Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 48/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 25. 11. 2018 34. Nedelja MED LETOM Kristus Kralj 34th Sunday in Ordinary time Christ the King Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Today the CWL is celebrating a milestone for 50 years of commitment and dedication to their parish, community and missions. On behalf of our Parish Council /Pastoralni župnijski svet, I congratulate all past and present CWL members for their time, their pledge and their devotion to doing good work, and being a positive example to others. May God continue to bless you all, and fill your lives with the grace of the Holy Spirit so that you may continue to share your special gifts, your compassion and devotion to doing good works to help wherever you can. Congratulations! Kristusov drugi prihod Današnje prvo berilo, vzeto iz Danielove knjige, predstavlja njeno srčiko.Z njim se začenja njen drugi del, ki je mestoma skrivnostno nejasen. Potem ko se iz morja dvignejo 4 grozljive pošasti, ki simbolično označujejo 4 državne velesile, ki so od Nabuhodonozorja naprej zatirale izvoljeno izraelsko ljudstvo, prerok prestrašen in presenečen zagleda veličasten prizor na nebu. Bog-sodnik sedi na prestolu v nebesih in slovesno izreka sodbo četrti, najbolj predrzni in objestni pošasti: Antiohu IV. Epifanu (175-164 pr. Kr.). Cilj njegove totalitarne vladavine je bil: vsiliti Izraelcem heleni-stično grško kulturo in izkoreniniti judovsko vero. S preganjanjem je udaril po vseh, ki so ostali zvesti veri svojih očetov. Zatiranje božjega ljudstva s strani velikih imperijev je zato hkrati boj proti Bogu zaveze. A čeprav uničenje grozi le posameznikom, se slednjim vendarle zdi, da je začaran krog trpljenja neskončen. Da bi se ta veriga zla končno zlomila, je potrebno, da poseže vmes Bog sam. Nujno potrebno je, da pride božje kraljestvo, ki bo zamenjalo zatiralske človeške vladavine. Natančno to obljubo pa napovedo videnja preroka Daniela. Okrutna in strašno oblastna pošast je namreč umorjena in uničena, njeno truplo pa vrženo v ogenj. Potem Daniel vidi iz nebes prihajajočega Sina človekovega. Podobno kot iz morja prihajajoče zveri je tudi Sin človekov simbolična figura, ki preroku predstavlja ne le posameznika, ampak celotno skupnost pravičnih, ki so vredni, da od Boga prejmejo dokončno kraljevanje. Tu pojem kraljestva dobi novo vsebino, saj pomeni osebo kralja, Mesija. Ta človeška podoba je nasprotna štirim zverem: medtem ko štiri pošasti vstanejo iz morja, simbola nereda in zla, pride Sin človekov na oblakih neba. Prihaja torej iz nebes, ki so bivališče Boga. Skrivnostna figura dospe do Staroletnega in tam prejme kraljevsko oblast od nebeškega Očeta. Daniel nakaže lastnosti njegovega kraljestva: vesoljno in večno bo, ker ga bo čuval Bog. 529 | VESTNIK 2018 V drugem berilu, iz knjige Razodetja, je Jezus predstavljen kot Kristus oz. Mesija. Ko naznanja slavni prihod Kristusa, eshatološkega sodnika, ki prihaja sodit vesoljni svet, Janez opogumlja preganjane krščanske skupnosti. Danielova prerokba je bila v prvi Cerkvi klasični starozavezni odlomek, s katerim je izpovedovala svojo vero v drugi Kristusov prihod in njegovo končno zmagoslavje. Razodetje jo postavi hkrati v sedanjost in v prihodnost sodnega dne, ko se bodo Judje, ki so Jezusa križali, kakor tudi poganski narodi, ki so nadaljevali s preganjanjem Jezusovih učencev, v strahu trkali po prsih. Berilo se končuje z orakljem, v katerem Bog samega sebe imenuje Alfa in Omega, začetek in konec vsega, ter se opredeljuje kot tisti, ki je, ki je bil in ki bo prišel, spominjajoč tako na božje ime Jahve, razodeto Mojzesu na Sinaju (2 Mz 3). Bog se v Jezusu izkazuje kot vsemogočni, močnejši od vseh sovražnikov. Jezusovega kraljevskega dostojanstva so deležni vsi krščeni. Jezus Kristus je prvorojenec od mrtvih. Sledila mu bo nešteta množica bratov in sester, zaznamovanih z njegovo krvjo. Kri je semitom bila simbol življenja; Jezus daruje življenje Očetu in tako postane zadoščenje za naše odrešenje in spravo z Očetom. Na ta način je vzpostavljeno Kristusovo dokončno in popolno kraljestvo. Evangelist Janez podrobneje piše o diralogu med Pilatom in Jezusom: »Si ti judovski kralj?