Results of the geointerpretation research in the frame of the Danube GeoTour project Rezultati raziskave o geointerpretaciji v okviru projekta Danube GeoTour Danijela MODREJ1, Suzana FAJMUT ŠTRUCL2 & Gerald HARTMANN1 1ARGE Geopark Karavanke/Karawanken, Hauptplatz 7, 9135 Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla, Austria 2Podzemlje Pece, d.o.o., Glančnik 8, 2392 Mežica, Slovenia Prejeto / Received 3. 5. 2018; Sprejeto / Accepted 20. 6. 2018; Objavljeno na spletu / Published online 20. 7. 2018 Key words: geološka dediščina, geoparki, geointerpretacija, trajnostni razvoj, geoturizem, Geopark Karavanke/Karawanken, Danube GeoTour Ključne besede: geological heritage, geoparks, geointerpretation, sustainable development, geotourism, Geopark Karavanke/Karawanken, Danube GeoTour Abstract Crossborder Karavanke/Karawanken UNESCO Global Geopark was established in 2011, and in 2013, it became a member of the European- (EGN) and Global Geopark Network (GGN). Its administrative boundary follows the boundaries of 14 municipalities on the Slovenian and Austrian sides. Since the early beginning, the sustainable tourism throughout the region has been developed. An important component of the Geopark activities is applying for various funding to support the regional development through the transnational cooperation between European Geoparks or through Geopark-specific projects. An example of the transnational cooperation is the project Valorisation of geo-heritage for sustainable and innovative tourism development of Danube Geoparks. Eight Geoparks of the Danube region participate in this project with the acronym Danube GeoTour, implemented in the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme 2014-2020. The main goal of the project is establishment of the joint Danube GeoTour designed to strengthen cooperation between the regions’ Geoparks and act as an innovative tourism product to accelerate visibility and tourist visits in the Geoparks. Common strategy for sustainable management of tourism pressures will form the basis for creating innovative geoproducts. Sharing experiences, testing pilot geotourism products and new interpretative approaches should increase local inhabitants’ engagement, Geopark management capacities and lower the quality gap between Danube and other European Geoparks. Within the Danube GeoTour project, Karavanke/Karawanken UNESCO Global Geopark implemented a research “New competences in geoheritage interpretation”. The aim of the project is to find out how to improve skills and quality of the heritage presentation in the participating Geoparks by transnational learning interaction, and to complement the uniqueness and character of the overall Danube GeoTour product. The main research objective was the introduction of new interpretation trends, techniques and methods which are used in the presentation of geoheritage, observed within and outside the participating Geoparks. Izvleček Čezmejni UNESCO-v globalni geopark Karavanke/Karawanken je bil ustanovljen leta 2011, z letom 2013 pa je postal član Evropske- (EGN) in Globalne mreže Geoparkov (GGN). Obsega območje 14 občin na slovenski in avstrijski strani. Že od samega začetka je prioriteta geoparka razvoj trajnostnega turizma v regiji; pomembna aktivnost je uporaba različnih finančnih skladov za podporo regionalnemu razvoju preko programov čezmejnega sodelovanja med evropskimi geoparki ali preko specifičnih projektov geoparka. Primer dobrega čezmejnega sodelovanja med evropskimi geoparki je projekt Valorizacija geodediščine za trajnostni in inovativni razvoj turizma v podonavskih geoparkih. V okviru programa čezmejnega sodelovanja Podonavje 2014–2020, v projektu z akronimom Danube GeoTour, sodeluje osem geoparkov z območja podonavske regije. Glavni cilj projekta je vzpostavitev skupne Podonavske poti Danube GeoTour, oblikovane z namenom krepitve sodelovanja med regijami z geoparki. Delovala bo kot inovativni turistični produkt za pospeševanje vidnosti in turističnih obiskov v geoparkih. Skupna strategija za trajnostno upravljanje turističnih obiskov bo osnova za ustvarjanje inovativnih geoproduktov. Izmenjava izkušenj ter preizkušanje pilotnih produktov geoturizma in novih interpretativnih pristopov bo povečala vključenost lokalnih prebivalcev, kapacitet geoparkov, in zmanjšala kakovostno vrzel med podonavskimi in drugimi evropskimi geoparki. V okviru projekta Danube GeoTour je UNESCO-v globalni geopark Karavanke/Karawanken izvedel raziskavo »Nove kompetence v interpretaciji geološke dediščine«. Namen projekta je ugotoviti, kako izboljšati predstavitev dediščine v sodelujočih geoparkih ter dopolniti edinstvenost in značaj celotnega Danube GeoTour produkta. Glavni cilj raziskave je preučitev novih interpretacijskih trendov, tehnik in metod, ki se uporabljajo pri predstavitvi geološke dediščine znotraj in zunaj sodelujočih geoparkov. © Author(s) 2018. CC Atribution 4.0 LicenseGEOLOGIJA 61/1, 