"Registered by Australia Post Publication No. VAW 1215" CATEGORY A "MESSENGER" GLASILO SLOVENSKEGA DRUŠTVA MELBOURNE LETNIK 36 ŠTEVILKA 5/6 OKT/NOV/DEC 11 PRIREDITVE - 1992 - FUNCTIONS January Monday, 27th Australia Day Picnic, Variety Show and Dance February Saturday, 29th Pustna Zabava - Masquerade Dance March 7th and 8th Sunday, 29th Slovenski Festival - Slovenian Festival - Jadran Športno Zabavni Dan - Sports & Recreation Day April Monday, 20th Velikonočni Ponedeljek - Easter Monday Picnic May Sunday, 3rd Materinski Dan - Mother's Day June 6th and 7th Razstava Likovnih in Ročnih Del - Art & Craft Exhibition July Saturday, 18th Letni Ples - SDM - Annual Ball ^^ August September Saturday, 8th Sunday, 6th Saturday, 12th Večer Pevskega Zbora - Choir Night Dan Očetov - Father s Day i ^ ^S** Lovska Veselica - Hunters Dance ^ October Saturday, 10th Saturday, 24th Balinarski Ples - Bowlers Dance Pies "Snooker" Se key e - Snooker Group Dance November Sunday, 1st Vsi Sveti - Memorial Prayers December Sunday, 6th Saturday, 26th Thursday, 31st Miklavževanje - St Nicholas Dance Stefanovaqje - Boxing Day Silvestrov Večer - New Year's Eve Dance Vsem elanom, prijateljem in njihovim družinam, "Vesele Božične Praznike ter Srečno Novo Leto 1992 " Upam da se srečamo na hribu ... (Predsednik) To all SDM Members, friends and families, "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, 1992 " Hope to see you _ at SDM... Andrew Fistrič A (President) vestnfk GLASILO * SLOVENSKEGA DRUŠTVA MELBOURNE - LASTNIK - PUBLISHER SLOVENIAN ASSOCIATION MELBOURNE • P.O. BOX 185 ( ELTHAM VIC 3085 Vestnikov Odbor - Vestnik Committee: Draga Gelt, Kevin Hervatin, Sandra Krnel, ( Jana in Dušan Lavrič Tisk - Printed by: Distinction Printing 164 Victoria St., Brunswick, 3056. Letna naročnina - Annual subscription: Australia - $15.00 Overseas - $32.00 Vaša prispevke pošljite najkasneje do 5. v mesecu. Rokopisov In nenaročenlh fotografij ne vračamo. Za podpisane članke odgovarja pisec sam. S.D.M. SNOOKER GROUP A Snooker Competition was held at the German Club Tivoli on Sunday, 15 September, 1991. Not all of our players turned up, which almost cost us the Plaque as we were on equal points. Stan Ličen's name came out of the draw and he played for the six winning points required by SDM to be the winner of the Plaque. Congratulations to Stan (see the winning smile!), and he apologised for not having a white shirt as he was running late. In the knock-out competition although we were short of players, we managed to win: Geez! Is it really Vestnik time again? Time for the next President's Report... Subject Result Remarks Shopping Tour A Great day for Ladies. Not so good on husbands! Kitchen A Great food available every Sunday. Come and try some soon. Playground B+ Slow moving monolith nearing completion. What an adventure! Applied Physics F But who really cares anyway? Pensioners B+ Returning as an important section of SDM. Working Bee A+ Lots of work done! Lots of people came to do it! Lots of food, lots of drink, Thanks everyone! Coming Attractions! ? Kontiki Night, St Nicholas, Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve, David Krnel's Car Rally!! Who will be able to remember anyway? Hiccup! 1st Victor Lampe SDM 2nd Foetsch GCT 3rd Luft GCT (At the Tivoli Club from left Stan Ličen, Hannelore- Karl & Horst) Hopefully next year we will meet at SDM on each 2nd Sunday of the month for practice and our own Annual Competition as was suggested by a number of players. As this is our last report for 1991 and our last competition on Sunday, 24 October (at SDM), I would like to congratulate thewholete and thank Steve Mavrič & Sons Engineering Pty. Ltd. for their sponsorship during 1991. Also our newsletter writers Vestnik £ the Management Committee of SDM with President, Andrew Fistric. "Vesel Božič in Srečno Novo Leto 1992", Vic Lampe, on behalf of the SDM Snooker Gro S.D.M. News . . . Let's start with the Secretary's Report. New Members - On behalf of the Management Committee of SDM I would like to take this opportunity to extend our warmest welcome to the following who have become members of our Association this year: • Stan Pongračič • Helmut Sinkowitsch • Silva Pongračič • Aleš Brgoč and • Linda Štolfa ® Zlatko Fekonja. Zlatko and Aleš have also become members of the Management Committee. 