ln praznikov ' laaued «tolly except Saturdays. Sundays and Holiday* PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARQONE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uradniški in upravnilkl prostori: 2067 South Lawndale Ava. Office of Publication: 1W7 South Lawndale Ava. Telephone, Rockwell 4904 LETO—YEAH XL Cena llaia Je SUO -------mitu» Januarv I«. \W. «t tha D»t-omc« •t CSInaja. lilis ota. uador ta Ail «1 Cañara» at March I. ISVt provided CHICAGO S3. ILL. SREDA. 21. APRILA (APRIL 21), 1941 Subscription St.OO Yearly ÔTEV.—NUMBER 71 Acceptance for mailing at «peclal rate of LEWIS SPOZNAN1 Domač« loti ZA KRIVEGA lk- WÊÊÊÊ UENJA SODIŠČA Rudarji na polju mehkega premoga x razkačeni USTAVITEV OBRATA PREMOGOVNIKOV WASHINGTON. D. C., 20. apr. —Federalni • o d n 1 k Goldabor-ough ja Ibsodil rudarsko unijo UMWA na plačltev denarne kaa-ni S1,400,000, Lewlsa pa na S20,--000. Odvetniki unija ao naana-nllL da bodo vloiill priziv proti obaodbl. Washington, D. C., 20. apr.— Federalni sodnik T. Alan Goldsborough je spoznal Johna L. Lewisa, predsednika rudarske unije UMWA, za krivega žaljenja sodišča, ker se ni pokoril odredbi, katero je izdal federalni sodnik Matthew F. McGuire 3. aprila, da se morajo rudarji takoj vrniti na delo. Goldsborough bo izrekel obsodbo danes. Goldsborough je dejal, da je bila ustavitev obrata premogovnikov v bistvu "stavka", čeprav unija in Lewis to zanikata. Lewis sam je sprožil stavko, ko je naslovil pismo uradnikom krajevnih unij in jih obvestil, da so operatorji ne drže provizije sklenjene pogodbe glede plačevanja pokojnine starim rudarjem. Rudarji so podprli Lewisa v konfliktu z operatorji in odložili orodje 15. marca. V pondeljek, 12. aprila, je Lewis ratorji zaključen z dosego sporazuma o penzijskem sistemu. Goldsborough jejiaglasil novo načelo zakona, jftlhe, da unija, dokler funkcioff^Pkbt unija, je odgovorna za akcije svojih članov. Dejal je, da vsi zločinski elementi na svetu, kakor tudi dostojni ljudje, čakajo na kazen in ugotovitev, ali imajo sodišča oblast do zaščite državljanov te dežele in njihovega normalnega življenja. Goldsborough je leta 1946 naložil rudarski uniji denarno kazen $3,-500.000, Lewisu pa $10.000, ker se nista pokorila odredbi fede-rajnega sodišča glede preklica stavke. Vrhovno sodišče je pozneje znižalo kazen uniji na $700,000, ne pa Lewisu. Pittsburgh. Pa., 20. apr.—Veliko število rudarjev na polju mehkega premoga je odložilo orodje včeraj v znak protesta, ker je sodnik Goldsborough s po» Ponesreči pri dolu Shirkieville, Ind. — Frank Mahnič se je 14. aprila ponesrečil pri delu v majni. Na nogo mu je p|del velik kos premoga in mu zlomil kost v. stopalu. Zdravi se doma.—Anton Božič namerava iti v stari kraj v Ce* lje. Rad bi vedel, ako namerava še kdo drugi iti, da bi skupaj potovala.. On je star 86 let in bi rad pri svojih ljudeh umrl. Ce kdo namerava iti, naj piše na naslov: Frank Fik, R. R. 1 Box 220, Paris, 111. Is bolnišnice Chicago.—Rudy Sedlar, član društva 449 SNPJ, se je zadnjo soboto vrnil »z bolnišnice, kjer se je nahajal dalj časa radi težke poškodbe, katero je dobil na nogi v tovarni. Zdaj se bo zdravil doma (1613 So. 60th Court, Cicero), kjer ga člani in prijatelji lahko obiščejo. Nov grob v Chicagu Chicago.—Anton Brolich, član društva Zarje, je umrl v bolnišnici v Jolietu. Živel je v bližnjem New Lenoxu (med Chicago in Jolietom), kjer zapušča ženo in sina. Pogreb bo iz pogrebnega zavoda na 2042 W. Cermak rd. v četrtek ob 1:30 popoldne na pokopališče Wood-lawn Memorial. Nesreča ne počiva Lincoln, 111.—Družina Joseph Brauch, včlanjena pri društvu 116 SNPJ in živeča v Green-viewu, 22 milj od tukaj, se nahaja v slabem položaju. Žena Katarina se je ponesreči obstre-lila; ko je čistila sobo, je pre-maknila puško, ki se je sprožila in krogla ji je prebila koleno. Nogo ima v mavcu. Nekaj dni Predsednikova kolona pozval rudarje, naj se vçnejo ^ ^neje pa ie doma padel z delo, ko je BI konflikti opZ™** "J™ W-letHi mol. ker «a je zadel mrtvoud. Mož je kljub visoki starosti še delal v premogovniku. Oba sta doma v bolniški postelji in člani so pro-šeni, da ju obiščejo, komur je mogoče. ____ % znal Lewisa za krivega žaljenja sodišča; Poročila, da rudarji zapuščajo premogovnike, prihajajo iz Pennsylvanie, West Vir-ginije, Alabame, Virginije, Ten-nesseeja in Wyominga. L. C. Gunther, predsednik Southern Appalachian Coal Op-erators Assn., je dejal, da so skoro vsi premogovniki v vzhodnem delu države Tennessee u-stavili obrat. Rudarji nočejo delati, ker je bil Lewis spoznan za krivega. Rudarji so razkačeni. Slišijo se grožnje, da bodo ostali doma. ako bo Lewis obsojen in poslan v ječo. DELAVSKI VODITELJI OBSODIL] > DRHALSKE NAPADE NA KOMUNISTE Detroit—(FP>— Delavski voditelji so ostro obsodili drhalski napad na uradnike komunistične stranke in njene urade v bližnjem Windsorju, Ontario, teden prej pa v Columbusu. Ohio. Med delavskimi voditelji, ki so obsodili napade, je bil tudi Walter P. Reuther. predsednik avtne unije CIO. dalje načelnik kongresa civilnih svoboščin v Michiganu in več drugih V Columbusu je drhal udrla v hišo Franka Hashmalla. uradnika ko. munistične stranke, razbila po hištvo in ogrožala življenje njegove družine V Windsorju je skupina nahujskanih srednješolcev razbila urade komunistične (stranke. V obeh slučajih so lokalni listi hujskali nevedne ljudi, da so uprizorili drhalske napade. Dnevnik Windaor Star je podžigal strasti proti komunistom, po izvtšenem napadu pa se Je zadovoljivo '/razil o napadu, češ, da je napad razumljiv. R. H Harrison, člankar tega lista je zapisal v svoji koprni, "da |e bil j n.ifiad demon *i racija dttha rr* »tne mladine. " Walter Reuther je dejal, da ameriško delavstvo ne ume nikdar pozabiti, da so v Italiji in Nemčiji fašisti prišli na krmilo s podžiganjem drhalskih strasti. Ako o'blasti mirno gledajo na take napade, se prav lahko zgo-dj, da bodo drhalska ¿čuvanja vodila v fašizem," je rekel Reu ther. Reakcija v Windsorju deluje noč in dan, da potisne delavce v piisilni jopič. V ta namen Je zadnje čase najela celo vrsto ptedavateljev. ki ao podžigali prebivalstvo proti delavakim u-nijam, češ, da jih vodijo komunisti. Med predavatelji je bil tudi prosluli Louis Buden«, bivši komunist in urednik Daily Worfcerja, ki obrača plašč • po vetru Ra/ume se, da so detroitaki reakcionarni listi pozdravili windsorski napad na komuniste. Prav tako so z veseljem priobčili pobarvane vesti s slikami o drhalskem napadu v Columbusu. Vojna histerija gre naprej. Namesto da k» bi vladne oblasti brzdale, ji prilivajo olje knr podžiga dthalske instinkte. Malo nase častne Zgodovine Pravkar j* minilo 44 let ~ od tega, kar Je bila usta noyljena Slovenska narodna podporna jednota. Zapiski s tistih dni nam pričajo, kako se je na pomlad leta 1904 v Chicagu, 111., zbralo dvanajstero napredno mislečih slovenskih mož k važnemu žborovanju, na katerem so razpravljali globokopreprlčevalno in nadvse resno o potrebi nove slovenske podporah organizacijo. Zborovanje Je trajalo štiri dni in iz razprav Je razftdno, da je bil njih izrecni namen ustanoviti tako organizacijo, H ne bo hodila po stari poti tedaj obstoječih centraliziranih podpornih organizacij, ampak da krene na popolnoma novo pot—pot širokogrudnoati, napredka m razvoja. , Iz zapiskov ie nadalje razvidno, da je teh dvattajstero mož za slopalo devet različnih samostojnih podpornih društev lz raznih krajev, ter da so vsa U društva štela skupaj komaj dvesto rednih članov, kar pomeni,- da je imela naša jednota jako skromen začetek. Toda takrat ni bilo tako razvitega slovenske«a časopisja in tudi nobenega drugega komunlkalnega sredstva na razpolago za take reči; naši ljudje ao se bolj malo medseboj poznali, in poleg tega, da jih ni bilo veliko, so bili raztrešeni skoro po vseh krajih te velike dežele in jih je bilo težko doseči. Ustanovitelji so bili res majhni po številu, toda veliki po idejah in pogumnosti. Njih razumevanju in dalekovidnosti se imamo zahvaliti, kajti na temelju, ki so ga naši organizaciji postavili ti moije, je vzrastla mogočna trdnjava svobodomiselnosti in naprednosti ter medsebojne bratske pomoči, iz njih pametne ideje se je razvilo mnogo dobrega in koristnega. * SNPJ—kot znano—ni samo podporna, temveč je tudi izobraževalna in kulturna organizacija. Nje glavni namen je kajpak, da svojim članom pomtga v bolezni in nesreči in splošno znano je, da je ves čas svojega obstanka točnd izpolnjevala vae svoje obveznosti, bodisi v slučajih bolezni, operacij, poškodb ali smrti, poleg tega pa še tudi drugače mnogo materialno pomafcala članom in drugim kjerkoli in kadarkoli ie bila taka pomoč potrebna. Zaeno pa se je SNPJ vse od svojega začetka mnogo brigala za pouk in izobrazbo ivojih članov ter za splošno duševno ln gospodarsko povzdigo slovenskega prišeljeniitva v Ameriki ttr je tudi mnogo žrtvovala v ta namen. Ni mogoče v teh kratkih vmticah podrobno opisati velikega dela,*ki ga vrši SNPJ, še manj pa koristi, ki jih ima nafte ljudstvo od tega. Tukaj pa tudi ni pravo mesto za vse to. Za sedaj naj torej zadostuie naslednji kratek številčni pregled izplačil, ki precej jasno priča, koliko dobrega dela jt jednota dose-daj Izvršila za naše ljudi sartib v materialnem oziru: Isplačila v bolniških podporah, operacijah ln o*- Snartnlne Izplačane dedičem umrlih članov Izplačano v Izrednih podporah v rasnih nearečah in potrebah «.„t,.¿rt.,,.....».j.».....,..«.,,..,.,,>«•*■« SSupaHo 31. decembra IWf| S1S.97M31J« 1.313,210.17 MSJV4JS ..........r ; S244t2.SM.94 To so ogromne številke in vaak član ie res lahko upravičeno ponosen, da Je tudi on del te velike bratovščine ter tudi on nekoli-ko priapevU za to veliko humanitarno dobro delo! In to ne uklju-čuje, kar so darovala in prispevala v dobrodelne svrhe posamezna krajevna društva naše jednote. * * * Da bo zmeraj pomlad , Ko sem se svoječasno razgovarjal i enim članom od tiste dvanajsto-rice o ustanovam zborovanju in potežkočah, ki ao jih imeli v za četnih časih naše organizacije, mi je poleg drugega dejal: "Jedno-to sme ustanovili spomladi zato. da bo zmeral cvetela in da bo v njej zmeraj pomlad." Mol je to Izrazil bolj v šali, a kmalu je začel dokazovati, kako hitro se je jednota razvijala in bujne raala, največ zaradi nje mladostnih idej ip principov, na katerih Je bila ustanovljena, zaeno pa vztrajal, da mora iti zmeraj tako naprej. Res da se je SNPJ v omenjenih okolnostih lepo razvijala in v razmeroma kratkem času postala velika in močna bratska organizacija. Iz malega števila začetnih dvesto članov je narasla na več ko 70,000 članov In začeta brez vsake blagajne je tudi finančno hitro napredovala in kot že omenjeno, Je dala štiri in dvajset milijonov dolarjev v pomoč In dobrobit slovenskega naroda v Ameriki, nie rezerva za bodoče obveznosti in pomoči pa znaša nad trinajst milijonov dolarjev. Da, velike vsote ao lo! In vae to Je prišlo lz one velike ideje, ki je dala povod za ustanovitev SNPJ --ideje svcbodomiselnosti in enakopravnosti, medsebojne vzajemnosti, bratstva in napredka, ki nas je privabila v nje vrste in ki tvori med nami tisto čudotvorno vez, da nenehno delamo in aglti-ramo, da bi ji sijalo sonce trfJnega napredka in jo objemala večna pomlad! Kakor v oretcklosti, tako le potrebno, da delsino in gradimo našo dobro »ednoto tudi v bodoče In vedno naprei. Potrebno.Je, da agitlramo za nove člane ob vsaki priložnosti, ter da to svojo nktivnost povečamo »n poostrimo zlasti letos, ko imamo tako važni dve obletnici in ko je razpisana v ta namen še posebna kampanja. Na kampanjo se pozivajo vsa društva in vsi člani! Vsako društvo in vsak izmed nas pa tudi lahko kaj stori za doaegu kampanjskega namena In če bomo to storili, bo naša letošnia kampanja lahko tudi imeniten uspeh. In kot je povedano v posebnem rarpisu. ne gre samo za to, da pridobimo čim več novih članov, temveč tudi za to, da člani Ameriški sunek' v "mrzli" vojni Washington D. C., 20. apr.— Amerika ie potisnila nov element v svetovno politiko moči z naznanilom, da je bila preizkušnja novega atomskega orožja pri otoku Ehiwdoku na Pacifiku na Pacifiku uspešna. Ameriška komisija za atomsko energijo nI razkrila značaja orožja, preizkušnje In ne datuma preizkušnje. Vse to Je zavito v tajnost. Doznava se le, da je bila preizkušnja izvršena v zatjnjih desetih dneh v navzočnosti znanstvenikov, izbranih članov, skup nega kongresnega odseka ter motnaričnih častnikov in vešča* kov. Navzoč )e bil kongresnik Priče, demokrat iz Illinoisa. Mornarični department ni hotel komentirati potočil, ki so bila objavljena 2. aprila, da so ameriške bojne ladje odrinile lz Pearl Harborja proti otoku Eni-wetoku. k» je v grupi Marshal-lovih otokov v zapadnem delu Pacifika Amerika si lusti monopol v iz delovanju atomskih bomb in drugega atomskega orožja Ona upa. du ho a tem monopolom pridobila dižave na avojo atran v sedanji "mrzli" vojni z Rusijo. Objavljeno naznanilo Je nadaljnji dokaz, da Amerika napreduje v razvoju novega atomskega orožja. Socializacija stanovanj• ikih hiš napovedana Chicago, 20 apr —James C Downs, zemljiški trgovec, je napovedal socializacijo stanovanj-tikih hiš On Je govoril na konferenci hisii'h posestnikov, Kol vzrok socializacije je omenil pomanjkanje stanovanj In kredi tov za financiranje gradnje novih hiš. Downa je tudi napovedal, da bo federalna kontrola »tsnarine trajna, Eksplozija razdejala tovarno v Braziliji Rio de Janeiro, Brazilija, 20 apr — Eksplozija Je razdejale' tovarno v predme»! ju brazilake prestolnice Deaet delavcev je bilo ubitih, M pa ranjenih. Vj tovarni je bilo okro* SU0 delavcev, ko ae je pripetila eksplozija^ Rim. 20. apr—Poročila o izidu splošnih volitev iz 10,992 iz-med 41,647 distriktov, objavljena danes jjutraj, kažejo, da je stranka krščanskih demokratov (vladna) dobila 3,037,759 glasov, ljudska fronta, katero tvorijo komunisti, levičarski socialisti ln drugi radikalci, pa 1,911!,074 glasov. Vodja stranke krščanskih demokratov je premier Alclde de Gasperi, Protikomunistična stranka socialistične enotnosti je dobila 659,019 glasov. Volitve so se pričele v nedeljo in nadaljevale v pondeljek. Sko ro vsi glasovi v Milanu, drugem največjem italijanskem mestu, so prešteti. Kandidati De Gaspe rijeve stranke so dobili v Milanu 306.129, glasov, kandidati levičarske fronte 233,698 glaanv, kandidati stranke socialistične enotnosti pa 120,508 glasov, Stranka krščanskih demokratov ie zmagala tudi v Florenci, industrijskem središču, in v Benetkah Njeni kandidati so do bili v Florenci I0|i>84 glasov, kandidati ljudske stranke 86,019, kandidati socialistično enotnosti pa 20,771 glaaov, V Benetkah so ksndidatl stranke krščanskih demokratov dobili 49,206 glasov, ljudske fronte pa 28,347. Kandidati desničarske *oclali*ti4ttofwihi, Indiana stranke, katere vodja Je Giueep-pe Saragat, so dobili 9,24.1 glasov, Desničarji so zmagali tudi v Južni Italiji. Prva poročila o zmagi desničarjev so prišla iz Catanile, .Sicilija. Nov italijanski parlament bo sestavljen proporčni repre-zentaciji. Izgledi so, da IhhJo desničarji imeli večino v poslan skl zbornici in senatu. Volitve v Italiji so se vršile v znameniu borbe med vzhodom In zaoadom. Amerika je vrgla v Italijo pomoč v obliki živil in drugih potrebščin v vrednosti čel dve milijardi dolarjev, da zagotovi zmago De (iaspertjevi stranki In ustavi pohod komunl-xmf Piedsednlk Truman in državni t umik Marshall sta zapre-tila, da bo ameriška pomoč Ita- V *'a * zasuznjiti svet Wallace spel obsodil zunanjo politiko New York. 20. apr.—Henry A. Wallace, kandidat za predsednika Združenih držav, je dejal, da dvostrankarski blok, ki narekuje ameriško zunanjo politiko, hoče vedoma ali nevedoma zasužnjiti svet. On je ponovno obsodil ameriško tunapjo politiko v svojem govoru na banketu v New Yorku. Banketa ae je udeleiil tudi senator Glen A. Taylor, kandidat za podpredsednika Združenih držav. Wallace je rekel, da Amerika sedaj operira oa lažnjivem dvo ttrankarskem sistemu, ki drvi s itrašno brzino v preliminarni tip policijske države, ki se roga neuradnemu nasilju • strani dea-nlce. Banket, na katerem sta govo-itla Wallace in Taylor, je aranžiral narodni odbor za Wallacea. ki je odprl tudi kampanjo «hiranja sklada za financiranje volilne kampanje. Wallace je v svojem govoru udrihal po voditeljih dvostran-karskega bloka. "Vedoma ali nevedoma;' je dejal, "M>če ta blok zasužnjiti svet. Najprej, hoče zasužnjiti človeški razum s «tratenjem. Truman, Stassen. Martin in .Dewey pojejo enako pesem. Edina tekma Je, kdo li- med njih bo pel najglasnejše Kot dokaz, da se Amerika spreminja v policijsko državo, Je Wallace omqpil, da on ln zamorski pevec Paul Robeson niata mogla dobit* sobe v hotelih v In-dianapoll*i Tu da so bill C. B, Baldwin, vodja njegove kampanj«, ln drugi napadeni v Evans- Coverner Green bo odprl konvencijo Philadelphia, Pa., 20 apr.-II-linolski guverner Dwight Green bo odprl konvencijo republikanske stranke v tem mestu 21. Junija On je bil izbran za začaa-nega načelnika na aeji članov oni edu jera odbora republikanske strank«, llji ustavljena, ako bo zmagala levičarska ljudska fronta pri volitvah Člani poslanske zbornice in senata bodo i/brali predsednika italijanske lepubllke 10. maja, predsednik bo pa potem imenoval premierja in mu poveril ae-stavo nove vlade. KNJIŽICA RAZGALILA SPLETKE BIVŠEGA RIMSKEGA KRALJA Detrell—(FP) - Bivši romunski kralj Mihael, ki se je pred kratkim vrnil v K v topo a potovanja po Ameriki, Je predmet knjižice, ki jo je napisal Harry Fainaru, urednik tukajšnjega tednika Romunski Amerikanec. i Fainaiu, ki je bil rojen v Romuniji, ta/kriva v knjižici gnl lobo romunske dinastije in spletke bivšega kralja Mihaela in njegove kraljevaške klike. Mihael je ob svojem obisku Amerike Ml deležen sljapiega sprejema od "višje družbe," sprejet pa je bil tudi v Beli hiši v Wa-shlngtonu, Wall Stieet mu je pel slavo ln listi so priobčili kolone gradiva o njegovih vrlinah Avtor knjižice pravi, da je Mihael odprto kolaborlral z naciji /a časa nemške okupacije, ko Je bila Romunija /aveznica Nemčije v vojni proti zaveznikom. "Sedaj so ameriški trustl, po vzročiteljl vojne in fašizma, začeli a kampanjo, da opriejo Mihaela, potomca piusjaških jun* keijev, in ga prikažejo kot sim-i »o I demokratičnega rnonai}ia,N pravi Fairiaru v knjižici Med vojno je Mihael vložil velike vsote denarja, ki ga je Iz-žel Iz. tomunskega ljudstva, v nscijska i>odjulja, kar mu je prinašalo mastne dobičke. Kakor njegovi predniki, tako je vladal v Romuniji tudi Mihael. Na tl-soce delavcev, kmetov in kajžar-jev je bilo umorjenih, ker so se borili za demokracijo, drugI U soči pa so bili vrženi v ječe. Mihael, ki prihaja is rodu nemških kraliev Hohenzoiier-jev, je zgubil svoj tron pred ne-kuj meseci, ko mu Je rumunaka ljudska vlada pokazala vrata V Ameriko je prišel zato, da si utidi svoje šznse med ameriškimi vojnimi hujskači ln imperta-listi, ki hi Mihaela radi obesili lomunMkemu ljudstvu nazaj na viat, kar pa se ne bo zgodilo. Nova romunska vlada je u-vedla agrarne reforme In razdelila zemljo med kmete, jim dala poljedelske stroje in oakrbela seme Pospešila je delovanje delavskih uni| in dala popolne in enake državljanske pravice Vsem msiijšinam. ki ao bile prej zapostavljane, &e več, konfl-aciiala je vse oljna ležišča In ol|na polja obratuje v korist ro-munskeus hudstva. Ameriški in bi Itaki oljni Intereei ne morejo več iz/emati romunskih delavcev ln grmsditi profilov na račun ljudstva. SREDA, 21. APRILA 1940 - ■ L- — .PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT GLASILO IN LASTNIMA SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Organ of and pttbltehed by Slovana National SenefU Society Naročnina n Edrulono drftara (isven Chicaga) ln Kanado NtO na lato, NJO aa pol lota. 01.00 ta ¿otrt lota; aa Chteago in okolico Cook Co.. MM) aa colo loto. 04.70 sa pol leta; sf inosemstvo Sli JO. Subocription retesi for t ho United State« (except Cbicago) and Canada 00JO por yeer. Cbicago and Cook Countf OO.SO par yeer, foeetgn oountriee 011 JO par year. po dogovoru.—Rokopill dopisov In ne naročenih člankov «a na vrašajo. drame, peeml Itd.) aa vrnejo Rokopisi literarne vsebine (trtico nejo pošiljatelju 14 v sluéaju, če Ja priloM Advertising retos on agreement.—Manuscript« of communications and unsolicited article« will not SO returned. Other manuscripts, such as stories, plays, poems, etc« will be returned to sender only when accompanied by self-addressed and stamped envelope. Nasier na vse, kar Hna sHk s llstomt PROSVETA 2SS7-S9 8a Lawndale Ava.. Chicago 23. Ullnola Se strinjamoI "Vlade širom sveta bi morale umolkniti o vojni in pričeti delati za mir ..Pametne, modre so te besede! Podpišemo jih na vešj črti. Tega si žele tudi vsi narodi, vsa ljudstva. Velika večino tudi v Ameriki, kjer je danes največ rožljanje, največ hujskanje na vojno. V tej protičloveškl in torej kriminalni propagandi je z majhnimi Izjemami uprežen ves aparat javnega mnenja, ves reakcionarni tisk in radio. V tem rožljanju ln vojnem hujskanju je vprežen tudi ves vladni aparat v Washinytonu, zlasti pa aparat državnega departmenta in Pentagon Bulldinga (glavni stan oboroženih sil). Zgoraj citirane modre besede je spregovoril Trygv^ De, generalni tajnik Združenih narodov, torej najvišji svetovni urednik. Vsaj upamo, da bo prišel čas, ko bo generalno tajništvo najvišja vladna pozicija na svetu To se zgodi takrat, ko bodo Združeni narodi res postali ZDRUŽENI. Danea so "združeni" le po imenu, V realnosti pa so pravi anarhisti, ki organizacijo Z. N. izrabljajo le za svojo "power politics", za diplomatične manevre in boje. To delajo seveda predvsem velesile, ker srednje in male države si tega kriminalnega in antisocialnega luksusa ne morejo privoščiti. Krive so toliko, ker se ne povežejo v svoj blok in postavijo po robu velikim anarhistom. Trygve Lie je Izreke) te besede v Hyde Parku, N. Y., na grobu pokojnega predsednika Roosevelte na dom tretje obletnice njegove smril. Ob* tej priliki je priklic«! v spomin Rooseveltove besede, ki jih je zepisal dan pred svojo nenadngpnfnrtjo, da bo citrt-Utaeija vzdrtala le »tedaj, oko bodo "VSA LJUDSTVA VSEH VRST'' Uvela in delala v miru. Kako resnične so tudi te besede! Te besede so danes zlasti na mestu v tej deželi, dokler je Še čqs, dokler nI prepozno. Mbrale bi se dan za dnem ponavljati po vseh čaaoplsih, z vseh radiopostaj, z vseh prižnic in govorniških odrov. Zlssti pa bi bilo z njimi treba prepleskati ves Washington in Wall Street z največjimi črkami, tako da bi stalno bodle v oči Belo hišo, kongresnike in senatorje in vse visoke diplomate. Z njimi bi bilo treba prepleskati tudi vse domove, vse urade, vse trgovine, vse tovarne, sleherno cerkev, zlasti pa vsa uredništva žoltega voj-nohujskaškega tiska! Ako bi vojnim hujskačem te besede bušk-nile v oči ob vsakem koraku, ob vsakem pogledu, bi jih mogoče pootolo sram in sem pa tam bi morda kakšnega cinika .in valpeta reekcije ter vojnega boga Manta pričela peči vest. Pri tem nam pride na misel, da bi nova progresivna stranka ne mogla storiti ničesar boljšega in bolj efektivnega za ustavitev militarizma in pobijanje vojnega hujskaštva, kakor če bi vso deželo prepleskala s temi Rooseveltovimi besedami — yes, lahko tudi z Liejevimi, ki jih citiramo v prvem stavku. Gotovo je to, ako hočemo preprečiti novo svetovno klanje In v tej deželi tudi fašizem, je treba obrniti pozornost vse dežele na te preroške in globoko resnične besede. Le če se ameriško ljudstvo oklene teh besed, spodi militariste in wallstreetarsko kllko iz Washingtona, se bo svet lahko oddahnil in konec bo tudi mrzle vojne In Tru-manove doktrine, za katero se skriva gol imperializem petrolej-sitih magnatnv in generalnega štaba. Kaj pa Rusija? mogoče kdo poreče. Yes, tudi Moskva bo morala spremeniti zunanjo politiko, potisniti na stran sumničenje ln nezaupanje, machiavelsko barantanje in draženje živcev ter pristati na pošteno Dobotanjc z zapadnimi državami. Eddy Gilmore, potočevalec Associated Presoa, Je nedavno sicer poročal, da na svojem povratku v Moskvo nI tam opuzil niti najmanjših znakov o kaki vojni nevarnosti. V svojem poročilu pravi, da nI našel niti enega Rusa, ki bi govoril'o vojni. Toda to ne pomeni, da se Kremlin ne zaveda vojne nevarnosti. Vse, kar pomeni njegovo poročilo, je to, da je v Rusiji hujskanje na vojno — tabu, prepovedano To bi moralo biti prepovedano v vseh državah, kajti taka "svoboda" govora in tiska vodi človeštvo v pogubo. Sicer je hujskanje na vojno obsodila tudi skupščina Z, N In apelirala na države, naj ga ustavijo. In kljub temu, da je bil ta sklep sprejet na ameriških tleh. Je v tej deželi mrtev ko ptič dodo Zlasti se iz tega oklepa cinično norčujejo v Washingtonu — tam, kjer bi morali ta sklep najbolj upoštevati, ako bi Jim bilo kaj za zaključke Z N Toda vrnimo se k Lieju " Vsa ljudstva', da vas opomnim, vključuje tudi Američane In Ruse," je generalni tajnik Z N j>oudaril prej citirane Rooeavel-tove betede " Vsa ljudstva vSeh vrat' pomeni tudi komuniste ln kapitaliste, kakor tudi večino svetovnega prebivaletva, ki nI eno ne drugo Vključuje ljudstva sleherne ruae. sleherne kulture, slehernr vere." O organizaciji Združenih narodov je dejal, "da predstavlja edino pot do miru M Velesile pa je kritiziral, ker ae ne zmenijo za sklenitev miru. "Poteklo Je že mnogo mesecev, odkar se je kakšna izmed petih velikih držav rernio prizadevala, da bi prišlo do pogajanja za izravnavo dlferent v zvezi t mirovnimi pogodbami." Mi bi lahko tukaj dostavili, da tudi ne bo prišlo, dokler Amerika ne vi že skozi okno zločesu» Trumanovo doktrino, ki Je naperjena kot nož v srce Rusije. Predno bo moglo priti do kak* šnih resnih pogajanj med obema antagontatome, se bo 'morala Amenka prej umakniti iz Grčije m Terčije ln jih prepustiti Grkom in Turkom Prsv tako tudi Italijo Italijenom in Trst Tržače-nom Na drugt"strem-pa naj deluje na tem. da se organizacija Z N toliko okrepi in postavi na noge, da bo lahko igrala vlogo o\etovnega policaja pa bilo to v Evropi, Mali Atijl oll kjerkoli Le po tej poti bo m<»goče priti do svetovnega miru, "Ljudstva vsepovsod so globoko pretresena in bolna v srcu. ko slišijo toliko govorjenja in tako pogosto o nov» vojni, dasi so komaj za nami stisšna deatrukctja in milijonske šrtve, ki ao padle v red- ■ i.............Ii yrnmirnmmummtmimmmm+im i m mi n i ii n n Glasovi iz naših naselbin ZARJA PODA ZANIMIV KONCERT * Veselo doni nam ta spev. pomladnih dni odmev. ClerelandL O.