101-110, Ljubljana 2018 102 Danijela MODREJ, Suzana FAJMUT ŠTRUCL & Gerald HARTMANN Introduction Geology is a science concerned with the ori- gin, history, composition and structure of our planet Earth. Without doubt this is one of the most important branches of Earth sciences, but often neglected, while geology-related topics are not appropriately visualized to general public. With the use of suitable presentation technique, we can make often too complicated geological phenomena more interesting and easier to under- stand. In general, there are two reasons why we need presentation of geological heritage. Firstly, our geological heritage is important in underpinning the famous landscapes and biodiversity that we have. Despite this fact, the geological heritage is farther from the hearts and minds of the popu- lation than other more easily identifiable aspects of the natural heritage, namely the flora and fau- na. However, similar to the biodiversity, the geo- logical heritage is vulnerable to the activities of mankind, which may damage it. The damage is long-term and difficult to be remediated, often even impossible. Therefore, only those people and local communities who are aware of their geolog- ical heritage and can both identify with it and relate to it, can contribute to its conservation and sustainable development. Geological heritage presentation has a clear role in establishing the real links between the bio- and geodiversity and the need to preserve them both equally. The sec- ond reason for the requirement of geological pre- sentation, is the opportunity the geodiversity of- fers in touristic efforts at local or national level. Good explanation and presentation of geological phenomena will enhance the visitor experience and help boost geotourism (Internet 1). A significant role in the geo-presentation and geo-tourism have today Geoparks. Geopark is a territory with a great geological heritage, im- portant not only at the national level, but also global. They are a relatively young establish- ment. The European Geoparks Network was established in the year 2000 by four Geoparks: Reserve Geologique de Haute-Provence (France), Natural History Museum of Lesvos Petrified For- est – Lesvos island (Greece), Geopark Gerolstein/ Vulkaneifel (Germany) and Maestrazgo Cultural Park (Spain). In 2004, the Global Geoparks Net- work (GGN) was founded, when 17 European and 8 Chinese Geoparks came together. As of April 2018, 140 Geoparks in 38 Member States are cur- rently members of the Global Geoparks Network. 70 Geoparks from 23 European Countries form today‘s European Geoparks Network (EGN). UNESCO patronage on Geoparks began in 2001. In November 2015, the 195 Member States of UNESCO set-up the creation of a new label - the UNESCO Global Geoparks. According to the definition, UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and land- scapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protec- tion, education and sustainable development (In- ternet 2). Functioning in the same way as muse- ums, zoos, parks and science centres, geoparks serve as centres for informal learning, providing visitors with geological, historical and cultural stories. They offer these opportunities through interpretation programmes, guided tours, exhib- its, signage, brochures, lectures and online sites (Buhay et al., 2015). In the last decade, the multi-medias increas- ingly impact the way of spreading the knowl- edge and represent a new modern approach in geo-presentation. Today, we live increasingly in a digital society. If we want to reach and engage wide audience, it is important to select the most appropriate means of communication. This does not mean abandoning old methods, but rather de- veloping and introducing additional approaches. Digital technologies can provide off- and online presentation, as well as on- or offsite experienc- es. It is a major and growing trend in museums and education. Numerous recent digital heri- tage projects have demonstrated the usefulness of the information and communications technol- ogies (Boile et al., 2014; Antlej, 2014). The new technologies enable the creation of virtual da- tabases using virtual globes – e.g., Google Earth – and other personal-use geomatics applications (smartphones, tablets, PDAs) for accessing geo- logical heritage information in “real time” for scientific, educational, and cultural purposes via a virtual geological itinerary. With these technol- ogies, Geoparks and other relevant institutions can create mapped and georeferenced geosites (Martínez-Graña et al., 2013). The development of the Geoparks goes hand in hand with the vision of Interpret Europe (Europe- an Association for Heritage Interpretation). High quality heritage presentation is the key to foster broader understanding of – and respect for – all natural and cultural heritage. This opens up new possibilities for cooperation in the field of envi- ronmental