1 am sure that all present members will assist in making you all feel welcome when you attend our functions. Birthdays - A late "Happy 21st Birthday " to Eddy Štemac who turned 21 just as the last Vestnik went to print. "Happy 35th " to Rex Gregorič who celebrated his birthday last week. (Even the ones we still sometimes call the "mladina " are fast catching up with us!!) A very special late "Get Well Wish " to little Madeline Fistrič. This message was typed and prepared for the last Vestnik but, because some are translated into Slovenian, she didn't end up being included in either of them. (Editorial mishap!) Anyhow, Madeline is much better now and has been seen running around the Club so, to Julie, Albert and family, it's great that everything is back to normal now. • Jožica Oder-Preložnik se je pred kratkim srečala z Abrahamom. Za njen jubilej ji čestitamo in želimo še na mnogo zdravih in srečnih let. • Pred kratkim sta se v bolnišnici, ob istem času, nahajala Franc in Virgil Gomizelj. Oba sta imela manjšo operacijo in zvedeli smo, da sta oba sedaj čila in zdrava. • Momentalno se v bolnišnici nahajajo Stana Hervatin, Ludvik Strle, Viktor Ferfolja in Pepi Burlovič. V upanju, da boste kmalu doma in seveda čimprej okrevali, vam kličemo vse najboljše z željami da se kmalu vidimo na hribu. • Kristini (Slavec) in Nacetu Kalistru izrekamo iskreno sožalje ob izgubi dragega očeta, v Sloveniji. Zopet sporočamo žalostno vest, da nas je zapustil àe en član. Kar prehitro in prezgodaj §mo se v ponedeljek 11.11.91 poslovili od Cirila Camplja st., kateri je po težki bolezni izgubil svoj boj v Royal Melbourne Hospital-u 6.11.91. Ciril je bil rojen 10.3.1933 - Hinje v Beli Krajini v družini enajstih otrok. Sestra Angela (Ferfolja) in brat Frank živita v Melbournu, vsi ostali bratje in sestre, katere je Ciril obiskal predno je hudo zbolel, pa živijo v Sloveniji. Kot eden ustanovnih članov, se je z družino redno udestvoval raznih funkcij in delovnih akcij ter svojim otrokom vlil ljubezen do slovenstva in društvenega dela, saj so vsi trije zelo aktivni. Za to in za vso njegovo neutrudno pomoč mu bomo vedno hvaležni in ohranili ga bomo v trajnem spominu. Ženi Angeli, hčerkama Juliji in Heleni z družino ter sinu Cirilu z družino izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje ob izgubi dragega moža, očeta in starega očeta. Our deepest sympathy to Karl Beve and family on the loss of their father (and grandfather) in Slovenia. Karl and his wife Lennette flew to Slovenia to see Mr. Beve (Snr.), but unfortunately he passed away only an hour before they arrived. Our thoughts were with you during your time there. Playground - Over the last couple of months a small group of dedicated workers have sacrificed their weekends to begin work on a new "Adventure Playground" for the use of the children of our members and friends. It is progressing well and it is hoped that it will be ready for use by the 1st December which is the day of our "Miklavievanje ". Come to the Club and have a look and if you feel you can help in any way, I'm sure your help will be appreciated. Many thanks to Andrew Fistrič (Jnr), Dušan Lavrič, Kevin Hervatin, Peter Conlan, Victor Lampe, Janez Tegelj and Rex Gregorič. Thanks also to Steve Mavrič for donating the steelwork used in the construction of the playground. 1992 Functions - The SDM functions for 1992 have been set. Please keep these dates free next year - we need your attendance at these functions to keep our Club going and growing. Susan Škrlj 20. OBLETNICA UPOKOJENSKE DRUŽINE SDM V nedeljo 29. septembra smo v SDM praznovali 20. obletnico obstoja upokojenske družine. Proslave se je udeležilo lepo število naših upokojencev, prav tako tudi upokojencev slovenskega društva Geelong in drugih posameznikov, kakor tudi nekaj upokojencev hrvaške narodnosti. Po kratki predstavi učencev šole SDM, govoru predsednika SDM in nekaj drugih čestitk, podeljenja priznanic članom za dolgo sodelovanje pri SDM, smo skupaj preživeli prijetno popoldne. Istočasno smo se odločili, da bo odslej srečanje upokojencev vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu. Ponovno se nam