321 Members Enrolled! ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ CONVENTION CIECN Ann Uo-ctu-ah, ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 5 MAY, 1970 VOLUME 42 ZARJA - THE DAWN VOL. 5 MAY, 1970 VOL. XLII Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročnina $3.00 letno Por Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Kd. Chicago 111. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W.Cermak Rd, Chicago, 111. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 LETTERS: in praise of "delightful dishes” Slovenian Women’s Union Home Office, 1937 West Cermak Road Chicago 8, Illinois Dear Members: 1 have often come in contact with recipes from your cookbook, Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen, edited by Mrs. Marie Prisland, and Mrs. Albina No-a.k„ revised in 1963. Each time, the dish has been truly delightful and I am very interested in obtaining a copy of the cookbook for myself. Would you please advise me as to the cost and procedure for ordering. Thank you for your attention. Very Sincerely, Edna K. Carpenter LTJG MSC USNR Therapeutic Dietitian Food Service Division, Naval Hospital, St. Albans, New York “SLOVENIA” BOOK RATES RAVES With the intense interest which was developed in the history of Slovenes as a result of Dr. Betty Spehar’s talk before the history group last week we recommend for reading “Prom Slovenia to America” written by Marie Prisland and published by the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, Chicago. As Allan and John Gornick know and are doing something about preserving Slovenian history through SCSC in Pueblo Marie writes, “The history of Slovenian immigrants is rapidly being forgotten. Most of the early settlers are gone, and their children are seeing their traditional background absorbed into the American way of life.” The book has an excellent likeness of The Rev. George M. Trunk in his younger days. Father Trunk has a place in the book given to Slovenian pioneers and other notables. “He wrote several books and attended the Peace Conference in Paris in 1918 as a Yugoslav delegate representing the Slovenians from Carinthia. In 1900 he came to see America. Two years later he returned to gather material for his book “America in Amerikanci” which he published in Carinthia in 1912.” Mrs. Prisland states that this 610-page book covers every state in the union, their constitutions, economy, business conditions, Slovenian communities and the life of our settlers. The book is rated as the first of its kind in the Slovenian language and invaluable to historians. Mrs. Prisland states that Father Trunk is in his 99th year, and the book was published in 1968. There goes that Chinese method of calling off birthdays again. In 1968 he would have reached his 98th birthday and started on his 99th year. If Marie Prisland had included Leadville in her review of towns in the book it would be the top of best sellers in this part of the country for the time being. (Reprint from the Herald Democrat. Leadville, Colo. 3-19-’70). DATES TO REM KM HER . . . May 6—Mass, 6 p. m. Dinner-Meeting, Hr. 33, Duluth, Minnesota May 10—Mass, Corporate Holy Communion and Breakfast, Br. 81, Kewatin, Minn. May 13—Annual May Dinner, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich., at 6 p. m. May 14—Mother's Day Mass, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. May 17—Mass in honor of Mothers Day, Br. 13, San Francisco, Calif. May 17—Mother’s Day Party and Movies, Itr. 20, Joliet. Illinois May 19— Luncheon and Card Party, Br. 26., Pa., at Slovenian Hall, at 12:30 p. m. May 19—Mother's Day Party, Br. 54, Warren, O., 6:30 p.m. May 19—Chicken Dinner Party, Br. 16, So. Chicago. 111. May 20—Dinner-Meeting. Br. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club May 23—Cotillion Ball, Chesterland, Ohio May 24-27—15th National SWU Convention, Euclid Ohio May 30—Mass for all Members, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio at St. Christine’s church Sept. 27- Card Party, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio HAPPY HIRTHDAY ll\ MAY: Supreme Officers: May 1—Marie Floryan, Supreme Vice-President, West Allis, Wis. May 10—Mary Tomsic, State President, Strabane, Pa. May 15—Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer, Chicago, III. Branch Presidents: May 1—Antonia Stokar, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio May 2—Frances Anzelc, Br. 39, Biwabik, Minn. May 5—Ann Satovich, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. May 9—Agnes Klarich, Br. 93, Brooklyn, New York May 11—Christine Konte, Br. 66, Canon City, Colo. May 21—Angela Voje, Hr. 84, New York, N. Y. May 22—Helen Konkoy, Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio May 24—Antonia Kastelic, Br. 12, Maple Hgts., Ohio May 25—Frances Yennan, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio May 30—Mary Snezic, Itr. 67, Bessmer, I’a. Secretaries: May 6—Gladys Buck, Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. May 9—Catharine Hoefler, Br. 106, Meadowlands, Pa. May 10—Marie Beck, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio May 13—Mary Mejac, Br. 103, Washington, D. C. May 22—Jennie Tavchar, Br. 05, Virginia, Minn. AMBITIOUS MEMBERS ENROLL 321 NEW MEMBERS: MAKING CONVENTION QUEEN CAMPAIGN t11 T GRAND SUCCESS! The 15th National Convention Queen Campaign is over! It was a great success with 221 new members enrolled in the five month period! Tops among individual workers who has earned the title CONVENTION QUEEN is Ann Hočevar, officer of Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. This branch signed up 50 new members, in honor of of their own Branch Number! Second in line and close enough lo make it a tight race is Fanika Humar, vice-president of Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Her number of 42 new members combined with 13 more enrolled by others in her branch, brings Chicago to the top position among all branches with a grand total of 55 new members! Third is Theresa Skur, president of Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio with 37 new members to her credit putting Br. 14 in third place, too, and fourth among individual workers is Ann Lustig of Br. 16, So. Chicago with 21 new members. Special commendation to Br. 20, Joliet, III., with 26 new members total and Br. 16, So. Chicago, with 22 total. The following list of all workers and branches and their increases is the final and complete report of this Campaign. To all winners congratulations and best wishes! The Convention Queen Ann llocevar will be honored at the Grand Convention Banquet in Cleveland, Ohio on May 24, 1970. Runner-up Fanika Humar and the winners of the two past membership drives, namely, Ann Podgoisek, winner of the New Era Campaign and Liz Zefran, State President of Illinois winner of the State Presidents’ Campaign and the top worker in that campaign, Ann Lustig of Br. l(i, all will be in the Queen’s court of honor! Because of energetic workers like Ann, Panika, Theresa, Anna, Liz and Ann, we have something to crow about! They prove that they can answer YES! when asked: CAN YOU DO MORE? Our hats off to them and all workers in the Convention Queen Campaign! Albina Novak, Secretary Branch Br. Worker A B Jr. Total Total Br. Worker A B Jr. Tot, 1 M. Fischer 1 1 2 2 32 Ann Cooke 1 1 2 F. Humar I 12 2» 42 32 A. Skvarča 3 1 3 7 2 J. Železnikar 4 4 33 A. Podgoršek 3 3 2 L. Troha 1 2 3 33 S. Mattson 1 1 2 M. Krapenc 1 2 3 33 J. Rukavina 1 1 2 2 A. Novak 1 1 2 33 c. Jacobson 1 1 2' 2 J. Puhek 1 1 55 33 R. Krall 1 1 3 F. Simonich 1 3 1 34 M. Pahula 1 1 3 A. Pacliak 1 1 2 6 35 F. Bradach 1 1 2 5 J. Lampert 2 2 2 35 K. Hanka 1 1 2 6 M. Curk 1 1 40 A. Kozjan 1 1 10 M. Camloh 2 2 2 42 A. Kastelic 2 1 12 M. Dezman 3 3 42 T. Filips 1 1 12 F. Plesko 6 6 9 45 M. Roso 1 1 14 T. Skur 2 14 21 37 37 45 V. Fazio 1 1 h; A. Lustig 4 5 12 21 50 A. Hočevar o 32 15 49 16 E. Maggio 1 1 22 50 A. Dekleva 1 1 17 M. Floryan 3 1 4 4 52 d. Russo 1 1 1!) M. Lenich 3 3 3 52 J. Maki 1 1 20 O. Ancel 3 3 4 III 57 V. Filipan 1 1 20 E. Planinšek 5 4 !) 57 M. Moler 1 1 20 J. Erjavec 2 1 3 57 N. Segreto 3 3 20 E. Nosse o 2 66 M. Cliesnik 1 1 20 F. Hubert 1 1 67 A. Novad 1 1 20 F. Bottari 1 1 2'6 68 C. Schafrik 1 1 21 S. Dancull i 1 1 73 L. Epley 1 L 0 24 A. Strukel 6 6 6 85 M. Jermene 2 2 25 S. Mihevc 4 5 9 95 E. Yergovich 1 2 3 25 M. Otoničar 2 2 95 A. Nelson 1 1 25 C. Zivoder 2 2 95 B. Sambol 1 1 25 M. Kolegar 2 •> 15 95 A. Cuzella 1 1 26 A. Trontel 1 2 3 6 100 J. Kurilich 2 2 26 J. Cliesnik 1 1 100 M. Omaits 1 3 4 26 A. Franlcovic 1 1 101 B. Matjašič 1 1 26 S. Kohler 1 2 3 11 102 J. Artatc 6 2 8 28 28 M. Musich E. Ellenich 0 3 1 5 1 6 TOTALS 34 125 162 321 Branch Total 8 50 2 r> l 8 321 15th NATIONAL S. W. U. CONVENTION MAY 21-27,1970 — SLOVENIAN SOCIETIES HOME, 20713 Keclier Ave., Euclid, Ohio 44123 Congratulations to the following branches who are celebrating their 40th Anniversaries this month. Br. 43 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, organized June 4, 1920 by Bara Kramer. Br. 45 Portland, Oregon, organized June 10, 1930 by Bara Kramer. Br. 46 St. Douis, Missouri, organized June 2'7, 1930 by Marie Prisland and Josephine Speck. Br. 47 Cleveland, Ohio, organized June 12, 1930 by Helen Tomazic. 35th Anniversary Br. G5 Virginia, Minn., organized June 12, 1935 by Antonia Nemgar and Rose Jerome. Br. CG Canon City, Colo., organized June 28, 1935 by Frances Raspet. 30th Anniversary Br. 99 Elmhurst, 111., organized June 13, 1940 by Mary Tomazin and Mary Synigoj. Slovenian Chapel Fund March 18, 1970 Cleveland committee held a short meeting and also the auditors checked the Chapel Fund records and found all in good order. Amount still needed to complete this fund is about $2,000.00. Plans now bring the dedication of the Chapel in September of 1971. As soon as we receive the definte date from Rt. Rev. William F. MoDonough we shall notify you all. Following are donations sent by branches of S. W. U. Br. 1 Sheboygan, Wis., Marie Prisland 2.00 Br. 3 Pueblo, Colo., Anna Pachak 10.00 Br. 25 Cleveland, Ohio, Mary Otoničar 127.00 Br. 2G Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs. Widina, 25.00 Br. 59 Burgettstown, Pa., Margaret Godisha, Treas. $20.00 Br. 71 Strabane, Pa., Mary Tomsic 40.00 SLOVENIAN COTILLION BALL First Slovenian Debutante Cotillion Ball will be held Sat., May 23, 1970 at the Berkshire Country Club on Mayfield Rd., in Chesterland, Ohio. At this time, we shall enjoy seeing our young, beautiful S. W. U. “Debs” in all their glory. Dress for the Cotillion is semi-formal. The 15th National Convention of Slovenian Women’s of America will officially open with the solemn offering of Holy Mass on Sunday, May 24, 1970 at St. Vitus church, 6019 Glass Ave. the largest Slovenian parish in America. Mass will be offered by the Spiritual Director of S. W. U., Rev. Claude Okorn, OFM, pastor of St. John the Evangelist church in Milwaukee, Wis. Grand Banquet will be held at the St. Vitus Auditorium immediately after the High Mass. Serving will be held at 1 p. m. followed by a colorful and entertaining program and the crowning of the Convention Queen. Guest speaker will be Honorable Judge, August Pryatel. A most cordial invitation is extended to every member to attend. One of special features of the S. W. U. Convention Banquet on Sunday will be the gathering of all the Aerial view of Cleveland, Ohio wonderful talent in Cleveland such as the Dawn Choral Group, Korotan mixed chorus of 50, Folk-Dancers Kres and soloists, under the direction of Frank Gorensek. The program will be one of the cultural highlights of the season and dedicated to the out-of-town Convention visitors. All delegates must bring their Credentials to the Convention Committee in charge showing they are duly elected. Credentials committee will be at your service at the Charter House Motel., Monday at 8 a. m. and the delegates that are housed elsewhere can register at. the Convention Hall, 9 a. m. Monday. 15th NATIONAL CONVENTION CREDENTIAL COMMITTEE Delegates: See the Credential Committee for registration at the 15th National S.W.U. Convention, Euclid, Ohio. Credential Committee Marie Floryan, Supr. Vice-Pres., (No. 17), Chairman Josephine Sumic (No. 20) Mary Shikonya (No. 23) Sylvia Mihevc (No. 25) Anna Trontel (No. 26) Duration of the Convention will be three days, from May 25th thru 2'7th. Morning sessions will begin at 9 a. m. and each afternoon at 1:20 p. m. Home cooked meals will be served at the Convention Hall. CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS Monday: Session, 9 a. m. Lunch. Sightseeing tour and Picnic in the afternoon. Tuesday: Session all day. ‘‘Night in Slovenia” dinner at 6:30 p. m. and entertainment following. Wednesday: Session until closing at approx. 1 p. in. Delegates and visitors are requested to arrive in Cleveland on Saturday. Please bring your handwork for the Scholarship Fund sale, beginning Monday. We cordially invite you all, far and near, to attend the Convention and know that you will have a wonderful time in Cleveland-Euclid. Na svidenje! Toni Turek DELEGATKE 15. REDNE KONVENCIJE, S. Ž. Z. DELEGATES TO THE 15th NATIONAL CONVENTION 4* 7 i 't v Branch 1. Sheboygan 2. Chicago 3. Pueblo 5. Indianapolis 6. Barberton 7. Forest City 10 Cleveland 12. Milwaukee 13. San Francisco 14. Euclid 15. Cleveland 16. So. Chicago 17. West Allis 19. Eveleth 20. Joliet 21. Cleveland 23. Ely 24. LaSalle 25. Cleveland 26. Pittsburgh 32. Euclid 33. Duluth 34. Soudan 38. Chisholm 40. Lorain 41. Cleveland 43. Milwaukee 47. Cleveland 50. Cleveland 52. Kitzville 56. Hibbinp 64. Kansas Citv 71. Strabane 73. Warrensville 89. Oglesbv 95. So. Chicago 96. Universal 100. Fontana 101. Bedford Hgts. 103. Washington Additional representation: State President: State President: State President: State President: State President: State President: Delegate Margaret Fischer Frances Zibert Fanika Humar Frances Simonich Josephine Turk Mary Lauter Jos. Gostisha (8-27-29-70) Mary Camloh Phyllis Cermely Frances Plesko Margaret Fager Vera Bajec Antonia Stokar Ann Lustig Marion Marolt Angela Vesel Olga Ancel Josephine Sumic Stella Dancull Mary Shikonya Mary Gornik Mary Kolegar Jennie Femec Sylvia Mihevc Anna Trontel (77) Anne Cooke Frances Blatnik Mary Pahula (31-35-37) Anna Trdan Angela Kozjan Mary Debevec Victoria Sporis Jennie Pugely Frances Sietz Rose Chiodi (39-65-83-86) Amelia Domen (28-81) Antonia Koselec (46-57-90) Lucille Smith Pauline Svette Jos. Livek (22-72-85-99) Mildred Poropat Antoinette Mozina (59-67-80-97-104-106) Jean Kurilich (4-45-66-92) Betty Matjašič (51-55-62 68-94) Helen Krotec (94-93-61-91) Anna Pachak (63) Rose Scoff (79-100) Mary Tomsic (74-88) Rose Kraemer (102) Mary Bostian (42-49-54) Barbara Rosandich (9-105) Alternate Olga Saye Mary Poldan Luba Troha Angela Rojc Sylvia Stanfield Jeanette Killoran Mary Kameen No Alternate No Alternate Mary Dezman Rose Scoff Rose Mickovec Frances Novak No Alternate Frances Piwoni Jennie Zupec Frances Gaspich Josephine Erjavec Helen Konkoy Mary Prešeren No Alternate Anna Zallar Molly Dezelan Antonia Mihevc Mary Bahor Mary Drobnich Suntina Spehar Barbara Yapel Theresa Gerzin Albina Uehlein Anna Rebolj Sophie Bevsek Mary Sholar Marie Beck Josephine Oswald Mary Massich Anna Peresic Mary Kocian Louise Epley Sophie Frank Evelyn Driscoll Frances Kuchna Mary Bradac Molly Thomas t f i 4* CONVENTION REPORTS EDITOR’S TRI ENNIAL REPORT It is difficult to realize that 18 years have already passed since the Naional Convention in 1952 when the editorship of Zarja was passed to me. In all this time, the work has been rewarding and progressively more interesting. Zarja today has more meaning than ever, to the progress of this organization. Comments most often heard from our readers reflect the members’ interest in liomemaking, their children and activities that bring them together. We are not so far apart as the "generation gap” contends. We find our members, old and young alike, all caring for each other with common goals. There is more to be done, assuredly. Zarja can be the instrument that will do it. In the past it has been very important—in the future, we must all work to make Zarja even better. It would be my recommendation that junior leaders in each and every branch be appointed to direct activities among the youth, at all ages, and through Zarja to keep a steady stream of interest alive. The programs our young people are interested in such as sports, travel social events, volunteer work, helping and visiting the older members, learning to cook or sew, can all be incorporated in a meaningful juvenile program and promoted in Zarja. Mothers and home-makers who are always eager to learn how to make life happier for their families should find reading matter in Zarja directed to them more and more interesting. We have made a fine beginning in all these fields with our wonderful contributors and we certainly can do more. Zarja plays an important role in the securing of new members. It is a beautiful and attractive “seller” for the membership. The reason for all its success is that Zarja is people — Zarja reflects the feelings of its members. In Zarja, we somehow are together. It’s been a very wonderful 18 years and my sincere gratitude to each and every writer, and members who read Zarja faithfully every month. With hopes for an even greater future, serving our members in all parts of the land, keeping alive the Slovenian language as spoken by our own grandmothers and mothers, and bringing the Slovenian Women’s Union to greater prestige, my very best washes to you all. Corinne Leskovar STATE PRESIDENT CALIF.-WAS1I-.ORE. No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. February meeting was well-attended and our social was a happy occasion. Our ladies were generous with the donation of delicious food. Frances Chiodo brought enough of her delicious “poticas" so we could have an extra piece to take home. Thanks, Frances, we appreciate your generosity. As always it is a pleasure!' to select the Mother of the Year. Charter member, Mary Rauh was chosen and will be honored May 17th with the Holy Mass at 9:30 a. m. at the Church of Nativity, immediately after breakfast will be served at the Canterbury hotel. Contact your chairman, Betty Doherty for reservation. Phone 564-05G4. Cards will be mailed announcing other activities which will take place after the summer vacation. If every member would make an effort to do her share in bringing a new member, our membership would increase a hundred-fold. It was indeed an honor and pleasure to have our Founder, Marie Prisland visit us. I was very proud to have her as my guest. My brother-in-law, Edward Lampe (husband of Kate Lampe) took us on a grand tour and points of interest. Mrs. Prisland said that this was the highlight of her trip to San Francisco. She met several members, altho it was difficult to call a special meeting on such short notice. Mrs. Prisland, Author of the book “FROM SLOVIONIA —TO AMERICA” is quite a saleslady as she sold many books on such a short visit. The 15th National Convention is here and delegate Margaret Fager (my sister) and I are looking forward with anticipation to seeing you all again, God willing. The Convention booklets have been selling quite well and this will help to defray the delegate expenses. It has been my pleasure to represent the three states as their State President: Washington, Oregon and California. I have written to these branches to send their report for any suggestions and resolutions. We are sorry to learn of our Supreme Secretary Albina Novak being ill; with our prayers and best wishes we sincerely hope that she will be able to attend the Convention function in the capacity she so ably manages. To our members who are ill we wish them a speedy recovery so they can once again participate in our activities. Rose Scoff, State President ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — Hearty greetings to all members! I hope you are all in good health and will celebrate Mother’s Day happily with your families. At our March meeting a motion was made and seconded to help defray the expense of our parish church with the interior decorating expense. A sum of $100 was presented to our pastor Father Koren. Two new members were enrolled namely: Nancy Simenz in Class I? and Theodore Fischer in the junior department. A hearty welcome to both! Due to the continued invitation by the People to People committee plans were changed and we participated in their international festival which was a great success. Our Slovenian booth was decorated attractively by our chairman, Doroth Kregel. Thank you members who baked, contributed money donations, and devoted time and efforts. Fifty one poticas were sold, of these seventeen were so graciously baked for us by Mary Udovich. The chairmen were: Dorothy Kregel and Mary Turk. We wish to extend our congratulations to our new member Nancy Simenz upon her victory as alderman in the 4th ward in the recent election and to Alderman Elsie Braeger who was re-elected without opposition. We are proud to have two of our members on the city council. Condolences are sincerely extended to the Anna Schuster family. Mrs. Schuster was a long time member of our branch. Our sympathy also to Mrs. Josephine Kalk and her family upon the death of her husband and father. A committee visited all the shut-ins during Holy Week and presented each one with "pirhe” for Easter. Our Mother of the Year, Frances Krolnik will be honored at our meeting May 17th, which will be followed by a Mother’s Day Program. It will be in charge of Mrs. Marie Prisland and Mrs. Olga Saye. Do try to be present, ladies. Your secretary was honored by being elected as delegate to the National Convention at Euclid, Ohio. 1 am confident it will be an inspiring and successful Convention. Margaret Fischer, Secretary Rev. Claude Okorn, O. F. M.: NEEDED COURAGE A mother today has to be a person full of courage. This trait in motherhood is exremely needed in our day. Mrs. Marie Zissler, mother of six spoke some time ago to a group of teenagers. She said: “Today a woman needs a real hard courage that lets her stand on her own two feet. She needs courage to enter marriage as a virgin and stay faithful as a wife and mother for her husband and her children. To bring children into the world and by so doing commit herself to a life of service for them. To put aside lier own plans to take time to talk to her son and to her daughter, to get to know them and to communicate to them. To say No to a teenager’s pleadings when she knows that what her child wants is not for his own good. It is difficult to stand and brave the arguments and pleadings and sulking of her boy and girl who just can’t understand why they may not do what everyone else is doing. A mother needs courage, she said, to deny herself legitimate pleasures to make sacrifices and to discipline herself to spend every bit of energy so that she herself can become a living, breathing human Christ; who can be seen, heard, felt, and loved, so that she can transmit Christ to her children. You will never read about it in the newspaper. You will never get a medal for it. But it is a kind of courage a mother has to have to bring her family to Christ instead of following the crowd away from Christ. And believe me, when a mother looks at her son or daughter and sees Christ reflected in him or her it is worth of every sacrifice, every hurdle, every bit of courage she had to muster to implant Christ there. Such were or are our mothers. That is why we ask God to bless them. Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers! GALA MAY CELEBRATION PLANNED IN CHICAGO No. 2, Chicago, Mil. This will be the biggest and best Mother’s Day celebration our branch has ever had! We have made plans for the first week-day, evening Holy Mass ever to take place at St. Stephen’s church and it will be held on Thursday, May 14th at 7:30 p. m. Officiating will be our Pastor and Spiritual Advisor. Rev. Thomas Hoge. It is being offered for all members of our branch, living and departed. The choir, under the direction of Prof. Alfred Fischinger will lead the singing of our favorite Slovenian Marian hymns. 1 cordially invite all our members, their families and parishioners to this beautiful and memorable event. At this time, it will be our pleasure to welcome the 55 new members that have been enrolled in this campaign! They were signed up by six workers: Mrs. Železnikar, J. Puhek, M. J. Puhek, M. Krapenc, L. Troha & A. Novak, past secretary. The greatest, number, 42 lovely members, goes to the credit of our wonderful new vice-president, Panika Humar. She has actually not stopped working in this regard, because since the closing No. 7, Forest City, Pa. At this writing, I am sorry to say that our Pastor, Rev. Andrew Krasinski, has been transferred from St. Joseph’s church to St. Casimir’s church in Freeland, Penna on March 18th. We were sorry to have him go after nine and a half years with us. He was very active in church and civic affairs. He was also active in the Red Cross Bloodmobile Program, and worked diligently for the Slovenian Chapel Fund in Washington, D. C. Father and his parishionrs made very good contributions to the Fund and we are asking God to bless him of the campaign, she has already enrolled 20 more! Can you imagine this? We think it is a fantastic job and thank Fanika very much for her great “salesmanship!” The initiation of all new members will be held after the church services in the Lower Hall and refreshments will be served. We shall honor the Mother of the Year, Mrs. Sophie Bogolin, who has 4 children and is the daughter of our president. To Sophie again, our thanks and best wishes for all her diligence in the past years. A short musical program will be presented by some of the new juvenile members directed by Mrs. Humar. Won’t this be a wonderful evening? We hope each and every member will attend and celebrate with us Mother’s Day in 1970! With such a crowd expected, we kindly ask for your help in providing those delicious home baked cakes, cookies, poticas, strudels, or anything you wish to go with coffee. See you on May 14th! Corinne Leskovar in his new parish in Freeland, Pa. Our new priest is Rev. Richard Frank, who has been named Administrator of St. Joseph's church in Forest City. We welcome him and hope we can keep him for nine and a half years or longer! May God bless him also. This year of 1970 was a sad start for my family, as we lost two bro thers within a period of two weeks. John Gerchman passed away on January 2nd at the age of 77; and Martin Gerchman passed away on January 2Gth at the age of 89. Then on February 16th, my niece, Dorothy Gerchman Bruniclc lost her husband at the age of 58. May they rest in peace. To Mrs. Novak we sincerely hope that you will be fully recovered soon. May God bless you and take care of you. Best wishes always to all the Officers, and all the S. W. U. members. Good health to all. God Bless you all! Sincerely, Josephine Gostlsha, Secretary No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio.— Hello everyody! After a long absence to our meetings (because I work the night shift), the ladies have finally changed the meeting date from the 2nd Tuesday of the month to the 2nd Sunday at 2 p. m. The weather has been so bad with icy streets and some ladies don’t care to go out at night any more — so, all in all, we are happy for the change. Maybe we'll get more ladies to come for a nice Sunday afternoon. Due to Mother’s Day falling on the second Sunday, we will have our May meeting on the first Sunday when we will honor our Mother of the Year who is Mrs. Louise Fabec. We will have refreshments, ladies, so you are all invited We are excited for the coming Convention. Our delegates are secretary, Mary Camloh and vice-president, Phyllis Cermely. We wish them a most enjoyable time at the Convention. Due to the expense of the convention, we have tickets distributed among the members and we hope you will help us out and each take one. The secretary reports all is well in the financial department. You are all doing your part as dues are concerned. We are looking for new members! Are you sure there isn’t someone you can sign up? The dues are so small and with the older members passing away, we need some new members to take their place. It is people like you that keep the Sloven- ian heritage going. With Mother’s Day coming up, think of your Mother. How happy she would be if you signed up someone in your family. Be sure to come to the Convention activities and meet your friends. I’m sure you will all have a good time. So much is being planned, and with the Convention being held in Euclid, at the Rechar Hall, it’s located where we can all attend. Our secretary has made plans to have a Mass said for all you ladies on Mother’s Day at St. Mary’s church. There is always sadness, too. We wish all our ailing members a speedy recovery. My very dear friend, Pearl Mooney, a very good member, is convalescing at home due to some major sugery. Please remember her in your prayers. The year 1970 is so young and we have lost 4 members already. The familiies of Mary Just, Frances Yarc, Mrs. Rojc and Mrs. Petkovšek have all sent thank you cards. With the sadness in this world, we ended our meeting with a little cel ebration for five of our members who all had birthdays in March: Josie Sustarsic, Mary Camloh, Mary Cerni-goy, Jennie Koren and Mary Komidar. A very happy birthday to all! The month of April had many cel ebrants, too, and we wish them a belated Happy Birthday, since we held no meeting in April. May I great you all with a Happy May time. See you at the Convention. Sophie Magayna No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — The officers and all the members of Branch 14 would like to extend a warm welcome to all the delegates and friends who will attend the Convention in the Greater Cleveland area. Everyone is working hard to make our Supreme Board Members and all who attend this big event have a memorable and happy time. We hope to be of assistance to all. Welcome to Euclid everyone! Our last meeting was very well attended and through the generosity of Rose Maurich and Mary Simončič our “Good Time” Treasury was sup-lemented with donations. Florence Lapuh who had just returned from the hospital also donated to our Sunshine Club. Anna Zadnik, Frances Srpan, Elsie Sedmak, Maria Kljun, Rose Fajdiga, and Jennie Zigman also contributed at this past meeing. It seems our members are not only giving of their time and effort to our branch, but also all their other contributions add up to make our branch one that could make any member proud. Thanks to all. Among our traveling members this month was Mary Koljat who was not deterred by the Air Controllers strike to fly to Kansas City, Mo., to visit her son James and his family. Although there were many delays, she still kept going to keep her reunion with her family. Her effort wasn’t wasted for she had a really wonderful time. And now, for the month of May, we would like to express our warmest congratulations to Mary Fakult— Our Mother of the Year. Without Mary, many members agree, that a lot would be lost in our organization. Her quiet and unselfish work has been of help to many as individual members and to all as a branch. She has pitched in and worked very hard any time she was needed. You never had to ask. She already was busy at the first sign when help was needed. Congratulations to all her fain ily! We join her family in saying how lucky we are to have her on our side. A very sincere “Thank You” Mary, for all you have done. To all our Mothers of the Slovenian Women’s Union all over the country our very best wishes from the members of Branch 14 go out to you! May you have an especially wonderful day this year. In closing, we would like to again greet the ones who will attend any or all of the great functions that, are being planned in connection with ou Convention held in this area. To all the young girls who will be presented at the first Slovenian Cotillion Ball, we would like to express our very best wishes. To all the members who are so busy making the arrangements and plans, we would like to say our prayers and gratitude are with you. May we have a beneficial and delightful Convention. Mitzi Globokar, Reporter No. 16, So. Chicago, III. Our branch held the Games Party in March which was very successful. We will be able to give a donation to Lemont and St. George’s church from the proceeds. We had no election of officers as the members seem to be satisfied with the present officers and did not want to make a change. With the good news we have bad news, too. We lost two members who died this month. Mrs. Chuich and Mrs. Kundrat. Also, one of our beloved members, Mrs. Skill, lost her dear husband. The next project now will be when we will have our chicken dinner and where. This is an every-year procedure free for members attending six or more meetings in the year. All members, are invited to attend. The Chicken Dinner wil be held at Milan’s Restaurant, 9545 Colfax Ave., at G:30 p. m. on Tuesday evening, May 19th. Ann Lustig will go to the Conven tion as a delegate and Mary Cieslak is alternate. Mary Cohen, Sec. No. 19, Evelteh, Minn. With spring just around the corner, we have come to the beautiful month of May. 1 hope all our members will try to attend the May meeting which will be announced in the local papers and radio. Our Mother of the Year, Antonia Erklautz will be honored at. this time and we will also discuss the by-laws so our delegate to the Convention May 24th in Euclid, Ohio will be informed of our wishes. This month we especially remem her our dearly departed sisters, those who were such loyal members of Br. 19 and our friends. At the May meeting our special guest will be Father Frank Perkovich, newly appointed pastor of our church. Father Perkovich speaks Slovenian and Croatian which is all due to his mother’s teaching. We are proud that the Bishop has appointed Father Perkovich to Eveleth., one of the largest Slovenian parishes. Father Perkovich is also our own Spiritual Advisor since he came here and in May, we will have our first chance to greet him officially at our meeting. We hope you will all come and help to make this event a success. My loving wishes to each of you, especially all our dear mothers and grandmothers for Mother’s Day. Best wishes also to those who are ill, and we have heard that sisters Jerome, Kausek, Kvaternik, Berthohn and Sherse are ill at home. Sister Jennie Zupec is at the Universitiy of Minneapolis Hospital and in nursing homes are sisters Stimac, Strahan, Steblay, Setnikar, Oberstar, and Mi hevc. Please visit our sick sisters and give them a bit of cheer. All my good wishes to the mother of our Zveza, Marie Prisland on this special day. May good health return to our dear Albina and to all our Supreme Officers, our gratitude for your fine work for the progress and success of our organization. Again, Happy Mother’s Day to all! Mary Lenich, Sec. No. 20, Joliet, III. Our sincere condolences to the family of our deceased member, Anna Simunovich who passed away on Good Friday at. the age of 80. She joined our branch Nov. 8, 1928 almost from the beginning, therefore, she was a mem ber over 40 years. She was recommended by Antonia Lustick and was buried from St. Anne's church at Crest Hill to St. Mary’s Nativity cemetery where her husband already rests some 40 years. She was a widow all these years rearing her family who survive her, namely, Mrs. Mary Egizijo, daughter and two sons, John and George; also four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Those who escorted Mrs. Simunovich on her last journey were secretary Olga Ancel, Josephine Erjavec, Antonia Sandal, Josephine Muster and Mary Bozic. Of the latter two, Mrs. Muster is our vice-president and Mary Bozic is vice-president of the Croatian church society “Krunica” and her daughter, Joan, is our new member. The former assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Nativity church Rev Joseph Jurkovich, passed away. For some years he was pastor of St. Alexis parish in Bensenville and was 55 years of age at the time of his death. He is survived by our member, Mrs. Dehn, two brothers and two sisters in the religious order. Mrs. Catherine Zadel lost her son, Albert, age of 59 of Downers Grove. He resided in Joliet until moving there two years ago. He was a World War II veteran, receiving a purple heart. Besides his mother, he is survived by his wife, two sons, two brothers and a sister, Helen Pluth, and granddaughters, Christine and Mary Pluth. Wish to mention a correction. The late I.eo Adamich was married twice: to Barbara Rozman, his first wife and Mrs. Anna Flander was his second wife. He Is also survived by daughter and son and many relatives. His nieces are in the religious order in Lemont. Otir auditor, Mrs. Emma Nosse was a very successful chairman for the sale of sausages at Eastertime for the Catholic High School Band Ass’n, which net proceeds were for the benefit of the school. Congratulations to Carita Ancel, third daughter of secretary, Olga Ancel who was inducted into the Honor Society at St. Francis Academy. She is also one of the highest students of the Academy. Sick members reported in the past month were: Mrs. Catherine Smolich, Mayme Haggerty and Mrs. Mary Kolar of Raub St. and Anna Mahkovec at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Sec. Olga Ancel announces that during this Convention Campaign, we gained 26 new members. The president thanks all who have worked in this campaign. We congratulate St. Gen Society No. 108 of KSKJ upon their celebration in April and the 50 year members on their success during the years. Officers who are also our members are: Mrs. Johnna Krall, president: Mary Cohill, secretary for many years, Mary M. Terlep, treasurer; Mary Am-brozich and Mrs. Kunstek, trustees: Mrs. Theresa Kaleto, Mrs. Marge Gasperich, one of our loyal bowlers and officers of the Bowling League, Mary Golobich, member since 1932 and longtime honorary officer of St. Gen’s. BOWLERS IH THE No. 2, Chicago, III., Bowling News. The Chicago S .W. U. bowling league has a new leader, with only two more weeks to bowl. (Seems impossible—- winter’s been so long!) As of March 31, Marquette Service Station held first place with a record of 63% wins and 32% losses. Zefran Funeral Home, which had led thru most of the season, fell to second place, two and a half games behind, with 61 wins and 35 losses. There also was quite a bit of shuffling around among the other contenders. Barbara’s Beauty Shop (51% wins and 44% losses) rose to third place. Wagner's Bakery fell into a fourth place tie with John F. Cuneo with 50% wins and 45% losses. Dr. Grill’s 49% wins and 46% losses dropped them to sixth place. Individual and team handicap leaders remained the same during March, but there still was some impressive bowling. A. Vucko’s 571 series highlighted individual bowling efforts. This included a 242 game. S. Gorka wasn’t too far behind witlh a 562 series. A. Persa had the good fortune to roll two high series during the month —520 and 518. A. Kovac’s 515 series included a 216 game. L. Hasek rounds out the list of top bowlers with a 507 series. Other high games were bowled by A. Scambiatteria (204) and S. Melissa (2I03 and 198.) Picking up railroads continues to be a popular pasttime. The list for March: L. Ovnik, 5-7, 3-10; B. Zallk, 5-8-10; C. Wrezzes, 5-10, 2-7, 4-7-10: M. Zahorsky, 3-10,4-5-7; 5-7; L. Zefran, 5-8-10, 6-7-9; M. Reinholz, 3-10, 2-7-8, 4-5; E. Kroschel, 5-6; E. Stat-kus, 2-7, 3-10; A. Marrazzo, 5-10; L. Putzell, 2-7, 3-9-10; S. Gorka, L. Hasek, J. Ovnik, J. Muelleman, C. Lexa, 3-10; S. Melissa, S. Rada, 5-7-9; H. Fitzgerald, A. Persa, 4-5-7. See you next month when we wind up the season! Barbara Zurek Congratulations also go to Mrs. Mary Cohil as “Woman of the Year” in the Altar and Rosary Society for our parish and who is to attend the convention of all church societies of the parishes In Joliet, sponsored by the Women’s Council, and held at St. Charles Seminary. Since our next meeting in May will be a very Important one in regards to our Convention the following week in Cleveland-Euclid, Ohio, the members are invited to attend. At this meeting we will have a little party in honor of our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Caroline Gregorich ,and all mothers of the branch. Movies will be shown by your reporter of our recent trip to Europe. Do not miss this “HOME STRETCH” No. 20, Joliet, III., Bowling News.— As of this writing, the 1969 70 Bowling Champs are Bluth’s Sausage team. They have been the leaders all the way. Congratulations! Captain is Virginia Guertln and team-mates, Ann Sternisha, Mary Lou Bluth, Betty Lakotich and Agnes Verbiscer. In second place we have Shep’s Sunoco Service Station; this team consists of Marge Gasperich, Capt., Ann Kobe. Millie Briski, Jo Sumic, Dorothy Jaksetich. Merichka’s Restaurant and Northwest Recreation Club are fighting for third place. Fred C. Dames Funeral Home is in 5th and American Slo venian Home is in last place. Don’t worry, girls, you can practice this summer and be the champs In 1970-71! Congratulations to all. Plans for the spring banquet are being made. It will be at Syl’s Restaurant. Lil Andreson rolled a 532 series in March and a 208. Could it be she got some instructions from Evelyn Gregory? What is Evelyn showing all the girls that makes them bowl so good? The only one it did not help was Mary Reziclc — she was all shook! Vicki Bernikas had a 510-505 series: Marge Wajchert 505 and Gen Klain-sek 519. Just thought a few of the girls would be interested in an article that appeared in the Joliet Herald News on March 20, 1970. “Fifty years Ago, March 20, 1920. Winning top honors in the team events in the ninth annual SWUBT in Sheboygan, Wis., was the Moderne Fur Shoppe of Joliet, captain, Edith Ogrin. Other members of the team were: Jo Ramuta, Mary Briick, Jo Bucliar and Ann Shray. Its score of 2385 was the highest ever attained in the nine tourneys of the organization.” How about that! Even 50 years ago the Slovenian women were great bowlers! Next issue will give the complete list of winners and all the highlights of our banquet. So, until next month. ro long. Gen Klainsek privilege — do come. Meeting is May 17th at 1:30 p. m. With best, wishes. Josephine Erjavec No. 23, Ely Minn., Dawn Club. — Plans for the annual dinner meeting of the Ely Dawn Club to be held May 20th are being formulated, according to Margie Preshiren, club president. Ann Miklaucic won the door prize at the March meeting and thank you cards were read from Jenny Deyak and Mary Knapp, both of whom were recently hospitalized. The lunch committee hostesses for the next meeting are, Angela Walll. Jennie Pusari, Ruth Zacerl, Mary Knapp and Ann Rowe. Margaret Somrock, Reporter No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. We had 27 members attend the March meeting. At this meeting, Anna Trontel was voted as our delegate to the National Convention in Cleveland-Euclid, O. We also discussed our luncheon and card party to he held on May 19th at the Slovenian Hall on 57t.h St. This luncheon will be at 12': 30 p.m. Donation will be $1.25 and members are asked to please bring a prize. Anyone wishing to pay their dues may do so before the luncheon. There will be no meeting in May, nor in July and August. Congratulations to Anna Trontel on being named our Mother of the Year. We welcome a new Junior member, Michael Francis Widina, grandson of Agnes Widina and great grandson of Magdalena Widina and Mrs. Veselic. Belated condolences to the Joseph Cesnik family on the tragic death of their daughter, Sister Catherine. A1 so, condolences to grandma Johanna Cesnik and aunt Anna Slosar, all members of Branch No. 26. Get well wishes to Mrs. Mary Coghe, who has been at St. Margaret’s hospital for a long time, also best wishes to all our sick and ailing members. Happy Mother’s Day, all! Anna Frankovic, Sec. No. 28, Calumet, Mich. — Our meetings were well attended during the winter months and now we wait the spring, we have plans for some ao tlvies. By the time this article will be pubished, we will have a guest party in April. Our guest parties are always a success. On Wed., May 18th, we will have our annual dinner, served at G p. m. Members are asked to bring a wrapped gift for the social hour. The committee has selected Mrs. Mary Bracco as Mother of the Year. Mrs. Bracco has been a member nearly 40 years and attended meetings regularly. She was secretary for several years, and at present holds the office of trustee. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Theresa Skufca on the loss of her sister and to Mrs. Angeline Cekada on the loss of her husband. Mrs. Anna Stanfil met with an accident and we wish her a speedy recovery. Our get well wishes and prayers are offered to all our sick and shut in members. Bon voyage to all making trips to Europe this year and hope you will have a wonderful time. Best wishes to everyone for a pleasant summer and good health. Anne Heinemann, Pres. No. 33, Duluth, Minn. The Slovenian Women’s meeting for April at Br. 33 was very well attended. The weather was surprisingly nice after the snow we had for Easter a few days before. We would like to encourage our younger members (teeagers) to become interested in our meetings and to perhaps even participate in some of the activities. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas please contact Mrs. Schmeling or Mrs. A. DelZotto. We would like at this time bid them WELCOME to our next meetings especially. Mothers and daughters it would be very nice to see you at our Mother of the Year dinner and meeting. In May, our Mother of the Year. Mrs. Helena Ellena will be honored. There will be Mass at 0:00, and then our annual Dinner and meeting. We are in hopes of seeing a lot of the members out and attending this touching occasion. Yours truly had the privilege to be chosen last year and I can honestly say its an experience I shall long cherish. Again congratulations to Helena and Happy Mother’s Day to Mothers and Grandmothers everywhere. God Bless You All. Handiwork items are being sought for a booth at the Convention in Euclid. Any handiwork is to be brought to the next meeting so they may be prepared to be sent out. The proceeds from the sale of these things go toward the Scholarship Fund for the Zveza. I know we have many talented ladies in Br. 32 who do beautiful handiwork. All donations and contributions will be greatly appreciated. Would like to mention our book FROM SI.OVENIA — TO AMERICA. They make a nice gift and good reading. A speedy recovery to our members on the sick list whether at. home or in hospitals. Our warmest, thoughts and wishes to members in nursing homes or unable to get out. “Sunshine—Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” Florence Burger, Reporter No. 50, Cleveland, O. Hello, members! Thank you all for attending the March meeting. We had a lovely group. Changing our location from the St. Clair Area, we miss some of our members very much — who cannot attend because of transportation. We hope this will soon be remedied. Discussed were plans for our Debutante Cotillion Ball and Convention that is coming up during (lie week of May 23 to 27 and the outlook is just fine, everyone is cooperating. Especially Mr. Tony Petkovšek, who is really going all out on his daily Radio Program. Our Campaign girl, Ann Hočevar, is not only busy getting new members, she also managed to go to Hawaii with the Tony Petkovšek group. We are anxiously awaiting her to get all the details of her adventure. Last month we omitted Mary Pet-rich's name from among our new members and she was the first to join our branch during this member ship campaign. Oh, my, doesn't Ann Kristoli look wonderful? Maybe we should all follow her advice to watch what we eat and look good. There are some members who just pay attention to notices that are sent in regards to dues; so we wish to remind you all, to help Marie Beck, our good secretary, to keep her books in order by looking at the dues book once in a while and checking your payments. When you cancel your dues it’s really your loss, so please, think it over and let Mrs. Beck know what you intend to do about your membership. Congratulations to Ellen Plescia who is a brand new mommy to a darling baby girl and making Julia Hrovat a grandma, too. Best of health to all our sick members especially Evana Mandel and Celia Žnidaršič. See you all at. out Convention affairs. Jane Novak, Reporter No. 52, Kitzville, Min. — Dearest sisters, our meeting again was held at the Little Grove and a large turnout. It was a great disappointment to all that our wig expert did not show up. She had to go to another town and was unable to be present. But, we will be looking forward to having tier at the next meeting if everything goes well. We wish to express our gel. well wishes to all who are ill and wish them Godspeed to a rapid recovery. Sister Margaret Pogorels was confined to the Chisholm Hospital and we hope she is now well on the road to recovery. Meeting was brief and the only important discussion was on the con vention project lor our delegate’s expenses. Please, if you have not pur chased yours, do so as soon as possible. The cost is great and the more you sell and get In, the less we will have to pay out. It’s for our own delegate. Josephine Oswald, our president led us in the concluding prayer and afterward, we were served a delicious lunch by hostesses, Elizaboth Spinelli, Frances Jerkovich, Muriel Sabatini and Phyllis Povalich. Prizes wento to sisters Mary Techar, Gertrude Koche var, Genevieve Zidarich, Ann Roberts. Julia Mancuso, Rose Clilodi, Ivana Prelesnik, Angeline Russ and door prize to Rose Chiodi. A delightful evening. To all our mothers, we wish them a very happy Mother’s Day and God Bless you all! Next meeting at the Little Grove May fith. Please try to be present. Summer is again coming along so now that traveling will be heavy on the roads, take care as we want to i ee each an everyone of you around lor quite a while. May God bless yo.i all and keep you in the best of heath. Getrude Kochevar, Reporter No. 54, Warren, Ohio. Our branch wil celebrate the Mother-Daughter Banquet at the Brown Derby restaurant on Teusday, May 19th at 6 p.m. It will be hed in their upstairs Banquet room and we would like to have a nice turnout to honor Betty \ adas, our 1970 Mother of the Year who certainly is deserving of this honor. You can make your reservations for the dinner with Josehine Kason, Phone 369 2009 or Mary Waltko, Phone 309 4534. You can bring your daughter or mother with you or another guest. Be prompt and try to come. We haven’t gone out for a few years and we wish to make this an occasion to remember. Get well wishes to Matilda Ilek. who is now' at GU’ette Nursing Home on North Rd. You can send her a. card. She’d like that and also Mrs. l.lizabeth Persin who is ailing. Vic Zuga had a happy Easter son, Leonard and wife, Connie were home a.ter being gone for three years. He’s a Na.y man and had just returned from Pearl Harbor. Happy Mother’s Day to all and God’s blessing. Joanne Ponikvar, Sec’y. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. The March meeting was held in the church rectory with Vice President Agnes Barkis presiding. A short social followed and cards were played with prizes awa.ded to Mrs. Clifford Barkis and Mrs. Louis Drobnick, canasta; Mrs. Dan Skorich and Mrs. Mark Marolt. "500”; and Mrs. Anna Brklich and Mrs. John Rapinac, “B.” Lunch committee members were the Mranes, Mary Massich, Mary Put-zel, Rose Koemptgen and Rose Vukich. A get well wish for all the sick members and we wish the members that feel well will make it to the meetings. Bring a propespective member aong if possible. Margaret Skorich, Reporter No. 73, Warrensville, Ohio. — Hi ladies! Your scribe it back with a lew notes of inerest about the activities of our members. John Novak was married on March 21st in Shelby, North Carolina where lie has been teaching. His bride is also a teacher. His mother, Josephine flew down for the wedding. Open house for the newlyweds was held here on March 27th at his mother’s home. We wish the happy couple the best of everything in the future. John was a repeient of an SWIT Scholarship Award. Dan Adamovich finished his basic training and was home on a two week leave. He is at San Diego Naval Training Center where he is training to Le a Dental Technician. Gloria D.isek and family traveled to Florida for a few weeks for some sun and fun. Son Steven made his First Holy Communion on April 19th. Grandma Helen Dusek has been holding down the fort while they have been away. Congratulations are extended to the Hrl and Grsyk families. Ann Grsyk will be a great-grandmother and daughter, Helen, a grandmother for the first time. Son, Toni and wife are expecting a blessed event in a month. Helen just celebrated her 37th birthday which makes her a young grandma. Lydia Ann Hrl will be married on August 29th to Walter Koenig of Houston, Texas. Reception will be held at the Riviera Club. Ron Hrl wil graduate from Bedford Hi in June. To Betty Bayus, our chosen Mother of the Year, we extend our congratulations and good wishes for lasting health and happiness through many years to come. On the sick list was Eleanore Svet-te. Home from the hospital now and on the mend. Sophie Mauer also spent sometime in the hospital. Adeline King is in the hospital for 3 weeks. Very ill at Charity Hospital is Dan Zabukovec, husband of Louise. We ask that evei"yone pray for his recovery. For all these sick members we offer our prayers for a rnnut recovery. Kay Yuratovac, Pres. No. 81, Keewain, Minn. We had a very large turnout of members for our first meeting of 1970. During our business meeting all present officers were re-elected: President, Mrs. Matt Brletitch; Vice-President, Mrs. Edward Golla; Secretary, Mrs. Milo Prebeck; Treasurer. Mrs. Joseph Marolt; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Joseph Boben; Auditing Committee, Ann, Sophie and Mary Michelich; Sergeant at Arms, Mrs. Matt Kolak; Reporters, Mrs. Mary Kolar, and Mrs. Joseph Bolf; Spiritual Advisor. Rev Father McEnery. A Mother’s Day Mass on May 10th will be celebrated at St. Mary’s Catholic church. Members are asked to receive Holy Communion on this day for whatever intentions they may have. Following the Mass all Mothers wil have a Mother’s Day Breakfast at the Open Kitchen Cafe. Our meeting was closed with prayer and a delicious lunch was served by Ann, Sophie and Mary Michelich. Mrs. Matt Sametz won the Attendance prize. Hostesses for the April meeting were Mrs. Joseph Marolt and Mrs. Joseph Boben. Clem Rolf, Reporter No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. At last, spring is here! Boy, it certainly was a long, hard winter. We felt it especially in the small turnout of members at the last few meetings. After our business and discussion, we played games and enjoyed refreshments served. A very nice evening for all! It would be nice to have more of you members attend. After all, meetings are held only 4 times a year; in March, May September and December. So please, try to come out. Sad news to write and say we lost a dear and faithful member, Anna. Flisek. She had served past President and later as Treasurer. She is survived by her husband, Anton, a daughter, Agnes Ainrick and a son. Carl Flisek, also sisters, a brother, 7 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family. To all our departed, may God grant them eternal rest and to their families, our sympathies. We hope you will visit our sick members and let them know we are thinking of them or drop them a card. Best wishes to all for a speedy recovery. God bless you all. Anna K. Reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, 111. — I am terribly sorry that I was unable to attend our April meeting when the wildest tamtrums of mother nature dumped tons of snow on our fair city, nevertheless, two of our stalwart, stout hearted members, Mary Perkovich and Manda Dosen defied the snowstrm to attend our meeting which of course was canceled. Not many people are more unselfish, dedicated and loyal than Mary and Manda. A blessed Birthday to the following who are celebrating in May: Mary Barsevac, Eva Cora, Mary Prebeg, Marge Rozich, Lucille Svalina, Matilda Turica, Julia Drzal, and Mame Holmes. As you all know the month of May is dedicated to our blessed Lady, the Queen of Heaven and known to all of us as Mother’s Day, the day which brings mingled feelings and nostalgia, the laughter and the joy of loved ones gather around us has left a benediction, which we are quietly grateful. It won’t be easy to keep alive the glow of Mother’s Day in the world the way it is. All of our mothers will wish instinctively that we could hug the goodness of the day to our hearts and hold it forever to counteract the violence and hostility abroad in the world. Most of us will cherish the memory of yesterday and the love and beauty we found in it and will cling to the best we know is real while we struggle to mend this detective and troubled world. In my small way, I would like to extend my greetings to all our Mothers for their loyalty to our branch. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL! Mildred James No. 100, Fontana, Calif. Since 1 was unable to submit an article for Zarja in February, those lovely ladies whose birthdays were celebrated in that month are hereby acknowleged: sisters Mary Glad, Dorothy Petricli. Teresa Paro and Josephine Pondzo. Since the month of February also carries my natal day, I include myself among the lovely ladies! Boy! about conceited reporters! With personal pleasure, I am happy to be in the position to announce that we have an additional social member. We heartily embrace and welcome Mary Eernach to our family circle ol' Branch 100. Sister Bernach has a keen sense of humor and I am sure she’ll give um any laughs and hours of cheer. A reception was given in honor of Frank and Mary Videgar to commemorate their Golden Wedding An niversary. More than 300 friends were in attendance to partake in a traditional Slovenian dinner and to pay the guests of honor homage. Among those present was Mary’s sister. Pavla Voje who was flown here from Ljubljana, Slovenia as a surprise wedding gift. Just think for a moment, how happy the sisters will be reliving and sharing old memories and malting new unforgettable ones during the 6 weeks duration of Pavla’s visit. Felicitations to Frank and Mary Videgar from all the members. Sister Rose Montag is facing surgery and from what I understand, it will take place in a hospital back east. Rose, be assured, you are wished a speedy recovery and a speedier return to your many friends here in Fontana. We sang Happy Birthday to Frances Martin, Gertrude Rupert, Mary Arne- son, Mary Omaits and our major domo, Josephine Susel. The social that fol lowed the meeting was enhanced b> delicious goodies brought in by the birthday celebrants; In other words, we had a darn good time! Now is the time, ladies, to go through the house and garage looking for usable items for our rummage sale. So, gather up all you can and make our venture the most successful one date. Happy hunting! Remember our sick members in your daily prayers. I came across the following poem many years ago so every so often 1 read it to myself to keep it fresh in my mind. Perhaps some of our members will enjoy Its merits as much as I do. Don’t ever lose an old friend, no matter what the cause; We wouldn’t ever do it if we didn’t look for flaws. The one thing worth while having is the friend who stands the test. And, who has one such friend as this, knows friendship at its best . . . Bless you all, see you next month, God willing. Edith Drawenek, Reporter No. 103, Washington, D. C. Welcome to a new member, Mrs. Rosana Hugo of Washington, D. C. who was recommended by Miss Helena Špacapan. We hope that each member will tak the opportunity to welcome Mrs. Hugo personally. Unfortunately one of our sister members has moved to Texas with her family. We are sorry to hear that Elaine Fleming will not be in this area anymore but we do wish her well in her new residence. Junior member, Maria Mejac observed a very important event in her life during the first week in March. Marie made her first confession and Communion. Get Well wishes are extended to Becky Nagel. We hope that by the time this article is printed she will have undergone a complete recovery. Also wished good health is our Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak. We are sorry to hear of her illiness and hope that it is a temporary condition. Congratulations to the ladies who were nominated as Convention delegates. Miss Helen Krotec was elected by our group as delegate with Molly Thomas as alternate. Both ladles are extremely capable for this position. February was the month for Valentines and Branch No. 103 honored Its Sweetheart of the month, Miss Helena Špacapan witih a plant and a beverage set. Congratulations and Best Wishes are also extended to Mi’s. Molly Thomas who has been chosen as Mother of the Year from our branch. Molly will be honored at the Mother’s Day Program during the scheduled DECIDE NOW! MEMBERS OF SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION I THIS IS THE YEAR FOR SLOVENIA! Vacations from 3 weeks to 11 weeks, during May, June, July and \ August — prices from below $300.00 round trip jet fare. Kollander'6 group fares make it possible for you to take the trip of a lifetime, at lowest cost and worry-free. Join the many Slovenia-bound travelers this summer! Following are some of the dates available for group travel; 3—4 WEEKS 6—8 WEEKS May 25—June 1G May 18—June 30 May 25—June 23 June 22—Aug. 15 * June 4—June 25 june 23—Aug. 18 June 8—July 7 July 7—Aug. 18 June 9—June 30 july 13—Sept. 8 June 20—July 11 » July 20—Aug. 25 June 29—July 21 Aug. 10—Oct. G July 1—July 30 July 2—July 25 * Q I I UUECIfC July G—July 27 3—1 I WttlVd July 14—Aug. 11 OA . 1D July 27—Aug. 17 “ay 30 18 Aug. 5—Aug. 2G * _ Jun®*5 SePt- 1 Aug. 10—Sept. 9 Une W Aug. 31—Oct. 1 July 7 Sept- 15 * Direct Flights; ** Chicago1 Amsterdam- Ljubljana You will fly direct to Brnik Airport at Ljubljana via jet planes; half fares for children under 12 years and infants under age of 24 months pay only 10% of the fare! For all reservations and information, contact: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION c/o Mrs. Corinne Leskovar 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago, III. 60608 All travel arrangements by: K0LLANDER WORLD TRAVEL 589 East 185th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone: (216) 531-1082 IM 4 lil JI >11 I 'S %n HonoA. o$ YfLoiheA’i Q.ay, May meeting. We direct your attention to the article in the May issue nf the Mother’s of the Year section, where you can read more about our very active mother of the year. Valentine hostesses for the February meeting were Anna Cernelc and Kora Voyatzis and in March, Mrs. Mary Michelitch, Miss Freda Miche-litch and Mrs. Becky Nagel helped us celebrate the wealing of the green. April goodies were prepared by Miss Helena Špacapan and Anna Cigale. We commend all of the ladies for the delicious home baked pastries that they prepared and for the time and care in arranging such festive and creative table arrangements. Good Luck to the SWU Mixed Bowling League! They are culminating an enjoybale season of bowling. Final results will be announced upon competion of the season and the bowling banquet, The teams at this point are competing very closely and the final outcome is still a mystery. It has been a fun year of bowling and everyone on the team agrees that it was an extremely worthwhile venture. In commemoration of one of the most significant days in the year— Mother’s Day, we offer these words taken from a Jewish saying, “God could not be everywhere and therefore He made mothers.” Irene M. Planinšek No. 105, Detroit, Mich. Our meeting was held March 22nd at the home of Stephanie Hometz. The hostesses were Stephanie and Anna Senko. Everyone enjoyed the delicious luncheon they served. The meeting was opened with a prayer. Pauline Adamic read the minute? due to the absence of our secretary, Katherine Musick. We missed your smiling face, Katherine, and all the other members unable to attend. There wrere 15 members present, not a bad attendance considering the fog and snow we had (hat day. Pauline Adamic won a pair of Bird in Hand lint removers. Jennie Vidmar won a necklace and earrings set. Nice going, ladies. Happy to report that Julia Panzica attended our meeing. So glad you have recovered from your illness. We still have Josephine Kriser on our sick list. We wish her a speedy recovery. God bless you, Josephine! Birthday greetings to the following who celebrated in April: Alice Sheets. Fulvia Rosa and Anna Plazar. Audrey Krulic and Frances Seman gave an extra donation to our kitty. The next meeting is scheduled for May 24th. In April we met at the home of Ann Anzick. I’ll bee o’ in' u! Frances Seman, Reporter ///, HOYS AND GIRLS! "They say that man is mighty, He governs land and sea, He wields a mighty scepter O’er lesser powers than he; But mightier power and stronger Man from his throne has hurled. For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.” Throughout history Mothers proved a great influence and inspiration on writers, scientists and world leaders. Madonna Pica, the mother of Francesco Bernardone, lived in the twelfth century. She came from Provence in southern France, famous for its singers and troubadours, and was the wife of Pietro Bernardone, a rich merchant of Assisi. Madonna Pica, whose son was borin in 1182, loved the beauty and romance of Provence and told her son Francesco many old stories and legends. A deep bond of sympathy existed between Francesco and his mother, and she had much to do with his training. During his struggle with his lather, who had no sympathy with his religious life, she upheld him. She was happy when she heard that he was indeed the servant of God, helping all those in distress far more than any knight of chivalry could have done. “All people are his brothers and sisters; he gives them whatever he can and he gives in the spirit of love. He has become a Knight of God," she told her friends in Assisi. The mother of William Shakespeare was the