education and interpretation between Interpret Europe and the Geoparks, as well as the European Geoparks Network. Geoparks must look forward to developing new networks to fos- ter creativity and to drive innovations in heritage 103Results of the geointerpretation research in the frame of the Danube GeoTour project presentation and the Geoparks must try to bring geo-presentation to the next level with the use of new technologies (multi-media, virtual reality, etc.), for visualisation and presentation of com- plex geological phenomena and processes, and popularisation of geological science (Hartmann et al., 2012; Bedjanič et al., 2014). Eight Geoparks of the Danube region partic- ipate in the project Danube GeoTour - Valorisa- tion of geo-heritage for sustainable and innova- tive tourism development of Danube Geoparks, implemented in the INTERREG Danube Trans- national Programme 2014-2020. Karavanke/Kar- awanken UNESCO Global Geopark, as the coor- dinator of the Workpackage Geointerpretation, implements a research about New competences in geoheritage interpretation. The aims of the re- search were (a) the introduction of new approach- es, which are used in the geoheritage presentation and are observed within and outside the partici- pating Geoparks; (b) to improve skills and quality of the heritage presentation in the participating Geoparks by transnational learning interaction; (c) to complement the uniqueness and character of the overall Danube GeoTour product. Research New competences in geoheritage interpretation - data collection tools The main aim of the research New competenc- es in geoheritage interpretation was to find out new trends and competences in geo-presentation and geo-communication as well as new specif- ic presentation methods of 8 selected geological challenges in the Danube region, i.e. tectonics, volcanology, geohazards, geology over time, wa- ter in time, metamorphic processes and rocks, geomorphology and dialogue between Earth & humans. For this purpose, following data collec- tion tools was used: 1. In order to gain better insight into existing presentation methods and technologies, used in participating Geoparks and into the qual- ity of presentation the geological heritage, a Questionnaire concerning geo-presentation practices in project partners Geoparks was prepared. Questions were mainly related to the existing geological heritage presentation in Geopark - how does Geopark presents its geological heritage, which of selected geo- logical processes/challenges are described in personal or non-personal geo-presentation, what kind of personal (guided tours in dif- ferent trails and paths, training for guides/ rangers/interprets, educational seminars for educational institutions, workshops for chil- dren, …) and non-personal (booklets/books, information panels, audio-visual equipment, info-points, info-centres, …) geo-presentation are used in Geopark, ... 2. With the objective to get a deep insight into the current developments in presenta- tion of natural phenomena in other protected areas, several information centres in Austria have been visited, as the examples of best pac- tice in the geo-presentation (Nationalparkz- entrum Hohe Tauern in Mittersill, Spring Wa- ter Museum in Wildalpen, Visitor centre Erz der Alpen) (fig. 1). Fig. 1. Field visit of info centres in Austria. 104 Danijela MODREJ, Suzana FAJMUT ŠTRUCL & Gerald HARTMANN 3. An online research - A screening of the most recent developments, technologies and best practices of interpretative methods ap- plicable to Danube Geoparks, was carried out, to find examples of best practice in the presentation of selected geological challeng- es all over the world. Each of the participat- ing Geoparks addressed one geological pres- entation challenge (problem) that is common, well investigated and presented in the part- ner territory. At the same time, all selected challenges are typical for the Danube region Geoparks. 4. Data collection in the frame of the joint geo-presentation training - While one of the main ideas of the Danube GeoTour project is learning interaction between project part- ners, the joint geo-interpretation training was organised for key Danube Geopark per- sonnel responsible for geoguide service and/or presentation (fig. 2). The training covered the following 3 topics: familiarizing with newest developments, methods and best practices - learning from others; exchange of different personal experiences and practices in the presentation of the selected top 8 interpreta- tion challenges - this was implemented in the form of a workshop with a goal to learn from each other; modes of communicating com- plex geological facts in easy-to-understand language. As part of this topic, a vocabulary of English and all partners’ language terms commonly used in geo-presentation was pre- pared. Results and discussion The research New competences in geoheritage interpretation geographically