je pridružila tudi ga. Mici Hartman. V imenu SDM, vabimo vse upokojence na vesela srečanja na 9r,čkU- Milica Hajek V , oe oo Le pridite med nas, izobraženi in neotesani; v isto ce smo odbrani. Iz življenja vsak rad govori, zraven potoži ga boli. Mal1 se pogovorimo, včasih zavrtimo. Kdor zna in ga petje veseli, takih upokojencev si naš krožek : Naj se še pohvalim - imamo nov odbor krožka: M Hajek Helena Leber in še vedno naprej bo pomagala Hartman. Čestitam z željo uspehov v bodoče upokojer Pri SDM- Marcela E 29.9.1 Septembra 1971 se je zbudila misel Heleni Leber in El ki Mesar/Peršič, da sta začeli s srečanji upokojencev pri SDM vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu, tiste čase v Carlton-u. SDM se je preselilo na lep grič Eltham. Na griču je bil samo prostor imenovan kokošji "kurnik". Upokojenci so se srečavali vsi srečni od vsega začetka, čeprav v kurniku . Kot goba po dežju je zrastel slovenski dom. V tem prekrasnem domu se je nadaljevalo srečanje zimskega cvetja G. in ga. Hojnik sta prinesla dobro šunko in klobase, g. in ga. Hartman-Čar, g. in ga. Lauko, g., in ga. Kozole ter vsi ostali so poskrbeli za prigrizek na mizi. Mici Hartman, Danica Hojnik Kozole in druge članice so stregle s pecivom. Skoro vsi prvi upokojenci so se preselili v resničen vrt pokoja. Od začetka je skrbela za upokojence Mici Hartman, pozneje celo vrsto let Kati Hartner. Kati je organizirala, da smo se upokojenci odpeljali na počitnice v avstralsko naravo, poskrbela za srečolov; dobiček srečolova je bil podarjen društvu, ki nam je nudilo dobro večerjo - miza je bila polna dobrot. Članice društva posebno v odboru so mnogo ur žrtvovale za upokojence, posebno kuharice. Gospod Mandelj je večkrat nudil sam prevoz stari upokojenki, ki ni imela prevoza. Prav vsem dobrotnikom tisočera hvala. Dovolite, da Vam povem: z žalostnim srcem sem se pridružila upokojencem. Najraje bi ostala za vedno mlada -a življenja cesta vodi kar naprej. Vam povem, v družbi upokojencev sem od prve ure srečna Upokojenski krožek je odprl vrata mojim verzom. Kot upokojenki je prisluhnila na radiu Helena Leber, prilila olja umirajočemu luminčku, ki je celo življenje tlel; ob sončnem zahodu oživel. Hvala vsem predsednikom, uciteljicam, posebno Dragici Gelt, ki me ob vsaki priliki vpraša ce sem kaj napisala. Prisrčna hvala zimskemu cvetju, ki mi je dalo toliko veselja. Mladi upokojenci pridružite se, sami se boste prepričali, da v upokojenski družbi je res lepo. Ljubosumja med nami vec ni, nobena žena od moža ne zbeži. SDM WORKING BEE ... As usual, for "VSI SVETI" cleaning and grass cutting was c around the Chapel and "ćevapčići" were prepared for the Working Bee which is held every Cup Day. And what a Working Bee it was - th e Iladies clet-xnedthrough main building, starting in the heart of the Club (our^gRo The poor spiders didn't have a chance as walls ceilings, ly windows, curtains, finiture and floors were washed and clean then they moved to the main hall. Equipment like mops, brooms, buckets rags, ^f^tT^ke wipper-snippers, slashers, paint etc were aU out to make Working Bee was one of the most successfid ones. The . number of workers is around 20-30, but what a surprise -than 65 adults and about 15 kids - «ew burst of enthusm which is good to see. Other work done included: Carpentry - 2 solid timber doors were replaced to toilets as th ones had lost their strength. Painting - Main Hall windows on the balcony side got varnish as well as pergola, flower boxes and balcony railing Cabinet Maker - Went through the Servery areas, food and b readjust doors and replace some handles. Gardeners - (which we had most of) cut grass, helped d flower beds, burnt debris and removed dead trees. Bowlers - Had a thorough Spring clean, including washi windows, curtains, floors and hosing anything that didnt rn Hunters - Cut their grass and removed a storm-damaged tr under the Hunter's Lodge, unsupervised children have'. done some damage, which may have to be cleaned by the Hi section, unless the kids volunteer to clean up. Playground - The new family generation were there too work the playground which almost deserves its own name - , "Nappy Club" or "Schoolbag Club" - or better still, leave u the boys who built it and all