SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 47/57 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 21. 11. 2021 34. NEDELJA MED LETOM KRISTUS KRALJ VESOLJSTVA 34TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ Kristusovo kraljestvo je neuničljivo V ozadju liturgičnega leta, ki ga na današnjo nedeljo sklepamo, se dviga podoba Kristusa Kralja. Njegov prestol je križ, podoba »smrtne kazni sužnjev«, kakor je zapisal Tacit. Iz poročila evangelista Janeza o Jezusovi smrti in trpljenju je vzet evangeljski odlomek današnjega praznika, ki ga je leta 1925 uvedel papež Pij Xl. Medtem ko je za prve tri evangelije osrednja tema Jezusovega oznanila božje kraljestvo, dobi v četrtem evangeliju posebno pozornost šele ob koncu Jezusovega zemeljskega življenja, kjer je njegovo kraljestvo omenjeno dvanajstkrat. V ospredju dogajanja je poleg Kristusa tudi rimski prokurator Poncij Pilat. Vsi evangelisti pa navajajo vprašanje tega visokega uradnika rimskega cesarstva: »Ti si judovski kralj?» Vendar le evangelist Janez navaja ne samo kratek odgovor (»Ti si rekel«), marveč pravi in pravcati dialog hkrati z jasno opredelitvijo Kristusovega kraljestva. Ta opredelitev vsebuje dve razsežnosti: prva je negativna, dvakrat jasno izražena z Jezusovimi besedami: »Moje kraljestvo ni od tega sveta.« Ne gre torej za politični projekt, tudi ne za projekt moči. Ko Jezus omenja, da se vsaka oblast zanaša na vojaško moč, temu nasproti postavlja svojo nemoč, ki nima ne telesnih stražarjev ne vojaških legij, čemur stoji nasproti radikalna pozitivna drugačnost njegovega kraljestva. Njegovo kraljestvo je utemeljeno na »pričevanju, ki izhaja iz resnice«. V svetopisemskem izrazoslovju je »resnica« izraz, ki ima več pomenov: spominja nas na Očetovo dobroto, izraža njegovo zvestobo glede obljub odrešenja, je evangelij (vesela novica), je Kristus sam. V soočenju Kristusa in Pilata je torej izražena definicija dveh kraljestev. Z ene strani je vojaško kraljestvo, ki se vedno znova pojavlja na zemlji v različnih oblikah. To je kraljestvo, ki je prisiljeno prelivati reke krvi, da bi ohranilo svojo trdnost, ki potrebuje laži, nasilje in poseg v tuje pravice. Z druge strani je »kraljestvo resnice«, ki je utemeljeno na soliVESTNIK 2021 | darnosti Boga s človekom. Potrebuje ljubečo pripadnost, ki dosega svoje uresničenje v krvi, ki jo je prelil njegov Kralj in Gospod, ne pa v prelivanju krvi drugih. Korenina vsega zla je, kakor pravi Kristus, v pohlepu po moči ter posedovanju zemlje in ljudstev. Pilat mu odgovori, da je ta trditev najhujše zlo, kajti »kdor je proti moči, je tudi proti močnim«, zato ga čakata poraz in neuspeh. Nasprotno pa v evangeliju Kristus oznanja v darovanju, izgubi, dobroti in žrtvovanju sebe korenino vsega dobrega. Njegovo kraljestvo ni utemeljeno na zakonu gospodovanja, marveč služenja, ne gradi na prevari, marveč na pravičnosti. Vsa današnja svetopisemska branja poudarjajo večnost, presežnost in neminljivost malega kraljestva, semena, skritega v zemeljski zgodovini. V čudoviti mesijanski viziji preroka Daniela je Sin človekov odet od Boga z »večno oblastjo, neminljivo oblastjo in njegovo kraljestvo je neuničljivo« (prvo berilo). Psalm povzdiguje božji prestol, ki je »utrjen prestol od davnine«. V Razodetju (drugo berilo) je Kristus predstavljen kot Začetek in Konec (Alfa in Omega) zgodovine, to je kot prva in zadnja beseda našega človeškega bivanja, je tisti, »ki je, ki je bil in ki prihaja«, ki v sebi zaobjema tri razsežnosti časa - preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost. Kristus, ki ga danes častimo, ni Kristus, ki ga doživljamo le v neki intimnosti in je daleč od viharjev človeškega življenja. Ne, On je tisti, ki spodbuja človeštvo brez vojnih čet, brez politične in gospodarske moči, vendar seje strah v vrste hudobije in zla. Ko gledamo na vznemirljiva dogajanja leta, ki se končuje, kristjan obnavlja svojo odločitev za delovanje in svojo izpoved upanja. Res je, da je življenje pogosto podobno vozlu nasprotij in skandalozno torišče moči in nadmoči. Toda po tihem je deležno tudi skrivnostne logike, namreč logike božjega kraljestva. Kristus deluje potrpežljivo, vendar odločno, zato je tudi kristjan poklican, da se s svoje strani postavi v vrsto v boju zoper zlo in za pravičnost. 34TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty. First Reading Daniel 7:13-14 Daniel’s vision is one in which God conquers over all that is evil, cruel and abusive, and restores the triumph of goodness. Second Reading Apocalypse 1:5-8 The word “apocalypse” may suggest drama, horror, vengeance and violent upheaval. But John’s vision is one in which the enemies of God’s purposes will be confounded, not by being overthrown but by realising the immensity of God’s love. Gospel John 18:33-37 Jesus comes face to face with the greatest power in the world, with nothing but the weapon of truth as his protection. Salvation is accomplished by one who looks like a failure, but even the great empire of Rome cannot overcome the love and mercy of God. “Mine is not a kingdom of this world.” Illustration Holman Hunt’s famous painting The Light of the World has been described as “a sermon on canvas”. After its completion in 1853 it toured the world, with huge crowds queueing to see it. The painting’s inspiration comes from the book of the Apocalypse. Jesus stands, dressed as a king, knocking on a door covered with dead and overgrown foliage. He is waiting, lantern in hand, to be let in but there is no handle on the outside of the door, which can only be opened - (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2006-2007, št. 1) from the inside. The door symbolises the human soul. Jesus knocks and waits patiently, willing to 430 | VESTNIK 2021 come in and make himself at home, but only our choice to open our minds and hearts will allow him in. Gospel Teaching Today’s Gospel is all about the reversal of power and of the rule of might. We celebrate God’s eternal triumph over evil, but when that triumph took place in the life of Jesus it looked like a thorough defeat. His own disciples on the road to Emmaus talked of the disappointment of their dreams of glory, “Our own hope had been that he would be the one to set Israel free.” Even after he had appeared for forty days in his risen body, the disciples still could not shake off their attachment to the trappings of worldly power, asking, “Lord, has the time come? Are you going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” It took the early Church a very long time to accept that Jesus was operating to an entirely different scale of values. The crucifixion came as a huge shock to those who had followed him, dreaming of triumph over Rome. The history of the Church has been, and still is, beset by our continuing addiction to the exercise of power. Application However much Jesus’ followers think that they have taken on board his teachings, the track record of the Church shows that power continues to be an attractive drug to which many are addicted. Over the past few decades there have been repeated and devastating revelations about sexual abuse within the Church. The abuses themselves, and the equally appalling failure to deal with them, have principally arisen through the desire for and abuse of power, and the failure of the human imagination to envisage any system of organisation other than one that empowers the minority and disempowers the majority. It’s a depressing picture for all who love Jesus and hope to build a community of faith, hope and love in his name. Yet today’s feast should give us heart. There is a remedy for the ills of the Church and indeed for those of the wider world. Anyone baptised is invited to share in Jesus’ threefold ministry as prophet, priest and king. Called to prophecy, we are invited to be courageous in proclaiming by our words and our lives the righteousness of God and God’s saving love for all that lives. This may include speaking challenging truths to those in power. Called to share in the priesthood of all believers, we are invited to make of every aspect of our daily living, however small and apparently trivial, an offering of love and service. Called to live by kingdom values, we are invited to build a community of encounter, of human solidarity and of mutual support in which we see Jesus in the least of our sisters and brothers. This is our final answer to all structures and systems that thrive on oppression and on robbing others of their God-given dignity. It is difficult for us to wean ourselves off the addiction to authority as power. The crowds who heard Jesus commented that he spoke “as one with authority” and not as the Pharisees who built up their own prestige by belittling others. At Christmas we celebrate a king born in a stable, who becomes a refugee and a foreign migrant, who becomes a working man and who sides with people who are marginalised. At Easter we celebrate a king who makes himself the servant of his disciples and who chooses to die naked and alone. The message could not be clearer, but we have to be willing to open the door of our minds and hearts to take