Clinical and laboatory study MHC class II antigens in alopecia areata K E Y WORDS Alopecia areata, HLA Class II antigens, DR,DQ JMHC cUlSs II antigens in awpecia areata M. Poljački, Z. Gajinov, B. Belic, S. Vojvodic and M. Matic ABSTRACT lntroduction. In accordance with assumption ot a possible autoimmune nature ot alopecia areata, the purpose ot this study was to investigate associations between alopecia areata and MHC class II anti- gens (DR and DQ loci). Materials and methods. The study was performed on 23 patients with alopecia areata, classified in two groups, on the basis ot severity ot clinical picture: 13 alopecia totalis/universalis and 1 O unilocular/mul- tilocular alopecia areata patients. MHC class II antigens were determined by double staining immunofluorescence. Seventeen antigens were determined tor DR locus, and 9 antigens tor DQ locus. For all antigens phenotypic frequency and relative risk were calculated. The Control group consisted ot 114 healthy tissue and organ donors. Chi square test tor small samples was used in statistical analysis. Results. Significantly higher frequencies ot DQ2, and smaller ot DR1 antigens were detected in the whole group. In alopecia totalis/universalis subgroup a significantly higher frequency ot the DQ2 and a smaller one ot DQ3(9) antigens were observed. In the unilocular/multilocular alopecia areata subgroup only a significant decrease ot the DQ3(9) frequency was tound. Conclusion. It can be assumed that an increased frequency ot DQ2 increases the risk ot severe forms ot alopecia areata while the absence ot DQ3(9) may have some protective role. Further studies on a larger number ot patients are however necessary. Introduction Alopecia areata (AA) is a non-cicatricial alopecia of unknown etiology. Findings of CD4+, CDS+ lympho- cytes and CDl + cells in perivascular, peribulbar and intrafollicular infiltrate, an up-regulated expression of MHC class I molecules in hair follicles, hair follicle spe- cific auto-antibodies, possible associations with immune disorders as well asa beneficial effect of lmmune-modu- lating agents support the assumption that AA is an auto- immune disorder. In accordance with such a supposi- tion we decided to investigate the associations between AA and MHC class II antigens, the DR and DQ loci in patients from Vojvodina. Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 11, 2002, No 2 - --------- -------_)_) MHC class II antigen., in alopecia areata Clinical an d laboa to r y stucl y Table 1 . DO locus antigen frequency in total group of alopecia areata patients DQ antigens AA FFAA DQl 15 DQ l (5) o DQl (6) o DQ2 10 DQ3 6 DQ3 (7) 3 DQ3 (8) o DQ3 (9) o DQ4 o DQX 12 ''"'' - statistical significance p< 0,0001 AA - alopecia areata patients group 0,652 o o 0,434 0,260 0,130 o o o 0,520 K 91 9 4 18 51 14 2 1 8 88 FFK RR X2 0,631 1,09 0,0021 0,0625 o 2,99 0,027 o 0,12 0,125 5,45 11,51*" 0,354 0,64 1,24 0,097 1,39 0,01 0,013 o 2,56 0,006 o 3,45 0,055 o 2,84 0,611 0,69 1,08 FFAA - phenotypic frequency in patients with alopecia areata K- control group of healthy organ ancl bloocl donors FFK - phenotypic frequency in control group RR - relative risk Materials and methods Twenty-three patients with AA were separated into two groups accorcling to the severity of clinical symp- toms: 13 alopecia totalis/ universalis (AT/ U) ancl 10 unilocular/multilocular (AU/M) AA patients. In 12 of the patients alopecia lasted more than one year, ancl in 11 less than that. Familial occurrence of AA was not notecl in any of our patients , but in 3 patients other presum- ably autoirnrnune clisorclers were identifiecl: vitiligo, prima1y hypothyreoiclism ancl psoriasis vulgaris, ancl insulin clependent diabetes mellitus. MHC class II antigens were determined by two-col- o red immunofluorescent methocl, using immuno- magnetic technique . 17 antigens were cletermined for DR locus, and 9 antigens far DQ locus. Phenotypic fre- quency (PF) ancl relative risk (RR) were calculated for all antigens. A control group (K) consisted of 114 heal- thy, tissue and organ donors. Chi square test (X2) far small samples was used for the statistical analysis (p<0.05 statistical significance) . Results In the whole group of AA patients a significantly higher frequency of DQ2 (RR=S.45; X2= 11.51) , and smaller frequency of DRl antigens (RR= 0.206; X2= 3.85) were detected. Table l. In AT/ U subgroup, significant higher frequency of DQ2 antigen (RR= 16.33; X2= 18.70) was confirmed, together w ith a lower frequency of DQ3(9) antigen (RR= O; X2= 5.29). Table 2. In AU/M subgroup only a significantly clecreasecl frequency of DQ3(9) antigen (RR= O; X2= 4.50) was founcl. Table 3. Discussion The HLA system has an important role in immune response and in autoimmunity regulation (1). By pre- senting self and non-self antigens to the immune sys- tem, it controls the production of T lyrnphocytes by determining their selection processes in the thymus. Genes of MHC class I, code for polymorphous mem- brane glyco-proteins , presenting self and 11011-self pro- teins to CDS+ lymphocytes, while class II MHC anti- gens as membrane molecules, present self and non-self antigens to CD4+ T cells. Taking into consideration the facts that AA is genetically determined disease of auto- immune nature, HLA typification can contribute to the hereditary aspect of this disorder (2 , 3). In the