in vnukinja Mary. V januarju sta slavila naša ugledna rojaka Mr. in Mrs. Rudolt' Otoničar, visoko 50 letnico srečnega zakonskega življenja. Slovesna zahvalna zlato-po-ročna sv. maša je bila darovana v cerkvi Sv. Vida, nakar se je vršil banket v novi cerkveni dvorani, katerega so se udeležili številni gostje. Mr. Rudolf Otoničar je bil rojen v Metlanah na Blokah in je leta 1903 prišel v Ameriko, in Mrs. Mary Otoničar je leta 1909 kot 19-letno dekle prišla iz Sodražice v Sloveniji za stalno v Ameriko. V sv. zakonski stan sta stopila v cerkvi Sv. Vida dne 17. jan. 1910 in poročil ju je rajni msgr. B. Ponikvar, ki je bil doma iz iste fare. Težko ju je prizadela smrt njunega edinega sina pred 12 leti, toda v veliko uteho, veselje in ponos so jima trije vnuki, ki živijo s snaho Mary skupno pri njih. Vnuk Rudy je dovršil visoko šolo in sta zlato-poročenca še posebno ponosna na njegove uspehe. Mrs. Mary Otoničar je znana in spoštovana v vrstah Slovencev ne samo v Clevelandu, ampak po vsej Ameriki. Posebno je Slovenska Ženska Zveza ponosna na to izredno pridno društveno delavko, zato se čestitkam ob tem visokem jubileju pridružujejo tisoči članic Zveze, ki cenijo njene velike zasluge za rast in razvoj organizacije. Mrs. Mary Otoničar je Št. 24, La Salle, III. — Ker je ta dopis prvi v novem letu, pozdravim vse članice in želim zdravo Novo leto. Upam, da se boste to leto bolj redno udeleževale sej. Jaz bi rada pustila posel v uradu zaradi rahlega zdravja, toda ker nobena noče sprejeti sem morala obdržati to funkcijo še za to leto. Prosim članice, poravnajte članarino, katere ste v zaostanku. Ne čakajte, da bi morala za vami po hišah hoditi in kolektati. Naša blagajna je prazna, jaz pa svojega denarja ne vse svoje življenje predano, vztrajno in zvesto delovala za vero in slovenski narod, zato nič čudnega, da jo S.Ž.Z. šteje za eno izmed svojih trdnih stebrov in značajnih voditeljic. Mrs. Otoničar je prva na častni listi Zvezinih delavk, ki je sama v teku let pridobila za Zvezo nad liOO novih članic, ki je od leta 1933 bila vedno izvoljena delegatinja na Zvezinih konvencijah, ki je od leta 1933 bila glavna nadzornica z izjemo samo dveh terminov in ki je zaradi njene izkušenosti in delavnosti bila izvoljena na izredno važno mesto predsednice nadzornega odbora. Ona je tudi tajnica največje podružnice S.Ž.Z. št. 25. Preveč bi bilo naštevati njeno obširno delo za slov. faro ln kot odlične kuharice za šolo in premnoge prireditve. Vsekakor pa ne moremo prezreti njenih zaslug za ZARJO, saj je ena izmed najzvestejših sotrudnic lista, ne samo kot poročevalka .amipak tudi podpornica, saj ni nikdar zamudila prilike, da ne bi nabrala nekaj oglasov, kadarkoli je Zarja poklicala. Naš list in z njim celotna S.Ž.Z. pošilja Mrs. Otoničar in njenemu soprogu, ki je tudi prava notranjska korenina, da bi ju Bog bogato poplačal za vsa dobra dela, predvsem, da bi jima naklonil še mnogo srečnih, zdravih ln zadovoljnih let Corinne Leskovar bom prilagala. Če ne bo denarja, ga pač ne bom poslala na glavni urad. Torej pridite in poravnajte članarino na seji ali pa pri meni doma. Sožalje izrekamo Alojziji Korošec nad izgubo njene sestre Johane Mahnič. Istotako sožalje Severjevi družini nad izgubo očeta Aleks Sever. Sožalje tudi Loretta Strukel nad izgubo njenega očeta Viljem Lukas. Pokojnim večni mir in pokoj. Teta štorklja je povasovala pri naših članicah Geli in Bob Gene ln pusti- MR. & MRS. RUDOLPH OTONIČAR 1110 East 66 St., Cleveland, Ohio la sina. (Materino dekliško ime je bilo Mertič.) Nadalje pri Irene in Bddy Mavsar, ki so dobili hčerko matere ime Irene Furlan; dalje Juanlta in George Helmer in jima pustila hčerko, matere ime Juanita Simkus. Vsem materam in malčkom želimo zdravja. Veliko naših članic je bolnih in se nahajajo v 'bolnišnici: Mary Kastigar, Antonija Frenčak, Ana Meglen, Frances Kotar, Antoinette Kefferli in Marta Radlap. Želimo vsem ljubega zdravja. Če je še katera v bolnišnici, da nam mogoče ni znano naj oprosti. Doma se zdravi Justina Anglevar. Vsem skupaj želimo hitrega zdravja in na svidenje na seji C. marca ob dveh popoldan v šolski dvorani. Pozdrav vsem članicam, Angela Štrukel', taj. Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Vedno kadar pride Zarja hitro pogledam, če je kaj novic od naše podr. iz Pittsburgha. Toda ni nič. Ker se ne morem udeleževati mesečnih sej, bi vsaj v Zarji rada videla kako kaj naša podružnica napreduje. Več članic me je že vprašalo zakaj ni več mojega dopisa v Zarji. Odgovor je pač enostaven: Prvič ker nisem tajnica, drogič mi pa zdravje ne dopušča, da bi se inogla udeleževati mesečnih sej. Zato ne morem pisati ker ne znam kaj je novega. Bilo je še zelo veselo, dokler sem bila zdrava, da sem lahko bila vsaj enkrat na mesec med našihi dobrimi članicami, kjer smo se vedno dobro nasmejale, saj je veselje ln Breča najlepše od vseh stvari na tem svetu. Bog vas živi vse skupaj! Meseca januarja sta Mr. in Mrs. Trontel obhajala 35 letnico zakonskega življenja, in v istem času je njuna hčerka dobila sinčka-prvorojenčlca. S tem sta postala stari oče in stara mama. Moj poklon starim in novim Btar-šem. Bog vas blagoslovi vse skupaj. Mrs. Anna Trontel je aktivna pri naši podružnici kot večletna predsednica. Vsem našim bolnim članicam želim, da bi čimprej ozdravele. Vas vse lepo pozdravlja, Mary Coghe Št. 28, Calumet, Mich. — Pozdravljene uradnice in članice Zveze! Po dolgem času se zopet oglasim. Poročam, da smo izgubile večletno članico in uradnico Zveze, sestro Mary Plautz staro 78 let. Ker je bila dobra delavka v uradu so jo vsa društva v katera je spadala izvolila v urad. Oltarsko društvo sv. Cyril in Method, S.