-Oh, zlasti čas je tu, čas'ko ae narava prebuja in oblači novo seleno suknjo, čas ko nas sonce zopet greje, nam naklti cvetja in novih upov. Tudi na nedeljskem Zarjlnim sporedu bo prevejal duh pomladi. Pesmi'jo bedo razodevale. Pesmi o novi, prerojeni dobi, o cvetju, mladosti, ljubezni, zaroki in poroki, o vsem, kar daje mladostni izraz pomladi. Krožile bodo pesmi z različno barvo in imeni. Tukaj naj jih samo par omenim: "Pomladna", "Cvetočih deklic prša bela", "Vino, ženska In spev", "V spomin Ivan tankerju" In druge. Podane pa bodo tudi pesmi, katere so nastale ob čeou, ko so partizani podili nacije s slovenskega ozemlja. Čudovite so te pesmi. V domovini jih posebno prepeva mladina pri gradnji Železnic in javnih nepreveh. Na tem sporedu jih bo več novih. Posebnost bo "Venček partizanskih" Kot je bilo ie poročano, bomo tudi s tem sporedom počastili primorskega skladatelja, 70-let-nika Vinke Vodopivča. Zbor je že na drugih v sporedih imel njegova dela in skladbe kot "Ob večerni uri", "Izgubljeni cvet", "Pevska koračnica" bi število drugih. Od odrokih kompozicij pa "Kovačevega Študenta", "Povodni mož" in "Snubače". Ob tej priliki Zbor podaja njegovo ljubko delo, opereto "Srce in denar". Lep odrski in glasbeni biser je to. Zerja bo o tem počastila uotvarltelja ln slavljenca in obenem pa bo predstavila javnosti prav izrazit slovenski glasbeni donos. V opereti nastopijo naše zvezde: Sophie Elarsich, Ellce Tekavec, Tony Perusek, Andy Turkman, Frank Kokal ln zbor. Rešijo vodi Sophie Elarsich. i Koncert se bo vršil v nedeljo, 25. aprila, ob 4. uri popol-1 dne v avditoriju SND, »417 St.; tiftair ave. Vstopnina v pred-prodaji je samo 80c. Del prebitka te priredbe je namenjen 1 za svobodni tisk. To Je kratek obris zanimive ga programa, na katerega ste prav vsi povabljeni, vsi stari znanci in somišljeniki, ter prijatelji slovenske pesmi iz posredne bližine in iz vse soseske. Leo. Poljšak. BANKET V POČA8T USTANOVNIH ČLANOV DRUŠTVA 13S SNPJ Btrabane, Pa.—Na skupni seji odborov društev 138 in 580 SNPJ, ki se je vršila v mesecu januarju, je bilo sklenjeno, da se priredi banket z^ ustanovitelje društva Postojnske jame 138 SNPJ. Na tem banketu bo slavnostni govornik stsrosta glavnega odbora SNPJ Philip Godina Med ameriški Slovenci je SNPJ največja bratska organizacija. Članstvo gleda s ponosom na ogromno delo, katerega je Izvršilo v dobi neumorne agitacije in neutrudljlvega dela. Tudi ustanovitelji društva 138 so ponosni na našo bratsko organizacijo Po številu članstva je velika in močna po financah. Večmilijonsko premoženje je last vsega članstva. Ustanovite Iji našega društva so pred 42 leti videli in verovali, da je potrebno, da imamo lastno zavarovanje v slučaju potrebe in nesreče, prav tako glasilo, ki izobražuje članstvo v naprednem duhu. Ustanovitelji so imeli pred aebo) težko nalogo, kajti od vseh strani so letela polena pod noge in vsakovrstne druge zapreke A vse ovire jih niso strašile In šli so s delom pogumno naprej, živeči ustanovitelji društva 13S SNPJ so pač lahko ponosni na svoje delo in uspehe društva, katero je vedno hodita po začr- tani poti in delovalo za ideale, I ki so tvorili gonilno silo ob j ustanovitvi društva. Ker je članstvo društva ostalo zvesto princi)X>m ustanoviteljev in matere Jednote, je stolno napredovalo in premagalo v teku let mnogo teloV in zaorek. Člani in Članice so se stalno zavedali, da je megoče doseči uspeh edino le z nesebičnem požrtvo-vanjem in ljubeznijo do napredka in vsake stvari, katera mora služiti za dviganje sotrpinov iz duševnih nižin proti luči in svobodi. Članstvo društva 138 SNPJ je vljudno vabljeno na to izrčdno priredbo. S svojo udeležbo boste pokazali, da cenite delo ln vsakovrstno žrtve, ki so jih doprinesli ustanovitelji. Predlog za to prireditev je prišel iz vrst mladine, kajti ona se zaveda, da je več kot prav, do naše ustanovitelje pogostimo in jim izkažemo spoštovanje za njih ogromno delo, ki so ga izvršili v teku 42 let. e V nedeljo, 11. eprile, je bila V naši naselbini ustanovna seja krožka Progfesivnlh • Slovenk. Udeležba je bila sijajna; pristopilo je 50 članic v krožek. Krožek vabi vse rojakinje iz Stre-bana in okolice, da pristopijo v to organizačiio.1 Drage žene in dekleta, zahajajte redno na seje in složno sodelujte, če hočete, da bo krožek napredoval. Torej treba je dobre volje ip ko-rajže in uspeh bo zagotovljen. Vašega napredka se bomo veselili tudi mi, mofki, ter po naših močeh kooperirali z vami. Na ustanovni seji smo videli glavno odbornice Progresivnih Slovenk Iz Cleveianda, med njimi tudi gl. tajnico. Članom in članicam in drugim rojakom v zapednl Pennf poročam, do bo v nedeljo popoldne, 30. mejo, priredilo pevsko društvo Triglav k zapadne strani Cleveianda koncert v dvorani društva 138 SNPJ. Po koncertu bo pleo, za katerega bo igral izvrsten orkester iz Cleveianda. Torej ne pozabimo banketa v počast ustanoviteljev društva 138 SNPJ ln na koncert zbora Triglav. Zbor bo imel s prireditvijo velike stroške, toda fantje so korajžni in se ne strašijo. Na banket jtrev vljudno vabim naša bivša tajnika bf. Johna Troho in br. Johna Zigmana, ki sedaj živita v Clevelondu. Prav vljudno vabim tudi njuni šopi ogi, ki imata tu mnogo prijateljic. «Torej na veselo svidenje na banketu 2. maja in na kop-certu 30. maja. Za društvo 138 SNPJ: Joka Kokllch. PLESNA VESELICA DRUŠTVA 788 SNPJ Expert. Pa. — V soboto, 24. aprila, bo važen večer za vse članstvo društva 758 SNPJ. Naše društvo namreč prireja piOe*, no veoelico v Monces dvorani v Exportu. Za ples bo igral Johnny Krek ln njegovi polke-tirjl.1 • Na marčevl seji je bilo sklenjeno, da motajo plačati za vstopnice vsi Odrasli člani in članice, četudi oe ne udeležijo plese. Torej j* nejbolje, da se vsi udeležite ln sebevate s ostalimi poeetniki. Imeli bomo dobro postrežbo in tudi kranjskih klobas ne bo msnjkalo. Opozarjam, da je potrebno, de vrnete tajnici woe vstopnice že v petek, 23 aprila. Na ples vabimo tudi članstvo vseh sosednjih društev. Vsi dobrodošli! Freda Roftne. tajnica DRUŠTVO ŠT. ISO ZA 8VOBOM1 TISK Eveletk. lHai Članice društva 130 SNPJ biso na zadnji aeji sklenile, da dart||emo $10 iz društvene blagajne sa obrambo svobodnega tiska. Denar sam še poslala na blagajnika tozadevnega odbora Joeephiae Fraalar. tajnica. PLESNA VESELICA 9RUŠTVA 147 SNPJ Clevšlaad. O.—Po dolgih osmih letih je društvo hodnikov venec 147 SNPJ sklenilo, da pri-ledi za vse svoje člane in pri- S tel je domačo zabavo s plesom, t€ bo vršila v soboto, 24. apri-la, začetek malo po'šestih zvečer. Zabava se bo vršila v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair ave. Za ples bo igrala izvrstna < godba za stare in mlade. Od-1 bor bo vsem dobro postregel, tako da ne be treba biti nikomur ne lačen ne žejen. Torej za/najboljšo postrežbo vam jamči društveni odbor, kateri že od nekdaj skrbi, da Ima društvo dobro 'me in dober kredit. • Kot dvajsetletni predsednik sem skrbel z drugimi dolgoletnimi odborniki, posebno s točnim in vestnim tajnikom Leonardom Poljšakom, ki je tudi že 20 let tajnik, da se Je vršilo pri društvu vedno vse pošteho, točno fn v redu, naj si bo pri bolniških izplačilih ali drugfh zadevah. Vsaka članica itt vsak cltm je dobil vse, ker mu je pripadalo po pravilih» Tako j* tudi odbor v sporazumu s člsnstvom vedno skrbel, da ni bila zovr-njena nobena prošnja naprednih pevskih,-dramskih ih drugih skupin, ki so vprašale za pomoč. Mi ae že od nekdaj držimo izreka: Pomagajmo, dokler le moremo! S tem upem, da smo Itviršlli dobro svojo nalogo napram našemu člsnet^u ln prav tako napram naši napredni slovenski javnosti. S to zaffestjo vabim v imenu celokupnega odbora vse naše članstvo, prijatelje in znance na našo veselico, ki bo kot nekako žegftenje, toda brez Gabrovško-vega blagoslova. Vabimo tudi članstvo drugih drUštev SNPJ, še pooebej pa društvene uradnike. Prtdlte, da se prijateljsko pogovorimo v pošteni in vOseli družbi. Kličem vam na veselo svidenje v soboto, 21 aprila, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair ave.l Anion Jankovleh, predsednik. nji vojni," je dejal Trygve Lle "Po vaej pravici so lahko globoko pretreaena in bolna v srcu Nikakor ne moroin verjeti, da )e kakšna vlada kjerkoli ne svetu tako blaanA, de bi nameravala pričeti novo vojno " Količkaj trezen človek to teo težko verjame. toda Lie M ne bil Imel tega govore no IRr^voltovem gr* ftu ako bi ae v srcu ne bel. da ao na svetu taki n&rri tal S je prsv Waahmgton danes natrpan s takimi norel tn to je tudi j največja nevernost, ki danea preti Ameriki In vsemu svetu VABILO NA VESELICO DRUŠTVA 140 SNPJ Brooklyn. N. Y. — Društvo Bratska zveza 140 SNPJ je na januarski seji sklehilo, da priredi zabavo, katere čisti dobiček bo za društveno V>lagajno, ki se jé začela sušiti zaradi izcednih stroškov v zadnjih dveh ali treh letih. Naše društvo je Imelo priredbo pred dvema letoma, ali tedaj je šel ves čisti dobiček za pomoč Jugoslaviji. Uspeh je bil še precej dober in naredili smo tez $100 čistega dobička. Tedaj so se nekateri člani izrazili, če bi se vršila veselica v korist druŠ-tVene blagajne, bi z veseljem prišli in pomagali, ne pa sa druge, češ, da bo denar izgubljen, predno bo doapel v Jugoslavijo. Sedaj, dragi člani, pa gre za društveno blagajno, zato se le pokažite in pomagajte, da bomo imeli dober uspeh. Agitirajte za veaelico in pripeljite s seboj tudi ovoje prijatelje, da bo večja udeležba in prijetnejša zabava. Sedaj nI nobenega Izgovora ln vsak član in članica bi morala biti na-vzroča, da-se bo malo opomogla naša društvena blagajna. Ako bo med članstvom tako malo zanimanja, kakor ga je bilo do aedej, bi bilo bolje, da bi se naše društvo priključilo h kakemu drugemu društvu, da ne bo toliko izdatkov. Torej, če ho- J Čete, da bo društvo na višji stopnji, potem pridite na sejo. da ne bom sedel v dvorani do desetih zvečer in čakal, kdaj bo kak élan prinesel nekaj dolarjev za ases-ment. Kadar dobim mesečno poročtlo od jednote. moram poslati denar sa asesment brez kakega izgovora Denar je treba dobiti nekje, ali pa narediti dolg pri jednoti, kar «pa ni posebno priporočljivo. Naj œ vrnem nazaj k naši nameravani priredbi Zabava sli tako zveni "beer party" ee bo vrštl S maja v Slovrnekom nerodnem domu na irwina ave. in Blacker st, Brooklyn, N Y , začetek ob devetih zvečer Vstop- ' nlns za osebo |I N z davkom, za1 to pe boste dobili pi'iom» pivo fR J preste od 9 ure do I. ore po pol- ' noči. Za ples fc>o igrala godba treh mož. Igrali bodo polke, valčke in tudi ameriške komade, tako da bodo lahko plesali stari in mladi. Vabimo vae člane brstskih društev in ostale rojake v New Yorku in okolici. Ker se bo isti večer, 8. mojo, vršila tudi društvena seja, se bo radi veselice začela točno ob osmih zvečer, tako da jo bomo končali it ob devetih. Tajnik bo v dvorani že ob pol osmih, da bo (ahko vsakdo plačal asesment. Torej na svidenje dne 8. maja v Slovenskem narodnem domu. Frank Kusksr, tajnik. DttUŠTVENE VESTI fZ LOS ANGELES A Los AngeUO. Calif.—Naj ne koliko opišem napredek pri društvu 615 SNPJ. Društvo je v kratkem času priredilo par veselic, ki so prav dobro izpadle. Bilo je čez $300 dobička, lepa vsota, ¿e pomislimo, de moramo plačati precej visoko najemnino za dvorano in za drugo. Vse to bi odpadlo, če bi imeli svoj dom. Društvo bo zopet priredilo veliko veselico 15. maja. Ves dobiček je namenjen za obrambo našega tiska in ža SANS. Na zadnji seji je b^o podano zanimivo poročilo o zborovanju Ameriškega slovanskega kon-#*ooo. Članstvo opozarjam, da bo na prihodnji seji br. OHp kazal pokrajinske slike iz Jugoslavije. Pdkažimo tukaj rojeni mladini, da je naša rojstna domovina lepa. Prepričan sem, da bodo prišli pogledat slike tudi vsi "old-tirherjr. Slišijo se govorice, da bo naše društvo v tekoči kampanji pridobilo veliko novih članov in da bo društvo prekoračilo število 300. Obeta se tudi, da bomo imeli enkrat poleti tudi v California! dan SNPJ. Vse kaže, da ima SNPJ še bodočnost ob obali Tihega oceana. Dobro bi bilo, da bi pričeli resno rasmiš» ljati, kako bi zgradili svojo društveno dvorano. Zaključujem in pozdravljam vse čitatelje Pros vete, posebno pa vse stare prijatelje v Penni, kjer sem kopal črni diamant in oral'ledino čez 40 let. Albin Karnlčnlk. PLESNA VESELICA DRUŠTVA 14S SNPJ CUff Min«. Pa.—Društvo Slav-ček 145 SNPJ bo priredilo plesno veselico dne 24. aprila v Slovenskem domu v Imperialu, začetek ob osmih zvečer. Odbor bo skrbel, da bo postrežba prvovrstna. Za ples bo igrala Klemenči-čeva godba iz Bridgevilla. Ker naše društvo ni imelo veselice že več let, vljudno vabimo, da se to pot udeležite v velikem številu. Vstopnine za člane se bo pobirala meseca maja z rednim asesmentom, kajti to je letna veselica in jo morajo plačati vsi člani in članice enako. Mett Vidmar, tajnik. OMmmM»« PLESNA VESELICA DRUŠTVA SO SNPJ Clinton« lad. — Društvo 50 SNPJ Je izvršilo vse priprave za plesno veselico, ki se bo vršila v soboto, 24. aprils, v dvorani K. of P., ns N. 9. ulici. Za ples bosta igrala Frank Bozovlchar in Pete Correra. Za postrežbo bo skrbel odbor. Vet bitno vse članstvo in sosednja društva. Seja našega društva se je vršila 11. aprila, na kateri smo pozdravili Elizabeth Oblak, ki je prišla k našemu društvu s prestopnim listom. Ns bolniški listi je hr. Frank Rozina, ki se j zdravi doma Obiščite ga! L tajnica. PRVOMAJNIŠKA VESELICA V SPRINGFIELDU IIL—SDD in klub Št 47 JSE skupno priredita pr-\tiifliifslto veselico v nedeljo, 2 meja. prtčetek ob 3. uri popoldne Veselica se bode vršila v spodnji dvorani SDD; vstopnino prosta Tore) Članstvo in drugo občinstvo je vljudno vabljeno, da v obdnem Številu pneetl to veselico Jetra Oeeeak st VABILO NA SPOMLADANSKO VESELICO GOSPODINJSKEGA KLUBA Springfield, 111.—Glanice gospodinjskega klube, ki je odsek Slovenskega delavskega doma, smo se na zadnji seji domenile, čTa priredimo spomladansko veselico v soboto, 24. aprila, začetek ob osmih zvečfer v SDQ,' 1031 S. 11 st. Ves cisti dobiček je namenjen gospodinjskemu klubu. Klub vljudno vabi vse občinstvo iz našega mesta in {pdi iz sosednjih naselbin. Zabave bo na kpše. Za ples bo igral John Gdršek ki njegov orkester. Smeh in razvedrilo je najboljše, zdravilo, zato naj nikogar ne manjka. Vstopnina samo 60c. To ni veliko, vsaj vas toliko stane, če greste v kino, pa nimate tako imenitne zabave. Članice gospodinjskega odseka bodo vsem prav vljudno postregle. Torej na svidenje v soboto zvečer, 24. aprila! (Ostalo bo pri-občeno v dnevniku.—Ured.) Ursula Žattšch. MAJNIŠKA PROSLAVA V KANSASU Arme, ttaasas.—V teku 40 let bi se mi morali pač navaditi na naše Vsakoletne prvomajnftke proslave v toliko, da ne bi bilo potreba posebnega oglašanja. Pa je že tako, da pri vsakdanjih skrbeh tako radi pozabimo na stvari, ki pridejo samo enkrat na leto. , Torej kansaška federacij a SNPJ bo priredila svojo običajno majniško proslavo v soboto, 1. maja, v dvorani Community v Franklinu, fcans. Na programu bo 40-letnica federacije, predvajanje olik in za godbo bodo skrbeli E. Bogatajev! "trije mušketirji". Začetek ob 5. uri popoldne; slike pa bomo pričeli predvajati ob 8. uri zvečer, potem bo ples in druga zabava. Na priredbo vabimo vse "hnla-de in stare" in tudi brata Jožeta Radija iz West Allisa, Wis., ki je vodil našo prvomajniško * proslavo pred 40 leti. Odbor. ODPRTA NOČ IN DAN SO GROBA VRATA ... West A Hid, Wis.—Ferdinanda Glojka ni več med nami. Spremili smo ga k zadnjemu počitku dne 5. aprila. Položili smo ga poleg njegove soproge na pokopališču Pinelawn.j Njegov grob je bil obložen z mnogimi cveticami, katere so bile simbol zadnje časti, ki so mu jo izkazali njegovi sorodniki, prijatelji, znanci in člani društev SNPJ in SPZ. Pokojnik je bil naprednega značaja in vedno pripravljen pomagati pri prireditvah. Izvrstpo je, da spadamo k društvom, prav tako pa bi bilo potrebno, ako bi imeli člani svoj prostor na pokopališču, kjer bi bilo napisano: Ta počivajo člani in članl-ee Slovenske narodne podporne Jednote. Skupaj živimo na tem svetu, zato bi bilo na mestu, da bi tudi skupsj počivali ns pokopslišču. O tem smo pri našem društvu 104 SNPJ razpravljali že pred leti, potem pa je stvar zaspala. Sedaj pa se nam sopet nudi izvrstna prilika, kajti ns pokopališču Highland Memorial Park so odprli drugo stran pokopališča in tam je prav izvrsten prostor za skujMie grobove. Predsednik pokopališča Lester Kroll nam je del na razpolago, da si lahko izberemo skupni prostor. Mislim, da bi bilo dobro, če ga bi imeli, sej ge potrebujemo. Predsednik pokopališča Lester Kroll bo obiskal člane in pokazal slike tega prostora, zaeno pe bo vse netapčno razložil. Apeliram na vsa mihrauška društva SNPJ, da bi se sevzela ln se v tej akciji pridružila našemu društvu. / Joaoph T. Torek. I tajnik 104 SNPJ. SEJA 8ANSovo~ PODRUŽNICE Milwaukee. Wie. — Članom SANSa v Milwaukee ju nezne-njemo. da oe bo vršila redna se je podružnice SANSe v četrtek. 21 aprila, začetek ob oamih zvečer v nevednih prostorih V nedeljo v sled tegs ne bo seje Več ' vešnih reči bo ne dnevnem redu. zato pričakujemo velike udeležbe . Odbor. SREDA. 21. APRILA 1M8 PHOS V BT A DVE VAŽNI PRIREDBI V CHICAGU Chicago. 111.—V našem mestu se pod avspicijo oentralnega od« bora postojank Slovensko ameriškega narodnega sVeta vršita v mesecu maju dve važni priredbi, na kateri se danes opozarja občinstvo v Chicagu in okolici. Prva priredba se So vršila 2. maja ob tretji uri popoldne v dvorani SN£J s šalo-igro "Oj, ti vražji fant", kar je bilo v zadnjem uradnem glasilu SNPJ jednote precej vinskimi dogodki, kakor stoji danes, česar se pa mnogi državljani, posebno mlajše generacije, malo zavedajo. Ako bomo znali rabiti zdrav razum prihodnjo jesen, tedaj lahko dosežemo zmago z umskim mečem; ako za pasemo to priložnost, tedaj se zna zgoditi, da bomo drago plačali svojo brezbrižnost. Henry A. Wallace in vsi oni, ki podpiramo novo politično gibanje v tej deželi, se zavedamo te resnice, da le v MIRU in obširno opisano in bi bilo ne- mednarodnem prijateljstvu mo- smiselno ponavljati. Ves prebitek te priredbe je namenjen v dober namen in sicer; za obrambo "svobodnega tiska in pa v podporo organizaciji SANS, katera brez finančne pomoči ne more uspešno voditi boja v interesu malega človeka in splošno obrambo ljudskih interesov. Ako hočemo kljubovati silam reakcije, katere stremijo za uničenjem demokracije v smislu kot si jo mi predstavljamo, tedaj moramo ne le moralno, ampak tudi gmotno žrtvovati mi, slovensko-ameriški naseljenci, kateri tvorimo del tega naroda. Poleg igre se bo po zaključenem programu v spodnjih prostorih vršila prosta zabava, katere se lahko udeležijo tudi oni, ki bi iz enega ali drugega vzroka ne mogli posetiti programa. Druga priredba—pod isto avspicijo kot prva—je pa politični shod za novo progrfesivno stranko, ki se bo vršil v petek večer, 7. maja; ravno tako v dvorani SNPJ. Shod se prične točno ob osmih zvečer, na katerega ste vabljeni vsi slovenski rojaki in rojakinje, kot državljani te republike, da se ožje seznanite z delom in programom novega političnega gibanja, kateremu načeluje Henry A. Wallace. Prišel je čas, prijatelji, ki od nas zahteva resnega dela, žrtvovanja v interesu človeštva, odločnosti, kakor tudi poguma! Od Lincolnove dobe ta dežela še ni stala pred takb važnimi zgodo- re ljudstvo razviti gospodarsko silo na višji življenski standard in v blagostanje. kot ameriško ljudstvo v splošnem, ki poznamo zgodovino nemškega fašizma pred drugo svetovno vojno, bi se iz nje lahko nekoliko poučili in tako odvrnili nesrečo, v katero nas pehajo militaristi te dežele in njihovi vojni hujskači. Ce bi bilo Nemcem znano tedaj, kam "fu-ra" deželo njihov "firar", bi mu najbrže ne bili tako slepo sledili, toda spoznanje je prišlo prepozno, kar naj nam služi za svarilo. Kadar ae bo več domov, ko bodo razrušena naša mesta, vasi, tovarne itd., tedaj bo tudi za nas prepozno vsako kesanje ali tarnanje, česar se moraVno zavedati sedaj. ki mu je Wtfi prostor. Vse to se bo vršilo" 18. julija. ^Tak u-kaz mi je dal Šorc. "Ti piši, ker tebe impjo radi v Chicagu," mi je dial. Ker smo v kampanji, nam je tajnik že 'pridobil nekaj novih članov v mladinski oddelek, prav tako br. Petrovič. Tajnik je rekel, naj se tudi ostali potrudimo. Pri našem društvu imamo tudi Člane družine Therese Mi-hevc. Dva sinova sta bila pri marinih. frank Je bil v bitki na Guamu. Po vrnitvi je bil precej časa bolan v bolnišnici. Sedaj se je vrnil domov in se dobro počuti. Jednota mu je darovala $70. Andrew pa se je izučil za radijskega operatorja in to je'sedaj njegov posel. Frank Barblč. ZOPET NEKAJ IZ SLOVENIJE I Barberton. O.—V Barbertonu bomo imeli priliko videti "NAVIHANE ŠTUDENTE" prav iz Ljubljane. Obeta se, da bodo vprizorili toliko smeha, da že vnaprej priporočamo vsem, naj prineso par ekstra rutic s seboj, ker., baje, bodo vse mokre od smeha. , ,, koli veseli in ptagresivno, sedaj lahko pomaga v kampanji za izvolitev Wallicea za predsednika Z. D. prihodnjega novembra ter pristopi v naš klub. Članarina je samo $1 na leto Pokažimo v dejanjih, ne samo v besedah! Naj na tem mestu tudi naznanim vsem članom in članicam SAN6a, da se bo vršila prihodnja redna seja v nedeljo, 2. maja, začetek ob treh popoldne, kot po navadi. Na dnevnem redu bomo imeli več nujnih zadev, katere je treba takoj rešiti. Na zadnji seji je tudi tajnik podal resignacijo radi preobilne zapo slenosti, ker pa ni bilo dovoljn/ število navzočih, Se je to odložilo do prihodnje seje. Ker je akcija SANSa nujna, je potrebno, de izvolimo novega tajnika. Torej storite avojo dolžnost in se udeležite seje v nedeljo popoldne, 2. maja. A. A. Bomback. BEJA PODRUŽNICE I SANSa Chlcago. 111.—Opozarjam vse člane in članice te podružnice, de se udeležijo prihodnje redne seje polnoštevilno. Seja se bo vršila pri predsedniku bratu Pe-itru Šolarju, 3010 N. Damen ave. junija skupaj s federacij^ Predvajali bomo tudi kino-siike iz starega kraja. Glavni govornik bo Mirko Kuhel, gl, blagajnik SNPJ. Sosedna društva so pro-šena, da ne prirejajo veselic na dotični dan. O podrobnostih bomo poročali pozneje. John Skoda, predsednik federacije. Pravijo, da je imel eden teh1 Vse naše seje so važne, poseb-ljubljanskih študentov bogato no pa še sedaj, v tej svetovni in teto tam nekje na Krasu. Kar politični konfuziji. Res nas Je | Je bil pa precej navihan, in nje-,b°U nialo, ali pri vsem tem, tu-Mogočen ljudski glas od vzjio- g0va tovarišija nič boljša, je bil ¡d* vsaka mala skupina lahko ve- J^. J« «J J*.'^..«.» * i • • m ii x___ _ _ lilf a «\elnAmAM l# I *Wa1 llaailii ua. da do zapada, od juga do sey«ra vedno Vsuh"» Radi tega se je pri prihodnjih predsedniških vo- obrnil na svojo dobrohotno te*p litvah lahko prepreči narodno , prošnjo, naj mu pošlje precej- katastrofo. Toda po moremo do- ¿no svoto denarja, češ da se je TAJNICA POIZVEDUJE ZA CLANÖM Imperial. Fa.