ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 12 DECEMBER, 1971 VOLUME 43 RSHIPS kSTL ' SLOVENIAN E WOMAN’S UNION 4 5 th ANNIVERSARY IS 71 c ZARJA - THE DAWN HAPPV BIRTHDAY IN DECEMBER National Officer: No. 12 DECEMBER, 1971 VOL. XLIII Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveie Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročnina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago IM. GOGO8 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands ol the Editor by the FIRST of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd, Chicago, III 00608 Telephone Bishop 7-1014, Area Code J12 Dec. 7 — Jennie Feme, Auditor, Cleveland, Ohio Branch Presidents: Dec. 6 — Stella Cicconi, Br. 70, W. Aliquippa, Pa. Dec. 12 — Betty Mrak, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. Dec. 15 — Victoria Volk, Br. 99, Elmhurst, 111. Dec 17 — Fannie Hrvatin, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. Dec. 21 — Mary Mihelich, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Dec. 27 — Jean Kurilich, Br. 100, Fontana, Cal. Dec. 30 — Jennie Gerk, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio Dec. 31 — Frances Vidmar, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. Secretaries: S’ Lo Sla commemorative JLaitaMe In early autumn last year we made available a commemorative stamp of Our Lady of Brezje, printed in original colors and with the imprint of the dedication date of the Slovenian Chapel in Washington. To all those who used it was a beautiful decor for their Christmas mail; the donations for the stamp were to defray the cost of the preparations for the dedication of the Chapel. We would like to offer this stamp to everyone who would like to receive it or who would like to use it for his 1971 Christmas mail. The stamp will be sent free to all who will write us and will include their self addressed envelope with sufficient postage for return mailing. Should you like to receive more than one sheet of stamps (there are 40 stamps per sheet) please 60 indicate. No payment for the stamp is asked; should anyone wish to include a donation it will be for the cause of the beatification of Bishops Slomšek and Baraga. Both are honored in the Slovenian Chapel of Our Lady of Brezje in Washington. May we also, at this opportunity, reiterate that the Memorial book on the dedication of the Slovenian Chapel is still available (cost; $3.50 per copy); please write us. Dedication Committee Please address your communications to: Mrs. Marie Mejac 9509 Hale Street Silver Spring, Md. 20910 V % Dec. 11 — Mary Pahula, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. Dec. 11 — Wilma Franciskovich, Br. 45, Portland, Ore. Dec. 17 — Mary Yemec, Br. 42, Maple, Hgts., Ohio Dec. 23 — Mary Meadows, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Dec 30 — Mary Jermene, Br. 85, DePue, 111. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF TIIE DAY! ON THE COVER... A WREATH OF HISTORY — S.W.U.’S 45 YEARS SYMBOLICALLY WRAPPED UP BY KATHY DICKE. GRANDDAUGHTER OF OUR FOUNDER. DATES TO REMEMBER: IN DEC. 4.—-Bake Sale, Br. 32, Maple Hgts., Ohio 19,—ANNIVERSARY MASS CELEBRATING THE 45th ANNIVERSARY OF S.W.U. AND BR. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. St. Stephen Church, 10:30 a.m. Chicago, 111. CHRISTMAS PARTIES & YEARLY MEETINGS 1.—Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. 1.—Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111. 5.—Br. 40, Garfield Hgts., Ohio 7.—Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio 7,—'Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio 7.—Br. 91, Oakmiont, Pa. 8.—Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio 9.—'Br. 2, Chicago, 111. 12.—*Br. 2, Chicago, 111. Children’s Party. 12.—Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio. 12.—Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. 12.—Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. 12.—Br. 72, Warrensville Hgts. O. 15.—Br. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn. Club. 15.—Br. 71, Strabane, Pa. 15,—Br. 84, New York, N. Y. 21,—Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. 21.—R'-. 54, Warren, Ohio We have begun a new campaign to give us the proper and most meaningful observance of our 45th Anniversary! The Membership Campaign begins this month and will continue until May 31, 1972, when the talley will show the winner. In these six months ahead, there is enough time and opportunity to collect our prospective members around us and you will be able to enroll those friends as your new members. The formula for the campaign will be the same as usual, there will be cash prizes according to the class of membership you enroll. $1.00 for every Class B new member, .50 for every Class A new member and .25 for every new junior. (All secretaries are asked to print names and information on the new member application forms, please! We also ask you to include zipcode and complete address.) The most important award to the most successful campaign worker will be something we have never had before. It will be so fabulous, that it is worth your every effort to strive for it! For the time being, this award will be kept Top Secret! (And you will see that we will keep the secret better than any spies!) We hope, too, that you will be so curious that you will show us by your diligence that you want to know the Top Secret and earn it for yourself! Mrs. Prisland has suggested a fine idea! She asks that in honor of the 45th Anniversary, all officers of our branches should set the example by each enrolling one new member. She has figured this to be a grand total of 800 new members, if each and every officer does her bit. Isn’t this a wonderful proposal? Let us follow the plan and have a contest among our branches! Which branch will be first to be 100% — every officer bringing in one new member! We all want to be first! So, now you have a chance to show what you can do: We’ll show them! Eh??? Let’s show those who say it can’t be done — that, when there’s a will, there’s a way! And there is a will! Let this will bring you to the most successful observance of this auspicious anniversary of S.W.U. and in this way, you will help to prove that our pioneer members and officers did not work in vain. Which branch will be first with 100% package of new members, one per officer? Who will win the first prize? Answers to these questions are in your hands, dear members. And the final answer will be in the June issue of Zarja! And, our Top Secret will not be revealed until the proper time, too. Let’s get to our happy work! Janika Humar, National Secretary eri —A Uerij 'lllcrry Clriitmai Do Jltt Our Sbear, Drom DL fjation J Officer* OfS.W.U Qocli (Bfeiiincji in -Al untlance! FROM THE PRESIDENT S DESK: DEAR MEMBERS! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR To all National Officers, State Presidents, Branch Officers and members. A heartfelt “thank you all” for your services rendered in the past year and wishes that you will carry on your good work in for the coming year of 1972. Month of December is the time that all branches will have their yearly meetings and the main business will be election oif officers who will reign the branch for the coming year. To all elected officers I wish you good luck and good health and know that your services will be well performed. HAPPY 45TH ANNIVERSARY OF SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION At this time since we are celebrating our S.W.U. Anniversary I would like to give recoignition to a wonderful person who has devoted her lime to Zveza and has a record of enrolling 1150 new members. She is Mary Otoničar of branch No. 25 Cleveland, Ohio. If one person could enroll that many I am sure that it won’t be hard for each one of you to get at least one new member! WOMEN’S GLORY-THE KITCHEN New edition of Women’s Glory-the Kitchen is now available again! Sorry that is was impossible for me to mail you the books sooner as they were delayed at the print shop and it does take a long time to write, print, proof-read etc. Now the books are available and shall be mailed immediately as soon as we receive your order! Cost of the book is $4.00 including postage. Please mail Money Order or Check. No C. O. D. orders will be taken due to the inconvenience. HISTORY BOOK: “FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA” This month is also is a very special and important month because Slovenian Women’s Union is celebrating their 45th Anniversary which was organized on December 19, 1926 by founder Mrs. Marie Prisland. Marvelous way to celebrate this grand occasion would be to honor the gracious lady who founded Zveza, Mrs. Marie Prisland, by each member getting at least one new member. She would be extremely happy and honored by all of us if we present her with one new member. The new campaign is now in effect and all details can be found under Secretary, Fanika Humar’s column. ^ I still have a few of the history books available and they are nice gifts to give for Christmas. Price of the book is $4.25 including postage. Pocket size song-book “Zapojmo” are still on hand and their cost is $1.25 eaclh including postage. All books mentioned above can be available by sending your order and remittance to Antonia Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wialdiffe, Ohio 44092 Happy Birthday to all celebrating this month and speedy recovery to all ailing and again wish you all a happy Holiday! TONI TUREK Sheboygan OFFICERS AND CHARTER MEMBERS Organized on Dec, 1, From left to right, seated: Anna Modiz, Rec. Sec'y, Dorothy Brezonik, Vice- 192G, as the founding President; Marie Prisland, Founder; Margaret Fischer, Secretary; Dorothy Kregel, branch of Zveza, Br. 1 Treasurer; Standing: Frances Fritz, Julia Tratter, Mary Brezonik, Phyllis Pentek, celebrates it* 45lh anni-Antonia Brulla, Regine Grabner, Olga Saye, President and Mary Godez. veroary this month. ■4ITZVILLE MEMBERS EXCELLENT HOSTS AT MINNESOTA ZVEZA DAV On Sept, 12t'h, a bus of 44 members left Ely for Hib-bing to celebrate our annual Minnesota Day with Kitz-ville members of Br. 52 as our hosts. The schedule of the day was well-planned. We arrived at 10:00 a.m. to register at the Rainbow Room and had coffee aind. At 11:00 the State Convention meeting began at which I presided as State President. Mrs. Hermine Dicke, our official guest, was introduced and gave a short report as did our National Auditor, Ann Podgoršek of Duluth. No one seemed to have any special reports to be brought up. We agreed to have Ely host the Minnesota Zveza Day for next year, in 1972. The meeting adjourned with prayer. We attended the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with Fr. Frank Perko-vich officiating. The choir selected their music appropriate for the occasion. Father gave an inspiring talk. For the program, the main speaker was Lt. Gov. Rudy Perpich who gave an interesting talk. Bob Dicke had slides to show of the family trip to the Holyland this summer and because of our tight schedule, showed them after the program. A group of our members would have liked to have stayed but our bus was waiting and we had to leave all too soon. Thanks to Frankie Smolz of Chisholm who entertained us with his accordion. Frank is the son of Mary Lenich of Eveleth. As State President of Minnesota, I wish to thank each and everyone who made a success of the day. I know everyone enjoyed themselves. Best compliment was Mrs. Dicke’s remark that this was such a large attendance! Thanks again. See you next year in Ely! BARBARA ROSANDICH State President Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: CHRISTMAS LOVE Pouring forth from bocks, magazines, radio television and pulpits LOVE can really start to hit us like a four - lettered word. We are hounded to love everything and everyone, but the fact of repetition can make insensate to the meaning and the hope of what love is. Most of the world continues to grow toward a state of immobile despair. Encumbered with futility of our protests, for or against, we even weary of our ideals, cast our lot with the success or failures of the organized groups and their projects to change the world through persuasion, manipulation or revolution, aill while we sit by impotently bemoaning the catastrophes which benumb our capacity to feel, to think or to do. We become the “joyless generation” the inherited progeny of a world which cannot love. Our Christian faith can sustain us, can change the world to bring about the New Creation which is to be the inheritance of God’s sons. Bu+ our faith to be productive, must be graced in all its movements - must be filled with love. The “love” is not the banality of romantic desire, the fond wish for an object worthy of cur possesion; this is the child’s wish for power to manipulate and control - an ego trip for our own glory. To love means to seek the other, for it is the other which makes us one, gives us identity and allows us to find expression of our own reality and worth. To love is not to possess but to empty ourselves and penetrate that shell which encapsulss us in our own isolation. With regard for the other’s worth, unique being and sacredness we learn with hesitant steps to regard with awe the mystery of becoming one with another. We must learn to allow ourselves to become filled with the other, destroying our emptiness by casting aside our aloofness. This we learn from Our Lord who debased Himself to become one of us. And Him being a child we must love Him. Merry Christmas. 'l^llllllMIIIIIUIIIIIIIlllMtllllllllllllKlllllllllllliniUlllllllllUIIIUIIIIIIItlllllllllllllHIIIIIMIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIU^ j titty dear CtitetA... [ | Christmas is here. The time when we ex- | | change gifts, send countless greetings, good wisher* i | and we try during this time to put from our minds § | all things unpleasant. But, everyone to his own, | | and even those who think of the holidaytj only 1 | for the shopping and gift-getting have their own | | satisfaction. | = = | Perhaps this is the meaning of Christmas, | | that the Christians began nearly 2000 years ago. | | AH people hope for happiness, peace and love and | | seek it in any way they can. Those have a special | 5 gift, who see in Christmas the true meaning of | i the birth of new hope, the rise of a new dawn I = that comes after the darkness of night. | H To all dear members, you who live scattered | | throughout over the country and especially to | □ those of you who are alone, my wish for the holi- § | days is that on this Christmas Day as we give | | glory to Christ on his birthday, we will be to- | | gether in spirit and thoughts. Let our hear In be 1 | filled with love and courage to live life to the ful- i g lest and to be happy with the good things that | I God has given us. S :: Sincere Christmas Greetings! | : FANIKA HUMAR, Natl Secretary | "’•nniiiiiiiiiiiiE]Miiiiiiiiiit]iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiainiMiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiit]iiiiiiiiiMi[]iiiiiiiiiiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiit»f ORDER YOUR COPY NOW, FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING! New, Revised edition of S.W.U. Cookbook, WOMAN'S GLORY-THE KITCHEN 90 paqei °f rectpei § (JOfflWS GLOW JM hitclien- tedted! Send your orders to our National President who will give it prompt attention. Use the handy order blank below! Please send me.................. copies of the SWU Cookbook, Woman’s Glory — the Kitchen for which I enclose $..................... Price of Cookbook is $4.00 Postpaid per copy. NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: ................................ZIPCODE. Send to: Mrs* Antonia Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr Are*, Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 STATE CONVENTION MINUTES OHIO-MICHIGAN It was a beautiful day of celebration for the 40th Anniversary of Br. 50 and the Ohio-Michigan State Convention meeting. We had a nice attendance but it could have been better. Some branches don’t seem to realize that these things are for their benefit. I have asked for your cooperation and it can be done! Each branch should send a representative and altho you may be far away, a little card of greeting or a written report would be very acceptable. We must get to know you. If we all deserted the meetings as some of the branches did, where would we be? I had a vary sad day that day, having lest my brother, but I was there as I felt my responsilibity was with you for the State Convention. I want to thank the guards who were present to hold the lighted candles for each branch’s deceased members. The guards were Mary Chesnik, Josephine Trunk, Mary Susink and Nettie Leslie. This is what we do and we are proud of their cooperation. To those who mailed in greetings for the Convention, my sincere thanks! It was great to be remembered by Rose Kraemer of Wisconsin, Fanika Humar, our National Secretary, Mrs. J. Adamic, president of Br. 105, Detroit, Michigan, Rose Scoff, State Pres, of California and Mary Tomsic of Pennsylvania. Our National President, Toni Turek was present also and greeted us in person. Thanks to all who attended and I hope many good things will be the result of our discussions. To all who may be on the sick list, a speedy recovery. Best wishes to all birthday celebrants and may God bless you all. MARY BOSTIAN State Pres. WISCONSIN The highlights of the Wisconsin State Convention on Oct. 3, 1971 are as follows. There were 3 bus-loads of members from various branches in the state, namely, Br. 17, West Allis, Br. 12 and 43 of Milwaukee and Br. 102 of Williard attending the event at Br. 1, Sheboygan. There were over 120 members present at the Convention meeting, showing a greater attendance every year. The out-of-town National Officers attending the meeting were Vice-President, Marie Floryan of West Allis and Secretary Fanika Humar of Chicago, 111. Founder and Honorary President, Marie Prisland was on the hostess committee. Tne meeting was opened with prayer. The Minutes of the previous meeting held in Milwaukee in 1970 were read and also approved. Delegates gave their reports in order and then an open discussion was held. We closed the meeting and marched into St. Cyril & Methodius church for Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Claude Okorn S.W.U. spiritual advisor. His sermon was very interesting and he also congratulated the members of the Slovenian Women’s Union. After Mass we proceeded to the Executive Inn where we had a delicious dinner, a grand program and a large group of people. I would like to thank Br. 1 of Sheboygan, for their wonderful hospitality, and the day’s events. It was an outstanding day for all. ROSE KRAEMER, State President ILLINOIS-IND1ANA Our Illinois and Indiana Convention held on Sunday, October 3, 1971 at Jolet turned out to be one of our biggest yet. And, I am sure our members would like to see it get bigger each year, so please keep up the moral support. The day began with a Mass at St. Joseph Church in Joliet. After Mass dinner was served at the