©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2003 Vol. 11, No. 2: 183-188 CHECK-LIST OF THE GENUS CORTODERA MULSANT, 1863 (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE) IN TURKEY WITH TWO NEW RECORDS Hüseyin ÓZDÍKMEN Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Arts, University of Gazi, 06500 Ankara / Turkey, e-mail: ozdikmen@gazi.edu.tr Abstract - The present list is the first attempt to register all modern Cortodera taxa of the whole territory of Turkey. Complete list of Turkish (European Turkey and Anatolia) Cortodera is given. It includes 20 species and 25 taxa of the species group (with subspecies); species introduced and established in Turkey are also included. Nominate subspecies are not mentioned, if other subspecies do not occur in Turkey. Main and important (but not all) synonyms, as well as taxonomic and geographical notes are also given. Key words: Cortodera, Cerambycidae, Coleoptera, Turkey Izvleček - SEZNAM VRST RODU CORTODERA MULSANT, 1863 (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE) V TURČIJI, Z DVEMA NOVIMA NAJDBAMA Pričujoči seznam je prvi poskus popisati vse sodobne taksone rodu Cortodera celotnega ozemlja Turčije. Podan je popoln seznam rodu Cortodera v Turčiji (Evropska Turčija in Anatolija). Vsebuje 20 vrst in 25 taksonov vrstne skupine (s podvrstami); vsebovane so tudi vrste, zanesene in naseljene v Turčijo. Nominatne podvrste niso omenjene, če druge podvrste ne nastopajo v Turčiji. Navedeni so glavni in pomembni (ne pa vsi) sinonimi ter taksonomske in geografske opombe. Ključne besede: Cortodera, Cerambycidae, Coleoptera, Turčija Introduction The longhorn beetle fauna of Turkey had been studied intensively in the last century and a number of papers presenting mainly faunistic data have appeared dealing 183 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologieAsrtftjfmifflmologica slovenica, 1 1 (2), 2003 with the genus Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 (Bodemeyer, 1900, 1906; Acatay, 1943; Schimitschek, 1953; ganak?ioglu, 1956, 1993; Villiers, 1959, 1967; Tuatay et al., 1961-1971; Demelt, 1963, 1967; Breuning and Villiers, 1967; Fuchs & Breuning, 1971; Gfeller, 1972; Gul-Zumreoglu, 1975; Ozbek, 1978; Holzschuh, 1980; Lobanov etal., 1981; Sama, 1982; Oymen, 1987; Adlbauer, 1988,1992; Danilevsky, 1992; Bense, 1995; Althoff & Danilevsky, 1997; Lodos, 1998; ganaksioglu and Mol, 1998; Sama & Rapuzzi, 1999; Rejzek and Hoskovec, 1999; Rejzek et al. 2001; Tozlu et al., 2002; Hoskovec & Rejzek, 2002; Danilevsky, 2002). Materials and methods The material for this study was collected by the author in the years 1991, 1997 and 2001 from different localities in Turkey and is deposited in the Gazi University. Some data were obtained from the cited literature. The distribution in Turkey is presented by the list of provinces. Results and discussion Data are presented on the occurrence of 20 species and 25 taxa of the species group (with subspecies) of the genus Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 in Turkey. The occurrence in Turkey of Cortodera aestiva Sama et Rapuzzi, 1999, Cortodera alpina alpina (Menetries, 1832), Cortodera alpina umbripennis Reitter, 1890, Cortodera alpina xanthoptera Ganglbauer, 1898, Cortodera cirsii Holzschuh, 1975, Cortodera colchi-ca colchica Reitter, 1890, Cortodera colchica rutilipes Reitter, 1890, Cortodera discolor Fairmaire, 1866, Cortodera femorata (Fabricius, 1787), Cortodera flavimana flavimana (Waltl, 1838), Cortodera flavimana limbata Pic, 1897, Cortodera holosericea (Fabricius, 1801), Cortodera humeralis humeralis (Schaller, 1783), Cortodera humeralis orientalis Adlbauer, 1988, Cortodera imrasanica Sama et Rapuzzi, 1999, Cortodera omophloides Holzschuh, 1974, Cortodera pseudomophlus Reitter, 1889, Cortodera pumila Ganglbauer, 1881, Cortodera ranunculi Holzschuh, 1975, Cortodera rubripennis Pic, 1891, Cortodera simulatrix Holzschuh, 1975, Cortodera syriaca Pic, 1901, Cortodera transcaspica Plavilstshikov, 1936, Cortodera uniformis Holzschuh, 1975, and Cortodera villosa Heyden, 1876 are determined in this work. Thus, 10 species are added to the species known from Turkey by Lodos (1998). Cortodera cirsii Holzschuh, 1975 is endemic in Turkey. Cortodera femorata (Fabricius, 1787) and Cortodera villosa Heyden, 1876 are reported for the first time in the Turkish fauna. Recent works on the Turkish fauna of Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 are Lobanov et al., 1981; Oymen, 1987; Althoff & Danilevsky, 1997; Lodos, 1998; Hoskovec & Rejzek, 2002 and Danilevsky, 2002. Especially Lodos, 1998 is a main literature source for this subject. Hoskovec & Rejzek, 2002 and Danilevsky, 2002 are unpublished works as computer databases. 