—Spodaj podpisana bi rada izvedela, kje živi Walter J. Sertik, član društva 10« SNPJ. On je prodal tu avo-je imetje in se izselil. Do sedaj še ni sporočil njegovega novega naslova. Prosim, da se oglasi in sporoči, če hoče biti še nadalje član našega društva, ali če želi prestopni list k drugemu društvu. Ako bo sam čital te vrstice, ali pa če kdo drug ve o njemu, naj sporoči na naslov Mary Pol-šak, Box 324, Imperial, Pa. Mary Polšak. tajnica. OQLAB Tem potom se aaaaanja «un dol. nliarjem Blovonokoga Dores v •, C. B«arcreelL. Montana. da la dvorana prodana. VSÎ. kl Imata >a dobltl ka) od legs se pjrl«tasile do I. maja 1141 as mal nsslovt FRANK DA-MICHBK.Bok If». Bearerssk. Mon-tans. (Adv.) seči le z vztrajnim delom vseh progresivnih sil te dežele s tem, da poučimo tudi tiste, ki so te nesreče še ne zavedajo. Na shodu bodo govorili govorniki v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku, za kar se na shod vabi tudi naša mladina, katera še posebno potrebuje zdrave politične vzgoje. Cikaško slovensko občinstvo naj ne pozabi na igro 2. maja, kakor tudi na važen politični shod 7. maja. F. A. Vider,predsednik SANSa. Glasovi iz naselbin GLAS IZ FONTANE - foniana, CallL — Vsa narava se prebuja iz zimskega spanja. Rožice že cveto in tako bohotno držijo cvetje pokonci. Razcvele so se tudi pomaranče. Kako lepo diši pomarančni cvet! Njegov duh te kar omami. Tega imamo še zastonj, a če bi ga mogli kapitalisti obdavčiti, bi ga gotovo. Ljubi maj, krasni maj, konec zime je tedaj! Društvi 568 in 723 SNPJ v Fontani bosta priredili skupno pomladansko veselico v soboto* zvečer na delavski praznik prvi maj. Z veselico bomo malo "pozdravili" blagajno, zaeno pa bomo praznovali prvi maj. Za ples bomo imeli dobro godbo Louisa Simon-čiča, kateri lepo igra valčke in polke. Vabimo bližnje in daljne rojake, posebno pa iz Los An-gelesa, ob prvi priliki vam bomo pa vrnili. Na svidenj^! drv in druge nesnage pkrog nje. Sorc je prosil, da bi se priglasili delavci in malo očistili. oženil in da ima tudi že sinčka ter da nujno potrebuje dener. Teta mu pa sporoči, da mu kar sama prinese denar in ga pride obiskat, češ da je kar iznenade-na od veselja in bi zalo rada videla ainčka in njegovo lepo soprogo. Sedaj pa kar sami "po-gruntajte" navihane študente, kje dobiti ženo in sinka na posodo! . Vse to bodo seveds vprizorili naši najboljši igralci dramatičnega društva Slovenije; John Opeka, Frank Ujčič, Lovrenc Fršnk, Frances Lah in Mary Klančar. Režiserka je pa poznana mrs. Šuštaršič. ' Kot razvidno iz posameznih imen, so vsi že odrasli, kdo izmed njih .bo .igral sinka, je pa uganka« Velik bo, pa naj bo že kdor koli! Vsi, ki bi se radi po šteno nasmejali, ste Vljudno vabljeni, da pridete pogledat te Za one, ki nimajo svojih avtomobilov, bo vozil poseben av- ¡.navihane ljUbljšnske študente v tobus s 40 sedeži. Federačija soboto, 24, aprila, začetek točno pa ima nalogo, da oglaša naš ob sedmih zvečer. Pq igri bo piknik v sredini številki Prosve pa zabava in ples v spodnjih pri-te. Godba 6o igrala od treh po-1 štorih, kjer bomo baje krstili poldne do osmfh zvečer. Avto-' otročička. Za ples bo igral bus bo odpeljal Izpred SDD, poznani godec Peyric in njegovi 15336 Waterloo rd., točno ob pomočniki iz Clevelanda. dveh popoldne, s piknika pa ob1 Slovenci smo tudi ustanovili osmih zvečer. Za voznika bomo klub "Wallace for President", ki menda naročili Franka Eleršiča,1 šteje nad sto članov. Kogar Konvencija Progresivnih Slovenk Amerike lo bo priobčeno v dnevniku.— Ured.) Josephine Bresovec. zapisnikarica. RAZNE, DRUŠTVENE ZADEVE Cleveland. O. — V Proaveti smo čitali, da je bila ubita v avtni nezgodi Mary Slapnik it Galvestona, Tex. Družina Slapnik se je preselila v Cleveland iz Franka, Pa. Udejstvovala se le pri društvu 193 SNPJ v Bue-na Visti. V bližini te naselbine Cleveland, O.—Članicam Progresivnih Slovenk naznanjamo, da se bo vršilo redno zasedanje f~sla*> konvencije 15. in 18. maja 1B48 v Slovenskem delavskem domu, 15335 Waterloo rd., Cleveland, O. Vse članice organizacije Progresivnih Slovenk so upravičene sodelovati na četrti redrd konven d ji, ako imajo plačano članarino, vključivši za mesec april 1948. Uverite se glede članarine pri vaši tajnici in vprašajte za kon venčno poverilnico. Na znanje zunanjim članicam: Rezervirajte sobe v hotelu ali v privatnih domovih čimprej, zadnji čas je do J. maja. Ako želite, da vam mi rezerviramo ao- liko pripomore k izboljšanju sedanjih razmer, v katerih živimo. Do sedaj smo vsaj delno izvrševali svojo delavsko dolžnost, in tako moramo delovati tudi v bodoče, ali pa še malo bolje. Zato pridite na sejo vsi in nagovorite še svoje prijatelje, da pristopijo. V nedeljo, 2, maja, imajo skupne podružnice SANSa priredbo z dobro šaloigro in drugi mi zanimivimi točkami. (Obširneje o tem ste gotovo že čitali ali slišali.) Pridite vsi na to pri-redbo. Ne bo vam šal. Pa tudi naše seje na pozabite prihodnjo soboto zvečer. Pozdrav vsem ln na svidenje! Za podružnico 2 SANSa: John Turk. tajnik. PltlBSDBA FEDERACIJE IN DRUÉTVA 101 SNPJ areeo*oro, PaJ*~ Federacija društev SNPJ za okraja Fayette In Greene bo priredila plesno veselico dne 26, in 27.ajunija v Republicu, Pa. Društvo 101 SNPJ v Greens-boru bo pa slavilo 40-letnloo 27. je bilo več premogovnikov kot k,, Bporo¿íu nam kUere dntVe Boston. Coulier, Robbins, Guf-fey in drugi. Mary zapušča mater in dva brata. - Bila je članica društva 442 SNPJ in poko-pana v Franku. Pa. Na seji društva 53 smo raz pravljali o raznih stvareh. Za kulturo smo nakazali $27.50, za ¿port pa $40 Ds pa dobimo kaj denarja v našo blagajno, bomo priredili letos veliki piknik na farmi SNPJ. in v U namen smo imeli društveni odborniki sejo. Naš podpredsednik Ivan fcorc hoče. da Imamo sedaj piknike. ker je tudi naše društvo veliko pripomoglo do nove plesne dvorane. Doctm nam je sneg podrl prvo dvorano, nas te Bog skušal ponovno kaznovat* s hudournikom, kateri pa nam ni <»dneael dvorane nanesel pa Je veliko želite sobo in kakšno, v hotelu ali privatni hiši, ln če želite morda imeti sobo skupaj s kakšno prijateljico Glede rezerva-rije se obrnite direktno na mrs Članice iz drugih naselbin naj pišejo po vstopnice za banket Marion Baahel iif ona jih bo rezervirala za vas. Pošljite ček za vstopnice. V slučaju, da pre-kličete vstopnice do 8. maja, dobite denai povrnjen, ne pa po 8, maju, „ Koliko članic lahko pričakujemo na konvenciji od vašega krožka? Pričakujemo veliko re-prezentacijo od krožkov iz zunanjih naselbin. Ce še niste naredili načrte za udeležbo na konvenciji. storite to takoj. Registracija delegatinj bo v soboto, 15. maja. v čitalnici Slovenskega delavskega doma. Od seki bodo tudi zborovsli v soboto popoldne. Vsa priporočila v zvezi s pravili vato mater, vata i eno, v a An teto uli kako drugo alovensko mater bolj zadovoljilo kot nova. velika in praktična slovenska kuharska knji-! ga- Blovtn>ko-am«rUka kuhsrles. ki je vauki lastnici te knjige vsakdanja pomoCnica in avetovuika.-«-Stane $5 s poltnlno vred. Polije se tudi ('OD NaroČilo naslovite na: Mrs. Ivanka ZakraJIsk. 301 Ess t Tlnd St.. Nsw York II. N. Y. ■aansiase meaora»—a ■■ »ai Prispevajte v obrambni sklad t Val darovi sa obrsmbe Enako pravnoetl, Prosveto In Proleter-ca naj sa pošiljajo na naslovi Jaha Polleck. S44SI Lakeland Blvd.. Euclid 29. Ohio. Br. Pollock Ja blagajnik obrambne, «e sklada. Marion Barhel, 18913 Cherokee ce naj pošljajo imena krožkov.h sva., Cleveland IS. O. Torej rezervirajte si sobe čimprej! Banket se bo vršil v nedeljo, 16 maja. začetek ob šestih zvečer v spodnji dvorani Slovenskega delavskega doma. 1S335 Waterloo rd. Vsi dobrodošli na banket Vstopnina S2 za oeebo V gačrtu je krasen program, kot govornik pa bo nastopil naš Et bin Kristan Članice, stopite v zvezo z vašo tajnico in kupite vstopnice Povabite ne banket tudi vaše prha tel je Za benk't bodo kuhale članice krožka 1, ki so znane kot imenitne kuharice članic, ki so bile izvoljene v odbor za pravila, da Jih bomo lahko obvestili o seji. Na tej konvenciji bomo razpravljali o mnogih važnih stvareh. posebno zanimiva bodo po ročila novih krožkov. Naša organizacija raste in mi moramo narediti načrte za bodoče delo Razpravljajte o tem na krožko-vlh sejah in nam sporočite vaše zaključke, Zunanji krožki naj takoj sporočilo imena delegatinj ^n koliko drugih članic pride na *kon-vencijo. Joete Zakralsak. gl tajnica, Pošiljanje moke, velikih in malih paketov preko Reke v Jugoslavijo A) KOT DO SEDAJ NADAUUJKMO 7. POftll J A NJEM STANDARD GOTOVIH PAKETOV At I. 2. 1. 4, S, in S-vsak zase v lesenem zaboju in naslovljeno na prejemnike. O* teh M. I sealajl Is ISO funtov najfinsjls MOKE sa cene $IM0 —s ft lav. I vsako 1st 41 funtov ftpsfetsv, M funlo v riše, M funtov sladkorja in 10 funtov sslsas ksvs . . . ss osmih I3I.M. ft temi vsotami je v naprej plačan prevoy do Keks in zavarovalnina poliljk* proti irgubitvl celega ssboja do prsjsmniks Pakete It. 5 in S se lahko polije skupaj, drugtfe pa ssmo en osket ns vaško osebo z enim pamikom, Dsasr je poslali s narešilea». Bi Ako gornje ne odgovsrjs rs ve«, tedsj Ishko poljubno nsro^ita ve/Je pošiljk* uc našega «eniks, ali rs poslati vslo hrano. obl«ko, obuvalo, stroje, omdja, bsrvo, »id C) SlOURNEJftE POŠILJANJE MANJftllf 1'AKKTOV Pri nss lahko nsiotit* s<-dsj mnogo rsrli^nih msnjftih psketov. (do 44 funtov), kateri bodo sami /ase /«pakirani v kartonu, versni t felsznimi obtoki so vetje vstnosli Cans js nitjs od polte, pa« keti so zavatovani. Vpralajts is nsdsl)ns pojssnila. Voted nevtk prsdptsav ssktjutsjoms projosaaa|s asrašU II dat peed odHsdsm pomika, pa^kl odidejo as Boka vosklk 14 dat. Bla«o kupujsl« od nso v Mow Yorky ia lake aoolsns vaša Isst. nin«. sask« kot bla«a. ki «s nsm ossol pošijals. mi ihrMma m lato la vaaprod pU^«mo vossriioo ia ssvaravelatno kal «o o »ti potil is-telja. Na lom Uaaliv mi psokrbimo sa develjeeje iavaaa ad vlsds v Wsoki n# Isnu D. C. J« FABRIS & CO« »» THE MA.KU CO. 4*6 West 2rd Street New York 11, N. Y. « V blagi spomin enajste obletnice smrti odksr js islionlls svojs Irudns oči nsfts l|ubljsna »oproda in mamica J0SEPH1NE DEL0ST dn« 13. pprlla 1137. Enajst dolgih lat jo šo minulo, ksr Tsbs ni vs¿ mod nami. Sla si od nss ss vodno In nsm puotlls Is bls« opomin ns Tsbs. Utlhall ss vodno I* TVoJ «Iss. s v nsllh mislih ln orelh smo vsdno s TsboJ. V tihem grobu ods) počlvsft. rslons vosh nadlog. Ns grobu role Ti sveto, nsd grobom plitki Ti pota. Potiva) v miru ln lahka na; Ti bo amorilka '«mljlca. Žalujoči ostalli JOE DELOST In drullns v Birsbsnu. Pa, Nasnanilo in zahvala Ealoitnogs orea nssnsnjsmo sorodnikom, snancom ln prl)atsl)sm tuftno vest. ds dnt I. aprila 1141 sa vsdno prsmlnul nsft IJublJsn soprog ln oče . CHARLES CERYAK , Rojon (s bil 11. oktobra 1114 v Rsjhonburgu v Jugoslaviji In v Ameriko js prtlsl Ista 1101 v Johnotewn. Pa., kjsr |e šlvsl II lat la petsm is prosstii na TIra Hill, Pa. tsr tu šlvsl do ovo|a oiartl. Pogreb se js vrlll II. sprlls ps esrkvsnlh obredih na Orandvlew pa-kopsliššs v Johnafown. Pa Najlopfta hvsls vsem. ki sls nam stali ob strani in pomagali, nas tolaftlll In Isksssll ovojo aaklan)oaast in ooialj«. Upa hvala drufttvu It. III BNPJ-drulfvu IM SSPt. katerih šlan i* bil da omrtt. ss krasna venoa. Iskrena hvala br. predsedniku št. III SNPJ is ginljlv govor ob odprtem grobu. Brš-ns hvsls člsnom U. M. W. of A. lokalu št. IN ss darevaal venec la 'a govor ter šlanslvu as obilno udslolbo pri pogrebu. Hvsls lepe Mr. Barsatišsvemu pogrebnemu savodu sa viorno 'n lopo vodstvo pogreba Brftna hvala vsom. ki sto mu podarili krasaa vogoe la svotlioe. ter vse«, ki sto ga oMskall ob mrtvaškem odru la voem. bi sto sa seremtii na njegovi osdn)i pati a« mlrodvor. Hvala tudi vsom. ki ato dsll as raapolago avtomobile tov voslll v oprsvodu. ter •aloh vosm. ki ils nam na kakršen koli način pomagali In aao tele-šil« v url ftelosti. tebi pa. dragi soprog In olo. ftollmo, polival v miru ln lahka naj TI bedo amsrilka semljs. Ohranili Ta boma v vodno ljubečem opominu da konca naših dnl—-tslu|ošl ostalli Sophlo Csrvak. soprogo i Chsrloo, Prsnk In Loulo. slnavlt rrsaeos. Bopbio la Raallno hšorsi Mary Corfak. sestrai Bernard Ttllmaa. Pater Bclpiona ia Jolina Strapak. rgljei Mary la Dela. staehei Belty Jano in Carol Lynn Tlllman vsuklnl«. ter Wllllsnm B. Tlllman. vnuki Mary Jan« In Bens Jssa Csryok, lar Elalnns Bclplono, vnukinjo In Loulo Coryak. vnuki Valentin Nagro, itrls. Uro Hlll. Pa. Nasnapilo in zahvala taloolnoga In potrtega srca nssnonjomo sorodnikom, inaaeom la prijateljem tulno vest, ko le nas na tako tragičen način sadola. da smo iagubill tri sinovo na oa dan. ALBIN. ALOIS • FRANK GRILC Nsiročs ss jo pripetilo v rovu. ko |s nsolala strelna rsoolrstbs plin« dns I. fsbrusrts INI ob 1, url popoldne. Atola Orlls jo Ml rojon II. (unija IMl. rrank Orlic |o bil rojon 14, oopt. IMl. obe sts bila rotena v Oladbsbu ns Nsmlk«m. Albin Orlic )s bU rotea I. marca HIT v Jenny Lind, Arkansas. Pogreb vosh trsh os jo vrčU po ksleličkem obredu das II tsbruorja 1141 In pokopani se skupno no kslolllkom pokopollftču v Pori Bmith, Ark. Ns tem mostu as prsv lopo oohvslime drultvu Ai. 14 SNPJ ss lopo veaee. kakor ludl članom pogroboom. bi ao jih nosili ln opremili k mirno mu počitku na mlrodvor. Hvsla tudi U. M. W. Lokalu lt. 1771 »a loal venec In onako tudi Dtatriktnamu lokalu št. 11 U. M. W. Nadeli« lokrona hvala načim hčeram, bi so prillo oe poslovit od ovojih bratov kol ludl bratrancu Jo« Om«roa, bo jo pričel na pogreb ia Cbiaaga. Ui. So posebne orčn« hvala Prank Ortlcu. «trisu omenjenih, ki nsolis foločli v lat strelni nsorsči. Hvsls ss dere-vsns krsono vsnccltscvstllss olsdočim druiinam In poasmosnlbam la oteori Mr in mrs. Oon« Ssrlslslti, mrs. Tboross Kssasatin. mr. In mrs. Prsnk Ke«msitn. mr. la mrs. Bi« v« Buffs, mr. ia mrs. J oba Buffs in aro. Boots Bsdsr, vol li Csllfomi|s. Mr. Joe Omorsa. mr. In mro. Prank Tsropčtč, mr, Anton Clrar, Ann Socbmaa. mr. la mro. Albin Boblnč. mr Pr. Jsoonok, mr, in mro. Joe Jereb, Aaalo Crolnlk. B«bnu brsijs. Vsllly drulin«. Bhsimsr Osrmsnt Co« val is Cbtcsgs, lil. Mr. in mro. Pr. Orlic. mr. io mrs. P. A. Clsytoa. mr. In mro. E. H M sel. isrs. Lsrtns Harpor. Tony, Prank la Mika Mrak. mr. Pr. Rssbsrtok. vsi ti Okl«h«ms, Mr. ia mro Joe Sler meto in hči. mr. in mro. R. C. Hamilton mr. In mrs H M. Combo, vot to W. Virglnijo. Brin« hvala mr, in mro. Pallbo Vesel. mr. la lero. Jim Raddy. mr. *n mrs. Laut« Log«y. mro Angel« Klin«, mrs. Lan« Wallars. mrs. Ann« Bier meto «o mr In mrs. Paul Beroggtna. ki oo nam v uri lalooti ln nooročl pom«goll na domu in ns« tele!"' v nsči la loal ni uri noorolo. Lop« hvala Pr. Bobničs in Robert Vatllyu, ko ots prills lo Cbicog«- na pogreb. Lopa hvalo no Mm Maram o« lop« veno« ln olsor mro. J oho MočivnUi. mrs. Joe Cirsr in Juoltns Orlic, Prsjoll orno mIo v«llko os4ol|olh bartfts ksr oo nam okoro ni mogočo voakomu ooaoboi asbvslitl. oprsjmils vol obupal noče srčno aahvalo. ter so «o« in voem. ki olo nsm ksr boli dobrog« olortli ia naa teločlll v ur« laiooli. Vam ps. noči ljub. Ijsnl atnovt In bratlo, l«i»mo počivotl« » miru In lobbo as| Vsm kodo «morilk« o«ml)s 2«lu|očt ootsiii Loulo la Eraooltao O rile. ti«n*i RriMMttns Močivnik. Msry Cirsr ln iuotins Orlic, oastrei Prsnk Orlic, stric in Joe Omorao. bralr«»«* j«nny Llad. Arbaaoes. Slovenska Narodna 2857-59 So. LawndaU A v«. Podporna Jednota Chicago 23, Illinois GLAVNI ODBOR la vrtat «tak VINCENT C AINKAR, fL prr-d^dnlk ----- r. A VIDER. (I Ujmk ANTON TROJ AR. gl. pomolni tajnik----- MIRKO O KUHEL. gl blagajnik ........ LAWRENCE CRAOISEK. tajnik bol ud4..... MICHAEL VRHOVNIK. dlrakt mlad oddal. PHILIP OODINA, upravitelj 1'ro.vrte ... « ANTON GARDEN, urednik dosvale ------ NlptlOl RAYMOND TRAVNIK, prvi podprtdM-daUt JOSEPH CULKAR. drugi podpredsednik — Dssnm JOHN V. CEBULAR. prvo okrotl« ... . PRANK ORADISEK. drugo okrožj« JOSEPH PI POLT, ¿etrto okrožja JOHN SPILLAR, peto ukroti« -------- - URSULA AMHRO/.K H, testo okroija JOHN PETRITZ. tadrno okrolja PRANK POLS A K. uarnl okrotj ....... S007 Bo. MS7 Bo. S007 So Mft7 Bo 1007 Bo mi Bo Lawndala Av« Lawndala Av« Lawndala A v*. Lawndala Av« Lawndal« A v« Lawndale Av« Lawndalo A v«. La «vb da U Ava. Chicase S3. HI Clitcaso S3, III Chlcaso ». III. Chicase 23. III. Chlcaso 33. Ill Chicago 33. III. Chicago 33. Ill Chicago 33. Ill 7*tt Middlepot/i(a, Dearborn. Mich «17 Woodland Av«., Johnatown. Pa. . : ......JIM Shallcroaa St. Philadelphia U. Pa _______»............ Box M Herrn Inte, Pa ..................1337 E 00th Bt . Cleveland 3, Ohio JOTO Randall St.. St Louia 1«. Mo. -.41« P larca St., EvalaUi. Minn. . 343» Carmena Ava., Loa Angalaa IS. Calif ... ............ 306 3rd St. W.. Woundup. Mont. Ceapedankl odaak MATH PETROV ICH, prcdaednlk VINCENT CAINKAR «... --------- P A VIDER MIRKO O KUHEL................. JACOB ZUPAN ........« RUDOLPH LISCH ............. DONALD J. LOTR1CH_________ ANTON SHULAB. pradaadnlk /RANK VRATARICII ________________ ANDREW VIDRICH ____________________ JOHN KOBI, BR ................ CAM IL US ZAftNICK ....................... PRANK ZAITZ, predsednik MICHAEL R KUMER ------- MATTHEW 1. TURK ......... LOUIS KAPERLE ANDREW ORUM .............. ... ............. Ml E. I»0th St . Cleveland 10, Ohio M97 So. Lawndala Ave.. Chicago S3. III. ............3U7 So Lawndala Ava.. Chlcaso 33, III 3SA7 Bo Lawndala Ava . Chlcaso S3. III. 1400 N Lombard Ava , Berwyn, 111. ....... .......... . 700 E 3«oth St.. Euclid. Ohio 1097 Bo. Trumbull Ave.. Chicago 33. 111. Porotni edaek ............— ......................Box S7, Arrna. Kanaaa 311 Tanar St., Luzerne, Pa. .............. 700 Poroet Ave., Jotinatown. Pa. .......... 300 Bo Otnd Ave w . Duluth 7. Minn. ............ 3004 W. 07th SI . Cleveland 3. Ohio Madseral adaak ,............... 3301 Bo. Lawndala Ave.. Chlcaso S3. IU. .............................. Box 04, Universal, Pa. ........3540 S Lawndala Ave., Chicago 33, III. ......... 10301 Eaat Park Drive. Cleveland. Ohio . ...................17102 Bnowden, Detroit 31. Mich. Zapisniki sej gl. izvršnega odseka SNPJ le j a 3. m.rca 1941 Predsednik odpre sejo ob eni uri popoldne. Navzoči so bratje Csin-kar. Vider, Trojsr. Kufcel, Gradišck, Vrhovnik. Godir\a in Uardcn. Predložen in iprejet je zapisnik izvršna seje z dne 29. februarja t. I. Predsednik porota, da je potrebno, da oe naredi sklep glede tiuka-nja zapisniku, radnjfgn zborovanja glavnega odbora. OdloČili moramo, dali ga bomo tiskali v redni tedenski Prosveti sli naj izide v prilogi s in koliko strani nsj se tioka, akp m odloČimo za prilogo, Sklep je, da zapisnik izide v prilogi na osmih straneh. * Nate predloži na razpravo razpis , nominacije rs podpredsedniku tre-tjegs okrožjs, katero je gl odbor po sprejemu reslgnscije br. Msglitha poveril gl. izvršnemu odseku v izvršitev Sklenjeno, da oe nominu-cljs takoj uradno razpiše Predsednik nadalje pripgio^a, da oe naredi na naša krsjevnu di ušivo posebni ursdni apel za prlspt*vke /u ovobodnl tlak, kar )<• Sprejeto Nadalje poroCa. da je prejel p|. omo od društev št 138 in 589, ki poslujeta v tttrabsnu. Pa., da bodo 2. maja imeli prireditev z banketom v polasth uotanoviteljev društva št. 1 M, od katerih ,^|lh živi še aamo oe dem. Prooijo, da bi jim poslali dva govorniks iz gisvnega urada, do Ce-osr omatrsjo. da so uprimo velikega dobrega dela In fsatne /ginlovim* tega društvs upravičeni. — Sklenjeno. da se jim »poroči, da Jim v »nu-olu te več let postoje/ega oklepa gl odbora ne moremo ustreCt, pač pa oo upravičeni le do enega govorni* ks l? gisvnega ursda In »and naj odloČijo, koga telijo, /.arno je sklenjeno. da oe ob le) priliki skuša po izvedeti, ako bi oe dobilo kaj prlmet-negs rs ustanovitelje Nadalje pndloii pismo od društva št. 14, Waukegon II!.. v katerem poročalo, da namersvsjo prtie-dltev ■ slikami iz Jugoslavije v prilog SANS in svobodnega tiska lei prosijo, da bi mladinski direktoi predvajal z jednotinim projektor* jem, kar je dovoljeno ti lavni tajnik nato pi idioti: Pismo od organizacije llllnoia As* soeiaUon for Crippled Children. v katerem prosijo zs denarno podpo. ro od Jednote. — Se daruje S10 00 Prošnjo od oigamratije Peoplr'» Lobby m dt-nemo ptrtlpoio tu uvr-ševanje njih delu — Dovoljeno 12140 1'oM'line operacijske radrvo* ki jili je vrhovni zdravnik ptegledal in jih ptiporočs gl izvršnemu «al seku v končno lešitt-v. Odobrene »o sledet e , dr. In m* Vsota 89 Oeorge Pavlleb 129 00 278 Joaephine Drobnirh 75 Oo 002 Milka Velinan 2500 794 Anton Saje 80.1M) Nalo mladinski direktor piedloti slodeče /a de ve v rešitev • Društvo »t «Ml Si l^ouis, Mn na ittaiava piueditev «Int IS mamI ter progi za j« Ječ a lr »kupin društev it VM in 977, ivtrolt Mlcb.. teli da ae Jim ptišlje trufejs. do katere m> upravinv v irdsji / za mesec julij PrlpotoiM vsoto 990 za troje različnih nagrad, kar j« od«i brano Nato je oiiAuna rarprsvs o naCrlu za kampanjo ra nove < lan« in kontno je sprejet celotni načrt kol gu je pri' pravil mladinski direktor. Nato predsednik še poroča, da se je udeležil konference Ameriškega slovanskega kongresa, ki oe je vršila 28. in 29 februarja v Detroitu, in ki je bila zelo informativna.—Se vzame na znanje. Zaključek oeje ob štirih popoldne. S«ia 17 marca 1949 Predsednik odpre sejo ob eni uri popoldne v navzočnosti voeh člsnov glsvnags izvršnega odseks. Predložen In oprejet Je zspionik Lvršne seja z dne 3. marca t. 1. Olavni tajnik predloži sledeče zadeve v rešitev; Pismo od br. Barblča, v katerem oe pritožuje, ker njegov dopis ni bil priobčen v Prosveti v celoti, temveč samo delno. Ns pojasnilo gl. uredniku se zadeva vzan e na znanje, Društvo št. 101, Greensboro, Pa., poroča, da se pripravlja nu slsvnost 40 letnice svojegu obstanku, ki bo 27. junija ter prosi, da bi se gl. bla« gajnik udeležil kot govornik za jed* noto, kar je odobreno. Dr uštvo št. 020, liar bet ton. O, bo obhajalo svojo 20 letnico dne 17. in 18 aprila Ker bo sodeloval mladin* »ki krožek iz Sharona, Pa., žalijo, da bi »e prireditve udeležil tudi mladinki direktor kot govornik iz gl urada. Pojasnjeno Je, da se mladinski direktor radi druge zsposlenostt ne bo mogel udeležiti in /sto je skle* njeno, da se vpiušs gl. odborniku l.ischs. ki živi v Clevelandu, da ga nadomesti. O zudevi pokojnega br. A. Shunt-laka od društva št 207, Kemmerrer, Wyo., poroču. da se je v uradu o»eb-no rglaslla njegova sestra, kateri je zapustil svojo operacijsko Jn bolniško podptiro, ker ja zanj skrbela v hole/ni in imela z njim stroške. Na podlugi pojasnila je sklenjeno, da se ji zahtevano izplača. lir Joseph ilopac od društva 290, Madison. III., kateiemu so odrezali nogo nad gležjem vsled poškodbe, ki jo je dobil v vojni službi, prosi /a i/m dno podporo,—v smislu posebne resoluc»je. ki )o je glavni odbor spre-> jel za tske »lučaje, je upravičen do ( vaole 9200 in sklenjeno je, da sa mu nakaže I Tajnik bolniškega oddelka poroča o zadevi umrlegM člana Gozdanovi* | «ha od društva št 171. Marianni, Pa. Njegov brat, ki ga je imel na »ki bi za ča»u bolegm, prosi, du te njemu nukaže ostali del bolniško I podpore za |N»ko)nitn, kur Je odo* bi eno, MUduiNki dlrekltM {Miiuen, «In Je In lluri v Mengeš, ki je bil na neji gl. mIIkimi izvoljen v odUu /« utletiko. I pot h« I ostavko, lei da Imi tn-ba postaviti kogu diugfgii na njegovo me-tdo Se vzame na znanje in »klenje 00 Je, da ml direktor polzve. da II Je kateii diugl kandidut iz omenjenega alletlčnega okiaja šv priprav* Ijt n »prejeli to mesto, i Mladinski krotek št. 28 ki poaluje j v C hleagu, proti, da bi »e mu dovo-I lilo i ubiti jednotino dvorano brez plačno ob priliki mladinske kegljat -i fke tekme, ki »e ima vištti v ChlOR, KO .1 tn 4 -pula t. l~l»ovolj««no Nadalje Je dov«»ljeito. Ja sr ob tej priliki |aedvaja|o jetlnotlne piermč i ne slike pt ed»ta v I jujoče l ažne aktiv imniIi mladinskih krolkov. Druitvo št 109, Indianapoli». Ind.. prual, da bi mu poaodilj je«1notim-piemi« ne slike «a predvajanje dne 1 aprila t I, kai je odobreno. i Nato je izvoljen «idhor. »eatoječ 11 •s predsednika, uiednika in mladin-tkrga durktotja za ocenitev prispevkov za mladinski list The Voice of i Youth. ki smo )ih prejeli zadnja leta SkU njeno je nadalje, da ae an gl«-ikt zapianik zboruvanja glavnega odljot a pri« .Imi v post bnl prilogi in I ni» osmih straneh Sledi ta/prava o opriacijskih ta det ah, ki jth je vrhovni zdravnik .pregledal trt Jih pripon* a gl |g ! vršnemu •■U«-ku v kontno rešitev Odobren«- m» k«d sledi Al dr Ime Vsota 127 Trance» Dr Vito 9)9 147 V k tur R Subel 39 158 Ludvik Kovsčič ________________90 244 ElijMelid» .............................. 29 3&9 Nick Spud ich .........:.............29 371 Joe Smergot ........................... 