covers 7 countries in the Danube region. These represent territories of project partners who contributed best prac- tices, experiences, as well as gained new skills. Moreover, best practices outside of the pro- gramme area were researched, being EU or third countries, which were gathered and exchanged at the various EGN/GGN international events. These countries are: Ireland, United Kingdom, Scotland, France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Den- mark, Spain, Canada, United States, China and Japan. In total, research includes more than 70 cases of best practice examples in geo-presenta- tion (Table 1 and Table 2). The idea of the joint geointerpretation train- ing was learning interaction and sharing con- crete practical examples from other Geoparks and nature parks, which all lead to better insight into new presentation trends and improved prac- tical presentation skills through learning new presentation and communication methods. This will significantly open perspectives as well as strengthen the competences of individual parks management and the Danube Geopark Tour partnership as a whole and in comparison to oth- er more advanced Geoparks within the EGN and GGN Network. In the frame of the joint geo-interpretation training, all participants (Geopark Idrija, Geopark Papuk, Geopark Hateg, Geopark Styrian Eisen- wurzen, Balaton-Bakony Geopark, Bohemian Paradise Geopark, Geopark Karavanke) shared Fig. 2. Geo-interpretation training in the Karavanke/Karawanken UNESCO Global Geopark on 20th of September 2017. 105Results of the geointerpretation research in the frame of the Danube GeoTour project No. Best practice Location Type of presentation Type of best practice 1 Dynamic Earth - Home of the Big Nickel - Earth sciences centre Ontario, Canada Exhibition Earthquakes of Canada, where visitors can create their own earthquake, use a seismometer to measure their impact Best practice for direct linkage with scientific labs 2 Geologic Exhibit Central Washington Uni- versity Science II, United States of America Model of the geologic timeline, built into the floor of a 58.5-meter-long corridor Best practice for school workshop and digital interpretation 3 The Trail of Time Grand Canyon, United States of America A giant geologic timeline, where every meter along the trail, each of which is identified by a bronze marker, represents one million years of Earth’s history Best practice for inter- pretation route 4 Dynamic Earth - Home of the Big Nickel - Earth sciences centre Ontario, Canada Erosion Table; discover simple prin- ciples about erosion and water forces Best practice for chil- dren interpretation and children workshops 5 Hong Kong Geopark app Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark, China An excellent interpretation exam- ple, which contains interpretation pictures, text, maps, and different videos Best practice for mobile application Table 1. Best practices from third countries. best practices and methods they use for presen- tation of geological heritage, especially for their selected geological challenge (tectonics, volcanol- ogy, geohazards, geology over time, water in time, metamorphic rocks and processes, geomorphology, dialogue between Earth and human) and visited a good practice example in the Karavanke/Kar- awanken UNESCO Global Geopark – visitor cen- tre »World of geology« in Bad Eisenkappel/Železna Kapla with the presentation of different kinds of demonstration methods and applications – Geo- puls System, Geoclock, GeoGames, etc. This visit was very good insight into the presentation of geo- logical heritage through different kinds of meth- ods and technologies; a combination of personal (guided visit) and non-personal (booklets/books, audio-visual equipment, info-centre) presentation of geological heritage was also presented. The aim of the joint geo-interpretation train- ing was that all participating Geoparks became familiarized with the modern methods and new trends in geo-presentation and with the best practices from all over the world. This transna- tional dimension of the training was very use- ful; each Geopark found out new approaches for geo-presentation through learning from other participants and also got new ideas for heritage presentation - some of the given approaches/ideas are presented below: • Objects that can be weighed, touched, kept in hand are memorable elements of the presen- tation; • gestures, tone of voice and expressive words, its magnitude and the events that accompa- nied it can make the explanation much more interesting, more fun and more memorable for the visitors; • use not too much information and facts on the panels; a mix of maps, graphics and pictures with a good short information text is the best way; • avoiding the overloading visitors with many scientific data in short period of time; • it is important to connect/compare informa- tion with some familiar facts/events in the real