The Merton Structural Model and IRB Compliance Matej Jovan1 Abstract This paper discusses the 1974 Merton's model in light of the minimum regulatory requirements of the Internal Ratings-Based (IRB) Approach provided in the Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council for the calculation of capital requirement for credit risk. The basic purpose is to illustrate potential deficiencies of the model in assigning obligors ratings and/or estimating probability of default to which supervisors should be attentive when validating this model in bank's IRB approach. The procedures of three estimation methods of Merton's model are described (calibration, Moody's KMV, maximum likelihood estimation), based on which deficiencies of this model can be identified. The Merton's model per se does not ensure compliance with the minimum requirements of the IRB approach for the estimation of probability of default, as its theoretical assumptions often do not reflect reality. It is therefore necessary to calibrate the fundamental parameters estimated by the model using empirical data on defaults, which must be defined in accordance with the regulatory minimum requirements, and must be representative of the population for which the model is valid. Results on the simulated data also show that calibration method provides different estimates of probability of default for the same obligors compared to other two methods. Differences are mainly influenced by the volatility of equity and leverage in the time series, which calibration method does not sufficiently account for. Some regulatory minimum requirements can be relaxed when obligors are being assigned ratings on the basis of the Merton's model estimation methods. However, the results of the analysis on simulated and empirical data show that different estimation methods generate different obligor credit rating assignments. 1 Introduction With the advent of the Internal Ratings-Based (IRB) Approach in the Directive 2006/ 48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (CRD), statistical modeling has come to the fore of credit risk management. Not only are default prediction models the centre of interest when it comes to the IRB approach, credit models also form the basis of the equation for calculating capital requirements for credit risk using an IRB approach (Gordy, 2003; Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 2004). From a quantitative point of view, the IRB approach is defined by three random variables as key risk parameters: Probability-of-Default (PD), Loss-Given-Default and Conversion Factor. These parameters are always input data for calculating capital requirements for credit risk using the IRB approach. The best investigated of them is PD, which 1 Bank of Slovenia, Banking Supervision Department, Ljubljana, Slovenia; therefore has the greatest number of methodologies for its estimation. The CRD takes this methodological diversity into consideration, and does not prescribe any methodology that a priori would be more desirable than any other for rating obligors and estimating PD. European banking supervisors within the Committee of European Banking Supervisors in Guidelines on the implementation, validation and assessment of Advanced Measurement (AMA) and Internal Ratings Based (IRB) Approaches (2006, hereafter Guidelines on Validation) also came to the same conclusions, and explicitly stated that the use of multiple methodologies is allowed, and that it is up to banks to substantiate their models if they intend to use them to calculate capital requirements. The Oesterreichische Nationalbank in the document Rating models and Validation (2005) classifies the existing methodologies for estimating PD into three groups: (1) heuristic models, (2) statistical models, and (3) causal models. This paper only focus on the third type of models, more specifically the structural model first articulated by Merton (1974), which Altman (2006) calls a first-generation structural model. On the basis of the Merton structural model estimates of PD are made for fictitious companies using simulated data, and for certain Slovenian companies in the main Ljubljana stock exchange index (SBI20). Estimates of PD are provided for a one-year time horizon, which are derived from the movement of market prices of equity. To this end, three methods for estimating PD will be used, all based on the 1974 Merton model: (1) the calibration method (e.g. see Bruche, 2005), (2) Moodys KMV (the MKMV, see Crosbie and Bohn, 2003) method, and the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) technique proposed by Duan (1994, 2004). The purpose of this paper is to identify any differences in the estimates of parameters under individual methods, and to establish the usefulness of the traditional Merton's model in the IRB approach, in general and for listed Slovenian companies, from the point of view of rating obligors or from the