COBISS: 1.01 SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF BRACKISH KARST SPRING PANTAN (CROATIA) TRAJNOSTNO UPRAVLJANJE BRAKIčNEGA KRAŠKEGA IZVIRA PANTAN (HRVAŠKA) Ivana FISTANIć1 Abstract UDC 556.3(497.5 Pantan) Ivana Fistanić: Sustainable management of brackish Karst spring Pantan (Croatia) Pantan area is situated in the central part of the eastern Adriatic coast near town Trogir. It presents inseparable unit consisting of Pantan spring, river course with surrounding swamp area and sea coast. Particularity of the area is swamp which is unique example in this part of the eastern Adriatic coast mostly char-acterized by dry karst areas. Main characteristic of the spring is periodical salinity during the year with the highest salinity dur-ing summer months. Spring presents potential drinking water source under consumption that salinization problem is solved. Unfortunately due to bed watershed management water qual-ity of Pantan spring and environment of Pantan area is highly devastated. Today Pantan area presents an example of not pre-serving balance between natural resources on karst and human interventions in watershed area. All future measures should be directed on rehabilitation and further protection of this valu-able karst environment. Paper gives overview of the state of the spring as well as proposed measures of sustainable management directed to the preservation of this distinct karst ecosystem. As the basis for analyzing the inter-related factors that impact on the environment, DPSIR framework is used. Tis framework provide rational and clear guideline for analyzing the infuence of pressures derived from human activities on natural environment, and the way they are changing state of the environment. Results of the analyses showed that DPSIR framework is ad-equate tool to shape and implement sustainable development strategy for the Pantan area. It is evident that in this process is extremely important to take into the consideration vulner-ability of the karst. keywords: brackish karst spring, integrated management, DPSIR concept, Pantan, Croatia. Izvleček UDK 556.3(497.5 Pantan) Ivana Fistanić: Trajnostno upravljanje brakičnega kraškega izvira Pantan (Hrvaška) Območje izvira Pantan se nahaja v centralnem delu vzhodne jadranske obale v bližini mesta Trogir. Gre za neločljevo celoto, sestavljeno iz izvira Pantan, površinskega vodotoka z okoliškim močvirjem in obalnega pasu. Posebnost območja je močvirje, edino v tem delu Jadrana, kjer sicer prevladuje suho kraško površje. Izvir kaže periodično slanost, ki je največja v poletnih meseciih. Z rešitvijo problema slanosti, bi izvir predstavljal potencialni vir pitne vode. žal je, zaradi slabega upravljanja vodozbirnega območja, kvaliteta vode slaba. Območje Pantana je tipičen primer podrtega ravnovesja med naravnimi viri in človekovimi posegi v zaledju izvira. Zato morajo biti vsi bodoči ukrepi usmerjeni v rehabilitacijo in zaščito tega pomembnega kraškega območja. članek predstavlja pregled trenutnega stanja izvira in predlagane ukrepe trajnostnega upravljanja s tem pomembnim kraškim ekosistemom. Za analizo faktorjev, ki vplivajo na okolje smo uporabili model DPSIR. Model omogoča pregledno analizo vpliva obremenitev, ki so posledica človekovih posegov v naravno okolje. Rezultati so pokazali, da je model DPSIR primerno orodje pri načrtovanju trajnostne razvojne strategije območja izvira Pantan. Nedvomno bo pri tem potrebno upoštevati veliko ranljivost krasa. ključne besede: brakični kraški izviri, celostno upravljanje, model DPSIR, Pantan, Hrvaška. 1Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Matice hrvatske 15, 21000 Split, Croatia, e-mail: Received / Prejeto: 20.10.2006 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2, 65–72, LJUBLJANA 2006 IVANA FISTANIć INTRODUCTION Pantan area is situated in the southwest of Kastela bay, between towns Split and Trogir (Fig. 1). It is the area of approximately 40 ha and presents inseparable unit con-sisting of Pantan spring, river course with surrounding swamp area and sea coast. Te area presents green oa-sis in the mostly karstic area. Spring is a permanent and abundant coastal spring of ascending type. Te opening of the spring is located at the elevation of 3 meters above sea level in the contact zone between the limestone and fysch layers while the catchments area is formed of high-ly permeable limestone rocks (Fritz et al, 1993). Spring discharge oscillates during the year. In summer period minimal discharge is 0,3 m3/s, while in the winter period maximum discharge is 12 m3/s. Flysch zone presents in-complete barrier towards the sea resulting with sea water intrusion into the spring aquifer (Bagarić 1973; Bonacci 1995). Terefore, the main characteristic of the spring is periodical salinity during the year with the highest salin-ity in summer months. Spring makes small lake Pantan with surface area from 35 to 60 m2 and depth of 13 meters. River Rika fows out of the lake to the sea and into the numeral brackish lateral channels that irrigate surrounding swamp area. Vegetation of the area is favorable for permanent or occasional residence of numeral bird species. Some of these species are unique and threatened of dieing out. Due to the variable ecological factors, temperature and salinity life conditions in this biotope are very specifc making favorable conditions for spawn and growth of particular fsh and crab species. Terefore this small area presents unique ecological oasis and urgent protection from harmful human interventions is neces-sary fig.1: Pantan area location From the ecological standpoint and according to the Environmental Protection Law, Pantan area presents unique swamp area in wide region and it is