youngest daughter of Robert Arden, the landlord of William Shakespeare’s grandfather. Her family was one of the oldest and most respected in the town of Wilmecote near Stratford. In the year 155G, when Mary Arden was about twenty years old, her father died. The following year she married John Shakespeare. William Shakespeare was the eldest son of a family of eight children and it. is from his mother that he inherited many of the fine qualities in his character and creative ability. She, no doubt, gave him an ideal of womanhood which inspired some of the noble women in his plays. George Washington said he owed all his training of mind and morals and his successes to his mother. Mary Ball was born in Virginia in 1708 and was married to Augustine Wash ington in 1730 when she was twenty-two years old. She taught George to revere God and be generous and kind “to all living creatures”. She urged her illustrious son to “fulfill the high destinies which heaven appeared to have intended for him.” Washington’s mother lived until 1789, the year of her famous son’s inauguration as first President of the United States. The inscription on his monument reads: All that I am, I owe to my Mother. Katherine Elizabeth Textor was born in Frankfort in 1731 and married Caspar von Goethe in 1748. Her joyous nature, sense of humor, imagination and love of story telling influenced her son, Johann Wolfgang and stimulated his genius. She helped to devolp that creative work for which he is famed. Goethe became Germany’s most famous writer and is considered one of the greatest literary geniuses in the history of the world. Born on November 11, 1744, in Weymouth, Massachusetts, Abigail Smith, a delicate child, did not attend school but was instructed by her grandmother with whom she lived. When she was twenty, she married John Adams, a young laywer, and they made their home just outside of Boston. Her son, John Quincy Adams, was born in 1767. Mrs. Adams courageously took care of her children while her husband was in Philadelphia with other Patriots. Through her writings and her character she was a social and political influence, and was the wife of one president and the mother of another. She lived until 1818. John Quincy wrote this tribute to his mother: My mother was an angel upon earth . . . Her heart was the abode of heavenly purity. She had no feelings but of kindness and beneficence . . . She had known sorrow, but her sorrow was silent ... If there is existence and retribution beyond the grave, my mother is happy. But if virtue alone is happiness below, never was existence upon earth more blessed than hers. Maria Letizia Ramolino, the mother of Napoleone Buonaparte, was born in Ajaccio, on the island of Corsica, about 1750. In 1764, she married Car- lo Buonaparte, a young soldier. Although they were very poor, Charles managed to secure for their two oldest sons, Giusseppe and Napoleon, scholarships in the Nobles’ School, one to be a priest, the other an officer. Marie Letizia, as mother of an Emperor, showed the same understanding, the same love and tenderness that she had when he was a child. These traits often brought the Emperor to her for her advice. She died in Rome when she was 86. Napoleon never allowed any one to spead ill of his mother. “My mother is a woman of courage and of great talent. She is capable of doing everything for me. It is to my mother, to her good precepts and upright example, that I owe my success and any great thing I have accomplished.” Born in Austria in 1755, Marie Antoinette was the daughter of Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria. When Marie Antoinette was fifteen, a marriage was arranged between her and Prince Louis of France. In 1774 Louis the XV died and the young couple became King and Queen. During the terrible days of the French Revolution, Marie Antoinette’s courage was a great comfort to her daughter, “Madame Royale", and to her son, the bewildered little Dauphin. I n 1793 he was taken from her by the angry mob, when only a little over five months had passed since the execution of King Louis. Grief stricken, Marie Antoinette maintained her fortitude until her execution on October 1G, 1793. In her last letter to her aunt she wrote, “through you I send them (her children) both my blessing ... If only they will both continue to think the thoughts with which all have never ceased to inspire them, namely that sound principles and the exact performance of duties are the prime foundations of life, and that mutual love and confidence will bring them happiness.” In a small Danish town where she married Hans Andersen, a cobbler, Ane Marie Andersdatter was born in 1767. In 1805, when she was thirty-eight and Hans Andersen twenty-three, Hans Christian Andersen was born. Ane Marie was very poor, a washerwoman, but sympatized with her son’s day dreams and ambitions. She was religious and superstitious, and told young Hans stories about goblins and fairies. Later he elaborated on them and told the story of his lile in his books. “Whenever Hans Christian wanted to describe a staunch and loving mother ... he went to his childhood." Born in 1777 in Berlin Leah Salomon was the daughter of fairly well-to-do parents. When she was visiting Paris she met Abraham Mendelssohn, whom she married in 1804. Intellectual, skilled in many languages, she had creative ability in music. Felix, the oldest boy of their four chlidren, was born in 1809, four years after his adored sister Fanny. The children inherited from their mother fine traits of character and musical ability ,and she taught them their first music lessons. The weekly musicals in the Mendelssohn home were attended by many distinguished people. Leah lived to see her son a famous composer and musician before she died in 1842. She was endowed with rare qualities of head and heart, a devoted wife and mother, “a leading star on ther path of life.” Abraham Lincoln said: All that I am or hope to be I owe to my mother. Lincoln was fortunate in having two mothers who loved him and did all in their power to see that he received some education. His real mother, Nancy Banks, known as a sweet-tempered and beautiful young woman, married Thomas Lincoln, in 180G. Nancy Lincoln took great pains to teach her two children, Nancy and Abraham, what she knew of Bible lore, fairy tales and legends. She it was who made a new home for the little family in Indiana, where she died in 1818. Abraham Lincoln’s stepmother was Sarah Bush Johnstown. She was a young widow with three children of her own when she married Thomas Lincoln in 1819. Abraham received a great deal of encouragement in his habits of reading and study from Sarah Lincoln. Between the two grew a relation of sympathetic understanding and confidence, which lasted throughout Abraham Lincoln’s lifetime. She said: “Abe, learn all you can, and maybe you’ll be somebody of account in the world.” Abba May Alcott’s daughter Louisa wrote of her: “The great deep heart that was a home for all, Just, eloqent and strong Wide charity, that knew no sin, no fall.” Louisa’s love for her mother was rich, deep and enduring, and to her mother she owed more than to any other person, for it was “Marmee” who understood and encouraged her Thomas A. Edison spoke of his mother Nancy in these words: “I did not have my mother very long, but in that length of time she cast over me an influence which has lasted all my life ... If it had not been for her appreciation and her faith in me at a critical time in my experience, I should very likely never become on inventor.” From Scotland came Andrew Carnegie. And it is to his mother Margaret he owed many of the qualities which helped him succeed in the world—thrift, ambition, energy, pride and love and service for his fellow-men. He was a steel manufacturer, a philanthropist, and one of the most remarkable foreign-born Americans. Scottish born James Barrie was greatly influenced in his writings by his mother Margaret. He loved her dearly and wrote this word-plcture of her “For when you looked Into my mother’s eyes you knew, as if He had told you, why God sent her into the world— it was to open the minds of all who looked to beautiful thoughts.” After his father’s early death Robert’s mother Mary Peary was her son’s comrade and shared his love of outdoor life and interest in all nature around him. She knew of his hun- LOVE YOUR DEAR OLD GRANNY Don’t ignore your Granny Just because that she is old. I’ll bet she’s wise in many things, that she has never told. The last time that you passed her house, It might have been a year ago, Perhaps you looked at her and grunted, But no kiss or fond hello. You needn’t make long visits, To tire Granny out, Why not send a pretty card That SHE can brag about. Your Granny too has feelings Even though you think her queer, She looked with love upon your birth, To her each child is dear, Perhaps she don’t have money To make your call “Worthwhile,” Perhaps she doesn’t even dress In what you think is style. You would do well to just remember, That she is human too, The way you treat your Granny, Your conscience depends on you. You have so many comforts, That your Granny never knew She helped to build a better world, For thoughtless kids like you! So, if you ignore your Granny, You will the loser be — Someday — you’ll be an oldster too, And feel the same as she. gry curiosity and eager longing to discover about unknown, mysterious things. She knew he would never give up in his search for the North Pole following his motto: “I shall find a way or make one.” Ills eighth expedition in 1909 was successful. In 18li7 Marie Sklodowska was born in Warsaw, Poland. As a young girl she dreamt of discovering something exiting—"something which could make the world better." When she married Pierre Curie in Paris she Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 * Grandmothers Are Very Special People Grandmothers are expert cooks and make certain dishes better than anyone else in the world. They’re forever buying presents. There should be a Grandmother’s Day, but since there iin’t, Mother’s Day can do double duty. Today, grandmothers are as young in spirit as their daughters. They like to be in fashion which makes it easy to buy gifts for them. A few suggestions are: a gay print scarf, a lovely shift or a treat to the beauty parlor. * * * Three favorite recipes have come from Mrs. Josephine Oblak, Felton, California. Because Felton does not have a S. W. U. branch, Mrs. Oblak has retained her membership in Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio, her former home. BARBECUED SPARERIBS Vi cup brown sugar I tablespoon salt (optional) 1 tablespoon celery seed 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon rozemary 2 or 3 pounds pork spareribs Vi cup vinegar or wine 1 cup canned tomato sauce Mix the dry ingredients, and rub part of the mixture into the ribs. made up her mind to be a devoted wife as well as his helper and coworker in scientific research. In 1898 Pierre and Marie discovered radium— a great gift to mankind. Her daughter Irene followed in her parents footsteps and worked with her mother while another daughter Eve became a well-known pianist. The lat-ter's story of “Marie Curie, My Mother" is a beautiful memorial to a great discoverer in science, a noble and self-sacrificing woman, and a dearly loved Mother—who gave freely of her knowledge, her time, herself and her love. Throughout this issue of Zarja the mothers honored have played an influential and inspiring role in their families, their community and the organization. Their offspring needn’t be the great writers, scientists and world leaders. Yet all play in the various roles of life, doing God’s work here on earth. May Mary our Heavenly Mother bless you on Mother’s Day and the whole year through. Your friend REGINA Combine what is left with the vinegar and tomato sauce for a barbecue basting sauce. Let ribs stand an hour or longer (overnight), if convenient, then spread on rack in shallow open pan and bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees) about IV2 hours, basting once in a while, with the barbecue sauce. Serves 4. Mrs. Oblak adds: “When you want to serve the above from the GI1ILL, it is suggested to pre-cook the spareribs until almost tender in the oven of the kitchen range, then finish them over the coals on the grill. Um-Yum-Yum! Can’t you just imagine the tantalizing outdoor barbecued scent?" CRAB-STUFFED AVOCADO >/2 cup mayonnaise 21 haid boiled eggs, chopped Vi cup chopped celery 2 tablespoons chopped pimento 1 teaspoon dry mustard V4 teaspoon salt 3 medium avocados % pound crab legs or 6 to 8 oz. canned crab meat Combine the first six ingredients. Chill, peel and halve the avocados lengthwise. Carefully twist to remove seed. Brush with lemon juice. Fill with egg mixture and top with crab. Serve with lemon wedges. Serves G. * * * Another POTICA CAKE recipe was sent to my mother by Mrs. Frances Itaspet, Pueblo, Colorado. POTICA CAKE % cup butter 1 Vž cups sugar 4 eggs 3 cups flour lYz teaspoon baking powder 1VŽ teaspoon baking soda 2 cups sour cream 1% teaspoon vanilla Filling: 1 cup ground nuts Vž cup brown sugar 2 tablespoon flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon Cream, butter and sugar, add eggs one at a time, sift dry ingredients together three times and add slowly to creamed mixture, alternate with the sour cream. Add vanilla. (Use a tube pan, greased and floured). Pour a layer of batter, then a layer of filling, then another layer of batter, etc, until both are used. MAKE SURE to end with the batter as the top layer. Bake 1 hour and 15 minutes, in a 350 degree oven. Cool 011 rack for 15 minutes, then take out of pan an put on the rack to finish cooling. When cooled thoroughly, sprinkle with powdered sugar. REALLY DRY Fat man (to motorist who had bumped into him): “Couldn’t you have gone around me?” Motorist: “I wasn’t sure I had enough gas." My husband and I were invited to a friend’s home one Sunday for Brunch from 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. It was the only time available for the guest couple were leaving Madison. It was a lovely affair after the 10 o’clock Mass with 21 people present. The wives wondered how the hostess ever got everything ready. (She served FAKE OMELET as the main dish which she prepared the night before). First, on a smaller serving table there was a choice of orange juice or grapefruit sections. Then on the main table, buffet style, the FAKE OMELET was surrounded with a huge platter of thinly sliced ham freshly cut from a whole baked ham, small buttered rolls for the ham, two large strawberry jello salads (prepared the day before) topped with sour cream, coffee cake and lots of hot coffee. Individual trays were used for eating. FAKE OMELET 8 slices buttered bread, crusts removed 1 cup grated cheese 1 cup ground ham 3 slightly beaten eggs 2 cups of milk Vfe teaspoon salt Line a greased 8 inch pan with 4 slices of buttered bread, buttered-side down. Sprinkle over bread 1 cup grated cheese and over cheese 1 cup ground ham. (These amounts may be increased up to 2 cups if you want a heartier dish). Place 4 more buttered slices of bread on top of ham, buttered side up. Over this overgrown sandwich pour a mixture of 3 slightly beaten eggs mixed with 2 cups of milk and Vi teaspoon salt. Let stand In refrigerator. Bake next morning at 300 degrees for 2 hours. (If the 4 slices of bread do not completely cover the pan fill in with bits of bread cut to fit.) For a brunch dish sprinkle liberally with chopped parsley. For a luncheon dish, serve with mushroom sauce: a favorite is 2 cans undiluted mushroom soup with one or two cans of sliced mushrooms, liquid included — mix and simmer for a few minutes then serve hot in separate dish or gravy boat to spoon over omelet like gravy. Serves 6 to 8 people. MY QUICKIE BEAN SALAD 1 large can Red Kidney Beans 1 cup Sweet Pickle Relish 1 cup sliced celery (optional: sliced onions, green pepper, sliced hard cooked eggs.) Mix, chill, and serve. * * * Dear Delegates to the S. W. U. Convention: See you in Cleveland and please don’t forget to bring your treasured recipes. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Hermine MOTHERS OF THE YEAR FRANCES KROLNIK SOPHIE BOGOLIN MARGARET KOCHEVAR MARY RAUH MARY FAKULT ROSE SKUL No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. FRANCES KROLNIK The Sheboygan Branch has selected Mrs. Frances Krol nik for its Mother of the Year. She is an active member and former vice-president of our branch. Born in Aurora, Minnesota, Mrs. Krolnik, nee Tagel, moved with her parents to Sheboygan in 192G. On June 5, 1937 she was married to Max Krolnik who passed a-way December 29, 1958. Three children were bom to Mr. and Mrs. Max Krolnik: Maxine, a member of our branch, is the wife of Dr. George N. Kaprelian. They live in Sunnyvale, California. Maxine, a former dental hyglenist, won a Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship for the year 1958-59. The second daughter, Dorothy, is married to Mr. Gilbert Kaat and resides with her family in Sheboygan. The Kroliks’ only son, Anthony, lives at home. Afflicted with hemophilia for 23 years, he survived this ailment due to constant nursing and loving care of his mother. Mrs. Prances Tagel, mother of Mrs. Krolnik, was in her days a very active and faithful member and served our Sheboygan branch as a Sentinel for many years. Her mother-in-law, Mrs. Johanna Krolnik was so enthused about belonging to a women’s organization that she had asked to be enrolled even before our branch was founded. The officers and members of Branch No. 1, are wishing our Mother of the Year and her lovely family good health and God’s blessings. Marie Prisland No. 2, Chicago, III. SOPHIE lJOGOLIN A 100% Zveza family claims their mom as Mother of the Year! Gary, Loretta, Robert and Josephine Bogolin think she’s tops and so do we. Sophie Bogolin has been a member of Br. 2 since her childhood. Her mother, Josephine Železnikar is the Supreme Treasurer and celebrating her silver anniversary as president of the branch. Recalling the old days, Sophie was an active bowler when the Chicago league first got stated. She was one of the singer-actresses that made the Chicago SWU Choral Club so popular. Those were the days of concerts, mus icals, minstrel shows and travels all over lor appreciative audiences! Now, she is employed as a secretary and keeping home nice at 1927 W. 22nd Place. Her two eldest children are in high school and the two younger ones attend St. ROSE JENKO ALPNER MARGARET MESOJEDEC ANNA TRONTEL HELENA A. ELLENA CAROLINE GREGORCICH THERESA LACH Stephens. Sophie and her husband Ed were married Sept. 6, 1952. When her dad, John Železnikar, Sr., and mother came to America they went to the coal mining region of West Virginia where Sophie was born July 22, 1922 and her two brothers before her. She was just a tot "hen the family moved to Chicago and began the J-Z Fuel Oil business that ended with her dad’s retirement a few years ago. Sophie is a perfectionist — a person who does a beautitul job in what ever she tackles. For G years she was the Home Office Assistant and Br. 2 has bene-fitted by her help for many, many years. Appreciation from all her sister members goes to Sophie along witih lots of love and good wishes. No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. MARGARET KOCHEVAR On Aug. 22, 193G, Mother of the Year, Margaret Koche-var and her husband Rudolph stated thpir marriage vows. At that time she was Miss Margaret Armanini. The Kochevars have reared 6 wonderful children: Rudy, Carolyn, John, Mark, Margie and Mary Jo. Two grandchildren complete the family. This year they celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary. At the Kochevar home ,1629 E. Orman in Pueblo, Margaret enjoys working in the yard and on cold winter evenings, she does crocheting and embroidering. The date of Nov. 27, 1909 is celebrated as her birthday and Baldwin, Colo., the place. She is vice-president of Br. 3 for the second year and is always helping in their activities. Best of luck to her and her family. No. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. MARY McCRACKEN Indianapolis is a big city and Slovenians there are iu large numbers. The community is active and busy witih a constant stream of events. Mother of the Year, Mary Turk McCracken, is one of those who enjoys social and church work and is always on hand. She is a charter member of the branch, too, so she is certainly a most loyal member. Mary was born on June 4, in 1908. She man-led Harry McCracken in 1939 and their home is at 948 N. Haugh St. 1 hey have 7 children. Three oldest daughters are in the religous order and they are Sister Janice, Sister Jac queline and Sister Nancy. Then come Marilyn and three boys: Stephen, John and Harry, Jr. Two grandchildren help to make grandma and grandpa specially happy. The branch extends loving wishes to their Mother of the Year! No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. ROSE JENKO ALPNER Mother of the Year Rose Jenko Alpner was born at Metlika in Belokrajina, Slovenia on May 1, 1898 and this month will celebrate her 72nd birthday. She came to America in 1914, a young 16 year old miss and a few years later, married Frank Jenko who died in 1934. Rose is married to her second husband, Leonard Alpner since 1949. She has three children, and three stepchildren to hake hers a large, happy family. Her children are Jennie, Frances, Frank, Lenny, Frank and Evelyn. There are 6 grandchildren, 5 step-grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren and 11 great step-grandchildren. What a large and happy family! When time permits, Rose is a great gal for playing cards and being with people. She has a busy social life! But at home baking and cooking, she keeps her family content with home-made goodies, too. They live at 2178 S. 79th St., in West Allis. To their member and good friend, the members of Br. 12i wish an abundance of happiness for her birthday and Mother’s Day. No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. MARY KAUH In the far west coast city of San Francisco live the Railh family. Their home is at 127 Venus St., Mary I.eskovich Rauh comes from across the sea, was born in Austria, now a part of Jugoslovia. She was bom Sept. 14, 1884 and came to America in 1906. Two months later, she was married to her husband, Joseph Rauh, now deceased. Of their eight children, four are also deceased. Two daughters are Mary Rutte and Helen and sons are Rudy and Frank. All live in San Francisco except Mary who lives in Redwood City, Calif. There are 10 grand-chldren and 7 great-grandchildren and on the day her granddaughter was married, two lovely families of this area called Kranski Hrib were united, the Rauh and Troya families. Mary has added richly to the welfare of the branch and has donated many lovely crocheted pieces for the bazaars, etc. Crocheting is her favorite hobby. She has never been an officer but is a very loyal member. All the best to her and a very Happy Mother's Day! No. 14, Euclid, Ohio MARY FAKULT The members of Branch No. 14 in Euclid, Ohio are delighted to have as the Mother of the Year Mary Fakult. Mary was unanimously voted for at our yearly meeting. She is one of our charter members. Born Mary Centa on July 10, 1909, she married Frank Fakult on February 3, 1934. They have two children— Frank Jr. who is married and Maiy Therese who lives with her parents at 19419 Kildeer Avenue. Mary has been an auditor of Branch No. 14 for three years, but she has also participated in so many doings for the Slovenian Women’s Union it is almost impossible to list. A truly gracious person and hostess, she has always offered her services at the meetings. We have counted on her dependability at all our Card Parties, Dinners, and Social Events our Branch has participated in. She is always willing to help the officers and chairmen in any way she can—usually holding down a number of jobs at one time. It Is with deep gratitude that the members acclaim Mary as the Mother of the Year. Congratulations go out to her family who we know must very proud of her. So many of us would like to thank her for all her consideration to us, that we hope this is one way to say how much we really appreciate her. We look forward to loads of happy times together. With Mary’s dedication, how can we miss! Mitzi Globokar, Reporter No. 16, So. Chicago, III. ROSE SKUL Mother of the Year, Ro :e Skul is a young 85 year celebrant! No one would believe it — she’s that energetic and active. Her lovely white hair and friendly smile belies that age! Rose just recently lost her second husband, Frank Skul. She was married to him over 30 years. Her first hits band was Frank Banich, deceased many years ago. She reared 6 children, three of them also deceased. Son Frank is e:nployed by the city of Chicago as a plumber, Geoi'ge is a Lieutenant with the Chicago Fire Department and daughter, Ann is a housewife living in South Chicago. She has 3 grandchildren and of them, the eldest, Frank, Jr., is a doctor and surgeon of distinction at St. Ann’s Hospital in Chicago. Another grandson, Terrence is attending Loyola University and plans to become a doctor as is his brother. Mrs. Skul resides at 9811 Ave. I . where she lias lived for many years. Her 85th birthday was Jan. 6th. She was born at the village of Krlsa near Velka Gora in Slovenia. She arrived in Chicago at the age of 8. She always attends the meetings and in spite of her age, attends all the branch activities and donates toward these various affairs. The meirbers are grateful and happy to honor her as Mother of the Year of 1970! No. 20, Joliet, III. CARLOINE GREGORCICH One of our oldest and most respected menbers is Mrs. Caroline Gregorcich. She was born at T.ška fara in Slovenia and was 90 years old in September. She has been, for all those 90 years, a wonderful, warm, helpful person who lived a full and busy life. When she came to Ar. erica in 1888, she was just a child of 8. Ten yea's later she was already married to her husband, Matthew. They reared five sons and two daughters but both daughters are decesead. One son, Charles is owner of a book shop in downtown Joliet and another Joseph is a building contractor. Mrs. Gregorcich has 25 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren! As a member of Br. 20, she has contributed greatly to the activities and success of the past many years. In 1932, she became chairlady of the sewing circle and as a result, created dozens of Slovenian costumes and uniforms for the teams and groups. Everyone remembers the large number of ladies who appeared in Slovenian costumes in (hose years and most of all those dresses were the work of Mrs. Gregorcich. She still enjoys sewing today. On the vintage photo with Mrs. Gregorcich is her dear friend, the late Frances Horvat, dressed in their Slovenian costumes. Mrs. Gregorcich lives at 1024 N. Broadway. Her daughter-in-law, Evelyn is also a member and an ardent bowler in the SWU league for many years. Heartiest wishes to our distinguished Mother of the Year of Br. 20! No. 21, Cleveland, O. THERESA LACII For 12 years president of Br. 21 and prior to that, vice-president for 3 years, Mrs. Theresa Lach is a true leader. She is also very active in the women’s league and other branches. She is always doing something! She was born Oct. 21, 1899 at Vas Topol, Pošta Novu Vas pri Rakeku in Slovenia. She came to this country JOSEPHINE REISHUS FRANCES KENNEVICK HELEN SKOFF BETTY VADAS MARY KURJAN JENNIE PRAZNIK in 1923 and a year later married Frank l.ach. Then she was Theresa Markovich. They have 4 children, three sons, Frank, Jr., Joseph and Stanley and a daughter, Theresa. She has 9 grandchildren and 7 are boys; also, two darling granddaughters! Mrs. Lach is an avid seamstress and loves to crochet, too. Their home is on Cleveland’s west side at 13110 Crossburn Ave., in West Park. With all the best wishes and thanks of members of Br. 21, a happy Mother’s Day, Mrs. Lach! No. 22, Bradley, III. HELEN SEBASTIANI In just another year, Helen and Joseph Sebastiani will be celebrating their Silver Wedding Anniversary. They were married Jan. 26, 1946. They have four children: Angelo, Michael, Nancy and Steven and two grandchildren. The Sebastiani family lives at 283 S. Wabash Ave., in Bradley. Helen, born Yakofich, is a native of Bradley. She was born there Sept. 9, 1920. The members of Br. 22 elected her as their secretary 4 years ago and she has carried out her duties perfectly. They love her and wish her all the best on this holiday for Mothers and everyday! No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. ANNA TRONTEL It's so easy to count the credits of a lady like Mrs. Trontel. For twenty years she has been the president ol a wonderful branch, No. 26 in Pittsburgh. She has been a delegate to the National Conventions and will again represent the membership this month when the 15th National Convention opens at Euclid, Ohio. She has many new members to her credit, too. Mrs. Trontel was born in Slovenia on July 3, 1903. She lived there until 1927 when she and her husband of two years, came to America to make their new home. Husband, l.ouis is now decesead. They had 4 children: I-ouis, Anna Henry and ,Mary. There are also four grandchildren: Beverly, Bobby, Mark and Michael. Her hobbies include gardening, cooking and she is active in the Grandma Club and Pensioners Club. Mrs. Trontel’s oldest son, Lou, is working at the U. S. Steel in the public relations department. Henry is on the corporate staff of Brockway Glass Co. Daughter, Ann works at the Veterans Canteen Service at the Vets Hospital. With grateful appreciation for her leadership and energetic work for the benefit of her sister members and the branch, they have selected Mrs. Trontel as Mother of the Year and with this title, love and affection! MARY BRACCO Up at Calumet, the area is a favorite spot tor collecting rocks in tile Lake Superior region and Mary Bracco is one of the avid rod; “hunters” that has given her much pleasure and beautiful rocks In her collection. She has another hobbv, too, that Is, bowling! Mary was born July 20, 1910 in Calumet and has lived there all her ife. She was married June 13, 1931 to Anton J. Bracco and was foremerly Mary Hrovatich. They have two sons, Gregory and Paul and 4 grandchildren. Mary was Secretary for about 10 years and now is trustee. She works on any project for which she is asked to help and does it so willingly. All love and honor to her. No. 33, Duluth, Minn. HELEN ELLENA At our March meeting the Mother of the Year for Br. 33 was chosen; well-deserving of the honor was Mrs. Helena Ellena. She has a head start in her role as mother, having lost her own at the age of 15 she became acting mother to four brothers and a sister. These adults still consider her head of the family. Now a widow, she lives alone and is employed at Garon’s Woolen Mill. The mother of two and the grandmother of seven, she is a strong personality and has been a great influence on her two children a son, Nicolas and a daughter, Mrs. I.inda Ewald. They have both established good religious families, Nick with five children and Linda with two. These grandchildren are the real joy of her life. Mrs. Ellena has also extended her influence and help to other young people. She has long been known for her work at the youth center in Gary, formally sponsored by the United Fund of Duluth. She is also known for her help in work for the church. Her many nieces and nephews have considered her a real friend and confided in her on many occasions. She is truly the head of a family clan. Florence Burger No. 34, Soudan, Minn. MARGARET MESOJEDEC A friendly gathering place for families and parties of all kinds, has been the Marjo Hotel of Tower, Minn. Operating this establishment for 18 years have been Margaret and Joseph Mesojedec. For the past year, tho, they have just the Marjo Motel and sold the Hotel and Cafe in town. The gracious hospitality of Margaret and Joseph made holidays and family events happy occasions for all the patrons of the place. Hardly any important event was ever held elsewhere in that area! As Margaret was never free to attend as many of the meetings and branch activities as she would have liked, but always helped in any way she could, the members understood and that makes them so much happier now when Margaret’s time allows her the company of her sisters. She also enjoys hobbies she had neglected before. Son, Joseph is married and employed by UNIVAC. Son, Thomas is a graduate of the Universitly of Minnesota and is presently in the Navy in the Pacific aboard an aircraft carrier. The grandson, Bradley is their pride and joy. Margaret was born in Soudan on Nov. 14, 191G. She and Joe had a family celebration in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary some years ago — now already are counting their 31st. She has been a member of Br. 31 since 1953. Br. 34 wishes her and her husband many happy years lo pursue their hobbies and interests with their f lends and family. Our sincere congratulations for a deserving honor, MOTHEK OK THE YEAR. Baibara Yapel No. 39, Biwabik, Minn. JOSEI’HINE REISHLJS Josephine Zallar Reishus was born in Elcor, Minn., Feb. 5, 1911. Her parents moved to Biwabik shortly after. She is a graduate of the Biwabik High School and attended he Young and Hursh Business college in Duluth. Upon completion she accepted a position as secretary in the Biwabik Schools. She worked there until she married, June 2, 1934 to Victor Reishus, a teacher at that time. Josephine and Victor are parents of 1 children. Three of them graduated from the University of Minnesota. The youngest chose to go to Minnesota School of Business in Minneapolis, after attending a year at Virginia Junior College. Rita, the oldest, is married to Roger T. Lambert. They have two children and live in Fridley, Minn. John, the only son, resides in Hoyt Lakes with his wife Sandy and two children. Mary Jo teaches in Kenwood High School, Chicago. Genevieve is married to Louis C. Albright. They have one child and live in Biwabik. Josesphine spends a great deal of time with her family but always finds time for her friends and community affairs. She enjoys singing and has been a member of St. John’s choir for a number of years. Josephine and Victor owned and operated the Biwabik Motel for 13 years. This was a family project but Josephine’s responsibility. She claims this was an education, especially for the children. In spite of her work she found time to be with her husband wherever his duties took him. For the last 28 years he has served as the Superintendent of Schools here. One of Josephine's memories are when she was a young girl and Mrs. Prisland came to Biwabik to organize the “Ženske Zveza”. You may remember Josephine as the toastmistress at the Minnesota Slovenian Women’s Union State Convention held in Biwabik, Sept. 19G5. Best wishes to her for many, many happy years! Angeline Karish No. 40, Lorain, Ohio MARY KURJAN Married for a long and happy 47 years, Mary and Steve Kurjan will celebrate this anniversary In November. They have 0 children: John, Steve, Mrs. Theresa Skoda, Mrs. Catherine Vellepp, Mrs. Mildred Bereznay and Mrs. Ann Yurich. Fifteen grandchildren complete the family. The Kurjans live at 1661 E. 30th St., in Lorain. As Mary Ostrognaj, she was born Nov. 26, 1906 at Kotoriba in Medjimurje, Slovenia. She was just a child of 6 when she came to America. She has been an auditor of Br. 40 for 7 years. She helps wherever possible and has been busy selling tickets for the Convention project. On the photo with Mrs. Kurjan is her granddaughter, Ruth. Love and blessings are the wish from her sisters at Br. 40 and all the members of S. W. U. No. 45, Portland, Ore. FRANCES KENNEVICK Frances Herman was bora in Austria on Jan 5, 1901. She was a young girl of 13 when she came to Baltimore, Md., in 1912 to the wedding of her sisters. She stayed here and on July 12, 1919 became the bride of Edward Kennevick. Four children and four grandchildren are counted in this lovely family. Edward, Raymond, Rose- BEATRICE TOMC MANDA BUTORAC NANCY DOMBROSKY isiaii BETTY BAYUS MARY HOTUJEC mary and Jacob or Jack lor short, are their names. The family ’s home is at 1631 S. W. Yamhill, in Portland. A young and energetic grandmother, Prances loves to go dancing and to play golf. She and the family celebrated recently, the 27th anniversary of son Raymond and his wife. In the middle 30’s, Frances was president of the branch and has always regretted not being able to speak the Slovenian or Croatian languages. She is, however, active in all the branch’s social activities. A hearty wish on this Mother’s Day No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. HELEN SKOFF Being in one office or another for the past 30 years, Helen Skoff is one of the fine leaders of our branch at St. Louis. She is a person who enjoys everything she does. This includes quilting lovely things for her home and friends and an occasional night out bowling. Helen was born on Sept. 8th right in St. I.ouis. She and her husband Anton, were married Sept. 14, 1928 and have a son Richard and daughter, Helen Dorothy. There are five grandchildren. Tho Skoffs live at 6255 Westway Place. Members know this address well for as their secretary, they visit Helen often and see her “on business”. May this Mother’s Day and all days be happy for Helen and her family. No. 47, Garfield Hgts., O. JENNIE PRAZNIK Members of Br. 17 are proud of their member, who is recording secretary for 6 years. She is a very personable lady. Jennie Praznik was born April 4, 1911 at Cleveland where she has lived all her life. She lives at 4707 Pershing Ave. in Garfield Hgts. Among her hobbies are cooking and she is an avid sports fan. With gratitude and their best wishes, members salute Jennie Praznik and wish her health and happiness. No. 50, Cleveland, O. BEATRICE TOMC Former president, Beatrice Tome is honored as The Mother of the Year for 1970. Mrs. Tome is the mother of two sons and a daughter, is three times grandmother, too. Her daughter, Patricia is a member and lives in Greenwich Village, New York City. She has her own boutique shop and sells candles, scarves and way-out gifts. Her husband, Martin, works for the federal government in the Agricultural Department. He is the older brother of Rev. Victor Tonic, pastor of St. Mary’s church on Holmes Ave. Mrs. Tome has many hobbies including cooking, baking, painting rocks for paper weights and staining oddshaped bottles, quilt-making, dressmaking, sketching and some oil painting. She also models for Lane Bryant HELEN LOUISE McFARLAND MARY PETRICH ANNA K. MRAULAK MARY KITNA ANNE ANTKOWIAK BETTY MATJAŠIČ MARY OMAITS store where she works as a sales clerk in high fashions. A son, Thomas, lives in Chicago with his lovely wife, ■Jody and has darling twin sons, a year old. The other son, Janies, lives in Cleveland with his lovely wife, Veronica and they have a 3 month old baby. Mrs. Bea Tome with her many outstanding talents is a pride for the organization. Congratulations and best wishes for success in her varied careers and best of health to the entire family. No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. MILDRED M. BARBATO Keeping busy as a working mother, Mildred Barbato enjoys the sport of hockey, as a spectator, of course, with both her sons serious players. John, age IS who attends Hibbing State Junior College, plays hockey with the Hibbing Junior Olympic Flyers who were second in the national tournament in 19G9 and Mark, age 20, plays at the University of Minnesota. Mildred is employed as cashier at the Chisholm Piggly Wiggly grocery store, owned by the brother of our National S. W. U. President, Antonia Turek. This chosen mother was born Aug. 4, 1915 right in nearby Virginia, Minn. She and Tony Barbato were married on Sept. 20, 1947. Their home is at 218 4th St., in Kitzville, Location, close to Hibbing. Keeping her home nice is one of Mildred’s special interests. As a good member of Br. 52, she is very much appreciated and best wishes on this happy day. No. 54, Warren, Ohio BETTY VADAS Our Mother of the Year is Mrs. Betty Vadas who is a very energetic member of our branch. Betty is the wife of Andy and mother of a teenage daughter, Georgette. She works diligently and never refuses when approached for help at any of our events. She is always one of the first to make a donation or to bring lovely handmade articles to the meetings. For a few years, we even had our meetings at her home each month. She has a lovely new home and with her husband, are marvelous rose growers. They have over 300 prize bushes in their garden and are active in the Kose Club of our town! Betty is very kind and loving to her mother who has been an invalid for several years, going there to bathe and feed her. We are grateful to Betty for being a members of our branch and we feel she is most deserving of the honor of being our “Mother of the Year.” Joanne Ponikvar NANCY DOMBROSKY The members of Br. 55 have chosen their recording secretary of the past three years, Mrs. Nancy Dombrosky as their Mother of the Year for 1970. She is a wonderful, loyal member and active in all their undertakings. Nancy was born on July 28, 1919 and is a native of Girard. She and Stanley Dombrosky call Sept, 20, 1939 as the date to remember each year as they celebrate their wedding anniversary — this year their 31st. They have a daughter, Patricia and their home is at 954 Gary Ave. In her home, Nancy loves to bake and sew and outdoors, to tend her flowers. Ceramics is another of her hobbies. A very Happy Mother’s Day, and many more! No. 56, Hibbing, Minn, MANDA BUTORAC When Manda Čorak came to America in 1912, she was a child of 0, born in the Croatain village of Stupnik on July 17, 1906. As a girl of 16, she married George Butorac on June 15, 1922. Their family consists of 4 children: George, Jr., Catherine Fumonti, John and Patricia Beatty. There are 8 grandchildren. Mrs. Butorac is a housewife, with all the implications of that title — and loves her liomemaking duties. The family residence is at 1708 5th Ave. E. in Hibbing. She is a good member and rates the salute of all her sisters of Branch No. 56. No. 57, Niles, O. MARY DeMALIO Talents that make her a happy mother and housewife, and a great help to her friends and neighbors, are attributes of mother Mary DeMalio of 312 Baldwin St. in Niles, Ohio. She is the Mother of the Year from B.