point of view of estimating PD. This paper is organized as follows: the second section provides the theory of the 1974 Merton's model, which represents the basis for forecasting PD. The third section describes the derivation of the calculation of asset value and asset volatility on the basis of empirical (market) value of equity and estimates of their volatility. The fourth section illustrates the point of view of meeting the minimum requirements of the IRB approach, depending on whether the model is being used for the purpose of rating obligors or for the purpose of estimating PD. The fifth section presents the data. The sixth section provides calculations of one-year estimates of PD under all three methods. The seventh section summarizes the papers findings, and gives the starting points for further discussion. 2 Assumptions of the structural model In the 1974 Merton's model, equity represents a call option on the companys assets held by the holders of the equity. The financing of the company is simple. It consists of one type of equity issued at time t (Et) and zero-coupon debt issued at t (Dt) with face value of L maturing at time T. The strike price of the call option is the same as L. L already includes some accrued interest at a rate reflecting the company's riskiness. Debt holders finance company's assets at time t with an amount equal to Dt, and at T they receive an amount equal to min [AT, L], where AT is the market value of assets at maturity. In this financing structure the market value of the Companys assets at time t is given by: At = Et + Dt. (2.1) The dynamic of asset value At follows a geometric Brownian motion as follows: d ln At = ßA dt + vAdZt, (2.2) where ßA is the constant return or drift, va is the constant standard deviation, and Zt is the normal random variable N ~ (0,1). The solution to equation (2.2) can be obtained using Ito's lemma, and is aT = a>a - 4 (2.3) where (T — t) is remaining maturity. The market value of the assets at time t has a log-normal distribution. The natural logarithm of returns on the companys assets ln(AT/At) is distributed normally N (ßA — Vf) (T — t),*A(T — t)) . The market value of the companys equity at time T is given by Et = max[AT — L, 0]. (2.4) Equity holders will exercise the option if the market value of the assets at maturity (AT) is higher than the strike price of the option. In this event they will purchase the companys assets at a price below the market value. In the event AT < L, which defines the default event in Merton's framework, there are no assets left that could be taken over by the equity holders. Under certain assumptions (Merton, 1974) the solution to (2.4) for equity values in t is given by the Black-Scholes (1973) equation for pricing a call option Et = At $(di) — Le"r(T"t)$(d2), (2.5) where = ln (At) + (r + f) (T — t) va^T—T) ln ( At ) + (r — f ) (T — t) va^/W—) (2.6) (2.7) and r is the risk-free interest rate, and $() is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal variable. Equation (2.7) describes the number of standard deviations of natural logarithms of At/L from the mean. MKMV calls this interval the distance-to-default, but it is defined differently elsewhere (see Crosbie and Bohn, 2003). d i PD. The model so defined, the traditional Merton's model, forms the basis for estimating . By rearranging (2.3) an estimate of PD is PDt = P [At < L] P P ln(At) + ( |a - -f) (T - t) + —aV(T - t)Zt < ln(L) Zt < - ln (ALf) + IA - a~t) (T - t) -Av^iT—t) ln( Af ) + »A--f) (T-f) 4>(x)dx. (2.8) Here, 0 is the probability density function of a standard normal variable. Note that equation (2.7) is not a function of |A, like (2.8). If |A = r, then PD is identical in both equations. 3 Market value of assets from market value of equity The market value of assets At is a random variable that cannot be observed directly. It would therefore also be impossible to directly estimate the drift and the standard deviation in the movement of the natural logarithms of returns on the market value of assets. All three parameters are necessary for the estimation of a company's PD. Notwithstanding that the traditional Merton's model assumes a simple debt structure, and is thus highly simplified, it proceeds from an assumption of the observed market values of assets that empirically cannot be realized. However, the market value of assets, the drift and the standard deviation can be estimated indirectly from (2.5) and the observed market value of equity Et. This paper makes use of three methods for estimating these three parameters, from which the one-year PD is estimated. All three methods are implemented in the R statistical software2. 