Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! lb Ameri LZSZ-XOZZZ VA NOJiONITHV 0UT MV cm asnoHinnoo xoci J 6603C0 VfNVAVHX NV1IW E Ameriška domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER inq m Ohio and Nationwide, over 200,000 Amer ican-S love nians Vol. 100 - No. 16 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 23, 1998 ISSN Number 0164-68X 60C Štukelj Lives Olympian Life in Careful Balance By Kirk Johnson The New York Times (April 18) - In the 1924 Paris Olympics, Leon Štukelj, then a 26-year-old lawyer and gymnast from Jugoslavia (Slovenia), was Photographed on his way to vv'uning one of his two gold Medals that year: raised up °n his hands above the mat, every muscle etched, his legs e*tended in front of him at a Pfecise elevated angel; he gazed intently into the distance. In the lobby of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Man-attan this week, 74 years ater’ *t all looked much the Same. Mr. Štukelj, now 99, vanced age, but almost because of it. His explanation for this is a life force he calls synchronization. The unusual physical and mental discipline of gymnastics, he said, combined with a career in law, formed a fabric and a way of life that Mr. Štukelj said has shaped him, sharpened him and kept him young. In his late 90’s he has become an ambassador for a message that can seem, in an often graceless age of megadeals, commercial endorsements and petulant prima donna athletes, as dated and faded as the Olympic photographs that Mr. Štukelj involved, be on the move, and do not give UP until the end of your life.” - Leon Štukelj Positioned his hands on the ^ruis of his chair, adjusted asem slightly to find his grip though preparing for a Jatine on the parallel bars, rose from his seat. Ex-etding his legs at 90 de-ti[ees’ h® held them there, en flexed in and out, sussed once more. littl ^°W ^at I’m gett*ng a e °ld, I have to be a little to eful-” he said, returning stj|?arth- “But the feeling is See 'n heart today - if I e Some movement, I would iUst hke to do it if I see a to o„"and’ I wouId just like Standi . ... g0 and do it.’ SHTh’i Stulce|j (pronounced ixi , kcl) jc fhp e0 is the world’s test , surviving Olympic ing^ medal winner, accord-0k_ to 'he International kng^P'c Committee. He Jesse Owens. He StyjJ16^ Johnny Weismuller vict°ry in 1928 in idly r am and he still viv-the retTlembers being near l936 n!eVVing stand in the Hitler ^'rnI)’cs 'n Berlin as ■ng t Ce*ehrated the sport-Reich,UmPhs of the Third ^ack SUrr°unded by the lhe Nazj^ red trappings of far mo^r t,Stuke|j has done vive. a, than simply sur-°ther n °ng with millions of w'th bar°iPlC Who are living bi?t0 y ^ V diminished vigor wi)!t-nr> S, °nce reserved for ap >$> haa found jv„ ‘ound a way not despite his ad- whips from his wallet; that sport can make you better as a human being. Mr. Štukelj, who lives in Slovenia, came to New York this week - his first trip to the city - for no greater or lesser purpose than to visit a gymnastic; school in Westchester County called Dynamic Gymnastics, which had invited him to come. The advice he said he planned to give the students is the same he always took for himself: “Be involved, be on the move, and do not give up until the end of your life,” he said in Slovenian. “Gymnastics is the healthiest kind of sport in my mind because it is the most different physically and psychologically,” he said. “It is the synchronization of my life that I have been doing since 1908, and that is what is keeping me.” At 5 feet 3 inches and 108 pounds - very nearly his competition weight in the 1920s and 1930s - Mr. Štukelj is an old-world gentleman who bows stiffly from the waist and leaps to his feet at the approach of a lady whose hand he might kiss. He was bom in the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, competed as an athlete for the nation of Yugoslavia that was created after World War I, and has lived long enough to see himself lionized as a national icon after Slovenia - a no WASTED Wtcrno# Leon Štukelj won three Olympic gold medals in gymnastics for Yugoslavia. Now 99, he visited Neve York this week. !(*m Vsv York turns tiny nation of two million -gained its independence in 1991. He was pictured on his new nation’s first postage stamp and on the five-tolar coin, which is worth about 30 cents. The Slovenia State Secretary for Tourism, Tomaz Zajc said, as a friend and as a kind of adopted son. Mr. Zajc (pronounced ZICE) clucks to Mr. Štukelj not to overexert himself when he performs demonstrations like the levitation’s from his chair. Mr. Štukelj adds with a joke that he has done plenty to boost Mr. Zajc’s career in return. “Through managing me, he became the state secretary for tourism,” Mr. Štukelj said. Mr. Štukelj, who earned a total of six Olympic medals, including three gold, two bronze and a silver, is not especially nostalgic about his early years. He says that today’s professional athletes can attain feats beyond those of his era, when many athletes had to earn a living outside their sport. And he looks back on some moments of his career not as an idyllic time, but one of outright horror - especially 1936, when Germany expropriated the Olympics as an elaborately staged exercise in propaganda. “Their red flag had the color of blood,” he said. Mr. Štukelj said such experiences, both in athletics and life in general, have pushed him toward a place where the center, what he describes as the point of perfect moderation, is valued above all else. “I look at everything, left and right, and then try to see the middle point and what is correct,” he said. “Only compromise can bring you forward.” How and why Mr. Štukelj came to New York also reveals much about him: Emil Gaspari simply called him on the telephone and invited him. That story goes like this: Gaspari, who was bom in Slovenia and grew up worshipping Mr. Štukelj, now lives in northern Westchester, and is married to Ann Gaspari, who is assistant director of the Tom Thumb Preschool in Mohe-gan Lake, which is owned by Nancy Brophy, who also owns the gymnastic school. Mr. Gaspari, who acted as an interpreter between Mr. Štukelj and a non-Slovenian-speaking reporter, got Mr. Štukelj’s telephone number in Slovenia last year, described the school, and Mr. Štukelj, after consulting with Mr. Zajc, said yes. A subsequent request to be honored at the National Collegiate Athletic Association gymnastics championship this weekend at Pennsylvania State University was turned down because Mr. Zajc thought it would be too exerting. Mr. Štukelj and Mr. Zajc are to return home today after three days of sightseeing and V.I.P. stops. Mr. Štukelj said he has work to return to. He is suing the Government (of Slovenia). His house in Maribor, which was given to him and his wife, Lidija, by her father as a wedding present 65 years ago,, was nationalized during the Communist era in Yugoslavia, and Mr. Štukelj is trying to get it back, he said, so that he can pass it on to his grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. He is representing himself in court, of course. “I’m getting older and older and it takes too long,” he said of the lawsuit. “This is a scandal.’ 100th Anniversary Paper This year the American Home newspaper (Ameriška Domovina) is observing its 100th anniversary since its founding in 1898. It is now the oldest Slovenian newspaper in the world! We will be issuing a 16-page special edition with spot color. It will be printed on heavier paper and be dated the week of July 4th. This paper will feature the history of American Home with some interesting photos. Readers, who wish, may send in advertisements for the 100 anniversary edition. Name and address is $10. Two column by 4” ads are $100. A half-page is $500, and a full page is $1,000. Proceeds will be put towards the $16,000 projected cost of printing press repairs. To become a permanent part of our historic paper, send your advertisement and/or comments to American Home, 100th Anniversary, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. 2 Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec > John Mercina once posed ° the question, “What does O ‘Sniff the Breeze’ mean?” < Since nobody has been ^ able to discover the answer, E or bothered to inquire into 5 the matter, and by this time < even the questioner has forgotten the solution, I have decided to intercede. I looked into the Internet under nautical terms and found 500 of them but nowhere is “Sniff the Breeze” listed. Therefore I did the next best logical thing and asked the world’s most famous consulting detective “Slovenian Homes” about a clarification. Slovenian was standing outside Nosan’s Bakery located in the Slovenian National Home Building at 6413 St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland. Dr. Janez Stout, his companion, (and consultant to Dr. Anthony Spech), was also starring at the red sign located therein. It read, “For Sale.” “This is a sad day for the world,” said Slovenian Homes, “that one of the city’s most happy, happy places will no longer be able to function due to the death of master baker, Joe Nosan.” Stout concurred with the illustrious detective. As the distinguished duo walked down St. Clair Avenue heading north, they turned down East 62fid Street. There were some neat houses there with pretty flowers and shrubs in the front yards. They passed Grdina Playground where youngsters were engaged in the American sport of soft-ball. They made a left turn on E. 61s* and noticed the beautiful lawns and flowers. The residents were busy pruning, trimming, and planting a large variety of vegetables, especially lettuce, carrots, and Slovenian pole beans. “They’re anxiously awaiting the end of May when tomato plants can be inserted in the ground outdoors,” Homes remarked. “Jolly good,” agreed Stout. “By the by, have you given any thought to the puzzle concerning the sniffing of the air, or whatever,” said Stout. “Indeed I have,” answered Slovenian Homes. “I first ran across it in Herman Melville’s story, Moby Dick, where Captain Ahab says, ‘Let me sniff thee up, sea breeze!,’ but I have been unable to comprehend its exact connotation.” Just as they looked up, Joe Hočevar, the KSKJ Second National Vice President, and St. Vitus financial adviser, drove past on his way to the Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine to make sure they were ready for the annual Marija Pomagaj Devotions on Saturday, May 23. Some further commotion caught their attention as a group of St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans came marching by under the leadership of Sgt. Tony Baznik. They were preparing for the annual Memorial Day observance in St. Vitus church on Sunday, May 24. Included in the procession of expert riflemen, commentators, and color-guard were Frank Ljubi, Bob Mills, Ray Jasko, A1 Koporc, John J. Kirk, Jr., Bill Lipoid, Joe Baškovič, Rev. Bill Jerse, James Logar, Joe Mismas, and Tony Grdina. Even with all these military men milling about, none seemed able to answer the question “What does sniff the breeze, mean?” After pondering the situation for a while, the dauntless duo hopped into Karl Klesin’s passing white limousine and headed to their favorite location to investigate the inquiry. Where else would Homes go but to Holmes County, Ohio, the home of the amiable and hard-working Amish farmers. Driving along various country roads they first stopped at a drive-in restaurant for some take-out lunch. They drove up to the speaker and immediately a sound came out, “Squ#@$%&?” Stout said, “How do you do my good fellow! We’ like two Whoppers with no mayonnaise, and a salad with low-fat Italian dressing.” The speaker replied, “Squ####!” “What do you suppose they want?” said Stout. “They want to know if you’d like two double cheeseburgers, french fries, and a coke for $2.29.” “If I wanted that, I’d order that,” Stout said. He repeated his order into the speaker which also is a microphone. The message came back, “Squ####!” “What did they say this time?” “Opportunity knocks only once, but temptation bangs on the door for the rest of your life.” Undaunted, Staut repeated his order once again. The response came back immediately, “Squ####!” “They want to know if you’re on a diet, said Slovenian Home. 100 XVOKVS MOKE OK LESS by J crh/w M e/rc/on/cu YOU can reach John via SNAIL MAIL at: P.O. Box 99251 Cleveland, Oh 44199 = It is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs. Men can read smaller print than women. (When they want to...) = Cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven: $ 6,400 => The world’s youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910. The first novel ever written on a typewriter: Tom Sawyer The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter: Uncopy-rightable. (Any ideas as to the Slovenian word?) Did you know that there are coffee flavored FEZ? When opossums are playing “possum”, they are not playing. They actually pass out from sheer terror. “1 am.” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. =. The term “the whole 9 yards” came from W.W. II fighter pilots in the South Pacific. When arming their airplanes on the ground, the .50 caliber machine guu ammo belts measured exactly 27 feet, before being loaded into the fuselage. If t*16 pilots fired all their ammo at a target, it got “the whole 9 yards.” => The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds. => The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must b< straight. OK, WHY? => The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesd that it burns. => The highest point in Pennsylvania is lower than the lowest point in Colorado. => The first toilet ever seen on television was on “Leave It To Beaver”. => Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older. ABOVE IS AN EXAMPLE OF USELESS KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU CAN USE TO TRAP SOMEONE WHO CLAIMS “TO KNOW IT ALL” “CONVERSATION STARTERS” SENT VIA E-mail by “UN1D” reader. COCA COLA was originally green in color. Frustrated, Homes reminded Staut of the famous saying of Albert Einstein “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. So, the two moseyed on over to the Amish Door Restaurant for some genuine Amish southern Ohio fried chicken and scrumptious freshly-baked bread covered with apple-honey spread which lie in abundant supply at the salad bar. Served on the plate were scads of fluffy homemade mashed potatoes and green beans. Sitting nearby was Stanley Frank and some of the St. Clair Pensioners. Later, as they walked along the narrow highway, they came upon a large Army tent inside which there was an auction in progress. After bidding on a few quality hand-crafted items, they walked outside and noticed John Mercina himself selecting a large homemade blueberry pie he was purchasing for a friend. Homes and Stout were enjoying the fresh country air scented with newly-mowed grass. As they stood at the horse-park to admire the animals, Homes suddenly exclaimed. “I have it!” “Kajje odgovor?' (What is the answer) said his Slovenian friend, Stout. “I just sniffed the breeze and the solution hit me square in the face." “Do you know the answer?" “Can Sarah Brightman hit a high note? Is Richie Vadnal well known in Slovenia? Can Duke Marsic play the clarinet? Does Father Kumse like to climb mountains?” “Don’t hold us in suspense;” Staut responded. What is it?” “Whenever you’re walking around in the countryside with farm animals in residence, the strength of the wind does not come from its velocity, but rather from the pungent aroma it carries, especially when you ‘Sniff the Breeze’.” Comments: Jim’s Journal, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Fax: (216) 361-4088, e-mail j im@buckeyeweb.com Correction Just finished reading Rudy Flis’ complementary article about the Saturday evening Slovenian radio on WCPN. I would like to point out a glaring error in the article. The radio show is hosted by, and always has been hosted by my good friend Tony Ovsenik, not mysdf (Duke Marsic) as was erroneously stated in the article three times. I read the latest news from Slovenia twice weekly (Wednesdays and Saturday5) on Tony Petkovsek’s radio show on WELW / WDL^ 1330/1380 AM. -Duke Marsi£ Special—$3499* pp Euclid Travel’s personally escorted tour of classical Greece Plus a cruise of the Aegean Islands September 12-25 m 22078 Lakeshore Blvd. Euclid, Ohio 44123 Exclusive Departure Limited Availability Reserve space now! Call 216-261-1050 *based on double occupancy EUCLID&$& TRJW/EU?*** 1 ( f F ii E b 1 4 C ir B I tr C D L: ft n< m in la: th Jo Ki B< de Oil de, ho an: C0] Ch the (Si 18: eds sch "'it] Uni 'ar >ea N *f< hat sior Qre hi 1 'lev hr 5 kin lor le S °o »rati i: l]o ar£ ie hi) t| he Si it "it t eve The Dead Speak to the Living By Stane Kuhar A s of this writing the ZA northeast Ohio ■*- -^-American Slovenian communities will have approximately five months to Prepare and plan for one of (he most anticipated events ■r> 1998. That is the annual araga Days which have een held every year since 1948. The Baraga Weekend ctivities have been held in lit1 hio only twice previously, ,n *976 and 1979. Irenaeus Frederik araga was bom over 200 years ago on June 29, 1797, traditionally observed in the ^atholic Church as the Feast . ®y °f SS. Peter and Paul. ~ ■ Baraga did not use his be name and went by the name °f Frederik for the reader of his life. . frederik Baraga was born !nt0 an aristocratic and ^ded Slovenian family as j ® lhird of five children to V° n (Nepomuc) and Bater>na (nee Jencic) j^a8a.. By the time Fre-* Baraga was 15 years-, ’ both his parents were leased. Frederik Baraga re-^nced his life of wealth by C()SWering the calling to be-Chme a priest in the Catholic tlj Urcb- He was ordained in & ^'0cese of Ljubljana ]^23Ven'a) on September 21, e raSa i ivuvurv 'JnitM ^Pent 37 years in the Piten ihii»- States as a priest to Sr* the Indians in 'e Ott mer'ca> especially _'bes Wa and Chippewa ^°od 0^nc* the incoming Ns ih , Buropean immi-IK be j./^t region. his death nearly il30esPite Ba,. years a8a s* , 8°’ Blsnop !* late ^Cqaks t0 “s today in aPner i in the same \ lRnn*'Vet^ anc* taught s- lead a life of > L ^eIp eri.are F°r one another Kt or,Cate °ne an°ther -SPect v- 6 an°ther as you b Ng"urse|f k'!?d State; t,me in the ky'F'e theqS 18 also a story iVe|°Ping errierging and American Catholic Church whose history was lived and written by the pioneers such as Baraga, and other Slovenian missionary and immigrant priests, religious and laity. Baraga had the tremendous responsibility and task of truly developing love for God and neighbor in the Upper Great Lakes region that was beginning to experience explosive, and at times corrupt, economic development that often showed the negative side of mankind where money and material goods often had a higher value than human life. Baraga used his linguist and legal training to secure property rightfully owned by various Indian tribes whose land and natural resources were literally being robbed by the “new” settlers. In addition to this work, Baraga helped establish schools, chapels, churches, and other spiritual and social services. The 5’4”-to-5’5” tall missionary traveled more than 80,000 square miles on foot (often on snowshoes), canoe, or horseback. From such a small nation (Republic of Slovenia has approximately 2 million people with another 500,000 scattered first, second, third, fourth, and succeeding generations around the world), Baraga alongside many other like-minded and dedicated persons, provided the initial building blocks for the American Catholic Church in America. He died a pauper in a small wooden framed house after a period of failing health. The Cleveland Catholic Diocese will host the Bishop Baraga weekend activities during the Labor Day weekend of September 5 and 6. Ohio Slovenian-Ameri-cans have an opportunity to be hospitable and generous hosts to many visitors who will be coming from Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, New York, Michigan, Toronto, Hamilton, Canada, and about 100 persons from Slovenia. The Baraga Days provide the opportunity, and everyone is invited to participate in the events to see and hear about the advancement of the Cause for Sainthood of our Slovenian Bishop Frederik Baraga. As Bishop Baraga said, Est Necessarium (One thing is necessary), -- Love of God and Neighbor. The events include a Concelebrated Slovenian Mass on Saturday, Sept. 5 at 6:30 p.m. in St. Vitus Church, 6019 Glass Ave., Cleveland A social will follow in the St. Vitus Parish auditorium. On Sunday, Sept. 6, there will be a 2:00 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 1029 Superior Ave. and E. 9th St., downtown Cleveland. Following the Mass, a banquet and annual Bishop Baraga Meeting will be held in the Slovenian National Home, 6407 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Ticket prices for the banquet will be announced next week as well as where to purchase them. The out-of-town guests have already requested 300 of the 500 available dinner tickets. SHA Birthdays Happy Birthday to the following residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged who were bom in the month of April: Date, Name, Age, Birthplace 4-01 - Frances Peterlin, 89, Cleveland 4-03 - Emma Kracker, 100, Cleveland 4-04 - Augustina Cicigoi, 100, Udine Italy 4-04 - Mary Drobnick, 92, Slovenia 4-04 - Sophia Posch, 92, Cleveland 4-06 - Mary Marria, 101, Cleveland Anna Tekavec, 85, Slovenia Verna Kalich, 88, Hungary 4-09 - Frank Glinšek, 92, Slovenia 4-17- Antoinette Oczak, 90, Poland 4-17 - Anna Vidmar, 101, Slovenia 4-20 - Louise Water-wash, 71, Cleveland 4-23 - Katherine Chuck, 101, Slovenia 4-27 - Helen Kovacic, 89, Croatia 4-30 - Fanny Kaltenbach, 89, Euclid, Ohio Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician <2161 481-1104 Good News, Bad News I have good news and bad news. Good new first. Someone does read my articles. Bad news, my article in the April 16 issue of American Home named Duke Marsic as announcer of the fine Slovenian Radio Show Saturday evenings on WCPN - 90.3 FM at 9:05 p.m. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa and sincere apologies to Tony Ovsenik, excellent announcer of the Slovenian program that I enjoy so much. I am sure you would like to know where I came up with Duke Marsic as the announcer. When I figure it out, I’ll let you know. Keep up the good work Tony Ovsenik. I’ll be listening this Saturday evening at 9:05 p.m. to enjoy your music and comments about Slovenia. Readers of Ameriška Domovina also share my enthusiasm and appreciation. I was busy this entire weekend and did not prepare an article for the Ameriška Domovina. But, one of Ameriška Domovina readers was kind enough to call me and let me know of my mistake. This is a letter of apology. And I seek forgiveness from both Duke Marsic and Tony Ovsenik. “I am sorry!” ____________________________ --Rudy Flis Specialists In Corrective Hair Coloring tlna Si brenda’a HAIR SALON , 5216 Wilson Mills Rd. 