in the meaning of Jesus, our servant king. VESTNIK 2021 | 431 Curbside Cabbage Rolls! Saturday November 27, 2021 Cilj naše kampanje je v treh letih zbrati vsoto $200,000.00 za našo župnijo. Nekateri še vedno ne razumejo, da vse, kar boste darovali preko te kampanje, bo prejela naša župnija in še 10% iz skupnega sklada. Škofijski uradi pa bodo vodili vse računovodske zadeve, tako, da nam ne bo potrebno tega dela urejati. V Vestniku objavimo koliko ste »obljubili« da boste darovali za kampanjo za našo župnijo preko škofijskega računa in koliko je že dejansko »vplačanega«. Iz škofije so nam sedaj poslali kodo, da lahko sami pogledamo tekoče stanje na našem računu. Na računu »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega je (October 28, 2021): $110,540. - Pledged - obljubili $73,285. - Paid - ste že vplačali Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Smo že dobro čez polovico zastavljenega cilja. Cabbage Rolls, freshly made and cooked that morning! 5 for $10 10 for $20 Apple Strudel (unbaked, frozen) 24-inch length...$20 Slovenian Wine (some in limited quantities) $25 per bottle: Janževec (white, 1L, sugar code 0) Ranina (white, 750 ml, sugar code 1) Modra Frankinja (red, 750 ml) Refošk (red, 750 ml) Pre-Orders only from November 15 to 17 By email only: Please specify the name of the person who will be picking up the order. You will receive a confirmation email after ordering with your pick-up time, and total cost. Please bring cheque or exact change on pick-up day. Thankyou for your support! 432 | VESTNIK 2021 VESTNIK 2021 | 433 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS ČIŠČENJE CERKVE - CLEANING OF THE CHURCH Nov. 20, 2021 Dec. 4, 2021 Dec. 18, 2021 Lukežič, Volčanšek Jožica Vegelj and team Gosgnach MASS IN REMEMBERANCE OF CWL - SOD MEMBERS - CWL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL V petek, 26. novembra 2021, se bomo pri večerni sveti maši spomnili vseh pokojnih članic Slomškovega oltarnega društva in Katoliške ženske zveze. Vabljeni, da se svete maše udeležite. CWL membership envelopes will be made available as of Sunday November 21st and at our Memorial Mass scheduled for Friday November 26th. Please note that there has been a slight increase in membership dues, cost is now $25. Pamela Gosgnach will oversee distribution and collection of membership fees. New members are most welcome. As a CWL member you are able to grow in faith and witness to the love of God through ministry and service. Thank you in advance for your support. DIOCESE OF HAMILTON October 22, 2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ in the Hamilton Diocese, Family is a powerful influence in our lives. The family models and lives the gifts of love, caring, compassion, humour, kindness and patience. It is in the family that we first learn about God and grow in faith, so we regard the family as the Domestic Church, the first community of faith for each person. On March 19, 2021, Pope Francis officially opened a Year of Amoris Laetitia Family, celebrating and commemorating the fifth anniversary of his Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia. 434 | VESTNIK 2021 The exhortation both celebrates family and looks at the challenges families face in their everyday living. In his message launching the year, Pope Francis said that the family fulfills two main functions, "the frankness of the proclamation of the Gospel and the tenderness of accompaniment". These are crucial tasks and the Church supports families as they endeavour to live together in love, compassion, obedience and faith. The Pope announced the upcoming year on the Feast of the Holy Family, Dec. 27, 2020. This year of Amoris Laetitia Family overlaps the Year of St. Joseph, which began Dec. 8, 2020. These two years are connected by the foundation of family so vital to each of us. We read at the end of the Apostolic Exhortation, "no family drops down from heaven perfectly formed; families need constantly to grow and mature in the ability to love." (Amoris Laetitia, 325) The Pope goes on to remind us that support for this essential vocation comes by living in loving community with the Holy Family. St. Joseph played a pivotal role within the Holy Family as a faithful earthly father to Jesus and his life serves as a model for us all; the overlap of the two years unites the Holy Family and all families in their vocation. The example of love, devotion, faith and trust in God that Mary and Joseph demonstrated in their daily living and care for Jesus should inspire us during this year. The