Leto 1872, 191 Državni zakonik za kraljevine in dežele v državnem zboru zastopane. Kos XXVI. — Izdan in razposlan dne 22 maja 1872. 66. Dogovor mej avstrijsko-ogersko državo in mej zedinjenimi državami severne Amerike od 25. novembra 1871 v zaščito trgovinskim markam. fSklenen na Dunaji, dne 25. novembra 1871; Njegovo cesarsko in kraljevsko apostolsko Veličanstvo vanj pritrdilo v Budimo, dne 9. marca 1872. in v obojnih pritrditvah izmenje» na Dunaji. dne 22. aprila letos.) Nos Francisais Josephus Primus, divina latente dementia AustriaeImperator; Apostolicus Rex Hungariae, Rex Rohemiae, Dalmatiae, Croatiae, Sla-voniae, Galiciae, Lodomeriae et Illyriae; Archidux Austriae ; Magnus Dux Cracoviae ; Dux Lotharingiae, Salisburgi, Styriae, Carinthiae, Carnioliae, Rueovinae, superioris et inferioris Silesiae; Magnus Princeps Transilvaniae; Marchio Moravian; Comes Habsburgi et Tirolis etc. etc. Notum testatumque omnibus et singulis, quorum interest, tenore prae-sentium facimus : Posteaquam a Nostro et a potentissimi Praesidis unitorum Statuum Americae Plenipotentiario ad luendas tesseras mereibus affixas, Conventio die vigesima quinta niensis Novembris anni millesimi octingentesimi septua-gesimi primi Viennae ini ta et signala est, tenon's sequentis : Njegovo Veličanstvo cesar avstrijski, kralj češki i.t.d. in apostolski kralj ogerski ter zedinjene države severne Amerike, želčč v svojih dotičnih ozčmljijih zaščititi svojinsko pravico, katero zagotavljajo trgovinske marke, His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia etc. and Apostolic King of Hungary, and the United States of America, desiring to secure in their respective territories , a guarantee of property in Trade ^•lertaiech.) 40 ukrenili so, v to namero skleniti poseben dogovor ter narekli svoje pooblaščence, namreč : Njegovo Veličanstvo cesar avstrijski in apostolski kralj ogerski : grofa Julija A11 drâ s s y pl. Usik-Szent-Kirâlskega in K r a s z n a-H o r s k e g a, Svojega tajnega svetnika, ministra cesarske hiše in vkupnega ministra vnanjih stvar/j, velikokriž-nika redu sv. Stefana i.t.d. ; prvosednik zedinjenih držav ameriških : gospoda Jolm-a Jay, preizrednega poslanika in pooblaščenega ministra zedinjenih držav ameriških pri Njegovem cesarskem in kraljevskem apostolskem Veličanstvu, katera sta se dogovorila, podpisati naslednje člene : (j I e n I. Vsaka ponaredba trgovinskih mark, katere v deželah ali ozemlji jih enega obeh pogodnikov so na nekaterem blagu v dokaz, od kod in kakšno je, prepoveduje se v deželah ali ozémljijih ônega pogodnika, ter okvarjeni stranki bodi to za uzrok take tožbe ali tacega postopanja in tacega iskanja odmčne (odškodbe), kakor-šno opravičajo zakoni tiste države, v kateri se ponaredba dokaže. isto tako, kakor bi tožnik bil državljan te dežele. IzkIJučljiva pravica, rabiti trgovinsko marko na korist državljanom zedinjenih držav v avstrijsko - ogerski monarhiji ali kacemu državljanu avstrijsko - ogerske monarhije v ozémljiji zedinjenih držav ne more veljati za daljšo nego za tisto dobo, katero deželni zakoni ustanavljajo svojim državljanom. Kadar je trgovinska marka že občno blago v tisti deželi, kjer je narejena, naj bode tudi po deželah ali ozémljijih onega iz m e j obeh pogodnikov občno blago. Marks, have resolved to conclude a special Convention for this purpose, and have named as teir Plenipotentiaries : His Ma jesty the Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary : the Count Julius Andr assy of Csik Szent Kirâly and Kraszna-Horka, His Majesty’s Privy Counsellor and Minister of the Imperial House and of Foreign Affairs, Grand Cross of the order of St. Stephen etc. ; and the President of the United States of America : John Jay, their Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty ; who have agreed to sign the following articles: A rticle I. Every reproduction of Trade Marks which in the countries or territories of the one of the contracting parties are affixed to certain merchandize to prove its origin and quality is forbidden in the countries or territories of the other of the contracting parties, and shall give to the injured party ground for such action or proceedings to prevent such