Treatment (!{ psoriatic arthritis with cyclosporin A Short therapeutical report 1reatment oj psoriatic arthritis with cycwsporinA I. Prelog, I. Krajnc and K. Lukanovič ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy and toxicity of cyclosporin A (CsA) in treatment of patients affected with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Methods: This study includes 11 patients with PsA. Clinical and functional parameters are assessed: Ritchie lndex, duration of the morning stiffness of joints in minutes, and pain. Laboratory values in serum were checked: SR, CRP, urea, creatinin, cholesterol, trigliceride, electrolyte, and liver enzymes. Measurements of blood pressure were taken monthly. Results: With a therapeutic dose of CsA 3 mg/kg/daily we noticed an improvement of clinical parameters, but not of laboratory values. Conclusion: The investigation showed that CsA in the dosis of 3 mg/kg/daily was efficient and sate in the treatment of PsA. Introduction Psoriatic arthritis (PsA, psoriasis arthropathica) is characterizecl by a negative rheumatoicl factor in bloocl serum and arthritic manifestations. For a long time it was considered amile! form of arthritis. During the last years, however, this opinion has changed. In 1978, Gladman and coworkers (1) reported 40% out of 220 patients with PsA to be suffering from deforming and erosive arthritis, 17% of those with 5 or more affected joints. Arthritic manifestations can be subclivided into 110 five subgroups: l. Predominantly peripheral mono or asymmetrical oligoarthritis (sausage-like finger), often overlooked; 2. Predominantly clistal interphalangeal arthritis; 3. Preclominantly symmetrical rheumatoid like polyarthritis: 4. Arthritis mutilans involving fingers ancl toes. 5. Predominantly spondylitis ancl/or sacroileitis (2). In mile! cases PsA can successfully be treatecl with nonsteroid anti-inflammato1y dmgs (NSAR) ancl local corticosteroid injections, whereas the so-callecl second line of medicines are intended for NSAR refract01y and progressively destructive forms of PsA (3). As a rule, Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 3 Short therapeutical report patients with minimal skin lesions and an active invol- vement of joints react positively to treatment using anti- malarials, gole! salts, D penicillinamin and sulfosalazine ( 4, 5). In a generalizecl form of psoriasis, which is accom- panied by severe affection of joints, it is logical to use drugs efficacious in both manifestations of this disease. These are methotrexate, retinoids, azathioprine, sulfa- salazin and cyclosporin A. Patients and methods This st:udy included 11 patient, with active peripheral PsA who were unsuccessfully treated with nonsteroid antirheumatics and/or corticosteroicls. We have registered the principal clata of each patient. Over a period of 6 months they were treatecl with CsA in closes of 3mg/kg/ claily. At the same tirne, 4 patients were also receiving lower doses of corticosteroids. At the beginning and at the ene.! of this study clinical and functional parameters were assessed: Ritchie Index, duration of morning stiffness of joints in minutes, and pain. Measurements of bloocl pressure were taken mont- hly ancl laboratory values in sera were checked: ESR, CRP, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, triglyceride , electro- lyte, and !iver enzymes. At the beginning and at the ene! of this study we have also measured concentration of cyclosporin in serum with fluorescence polarization immuno assay (ABBOTT) methoc.l. Results Out of 11 patients with PsA includecl in this study there were 6 females and 5 males of an average age of 51 (34-74). The results ofthis study, assessed on the basis ofT- student test, revealed a statistically significant lowering ofRithchie Index (p < 0.05), of morning stiffness ancl of pain (p < 0.05), but there was no significant lowering of e1ythrocyte sedimentation rate (p > 0.05) and CRP (p > 0.05). One of our patients was subsequently dropped from the test list because of increasecl bloocl pressure. Discussion PsA is a disease, which includes inflammation of joints, involving about 5% of patients affected by psoriasis. The disease is characterizecl by a negative rheumatoicl factor. In approximately 50% of patients who are HLA B27 positive there also clevelops sponclylo- arthropathy, so that PsA is includecl in the group of seronegative spondyloarthropathies ( 6). Treatment of'psoriatic arthritis with cyclosporin A In the etiopathogenesis of the disease the influence of the immune system has been praven. Immuno- histochemical changes of synovial membranes in PsA were describecl. The infiltration of activatecl CD4+ T lymphocytes ancl macrophages is clominating in syno- vial membranes as well as in the skin. The mononuclear inflammato1y infiltration in PsA is smaller than in rheu- matoicl arthritis (RA), whereas