« Jezusov odgovor predstavlja vrhunec dialoga. Jezus namreč izjavi, da njegovo kraljestvo ni od tega sveta, ampak prihaja od zgoraj je duhovno. Dokaz temu je dejstvo, da nima vojakov, ki bi ga branili. Jezusovo kraljevanje se razodeva v pričevanju za resnico. Resnica pa je polnost razodetja Očetove dobrote. Božja zmaga nad zemeljsko oblastno močjo se udejanja v absolutni ljubezni, s katero v dialogu s svetom Bog nagovarja tudi oblasti. In božja ljubezen je zvesta. V Kristusu se je dejansko uresničila znotraj zgodovine. »Jezusov dogodek« je dokončni vstop božje ljubezni v svet. Pred Pilatom, ki predstavlja oblast, Jezus izjavi, da je njegova smrt priče- vanje za resnico. Resnica tako označuje pravo ljubezen, v kateri božja resnica prebiva. Kristus torej je kralj v kolikor zoperstavlja svojo božjo ljubezen oblasti. Nauk o Jezusovem gospo-dovanju vsemu svetu je zato popolnoma nerazumljiv, če ga ne beremo v ključu eshatološke razsežnosti. Kristusovo gospodovanje je namreč popolno in celostno darovanje v pokorščini »Očetu do smrti na križu« V tej luči mora Cerkev živeti svojo soudeleženost pri Kristusovem gospodovanju tako, da služi človeštvu. Cerkev mora nenehno opozarjati na to odprto rano, ki jo je Kristus zadal goljufivi oblasti in zlu, in jo na neki način »živeti«. Danes torej slavimo vzpostavitev novega reda odnosov med Bogom in ljudmi: nebeško in večno kraljestvo, vezano na logiko božje ljubezni, kraljestvo upanja in dokončnega odrešenja, kraljestvo resnice in pravičnosti. Prim. Oznanjevalec 2003 V soboto, 17. decembra 2018 sta se SLAVKA in FRANK MRAMOR, skupaj s svojimi najbližjimi pri večerni sveti maši, Bogu in Božji Materi Mariji, zahvalila za 60 let skupnega življenja. Med sveto mašo smo jima podelili blagoslov in jima zaželeli, da ju Bog še naprej ohranja zdrava in v medsebojnem razumevanju. VESTNIK 2018 | 530 Bled Planica Social Club Cordially invites you all FAMILY CHRISTMAS _ CELEBRATION f December 16, 2018 Lunch served @ 1:00 p.m. sharp SPECIAL GUEST APPERANCE BY: è santa claus ^ TICKETS: Adults $25.00 / Students $15.00 Ticket Information: Frank Gimpelj (905) 531 0894 Tom Mes (905) 971 3831 POKOJNI V Novem Mestu je v soboto, 24. novembra v 80. letu starosti odšla k Bogu po večno plačilo Pepca Erjavec, sestra Angele Kobe. Za pokoj njene duše bomo v naši cerkvi darovali sveto mašo v torek zvečer, 27. novembra. Sožalje Angeli in vsem domačim. Pokojni Pepci pa večni mir in pokoj. ROMANJE V MARMORO V soboto, 8. decembra 2018, bo zjutraj ob 8h maša za romarje v Marmoro, ob 9h dopoldne bo odhod avtobusa. Prijavite se lahko tako, da pokličete Catherine: 905-318-2242 ali Angelo 905930-7442. Cena: $40 na osebo plačano pred 1. decembrom. Več informacij imate na letaku v cerkvi. 28 | VESTNIK 2018 Lovski Banket pri društvu »BLED« Planica Social Club 13 V soboto, 17. novembra zvečer je bilo pri društvu Bled zelo veselo. Dolgoletna tradicija lovcev obeleži ta večer in zato je tudi dogodek lepo obiskan. V kuhinji so se potrudile kuharice, za dobro in okusno večerjo, strežnice pa so hitro servirale na mize (Aileen Peter, Sofia McQueen, Alenka Peter). Pri baru so hitro postregli vsakega (Vlado Glavač, Kalman Mes, Frank Sampl in Dan NcQueen) in poskrbeli, da nihče ni ostal žejen. Na odru pa je igral ansambel ŠIBAJ pod vodstvom Briana Pavliča. Budno oko predsednika Franka Gimplja pa je bilo zadolženo, da je vse potekalo v najlepšem redu. Zadovoljni gostje so se zavrteli ob poskočnih melodijah ansambla. Ob koncu pa so še izžrebali srečne dobitnike nagrad. VESTNIK 2018 | 532 p >, ¿a» - — Umrl je JANEZ VODE, rojen 10. decembra 1936 v Podgorici pri Črnučah. Bil je prvi otrok od treh Janeza in Julijane Vode in izučil se je za kovinostru-garja. Strašansko si je želel zaslužiti motor in zato je skočil na vlak (z Matijem Skerlom) julija 1956 v kraju Hrušica pri Jesenicah. Preko Avstrije in z ladjo je februarja 1957 prišel v Hamilton. Zaradi recesije je delal različna dela, a 12 let je bil zaposlen v Dofascu. Pri ustanovitvi slovenske