39 442 Dorotejs Kotnik .................... 29 979 Antonia Sparemblek ............ 90 843 Anthony Sirca ....................... 79 680 John Stevenson ..................... 29 Nadalje so predložene in odobrene sledeče prošnje za izredno pod* poro; » Društvo št. 9 Jakob Požun, John Zetko. John Koilevčar ln Jakob Požar vsak po 929- 7 Frank Regina ase»ment za dve mesoca, Anna Regina asesment za šest mesecev. 93 Andrej Rshne asesment za šest rneoeeSV. 104 Valentin Limoni 939. 229 John Kovačič 930. ' 323 Štev« Zorich 129 341 Simon Dolenak In Joe Oblak, vsak sa tri mesece asesment. 39« Katie Lesich 929 380 Robert Dolenc 929 409 Peter Menchak 930. 970 Frank Klemene 929. Zaključek sejè ob treh popoldne. So|a 29. marca 1949 Predsodnlk odpre sejo ob 9:30 dopoldne. ' Nsvzočl so vsi člani glav» nega izvršnega odseks. PredloAsn in sprejet je zspisnik izvršne seje z dne 17. msrca t. 1. Prečrtano je pismo društev št. 138 in 589, Strsbsne, Pa., v katerem poročajo, da so vzeli sporočilo gl. izvršnega odseks glede govornika zs njih slavnostno prireditev ns znanje in sklonili, ds vprašajo za upravnika kot govornika ob tej priliki, kar se vzame rta Znanje in želji ugodi. Od Ameriškega slovanskega kongresa je pismo, v katerem opisujejo svoje aktivnosti in prosijo za denarno podporo.—Pismo se vzsme na znanje in sklenjeno je, da se v magszi-nu The Sls v American, ki gs izdsjs omenjena orgsnizacija, priobči jed« notin oglas. Br. tajnik poroča, da v kratkem zopet lslds Adamičev bilten znan kot T9tT all Trends and Tides, ki prinese mnogo zanimivega in zelo podučnega gradiva. Priporoča, da ga naroČimo za naše člane enak? število kot običajno, kar je odobreno. Mladinski direktor poroča o ustanovitvi dveh mladinskih krožkov in sicer oba v mestu St. Louis, Mo. Priporoča, da se daruje vsakemu 929 za začetne aktivnosti, kar je odobreno. V zvezi s tem je prečitano pismo gl. odbornika J. Spillarja, v katerem podaja rszna priporočila in kar oe vzame na znanje. Mladinski direktor nadalje priporoča, nakup filmov za premične slike v barvah, Jti naj bi se snemale ob priliki narodne kegljarskc tekme, ki se bo vršila v Detroitu 23 -24 -25 aprila t. 1.. kakor tudi ob priliki mladinske telagrafične tekma 3. in 4. aprilu v Chicagu, kar je odobreno, kakor tudi, ds oi najame potrebno pomoč za to. Upravnik publikacij poroča, voznik, ki vozi Prosveto in The Voice of Youth na pošto ter prevsžs razne druge reči zs jednoto, zahteva zvl-šanie plače in sicer z 900 na 9125 ns mesec Po potrebni razprsvi in vpoštevanju draginjskih razmer je sklenjeno, ds se zviša na 9120 mesečno. Nadalje upravnik poroča, da je vsled draginjskih razmer nastalo potrebno, du je rsčun za urejevanje, upravo in prlprsvo mlsdlnskega Ii* »ta za ti»k zvišan s 9120 na 9290 no ' mesec. S številkami je dokazano. ' ds omo rsčunali poslednje čsse zs to delo precej manj ko znašajo naši stroški.—-Se vzsme na znanje Sledi razpiava o operacijskih zadevah In prošnjah za odpravnino. Vrhovnik zdravnik jih je že pregledal ter priporoča v izplačilo članom vsote kcd sledi: j Ste v dr. 29 Frank llenčina 9 80.00 (M Michuel I »lov li h , 2900 142 Gähn. I Dcmshai 25.00 142 Frank Morell 29 00 904 Prank Zalar 25 00 008 Ann Prosper , 25.00 «79 Walter Grhlch 25 00 (Odpravnina) 232 Jakob Vfhur 439 47 .100 John Nudoh 408.12 Predložene in odobrene so nadalje slede« «• piošnje zs izredno podporo in posojilo zs ssesment: DruŠt št 24 Philip Vti/el 925 27 Alojzijs Sušnlk 929 9« Msry Vidmar 939. 200 Joseph Celik 925 204 Johanna Jurček 929, 207 William F Simonlch asesment . ra šest mesecev. 207 Anna Simonich »seamrnt za 9 •nsseeev. 219 Marko Pintar aaeamen! za tri me%rtt • 249 Anltm Fayon asesment ra tri meset r .188 Ikftits Urbenč asesment za šest masriev, 877 Thomas Zika asesment ta dva mase« <* /.aklju rk seje ob enajsti url do> po Id na Seja 31. marca 1949 Predaednki ndpf sejo ob eni url popoldne Razen tajnika bolniškega oddelka 00 navzoči vsi člsni gl Ig-vrtnega odseka Noto predsednik poroča, da smo prejeti obvestilo od unije pisarniških delavtev. da je nova pogodba, sestavljena na podlagi domenjenih pogojev, pripravljena ra podpia p< zastopnikih unija ln jednote Poročilo se vzame na tnanje in taen t )«• sklenjen«» da predsednik umen m» i no p««gorfho podpiše ter skrbi, da ' na» urad dobi potrebno število kopij. Fedëracije S. N. Pf J. ZAPISNIK CLEVELAND8KE FEDERACIJE Clavoland, Oe—Zadnja federa- cijska seja se je vršila v soboto, 27. marca. Predsednik odpre sejo ob osmih zvečer. Zapisnik seje z dne 28. februarja sprejet kot čitan. Sprejet j« predlog, da federacija kupi vse vstopnice za igro "Zadrega nad zadrego". Dalje se dovoli iz blagajne $25 za vezavo Cankarjevih glasnikov, ki jih bo C. U. poslala čitalnicam v staro domovino. Tajnica poda račune o zadnji veselici. Farmski odbor je sklenil, da federacija ne more imeti piknika na izbran datum. Atle-tični odbor poroča, da je bila kegljaška tekma zelo uspešna. Darovali so $5 vsakemu članu-kegljaču. Za podružnico 48 SANSa poročajo, da je veselica lepo uspela. Njih podružnica tudi deluje za izvolitev Henrv-ja Wallacea. Za podružnico 39 SANSa poročajo, da so poslali delegata v Columbus, O., in izdali so peticije za Wallacea. Poročila društvenih zastopnikov: Za društvo 26 poročajo, da bodo poslali eno kegljaško skupino na tekmo v Detroit; sklenili so, da se vrši božičnica collinwoodskih društev v njih naselbini. Društvo 28: Pridobili sy dva ¿lana v odrasli oddelek in dva v mladinski. Društvo 53: Sklicali bodo pet društev na skupnj sestanek v svrho organiziranja mladinskega krožka," sestanek se bo vršil 17. aprila; za njih skupino kegljačev, ki se bo udeležila tekme v Detroitu, so plačali $50 iz društvene blagajne. Društvo 126: Pridobili enega člana v odrasli oddelek, ena družina pa je prišla k društvu s prestopnimi listi; imajo svojo kampanjo za nove člane, za katere plača društvo zdravniško preiskavo; dali sfr iz društvene blagajne $75 za kegljače, ki se bodo udeležili tekme v Detroitu; kupili vse vstopnice za igro dramskega društva Ivan Cankar. Društvo 137: Objavili protest proti A. D.; 'pridobili tri nove •da članice v odrasli oddelek in dva v mladinski; kupili vstopnice Združenega odbora; poslali bodo eno kegljaško skupino v Detroit. Društvo 142: So na delu za organiziranje mladinskega krožka in darovali v to svrho $10; u-mrla je ena članica; izvolili novega predsednika. Društvo 158: PHidobili tri nove člane v mla dinski oddelek in enega v odrasli; ves dobiček zadnje veselice je bil oddan kegljačem. Društvo 264: Priredili bodo piknik; pridobili dva člana v mladinski oddelek. Qruštvo 450: Imeli bodo ustanovno sejo mladinskega krožka. Društvo ¿66: Pridobili enega novega člana, dva pa s prestopnim listom; v aprilu bodo praznovali 22-letni-co; poslali bodo tri kegljaške skupine v Detroit. Društvo 576: Priredili bodo veselico 28. marca. Društvo 604: Poslali bodo 15 kegljaških skupin v Detroit, za katere bodo plačali iž društvene blagajne vsoto $500; pridobili enega člana v mladinski oddelek. Društvo 742: Zahvaljujejo se vsem za poset njih obletnice, ki je sijajno uspela. Društvo 748: Vabijo na veselico, ki se bo vršila jutri, 28. marca. Za krožek št. 2 poroča A Ima ¿agar. Sedaj imajo kampanjo za nove člane; želijo, da pri tem pomagajo tudi ¿lani odraslega oddelka; dne 7. aprila bodo praznovali 10-letnico; urejujo nova pravila za spdrtne skupine; šivalni oddelek bo poslal zastopnike v Milwaukee. Želijo, da bi jim federacija nakazala nekoliko finančne pomoči. Odobreno $50. Atletični odbor poroča, da bodo imeli poseben vlak, ki bo od peljal, kegljače 24. aprila v Detroit na tekmo. Radi kegljaške-ga turnirja v Detroitu, se bo fe deracijska seja vršila 17. aprila mesto 24. Zastopana so sledeča društva: 5, 26, 28, 53, 126, 135, 137, 139, 142, 158, 264, 442, 450, 566, 576, 604, 614, 742, 748. Zaključek seje ob pol desetih zvečer. Carl Samanlch, zapisnikar. Nadalje porsča predsednik, da J4 imel nekaj dopisovanja z br,. J. Oli-pom. ki je »adaj član društva št. «19 v Los Angeles*. Calif. Gre za stoječe slike (»lides) iz stare domovi-ne, ki smo jih pred leti nabavili in posojevali našim društvom, da to jih predvajala.) in katere misli, da bi se dale dobro porabiti še sedaj, posebno za predavanje, ki ga nameravajo prirediti pri omenjenem društvu ter prosijo za slike v to svrho.— Prošnji se ugodi, Gl. tajnik prečita pismo od tajnika društva št. 249, Butte, Mont., ki poroča, da tajnikujc že čez 2« let. Pravi, da namerava tajništvo pustiti in ga o 1. aprilom predsti drugemu. —Pismo se vzorne ns znsnje in zs-eno je sklenjeno, da oe nsbavi za-pestna ura z jednotinim znakom in mu podari v snak hvaležnosti od jednote za njegovo dolgoletno in požrtvovalno delu Mladinski dlrtktor predloži pismo gl. odbornicc Uršule Ambrotič, v katerem prosi sa premične slike od 13. redne konvancljc. ki se j« vršila v Kvelethu, Minn , in kstere naša ondotna društva- šalijo pi edvsjati na prireditvi dne 10. aprila t. I—Dovoljeno. Nato poroča, da je prejel prošnjo za denarno podporo za izvedbo keg-ljarske tekme društva št. 999. ki oe ima vršili U. aprila v Chicagu. 2c-i lijo vsaj 95 za vsako okupino. kar bi znašalo skupaj 9240 —Sklenjeno je, du ae jim naksže 9200 ig aklsdu za atletiko, Mladinski direktor nadalje poroča. du se v njegovem področju kopiči zmeraj več dela in da ga večkrat sam ne more zmagovati. Radi tega želi dovoljenje, da sme zdsj pa zdsj najeti začasno pomoč v to svrho. Gl. tajnik v pojasnilo pripomni, da srno zadnje tri meseca bili ras preobloženi g delom, da pa lato po Jenjujc in ker je od strani uslužbencev dobra kpOrscijs. muli, ds bo v bodoče latjko večkrat kateri poma- J al tudi mladinskemu direktorju.— eljt ml direktorjs se ugodi, Nsto je i arprsva o filmu "The Iron Curtsin.N ki ga Izdeluje firms Twentieth Centurv Fo* in ksteregi glsvni namen j« nelenje sovraštva do Rualje in podpihovsnje vojne histerije med smeriškim ljudstvom Izvršni odsek je, mnenja, ds je nss vseh- tudi magna tov pri filmski in-dusti iji- dolžnost delati ta prijateljski medsebojni sporazum z Rusijo ter pošten in pravičen mir po vsem •vetu; da je to v interesu in tudi želja velike večine ameriškega ljudstva. ter da za titfrv kakršen je "The Iron Curtain," n« bi smelo btfT me-sta v ameriških gledališčih Skle njeno te da se pošlje v tem smislu seatsvljena protestna revolucija pred. «edniku filmske tvrdke Twentieth Century Fox j ' S tem je rešeno vse. kar je bilo priptavljeno ra današnio sejo. nakar predeedntk uto zaključi ob treh po piddne, V t AINKAK gl predsednik. F A VIDER, gl. tajnik. VAŽNA SEJA FEDERACIJE ZA ZAPADNO PENNO Covsrdalo. Pa.—Pfiho^nja seja federacije društev ŠNPJ za zapadno Penno se bo vršila če trto nedeljo v mesecu aprilu, to je 25. aprila, začetek ob desetih dopoldne v Unijski dvorani v Harvvicku. Pozivam zastopnike in zastopnice, da se gotovo udeležijo te važne seje, kajti-to bo zadnja seja pred dnevom snpj. ki se bo vršil 27. junija. Potrebno bo, da se dobro pripravimo, da izvedemo uspešno pennsylvanski dan snpj. Torej, bratje in sestre snpj, upoštevajte to naznanilo in sc udeležite federacijske seje v ve likem številu! Na tej seji bo poročal naš delegat,- ki je zastopal federacijo na konvenciji tretje stranke v Yorku, Pa. Naše članstvo v Pen-ni je 901,« za Wallacea in tretjo stranko. Torej pridite 25. aprila v Harwick, ker bodo predvajane tudi kino slike iz stare domovine. Ves čisti dobiček je namenjen za svobodni tisk in sans. Anton Člpčlč. predsednik. ZAPISNIK FEDERACIJE ZA VZHODNI OHIO IN PENNO Glrard. o.—Federacijska seja se fe vršila 28. marca v Youngs-townu, o. Brat picdsednik odpre dnevni red ob pol dveh popoldne Hrvatskem domu. Uradniki bo vsi navzoči. Zapisnik zadnje seje sprejet kot čl tan. Zastopana so sledeča društva: št. 49: Tancek in Rovan. 153: Ki kel in Cvetko. 262 sestri c vel bar ln Gorenc. 272: ses. Mikolich, 321: Jež. 358 Bogatay in Mrcina, 476: Križaj. «43 Ktvian. 755: Al Cvelbar in Frank Mlakar. Poročilo tajnika: v našem okrožju je odprta nominacija za okrožnega podpredsednika vsled resignacije br Jamesa Maglicha. Društva naj predlagajo člane, ki so sposobni za to mesto v gl, odboru. Kandidat je lahko kateri koli član društva v našem okrožju. Stanje federacijske blagajne Prenos od zadnje seje $325 14. Dohodki $299 26. stroški $12754 Ostane v blazini 28 marca 1948 $496 Sft •poročilo tajnika vzeto na znanje. PotočUa diuštvenih zastopnikov: Društvo 49 Pridobili dva nova člana v mladinski oddelek; darovali $25 za SANS in $50 za svobodni tisk; umrl John Jakelj. Društvo 153: Pridobili enega člana v mladinski.oddelek; veselica v mesecu aprilu. Društvo 262: Pridobili enega člana v mladinski oddelek; darovali $25 za svobodni tisk; skupaj nabrali nabrali $250 za obrambo našega tiska in $250 za SANS; Slovenski delavski dom pa je daroval $50; društvo bo imelo veselico 28. marca ln 25. aprila. Društvo 277: Pridobili enega člana v mladinski oddelek in dva v odrasli; imeli bodo veselico 1. maja; darovali $5 za obrambo našega tiska. Društvo 321: V mesecu maju bodo priredili veselico v korist krožka; darovali $25 za obrambo našega tislca. Društvo 358: Pridobili štiri nove člane v odrasli oddelek; darovali $10 za svobodni tisk, klub slovenske dvorane pa je daroval $25 v isti namen. Društvo 476: Praznovali bodo društveno 25-letnico 20. junija; darovali za SANS. Društvo 643: Sprejeli dva nova člana v odrasli oddelek; 18. aprila priredijo banket ob 20-letnici društvenega obstoja, ki se bo vršil v Slo venskem domu. Pri društvu 755 ni nobenih sprememb od zadnje seje. Por6čila društvenih za stopnikov so izčrpana in se vzamejo na znanje. V smislu sklepa gl. odbora se vrši jubilejna kampanja od 1 aprila do 30. novembra. Predsednik. Cvelbar priporoča zastopnikom, da aktivno posežejo v kampanjo. O federacijskem pikniku bomo razpravljali na prihodnji seji. Sprejet je predlog, da imajo sharonski zastopniki polno moč, odločiti datum veselice. Glede asesmenta za T.' Lončarja od društva 277, je sklenjeno, naj društvi predloži prošnjo na prihodnji seji s podpisi društvenih uradnikov. , Federacija prispeva $25 za svobodni tisk. Prihodnja seja se bo fl-šila 24. junija v Sharo-nu, začetek ob dveh popoldne po poletnem času (EDS Time.) Predsednik pozove navzoče, naj vstanejo v znak sožalja za umrlim članom društva 49. Zaključek peje, olj 2:56 j^opoldijie. John Rovan. zapisnikar. Glasovi iz naselbin PLESNA VESELICA MLADINSKEGA KROŽKA Warren. O.—Mladinski krožek št. 31 SNPJ bo priredil plesno veselico v soboto zvečer, 1. maja, v Hrvaški dvorani na Burton st. * Za ples bodo igrali "Vagabonds" iz Sharona, Pa. Vabimo vse Slovence iz naselbine in okolice. Tudi tisti naj pridejo, ki ne plešejo, se bomo pa malo pogovorili v veseli družbi in tudi kakšno zapeli. Kuharice in točaji bodo poskrbeli, da ne bo nihče ne žejen in ne lačen. Na veselo svidenje! J. Ješ. ODGOVOR V BRK ČRNI REAKCIJI Fairport, O. — Na redni seji društva 355 SNPJ smo razmotri-vali o člankih, ki jih priobčuje A. D. proti članstvo SNPJ. Naš odgovor je $15 za obrambo našega naprednega tiska, dasi je naša društvena blagajna precej šibka. Posamezni člani pa so darovali sledeče prispevka: Andrej Kapel $5, John Kočevar $5, John Pintar $3, Lovrenc Baje $2, John Sebenik $2; po $1 pa sledeči: Tony Lunka, John Zalar, Alojzij Grželj in Fnank Baučar. V imenu svobodnega tiska se vsem darovalcem prav lepo zahvaljujem! . Denar sem poslal blagajniku Johnu Pollacku v Cleveland. Lovrenc Baje. SEJA FEDERACIJE ZA CHICAGO IN OKROŽJE Ghicago. 111.—Želim obvestiti zastopnike federacije snpj za čikaško okrožje, da se bo vršila prihodnja seja v petek, 30. aprila, začetek ob 8. uri zvečer v dvorani snpj. Dosedaj so se redne federacijske seje vršile v mesecu, ki ima pet četrtkov, na zadnji seji pa so zastopniki menili, da je mesec, kateri ima pet petkov, bolj priporočljiv za naše seje in smo v tem smislu sprejeli predlog. Zastopniki so pro-šeni, da vpoštevajo to spremembo in se polnoštevilno udeležijo prihodnje seje, katera ima rešiti več važnih zadev. Dalje opozarjam člane in članice snpj in ostale Slovence in Slovenke v Chicagu in okolici na proslavo tretje obletnice Slovenije. Priredba bo pod av-spicijo centralnega odbora podružnic SANSa. Vršila se bo v nedeljo, dne 2. maja, v dvorani snpj, začetok programa ob treh popoldne. Na programu by ša-ioigra "Oj ti vražji fant" in govor o pomenu osvoboditve Slovenije izpod tujega jarma in domačih izkoriščevalcev. Vstopnina je samo 75c in ves prebitek te priredbe je določen DRUŠTVENA VESELICA IN DRUGE VESTI Struthors. O. — Društvo 277 i snpj bo priredilo veselico v soboto, 1. maja, v Hrvatskem domu, 199 Loveville rd. Članice in člani našega društva so vljudno vabljeni, da se udeleže veselice v velikem številu. Vabimo tudi vse druge prijatelje in znance od blizu in daleč. Odbor bo vsem dobro postregel. Za ples-bo igral Stanley Kobal in njegov orkesteif. Na bolniški' listi so sledeči: Anton Lončar, John Mihin, John Pogačnik in Marta Galich. Družina Mihin je dobila čvrstega sinčka, ki je že vpisan v snpj. Prav tako je dobila novorojenčka družina p. Dellost. Čestitke! Vsem bolnim članom pa želim skorajšnjega okrevanja. Jennie Mikolich. društvena vest i , Powhatan Point. O.—Na seji društva 536 z dne 11. aprila je bilo sklenjeno, da se morajo vsi moški udeležiti seje vsaj enkrat vsake tri mesece. Če se tega ne bodo držali, se bo z njimi postopalo v smislu društvenega zaključka, Naša seja se vrši vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu. Iz-t vzeti so samo bolni člani. , Naše društvo šteje 46 članov, seje pa se udeleži kvečemu trije, štirje, nkjveč šest članov. To je vendar sramota za član-| stvo in društvo. Upoštevajte društveni sklep! John Kroll. tajnik. za obrambo naprednega časopisja, katerega skuša uničiti reakcionarna klika ameriških Slovencev. . Frank Alesh. tajnik. "naročnikom Datum v oklepaju, na primer (April 30. 1948), polog vašega Imena na naslovu pomeni« da I vam Je a lom datumom potekla naročnina. Ponovite Jo pravo-časao. da so vam Itat no ustavi s % John F. T t v v j i ločnfSkar ! slovenski i POGREBNIK » t t sv m perry funeral t t I iv home i t 804s Trumbull (llear Warreo) «Tet rempla 1 9922 i! Dar or Niphl i DETOOIT. Ml CM. član Voung American» 994 i S N P J j : »s priporoča |j| e •raeee»#«4 • s^ea» »mpmjtm * Sl.rvencem in Jugoslovanom Slovene Natl Benefit Society in 45th Year of Fraternal Service-1904-1948 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1948 PROSVETA ENGLISH SECTION Help to Increase Our Juvenile And Adult Membership For Members of Slovens National Benefit Society and American Slovenes PA0E FIVE BADGERLAND NEWS, NATIONAL SNPJ BOWLING TOURNEY Mtmbtri will meet members, friends will meet friends, boys will meet girls when SNPJ bowlers from at least seven states get together this weekend at Detroit, Michigan, for our 12th National Tenpin Bowling tournament—a tournament which has broken all records in number of entries and amoupt of prizes. For three days bowlers will meet on the alleys of Palmer Park Recreation where they wiU compete for national honors and championships. They will also meet at the Bowlers' Dane« on Saturday evening in th« hug« auditorium of the Agriculture Building at the State Fair Grounda, where they will dance to the popular music of the nationally famous Frankie Yankovich Orcheatra. They will meet in the Slovene National Home where everyone will be made to feel right at home in an atmoaphere of friendly hoapitality. They will run into each other at the hotela. on the sidewalks of Detroit and, no doubt, in many other places. In their ruah not to misa anyone or anything, they will probably have one of the merriest times in a long time, be they young or old, married or single. ' Not only will bowlers make the trip to Detroit, but hundreda of other members will accompany them Just to be a part of this happy excursion and mass gathering of SNPJers for the enjoyment that such trips and events never fail to provide in abundance. Yea, a grand time surely awaits everyone who will attend and participate in this gala aport and social affair. From all we have read in the Prosveta, the Young Americans (564) and Wolverines (677), who are collaborating as a unit in making preparations for thia mammoth undertaking, have everything in readiness for a weekend of reuniona, friendly competition, and pleasure galore. This year's tournament has attracted more teams and individual entrants than any aimilar tournament sponaored by the Society. Altogether 134 teams, 307 doubles and 602 singles are scheduled to bowl in the two classes (A and B) into which the tournament is divided. This ia 9 teama, 40 doubles and 102 aingles over the highest previous marks. Among them are many defending champions who won their respective titles at Chicago in 1947. A largo percentage of former champions and record-holders have becu entered in this annual kegling classic. Here are the nam«« of a few of the more prominent ones who will ace action and contest for top honors and try to repeat their championship performances of gone-by years-Rudy Pugel, Anton Verbick, Matt Levar and Anton Obluck of the Milwau-kee Badgers (584); El wood Blake, Robert Travnik, Frank Grum, Leon and Vincent Hoatnik of the Young Americans (564); Alfred Maccanl and Lena Yerman of the Wolverines (677); Stanley Zele, Frank Carr and An-geline Volk of the Chicago Pioneers (569), and Tont Zagat of the Cleveland Spartans (576). No doubt others will be present, especially among the women bowlers whose identity as former SNPJ champions has been, lost through change of name by marriage. They'll all be in there rolling with the rest, trying their best to set new records and to bring home a prize or two of the tournament awards. The tournament prize list, wnich is published elsewhere in'this section, reveals that a total of $3,302.00 will be distributed among the winners when the final and official results are known. In'the men's division. Class "A" winnt.s will share $1,176.00 and Class "B," $1,145.50. In the women's division, Class "A" winners will receive in all $535.00 and Class you take up the slack that are' "B," $445.50. In addition to cash prizes, the champions will receive tro MILWAUKEE. Wis.—All set for the trip to Detroit for the National SNPJ Bowling tourney. The Badgers will be represented by 5 men's and 2 girls' teams. The entry was held to that total because a lot of our bowlers are taking in the ABC in Detroit and could not get the same dates as our Own meet and to make two trips within a short period is pretty tough. What we will lack in numbers, though, doesn't mean that we will not be heard. The Redskins who went thru their final scrimmages this past week will take up any slack that prevails. The personnel of this colorful unit of which some claim to be direct descendants of Sitting Bull are Ambrosh, Pugel, Lenko, Sedmak, Uhle, Brownell, and Chief Yogi Lc-zar. All are warned to keep their hats on when these braves are around and run for the nearest shelter when the warhoopes are heard. Our Badger boyB have done right well by themselves in the Moose State tourney. Tony Verbick was in his best form of the season as he took the lead in the singles and all events. Tony cracked 664 for tops in the singles and his 1867 leads in the all events. A1 Maren and Vic Kouchich took second in the doubles as they posted 1215. Louis Glavan went on the board in the singles with 612. After years of honest effort, Cy Zvonar got his first 600 as he posted a 601 set. You know, boys, these totals would look right nice in the Detroit tourney. So a lot. of luck to you all and we may see you there. The regular monthly meeting of the Badgers will be held Friday, April 23. A lot of us will be on our way to Detroit, so let us hope some of not going out of town and carry on the traditional Badger way. Don't forget that Rebernisek's Hall, S. 6th and W. Bruce, is the place. /Time, 8 pm sharp. SALTY, 584 VeronianNews Welcome to the 12th National S. N. P. J. Bowling Tournament VERONA, Pa.