Ž.Z., Women Catholic Order of Foresters. V Foresters je bila nad 45 let tajnica. Imela je veliko družino 15 otrok, 7 hčera in 4 sinove in še 4 druge otroke je imela na oskrbi. Bila je prva izvoljena za častno mater pri Zvezi. Lani je bila tudi pri Eagles izvoljena za častno mater. V družini je pet generacij. Naj ji bo Bog plačnik za veliko delo in naj počiva v miru kar Bi je zaslužila. Nase seje so dobro obiskane ker imamo po seji prigrizek in zabavo. Katere še niste pri Zvezi je najboljše da pristopite; ne bo vam žal. I-etos smo za častno mater izvolile sestro Cecilia Kovachich. Vreme imamo še precej lepo ne preveč snega, toda se bojim, da ga bomo še dobili, ker v marcu in aprilu včasih še dobro zamete. — Naj bo zadosti za sedaj pa prihodnjič kaj več. Vas vse pozdravlja vaša sestra, Mary Stefanich, poročevalka št. 29, Broundale, Pa. — Da ne boste mislile, da se je črnilo posušilo, ali pa, da je svinčnikov zmanjkalo, zato se zopet oglašam. Najprej vabim vse članice, da bi se zbrale v velikem Številu v moji hiši na marčni seji, ker je nismo imele že od decembra. Izbrati bo treba tudi častno mater Podr., ker je nismo v dec. Je že tako, kakor je ena rekla, da smo v “sweet 16" letih, čeprav jaz grem že v 72., zato včasih ne vem, kje se me glava drži in tudi moj birthday smo slavile takrat. — V naši fari Sv. Jožefa smo imeli r®s krasne slovesnosti za božične Praznike. Na sv. večer je naš cerkveni Pevski zbor prelepo prepeval slov. božične pesmi, da je težko popisati Prijetne občutke, ko vidimo, da tukaj •'ojena mladina spoštuje naš jezik, še-Se in običaje. Petje vodi in uči naša Mrs. Lucille Ilovacic, tudi male šo-'arčke. Lucille je hčerka naše Slovenke Mrs. Žigon. Vsa čast njej in Vsem pevcem in pevkam, ki so nam na ta način prinesli živi spomin na s,ovenske kraje. Najlepše pozdravljam vse članice "ZZ in želim, da bi pridobile mnogo n°vih članic v mladinskem in odraslem oddelku. Naj Vas vse Bog blagoslovi. Vsem, ki bodo drugi mesec °bhajale svoje rojstne dneve, želim srečo in zdravje in dolgo življenje. — rugi mesec bo naša članica Mary Kocperk obhajala 91 let življenja. Ona j® Pri naši podr. št. 29 od začetka, jtavno tako naša sestra Mrs. Drašler ® stara 84 let. Žal naša članica Mrs. ftiznar je še vedno v bolniški postelji ®r Ji vse želimo, da bi se čimprej Pozdravila in prišla na seje. Naša Zeni in°Var Pa Prestala težko operacijo J* tudi želimo ljubega zdravja. Naj Gostuje za danes, pa šo drugič več. ^ep pozdrav vsem skupaj, Mary Pristave Št. 30, Aurora, ill. — Danes mi je pa zopet težko začeti, ker imam ža^-lostno vest za sporočiti, da nas je za vedno zapustila naša dobra in pridna žena Helen Prapernick. Bila je najstarejša priseljenka tukaj, zato tudi poznana in spoštovana. V maju bi bila stara 92 let. V Amerika je prišla še kot mlado dekle lz lepe Gorenjske, menda iz vasi Ribče. ali tam nekje blizu Litije. Poročila se je tukaj v Aurora z Johnom Prapernik, ki je že pred leti umrl. Kmalu potem ko sta se poročila, sta kupila hišo in lep kos zemlje, tako da so lahko redili krave prašiče in kokoši. Mož je pridno delal v tovarni, žena pa doma. Tako sta s pridnostjo in varčnostjo lepo in pošteno vzgojila 5 še živečih otrok (2 sta umrla). Čeprav je bila tako stara, bo vendar zelo pogrešana, saj je bila z vsemi tako prijazna in rada pomagala, dokler je le mogla. Naj ji bo Bog dober plačnik, družini pa naše sožalje. Lahko bi še pisala in pisala o tej dobri ženi, pa naj to zadostuje, pozabljena pa ne bo pri vseh, ki smo qo poznali. Edvin Aister, sin naše članice je na univerzi v Kansas, kjer študira računstvo. Vso srečo Edvin! Zadnjič smo imele bolj majhno sejo, toda opravičljivo saj je bilo tako slabo vreme, da skoraj ni bilo za izpod strehe iti. Pa smo imele vseeno prijeten večer pri Mre. Fajfar. Hvala lepa Mrs. Fajfar za vse. Frances Kranjc Št. 32, Euclid, O. — Na februarski seji smo imele lep prijateljski sestanek. Žal, da se naše članice bolj ne zanimajo za naše seje; bilo nas je le devet. Po prihodnjih sejah bomo imele pokrivanje številk, ki bo lepa zabava in upamo, tudi večja udeležba; le pridite! Vesele smo bile, da je po dolgem času prišla na sejo Ana Stariha, sedaj poročena Požar. Naše čestitke in Bog vaju blagoslovi, da bosta dolgo živela v slogi in ljubezni. Ana se je nahajala lansko leto več mesecev v domovini in zna veliko zanimivega povedati. Gotovo bi članice z zanimanjem brale, če bi kaj napisala v Zarjo. (How about that Ana?) Ana Godlar, ki zastopa našo podr. na sejah ohijskih podr. nam je podala lepo poročilo o delovanju. Hvala Ančka. Sožalje Josephine Janežič, ki je ravno za novo leto izgubila moža, ki naj v miru počiva. Pri Lilian Vehovec so pa dobili sinčka, da bo delal družbo dvema sestricama. Naše čestitke! — Frances So-kač je pa prvič postala pra-stara mamica, ko so dobili pri hčerki od rajne Frances, Louise, prvo-rojenko. Čestitke na vse strani. Sedaj pa zopet prošnja, če imate “sale tax stamps”, da bi jih oddale odbornicam, da tudi tem potom pomagamo naši blagajni. Hvala Kristini Filips iz Kalifornife za pozdrave in enako Te pozdravljajo vse naše članice ter Ti želijo vse najboljše. Več naših članic boleha. Bog jim daj ljubega zdravja. Zdrave pa vabimo na naše seje. Frances Perme, poročevalka št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. — Kakor skoraj vse kar nas je ženskega spola rajši beremo kot pa pišemo, kamor spadam tudi jaz, je to moj prvi dopis v Zarji in prosim, da bi imele članice potrpljenje s čitanjem teh vrstic. Na januarski seji smo izvolile za častno mater za 1. I960 Mrs. Ivana Perkovich. Vsa podr. je ponosna na njo! Ona živi na naslovu: 12-2nd Street S.-W. Chisholm in njeno dekliško Im© je bilo Lesar, rojena je bila v Kotu pri Ribnici. Pri hiši se je reklo pri Lajzavih. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1921. Od takrat je že dvakrat obiskala še živečo mater. Imela je tri sinove; enega je izgubila v avtomobilski nesreči ko je bil star nekaj čez 20 let. Drugi sin Father D. Frank pa je duhovnik v New Duluth; tretji sin Louis pa živi doma pri njej z družino. Mrs. Perkovich je vedno z veseljem pomagala pri naši podr. in mi je rekla, da bo še pomagala, če ji bo ljubi Bog dal zdravja. Z veselim srcem vam poročam, da imamo pri naši podr. veliko složnost in medsebojno prijateljstvo. Upam, da ste že vse brale v Zarji, da bo vodila prvi izlet v Evropo Antonija Tanko iz Clevelanda dne 25. maja iz New Yorka z ladjo Queen Elizabeth. Iz Chisholm bodo šle z njimi: Antonija Gornik, ki je mati od Antonije Tanko, dalje Terezija Grzin in pa naša Ljubljančanka Frances Strle. Želimo vam veselo in zanimivo potovanje k vašim dragim, ki vas težko pričakujejo; in obenem, da se zdrave, vesele in zadovoljne vrnete nazaj med nas. Tudi mene je ta sreča doletela leta 1954. Imela sem s seboj 2 hčerki Pat in Ruthie, da so videle moj rojstni kraj in slovensko domovino. V moji otroški in mladinski dobi sem živela z mojim starejšim bratom in sestro pod Golovcem, to je 10 minut za ljubljanskim gradom. Zelo rada čitam vse dopise v Zarji, toda dopis od sestre Josephine Praust iz Floride se mi je pa najbolj dopadel, ker je tudi ona bila doma iz Šiške pri Ljubljani. Na bolniškem listu imamo sestro Frances Russ in Mary Cvar. Prosim vas, obiščite jih, ali pa jima vsaj pošljite voščilne kartice. Obema želimo naj jima Bog kmalu povrne zdravja. Obe sta radi pomagali ali pa darovali pri podružnici. Predno zaključim dopis, se moja hčerka, jaz in oče zahvaljujemo celokupnemu glavnemu odboru za šolnino ali scholarship, katerega je dobila naša Pat lansko leto v znesku $200.00. Pat študira v Marquette University of Milwaukee za Medical Social Work. Čeprav je še prezgodaj, želim vseeno že sedaj vsem članicam S.Ž.Z. vesele velikonočne praznike! Na svidenje na Eveleth, Minn. to poletje na Zvezin dan! g sestrskim pozdravom, Frances Hren, predsednica Št. 39, Biwabik, Minn. — V decembru smo imele občni zbor. V naši organizaciji je nastala vrzelj, ki jo ne bomo mogli nadomestiti z odstopom naše vsestransko razgledne in ljubeznive predsednice Mrs. Johana Zallar. Na njeno mesto je bila izvoljena Mrs. Margaret Setnikar, ki je ena od mlajših članic in ki vneto sodeluje pri vseh cerkvenih organizacijah in bo tudi storila svoje najboljše za našo organizacijo. Mrs. Zallar je naši prošnji ugodila in bo kot podpredsednica v našem odbou. Zdravja je res rahlega in ji pač za to ne moremo zameriti njenega odstopa od dolgoletnega vodstva. Iskrena hvala Mrs. Zallar za vašo požrtvovalnost in dobro voljo, kajti bili ste nam res in boste še naprej naš najlepši vzgled. Bog vas živi! Tajnica Mrs. Frank Angelc je bila ponovno izvoljena kljub temu, da bi rada oddala svoje posle drugi. Zdi se mi pa, da bi z njo veliko izgubile. Vedno je vedra. Iznajdljiva in nadvse delavna. Za Božič smo darovale za našo farno cerkev $25.00 iz blagajne. Seje imamo bolj poredko. Pozimi je premrzlo, poleti pa smo preveč zaposlene. Zdi se mi pa, da manjka le dobre volje. Poskušajmo popraviti to našo slabo lastnost. Tudi naša “Zarja" je res lepo počastila našega umrlega svetniškega škofa Gregorija Rožmana. Posebno vse tiste, ki smo ga osebno poznale smo našemu listu hvaležne. V mesecu juliju se nas je nekaj uaeležilo srebrne sv. maše č. g. Janeza Dolšina v Emily, Minn. G. Janez je sorodnik naše Mrs. Zallar. Udeležil se je tega srebrnega jubileja tudi Prezv. škof Rožman. To je bilo naše zadnje nepozabno srečanje z njim. Zimo imamo letos krasno. Parkrat je pritisnil mraz. Rudniki so zopet v polnem obratu, razen majnih izjem. Tako vlada splošno razpoloženje. Najlepše pozdrave! Kristina Medved, zapisnikarica Št. 40, Lorain, Ohio — Najprej se moram oprostiti, ker sem izpustila Ime Antonia Kos, ki je imela svoj rojstni dan meseca januarja. Pa še to moram povedati, da nas je Mrs. Kos na seji pogostila z dobrimi krofi, Mrs. Jančar pa z meslenimi hlepski, Mary Pavlovčič je pa prinesla flancete. l^e-pa hvala vsem. Tako vidite, da smo se zopet imele dobro na seji. Članice le pridite na seje ne bo vam žal. Dne 12. januarja sta obhajala Mr. in Mrs. John Štrukelj 4fi obletnico zakonskega stana. Bog vaju ohrani, da bi dočakala zlati jubilej. 3. februarja sta obhajala Mr. in Mrs. John Kozjan 41 obletnico zakonskega življenja. Meseca marca bodo sledeče članice obhajale svoje rojstne dneve: Fanny Baraga, Angeline Brehany, Agnes Bucker, Mary Jere, Agnes Keener, Matilda Ostanek, Helen Sekular, Ma- tilda Štrukelj, Theresa Spahich, Frances Tilosanec, Angela Zgonc, Josephine Mramor. Vam želim vse najboljše! “Happy Birthday to ail”. Če sem katero izpustila pa ml oprostite. Našim bolnim članicam pa želim, da bi se jim kmalu povrnilo zdravje. Prosila bi tudi, da bi članice pridobile kako novo članico, saj ima vsaka svoje prijateljice. —Vas lepo pozdravljam, Angela Kozjan Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio — Ob po- voljni udeležbi članic na februarski seji, smo največ razpravljale o programu naše 30 letnice, ki bi bil za vse zadovoljiv. Vstopnice imamo že v prodaji in prosimo članice, da gotovo vsaka vsaj eno vzame. Vesele smo bile navzočnosti sestre Angele Maček, ki je prestopila k naši podružnici. Prisrčno dobrodošla. Meseca januarja so naše dobrosrčne članice darovale v blagajno lepo vsoto, $25.70. Na seji februarja je pa prispevala naša sestra Mary Germ cel petak, ses. Mary Hosta-Lusin je pa tudi darovala samo nekaj desetic manj kot en petak. Dalje so darovale sestre: Rose Piškur, Mary Winter, Angela Maček, Elizabeth Winter, Gertrude Koshel, Frances Stegu, Rose Kovačič, Ann Winter, Mary Raddell, Frances Kern, Dorothy Ferra, Ana Skok in Pauline Hribar. Vsem skupaj in vsaki posebej, najiskrenejša hvala. Naš gospod župnik ln duhovni vodja naše podružnice, Father Matt. A. Jager je prestal težko operacijo. Dal Bog, da bi se mu zdravje čimprej popolnoma izboljšalo. Čimprejšnjega zdravja prav od srca želimo tudi naši ustanoviteljici Mrs. Marie Ptisland. Pisemce z lepim besedilom zahvale smo prejele oa Salle, 111. Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburgh, Pa. No. Braddock, Pa. Calumet, Mich. Broundale, Pa. Aurora, 111. Gilbert, Minn. Euclid, Ohio Duluth, Minn. Soudan, Minn. Aurora, Minn. Greaney, Minn. Chisholm, Minn. Biwablk, Minn. lx>raln, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Maple Hgts., Ohio Milwaukee, Wis. Portland, Ore. St. Louis, Mo. Gorfield Hgts., Ohio Buhl, Minn. Noble, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Kenmore, Ohio Kitzville, Minn. Cleveland, Ohio Warren, Ohio Girard, Ohio Hibbing, Minn. Niles, Ohio Burgettstown, Pa. Braddock, Pa. Conneaut, Ohio Denver, Colo. Kansas City, Kans. Virginia, Minn. Canon City, Colo. Bessemer, Pa. Fairport Harbor, O. W. Aliquippa, Pa. Strabane, Pa. l^illman, 111. Warrensville, Ohio Ambridge, Pa. N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Leadville, Colo. Članarina—. Assessment Number *f A & B Jun. Zarja MIsc. Total Memb. Jun. 69.05 3.00 .30 .55 72.90 158 30 176.70 17.30 1.70 195.70 364 179 132.40 12.80 .30 3.55 149.05 305 141 6.25 .75 7.00 23 47.55 .90 48.45 117 67 56.50 2.40 .10 1.05 60.05 135 24 64.70 19.10 .60 84.40 142 214 50.15 1.00 .75 51.90 65 5$ 41 7 162.85 5.90 4.55 173.30 379 59 207.50 13.80 8.00 229.30 255 69$ 65.90 1.60 1.20 58.70 126 16 147.45 4.10 .30 2.10 153.95 316 41 123.70 4.10 1.20 129.00 258 41 68.05 5.90 .20 1.05 75.20 142 60 57.80 1.80 .10 1.50 61.20 143 20 30.50 .60 .90 32.00 77 6 59.35 6.10 2.10 67.65 151 61 183.60 17.20 3.60 204.40 471 172 37.95 4.60 1.35 43.90 90 46 25 & 99.70 6.50 .20 1.95 108.35 230 65 73.35 8.00 .10 2.65 84.10 187 80 378.55 17.30 9.7S 405.60 837 177 48.10 1.20 .70 50.00 114 12 35.10 .70 .15 35.95 72 7 36.65 .50 2.60 .90 40.65 81 6 18.00 2.40 .20 20.60 42 24 23 1& 51.00 3.90 .30 .75 55.95 111 42 60.90 2.60 .75 64.25 124 26# 11.25 3.20 1.55 46.00 100 51 22.20 .70 .10 23.00 48 7 42.10 5.20 .20 .75 48.25 87 66 14.40 1.30 .45 16.05 34 10 64.95 .60 2.30 67.85 148 6 17.75 1.90 .15 19.80 43 19 40.70 .50 1.75 42.95 98 5 90.70 4.20 2.30 97.20 227 42 19.60 19.60 43 42.70 10.00 .45 53.15 111 101 24.25 .80 .90 25.95 61 8 13.90 .20 .15 14.25 31 2 42.45 1.30 1.50 45.25 98 13 5.80 .40 .10 .30 6.60 15 4 20.60 25 20.85 49 41.05 2.60 43.65 81 26 7.80 .30 8.10 18 25.35 .80 .15 26.30 54 9 18.35 1.30 .16 19.80 39 13 36.45 7.30 .30 .15 44.20 84 78 25.85 1.30 .45 27.60 77 13 52.90 1.40 .25 54.55 122 18 34.20 3.40 37.60 71 34 128.80 7.20 3.60 139.60 34 9% 33.T5 1.80 35.55 25 6 16.60 .10 16.70 34 1 55.40 5.90 .30 .15 61.75 116 59 76 5 41.00 2.70 .30 44.00 74 28 25.00 2.10 .75 27.85 55 22 45.10 5.10 .45 50.65 89 51 15.35 15.35 29 3 15 3 53.60 2.00 1.35 56.95 118 21 15.65 .50 .15 16.30 36 5 41.30 3.20 44.50 101 38 23.75 .20 23.95 45 6 24.80 2.90 .55 28.25 62 31 12.90 1.10 14.00 26 11 Naša prihodnja seja bo 10. aprila tik pred Veliko Nočjo. Le pridite v velikem Številu, da si izmenjamo velikonočna voščila. Lepe pozdrave vsem. Jennie Pugelj, poročevalka Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. — Januarska seja je bila pičlo obiskana, ker je bilo precej slabo vreme ln ceste ledene. Katere smo bile pa navzoče smo se pa prav vse vračale vesele domov. Rojstne dneve so obhajale: Lucy Orešnik, Mary Majerle, Mary Anžiček, Mary Hotujec, Milil Springer, Julia Golkoski, Regina Cop, Josephine Zupan in jaz. Postrežene smo bile z okusnimi kranjskimi klobasami in zeljem, dobro orehovo povitico, vinsko kapljico in drugimi sladkimi pijačami. Res je bilo luštno. Bog nam daj še večkrat skupaj dočakat rojstne dneve. Za našo 25 letnico nismo še nič točnega določile. Članica Frances Petelin in soprog John sta v krogu svoje družine slavila 43 letnico svoje poroke. Naše čestitke! Po 4 mesečni bolezni je tukaj preminula dolgoletna dobra župljanka naše župnije Mrs. Margaret Veselič, njen pred 30 leti umrli soprog George Veselič je bil eden od prvih mož, ki so šli okoli, da bi se ustanovila naša župnija Svete Družine. Rodilo se jima je 6 hčera od katerih je ena pri naših slovenskih sestrah ses. Julitta, ki je letos nastanjena v So. Chicago in trije sinovi. En sin je pred par leti umrl. Zapušča tudi 7 vnukov in sorodnike v Chicagu in St. Ix>uis, Mo. Sorodnikom naše sožalje, pokojni pa naj sveti večna luč. Tukaj je dosti ljudi bolnih, alco je katera naša članica mi ni znano; gotovo pa vsem želim hitrega ozdravljenja. — S sestrskimi pozdravi celi organizaciji, Antonia Kostelec, preds. in poroč. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Zvezin dan v Pennsilvaniji. Z veseljem poročam, da sem prejela poročilo, da se bo vršil Zvezin dan v Penna. 26. junija. Članice podružnice 96 v Universal so prevzele nalogo, da bodo tam priredile State Convention z banketom. Prošene ste vse podružnice v Penna., da se u-deležite te proslave in pomagate do večjega uspeha. Dne 10. januarja sem prejela žalostno sporočilo iz starega kraja, da se je moj bratranec Edvard Kirn star 37 let iz Bača smrtno ponesrečil s tremi drugimi, ko se je tovornik prevrnil na nje. Dne 29. jan. sem dobila drugo žalostno novico, da je umrla moja sestra Karolina Urbančič v lepi starosti 79 let v Blanca pri Sevnici, Štajersko. Naj v miru počivata. Poročam tudi veselo novico, da sta Mr. in Mrs. Tony Progar praznovala 50 letnico srečnega zakonskega življenja dne 30. januarja s sveto mašo v krogu svoje družine in .prijateljev. Doma sta v Dalnem Vrhu pri Novem mestu. Dne 31. januarja sta praznovala s sveto mašo 50 letnico srečnega zakonskega življenja Mr. in Mrs. Frank Kirn v krogu svoje družine in prijateljev. Doma sta iz Koritnice. — Obe slavljenki sta naši članici odkar imamo podružnic. Dragi sestri, čestitamo vam k vajini zlati poroki in vama želimo mnogo zdravih in veselih let življenja. Bog Vas živi vse skupaj! Res kar hitro nam tečejo leta, zato prosimo Boga, da nas vsaj ta kratek čas obdari z bogastvom zdravja. Vsem bolnim članicam želim to ljubo zdravje. Sestra Gertrude Tomsic se je vrnila iz bolnice; zdaj se zdravi doma. Josephine Kotar se še nahaja v bolnici. Obiščite bolne sestre! Vabim vse naše članice, da se udeležite seje 9. marca in tudi zlatoporo-čenke naj pridejo. Vas vse lepo pozdravlja in na svidenje na seji, Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. — Zopet poročam v Zarjo nekaj novic. Na naši seji 4. febr. je bila sprejeta s prestopnim listom Mary Stemod iz Enum-claw, Wash. Dobrodošla! Predsednica je dobila pismo iz San Francis«), Cal., da bi se vršil Zvezin dan tukaj v Fontani. Članice so odklonile za letos. Mogoče bomo imele drugo leto, ako bomo dobile več mladih članic, ker so čitale moj dopis v Zarji zadnji mesec in dobile moj naslov, zato sem dobila pismo od članice številke 15 lz Clevelanda, O. sedaj živečo v West Covino, Cal.; to je Mildred Zajc in njena hčerka. Bodo prestopile sem v Fontano. West Covina je oddaljena 35 milj od Fontane. Naj še povem o bazarju, ki se je vršil tukaj 7. februarja v S.N.P.J. dvorani ob