evaluated as a highly valuable environment. It should be mentioned that this area except natural values, has signifcant cul- 66 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2 - 2006 tural-historical value. Mill situated in Pantan area according to its oldness and architecture presents valuable historical heritage (Figure 2). Furthermore, recent archeological investigations resulted with assumptions that archaeological remains in Pantan area date from the ancient time. If these excavations really date from the an-cient time Pantan mill is unique example of mills built on ancient foundations. Unfortunately, this miniature cultural and nature reservation is almost unknown until today which is a great loss for this area. water from Pantan spring has never been used for water supply mainly because of the salinisation problem. Chloride concentration signifcantly changes during the year, and extreme values variate from 20 mg/l in Janu-ary and 10117 mg/l in August. In summer period water can be used only for the purposes of fsh-farm since it is not sensitive to the chloride oscillations. Problem of sea water intrusion is widely spread in coastal karst ar-eas of the world. Tis phenomena has been analyzed by many researchers for large number of locations (Arfb et al, 2000; Bonacci and Roje-Bonacci 1997; Breznik 1973; Breznik 1998; COST Action 621). Pantan spring is not an exception and extensive water investigations have been taken for the purpose of better understanding of com-plex hydrogeological conditions and fnding solution for spring desalinization for the purpose of exploiting fresh water for the water supply (Bonacci et al., 1995; Komatina 1990; Mijatović 1984). Tough these investigations gave some assumptions about spring functioning fnal solution of spring desalinization has never been achieved. Meanwhile, due to bed watershed management water quality of Pantan spring is permanently endangered. In present time, as the result of bad watershed management, salinity of the water is not the main problem comparing to the other water quality parameters. Unfortunately through the past period many actions have been made that have contributed to the devastation of the whole Pantan area. Close to the spring main road is located. Area on the eastern border line of Pantan area is used as the waste disposal of town Trogir and it signif-cantly contribute to the degradation of this area. On the west side new settlements are growing without any plans. In watershed area unplanned agriculture is developing. Pantan mill which have been well known in the history is due to careless mostly devastated. Fish farm is built with-out plan and in many ways contribute to the devastation of the area. Concrete bankment has been built making contrast to the surrounding area. water loaded with fsh food and dung is discharging from fsh farm. Trough the history many owners of the mill have changed and many changes on the historical mill building have been SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF BRACKISH KARST SPRING PANTAN (CROATIA) fig.2: Pantan swamp area and Pantan mill made. All above mentioned actions are presenting an ex-ample of bad watershed management as well as bad care of reservation area and cultural heritage. All activities in watershed area of Pantan spring and Pantan reservation itself led to the signifcant devastation of this valuable natural and cultural-historical reservation. It can be concluded that Pantan karst spring presents an example of not preserving balance between natural re-sources on karst and human interventions. Today water quality of Pantan spring is endangered which is mostly the result of the unplanned activities in watershed area and Pantan area. Human pressure and bad spatial plan-ning made serious consequences on Pantan water quality. It is not possible to use water for the water supply but it is still possible to use it for the other purposes as for irri-gation and fsh-farm. Despite bad resource management even today Pantan has unique beauty and presents tour-ist potential due to its particular natural and historical values. Terefore all further activities taken in this area should not have the advantage over the environment pro-tection and should be directed on protection of karstic watershed and Pantan area. Above all integral protection that will stop further unsuitable use of this area is neces-sary In integral concept problem of karst vulnerability should be involved into the watershed management. Tis paper presents state of the Pantan spring, overview of re-cent resource management, as well as further necessary measures directed to the preservation and sustainability of this distinct karst ecosystem. ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2 – 2006 67 IVANA FISTANIć METHODS AND APPROACHES Prerequisite for accomplishing sustainable development of natural resources is integral approach - integrated re-sources management. One of the defnitions of the integrated water resources management says that it is the process that promotes the co-ordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in and equitable manner without comprising the sustainability of vital ecosystems. Integral concept is par-ticularly desirable and necessary in karst areas which are very sensitive and open to the pollution generated in the watershed area and therefore very vulnerable. Integrated environmental assessment is also defned as the interdis-ciplinary process of identifcation, analysis and appraisal of all relevant natural and human processes and their in-teractions, which determine both the current and future state of environmental quality and resources, on appro-priate spatial and temporal scales, thus