\ 57. Her birthday is Oct. 7 and she was born in 1914 at McDonald, Pa. She and Peter DeMalio were married June 10, 1933 and have two sons and two daughters who are: Peter R., Jean, Joseph R. and Marjorie. In this family there are 9 grandchildren. Mary loves to bake and crochet, to listen to music and does hairdressing, too. Altho never an officer, the members consider Mary a fine example of friend and sister and wish her all the best on Mother’s Day and throughout the year! No. 64, Kansas City, Kans. MARY HOTUJEC One of Mary Hotujec’s latest projects has been to help with the collection of funds for the Slovenian Chapel in Washington, D. C. Through her efforts, and the help of the president of Br. 64, a sum of $1,200 was sent to this cause from Kansas City. The members are all proud of this and admire Mary for her great part. She is a very active worker for any good cause, and this can be seen in the fact that she works as a Red Cross aid at St. Margaret’s Hospital. As a young girl of 16, Mary crossed the ocean from her native Slovenia in 1921 and the trip took almost two months because of a typhoid epidemic on board the 5. S. President Wilson. She remembers this vividly still today. When she married John Hotujec the date was Feb. 6, 1926 and they were married 31 years when he passed away in 1957. Their four children are Edward, Margaret Supplee, Janice Cindrich and Loretta Cundiff. Mary has 9 grandchildren. At her home at 513 Splitlog, she enjoys crocheting, embroidering, cooking and baking. A hearty thanks to her for her selfless ways and good health and happiness! No. 66, Canon City, Colo. HELEN LOUISE McFARLANI) Helen McFarland has been secretary of Br. 66 since the passing of their former secretary, and done very well in this position. As a young, energetic member, her sisters appreciate her willingness to be of help as only a secretary can! She is the mother of two daughters, Patty Lou and Peggy Sue, both junior members who attend St. Michael’s school. Mrs. Frances White of Pueblo is a sister of Mrs. McFarland and also a member of Br. 66. Mrs. McFarland is a retired federal government employee. She was employed at the Pueblo Army Depot for 15 years, retiring in 1966 for health reasons. Her husband, Eldon, is an accounting technician at the Colorado State Penitentiary at Canon City. Mrs. McFarland is also a member of various other societies and sings with the St. Michael church choir. She has 3 sisters and 5 brothers. They live at 1442 Chestnut St., where this month on May 13th they will celebrate her birthday. She was born in Canon City, Colorado in 1933. August 22nd 1964 is the wedding anniversary day they remember festively each year. She is always busy and makes lovely floral arrangements, and enjoys decorating her home. It’s a distinct pleasure to extend the branch’s heartiest wishes to her on this happy day! No. 67, Bessemer, Pa. ANNA K. MRAULAK Mrs. Mraulak is a native of Austria and was Anna Gradišnik when born there July 24, 1903. She arrived in this country in 1921 and in just a month later married Joseph Mraulak, May 7, 1921. She has been a widow son:e years. Mary Stacey, Regina Yardis and Joseph are her children, and besides has 6 granchildren and one great-grandchild. At her home 1012 East Po’.and Ave., in Bessemer, she raises beautiful flowers, a hobby she enjoys more than anything. One of her grandsons will be married this year and a granddaughter will graduate. An abundance of good wishes to Mrs. Mraulak! No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., Ohio BETTY BAYUS Being a good member entails many different chores and Betty Bayus is a most helpful person who likes to do all of them. She has assisted with all their money making projects, attends meetings regularly and was branch reporter for Zarja for 4 years. Otherwise, Betty loves her home and garden where she spends many hours among her flowers. She also likes social activities playing cards and popular games with her friends. This month Betty and her husband Charles Bayus will celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary on the 25th. They have four children, all sons: Carl, David, Paul and Robert. Their home is at 23412 Vera St. Sept 27th is her birthday in the year 1929. All the best to Betty and may she always enjoy being with her sisters of Branch 73 and many friends! MARY KITNA Cooking is a specialty of Mrs. Mary Kitna, chosen to represent Br. 79 this month as Mother of the Year. She is now retired and enjoys cooking at home, but for years was cook for the Auburn School District. Mrs. Kitna lives in a new home now which she e-joys very much. When she came to America from her native A istria in 1906, she lived in Pueblo, Colo., later moving to Black Diamond Washington with her parents, the Joseph Mylars, where she attended school and she and her husband made their first home. Later they moved to Auburn, Wash. Husband, Martin passed a-way in 19G5 after 48 years of marriage. Mrs. Kitna’s birthday is March 8th. Her two daughters, Mrs. Annette M. Johnson and Mrs. Genevieve A. Tasker are both 20 year members of the S. W. U. Mrs. Johnson’s two daughters are Georgene Johnson Pearson, a teacher and Lynnette Johnson, in her third year at college. Mrs. Tasker’s son, Michael is a senior in college and attends on a sports scholarship for football — a very active sportsman. Sons of Mrs. Kitna: George, James and Robert have families and live in Tacoma, Wash., Eureka, Calif., and Auburn, Wash., respectively. It’s a wonderful reunion when Mrs. Kitna, her five children, 11 grandchildren and one great-grandchild all get together. For Christmas, Mrs. Kitna took charge of the Branch’s annual party which was a grand success with 13 guests and members present. With grateful appreciation, the members send their love and affection and wishes for health and happiness to their chosen mother. No. 83, Crosby, Minn. MARY PETRIČI I Mary Medle came to America in 1912 to her father in Tower, Minn. She was just 17 then and became a young brdde. Their son and three daughters are Tillie Berg, Fred, Mary Edmonston and Olga Carlson. The Petrich’s live at 101 2nd St., S. W. in Crosby. At home, Mary is a typical housewife with the additional attributes that most of our fine Slovenian mothers have sewing, crocheting, knitting and making their family comfortable. She belongs to a senior citizens group and even goes dancing! Altho never an officer of the branch, she is a loyal member and has been very helpful in all their activities. God bless, you Mrs. Petrich for many, many years! No. 89, Oglesby, III. ANNE ANTKOWIAK Here’s a charter member, and has all members of her family enrolled, incuding the 7 grandchildren that make this family complete. Anne Antkowiak is the former Anne Meglich, daughter of Mary Meglich Yazbec who was secretary for 12 years and organizer of Br. 89. This month on May 4th Anne and her husband, William, will ceberate thier 35th wedding anniversary. They plan to own a place at a resort some miles from Oglesby to be their home after retirement. Now they live at 224 E. 2nd St., in Oglesby. Daughters, Gloria Brust, Elaine Nienaber and Mary-ellen Donnelly have made their mother happy with having families of their own. Having youngsters around keeps Anna busy, too, and she enjoys the family sports of baseball, and camping plus flower gardening, fishing and horseracing. A mother young at heart and spirit, Anne Antkowiak typifies all our Slovenian-American mothers and to her, a salute and best wishes! MYRNA KRIZMANICII The youngest mother among those honored this year n Myrna Krizmanich of Gunnison, Colo. She was president of Br. 92 for two years and now serves as their secretary. She is the mother of three children: Coleman, age 7, Charla, age 4 and baby ICugene, 8 months old. She and her husband Charles were married Nov. 11, 19f!l and leside at 508 W. Tomich St. This Nov. Gth Myrna will be 27 years old and she is a native of Colorado, a beautiful state. The outdoors is a part of every Coloradan’s life, and it is so with Myrna, too. She enjoys riding and snowmobiling, the favorite sport of the younger generation. And home she sews and does club work. To Myrna, many wishes for a Happy Mother’s Day! No. 95, So. Chicago, III. CAROLINE VUKOSOVICH There is only one Caroline Vukosovich who lives at 102'38 Bensley Ave. and was unanimously approved and hailed by our members as our Mother of the Year. She was born in Rjeka, Slovenia on September 20, 1905. On June 22', 1924 she married Mr. Matthew Vukosovich. A mother of three: John, Emil, and Julie Ann. Now a grandmother of four: Michael, Jeana, Scott, and Julie Ann. Caroline said that she always takes time out to listen to the many complaints, the tears, the anxieties, the disappointments her grandchildren express, then counters gently with plans for new fun and new discoveries with reassurances and with love as you can see for yourself in the photograph. She stresses im-importance of finding fulfillment in homemaking, crocheting, knitting and gardening, and yet acknowledges the fact that she and her spouse have already launched their family and celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary, and claims with good health still has many years to enjoy with affection, companionship and common interests, she will consider these years together a lasting reward. Caroline was cited for her energetic nature, high principles, quick wit, a ready smile, courage in quests, attends our meetings regularly, and one of our most gen erous members in our branch, a wife, mother, and homemaker, her range is almost limitless. Her home is a center of love and joy and keeps her family conscious of spiritual ideals. She is an active member of Sacred Heart Croatian church and other organizations. The membership has a deep respect for her loyalty, understanding and vision, of our branch, and we salute her as an outstanding exponent of all these qualities. With our sincere good wishes we hope that Caroline will continue to serve our branch for many more years to come and may she live a long life of health and happiness. This is my tribute to a warm and lovely lady. Mildred James No. 100, Fontana, Calif. MARY OMAITS Listing her activity with Zveza among her top interests, Mary Omaits shows exceptional dedication to this organization and her sisters are proud of her for it. She is their secretary since 1967 and has been busy since then with various projects. Members in Fontana are mostly retired folks who enjoy life to the fullest. Mary Omaits is the mother of two daughters, Mis. Mary Hall of Chardon, Ohio and Mrs. Frances Gunderson of Long Beach, Calif. She has (i granddaughters. She lives at 9527 Juniper St. in a cozy apartment. A native of Oberhausen, Germany, Mary was a tiny baby when brought to Salem, Ohio in 1902. Her birth- FULVIA ROSA ——------------------------------—CAROLINE VUKOSOVICH JOSEPHINE ARTAČ day is March 21st. Her first husband was Frank Kordon who died in I960 and her second spouse was Victor Omaits who passed away less than a year after they were married in 1962. May she continue to have a full and rewarding lifetime in the service of her sister-members and friends in the sunny land of California. No. 101, Bedford, Hgts., Ohio BETTY MATJAŠIČ Hetty Matjašič loves to cook! She is known for her delicious bakery and provides much of it for Br. 101 members. She loves bowling too and bowls regularly with a weekly league. She plays an energetic game of pinochle and adores card parties. As president of Br. 101 for 5 years, previously serving as vice-president and sunshine club chairman, Betty makes every activity a success. “She really keeps things going,” the members say. Betty and her husband, Victor, live at 24101 Aurora Road in Bedford Hgts. Their two daughters are Vickie Lynn and Dorothy. The Matjasics just celebrated their 17th wedding anniversary April 25th. August 4th is her birthday. She is a native of the Bedford Hgts. area. Her maiden name was Mertel. With the confidence of the members and their love, Betty is sure to be a leading force in the success of Br. 101 and we are proud to salute her! No. 102, Willard, Wis. JOSEPHINE ARTAC To honor their president of 7 years a fine lady and mother, Br. 102 selected Mrs. Josephine Artac as this year’s Mother of the Year. She was born Josephine Ticer in Lincoln, 111., March 13, 1914. She is married to Ludwig Artac and they have a family of 5, namely Frieda, Doris, Virginia, Michael, and Patricia. Five grandchildren too. W illard, a beautiful tarni land, is the home of many pioneer ianiilies. Artac is a popular and respected name. Jo. epliine enjoys her garden as do most Willardites. She is also interested in craftwork and sewing during those long, hard Wisconsin winters. But come summertime, and the family is out fishing, boating, on picnics and taking long drives. To a very happy lady, a very sincere wish for continued happiness and health. No. 103, Washington, D. C. AMELIA (MOLLY) THOMAS To work, keep a home, take care of three children and still find time to be an active participant in club work is quite a challenge. Molly Thomas seems to thrive on it. She holds a position as secretary of the George Mason Center PTA in Arlington, Va. a school for mentally handicapped children and is interested in promoting the education and welfare of the mentally handicapped. She is a member of the branch’s program committee and this often entails much time and effort. A recipe “collector”, Moly’s interest lie in the home, with her housekeeping, sewing, and caring for husband, Russell, daughters Judith and Mary and son Russ of prime importance. She also sews and loves to read. She is quite a singer, too. Their home is at 5940 N. Second St., in Arlington, Va. and June 17th is her birthday. Molly is a native of Minnesota, born at McKinley and when she was about 5, the family moved to Ely. She left Ely in 1941 for the D. C. area. Their oldest daughter, Judith is a freshman at Madison College in Harrisonburg, Va. ^ All the best in life is the wish of our members to Molly Thomas, Mother of the Year, deservedly so! No. 105, Detroit, Mich. FULVIA ROSA Our Mother of the Year is a very charming lady. I know as we have been neighbors for at least twenty years. She is a jolly person and has many friends. She is a fabulous cook, excelling in Italian and French cooking. As the cook at our St. Alfonsus parish for about 3 years, many folks can attest to that! Her husband, John, also works for the parish which makes it all very nice as the church is within walking distance of their home, 7520 Pinehurst. The Rosas have a very handsome son, James, who served in Vietnam for one year and is now back home, safe and sound. Fulvia is now employed at the U. S. Post Office and is very busy, but manages to attend all the meetings and contributes generously. She was born in Eveleth, Minn, on April 9th 19121 and has a very charming mother who is 84 years young and two sisters, all residing in Eveleth. With love and affection from all the members, God bless our Mother ot the Year! Catherine Musick , Sec’y Bog živi nase zaslužne matere! MARY ZORE KATHERINE JUDNICH SPREITZER Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. THERESA JERIC št. 6, Barberton, O. FRANCES PETRICH Naša zaslužna mati leta je Mrs. Frances Petrich, ki je bila rojena v vasi Lipsenj v Sloveniji in je dosegla lepo starost 87 let. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1905 in se naselila v Forest City, Pa. Dne 2G. junija istega leta se je poročila z Johnom Petrich in v zakonu je bilo rojenih 9 otrok: John, Victor, Mary Kovačič, Louis Paul, Joseph (preminil), Rudy, Frances Gerhardt in Mol-lie Zahorjin. Posebno je ponosna tudi na svojih 12 vnukov, 5 pra-vnukov in 1 pra-pravnuka. Veliko veselje ima s pečenjem slovenskih slaščic in potice, štrudlov in krofov. Rada prepeva lepa melodije njene rodne domovine Slovenije in zbrano zapojejo tudi s hčerkami. Naša slavljenka bo 18, augusta slavila svojo 88 letnico in njen rojstni dan je istega dne, kakor njene vnukinje Andrea, ki bo istega dne slavila njen 18-ti rojstni dan. Pri raznih Zvezinih prireditvah sta njeni hčerki Molile in Frances pele pesmi, katere jih je ona naučila in brat Paul jih je spremljal na harmoniko. Želimo ji še mnogo sreče in zdravju v bodoče! KATHERINE ŽIGON Zaslužna mati naše podr. je bila rojena leta 1881) v Iilekovi vasi pri Logatcu v Sloveniji. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Frank. V Ameriko je prišla ko je bila stara 24 let in v Sloveniji se je poročila s Frankom Žigon v maju leta 1910. Zakon je bil blagoslovljen s 12 otroci. Od njih so trije že pokojni: Mildred je umrla 1. 19G8, Sgt. Henry leta 1945 in Alberta 1. 1930. Ostali otroci so: Marie, Frank, Jean, Edmund, Albert, Joseph Matthew in Ruth Ann, vsi v Long Island, N. Y. ter l.ucille Katherine v John City, N. Y. Mi’s. Žigon ima tudi 38 vnukov in 23 pra-vnukov. Njeno najljubše delo v prostem času je štrikanje, pletenje in poslušanje njenih najdražjih slovenskih melodij. Kljub njenim lepim letom, slavila je 81 rojstni dan, še vedno rada pomaga pri podr. kjerkoli more. S čestitkami ji želimo vse dobro še mnogo let! FRANCES PETRICH KATHERINE ŽIGON LOUISE FABEC KRISTINA LUDVIK JENNIE GUSTINČIČ MATERINA SLIKA MARIJA ZORENČ Nekaj minut Died pomorsko bilko je mlademu mornarju padel suknjič v morje. Prosil je poveljujočega častnika, naj mu dovoii, da skoči ponj. Častnik pa je strogo odgovoril: "Ne!” A kaj je naredil mornar? Kljub prepovedi je skočil v vodo, zagrabil plavajoči suknjič, priplezal nazaj na krov ladje in se postavil v vrsto z drugimi mornarji. Zaradi nepokorščine so mornarja zaprli. Po bitki bi moral njegov vrhovni poveljnik podpisati kazen na več let težke ječe. Ko ga je vprašal poveljnik, zakaj je bil nepokoren, je obtoženec ves potrt izvlekel iz notranjega žepa suknjiča sliko in rekel samo eno besedo: “Mama!” Poveljnik je objel ves ganjen mornarja, ga poljubil in rekel: “Mornarji, ki se pripravljeni za materino sliko žrtvovati življenje, bi ga tudi žrtvovali za domovino. Ne smejo te u-THERESA KIRN kovati v verige. Prost si!” JOSEPHINE KUSHMA Št. 10, Cleveland, O. LOUISE FABEC Za leto 1970 smo izvolile kot zaslužno mater naše podr., sestro Louise Fabec, ki je bila rojena v Clevelandu dne 11. jan., 1908. Leta 1929 se je poročila v cerkvi Sv. Vida s Tonetom Fabec, ki je preminul leta 1942. V zakonu sta imela 4 otroke: Tony, Josephine, Stanley in Frances in ima tudi 8 vnučkov. Ko ji je mini njen soprog, je imela še male otroke in je morala hoditi na delo v General Electric, kjer še sedaj dela. Posebno rada šiva in kuha, kakor tudi se rada zabava s plesanjem in snemanjem filmskih slik. Dobri članici podružnice in Zveze s čestitkami najboljša voščila! Št. 15, Cleveland, O. THERESA JERIC Naša častna mati je bila rojena v Sloveniji dne 10. okt. 1892 in je kot mlado dekle prišla v Ameriko leta 1910 in se je leta 1913 poročila z Ignacijem Jeričem, ki je umrl 1929. Sama je morala preskrbeti za 6 malih otrok. Imela je malo trgovino in delala noč in dan, da jih je lepo preživela in odgojila. Njen prvi sin Ladimir je pianist, a se ni poročil, dragi William je zdravnik — surgeno in sedaj služi v Vietnamu. Ima 4 sinove: William Bruce, Ladimir, ki je profesor umtnosti na Univ. v Colo. in Jeffery je še v šoli. Njen tretji sin Victor ima samo eno hčer Marsija. Hčer Theresa Ida ima 7 otrok in sin Frank ima 2 hčeri in Ann Marie je doma. Zaslužna mati naše podr. je naša blagajničarka od 1. 1963 in se redno udeležuje sej. Za razvedrilo rada neguje cvetlice na vrtu, kvačka in opravlja hišna opravila. Vse ji čestitamo in želimo še mnogo sreče v krogu njenih dragih! št. 17, West Allis, Wis. MARY ZORE Naša častna mati za to leto je priljubljena sestra Mary Zore, njeno dekliško ime je bilo Limoni in je bila rojena 11. nov. 1900 v vasi Želodnik, p. Dob pri Domžalah v Sloveniji. V Ameriko je prišla kot 20 letno dekle dne 6. nov. 192)0 in se naselila v Milwaukee, kjer se je poročila z Johnom dne 2. aprila, 1921. Njen prvi mož ji je umrl leta 1926 in se je 1. 1927 poročila z Johnom Zore. Ima 2 otroka: Fr. John, in Annie, ki je preminula. Ima 3 vnučke: Janis, Mike, Karen. Posebno veselje ima s kvačkanjem v prostem času in je vedno pripravljena pomagati pri prireditvah Zveze. Bog jo živi še mnoga leta! Št. 23, Ely, Minn, KATHERINE SPREITZER Naša častna mati je bila rojena v vasi Čudno selo pri Črnomlju v Sloveniji dne 11. nov. 1888 in njeno dekliško ime je bilo Judnič. V Ameriko je prišla 1, 1905 ter se je 6. julija 190C poročila z Josephom, ki je umrl 1. 1952 v starosti 72 let. Njun zakon je bil blagoslov- ljen s 14 otroci: Mary Rittmanic, ki živi v Bradley, 111. in je zelo aktivna pri Zvezi; Margaret Planton tudi v Bradley, 111. Njena hčerka Ann Yapel, ki je umrla 1962, in je bila po njeni smrti izvoljena za častno mater. Hčerka Christine Knott živi v Cal. Hči Prances je preminula in Angela Burnett živi v Bahamas, Genevieve Heril’ord pa v Lansing, Mich, in Josephine Pruse v St. Paul, Minn., a Katherine in Mollie sta še doma na Ely in neporočene. Sin Joseph je tudi na Ely, drugi Prank je v Duluth, 3-ji John v Mich, in 4-ti Bernard tudi v Duluthu. Ima tudi 45 vnukov in 22 pravnučkov. Mrs. Spreitzer je zelo priljubljena, bila je dolgoletna tajnica pri KSKJ in je naša članica nad 32 let. Mnogo let je bila pridna poročevalka za Zarjo ter je dopiso- vala tudi v druge slovenske liste. Njeno delo za razvedrilo obsega tudi kuhanje, šivanje, heklanje in izdelovanje papirnatih rož. Pri velikem delu lepe odgoje velike družine je vedno našla časa za društveno delo, zato jo naj Bog blagoslovi! Št. 25, Cleveland, O. MARIJA ZORENC članice smo letos izvolile za najbolj zaslužno mati podr., sestro Marija Zorenč, ki je bila rojena dne 13. junija, 1902 v vasi Mota pri Ljutomeru v Sloveniji. Njeno delikško ime je bilo Lah. Poročila se je leta 1929 z Aloizijem Zorenč-em. V zakonu sta imela G otrok od katerih živi samo še hčerka Marica, ki je poročena in ima tudi v zakonu ime Zorenč. Naša spoštovana častna mati ima tudi 3 vnuke, na katere je upravičeno ponosna. Z možem sta 23. sept. 1969 slavila lepo 40 letnico poroke. Ga. Zorenč rada zahaja na naše seje in nas dostikrat pogosti z dobrim pecivom. Ona je res izvrstna kuharica. Imamo je vse rade in je bila naša kraljica za leto 1969. Vse ji želimo, da bi v zdravju in sreči z možem slavila še mnogo veselih obletnic! Št. 32, Euclid, O. JENNIE GUSTINČIČ Odliko zaslužne matere podružnice smo letos poklonile naši dobri članici Jennie Gustinčič, ki je bila rojena 20. marca 1906 v Sloveniji. Njeno dekliško ime le bilo Vičič. Z možem Jakobom sta se poročila 3. aug. 1930 in dne 11. nov. sta se naselila v slovenski metropoli v Clevelandu. V zakonu so se rodili štiri je otroci: Lillian Petricig, Irene Lanese, Dr. Jack G. in Dr. David G. Posebno je tudi ponosna na njenih 11 vnukov. Z možem sta slavila 40 letnico poroke. Njena posebno zanimanje je šivanje in društveno delovanje, saj je dolgoletna tajnica krajevnega društva KSKJ in aktivna društvenica Zveze 38 let, kar ji vse štejemo v čast. Želimo, da ji Bog nakloni zdravja, da bo še dolga leta pridno delovala za slovensko narod v Ameriki! Št. 42, Maple Hts., Ohio ANGELA PERKO Pri naši podr. bomo v tem lepem majniškem mesecu počastili kot častno mater, Angelo Perko, ki je bila rojena 2. sept. 1901 v Drašči vasi na Dolenskem v Sloveniji. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Vidič. Poročila se je z Frankom 24. sept 1923 in zakon je bil blagoslovljen s 4 otroci: Angela, Helen, Henry in Elinor. Imajo tudi 16 vnukov in vnukinj. Njeno posebno razvedrilo je delo na vrtu, kakor tudi pečenje okusnih domačih dobrot. Sedaj se posebno veseli v pričakovanju poroke njene vnukinje Susie Gruden. Pri podr. je vedno pripravljena pomagati, kjerkoli je potrebno, posebno kadar gre za nabiranje v dobrodelne namene, tudi rada speče pecivo. Vse članice smo ponosne na njo in ji želimo blagoslova tudi v bodoče! Št. 68, Painesville, O. KRISTINA LUDVIK Naša letošnja zaslužna mati je doma iz Blok na Dolenskem v Sloveniji, odkoder je prišla leta 1931 v Ame-zriko in se najprej ustavila v New Yorku. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Mulec ter se je 15. aug. 1930 privč poročila in v tem zakonu sta se rodila 2 otroka: Tony J. Mahne in Slavko L. Mahne. Po smrti prvega može, se je 17. avg. 1963 poročila z John l.udvik-om. Prav rada ima tudi dve vnukinje Christine in Cindy Mahne. Mrs. Ludvik za razvedrilo prav rada igra karte, rada šiva in dela vse vrste domačih del in v zabavo rada tudi balina. Pri naši podr, vedno rada poprime, kadar imamo skupne prireditve in bankete. Zaposlena je že 25 let pri I. C. Fibers Plant in čeprav redno dela, vedno najde dovolj časa za našo podr. in za njeno družino, posebno male vnukinje, katere pazi. Bog jo živi še na mnoga leta! Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. JOSEPHINE KUSHMA Cast zaslužne matere je podružnica letos podelila sestri Kushma, ki je bila rojena 15. jun. 1896 na Češkoslovaškem in prišla v Ameriko v mesto Baltimore leta 1913 in se je istega leta poročila z John Stephen K., ki je preminul leta 1948. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Klopach. V zakonu je bilo rojenih 6 otrok: Steve, Anna, John Jr., Margaret, Thomas in Dorothy. Ima tudi 14 vnukov in 1 pravnuka. Njeno posebno zanimanje obsega, hekljanje, čitanje, dopisovanje, vrtnarenje in obiskovanje prijateljic. Ona je ena izmed najbolj zgodnjih članic naše podružnice in rada pomaga pri delil kjerkoli je mogoče. Želimo ji zdravja, sreče in božjega blagoslova! Št. 91, Oakmont, Pa. THERESA KIRN Dekliško ime naše zaslužne matere je bilo Terezija Slabe. Rojena je bila v Sloveniji ter se je dne 13. januarja 1908 poročila s sedaj že pokojnim Joseph-oili Kirn. Od otrok so še 4 živi: Rose Elza, Elsie Griffin, Josephine I avvrence in Edward. Posebno je tudi ponosna na njenih 10 vnukov, 16 pravnukov in 1 pra-pravnuka. Za razvedrilo rada šiva in hekia domača dela. Pri naši podružnici je ena izmed prvih organizatork, ki je vsa leta pomagala pri napredku podr. in Zveza, kjerkoli je mogla in je sedaj v uradu nadzornice. Vse članice ji pošiljamo prisrčne čestitke in želimo, da bi ji Bog naklonil še mnogo let v krogu njene družine in sester Zveze! št. 96, Renton, Pa. JEAN SNOZNIK OSWALT Spoštovana mati naše podr. je bila rojena v Chimney Rock, Montana in je prišla s starši v Pensilvanjo, ko je bila stara komaj 3 leta. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Snoznik in se je 24. sept. 1929 poročila z Levi Oswalt. Izredno hudo jo je zadela smrt njene edine hčerke, ki je nenadoma umrla v nežni dobi 15 let. Z možem sta slavila 40 letnico poroke lansko leto. Naša zaslužna mati za razvedrilo rada heklja čipke in zglavnike ter plete preproge, Zelo rada gre loviti ribe, potuje in slika lesene predmete na njenem domu. Kljub resni operaciji v vretencu, vseeno nadaljuje z njenim delom, čeprav ji dela težave. Skoro vsak mesec se poda na kako potovanje. Pri podr. vedno pomaga in tudi je bila v odboru za obiskovanje bolnih sester ter je že enkrat bila izvoljena za zaslužno mater. Obe z njeno materjo rada pokloniti krasna darila in ročena dela v pomoč društvene blagajne. Prav ponosne smo na njo ter ji z zahvalo za njeno delo, želimo erečo, zdravje in blagoslov še mnoga, mnoga leta! Y1AKIE PH ISLAND: O, TA SVET... Materam in starim mamicam za njih praznik ta mesec naš bivši priljubljeni duhovni svetovalec, zdaj pokojni seca maja 1944. Materi Ljubezni je spominski dan napočil, ljuba mati, odkar zadela naše križ si materinstva svojega in hkrati lepoto in življenje dala za preubogega otroka . . . Kjerkoli hodil, kjer sem bil, bila z menoj je Tvoja roka. Vodila si življenja pot, z ljubavjo srca jo rosila, vse moje dni si blagoslov v vse ure od Boga prosila. Da bi ne bil mi v duši svet spomin na Tebe, mila mati? Noben ni mogel več kot Ti za mene žrtev darovati. Bog sprimi Te, Bog živi Te in mnogo let Te nam ohrani. Ker Tvoj spomin nam zdravje je, in olje tisočeri rani. Še dolgo naj ožarja nas luč svetla Tvojega očesa, dokler za goro ne odpre Bog vsemogočni Ti nebesa. —Rev. Alexander Urankar Pozdravljene glavne odbornice in delegatke pod- j ružnic, ki boste ta mesec zborovale na narodni kon- t venciji Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Clevelandu, O.! J Važno delo vas čaka! Časi se spreminijajo in j z njimi naše življenje in naše zahteve. Tudi or- j ganizacije se morajo prilagoditi novim razmeram. J Treba bo najti nova pota in nove načine kako pri- j dobivati članstvo, kako ga ohranjati in kako pri- j vabiti mladino v naše vrste. Nobena stvar ni ne- j mogoča če je volja za napredek močna. j Prinesite konvencijo dobre misli, koristne ide- j je in predloge ter voljo in navdušenje za izpeljavo j novih načrtov. Le na ta način bo naša konvencija j uspešna in za organizacijo koristna. j Iskreno Vam kličemo: Dobrodošle in prisrčno 1 pozdravljene! t — ~-------------------------—--------------------------- -J podajem pesmico, katero je svoji ljubi mamici poklonil Rev. Alexander Urankar. Priobčena je bila v Zarji me- Najgelček, faigelček rožmarin . . . Iz tega vam pušelc nar’dim. Mamicam poklanjamo slovenski šopek za njih praznik. i Vsako konvencijo imamo razstavo ročnih del, I ki jih naše članice znajo prav umetno ustvariti. Ta dela so potem iztržena; izkupiček gre v Zve-j zin šolninski sklad. j Apeliram na glavne odbornice in delegatke, da I vsaka prinese kako lepo delo in s tem pomore J blagajni šolninskega sklada. Konvenčni odbor bo J poklonjene stvari lepo razstavil in tudi vodil pro- | dajo. Vsem, ki se bodo temu apelu odzvale, naj- j lepša zahvala! Marie Prisland, Predsednica Šolninskega odbora S. Ž Z. 15. REDNA KONVENCIJA od 21' «1« 27. maja, 1970—Doni Slovenskih Društev 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio 44123 Nova cerkev sv. Kristine v Euclid, Ohio KONVENČNI PROGRAM Konvenčni odbor združenih klevelandskuh podružnic vljudno vabi Zvezine članice in prijatelje na naslednje konvenčne priredbe: PLES S PREDSTAVO SLOVENSKIH GOSPODIČEN Prvi slovenski ples debutantk (Cotillion Ball) se bo vršil v soboto dne 23. maja v Berkshire Country Club na Mayfield Hoad v Chesterland, Ohio. Ob tej priliki bomo imeli priliko videti naše lepe mlade gospodične SŽZ predstavljene v njihovnih krasnih večernih oblekah. URADNI PRIČETEK 15 Redna Konvencija SŽZ se bo uradno pričela s slovesno sv. mašo v nedeljo 24. maja v slovenski cerkvi Sv. Vida, 6019 Glass Ave. v srcu največje slovenske naselbine v Ameriki. Sv. mašo bo daroval duhovni svetovalec Zveze, č. g. i). Klavdij Okorn, OFM, župnik fare Sv. Janeza v Milwaukee ,Wis. Slavnostni 1 anket s:e lo vršil po maši v Audi oriju Sv. Vida. Kosilo bo postreženo ob 1 uri, nakar bo s'e-dil pest i program in kronanje konvenčne kraljice. Slavnostni govornik bo sodnik August Prijatelj. Prisrčno vabljene vse članice in prijateji. Delegatinje morajo predložiti svoje kredenčne listine Konvenčnemu odboru, ki bo na vašo razpolago v Charter House motelu ,24800 Euclid Ave., v pond, ob S uri zjutraj in delegatinje, ki bodo prenočevale drugje, se morejo registrirati v konvenčni dvorani ob 9 uri. Odbor za poverilnice restavljajo naslednje: načelnica, Marie Pio ryan (17), Josephine Sumic (20), Mary Shikonja (23), Sylvia Mihevc (25) in Anna Trontel (2(1). Konvencija bo trajala 3 dni od 25. do 27. maja. .Ju tranja zborovanja se prično ob 9 uri in popldanska zasedanja bodo od pol dveh. Domača jedila bodo servirana pri konvenčni dvorani, Slovenski Dom, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. SPORED KONVENCIJE Pondeljek: Zasedanje ob 9:00 uri dop. Kosilo. Popoldne ogled zanimivosti in piknik. Torek: Zasedanje ves dan. Večerja in “Večer v Slo- veniji” ob pol sedmih s programom. Sreda: Jutranje zasedanje do zaključka približno ob 1 uri pop. Delegatinje in gostje naj pridejo v Cleveland v soboto. Prosim, da prinesete s seboj ročna dela za razstavo v dobrobit Šolninskega sklada. Vljudno vabimo vse številne prijatelje od blizu in daleč, da pridete v konvečno mesto in vedite, da boste imele nepozabne dneve v Clevelandu-Euclidu. Na svidenje! Toni Turek, gl. preds. DOPISI Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.—Vsako leto meseca maja praznujemo poseben praznik, nazvan “Materin Dan.” Ta dan počastimo naše mamice in stare mamice ter se s šopkom cvetja na grob spomnimo onih, ki so nas prerano zapustile. Sheboyganska podružnica je letos za svojo častno mater izbrala aktivno bivšo podpredsednico sestro Frances Krolnik. Naša podružnice že od leta 1951 vsako leto zaporedoma počasti eno svojih članic z imenom "Častna Mati”. Naj osvežim spomin na vse one, ki so tekom let bile s tem naslovom odlikovane: Anna Modiz, Teresa Zagožen, Christine Rupnik, Mary Godez, Marie Prisland, Anne Zavrl, Frances Melanz, Ursula Marver, Mary Turk, Rose Carek, Josephine Kotnik. Johanna Sucha, Mary Vertacic, Mary Brezonik, Antoinette Brulle, Frances Plesetz, Margaret Fischer, Frances Ribich in letos Frances Krolnik. V nedeljo 17, maja bo podružnice imela svojo redno mesečno sejo, na kateri bomo s kratkim programom počastile našo častno mater. Poleg mladine bo nastopil tildi nov pevski zbor pod vodstvom predsednice Olge Saye. Vsaki članici bo žal, če se seje ne udeleži, ker program bo res lep. Serviren bo tudi okusen prigrl-sek. Pri podružnici se vrstijo žalostni in veseli dogodki. Žalostni, ker nas je zapustila dolgoletna zvesta članica Ana Schuster. Prvo soboto meseca aprila smo jo spremili na njeni zadnji poti. Naj v miru počiva! Družini izrekamo globoko sožalje. Vesel dogodek imamo, ker je bila naše članice Nancy Simenz izvoljena za članico mestnega sveta (alderman). Sodim, da je sheboyganska slovenska naselbina edina v vsej A-meriki, ki zdaj ime dve Slovenki — obe Zvezini članici — v mestnem kon- cilu. Prva je bila Elsie Brager; letos je bila brez opozicije ponovno i-zvoljena. Obema želimo mnogo uspeha. Ponosni smo na nje! Na ponovno povabilo odbora organizacije People to People, smo sodelovale pri njihovem Mednarodnem Festivalu in to z prav dobrim uspehom. Naša, z narodnimi motivi okrašena stojnica, je vzbujala veliko zanimanja. Slovensko petje je vsem ugajalo. Razstavljeno slovensko pecivo je bilo kmalu razprodano. Naše dobre članice so poleg drugih dobrot napekle 51 potic. Pridna je bila Mary Udovlch, ki jih je spekle sedemnajst, Frances Chuck pa osem. Odbor se Iskreno zahvaljuje vsem za pomoč pri delu, za darovano pecivo in vino za "pink tea”. Šef te popularne pijače je vsako leto poznani g. Jože Brulla z ženo Tončko, zakat- obema lepa hvala. — Načelnici aktivnosti sta Dorothy Kregel in Mary Turk. Da vse članice posetljo majevo sejo iskreno želi, Odbor izCrpek iz letne seje direktoric l)ne 23 in 24. febr. v V pondeljek dne 23. febr., 1970 so se zbrale Direktorice Slovenske Ženske Zveze na njihovi letni seji v glavnem uradu v Chicagu. Navzoče so bile: častna preds. Marie Prisland, pres. Antonia Turek, ta j. Albina Novak, blag. Josephine Železnikar, preds. nadzornega odbora Ann Podgoršek in nadzornice, Mary Otoničar in Anne Kompare. Navzoče sta bile tudi urednica Corinne Leskovar in uradnica Fanika Humar. V torek so bile navzoče tudi: Marie Floryan, gl. podpreds. in Elizabeth Zefran, direktorica ženskih aktivnosti. Nadzorni odbor je pregledal finančne knjige in čekovne račune gl. tajnice, gl. blaganičarke, tajnice Šolninskega sklada in urednice Zarje. Odbor je obiskal banko Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co., kjer je pregledal vse investicije in varnostne predale. Vse je bilo v najlepšem redu. Podano je bilo poročilo preds. Antonije Turek o prodaji Zvezine Kuharske knjige, ki je sporočila, da bo knjiga v nekaj mesecih razprodana. V letu 19G9 je bilo oddano splošnemu stroškovnemu skladu $2,000 kot prebitek od prodeje kuharskih knjig in $200 od prodaje pesmaric. Tajnica finančnega odbora, Marie Prisland je poročala o investicijah in izjavila, da so rezultati ugodni. Vse hranilne vloge so bile spremenjene v hranilne certifikate, ki prinašajo najvišje obresti. Podrobno finančno poročilo in poročila posameznih glavnih odbornic so bila objavljena v angleškem jeziku v aprilski številki Zarje. Predsednica je povabila novo pomočnico v glavnem uradu, go. Faniko Humar, da izrazi njene vtise o delu v glavnem uradu, ki izjavi, da je zadnjih pet mesecov dobila kar najbolj ugodne vtise o poslovanju organi-zacie. Odbornice se zahvalijo ge. Humar za njeno delo in jo prosijo, da isto nadaljuje. Direktorice so sprejele predlog, da se omeji služba glavnih odbornic razen izvršnega odbora in urednice, na dva termina. Na ta način, bi mogoče pridobile nove moči v glavni odbor. Sprememba pravil v skladu s tem predlogom bo predložen konvenciji v odobritev. Glavnem uradu v Chicagu Direktorice soglasno odobrijo predlog, da se izvoli samo ena namestnica nadzornic, mesto dveh, ki v slučaju če je mesto prazno vstopi v nadzorni odbor. Odbor je odločen, da se poskuša dvigniti sklade, čeprav je organizacija zelo stabilna, vendar bi bilo dobro, da se najdejo novi viri. Vsekakor je odbor proti zvišanju dosedanjih pristojbin. Razpravljalo se je o možnosti pristopa moških v organizacijo, ker že imamo fante v mladinskem oddelku. Sklene se, da nudi moškim možnost pristopa in ta predlog se bo tudi predložil konvenciji. Predsednica bo imenovala konvenčne odbore, kakor hitro bo predložena lista delegatinj. Ker se poslovan doba novega odbora prične s 1. julijem, 1970, se sklene, da bo polletna seja direktoric se vršila v juliju. DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE: Vsa poročila so bila zelo ugodna in je bilo soglasno sklenjeno, da državne konvencije vršijo važno vlogo in se priporoča njihovo delo v bodoče. Predsednica poroča o delovanju klevelandskih podružnic, ki pomagajo k uspehu Zveze. Družabne priredbe in vzgojna predavanje večkrat privabijo več članic k sejam in k tem priredbam. Priporoča se vsestranska aktivnost podružnic. Zmagovalka v predkonvenčni kampanji ko kronana za konvenčno kraljico. Zadnje poročilo o poteku kampanji bo v majski Zarji. Na drugem mestu v tej Zarji je podrobni KONVENČN1 PROGRAM. Zasedanje je bilo zaključeno ob 5 uri pop. in preds. želi vsem srečno potovanje na domove. Antonia Turek, gl. predsednica Corinne Leskovar, zapisnikarica za to lepo prosimo, da bi prinesle kake domače slaščice, vključno potice in štrudeljne, ali kaj drugega, da bo šlo s kavo. Na svidenje 14. maja! Corinne Leskovar št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Minili so velikonočni prazniki, prihaja lepše vreme in zopet je luštno zunaj v prosti naravi. Kdo se ne veseli krasnih cvetk, katere rahlja božja in človeška roka na zemlji. Dan naših mater bo že za nami. ko bo majniška Zarja dospela v domove naših članic. Tudi letos bo mesečnik Zarja počastil izbrane matere podružnic kot vzgledne predstavnice naših mater. A tudi vsem drugim materam naj velja voščilo vse Amerike ta dan. Vsem članicam, ki so odšle k Bogu po večno plačilo, bo ohranjen med nami hvaležen spomin. Poseben poklon č. p. Marie Prisland, ki je mati naše S. Ž. Z. Rada se spominjam na mlada leta. kako sem bila srečna. Kje ste prelepi časi? PRIDITE NA LETNO MATERINSKO PROSLAVO Št. 2, Chicago, III. — Pričakujte se, da bomo letos imele največjo in najelpšo proslavo materinskega dneva pri naši podr. V programu imamo sv. mašo, ki bo prvič darovana na delavnik zvečer, to je v četrtek dne 14. maja ob 7:30 p. m. v cerkvi Sv. Štefana. Mašo za žive in umrle članica bo daroval g. p. Tomaž Hoge, OFM, naš župnik in duhovni svetovalec naše podr. Zbor pod vodstvom prof. Alfreda Fishingerja bo vodil petje najlepših slovenskih Marijinih pesmi. Prisrčno vabim vse članice, vaše družine in župljane na to pomembno proslavo. Ob tej priliki, bomo imeli prijetno dolžnost pozdraviti v naši podružnici 55 novih članic, ki so bile vpisane v teku te kampanje. Pridobile so jih naše pridne društvenice. Največje število, 42 novih članic, je pridobila naša odlična nova podpredsednica, Fanika Humar. Toda ona ni prenehala z delom, kajti od zaključka kampanje, jih je pridobila še 20 dodatnih novih članic! Je res sijajno in čestitamo Faniki za njeno izredno delo za napredek podružnice in Zveze. Zaprisega novih članic se bo vršila po cerkvenem opravilu v spodnji sveteoštefanski dvorani. Imeli bomo tudi okrepčila. Počastili bomo naša letošnjo zaslužno mater, Mrs. Sophie Bogolin, ki ima 4 otroke in njena mati je naša preds. Sophie še enkrat naša zahvala in najboljše želje za tvojo trudapolno delo v preteklih letih. Naši mladinski člani pod vodstvom ge. Humarjeve, bodo predvajali kratki glasbeni program. No zamudite tega večera, ampak pridite vsi, da lepo proslavimo materinski dan leta 1970. Ker pričakujemo veliko udeležbo. Bog blagoslovi našo gl. taj. A. Novak, da bo zdrava obhajala svoj materni dan v krogu njene družine. Najslajše ime vseh je ,mati. Februarske seje se je udeležilo lepo število čla. Prances Skul je prinesla jabolčni štrudel (Hvala, ses. Skul) in tudi kave ni manjkalo. Ob zaključku smo se vse vesele in zadovoljne poslovile. Veseli me, da se vsaj nekaj članic udeleži sej, večina mladih. V maju bomo imele zadnjo sejo pred poletnimi počitnicami in v septembru se zopet pričnejo redne seje. Naša Zveza bo letos zopet poklonila šolnino dvema študentoma, vsakemu po $200.00. SŽZ z veseljem sprejema pod svoje okrilje posebno mladino, ki nam je porok, da bo naše delo rodilo sadove še v dolgo bodočnost. Za velikonočni čas, se je naša podr. spomnile slov. cerkve z darom $10 in darovale smo tudi $5 za sesterski dom za onemogle v Lemontu. Tudi za slovensko čitalnico tukaj v Pueblo, smo naklonile $10. Slov. čitalnica je uključena v poslopju Southern Colo. State College. S tem naša podr. oz. Zveza pridobi na ugledu in se osebno spoznamo. Sožalje naj sprejme Ann Germ, so rodnica Elizabeth Germ, ki je podlegla srčni bolezni. — Ann Skender je nenadoma smrtno izgubila soproga za srčnim napadom. Res, ne vemo ne dneva, ne ure, kedaj se smrt oglasi. Mary Kastelilc in Lucille Jesik so šle skozi žalost ob nagli smrti sorodnika Joe Horvat. Moje osebno sožalje. Iz naše naselbine se dne 8. junija poda velika skupina v staro domovino. Mladi in stari, vsi željno pričakujejo odhod, da osebno vidijo krasno deželo Slovenijo in druge kraje Evrope. Naša prijazna Mary Dolgan, hčerke Jean in Mary Mihe-lich, gre že v četrtič na obisk njenega rojstnega kraja, vas Bač. Jack Dolgan, sin od Mary in žena sta tudi že bila tam in jima je znana lepota slovenske domovine. Tudi Mary Kukar gre že drugič. Njej zelo ugaja Bela Krajina in kraji okrog Ljubljane. Da ne pozabim našega spoštovanega starosta in družabnika, Joe Kral, ki bo obiskal njegovo rojstno vas, Malo vas, pri Dobrem polju. On je vesele narave, vse je vedno veselo v njegovi družbi. Njega bodo spremljale dvce hčerke, Ann Kral in Prances Skoff. Verjemite mi, da si želim, da bi tudi jaz bila v taki prijetni domači družbi. Vsem želimo polno razvedrila in zdravja, da vas veliki ptič zopet varno pripelje nazaj. Srečno potovanje in polno mero užitka, katerega boste deležni v mili domovini. “Tam kjer zibka tekla je, oj tam sem srečen le, in vleče me srce.” Z Bogom dragi mi prijateli! Omenjena skupina potuje pod vodstvom SŽZ. Bolne so Anne Caporici, Anna Novak iz Arroya je morala v bolnišnico zaradi nesrečnega padca v kleti. Mihaela Prince se zdravi v bolnišnici in se ji zdravje počasa obrača na bolje, kakor tudi drugim našim bolnim sestram. Na seji v marcu, smo s podpisi članic nabrale dar za sv. mašo za ponovno popolno zdravje naše gl. taj. Albine Novak. Topla zahvala Ane Sterle iz Stra-bane, Pa., za pozdrave, katere mi je izročila M. Dolgan. Spomni se nas s pisanjem v Zarji, saj pišeš včasih zanimiva poročila v drugih listih. V juniju bomo slavile očteovski dan in praznik naših soprogov. Edini tvoj zvesti prijatelj je tvoj mož. V zavetju moževe obrambe se počutiš varno. Prijateljica je potožila: zdaj še le vem, kos mojega življenja je šlo z jim v grob. Sporočam, da imam na rokah naročila za knjižice “Pogovor z Bogom”. Cena je $1.10. Prebitek gre v dobri namen za dom onemoglih v Lemontu. Hvala za naročila knjige “From Slovenia To America”, Agnes Stepanich iz Kansas. Se še kaj oglasi! Vse ste lepo vabljene na sejo, da počastimo častno mater. Bo prigrizek in program in veselo snidenje. Na dnevne redu so tudi predlogi za prihodnjo konvencijo. Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Poročilo apri-love seje. Dolga zima je za nami in tukaj je zelena pomlad s prvimi pomladanskimi rožami. Zvončki so že prilezli iz zemlje. Ko boste brale te vrstice bo že vse v cvetju. Naše članice se pridno pripravljajo za konvencijo. Ena članica od št. 32 je spletla lep afgan, na katerega bodo skupno z našim društvom prodajale listke. V zadnjem mesecu je umrla Ana Perko. Naj ji sveti večna luč in naj v miru božejtn počiva. Bila je naša dobra članica, ki je večkrat kaj podarila. Delala je porcelanske predmete. Naj ji Bog stotero poplača. Domačim pa naše solžalje. V tem času je dosti naših članic bolanih in to so naslednje sestre: Mrs. Lapuh, Mrs. Zigman, Mrs. Zadnik, Mrs. Klun, Mrs. Sedmak in Mrs. Srpan. Molimo za njihovo zdravje. Mrs. Mary Štrukel, ki živi v Cali-forniji, se že dalje časa nič ne o- glasi. Bodite lepo pozdravljena in pridite kaj v naš Cleveland in seveda tudi želim, da se vidimo na naši seji. Me se vas večkrat spominjamo, ko ste bila predsednica našega društva. Bolana je Mrs. Lapuh. Dar, katerega so ji poklonile obiskovalke je vrnila nazaj v sončni kotiček za zdravstveno pomoč. Hvala Vam, Mrs. Lapuh. Dalje so darovala v good tajni blagajno: Mrs. Mavrič in Mrs. Simončič. Na tej seji nas je tudi tretala Mrs. Simončič. Hvala vsem, ki ste darovale. Naj vam majniška Marija izprosi zdravja in že- lim, da bi se na prihodnjih sejah zopet zbrale v tako lepem številu. Naša zelo aktivna dolgoletna članica Fr. Perme je bolana na domu in zaradi obolelih nog ne more več priti na seje. V bolnici je bila v marcu K. Golinar iz Arbor Ave. Zdravnik ji je prepovedal težka dela. — Že par tednov je nevarno bolna vMt.. Sinai bolnišnici, Marie Kos. Želimo tem in vsem bolnim sosestram ljubega zdravja, da bi zopet kmalu prišle med nas na seje, posebno tudi na konvencijo, ki bo tukaj v Recher Hall v Euclidu. Vas vse na okrog lepo pozdravljam. Antonija Sustar, poročevalka Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Pozdravljene vse gl. odbornice in vse članice Zveze! Ta zima se nas res drži, toda vseeno je topla pomlad že okrog vogala in ko boste čitale te vrstice, bodo že topli žarki nas ogrevali. Naša zadnja seja v februarju je bila bolj pičlo obiskana. Toplomer je bil 10 pod ničlo in pota so bila ledena, toda upam, da bo v maju zelo številna udeležba. Dan seje bo ogla šen na radiju in v domačem časopisu. Na tej seji bomo počastile našo zaslužno mater, ses. Antonijo Erk-lautz. Obenem bomo tudi razmotri-vale za pravila in priporočila dele-gatinji, podpreds. Angeli Vesel, ki je izvoljena naša zastopnica za konvencijo v Clevelandu. Na tej seji se bomo tudi spomnile vseh naših umrlih članic in vseh bolnih, bodisi doma, ali v nursing home, oz. bolnici. Na prošnjo hčera naj bo do priobčeni v blag spomin nepozabnih mater in članic št. 19 naslednji verzi: Sliko Vašo drage nam, vedno v srcu nosimo. Solze bridke žalovanja, mnogo let že rosimo. Saj ste bile nam vse drage sestre, kar na svetu sto storile — Matere, sestre tako blage, liako pozabile bi. Smrt oj’ vse prehitro, sestre, matere odzvala si. Njih trupla zdaj počivajo, v črnem grobu zdaj ležijo. Grobove Vaše, drage nam matere in zveste sosestre Zveze; Večkrat bomo še obiskale, tužni z groba se vračale. Enkrat pa predrage sestre v večnosti se snidemo. Kako veselo je v mesecu maju, Saj letos je bilo za Velikonoč mrzlo in snega, kakor za Božič. Na majsko sejo bomo povabile tudi našega g. župnika Fr. Perkovich. Na dec. seji je bil izvoljen za duh svetovalca Fr. Skumec, toda črez par mesecov potem, pa je že bil prestavljen v Duluth In na njegovo mesto je prišel Fr. Frank Perkovich. Zelo smo ga veseli, posebno še, ker on govori tu- P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: ŽRTEV ŽIVLJENJA Prav narahlo je potrkalo na vrata življenja. Postajalo pa je vedno bolj glasno in silovito. Ko je angel življenja odprl vrata je tam zagledal ženo,, katere lice je izrazalo trpljenje in je bilo upadlo a njene oči so sijale v pričakujočem upanju. "Prišla sem po svojega otroka,” je živo povedala. “Hitro mi ga dajte. Imam dolgo pot za seboj in moje moči so pri pkraju. Bojim se, da ne bom zadržala do povratka.” “Samo en trenutek,” je odgovoril angel življenja. “Tvoj otrok je tukaj, a je trebt plačati zanj.” “Kako naj plačem,” je rekla obiskovalka, “moj mož in jaz imava zelo malo denarja in kar ga imava, ga imava za tega otroka.” “Ne zahtevam denarja”, je rekel angel življen ja. “Toda meni je treba plačati. Dati mi moraš nekaj od svojega zdravja, dobra žena. Imeti moram precej časa in energije, nakaj od tvoje udobnosti, precej tvojega srčnega miru in velik del tvojega srca.” Brez vsakega obotavljanja, je žena izročila zahtevano plačilo. Angel je odšel skozi vrata življenja in se kmalu vrnil z migljajočim se zavojem. Vneto, skoraj silovito je žena sprejela zavoj in ga objela s svojimi šipkimi rokami. Pri tem pa se je angelu zahvalila. Ko se je obrnila, da bi odšla, ji je angel položil krono na glavo. Žena ga je začudeno pogledala. “To je moj dar tebi,” je rekel angel. “To je krona materinstva. To je tvoja nagrada za vse stvari, ki si jih žrtvovala.” Vsaka mati zasluži tako krono. Seveda so matere pre več za poslene, da bi to krono nosile vsak dan. Večina mater niti ne želi vedne pohvale in časti. Vsaka mati pa ceni ljubezen in zahvalo, ki jo izrečemo vsaj enkrat na leto. Zato mora biti ta toliko bolj prisrčna. Vsem materam vse najboljše za njihov dan. dl lepo slovensko in hrvatsko, čeprav je mlad, pa ni pozabil kar ga je mati naučila. Novo mašo je imel v Chisholm in bil je župnik v Duluth, nakar ga je škof premestil v Eveleth, kjer je velika slovenska naselbina in posebno starejši naseljenci so vesele, da se bodo lahko pogovorili z njim v materinem jeziku. Želimo, da bo srečen pri nas mnogo let. Pred enim letom smo pokopali ses. Aloijzijo Kamnikar, ki je zapustila žalujočega moža in 3 poročene sinove. Mož je zelo žaloval in tako je tudi on šel za njo. Umrl je 15. marca v bolnišnici in sedaj je združen z ženo. V imenu podr. izrekamo družini iskreno sožalje. Naslednje sestre bolehajo na domu: Jerome, Kousek, Kvaternik, Jennie Zupec, Bertliliolm, Shereshe. Če sem katero izpustila, naj mi prosti V nursing home so: ses. Stimac, Strahan, Steblaj, Setnikar, Oberstar, Mihevc. Vabim vas, da jih obiščete, ker so vesele obiskov. V imenu podr in članic se prav lepo zahvalim pevcem, ki nam tako lepo prepevajo slovenske pesmi, vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu. Posebno zahvala pevovodji Mr. Kuntara, ker večkrat zapojete tudi našo Zvezino himno. Upamo, da bo naša slovenska pesem še mnogo let donela iz Vaših grl. Za Materinski dan čestitam tudi naši materi Zveze, Mrs. Prisland; Tebi draga mi Albina pa srčno želim, da boš popolnoma ozdravela. Vem. da veliko trpiš za boleznijo, ki te muči. toda vedno si imela močno voljo, da si vse težave prenesla, zato vem, da boš z božjo pomočjo prebolela tudi to težavo. Vse Ti želimo ljubo zdravje; ljubi Jezus in dobri zdravniki in trdna volja, pa boš dobra. To je naša želja od nas vseli Tebi za Materinski dan. Vsem gl. voditeljicam Zveze pa veliko uspeha in napredka. Posebno Tebi Corinne želim mnogo uspehov, kajti veliko je Tvoje delo, pa s trdno in močno voljo boš vse naredila. Bog blagoslovi vse — in vseh delo za Zvezo. Na tem mestu se Vam prav lepo zahvalim za pozdrave iz gl. seje. Vesela sem, da se me spomnite, tudi jaz sem v duhu z Vami vsako uro, ker vem program Vašega dela. Želim mnogo božjega blagoslova na konvenciji, da bo v veliko korist. Zveze in v zadovoljstvo članstva. To je moje voščilo vsem sestram Zveze in končam z najlepšiimi pozdravi vsem skupaj. Mary Lenich, taj. Št. 20, Joliet, ill. — Sožalje družini pok. članice Anna Sinnmovicli, ki je podlegla bolezni po več mesečnem trpljenju v starosti 80 let. Bila je članica nad 40 let, priporočena po Antonia Levstik. Rojena je bila na Hrvatskem in v Zvezo je pristopila 8. nov. 1928, skoro od začetka. Umrla je na Veliki petek in pokopana je bila iz cerkve Sv. Ane na hrvaško pokop, kjer je pokopan že 10 let njen mož. Skrbela je za dva sinova in eno hčerko vsa leta. Za njo žalujeta sinova John in George, hčerka Mary Egezija in 4 vnuki in 4 pravnuki. Na zadnji poti so jo spremljale, tajnica Olga Ancel, zapisnikarica Josephine Erjavec ter dve hrvatske članice, Mary Božic in Antonia San-del, ter Josephine Muster, naša podpredsednica. Mary Božič je podpredsednica hrvatskega cerkvenega društva "Krunice.” Mrs. Božič je v tem času vpisala tudi njeno hčerko Joan v Zvezo. članica Mrs. Dehn je izgubila brata, Rev. Jurkovich, ki je bil župnik fare St Aleix v Bensonville, 111. je preminul star komaj 55 let. Za njim žalujeta še 2 brata in 2 sestri, kateri sta obe v redovnem poklicu. Sožalje tudi čla. Catherine Zadel ob izgubi sina Alberta. Poleg omenjene matere zapušča tudi sestro He-ien, pročeno Pluth in 2 nečakinje Christine in Mary Pluth. V zadnjem poročilu se je vrinila o-pomota ob izgubi Leo Adamich, ki zapušča poleg hčerke in sina — o-stalo sorodstvo. Bil je dvakrat poročen in sicer z pok. Anna Flander in Barbaro Rozman. Želimo vsem sorodnikom pokojnih. naše sožalje, a tistim, ki so bili poklicani v večnost, mir in pokoj. Ker bo ta seja v maju, predkonvenč-na seja, se vabi vse članice na to sejo, kjer bomo počastile našo mater Mrs. Gregorčič in imele party v čast vsem materam. Ob enem se bodo kazali naši filmi posneti lansko leto od Vaše poročevalke po Evropi. To rej pridite v polnem številu. Čestitke dr. Sv. Genevefe št. 108, KSKJ, ki so 5. aprila proslavile vse članice društva, ki so v društvu 50 let. Skoraj vse odbornice omenjenega društva, so tudi članice naše podr, in želimo jim mnogo uspeha. Najlepše pozdrave vsem in na svidenje ne seji, dne 17. maja ob pol drugi uri. Josephine Erjavec Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Zopet se nam je približal lepi maj in z njim zelena pomlad. V tem mesecu slavimo Materinski dan, ko otroci počastijo njihove zemelske matere, če še živijo, katere pa so odšle v večnost, se pa jih spominjajo v mo-litvah, da jim bo naša nebeška mati, jim izprosila nebeško veselje. Pri naši podr. smo letos izbrale za častno mater podr. spoštovano gospo Marijo Zorenč. Ona je dobra, pri-jazna in rada pomaga pri vseh naših prireditvah. Rada zahaja na na-še seje in tudi daruje kar je potrebno. Pii naši podr. tudi izvolimo majniško kraljico in tako je bila Mrs. Mary Zorenč letos izbrana tudi za majniško kraljico. V maju pa bomo volile novo za tekoče leto, ki bo kraljevala do prihodnjega maja. Malo jo počastimo in obdarujemo s kakim darom. Sestre, pridite na sejo 10. maja, ki bo v šoli sv. Vida. Tudi bomo imele dober prigrizek. V tem letu so nam umrle Jennie Ponikvar, Antonia Skonder, Albina Francis, Emma Tofant, Anna Hren, Josephine Polis. Naj se vse veselijo pri Mariji. Vsem našim bolnicam želimo ljubega zdravja in naj vas Bog in Marija podpirajo v vašem trpljenju. Na svidenje na seji 10. maja! Mary Otoničar Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Danes pa želim poročati o mojih vtisih iz obiska sončne Californije, katero sem obiskala s sinom Hermanom in ženo, ki živita v Elmhurst, 111. Seveda sem bila zelo vesela, sej imam tam sina in hčer; sin ima še G nedoraslih o trok, a hči ima samo še najmlajšega sina doma, starejši sin pa je bil eno leto v Vietnamu, zdaj pa je zdravnik v Sail Franciscu, a hčerka je že poročena. Sin Ray živi v Glendale, hči Mary pa v Pasadena. Vozili smo se okoli in pri moji hčeri sta bila tudi Mr. in Mrs. Burns iz N. Y., ki je prišel na konvencijo stavbenikov in tako smo se vozili skupaj in občudovali krasote narave, kar ne bom pozabila, če bi živela še drugih 84 let. Peljali so nas v puščavo (desert) v Mexico, v San Pietro, kjer smo prisostvovati ribji predstavi. Videli smo kako so naučene ribe skočile visoko črez vrv in skočile po žogo ter jo vrnile možu, ki jih je treniral. .Te kar neverjetno kake čudne trike so se naučile in razumele so žvižg, ali pa če jim je trener pokazal z roko. Peljali so nas tudi v krasni Disneyland. Tiste lepote se pa kar ne da popisati! Videla sem Disneyland na TV, toda se ne da primerjati. O da vidite skalnate hribe in napeljana voda, ki pada globoko v narejeno jezero. Na jezeru so ladje in podmornice, ki so nas vozile med hribi in skozi tunele, koder je voda dovolj globoka, da plovejo barke, ali male ladje. Veselila sem se, da bom videla submarine, ker Herman je bil namreč officer na submarini v zadnji vojni. Pa sem se zastonj veselila, samo 2 klopi so bile notri, da smo sedli in gledali skozi mala okna na vodo in zelenje ter skalovje oh vodi. Krasota glavnega poslopja se ne da popisati! Na vrhu so stebri in stebrički, rob strehe poslopja se sveti kakor da bi bil pozlačen. Od hriba do hriba so napeljane tračnice, koder smo se precej visoko v zraku vozili in imeli prekrasni razgled naokoli. Povedali so mi, da Disneyland ni več star kot kakih 15 let, toda ga še vedno gradijo. Rada bi bila šla tudi v San Francisco obiskati mojega vnuka Dr. Mingo Levenick, ki je zdravnik tam in pa moje 2 prijateljice in sosede iz Aurora Ave.: Tilly Kurnik in Frances Lavrič. Žal ni bilo mogoče. Dne 10. aprila je poteklo 60 let odkar so moja ljubljena in nepozabna mati umrli. Upam, da jim je Bog dober plačnik in mati ni več daleč čas, ko bom prišla k Vam. Prosite pri Bogu za me! Lepe pomladanske pozdrave vsem članicam in materam pri Zvezi še majniški pozdrav. Frances Kranjc Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Lepi velikonočni prazniki so za nami. Pomlad je tukaj med nami in vsa narava je oživela v lepo zelenje. Toplo sonce pa nam peinaša novega življenja. Priporočam vsem tistim članicam, ki se še borite z gripo, ali z zimskim prehladom, da pohitite v Vašimi aspirini, da se vam zdravje čimprej vrne. V Euclid General Hospital se nahaja Jennie Jagodnik, ko je srečno prestala operacijo na očeh. Vse članice ji želijo, da se čimprej ozdravi. Za vedno nas je zapustila dolgoletna članice Mary Cinko. V pogrebnem zavodu smo se poslovile od nje a častno stražo in z molitvijo rožnega venca. Naj počiva v miru Gospodovem in naj ji bo lahka ameriška zemlja. Njeni težko prizadeti družini, vse članice izrekamo globoko sožalje. Meseca maja na bo seje, pač pa bo 2. junija. Prosim vse članice, da pridete na to sejo. Potrudite se, da pokažete naši predsednici Mary Boštjan, da ste zadovoljne z njenim delom, ko se res tako prizadeva, da bo naše društvo se čim bolj povečalo in ostalo skupno. Na seji bomo imele sprejem novih članic in obhajale bomo materinski dan z izvoljeno materjo za to leto, Jennie Gustinčič, in skupno a članicami bomo obhajale rojstne godove. Zato res ne zamudite tega sestanka. Nove članice so naslednje: Fani Machle, Tinea Kanalec, Josesphine Kovačič. Vse članice jim želimo, da bi se med nami počutile vesele in zadovoljne ter jim kličemo sevelo dobrodošlico! Prosim tudi lepo vse tiste, ki ste v zamudi z mesečno članarino, da poravnate, drugače mora naša blagoj-ničarka zalagati s svojim denarjem. Ne pozabite, da bo naslednja seja 2). junija. Upam, da bo lepa udeležba. Prijateljski pozdrav všem članicam. Tončka Skvarča, poročevalka Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — Zadnja seja je bila oblj slabo obiskana. Želimo, da bo sedaj, ko se bo vreme uredilo, tudi udeležba boljša. Raz-motrivale smo kako pridobiti kaj novih članic. Vse mamice prosimo, da nagovorite vaše hčerke za pristop v našo lepo organizacijo, da bodo one nadaljevale, ko bomo me starejše o-pešale. Kakor vam je znano, se bo konvencija naše organizacije vršila v Eu-clidu. Vsem gl. odbornicam in dele-gatinjam kličemo prisrčno dobrodošle! Marca meseca smo spremile k večnemu počitiku ses. Louise Pylick. Pokojna Louise se je vedno zanimala in prispevala za uspeh podr. Naj blaga pokojnica sladko sniva v naročju matere zemlje in večna luč naj ji sveti. Preostalim žalujočim pa izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje. Ses. Mai-y Jenovic se je po več tedenskem bivanju v bolnici, vrnila na svoj dom. Želimo, da bo kmalu popolnoma okrevala in ostala pri naj boljšem zdravju. V blagajno so darovale ses. R. Pujzdar, M. Paulin, A. Maček, F. Kariš, A. Medveš, K. Artel in K. Ple-mel. Vsaki posebej prav iskrena hvala. Vsem mamicam za Materinski dan, želimo vse najlepše. Po seji smo pa praznovale rojstni obletnici ses. Mary Debevec in Rose Pujzdar. Obema želimo še mnogo srečnih in zdravih obletnic in Bog jih ohrani pri najboljšem zdravju. Lepa hvala ses. Mary Pujzdar in Mary Yerak in soprog Tony za kartice s pozdravi iz lepe Floride. Pridite vse na našo prihodnjo sejo. Iskrene pozdrave, Ella Starin Št. 47, Garfield Heights, Ohio. — Mesec maj bo ves prazničen, saj bo toliko zanimivih predstav. Narava je sedaj odeta vsa v cvetočem zelenju. V tem mesecu častimo našo nebeško mater Marijo. Geli mesec se vršijo pobožnosti na čast kraljice nebes in zemlje. Druga svečanost je slavnost naših mater, katere ne moremo pozabiti, če je živa ali mrtva; vedno se rade spominjamo ljubeče skrbne mamice. Pri podr. SŽZ vsako izvolimo izmed članic eno zaslužno delavno o-sebo, kot častno mater podr., da ji izkažemo priznanje za njeno zanimanje. Zato se prireja vsako leto materinska proslava. Naša slavnost bo dne 31. maja s sv. mašo ob 11:45 zn žive in umrle članice v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca. Prošene ste vse, če vam je le mogoče, da se udeležite te sv. maše. Na seji bomo počastile zaslužno sestro Jennie Praznik iz Pershing Ave., Parma, O. Ona je naša zapisnikarica več let in nam rada pomaga v vseh ozirih. Njeno življenje je bilo težko. Ni poročena, pa je imela skrb v gospodinstvu, ko je umrla draga mati pred 36 leti in zapustila 6 sinov in Z hčere, ko so bili še mladoletni. Ona je bila starejša izmed sester Rose in Mary, da je skrbela za mlajše v družini. Poteklo je 7 let po materini smrti in Bog jim je odvezel še očeta. Izmed šestih sinov so 4 že umrli. Tako je imela naša zaslužna sestra več žalostnih dni v družinskem krogu. Vse članice ji želimo, da bi ji liog v bodoča leta naklonil več veselja in sreče. V bolnici se nahajajo ses. Josephine Slama, Mary Lupsina. Želimo jima ljubega zdravja. Pod zdravniško o skrbo so na domu: Terezija Bizjak, Mary Prosen in Frances Mlklicli. Da bi jim ljuba pomlad prinesla lepe sončne dneve in vrnila zdravje vsem bolnim! Vse ste vljudno vabljene, da se u-deležite konvenčnih zabav, ki se vi šijo od 23. do 2'7. maja. Vas vse lepo pozdravljam, da bi bile zdrave in vesele za materinski dan. Jennie Pugely, taj. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. Na marčni seji je bila lepa udeležba. Razpravljale smo o Zvezinem dnevu, ki se je vršil dne 19. aprila. Gostiteljca je bila podr. št. 96 v Universal, Pa. To je bil četrti Zvezin dan od zadnje konvencije. Na dan velikonočne nedelje je zgledalo, da je božični čas. Ko smo šli zjutraj k sv. maši je bilo že precej snega in ko smo se vračali iz cerkve, je pa bilo že toliko snega, da nismo mogli z automobili voziti domov. Zopet imam žalostno novico. Moj edini brat, John Kern je po 5 dnevni bolezni zaspal v Gospodu dne 17. marca. Prepeljan je bil v Cleveland in pogreb se je vršil iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda. Položili so ga v grob poleg njegove žene, ki je umrla aprilal967. Počivaj v miru dragi brat! Najlepša hvala moji sestrični Prances Frank za potrežbo in njenim sinovom in soprogam za cvetlice in udeležbo na pogrebu. Lepa hvala Mary Boštjan za darilo in udeležbo pogreba. Enako hvala vsem drugim, ki so ga obiskali v pogrebnem zavodu in prispevali v dobre namene. Lepa hvala vsem v Strabane, ki so ga obiskali v John Jones zavodu in darovali za sv. maše in druge dobre namene. Prisrčna hvala vsem! Vsem bolnim članicam želim da jim Bog vrne ljubo zdravje, posebno Mrs. Albini Novak v upanju, da jo vidimo na konvenciji popolnoma zdravo. Mary Tomsic, preds. MARIJA, KRALJICA SLOVENCEV St. 84, Brooklyn, N. Y. Huda zima je sicer za nami, toda za Veliko noč nas je zopet obiskal sneg, kar za i inče ga je padlo. Dne 2o(l turškim jarmom. Marsikatera krščanska dežela se je spremenila v muslimansko. Naš narod pa ni izkrvavel. Tudi se ni izneveril veri svojih očetov. K Mariji se je zatekal po pomoč v svojih stikah in Ona ga ni zapustila.” Otroci se spomnijo na dogodke iz tistih dni, kakor so slišali v šoli. Metka pripoveduje, kako je Marija rešila nesrečno ljudstvo v cerkvi na Slevici. Peter pove legendo o Ptujski gori. Mihec, ki je za godobil knjigo Jurij Kozjak in jo že vso prebral, pa lepo pripeveduje, kako so ose za Marjino podobo pri cerkvici na Mulja- vi pregnale Turke. “Marija je neštetokrat prav očitno pokazala svojo pomoč,” pritrdi učencem gospod katehet. "A Turki niso bili edina nevarnost. Kmalu je prišla druga, ki je pretila zapeljati naš rod v krivoverstvo. To je bil protestantizem.” "Primož Trubar, ki je izdal prvo slovensko tiskano knjigo, je bi! protestant,” se spomni Mirko. “Res!” pravi gospod. "On in še veliko drugih. Zlasti po mestih se je zelo razširila ta kriva vera. Graščaki so pa skoraj vsi pripadali pro-estantizmu. A naše ljudstvo, ki je tako vneto častilo Marijo, je ostalo zvesto katoliški veri.” Peter dvigne roko: “Kajne, protestanti ne častijo Marije?” “Ne,” odvrne g. katehet. "Mnogi, ki so vstopili v katoliško Cerkev priznavajo, da so v prejšnji veri občutili neko praznoto prav zato, ker niso imeli ljubeče Matere. Kes moramo biti hvaležni Bogu in Mariji, da sta nas obvarovala krivoverstva." Nato nadaljuje: “Za protestantiz mom so prišle še druge zmote, ki so hotele odtrgati naš narod od Boga. Najhujša od vseh pa je ... ” "... brezbožni komunizem,” zakliče ves razred. “Da komunizem,” pritrdi otrokom g. katehet. “Komunizem pod katerim naša domovina še vedno ječi. Komunizem, ki sovraži Boga in preganja vse, ki so Njemu zvesti. Ki je pobil tisoče vernih Slovencev, med katerimi so bili starčki, žene in celo nedolžni otroci. A mi trdno upamo, da Marija, ki je varovala naš narod v vseh preizkušnjah, tudi zdaj ne bo zapustila svojega ljudstva.” Gospod katehet zaključi: “Otroci, kakšen sklep bomo danes naredili?" Zmenili so se, da bodo vsak dan izročili v Marijino varstvo ves slovenski rod: tistega pod Triglavom in tistega, ki živi razkropljen po vsem svetu. Od zdaj naprej bodo vsak dan zmolili zdihljaj: Marija, Kraljica Slovencev, očuvaj nam vero in tlom! Kaj se vam zdi, ali ne bi bilo lepo, če bi to molitev molili prav vsi slovenski otroci? z. J-ova Iz Mladega Korotana KRAMC 00R3E % STUDIA SLOVEN IGA P O BOX 232 NEW YORK N Y L003 ' PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS AVE AFELY 0 NKIGHHOKHOOD OFFICES 813 Eaat 185th St. 25000 Euclid A /e. 6235 8t. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilton Mills 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. rlASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin S. W. U. PUBLICATIONS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT: World famous cookbook: Woman’s Glory - The Kitchen with recipes for Potica, Strudel, Krofe and many other Slovenian and International dishes! $3.25 per copy postpaid ★ Slovenian and English songbook: LET’S SING Sing-along songs that you loveI 31.25 per copy postpaid ★ The only English language compilation of stories on the Slovenian people in America: From Slovenia to America Written by S.W.U. Founder, Marie Prisland for the enjoyment and delight of the younger generation! $4.25 including postage See your Branch secretaries for any of the above books or write for individual copies to S. W. U. Supreme President, Mrs. Antonia Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 GEREND—HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 530»! H. GRDIIM & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele In žalostne dneve Nad 65 let že obratujemo na£e podjetje v zadovljnost nadih ljudi. To Je dokaz da Je podjetje Iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio METROPOLITAN BANK & Trost Company 2201 West Cerinak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDH ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cerinak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago, Illinois 60608 WE HAVE A HOME TO FIT YOUR NEEDSI LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-4S WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Etnbalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-G688