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF MEETING The annual meeting of members of the SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED will be held on Friday, May 15,h, 1998 at the SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio Registration: 7:00p.m. - Meeting 7:30p.m. Members are cordially invited to attend this important meeting. Members, as defined in the bylaws, are those individuals and organizations who have contributed a minimum of $25 during the preceding year. For the 5/15/98 meeting, this is the period from 4/1 /97 through 3/31 /98 ( --------Z_____- _______ (Apr 2, 23, May 7) Perkins Restaurant 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster MAJOR & MINOR AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATE EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS EUCLID © nrrri i rwrr a. ESI CO SERVICE APPROVED AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Joe Zigman, owner AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 23, 1998 AMERIŠKA DOMOVI oo CM _J DC Q. < Mire it (e Rijavec Sings in Edmonton Concert m: ireille Rijavec, mezzo-soprano .sang in concert at the La Librairie Le Carre-four hall, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on Saturday evening, March 7* at 8 p.m. Mireille performed pieces by de Falls, Massenet, Saint-Saens, and Bizet, among others. Born in Edmonton, Mireille Rijavec began her musical studies in piano. Voice studies came later, after she started a career in the public service in Ottawa. Once she began to seriously study voice, her career also began to blossom. In 1994, Mireille became a member of the opera Lyra Ottawa’s Associate Artists program where she under-studied the role of “Maielena” in the company’s September 1994 production of Rigoletto. In September 1995, she also understudied the role of “Marcell ina” in Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro. Mireille’s main-stage debut came as “Kate Pinkerton” in Puccini’s Madama Butterfly, GARY BUKOVNIK Recent Work May 7-30, 1998 Reception for the Artist: Thursday, May 7, 5:00-8:00pm Gallery Hours 9:00-5:00 Mondoy-Fridoy 9:00-3:00 Saturday THE BONFOEY COMPANY A LEGACY OF QUALITY FOR 100 YEARS IN DOWNTOWN CLEVELAND 1710 EUCLID AVENUE • CLEVELAND. OHIO 4 4115 • (216) 621-0178 also with Opera Lyra Ottawa. Mireille is presently completing a Master’s of Music degree at the University of British Columbia and studying with Canadian lyric coluratura, Nancy Hermis-ton. In December, the UBC Opera Ensemble toured the opera Hansel and Gretel in conjunction with the Kamloops Symphony and the Okanagan Symphony Orchestra in Kelowna. This last summer, the Opera Ensemble toured Mozart’s Magic Flute in Germany and the Czech Republic where Mireille sang the role of “Third Lady.” In Vancouver, Mireille is an ensemble member of Opera Breve, a company which specializes in chamber operas. On March 14, Mireille performed with Opera Breve in a show entirely sponsored by the Vancouver Sun. Mireille is the daughter of Florian and Yvonne Rijavec of Edmonton. Helena Rijavec of Rijavci (close to Trhovo) Nova Goricia is her proud grandmother. To all generations of SloVenian-Americans we extend an invitation to a journey of rediscovery: "Slovenia off the Main Roads". This sixteen day, fully-escorted motorcoach tour visits a bold "new land" with a revitalized spirit. We have planned an original and extended itinerary giving you the opportunity to experience anew your Slovenian heritage whether this be your first or one of many visits to Slovenia. On this journey touching all eight provinces/ you will experience new sights in areas not visited on any previous tours. Discover and rediscover! In addition to some of the most popular destinations/ travel the byways - not the highways - to sights worth slowing down for as you visit the country of your ancestors. Explore the Pannon-ian plains of Prekmurje; hear on the spot the legends of Koroška and Notranjska; wander in the low lands of Štajerska/ Dolenjska/ and Bela Krajina and relax in their spa resorts. All the while enjoy tasty food prepared in gostiInas and country restaurants where wines remain good dinner companions. In Gorenjska meet the sprawling Kamnik/ Karavanke/ and Julian Alps. Later/ enjoy the relaxing quality of life in the fragrant Mediterrean climate of the Adriatic coast and bask in its sun and sea. Relax on a dinner cruise along the Slovenian coastline/ and enjoy the flavor of a wine and champagne sampling event hosted by knowledgeable leaders. Some of the activities along with some of the sights that you will experience are the welcome party, museums/ castles/ monasteries/ a sea cruise/ Mt. Triglav in Vrata Valley/ Škocjan Cavesy ethnic music and dance/ Venice/ shopping/ current events/ and much more. Join your tour director in talks and discussions about your Slovenian heritage from the prehistoric inhabitants of present-day Slovenia/ the early Slavs and the Veneti/ to your ancestors of today. Learn about the Duchy of Carantaniay the Franks/ the Hapsburgs rule/ the Turkish invasions/ peasant uprisings/ Napoleon/ the revolution of 1848/ the two World Warsy and on to the present time. Together with family and friends/ return to your ethnic homeland and rediscover your heritage while journeying to breathtaking areas not included on any previous tour to Slovenia. Delight in the many high points of your trip as you ride in the comfort of a modern luxury motorcoach. Enjoy comfortable accommodations with sumptuous meals and old-world hospitality as part of a tour conducted and narrated in English by an experienced and knowledgeable tour director. To find ouc more about this fun; exciting, and informative heritage journey call: TRAVELMAX, Inc. (800J 677-1313 or (216) 692-1700 Ask for Mike. Departures are on July 7 and u, and August 4 and 18. Groups/ clubs/ and organizations with at least fifteen people may choose their own departure date. MINI-BUS TOURS (for 6 to 8 persons) Minibuses have become increasingly popular for family and friends traveling together. They offer these advantages: ► ► ► ► Personal/ knowledgeable guide/driver. Accessibility where larger coaches cannot go. More flexible time schedule. Shorter driving time and extended leisure time at places where you want to remain. Be as you are/ your own self. Travel at your own preferred pace. Leon Štukelj celebrates 100th birthday While visiting New York City, Slovenian gold medal gymnast Leon Štukelj celebrated his 1 OQth birthday. During a visit to the Empire State Building, the elevator stopped on the 100* floor and his hosts opened Champaign to honor the special occasion. Stuklj, the world’s oldest living Olympic gold-medalist, also visited the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and Slovenians living in New York. He gave a few pointers: Don’t smoke, or eat or drink to excess. KATHLEEN O’MALLEY TJoz QxuLqs. cJ^sLatiom Court ■S Currently Magistrate in the Domestic Relations Court v' Seventeen years with Department of Children and Family Services S Eight Years Attorney in Private Practice •C masters Degree in Sociology UNIQUE AND QUALIFIED CANDIDATE Seventeen years as a social worker with the Department of Children and Family Services dealing with families in crises and with experience as a Magistrate in the Domestic Relations Court gives the Democratic Party the opportunity to elect a unique and qualified candidate Judge in the Domestic Relations Court. ABILITY TO WIN FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY Kathleen O’Malley is the candidate who can defeat Republican John Gallagher in the general election. Paid for by Friends of Kathleen O’Malley, 26720 Normandy Rd., Bay Village, OH 44140, Robert Gesing, Treas (216) 241-7255 JEROME A. EBRENTAR As Your Republican Party Candidate TO CONGRESS / 1th Congressional District DEDICATED TO HONEST REPRESENTATION A Citizen Legislator - Not A Career Politician Vote May 5th: IHI BRENTAR For Your Congressional Candidate Veteran of Foreign Wars Catholic War Veteran Thank you for your vote! PAID FOR BY BRENTAR TO CONGRESS COMMITTEE P.O. Box 19095 • Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Tel.: (216) 692-1390 • Fax: (216) 531 1703 Hollander Travel - 75 Years in Business Tt isn’t often in this day I and age that you see a -1-business managed by the same family for over 75 Years. Now in 1998, Hollander World Travel has the distinction of being the oldest family-owned travel business in the Greater Cleveland area and one of the oldest in North America. Hollander World Travel first opened its doors in May °f 1923 with August Hollander, Sr. in the Slovenian community at E. 65th and st. Clair Avenue. At that time, the majority of the business Was booking transatlantic steamship passage, and sending money and packages to relatives in Europe. It was a simple two-man office un-fil 1957 when August Kol-ander II joined the team, and would eventually ex-P3nd the office operation to close to 30 travel profes-s'°nals at it’s present two-,0ry main headquarters, located at 971 E. 185* T,treet Gust off 1-90) in Ceveland, Ohio. Hollander majored with a 8ree in economics and had forked in the travel industry Europe prior to joining the J*1 in the United States. ecause of his business ori-entation and exposure to the unlimited possibilities j“Ur°Pe had to offer, August ..lander saw huge poten-l|a in group travel for the 8e ethnic community of Iceland. He chartered air-nes to make overseas forf6* convenient an and tailor-made es- e** tours that visited QeUntries particularly of ^ral Europe. tea 'Swife> Maia, joined the the^ 'n '^58 and together tion Created a solid founda-to allow Hollander r d Travel to grow. They t0Ur "v foresight to package neeJs^at met the individual Ups' The Hollanders had th 3Ve t0 grow‘ They I tour, foresight to package at met the individual °f various affinity Sained' t,T bejn me reputation for est ^ knowledgeable, hon-Ptov'drt*'Work'n8 a°d able to kind' 6 t*le*r clients with the their °r Vacation travel that 'ents demanded. Cleve] l967, they asked T0ny and radio personality Partner2k0VSek to J°in the ^'ce p lf? as Executive the res'dent. Popular in Nk0Vs°:en'an community, laVo|v(V, had been actively °f Pol^ W'lh *e promotion they music, and together four” lg,nated the “Polka Sanded , estab>*shing ke “p ,, ^orld Travel as tcfs.” t, a four Headquar-e has broadcast his daily show, on location, in his own studio from the Hollander Travel complex. After finishing college, their daughter Anne Marie joined the firm in 1984 and became directly involved in creating the Hollander corporate travel department as well as helping the company make the transition into the age of high technology. A few years later, her husband, Michael Benz, added his remarkable talents to further improving and widening the general operations of the company. Today Hollander World Travel offers a broad array of all the aspects of travel. The office has a cruise department, group department, business / corporate travel department as well as the individual vacation travel department. “This perfect mix of services allows us to remain competitive regardless of the changes in the world, economy and travel industry itself,” says Michael Benz who is now President of the company and is proud to say that Hollander has a special association with the Woodside Travel Trust, a well-known consortium of 130 travel agencies operating in 4000 locations. “We have the good fortune of an excellent reputation and solid foundation of three quarters of a century of travel business behind us. Our clients know they will be dealing with experienced agents who can attend to their travel needs regardless of what part of the world their travel takes them. That is crucial in today’s market. A lot of our business is repeat and referral,” says Joey Tomsick, a nine-year partner in the organization and Vice President. “Our biggest asset is our friendly staff. Most of them have been with us or many years and have traveled far and wide, giving our clients the benefit of their professional expertise and firsthand knowledge of the product,” said Anne Marie Kol-lander-Benz, Chief Financial Officer. Modern technology and communications affords the office maximum efficiency to include an Internet e-mail address which is K WT ravel@aol .com In over 75 years of its existence, Hollander World Travel has handled destinations and groups that are as varied in the number of participants as they are in the choice of vacation spots. In addition to planning exotic tours to the Far East, India, China, Australia and South Hollander World Travel Partners (left to right), Joey Tomsick, Tony Petkovšek, Maia Hollander, August Hollander, Anne Marie Kollander-Benz, and Michael Benz. Africa for select groups, the agency has also organized many trips of heritage and pilgrimage themes to Europe, as well as groups numbering into the hundreds on Caribbean cruises, Hawaii, Mexico and Las Vegas. Well-known local personalities and a number of well-established fraternal and civic organizations from throughout the Midwest have also called upon Hollander World Travel