life; • active participation of visitors can not only enhance their experience but also helps them to remember important facts more easily; • involve children and you will automatically involve adults; • combination of personal (guided visits) and non-personal (use of illustrations, publica- tions, audio-visual equipment, multi-media, etc.) presentation methods - although the geo-heritage presentation today uses a range of communications media and is delivered in many different ways, it is observed that the direct person-to-person contact is still the most efficient; • ideally, presentation is carried out on two lev- els: for children and for adults, with different approaches; • effective geo-presentation with the use of in- teractive, constructive learning, explaination of complex topics and ideas connected to a site‘s main themes in simple words and im- ages that are easily accessible for non-expert audiences. As the result of the geo-interpretation train- ing, questionnaire, field trip (visits of several information centres in Austria) and on-line re- search, several recommendations were made, which should be followed when presenting geo- 106 Danijela MODREJ, Suzana FAJMUT ŠTRUCL & Gerald HARTMANN No. Best practice Location Type of presentation Topic of geointerpretation / Geological challenge 1 Animation of plate tectonics and forma- tion of Idrija territory Idrija UNESCO Global Geopark, Slovenia Animation at the 1511 Anno Domini exhibition Tectonics 2 3D models, showing the types of faults and movements along different faults Idrija UNESCO Global Geopark, Slovenia Animation for interpretation of the Idrija territory formation and Idrija fault Tectonic 3 Wooden 3D model Idrija UNESCO Global Geopark, Slovenia Didactical tool, used for presentation of movements along different types of faults Tectonic 4 Interpretation point TIC Topla Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark, Slove- nia/Austria Didactic tools and interpretative boards showing tectonic plates boundaries and geological time-scale Tectonic/ Geology over time 5 Visitors centre Cliffs of Moher Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark, Ireland Multimedia exhibition, which enables to move in time and see distribution of tectonic plates throughout the Earths‘ geological history Tectonic 6 Geological clock Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark, Slove- nia/Austria Special animation- clock, where the geological time is divided and pre- sented in 12 hours Tectonic/Geology over time/Water in time 7 High Definition 3D adventure cinema Nationalparkzentrum Hohe Tauern in Mittersill, Austria 3D film, which shows the formation of the Alps and the Hohe Tauern window Tectonic 8 Visitors center Our Dynamic Earth Edinburgh, Scotland Interactive exhibition, experience with erupting volcanoes and lava flow Volcanology 9 Adventure park VULKANIJA Grad, Slovenia Power of volcanoes and their activity is presented through images, text and film, through play and interactive content Volcanology 10 Vulcania theme park Saint-Ours, Auvergne, France Projections, special effects and map- ping on the rock walls; exploring volcanoes and the planet Earth with attraction named Abyss explorer. Volcanology 11 Illustrative tools used by geohike guides Balaton-felvidéki Nation- al Park Directorate, Ba- kony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark, Hungary Guiding a group of visitors on a field trip or on a geohike Volcanology 12 Hegyestű Geological Visitor Site Bakony–Balaton UNE- SCO Global Geopark, Hungary Information panel of the evolution of volcanic remnant cones Volcanology 13 Tapolca Lake Cave Visitor Centre Bakony–Balaton UNE- SCO Global Geopark, Hungary Model of volcanic remnant cones Volcanology 14 Lavender House Visitor Centre Bakony–Balaton UNE- SCO Global Geopark, Hungary Geyser and thermal spring simulator Volcanology 15 Lavender House Visitor Centre Bakony–Balaton UNE- SCO Global Geopark, Hungary Model of a volcano Volcanology 16 Volcano Nature Trail Bakony–Balaton UNE- SCO Global Geopark, Hungary “Stone heaps”: 4 models of the volca- no cut into half Volcanology 17 Volcano Nature Trail Bakony–Balaton UNE- SCO Global Geopark, Hungary “Stone map”: model of Lake Balaton and the volcanoes around it Volcanology 18 Volcano Nature Trail Bakony–Balaton UNE- SCO Global Geopark, Hungary “Stone wall”: timeline of the volcanic activity in the area Volcanology 19 Portable volcano model Nógrád–Novohrad UN- ESCO Global Geopark, Hungary Portable volcano model Volcanology 20 Volcano simulator Pannon Sea Museum, Ge- ology and Natural History Exhibition of Herman Ottó Museum, Hungary The simulator and the panels Volcanology Table 2. Best practices for 8 selected geological challenges. 