facilitating the framing and implementation of policies and strategies (Stanners and Bordeau 1995). For the implementation of integrated assessment system approach is necessary A system approach recognizes the individual components as well as the linkages between them, meaning that a dis-turbance at one point in the system will be translated to other parts of the system. System approach is clearly vis-ible through DPSIR framework. DPSIR framework is system approach that recognizes the linkages between the environment and the socioeconomic domains. Implementation of the DPSIR framework (Driving forces, Pressures, States, Impacts, Responses) is the basis for the efcient and transparent water resources management. Figure 3 presents general technical description of the framework which can be implemented not only on water resources but on any natural environment. It is causal framework for describing the interactions between society and the environment. It was made for the purpose of accomplishing the mission of the European Environmental Agency (EEA) which is ‘to support sustainable development and to help achieve signifcant and measurable improvement in Europes environment through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy-making agents and the public’. Indicators on environmental relevant is-sues provide information on the DPSIR elements. In its original form DPSIR framework is a general framework for organizing information about the state of the environment. It is a logical and a good way to structure data and information about the environment and information on diferent environmental problems. DPSIR framework is the basis for state-of-environment reports, consisting of sets of indicators each representing some parts of links within the framework Furthermore, DPSIR has been ad-opted as a framework and policy tool to identify management options for a range of environmental options. Te DPSIR framework assumes cause-efect relationships between interacting components of the social, economic and environmental system. Framework makes visible the links between the causes of environmental problems, their efects on the state of the environment and relevant societal responses. Te DPSIR framework aims at focus-ing environmental reporting on a set of indicators that represent the diferent compartments of DPSIR. Tis reminds on holistic approach including an integrated assessment which is desirable in task of watershed management. DPSIR concept helps in understanding system behavior. It establishes the functional and structural relationships among major elements of the system to under-stand how the system operates. Tis framework provides rational and clear guideline for modeling of pressures derived from human activities on natural environment, and the way they are changing state of the environment. It can be concluded that DPSIR approach is a useful tool to shape a sustainable development strategy fig. 3: Te dPSiR model Figure 3 shows interconnection between driving forces of environmental changes (general: population, economy, land use, societal development; Sector specifc: industry, agriculture, fsheries, transport, tourism, rec-reation), Pressures on the environment (soil emissions, water emissions, air emissions, waste, use of resources), State of the environment (water, soil, air), impacts on population, economy, ecosystem (human health problems and other functions of the environment), Response of the society (environmental policies and measures). Human activities (Driving forces) generate the ‘Pressures’ on the environment, which in turn infuence and modify 68 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2 – 2006 SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF BRACKISH KARST SPRING PANTAN (CROATIA) ‘environmental conditions’ (State) and therefore provoke and cause environmental problems – ‘Impacts’ on human beings, natural resources and materials. Tese problems stimulate and ask for ‘Responses’ and close the loop back to human activities and also led to policy actions. Te Responses may be technical measures, afecting directly pressures or state, or policy instruments directed to the driving forces. DPSIR framework ofers a basis for analyzing the inter-related factors that impact on the environment. Te aim of such an approach is (a) to be able to provide information on all of the diferent elements in a DPSIR chain, (b) to demonstrate their interconnectedness, (c) to esti-mate the efectiveness of Responses. Tere have been cer-tain changes in philosophy of analysis specifc element of the concept. In past, priority has largely been given to the Pressures, State and Impact. In future, increasing at-tention will be given to the Forces and Responses. Tis practically means making more active measures and less passive measures. Successful implementation of the European water Framework Directive which aims at improving water quality using an integrated management approach re-quires appropriate mathematical models and other tools to manage diferent phases of the planning procedure and to support decision making in various steps of the im-plementation process. Furthermore integration of these models is needed. DPSIR framework provides a basis to assure that proper tools will be available and selected for defned purposes. It is important to stress out that DPSIR concept helps in achieving transparent representation and understanding of the role of diferent models in the process of decision making. Tis practically means that in the place of each arrow (Figure 3) model can be placed showing the interaction between particular models. In this paper DPSIR approach is used for presen-tation and evaluation of the seriousness of environment