for complete travel arrangements. To mark the 75* milestone year, Hollander World NOTICE Of Distribution of Assets of The Slovenian National Home of MAPLE HEIGHTS, Inc. TO: All Shareholders or Creditors of the Slovenian National Home of Maple Heights, Inc. RE: Distribution of proceeds to sale of the assets and real estate of the Slovenian National Home of Maple Heights, Inc. On or about 10/29/96 the Shareholders voted to dissolve the Slovenian National Home of Maple Heights, Inc., sell the assets and distribute the net proceeds of sale to the Shareholders. On or about 2/3/97 the Corporations real estate at 5050 Stanley Ave., Maple Heights, Ohio was sold. On 11/14/97 a Complaint requesting supervision of the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County over the dissolution of the Corporation was filed as Case No: 343726. By Order of said Court, all persons claiming to be shareholders in the corporation and all creditors or persons having claims against the corporation must file a written proof of claim in order to receive a distribution of the proceeds of the assets. Said proof of claim must be received on or before June 15, 1998. ANYONE WHO FAILS TO FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM BEFORE 6/15/98 WILL NOT RECEIVE A DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE SALE. Forms for submitting a proof of claim can be obtained by contacting the attorney for the Board of Trustees: Scott R. Stefl, Esq., 7844 Lakeshore Blvd., Mentor-on-the-Lake, OH 44060 at (216) 771-2607. Travel is hosting a celebration on Sunday, May 3fd from 3 p.m. to 7 p.. at “The Manor” Party Center at 24111 Tungsten Road in Euclid, Ohio. There will be a lavish hors d’oeuvres buffet, open bar with assorted beverages, great entertainment, as well as a complete travel bazaar featuring many of the largest airlines, cruise lines and tour operators. The highlight of the event will be the drawing for premium travel prizes, such as airline tickets, tour packages and much more. Don’t miss out on this great event. Advance tickets are $15 from Hollander World Travel, 971 East 185* Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44119. Please call (216) 692-1000 or toll free at 1-800-800-5981. 30 Years of Polka Tours Boost Kollander Travel r | The polka music tours originated at Kol- JL lander World Travel, based in Cleveland, Ohio and involving tour host representatives from throughout North America, began in 1967 and have taken polka music fans around the world in a spirit of much merriment and good fellowship. Over the years, thousands have traveled to every destination, with the consistently most popular being Alpine Europe and the Caribbean seas. Some of the most exotic have been to Australia, the Holy land, and South America. In 1969, polka-radio hall of famer, and now Hollander’s Executive Vice President, Tony Petkovšek, launched the first in a series of annual Hawaiian tours that invariably included California or Las Vegas. And speaking of Vegas, each mid-September, including 1998, Kollander is in charge of arrangements for the huge downtown Las Vegas gathering at the Plaza Hotel, promoted by Joe Cerveny of Czech Records, featuring Slovenian, German, and Bohemian style bands. A most interesting highlight in the history was in the Holy Land, where button accordionist Frank Novak played at Christ’s birth-sight in Bethlehem. The polka tours, besides being international, include such hot annual destinations as the new American music capital of Branson, Missouri. This June, accordionist Joey Tomsick, who heads up Hollander’s marketing division, is featured as enter-tainer/tour host at the great polka festival at the Lawrence Welk Resort. And mid-Summer 1998, an all-star roster of polka greats will be traveling to the “waltz” city of Vienna, Austria, and to the territory where polka music was originated and popularized in the Czech Republic and beautiful Slovenia. This peak season package will include many well-known European artists and ensembles, too. From the steamship days of the 1920s when Kollander began, the polka music travel tradition continues by jet-age air, sleek cruise lines, modern motorcoaches, and even the Amtrak train on occasion. And every November on the Thanksgiving weekend, polka fans gather to the heart of downtown Cleveland for America’s longest running polka festival, arranged by our “polka tour originators and headquarters,” Kollander World Travel 1 (800) 800-5981. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 23, 1998 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 23, 1998 6 Maribor Oktet Concert in Cleveland in May r I Ihe Mariborski oktet from Maribor, Slove-JL nia will perform at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland at 7:30 p.m., on Thursday, May 7th. The tradition of male a-cappella singing has long been at the heart of Slovenian musical culture. Nearly every village in Slovenia possesses at least one men’s choir or octet. Among the greatest of these is the Mariborski oktet - the Octet from Maribor. Tickets are $10.00 and can be obtained by calling 481-2985. Tickets can also be purchased at the Polka Hall of Fame in the Euclid Shore Cultural Center or at the door the evening of the concert. The Mariborski oktet, which is celebrating its 25* anniversary this year, is visiting Cleveland on their way to a week-long folk music Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will have their monthly krofe sale on Saturday, April 25 from 8 a.m. on - in the St. Vitus Social Room. Home made noodles will also be available. Extra Subscriptions Miss Mary Žakelj, M.D., of Belleville, MI, donated $60.00 to the Ameriška Domovina for two deserving subscribers who can’t afford a subscription. New Address The popular Antoinette McGrath has recently moved to Silver Pointe Retirement Apartment #106 at 19200 Roseland Avenue, Euclid, OH 44117. Her phone number is 216—481-3012. Roseland Avenue is off East 193fd St. and Euclid Avenue. Her friends are encouraged to call or visit. festival in Murphysburg, Tennessee. Although the group calls itself an octet, there are actually nine members under the artistic direction of composer Professor Mitja Reichenberg. Since its founding in 1973, the group has presented over one thousand performances throughout Slovenia and Europe, as well as in North and South America. Its vast repertoire of Slovenian folk, classical and religious music, combined with its dedicated professionalism, have made the Mariborski oktet one of the leading vocal ensembles in Europe. They have received numerous awards in Slovenia and have been recognized at international music festivals in Europe and Latin America. The singers have recorded several albums and CDs including their most recent recording of religious music entitled “Gloria.” Like Science Center Review Enjoyed Jim’s review of the Science Center overnight stay by the AMLA recently. They were a bit apprehensive as the “first” fraternal group, but it worked out beautifully. - Some families even had three generations, including mine. --Doris Sadar Willoughby Hills, Ohio Fun The wise and knowledgeable Helena Percic of Richmond Heights renewed her Ameriška Domovina subscription and remarked, “Jim’s Journal is fun to read.” Euclid Apartment for Rent 3 bedrooms, l'/z baths, apartment for rent. No pets, please. For inquiries call Kathy 440-944-1969. (16-19) Coming Events Saturday, April 25 Zarja Spring Frolic Dinner Concert at Slovenian Society home, Euclid. Doors open 4:45 p.m. Dinner 5 to 6:30; concert at 7 p.m. followed by dancing to Jeff Pecon Orchestra until midnight. Tickets $18. Call 531 -5542 or 1-440-257-2540. Sunday, April 26 Dance at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 4 to 8 p.m., featuring Bob Kravos. Sunday, April 26 Spring Brunch at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Doors open 11:30 a.m. Featured entertainment The Kres Dancers. Members $12.00; non-members $14. Call 361-5335 or 391-9761. Sunday, May 3 Slovenian May Devotion, Fontana, CA at 1:30 p.m. in St. Joseph’s church, 17080 Arrow Blvd. *★★★£★★★★★★★*★*** Happy Birthday Mom! Born April 18, 1906 _ Mary Saurich Dearest Mother, Our love will be with you On this your 92n(d birthday. Your loving sons:John,Joe; daughters: Mary Jane Jusek Ursula Zebkar and Families ***************** 111 Don’t Get Trapped By The Name Game!!! I’m the Only Attorney Dominic C. Delsander For County Recorder Best Qualified - Experienced - Honest Elect: Delsander May 5,1998 (DEMOCRAT) Paid for by the Committee to Elect Dominic C. Delsander. Dominic A. LcGaibo. Treasurer, 3809 Northwood, University His.. Oil 44118 Zarja frolics in Woodlands t | 'Ihe Zarja Slovenian Singing Society will A present its Spring Frolic Concert on Saturday, April 25* at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Avenue, in Euclid, Ohio. We extend a most sincere invitation to all our friends and family to join us on this day for a good S loven ian-style dinner, a happy program of songs and entertainment, followed by dancing to the music of the Jeff Pecon Orchestra. Doors will open at 4:45 p.m., with dinner being served from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. The concert begins at 7:00 p.m. This year Zarja has chosen a comical romp in the woods entitled, “Picnic v - Gozdu,” written by H. Riva in 1943. Since many audiences, as well as some of our singers, are not fluent in the Slovenian language, the entire dialog has been translated into English. We have included both Slovenian and English lyrics for selected songs which enhance the plot of the concert. You will meet “Sodček,” who sings like a bird, but can’t stop drinking pure spring water even during a picnic; and “Kalin,” who finds a way to get lost in the woods leaving his wife “Mica” frantic, until she catches him in some mischief. Tickets for dinner and the entertainment may be obtained from Zarja members or ordered by phone from Barbara Elersich at 1-440-257-2540, or send your check to Barbara at 5936 Dorrwood Dr., Mentor, OH 44060, to assure you of certain seating; or call Vicky Kozel at 531-5542. Price of a ticket for adults is $18; children under 12, $9; and dance only $5. The Spring Frolic is always entertaining and fun, so order your tickets as soon as you ^ are able. y Why not mark April 25th ; on your social calendar and join us for a truly enjoyable evening. I t( —Marion Bocian, ^ Publicity Committee ^ J 23rd Anniversary in United States -1975-1998 - r 98 For this summer KompaS is offering you exceptionally low fares, as usual. 625/790 625/* iirsijew© 746/* split 630/* zsgrsfc ALSO: ATHENS 670/* AMSTERDAM 400/600 FRANKFURT 580/670 LONDON 394/562 3©st 648/753 praguo 590/750 779/* tirana 764/* 625/770 PARIS 605/790 ROME 641/* VIENNA 634/746 ZURICH 620/763 Prices are valid for flights originating from New York. Low fares from most major U.S. cities - available. West-bound/from Europe/.and 006 Ways - available. All fares are ROUND - TRIP fares and do not include taxes. For more information contact us at: . KOMPAS TRAVEL, INC. 224 Lackawanna Ave*P.O. Box 2130*West Paterson, NJ 07424 Tel: (973) 256-6030 * FAX: '(973) 256-2817 * 1-800-63ROM*'g Fares are subject to change without notice 03/98 * Call for summer fares. Drive in - or Walk In pBRONKO’S Drive-in Beverage 510 East 200th St. DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water -=> We have all Ohio Lottery Games Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer < s [death notices LILLIAN A. PETEKEL Lillian A. Pertekel (Svete); wife of Albert J.; mother of Sandra (H. Jefferson) Turner of Gates Mills; grandmother of Patrice Tufner; sister of Florence Vrataric, and Evelyn Svete; daughter of John and Franks (Kmet) Svete (both deceased). Friends received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 t- Monday. Services Tues-day> April 7 at St. Paschal Baylon church at 11:30 a.m. mterment All Souls Cemetery. Donations to Parmadale Family Services, 6753 State Kd'> parma, OH 44134 in her Memory would be appreci-ated by the family. Lillian Josephine kudrna Lillian Josephine Kudrna lnee Bukovec), 82, died vPnl 1998 at the Slo-®ne Home for the Aged in L|eveland. t Lillian was bom in Euclid a Joseph and Katherine [j *b deceased). She was a °memaker and member of °y Cross Church. cK i ife of Frank J- (dec.); ?"