župnije v Hamiltonu je sodeloval in tudi zvesto spremljal dela in vedno priskočil na pomoč, kadar ga je Father Tomc poklical. Bil je tudi ustanovni član Slovenskega parka, kamor smo redno odhajali ob vikendih. Z ženo Marijo sta naredila lepo hišo na Green Mountain Road, imela hči in sina, vendar domotožje je bilo prehudo in tako nas je odpeljal avgusta 1972 v njegovo rodno vas, kjer je odprl kovinostrugarsko delavnico in z mamo sta zgradila hišo po kanadskih načrtih. V svoji delavnici je delal do upokojitve. Bolezen je nastoplila pred nekaj leti, vendar jo je dobro obvladoval, letos septembra pa se je prehitro stopnjevalo in tako je 15. novembra 2018 umrl v Ljubljanskem kliničnem centru. Pogreb je bil v četrtek, 22. novembra 2018 v Šentjakobu ob Savi. Za njem žaljujemo: žena Marija, hči Julijana z možem Nacetom, sin Tommy z ženo Meto, vnuki Tamara, Anže, Neža in Vesna ter brat Franci z družino. Zapis in slike mi je poslala hči Julijana Dolenšek Vode in dodaja, da se je v njihovi družini vedno veliko govorilo o kanadski fari, o delu in prijateljih, ki sta jih tam pustila. Letos sta z ženo pre praznovala 60 letnico poroke. Ob njegovi 80 letnici pa je v dar prejel knjigo o zgodovini naše župnije. V nedeljo, 18. avgusta smo se pri društvu Sava zopet zbrali pri daritvi svete maše. Hvala vsem, ki lepo pripravite dvorano, da zgleda kot cerkev. Hvala tudi pevcem, ki z lepim glasom obogatijo sveto daritev. 533 | VESTNIK 2018 One Soul Capital Campaign Frequently Asked Questions The Diocese of Hamilton is conducting the One Heart, One Soul Campaign to raise money for every Parish in the Diocese and for shared ministries. Answers to a set of Frequently Asked Questions appear in Parish bulletins regularly. A compilation of all questions that have been published are available throughout the campaign at How will the Parishes benefit from the campaign? This campaign is first and foremost about the renewal and transformation of Parishes. That's why 75 percent of the funds raised will go toward Parish projects (of the Parishes' choosing). In addition, a matching pool of campaign funds (10 percent of all funds raised) will be used to benefit the Parishes most in need of additional support. In many cases, a Parish in need will end up receiving more money than it raised, once the "pool" fund matches a portion of what the Parish raises. What types of projects could the Parishes choose for the use of campaign funds? Overall, the Parish projects should aim to bring vitality to the Parish, promote participation in Parish life, and evangelize and serve the faithful and the surrounding community. Some obvious options include building projects, renovations of existing buildings, overdue maintenance needs, debt reduction or the building up of a contingency fund. Other options might take ONE n HEAI^.CLp ONiSOULU A Campaign for the Diocese of Hamilton more of a direct ministry approach, such as adding an employee to develop a new ministry or providing materials for an existing ministry. What if we don't need a campaign at our Parish? The success of the overall Diocesan campaign relies on the participation of every Parish community. Although some Parishes may not have a glaring "need" to be dealt with, they're encouraged to dream and plan for how they could assist more people on their faith journey. Parishes that may not have needs now will almost certainly face needs in the future - which is why some Parishes are considering using their campaign funds to create an endowment. Also, a Parish with fewer needs would be welcome to direct some of its funds to other Diocesan Parishes in greater need. What if we're in the middle of a fundrais-ing effort already? The Diocesan campaign will happen in "waves" of Parishes, so a Parish finishing up a project now could be placed in the final wave of the Diocesan campaign, which will take place in late 2020 and early 2021. The campaign's clergy committee also could take that into account when fundraising goals are set for Parishes. VESTNIK 2018 | 534 MIKLAVŽ PRIHAJA!