degradation as well as a useful tool to shape a sustainable development strategy for Pantan area. RESULTS Insight of the Pantan spring and state of the environ-ment of the Pantan area is presented by the application of the DPSIR framework. Using this framework cause-ef-fect analysis for the Pantan area is made. Figure 4 shows state of the environment of the Pantan area through the framework. In case of Pantan spring signifcant number of driv-ing forces is present in the watershed area and Pantan area showing that recent watershed management was very poor and inefcient. Settlements in watershed area are mostly built without any plans. Building was not con-trolled through the laws which are usually applied for the springs planned for water supply For these springs sanitary protection zones are proposed which was not the case with Pantan spring. Tese settlements do not have sewage system but they dispose water directly to the ground. Trough the karst channels in the underground this pollution is coming directly to the spring. Main road in the county is placed very close to the spring which is inadmissible from the point of water quality protection. Furthermore, large waste area of the town Trogir is in close vicinity. All driving forces which are above mentioned have the infuence/pressure on quality of underground waters fowing to the spring as well as on the environment of the reservation area. Tis pressure infu-ence and modify water quality of the spring as well as the water quality in the whole swamp area. As the result of above mentioned processes and interrelations is the spring water quality that does not comply standards of drinking water. water usage for the fsh farm is also en-dangered though these standards are less strict compar-ing to drinking water. water quality in swamp area is also changed causing biotope changes. As the result of these changes dieing out of certain unique species is happen-ing. In integral management measures for achieving sustainable management need to be implemented. Tese measures are represented in DPSIR concept as respons-es which make infuence on all elements of the concept (environmental, economic and social aspects). Tere is signifcant number of measures/responses that could be implemented for the purpose of improving present state and caused impacts. Above all better watershed management should be organized. Present state shows that in the past period watershed management did not have elements of integrated watershed management. Better strategy for reservation area exploitation and protection is necessary In the past period there was no clear strategy for the usage of this area. First step in this direction is an-nouncing this area as the protected area. Tese strategies for the watershed area and reservation area would help in preventing growing of driving forces. Tese measures present active protection measures that could stop pollution in its early start. Partly active measure is the preven-tion of watershed pollution through water purifcation directly on the source of pollution and before water dis- ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2 - 2006 69 IVANA FISTANIć Driving forces Pressures States Impact • Urbanization • Waste disposals • Roads • Agricultural production • Interventions in the reservation area • Natural conditions: sea-karst interaction -> • Waste water • Pollution emission from roads • Discharge of nutrients from agricultural soils • Devastation of natural conditions in reservation area • Sea water intrusion -> • Polluted spring water • Changes of biotope • Decrease of swamp area • Brackish spring water -> • Inability of using water for water supply and other purposes • Loss of biodiversity in swamp area Responses • Watershed protection • Sustainable manageme strategy • Better plans for reserva usage • Systen of issuing permi • Analyses of sea water intrusion precesses nt tion ssions • Treatment of discharge waters • Difuse pollution control • Measure for area water intrusion preservation • Treatment of spring water • Water desalinization • Conservation and restoration • Planning water using according to the present water quality fig.4: Te dPSiR model of the Pantan area charging into the underground. Responses that eliminate and reduce pressures would be very efcient measure. Firstly this means building of sewage systems as well as building waste water treatment plants. Difuse pollution control could signifcantly contribute to the water qual-ity improvement. Since present state is already degraded measures that will infuence and restore the present state would be necessary Tese measures include treatment of spring water as well as measures with the purpose of the restoration of natural conditions in the swamp area. Last mentioned measure presents totally passive measure that compensates and mitigates the impacts. Tese are the measures directed to the consequences of the bad water-shed management. Tere is the other set of indicators included in DP-SIR scheme originated not from the human activities but from natural conditions. Tey present the problem of sea water intrusion. In this problem driving forces present closeness to the sea and natural conditions of karst that make underground aquifer open to the sea intrusion. Sea water intrusion process presents the pressure. Resulting unwanted impact is the inability of using brackish water for water supply Responses to the sea impact can be made on all levels of presented DPSIR scheme. First step is directed to analyses and better understanding of driving forces, in this case sea infuence on fresh aquifer, and it presents analysis of sea water intrusion process. Tis presumes understanding of hydrogeological conditions