the pathogenetic mecha- nism causing the inflammation of synovial membranes is probably equal (7). Moreover, there are also clescriptions of numerous irregularities in the subpopulations of circulating lym- phocytes during the active pl1ase of the joint disease. In the first place, the percentages of CD8+ T and activa- ted CD 3+ T lymphocytes, as well as of B lymphocytes and killer cells (8) are lowered, while the leve! of the serum soluble interleukin 2 receptor (S IL-2R) ancl of IL-6 is increasecl (9). Certain stuclies clealt with the levels of cytokines ancl their receptors in the synovial fluid of patients with PsA. They establishecl an increasecl leve! of IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, ancl of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFr) (3). The most important immunosuppressive effect CsA is the blockage of the early stage ofT lymphocyte activa- tion, i.e. of the procluction of cytokines, inclucling IL-2, IL-4, ancl interferon gamma (3). In adclition, CsA acts as a clirect anti-inflammato1y agent by inhibiting the release of inflammatory mecliators from tissue mastocytes, basophil substances and polymorphonuclear cells (3). There are only few stuclies assessing effects in vivo on seroimmunological parameters in patients with PsA. After a 6-month treatn1ent they describecl a significant lowering of the IL-6 leve! accompanied by significant clecrease of joint ailments and of the CRP leve!. (2) There occurred also a recluction of s IL-2R parallel with a reclucecl number of swollen and painful joints (3). Olivieri ancl coworkers (3) have reviewecl 16 stuclies clealing with the treatment of 170 PsA patients using CsA. Analyses confirmecl the safety of such treatment. Only 16 patients (9.4%) stoppecl taking this medicine clue to sicle effects: nephrotoxicity 10, uncontrollecl hypertension 4, gastrointestinal disturbances 2. The authors concluclecl that CsA was successful in treatment of psoriasis, of both skin lesions ancl joint symptoms (3). Sporaclo ancl coworkers (10) reportecl similar positive effects of CsA. The main reason for breaking offthe treatmentwas hypertension (10). In 1989, Gupta and coworkers (11) notecl a short period of successful activity of CsA in 6 patients who hacl been treatecl for 8 weeks with closes of 6 mg/kg/claily. A few clays after the ene! of the therapy skin efflorescences reappearecl, ancl after two weeks joint symptoms emerged again. Mazzanti ancl coworkers (12) treatecl 8 patients with a combination of CsA (5 mg/kg/ claily) ancl methotrexate (10-15 mg/weekly). After a 6-month treatment they Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 3 -------------------111 Treatment ri(psoriatic arthritis with cyclosporin A Short therapeutical report noted a regression of skin and joint symptoms (12), except in one case. The results of our study have also revealec\ the effi- cacy anc\ tolerance of CsA in the treatment of PsA. We establishec\ an improvement of the clinical parameters of arthritis, measured by Ritchie Index, morning stiff- ness, anc\ pain in the joints. However, we c\ic\ not notice any c\ecrease in CRP and in the sec\imentation rate of erythrocytes. In ali studies published so far only the effect of CsA on the peripheral arthritis has been observed. Likewise, there are few studies evaluating longer lasting effects of CsA on the radiologically verified evolution of the disease (2) . One of such studies is a 2-year study by Macchioni and coworkers (13) who have established that CsA controlled the progression of damages intlicted on peripheral joints in 60% of patients with PsA. This presupposes that the normal leve! of the s IL-2R after a six-month therapy is a reason for assuming a good prog- nosis of the disease, while SR and CRP Jack any progno- stic value (1). During treatment attention must be paid to possible toxic sicle effects of the drng, inclucling a regular control of the blood count, liver and renal tests , cholesterol, triglycericle, ancl electrolyte. Of utmost importance are regular measurements of bloocl pressure. Medica! personnel must also be on lookout for other possible sicle effects. REFERENCE§ AUTHORS' ADDRESSES 112 l. Gladman DD, Schnuckett, et al. Psoriatic arthritis: An analysis of220 patients. QJ Med 1987; 62: 127-4. 2. Camp RDR. Psoriasis. In: Rool A et al. 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Ida Prelog MD, dermatologist, Dermatological Department, University Hospital Maribor, Ljubljanska 5, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Ivan !{rajne MD, PhD, projessor, Clinical Department oj Interna Z Medicine, RheumatologicalDepartment, University HospitalMaribor, Ljubljanska 5, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia !{amila Lukanovič MD, Novartis, Subsidiary Slovenia, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Acta Dermatoven APA Vol 9, 2000, No 3