—The Veronian bowling banquet will be Saturday, April 24. Aa previously stated, only thoae who mad« arrangementa with Chairman Mike Upesky. will be permitted to go wnd be at the club on time in order not to miss the chartered bua. Those of you driving, remember the place, the St. Moritz Hotel, the aame place as last year. Remember, all of you membera, the regular monthly meeting will be Sunday. April 35. beginning at 2:30 pm. Make it your buaineaa to be there for with summer coming on many important topica will be up for diacusaion, so be preaent at 2:30 sharp. The dance preceding the bowling tournament will be Saturday, May 1st, at 57th & Butler sts in Pitta-burgh. The Mualcal Stylists will entertain for your dancing pleaaures and a large crowd is expected, so the committee bids welcome to all lodges near and far to be with the "gang" at thia time. This is always a huge success and is a grand way of atart-ing off the tournament. The plate and time of the tournament has been changed this year and as men Honed before, the time Is Sunday, May 2, the plac«, Auditorium Alleys, Beattie and Baum blvd., East Liberty. The alleya are large enough to accommodate many members and there Is atlll time for thoa« of you who would like to bowl to make ar rangementa, but the committee sug gests you do ao now. Many an old firend can be met at thia time and new friends can also be made. Aa many membera or teama can par ticipate from each lodge as wanted, the more the merrier. For feea, etc., get in touch with the lodge aecretary of your cfub or your bowling com? mittee chairman. CORNELIA GORUN. 680 Cardinals' Birthday Dance Was Success ' BRIDGEPORT, O.—Our April 3 predance party was a success. Games were played and later refreshments were served. And our 20th anniversary dance or^ April 10 was also a great success. We wish to thank Hank. Stan and the boys for their wonderful music. I know that everyone was more than pleased with tne Airliners. The folks applauded and cheered for more music and the boys obliged with a few more polkas. The Cardinals wish to thank all the folks that helped us celebrate our anniversary, those who came from Salem. Cleveland, Maynard, Blaine. Neffs, Carolton and Moundsville and all the other surrounding communities. Also thanks to the committee for their wonderful service. The Cardinals and Lodge 13 are planning to hold a picnic and dance on August 1 at the Nat'l Park on Stop 19. formerly Zinni Park, about 3Vfc miles from Bridgeport. Music will be furnished by the Kobal-Ra-cick orchestra. So keep the date open for us and plan to attend. All membera are urged to attend the next meeting.' You all know that there is a campaign on now for new membera, ao bring one or two or even more new members if you can. MARY OPATRNY, 640. Attention, Members SNPJ Lodge No. 254 BON AIR. Pa.—A special meeting of Uidee 254 will be held Sunday. April 25. at 10 a. m. It'a important that all membera are present. At^ the April 11 meeting we discusaed the question of repairs on larger scale of our Slovene Home. We all agree it's high time to make repairs and long needed improvement. The special meeting wil deal with thia subject exclusively Also at the recent meeting Bro Frank Turaic expressed Justified re-marka about definite lack of cooperation in the lodge. He haa asked the membership to be moee fraternal and to five the necessary cooperation required to deal with the above improvements, thereby establishing greater succeae in the future OTTO GROSNIK. 254 Ramblers' Spotlight OAKMONT Pa—The Ramblers' Lodge 713 will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Acme Club on April 25 beginning promptly at 2 30 pm (daylight saving time) A very important issue will be up for discuaalon. therefore, all member« are urged to be present. The Ramblers bowling team wish tn express then belated lhanka to th« Sygan and A veil a bowlers for the kind hospitality which wee *h«»w n tinm. D. F . Lodge 713 phies and/or otl\er suitable awards donated by the SNPJ. costing approx imately $300.00. . Including the cash appropriation of $1,140.00, trophiea and engraving, acoresheets, Advertisement and other smaller itema of ex pense, the Society has contributed over $1,600.00 to the tournament. We point thia out so that more of us will realize what the Sociey is doing* to insure the succeaa of our national tournaments. Th« sch«dul« was publbhed in the Prosveta last week. Every bowler, who is entered in the National Bowling tournament, knows or should know by now when he is scheduled to bowl and, having this Information, should arrange to bo at the alleys at least thirty minutes before bowling time to report to his captain or the tournament secretary or other member of the committee in charge. Be ready to bowl at starting time. L«t each do his part well, ao that everything in connection with the tournament will function smoothly, efficiently and successfully. The local committee will appreciate your cooperation and any a«alstance or service you can give to make it that kind of tournament. That will be the beat advertisement for a bigger and -mure popular tourney next year. Let us try to bear in mind that each of us has certain responsibilities and obligations which should not be side-tracked or overlooked. Sometimes in our search for pleasure and determination to win, w« forget them. Re member that you not only represent yourself as an individual but, alao and equally important, your lodge and the SNPJ during your stay and visit in Detroit. By your words and actions you can build or destroy prestige and reputation. Th« National Bowling tournament committee, compriaing of members of Young American and Wolverine Lodges, is headed by Ray Travnik First Supreme Vice-President of the SNPJ as Chairman and Rudy Grum as Secretary-Treasurer. These two officers, ably supported by a staff of experienced bowler-members in Dan Obed. Victor Stromar. Henry Rupert, Helen Kumulchlk, Lena Yerman, Albert Padar, Robert Travnik, Elwood Blake, Joseph Golia and Joe Bricely, as assistants have worked together very effectively and have done a magnificent Job of handling all the Important details which go to make a successful bowling tournament and social aflair. Each and every one mentioned above and any others in the background, who are pushing and pulling the wheel of progress, dca«rve a special pat on the back-and congratulations for his share of responsibility and work in bringing to a fitting climax thia outatanding sport event, B«for« concluding this article, we'd like to write a few things about our Juven^e bowlers The final standings of the National Juvenile Telegraphic tournament, which was staged on April 2-3-4, showing the champions and leading teama and bowlers in each event, appear in this Issue You will note that many fine scores are Hated among them which ia an indication that the future "crop" of adult bowlers will continue to improve with the yeara. A number of Juveniles, who participated in the telegraphic events, have alao been entered in the national tourney this week. A complete team of boys, representing Circle 29 of Detroit, will make tbeir opening appearance in th« team event on Friday evening at 7 o'clock on alleys 1 and 2. and in the doubles and singles evenU at 9 o'clock Saturday morning on alleys 29 and 30 . . The Cleveland Utopians have entered 5-year-old RUDY PERDAN, youngest SNPJ bowler, and hia 14-year-old brother. Bill, on team No. 9. which la acheduled to roll on the II o'clock aquad. alleys 27 and 28. alao Saturday morning These Juvenile keglers will bear watching, not only becauae they are young in years but, also, becauae they have begun to maater the game of bowling and are expected to provide quite an exhibition for the spectators who will pack the gallery behind them. We're wishing the Juveniles lota of good bowl-ing and a fair share of breaks in thfcir favor Te all bowtora and viaitora, who will attend the 12th National KNPJ Bowling tournament and ita «injunctive affairs, we extend hearty greet-inga and best wlalwa for a Joyful atjd inspiring weekend of fraternal activity that will be a real credit to the SNPJ And when you have returned home from the tournament devote more of your time and effort in arcur-, ing new membera in the Juvenile Anniversary Campaign and organizing new Juvenile Circle« That's one way of repaying the SNPJ for the good times you have at ita local, sectional and hetional affaus and tourneys Urge your friends to Join ao that they. too. will have opportunity to enjoy the recreational and social activities offered by (he SNPJ Build your lodge, strengthen your teama. increase and Improve your activities with new adult and Juvenile members in the Juvenile Anniversary Campaign NATIONAL ATHLETIC BOARD MEETING A meeting «1 the National Athletic Board will be held this Fnday, April 23. In the Slovene National Home. 17135 John R.. Defcoit. Mich , com mencing at nine oclock in the morning Important questions pertaining to bowling. Softball, golf. Juvenile Field Meet, etc will be up for dierus ■ton and decision All i epreaentatlvea are urged to lie present for th« deliberations at the appointed time The vacancy, which haa «mated for some time on the National Athletic Board due to the resignation of Harry 8 Mange« who was elected aa rrp rretentative of Diatrirt No 2 last February, was recently filled by the Ho-preme Executive Committee through the appointment of Brother Uw renee Caaaol member of Lodge StO Verona Pa lie needs no Introduction to members of the SNPJ lot he Is well known ia the Koetety especially for his activity in Western Pennsylvania sports und m b member of th* National Athletic Board in which rapacity he served five of the leal sis years Brr. Caaaol will rrfwe«.-nt hh District at Ihe me. tinr in Detroit this week Integrity Broadcast CHICAGO.—The regular monthly meeting of the Integrity Lodge will be held on April .23, at 8 p. m. at 2741 W. North ave. It haa been ao often written and spoken that meetings ahould not be neglected becauae the welfare of the membera depends upon the results of meetings Those up to now, the officers, have tiled their best to carry on the work which beionga to all members. To neglect the duties of the lodge affaira by officers is not exactly their fault. An officer takes the duty with the b«li«f that the members will cooperate. Brother Martin Bergles, our skipper, has informed me that he will hand in nls resignation, unleas the members respond to more activities, therefore, I urge you to back our skipper by attending the meeting r m i and assure the Integrityfvhlch you would want ua to bellev In the paat twenty years the Integrity has marched forward no matter what the opp»dge No 6 will give a dance April 25 at the Sygan SNPJ Hall, dancing from • 1<*I2 30, featuring the music of that faat-rlaing young orchestra. Johnny Krek Jr and hi* Polkadette., We hope to aee all of you neighboring lodges HAYES R CHAPPEL, Mgr. Lodge 145 Holds Dance Saturday CLIFF MINE Pa—Thia is the last notice to let you know thai on April 34 the Cliff Mine KNPJ Ixjdg* 145 la holding a danee at the Im perial KNPJ Hall Daincing la from • to I to Frank Klemenctc and hia Slovenes Thia -nchestra mode a grand showing on WIX)A. so d<«n't miss dancing to their good music K UKENICNIK i'onip ulaory "Id-age inaurance was first adopted in Germany in I MM save a Twentieth Century Fund report. DETROIT, Mich.—It's here and Detroit ia ready to entertain hundreds* uf visitor« tu th« biggest tournament in the history uf the SNPJ. It has been a long, hard road for the bowling committee, and we have finally succeeded In mapping out a very interesting bowling program. We met with a few disappoint-menta while making preparation* for thia great event. Fust waa after we rented a hall for th« bowlers' dance; we were notilied about a month later that we could not have this hall as the building was sold and the new owner was to use the hall for other purposes Then came the bowling alleys and that we were to get only 30 alleya for our tournament; finally the hotel peo pie could not give ua any informa tion aa to the number of rooma we could reserve for the out-of-town ers. * But with theae setbacks the com mittee did not give up but kept plugging until finally victory was at hand, and here is what we did achieve. The committee aucceded in getting 42 alleya at the beautiful Palmer Park Recreation and we rented the apecioua Agricultural building at the State Fair Grounds for our gigantie bowlers' dance and we were notified that there could be sufficient rooma at tl>«< Hotel De troiter for all out-of-towners. Hotel Detroiter ia located un Woodward ave, Aa Woodward ia the main atr««t uf Detroit the hotel will be very eaay to locate. To get to the Palmer Park recreation from the Hotel Detroiter or any hotel, if driving, go straight out Woodward to Six mile road or McNlchola. Nuw don't be confused as this road is known under either name. About a half block east of Woodward on Six mile (McNlchols) are located the Palmer Park alleys and half block to right la located the Slovene National Home. Th«r« will be ample signs posted for your oonvenlenc« To get to the State Fair Grounds and thax Agricultural Building, It's about 7 Mi miles frum downtown Detroit and P4 mile« from the Palmer Park Recreation and Slo vene Home, on Woodward ave. If. you are not driving and decide to ride a streetcar, take one of Da iroit'a new a|reamllned streetcars and look for the car algn "Wood ward State Fair Grounds" Thia streetcar will take you to either the Palmer Park Recreation or the site of the dance at the State Fair grounds, whichever you desire, and the fare ia 13c The committee waa very fortunate in aecuring the large Agri culture Bldg dance hall which will easily acqapimodate about 5,000 people; there la ample parking apac and the boat In music wltn that ever-popular Frankie Yanku-vie and hia Yanka frum Cleveland. Next door ia located the Collaeum where the ABC bowling tourney ia now in progress. April 34 25. Andy Varlpapa. champ bowler, will im aeen in action aa he takes his turn at th* ABC'S. This may interest some of you bowlers. So let's go to Detroit for the National KNPJ bowling tournament April 23 24-25, If it's bowling, dancing, visiting. sight seeing, or Just a good time meeting new friends and old, then visit Detroit this weekend, We Join with Verona in mourn ing the loss of Albert Jachovac, a real friend and a good sport. He did a good Job in «ports for.Veiona and hia many championship teama and trophies will remain as a monument Ui Albert "Auble" Jackovac. Foi Entertainment Committee VIC KTROMAK. Chairman HANK RUPERT, Aaaist Chm | Detroit will have a time change at midnight Saturday, April 24 This means that at midnight everyone will have to set their watches ahead one hour, 1. a., at 12 o'clock you will set your watches to I a. m The bowling schedule will run on Eastern Standard Time on Saturday ami Daylight Savings Time un Sunday. If you are tn any doubt in regard to thia time change, please stop at the tournament office Saturday for an explanation. The dance committee, headed by Vic Stromar, la putting ita all into, making the Bowling Tournament Danee on April 24, one uf the biggest and best affaira uf thia kind aver held here In Detroit. Frankie Yen-kuvlc and his Columbia recording orchestra will supply the mu«tc while the dance committee and associated worker« will supply you with refreshments. So if you had not planned un cumtng to Detroit becduae you are not bowling, change your mind and cume tu dance. Remember, while in Detroit you are invited tu vlalt the SND, located un« bluck from the bowling alleys. RAY TRAVNIK. Chairman RUDY GRUM, Sec.-Trea«. National SNPJ Bowling Tournament DETROIT—-The National KNPJ Bowling tournament to lie held In Detroit on April 23. 24 and 25 (Una weekend) has broken all refolds in attendance and pilze money We wish to congratulate all participating lodges on getting their entile« in to ua on time This helped immensely on our being able to have the «cited ule printed In last week's paper which in turn glv«« all bow lets pleri ty of time to make arrangement* 1« be here in Detroit on? tlm* to bowl Remember our committee \>mk into consider atlon the fad that lodges coming the greatest distance lie given preference All team raptaina must repo/l their teama. and individuals report themselves to the Ururpament office «ine half hour before scheduled tune We wish to warn all bowlers that if they ate not al the alley« when scheduled you will have to ferfeil your entry money aa well as your chance to bowl The reesori for this la that we have a full srh»*tu)* and there will be no openings leter '*» for yo«i to howl, Please m» I»*' week's p>'p**r for tltc sclmluie. WOLVERINES DETROIT.—Let me extend the Welcome Mat In behalf of the Wol-vermes to all vUltora expected to bombard our dynamic Detrult over thia weekend, Whether a bowler or just a guest we assure you a wonderful time as all committees are feverishly working to Iron out all thuse little last minute details that mean so much in making an out sider feel welcume. The Hotel Detroiter will be a liee* hive uf excitement for thuae three daya as this 1« the headquarter« fur most uf yuu; Please be un time at the bowling alleys in urder that tha schedule can run a« smoothly aa possible. *Laat week'« Pruaveta pub llahed the entire aohadule for all bowlvrs su tyere la no escpse uf yuur being late ur not knowing when yuu bowl, Directly thru the Palmer Park Recreation's parking lut is the Slovenian Home Breakfast, lunch and (tinner will lie served on Saturday and Sunday fur the eunvenience of the bowler« Theae home cooked meal« will be served by Mary Beau-prey and Frances Yuvan, uur Wolverine' cooks. On Friday night, Rudy Maaaer and hia muaic will play at the Slovene Home tu add tu ike enjoyment of our home town bowlers and any vlaitors that may put in an early appearance. Saturday night bringa the highlight uf the tournament when Frankie Yankuvic and hi« Yank« «upply the music fur the gala affair tu be held at the beautiful Agricultural Bldg at the State Fair Grounds un Woodward ava. between 7 and 8 Mile ida. This hall has a capacity of 5000 people with ample parking «pace outside Directly oppuaite the Agricultural Bldg is the Cullaeum Bldg which huuses the Howling Allays fur the national ARC tournament taking place in Detrult this year. Sunday wa leave you vlaitors un your own, You may Ilka to visit sum« of uur scenic spots oi yuu may juel want u< stay at the Dom wheJ-we will have mualc and plenty of good ciieer. Tills place will be packed tu extremes. As yuu knuw, wa need a new SND In Detroit, ao if anyone comes up In yup with a ticket for this cause, please help ua by purchasing one and we may soon see a new Sloven* Home here, To the Wolverine and Young Am erlcan members goes 0" responsibility of making this the best tournament ever. If a committee chairman should ask your assistance dut Ing theae tluee days, pleaae coopei ate and offer your help wherever and whenever It Is needed . Once again, ' WelAime to Dynamic Detroit" and may you all hit a million at the alleya MILDRED BEBNICK. 677 Young Americans and Wolverines DETROIT The National Howling tournamenl is altnoel here The re«* ord number of entries wiU requite en unusually laige numtiei of store, keepers At this date I expert to have storekeepers assigned for ev ety event, but I would like to make a request for additional seorekeep ers as substitutes in raae of ahaent* Those wishing tu do so contact me at lite bowling alley or «all CE 4«lft All members and friends who have been assigned as acorekt epers, pleaae repoit one half hour before scheduled bowling time If you are in doubt aa to time and alleys for which you have Iteen assigned, you may check in the bowling secretary « office where a sthedule will he posted i»r rail me at the above num l* r. DANIEL K OftED. 991 Bowling Tourney News DETROIT—Everything 1« «et for the record-breaking National SNPJ Bowling tuurnament, With a few diaappulnlmenta the tuurney committee have everything arranged fur the be«t convenience of all out-of-town bowler« and visitors. After the ranccllaliun of uur contract for the Spruat Street Dance Hall the tournament committee contacted the Michigan Agriculture Department and had the fortune uf contracting the spacious Horticultural Building at the State Fair Grounds. Wood waul at State Fair ave. Thia building ia next dour tu the Cullaeum where the ABC bowling tournament ia taking plaoe. The music will lie furnished by none other than America's Polka King, Frankie Yankuvic and hia Yanka. Alt«nil«n. All Bowler« and . Visitor« Reservations at the Detroiter Hotel were limttnd. oo all persons who have contacted the writer will have reservations at the Hotel Tuller, Woodward at Grand Circus Park, which i« a very ahurt distance frum the Detroiter Hotel, The«c reserva-tluns will be as close as the mem« tiers demanded and it is certain that all will be taken care uf At the Palmer Park Recreation where bowlera have 42 alleya at thefr disposal, all buwiera were scheduled as fl(*e as they asked fur but. the recurd-break ing entry made it a little complicated All bowler« are urged to check in thirty minutes before their scheduled lima, so all aquads will start on time and there won't be any waiting around fur anyone.' Meal« and refreshment« will he ««rved al the Sluvene National Hume which la unly one bluck from the buwling alleys. Alau a reminder to all v!«ttor« that the Woodward Avenue «tieetear will btlng yuu within a bluck uf the fulluwing places; Palmer Park Rgrreation, Six Mile and Wuudwardk Tuurnament Dane«, Woodward at State Fair Grounda, and also yuur hotel« The National Athletic lloaid will hold Ita meeting here Fnday, April 23, at the SND Hall, All metnliera Who have auggeaOun* fur improving SNPJ spurt activities notify yuur district representative. JOSEPH GOLIA, 564 Lodge No. 50 to Hold Dance Sunday, Apr. 25 CLINTON, Ind - Plans are complete fur a dame to lie held Saturday, April 34, at the K of P Hall un N 9th st There will be goud music by Frank Botovlchar and Pete Carieaia with their accordion« tu play the guud old pulkas and popular mualc. They will be ac-cornpanled by a good drummer. Al-«o plenty of refj eshmenta for1 all. We cordially Invite all neighboring lodges and friends to attend We welcome Ellralieth Ohlak, a transfer member, in our midst On (lie sick list we have Frank Roxliut who is now recuperating at home. A speedy recovery to hl/n Members, visit the sick - MARY KPKNDAL, Secy United Slovenes KT MARYK Pa - Once again |«odge 581 cornea along With the good news that a dance will be Im SI on May 8 at Tummy's Nite Club on the Kt, Marys - Johnsonhiiig highway. The orcheatra -a treat is in store for evei yone - tiie famous Slovenian Vagabonds from Sharon (they play on WP1C, 7iro un your dial, on Sunday afternoon at 4 15) Thia la the V*M"i>"n, S. N. P. T. SPORTS National SNPJ Bowling Tourney Prize List Brio» if the official prize lui. a* approved by the National Athletic Board, for the 12th National SNPJ Bowling Tournament to bo staged at Palmer Park Recreation. Detroit. Michigan, this week-end, April 23, 24 and 26 A record total of $3.302 00 will be distributed among the wirtnm of the various events. <7 teams out of a total of 134 will receive prtzea, 98 out of 307 doubles, and 200 out of 408 singles. In addition to these prize«, there will also be 12 ail-evénts and 4 high game awards, as well as attractive trophies and dthei useful and Worthwhile prize* for the team and individual champions Best wishes sre extended to all participants for success and enjoyment at our biggeat BNPJ tournament ken division TEAMS—CLASS A Plaça Amount •1 071 SO 1 MOO a MSS « IBM • MM ' B... . MM 1 S S IS "Ii And ronaolatlon awerO» of to iftmi p lac in* IS. IS. 84. Amount «30 SO iose • 00 MOO reell and 88 TwMli BBMM DOUBLES CfASS A a J MB SB IS 1 «M S . IB IB SM S Mao 1« IM 4 2*(*> IB ISO > . »SO M 7 M B « MM 17 BBS 1 IBM IB OBS I IS SB IB M USB B 11.00 81-K IBM IB It M la - IBM 11 10SB M M »M Total: im II •I 8 I « » • 7 S I 10 II It la ninoi.es class |UM M 14 M ISIS !» US tis» a m itn n» "S £3 10 OS M a nas ao IJO 44 SI 100 MSI IJS ttîl raaoi SIT» M I 000 isao M 00 1300 1100 IBM uao il 21 00 MIO SS au- EVENTS class a susi l-«d s «so 1 |7Û0 eli «M M Utah Oame MM TEAMS CLASS B Plačo Amount Plača Amount '1 176 PO 11 S1SS0 t MM) 11 IBM B 9000 11 UM « 41 f10» II 7 M 1 34 00 IB ISO 4 21 M II BM 1 ISM 1« M HBO B IB 00 11 IB ■ •• l§# 7 IB 00 IB » MM 1 ISM Z? B7 «40 I •So Total: M 97 HM M 40 00 SINOLES -riaaa B • IB BP 10 I SM 1400 II sso IBM 18-18 1000 IBM j4 IB . . USB IISS 17 M IBM 10 M Il M 17 M BSS m M MM H 84 4b MM 7 S M 70 . M 00 Total; 1371J0 ALL EVENTS Ciasa B •I |I0 00 3 47 00 . . 