obilni udeležbi. Prišli so iz vseh krajev. Na kosilu je bilo čez 200 oseb. Imeli smo veliko lepih stvari, katere 'so mi žene poslale iz vseh krajev in se je vse prodalo. Upam, da je lep uspeh saj gre ves denar za plemenit namen za slovensko zavetišče, ki bo gotovo enkrat drugi mesec. Na Bazarju sem srečala članico Zveze Mary Zimerman od podružnice 105, Detroit, ki je tukaj na počitnicah pri Mtb. Smerdu. Tukaj se ji zelo do-pade. Rada čitam dopise od Josephine Erjavec iz Jolieta, IH., ker vse natančno opiše, kateri so umrli in druge novice, ki me zanimajo ker sem enkrat tam živela. Veliko mojih prijateljev že krije črna zemlja. Zadnja žrtev smrti je bila Mrs. Turkovič, katero sem poznala že kot mlado dekle. Tako mlada je morala umreti. Smrt ne izbira, ampak pobira mlade in stare, revne in bogate. Pozdravljam vse članice Zveze in urednico, ki tako lepo urejuje Zarjo. Frances Lukanich, poroč. članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. •tun. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. 16.25 2.00 .70 .35 19.30 35 24 80, Moon Run, Pa. 10.15 10.15 24 81, Keewatin, Minn. 10.40 .30 10.70 27 83, Crosby, Minn. 8.20 .60 .40 .80 10.00 18 6 84, New York City, N.Y. 31.90 .80 .80 33.50 77 8 85, DePue, 111. 12.35 .50 .10 .10 13.05 29 5 86, Nashwauk, Minn. 8.30 .30 8.60 17 88, Johnstown, Pa. 32.00 2.90 .30 .30 35.50 65 29 89, Oglesby, 111. 39.20 7.75 .20 47.15 99 68 90, Presto, Pa. 24.90 1.80 .10 .30 27.10 61 18 91, Oakmont, Pa. 28.45 1.20 29.65 53 12 92, Crested Butte, Colo. 10.75 .20 10.95 20 2 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. 30.95 .40 .60 31.95 73 4 94, Canton, Ohio 19 7 95, So. Chicago, 111. 113.75 6.70 .20 120.65 205 67 96, Universal, Pa. 17.15 .30 .50 .16 18.10 55 3 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. 13.55 1.30 14.85 27 13 99, Elmhurst, 111. 10.30 10.30 22 100, Fontana, Calif. 19.60 .80 .90 21.30 44 8 102, Willard, Wis. 9.15 .60 9.75 7 2@ 104, Johnstown, Pa. 11.30 11.30 27 105, Detroit, Mich. 7.05 .50 7.55 17 5 106, Meadowlands, Pa. 11.25 .20 11.45 20 2 Total — Skupaj $ 4,294.40 276.15 11.90 77.75 4,660.20 9320 2792 $—Assessment paid for Jan. & Feb. %—Assessment for six months &—Assessment paid in December re».: Mary Messersmith, 323 Myers St. “®c’y.: Anne Paveltch, 222 Myers St. Treas.: Katie Belicic, 248 Fredrick St. Meetings: First Sunday. No. 9, DETROIT. Mich. P'es.: Henriette Van Haverbeck. 21070 Ehlert, Warren. Mich. ec’y.: Mary Jamsek, 342 Geneva. Highland Park S. Mich. Meetings: Every third month. Secretary’s home. - No. 10, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Mary Urbas. 835 E. 156th St. 5?c'y.: Mary Camloh, 15726 Holmes Ave. ^•eas.: Mary Komldar. 795 E. 157th St. Meetings: Second Tuesday, Slov. Home. Holmes Ave. ~ No. 12. MILWAUKEE. WIs. Frances Plesko. 2908 W. Green-„ Held Ave. “6c*y.: Mary Schimenz. 732 W. Pierce St. Meetings: First Wednesday. Church Hall, »v No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO. Calif. •"e*.: Geraldine Adami, 1938 15th Ave. SJo’y.: Ann Stlch. 579 Rhode Island ‘Teas.: Mary Ansel. 691 Kansas St. Meetings: First Thursday. Slov. Home. ^ No. 14, CLEVELAND 19, Ohio iTos. •' Amalia Legat, 849 E. 197th St. Pauline Cesar, 20975 Arbor Ave. J^eas.: Mary Iskra, 18814 Muskoka Ave. Meetings: First Tuesday, Slov. Home. Recher Ave. „ No. 15, CLEVELAND 5, Ohio £re«.: Frances Llndich. 4024 E. 52nd St. Secy.: Frances Novak. 3552 E. 80th St. *rea£.: R0se Rodic, 10210 Reno Ave. *etings: Second Wednesday. S.N.D., 8®th Street, p No. 16, CHICAGO 17. III. : Katie Triller, 1724 Stanton, a .Whiting, Ind. f 0 y-: Gladys Buck. 10036 Ave. L ^®as.: Anna Buck. 10036 Ave. L etings: Second Thursday. St. George’s Hall. Pro. No- 17. WEST ALLIS. Wl». jv J. Schlossar. 1420 Victoria Circle, g Elm Grove. Wis. Tr^ y': Marle A- Floryan, 68S0 W. Mineral : Frances Plwonl, 2636 So. 70th St. eetings: Third Sunday. St. Mary’s Hall. 2 D.m. No. 18, CLEVELAND. Ohio Pres.: Nettie Strukel, 473 E. 142nd St. Sec’y.: Ann Strukel. 534 E. 143rd St. Treas.: Ann Strukel Meetings: Every 2nd Tuesday 8 p.m. No. 19, EVELETH. Minn. Pres.: Antonia Nemgar, 117 Jones St. Sec’y.: Mary Lenich, 609 Jones St. Treas.: Mary Lenich Meetings: Second Wednesday, Auditorium No. 20. JOLIET. III. Pres.: Emma Planinšek, 1314 Elizabeth Sec’y.: Frances Gasplch, 619 Nicholson St. Treas.: Jos. Sumic, 1305 No. Center St. Meetings: Third Sunday. Ferdinand Hall, 2 p.m. No. 21, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Mary Ann Hosta, 7287 State. Parma, Ohio Sec'y.: Stella Dancull, 13390 Settlement Acres Dr., Cleveland 30, Ohio Treas.: Josephine Weiss. 1261!) Klrton Meetings: First Wednesday, J.D.N. Hall. No. 22. BRADLEY, III. Pres.: Antoinette Lustig, 296 N. Michigan Sec’y.: Mollie Metschuleit, 324 So. Grand Treas.: Anna La Montagne, 284 So. Grand Ave. Meetings: Fourth Thursday, St. Joseph's Hall. No. 23. ELY, Minn. Pres.: Katherine Grahek. 619 E. Chap. St. Sec’y.: Barbara Rosandich, 1212 E. Sheridan St. Treas.: Mary Shikonya, 846 E. Chap. St. Meetings: First Sunday, C.C. Hall, 7 p.m. No. 24, LA SALLE. III. Pres.: Mary Krogulski, 1237 - 6th St. Sec'y.: Angelu Strukel. 536 La Harpe St. Treas.: Mary Kastigar. 1146 - 7th Street Meetings: First Monday. St. Roch’s Hall. 7 p.m. No. 2S, CLEVELAND. Ohio Pres.: Pauline Stampfel. 6108 St. Clair Sec’y.: Mary Otoničar. 1110 E. 66th St. Treas.: Mary Otoničar Meetings: Second Monday. St. Vitus School Hall. No. 26. PITTSBURGH, Pa. Pres.: Anna Trontel. 701 Kendall St. Sec’y.: Anna Frankovlc, 5332 Keystone St. Treas.: Antonia Stayduhar, 6607 Wickllff Meetings: Third Tuesday, Slov. Home. No. 27, NORTH BRADDOCK, Pa. Pres.: Mary Stephenson, 1721 No. Ridge Sec’y.: Mrs. Frances Kucic, 146 Churchill Road. Turtle Creek, Pa. Treas.: Frances Cellgoi, 1719 Poplar Way Meetings: First Sunday, 1629 Ridge Ave. No. 28, CALUMET. Mich. Pres.: Ann Helnemann, 432 - 5th St. Sec'y.: Mary Bonenfant, 4259 - 11th St. Treas.: Stephanie Ryan, 107- 6th St. Meetings: 2nd Wed. St. Joseph’s Church Hall No. 29, BROUNDALE, Pa. (P.O. Forest City, Pa.) Pres.: Mary Pristavec, Vine St. Sec’y.: Mary Hadley, 217 Vine St. Treas.: Jos. Debevec, 337 Main St. Meetings: First Monday. No. 30. AURORA. III. Pres.: Emma Tomse, 550 Spruse St. Sec’y.: Theresa Zefron, 1227 Superior St. Treas.: Barbara Fayfar, 611 Honkes Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday. Members’ homes. No. 31. GILBERT. Mlnn. Pres.: Anna Zgonc, Box 784 Sec’y.: Antoinette Luclch. Box 752 Treas.: Antoinette Luclch Meetings: Second Wednesday. Community Center. 