Sheraton Motor Inn to about 130 members and guests. After dinner Father Van Doren gave his blessing and had to leave. Mr. John Jevitz and Mr. Ken Pritz were the two main speakers on the program. After the speeches our State President opened the convention with a prayer. Our National Board was introduced represented by Editor, Corinne Leskovar and Auditor Ann Kompare; also, branch presidents Emma Planinšek, (20) M:llie James, (95) Mamie Muller (2) and our past NationaJ President, Josephine Livek, past National Secretary, Josephine Erjavec and Investment Secretary, Olga Ancel. Greetings were read from our Founder, Marie Prisland, National President, Toni Turek, National Vice-President, Marie Floryan, State President of Wisconsin, Rose Kraemer and State President of Ohio-Michigan, Mary Bostian. The delegates were then called upon to read their reports. The delegates were — Mamie Muller, branch No. 2, Frances Grotkowski, branch No. 16— Olga Ancel, branch No. 20' — Mary Krogulski, branch No. 24 — Wilma Zagar, branch No. 72 — Josephine Livek, branch No. 89 and Millie James, branch No. 95. The minutes of the previous convention were read by Pauline Druga. Olga Ancel was appointed to record the minutes of this convention. After our floor discussion was closed, our delegate from LaSalle accepted the Convention for next year. Our Convention was closed by a prayer led by Ann Lustig. To all the National officers who sent greetings, all members who attended, Faither Van Doren, Messrs. Jevitz and Pritz — thank you all from the bottom of my heart for contributing to the success of this Convention. May God bless and take care of you. Best Wishes for a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas. ANN LUSTIG, Slate President Illinois-Indiana Sheloyfyan (Convention ^Jkcfliliffliti NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WISC. The October meeting was opened with a prayer led by President Olga Saye; the minutes were read by our recording secretary, Anna Modez. It was decidod to have a Christmas dinner combined with the annual meeting at Johnny’s Supper Club on December 19th. Please keep this date in mind. A report on the 45th anniversary and state convention was given by the secretary. Mrs. Marie Prisland and president Olga Saye, thanked all the ladies for their kitchen services, who baked poticas donated prizes and sold tickets, which made our celebration and convention so successful. President Olga Saye introduced our Founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland Mrs. Fanika Humar, National Secretary, National Vice-President, Mrs. Maria Floryan and Mrs. Rose Kraemer, Wisconsin State President who presided at the State Convention. Many discussions, motions and two resolutions were presented. Letters and cards of congratulations were read from: Mrs. Antonia Turek, National President, Mrs. Marie Floryan National Vice-Presi-dent Mrs. Ann Lustig, State President of Illinois and Indiana, Wisconsin State Senator Ernest Keppler and Branch No. 17 from West Allis. Thank you Branch No. 43, Milwaukee for bringing attractive door-prizes. The Willard Branch No. 102 graciously requested to have the next convention there in October 1972, which was approved. Hearty thanks are extended from our branch to all who attended our celebration from Milwaukee, West Allis, Willard, Chicago and Madison. After the convention we attended Memorial Mass, which was offered by our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn. The church choir, under the direction of Mrs. Stanza Francis, organist sang the Mass. Following the Mass we all gathered for dinner at the Grand Executive Inn. The Toast-Mistress who was Mrs. Marie Prisland very capably presented the program. Guests at the head table were introduced and spoke briefly, namely: Rev. Claude Okorn O.F.M. Rev. Louis Koren, our Pastor, Dr. and Mrs. Leopold Humar, Mrs. Marie Floryan, Mrs. Rose Kraemer, Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dicke. O'hers introduced were the nine charter members Mrs. Mary Godez, first president and two lady Aldermen who are members, Miss Elsie Braeger and Miss Na.-icy Si-menz; also other guests were presented. Musical interlude was provided by the Folk Singers under the direction of Mrs. Olga Saye and the Rudy Maurin’s talented family performed. In conclusion Dr. Robert J. Dicke, presented his slides of the Holy Land and Greece, which he and his family visited this summer. This pictorial phase of the program was a stirring climax due to good slides and fluent commentary. We thank the following who generously donated into our treasury: Mesdames Mary Godez, Josephine Vogrin, Lucile Casl, Mary Potochnik, Josephine Remshak and Ann Ruchgy. Our deep sympathy to Mrs. Mathilda Skrener family upon loss of their mother and great-grand-mother, who passed away in October. Please remember the sick in your prayers. Happy and Holy Holidays to all of you. MARGARET FISHER, Secretary NO. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Oct. meeting was well-attended. Mamie Muller, our president, reported on the Ind. — 111. State convention, which was held in Joliet in the beginning of October. A discussion followed with the main topic being how we can help our older members. The idea for this was given of the Convention by Mildred James, president of Br. 95 in So. Chicago, Their members try to make the older ones feel that they still belong even though they cannot attend meetings. Their dues are often paid for them and they are remembered on special occasions. We. in Br. 2 feel that this is a wonderful example for us to follow, We, too, have many old members and at this last meeting we decided that we shall visit as many of them as possible in hope of bringing a little sunshine into their lives. We are still hoping to obtain some Slovenian' national costumes which we could use in numerous occasions when we are invited to join in ethnic activities in our city. The Folk Fair at Navy Pier was in November and the celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Main Chicago Library will be in December. “Christmas Around the World”, a colorama of national Christmas customs, will be held at The Museum of Science and Industry throughout December. Without proper costumes we cannot fully participate at these affairs. Please dear members help us in locating as many costumes as we can find. The Christmas party for our little ones will be held Dec. 12 at St. Stephen’s Hall (Gym). The Penny Social in Nov. was a success and enough cash is available to enable us to remember each junior member with a gift from Santa. Our treasurer, Liz Zefran is in charge of the presents and our editor Corinne Leskovar is taking care of the program. In such able hands we can be sure the party will prove to be a success. There will be fun for everyone, so please come. We are again campaigning for new members. Do you have a friend of Slovenian descent? Invite her personally to join our organization. Our experienced campaigners attribute personal contact to any successful membership campaign. Best wishes to all, KRISTA ARKO NO. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Dear members! Altho our members are moving away to various corners of the state, we are hopeful that our branch can continue to function. Our old neighborhood is slowly fading away. In the future, we may not be able to have meetings and it may be difficult to have a fund raising event which we have done each year to meet our expenses. At Christmas time we usually provide part of the refreshments from our treasury as we do for Mothers Day Party. The few members who attend bring side dishes. In March we have a sausage supper which is our sole support for the year’s expenses. Each member hospita 1 i z e d is remembered with a card and $3.00. For our deceased members, we provide an escort for the funeral and the 6 pallbearers each wear a white carnation which is left at the final resting place. We also remember our departed with two masses said for her intention. We ask for the cooperation of all our members and as we reach the end of the ye&r wishes a most Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year. JOSEPHINE TURK BOWLERS VIE FOR MEMBERSHIP IN “200 CLUB” c \ Amitiei-Sarii •= Bernard and Elsie Zalar of < { 287 Cresthaven Dr., Willowick, \ j Ohio celebrated their 25th ■: Wedding Annive r s a r y Nov. j; \ 28th. The Perusek and Zalar •: families, relatives and friends =: •: are sending them warmest 5 wishes and may they celebrate j: •: many, many more. E.sie is a ] ■: member of Br. 10, Cleveland, j: Ohio as are her sister, Mrs. 5 Lud Savel and other relatives. < ■: All the best. < NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WISC. The month of October had a beautiful beginning with the trip to the State Convention in Sheboygan. We all enjoyed a very good meeting as well as beautiful church services with some wonderful singing. After a very good dinner, we were very well entertained by the singers from Sheboygan as well as delightfully listening to the Moren family. It’s very refreshing to have such young folks and their boys doing so well. Hope they are around with their entertainment for a long time. It was good, too, to see Fr. Claude Okorn again as we missed him in Washington D. C. at the Slovenian Chapel dedication. The movies and trip commentary to the Holy Lard were very educa-tional as well as interesting that Mr. & Mrs. Dicke presented to us. All in all, it was a worthwhile trip and it’s too bad that many had to miss it because of other important affairs. Our Oct. meeting was very good, too, but as usual, we should have had more in attendance. The Convention was discussed and the trip on Nov. 2nd to Halgar Pottery and Lee Wards. Then, too, final plans for the Poultry Card Party on Nov. 21st was finalised. The meeting ended with coffee and cake donated by myself. Theresa Sukys treated us all with candy for her birthdate and our favorite game was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Seiko in St. Joan Antida Home and Helen Presechnik at the Cameo Convalescent Home. Good wishes and prayers go to all our sick and aged. This may be my only time to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Joyous Holiday Season. Remember to support your lodge doings and try real hard to attend at lease some meeting in the new year. MARY DEZMAN NO. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. BOWLING NEWS As the Chicago S.W.U. bowling league ended October, Marquette Super Service, defending champs, took over the lead with 15 wins and 6 losses. K. and K. Market fell to second with 13'/2 wins and 7'/2 losses. Tied for third with 11% wins and 9% losses were Syn-sol Corp. and Dr. Grill. Rounding out the top teams, with 1054 wins and 10% losses, were Wagner’s Bakery and Reliance Federal. Anne Hozzian was our “star” bowler during October. With games of 166, 215 and 134, she compiled a 515 series. This was 114 pins over her 137 average. Sharing the spotlight, with 108 pins over average, were Joyce Ja-kubowski and Bess Schacht, two new bowlers who are at opposite ends of the bowling average sheet. Joyce, a 97-average bowler, had a 399 series, which included a 178 game. Bess, a 159-average bowler, had games of 224, 163 and 198, for a 585 series. Jo Meden had a 479 series, which was 98 pins over her 127 average. Joan Muellsman was 85 pins over her 101 average with a 388 series. Stelle Gorka, our perennial leader, had a spectacular month with series of 564 (212 game), 588 (204 game), and 527 (215 game). Shirley Melissa had a 210 game. Railroad pickups for October: H. Drobec, 5-8-10 and 5-7; H. Fitzgerald, 5-7 and 5-10; E. Statkus, 3-10 and 5-7; A. Hozzian and C. Wrezzes, 5-8-10; A. Persa, S. Gorka, G. Del-legrazie, A. Preskatr, 3-10; S. Melissa, D. Maes, M. Zefran, B. Haas, 5-10; J. Ovnik, 5-6; K. Sveda, 5-6-8-10. That’s all for this month! BARBARA ZUREK A NO. 20, JOLIET, ILL. BOWLING NEWS After 8 weeks of bowling, the race for 1st place is very close. Mer-ichka's Restaurant is in first place by % a game. They won 13 games and lost 8. Next we have Tezak's Funeral Home with 12% wins and 8V2 losses. Close behind Tezak’s we have Shep’s Sunoco Service Station, 11 wins and 10 loss:s. Then comes a tie for the 4th place between Fred C. Dames Funeral Home and Northwest Recreation Club, each having 9 wins and 12 losses. Last but not least as we know they won’t be there long is American Slovenian Home, 8% wins and 12% losses. We would like to welcome all the new bowlers and wish them loads of luck. We have Barbara Bush, Shirley Goran, Gert Padovich and Ann Papesh. Shirley, Gert and Ann are old timers but Barbara is a newcomer. Good luck to all. Marj Wajchert, Vicki Bernickas, Shirley Goran, Barbara Bush and Gen Klainsek have joined the 200 Club! With the season just starting, all our bowlers have a chance to make it so keep trying and next month you may get your name added to the list in this column! The Halloween Party was held Oct. 25th after bowling. Virginia Guertin and her Goblins did a wonderful job as usual. The Goblins were Millie Ellena —she was the baker and baked all the pumpkin pies— also Jo Mlakar, Mary Mih-elich and Dorothy Horvat as helping Goblins. Door prizes were won by Mary Rudman, Gert Padovich and Bernie Bluth. Virginia has been doing such a wonderful job at all the parties that I’m sure she will be elected again next year. In the split department we have a group of hot shots! Kay Shukle, that’s "Dead-eye Kay”, picked up a 5-7; Vickie Bernikas and Mary Zadra, two more hot-shots, picked up the 5-10. Gert Padovich and Ann Sternisha like to pick up the hard splits I ke the 5-8-10. Agnes Verbis-cer, 5-6-10; Millie Ellena 3-7-10 and Rose Kroviak 5-6-1C. Agnes, Millie and Rose like to pick up those hard splits, too. Nice bowling, girls. See you nest month. GEN KLAINSEK A Sock 'Jcf CkrUttnaA! Give a lasting gift — one that will give pleasure for years to come! For your young readers, families and friends, give a copy of the book. "FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA; Written by our Founder, Marie Prisland, Honorary President of S.W.U. Send immediately for your Christmas orders and Mrs. Prisland will personally autograph each copy for you. Mail $4.25 including postage for each autographed book to: Mrs. Marie Prisland 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081 or combine your order of the new, revised cookbook, WOMAN’S GLORY-THE KITCHEN and FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA, and send for both to. M rs. Antonia Turek, 986 Bryan Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092. Your Christmas shopping will be complete! Give a SWU book for Christmas! NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Each month when, I write I am telling of the loss of another dear friend and member of Branch No. 13. Our dear Mary “Mamma” Klepec was called home to Paradise after a long and painful illness. This dear lady (and Lady is the word) was no stranger to sorrow and pain. During World War No. 2 she lost her son Joe. This was indeed a dreadful loss as he was in the full bloom of bis life and the loss seemed so needless, and of course with the advent of Vietnam is shows not much was learned. The loss of these dear boys caused such grief to all and especially Mamina who adored eaeh and every one of her children. She passed away never knowing Mimi’s husband Gene went before her. The family tried to protect Mamma and would not let her know the sorrow Mimi (her daughter) carried alone. Course I should not say Mima carried the sorrow alone as this family is a close-knit one and both brother-in-laws Joe Nanut and Rudy Troya (Mr. Slovenian Hall) ware ever at Mima’s side to help and lend comfort. Sophie Troya and Ann Nanut and son Eddiie were at Mamma's beck and call, she was indeed lucky to have two suah lovely daughters to take care of her. Sophie had Mamma living wiith her and nothing was left undone to make life more pleasant for Mamma. Heaven we are told is a wonderous place and we are sure “Mamma” Mary Klepec is with her beloved husband and her dear Son who waited so many years to have his dear one wiith him. If love is measured by what you give it is no surprise Mamma Had love all around her as she could love so deeply and so sincerely it was wonderful just to be in her company. Laughter ever followed her as she would not allow her sorrows and ill health to effect anyone around her. Her Grandchildren all adored her and she was ever with the young people by their choosing as they never felt a visit with Mamma was a duty but a privilege. To Mary “Mamma” Klepec’s family we wish for you to only remember the wonderful humor and happiness that was ever constant in her company, and to be happy knowing she is with Pa and Joe Heaven. The Breakfast for Zveza Day was well handled by Chairlady Dorris Lovrin. Dorris in her usual competent way was chief cook and bottle washer as well as Chairlady. The Breakfast was a success and Dorris is to be complimented. We wish good fortune to all our members for the coming year and hope that we can all get together more often. Maybe we can have our meetings in the afternoon and in this way many more of our ladies can attend. I know for one I will be more willing to come to an afternoon meeting rather than to be on the streets at night. Let’s work on this idea. See you at the meetings during 1972 and we together can make this a happy time for all. FRAN E. CHIODO NO. 14, EUCLID, OHIO The Holidays are upon us again and the officers of our branch, Theresa Skur, Mary Strazishar, Mary Izkra, Antonia Sustar, and Vera Bajec wish everyone a very joyous Christmas Time and an especially good New Year. One of the highlights of this past year, 1971, was our Card Party held in the middle of October. Pauline Krall who was the chairman did an excellent job again as she always does. All the members are really grateful that Pauline undertakes such a tremendous job and does it so well. The Hall on Recber Avenue in Euclid was filled with many members of our sister branches and it was very nice to see so many. Pauline and all the members would like to say “Thank You” for coming. She would also like to say how grateful she is to all the members who have helped her with all the prizes, those who helped in other games, the ones who worked in the kitchen, and everyone who contributed. Along with all the helpers, the business men and merchants, and the Euclid candidates for the election deserve our most sincere thanks. In the beginning of the month of October, we also lost a dear member who has been in our branch for years. Mrs. Mary Strnad died and the members paid their respects to her by praying the rosary and also attending the funeral. Our sympathy is extended to all the family in their loss. At the October meeting, our Sunshine Club benefitted by a donation from Mrs. Frances Zuzek. Mary Ucman and Mary Paskovich added to the Good Time Treasury. Thank you, ladies. If your dues are not paid for this past year, please give Vera Bajec a call at 481-7473. All books must be in order for the new year. To all the National Officers and Board Members and to all the Slovenian Women’s Union Members throughout the country, our Branch 14 would like to wish all a very Merry Christmas and an especially good New Year, 1972. Reporter, MITZI GLOBOKAR i^^O-OOOOO-O-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-OOOOOOOO-O-OOO-OOOC Vesele, zdrave in blagoslov lene bož.