its new little members who are to have lots of fun with it. Well done boys! - mat next? Electrical - By Boxing Day we hope to have lights on the blu stairs on the west side of the building - with help from the a trench was dug for the underground wiring. On behalf of SDM Committee, MANY THANKS!!! Vic - VESTNIK Balinarji se oglašajo è.4. Abr običajno, je balinarska sekcija bila zelo aktivna tudi zadnje mesece, tako imamo precej novic in rezultatov za poročati v temu Vestniku. Izvolili smo novi pododbor, katerega odborniki so: Miro Kastelic (Predsednik), Boris Cotič, Pepi Hervatin, Ivan Mohär, Bert Novak, Renato Smrdel in Tone Škrlj. Tudi to leto ima balinarska sekcija dobro vodstvo, kateremu želimo veliko uspehov. 14. septembra smo se odpeljali v Albury, da smo sodelovali v "Carnivale 91", katerega je organiziral "Albury/Wodonga City Council", v tem festivalu sodeluje tudi Slovenski klub "Snežnik". Najeli smo "minibus", ki ga je vozil Štefan Mavrič. Iz Melbourna smo se odpeljali v petek popoldan in se vrnili v nedeljo ponoči. Tudi za naše potovanje v Canberro junija meseca, smo zopet zaupali autobus temu zelo sposobnemu vozniku, ki se je potrudil, da smo imeli ugodno potovanje. Hvala Štefan! Na baliniščih v Albury nismo osvojili trofej, smo pa finančno podprli "Poker mašine", kjer nam sreča tudi tam ni bila naklonjena, ali kljub temu smo se imeli lepo, in se zahvaljujemo klubu Snežnik Albury za iskazano gostoljubnost. Trofeje smo razdelili na balinarskemu plesu 5. oktobra. Ples je bil uspešen in smo se dobro zabavali. Imeli smo bogat srečolov, glavni dobitek je bila Šunka, ki nam jo je podarilo podjetje "DUNAV SMALLGOODS " v Springvale, za kar se jim iskreno zahvaljujemo. (Dobil jo je Franc Fekonja ki je tudi tiste dni praznoval svoj rojstni dan in obletnico poroke z ženo Reziko. Rezika je takoj narezala šunko in smo vsi v dvorani poskusili z njimi 1. dobitek.) Na tem plesu smo podelili tudi trofeje za posamezno medsebojno tekmovanje Grupe A in B (moški) ter ženske ekipe. Čestitamo sledečem zmagovalcem: Grupa A: 1. Branko Žele 2. Marijo Maršič 3. Pepi Hervatin Grupa B: 1. Darko Barba 2. Tone Škrlj 3. Tine Zupančič Ženske: 1. Anica Markič 2. Sandra Krnel 3. Susan Skrlj 29. septembra smo tekmovali za "SDM Cup " pri nas v Eltham-u. Tekmovali so balinarji Jadrana, Planice, Geelonga in Istre. SDM je zastopalo kar 5 trojk, od teh je trojka Jožeta Urbančiča, Branka Želeta in Renata Smrdelja osvojila prvo mesto. Drugo in tretje mesto so si priborili Planičarji in četrto mesto, trojka Jadrana. "Čestitamo vsem zmagovalcem!". Podelitev pokalov na balinarskem plesu. Od l. pr d Jože Urbančič, Andrew Fistrič, Lennette in Karl Beve Pokrovitelja (sponsors) trofeji za medsebojno tekmovanje sta Lennette in Karl Beve (Motorcraft Motor Trimmers). Lennette je tudi trofeje podelila zmagovalcem s sodelovanjem Jožeta Urbančiča, ki je tisti večer opravljal zadnjo dolžnost triletnega balinarskega predsedništva. Lennette in Karlu Bevcu se iskreno zahvaljujemo za dar in sodelovanje, Jožetu Urbančiču pa za triletno požrtvovalno vodstvo balinarske sekcije. 19. in 20. oktobra so 2 moški in 1 ženska trojka zastopala SDM v Jadranu ob priliki praznovanja 20. obletnice ustanovitve kluba Jadran. Z zmagami se nemoremo pohvaliti, smo pa popili dosti "Capuccinos" in se naužili drugih dobrot. Zopet smo se vrnili na Jadran 8. novembra in tekmovali za "Jadran Cup ". Iz SDM-a so se udeležile tekmovanja 3 moške in 2 ženski trojki. Ena moška trojka in ena ženska trojka sta dobili 3. mesto. Čestitamo! Dobrodošle nove balinarke: Lennette Beve, Susan Škrlj in Joža Sušelj - so se okorajžile in se nam pridružile. „ . , . ,„ (rrr , i . v Susan je tudi tajnica v upravnemu odboru SDM-u. Bahnarn na potr domov iz Albury! Wodonge - praznih rok m praznih žepov. & J letos je pa že dosegla 3. mesto v posameznem tekmovanju ženske ekipe. Ob tej priliki vabimo tudi druge ženske, ki bi imele veselje balinati naj nas obiščejo in poiskusijo to lepo igro kot je napravila Marija Špilar pred nekaj časa - in ki je do sedaj že končala učno dobo in kvalificirano veselo balina. Vaje imamo vsaki petek zvečer, vsi vabljeni. (PS: On behalf of the Lady Bowlers, a big "THANK YOU " to Lennette and Karl Beve (Motorcraft Motor Trimmers) for