*=n: Carl, Janice °dinski, and Paul; grand-utner of eight; sister of Carles and Albert, but-amily suggests contri-f0r'°ns to the Slovene Home R tBe Aged, 18621 Neff ^Cleveland 44119. Qr..rrangements by the Homna'Faulhaber Funeral B]VjC’ *2010 Lake Shore ■’ Cleveland. YVerne a. kosnik VouuVerne A- Kosnik (nee of °ck)i 64, was the wife C0rsrank; mother of Sandra and v ■ ^enneth Rettberg, of p. lst>na Kosnik; sister ebra Kuhar, William ‘^niiein KeuDerg, 'stina Kosnik; sister ^°rvata Kuhar’ william of ]u. (dec.); grandmother daC| lcbael Sutkaytis, Ken- ^tiber[Rettber8’ and Nj Charlotte Corso Pam-?16 Corso-^ndav* ^ received friends Funeral’ April 19 at the Zak %r ' H°me, 6016 St. %h inVe" Funeral Monday yitus p, am- Mass in St. church. Kenneth ^StTnagF ,,^Me,norials 5425 Waterloo Rd. 0 ..4?1‘2237 ^S^huc„i„, ALMA KOTAR Alma Kotar (nee Lovko, 70, died April 8, 1998 at the Cleveland Clinic. Alma was bom in Cleveland on Oct. 4, 1927 to Frank and Sophie (both dec.). She grew up in Cleveland and lived in Euclid since 1970. She was a cook for Richmond Heights Hospital. She also worked at the Slovene Home for the Aged and Canterbury Country Club. Wife of Frank (dec.); children: Alma Cholewa, James and Ronald. Grandchildren: Linda and Kelly; sister of Mary Piks, and the following deceased: Josie, John, Joe, Frank and Lou; aunt and great-aunt. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Arrangements by the Grdina-Faulhaber Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd., Cleveland. MARY SADAR Mary Sadar (nee Kromar), 101, passed away at the Slovene Home for the Aged on Monday, April 6. Mary was bom in Cher-noma, Slovenia; she came to the US in 1913. She was a long-time resident of Bonna Avenue in Cleveland. Mary was a member of the Croatian Pensioners and AMLA St. Anne’s Lodge No. 4. Mary was the widow of Joseph; the mother of Joseph (deceased), Frank (wife Julia) and Albert (deceased) (wife Jeri); grandmother of Jeri, Joseph, James, Ted, Alan, Kenneth and Gary; great-grandmother of five. Visitation was at Zele Funeral Home. Funeral services were private. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Donations to Slovene Home for the Aged in her memory would be appreciated by the family. ALOISIA TURJANSKI Aloisia Turjanski, mother of Antonija Taylor (husband: Don); grandmother of four; great-grandmother of 4. Friends were received at the Golub Funeral Home, 4703 Superior Ave., Wednesday, April 22. Funeral Thursday, April 23 at 9:30 a.m. in St. Vitus Church, 6019 Glass Ave. Interment Lakeview Cemetery. e Funeral Home memorial chapel <§2 LOCATED AT F*52 Street Phone 481-3118 owned and operated since 1908 STANLEY SOMMERS Stanley Sommers, 83, of El Verano, California passed away on Sunday, March 15, 1998. Mr. Sommers was bom in Cleveland, and returned frequently especially to attend Tony Petkovsek’s Thanksgiving Polka Parties. He was a staunch Slovenian, which stems back to his father Frank Somrak, who was president of the Slovenian National home on St. Clair when the new building was opened in 1924. The family Americanized their name from Somrak to Sommers. Mr. Sommers was active in the San Francisco Slovenian community. For the past three years, he was in poor health following a stroke in 1995. Mr. Sommers was bom on March 14, 1915. He was a member of SNPJ Lodge 304 and a life member of the Polka Hall of Fame. He is survived by his wife, Josefa. In Memory Mr. and Mrs. Edward Glicker of Euclid, Ohio donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Albert Glicker. In Memory Laveme Hughes of Michigan City, Indiana donated $20.00 to the American Home newspaper in memory of her brother, A1 Glicker. In Memory Agnes Modic of Cape Coral, Florida renewed her subscription plus enclosed an extra $20.00 in memory of her husband, the well-known and well-liked Tino Modic who owned a popular tavern on St. Clair Ave., in Cleveland. In Memory Dorothy Zupcsan of Madison, Ohio renewed her American Home subscription plus enclosed an extra $10.00 in memory of her well-liked parents Marjana and Anton Debevec, and her wonderful sister Julia Grabelsek. Donation Thanks to Felix and Helena Gaser of Richmond Heights, Ohio who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina newspaper. In Memory Josephine Merc of Euclid, Ohio renewed her American Home subscription plus enclosed an extra $10.00 in memory of John and Josephine Varšek. Donation Thanks to the Slovenian Ski Committee 1998 of New York who donated $100.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. In Memory Enclosed is a check for 1 year subscription to Ameriška Domovina. Also enclosed is a check for $20.00 in memory of my husband, Frank Doles. P S. - You all are doing a terrific job with the paper. —Anne Doles Euclid, Ohio 23rd ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF OUR LOVING HUSBAND, FATHER, GRANDFATHER, AND FATHER-IN-LAW John J. Urbancich Died April 29, 1975 23 years have passed since that sad day. The one we loved was called away. God took him home - it was His will - But in our hearts he liveth still. Sadly missed by: Sadly missed by: Wife, Dorothy, Daughter, Madeline Debevec Son, John M., and family In Loving Memory William H. Plymesser 12th Anniversary April 28,1986 We’tl meet again someday, I know Beyond the distant blue But until then, my dearest one, I’ll always think of you... and So I live with thoughts of you... And all you meant to me... and AIways I can feel you near... If just in memory Sadly missed by Wife, Sylvia Brother, John In Loving Memory and with Lasting Appreciation and Gratitude Josephine Kovač Jože Kovac B.r„ IMS. dirt April 15, 19-15 Bo,„ 1899, di,„ Martin Bac and Family May God give them peace and may Eternal Light shine upon them. 7 V AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 23, 1998 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 23, 1998 ^ Youngstown-Warren LPGA Classic has made a positive impact on the Northeast Ohio community, donating over $ 1 million to Northeast Ohio children's and educational charities since 1993. Tn 1997 the-Ohio Lottery sponsored a youth camp in --which local and national golf pros instructed area children in the intricacies and rules of golf. Great Lakes Science Center ► Our sponsorship includes an educational program which assists students in preparing for their science proficiency exam which is required by the state of Ohio. Students from the 5th and 6th grade visit the Science Center and are provided with a specially designed curriculum for their study. «x| The Puerto Rican Cultural Ethnic Festival & Parade has been in existence for the past 29 years and is considered by far, the most important annual Hispanic event in Northeast Ohio. The Festival & Parade draw both local and out-of-town visitors in excess of 30,000 per year. United Negro College Fund I/ The Lou Rawls “Parade of Stars” Telethon and Salutation raises funds for 41 historical black colleges and universities. This year's efforts benefited 54,500 students and the Ohio Lottery is proud to be a major sponsor. brought to you by the George V. Voinovich Governor of Ohio William G. Howell Director, Ohio Lottery brought to you by the The Ohio Lottery Commission is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. ©1998 The Ohio Lottery Highlighting a few of our sponsorships FOR Freedom AND Justice V Ameriška Domovina J* AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORN^NeTsPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, April 23 1998 m** - m g El 1'^: F I j % J ■T 1* Vesti iz Slovenije Slovenija se pripravlja na pogajanja z Evropsko zvezo - Začetek bo v Bruslju v ponedeljek - Dolgotrajen proces Včerajšnje Delo poroča, da se je ožja slovenska pogajalska skupina z več drugi-m* strokovnjaki udeležila dvodnevnega seminarja, ki ga je evropska komisija Pripravila za lažji potek prihodnjih poga-Janj- V zvezi se tem so udeleženci poslušali predstavnike različnih institucij EU. Posebej zanimiva naj bi bila predajanja o tem, kako so potekala pogajanja EU z zadnjimi tremi končno sprejetimi elanicami Unije in sicer z Avstrijo, Fin-sko in Švedsko. Prvi pravi posvet o prilagajanju slovenske zakonodaje normam oz. zahtevam U se bo pričel 27. aprila v Bruslju. Naprej bodo pregledali znanstveno in tehnološko obomčje, zahtevnejša, med nJ*mi so kmetijstvo in uresničevanje e-n°tnega trga, pa bodo pustili za konec. Preteklo nedeljo predhodni referendumi o predlaganih novih občinah Preteklo nedeljo so volivci v 37 krajih 8 asovali na predhodnem referendumu o ustanovitvi novih občin. Od vseh jih je *1° izglasovanih 29, osem pa jih je bilo Zvrnjenih. Zadevo je zapletlo že ustavno sodišče, ki je odločilo, da bo moral državni zbor razpisati še 20 referendumov o različnih predlaganih občinah in to najkasneje do 20. maja. Sestanek koordinacije parlamentarnih strank namenil pozornost odnosom med Slovenijo in Hrvaško Pretekli torek je bil pod vodstvom podpredsednika vlada Marjana Podobnika sestanek koordinacije parlamentarnih strank. Podobnik je dejal, da mora Slovenija izoblikovati nacionalno soglasno stališče do pogajanj o odprtih vprašanjih med Slovenijo in Hrvaško. Če bi bile slovenske stranke enotne - glede teh stališč, bi to zelo pomagalo slovenskim pogajalcem. Sporna v odnosih med državama so predvsem vprašanja s premoženjskopravnega področja, status jedrske e-lektrarne, deviznih vlog varčevalcev Ljubljanske banke v Zagrebu ter nekatera mejna vprašanja. Tone Svetina in Janez Vipotnik umrla Na Bledu je 14. aprila po dolgi bolezni umrl 72 let stari pisatelj Tone Svetina, avtor številnih romanov, med njimi Ukana, o partizanstvu. V torek je umrl 80 let stari Janez Vipotnik, ki je v prejšnjem režimu imel zelo visoke funkcije. Posledice potresa odstranjujejo Rotresv zgornjem Posočju p ” vo« uujiiaujujvju vasj ^rafija zgoraj je bila posneta prj2 režniške Ravne, enem najbolj za(j . et*h v velikonočnem potresu. V gmoteni tednu so komisije ugotavljale Sq sn° ^odo, organi civilne zaščite prebj fav*'i pod začasno streho vse Sv°jiha CC»’ k* n‘so mogli več živeti v P°ročii odroma stanovanjih. Po b| ihu >ki ItSSf "9 t'"''- j' vty.y" ob 156.56 epu /V Ml v Delu pretekli četrtek, naj bilo več kot 700. Popotresni Je razburjajo prizadete ljudi, teh sunkov vedno manša. V* Jalcost včera: . ----- ---------- kostjo -fiUtraJ so zabeležili sunek z ja- ^tjo 2 R . au„v, kJed" stopnje po Richterju. *°s°jila C'ruS'm' bodo banke ponujale ^koda 1 ^natno nižjo obrestno mero. °bjekt0ya. 5tevilnih cerkvah in verskih ^avUah JC Pa Precejšnja, v Zgornjih tezkrj] Pa Jc odpadli omet v cerkvi s,ej ni ,S d.r,nske freske, za katere do-Vedel nihče. mm / iutlija g Slovenija S« / % r *t , v-i w i \ ,——A / j \ jBWCgWTatj / / v • \, / V. te Sio: a/ K - - vi®,* x ? .v ■ V 1 •a ___a \,a % Iz Clevelanda in okolice “Micki je treba moža”— Dramatsko društvo Lilija vabi to nedeljo popoldne ob 3.30 v Slovenski dom na Holmes Ave. na predstavo veseloigre “Micki je treba moža”. Sestanek Oltarnih društev— Letni sestanek Zveze Oltarnih društev je to nedeljo popoldne pri Sv. Kristini na E. 222 St. v Euclidu. Ob 1.30 pop. bodo v cerkvi molitve, sv. rožni venec, litanije in blagoslov z Najsvetejšim, zatem pa sestanek v dvorani. Članice vseh Zvezi-nih oltarnih društev so lepo vabljene, da se sestanka udeleže. Krofi— Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu ima to soboto zj. od 8h dalje v društveni sobi avditorija prodajo krofov in domačih rezancev. Prav tako to soboto (od 9. zj. dalje) bo krofe prodajalo Oltarno društvo župnije Marije Vnebovzete, v šolski dvorani. Prebitki teh prodaj vsako društvo namenja v pomoč svoji župniji. Novi grobovi Gabriel S. Drobnich Umrl je 74 let stari Gabriel S. Drobnich, brat Franka in Elsie (oba že pok.), bratranec Ann Cen-dol, stric Marka in Bruce-a Zaborowski, delničar SND na St. Clairju. Pogreb bo v oskrbi Zak