čne praznike in srečno novo leto Duhovnem Vodju, Gl. Uradnicam, Članicam in Prijateljem naše Zveze! ANNA PACHAK iPritt m« predsednica tsa Colaradn-Kansas-JMissouri >000000000000-0-0000-0-000-00000000000000 ■< The Most Beautiful Christmas I think the most beautiful Christmas That I shall ever know Was a Christmas Eve in a little Church A long, long time ago. I was one of the cherubs, Dressed in a long, white gown, With a beautiful pair of cheesecloth wings And a halo that kept slipping down. And I knelt with the other cherubs By a crude box filled with hay, But to me it was really the manger Where the dearest of Babies lay. and Mary was there, and Joseph— Mary so gentle and sweet, And small Kings dressed in bathrobes Laid gifts at the Baby’s feet. Now, children’s Children trail the robes, and wear the cheesecloth wings, And I smile at the memories The dear old story brings, And wonder if their tender hearts, So eager to believe, Are sensing all the beauty As I did that Christmas Eve. On the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniversary August 24th, this lovely family portrait of the Ed Ancel family was taken and in this issue, they extend thsir warmest holiday wishes to all members and their families. The Ancels are, from left to right, standing: Nadine, a junior at Loyola University, Chicago; mother Olga Ancel who is our Zveza Investment Secretary; Jc«?ph, graduate student at the University of Notre Dame and Carita, a freshmen at Loyola Univ. Seated are Vera, an art teacher at Weotview Junior High School in Romeoville, father, Ed Ancel, member of the Supreme Board of the Slovenian Catholic Union, Andrew, third grader and Marie, seveth grader, both at St. Joseph's School. Olga and Ed thoughtfully named their three oldest daughters to represent faith, hope and charity, little Marie Olga is named after her mother, Joseph is named for his two grandfathers and Andrew was named after St. Andrew, the "finher of men", who is a family favorite. We hope God will bless the Ancels with an abundance of good health and happiness, as they themselves so warmly wish to us on this holiday, 1971. 3J Moji dragi pokojni prijateljici ALBINI NOVAK V BLAG SPOMIN "Tvoj tihi dom cvetlice krijejo, mi jih pa z našimi solzami zalivamo.” Vsem članicam naše SŽZ in prijateljem zdrav in radostni božični čas in srečno novo leto. j ANTONIA KLUN I Pueblo, Colo. iSmiiiiiiiiiniciiiiiiiiiiiiiaiimiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiMitiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii Jrom our ^Jlouie to *lJour&! £cl Ofga -Ancef Ramify ^oLt, M REMARKS PRESENTED AT ILLIN0IS-IND1ANA STATE CONVENTION By John L. Jevitz My sincere thanks for the honor and privilege afforded me today to be with you. The church services were beautiful — ushering by the representatives of Joliet’s undisputed Championship Cadets of some years ago and the choir under the direction of Mr. Anthony Rozman. It brings me to memories of the S.W.U. Choral groups and the participation of people and mass — and of the words we often sing: Daj nam ti zlati strun, mili zvonovi — Daj nam to sladki glas, tisoč glasovi! Ave Maria! Today my thoughts go to the most recent event of our Slovenian people and allow me to give it some importance on this program. Let me on this occasion congratulate and commend your leadership and delegates for the great courage and action at the Washington Convention of 1967, in spearheading the move to have erected the so beautiful Slovenian Chapel of Our Lady of Brezje in the magnificent Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception so appropriately located in our nation’s capital. A sacred place where we, and future generations of American Slovenians will continue to rededi-cate ourselves to the proud legacy of our Slovenian Christian heritage. This pilgrimage, dedicat ion and achievement, was certainly one of the highlights of our time! The Supreme Officers, branch officers and members coming here to Joliet this morning for your district convention, to make their reports of progress and growth of the organization is an important event. It reminds me of the many times a Joliet delegation would travel to various parts of the state for meetings and similar conventions. In accepting this invitation to appear before you, it conveyed a feeling of the continuance of friendly fraternal relationship and cooperation that has prevailed ever since the founding of your local branch 20. As I recall, from the first bowling tournament about 1936, to the parade of outstanding performances of thie Championship Drill Teams, to your loyal and patriotic participation in the War Bond Drives, the most active part taken in the organizing and administering of aid and relief to the needy in our homeland, Slovenia and the parish and community in general. Every possible move in the promition of charitable and worthy causes, one of the cardinal principals on which your great Women’s Union was founded. Thanks to the foresight of that great lady, Marie Prisland, and to all who came to her aid. In the elaborate (exaggerated my stature) and guilded edged language in the letter received from Mrs. Edward Ancel, your local No. 20 secretary (naša Olga, as Josephine Erjavec would say) she makes references to my experiences in Ethnic activities — particularly the Heritage Committee of the Republican National Committee to which I was named in July of 1960 — and which is comprised of the many nationalities throughout the nation. The purpose of the organization was and is to encourage and inspire the more open and broader display of our culture and heritage —and with it have our contributions more recognized as we tend to offer them to the welfare of our great nation. In several instances, the efforts of the Heritage Group and it’s programs is proving accomplishment and success! O, Yes. We well know that in the past, the various nationality culture, customs and heritage indelibly ens-cribed in the historical archives— has been a great contributing factor toward the greatness of this great country of ours. — Bu't, there has been a tendency of trying to have denied, ignore and over-look the great talents abilities, qualifications of the so-called Ethnic people— and that we shall not tolerate! Now then, I’m sure that you have recently observed the more public exposure of our Ethnic culture. The “standing taller” and more public recognition our own Slovenian, Slavic and other Ethnic people in the many walks of life business, professional, labor, government, social, athletic, etc. LET US PAY TRIBUTE! No! We cannot deny that much was achieved through the inconvenient and untiring efforts of our predecessors in the early years as they migrated to this country. And at this time we are reminded of our much loved Bishop Baraga, our local founding parish Pastor Reverend Francis Sustersich —and such lay people as Anton Nemanich, Sr. —Anton Grdina, of Cleveland— and many, many others that history will eventually show who struggled with their great courage, talents and fore sight —against most adverse conditions—. Much of what we have, the foundations were layed by them! O, Yes! Let us not hesitate in naming a few others so worthy of mention — honored and revered in memory, such as the man who made his way up — and has for a long time been distinquished among our Slovenes and the populace of our great nation that great public servant — The Honorable Frank J. Lausche, former United States Senator of Ohio. — No, he is not too old — and isn’t it just too bad that so often “age” is referred to. Wouldn’t Senator Laus c h e now make an excellent member on the Supreme Court?....... The we have that great lady whom I liken to the stature of Eleanor Roosevelt, none other than the founder of your great organization — the distinquished Mrs. Marie Prisland! Spoštovana Gospa Prisland! Prav iskreno in prisrčno želimo, da bi Vam naš Ljubi Bog dal še mnogo veselih and bogatih let med nami! We have had that great song composer and director of our time — the late Ivan Zorman, and others before him and here I want to also recognize our own Choir Director and organist Anthony Rozman — and the current bands and their leaders who are now carrying our beautiful Slovenian melodies from city to city — throughout the continent. Tukaj me tudi pride v spomin nase odeme igre ali dramatike in druge narodne prireditve od leta nazaj. Some of the prominent former players are in the group are here today. My thoughts are especially directed to the memory of a former Joliet-an Martin E. Rakar, izboren dramski igralec who passed away after more than 45 years as organist and choir director at St. Mary’s Slovenian church, Collinwood, Ohio — only a few weeks ago. To me he so vividly depicted actor-humorist Arthur Godfrey. May he now be resting in Heavenly Peace! And a person so dedicated in trying to continue as a contributor of columns, verses and lines of interest to our Slovenian people and way of life is John N. Rogelj of Euclid, Ohio. Mr. Rogelj has written several books and for various Slovenian papers, and the article that stands out most is “KRI NI VODA! which drew much attention and was re- printed in the various publications some 20 years ago. Omenjen članek ne smej biti pozabljen! As I glance around the dinner table here today, I am reminded of those who migrated to this country in recent years — and one in particular who has contributed much of his talent, ability and energy for the good and welfare of his community and being justly recognized for — a real credit to our Slovenian people, none other than Dr. Ludwig A. Leskovar, the husband of lovely Corinne — the editor of “Dawn” your official organ. A great combination of culture and talent! And, home — “in our own back yord” we have Mrs. Josephine Erjavec, her so faithful “Joe”, ever so faithful and loyal daughters and sons-in-law — actively partipating themselves in various organizations in leadership capacities. If I was only qualified — a book could be written on the Erjavec-Setina families. Then we have President of your local branch Mrs. Emma Planinšek, her daughters — and especially daughter Irene who is now doing some excellent public relation and good will ambassadorial work for the Slovenian Women’s Union — and Slovenes in general — in the area of our nation’s capitol. All a part of our program of keeping our beautiful Slovenian culture and heritage! As we approach the conclusion of this presentation, it is encouraging to note that one of our nation — wide being recognized Profes s o r Giles E. Gobetz at Kent University, Ohio — has for some time already been conducting research, gathering material and history on the personalities — trials and tribulations — to be book-published and made available — hoping for the first volume sometime in 1972. Prof. Gobetz is in need of our cooperation of furnishing him with information and records in order to as completely as possible compile the book that will be of great historical value. Let us honor, defend and preserve that which we inherited! In this response to the invitation and assignment — I tried briefly to make refrence to the various areas that contribute to our causes— in order to justify the subject as suggested, realizing you have a convention session on the agenda. Torej, ob tem zaključku — sprejmite mojo prisrčno hvalo za to častno priliko priti zopet enkrat med vas. In da bi bilo današnje zborovanje Illinois in Indiana produžnic in bodočnost Vaše mogočne Slovenska Ženska Zveza nad-vse uspešno kot glas Slovenskega ženstva v Ameriki! Thanks again for the privilege — and your so kind attention! * * * John Jevitz, called “an amazing resourceful civic leader who has devoted his entire life to public service and countless volunteer activities”, was just recently presented a certificate of merit from the Slovenian Research Center of America, an honor we are certain he holds among his finest. Mayor of Joliet, Maurice Berlins-ky, presented the award to Jevitz on behalf of Dr. Edi Gobetz, director of the Center and professor of sociology at Kent University in Ohio. As the son of immigrant parents, Mr. Jevitz has served his community and parish in almost every capacity. He is an excellent master of cermonies, writer and serves proudly on the President’s Ethnic Heritage Committee of the Republican Party. Our hats off to Mr. Jevitz and best wishes for still greater fulfilment of his ambitious endeavors on behalf of the Slovenian people. EDITOR NO. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Our sincere sympathy to our auditor Emma Nosse and her family who lost her husband and a good father to three children after a lengthy illness Emma Nosse is very loved among us and at the Catholic High where her sons are students as she is always ready to participate in all their activities. She is a woman whom you can depend on. The funeral showed that the family is respected, as the band boys of the school came with buses to the church and the fathers of the school came to pay, their respects as in church on the day of the funeral Emma is also a good worker for the branch and we appreciate her help. Her daughter Lynn participates in our activites often. May the good Lord repay this family and the may Mr. Nosse be rewarded in heaven. Our condolences also to the family of Joseph Horvat who passed away at age of 90. He is survived by his wife Anna who is our member for many years. Also by daughters and sons. Mr. Horvat is a pioneer of the parish and the family is well known in our community. May God give him a place in heaven, to the survivors an everlasting memory of their deceased father. He is also the brother of our long time member, Theresa Zlogar from Cora St. Ill at the hospital in the past were Mmes Mary Schmidberger, and Mary Hochevar. We are glad to hear they are improving at home, and good wishes to all other members who are ill at this time. Special honor was then given to our members whose names are Theresa or Frances. Our officers honored were Theresa Marentich, auditor Theresa Munich, sargeant-of-arms her daughter Theresa Ger-necher, also our auditor Frances Hubert, members Frances Bottari, Frances Kalcic, Frances Duckman-ton Theresa Pasich and Frances Gaspich. Each one was presented with a gold and brown “Mum” corsage tied with gold and brown ribbon. The tables were decorated with mums and seasonal center pieces. •President, Emma Planinšek wished them all many more years of health. Lunch was served which was donated from our officers and members. Door prizes were won by honored members: Frances Hubert, Frances Bottari, Theresa Gerencher, Theresa Munich, and Frances Kalcich. At the close of the meeting our assistant pastor Rev. Van Doren paid us a visit and gave his blessing to the members. Our president invited all members to come to the next meeting in December the annual meeting. Wishing all the members a very Merry Christmas, may God shower his Christmas blessing on all of you with health and contentment. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC NO. 23, ELY, MINN. DAWN CLUB Plans for the annual Christmas dinner meeting were discussed and the date set for December 15 at the November meeting of the Dawn Club. Hostesses for the event are, Theresa Koschak, Frances Pengal, Jeanette Vidmar, Rose Pucel and Victoria Skala. Also discussed but with no action taken was the possibility of holding an after-Holiday Season dance with husbands as guests. The matter will be taken up further at the December meeting. Ann Saari won the door prize and the after meeting social hour included a “Help Your Neighbor” game. Margie Preshiren presided over the business sessions. MARGARET SOMROCK, Reporter POIITHAIT OF A IMOMIH; "Teta (Zuaa", fielded tjtember c( £cuc(an, tflinn. (Picture of Mrs. Russ is in the Slovenian Section.) NO. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Our October meeting was well-attended. In December we have our big meeting and Christmas party with a $2 gift exchange. We want to see a lot of new faces present; you’l] have fun! Our president has a lot of things going cn for the next year and we should all be interested in the plans. Our get well wishes and prayers to Mary Bratkovich who is very ill and to all our sick members as Frances Gerjevic who hasn’t been feeling well for quite a few years. Yet she is making another afghan for our branch and promised this to our president. May God bless you, Mrs. Bratkovich. On Oct. 29th we had a Mass said for all the members living and departed at St. Christine's church. Our sympathy to president, Mary Bost-ian as her brother Louis Kokely passed away. May he rest in peace. Good wishes to all who celebrated or will celebrate their birthdays in the months of September, October, November and December. Our president is working on another Cotillion Ball; it’s May 13th 1972. Let her know if you find a young member who is interested in this. In closing, we wish the Supreme Board a Blessed and Merry Cnrist-mas and to all our members and their families! Don’t let your dues get behind, check and help our secretary keep her books up to date. May God bless you. A. TEKAVEC, Rec. Sec. NO. 33, DULUTH, MINN. Branch 33, Duluth had their annual fall dinner November 3rd. The evening began with a Mass celebrated by Fr. S. Dolsina for all the deceased members of the branch. Mass was followed by a beautiful smorgasbord dinner. The ladies really outdid themselves with the delicious food and theme for decorations for the occasion. We were very happy to see so many of the members out for the evening. The meeting followed the dinner and it is again the time for nominations for new officers. It would be nice to see some new young faces for the coming year. The officers leaving have done a tremendous job. We are also urging members to get caught up on their dues for 1971. It would make it so much easier for our secretary. Greetings go out to our members who are unable to get out and attend our monthly meetings. And for those who are ill in hospitals or at home we wish you a speedy recov- (Please turn lo page 13) Mrs. Russ was born in Slovenia (Terezija Sadar) on August 17, 1887, in a small rural home about an hour’s journey from Ljubljana. She was the 3rd of 4 children —her mother died at the birth of the 4th child, who also died. She had a difficult childhood, not being able to go to school beyond the 3rd grade, and at the age of 18 travelled to Ljubljana to work as a domestic helper or maid, for well-to-do people, where he learned much, and worked there for 10 years. For the next 2 years 6he worked as a domestic in Zagreb, and then migrated to America arriving in Soudan in May 1921, to the home of a sister Mary (Zavodnick) here in Soudan, where she met her future husband, Aloys. They were married in