their support -they have sponsored us by buying us 6 new Windcheaters). Bayda Ukrainian Dance Ensemble ... Those of you who came to the SDM Choir's "Cabaret Night" will never forget the very popular Ukrainian Cossack Dancers that performed for us during that evening. Our Choirmaster, Roland Carmody, has been kind enough to write an article on this dance ensemble, including a brief background on each of the members. The Bayda Ukrainian Dance Ensemble was formed to promote the Folk Ballet of Ukraine; raising it from participatory folk movements to a form that could be appreciated by a theatre going public. This process was initiated by several large ensembles from the Soviet Union. Their concert performances inspired Valentin Wasilenko to group together some of the most talented exponents of Ukrainian and other dance idioms, into an ensemble which, within two years, had achieved the status as the best folkloric ensemble at the Melbourne Spolletto festival of 1985. This success was followed by an invitation to tour the United States with the Tziganka musical Ensemble from London. "Bayda" has since grown in size and experience, producing its own concerts in Melbourne and Interstate, participating in numerous cultural festivals, ethnic functions, cabarets and floorshows. With further help from the Victorian Ministry of the Arts and the AADE, the ensemble plans to continue its policy of authenticity of style, improvement of technique, and most importantly, to maintain its level of public appeal. "Bayda" will continue to employ reputable guest teacher/choreographers from the Soviet Union and locally, hire suitable dance studios and entice young talent, thereby further enhancing the quality and vitality of its repertoir. Ensemble Members ... Mme Berezowsky, A.M. - Marina Berezowsky (nee Narbut) was born in Petrograd in 1914, the daughter of a famous Ukrainian graphic artist. From an early age she was trained in the art of dancing in Kiev, Ukraine. Mme Berezowsky danced with the State Operetta Theatre in Kiev during 1935-36 and with the Gor'kiy Opera Ballet in Russia during 1937-38. She married a noted sculptor, Alexander Berezowsky and they both returned to Kiev before the outbreak of World War II; unfortunately, the outbreak of War saw the Brezowsky family brought to Germany. At the end of hostilities and in a Displaced Persons Camp, Mme Berezowsky soon realised that due to the poor conditions and the lack of any outward interest, there was a need for a dance teacher to interest young people who had little or nothing to do; that was how her teaching career as a choreographer began. On their arrival in Australia in 1949, the family settled in Perth where Mme Berezowsky began to teach almost immediately and was instrumental in the founding of the Western Australian Ballet Company, one of Australia's leading regional ballet companies. At the end of 1956, Mme Berezowsky and her family settled in Melbourne and in the following years Mme Berezowsky taught at the Borovansky Ballet Academy, the Australian School of Ballet (The School of the Australian Ballet Company) for 12 years, the Victorian College of the Arts and Ballet Victoria. From 1975-79, she was Artistic Director of the Kolobok Dance Company, Australia's only Character Dance Company. In 1984 she was honoured with the award "Member in the General Division of the order of Australia, A.M." for services to ballet. (Meet the rest of the Ensemble in the next Vestnik) A S.D.M. Choir News! ... or where to now ...? By the time this le« goes to print, it will be nigh on 19 months since my appointme: to the position of Choirmaster at SDM - I still recall the evenir of 24th April, 1990 when I returned Peter Mandelj's earli telephone call. In the course of our conversation, Peter asked n if I would be willing to take up the appointment left vacant t the previous incumbent and I must confess to having shown great deal of enthusiasm; our rendezvous with the Choir toe place the following Thursday evening and the rest is history! What an experience it's been for me and specially in view of tl fact that while there were tell-tale signs of timidity ai nervousness, notwithstanding that quite normal, if not acceptabl attitude of