1 SM Total; M3M * High Game MM Place •1 I . I 4 I Nolo TEAMS CLASS A Plaeo S 1 WOMEN'S DIVISION TEAMS CLASS b Amount »IfJ* 13 Q0 lo (to IN II 100 IS ans II ara eooaoiation award* Total i M it,M Amount 15 0ft £ DOUBLES CI.ASS A •1 MBM B 1 IM 1 IBM B 7 m t 8 IBM IB . «M » 1 1180 Il SM I IBM IB 4M S IBM Il - 4M 7 IN 14 4M TfMli • IHM BINGUM-CLASS A M • 10 M Il II III M 8 . BM 11-11 ». 1IM B . . ; BM 1811 .. IB 1 IV, MM , ill B IM MM UM I » . IBM BB IM • B 14 M M 81 ! 7M 10 II UM M 84 »00 Il II IBM TeOMi II UM ALLE VENTS CLASS A MM , I SSM 3 ' Total; bum ' Ht|h Gam« MM M00 Place A mou A t Place Amount •1 •BOM 1 III M 1 . 40 M M 10 M 1 3000 18 IM « MM IB BM 1 MM M BM I IBM Noto: II. II and M aro ronaolatton award». Tetali 88t 7 H DOUBLES -CLASS B M ISO 00 I B BM t UM 7 • «00 8 UM 1 B 10 00 « UM 10 II M 00 1 IPSO IS IB UM Total: SIMM HINQLCB CLASS B ♦1 BI0M 71 . 1 IN t • M #11 IBM 8 BM IS 1« BM 4 7 00 IB IB 18 00 B BM IBM lOM B IM t , 1000 1 Tetali mn Grace fierdarw Greet oordanc (Ml ....... IIa Ion Kuppe 44) Lillian Keelan (10) Halon Okorn 131) BoSa Koclan tu* Boaomary/Merhaut (Ml Barbara Blak« >8Sj . Dolore« pod« (t4> Ella Maa Belak (M) Palrtrla Okorn tili J« Ann Manniao (2D) Halen Vrhar (10) Dort« lloaupray (Mi Dorottty Galavan (M) ALL-EVENTS Blonche Moaec (34; Prance« Napotnlk i»i Mary L Sttably Uli ........ Garaldino Vor* ok (II) Eraoee» Lein Uli Halen Oky/n (II) Botwmary Merhaut . Milwaukee. Wta. A -Er. Proaoren (M), IndUnopoO« Ud. S -Rum (IM). C tavala nd. ohio B Com rado« (MS). Cleveland Ohio DOUBLES EVENT * BvwPI-;. Ola ran M4. Milwaukee A -C Mod red-J Perko (SM). Mlhaaukoo J«k«e-J Strukel (BM). La Salle S M. Perte-H Kumulchlk («T«), Detroit SINGLES EVENT AO. Kaliab (M4). Datrott. Mich A -Mary Michalak! (Ml). Wouke«an. IB- B-E. Eeloanlk (14). Wauko«on. IU. S—Joyce P Um« I (»7«). Cleveland Okie ALL-EVENTS A—i. Ter.kan (MS). Weal AMla. Wl«. K -O. Saekoyi»« (M). IndteaapolU lad. S—/. StrwSel ($79). La Satte. III. B-Hj- EumulcMk (177). Detroit BECOBD HOLDENS Toom Y ou of Amène n. (MO) MSI Badferettoa (M4I Double« E. Bloka B Travnik (M4) IMI C. Mod vod 1 Parke (M4) Single« B Pu««l IM4) 717 M Schule» (M4) IM AB - Eventa—-E. Blake (M4) ... 1040 M Schüler |»Ml .... IM3 M74 UM FLASHES :jm MO W 3M 303 3M 307 34« 344 XU 223 333 333 31« 310 300 MS J*77 1170 1107 IIM3 UM UM im 10M ». 173 ,18 161 100 IM I IM AU. EVENTS CLASS MM I 9100 Tetali III.M ' HUI' Game MM 3 13 00 1*1 Atter t«k denote» trophy or other award (or champion» o I oeeh event NATIONAL ATHLETIC BOA SD. SNPJ, NATIONAL SNPJ JUVENILE BOWLING TOURNAMENT LEADERS (*! Aitertsk denote« winner of trophy or other award, MICIiAEI. VBHQVNIK Juvenile Director. SNPJ Wauk' g 'nTakesPioneer Invit. Handicap Title; Pioneer Girls Best CHICAGO.—An even dozen SNPJ lodges in. the Chicsgoland area sent exactly 50 five-person teams (34 men and 16 women teams) to the Invitational Handicap bowling tournament rponsored by the Pioneers Sunday, April 11. These squsds took possession of the first floor of the Cascade bowlins establishment and flung at the pins for hours. After the scores were recorded and tabu luted, the Little Port I/klge of Waukegan was found to have the bast l"Ul Pioneer aula captained by Sue Veaelsky took the women's division title The list of winners Is given below. We need to add that I he Lincolnite» of Springfield participated after many seasons, again, and wc were glad to mm* them, Ten of the twelve lodges won back some of the prize money. In behslf of the Pioneers we express appreciations for the fine response The schedule wss handled by John Alic and Frank Zordani, very capably. Here are the pri*e winners: MEN'S DIVISION SOTS DIVISION TEAM EVENT Orr* Lorano« * II. airettene. Pe • II, Stero« Pa •SI. ■Iipi.K M, Chtcepo III Il Streaane Pa M. fhieafo III M, De t • oit M*h t. Ml lu Juke* Wli S Sp Chicaao. ttl I. Milweukee Wl* MO. l'hteeaa. m M. < h trop« III M Durait Mich 004, »le ve lend. Ohio t Milwaukee Wt« M Impeftal Pa M. Detroit Mirti DOUBLA* EVENT J (Ettal Ml MI« M4I tSM IM7 1*43 I IM« I 1 ; 1714 I l«M 1170 i IMI , IM7 Nam« tClnrlai Br ore Karol Pu«an cBBi M4 Rsr Matt* MS ISTB iMwarS Kramer (Bl 1 X, o+ftf^pt tlfrlitkit ftea Delo»! iStl Ml B»Srrt KoaOu««Xi BM IMI Ray BmbMh iiet 811 NBtt> Bettlet, BM 1MB Alan Janko rtSi Mt anuwmy Tarfctliarh Ml IMS Jam«« P*aiai iMtl Ml WilHam Priden Bet. BM Out Noueton iSII 4M OeiaM Vertiefet 4SS SU Heni> Tome* • Ui t!J lioui* KrailcrS Ml 888 John Bofcawr (Mi 4M B*na 14 Krtlklia 811 • SM Boten tesar un «81 TlHR jHB|Ht(| PSBMsSM B1M1 til) 4M BM M7» SM Anion Kern liai 44« Boten MlN«r MB BM ►•u*ene Bfl*t«fc l«l H Horben Brnet»*» no 7M farl StapdMB (Mi Ml Naben OMueh 4M Ml PS Nile Ma»» (Mi BM IM TrsnS Bum»«*» (Ml S 14»ails Rsvsft IM Jooapn S loafer* iMi BM John Mittleren IIB IM law ( ertone> iMS> Boneid teltan + «M Mel Panter «4> Mr Botiferl n««titi i m Mt PrenS Mi.-i.ale* (M< 818 JfeVtii Uveal*. BM Ml atwoi Ba EVENT • hrtt Mt I Korot Doiao (Mt • tod o*uat r> • • Ooora« Senmirh (Mt Wallen» Peidao '«Ml Henry Toir.slr IIB» Ray Bmhlah i||) Oeiald Varkoaky tIT) Tn«n Serieti ilt» Hohen Koanew«k| tili Hairy Bai bläh t||» Hoben Miller (111 HonaM Eiirk»»n (M> Edward Nramer (III Anthony Tschlltaeh (Ml Roy Ho«i«Uin (It) Raymond Malta dit Hubert /it kat tili Eufena lh'«irk t«) i Kreta «k d«-Jo'tn lloksvac (Ml g Jame« l'oklar (MM) Anion Kein (III ' Anthney A ut* i «M» - Hoben Marram • SB < Alan Juntin (M) Joel Eon i«t HonaM VarkoaSy «BT» ihonia« Slimer ' General—This weekend a large delegation from Cleveland will be trying their lutk at the Detroit national. Watching the rare farm displayed by some of the bowlers we predict they'll bring home the bacon.' Some of the gang is leaving Friday night, some will drive, but the majority will leave on the Mercury, early Saturday morning, April 24. Detroit, look out, here comes Cleveland. Dues Collection—Due to the national bowling tournament, dues collection will be Monday, April 26, lower hall SNH instead of Saturday. Pass the word around to people who pay dues. * Waukegan Pin league Plans Dance-Tourney WOMEN s DIVISION Capleln •i IM II« «II MB MB i BMI g ne S VaeetoStr S Svohode ) K »prier M C Kerntet» 8. M«r«ol A V«r«nlh C Stritar M 1ereh Vis 00 10 00 U.M 14 M I4M Il M UM IBM TS« BBTI T B-Ith«. IM MC 88M M l.afcen • M I«« ■s A Oraaen IM Nt "h O« me |»| feM Pvonre« Jerab IM MB Olg« Jeaevtefe IM members ul Lodge Naprej. Birth report for Sis. Muhic. sick report for Jean Preseren and Mary Samsa and change of policy foe Bro. Skufca were passed onto the slain Office^ « Chairman of (he entertainment committee. PaullnV Spik. spoke briefly on the past 22 years, also outlined coming cvjjMt* for this year und next. Talking about birthdays, Leon Nowuk was present celebrating his birthday. ~ For our May meeting Frank Ross is arranging movies covering th| Cleveland Browns football team, also one on Cleveland Best location in the Nation." « Vic Walleneheck wss not present for the tfi award, Ann Golob want hpma 81 richer, ftic Hollywood roaster donated , by Fifolt's Kiddie siii.ppe was won l»y none othei than Mary Grmsek. Music aeeur««d hy Finnk Roaa kept WAUKEGAN. III.—On-Saturday. May 22. {he Bowling' League * of Waukegan lodges is hflld|ngta dancd. at the SNH, an evening that everyone will enjoy dancing to "Stan Gregorin's orchestra. The league ii also sponsoring a mixed-doubles handicap" tournament inviting all SNPJ members In good standing to participate in this invitational tourney. All bowsers are asked to pick their own partners if possible in order tttat they will be sure to;have a partner. The committee will attempt to get partners for those that don't have uny, but can't guarantee that bowU ers will be available to make up teams. • » , " ' i Limited to bowlers having .an Skuk and | established average, the highest league average as of May 1, providing that a minimum of 21 games have been bowled. Any bowler giving a lower average than his or her highest average will forfait their prize money and entry fee. Sub-I etitution may be made but tourney j chairman must be notified before starting time. | Deadline for entry is May 20. Entry fee including bowling is $3.70 per team. Starting time will be promptly at 7:30 p. m., bowled at" the Recreation Bowling Alleya. 126 Water stH Waukegan. Bases of handicap. 380 scratch, two-thirds handicap. One team .out of.every live to receive a pripf. Full entry fee must accompany entry. Send entry to Vic Belt*, 1336 Hickory St.. Waukegan. 111., with the averages and name of league from which average was taken. The bowling oommittee. namely, Edith Dobnikar, Adolph Pierce, Chris the Pionee ______ _______ five new membeis at last Friday's meeting. Furthermore, we went into the problem of organizing the campaign and if a dozen members can be aroused to solicit and make visits, our quota of 36 will easily be surpassed. The meeting was reasonably well attended and we discussed a number of matters. Reports were made on the bowlers' dance, the Pioneer invitational tournament,' the Pioneer bowling league and the contemplated trip to Detroit for the National tournament. April 23. We contributed $5 to the Packinghouse Workers Strike Committee to help the strikers. An interesting report was made by Louis Zorko on the Progressive Party convention. Pioneer representatives to the Midwest SNPJ League, were asked to support the division of bowlers into two classes for the 1949 Midwest Bowling tournament. While the meeting wasn't spirited, it did enable many t6 participate in the discussions and a feeling prevailed that, that's the purpose of the meeting. Some of the Poineer stock was tapped after the meeting. a a a Two special coaches on the New York Central lineB have been reserved for the Pioneers on the 11:30 p. m. train on Friday. April 23, for Detroit. Our friends who will be going to Detroit for the tournament are asked to join us In these special cars, because we can make the trip So much more pleasant und because It will enable us to have olentv of special accommodations. Since it is not possible to procure uny reduction In the fare, every member is usked to purchuse his or her ticket ut the ticket window. This train leaves from the 12th st. station, ulso known us the I. C. Station on Roosevelt rd. und Michigun uve.—The Pioneers are sending 9 full squads to Detroit, 6 men und 3 women, and we do hope that they will roll good und bring home some of the bacon.—The Pioneer leugue will be concluding its full schedule and the sweepstakes on Tuesday, Muy 4. We will then urrange a party for all of the bowlers. ly corncob will now begin to serve a useful purpose and shows how remarkable the new inventions really Sre. We hope the price of nylons will come down as the result of cheaper materials. a a e We are taking subscriptions for In Fact, that little sheet of dynamite t which makes even the big shots take notice. Anyone wishing to have copies of this leaflet or become a subscriber can do so by inquiring at the office of the Pioneer gert-elary.—The question of War or Peace should be uppermost in the minds of our people st this time. What our Federal Government is doing should indicate to everyone where we will wind up. When they spend billions of dollars for un air force, for atomic bombs, for uny army, they don't do it to protect peace. Furthermore, the military men never were for peace. They are a wurring group und they make their living by waging und supporting wars. We civiliuns huve everything to lose in unother war. Our boys will be killed and disubled, we will have to pay bigger taxes, und -it is ull likely thut the modern wuy of waging wars would be so fierce with the civilian population that more civilians thun combutunts woud be killed. We don't want thut. More importunt, we must let them know in Washington thut we don't Want thut. Stuy close to your Congressmen und seuntors. write them letters, to make certain that they don't get us into another war. Spirit-O-Grams In the April Pioneer Bulletin, issued Inst week, we listed 12 sick tpembers. Angela Zlogur, Anton <^hernich, Willium Petsche and Joseph Liposek havp reported well, so that our present list contuins only 6 sick menSbers.—The Bulletin also lists the teams and individuals whf>, won prise jnoney ut ¿he Pioneer (burnument.'Sunday, April 11. whlcfa tournament was very successful and very cupably handled by Jfthn Alich and Frank Zordani. The alleys too, were satisfactory.—A number of the Pioneers are bowling in several of the individual handicap tournaments in the citv during the month of May. Frank Kulhanek rigged up a whole squad for the Downers Grove handicap tournament, 'a a • Paul Berger postcards us from Vienna and relates that the Opera House pictured was destroyed to u greut extent during the war. He sends best wishes to ull of the Pioneers and his SNPJ friends.—Andy Obasla of the Victorians tells us that an even dozen of their members were going to Detroit with the Pioneers. We'll be glad to have them—In the next few days the Pioneers will start working on their large picnic which is scheduled for ST. LOUIS. Mo.—As stated here lust week, ubout 16 Spirit bowlers ure raring to go to the Detroit na-tionul tourney, and all four of the Spirits' scribes will be there also. We could huve a national SNPJ scribes' conference in conjunction with the tourney. Congratulations to A1 and Ida (Buckourtz) Baumgarth on the birth of a new baby. We hope you remember our campaign, Ida and Al. Belated congratulations *to Tillie Kizman of Lodge 250 on her recent marriage to Ignatz Pilak. Julia Krall's son John is back in town ufter on extended stay in Los Angeles. Her grandson Frank ' Loncaric Jr. has left April I to jon the New York Yankees baseball team. We wish him luck. The recent tornado which struck Gillespie, 111. and vicinity played nip and tuck with a number of SNPJ members' property. Caroline Mau-rich's sheds went flying away as well as part of the roof of the house. Her daughter Mary Bradesh, husband Joe and infant daughter, of Cleveland, Loyalite members, happened to be visiting her at the time. Their brand new auto was slightly damaged. Mencheks and several other Slovenes reported slight damage. We are glad ull escuped injury. The Frank Yartzes motored to Springfield Easter Sunday and wit-I nessed the Lincolnite Circle's egg I hunt und wiener roast. Several weeks ugo Frank Yartz attended the Steel Workers-CIO convention in Kunsas City —Regret to report that on April 3 a grand lady, Louise Plu-hutnik of Nokomis. III., pussed away. She was an aunt of our Sis. Tillie Ducote and Dorothy Sodnik of Chi- ll J l|nrd especially for the frun|ei Cleveland, oppoked by Concordtanf of American Slav* They are arranging t» hi ng from Chicago two noted le' urets. and writers. Donald W 11" »on and his wife Maria Seton w j > reently rr The lad« had made a splendid up hill fight con tng f om 12th place to ,l*t Thev m-rded Ihrer points to j sew up thr title alley* 3 and 4 were the »rcond flare Comrade«, turned from Euro« * visiting Eng oppo*ed by the strtissler* needing I lend. Holland - Fr ice. Italy and Ju 1MB t*M ISIS IMI tin IMI tshlng of thr season Captains, plrssr infotm yeui tram«,that on Msy t we «tail .>t in ,' « lock JON K I'll JEKKH. Scry. Bit I r«nce« N« »••«re» N V«lma o*wd ^ Jana I *wu nd culture r i thr re will be a Juration pet U aftri the lectures uUtandinr nngrp fiom Glushrna Matiea one Zerja will also oppoat on the prosit-m and a popular ercheelra will ptovtde music A i oidml invitation is rxten led to all membors of the vanaiM U>-lfv« and other«, both young and old Adml««tor M free J F FIFOLT The population ot the USSR was increasing at the rale of ovei a million a vaer tn the air odr hrtocr lass *a\a a Twentieth Century Fund report. , „ r j « . , . tji|_-_ p_rw cago Pioneers. Both families were ' In Nokomis for the services. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved A committee will, be «Hit up. Such plans generally embody big things. —You may not hayn seen it. but the Wall Street JoUrtisf reports that4 the Argentine government tried to operate its utilities with private Industry. but they couldn't mske them function, so they eliminated the private enterprisers and the government took them over completely, a a a "Corncob nylons" is the heading of an article which tells us that they have now learned to make a chcm-ical from the waste of corncobs and oats, which Is cheaper thin normal plistici. DuPont at Niagara Falls will begin to make raw materials Zlatico Balokovic to Play at Concert Rally families. Also to the Klasinz families whose father was fatally injured IB Springfield. Sorry to hear that tho Lincolnite Circle director. Grace Davenport, is ill. With your will power we know you'll soon regain your health. We'll be rooting for you. I On April 4. Anton Marco had his big chance on the Metropolitan Opera auditions of the air on the ARC network. His real name is Joe Ka-lafltich (Croatian). He started back i in the depression years as a member ! of the Jugoslav Sokol Singing club and was active for many years snd has appeared on several of the Spirits' programs. Best of luck. Joel Another St Louis Croatian climb-' ing the ladder of success is Al Cer-, nich, singer of the Carmen Caval-laro orchestra (Hollywood), currently appearing at the Chase hotel. A rrcoi ding favorite by A) is "Encore Chcrie " You'll like it. Makes us feel good to S4H> our talented Slavs reach stardom The Spirits have donated $2& to NEW YORK— Zlatko Balokovic, famous violinist, will be among the artists to perform at the concert rally to be held on Sunday. April { 28. at 7:30 p m. at the Centre I Opera House. 206 E 67th st. The concert rally Is being sponsored by the Fire Press Fund and $25 to the the American Slav Congress of newly organued Spirit Juvenile Cir. Greater New York. de. Don t forget Spirit dance May Mr. Balokovich. who has made 8 and SANS dance May 1. manv concert lours in the United ANNE SPILLER States and In Europr and who has ■ Wonran'a Club claimed as an outstanding musician Give DsnCC April 24 bv audiences and mi«s»e erttles everywhere SPRINGFIELD, III—The Worn- other artisM and cultural groups en s Club of the 8WH will hold a participating are: Maria 'Dmytry-1 L«*p Yaar Dance Saturday April IStyn soprano of folk and modern 14. st 8 p*n at llth and Kanaa*. Ukrainian and Ruastan song* Roe featuring John Gorsek s orchestra ctuzsko Dance group. Edy Mtcha- j A cordial invitation M extended to lowaki. director. Tamburitra Or rfieatra -Jadran." M Crncieh dl- ! rector. Radtechev Dance Group and IPolyanka tn*emble. Alex Kara-rtun. director Michael Rybiekl. famous young Ukrainian bartuwia all to attend The committer m charge of refreshments prom tor* to have goud klobsee «andwiche» a* wall as all thr trimming* Rr sura to be with us. AMELIA V CHURCH WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21. 1948 "• ■ ...... — - Puzzled American Poses Questions UNION CITY, M. J.—The lonf and severe winter has finally left us and spring is here at last. Things are humming everywhere and it's t pleasure to watch Nature take its course. The only regretful part is that the world lies in such fear and unrest everywhere—fear created by those that have the destiny of the nation in their hands. Just *a few weeks ago we observed Brotherhood Week. But were we really sincere? I wonder when I take a view at the situation confronting us today. I really was shocked when I came across an article in the Reader's Digest by George H. Gallup, to find out how little we know about the world we live in. He points out that his poll conducted from coast to coast shows that only 61 percent have ever heard or read about the Marshall plan; only one in eight could locate Bulgaria on the map, the so-called "satellite" state of Russia. And our geography of South America was even more faulty; only one in every six adults could point various countries' locations, and ev'en college trained individuals were included. I heard on the radio stated that some 3,0«0 Americans didn't know who President Truman was; never heard of him. I also recall resding an srticle in Saturday Evening Post, titled, "Why we don't understand Russia," by Edgar Snow. The article was based on a survey taken by Princeton University. They discovered that two out of every three Americans didn't know that Russians can own homes privstely, also furniture, cars, etc.. and farmers till individual plots; 94 percent didn't know that wsges sre not equsl in ■ Russia; 83 percent didn't know that most Russians sre not members of the Comrt.unist Party; seven out of nine didn't know that Russia produced most of the war material used by the Red Army. So thst proves that we Americans do not know our world. And whom could we blame? What is the cure? The past few weeks have been busy ones lor New Yorkers. Sev-~ eral weeks ago the Jews held aegl-gantic parade; hundreds of thousands participated and thousands of business places were closed. The purpose was our government's reversal on Palestine, but the press was surprisingly siler)t about thin parade. Then, on March 17, the Irish took over New York. Some 30,000 toOk part in the parade, even President Truman and Gov. Dewey made their appearance at the stand. And the press went all out in publi cizing the event. Well, spring is the time when farmers fret busy if they want a good harvest in the fall. Some peo pie plant cabbage seeds on St. Pat rick's day; they claim that a good crop is the result. So perhaps some people will hsrvest in the fall; if onl" one eighth of the amount is harvested, time spent Is rewarded. In the speech made in the evening on Patrick's day by President Truman, I have been somewhat puzzled. He accused Russia of being a godless country. Well, that same day I heard on the radio that order* were given out by the Vstlcsn; if the Italian people would cset their votes for the communist« In the election in Italy, they could not receive the blessed sacrament or be given a Christian burial. According to this, the communists are not godless people of their own free will but are compelled to do so. « Another article that has been in the press and on the radio in recent weeks which ha« me rather con tuned, is the Czechoslovak!an situation. We hsve been told right along that thii country was a "«etel-lite" of Ruseia. Our government refused to grant them a loan for thi« reason a year ago. Now we ere crying for the loss of their democracy. How did our leaders make *uch en error? I think thet it Is our fault for if we would have granted them a loan, perhap« Such chsnges wouldn't have taken piece. As I understend. the Cuech« are very much pleased with the new experl-ment. They had nationalised everything. all plsnts employing more than 50 workers; only small industry remsin« privstely owned. Could it be that some people felt thst if we didn't grant the loan the Csech gov ernment would collapse7 But only to find out tlyt sgsln we felted So now we live In fesr created by our , tumblers. Let'« remember the*e word« "Fear is fesr Itself." I have often been confronted with hot disagreements on Jug«lavia 1 was told that you caa not attend church in thta country; W *o. <*>[y nerreUy. end the hareh treatment the nun« and priest« receive In Uil« country. So I decided to write to ry «»ter-ln-lsw in Jugoslavia, whom I know to be s devout Cethohc. end J received the following answer • Dear Suter-ln lew: I received your letter of Dec 31 Thank yeu very much for it Since the 1aa* part of February. we also had plen ty of snow and it's very cold passed the New Yeer very quietly You ssk about the news in Ju#o ■ lavia Not sU raw hear is true ..... .There ere none and private I go to church every Sunday and do other people We have here a cnriaUrtK state where all psople are equal. where the cburch is separated from the state I em healthy and I am grateful tor the help 1 reeelve (ton. you folk« in America I wish to thank you for the letter end Juvenile Circles Of the SNPJ JUVENILE ANNIVERSARY Circle 58 Will Meet Sunday ( DETROIT.