June of the same year in St. Martin’s Church of Tower, by (now deceased) Rev. Joseph Ferjančič. A year later a son Aloys Jr. was born to them, but died on the day of his birth. Mr. Russ was employed at the Soudan Mine until he retired in April of 1952. Both he and Mrs. Russ were devoted to each other and throughout the years lived a comfortable, happy life together; where they enjoyed the outdoors, having a lovely garden in which they took pride, and many families in Soudan were recipients of the delicious vegetables grown by them. Mr. Russ was also an avid fisherman and hunted during his active years and visitors to their home heard many a story about his adventures. Mr. Russ died on June 5, 1966 after enjoying 14 retirement years in the comfort of their home and large yard, and garden, which he loved. About a year after his death Mrs. Russ became very ill and had to submit to surgery, and thankfully recovered nicely and was in apparent good health until October of 1970 when she became ill again, with pneumonia and other complications, which kept her hospitalized for 6 months—first in the Ely-Bloomenson Hospital and later in the Virginia Municipal Hospital, and later in the Extended Care Unit of the same Hospital until April 16, 1971. When she asked to go home, the doctor was hesitant about giving permission, but she pleaded with him and I am so happy to report the result was astonishing,— her health improved slowly, at first, at home, and as the warm days arrived and she was able to be outdoors, where her next door neighbor “worked” her garden while she sat outdoors and watched the proceedings; it seems the fresh air and sunshine and the joy of being in her familiar surroundings again,, gave Mrs. Russ the health and strength she r.eeded, and the color came back to her cheeks after the long stay in the hospital. With the help of a niece, who does the “housekeeping” Mrs. Russ improved each day and is able to go to Mass on Sundays, too. She has improved so well that in the past month she has been braiding and sewing together a large woolen rug which she intends to donate to one of the Church Clubs as a money raising project, for St. Martin’s Churoh which was built in Tower in 1962, and for which all parishioners are working to make it debt-free soon, Mrs. Russ has had a hobby of making rugs —and many homes in Tower and Soudan, and elsewhere have rugs on their floons made by her. She has made at least a hundred rugs during her active years, and donated several for money-rais-ing projects before, for the Church and various Clubs, Altar Society and Branch No. 34 SWU of which she is a member since February 5, 1934— a period of 37 years. Mrs. Russ’s sister, Mrs. Mary Zavodnick 86 years old, is now a patient at the Ely-Bloomenson Hospital Extended Care Unit where she is living comfortably and with chronic ailments of old age. I am happy to be able to write this tribute to Mrs. Russ and hope that she is among us for many more yiears. May the Christ Child Bless her with good health —and happiness— this is my wish as well as the wish of all her many friends. MRS. BARBARA YAPEL REPORTER—BRANCH No. 34 No. 33: ery and the strength to bear your pain until you are well. Sympathy and condolences go out to those who have lost loved ones and friends in these past few months. I’m sorry we cannot mention the many names at this particular time, but our thoughts are with you. The December meeting will again be an important one and a very happy occasion again. Until then may we express our best wishes and a happy holiday to all our sisters from Br. 33. “HAPPY HOLIDAYS” FLORENCE BURGER Reporter NO. 34. SOUDAN, MINN. We held our October meeting at the home of Mrs. Joseph “Inkie” Stefanich with Mrs. Joseph Mesojedec and Mrs. Edward Dragavon being the hostesses. Mrs. John Pahula presided-with 21 members in attendance. Mrs. Mary Pahula took care of the dues payments and then we had a social hour, with 3 tables playing “500” and 8 ladies enjoying SCRABBLE. At the conclusion winners were Mmes. Nick Tekautz, John Pahula, John Tekautz and John Bobence. Lunch was served by the hostesses from a table appropriately decorated in a Halloween motif. The home atmosphere provided such a warm, friendly and sociable evening, which everyone enjoyed so much. The attendance prize, donated by Mrs. Joseph Jamnick was awarded to Mrs. John Pahula. November hostesses were to be Mrs. Herman Mesojedec and Mrs. John Bobence, with Mrs. Ernest Johnson donating the attendance prize. By the time this appears in print, Christmas will be almost here, so I wish to take this opportunity to wish all SWU members a Happy Holiday Season—May the Christ Child shower you and your families with many blessings and keep you healthy during the Holy Season and all through 1972. BARBARA YAPEL, Reporter NO. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Recent vacation travels by some of our members included visits to Europe, Canada, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia and Washington, D. C. Our happy wanderers included Olga and Willie Ponikvar who enjoyed a grand visit with their son, Ronald currently serving military duty in Germany and a broad tour pM H ft of Europe visiting relatives and generally touring in their parental birthplaces in Slovenia and other parts of Europe. The other half of the Ponikvar family brother duo, commonly known as the “Punkys” is Joe and he and his wife Dorothy also traveled throughout Europe and visited exciting places in Yugoslavia, Rome and generally spread Maple Hgts. good will among the Europeans. Joe and Joann Kastelic attended a medical conference in Vienna, Austria and took advantage of the opportunity to visit relatives in Slovenia, toured Rome and other areas in the European countries. Millie and Stan Lipnos vacationed in our nearest foreign country via a motor trip throughout Canada visiting relatives and sightseeing. Julia and Lou Lipnos vacationed in Florida and enjoyed the jet-set resorts with their wonderful climate and posh living conditions. Frances and Al Glavic spent their vacation visiting their daughter, Rose in No. Carolina and Betty Kosak visited her daughters, Betty Ann and Marge in Georgia and Washington, D. C., respectively. We’re happy all the trips were enjoyable and safe. Currently on the sick list are Ma Prhne and Angela Perko. Best wishes to you both for a speedy recovery. Our last meeting held in October displayed a very poor attendance on the part of our members. To those of you who were not present, we wish to report the following actions: Dec. 4th will be the next Bake Sale held at the Slovenian Nat’l Home of Maple Hgts. Hours will be from 10:00 a. m. until all bakery is sold. Members are asked to bake and deliver the goodies to the “Nash” by 10 a. m. The annual meeting and Christmas dinner of Br. 42 will be at the Slov. Home on Dec. 21st. In lieu of the usual gift exchange, each member is asked to bring a dollar to be donated to a worthy cause. \ The Oct. meeting concluded with birthday treats furnished by celebrants, Theresa Simončič, Theresa Filips, and Millie Lipnos. Many happy returns of the day, girls! Birthday greetings to our members celebrating in Sept. Oct. Nov. and Dec. and sincere best wishes for speedy recoveries to all our members who are ill. Joyful Christmas to all! ANTONIA KASTELIC MARY BOSTIAN: HELLO- HELLO- HELLO- Dear young members of S.W.U. I am interested in any kind of activity that you would like to do this year. Are you a bowler, a member of a football team, do you have activities after school such as singing clubs and sewing clubs? The S.W.U. organization will help you to form some such group, so keep this in mind. Here in Cleveland we have Bowling and Baton Twirlers and the Pom Pom Girls. The twirlers are two groups, one in Cleveland on St. Clair and the other in Euclid, Ohio. These children love to march in parades and love to practice so they really can show off their “stuff” when parading down the street. I am sure there could be more of this done if the mother —members would try to get some similar activities started for the children and also, new members will come in. Please try and I wish you all the best of luck and may God bless you all. Wishes for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope Santa will be good to you. TO ALL BRANCHES OF S.W.U. I wish you all a very happy holiday ,too. and hope you will make some progress in the new year to do something for the children, pre-teens and teenagers in your branch. Impress the youth with our organization as we will need them and altho we hope to stay young forever, this cannot be, so we need followers to take over in a few years. Tell me of your ideas and I will try to do the best to help. Let’s get the word rolling for Bowling, Batons, Sewing, Singing, Slovenian Balinca, Little League, Little Slovenian Choral. Let’s go! HERMINE PRISLAND DICKE 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wise. 53711 ^PotsJ’aNs ?ASTlMt YUGOSLAVIAN CHEESE CAKE Mrs. Ann Kompare, our national auditor, loves to cook. Her delicious and diversified CHEESE CAKE would be a real holiday treat for your family or friends. 2 Pounds small curd cottage cheese Vi pound brick cheese - shredded 4 eggs - slightly beaten 1 Stick of butter or margarine -melted Dash of salt - depending on saltiness of cottage cheese. Vi cup of flour sifted with 2/3 cup of sugar Vi cup of milk Use greased square pan size 9x9x2 or oblong pyrex. Mix all ingredients in bowl in order indicated; blend well. (Cottage cheese can be sieved for a smoother product.) For a richer cake, 8 oz. of Philadelphia cream Cheese can be substituted for 1 pound of cottage cheese reducing butter to one half stick. Sprinkle top with sugared cinnamon (1 teaspoon cinnamon to 2 tablespoons sugar) and bake in 350 degree oven for 1 hr. Cake will bake to golden brown and form its own crust. IT IS DELICIOUS! There are several variations: use more or less sugar, Vi pound of brick cheese can be used if a less sharp taste is preferred, Muenster Cheese can be substituted for the brick cheese, but must be chilled thoroughly to shred; and for a ladies’ party the cheese cake can be topped with sweetened strawberries, blue berries or thick homemade applesauce. CHURCH WINDOWS (CANDY) Especially nice for the Christmas Holidays is CHURCH WINDOWS, candy recipe sent by Mrs. Ann J. Hočevar, President of Branch No. 50. Vi cup oleomargarine 1 — 12 ounce package of chocolate chips. Vi cup chopped walnuts. 1 Whole package of colored miniature marshmallows. Coconut, toasted. Melt oleo and chocolate chips and cool. Add walnuts and marshmallows to the chocolate mixture. Sprinkle toasted coconut on a sheet of wax aper or foil and roll V* of the mixture into a log in the coconut. This recipe will make 4 logs. Wrap each log in foil and refrigerate over night. Cut into thin slices as needed. To toast coconut: Place 1 cup of coconut in shallow pan in oven at 300 degrees and mix until light brown. Watch carefully so coconut does not burn. * * * Mrs. Olga Ancel thoughtfully mailed this HOLIDAY CHEESE BALL recipe by Mrs. Amelia Granich of Branch No. 20; Joliet, Illinois. It’ll be fun to serve for your holiday entertaining. HOLIDAY CHEESE BALL 1 pound cream cheese, softened 2 ounces blue cheese, softened Vi pound grated sharp che d d a r cheese. Garlic powder Few drops of pepper sauce Vi cup toasted almonds, chopped Vi cup finely chopped parsley Mix cheese and seasonings, blending well. Chill mixture for one hour then roll into ball. Roll ball in chopped almonds, then parsley and chill. Remove from refrigerator Vi hour before serving with crackers. Keeps several weeks in refrigerator. * * * My daughter-in-law, Christine, alerted me to the pleasant surprise of potica being featured as the first of three “Do-Ahead Holiday Breads” in the November issue of the ever popular magazine, Family Circle. Since it might be of interest to read how the famous Betty Crocker bakes potica, the recipe follows. Her method for “POTECA” — (English spelling) requires only one raising and is baked in one-third less time than old fashioned breads and it can be frozen ahead to avoid the holiday rush. I will appreciate your comments on this recipe since you are real POTICA experts preparing fabulous loaves of this delicious, traditional native bread. POTECA by Betty Crocker 1 package active dry yeast Vi cup warm water (105 to 115 degrees). Vi cup plus 2 tablespoons buttermilk 1 egg 2 Vi to 3 cups flour V* cup butter or margarine, softened Vi cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt (if using self-rising flour, omit baking powder and salt). Nut Filling Soft butter or margarine In large mixer bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Add buttermilk, egg, 1 cup of the flour, Vi cup butter, the sugar, baking powder and salt. Blend Vi minute on low speed, scraping bowl constantly. Beat 2 minutes medium speed, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in enough remaining flour to make dough easy to handle. (Dough should remain soft and slightly sticky.) Turn dough into well-floured board; knead 5 minutes or about 200 turns. On well-floured surface, roll into rectangle, 24 x 15”; spread with Nut Filling. Roll up gently, beginning at wide side. Pinch ends to seal well. Place seam side down in snail shape in greased oblong pan, 13x9x2”, or on greased baking sheet. Cover; let rise in warm place until double, about 1 hour. Heat oven to 375 degress. Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until golden brown. While warm, brush with butter. Nut filling: Mix 2 cups very finely chopped walnuts, Vi cup brown sugar (packed), Vi cup butter or margarine, softened, Vi cup milk, 1 egg, Vi teaspoon vanilla and Vi teaspoon lemon extract. ROAST FILET OF BEEF This is the world’s most luxurious cut of meat. It is the tenderest beef there is. It is also the most expensive. Should you consider it for holiday entertaining you will foe shocked at the price: In Madison, $2.99 to $3.59 a pound, trimmed. Four pounds will serve eight people generously. The only way to ruin this meat is by overcooking. Usually served rare, allow ten minutes per pound or until you estimate the roast has an internal temperature of 120 degrees. Since meat thermometers don’t go below 130 degress, you’ll have to do some guessing. 4 pound filet Salt Suet Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Sprinkle meat lightly with salt. If your butcher hasn’t done it, place a thin piece of suet under the filet, and top the roast with strips of bacon running its entire length and tie all in place. Do not cover or baste. You may oil the pan. Roast about 40 minutes. Serve with broiled mushrooms. * * * Mrs. Marie Prisland received the following recipe too late from Governor and Mrs. Wendell R. Anderson of Minnesota to be included in her revised edition “WOMAN’S GLORY — THE KITCHEN”. It is my pleasure to include it in this December column and it is dedicated to our Minnesota members. This recipe was sent by Governor Wendell Anderson witih this remark: “Enclosed is m.y wife’s and my favorite recipe: I hope you will enjoy it.” MRS. WENDELL R. ANDERSON’S RECIPE for NORWEGIAN MEAT BALLS AND GRAVY Mix: 2 pound hamburger 2 eggs, slightly beaten % cup flour 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon nutmeg Form balls 1 Vi inches in diameter. In a skillet with Vi cup cooking oil, brown well on all sides and put aside. Saute 1 cup chopped onions in same skillet as meat balls were browned in. Combine onions with 2 cans consomme and 2 cans of water. Bring to a boil and add meat balls. Simmer for 20 minutes. Remove meat balls from broth. Gravy: To make gravy, strain broth and thickon with 1 cup milk and Vt cup flour. Season witih 2 tablespoons “57” sauce. Pour gravy over meat balls. Serves 8. V * * To all readers: May the spirit and gladness of Christmas be in all your hearts. A Very Blessed and Joyous New Year. Fondly, HERMINE It Was a Big Day in September! NO. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO. After many weeks of work and worry, our big day, the 40th Anniversary of our Br. 50 is over. The Dinner Dance was in conjunction with the Michigan and Ohio Stale Convention. It was good to see so many familiar faces, we are grateful to everyone that was present. Special thanks to all of the officers of Br. 50, the Co-chairman Jane Novak, Julie Gorensek and Irene Jagodnik, also the following members that waited on tables — Mary Perusek, Frances Jerse, Frances Milavec, Frances Nemanich, Vi Zak, Jo Trunk, Rose Zalneratis, Olga Blumel Valerie Katai, Ann Kristoff, Vicki Pianecki Albina Ulle, Julia Wode and Mary Cesnik. The Memorial to our deceased members was done by Ann Izanec and Jean Paik. Our publicity chairman was Toni Turek. The charter members that wene able to be with us are Carole Traven and Sophie Posch, Jo Bencin, Frances Bencin, and Mitzie Bencin. On our project, four lucky members got the awards - Frances Tom-se 1st, Louise Vovko 2nd, Mary Kol-egar 3 rd, Nancy Mramor 4th. Without your help, it would have been impossible; with it, we realized a grand success. With the Holidays upon us, our Christmas Dinner Party will be at the Celebrity Room at Eastgate Shopping Center. Wishing everyone good health and Happy Holidays. ANN J. HOČEVAR, President NO. 43, MILWAUKEE, WISC. The October 7th meeting was an initial tryout and it really surprised everyone, as 19 members attended the luncheon and meeting at Alexander’s. At 7:30 p.m. lunch was served and a portion of the meeting was held. The essential business was after the lunch. The Card Party schedule for Nov. 14th the most important discussion and committees were appointed, tickets distributed and posters sent out. I would like to thank Ronnie Gallun for donating the beautiful poster which he made and which was displayed at Rebernisek’s Club 36. Full report on the Card Party next month. The Wisconsin State Convention was held on Oct. 3rd at Sheboygan with members present from Branches 1, 12, 17, 43 and 102. Two of our members were hospitalized and are now convalescing at home. Pay them a visit or send a card. I am sure Josephine Strukel will be very grateful after her surgery. The other members, Elsie Gallun, “the Polish Hop dancer”, too, will be very happy for a visit or a card. Elsie, you will have to slow down for a while now! Mary Jo Veselka was recently married at St. Augustine’s church to Dale Galonski and the reception was held at Walker’s on 13th St. They are now living at Rutland Ave. Our best wishes and congratulations to the newlyweds, Mr & Mrs. Dale Galonski. Sharon Stein traveled west for one month. She took in all the beautiful sceneiy that could be seen. Shortly after she got home, her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Stein left for Las Vegas. They were gone for a week and all enjoyed their vacation immensely. Vicki Sporis and Mr. & Mrs. Al Tratnik also went to Las Vegas with a group from Eagles. Their trip was really great. It was Vickie’s first visit there but for the Tratnik’s, they have been there several times and enjoy it more each time. Sincere sympathies