reproduction, and to recover damages for the same, as may be authorized by the laws of the country in which the counterfeit is proven, just as if the plaintiff were a citizen of that country. The exclusive right to use a Trade Mark for the benefit of citizens of the United States in the Austro - Hungarian Empire, or of citizens of the Austro - Hungarian Monarchy in the territory of the United States, cannot exist for a longer period than that fixed by the law of the country for its own citizens. If the Trade Mark has become public property in the country of its origin, it shall be equally free to all in the countries or territories of the other of the two contracting parties. Člen 11. Alto trgovinskih mark iinetelji, bivajoči po deželah ali ozémljijih katerega izmej pohodnikov, žele zagotoviti si pravice po deželah ali ozémljijih onega pogodnika, naj trgovinski >n obrtni zbornici dunajski in peštanski ter uradu za privilegije v Washingtonu in duplo za!ože posnetke (kopije) teh mark. Člen III. Ta dogovor naj dohode veljavnost devetdeset dnij po izmemlu pritrdil, ter naj v moči ostane deset let od te dobe. A če noben izmej obeh visokih pogodni-kov dvanajst mesecev, predno mine dogovor, ne oznani, da mu nainerja konec storiti, naj v moči ostane še leto dni) od časa, katerega kdo izmej obeh visokih pogodnikov oznani, da je minil. Člen IV. Pritrdili v ta dogovor naj se na Dunaji ®u menita v dvanajst mesecih, ali še prej, če *e more. V dokaz sta dotična pooblaščenca ta dogovor podpisala v nemškem, ogerskem in angleškem jeziku, in mu svoj pečat naudarila. Tako storjeno na Dunaji, dne dvajsetega 'n petega novembra v letu našega Gospoda hsoč osem sto sedemdesetem in prvem, v dvajsetem in tretjem vladanja Njegovega lesarskega in kraljevskega apostolskega Veličanstva, a v devetdesetem in šestem letu 8aniosvojnosti ameriških zedinjenih držav. (L. S.) Andrassy s. (L. S.) John Jay s. r. Article 11. If the owners of Trade Marks residing in the countries or territories of the one of the contracting parties, wish to secure their rights in the countries or territories of the other of the contracting parties, they must deposit duplicate copies of those marks in the Chambers of Commerce and Trade in Vienna and Pesth and in the Patent office at Washington. Articl e III. . The present arrangement shall take effect ninety days after the exchange of ratifications, and shall continue in force for ten years from this date. In case neither of the high contracting parties gives notice of its intention to discontinue this Convention twelve months before its expiration, it shall remain in force one year from the time that either of the high contracting parties announces its discontinuance. Article IV. The ratifications of this present Convention shall be exchanged at Vienna within twelve months or sooner if possible. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention , as well in German and Hungarian, as in English, and have affixed thereto their respective seals. Done at Vienna the twenty fifth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy one, in the twenty third year of the reign of His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty and in the ninety sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America. (L. S.) And rassy m. p. (L. S.) John Jay m. p. Nos visis et perpensis Conventionis hujus artieulis illos omnes ratos contirmatosque habere profitemur ac declaramus, Vevbo Nostro Caesareo et Regio promittentes, Nos omnia quae in illis continentur fideliter executioni mandaturos esse. In quorum fidem majusque robur praesentes ratihabitionis Nostrae tabulas manu Nostra signavimus, sigilloque Nostro Cesareo et Regio ad-presso muniri jussimus. Dabantur in Regia urbe Nostra Buda, die nona mensis Martii, anno millesimo octingentesimo septuagesimo secundo. Regnorum Nostrorum vige-simo quarto. Franciscus Josephus m. p. Andrassy m. p. Ad mandatum Sacvae Caes. et Heg. Apost. Majestatis proprium: Maximilianus Liber Baro a tiagern m. p., Consiliarius aulicus et ministerial!*. Zgornji dogovor se pri vol jen v obeh zbornicah državnega zbora tukaj razglaša. Na Dunaji, dne 3 maja 1872. Auersperg s. r. Bauhaus s. r.