in the underground that make sea intrusion process pos- 70 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 35/2 - 2006 sible. Knowing these conditions is the prerequisite for making adequate technical interventions for the purpose of preventing sea water intrusion. Tese interventions result with changing of the spring water state meaning that spring water will not be brackish any more. Possible solution is also the one that infuence the impact which means changes of quality of brackish spring water. Tis means desalinization process but it remains a relatively expensive measure. Presentation of Pantan area through DPSIR concept shows very clear picture of the present state and clear picture of possible measures that can be implemented as well as their infuence on certain elements of the concept. Clear presentation of all elements and their interactions is prerequisite for efcient sustainable management of Pantan area. SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF BRACKISH KARST SPRING PANTAN (CROATIA) DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Pantan swamp area gives signifcant biological and eco-logical value to the surrounding mostly karstic dry area and contributes to the variability of that uniform area. It presents unique natural reservation, but unfortunately it also presents the area where preservation of brittle bal-ance between natural resources in karst and human in-terventions has not been achieved. Pantan is the example of degradation of natural environment, as the result of the unsatisfactory interventions in close and wide area. Such treatment is not adequate for this area. Tis swamp area with signifcant natural and environmental values, in combination with valuable cultural-historical heritage should be evaluated as valuable location together with town Trogir, which is announced as UNESCO town. In this paper DPSIR framework is used for orga-nizing information about the state of the environment as well as for organizing management system following the integration principle (environmental, economic and social aspects). DPSIR approach is a useful tool to shape a sustainable development strategy and it is ofcially ac-cepted as the basis for further adoption and development for the wFD purposes, since many of the tasks required by the Directive refer directly to the elements of the DPSIR framework DPSIR methodology is applied to this area for the assessment of environmental conditions, elaboration of management plans and design of specifc restoration/conservation actions to be carried out. Presentation of DPSIR concept for Pantan shows that in previous period there were no elements of system approach in the management of environmental resources in this area. Sustainable development does not exist and it is visible that human pressure on natural resources has been made without hesitation about consequences. DPSIR concept clearly shows that existing state can be enhanced through the active measures for prevention of further devastation of the area as well as passive measures for the rehabilitation of the area. Regarding problem of sea water intrusion scientifc research projects are necessary It is important to notice that in the past period natural and cultural-historical potentials have never been suf-fciently estimated which can explain lack of watershed management. It is the question if this zone will be named as protected area or it will be simply ignored and sub-jected to all other needs such as unplanned growth of set-tlements in watershed area, as development of fsh farm, building coastal swimming zone and other. Fortunately in recent time certain improvements in treatment of this area have been made. According to the Nature protection law in year 2000 Pantan area is named as special reservation since it has particular importance for preserving biological diversities. Idea of using this area for the edu-cation-touristic purposes is growing. New owner of the mill is planning to build small hydro-electric power plant and solar system, renovate mill and through all this give new values to natural and cultural heritage of the area. Prerequisite for above mentioned plans is adequate regional planning of resource exploitation in the whole watershed area of Pantan spring. Analysis of DPSIR concept clearly shows that diferent Responses infuence the elements of the concept. Trough response variables it is believed to improve the situation with regard to sus-tainability Basis for the further development of this area should be protection of natural characteristics which has its foothold in legislation but it is usually understated and no implemented. Tis includes adequately regional planning of watershed area and resources exploitation. Trough the defnition of the regional plans it is neces-sary to implement regulations that will defne preservation of natural conditions and provide their protection. Furthermore, integral project of the rehabilitation of whole area is needed. It is important not to make any actions that could result with changes in water regime since that would result with changes in vegetations and therefore changes in biotope. Since this location is very small it is necessary to estimate capacity for tourist recep-tion visitors to prevent devastation of the area. In order to preserve present state and make certain improvements it is necessary to encourage establishment of natural conditions. In swamp area many activities as devastation of canes, catch of shells and fsh should be stopped. In the watershed area, which is very vulnerable karst area, unplanned construction, intensive agriculture and waste dumps should be stopped. 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