to Anne Szczny upon the death of her father, Mr. Gricar. Best wishes to our belated October birthday gals, Rose Pugel, Yvonne Johnstone, Mary Pugel Mary Stearle and Margaret Peters.' In November they were Mary Beley who reached the age of 90 years! also Mary Kresse, Angeline Johnstone, Theresa Kotar, Elizabeth Dol-ensek, Mitzi Mohorko, Marie Miller, Agnes Podriznik who is 86 years young, Kathleen Henkel, Frances Lawler, Jennie Pugel, Celia Dvornik, Rose Karveik and Janet Bentz. In December, we wish a happy birthday to Jennie Desnikar, Celia Vachetz, Cell Groth, Judith Rech-litz, Anna Gorishek, Celia Marolt, Vicki Sporis, Jennie Kauehieh, Caroline Jackowski, Stella Yernesek, Stella Poushe, Anne Lindahl and Agnes Jenich. To the above all congratulations! Each month after the meeting, cake and coffee is served for all members so please attend. To our sick and shut in members, a speedy recovery and may God bless you all. Our next meeting is Dec. 2nd and please check your dues. I would like to have all dues paid up for the year. To anyone who is in arrears, please take this into consideration. ROSE KRAEMER, Sec. NO. 45. PORTLAND. ORE. Meeting opened with prayer by president, Mary Roso. Attendance was 8 members. We have another sick member who is now convalescing in a nursing home. She is our sister, Mrs. Ursula Lulich. We request your prayers for her speedy recovery. Members, if you do not attend meetings, please mail in your dues on time. We would certainly like to see more of you at these monthly gatherings. It is very difficult to plan anything with such a small attendance. We joined the Croatian Fraternal Union local 130 at their annual Fall Dance. Members had a wonderful time. It was Nov. 20th. Meeting then closed with prayer. ANN CARLISLE NO. SO, CLEVELAND, OHIO Our October meeting opened with a prayer as usual by our lovely president Ann Hočevar. The new meeting date on the second Tuesday of the month threw some of our regulars off. Members do remember the changed date, and the time is 7:30. Reports on our 40th Anniversary Dinner-Dance and project were very favorable. Plans were made to have our Christmas party at the Celebrity Room, 1411 Som Center Rd. at East-gate in Mayfield Hts., Ohio. The date is Sunday December 12th at 2:00 p.m. There will not be a meeting on that day. Members decided to hold the election of officers at their January meeting so everyone will enjoy the party more. There will be games and fun time and a $2.00 gift exchange and then a lovely smorgasbord dinner. So members, make your reservations and bring a guest to enjoy our lovely Christmas party with us. Our thanks to Mary Cesnik for donating a Polaroid camera to our club. Also thanks to our Vicky and 'her helpers Betty Sernel, Rose Roesch, Toni Turek and Marie Dolinar for their generous and delicious refreshments. Our best wishes go to Marie Dolinar and hope she is back with us real soon. We missed you at the meeting Marie. Happy Birthday wishes go to Mary Perusek, Toni Turek and Bea Tome. May God grant you many more happy years. Deepest sympathies go to Marie Beck on the death of her brother-in-law. Marie Prisland: Cs<\ysv<\es The Slovenian Women’s Union has a birthday this month. On December 19, she will be 45 years old. No longer a Junior organization at this age, but a seasoned Senior. Our ZVEZA was organized for the purpose of combining the Slovenian women in America into a strong national organization, the first one among our immigrant group. It prospered immediately. At the end of the first year, there were 15 branches and 970 members. The first years of the organization were not easy. The "old country” customs still dictated that a woman’s place is only in her home and her life’s mission is to take care of the family and work in the fields. In America, besides the family, boarders were added to her chores so that she could help with the family budget. Therefore some of the men eyed the new organization with disfavor: “Who has asked you to bring the women together? Who will take care of the husband, the children and the boarders if she will be running around to the meetings? My wife will never join your organization!” — Such, and similar statements were addressed to me when I started to organize ZVEZA. The women stood firm! They finally convinced their husbands that belonging to a woman’s organization will actually benefit him, the family and maybe even the boarders since she will acquire a lot of new knowledge through the organization. Seeing the progress the new organization was making, the men turned around and became our best friends, helping us in all Zveza’s activities. We are most grateful for their cooperation. I treasure a letter from Mrs. Mary Plantan, founder of Branch 4 in Oregon City, dated May 1, 1927. “As the president you are similar to St. Ursula, who had 10,000 virgins under her cloak,” the letter states. “You will never have that many, but maybe one thousand you might eventually get.” Her prediction is fullfilled tenfold due to the wonderful work our members performed and are still performing for their organization. May God bless them! The Anniversary Membership Campaign has been announced and it will start this month. My suggestion, that this campaign be dedicated to our wonderful branch officers — from the Presidents to the Sentinels was accepted. OFFICERS! Let’s go to work and conduct a very successful campaign! Our slogan shall be; EACH OFFICER ENROLL ONE NEW MEMBER! if this is done, we will have 800 new members! The first branch coming through 100% will receive an award of $10.00 from me. My new member is already enrolled. Will you follow me? Please, DO! Scholarship note: Dr. Adoph F. Žnidaršič of Cleveland, former recipient of our scholarship award, has again contributed $250.00 into the Scholarship Fund. The Illinois-Indiana State Convention, held in Joliet, donated $75.00 to the Fund. To all a very sincere THANK YOU! ^Jlie .3ire tended of? C^hriitmcii SMELL the pine in the nearly-cut tree HEAR the carols sung by the choir SEE the little ones 6camnper with glee FEEL the warmth of an open fire TASTE the wine - oh so good - you agree? If another were added to the list above I’m sure it would be the name of LOVE! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! May God bless you all and keep you the best of health. The officers and I would like to wish each of you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. JANE NOVAK NO. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Our meeting of Oct. 6th was held at the Little Grove and discussion was on the profit and loss of our State Convention festivities. It was a lot more than anticipated and altho it was a big success, all wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for all the nice people that made it so. Thanks again to all. Our charter was draped and prayers were said for the reipose of the soul of our dearly beloved sister Elizabeth Spinelli who passed away Sept. 12th. We also have to express our deepest sympathy to the Stra-zishar family who lost a brother, John at West Allis, Wise. And, to sister Angeline Russ in the loss of her dearly beloved husband who also passed away Oct. 24th. “Though our hearts are heavy with sorrow, and the ways ahead seem dim, know that God is ever near and your loved ones are with Him.” We will all pray that they will be blessed as all the souls of our faithful departed. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make the family of Anton Russ more comforted in their time of bereavement. We would like to congratulate sister Sharon Whipple on the birth of their son, Wayne Anthony on Sept. 30th at Fairbault, Minn. Congratulations to proud grandma and grandpa Strazishar. We concluded our meeting with a prayer by our president, Josephine Oswald. The social of the evening was wonderful with prizes to the following: sisters Jennie Crea, Frances Kaniski, Josephine Oswald, Mary Bartol, Gertrude Kochevar, Dorothy Russo, Julia Mancuso and Mary Techar. Door prize went to Genevieve Zidarich. A delicious luncheon was served by sisters Shirley Spinelli, Florence Techar, Mary Techar and Frances Rapovich. This brought the very delightful evening to a close. We will be looking forward to seeing you at the meeting, first Wednesday of the month. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Yours truly, GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR, Reporter NO. 54, WARREN, OHIO Our branch will hold their annual Christmas party on Tuesday, Dec. 21st at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Betty Vadas, 2701 Dartmoor Dr. N. E. We wiil nave a $1.50 gift exchange and dessert and coffee served by our hostesses, Betty Vadas, Josephine Kassan, Vic Zuga, Mary Diana and Anne O’Block. Please tiy to attend and enjoy yourself with the other members. Those in arrears with dues can make payments to me. > Happy holidays to all and may the year 1972 bring to us good health and love of our feilow men and peace around the world! JOANNE PONIKVAR, Sec. Treas. NO. 56, HIBBING, MINN. The branch hosted a fine evening in October with special guest, Mr. Jordan Milosevski, chief representative for the Federal Economic Chamber of Yugoslavia who gave a talk on the country and showed movies. His idea is to promote trade between our two countries especially tourism. After the program, prizes were given to Mmes. Dan Skorich, William Spolar and Frank Draskovich. Luncheon was served by the hostesses, Mmes. Draskovich, George Muh-vich, William Ayotte and John Staudohar. Our sick members are wished all the best and they are Mmes. Rap-inac, Kozina and Klaysmat. Hope they are all feeling better. We also welcome back Margaret Shelko. Happy Birthday was sung to the mother of the Year, Barbara Dosen and we extend a warm welcome to all members to attend our Christmas meeting. Best wishes. ROSE MARAS NO. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR, OHIO Hello! Now that the summer months are gone and all vacations are over it’s time to report on all the happenings of our branch. In June a surprise party was held for one of our dear friends, Frances Bajc, who returned to Europe to make her home there again. Many will remember her for her delicious donuts that she made. With her traveled Mrs. Kristine Ludvik, who took along her two granddaughters, Christine and Cindy Mahne. It was a trip that they will never forget. In July the highlight of everything was the 25th Wedding Anniversary of Edward and Frances UHe. Relatives and close friends surprised them at their home and then escorted them to the VFW Hall in Fair-port where they were additionally surprised by a host of friends and relatives. A delicious supper was served to 300 guests. The Samsa Brothers’ orchestra, who had also played at their wedding, played for dancing with other friends joining them to make it a night of music. They then returned to the Ulle home to continue the celebration to the wee hours of the morning. MM. We want to express our thanks and gratitude to all our dear friends and relatives for all the hard wo'k to make this such a memorable occasion. In August our representatives went to Washington, D. C. for the dedication ceremony and from reports it was a very impressive sight, In September our branch resumed its meeting again and everyone reported on all the happenings of the past months. It sure was a busy summer for all. Our Balinca group finally had to call it a day and quit playing because of the weather. We climaxed the balinca with a night out which was spent at Lutz’s in Paines-ville, with ai delicious smorgasbord, we then returned to the American Slovene Club to spend a social evening. With our meetings getting back into swing, lots of projects are being planned and we know that everyone will anxiously look forward to our meeting night. So to everyone we want to send our very warmest wishes and from Ed and me, I want to say thanks a lot for such warm and friendly people. FRANCES ULLE, Reporter NO. 73, WARRENSVILLE HGTS. OHIO There was much discussion by the members of our branch who attended the dedication of the Slovenian Chapel in Washington, D. C., from the solemnity of the affair to the. social events, and it can only be summed up by stating that the trip was so impressive each and every one who attended would have gone back for a return trip the very next day. We wish to especially thank Evelyn Majeirsick for showing color slides of the Washington trip, and they all showed excellent photography. Those members present who made the said they got “goose pimples” all over seeing the wonderful sights again on Combined Branch Meeting Dec. 8th! Combined Branches of Cleveland got together in October for a very important meeting with the main topic, the spring event, Debutant Cotillion Ball on May 13, 1972. I hope all the branches will cooperate and help by seeing to their obligations. We know some could do more and some less, but every bit counts! The Combined Branches have decided to have meetings three times a year and each branch is requested to send a reresentative. This will help us to keep up with the new reports. Dec. 8th will be the next meeting at the St. Clair Recreation Center so plan on attending. At the Oct. meeting we all signed a card for Pauline Stampfel who has been in the nursing home for quite a while. She was the vice-president of our Combined group and always present at the meetings. We misss her and wish her a speedy recovery and may God look after her. We also have another officer on the sick list and she is our secretary, Frances Novak, our best wishes for a speedy recovery. The Combined Branches are planning on many activities for the next year. I ask you all to try to get in new members and put some action in your branches. There is no excuse. Others have done it and you can too. In conclusion, my best to all and may God bless you. MARY BOSTIAN, State Pres. film, and those of us who were unable to attend got similar “goose pimples” from the wonderful commentary that Evelyn gave regarding eadh slide. If anyone has made a trip to Washington in the past to view the historic sights, such as my family and I have done many times in the past partly due to having very close friends living in and surrounding the district, one could depict the fact that Evelyn climbed many a hill and many extra steps on buildings, to get the very best view of that historic site. Thank you again, Evelyn, for your thoughtfulness and also to your lovely young daughter for aiding you in the showing of the slides. Congratulations to you, Evelyn, and your husband, Stephen upon your 25th Wedding Anniversary celebrated this past August, and may God give you many many more years of happiness together. Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Walters (Agnes) had the pleasure a four week visit by their daugih ter Esther Chapman and her three children who reside in San Jose, Cal. At our last meeting, Jean Novotny’s sister, Pauline Kulis attended; we enjoyed having you visit us Pauline, trust Jean will bring you very soon again. We all trust and pray Mary is feeling much batter very soon and our thoughts and prayers are with her for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chesnik, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chesnik, Sr. (Mary), and their three children, moved from Los Angeles, Cal. the month of June, to Lexington Ky. The Ghesnik’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fronek (Leona) and their eight children moved August 18, 1971 from Garfield Hgts., to Conyers, Ga. With Grandpa Chesnik now retired, Grandma is already locking forward to making trips to see both families. Thank you members for the kindness and hospitality shown my Mother — Mrs. Mae Sedlak of Port Charlotte, Florida. She asked me to inform all of you how much she enjoyed the two meetings she attended with me. Although she visits Cleveland every year, this year her primary purpose was to attend her grandson’s and my only child’s wedding September 25th, at St. Jude’s Church, when my son Randall Roberts and Gail Kozelka were united in Holy Matrimony. Wedding breakfast and reception was held in the Cavalier Hall, Garfield Heights, and the young couple honeymooned by flying to Florida and using Grandma Sedlak’s home as their honeymoon cottage for a week, and then to Nassau in the Bahamas for the second week. The young couple also wishes to thank everyone who sent cards of congratulations as well as lovely gifts, and Mother Roberts also wishes to express her gratefulness. Karen Schlemmer, daughter of Donald and Rita (Walters) Schlemmer, grand-parents Mr. & Mrs. L. Walters (Agnes), was capped October 3rd at Marquette School of Nursing in Milwaukee. We all wish her good luck and good health in her career. Our President Kay Yuratovac and her husband and Louise Epley our Secretary, members Helen Dusek and Frances Travnik attended the combination State Convention and 40th Anniversary of Branch No. 50, and enjoyed themselves very much. While reporting on the happenings of this affair, they brought it to our attention, that on next May 13, there will be Another S.W.U. Cotillion Ball at the Celebrity Room in the Eastgate Shopping Center in Mayfield Heights, and any member who has a daughter between the ages of 18 and 22 years of age is eligible to be presented. For further information regarding same, please contact one of our officers. Congratulations are also in order to Frank Kainec and Barbara Novotny who were united in marriage during the month of July at St. Rita’s Church in Solon. Frank is the son of memeber Frances Kainec and the late Paul Kainec. We all wish good luck, health, wealth and happiness to members Molly Danicic, Louise Majercik, Mary Schneider, Mary Pobuda and all the members of their families ^ upon their recent moves to new homes. We know it was hard to have to give up the homes you were all born and raised in to make way for new highways, but we are all happy you chose to relocate in the same city and be able to continue being members of Branch No. 73. Many more happy years in addition to the 25 you just recently celebrated, Mr. & Mrs. Walter (Rose) Matyaszek. Just heard that Patsy (Mauer) Schaab and her family moved from Wickliffe to Painesville, and hope that the new home and location is enjoyed by all. We wish to express our sympathy to Helen Rippol and her two sons due to the loss of their father and husband recently. On October 21st twenty-nine members and friends attended our annual birthday dinner and fun evening at the Ray Kearns Restaurant and Lounge, in Nordonia, Ohio. Louise Eply baked and donated a beautiful cake for the occasion, and this was won by Helen Kainec. Matchbooks were passed around and those lucky enough to have a number written on the cover were eligible for one of the surprise packages. The food was delicious, service excellent, liquid refreshments long and cold, and the gentleman who played the Cordovox should be congratulated not only for his talent but being so congenial in play-(Pleane Turn to Page 20) % the /an(fj ctf the S'Me BY HERMINE DICKE 'VAZ A/j err k ARvA % ho Lr LAND C? /V ® V/ flCfWch(^t\ flgEfrSHgftft During our journey into the Holyland last summer, one of the highlights was Bethlehem. It is a pleasure to report on this famous town especially during the Christmas season. em Bethlehem, the Hebrew name for “House of Bread”, an ancient town of Judea, was one of the thrilling and memorable cities we visited on our trip into Israel. From the high hills near Jerusalem we could see the faint outlines of the church steeples of this venerated town. The six mile bus trip from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, a well known city in the time of the Bible, takes us southward into the valley. Occasionally, an Arab woman in heT long flowing dress can be seen along the roadside carrying unbelievable burdens beautifully balanced on her head. Donkeys along the way led by men or boys carry huge loads of food, water, materials or wood, the national fuel of that area. Near Bethlehem in the surrounding fields and along the winding road we spotted vineyards, orchards of figs and olives as described in biblical times. Beyond this valley and at the top of a hill stands Bethlehem — with churches from the Catholic, Protestant, Greek-Orthodox, Arm e n i an-Orthodox and Greek Catholic religions. As we snapped pictures of the scenes before us from the moving bus, we drove upwards and into the main thoroughfare stopping near one of the great shrines of Christianity: The Church of the Nativity. It stands like a huge fortress over the cave where, traditionally, Christ was born. The original church was built by Constantine under the watchful eye of his mother, Queen Helena, in 325 A. D. However, by the time Emperor Justinian came to Bethlehem in 531 A. D. the church was in need of restoration. In the twelfth century it was again restored by the Crusaders. As we approached this enormous church, we were surprised to see such a narrow and low entrance -so low that one had to stoop to enter. Some writers report that the original doorway was made smaller to prevent Turkish cavalrymen from riding their horses into the church. The interior of the Church of the Nativity was surprisingly dark and dusky although ornately designed. The high main altar was adorned with icons which are stylized paintings of saints or the Holy Family. Many of these were covered with sheets of gold or silver with only the face showing. The dark woodwork in the background was beautifully carved. Gold lamps hung from the ceiling. According to the Greek Orthodox tradition, the more costly and lavish the furnishings the more pleasing to God is that place of worship. In the floor of the church a trap door about three feet square was opened by the guide to show us a sample of Constantine’s mosaic floor discovered by archeologists in 1934 which had been covered with marble by Justinian. Then to the left of the main altar and down a narrow short stairway, our group of thirty-two persons arrived at the sacred grotto where, according to tradition, Christ was born. A tour group from an Oriental country were singing “A d e s t e Fidels”. Here illuminated by the light of many candles, the cave is decorated with rich fabric and tapestry and silver lamps. A fourteen pointed star in the slab of marble covering the floor of the grotto marks the spot where Mary gave birth to Jesus. Before this sacred shrine, Father Jean Roger, our guide who is a biblical scholar, asked my husband to read the passages from the Holy Bible pertaining to the birth of Christ. Close to this grotto is another venerated shrine — the Chapel of the Manger — where the Virgin placed her newborn Child; and it was here that the shepherds knelt to adore Him. The Christmas ceremonies usually begin at noon on December 24th when the Latin Patriarch arrives from Jerusalem. Accompanied by priests in festive robes, the procession walks three city blocks to the Church of the Nativity to celebrate the mystery of the coming of Christ. Later in the day at 4:30 there is a service in Shepherd’s Field which is a little better than one half mile from Bethlehem where the angels announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds who were tending their flocks on the hillside at night. According to Luke the angel said: “Today in the town of David a saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord”. The services of Christmas Eve start at 8 o’clock in the various churches of Bethlehem. The most popular service is the midnight Roman Catholic mass which is held in St. Catherine’s Church adjacent to the Church of the Nativity. An underground tunnel leads from St. Catherine’s to the grotto where Christ was born. This midnight mass is broadcast to many countries by radio. Christmas trees are rare in Bethlehem. This is a custom of western civilization. The Greek Orthodox, the Syrian Orthodox, the Copts and Abyssinians like the western civilizations observe December 25th as their Christmas day, but since they follow the Julian calendar the actual day of observation according to our calendar is January 6-7. After leaving the Church of the Nativity we were allowed only ten minutes to shop for souvenirs in the little local markets. Farmers’ wives from the neighborhood come here to sell fruits from their fields and to barter for household articles and materials. Near the shops axe factories where one can buy beautifully carved olive wood, and where, particularly interesting, is the sawing and drilling of mother-of-pearl which is made into necklaces, earrings, pins and detailed reproductions of biblical scenes for the purchasing market. From here we proceeded on our tour to the Church of Gethsemane in Jerusalem where Christ prayed during the passion of His crucifixion. Br. 73: ing requests for group singing and dancing as well. I wish to inform all members of two coupon saving projects we are all involved in at the present time. The first consists of saving Betty Crocker coupons located on boxtops, and these are being presented (in coupon form) to “The Hattie Larlham Foundation, Inc., Mantua, Ohio”, and with the earnings from these coupons they are trying to get a sufficient amount to purchase a transportation vehicle for the helpless and severely handicapped retarded children. There are eighty children living in the home at the present time. The second project is saving and gathering coupons delivered to the home, those found in newspapers, magazines, etc., covering any item from food to literally speaking pet supplies. So far this year we have helped the Divine Redeemer Home for the Aged, and have also presented the sum of $40.00 to The Matt Halbot Inn, Cleveland, Ohio, a more or less halfway house for alcoholics who are family men and truly desirous of overcoming this illness. We hops in the future to give our aid to other well-deserving organizations, especially those not being helped by public assistance, funds or drives. Anyone desiring further information, or anyone willing to cooperate in this endeavor of Branch No. 73, please contact me by telephone at the following address, or where no further information is desired, just send the coupons to my address — which is Mrs. Mildred D. Roberts, 4880 Green Rd., Warrensville Heights, Ohio (44128). I should mention at this time, that coupons appearing under an advertisement for a particular store are not eligible as those can be only used directly under that particular store’s place of business. This project has more or less become a family project in that children as well as husbands remind their wives about certain coupons appearing in various printed material just case the lady of the house has overlooked same, so I think at this time I should thank all the members and their families as well, for their faithfulness in carrying out this project. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary NO. 86, NASHWAUK, MINN. We held our meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 26th with a good membership turn-out. Several guests were also present. We discussed the election of officers which we expected to have at our November meeting. There was no business of any importance to transact so our meeting was short. Following the close of the meeting, we played cards with prizes won by our sister Anna Bolf in Bridge and yours truly in Canasta. Our sister Christine Meyer served a delicious dessert lunch. We don’t plan to held a meeting in December so do attend our POT LUCK PARTY in January. Until we see you then, this is your reporter saying, see you and God bless you all and keep you in good health. ANNE MAZAR NO. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. During the brief and informal meeting in October and the absence of our Recording Secretary Evelyn Driscoll many issues were discussed, particularly the 26 receptive members who attended. Needless to say, Amelia Cuzella graciously accepted the assignment of Recording Secretary. Again, we thank you for your unsurpassed reporting, Amelia. We were also happy to officially greet two new members, Catherine Rosandich and Evelyn McNulty; I can see that much enthusiasm and interest is already taking place with these two new members, I know they will make excellent members. We are most happy to have both of you with us. Warmly and profoundly may I say thank you to Anna Nagoda for her lovely hand-made shawl she knitted and donated to our branch and the lucky recipient was Julie Hansen. Many thanks to Ann Lustig, Staite President, for the prize she donated to our branch and for her kind remarks and thoughtfulness for the up and coming State Convention which will held in La Salle. How sweet of Cecelia Isek to remember our members, when she herself is incapacitated and unable to get around; for her generous $5 and a Mass which will be offered at a later date for all of our members living and deceased. We just have to say thank you, and what a meaningful way to remember. Get well wishes are extended to Mary Brezene who sustained a leg injury, also Cecelia Isek and Anna Yovanovich who have been recently hospitalized. In your charity please remember all of our ailing and deceased members in your prayers. Cash donated toward our treasury from the following generous contributors: Cecelia Isek ($5) Phyllis Perko, Viola Spitz, Anna Nagoda, Lucille Nosich ($2) Julie Hansen, Ann Nelson, and Mildred Poropat, ($1). After the business session in a sister fashion, Helen Price, Ann Kompare, Ann Sertich, Marge Doherty, and Mary Nicksic hosted: the goodies donated by Mary Perkovich and ours truly. Birthday Greetings to the following who are celebrating in December: Rose Boerner, Mary Budislich, Rose Mary Cacich, Anna Cavlovich, Stephanie Magnovite, Matilda Joviča, Jennie Gaspar, Mary Kahn, Frances Perpich, Vica Rukavina, Lucy Sarich (Texas) Frances Sea-bloom, Marge Simunic, Josephine Stengel, Helen Stewart, Gertude L. Lee, Hermina Lakich, and Anne Tonkovich. In a final note, as we near the most joyous season of the year I would like to express my true feeling of appreciation to all of our members for your loyalty extended to me. They will never grow trite or old. This is my way of saying a ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS” to all of you. Since I cannot greet you face to face or with a warm hand shake, I want you to know that I am grateful for the privilege I have had to serve you. I hope the year coming to a close was a good year for all of you and that 1972 will be even better. May God bless you all! There will be no January Meeting, we will meet on February 2nd. MARY PERKOVICH (NEE NIKSICH) It is with deep regret that I announce the death of one our beloved members, Mary Perkovich, 9618 S. Houston Ave. She was the beloved wife of John, loving mother of Nick (Darlene) and John Jr. (Nancy) Perkovich. She was the grandmother of two, the dear daughter of Mile and the late Frances Nikisich. Mary will always remain in our memory as a loyal and devoted member. She was good woman. For more than a decade she was a victim of many physical ailments which left her incapacitated. Despite her illness she shared our priciples, our ideals, thoughts, and our desires. But most of all we will miss her beloved husband who always came to our meetings to see that her obligations to our branch were met. He deserves our gratitude. I am sure if anyone deserves a reward beyond this world, Mary Perkovich deserves it fully. To the beareaved family it is with a full heart our officers and members offer our deepest sympathy. MILDRED JAMES NO. 100 FONTANA, CALIF. Here it is, the beginning of winter, the Halloween spooks are all gone, ;he Thanksgiving Turkey all eaten up and Santa Claus is getting his jet plane ready for Christmas! Where has the summer gone? It seems as I grow older, the years pass faster. Oh, to be young again! Cleveland, Ohio will be the new home of sister Kaliope. We are sorry to see Carolyn leave Fontana, but we sincerely hope she will come back to visit us once in a while. Dennis, the son of Tony and Faye Videgar, surprised his parents and friends by slipping away to join the U. S. Navy. He is now stationed in San Diego, Cal. Dennis had his heart set on Naval Service for many years and could hardly wait to attain lepal age to sign up. He ;s the type of boy that every family would be proud to claim as their own. Those who have known him from childhood as I have would readily agree with me. Vaya Con Dios, Dennis! Sister Mary Bernach is up in the air again, by plane, that is. She flew to San Francisco, New York and now she’s enjoying herself in Hawaii. We’re lucky to see her between plane refuelings anyhow! Mary, have a ball and live life to its fullest neasure! My most wonderful brother, Al, from Chicago, made his annual trip to visit our Mom. We had a lovely get-together but it was all too short. What a pity it is that those whom we love can’t live near us. I wish to extend to my dear friend, Frank Reich, a most happy, happy belated birthday wish. Frank celebrated his 90th year! I have had the pleasure of knowing this lovely person since I was 5 years old. He and my dad were coal miners over 50 years ago in the little town of Iselin, Penna. Happy Birthday, Frank! Sisters, please attend our meetings; we do have such a grand time. Honest to goodness, we have fun galore and I’m sure you are aware of the old adage, “the more the merrier”, so come out, come out, wherever you are. Birthday celebrants for the month of October were Frances Bensa, Antoinette Kovach, Elsie Ciszak, Lillian Duller and Frances Kapel. Happy days to all. Wedding bells will soon ring out for Anthony Horzan and Karen Mastagne. St. Rosie of Lima Catholic Church of Paso Robles, Calif, will be the setting for the marriage and the officiant will be Father Bernard from Peru, Illinois. How so very appropriate as Father Bernard is Anthony’s uncle. The couple plan to make their home in Fontana. Congratulations and may both your hearts be happy beyond what words can say. By the time this comes to print, it will be near the holidays so allow me this opportunity to wish you all a most healthy and blessed Christmas with a cheerful New Year to follow. See you next month, God willing. EDITH DRAWENEK NO. 101, BEDFORD HEIGHTS, OHIO Many thanks to all who donated and worked at our second Rummage and Bake Sale. Special thanks to Mary Laskowski, who lets us use her home for our “Collection Center.” Also, to our Chairman, Rosalie Brown, who spent many hours pricing and collecting, along with her mom, Mary Laskowski. Congratulations to Fr a n c e s Semich’s daughter, Fran, on her recent marriage November 13, 1971. We all wish the newlyweds many happy years together. Congratulations to Lucille Reed, elected to hex fourth term as Mayor of Bedford Heights. We’re all so very proud of her. And we all wish her continued success. This year our Christmas donation is going to two worthy places. The Sagamore Hills Children’s Home and the Hattie Harlam Home. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year. DOROTHY SZUMSKI NO. 103, WASHINGTON, D. C. Our October meeting was well attended. Following our business meeting, everyone agreed in unison that the drafting of a letter of appreciation to our former President, Mrs. Irene Planinšek Odorizzi should take first precedence and this was accomplished with sentiments voiced by everyone, including our Junior members. We hope that she will soon be returning to join us regularly. We miss her. It was the suggestion of the group to try to have our meetings changed to the first Sunday of the month to coincide with the date that the Slovenian Mass would be held at our newly dedicated chapel of Our Lady of Brezje, in the National Shrine. It was felt that this would encourage better attendance at our meetings as only one Sunday would have to be set aside for the above activities. Also, another reason to consider would be that Father Blatnik would be available for special occasions that we might wish to have him. The group voted in favor of the above but the final decision will rest upon the availability of our meeting hall all on those dates. Our Junior Members, Lydia Bev-ec and Vida Antolin added a 6park of liveliness to our meeting with their personal knowledge and enthusiasm. They are willing workers and expressed a desire to write a report on the meetings for the “Zarja”. It was somehow exciting to have our older and younger members exchanging views. We hope that we shall see more of them. FRIEDA H. MICHELITCH ^ SEASON'S GREETINGS <]L Wj hom 1 EDWARD F. KOMPARE 1 ^ FUNERAL HOME 9858 South Commercial Avenue Chicago 17, Illinois Phones: SO 8-1111 - 8800 FROM THE EDITOR... It was a distinct pleasure to attend the yearly evant that brings together members from Illinois and Indiana branches and this year, the State Convention was hosted by the ladies of Br. 20, Joliet, 111. It was held in a beautiful place, the Sheraton Hotel and in elegant surroundings. Present to make the day very festive were members from branches 2, Chicago, 16, So. Chicago, 20, Joliet, 24, LaSalle, 72, Pullman, 89 Oglesby and 95, So. Chicago. National Officers who represented the organization included Auditor Anne Kompare of Br. 95. State President, Ann Lustig of Br. 16 and yours truly. Past National Officers were given special recognition by the group and they were Jolietans, Josephine Erjavec, former Supreme Secretary, Josephine Muster, former Supreme Treasurer, Josephine Sumic and Frances Gaspich, former Auditors and Josephine Livek, former President of Oglesby, 111. Among the presidents of branches were Mary Muller of Br. 2, Emma Planinšek, Br. 20, Mildred James of Br. 95 and secretaries: Gladys Buck of Br. 16, Mary Krogulski of Br. 24, Wilma Zagar of Br. 72, and Lil Putzell, secretary of the Midwest Bowling Association, Chicago league. All in all, a very fine representative group. As a special gesture of friendship, the members of Br. 2, Chicago, brought with them a beautiful hand-painted oil done by our member Emilija Razman-Bucik which was a gift to Br. 20. They in turn, and in very generous fashion, immediately conducted a little money-making project and netted a sum of $75.00 for the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund! Many