zavoda na 6016 St. Clair Ave. v petek dop. ob 9.30, v cerkev sv. Vida ob 10., od tam pa na Kalvarije pokopališče. Ure kropljenja bodo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin župniji sv. Vida. Alojzija (Slavica) Turjanski Umrla je 83 let stara Alojzija (Slavica) Turjanski, rojena v Mali Nedelji pri Bučkovcih v Prekmurju dne 7. aprila 1915, v Ameriko prišla 1956. leta in živela na E. 59. ulici, mati Antonije Taylor, 4-krat stara mati in 4-krat prastara mati, veliko let tajnica Štajerskega in Prekmurskega kluba. Pogreb bo danes dop. v oskrbi pogrebnega zavoda Golob na 4703 Superior Ave. v cerkev sv. Vida dop. ob 9.30 in od tam na Lake-view pokopališče. Mary L. Sever Umrla je Mary L. Sever, rojena Slak, vdova po Fran- (daljc na str. 14) Za Materinski dan— Otroci Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu bodo nastopili s programom pesmi in recitacij v čast njihovim materam to soboto zv. ob 6.30 v šolski dvorani. Javnost vabljena, da se programa udeleži. Mariborski oktet gostuje— V četrtek, 7. maja, bo s celovečernim koncertom v SDD na 15335 Waterloo Rd. nastopil Mariborski oktet, ki letos praznuje svojo 25-letnico in je znan kot eden najboljših tovrstnih zborov v Sloveniji. Zbor je bil povabljen na folklorni festival v državi Tennessee in bo tja odpotoval po koncertu v našem mestu. Vstopnice so po $10 in jih dobite, če pokličete 481-2985, imajo jih v Polka Hall of Fame v Shore Cultural Center, ali jih dobite pred vhodom v dvorano na večer koncerta. Gostovanje v našem mestu sponzorira Slovenian American Heritage Foundation. Pavle Borštnik predaval— Sinoči je imel predavanje o Sloveniji Pavle Borštnik, ki večkrat objavlja v našem listu, in sicer v SDD na Recherjevi ulici v Euclidu. Prišlo je nekaj več kot 30 poslušalcev, ki so po predavanju postavili številna vprašanja. Predavatelj je s svojimi gledanji očitno zanimal navzoče. Vse premalo je takih srečanj med nami, pa tudi udeležba bi lahko bila boljša. Koncert Jadrana— Preteklo soboto zvečer je pevski zbor Jadran podal koncert v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Zbor je bil pod vodstvom Florence Unetich in je podal vrsto slovenskih in ameriških pesmi. Petje je bilo lepo, poslušalci so pevske točke nagradili z moč- nim aplavzom. Spominski darovi— Ga. Paula Pustotnik, Geneva, O., je darovala $20 v podporo AD, v spomin na Viktorja Kmetiča in Jožeta Likozarja. Ga. Verona Bala-zek, Cleveland, je poklonila $6 v spomin na moža Mati-jeta. G. Joseph in ga. Josephine Baškovič, Willoughby Hills, O., sta darovala $25, v spomin njegovih staršev Josepha in Rose Baškovič ter njenih staršev Johna in Frances Rožnik. Marija Mlakar Scarborough, Ont., Kanada, je pa poklonila $15 v spomin staršev Jožeta in Marije Kastelic. Najlepša hvala vsem za podporo! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 — Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $30 na leto za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 na leto (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $ 1 60 letno SUBSCRIPTION RA TES United States and Canada: U S A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U S. currency foreign: $40 per year U S. or equivalent foreign currency $ 1 60 per year airmail to Slovenia AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 01 64-68X) is published weekly for $30 per year by American Home Publ. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44 1 03-1 692. Periodicals postage paid ui Cleveland, OH POSTMASTER: Send address changes lo AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 1692. No. 16 Thursday, April 23, 1998 Olimpijec Leon Štukelj zopet v ZDA V središču pozornosti Obisk najstarejšega olimpionika na svetu, Slovenca Leona Štuklja v New Yorku - pripravil ga je slovenski poslovnež Emil Gaspari z ženo Ann - je bil celo za ameriške razmere dogodek brez primere. Začudenje Američanov je bilo nepopisno že ob pristanku Swissairovega letala na letališču J.F. Kennedy, kjer je osebje z vozički in prvo medicinsko pomočjo pričakovalo Leona Štuklja, ki bo 12. novembra letos v rojstnem Novem mestu praznoval stoti rojstni dan. Slovenski stoletnik pa je v splošno začudenje razpoložen in poskočen stopil na ameriško celino, z nepogrešljivo belo čepico in s torbico, v kateri je prinesel fotografska pričevanja svojih športnih dosežkov in dolgega življenja. Tridnevni obisk Leona Štuklja, ki ga je spremljal njegov stalni sopotnik na svetovnih poteh, državni sekretar za turizem Tomaž Zajc, je bil natrpan z veličastnimi dogodki, sprejemi, obiski, podelitvami priznanj in druženji z vrhunskimi imeni svetovne politike in Slovenci, ki se v Ameriki trudijo za sijaj in dobro ime naše države. Newyorški župan mu je namenil pozdravno pismo, ki so ga prebrali na slovesnem kosilu v najbolj ekskluzivnem športnem klubu na svetu New York Athletic Club, v katerem so konec prejšnjega stoletja Američani odločno podprli francoskega zanesenjaka Pierra Cubertaina, da se organizirajo prve olimpijske igre moderne dobe. Prišlo je tudi sporočilo iz Washingtona s pozdravi iz kabineta predsednika Clintona in opravičilo slovenskega veleposlanika dr. Dimitrija Rupla, da ga ne bo v New Yorku, ker ga je zgrabilo v križu. Zato pa je poslal pooblaščenega ministra veleposlaništva Igorja Kersteina. Slovenski konzulat v New Yorku sta zastopala konzul Vojo Šuc in kulturni ataše, pesnik Tomaž Šalamun. Štukljev gostitelj Emil Gaspari, ki je junija 1961 prišel na nekdajdnevni obisk k prijateljem v New York in ostal štirideset let, je odličen poslovnež, ki na ameriškem trgu proda največ pohištva slovenske lesne industrije. In ko je Emil videl Leona Štuklja v Atlanti, ko mu je na otvoritveni slovesnosti ploskal ves svet, si je naložil sveto dolžnost, da velikega slovenskega športnika v letu njegove stoletnice prvi počasti prav v New Yorku. Znameniti Slovenec je obljubil, da pride, Emil in njegova žena Ann (s sinovoma Andrejem, vojaškim diplomatom, in Tonijem, diplomo na ekonomiji bo prejel čez nekaj dni) pa sta do potankosti pripravila obisk, ki je prerasel meje zasebnosti in postal tudi prvovrstni dogodek za newyorške medije. Generalni sekretar Združenih narodov Kofi Anan, ki je le dan pred njegovim obiskom v slavni palači ob East Ri-verju praznoval šestdeseti rojstni dan, je bil tako navdušen nad vitalnostjo stoletnika, da si je dal temeljito razložiti recept za dolgo življenje. Štukljev že tradicionalni spremljeva- Prvo vabilo ... na koncert Korotana! CLEVELAND, O. - Vabimo vas, dragi prijatelji, da se tudi vi pridružite nam Korotancem v tej pomladni sproščenosti pri koncertu Korotana, in to v soboto, 16. maja, v avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu. Naši gostje bodo pevci mladinskega pevskega zbora pri Mariji Vnebovzeti, vodil jih bo Janez Nemec. Spored našega koncerta je polna različnosti. Pomlad, pomlad! Vse žvrgoli in zeleni. V vrtu, dekle stoji in hrepeni po njemu, ki ga od nikoder ni. Pomlad je tu, a mladosti ni, le spomini še ostanejo... V Mežiški dolini pogledamo na lepo uro. Z godcem pod lipo se zavrtimo in že smo v Beli Krajini, v lepem vrtu, polnem vseh mogočih rožic. Pod nebom gre oblak, ponesemo ljubici pozdrave dragega. In z venčkom narodnih in z Avseniki zaključimo našo odisejo pomladne sproščenosti...! Še enkrat: Prisrčno vabljeni! cike Upokojenci Slovenske CLEVELAND, O. - Že dolgo ni bilo nič slišati o našem klubu. Kar precej članov se pozimi poda na sončno Florido; no, zdaj so pa zopet doma in bo treba zavihati rokave in počistiti Pristavo, kajti je zima, čeprav ni bila huda, naredila kar precej škode. V sredo, 29. aprila, bomo imeli sestanek na SP pop. ob 1.30. Vse člane in članice, ki so pripravljene in zmožne kaj narediti, lepo prosimo, da pridejo že zgodaj dopoldne na SP in jo pomagajo očistiti odpadlih vej in listja. V novem letu smo izgubili že tri člane: Nežko Bojc, Marijo Sekne in Viktorja Kmetiča. Od vseh smo se lepo poslovili v pogrebnem domu z molitvijo rožnega venca, pri pogrebni sv. maši, in jih spremili na pokopališče. Viktor Kmetič je bil več let blagajnik našega kluba in vedno pripravljen pomagati, kjerjkoli je mogel. Vsem preostalim sorodnikom naše iskreno sožalje. v ponedeljek, 11. maja, bomo šli na enodnevni izlet. Avtobus je rezerviran. Imamo dve izbiri in se bomo na našem sestanku odločili, kam bomo šli. Z vlakom po južnem delu “Amish Country” ali pa v Auroro Factory Outlet in ogled Cathe-drala blizu Akrona. Ker imamo samo še dva tedna do izleta, se lahko že po telefonu prijavite na št. 1-216-531-8982. Avtobus imamo tudi že rezerivran za izlet v Toronto, ko bo tam Slovenski pristave poročajo... dan. O vsem tem se bomo podrobno pogovorili na našem sestanku, zato pridite v čimvečjem številu. Na svidenje v sredo, 29. aprila, na Slovenski pristavi. Odbor Angela Gospodaric preminula Po telefonu in po pošti smo bili obveščeni, da je v San Franciscu, Kalif., na Velikonočno nedeljo zjutraj, 12. aprila, po dolgi bolezni preminula Angela Gospoda-rič, ki je o dejavnostih na- Angela Gospodaric (v mlajših letih) ših rojakov v severni Kaliforniji večkrat poročala, to posebej v zvezi z župnijo Rojstva Gospodovega. Pogreb je bil 15. aprila v San Franciscu. O njej je pisala gdč. Sonja Ferjan: “Na Velikonočno nedeljo v zgodnjih jutranjih urah je umrla gdč. Angela Gospoda-rič. Sporočil je telefonično lec, državni sekretar za turizem Tomaž Zajc, je iznajdljiv možakar. Zato je že v Swissairovem letalu iz Zuricha proti New Yorku povprašal šefa letalske posadke, ali je med potniki po naključju kakšen Ganec. Mislil si je namreč, da bi bilo ob Štukljevem obisku v Združenih narodih generalnemu sekretarju Kofiju Ananu za šestdeseti rojstni dan lepo čestitati v njegovem jeziku. Na letalu je bil Ganec, izobražen in prijazen možakar, ki je povedal, da je Kofi katolik in da je njegov materin jezik akan, knjižna ganščina. “Onimojan fo (najlepše želje) za vaš rojstni dan, kot tudi za vaše dolgo življenje in zakaj ne sto let,” se je glasila čestitka v ganšči-ni, ki sta jo Štukelj in Zajc skupaj s slovenskim veleposlanikom v OZN dr. Danilom Turkom povedala Kofiju Ananu in ta je bil neizmerno počaščen zaradi tolikšne pozornosti. (dalje na str. 11) g. Jaka Okorn, ki je od januarja t.l. Angeli pomagal, ko je bila potrebna bolniške pomoči. Pokojna je bila po poklicu učiteljica, mnogi se je boste spomnili še iz “la-gerja”. Pred leti si je mnogo prizadevala, da so v San Franciscu vrnili slovensko bogoslužje v slovensko cerkev. Mnoga leta je zvesto in nesebično podpirala misijonarje, več bogoslovcev v semeniščih, Šentviško klasično gimnazijo, salezijansko gimnazijo v Želimljah, in vedno je našla še kakšen dar za semenišča; sam Bog ve, kam vse je še pošiljala. Delala je samo dobro. Hvala Ti, draga Angela, razdajala si se in živela živo vero dajanja. Sedaj s' pri nebeškem Očetu, da te nagradi bogato za Tvoje bogato življenje vere, upanja in ljubezni. Spočij se v Bogu!” Slovenski kulturni Center v Lemontu v soboto, 2. maja CHICAGO, 111. - V soboto zvečer, 2. maja, bomo imeli zopet pester večer v *6' montskem Slovenskem kulturnem domu. Po maši šestih v cerkvi, bomo odprli ob 7.30 najnovejšo razstavo umetnostnih slik umetnic6 Marije DeJean in tudi nj6' nega moža, akademskega slikarja Jean Pierre Bonnefi' le-a. Slike so v olju in akri' lu naslovljene “Potovanja”. Ob osmih pa nastopi se daj že zelo znani mešan* pevski zbor Krka s 44 član* in iz Novega mesta. Gosto vali so po slovenskih našel binah v Kanadi in ZD, 56 daj se ustavijo še pri nas v čikaški okolici, predno odi6' tijo nazaj domov v Sloven* jo. Ljubitelje umetnosti 1 slovenske pesmi vljudno va bimo ob blizu in tudi °fl® še malo bolj oddaljene 1 Chicaga na razstavo slik 1 odličen koncert. Posluša1 boste narodne in prireje11® pesmi iz slovenskih kra) od Koroške, Prekmurja 1 Dolenjske tja do Istre. vežimo spet in okrepčaj111 naše prijateljske stike. ^ skrbljeno bo za prigrizek pijačo. Vsi boste l3^0..