_ Slovenska šola pri sv. Gregorju v Hamil-tonu vljudno vabita na Miklavževanje, ki bo v nedeljo 9. decembra 2018. Po 10. maši, ob 11:45 a.m. bo odlično kosilo v cerkveni dvorani, nato pa pride Miklavž s spremstvom. Prosimo, da čimprej rezervite za kosilo in sicer lahko to storite po e-mailu Sandy Ferletič: ali jo pokličete na telefonsko številko 905-977-8464. St. Nicholas will soon be visiting our parish once again. The Slovenian School invites you to our annual St. Nicholas Celebration on Sunday December 9, 2018. After 10: 00 a.m. Mass, please head over to the hall for lunch, which will be served at 11:45am. After lunch, St. Nicholas and his angels will come to visit our parish's children. For reservations, please call Sandy Ferletic at (905) 977-8464 or by email at If you would like a specific table please call early as seats are given on a first come/first serve basis. >-• 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty! First Reading Daniel 7:13-14 The prophet Daniel sees a new king coming in glory. Second Reading Apocalypse 1:5-8 Jesus Christ will gather all people into his embrace of mercy when he comes in glory. Gospel John 18:33-37 Jesus is a witness to the gift of the kingdom of God. We catch glimpses of this kingdom when we see people living the values of justice, love, truth and peace. "My kingdom is not of this world." Illustration During a visit to a Catholic primary school, a bishop asked the children what was good about their school. An eight-year-old boy told him that the school was good because there were no bullies in the school. Another girl in the class said that the children respected one another and that it was a safe place to be. When they trust people, young children readily speak the truth. It is only later that this is obscured. Both statements were very moving because they spoke of the hard work of the staff to build a culture in the school where children felt safe and were free to develop their gifts. In the words of the school mission: "Here we learn, love and believe." Many people have had the experience of bullies, whether at school, in the workplace or in positions of power. They create fear and hurt and use their power to oppress others. Unless the bully is confronted, life becomes miserable and people become ill and sometimes tragically suicidal. 535 | VESTNIK 2018 Whether in the school playground or in the world of international politics and government, people misuse their freedom and abuse their power. The horrific pictures that have been broadcast on the internet of the beheadings of hostages by terrorists are an example of corrupt power. Recent conflicts in the Middle East have shown how ISIS, or Daesh, created fear which was fuelled by violence, and this has led to people having to scatter from their homes and flee to safety. Kingdoms established in such a way abuse their power and oppress people in unjust ways. Children may learn in history lessons about the violence of the Romans, or other warlike peoples of the past, but we see again a barbaric, medieval, violence in some current conflicts. These examples describe two kingdoms existing side by side. One kingdom is of the world, where power dominates and people are oppressed; the other is built on respect and love in relationships. Maybe in our heart, too, we may find a conflict between the two kingdoms. Gospel Teaching Jesus proclaimed his kingdom on the Mount of Beatitudes overlooking the Sea of Galilee. It is a place of great beauty and calm peace. In this place he spoke of those who would inherit the kingdom of God: the poor in spirit, the humble, the meek, people who work for justice, the peacemakers, those who suffer for their faith and do good. They seem an unlikely group of people who will triumph over time and become a strong and powerful kingdom in contrast to those whose power is violent and harsh. In today's Gospel Jesus tells Pontius Pilate that his kingdom is not of this world but is a kingdom that bears witness to the truthfulness of who people are, the goodness of relationships, and is a place where people show mercy to those in need. In this kingdom people look after one another