184 H. Ózdikmen: Check-list of the genus Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Turkey with two new records According to Lobanov et al., 1981, Cortodera alpina (Menetries, 1832), Cortodera colchica Reitter, 1890, Cortodera flavimana (Waltl, 1838) and Cortodera pumila Ganglbauer, 1881 occur in Turkey. Cortodera syriaca Pic, 1901 and Cortodera transcaspica Plavilstshikov, 1936 were added to the species above in computer database of Danilevsky, 2002. According to Oymen, 1987, Turkish forest fauna of Cortodera is comprised of Cortodera alpina (Menetries, 1832) and Cortodera flavimana (Waltl, 1838). The European fauna of Cortodera includes 14 species listed in Althoff & Danilevsky, 1997. They included also the fauna of European part of Turkish Cerambycoidea. So, Cortodera flavimana (Waltl, 1838) and Cortodera humeralis (Schaller, 1783) were present among the species in Turkey. In computer database of Hoskovec & Rejzek, 2002, Cortodera colchica Reitter, 1890, Cortodera flavimana (Waltl, 1838), Cortodera humeralis (Schaller, 1783), Cortodera omophloides Holzschuh, 1974 and Cortodera syriaca Pic, 1901 are reported to be present in Turkey. In Lodos, 1998, the fauna of Turkish Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 comprise 10 species. These are Cortodera alpina (Menetries, 1832), Cortodera colchica Reitter, 1890, Cortodera discolor Fairmaire, 1866, Cortodera flavimana (Waltl, 1838), Cortodera pumila Ganglbauer, 1881, Cortodera ranunculi Holzschuh, 1975, Cortodera simulatrix Holzschuh, 1975, Cortodera syriaca Pic, 1901, Cortodera uni-formis Holzschuh, 1975, and Cortodera omophloides Holzschuh, 1974. According to the literature data mentioned above, the genus Cortodera is represented by 12 species in Turkey. But, in the present paper we report that the Turkish fauna of Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 is comprised of totally 20 species. These are listed as follows. Check-list of the genus Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 in Turkey Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 aestiva Sama et Rapuzzi, 1999 (KARS) alpina (Menetries, 1832) ssp. alpina (Menetries, 1832) (ERZURUM) ssp. umbripennis Reitter, 1890 (ANKARA, I£EL, MU§, ARTViN, VAN, KARS, ARDAHAN) = armeniaca Pic, 1898 ssp. xanthoptera Ganglbauer, 1898 (i£EL, NIGDE) cirsii Holzschuh, 1975 (OSMANlYE, NlGDE, ADANA) colchica Reitter, 1890 ssp. colchica Reitter, 1890 (ADANA, HAKKARI, BINGOL, ARTViN, BURDUR, KAYSERI, ANTALYA, KONYA, KARS, ADIYAMAN, BAYBURT, ERZURUM, SIVAS, ANKARA, AKSARAY) = deyrollei Pic, 1894 185 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologieAsrtftjfmifflmologica slovenica, 1 1 (2), 2003 ssp. rutilipes Reitter, 1890 (ERZURUM) discolor Fairmaire, 1866 (IZMIR, ANKARA, KONYA, NiGDE, AKSARAY, i£EL) femorata (Fabricius, 1787) (AKSARAY) (New record for Turkey) flavimana (Waltl, 1838) ssp. flavimana (Waltl, 1838) (i£EL, ANTALYA, NiGDE, AFYON, iSTANBUL, iZMiR, ISPARTA, SAMSUN, ANKARA, ERZURUM, SINOP, BOLU, KONYA, KASTAMONU, ARTViN, BAYBURT, KARS, RIZE, SiVAS, AKSARAY, KAYSERi, EUROPEAN TURKEY) ssp. limbata Pic, 1897 (IZMiR, ANKARA, BURSA) holosericea (Fabricius, 1801) (ANKARA) humeralis (Schaller, 1783) ssp. humeralis (Schaller, 1783) (ANKARA, EUROPEAN TURKEY) ssp. orientalis Adlbauer, 1988 (OSMANiYE, ANKARA, BOLU, ANTALYA) imrasanica Sama et Rapuzzi, 1999 (ANTALYA) omophloides Holzschuh, 1974 (i£EL) pseudomophlus Reitter, 1889 (K AHR AM ANM AR A§, ERZURUM) pumila Ganglbauer, 1881 (KARS, TOKAT, KASTAMONU) ranunculi Holzschuh, 1975 (MU§) rubripennis Pic, 1891 (HATAY, ADANA) simulatrix Holzschuh, 1975 (ARTViN) syriaca Pic, 1901 (K AHR AM ANM AR A§, i£EL, ADIYAMAN, MU§, AKSARAY) transcaspica Plavilstshikov, 1936 (TURKEY) = lobanovi Kaziuchitz, 1988 = persica Plavilstshikov, 1936 uniformis Holzschuh, 1975 (GÜMܧHANE, ARTViN) villosa Heyden, 1876 (ANKARA) (New record for Turkey) References Acatay, A., 1943: istanbul gevresi ve bilhassa Belgrad ormanindaki zararli orman böcekleri, mlicadeleleri ve i§letme iizerine etkileri. 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