—Another month has rolled around and it's time for Juveniles of Circle 50 to hold their regular monthly meeting which will be held on Sunday, April 25, at 3 o'clock at 437 S. Livemois. Also a little reminder to you folks on the East side, West side and all sround the town, to come and give the children a big turnout on their first play, "Wildcat Willie," to be presented on Mother's Dsy, Sundsy. May 9, at the West Side Hall. GERTRUDE TAUCHER. Director * —— Perfect Circle 26 News and Views CHICAGO. — Perfect Circle 26 held a short regular meeting last Saturday morning. Odds and end« of business were cleaned up and 'meeting adjourned quickly to make way for outdoor fun. A group of members are preparing to present a Mother'« Dsy program to bt, given at the meeting of the Progressive Slovene Women of America, which will tske place on Wednesday evening, May 5, «t the Slovene Labor Center. Chicago school pupils will be en joying a week of Spring vacation starting Monday, and so no regular meeting will be scheduled until May 8. In the meantime, those mem bers who have not as yet turned In ticket«, or ticket money, are requested to do so a ssoon as possible, as we would like to close our, books on the bowling affslr. PERFECT CIRCLE wo «.ftve lodge* ha« already responded with Circle No. 69 to Meet This Friday ST. LOUIS, Mo.—On March 10. 1948, Circle 69 was officially organized at a Pre-Easter party given in their honor st the Concord is Turaer Hall. 13th and Arsenal st«., by our adalt lodge Spirit of Louil 659. Our officer« for the yesr 104« aje a« follows: Richsrd Ducote, presl- S pedal invitation cards were msde snd given to members by the director for their mothers, inviting them to s Mother'« Dsy socisl Msy 9. We sre counting on sll mothers to be present We wish to remind .all members of our special meeting to be this Sunday at 10 o'clock st my home. Meeting was adpourned and social followed. Ice cream, cookies, and pop were served. JOSEPHINE LANGFORD, Director "Jolly Kansans " Circle 31 Plan Dance May 1st WARREN. O — Since our last article in the Prosveta, Circle 31 has hsd two meetings. A special meeting was held at the home of Co-Director Dorothy Tomatln on Msrch 21. This meeting wss called to discuss the Reorganization Dance to be held on May 1 at the local Croatian Hall on Burton st. Music will be furnished by the ever-populsr Vaga-bonds from Sharon. Dstiee tickets Were issued to the members snd sll were urged to sell as msny ss possible Also given out st this meeting were the Circle membership cards. Topic« were also sssigned to tho children wishing to contribute to The Voice of Youth. On AprU 11 the refuler meeting of the Circle wss held st the home of Co-Director Louise Sevor. Further plans concerning the dsitea were discussed, after which we practiced a few Slovenian songs. ^ Our ne*t meeting will tske pl«c; st the home of Mr» snd Mrs. Frsnk Petrich. 2321 Van Wye, on April 15. All members sre urged to be present as final plans for the dance will be discussed, and slso tickets and money should be turned tn. Don't forget our tMnce on May t, because we are counting on the out-of-town lodges to help to make thn dance a success. LOUISE SAVOR, DOROTHY TOMAZIN, . - Co-Directors Circle 31 Last v--- —r.............. Annivorrary Campaign »hat twenty _ T ^ gams of uiw ur more new members in th* opehihg dtys of the membership drive. Now, si the tond of th* seeobti wOek of the cOtnpaign, the fecords »how that a toUl of fifty live Indies hive answered the call to Octlon. a ver* good beiinnibg lor luch a short period of tltno. Tea haibn thla week go to Lodfce m> ChUholm. Mi*«., whose secre tary. Sister Nsrf P«hu|. .moiled and for warded to th* Mam office appil cations for o my members, si* of whom art juvenile« and the rest adult« Splendid wut-k, Stitet "ahule1 We mlfht Odd here thst Lodge M2 has an excellent and fcmsisfent rftord IS Ihe loot flvto cathj)fl|n«. being, credited with enarllmeht» ef tft, 2«, 17, H snd H Hew membort. respectively, for a grand total Of 14t members. And this Ufrfc, It's nut to break sll pi t \ iou* records! ThO seeaad highest Enrollment pf the week w»t » new trembOr« by BrotKcr JUti PHfcvii Secretary of t>od«e 171. Oa», Indiana. That leaves otity hlM tt |o before the quota here tf reached. Should thi« happen in the cUfrebt ranipaign, and we have every reason to hetteve that it will and lofrn. it wrti be the be«t record for the Gary lodge Wi msny years. * . _ ^ ^ „ Thlzd pis«« honor» for the \yeek wenl to Brother Joseph Darn. Secre tsry of L«*k0 41 Cleveland. Ohio, *'ho securod ftva neW members lor his firrt contribution to the Juvenile Ahniversary Campaign. an encouraging bro i from ofce «rciOvelahd'l nutOtsndmt Uxiies. . .Gains of three to four afcw meffikors rich were mode toy Patriot« MtbOSkO, Lodg- 2«ft South*a«' pL'Tfr HÄ Laurich, SetretaVy of Lodge W7, BurgeMlown nvd Mi#V DttNieit«. Clrcli PO grV. *Hl K And aew A were added organised by (Spirits of St Circle affiliat Clrtle DlreeUnr of Lofigo 47«. Salem, Ohio. Nice i tbe spult and th* good *<>rk! Wir4 about out Juvenile Ctocle«. Two new Circles ttfttat lost rtibpth. hath >n m J.OUl», Mo Ont- wss »107 (frlanlnskl \ht olhtr hy Ml sister Tbse4t« S^scft is the UlreHor of the Juvenile M Wlth Loope 107, while »stfi Matnia AttOOM dlreet« the with aseHtsnce from Anne SptMaz «nd Ws »sein. Good Universal Comets dent; Alvin Kacin. vice president; j ^ 11 Ciart Fniov Betty Bayuk, secretary-recorder; »y Chicago Pill Tourney Eugene Johnson, treasurer, v After hsving combed the city of St. Louis in «esrch of a hall to ee- MILWAUKEE, Wls.—The 194 8 commodate our sixteen charter juvenile pin tourney has faded members, we were finally able to away, but memories of a weekend secure the South Side' Hotel, 3500 well spent will live with tho«e who S. Broadway, where our meetings took part In the festivities in Chi-will be held regularly, on the fourth cago. Friday night of esch month, beghn-l Rolling up high score«, the Caning st 7:30 pm prompt. |chsnging of congrstulstions, the Circle 69 appreciates most sin- awarding of trophies, and the ban-cerely the 825 doneUon given us by quet are all highlights of the event, the main office and a like amount -gtiite «n exchange of playthings by our sdult lodge 659, as a start!came about, too. The younger Mil-towsrd our treasury. | waukee boy« brought «long flowers Having had the pleasure of Arm and rhigs that «qalrled wster; after Sannemann's visit in St. Loul« st getting everyone wet at the bowlers the time of our opening meeting, bell, they ps««ed them on lo the she wss asked to participate in the Chicago kids. "Look at that appe-Installation of officers, director and tizlng food!" were some of the ex-assistants, for our newly organized clsmatlons hesrd st the bsnquet, Circle, and ihe did so kindly oblige 'and It really wss swell. The director's assistant«, Ida Ki- While walking to the train depot cm and Ann Spiller, sre to be com-' |rom the streetcar, the Inevitable mended highly for their cooperation , happened Joanne Glavan, vice-together with our locsl lodge Presl- president of Circle 4, stood petrified dent John Yurgec snd wife, Msry. I with surprise in the midst of the who «o willingly worked with us, spi)ied content« of her «uitcaae. Bob snd a big thank you to our fifth dti- Sannemsnn did a nice pickup lob trict vice president, John Spiller, to und took no chance the rest of the whom we sre Indeed grsteful for the Spirits Jr«. ...........-..............#„, , proerrss is being made by both Circles. . . Counting the new Circle st Ansconda, Montana and the one reoraanl ed «t Warren, Ohfo and, also, our verv tatvtt addition st ClevOlond. «whtfleW reports of which hOVe not yet been received, gives us a fotsl of five so far this yesr. A new Circle is slso in the process of organisation at Fontana, Csllfoinis. Lereae Rleh-te>. a former Chicago girl, is the Dlre<*or of Juvenile Activities there. We mention Juvenile Circles In connection with the membership drive because the two go together. We hsve noticed thst msny of our biggest membership gslns ln psit csmpaign» hsve been made in localities where Circle« have been organized. If you haven't a Circle In your town, there s no time like the present to orgsniZO oi*. WU011 dew members and organ lie Juvenile Circle« In honor of the 38th «nnlvttfary of tbe Juvenile De pertinent end IN« tOtfc OdtrtOOSsOry of the estobHshmOnt of the Clrele which the Satiety Is aboawlap tMs pear. ____ CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR , . ...«■ .... . :. ,. t ■ ............. ■ . _ 1 "" ing that we are at l*a«t trying to accomplish something far our own peed. The vast majority of us still have thpre than enougn time in which to work, play, and learn. Too many of us are just plain lazy. We •re too content. Wt are too soft We have gotten ourselves into *uch a rut of hating work of sny kind •nd loving plsy thst any microscopic sacrifice af the tatter seems unbesrsble. We mske mountains out of mole-hllls, we are sa busy doing sbsolutely nothing constructive to ourselves snd to others In our plsy time thst the mere thought of msking the stupendous "saerl-fics", of sn hour of It for something constructive Is . unbearable. Tho balloon gets to look awfully funny wh*n we tMhg of making this great sacrifice. Llfo Isn't pretty sny mare Msny yesr« ago, a group of esrly Americans didn't like the high tax on tes (of sll things*) which they bought from England and they did something about It. Thst sttltude brought sbout these wonderful United States of ours Your dad und mine once worked fourteen hours a day In a festory under slave conditions; most of thst hss been rem «•died, thank« to the people who did something sbout it. We todsv Like a Pretty Toy Balloon Well now! Everybody is gloriously happy today 1 Wa whd work for a living have a Job whieh pays enough to live on—we face our domestic problems snd sotvr, theftv-and, thanks to the various amusement ptaec*. cluba snd socisl bodies, wa hsve something to do in our «pare time. We work s little snd we plav 0 little—thst's as It should be. What more could a person wont? Our praoont form of exist-enoe ts sa much like a pretty toy balloon—-It is something to be ad-mired and held oh to. 2, we admit there sre msnv i of problems to be solved; there sre msny enemies to fight, there are many thing« wS wish we could do. But to accomplish those things ian't our respon«ibiMty sod we don't hsve the time to sccompliih them anyway. For ettemple, the price of «hlrt«, golf bells snd eutos is too high hut what is to be done? We would like to know the truth about Russis Instead of reading whst the hissed stead of reoding whst the Ptosad jt. gutless things which had newspepers hsve to ssy either wsy ,(J ^ fü M fnr_thl. c„nit|tiiilon, about that country but whst can we unJ >oc||(1 tftf.eurlty. the SN a.*v UT. Itmiiu th»r«> are some ... .. _ __... .. opening of Circle «9 TILLIE DUCOTE, Director Circle 11 M^rk Mother's Day ARMA, Kan«.—The Jolly Ksnssns met Sundsy, April II, st the American Legion Hall here and incidental ly, we feel we were very fortunate in securing this hall for our future meetings • This meeting was indeed s busy m. Plans were outlined for coming events, the first being Msy 1, when we sre to participate in the program being sponsored by tho Federated SNPJ Lodges. Then we reviewed our plans costeerning our homecoming oelebretien which is Oct. 10; the 10th snmversary of the Jolly Kansas, also new ideas were brought up. so keep the data in your mind, sll of you Jolly Ksnssns, way by carrying it under his srm. ft wss only s rrtsttsr of s few minutes later that moan« snd groans filled the Northwestern depot when we were told thst the « 30 train would be postponed until 8.45. After that, everyone was sure noth ing more would happen, but lesvs it up to two Clrele 4 girls to get lost in the depot lunch room two minutes before train time. All m ail, it sure was a lot of fun I HKLKN RUPPE. Pre« Juvenile Spirits of Detroit No. 29 dlTROIT.—,The Juvenile Telegraphic BoWhng toumsment is be hind us now. Alan Junko with Ml and Tony Tschlltaeh with 507 for s total in doubles of 100«. Tony Au-bel csme up with a 100 game to give his team 1041. Franees Napotmk mind, all of you jouy ivanaans. hj|d a n|C, ,70 Mm# u glvr h«, especially those of you who hsve >nd hrr doubtot partner Vlhre Obed drifted to other stste», hope yOu g to|>, of 7M fh, »,sd s U»t«l plsn to be here vscaUonlng about pf |5J5 for ^^ that time. ' j w.nt to thsnk you boys snd t^ZIrfZJt girl« for coarsting with me. by our forirar ective member« bsck f* . J Urn# aru< helping with Circle sctlvKles, Bill ^tng -o^ «nXICj fe brother Frsnk who, ^"¿ZEL h£Tou m^L^^Z^Z^L^d Th««k. u, sll the TtJ0!: iLiTLtlil ^ «t icurekeepers and raoters fo, coming III Iirt» 11, ** We are ^ af bav- ^ in th^n Th. lag 1 new member» aoaaai »o our dHtner was delirious C.rcle n.^lyJ^ M-^ C.rpme. ' U m mekas me Erma Belle Geodin and BtUy Jspar ^ ^ (<> krMm (h#r# Bf9aonmv people that era penerous with their time snd aalt get eat snd help to mske thi« 0 Circle to he proud of Frsnees Napotmk brought .long htr accordion and gave owt with »«me nlee denee mu»k Everyone, young and nM. enjbyed P Thanks Frances, snd enme bsck agsln The* Circle meettm wsa April 0 Tbe bOV* do? Wly—in real happmeas. In confidence, In the satisfaction of know We elso held « handrrsft gt thi« meaUng. members show a lot of interact in the work and Ute result« af* it ore than pleaaina psefcage Don't fmfH me in the tutor* Your not forgotten. Boate Since we have been SO III-informed tn vsimHjs fields, rould thw be the cauv af oat *neranee< Could fhss be the esvse of SS hystsn« snd forming then hasebeW team» They ^Odd af fssristu threats4 .will «tart prsetlee next week. W» ACNES SCHNEIDER 500 , sre getting ia the «win« for our operetts to be given et SND on June 27. It ws« my pies so iv to meet Oer trude Taucher, juvenile director of Circle 8« In the future I hope thst we esn get togeth« r with out boys snd girls and jolniiy participate in msny sffslrs Circle M sre giving s plsy on Mother . Dsy Msy 0, et I pm et *WH 417 ft Llvernois Sa 1st us sll get out and see this plev TXir nett meeting will be heM an Msy I. SOWS time -nd «ame pises | Everyone get out for these meetings bscouse we will plan many srtivl-»tie« for taHh the small fry and teen sgvrs HELEN STIMAC. DtrecVn UNIVERSAL. PS-Dates to re member; _ 13 14-15- SNPJ National Ten pin tournament In Detroit, Mich May 11—SNPJ National Duckpm tournament sponsored by the K h Federation of SNPJ Lodges of West rrn Pennsylvania. June 5— Dance by l bee of Pittsburgh hss chsrgs of the dsnce, sod he has sssured the com Ihlttee that all departments will tie ably taken corO of. snd that we can look fur a tremendous cruwd, Bowling will begin at 10 am. Sun day. May 1, at the Auditorium Al leys, located at 180 S. Realty St., corner uf liauni blvd. and 8 Hestty st, Thirty-two alleys occupying two floors constitute the Auditorium Al leys, snd this ssSures us smple «puce to complete thi» tournament liefnre 6 pm. Bowlers will bowl teem, doubles, snd ildgles events Following the actual bowling, there will be a «oflal held at the Slovenian Itsll, 87th 4i Hutlei «to.. Pittsburgh There will be refroih-ments and musir, and the oomitilt-tee will dtsti ibute prises to the Various prise winners of the tournsment af this time, There you hsve It—a full weekend of fun Plan now Ui attend the Nations! SNPJ Duekpln tournament in large numbers, Begin the weekend of ftln esrly by sttending the dsnce on Saturday. May 1st. Out-of town psrtkipsnts aie asked lo write to Chairman Larry Csspol, 717 Washington Ave., Oakn oni, Pa., for lious« In« oi hotel accommodations. Ev-erybcxiy come oat to this big tour* nament! Pennsylvania SNPJ Boy A sub-committee of the Pennsyl vania HNPJ Dsy Comrftttee visited South Park recently to determine how best to accommodate our usoel several thoussnd participant«. The Park management was contacted and instructed to sdd several fueili ties to the "Lodge" This will ton done, and our committee is satufied torstion on Sunday. June 87th. There will toe a full program of muste, songa, snd sports, snd we want ev-eryune to come for s full day's fun. why we msy lose most of the things we unconaclously enjoy and take fot granted We haven't the guts to quit hang „.„.„ .„„ ......................... ing on to the balloon, to seek out thst the usual satiafaetory OOOOnimo and fight whoever or whatever is nations will toe vastly Improved for letting the sir out uf lt. I the enjoyment of our people Mske WILLIAM JKREn, 508 I your plsn« now to sttend this oele RAISE YOUR SCORE IN LIFE BY SAVING T Kvri y "spare" dollar you save helps to Increase your savings total -helps vou go pfter the things you want tn life Your ravings In an Insured ac> count here grow faster with regular dividends. St. Clair Sivintt & loan Ca. "A SAVINGS INSTITUTION " am St. Cletr Avo. Cleveland ). O. Haws snd Views Wt* salute the National Athletic Committee and th* local committee making arrangements for the National Tenpin tournament In Detroit this weekend. This tournament is the «ecund in impoitsnce among our annual SNPJ celebrations, and it Is encoursgln« thst this year it 1s meeting with such enormous success In attaining the largeat number of par* tic Ipuntt We are especially pleated to see such u large representation from Pennsylvania, and we hope that this number will be vastly Increased each year. It la an Indication thst Pennsylvanlans are more and more participating in the bowling of tenpins, The Comets lodge continue« to bowl duckplna only, but It Is ex., peeled that at least three members uf th* Comet« lodge will be present In DeUolt to t»b«crve the proceed, ing». Pittsburghers snd msny good Am-ericsns in the vicinity sre currently witnessing a dastardly Invasion of civil riihts sponsored by thfr capitalist controlled Pittsburgh Press. The performance of the Pittsburgh Press publishing the nsmes of signers of the Wallace petition to plats Henry Wallace and Glen Taylor on the ballot tn Pennsylvania la ah act of terror. It demonstrates that the press Is sstlsiled with the perform-snce of tbe Republican and Demo cratlc parties in America, and will do everything possible to prevent a minority party from getting on the ballot. The publishing of the namea is s deliberate attempt to Intimidate voters; It Is an attempt to make them fearful of signing a petition thst will sllow s minority psrty to get a place on the bsllot. The writer makes no apologies to the Pittsburgh Pre«« nor snyune els* for having signed the petition. Hs did It even thuugh he repeatedly has opposed Mr. Wallace's candidacy from the time of his broadcast In which he announced that he will be a candidate, and even though he will not vote for him in November, HU Signature appears In good faith and with full knowledge of its Intent be cause fie respects democratic procedure tn elections that allows, and should encourage, free Americana to ri*n for office snd present tholr pa sltlon and that of their otganisa* lion on important Issues that con* front the nstfon The signature Is sn act of tolerance thst American« Sre expected to po««a«« under the consUtutlon and Bill of Right«. The performance of the Pittsburgh Press is an act of downright intolerance end intimidation Throe comment« could be made to the Pittsburgh Pie«« a« ha« been In* vited by it, and a« many signers sra making either favoiably or unfsvar* ably But we refuae lo support them In their trickery 'The «omit not* thst are appearing dally, either condoning or criticising Ihe publication uf the namss, la precise* iv whst th* papei wishes. It mskos the publication of the names sll the more «ensstionsl. It appear« a mat* ter of complete wisdom "lo Ignore it is to rise above It." I hope that we will not become frightened over this kind of yellow journalism, and thst we will toe tol* •rant of political parties snd per* sons even thuugh we don't agree with them. Right and justice will triumph as lonf a« we remain tol-riant and retain a complete aenee of toalanea. MICHAEL R KUMER "Zarjo" Concert Sunday, April 25 CLEVELAND—The members of the Singihg SiK'lety Earja cordially invite the «public to attend the Spring concert to be held Sunday, April 28. at the SND on St. Clair Ave Curtain time is st 4 p m. So lie sure to strive on time in order to see the complete performsnce. The first half of the progrsm will lie devoted to vocsl i md It Ions toy Ihe chords, soloists, vsrlOus com* toinations of duels, a women's trio, Snd s male ciuartet Featured will be, Wins. Women and Song." and a choice group of Partisan numbers newly received from Jugoslsvla In the aecond half of the program will be unfolded the operetta, "Sree In Densr," the theme of which 1« quite similar to the old American melodrama of ihe M'a-villain holds mortgage ovar mother's head for hand of pretty daughter who da-spites the haae creature, tout who for her rrothsr's saks agrees la the bargain when ei<#ng come« the young hero drtio secures the money to p*7 »'I the mortgags snd weds th< fslr maiden f plow doe« he get thst much money with inflation end high prl«*T Well, coma «nd see fee yourself afcOptlC, The roles sre In the hends of such capable people as Frank Habit. Alice Tekaver. Sophie Elerslcb. Alt drew Tuilmsn. sad Tony Peruse*. folio*ing th* program fhefe will he a socisl 10 the snn*« with dancing snd lefreshmsnts Tnkfts fsn be secured from Eerie members foi gOr and st Ste toot offi. e for II So buy • esrly and „ve PUB COMM. r« PROSVETA Add retí by henry a. wallace (Concluded) There 1« one simple truth we must leern by heart. "We can't lick communism with guns." We can't fight 'the idea of communism by trying to suppress an idea and maintain our democracy. Democrcay requires the peak in 1947. The program bears no resemblance to the actual defense needs of the United State» With war hysteria they hope to cover up the failure of the Truman Doctrine, which has already led to WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21. 1943 fullest, freest competiUon of id?as. more deaths in little wars than the The free competition of ideas 1«' total casualty list of the United basic to democrcay; the freedom of States in the last World War. That monopolies to exploit fear words list grows with each passing day in is a menace to democrcay. | Greece, in China, in Palestine, and I have been asked many times to in Greece the guerrillas control Join in the highly emotional attacks on communists, which provoke violence and lead to the suppiession of civil liberties. I will not join a chorus that ha« no purpose but the suppression of civil rights. I do not' fear the Communists or the ideas of communism, if we keep and extend our democratic system. only way to compete with the Communists is to solve the problems for which they offer radical solutions The fight abroad is not against communism . , It is s convenient cloak for the fight of international big business and the military against the demands of workers snd farmers and independent bfusiness-men and professional people for new lives free of the shackles of monopolies and feudal lords. It is time to get our government on the side of the people or the world will go Communist, not from Russiarl agression, but from the force of big business driving the peoples of Europe and Asia to desperate steps. Among the latest stories designed to creete fear have been reports of a military agreement between Russia snd it* neighbor, Pinllhd. It is presented as snother evidence of "Russien aggression," although our own mutual assistance pacts with Canada and the Latin-American countries preceded the Russo-Finnish Agreement by msny months. Neither our press nor the bipartisan coalition has been willing to tell us much about another military agreement made by an American Ambaasador without the ap proval of the Congress. It Is an more territory than a year ago, while in China the Kuomintang area is shrinking. The victims of these policies, will also be found here in our own country not only through more inflation, but more intimidation. Sup-pi ession of civil liberties accompanies the drum-beats of the fear-makers. The threats, intimidation, and still minor outbursts of violence which flow naturally from the loyalty orders, un-American committees, and the fabric of lies woven In the press are all conducted in the name of preserving democrscy. But we can't preserve democracy by killing it. The suppression of trade unions by Taft-Hartley Acts; the firings which follow un-American committee hearings; the dismissal of college professors because they speak up for peace—these are not incidental results of the bi-partisari policies—they are major results; and the American people, not the Russians, are the major targets of our fearmakers. j If we are to fight for freedom, we must first preserve freedom here at home. Speech which costs a man hie Job isn't free speech. Today millions of Americans have been silenced because they cadnot af-fprd to speak out. Even prior to the current campaign to suppress free speech, we Americans had ample cause to fight for greater freedom here at home, lest our use of the word "freedom" ring hollow throughout the world. The people of the world know that Ail ; ifaj^faW'&t&C*K "And álace you came to work for us 30 y oars ago today—we'll reward you. Talco the day off."