7:30 p.m. No. 32. EUCLID, Ohio Pres.: Theresa Potokar. 19850 Renwood Sec’y.: Teresa Popovič. 24631 Glenforest Road. Euclid 23, Ohio Treas.: Molly Gregore. 19670 Ormlnston Meetings: First Tuesday, St. Christine’s Hall. No. 33. DULUTH. Mlnn. Pres.: Elizabeth Smolnikar, 216 Proco Ct. Sec’y.: Mary Shubitz, 518 - 99th Ave. W. Treas.: Mary Shubitz Meetings: Second Wednesday, St. Elizabeth's Hall. 7:30 p.m. No. 34, SOUDAN, Mlnn. Pres.: Agnes Dragovan. Box 5 Sec’y.: Mary Pahula Treas.: Mary Pahula Meetings: Third Wednesday, C.M. Club Hall. No. 35, AURORA, Minn. Pres.: Mary Smolich, 112 W. 3rd Ave No. Sec’y.: Frances Bradach, 28 No. Erie St. Treas.: Frances Bradach Meetings: Second Wed. 8 p.m. Church Hall No. 37, GREANEY, Minn. Pres.: Helen Shuster Sec’y.: Mary Krall, Gheen, Minn. Treas.: Anna Skraba, Gheen. Minn. Meetings: Second Sunday, Church Hall. No. 38, CHISHOLM, Minn. Pres.: Frances Hren, 300 - 1st St. N.W. Sec’y.: Anna Trdan, 215 - 5th S.W. Treas.: Sylvia Petrich, Box 15 Meetings: First Wednesday, S.N.D. No. 39, B1WABIK, Minn. Pres.: Margaret Setnikar Sec’y.: Frances Anzelc, Box 67 Treas.: Frances Anzelc Meetings: Second Sunday, Church Basement. No. 40, LORAIN, Ohio Pres.: Frances Bresak, 1769 E. 31st St. Sec’y.: Angela Kozjan, 1556 W. 29th St. Treas.: Maxy Pavlovčič, 1765 E. 34th St. Meetings: Second Wednesday. S.N.D. 7:30 p.m. No. 41, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Rose Pujzdar, 1238 E. 169th St. Sec’y.: Ella Starin. 17814 Dillewood Treas.: Mary Debevec. 14926 Sylvia Ave. Meetings: First Tuesday. Slov. Work- men’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd. No. 42, MAPLE HEIGHTS. Ohio (P.O. Bedford. Ohio) Pres.: Antonia I>egan, 6120 Stanley Ave. Sec’y.: Louise Prhne, 6141 Miller Treas.: Matilda Cook, 5082 Thomas St. Meetings: First Tuesday, every second month. S.N.D. No. 43 MILWAUKEE, Wis. Pres.: Josephine Kolar Sec’y.: Rose Kraemer, 2012 So. K.K. Ave. Treas.: Anna Hren, 1105 So. 38th St. Meetings: Second Sunday. 2012 So. K.K. Avenue. No. 45, PORTLAND, Ore. Pres.: Mary E. Roso. 215 S.E. 86th Ave. Sec’y.: Louise Struznik, 916 No. Stafford Treas.: Rosemary Roso, 215 S.E. 86th Ave. Meetings: First Thursday. No. 46. ST. LOUIS. Mo. Pres.: Josephine Prebil, 4309 California Sec’y.: Helen Skoff, 6255 Westway PI. Treas.: Helen Skoff Meetings: First Sunday. 4309 California Avenue. No. 47. CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Theresa Bizjak, 8601 Vineyard Sec’y.: Jennie Pugely, 10724 Plymouth Treas.: Antonia Dolinar, 8806 Vineyard Meetings: Fourth Sunday, every second month. 8601 Vineyard, 2 p.m. No. 48. BUHL, Mlnn. Pres.: Rose Molick, Box 272 Sec’y.: Mary Glavan, Box 624 Treas.: Mary Arko, Box 455 Meetings: First Tuesday, every third month, Public Library. No. 49. NOBLE, Ohio Pres.: Mary Stusek, 29654 Grand Blvd., Wickllffe. Ohio. Sec’y.: Mary Stusek Treas.: Mary Gombach, 22300 Arms AT«. Meetings: Second Sunday, every third month. 22300 Arms Ave. No. 60. CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Frances Sietz, 308 Richmond Rd. Sec’y.: Mary Loushln, 26611 Chardon Rd. Meetings: Third Monday. St. Vitus School Hall No. 61, KENMORE, Ohio (P.O. Akron, Ohio) Pres.: Jennie Zoker, 2110 Manchester Rd. Sec'y.: Helen Sterle, 440 Fritch Ave. Treas.: Dorothy Zakely, G01 Marengo Meetings: First Sunday, Slov. Club Home. No. 52, HIBBING, Minn. (Kitzviiie) Pres.: Jos. Oswald, 330 - 2nd St., Hibbing Sec’y.: Rose Chlodi, 312 - 4tli St. Treas.: Rose Chiodi Meetings: First Wednesday, Little Grove Club Room. No. 53, CLEVELAND, Ohio Pres.: Mary Oblak, 4111 Pleasant Valley, Parma, Ohio Sec’y.: Mary Kolanz, 3970 W. 22nd St. Treas.: Mary Kolanz Meetings: First Thursday, 3970 W. 22nd Street. No. 54, WARREN, Ohio Pres.: Rose Racher, 2205 Burton St. Sec’y.: Mary Wultko, 20G8 Milton St. Treas.: Mary Waltko Meetings: First Thursday. Slov. Hall. No. 55, GIRARD, Ohio Pres.: Theresa Lozier, 152 Churchill Rd. Sec’y.: Mary Ann Melialco. 1022 N. State Treas.: Mary Ann Mehalco Meeting-s: Second Thursday, S.N.D. No. 56, HIBBING, Minn. Pres.: Anne Satovich, 3414 W. 4th St. Sec’y.: Mary Meadows, 1410-15th Ave. E. Trees.: Mary Drobnick, 3609 W. 4th Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, Assumption Hall. No. 57, NILES. Ohio Pres.: Frances Jerman, 2110 Robbins Sec’y.: Mary Macek, 12 Pittsburgh St., Girard, Ohio Treas.: Mary Strah, R.D. #1, Mineral Ridge, O. Meetings: Second Tuesday at Mrs. Yer-man’s Home No. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, Pa. Pres.: Margaret Latella, Charles St. Sec’y.: Virginia Bendich, Main St. Treas.: Margaret Godlsh, 1 E. Market St. Meetings: First Wednesday, Slov. Home. No. 61, BRADDOCK, Pa. Pres.: Johanna Chesnik. 1223 Milton St. Sec'y.: Pauline Stolec, 2019 Monroe, Pittsburgh 18. Pa. Treas.: Jennie Novosel, 901 Greensburg Pike. E. Pittsburgh. Meetings: Second Sunday, Croat. Home. No. 62. CONNEAUT, Ohio Pres.: Shirley Rose, 626 Orange St. Sec’y.: Anna Mundi, 763 Broad St. Meetings: Second Wednesday. No. 63, DENVER, Colo. Pres.: Mary Kovac, 4795% Pearl St. Stc’y.: Amalia Svlgel, 4939 Washington Treas.: Johanna Krasovlch, 5180 Washington St. Meetings: Fourth Sunday, Slov. Home.. No. #4, KANSAS CITY, Kans. Pres.: Antonia Kostelec, 617 Splitlog Sec’y.: Catherine I>astellc, 637 Orville Treas.: Mary Mootz, 319 Orchard St. Meetings: Third Sunday, Social Hall. No. 66, VIRGINIA, Minn. Pres.: Anna Rudman, 303 So. 8th St. Sec'y.: Jennie Tavchar, 719 - 10th St. N. Treas.: Jennie Tavchar Meetings: Third Tuesday Sacred Heart Church Hall No. 66, CANON CITY. Colo. Pres.: Agnes Lukeman, Rainbo Park 8ec’y.: Cecile Adamic, 1330 So. 4th St. Treas.: Mildred Pierce. Prospect Heights Meetings: Second Sunday every 3rd month, Lodge Room, 419 W. Elm Ave. No. 67, BESSEMER, Pa. Pres.: Mary Snezic, Bo>x 47 Sec’y.: Frances Samsa, Bot 45 Treas.: Mary Brodesko. Bot 449 Meetings: Second Sunday, Croation Hall 8 p.m. No. 68. FAIRPORT HARBOR. Ohio Pres.: Jennie Satej, 688 Mentor Ave. Sec’y.: Mary Grzely, 1055 N. St. Clair. Palnesvllle. Ohio Treas.: Mnrv Orzely Meetings: Third Sunday, Club Hall, 617 3rd St. No. 70, WEST ALIQUIPPA, Pa. Pres.: Stella Cicconi, 104 Main Ave. Sec’y.: Frances Gentile, 141% Main Ave. Treas.: Mary Derglin, 85 Maple Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, 104 Main. No. 71, STRABANE, Pa. Pres.: Mary Tomsic. Box 202 Sec’y.: Frances Tomsic, Box 94 Treas.: Mary Boštjančič. Box 68 Meetings: Second Wednesday. KSKJ Hall, 7 p.m. No. 72, CHICAGO, III. (Pullman) I Yes.: Angela Bezlaj, 11425 Champlain Sec’y.: Jennie Orazem, 11435 Champlain Ave., Chicago 28, 111. Treas.: Jennie Orazem Meetings: Third Wednesday. 