and care for one another. They are generous to those who are poor and share their goods with others. Jesus speaks of bearing witness to the truth that each person is created good by God, given the gift of human freedom, and called to love others in rich and strong relationships. Jesus witnesses to this kingdom when he helps the woman who is bent double to stand up straight. He continues this in forgiving those who have sinned. He washes the feet of his friends to show them the example of love. His kingdom is of service in which the power of love shines out. We call him our servant king and may think of the words of a well-known hymn, "This is our God, the Servant King." Application On this feast of Christ the King, we are called to examine our hearts in the light of the attitudes and action of Christ. The invitation of the servant king is to become a person who serves and reaches out to others. When we examine our emotions, we may find some deeply hidden violent attitudes towards other people, to groups of people whom we don't like, to people of other religions. We are called to discover the truth about ourselves and offer this to the healing grace of God. When we find these attitudes, then we can ask the Lord to show us his mercy and to heal our hearts. Advent, which begins next week, is a time of preparation for Christmas when we can become better followers of Jesus Christ to serve his kingdom VESTNIK 2018 | 536 Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKE VAJE_ Pevske vaje za mešani Choir^^&sg pevski zbor so vsak Practice četrtek po večerni maši. Prav tako ima vaje tudi angleški zbor in sicer vsako sredo po večerni maši. Novi člani vedno dobrodošli. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI ♦ 25. november: CWL-KŽZ - 50th Anniversary ♦ 2. december: Triglav - Miklavževanje ♦ 7. december: Lipa Park - Tree DecorationExecutive Social ♦ 9. december: Sv. Gregorij Veliki - Slovenska šola - Miklavževanje, Mass 10:00 a.m. ♦ 9. december: Lipa Park - Miklavževanje-Santa & Luncheon ♦ 16. december: Bled - Christma Lunch, Miklavž-Santa Claus ♦ 16. december: Sava - Mass 12:00, Dinner & Miklavž-Santa Claus ♦ 16. december: Triglav - Mass 4:00 p.m. at St. John the Divine - Social after Mass ♦ 16. november: Slovenski park - Christmas Party with Santa Claus -2:00 p.m. ♦ 18. december: St. Joseph's Society -Members's Christmas Party ♦ 24. december: St. Gregory the Great -Christmas Eve Masses: 6:00 p.m. English, 10:00 pa.m. Slovenian ♦ Christmas Day Masses: St. Gregory the Great - 9:30 a.m. Slovenian, 11:00 a.m. English ♦ 26. december: Lipa park - Mass 3:00 p.m. GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 25. november 10:00 a.m.: CWL members ♦ 2. december 9:30 a.m.: Jože & Albina Antolin Parish Council Members_ Your Parish Council is actively looking for anyone with fresh ideas to come and join our team. If you think you may be interested in volunteering a little bit of your time to your Slovenian Community, we would welcome you, and look forward to hearing new ideas to help keep our parish current and vibrant! If you are interested, please contact Heidy Novak at 905-317-6002 VEČNA LUČ_ V mesecu decembru bo večna luč gorela po namenu Ljudmile Pinter in družine za pokojnega Staneta in Frančiško Napast. DAROVI_ Ob smrti Janza Vodeta sta Matija in Angela Škerl, namesto cvetja na grob, darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad. Hvala za vaš dar. CHRISTMAS EVE PAGEANT_ The Liturgical Committee invites all children in our parish community to come out and participate in our Christmas Eve Pageant- December 24th at 6:00pm. All singers and children with musical talent are welcome. Practices will begin on Saturday's in December. Please let us know if you are interested so we can arrange practice times. Please contact: Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 537 | VESTNIK 2018 Mary Miklavčič at 905-664-4927, e-mail or Sonya Podrebarac: ADVENT - DUHOVNA OBNOVA_ Prihodnjo nedeljo je že prva nedelja v adventu. Pri maši bomo zopet prižigali svečke na adventnem venčku in se tako v pričakovanju pripravljali na Božič. Na božični praznik se bomo, kot že vrsto let, tudi letos pripravljali z božično devetdnevnico, ki jo bomo imeli med večerno sveto mašo. Zopet bomo prepevali: »Kralja, ki prihaja, pridite molimo!