diffidence which is prevalent whenever someone ne takes over the reins, I could sense from the outset a "positn nexus" reaching out from the majority of those present. It wasi long before everyone learned to relax and have fun. I believe tl special bond which has developed has helped create tl atmosphere of trust towards, and appreciation of each other. I recognise that it is quite fashionable to have a choir sing ne scores at every single occasion, however this is not on impractical with us, but also foolhardy to contemplate. In Ü past, we have also been accused of dwelling too long on o songs which had been sung under the previous incumbenc Perhaps I should explain now why this was so! It is undeniabl true that the choir fits within the concept of an "amateurs' grouj with very little, if any, musical knowledge in the readir department. However, as I had promised, I made eve endeavour to raise the level of showmanship to the point whe one may bestow in the title of "Professional Amateurs" ai towards this end we have pledged our troth. Now, in order reach that level, the field of musical interpretation is ve: demanding, not only in the vocalisation and in the enunciatio but more to the point, there exists a specific field which is oft< enough forgotten but with which interpretation has very litt value. This specific field is referred to as the 'field of dynamic; If I am guilty of having dwelled too long on some old songs, am equally guilty (sic) of being more demanding in terms of tl proper use of 'dynamics' and I am proud of all the members the choir who have shown such a great deal of patience towari me; they have demonstrated that with a bit of understands, learning the proper way can be as exciting as discovering one own capabilities which had been dormant until then. ... or where tO now ...? this has been on my mind ev since the 16th October, 1990, when I sent an 'open letter' to tl President and Management Committee of SDM in order to pla< before them the very dilemma we were in (and still are); th relates to the lack of sufficient membership in our Choi especially when viewed from our angle and when I am told th so and so will be going overseas for several months, or whenev illness strikes a number of us! I am saddened by the fact th< outside the current choir membership, nobody else seems to ca about the pursuit of musical and choral tradition! It is also ve: regretable that my letter dated 16 October, 1990 (an open lett at that), was never published. There have been occasions wh< the show had to go on, so to speak, despite the absence of sever important members who were away in Slovenija and others we down with the flu! Obviously, and under those conditions, tl presentation will lack lustre and the emptiness will be very mu( felt. God only knows how many times I've asked people to help i increase the numbers, thereby adding strength to the choir, al to no avail! I fully understand that such an admission means little sacrifice, I only know that too well - what value is the without a little sacrifice - it would be like playing an instrume or singing without dynamics, without feelings. Where to now .. Respectfully youi Rolan 14 November, 19( Congratulations Karen . . . Congratulations to Karen Urbančič and the Bulleen Boomers Under 14 Basketball Team. In the last Vestnik we wished them all the best in the Championships which were being held in Brisbane and it looks like our wishes worked - THEY WON! They are now officially the Australian Under 14 Basketball Champions and are pictured here at their presentation. Karen is standing up, second from the left. (Photo taken by proud father). Congratulations to Karen and Team - we're all proud of you! Nastop otrok slovenske šole SDM na praznovanju 20 obletnice Jadrana Otroci slovenske šole so z veseljem sprejeli novico, da bodo nastopili s točko "Poletne noči" na tem pomembnem praznovanju Slovencev Primorskega kluba Jadrana. Mamice in očetje so spremljali svoje malčke na oddaljenem klubu Jadran in točno ob določenem času bili vsi zbrani. Vrstile so se pesmi, deklamacije in plesi in končno so nastopili naši malčki. Kako ljubki so bili v oblačilih iz časa "rock-and-roll-a" in k praznovanju pomembnega dne so dodali nekaj