topics were discussed, brought forward by the members and delegates in their reports and all questions were ind'cative of the great interest there is in the wellbeing and future of our organization. Even when they heard the pro- posal to include men as members in S.W.U., at some future time, the members showed no opposition and rather, sincere interest. Our younger members expanded on the future of this organization in doing good for others, in finding a goal to follow and to helping our s:ster members in various ways. They were extremely worried that we must not lose our Slovenian identity and that goals and dreams to follow are still possible in this world of mixed cultures and changing values. Whereas the founders and pioneer members who began this organization had as their goal the unifying of our Slovenian womenhood, the coming generation may do even more and carry out the basic human goals of love and helpfulness to our sisters to an even greater degree. I see that they will support any action to help the aged, provide for the needy and instruction for the children. They want in their lifetime to see a free world and a country rich in culture and good moral life that the S.W.U. can help to achieve. We dwell on and reflect on the past and it is good. But, we must look over the wall and step confidently ahead with our young members if we want to continue to earn their respect and loyalty. MEMBERSHIP NOTES You are a member of S.W.U. for many years and so is your mother and other members of your family. You are wandering, hiow long do I have to pay my dues? As long as my grandmother who was a memiber for 30 years or more? Don’t I have a chance to be free of all assessment when I reach advanced age or have a certain number of years membership? Newer members of Zveza and prospective members want to know how their dues money is handled and what value they are getting for it. First of all, S'lovenaan Women’s Union cannot offer many plans for insurance, sick benefit or paid-up policies as do other similar organizations because we are a Funeral Benefit society, paying only funeral benefits. The Insurence Code of the State of Illinois where we are chartered does not allow any variation in these payments. If you are a member of Class A, paying 45c. per month, or Class B, paying 70c. per month, your dues are pro-rated accordingly. For $100.00 Class A benefit, 20c of your dues goes into the fund that will pay your beneficiary at the time of your death. The remaining 25c. is for Zarja and a/ll organizational expenses. For higher funeral benefits in Class B, your contribution to the death benefit fund is 45c. and again, this is kept for your death claim payment. The remaining quarter goes to the expenses. Therefore, if you are a member for 30 years in Clasis A, you have paid only $60.00 into the death fund althio your beneficiary will receive the full $100.00 benefit. Wihen a member reaches 75 years or over, in Class A, she pays only into the mortuary fund, 20c.; in Class B, she pays only 35c. There are no contributions from these older members into the expense fund, altho they continue to receive Zarja. Social members are those wiho cannot be accepted iruto the regular membership because of age and for 25c. monthly, they pay only to the expense fund and receive Zarja. We have many members 80 years of age or older and it would be infeasible for the SWU to grant them completely free assessment. The organization must remain solvent for future death claim payments of our members. The greatest expense Zveza is faced with is Zarja. It takes the largest ehunck out of your dues. But it is still considerably dheaper than many magazines and other types of publications tihat are offered by similar organizations and Zarja is a vital and important part of our organization that adds prestige and value to our work. Costs are rising and if one estimates only the barest necessities, to operate an organization such as postage, you can see how far the 25c. you are contributing to the expense fund is going. Finally, members who are constantly insisting: no raise in dues!” should realize that there has been NO INCREASE IN ASSESSMENT in the last 7 years and altho at this time there is none contemplated, it should be considered a possibility of the future. CORINNE LESKOVAR IF YOU MOVE, HERE’S WHAT YOU DO: Please fill out this coupon, cut it out and mall to the Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60608: Name: ................................................Br. no.: ......... OLD Address: ........................................................... Street City State Zipcode NEW Address: ...................................................-...-........ Street City State Zipcode MARIE PRISLAND OH, 45 LET Ta mesec bo naša Zveza zaključila 45 let svojega poslovanja. Dve podružnici, prva v Sheboyganu, druga v Chicagu, (ustanoviteljica Julia Gottlieb), sta položili temelj novi organizaciji in 19, decembra 1926 se je rodila Slovenska ženska Zveza v Ameriki. Na Zvezin rojstni dan je Margaret Kozjan v Pueblu ustanovilla podružnico št. 3. S tremi podružnicami in 97 članicami je Zveza pričela poslovati prvega januarja 1927. Meseca januarja so se ustanoville še štiri podružnice: Št. 4 v Oregon City, (ustanoviteljica Mary Plan-tan), št. 5 v Indianapolisu, (ustanoviteljica Mary Wid-mar), št. 6 v Rarbertonu, (ustanoviteljici Jennie Ožbolt in Jennie Okolish) in podružnica št. 7 v Forest Ci'yju, ki sta jo ustanovili Pauline Osolin in Anna Kam sen. Koncem prvega meseca je Zveza imela 303 članice. Meseca marca 1927 so bile ustanovljene tri podružnice: St. 8, v Steeltonu, Dorothy Dermes, ustanoviteljica; St. 9 v Detroitu, ustanovila Mary Puhek; št. 10 v Clevelandu, ustanoviteljica Mary Glavan. Tillie Rebertz je ustanovila podružnico št. 11 na Evelethu, ki se je pozneje združila s podružnico številka 19. Meseca oktobra so bile rojene tri podružnice: Margaret Ritonia je ustanovila pod. št. 12 v Milwaukee, Barbara Kramer je v San Franciscu ustanovila pod. št. 13, podružnica št. 14 v Clevelandu je prišla na svet po zaslugi Mary Darovec in Frances Rupert. Meseca novembra 1927 je bila ustanovljena pod. št. 15 v Clevelandu, ki sta jo v življenje poklicali Mary Planinšek in Pauline Zupančič. Zveza je koncem prvega leta tvorila 15 podružnic in 970 članic. Kako živahna, plodovita, skrbi in dela polna so za nas vse bila prva leta naše organizacije. Navdušenje za Zvezo je kipelo in nobena se ni pritoževala nad delom in izgubljenim časom. Z velikim veseljem smo se trudile in Zvezo gradile zavedajoč se, da smo polagale temelj njenemu obstoju. Priznanje in hvaležen spomin našim pionirkam! Niso gradile le Zvezo, temveč so se udejstvovale pri ustanovitvi slovenskih fara, cerkva, šol, narodnih domov, podpornih in kulturnih društev. Neumorno so bile na delu v korist svojemu narodu. Koliko potov je bilo treba napraviti, koliko vrat odpreti! Naše žene in dekleta so vse radevolje storile čeprav so mnogokrat za svoje delo prejele kritiko, namesto priznanja. Debelo knjigo bi se lahko napisalo o dejavnosti slovenskih pionirk v Ameriki. Blag jim spomin! DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE Zadnjega pol-leta so se vršile državne konvencije v Ohio, Coloradi, Minnesoti, Illinoisu, Pennsylvania in Wisconsinu. O poteku prvih pet konvencij je bilo po-ročano, o Wisconsinu naj bo na kratko omenjeno tole: Državna konvencija, vršeča se v Sheboyganu skupno s 45 letnico podružnice, je prav dobro uspela. Poleg predloženih in sprejetih predlogov za boljše poslovanje sta bili odobreni dve resoluciji: Prva resolucija je apel na naš državni Department v Washingtonu naj vendar odpre konzularni urad v Ljubljani, druga resolucija daje priznanje vsem, ki so se trudili in ki so prispevali za uresničenje slovenske kapelice v Washingtonu. Po cerkvenem opravilu — sv. mašo je za pokojne Zvezine članice daroval Zvezin duhovni svetovalec Rev. Claude Okorn — smo se zbrale v naj lepšem hotelu mesta v Grand Executive Inn h kosilu. Navzočih je bilo 211 gostov. Program po kosilu je vseboval petje naše pevske “šestorice” ki jo poučuje in vodi predsednica podružnice gospa Olga Saye, ki je z lepim nagovorom odprla program. Nastopila je Mourinova družina z muzikalnimi točkami. Mali, sedemletni Paul, je korajžno pel: “Kaj mi nuca planinca, ko zmiraj dež gre ” in zunaj je lilo kot iz škafa. Predstavljeni so bili častni gostje, med njimi domači g. župnik, Father Koren, Zvezin duhovni svetovalec Rev. Okorn, dr. Leopold Humar, zdravnik na John Madden Health Center v Chicagu, gospa Fanika Humar, Zvezina gl. tajnica, ki se je vsem priljubila — je mlada, inteligentna in dobra govornica. Glavna podpredsednica gospa Marie Floryan in državna predsednica gospa Rose Kraemer sta navzoče lepo pozdravili. Z zanimanjem smo sledili slikam, ki jih je iz potovanja po Sveti deželi kazal dr. Robert J. Dicke, soprog urednice rubrike Pofej and Pans and Pastime. Hermine Dicke je govorila o šolninskem skladu in kuharskih navodilih. Program so zaključile pevke s primerno, nalašč za to priliko sestavljeno pesmico v počast domačemu g. župniku in Rev. Okornu. Končno je zbor vodil petja vseh navzočih z God Bless America. Bilo je lepo! Naša podružnica se prisrčno zahvaljuje vsem, ki so proslavo posetili in dospeli iz Milwaukee, West All's, Willard, Chicago in Madison. Mojo zahvalo naj sprejme domača podružnica in one iz Milwaukee-West Allis, za poklonjene lepe spominke ob tej priliki. KAMPANJA ZA NOVE ČLANICE Naznanjena je kampanja za nove članice v počast Zvezine 45 letnice. Svetujem, da dajmo to kampanjo pokloniti vodstvu odbornicam podružnic. Vsaka odbornica bi naj pridobila eno novo članico —nič več in nič manj, ENO PA PRAV ZARES. “Nobene nove ne morem pridobiti; vse so že včlanjene,” slišim naše odbornice. Ni res, da bi ne mogle v Zvezo pripeljati vsaj eno novo članico! Ozrite se okrog svojih sorodnic, prijateljic in znank in prav kmalu boste našle eno ali drugo, ki jo lahko Zvezi pridobite. Z nasvetom, naj bi ta kampanja bila pod vodstvom odbornic, mislim RESNO. Tisti podružnici, ki se bo prva postavila z eno novo članico od VSAKE odbornice, bom poklonila nagrado 10 dolarjev. Glavna tajnica mi bo sporočila, katera bo prva. Torej, drage sestre, zdaj velja korajža! Pojdimo na delo! Moja nova članica je že vpisana. Sledite mi! Sveti 'Uečer Angeli k polnočnici zvone. Cin, cin, cin— se je utrgal zvonček iz zvezdic — iz zlatih lin, in se zakotalil čez polje.... Pred mojim hlevčkom obstal je tih. V njem so jaslice male— Marijine roke so jih prav mehke postlale, da je gorkeje Jezuščku v njih. Mamica mu uspavanko poje, lahno razpela roke je svoje: “Jezušček spi! Pst, da se ne zbudi.” Rev. Vital Vodušek (PESMI. Ljubljana, 1928.) Vsemu članstvu želimo prav vesele Božične praznike, Zvezi pa iskreno čestitamo k njeni 45 letnici! p. Klaude Okorn, ofm: Prihod Gospodov Čakanje na Gospodov prihod in na prihod zveličarja b; lahko imenovali s sv. pismom, čakanje v temi in v sm:lni senci. Samo upanje na obljubo, ki je bila dana v raju, da bo Bog poslal zveLčarja je ljudem dajala poguma, na so vslrajali. čas je prišel. Angel božji je oznanil Mariji, da je izbrana za Mater božjo. Pr.stala je. Zgodi se mi po Tvoji volji. Marijino veselje izražajo besede: Velike sl vari mi je storil on, ki je mogočen. Odslej me bodo blagrovali vsi rodovi na zemlji. Njegovo usmiljenje gre iz roda v rod. Po angelovem naročilu je Marija dala sinu ime Jezus, kar pomeni odrešenik, ker bo odrešil svoje ljudstvo od njih grehov. Božji sin je izpolnil očetov načrt odrešenja. Sv. Apostol Pavel tako lepo pravi: V njem imamo odrešenje po njegovi krvi, cdpuščenje grehov, po bogastvu njegove milosti, ki nam jo je v izobilju podaril v vsej modrosti in razumnosti, ko nam je razodel skrivnost svoje volje, po svojem sklepu, ki ga je vanj položil, da ga izvrši v polnosti časov, da v Kristusu podredi eni glavi vse, kar je v nebesih in kar je na zemlji. Kristus je most med Bogom in ljudmi. Po njem hrepenijo narodi. On je glava vsega človeštva, kralj vseh kraljev. On je zarja novega upanja. O njem je zapisal sv. Janez besede, ki jih je Jezus rekel o sebi: Jaz sem luč sveta. Kdor gre za menoj, ne bo hodil v temi, marveč bo imel luč življenja. Današnji čas lahko imenujemo čas iskanja. Ljude iščejo sreče. Ljude iščejo pravice in miru. Ni ne enega ne drugega. Nemir v svetu pove kako so srca prazna, zapuščena. Kakor novo razodetje se sliši novica pastirjem Glejte oznanjam vam veliko veselje: Danes vam je rojen zveličar. Tako je govoril Bog človeku pred dva tisoč leti in tako govori še danes. Psalmist nas prosi: Ko danes slišite njegov glas, ne zakrknite svojih src. Seveda se je treba odločiti, ker ni mogoče služiti dvema gospodoma. Ljubezen božjega otroka nas bo nagnila, da bo ta odločitev lažja. VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE. Si 'veta noč Ua Z\ ena noc. ST. 2. CHICAGO. ILL. Oktoberski sestanek je bil dobro obiskan. Naša predednica Mamie Muller je prečitala poročilo iz In-diana-Illinois State konvencije, ki se je vršila v začetku oktobra. Lepe vtise smo prinesli od te konvencije. Zanimalo nas je poročilo predsednice št. 95, gospe Mildred James iz So. Chicago, ki je povedala kako njihova podružnica skrbi za svoje starejše članice. Dostikrat imajo posebne “pr eljubljene igre” in s tistim dobičkom plačajo članarino svojih članic, ki težko prestajajo na 6voji majhni Social Security penziji. Res lepa zamisel in hvalevredno dobro delo! Tudi pri nas v Chicago moramo bolj gledati na naše starejše članice. V našem kapitalističnem sistemu je stari človek čisto pozabljen. Ko ne more več delati, se ne zmenimo več zanj. Ubogi, neumogli starejši ljude se dostikrat upravičeno počutijo, ds 60 zapostavljeni. Tako smo na zadnjem sestanku sklenili, da naredimo seznam članic, ki se radi starosti, oziroma slabega zdravja ne morejo udeležiti ses'ankov in jih po možnosti večkrat obiščemo. Upamo, da jim s temi obiski prinesemo malo veselja in razvedrila. Še enkrat smo razpravljali o možnosti, da bi debili nekaj narodnih noš, katere bi res zslo potrebovali. Povabljeni smo, da prisostvujemo pri praznovanju sto-petdeset-letnice glavne čikaške knjižnice. Ne moremo to narediti brez narodnih noš. Tudi pri mednarodnem festivalu na Navy Pier bi lepo število narodnih noš naredilo najlepšs vtise. Zato se še enkrat obračamo na vse članice, da poizvejo kdo bi nam te noše lahko posodil. Pripravljamo se na Božičnico za naše najmlajše. Program je v rokah naše vestne in sposobne urednice Corinne Leskovar, darila bo pa kot vedno preskrbela naša blagajničarka Liz Zefran z dobičkom, ki smo ga naredile na. novembrskem “Penny Social”. Vsi mladi člani in starši ste vabljeni na lapo popoldne drugo nedeljo v decembru. Znova pričenjamo kampanjo za nove članice. Za 45-letnico obstoja naše organizacije bi radi dobili 45 novih članic, če bi vsaka aktivna sestra pripeljala eno svojo prijateljico, bi ta načrt z lahkoto uresničili. Potrudimo se. Naša organizacija potrebuje novih moči. V oktobru je precej naših članic obhajalo rojstni dan. Po zadnjem sestanku smo se jih prav lepo spomnili ob čaju in sladkih dobrotah. Lepo smo se imeli in z veseljem se bomo drugi mesec zopet zbrali. Prav lepo pozdravljam vse čitate-Ije. KRISTA ARKO ST. 3, PUEBLO. COLO. Seja v okt. je bila številno obiskana, želimo da bi bilo tako za vse mesečne seje. Pridite drage članice na sejo v dec., da se izvoli odbor za leto 1972 in, da se skupno poveselimo, ko bomo obhajale božični zaključek leta. Vse tisti, ko dolgujete, ene za vse leto, porovnajte svoj dolg. Ene so res tako prezbrižne, da jih taj. zalaga celo leto in še tedaj gre v hišo, da se ji plačajo zvezini mesečni prispevki. Tajnica prosi, da bi bile bolj točne v tem oziru, ker knijige se zaključijo v decembru. Neizprosna smrt je uzela mlado Mary Kronwitter, ki je odšla v blaženo večnost vse prezgodaj. Pok. je bila nečakinja čla. Katherine Krasovich. Naše sožalje! Vsem, ki ste ga poznali sporočam, da se je za vedno poslovil od nas Emil Merhar. Bil je siromak bolehen od rojstva, smrt ga je rešila trplenja bolezni. Ako bi bila živa njegova mati, ki je bila naša aktivna članica, bi rekla hvala Bogu, da se je rešil mučne bolezni. Jearn Ingram ses. in bratom izraze sožalja. Emilju pa blag spomin, posebno od meme. Veselo 25 obletnico poroke sta obhajala Tony in Elsie Zaitz. Kako srečen Sept. za oba ko k poroki sta šla, tudi še danes vesela obai. Vama čestitamo. Bolna je naša član. Katherine Jaklavich, ki je bila v bolnici v resnem stanju po operaciji. Vsi ji želimo, da okreva čimprej. Čla. naše Zveze pozdravljamo postavitev spomenika v Washing-tonu, Mariji iz Brezij. Največja zasluga gre g. Franku Turek, ker on je imel ogromnega dela s pošiljko potrdil (receipts) darov za kapelo vsakemu posebej. Bilo mu je odgovorno delo Bogu v zahvalo in Slovencem v ponos. Mrs. Prisland omeni, da sploh ni bila k bessdi poklicana, gotovo tudi gl. pred. A. Turek in njen sporog g. Turek ne. Gotovo nam ni všeč, da se ljučte tako na malo poniža za svoje neumorno delo in trud, saj sta vastno vodila vse obveznosti dela in skrbi, da je vse pripomoglo k spomiski kapeli v Wash. Kot se bere je naša S.Ž.Z. do-rinesla za kapelo na manj $35,000.00. Mr. John Butkovich se je vrnil iz konvencije Hrvatske Zajednice v San Francisco, Calif. Bil je za delegata St. Jacob društva, zelo pohvalno se je izrazil in da imajo do 120,000 članov. Vse hvale vredno za brate Hrvate in še mnogo uspeha. Mr. Butkovichu želimo vsi obilo zdravja tako tudi njegovi ženi Ani. Drage soses. naše S.