3.1 Calibration method The first method, which Bruche (2005) named the calibration method, uses iteration to solve the system of two equations with two unknowns (Bruche, 2005; Crosbie and Bohn, 2003; Bluhm et al., 2003; Ericsson and Reneby, 2005; Elizade, 2005), namely (2.5) and —e = At $(d2)-A. (3.1) Et 2R is freely accessible at This first method is defined as follows. The initial values Aand C«1 are chosen ^ and C« arbitrarily3. Initial values of A011 = E0 and C« = aE were used in the paper. For empirical data, E0 is the market capitalisation of the company at the end of the year (number of shares multiplied by share price). For simulated data, E0 is defined in section 5.1. For empirical data, aE is estimated from the time series of daily natural logarithms of returns on the companys equity ce \ 1 n 1 £(Xt - X)2V250, t=i x=^ Xt, T) ^-/ - t=1 t=1 where Xt = ln(Et/Et-1), t = (0,...,-) and r is the interest rate on 12-month treasury bills. For simulated data, aE is defined in section 5.1. For empirical data, L is the total book liabilities from the consolidated balance sheet at the end of the year. For simulated data, L is defined in section 5.1. The defined values are input into the following iterative procedure: 1. (2.5) is solved; 2. the new solution of A0i+1) is input into (3.1); 3. the new solutions of Â0t+1) and C«+1) are re-input into (2.5). The procedure is repeated until the differences in A0 and between successive iterations are sufficiently small4. Usually it only takes a small number of iterations for the values to converge to produce estimates of the desired parameters. The values obtained allow for the calculation of an estimate of PD from (2.8). For this estimate of PD, ßA = r and the one-year return on the companys assets is equal to the return on 12-month treasury bills5. 3.2 MKMV method The second iterative procedure estimates At, a« and ß«. The latter is important for the estimation of PD as a function of drift. The second iterative procedure follows the disclosed part of the MKMV methodology for the calculation of Expected Default Frequency (Cros-bie and Bohn, 2003; Vassalou and Xing, 2004; Duffie et al., 2005; Duan et al., 2004). The time series of daily market value of equity from which the parameter is estimated is equal to n days, where t = (0,..., n). Following the same notation as Duan et al. (2004), the coefficient h = 1/(n/no. of years) is introduced, which serves to convert the daily values into annual values of the parameters. The initial values entered into (2.5) are A^h = Eth, 3 ith itertion, i = 1 is the first in the series of iterations, t = 0 and T — t = 1. 4 An absolute difference of 10-10 is used in this paper. 5The treasury bill yield is commonly used in the literature as the risk-free interest rate r. while L and r are defined as in the first iterative method, ßA and aA are stipulated arbitrarily, and the maximum maturity of the debt L is equal to T. Each iteration produces a time series of daily values Ath, where the maturity of the debt ranges from 1 < (T — th) < T. The procedure is as follows: 1. calculation of the daily value of A^, th = (0,..., nh) from (2.5) ; 2. calculation of the arithmetic mean of the sample 1 n r (i) = -y R(i) (3.2) n tY R « = ln^/A^J; 3. calculation of the standard deviation a (i+1) _ A \ ■(i) mX[R'— R t=1 (3.3) 4. calculation of the drift ßA ni a ßA Ai+1) = R(i) 1 + 2 (i+1) A h 2 (3.4) 2 5. return to the first step for the calculation of A^1 using /àA+1) and aA+1) from the second step. The procedure is repeated until the differences in ßA and aA between successive iterations are sufficiently small. The procedure usually converges quickly. The values obtained allow for the calculation of a one-year estimate of PD from (2.8). This time the estimate of PD is the function ßA, and the one-year return on the companys assets is equal to the average return on the company in the previous sampling period. For the given sample it is possible to use an analytical solution for the standard errors in ßA and aA, respectively, as follows: s.e.(a a) s.e. (aa) = s.e. ( R + *A 1 = 4At 1 2 ) h Vnh aA y/2nh (3.5) (3.6) 3.3 MLE - Maximum likelihood estimation method The third method follows the methodology proposed by Duan (1994), later augmented by Duan et al. (2003, 2004). This is an estimation of parameters based on maximum likelihood estimation. Duan et al. (2004) introduces the following log-likelihood equation for the estimation of ßA, uA, and Ath on the basis of observed market values of equity n 1 n (R-t - (ßA - if) h) n n 10A-, Ath\Eth ) = --ln(2 ncAh)--E "- Ah -£ ln(Âh)-£ ln (*(*)) t=i t=0 t=0 (3.7) where 0A = (ßA, UA), Ath is estimated from (2.5) and $ is the cumulative distribution function of a standard normal variable. The time series of daily market value of equity from which the parameter is estimated is equal to n days, where t = (0,..., nh). Each iteration produces a time series of daily values Ath, where the maturity of the debt ranges over 1 < (T - th) < T. All the initial values input into (2.5) are the same as in the MKMV method. The estimation procedure is as follows: 1. calculation of the daily values of A(h\ th = (0,..., nh) from (2.5); 2. calculation of /