—A noble gesture Indeed. Do We Wad War? world-wise By ISRAEL EPSTEIN—Allied Labor News The longer the current war scare lasts, the cleerer it becomes that it has "no foundation all along the line,'* as Howard K. Smith, ColUmbli Broadcasting S^ktem chief for Europe, remarked pithily in a recent broadcast What emerges equally clearly is that* war talk in America, and the consequent danger of con-. , .. . . , ,, .. flicts and clashes, does much more harm to the people of the U, S. than to anyone eta. Smith, whose calm assessment should have been heard by the consumption." Chrome is a strategic material used to harden steel and make armor plate. The bureau said that "46% of the U. S. supply I comes from the Soviet Union." It agreement with a nation 9,000 mile« t|wrr Mrl> no wcret ballots in South from our own borders and as close to the borders of the Soviet Union as Finland If the Russisn agreement with Finland is "Russian agression," our little known and very dangerous agreement with Iran st the very borders of Russia is actual invasion. As long ago as 1944. Walter Lipp Carolina; that we have poll taxes In seven states; that vicious practices of segregation and diacrimine-tion are maintained to' keep the people divided for the profit of wealthy and corrupt Interests. The fight for freedom hi not only s fight thousands of miles away; it is a fight here at home. ■ mann pointed out: "If we msde uni .. .... .. , alliance with Iran or with «¿ma-1 " the bi-partisans were sincere in nia, all the world would have every ^ nU'k, frret^m the right to think the worst of our iZ^uUtn 1,1 the In- tentions." every human being tn the world. The United States has been committed to a dangeious step Yet we are kept in virtual darkness ss to the mesning of this step for all of us. Last week I disclosed the exist* ence of tbis agreement and its MA tents, which the State Department had kept unpublished from October mediately enact into law the com-| W.. h.y ir.de th.t .Utenc. Burg"*..01*" 3?*1"*.J"'0*r.*.m..P* !h."[ ~ arESsjjKSi that agreement The man who made, ¡?*JJ; .. . . . . the agreement, former Ambasssdor L liLi . Si,''nte' n^rmm v Aii.n om ik.i it i,... ,,nc#r* about their fears for r!ews value iour counlry> w<> c,n '»^fully I say that it he. new. value forlo hW,r ST.,"J" ' "we are patriotic men We refuse to profit from the defense of our country. Until the end of the present emergency we want all profits, dividends, and super-salaries to be put in the Treasury of, the United States. We stand with' the boys we wsnt drafted in making sacrifices for freedom." a, 1947, the date of the signing, un-' Unt" W* ^ "tstements. til February of this year. It has lht' kwUI rem'ln iu been ignored by the piess since JE* «* ^J^.ff1? ' publication, snd the preas has ^ N'W P"fty WiH 'lghl f°r Ignored It since I revealed its lm- " t»*c9 Program to con- plication, in New Haven. Conn , Ilr™ last Saturday night. I "nd ¡»¡* ^ward We are noi inte.fer.ng in Iran to» Wr, * KbV,,,d .<_ ____________ ___.1 ' United Nations We shsll fight against the draft and compulsory military training We shall fight crisis point Czechoslovakia there are no, Russians and no Americans. In Trieste there are American, British and Jugoslav troops but not a Russisn within rocket range. In Italy American warships have naval bases but there are no Russians. The same is true of China. What about the political conflict, the greatest contest between ways of government? So long ss news from the U. S. tells of Taft-Hartley laws and pickets bloodied by police clubs on the steps of Wall Street's Stock Exchange—as happened in Now York March 30—that contest will go badly for America. Americans themaelvos are willing to vote for Just about anyone but Truman. It Is therefore hardly surprising might cause Russia to stop shipping both chrome and manganese. Br K. M. LANDIS II There are people everywhere who ere beginning to talk openly of a preventive war with Russia. The theory is, if we drop the moral superdressing, that Russia and the, United States have incompatible interests in the world which cannot be resolved by peaceful means. Thereto! e, it is argued, it would be better to fight now. and, as the saying goes, "get it over with," rather than wait until Russia recovers from the last war and gets the atom bomb. An optimistic version of this theory is that Russia may give in to an American ultimatum without fighting, and that, even if she doesn't, an atomic attack by us now would be the most merciful^solution for evermin a letter to the New York Times, Maxwell Anderson develops this idea (.t lenfth: "A war with Russia this year, in the unlikely event that she chose to fight, would be a matter of days, with few or no American casualties, and far less slaughter of enemies than would accompany an extended and gigantic struggle of two equal powers such as we are drifting toward." , At woist, it wouid be necessary to atomize onlv a few million Russians and then, if Stalin *erc found alive, he could be speedily tried and hanged for his criires against humanity. According to this theory, our great danger is the fact thut Russia doesn't want wai and will go to great lengths to avoid It, "I don't know how to bring on a crisis," says Anderson, "but there are professional diplomats who might know how if our nation were sufficiently aware and had the will to do it." • • • However, our leaders are known to be skeptical about an easy victory over Russia. President Truman has indicated he still hopes for peace, and Sec. Marshall has testified about his worry that a disastrous war might start ovei an incident that not even Stalin could control. • - For this reason, I fail to understand why the United States has chosen this moment to inflame the mob passions of Italians and Jugoslavs over an internationalized city that isn't worth a world war. In proposing to turn Trieste over to Italy, we have done more than scrap a treaty to influence ap election."We have promised what can be delivered only over the broken bodieaof>menl,ao0,wQ think it is smart. ' 1 must confess I have pertain reservations. " \ Like many other people,»I've beenH^hS¡awake at night wondering if sdrnq way couldn't be found to avoid ¿puna to war. at least this spring. As I understand things, and I admit I don't, the immediate danger is the free election the Italians are supposed to have on April 18. Usually we are h*ppy \b04t such things But alarming reports have cortie'ih that if all votes are honestly counted the Comrfnittlsti' rtiky 4dn, and be entitled to form a government. . Obviously we cannot alloy this to happen. After we kicked the Communists out pf the Italian government last year, we can't allow the Italians, to vote them back again. * 4 It would be further proof of Russian aggression, and a threat to Italian democracy. Our marines might have to restore order. This seems to be the situation we're in, and I don't intend to question Sec. Marshall's nption of its gravity. But isn't- there some way to avoid war? One of our main handicaps In the Italian election is that very few of us had the foresight to register, and as a result the American vote will be light. But otherwise we are in good shape. We have the Pope on our side and also the Premier. Our friends control the election machinery and the spiritual machinery. The patronage is ours. We control the food the Italians eat, and we've threatened to take it Your Dollar . By CONSUMERS UNION FM Table Radios Of fifteen AM-FM table-radios tested by Consumers Union, the best in tone quality and other characteristics was the Zenith 7H820R, (979.95) which was rated "Good.'' Next on the "Acceptable" list, with ratings of "Fair" were the Pilot T-521 ($107.50) and the Westinghouse H-161 (99.05). ' Buyers should consider, before buying a table-model AM-FM com-binatidn that "high fidelity," utilizing the full advantages of which FM is capable, is not available with any table-model set, Consumeri Union warns. For those who already have a satisfactory AM set, an FM tuner attached to it, such as the Meissner. or Brewster or tHe Pilotuner (all available for about $30 to $40) may be a much more practical solution. Automatic Washing Machines Only one of the six automatic washing machines tested so far by Cosumers Union—the Blackstone— had cleaning ability, comparable to that of the best non-automatic washers, but its price was high ($345). and its high hot water consumption would increase operating costs and might be beyond the capacity of many home hot-water plants. Both Bendlx and Coronado (or AMC) were priced about $100 lower than the Blackstone. While their ability to remove light soil would probably be adequate, for heavily soiled clothes, such as work clothes or children's clothes, these machines would be less satisfactory than the Blackstone or the best of the non - automatics. Frigidaire (314.75) was rated "Not Acceptable" because it tangled clothes badly and washed unevenly. All the machines listed in this issue of CONSUMER REPORTS were of the fully automatic type and, while the work-saving features of such machines are undeniable, those who are interested in lower cost and superior cleaning ability might do well to copeider the purchase of a non-automatic electric washing machine. "" Laundry Soaps Differences in the ability of fifty-one brands of laundry soaps tested that many Europeans will vote!1*»»»1 America has available. It is against tying themselves to his poli- much more likely to turn Europeans Sylvia Porter New York Post we control tne rood tne Italians eat, and we've threatened to take it onc °' a,lu» t«ui»u.* economic columl'st. touched another away if they don't vote, right. What is wrong? Must we also try. to bribe > the Consumers Union laboratories aspecl. She said U. S. pressure on them with Trk^v] ; < l" • ; * (to wash ^"^^^L aII Marshall plan countries to give up ' ' - * " < '' * - ' SUMLR REPORTS indicates. All their Russian and east European R seems to me that we've been going gt things too crudely. Why doesn't the soaps were iound Acceptable, trade, which would logically follow 1 Truman call home f>ur diplomats ana admirals and send over some real but one group, with somewhat embargo here, f'would mean ask-1 experts? • ing the American taxpayer to take With the kind of setup we've got in Italy, the Pendergast boys iA on a burden that would make the Kaneas City wouldn't, have needed an atom bomb tg win an election, wartime tax load seem feather Nor would the old Ke!]f-Nash stalwarts in Chicago have needed a mili-wcight by comparison." tary draft to have produced any majority desired. Nor Ed Crump down Western Europ. «ets a large part Memphis. Ed wouldJfee glad to serve his country. Why not fly him of iu gruin. coaTfertilizer and oon ! to " ' ' . ' struetion lumber thfeugh trsde with JK"*»* warships up and down the coast of Italy the east Asking. Europeans to stop would ,lrlk® the old Tammany boys as unnecessarily tough, just as the this exchange is telling them to go P°«tcards we are mailing over would strike them es sissy There is no reason not to use the Philadelphia Republican machine which still reeks of Boss Penrose. This would be a bipartisan foreign policy. ' z1 > > 4 Surely it would look better, and be more in accord with the democratic without fuel and iood. It means undertaking to supply more of both cies. that No saber-rattling can change against a U. 8. which imposes such measures than against their present see straight. Lippman says "total war" will break the U. S. Neither Napoleon nor Hitler succeeded in destroying a Russia much weaker help the Iranian people. The mil lions of dollars in munitions which we are selling that government will not «ubstltute for a decent water supply for the city of Teheren. wheie mure than hall the children die before five years of age v The purpose of ' the bi-partisans in Iian are the same puiposes which have made them enlist on the sldf of reactionaries, king., ^scists and monopolists all over the world They are not puipose» the American peo pie will kupport. when they understand them The inlet eats of the big business-military alliance in Iran is oil snd military basee To suppoti those inu-reti ihe Irsnian pollre force undei the dliectlon of an Ameiitan Genrial snd the ire-ntan Aimy «ssisied by an Amertean military mission have .m«.hed tiadr union», placed thousands of families in conernti ation rump, and conducted mass execution. If a free, o«miMi«tic United States 11 u> suivive. we must re* move from office the men. who art dissipating Amriu.n motel leader-ship end earning us the enmity the common man the wot Id over But the offensive they ate conduct* trig has a. its first victims the Amettcan people much against us as it M «gainst freedom starved people in back' ward areas of the wotki. War hyslrna is the de*peraU* weapon of men who *«'«-k to foie-stall the ceteetiophu fall in theh profits which continuation of then policies would make inevitable The Adir iniati ation'. remobillza for International—not unilateral— disaimament. We Shall fight to put the lesourrea of the United States on the side of the people at home and abroad .and we shall fight agsinst support for kings, monopo-liata. apd fascists. And fighting for these objectives the New Party will grow strong as the .ut«st wav of defending pur democratic heritage The fear-maki-ft cannot win If we remember the (undsmental principles we learned in out high school history classes and Sunday School Bible 1 la»»c. With thoae prlndpea out country haa grown strong anfl powerful de»pite earlier effoits of selfish men Pi block progieaa Strong in the democratic faith of out loietathera and with the same faith in the Lord which gUided them «r shall attain the peace all n «-n covet "S<. sr A faVorite picture alar who warned Mill and often—found It es* l*edirnt to get « divoise in a hurry | "Irr lawver -»unrated Mexico "Hut It la diifcted a. I don't .peak Spanish.'' she pioteat »««1 ,T»»*r» «11 iieht." said the law. yer • Whenever there's a pause, all you have to do Is to .av 'si si'" When >he a|i|>eared in eouit, the whole |M»pulation of the little Mexl-can village turned out to witneaa the evi nt Thete was much emoting .and iMiWing. and the atar said 'si, si* fumlv on numeious occasion* 11 on proposals wets hailed by the | Kudiii-nly the crowd gave a greet journals of big bu»in«-»» as Uw-,«h<-«-r economic shot in the artp needed W> off »et a I94S slump The whol< progiam of ipihtarieation M de- ii|iHil p« maintain and met ees« profit win« h 11 .iite «I an all tiltn Well I guea» I m divorced." a he 1 complacently Divorced, my eye," cried her pef unr attorney "You've married Then there are the "Russian sub-, »"PPl*™ marines" floating through headline Another warning on the war ink "off America's shores." Hanson howl* come» fr»m Walter Llpp-Baldwin, New York Times military \ m«nn- l«P Republican commentator writer, remarked March 20 that "off who antl-Rusflan but can still our shores" was "in st least one instance in mid-Pacific." He point* ed out that some sightings were supposedly made by merchant shipa ^Hf and that every seamsn knows "there' than the present one. Despite the is nothing more difficult to identify I "torn bomb, sn atUck today would than "the pencil-wake of a peri- "interminable war for an un- acope." sttsinsble objective" and "our own Baldwin also noted that one re- ruin'' port, from "off the Aleutians" con-l Even in the vurrcnt policy of cemed areaa thousands of miles "containment of comrfiunlsm," Llpp-from U. S mainland but only 440 mann avers, "we are committed in miles from Siberia. Appeals for re-, a dozen scattered areas of the globe, armament on such evidence, Bald- all of them within much easier win concluded, are "a hell of a way rnscl) of Russia than of the U. S." to run a railroad." We ag^ee )t «Thip tqeans that "American forces Further down the tyst(come the may .'be required all around the clerion cries for suspension of all periphery of tho Soviet Union in Russian trade A major fact about Europe and Asis ... It is impossible th|S trsde was revealed by the U. S to make cffecUv« military prepare-Bureau of Mines Ho Congress March | lions to support a, policy of this 29. According to the New York kind. We shall never have enough process as we know it.«|-(Chiaggo Sun-Times) Herald Tribune, the bureau said the U. 8. "has a stockpile of chrome sufficient to last only five months and produces only 7% of domestic military forces, or be able to get them to these scattered theatcrk of war." These are some of the opjniosn of e arc .ome 01 JUST REMINDIN' YOU President Murray and his leyal lieutenants are busy these days trying to keep his CIO "beys" from voting for Henry Wallace. So we Imagine you will he interested In reeding whet he said about . Wallace In 1944 at the CIO convention . . . "Henry Wallace, to the workers of the United States, symoblizes the aspirations of the common man. We love him because he is one of us, a common man. The principles which he has enunciated here this morning are the ones to which the CIO adheres. So to you, Mr. Vice President Wallace, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for the crusading work you have undertaken as a leader of men and we join with you and the multitudes in advancing the cauae." 1 The moral fci Why bather to do your own thinking when a greet leader is willing fe think for you?—(R. L. A) ' v ■ ■ 11 ■ ■ ' us ■ people right In thf Ir' own ranks opposed to the men in Washington who think they can jlerreriae every, one from miners in U. S. coal fields to votett In Itsly, who are crated by their own tom-toms Shd air try-Ing hard to stampede the American pepole. ► 1 es IVtjIal »' P*rt we cannot comprehend the whole. Ano'fc Labor tights Intolerance ■ we have me atomic bombt By K ER MIT EBY, Director Education S Reeeerch CIO n History has experienced gieat tiagediea. Rut perhaps none has been n ore profound in ita im-plication» than the death of Europe's «.000.000 Jaws. Their death was a confession to the world of the faituic of out WesU-rn civilization. For had this rlviliratinn la-en true to the values its reliaktu. udtm exprenaed. the murder of the fl million Jews would have been tmpoaatble Instead we Wo««Id hew treated the moral climate tn which >uch arts would have been tmooasthle Wh) III - mora' climate did no« exiat? Why the German» are tull ao largely unr»pentent air queetioti' whuh huunt me h< urly, Like others faced with the great dilemnas of history. I too. have itlriinlnl answers Th<«se answera which follow may rot lie tondu.i^v. but they are the only in wrrs I know. It geem |o me lhat all of us have Itertm e t«ai mren'itivr to lh« value of human life We ate Inured to death and tragedy Two ft eat wart, famine» f'ooda. aeroplane and automobile accidents have accustomed us to deal with death «0 matter-ol factly. that S OOO.OOO Jews become mere, ly afcmtv «. not fl.000 000 persona, father» moth* trs. bfOthei» alaters and ehlldien Unlea» we see them as prisons unles» we understand thi* )1 Hiroshima and Nagasaki wore not alone scientific experiments in destruction. The lives snuffed out In these Japanese cities were Uvea like yours and mine They lived and loved and suffered ss we Uve and love and suffer, So. as we become Inured to death, we eeeept the philoaophy of the insignificance of a single human life Ours is experienoe of adjusting ourselves to evil. Again permit me to Illustrate; millions of human brings are enslaved throughout the world in lorvcd labor campj. Such slavery is a violation of every value on which our civilisation rests. And yet here are no overwhelming cries of morel fhdignation Il ia m very easy to learn U> live with eviL to accustom oil 1 selves to turn our back, and craee to ihe other side of the rood, to rationalise our ec-tlnna as we do so. And here is where we fail, foi* once we eccept evil, accept the idea that we can do nothing, then evil inevitably triumphs. Moial decisions are personal deciaiona. Basically, they rest on yours and my deti iminetlon to resist concentration eemps. violations of dvll lihoi ties, slave labor, persecution of Jews and other minorities Evil everywhere ia our buai-rees —beceuee it ia we cannot compromiee. Before we can be expected to take moral paei-tions. we must Sunders tend why we ait ceiled on to do so Is there e bettrt piece to begin than with the a ff tt mat Inn of a conviction lhat the violation of that dignity anvwhec la a violation of U»e ia-finit» dlmMy of man? vtS Lumber Firm Clears $7,000 Profit Per Worker BELLINGHAM. Wash—(FP)—It was s pretty fair year in 1947 for the Puget Sound Pulp A Timber Co. here. The company either paid off or msde provisions for payment of all bank loans from 1947 profits, Pres. F O. Stevenot announced. It also retired all preferred stock. Net profits after these payments totalled $4,922.901. of which each stockholder got a tidy $12.31 a share of common stock, compared with dividends of $3 83 a share in 194« Based on the number of workers in the Puget Sound operations, officials of the Intl. Woodworkers (CIO) here estimate the company made $7.000 profit per worker. « greater detergent action than the rest, was rated "Excellent," with the remainder rated "Good." A synthetic (non-soap) detergant, All. sold specifically for washing cottons and linens, was rated "Not Acceptable." Tests showed that built soaps, as a class, washed no clcançr than pure soaps. For hard water, softening of both wash and rinse water with a separate softener is much more effective than depending on the builder in the soap to do the job. Low cost soaps rated as "Excellent" included Nola Pure White Soap Flakes, Avalon Soap Flakes and Dash Granulated Concentrated Soap. Dus, Kirkman Pure White Flakes and Bright Sail Soap Flakes were among others in the top quality group. Prices often vary from store to store; CU recommends buying by price. Oleomargarine Tests on 18 brands of oleomargarine in CU's laboratory revealed very little difference in quality among them. All were found entirely satisfactory, both for cooking and table use. Since colored margarine is not available in many places snd since, in any case, the 10c a pound tax on it makes the price too high for economy, an easy home coloring method is important. This was available in the Delrlch brand, which is wrapped in heavy plastic so that the margarine can be kneaded with the coloring capsule without breaking the bag. Three other firms have announced plans to use a similar wrapper soon. Prices of brands tested varied from 37c to 45c a pound for un colored margarine. Among the less expensive "Acceptable" brands listed by CU were Nu-Mald (37c), Eat-more (37c), Nutlty (38c) anil Nu-Treet (39c). Splendid! Chemistry Professor: "Whst Is the ojtrtanding contribution chemistry has made to the world? Student: Blondes A Crime That's AH A men In New Jersey came home In the small hours of the morning, and. having a wholesome fear of his wife, decided to proceed with caution Taking off his shorn he crept up-italrs. stealthily opened the bedroom door, and with the greatest of care, r raw ted into bed With a sigh of re-.let he went off to sleep. In the morning he looked round tor his wife, and suddenly remembered she had been staying with her mother for two weeks s Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by lovr; this is the eternal rule - R odd hi Read "The Silent People Speak1 THE SILENT PEOPLE SPEAK Is the Htie of the latest book about Jugoalarla written by Robert St John. The author spent lest year nine months In Jugoslavia, study, lag the eondUlens by contacting the rank end file el the people, father than the government oUI-The book should be of la. to ell Americans who are BtUI contused about that country, and particularly to those 0« Jugo •lav descent It can he eedered from SANC. 3434 West t$th ST. CHICAGO S3. ILLINOIS. (In Cleveland, contact the Secretary ef branch 39 at the Slovene Nail Msmkara «1 SANS be books at a ape int ($3.SO), otherwise the book sells fe