^ veseljem ogledali nove s“ in poslušali z navdušenj6 našo slovensko pesem! ^ Anton M. LAVRISHA Attorney-at-LaW (Odvetnik) 18975 Villaview Rt>9d at Neff 692-1172 romplete Legal Serviet 1 i \ J I v ( c s n s d C I si P I c c v o 7e; o d j Ž Sl v Sl B 0 %\ Pogovor s koprskim škofom Metodom Pirihom Cerkev je božja in človeška, sveta in grešna — II. del — Kako komentirate pogajanja ljubljanske nadškofije z državo glede vračila gozdov? Ali podoba Cerkve kot veleposestnice ustreza današnjemu času? Vračanje gozdov neposredno res zadeva ljubljansko nadšofijo, posredno pa se ob tem vpra-šanju izraža odnos vlade (države) do Cerkve na Slovenskem, katere del je tudi naša škofija. Kakor 'ubljanska nadškofija doži-v!ja izjemno negativen od-n°s javnosti in nekaterih Političnih subjektov glede Vračanja gozdov, tako vsa Cerkev na Slovenskem doživlja različne oblike nasprotovanj, nerazumevanj, n°Ve krivice in nestrpno- sti. K°t dokaz naj omenim, dQ so v noči od nedelje ^9- marca) na pomedejo neznanci pomazali steno romanske ladje ko-Prske stolnice z dvaintri- ^ drag in ljubeč spomin * Prvi obletnici, ko je po v °oitvi Božje volje zaspal Gospodu naš dragi mož, 3ta’ stari ata, tast, svak, brat in stric 1 J°HN ZAGORC ^ Rojen 1. 1917 je Bog poklical k Cbi 20- aprila 1997. sloVo/ prezS°dcij si vzel ^ Veseli r °*/o. H Ve je s Teboj "°*eZ°S‘ “ “ V S'Cih je rn ,?e črna zemlja P°krila *ujoči: M| SinoVlS?h'e. r°j- Francelj in p. aymond, John Jr. S,.. M«l «lie v Ameriki aprila 1998. desetimi drevesi. V pogajanjih z vlado, ki ne zadevajo samo vračanja gozdov, ampak vsa odprta in nerešena vprašanja med Cerkvijo in državo, ni nobenega napredka, ker ni politične volje, četudi so zakoni na strani pravičnosti. Ker se v javnih občilih toliko govori o denacionalizaciji, ima marsikdo res vtis, da si Cerkev želi bogastva in da bo zato postala veleposestnica. Cerkvene posesti ne gre razumeti zgolj kot premoženje, ampak glede na to, v katere namene se daje dohodek iz premoženja. Če je v preteklosti iz tega naslova nastalo toliko kulturnih, humanih in duhovnih dobrin, potem cerkvenega premoženja ne smemo imeti za nekaj tujega narodu. Cerkev se mora tudi glede premoženja ravnati po evangeliju in po krščanskem socialnem nauku. Sicer pa je delovanje Cerkve bolj kot na omejevanje na gospodarske zadeve usmerjeno drugam: na oznanjevanje evangelija, na bogoslužje, na vzgojo otrok, mladine in odraslih. Kaj bi denimo z gozdovi storili vi, če bi bila njihova lastnica koprska škofija? Cerkveno premoženje je postavljeno v službo človeka, zato naša škofija, če bi imela svoje gozdove, ne bi ravnala bistveno drugače od ljubljanske nadškofije. Je Cerkev na Slovenskem v krizi? Kje se ta najizrazitejše kaže? Ko Cerkev na Slovenskem postavljamo v okvir evropskih držav in jo motrimo v luči zgodovinskih gibanj, tudi glede na to, kaj se je v Cerkvi že dogajalo, lahko rečemo, da slovenska Cerkev ne doživlja posebnih znamenj krize, tudi zato ne, ker je božja - Kristusova ustanova. Znotraj Cerkve je trdna edinost med papežem in škofi, med škofi in duhovniki, med duhovniki in božjim ljudstvom. Kot pa so v krizi nekatere človeške vrednote, tako so tudi nekatere verske. Naše oznanjevanje včasih ne nagovori sodobnega človeka, nekateri ljudje premalo pričujejo s svojim življenjem, da so kristjani, drugi sprejemajo le nekatere verske resnice, ki jih Cerkev oznanja. Med ljudmi je premalo upanja in veselja do življenja. Skrbi nas, ker tudi mnogi mladi ne vidijo pravega smisla svojega bivanja. Krize pa so tudi znamenje globljega iskanja novih usmeritev in odločitve. V zgodovini je Cerkev prav iz svoje bogate duhovnosti velikokrat našla rešitev v različnih krizah. Pravijo, da so po eksploziji atomske bombe v Nagasakiju bili prav katoličani tisti, ki so v trenutkih groze in obupa dali upanje vsem prebivalcem tega mesta. Bil bi zelo vesel, če bi tudi katoličani v Sloveniji uspeli dajati upanje, pogum in veselje do življenja vsem ljudem. Kakšna je vaša osebna pot pri iskanju odgovorov na izzive časa? Jih iščete za človeka nasploh ali zgolj za vernike? Pri iskanju odgovorov na izzive časa se po Jezusovem zgledu najprej v molitvi posvetujem in pogovarjam z Bogom. Potem imamo na voljo različne svete, kot so duhovniški, pastoralni, gospodarski in še druge komisije, s katerimi se pogovarjam in posvetujem. Na koncu sprejmem odločitve in tudi odgovornosti zanje. Že v začetku sem o-menil, da je moje poslanstvo namenjeno predvsem vernikom. Želim pa služiti tudi drugim prebivalcem naše škofije, saj Cerkev ne sme biti brez posluha za življenjske potrebe in stiske ljudi. Kje recimo je po vašem mnenju meja, ko naj Cerkev ne bi več posegla v posameznikovo zasebnost? (dalje na str. 12) Izpod zvona Sv. Marije Vnebovzete CLEVELAND, O. - Bog nam je naklonil lepi nedelji, tako je bila Cvetna kot tudi Velikonočna. Nista bili preveč hladni, pač pa sončni. Cvetna nedelja je bila res cvetna. V dvorani stare cerkve je bilo zbirališče, kjer je bil tudi blagoslov zelenja in butar. Iz dvorane se je vila procesija v cerkev, ki se je svetila po temeljitem čiščenju. Bilo je veliko narodnih noš in to tako otrok kot mladine in starejših. Hvala vsem za udeležbo. Otroci Slovenske šole so lepo brali Pasijon, za kar tudi lepa hvala! Prvi trije dnevi Velikega tedna so hitro minuli in že je bil tu veliki četrtek, najprej zelo slovesen, potem pa smo častili Jezusa v Najsvetejšem Zakramentu. Veliki petek nas je ves dan spominjal Jezusovega trpljenja in smrti. Zvečer so peli Pasijon, kar je še povečalo bridkost tega dne, častili in poljubili smo Jezusa na križu ter ga prejeli v svetem obhajilu. Velika sobota pa je bila že praznična. Dvakrat je bil blagoslov jedil, zvečer pa blagoslov ognja, velikonočne sveče, sprejem mladega dekleta v katoliško skupnost, nato sv. maša z odpovedjo služenja hudobnemu duhu. In Velika nedelja! Pritrkavanje v zvoniku je dajalo prazniku še večjo prazničnost. Veliko narodnih noš se je zopet zbralo v cerkvi, da je bila procesija še mogočnejša. Hvala vsem! Zmagoslavje Velike nedelje se težko zapiše, ko je toliko odtenkov, ki pripomorejo, da je vse ena celota. Že zapeta Aleluja je drugačna kot drugekrati, pesmi so vse polne veselja, oltar v cvetju in zelenju, vse se blišči, vse nas dviga proti nebesom. Hvala vsem za ves trud pri lepoti Velike noči. Naše Oltarno društvo bo imelo molitveno uro na prvi petek, kar bo 1. maja takoj po 7.45 sv. maši, potem pa ne bo nič sestanka. Pridite na prvi petek, da skupno počastimo Jezusa v Presv. Rešnjem Telesu. Vse pa ste tudi lepo povabljene k nedeljski sv. maši, ki bo darovana za žive in pokojne članice. To nedeljo, 26. aprila, ste pa tudi vabljene članice, da se udeležite sestanka Zveze oltarnih društev, ki bo pri Sv. Kristini v Eucli-du. Ob pol drugi uri bodo molitve v cerkvi, nato pa bo sestanek. Pred nami je mesec maj, ko se še posebej spomnimo naše nebeške Matere Marije. Počastimo jo, da se večkrat udeležimo sv. maše. Lavriševa V središču pozornosti (nadaljevanje s str. 10) K Štuklju je prihitel s čestitkami tudi presedjujoči varnostnega sveta, japonski veleposlanik, ki uživa še posebne časti, ker se je njegova hči poročila s sinom japonskega cesarja. Je pa Kofi An an povedal, da pozna del Slovenije, saj je ob zadnjem obisku Sarajeva ob vrnitvi letalo pristalo v Ljubljani, od koder se je zasebno z avtom odpeljal v Benetke. Neuradno pa smo izvedeli, da bo Anan Slovenijo obiskal v začetku letošnjega poletja. Najbolj prisrčen dogodek pa se je zgodil v Shrub Oaku (Hrastovo grmičevje), kjer je Emil Gaspari doma in kjer prijateljuje z romunsko telovadko, olimpijsko zmagovalko v parterju Teodoro Ungureanu, ki vodi telovadno šolo Dynamic Gymnastic. Na njej se kar po tekočem traku rojevajo ameriški telovadni prvaki vseh starosti in ti so vsi po vrsti Leonu Štuklju predstavili svoje vaje. Vse mestece je namreč prišlo pozdravit Leona Štuklja, drobcena petletna telovadka pa je na vrvici prinesla velikanski balon v obliki srca z izpisano čestitko “Happy birthday Leon Štukelj”. Aleksander Lucu Delo, 19. aprila 1998 (Op. ur. AD - New York Times je v soboto na svoji prvi strani objavil daljši članek o Leonu Štuklju z dvema fotografijama. Dnevnik Plain Dealer je v Clevelandu povzel prvi del članka brez fotografij. Prvi del članka je poudaril, da je bil Leon Štukelj član takratnih jugoslovanskih reprezentanc. Ob koncu članka v NYT je pa bil poudarek na Slovenijo po osamosvojitvi, v zadnjem odstavku pa omenjena Štukljeva kritika slovenskih oblasti, ki zavlačujejo z vračanjem hiše, ki je bila Štukljevi družini po vojni zaplenjena.) BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid A ve. Between Chardon & K. 222nd St. 481-5277 Kuclid, Ohio škofom Metodom Pirihom Intervju s (nadaljevanje s str. 11) Bog osebno nagovarja vsakega človeka po njegovi vesti. Dal mu je razum, da spoznava, kaj je dobro in kaj je zlo, svobodno voljo, da se more odločati. V tem je človekovo dostojanstvo in hkrati odgovornost. Bog v polnosti upošteva red, ki ga je zapisal v človekovo naravo. Nihče, ne posameznik ne ustanova, ne more in ne sme poskušati nadomestiti človekovega najbolj osebnega odločanja, s katerim gradi lastno osebnost. Cerkev, ki obstaja po Kristusovi in ne po svoji volji, je od Kristusa prejela naročilo, naj oznanja veselo oznanilo odrešenja, naj ljudi poučuje v moralnih resnicah, da bodo pravilno ravnali. Kakor je delal Kristus, tako ravna tudi Cerkev. Posredovanje verskega in moralnega nauka je pomoč človeku, da laže spozna resnico, se je oklene in jo tudi živi. V tem pogledu Cerkev sprejema zaupano nalogo kot služenje človeku, njegovemu vsestranskemu razvoju, zemeljski in večni sreči. Ob tem me zanima, kako denimo gledate na nedavno papeževo navodilo Nemški škofovski konferenci, naj v katoliških svetovalnih centrih za nosečnice ne izstavljajo več potrdil za nekaznovano umetno prekinitev nosečnosti in nj posebna delovna skupina namesto tega išče poti za učinkovito svetovanje v * konfliktnih položajih. Nemške razmere, o katerih sprašujete, so druga- V BLAG SPOMIN 2. obletnice smrti blagega moža, očeta, starega očeta in strica FRANK PUSTOTNIK ki je izdihnil svojo dušo 21. aprila 1996. V miru Božjem zdaj počivaj. V nebesih rajsko srečo uživaj. Žalujoči: Družina Pustotnik in Cokerjevi. čne od slovenskih. Cerkev upoštevajo kot pomemben dejavnik v vzgojnih, socialnih, kulturnih in družbenih dejavnostih. Tako je med drugim priznano njeno svetovalno delo v korist ženskam nosečnicam, ki se nahajajo v kakršnikoli težavi. To delo je vključeno v državne socialne in svetovalne programe. Mnogim ženskam je uspešno pomagala, da se niso zatekle k splavu kot edini rešitvi v težavah. Podpis državne ali cerkvene ustanove, da je nosečnica že bila pri njih na posvetovanju, da so storili, kar je bilo mogoče storiti, je bila za zdravstvene osebje zelena luč, da se je ženska kljub posvetovanju odločila za splav. Sčasoma pa je med ljudmi prevladalo prepričanje, da cerkvene posvetovalnice soglašajo s splavom, ki je glede na stalni verski nauk o dostojanstvu in nedotakljivosti človeške osebe moralno nesprejemljiv. Papež se je v pismu nemškim škofom zavzel za to, naj Cerkev in v njej delujoči katoliški svetovalci iščejo druge o-blike, svetovanja in pomoči, ki ne bodo dajale videza, da je splav moralno dovoljen. Njegovo odločitev razumem tako, da je hotel vse, verne in neverne, spodbuditi, naj iščejo nove in boljše rešitve, če se je dosedanja izkazala kot dvomna. Pogosto se v javnosti pojavljajo očitki Cerkve, češ da je danes pogosteje napadana kot v prejšnjem režimu. Se vam zdijo te navedbe upravičene? Očitki in napadi na Cerkev so v zadnjem času zelo pogosti. Sedanje stanje je v marsičem podobno povojnim montiranim procesom, v katerih so z ene strani sramotili vero in Cerkev in s tem vse verujoče, z druge strani pa so odvračali po- Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS zornost od drugih resnih družbenih vprašanj. Cerkev se zavzema za resnico, ker je resnica o-svobaja človeka in družbo. Cerkev priznava, da niti hierarhija niti verniki niso brez greha in odgovornosti. Papež Janez Pavel 11. v dokumentu “V zarji tretjega tisočletja” spodbuja, naj pred koncem drugega tisočletja krajevne Cerkve premislijo svojo zgodovino, priznajo krivice, ki so jih verujoči zagrešili, prosijo odpuščanja in velikodušno drugim odpustijo krivice, ki so jim bile storjene. To sta že storila dva ljubljanska nadškofa in slovenska metropolita, dr. Jožef Pogačnik in dr. Alojzij Šuštar. Cerkev je v službi miru in sprave, ki ju oznanja in daje Kristus. Ali prej omenjene napade občutite tudi sami? Čeprav v raznih napadih osebno nisem omenjen, ne morem biti ravnodušen, ko se krivično napada katerega izmed škofov, ko se med duhovnike in vernike poskuša vnesti razdor ali nezaupanje. Sprašujem se, ali se ljudje, ki bolj ali manj zavestno širijo neresnice, klevete in razdor, zavedajo svoje odgovornosti pred narodom in zgodovino? Kolikor je hierarhična struktura Cerkve zapletena, je po drugi strani tudi zelo jasno dorečena. Zato me zanima, kakšno je v tem oziru vaše sodelovanje z nadškofom? Cerkev je res hierarhično urejena. V katoliški Cerkvi ima pomembno mesto škofija. Škofije cer-vene pokrajine so združene v metropolijo, ki jo vodi metropolit. Škofije države so običajno združeni v škofovski konferenci. V slovenskem primeru je ljubljanski nadškof dr. Franc Rode tako ljubljan- MALI OGLASI FOR SALE Richmond Hts., Ohio. 3 bdrm brick. Dble attached garage. 