lahkotnega in veselega. Magda Pišotek je koreografirala ples in na malčke smo res lahko ponosni. Lepo je bilo videti tudi slovenske narodne plese Primorske, prvič v Avstraliji v noši iz tega dela Slovenije, s katerim je nastopila folklorna skupina "Jadran-a" pod vodstvom Ljube Pribac-Vrtovec in Magde Hribernik. Lepo je bilo videti navdušene Slovence, ki hočejo spoznati in priznati bogastvo folklore vseh slovenskih pokrajin in stem dokazati svoj ponos do vsega slovenskega. Draga Gelt oktober, 1991 Otroci SDM na praznovanju 20. obletnice SPSK Jadrana Tradicionalna domaČa kuhinja ... Potrud za tO domačo zimsko specialiteto je od naših majstrov: Tišler - Andrej Fistrič Zidar - Miro Kastelic Mizar - Jože Urbančič Tapetnik - Karl Beve, in Iniinir - Štefan Mavric. V glavnem, okus krvavic je bil pohvaljen na Lovski veselici- ki so prav teknile na tem večeru. Naša tradicija je, da smo veseli in hrana okusna, kot se to vidi na sliki. Zahvala našim prostovoljnim kuharicam, katere so ta večer pripravile razne specialitete in domačo hrano. IMELI SMO SE LEPO ...! 4i4.4.4.*.J ju podprla njuna moža, saj sta bila ta dan zelo obremenjena z otroc, doma. ženska sekcija Pri SDM, «je dolgo vrsto let sk^novoc^ W- Bila je sobota, pust in deževen dan. Tm^Jto^^^to^m^m^Ke praznih, saj je nekaterim boleze dobil še kavico in raznovrstno pecivo. Poàasjsmo r^^^^^a^J Tudi šoferji so vozili zelo previdno; ; «gU "Ladies from "esearc odhod. _ In tako smo obiskali 10 takih trgovin. Casje hitro tekel, zato nam je bil omejen. Ura se je pomikala proti poldnevu. Krenili smo proti "North Melbourne Football Club". Bilo je rezervirano kosilo. Lepo pogrnjene mize so nas že čakale, tudi "champagne" v ledu. Domače smo se počutile in sproščene. Skrbna, kot vedno, Sandra Krnel je prinesla kamero za skupno slikanje. Zopet je bilo treba vozit naprej - končna in zadnja trgovina je bila z otroškimi igračami. Tu si pa opazil, katera je stara mama. Dan seje stekel, napolnile smo avtobuse do Fltham-u Mrak se je že spuščal na zemljo in Zahvala SDM, Vam vsem mladim, ki delate za slovensko skupnost, posebno Aniti in Dorothy. An/ca Smr BIG SPENDERS . - . / Ìe Sdi^(Tto ™et together; (2) have a good time and (3) do their Christmas or persona, shopping. Atota,of62,adiesgatheredin^eSDMDiningRoo, and would wait for no-one). Many had not even hadtimetorbr^ Warehouses, each stop offe them. In good company, (and incomfort), they Social Club. Afterlu different bargains to tempt the ladies. They were treated to a MMb^jdüm gyboarded the buses again. With n it was noticeable that the champagne had haditseffect Theladiesbeganirc> sing as y and hostesses - SÄÄ li'^op^^^ tvlgaapp The buses returned to SDM at approximz e oOpTwhere we were able to sit down and rest after a hard day's shopping. Prizes that were given as gifts by the Tour company and the diffe warehouses where our Ladies spent $500+ were then raffled and s, ladies went home with an unexpected gift. The ladies enjoyed this so much that several asked about the possibility of another tour ar, a "Pokies" tour in the future. For this information keep an eye on Vestnik and an ear to the Slovenian Radio Programs. Between the two buses the Ladies didn't find it hard'tos $10,675.23. In fact, one "Big Spender" was heard to say There recession on these buses". It also proved to be a worthwhile fundrj - approximately $600 (being the commission on the amount spei the Ladies). And finally from Dorothy and Anita, we would like to take this opport to "thank" every lady that took part in the tour with such enthusiasrr. support and "thank you to those who supplied the foocI M everyone's co-operation such a successful event would not be pos. Tired but smiling, Maria Dolenc, Maria štemac, Here's to the next trip! Cheers! Dorothy and > Vera Može, Pavla Kalister and Kristina Slavec unload their bargains. Q _ y^sTNIK 1991 GRAND FINAL The "1991 Grand Final" was telecast live in the Club Dining Room this year - courtesy of all the people that loaned their portable TVs for the afternoon. It was well attended by both young and not so young alike. The afternoon started at about 1.00 o'clock and by the first bounce of the day everybody was well settled down in front of the TV sets, which were set up