past investigations of a possible association between HLA and AA were directed towards HLA class I antigens (A and B loci). The results obtained were controversial. Kiant et al. fauncl a significantly higher frequency of HLA B12 antigen , while Hachman-Zadeh observed an increased frequency of the HLA B18 anti- gen ( 4,5) . Kuntz et al. clid not confirm a statistically sig- nificant correlation between HLA class I antigens and AA (6) . Similar results were obtained by Zlotogorski, who proved that even familial cases of AA were not associated with any of HLA antigens (7). Considering these and similar reports, it can be concluded that no consensus bas been reachecl, concerning a possible J6 ------- ------------------------ - ---Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 11, 2002, No 2 Clinical and l ahoator y study MHC class II antigens in alopecia areata Table 2. DQ locus antigen frequency in alopecia totalis/ universalis group DQ antigens AT/UFFAT/U DQl 5 0,5 DQl (5) o o DQl (6) o o DQ2 7 0,7 DQ3 3 0,3 DQ3 (7) 1 0,1 DQ3 (8) o o DQ3 (9) o o DQ4 o o DQX 4 0,4 * - statistical significance p< 0,05 *''' - statistical significance p< 0,0001 AT/U - alopecia totalis/ universalis K 91 9 4 18 51 14 2 1 8 88 FFK RR x2 0,631 0,5824 1,37 0,0625 o 2,06 0,027 o 2,44 0,125 16,33 18,70** 0,354 0,78 0,48 0,097 1,031 0,27 0,013 o 3,31 0,006 o 5,29* 0,055 o 2,26 0,611 0,424 2,72 FFAT/U - phenotypic frequency in patients with alopecia totalis/ universalis K- control group of healthy organ and blood donors FFK - phenotypic frequency in control group RR - relative risk correlation between AA and MHC class I system. Studies on HLA class II antigens in AA are more con- sistent, especially for HLA DR4, DR5 and DQ3 antigens. Colombe et al. have confirmed a higher frequency of DQ3 (DQ7, DQ8), DR5 (DRll) , and DR4 antigens (8) According to their research, AT/ U group shows a sig- nificant association with the DQ3- subtype DQ7, and DR5 (DRll), w hich is not the case in patients w ith a less severe form of the disease, or in alopecia lasting less than 6 months. Such results favor the connection of alopecia totalis to DQ3 (DQ7) and DRl 1 antigens. This is in accordance with Welsh's statement about DQ3 antigen being a major marker of AA (9). According to Colombe et al. , specific aminoacid sequence in the epi- thope common to ali DQ3 antigens, (through molecu- lar mimicry) may be responsible for AA. Further epi- thopes, such as DQ7 and DRl 1 exert influence on pro- gression ofthe disease (8). Zhang's investigation on 55 Caucasian patients confirmed an association between AA and DR4, but not with DR5 or DQ antigens (10). Table 3. DQ locus antigen frequency in alopecia unilocularis/ multilocularis group DQ antigens AU/M FFU/M K FFK RR DQl 10 0,769 91 0,631 1,941 DQl (5) o o 9 0,0625 o DQl (6) o o 4 0,027 o DQ2 3 0,23 18 0,125 2,1 DQ3 3 0,23 51 0,354 0,547 DQ3 (7) 2 0,153 14 0,097 1,688 DQ3 (8) o o 2 0,013 o DQ3 (9) o o 1 0,006 o DQ4 o o 8 0,055 o DQX 8 0,615 88 0,611 1,2727 * - statistical significance p< O.OS AU/M - alopecia unilocularis/ multilocularis FFU/M - phenotypic frequency in patients with alopecia unilocularis/ multilocularis K- control group of healthy organ and blood donors FFK - phenotypic frequency in control group RR - relative risk X2 0,17 2,41 2,33 0,42 1,44 0,03 2,95 4,50* 2,34 0,07 Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 11, 2002, No 2 ------------------J7 MHC class II antigens in alopecia areata Clinical a nd laboatory study Our results for the whole group of AA patients support the role of the DQ2 antigen, w hich was also confirmed in AT/ U patients. An increased frequency of this anti- gen was not confirmed in patients with less severe forms of the disease. A significantly decreased frequency of DQl was observed in the whole group of AA patients, and a decreased frequency of DQ3(9) in both AT / U and AU/ M groups. Conclusion It can be assumed that an increased frequency of DQ2 increases the risk of severe forms of AA, while the absence of DQ3 (9) may have a protective role. Further studies on a larger number of patients are however necessary. 11.EFERENCES AUTHORS' ADDRESSES l. Oliveira DBG, Peters DK. The immunogenetic basis of autoimmunity. Autoimmunity 1990; 5: 293-306. 2. Michael AJ. The genetic epidemiolO!,ry and autoimmune pathogenesis of alopecia areata. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 1997; 9: 36-43. 3. Galbraith GMP, Thiers BH, Vasily DB, Fudenberg HH. Immunological profiles in alopecia areata. Br J Dermatol 1984; 110: 163-70. 4. Kianto U, Reunala T, KarvonenJ, Lassus A, Tiilikainen A. HLA-B12 in alopecia areata. 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Poljački Mirjana MD, PhD, Associate Projessor, Clinical Centre, Glinic far Dermatovenerologic Diseases, Hajduk Veljkova 1-3, 21000 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia Gajinov Zorica MD, MSc, same address. Belic Branislava MD, PhD, Assistant Projessor, Transjusiology Department, Hajduk Veljkova 1-3, 21000 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. Vojvodič Svetlana MD, MSc, Transjusiology Department, same address. Matic Milan MD, Jv!Sc, Clinical centre, Clinicjor Dermatovenerologic Diseases, Hajduk Veljkova 1-3, 21000 Novi Sad, Yugoslavia J8 - - ----- - ---- - --------- - -----------Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 11, 2002, No 2