107Results of the geointerpretation research in the frame of the Danube GeoTour project No. Best practice Location Type of presentation Topic of geointerpretation / Geological challenge 21 Phreatomagmatic eruption simulator Kemenes Vulcano Park, Celldömölk, Hungary Simulator showing the process of the phreatomagmatic explosive eruption Volcanology 22 Models of lava types Kemenes Vulcano Park, Celldömölk, Hungary Lifelike imitations of two interesting lava types: AA and pahoehoe lava Volcanology 23 Simulations of volca-nic processes Kemenes Vulcano Park, Celldömölk, Hungary Touchscreen, modelled volcano vid- eos, like magma chamber processes, movement of the lava flows, simula- tion (2D, 3D) etc. Volcanology 24 Models of volcano types Kemenes Vulcano Park, Celldömölk, Hungary Six major types of idealized volca- noes are displayed by professionally detailed and accurate relief models on a table Volcanology 25 The House of Volca-noes Hateg Country Dino- saurs UNESCO Global Geopark, Romania An interpretation and education point with main interpretation theme - ancient volcanoes from the Creta- ceous Volcanology 26 Smrekovec – extinct giant Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark, Slove- nia/Austria The interpretation point reveals the geological story of Slovenia’s only volcanic mountain range. Volcanology 27 Seismic table simu-lator Natural history museum of the Lesvos petrified forest, Lesvos Island UNESCO Global Geopark Seismic table, which simulate the seismic movement of some of the most destructive earthquakes of the recent years. Geohazards 28 Earthquake: Life on a Dynamic Planet California academy of sciences, United States of America Interactive exhibition with an earth- quake simulator Geohazards 29 Application of Mod- ern Technologies in Popularization of the Czech Volcanic Geo- heritage Czech Republic 3D animation Geohazards 30 Hiking tour “Hike to the seabed” Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark, Slove- nia/Austria Guided tour where the Geology over time is interpreted Geology over time 31 Lavamünd Geopath Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark, Slove- nia/Austria Geopath with detailed explanations, where the history of the Earth from Devon to the Quaternary can be dis- covered Geology over time 32 Children’s book “Geo- logical treasures of the Geopark Kara- vanke” Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark, Slove- nia/Austria Book, which include very interesting and easy to understandable geologi- cal time scale with illustrations Geology over time 33 Family Geotime Trail English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark, Tourqay, United Kingdom Very interesting and attractive geo trail where visitors can explore 4.600 million year long history of our plan- et Geology over time 34 Geology park St. Martin near Lofer, Austria Walkable adventure trail Geology over time 35 “Among rocks and flowers at Hleviše Hill” Idrija UNESCO Global Geopark, Slovenia Playground with detailed strati- graphic column and equipment ar- ranged in the circle Geology over time 36 “Journey through the time” Slovenian Museum of Natural History (Ljubljana), Slovenia Interactive publication for children aged 3 and up Geology over time 37 A journey through time in Geopark Odsherred Odsherred UNESCO Global Geopark, Den- mark 3D technology - 3D graphics and augmented reality Geology over time 38 Live timeline of Earth’s history Pannon Sea Museum, Ge- ology and Natural History Exhibition of Herman Ottó Museum, Miskolc, Hungary The 18 meters long timeline made live by the 5 round windows in which 4 characteristic paleogeographic environments can be rotated by the wheels next to the window Geology over time 39 Centro de Interpre- tatcion de Geologica Nautilus Basque Coast UNESCO Global Geopark, Mutriku, Spain Special exhibition about fossils and the life in water over different time periods Water in time 108 Danijela MODREJ, Suzana FAJMUT ŠTRUCL & Gerald HARTMANN No. Best practice Location Type of presentation Topic of geointerpretation / Geological challenge 40 The OMIC Obser- vatório Microbiano dos Azores Azores UNESCO Global Geopark, Furnas, Por- tugal The exhibition with various interac- tive stations, showing the changing microbiology in water within chang- ing conditions and over various time periods Water in time 41 Interpretation point Feistritzbach Stream Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark, Slove- nia/Austria Interpretation point explains the ar- ea‘s complex water network through animation, educates about water flora and fauna, and offers water-play facilities Water in time 42 Spring Water Museum Wildalpen Styrische Eisenwurzen UNESCO Global Geopark, Austria The collection of the Museum com- prises many original documents that enable visitors to understand the historical development of the drink- ing water system in Vienna Water in time 43 Haus der Natur - Exhibition Salzach lifeline Salzburg, Austria Exhibition with the flight simulator Water in time 44 Exhibition Gletscher.leben Visitor Centre Kaiser- Franz-Josefs-Höhe, National Park Hohe Tauern, Austria Interactive