486-0990 (13-16) ski metropolit kot predsednik Slovenske škofovske konference. Prav ti dve službi mu dajeta določeno prvenstvo med slovenskimi škofi ter po cerkvenem pravu določene dolžnosti in pravice. Slovenski škofje so že od nekdaj, zlasti pa po drugi svetovni vojni, tesno sodelovali in enotno nastopali. Mnoge stvari, ki bi jih sicer lahko urejali sami, so urejevali skupaj. Za to so se seveda odločili sporazumno in svobodno. Namenoma so želeli nastopati enotno, ker so vedeli, da bi nasprotniki Cerkve njihovo najmanjšo neenotnost izkoristili, da bi škodovali Cerkvi. To enotnost smo škofje o-hranili tudi danes, saj so oblike sodelovanja že utečene, slovenski prostor pa je dokaj enoten in se vsi srečujemo s podobnimi problemi. Z nadškofom Rodetom sodelujem podobno, kot sem sodeloval s prejšnjim nadškofom Šuštarjem. Že dolgo se osebno poznava. Spoštujem njegov ugled v svetu ter njegovo široko duhovno, kulturno in znanstveno razgledanost. Reči pa moram, da me hudo prizadenejo številni in nekulturni napadi nanj. Kot človek in sobrat v službi protestiram proti njim. V demokratični ureditvi nima nihče pravice žaliti ali teptati dostojanstva človeške osebe. Vaše odločitve v javnosti odmevajo kot suverene, odločne in napredne. Imate pri tem znotraj Cerkve vedno polno podporo? Kako moje odločitve (dalje na str. 14) Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185th Area 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Rep»'r COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) KANADSKA DOMOVINA SLOWNCI V KANADI____________ Marija Ahaflč-PoUak ^ Ontariu Slovenci ostajajo Slovenci V deželi, ki je zima To je bil zares sreča! Častni konzul Kanade v Sloveniji, Jože Obersnel, sicer zaposlen v upravi Zavarovalnice Triglav, mi je pomagal, da sem se v Ljubljani srečal z dvema kanadskimi Slovencema. V (hotel) Austrotelu, ob kavi. Prišla sta oba, Ciril Soršak, sicer doma iz Slovenske Bistrice, ki je odšel v Kanado leta 1957, in njegova hči Sylvia. Čeprav je bila rojena v Kanadi, zna slovensko in celo poročila se je s Slovencem, tako da je skoraj Ljubljančanka ... W daj je namreč Sylvia W Kobal. Moža si je iz-brala med člani aka-emskega pevskega zbora *nko Vodopivec, ko je gostoval v Torontu, gostitelj Pa je bila tamkajšnja sionska skupnost, ki se lah-0 pohvali z izjemno živah-*°. in raznovrstno kulturno javnostjo. Zaradi druženja, Zaradi slovenskega jezika, 2aradi slovenstva. A pojdimo po vrsti. Ciril Soršak je pripotoval V Slovenijo iz Rima. Kar aekaj kanadskih Slovencev 'Z Toronta ni hotelo zamu-.slovesnosti in časti, ki ]e je bil pri papežu deležen Nadškof Toronta dr. Alojzij Ambrožič. Veste, za Slovence v (j nadi je zelo pomembno, 3 je torontski nadškof po-j3. kardinal. A treba je ve-da je nadškof in kar-naJPreJ za angleško goreče Kanadčane,. Slo-n imamo svoje cerkve in ve?kof z nami sodeluje, je ' Prijatelj Slovencev. Uj U(b domačini, Kanadčank *3rav*i°’ da smo Slovenci S0J': Prijazni in kulturni tUrn„Je; Kanada je multikul r°di in 'a. država, ki želi, da na- st; narodnostne skupno-1 °hranij, ^nadi živi okrog 40.000 °hranijo svojo identiteto. »loVpn UNIUK HU.UUU jenionCev' Kadarkoli sodelu-tiltm na tradicionalnih mul-0dličnUrn’h festivalih, nas Pavi]; ° sprejmejo. Slovenski Venij °n "*e zmeraj poln. Slo-va j.-Jc za Kanado zanimi- ^°ršak‘1VaPr*P0vcduje Ciril jev ’. eden izmed režiser- S*tuPinjr' -n ^ovenski igralski I da A**' Zinka Brunšek, Na-^itiik11138 '° drugi. Tone radjjSki v°di tudi slovenski Padskih Ohio, 23. aprila 1998. bo lepo vam vrh zvezda Žalujoča hči in sestra Marija Gostič Housekeeper Wanted Shaker Hts. family in need of person to assist with cleaning. Excellent working cond. Must be mature & responsible. 5 days. References. 216-751-1213 (15-16) FENCES - OGRAJE Any type of fence. Chain link, wood and ornamental iron. Railings for steps. Porches, balconies. We have our own surveyor. Call: JOK1C FENCE CO. 944-6777 (x) FOR RENT Modern 3 room apt., next to Slovene Home for the Aged, off Neff Rd. Call 531-5754 or 951-3087. (x) Polka Mass audio tape. Joyous Music of the Polka Mass by the Orcades. Send $11 to Rose Kraška, P.O. Box 30655, Middleburg Hts, Ohio 44130 Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1229. V zadnjem dopisu je gdč. Sonja Ferjan omenila, da si je pri padcu zlomila roko in da bom mesto nje podpisana pisala to rubriko. Gdč. Sonja je bila v petek na operaciji, da so ji vse koščice v dlani prav uravnali in upamo, da se bo vse prav pozdravilo. Prosim, vključite jo v vaših molitvah za zdravje bolnikom. Prejela sem še nekaj pisem naših misijonarjev, katere vsebina je zelo zanimiva. Tokrat se iz Libanona oglaša salezijanka s. Milena Zadravec in piše: “Spoštovana Marica Lav-riša, Sonja Ferjan, Anica Tushar, Rudi Knez in vsi dobrotniki MZA! Najprej prisrčen pozdrav in takoj za tem opravičilo za pozen odgovor. Vaše lepo darilo me je čakalo na mizi ob mojem prihodu nazaj v Libanon. Že pred božičem sem poromala proti Rimu, kjer sem se udeležila dveh kongresov in enega tečaja za amatorke skupin. Ko sem že bila v Evropi, so mi naše predstojnice dale dovoljenje, da obiščem mojo drago domovino, brate in sestre in, seveda, kot je to moja navada, prvi obisk mami in ateku na pokopališče. Božič, ki ga nisem morda že v več kot 20-ih letih slavila v krogu domačih, me je čudovito pretresel. Doma je vse drugače zdaj, kot je bilo nekoč, ko sem bila di-jakiinja v Ljubljani. Luči, smreke, jaslice, božički... in vrste ljudi, ki so čakali na spoved v mnogih cerkvah, vse to je globoko vplivalo na moje duševno doživetje “učlovečenja” v domovini. Vesela sem, da je tako, in Bog daj, da bi bilo vedno več svobode in verskega prepričanja ter navdušenja. Po vrnitvi me je čakalo veliko dela, obiskov po dru- žinah, priprave daril naših gojenk, otrok, in vrsto drugih organizacijskih del. Januar je tudi don Boskov praznik in naše 13-letne blaženke Laure Vieunne, zato smo bili vsi zavzeti s pripravo na te praznike. Pred nami je tudi strah za novi izbruh vojne..., k sreči, da se malo jasni na obzorju političnih spletov. Molite za nas, ki bomo prvi na vrsti, če bo kaj hudega izbruhnilo. G. Grilca in g. Wolbanga se spominjam v mojih molitvah za rajne vsak dan, medtem ko prosim pri vsakodnevni maši za vse dobrotnike. Bog naj vam obilo poplača vaš trud in ljubezen do nas. Prepričana sem, da vsi dobrotniki uživajo poseben blagoslov. Sveti Duh naj vsem podeli moč in luč v tem letu, Njemu posvečenem. Naj naše življenje priča Njegovo prisotnost. Postni čas, ki ga začenjamo, naj bi bil vsem skupaj čas pokore in sprave; molim za vse, da bomo z veseljem prišli po Golgoti, Kalvariji, na kraj Vstajenja. Pozdrav vsem! Prisrčne čestitke za vse! Vesela in milosti polna Aleluja naj zadoni po vsem Clevelandu, posebno pa v vaših srcih, polnih novega življenja. Molite za mene... Zdravje mi včasih peša, morda od utrujenosti? Ali pa so klici za bližnji “odhod” tudi za mene. V hiši imamo 45 sirot ali iz težkih razmer v družinah. Do sedaj so nam nekatere ustanove pomagale tudi s hrano; od zdaj naprej moramo pa same priskrbeti za vsakdanji kruh. Nekateri imajo sponzorje, ki tudi od časa do časa kaj pošljejo. Bog nam pomaga vedno -tudi po vas. Hvala in bla- goslovljen postni čas, da bo potem Vstajenje bolj doživeto. Vseh se spominjam in vse prisrčno pozdravljam. S. Milena Zadravec” V Misijonskih Obzorjih sem opazila, da se je s. Milena 20. marca srečala z očakom Abrahamom. Prav iskrene čestitke in še na mnoga leta! Naj navedem še par dobrotnikov, ki so prispevali svoje darove koncem drugega in v začetku tretjega meseca: Helen Oven Hiser-man $200; Anton Žakelj (za s. Bogdano Kavčič) $100; Marija Marolt (za lačne otroke) $50; Niko Tomc (za s. Marijo Pavlišič) $50; Vera Tomc-Devine (za s. Pavlišič) $20 Marija Goršek (za lačne otroke) $50. Prav lepo vas vse pozdravljam in želim vsem zdravja, da bi se veselili življenja, ko zdaj prihaja res pomlad v deželo, vse cveti in zeleni v najlepši zeleni barvi. Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 KOL ED AR APRIL 25. — Slovenska šola pri .Sv. Vidu priredi materinsko proslavo v farni dvorani. Pričetek ob 6.30 zv. 25. Pevski zbor Zarja ima spomladanski koncert v SDD na Recher A ve. MAJ 16. — Pevski zbor Korotan poda svoj vsakoletni koncert v SND na St. Clairju. Po koncertu zabava in ples. Igra ansambel Staneta Mejača. 24. — Društvo SPB vabi na spominsko sv. mašo pri Turški Materi božje na Chardon Rd. 25. SKD Triglav, Milwaukee ima Spominski dan praznovanje na Parku. JUNIJ 7. — Otvoritev Slovenske pristave. Igrajo Veseli godci. 14. — Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti priredi poletno veselico na Slovenski pristavi. 20. in 21. — Tabor ZDSPB priredi spominsko proslavo na Slovenski pristavi. Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VASI ŽELJI! 28. — Federacija KSKJ društev v Ohiu priredi letni piknik na Slovenski pristavi. 28. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, ima prvi piknik na Parku. JULIJ 12. — Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija priredi piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Pričetek s sv. mašo ob 12. uri. 12. — MZA odsek, Milwaukee ima misijonski piknik na Triglavskem parku. 19. — Poletnik piknik župnije Sv. Vida, na Slovenski pristavi. 26. — Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu prireja piknik na Slovenski pristavi. A VGUST 2. — Upokojenci Slovenske pristave priredijo piknik na SP. 23. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee ima drugi piknik na Parku. SEPTEMBER 5., 6 — Baragovi dnevi v Clevelandu. 13. — Oltarno društvo fare Sv. Vida priredi vsakoletno kosilo v dvorani Sv. Vida. 20. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, ima Vinsko trgatev na Parku. 27. — Društvo SPB organizira romanje v Frank, O. Sv. maša opoldne (12. ura). OKTOBER 4. — Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete pripravi kosilo v šolski dvorani. Serviranje bo od 11. do L pop. 11. — A DZ prireja Pečenje školj na svojem letovišču v Leroy Twp. 11. — Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave pripravi kosilo z domačimi kolinami, na SP. 24. — Štajerski in Prekmurski klub priredi martinovanje, v SND na St. Clairju. Igra Stane Mejač orkester. 24. — Pevski zbor Zarja ima jesenski koncert v SDD na Recher Ave. NOVEMBER 1. — Ameriška Dobrodelna Zveza praznuje 88. obletnico ustanovitve v SND na St. Clair Ave. 7. — Pevski zbor Glasbena Matica priredi koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. 14. — Pevski zbor Jadran ima koncert v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM SALES TT GORJANC s\\W\W^ ITtATTmTim s SERVICE ~wTTr IlIJilll.'L A Name For All Seasons. FURNACES - BOILERS AIR CONDITIONERS - NEAT PUMPS. 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(800) 677-1313 or (216) 692-1700 911 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 MARK PETRIČ Certified Master Technician Petrie's Automotive Service Foreign & Domestic General Auto Repair (216)942-5130 33430 Lakeland Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095 / LOCATED IN REAR