« Vabljeni, da se udeležite tega lepega in duhovno bogatega bogoslužja, saj vemo, da nam božični praznik pomenil toliko, kolikor se bomo naj tudi pripravili. Ko bomo v nedeljo prižgali prvo svečko, bomo adventni venček tudi blagoslovili. Pred božičem bomo imeli, kot vsako leto, tudi letos duhovno obnovo. Priložnost za zakrament sprave - spoved boste imeli v sredo, 19. decembra in v četrtek 20. decembra. Spoved se bo začela ob 5:30 popoldne, ob 7:00 zvečer bo sveta maša in med mašo božična devetdnevnica. Za duhovn obnovo bo prišel iz Toronta g. Leopold Valant. Next Sunday we will start with Advent season and lightning of the first candle on the Advent Wreath. Advent wreaths are circular, representing God's infinite love, and are made of evergreen leaves, which "represent the hope of eternal life brought by Jesus Christ." Within the Advent wreath are candles that represent the four weeks of the Advent season as well as "the light of God coming into the world through the birth of Jesus Christ" although each of the candles has its own significance as well. The candles symbolize the Christian concepts of HOPE (week one), PEACE (week two), JOY (week three) and LOVE (week four) in many traditions. Many Advent wreaths also have a WHITE candle in the centre known as the "Christ candle." It is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The Christ candle is coloured white because this is the traditional festal colour. Three of the candles are violet and one rose color. Violet is the traditional color of penitential seasons. Rose is the liturgical color for the Third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday from the Latin word meaning "to rejoice"—also from the first line of the traditional entrance prayer (called the Introit) for the Mass of the third Sunday of Advent. -t» SVETE MASE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNI K 2018 j 538 od 25. 11. 2018 Do 2. 12. 2018 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 34. Nedelja med letom Kristus Kralj 25. November Katarina Sinajska, dev. Za žive in rajne župljane f Marija Horvat f Sidonija Drvarič f Sidonija Drvarič CWL 50th Anniversary Banquet 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon Mihael in Marija Špiler Aranka Dundek Hči Sidonia Parish's Hall Ponedeljek - Monday 26. November f Štefan Prša 8:00 a.m. Žena in družina Torek - Tuesday 27. November Virgil in Modest, škofa f Joe Lovšin f Mia Maradin ff Starši, bratje in sestre f Ivan Kranjc (župnik) f Olga Godina f Pepca Erjavec 7:00 p.m. Družina Pust Žena Danica Angela Kobe Olga in Viktor Glavač z dru. Marina Štefanec Sestra Angela Kobe Sreda - Wednesday 28. November Katarina Laboure, red. ff Marija in Janez Grebene f Joe Hanc ff Teodor in Amalija Klepee Za zdravje 7:00 p.m. Lojze Grebene Alojz in Agata Sarjaš Frank Majzelj Angela Kobe Četrtek - Thursday 29. November Saturnin, mučenec f Frane Antolin f Marija Horvat f Marija Horvat f Martha Hočevar 7:00 p.m. Brat Štefan z družino Pevski zbor Toni in Marija Franc Toni in Marija Franc Petek - Friday 30. November Andrej, apostol f Janez Hočevar, obl. f Janez Hočevar, obl. f Janez Hočevar, obl. f Amalija Klepee, 30. dan 7:00 p.m. Marija Hočevar Cecilija Sobočan Kathy in Martin Simončič Borštnikovi in Gačnikovi Sobota Saturday 1. December Eligij, škof t Sonya Rosmus tt Jožef in Marija Kirec tt Liza Farkaš, Bernard, Katarina in Mihael Štefanec tt Pok. Sagadin in Kisner t Jože Smodiš (Monteral) t Marija Horvat_ 5:30 p.m. Marija Korošec z družino Sin Ivan z družino Marina Štefanec Julija Sagadin z družino Družina Raduha Ivan Kirec z družino 1. Adventna nedelja 2. December Natalija, mučenka Za žive in rajne župljane t Frančiška Napast t Stane Napast, obl. t Viktor Grobelnik t Marija Horvat 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Kathy in Martin Simončič Kathy in Martin Simončič Jožica Novak z družino Kathy in Joe Prša 539 | VESTNIK 2018