Station of the Pasterze glacier; Glacier.Life exhibition pro- vides a deep insight into the glacier habitat, its origins and its influence on nature Water in time 45 Exhibiton “Wasser-leben” Ökopark Hartberg, Styria, Austria Partly outdoors exhibition with vari- ous interactive experiments Water in time 46 A glance into the Hohe Tauern window Neukirchen, Natioal Park Hohe Tauern, Austria The thematic trail which shows how water is shaping landscapes Water in time 47 Hexenwasser Hochsöll Tyrol, Austria The mountain adventure world with games of safe nature watching Water in time 48 The Natural History Museum London, United Kingdom Different kind of panels with text and examples of rocks, describing and showing metamorphic processes and rocks; interactive installation where visitors can change metamor- phic conditions with button Metamorphic rocks and processes 49 Knocken Craig out-door Visitor Centre North West High- lands UNESCO Global Geopark, Scotland Interpretation panels with examples from real life explaining process of metamorphism; interactive instal- lation with micro and macro rock examples Metamorphic rocks and processes 50 Assynt Visitor Center United Kingdom Rock boulders of metamorphic and other rocks with description and interactive panels Metamorphic rocks and processes 51 Interpretation panels in Rokua Geopark Rokua UNESCO Global Geopark, Finland Interpretation panels in Rokua Geopark describing metamorphic rocks of the area Metamorphic rocks and processes 52 Interpretation panels in Papuk Geopark Papuk UNESCO Global Geopark, Croatia Interpretation panels regarding to metamorphic rocks Metamorphic rocks and processes 53 Itoigawa’s GeoStation GeoPal Itoigawa UNESCO Global Geopark, Japan Geopark tourist information center Geomorphology 54 Serra de Santa Bár- bara Interpretation Centre Terceira Natural Park, Azores UNESCO Global Geopark, Portugal Interpretation center, explanation of geomorphological process of forma- tion and evolution of the island and its relation to areas of high interest in terms of bio and geo-diversity Geomorphology 55 Touchable glacier and Pasterze time wheel Nationalparkzentrum Hohe Tauern, Mittersill, Austria Information about the glaciers of the Hohe Tauern, about snow, corn snow and glacial ice, about the ice flowing and other peculiarities of the glaciers is given; the highlight is the real gla- cier, that is placed in the middle of the room Geomorphology 56 Expo Postojna cave karst Postojna, Slovenia The biggest exposition of the karst and karst caves in the world Geomorphology 57 Trail guide maps Rokua UNESCO Global Geopark, Finland The guides combine detailed expla- nations of the sites and a map that gives a good overall picture on the terrain and the location of sites of interest Geomorphology 109Results of the geointerpretation research in the frame of the Danube GeoTour project No. Best practice Location Type of presentation Topic of geointerpretation / Geological challenge 58 Rokua Geopark 3d Mobile app Rokua UNESCO Global Geopark, Finland In the mobile application visitors can explore landforms, attractions and tourism services with respect to their own positions in a three dimensional map view Geomorphology 59 Levels of interpre- tation in the Geosite “Foz do Enxarrique” Naturtejo UNESCO Glob- al Geopark, Portugal Interpretation panels, billboard, dif- ferent thematic panels Geomorphology 60 The Promenade Mu-seum Haute Provence UNESCO Global Geopark, France Nature, contemporary art and geol- ogy which show the history of our planet during the last 300 million years. Dialoque between Earth and human 61 The Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest Lesvos UNESCO Global Geopark, Greece Two permanent exhibitions present- ed through rare fossils and through impressive models and charts, geolog- ical phenomena and processes. Dialoque between Earth and human 62 Visitor information center for the Messel fossil pit Bergstraße-Oden- wald UNESCO Global Geopark, Germany Significant monolithic wall panels and the various exhibition rooms with effective architectural means such as confinement and expanse, light and dark effects, high and low ceilings. Dialoque between Earth and human 63 Natural History Edu-cation Center Ulm Swabian Albs UNESCO Global Geopark, Germany The Natural history education center; scientific collections with over 60,000 objects Dialoque between Earth and human 64 Exhibition Nature in human hands Natural History Museum, Graz, Austria Exhibition about the relationship Human - Nature Dialoque between Earth and human 65 The Visitor Centre of the Troodos National Forest Park Troodos UNESCO Global Geopark, Cyprus Collection of rocks and minerals, a model of the geology of the area, de- picting sites of geological importance and interest and informational panels Dialoque between Earth and human 66 Mine of lead and zinc Mežica Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark, Slove- nia/Austria