family provides a safe refuge for us to develop ourselves fully and to cultivate the particular gifts God provides each person. The Church offers its full presence and support for families as they experience the highs and lows, the opportunities and challenges of domestic life. As you strive to teach and learn what it means to give and forgive, to work together for a common purpose, and to share both joys and sorrows, may you remember that by nurturing the gift of faith in your children they will be able to grow into mature Disciples of Christ. We look forward to offering you support through Diocesan initiatives over the coming months, including a family conference at the end of May 2022. May these events The 2021 – 2023 Synod of Bishops brings an invitation from Pope Francis to embark on a journey together. How can you get involved? Offer your thoughts on how we can deepen our communion in the Lord and how all members of the Church can participate more fully in its mission. Visit: serve to provide assistance, learning and inspiration for you in your essential role as family. Pope Francis ended his announcement of the Amoris Laetitia Family Year with the following: "May the Virgin Maly grant that families throughout the world be increasingly fascinated by the evangelical ideal of the Holy Family, so as to become a leaven of [a] new humanity and of a genuine and universal solidarity." Together let us continue to work in solidarity to strengthen and care for all families. Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton 34. NEDELJA MED LETOM †† † OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, †† KING OF THE UNIVERSE †† † 21. NOVEMBER † DAROVANJE DEVICE MARIJE † † DON BOSCO Za žive in rajne župljane Matija in Kristina Ftičar Edward Madronich Franc in Katarina Kapušin Ignac in Marija Horvat Irma Dorenčec Lojze Grebenc Alojz Lesica Jože Svašnik V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Mlinarič Jeraj Tonaj Kanc Slana Drvarič Mesiček Dim Stephen Ljudmila Katarina Stane Zvone-Tony Sidonia Franc Ivan November 23, 1982 November 23, 1998 November 24, 1973 November 24, 2010 November 24, 2020 November 25, 2014 November 27, 2005 November 27, 2013 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - Hči Mary Fylypiw Žena z družino Janko in Anica Bubaš Stefan in Francka Antolin Štefan in Rozina Bedernjak Bratranec in sestrične Jože Gimpelj Ana Gergyek SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905561-5971. VESTNIK 2021 | 435 22. 11. 2021 — 28. 11. 2021 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 22. NOVEMBER Cecilija, dev. -uč. TOREK - TUESDAY 23. NOVEMBER Klemen I., pp.-muč. SREDA - WEDNESDAY 24. NOVEMBER Andrej Dung-Lac, muč. SVETE MAŠE - MASSES †† Pokojni iz družine Sobočan † Ljubica Jurkić † Zoltan Gergyek 7:00 P.M. Marija Hočevar † Ignac Horvat † John Grebenc †† Pokojni iz družine Kovač 7:00 P.M. Gisela in Steve Kovač †† Ana in Štefan Kričaj † Alojz Lesica † Milka Skale 7:00 P.M. Marija ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 25. NOVEMBER †† Joe, Verona in Štefan Prša †† Franc in Katarina Kapušin Posvetitev Bazilik sv. Petra †† Katarina in Vinko Antolin Hči Ana Tadić Marija in Vlado Mlačak Mary Grebenc Ivka Pašalić Društvo Bled Mimi Lukežič 7:00 P.M. Kathy Prša z družino Hči Sonya in Joe Bubaš Štefan in Francka Antolin z druž. in Pavla PETEK - FRIDAY 26. NOVEMBER Katarina Aleksandrijska, dev-muč. †† † † † † † † † †† SOBOTA - SATURDAY †† 27. NOVEMBER †† Virgil in Modest, šk. † Marija s čudodelno svetinjo † † †† 1. ADVENTNA 1ST SUNDA OF ADVENT 28. NOVEMBER K. LABOURE, RED. 436 | VESTNIK 2021 † † † † † †† †† †† Pokojne članice KŽZ & SOD Terezija Yerič John Antolin Janez Grebenc Zoltan Gergyek Stjepan Đundraš 7:00 P.M. SOD & CWL Družina Pinter Cecilija Sobočan Jože Grebenc z družino Hema Kosednar z družino Dragica Đundraš 5:30 P.M. Magda Udovč Joe Lackovič Elizabeta, Štefan in Robert Kramar, obl. Helena in Marta Virag Marija in Anton Celcar Zoltan Gergyek Ana Nedelko Cecilija Antolin Cecilija in Matija Smodiš Za žive in rajne župljane Jože Razpotnik Sr. Karel Volf Ann Božnar Lojze Grebenc Joe Lackovič Štefan in Elizabeth Ftičar Ignac in Marija Horvat Teodora Antonia Petrella Družina Raduha Žena Vera z družino Angela in Ivan Antolin Martin in Regina Nedelko Marija Košir Bernardina in Martin Mujdrica Mož z družino Dragica in Lojze Ferenčak Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - - Anica Blas Žena Marija Family Božnar Jožica Hapke Žena Vera z družino Sestra Mary Fylypiw Milka in Karol Ferko Rina in Milan Ferletič