11437 Champlain, 1:30 p.m. No. 73, WARRENSVILLE, Ohio Pres.: Mary Juratovac, 1841 Hillsdale, Twinsburg, Ohio Sec’y.: Louise Eppley, 20294 Emery Rd., Cleveland 28, Ohio Treas.: Agnes Walters, 24717 Emery Rd. Meetings: 1st Monday at 22710 Vera St. No. 74, AM BRIDGE, Pa. Pres.: Mary Hablch. 160 Maplewood Ave. Sec’y.: Stephanie Plese, 112 Merchant St. Meetings: Second Sunday. Slov. Audit. No. 77, N.S. PITTSBURGH, Pa. Pres.: Mary Pavlesic, 12 W. Sherman St. Millvale 9. Pa. Sec’y.: Mary Chrnart. 937 Haslage Ave., Spring Hill, Pittsburgh 12, Pa. Treas.: Mary Tomec, 1145 Iten St. Meetings: Second Thursday, Javor Hall. No. 78, LEADVILLE, Colo. Sec’y.: Mary Vidmar, 414 W. Third St. Treas.: Mary Fajdiga Meetings: Last Thursday, 414 W. Third St.. 1:30 p.m. No. 79, ENUMCLAW, Wash. Pres.: Mary MlheHck, 1730 Hillcrest Sec’y.: Fanny Ramshak. 669 Stevenson Treas.: Jennie Beaver, Box 96 Meetings: Second Sunday, every third month. Members’ homes. No. 80, MOON RUN, Pa. Pres.: Ann Petanovlch Sec’y.: Mary Christian. RFD 1, Box 67, McKees Rocks, Pa. Treas.: Josephine Pogachnick, Box 171 Meetings: First Thursday, Miners Hall. No. 81, KEEWATIN, Minn, Pres.: Anna Jackovlch Sec’y.: Anna General Treas.: Margaret Cenjar Meetings: Second Thursday. Village Hall. No. 83, CROSBY, Minn. Pres.: Helen Kovali, 217 - 3rd St. N.W. Sec’y.: Mary Deblock, Box 61. Ironton, Minn. Treas.: Mary Deblock. Box 12. Riverton Meetings: First Monday, 8 p.m. No. 84. NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. Pres.: Angela Voje. 1825 Woodbine St. Ridgewood. Brooklyn. N.Y. Sec’y.: Anna F. Svet, 1830 Cornelia St., Ridgewood 27, L.I., N.Y. Treas.: Ivanka Ferrari, 60-46-68 Rd Ridgewood Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, Julius Grill, 60-47-60 iJine Ridgewood No. 85, DE PUE, III. Pres.: Mary Stupar, Box 381 Sec’y.: MaHa Jermene, Box 205 Treas.: Mnry Zobavnlk Meetings: Second Sunday, S.N.D., 2 p.m. No. 86, NASHWAUK, Mlrw. Pres.: Helen Kolar. 207 - 1st St. Sec’y.: Mary Zakrajšek. 602 - 2nd St. Treas.: Catherine Stlmac. 3 Central Meetings: Second Wednesday, St. Cecelia Hall No. 88. JOHNSTOWN. Pa. Pres.: Mary Kuzma, 218 View Street Sec’y.: Mary I^ovse. 205 Oakland Ave. Treas.: Mary Zupan. 646 Forest Ave. Meetings: Second Wednesday. St. Ann’s Church Hall. No. 89. OGLESBY. III. Pres.: Frances Nemeth. 120 N. Kenosha Sec’y.: Nancy Kleczewskl, 119 E. 3rd St. Treas.: Sophie Frank. 311 Elm St. Meetings: 2nd Monday, Dickenson House. No. 90. PRESTO. Pa. Pres.: Sophie Sorcan, Kirwan Hgts. Bridgeville Sec’y.: Mary Rupnik. 701 Chartiers St. Treas.: Ann Sorcan, Kirwan Hgts. Bridgeville Meetings: Third Sunday, St. Barbara’s Hall, Presto. Pa., 3 p.m. No. 91, OAKMONT, Pa. Pres.: Mary Skerl, 438 South Ave. Verona. Pa. Sec’y.: Amalia Sorch. 409 Virginia Ave. Treas.: Bertha Persin. 830 - 3th St. Meetings: First Wednesday, Secretary's home. No. 92. CRESTED BUTTE. Colo. Pres.: Frances M. Greenfield Sec’y.: Josephine Somrak Treas.: Margaret Malenšek Meetings: First Sunday. Frank's Cafe No. 93, BROOKLYN. N.Y. Pres.: Helena Corel. 238 Ridgewood Ave. Sec’y.: Anna Kerkovich, 360 Knickerbocker Ave. Treas.: Helen Hodnick, 6042 - 68 Rd. Meetings: Third Tuesday at 253 Irving i Ave. No. 94, CANTON, Ohio Pres.: Kathryn Pauline, 1201 - 41at S.W. Sec’y.: M. Krznarich, 610 Paterson S W. Treas.: Mary Krznarich Meetings: Fourth Sunday. No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, III. Pres.: Mildred James, 10727 Ave. M Sec’y.: Mildred Poropat, 8314 Saginaw Treas.: Mary Medonich, 9105 Saginaw Meetings: First Wednesday, Sacred Heart Church Hall. No. 96, UNIVERSAL, Pa. Pres.: Pauline Kokal, 2811 Reiter Rd.. Pittsburgh 35, Pa. Sec’y.: Mary P. Klemenčič, R.D. 1, 318 Clements Rd., Plum Boro, Pittsburgh 35, Pa. Treas.: Mary E. Oblock, R.D. 1, 668 Center Rd., Monroeville, Pa. Meetings: 2nd Sunday, Members’ homes. No. 97, CAIRN BROOK, Pa. Pres.: Angela Satkovich, Box 128 Sec'y.: Rose Prlmsar, R.D. 1, Central City, Pa. Treas.: Frances Naret, R.D. 1, Central City Meetings: Second Sunday, President's home, 2 p.m. No. 99, ELMHURST, III. Pres.: Victoria Volk, 243 Larch Ave. Sec’y.: Mary Podgornik, 148 Maple Treas.: Molly Remec, 125 Walnut St. Meetings: 1st Sunday, Members’ homes. No. 100, FONTANA, Calif. Pres.: Jacqueline Mnyzak, 17292 Owen Sec’y.: Mary r,ou Lipovec, 8609 Newport Treas.: Patricia Vidergar 17261 Ivy Meetings: 1st Thursday: K.S.K.J. Hall 7 p.m. No. 102, WILLARD, Wli. Pres.: Johanna Artach Sec’y and Treas.: Mary Staut R. 1 Meetings: Second Sunday. No. 104, JOHNSTOWN, Pa. Pres.: Rose Hribar, 622 Cooper Ave. Sec’y.: Theresa Zallar, R.D. 1, Box 15J Treas.: Mary Anzelc 1115 Virginia Meetings: Third Sunday, Ss. Cyril and Methodius Hall. No. 105, DETROIT, Mich. Pres.: Julia Panzlca, 11395 Grandmont Sec’y.: Katherine Music, 75 28 Pinehur»t, Dearborn, Mich. Treas.: Dorothea Hntala, 18839 Carrie Meetings: At member’s homes. No. 106, MEADOW LANDS, Pa. Pres.: Agnes Zitko, Box 557 Treas.: Anna Pavello Sec’y.: Catherine Hoefler, Box 197 Meetings: Third Thursday, Church Hull- JUNIOR'S PAGE Dear Juniors, March is the month of St. Patrick’s leastday on the 17th — and of St. •Joseph’s day on the 19th. Wishes for tlie best of health and happiness to »1 