Numerous exhibited objects in the mine reveal the everyday work and lives of miners Dialoque between Earth and human 67 Anthony’s shaft – tourist mine in Idrija Idrija UNESCO Global Geopark, Slovenia Presentation of the hard daily work routine of miners, the precious cin- nabar ore, drops of mercury and the unique and extraordinary under- ground chapel Dialoque between Earth and human 68 Thematic tours and activities guided with local know‐how and the travelling exhibi- tion “When we went for ore” Naturtejo UNESCO Glob- al Geopark, Portugal The travelling exhibition “When we went for Ore” is an open way to knowledge transfer between old min- ers and geologists that provide train- ing to tour guides and educational monitors. Dialoque between Earth and human 69 Footpath for everyone Adamello Brenta UNES-CO Global Geopark, Italy Interpreted trail where visitors can learn how to read the landscape and the environment using their five senses Dialoque between Earth and human 70 Intangible cultural heritage Buzau Land Aspiring Geopark, Romania Exhibitions, publications and a visi- tor centre Dialoque between Earth and human logical or any other (natural, cultural, technical, etc.) heritage to the audience in more efficient and quality way: Proper geo-presentation planning (Why are we doing this? Who is it for? What will we presented? How will we do it? How will it be managed? How will it be monitored and evaluat- ed?); start of the geo-presentation with the basics; the combination of personal and non-personal presentation; personal contact; involvement of the audience; suitability and accessibility of the geo-presentation for different target groups; ex- planation of complex geological phenomena in simplified and interesting way, in easily under- standable language, supported with illustrative materials, other interpretative tools or technol- ogies; active training programmes for Geopark personnel and geotour guides; supportive infra- structure for comprehensive geo-presentation - visitors centres, interpretation points, learning path, etc. Raising the multi-media and new technolo- gies, such as QR codes and augemented reality simplifies the way of presentation of geological heritage to the public and helps scientists inter- pret difficult geological phenomena and process- es. Geoparks need educated guides, and educa- 110 Danijela MODREJ, Suzana FAJMUT ŠTRUCL & Gerald HARTMANN tion for them has to be guaranteed. Geopark staff must be trained as geoguides and interpreters to assure high quality guiding and programmes, able to explain complex geological processes in easily understandable language. Good guide can encourage excitement and curiosity, link pres- entation to personal experiences from everyday life, disclosure of new insights and wider sense, using different and as effective communication tools as possible. New presentation approach- es will increase local inhabitant´s engagement, Geopark management capacities and lower the quality gap between Danube and other European UNESCO Global Geoparks - this is beside the joint Danube GeoTour, designed to strength- en cooperations between the region´s Geoparks and creating innovative geo-tourism products to accelerate visibility and tourist visits in the Geoparks, one of the main Danube GeoTour proj- ect result. Conclusions The goal of the research was to improve the knowledge-base and exchange practices on qual- ity geoheritage presentation in participating Geoparks with special focus on 8 selected geolog- ical challenges. The research provides a guideline in every day practice of Geoparks and other her- itage sites within or outside Danube programme area. Participating partners identified contempo- rary presentation methods and technologies and also best practice examples of geo-presentation in their Geoparks and abroad. Through training and creative process, new ideas were born giving us sometimes completely different perspective to the presentation of the geological heritage. In the frame of the research, we draw out les- sons learnt, several recommendations and new trends that will be useful for project partners, as well as other Geoparks, natural protected areas and sites outside the project partnership design- ing presentation points or centres. References Antlej, K. 2014: 3D technologies in heritage in- terpretation: the Hungry Dragon fast food kiosk (K67). In: Lehnes, P. & Frost, S. (eds.): Interpret Europe: Conference proceedings 2014/2015. Interpert Europe: 14–24. Bedjanič, M. & Rojs, L. 2014: Geo-interpretation: The interpretation of the geological heritage of Karavanke Geopark. In: Lehnes, P. & Frost, S. (eds.): Interpret Europe: Conference pro- ceedings 2014/2015. Interpert Europe: 31–42. 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Internet sources: Internet 1: oloska_dediscina.pdf (02.07.2017) Internet 2: tural-sciences/environment/earth-sciences/ unesco-global-geoparks/ (02.07.2017)