around the room. Bets were being taken as to the final outcome of the game, with the eventual winner being Aleš Brgoč who picked Hawthorn and the closest winning margin. Bad luck to all those "clowns" that backed West Coast Eagles. Aleš kindly donated his winings and bought a round of drinks for everyone. At half-time we went outside for a "handball" competition, which just about everybody competed in, and it turned out to be great fun. The eventual winners were: It turned out to be a great afternoon for us all with everybody having a great time and keeping Susan Škrlj and myself busy behind the Bar. Congratulations to all the winners of the day, including Hawthorn, and better luck next year to West Coast. Zlatko Fekonja ■«Oft Victor Lampe Andrew Ropar Dorothy Gregorič Children Over 35's Under 35's Women's Simon Fistrič As you probably saw, the tide turned on the Eagles after half-time, with the Hawks totally demolishing them in the last quarter, with the scores at the final siren being Hawthorn 20.19 (139) defeating West Coast Eagles 13.8 (86). (Anita Fistrič has a "throw" in the handball competition) McDOUGALLS First National FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS • Buying or selling a home • Rentals • Investments • Relocation interstate • Market appraisals No obligation - Free Advice. Phone Helmut Sinkowitsch: 439.5666 (B/H) * 435.1059 (A/H) Govorimo tudi slovensko McDOUGALLS FIRST NATIONAL 978 MAIN ROAD, ELTHAM, 3095 First National is Real Estate LOVSKA IN RIBIŠKA DRUŽINA SDM vabi vse člane in prijatelje na družinski piknik v nedeljo 8. decembra 1991. Zbirališče pri Whittlesea Hotelu bo od - 10h do 11 h zjutraj -od tam se bomo odpeljali v "Toorourrong Reservoir", kjer se nam obeta lep popoldan. Osvežila prinesite s seboj, BBQ pa bo na razpolago za manjši prostovoljni prispevek. Vsi dobrodošli! SDM HUNTERS PICNIC DAY to be held on Sunday, 8 December, 1991 All Members and friends are welcome to join in this fun packed family day at "Toorourong Reservoir" at midday. The meeting point along the way is at the Whittlesea Hotel between 10-11 am. Remember, it's BYO refreshments and beautifully BBQed meat will be available there for just a small donation. All welcome! NOW, OPEN homi »JP^I Ä'H 437 \22 SLOVENIJA VAS PRIČAKUJE! Poleti do Ljubljane, Trsta in Zagreba - enako do Rima, Beograda, Frankfurta ... Zelo dobre ekonomske prilike za obisk lepe Slovenije in vse strani sveta ... f DON VA RAVEL Obrnite se na nas čimpreje, da vam lahko pomagamo pravočasno dobiti potni list in jugoslovansko vizo. Ne pozabite, da je že od leta 1952 ime GREGORICH dobro poznano in na uslogo vsem, ki se odpravljajo na potovanje. PRIDEMO TUDI NA DOM ! ERIC IVAN GREGORICH DONVALE TRAVEL 1042-1044 Doncaster Rd, East Doncaster Vič 3109. Tel: 842.5666 (vse ure) (Licence N 3021K) VUG OSI J V A/RlfVfS VSAKO SREDO IN NEDELJO V JUGOSLAVIJO NA JATOVIH KRILIH Odhod iz Melbourna ob 17.00 uri -iz Sydneya ob 14.30 uri "THROUGH CHECK-IN" PRTLJAGE Prtljago predate na letališču v Melbourne-u ali Sydney-u -prevzamete jo v Ljubljani ali v Mariboru, kjer se opravljajo tud! vse carinske formalnosti. Za vse podrobne informacije pokličite vašo turistično agencijo ali JAT-ova predstavništva SYDNEY 126-130 Phillip St. S (02) 221-2199, 221-2899 BRISBANE 248 Adelaide St. S (07) 229-7855 229-7660 MELBOURNE 124 Exhibition St fi (03) 654-6011 654-6199 PERTH 111 St. Georges Tee. fi (09) 322-2932 481-0149 AUSTRALIA HII euro international pty-kd Wide range of: ♦ Colonial and Contemporary' dinning settings ♦ Rocking chairs ♦ Bentwood chairs «-Modem bedrooms From top Slovenian furniture producers. Available at all leading furniture retail stores. Factory Showroom: ^ 3 Dal more Drive, Scoresby, 3Ì79, Vic Tel: (03) 764.1900 WE BRING WOOD TO LIFE!! w à e 4 i ACCURATE OFFICE SERVICES For typing/word processing of correspondence, assignments, theses, mailing lists. Laser Printer. Fjing Sandra on 850.7349 (After Hours) Rojaki, ki želite pristnih kranjskih klobas, domačega prekajenega mesa in raznovrstnih mesnih specialitet . . . Obrnite se na slovensko mesarijo DRAVA CONTINENTAL BUTCHER SMALLGOODS MANUFACTURER 202 Main Road East, St. Albans, Vic, 3021. Tel: 366 2258 Postrežem boste v domačem jeziku. L. & T. HOJNIK