of you who are Josephine — Joseph, Patricia or Patrick. This month will bo lots of fun for you because you’ll have some free days from school, in celebration of the two feast-•iays — and I hope you use this time 'o sit down and write a short note to us and tell us a little about your favorite hobby. In this way, we’ll get to know you a little better. I was happy to receive a lovely letter from June Trzaska of Cleveland who tells about the fun she has going io meetings each month. Her mommy takes »long, as do many of our mothers, to see and hear what goes on in our S.W.U. branches every month. Here’s June’s letter. I’ll just sign off with u load of good wishes to you all. Christine Menart, Director Juvenile Activities Dear Christine, I read what you said about getting "on the ball”. So, I am on the ball! I lead the Zarja’s Junior page every •Month and I like It very much. I am II new girl in the Union. But, I cannot wait till each meeting. And, to •'end the Zarja. But, 1 have to wait until a whole month is up. At our last meeting, we had home-made MI>aghetti and I really loved it! Yours truly, Jane Trzaska, age 9 H-121 Bancroft Ave., Cleveland 5, Ohio Member of br. 73 HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY! MARCH 17th! Pen Pals Write! Dear Margie, It was just wonderful of your mother to write such a nice letter for you. It made me happy to know that we do have mommies who read the Junior page to our smaller members. Oh, how happy you must have been when you were chosen as the class president. I wish they had honors like that when I was in the first grade. Now that I’m in the (ith grade, we all try to make the honor roll, and that requires good marks in all our subjects. The Raster Bunny will be around soon — so Margie, why don’t you make a bunny for our April Junior Page — nothing fancy, just a small bunny. I bet all the girls and boys would just love it. Please write again. Your pen pal, DONNA What animal do you have on your head? A hare. * » * What bird can lift the heaviest weights? The crane. * * * What s lower with a head than without one? A pillow. • * * Where is the center of gravity? The letter V. * * * What two things which Adam never possessed did he leave to his children? Parents. * * * What is the best butter in the world? A goal. * * * What can you give away and still keep? A cold. • * * What has four legs and one foot? A bed. Hi, boys and girls! How would you like to take a trip around the world by just reading this page each month? To find out how other boys and girls live — be it in Alaska, Norway or America? Let’s get started by examinig the "great ball” upon which we live! The world is our home. It is also home of many other children, some of whom live in far-away lands. They are our world brothers and sisters. Some live in countries that are hot all year round. Others have homes where for most of the year, the water is frozen and the land is neither too hot nor too cold. Suppose we make a journey to some of these countries and see the strange things that are there and to learn about the people. The earth as we sometimes call our world is round like a ball. It does not seem round to us. It seems more nearly flat. Think of a tiny ant crawling about over a large balloon. It can see only a small part of the surface and the balloon certainly does not seem round to it. The earth on which we live is many million times larger than any balloon; and so, although we know the world is round, every place seems more or less flat to us. The earth is so big that if we should try to go around it on foot, we should be years on the way. The boys and girls who stayed at home would be far along in high school before we could get back. But, can people walk all the way around the world? They might go on for a while, but no matter which way they went, they would in time come to a great body of water, called the ocean. The world is made up of water and land, and when people really go around the earth, they must travel much of the way over the water in ships. Now, every one needs food, clothing and shelter. The lives of most men on earth are spent in getting these things. In our travels, we shall learn what other world brothers and sisters eat, and where their food comes from. We shall hear of the houses they dwell in and how they are built. We shall also know what kind of clothing they use to protect themselves fom the heat and the cold. Next month, I will tell you about the United States as our own home. Hope you like it. Your pen pal, DONNA / EC HO VALLEY- IFtig@a<§KlECHO VALLEY! FARM FUN r^E.RE FROKT) QDQQCl ECHO VALLEY- What is the difference between a Jeweler and a jailer? One sells watches and the other watches cells. • * * •Vliat is the difference between a '"other and a barber? A barber has razors to shave and a mother has shavers to raise. MANY CHK.NART 937 HASLAGE AVE. PITTSBURGH 12, PA. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISER DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS FUEL OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, 111. We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, HI. VI. 7-6679 J0S.ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojim članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO dS&k, SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA ^gP JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $12,000,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od 16. do CO. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v važi naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK of CLEVELAND Rendering Sound and Conservative Banking Service Main Office: 6422 St. Clair Ave. Collinwood Office: 15619 Waterloo Rd. East 93 - Union: 3496 East 93rd St. CLEVELAND, Ohio DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, ill. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRaN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors &. Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin n. GRDINA a SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-5890 Cleveland 10, Ohio