Ž.Z. sprejmite vse moje skromno božično voščilo in polno božjega blagoslova v letu 1972, ker sveta noč je praznik za naše družine. Menda nikoli v letu si ne želimo skupnih sestankov kot ravno v Božičnem času ker sveta noč je polna skrivnosti, spomin rojstva Sina Božjega, želim obilo uspeha, dobrih pečenih potic iz naše nove kuharske knjige. Vsem Božični pozdrav, ANNA PACHAK ŠT. 6, BARBERTON. OHIO Oktobereka izdaja Zarje je bila nad vse zanimiva. Vredno jo je shraniti v archiv. Z velikim spoštovanjem vidim v več krajih omenjeno ime Albine Novak, ki bo ostal v spominu še poznejše rodove. Kako bi bila ponosna, ko bi bila navzoča na tej veliki slavnosti v Wash-ingtonu D. C. za katero je sama toliko žrtvovala, Kdo ve, mogoče je vsemu temu z duhom prisostvovala? Zanimivo in razveseljivo je čitati kako sta Kristina in J. Erjavec opisala obisk v Sloveniji. To privadi zanimanje, mnogi smo hvaležni za Vajina trud. Dovolite, prosim, da poročam kako sta prazovala zlato poroko naša ustanovnica, Fran Žagar in njen soprog. Brale so se kar 3 sv. maše v različnih cerkvah; prva v domači Srca Jezusa cerkvi, nasledni dan v angleški cerkvi sv. Auguština. Bila je v sredo 22. sept., kakor pred 50 leti in tretji pa v Clevelandu po prijateljih. Seveda njima v počast je bila prirejena večerja, torta je bila na 2 štuka. Na vrhu se je blestela zlata številka 50 podarjena od ses. J. Podlipec. Ljudi je bilo zelo veliko. Vsem članicam se srčno zahvaljujeta, njima bo pa nepozaben spomin na to obletnico. Pred njima so bile še 2 ustanov-nice tako srečne, to so F. Verhovec in soprog in H. Sega ter soprog pa že 55 let. Toraj, vsem tem čast in zdravje! K nam se je vrnia pomlad po tisti hudi suši, travca zeleni, rožice cveto, so to oktobrce, da je zopet narava zanimiva in vabljiva; drevje se preliva v različne barve listja, kar je zelo očarlivo. Še eno važno točko imamo: naše seje bodo v novih prostorih Slov. domovina hali drugo nedeljo v mesecu ob 2 uri pop. Prihodnja bo 12. dec. Dobile smo 3 nove članice, Jenny Woolf, Mary Toth in Marta' Hudok, veselo dobrodošle! Lepe pozdrave vsem. M. STRAŽIŠAR ŠT. 10. CLEVELAND, OHIO Pozdravljene sestre SŽZ! Zopet se malo oglasim. Počitnice so že za nami in prihaja jesen, potem pa zima. Tako hitro so odšli meseci julij in avgust. Dne 12. sept. smo imele sejo in kakor po navadi smo bile vse vesele. Dnevi in leta grejo tako hitro narej, kmalu bomo v 1972. Naš odbor želi, da bi več članic prišlo na seje. Moja sestra, Albina Zimmerman, tudi naša članica, sporoča kako lepo je bilo v Washingtu ob priliki blagoslovitve nove slovenske kapele. Čestitamo podr. št. 50 ob njihovi 40 letnici. Upamo, da so imele kar dobro zabavo. Naša tajnica Mary Camloh rada gre obiskati članice, ki so v slovenskem Old Age Home na Neff Rd. Hvala naši tajnici. Collinwoodske Slovenke št. 32 S.D.Z. so praznovale 50 letnico društva in ker so tudi naše članice čestitke vam vssm skupaj da bi še mnogo let imele veselje in zdravje, ta drugo bo pa kar samo prišilo! Dne 24 julija smo izgubile članico Štefanijo Bolko, članice smo ji izkazale zadnjo čast. Naj počiva v miru. Vsem preostalim iskreno sožalje! Vsem, ki so bolane ali v bolnicah upamo in želimo hitro zdravje. V decembru bo glavna seja. Upamo, da vas bo kar dosti prišlo. Vsem članicam in glavnemu odboru želimo vesele praznike in 6rečno novo leto 1972. Bodite vse lepo pozdravljene. SOPHIE MAGAYNA ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Za nami je mesec november, vendar imamo še lepe dneve. Tudi listje počasi odpada z dreves. Dokler ni slane nam bo lepa jesen skraj-žala zimo. Naša seja je bila dobro obiskana. Mary Stražišar in njen mož 6ta šla na kratke počitnice k sinu Alu ki je v vojaški službi pilot. Vrnila se bosta čez 10 dni. Danes na Vernih duš dan je umrla Mrs. Jančar mati naše predsednice Therese Skur. Naj da dobri ženi Bog večno plačilo in naj v božjem miru počiva, sveti naj ji večna luč! Tocasno je bolna Mrs. Mary Smrdel. Želim ji, da bi kmalu ozdravela. Tega večera so darovale v good time blagajno Mrs. Paško vic in Mrs. Učman. Obema se lepo zahvalim. Prejšnji mesec je umrla naša dolgoletna članica, Mre. Josipina Strnad. Naj v miru počiva, ostali družini pa naše sožalje! Lep pozdrav. A. SUSTAR 45 LET SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE Pričenjamo kampanjo s katero bomo lepo proslavile obletnico ustanovitve Slov. ženske zveze. Kampanja se prične 1.decembra letos in bo trajala vse do 31. maja, 1972 ko bomo ob polnoči ugotovile zmagovalko kampanje. Teh šest mesecev nam bo dalo dovolj časa in priložnosti, da se bomo ozrle okrog sebe, okrepile družabno življenje v zimskih mesecih, pridobile novih prijateljev in naši Zvezi novih članov. Tehnična izvedba kampanje bo ostala ista, kakor v dosedanjih letih, Denarne nagrade bodo, kakor popreje: za razred B se prejme $1.00; razr. A 50c. in za mladinskega člana 25c. Vse tajnice podružnic vljudno prosim naj v se podatke na polah za vstop TISKAJO; naslovi naj bodo točni in Zip code naj ne manjka! Če boste ustregle tej moji prošnji, mi boste prihranile veliko dela in nejevolje. Najvažnejše — nagrada kampanje — za najbolj uspešno delavko te kampanje bo čisto nekaj posebnega, kar še ni bilo nikoli poprej. Povem vam le to, da se izplača potruditi, kolikor se da. Preizkusile bomo tudi žensko slabost, katere nas včasih naše boljše polovice obtožujejo. Glavna nagrada bo ostala še nekoliko časa tajnost. Bomo dokazale, da smo boljše od varovalcev državnih tajnosti. Obenem se bo videlo, če nas bo “firbec” radovednost kaj podžgala in nas razgibala pri pridobivanju novega članstva. Ga. Prisland je predlagala, naj bi bila ta kampanja preizkušnja vseh naših odbornic ter naj bi vsaka odbornica pridobila vsaj po eno novo osebo med naše vrste. Izračunala je, da bi tako naše članstvo naraslo kar za 800. Ali nima ga. Prisland odličnega predloga? Dajmo, uresničimo ta plan in razvijmo tekmovanje med podružnicami! Katera podružnica bo prva izpolnila načrt? Vse hočemo biti prve! Sedaj imamo priložnost pokazati, kaj mislimo: "Ji bom že pokazala!” Pokažimo vsem tistim, ki pravijo, da ne gre, kakor je včasih šlo. Tudi danes, kakor nekoč, dosežemo tisto, kar hočemo doseči! Hočemo! Naj nam bo vodilo in bomo najlepše proslavile 45 let obstoja SŽZ ter se oddolžile tistim, ki so pred nami zaorale trdo ledino pred skoraj pol stoletjem. Katera podružnica bo prva izpolnila plan: vsaka odbornica po eno (ali več!) novih članic? Kdo bo dosegel prvo nagrado? Kdaj bo odgovor na prvo vprašanje, je v vaših rokah! Drugi odgovor bo objavljen v junijski Zarji prihodnje leto. Naša tajnost bo razkrita ob pravem času. Pojdimo na delo —veselo! FANIKA HUMAR Gl. Tajnica ZAPISNIK DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE V OHIO Dne 26. Sept. 1971 ob pol dveh popoldne je z molitvijo odprla sejo državna predsednica za Ohio in Michigan, Mary Bostian in rosila naj Vsemogočni blagoslovi za dober uspeh celotne Zveza. Žal moram poročati, da je udel žba odbornic bila nekoliko manjša kot ponavadi. Ob tej priliki moram izreči v imenu vseh članic globoko sožalje naši drž. preds., Mary Bostian ob izgubi dragega brata, Louis Kokely na ta dan. Ona je kljub žalosti in skrbi sejo dobro vodila. Ko vse pozdravi in se jim zahvali, ker so pridno prišle na sejo, jih poprosi naj izrečejo svoje ideje za napredek nekaterih podružnic. Ob tej priliki jih poprosi naj se bolj zanimajo za mladinski oddelek, s tem pridobijo nove članice in z njimi tudi njihove matere. Naj organizirajo baton twirling, bowling itd. Tajnica Marie Beck, pričita zapisnik konvencije leta 1969, zapisnik sprejet in je na novo izvoljena za 1971. Hvala vsem. Sledeče podružnice so imele število odbornic na seji: št. 10-2; št. 14-1; št. 15-1; št. 25-4; št. 32-4; št. 41-2; št. 47-4; št. 50-7; št. 68-1 in št 73-3. Mrs. Vera Bajec, št. 14, poroča, da dobro najprsdu-jejo, črez leto držijo card party in pecivno razprodajo. V tej podružnici je sedem članic to leto praznovalo zlato poroko, častitam vsem! St. 15 se ni dobro pohvalila, preds. Frances Novak je bila zelo bolana v bolnici, in želimo ji od sedaj naprej dobrega zdravje ter rabijo en par pridnih odbornic da povznignejo podr. Preds. Mrs. Kolegar od št. 25 pove, da so seje slabo obiskane! Tri članice so praznovale zlato poroko letos; bela žena pa je zatisnila oči 14 članic. Št. 32 zelo aktivna pod vodstvom drž. preds. Mary Bostian. V avgustu so izgubile dolgoletno preds. Theresa Potokar. Naj ji Bog da večni počitek. Mns. Pugel od št. 47 pozdravlja vse in se zahvali št. 50 in 32, ki so se udeležile 40 letnice zabave št. 47 v juniju. Častitke zadonijo po dvorani št. 50, ki danes praznuje 40 letnico. Preds. Ann Hočevar je izvršno izpeljala program in banket. Odbornice so navdušene za letno proslavo mladih deklet, Cotillion ples, ki se bo vršil 13. maja, 1972. Št. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio, Mrs. F. Bradač, zelo pohvali njsne članice, da se vse zanimajo za napredek Zveze. Št. 73 ima delavne odbornice. Zastopnica Mrs. Louise Epley je dobra govornica, članice so kupile in podarile 2 knjige From Slovenia to America WarrensviUe kniž-nici. Gl. preds. Toni Turek, pride na idejo, da bi držali pecilno demonstracijo pri podružnicah, ki niso zadosti aktivne in s tem povabile še druge ljudi, in kdo ve, Na Državni Konvenciji v Jolietu Ljubke mlad. članice št. 20, ki so vodile procesijo v cerksv sv. Jož:fa ob priliki drž. konvencije v Jolietu. Preds. št. 20, Emma Planinšek pozdravlja in gorite na zborovanju. Na levi je Mr. John Jevitz, ki je b i glavni govornik in njegova žena in na desni sla drž. preds. Anna Lusiig in. urednica Corinne Leskovar. Med častnimi gosti so bile bivša gl. tajnica Josephine Erjavec in gl. nadzornica Anne Kompare ter Mr. & Mrs. Jevitz in Mrs. Leskovar. ŠT. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Letna seja naše podružnice se bo vršila dne 9. decembra ob 1:30 pop. na domu tajnice. Vse ste vljudno vabljene na to zadnjo sejo v letu. Volitve v nov odbor bodo za leto 1972 ter bomo razpravljale važne točke podr. št. 19 in naše Zveze. Prosim vas, udeležite se! Po seji po prigrizek. Srčno Želim vsem vesele in zdrave božične praznike. Daj bog vsem članicam ljubo zdravje! Pozdrav vsem odbornicam in članicam Zveze ter duh. vodi, Father Okornu. MARY LENICH, taj. ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Naše iskreno sožalje družini naše odbornice Emma Nosse, ki so izgubile očeta, moža in dobrega skrbnika družine, Joseph Nosse, kateri je po dolgi bolezni bil poklican v večnost. Da so priljubljeni je pokazalo veliko število kropilcev in celo iz Catholic High School, katero obiskujeta oba sineva je bilo veliko duhovnikov. Nato busa, ki sta pri-peljaja na pogreb študente godbe, pri kateri sodelujeta ludi oba sinova. Emma. Nosse je naša odbornica več let in vedno nam pomaga kadar je potrebno, Enako je zaposlena v višji šoli, kjer imamo vedno kako prireditev v korist šole. Naj v miru počiva pokojni Joseph Nosse, družini pa večna tolažba v tej težki uri. Sožalje tudi družini Josepha Horvat, ki je preminul v starosti 90 let. Bil je pijonir naše fare in dobro poznani v naše naselbini, kakor je vsa družina. Poleg soproge, katera je naša članica dolgo vrsto let, zapušča sinove in hčerka in sestro Thereso Žlogar iz Cora St. in mnogo sorodstva. V bolnišnici so se nahajale Mary Smidberger in Mary Hočevar. Upamo, da kaj kmalo obe okrevata doma, kakor tudi vse ostale članice ki so v težkih dnevih bolezni. Mesec okt. je bil mesec, ko se slavi Sv. Frančišek in Terszija. Mi smo na seji počastile naše dobre članice in sicer: Thereso Marentich, Thereso Muhich, Thereso Gerenchar, Frances Gaspich, Frances Hubert, Frances Bottari, Frances Duckman-ton in Thereso Pasic. Vse imenovane so prejele posebne vrste jesenske šopke, krasne velike “mums” povezane z zlatimi in rujavimi trakovi za spomin. Potem se jim je zapelo Happy Birthday in imendan. Posebno srečne so bile, ker so zadele door prize, Frances Hubert, Frances Bottari, Theresa Gerenchar, Theresa Muhich in Frances Kalcich. Prigrizek se je serval ob krasno okinčai-nih mizah. Vee dobrote so prinesle naše odbornice in članice v po-čast slavljenkam. Blag. Josephine Sumic omenja, da je keglaška sezona v polnem teku na Rivals Parku in ako katera želi, naj pride obiskati jih na kegljišču in če nimajo prevoza naj pokličejo njeno številko; 723-0570. Krasne slovenske melodije med sejo in po seji so igrali muzkantje na ploščah iz Slovenije, katere je preskerbela v ta namen naša tajnica Olga Ancel. Proti koncu seje je nas obiskal kaplan Rev. Van Doren ter nas pozdravil in ob enem podal svoj blagoslov navzočim. Predsednica vabi članice na prihodnjo sejo v dscembu, ki bo letna sejai. Naše čestitke uglednemu joliets-kernu rojaku in delavcu na narodnem in državnem polju, Mr. John Jevitz, ki je bil počaščen v msstni hiši in prejel certifikat za njegove zasluge za Slovenski narod od žu- ZAPISNIK: mogoče nove članice. Poroča, da so ižšle nove kuharske knjige z 90 novimi recepti. Lepo darilo za nove neveste Ob tej priliki pohvali našo novo tajnico, Fanika Humar, ki dobro vodi Zvezino pisarno. Pismeni čestitke poslane in prebrane od Rose Scoff, San Francisco, Cal.; gl. taj. Fanika Humar, Rose Krae-mer, drž. preds iz Wisconsin, Pauline Adamic iz Detroita in Mary Tomšič, drž. preds. iz Pennsylvanije. Čestitke št. 50 ob 40 letnici izvrstnega vodstva, dobrega napredka. V njenem govoru je preds. Ann Hočevar se zahvalila njenim pomočnicam za okusno večerjo, Choral Group Dawn za lepe slovenske pesmi pod vodstvom Mr. Gorenška. Nato sledi molitev v spomin umrlih članic in gl. odbornic, Albina Novak, Josephine Železnikar in naših fantov, ki so prelili kri za našo nomovino. • Seja je zaključena ob 3:45 pop. Lepa hvala vsem odbornicam, naj vas Bog ohrani in blagoslovi do prih-očtne konvencije. Zapisnikarca, MARIE BECK Predragi! Božič je pred nami! čar; ko se obdarujemo, izmenjamo nešteto^ božičnih kart, dobrih želja ter skušamo dali na stran vse kar je neprijetnega. Zdi se, da vsakdo pride na svoj račun, tudi listi, katerim je Božič samo kupčija, ki pa tudi prinaša zadovoljstvo. Menda* je ravno v lem zajel ves duh, ki so ga Kristjani razvijali v skoraj minulih dveh tisočletjih. Vsi ljude želimo praznovali praznik miru . in šareče. Posebnega daru smo deležni ljude, katerim vsakoletni bo-, • žični prazniki pomenijo rojstvo novega upanja, začetek mlade Zarje, < ki pride za nočjo. Vsemu našsmu dragemu članstvu, ki ste razkropljeni po naši j .širni Ameriki ter izven nje, še prav posebno tistim, ki ste letošnje! praznike osamljeni, želim, da bi na la dan, ko slavimo Kristusovo' rojstvo, bili združeni v duhu in sprejeli najlepša voščila in bi naša ! , srca bila napoljnjena z ljubeznijo in potrpežljivostjo, da bi lažje, (prenašali nadloge, se veselili dobrot, katerih smo vsi deležni. Božični pozdrav! FANIKA HUMAR pana Maurice Berlinsky, v pričo zbornice in councilmanov, nakar so mu izrekli vsi iskrene čestitke. In to zasluži naš Mr. Jevitz, kateri v resnici nesebično pomaga za napredek Slovenskega naroda in naše ameriške dežele. Njegova soproga Lottie je naša članica mnogo let. Dalje tudi čestitke Lud in Corin-ne Leskovar ki sta tako uspešno prinesla Slovenijo v našo sredo s programom “Slovensk ega Instrumentalnega Kvinteta” dne 10. okt. v Chicagu v dvorani sv. Štefana. Napolnjena dvorana z zadovolnjim občinstvom, je moralo dati zadoščenje Mr. & Mrs. Lud Leskovar za njihov trud in delo za povzdigo slovenskega naroda. Program v celoti je bil navdušeno sprejet, kajti glasno in dolgo aplavdiranje za vse točke je bil jasen dokaz, da narod želi take vrste talente videti iz domovine. Mi ostali udeleženci in rojaki smo hvaležni Mr. & Mrs. Leskovar za njihovo prizadevanje, da predstavijo občinstvu toliko krasnih programov, talentiranih rojakov iz domovine! Častitke tudi dr. sv. Frančiška št. 29, KSKJ, ki so praznovali 31. okt. 75 letnico v cerkvi sv. Jožefa in nato v dvorani, kjer so imeli prijeten in zabaven program. Enako dr. sv. Genovefe št. 108, KSKJ k njihovi 65 letnici. Praznovanje se je začelo pri osmi sv. maši, nato dvorani Ferdinand šole, kjsr so imeli pregrizek. Naše članice tega društva so Jennie Krall, predsednica, Mary Cohil, tajnica, Marge Gaspe-rich, blagajničarka in Mary Ambro-žich, nadzornica. Minula je naša Illinois-Indiana konvencija. Za uspeh se imamo zahvaliti pridnim članicam, ki so pa- KJozicna noc *Ko nad zemljo bo noč nocoj ttiho se razganila, L Ko bo na nebu kakor kres zvezda se rasvetila, t Pojdejo duše naše odtod . . . fPojdejo daleč na božjo pot . . . t Stokrat ponižne, f Stokrat razžaljene, f V mrzlih viharjih f stokrat razgaljene, t Pot bodo našle tje v Betlehem, 'fk jaslicam revnim v Božji objem . . . Kaj če od dolge poti bodo strte! J Saj so jim duri hlevca odprte . . . t Angeli bodo vanj jih peljali, fin jim deleče pokazali — f V jaslicah na slami tj ih pričakuje, tda jih z zakladom svoje ljubezni '^obsuje. Ljubka Šorli magale pri delu ali spekle dobrote, druge pomagale na vse načine, našemu kaplanu, Fr. Van Doren, govorniku Mr. John Jevitz, ki vedno pokaže, da je zvest prijatel naše Zveze, vsem delegatinjam, našim prijateljem in znancem, gl. odbornicam, ki so bile navzoče, vsem, ki so prispevale darila posebno krasen afghan darovan in narejen po redite-Ijici Mrs. Muhich, dalje, umetno sliko, katera je bila darovam a od podr. št. 2, Chicago in je ves dobiček šel za šolninski sklad, dalje naši tajnici Olgi Angel ki je imela vso skrb za uspeh tega dneva. Tudi ponosni smo bili na kadetke in deklice ml. oddekla v narodnih nošah, najmlajša je bila tri letna Loraine Ruth, vnukinja vaše poročevalke, ki je imela narodno oblekco kupljeno v Ljubljani letos. Vsem ki so skrbeli za razvedrilo, godbo, in našemu mestnemu representantu, Mr. Pritz, in sploh vsem skupaj, ki eo na kak način pomagale z navzočnostjo ali delom — BOG PLAČAJ! JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC £.pow\nAka 'Jnamha Lansko leto pred božičem je*bila natiskana spominska znamka naše Brezjanske Marije Pomagaj, z datumom posvetitve Slovenske Kapele v Washingtonu. Znamka je bila na razpolago za okra? božične poste, darovi za znamko p& so bili v prvi vrsti namenjeni za kritje stroškov pos-vetitnih priprav. Znamka Marije Pomagaj je bila natiskana v polah, ki imajo v sredini podobo, v barvah, Ameriškega Narodnega Svetišča Marije Brezmadežne. Znamka je še ostala in jo bomo razdelili njim, ki se znajo zanimajo. Naj zato opozorimo slovenske rojake, ki bi želeli uporabiti znamko Brezjanske Marije za okras svoje božične pošte, da nam pišejo. Znamko bomo poslali brezplačno vsakemu, ki nam piše in priloži kuvferto s svojim naslovom in zadostno povratno pristojbino. Obvestite nas, če želite več kot eno polo. Če kdo želi priložiti dar, bo le ta namenjen za sklad beatifikacije škofov Barage in Slomška; Slovenska Kapela je posvečena tudi njunemu spominu. Svojo pošto pošljite na naslov: Mrs. Marie Mejač. 9509 Hale Street Silver Spring, Md. 20910. SEASON'S GREETINGS FROM EVELETH! VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO želi vsem članicam PODR. ŠT. 19 EVELETH, Minnesota Rev. Frank Perkovich, duh vodja; Catherine Pollach, preds.; Angela Vesel, podpreds; Mary Lenich, tajnica in blagajničarka; Mary Menart, zapisnikarca; Jennie Zupetz in Jennie Zadkovich, nadzornice. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! SHEEHY FUNERAL HOME 502 Adams Ave. Eveleth, Minn. Tel. SH 1-1744 MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR STEBLAY’S JEWELRY 307 Grant Ave. EVELETH, Minn. All kinds of religious articles & beautiful gifts which will be long treasured by all your friends! WISHING EVERYONE A JOYOUS SEASON AND A HEALTHY HOLIDAY and SATISFACTORY NEW YEAR MINERS NATIONAL BANK EVELETH, Minnesota SEASON’S WISHES FROM ITALIAN BAKERY, INC. Makers of that Crispy Italian Bread! VIRGINIA, Minn.—EVELETH. Minn. SH 1-3464 SH 1-1694 A Joyous Christmas! FRANCES BEAUTY SHOPPE 418 Jones St. Ph. SH 1-8180 EVELETH, Minnesota ‘If your hair is not becoming to you — You should be coming to us!” SEASON’S GREETINGS! RAINALDI FOOD MKT. Quality Groceries and Meats Phone SH 1-1881 417 Pierce Si. EVELETH. MINNESOTA -s GREETINGS TO ALL! FIRST NATIONAL BANK EVELETH. MINN. Wishing everyone a joyous holiday! THE BEST TO YOU THIS HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON Prim’s Super Market & Locker Plant “Primozic’s Red and White Store” Phone 741-5895 509-11 Grant Ave. Home-cured, smoked meats — free delivery! THE HAPPIEST OF HOLIDAYS Eveleth Dry Cleaners JOSEPH J. BAYUK 404 Grant Ave. 741-2080 EVELETH, Minn. “Free Pickup and Delivery!” CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS! THE GOLDEN RULE £ Evelelh's Leading Department Store Phone 741-7435 321-323 Grant Ave. EVELETH. Minnesota SEASON’S GREETINGS! ^ v BIWABIK STATE BANK Member of Federal Deposit i C, y Insurence Corp. BIWABIK, Minnesota Mrs. Louise Nisen, President Mrs. Mary Lushine Chernowski, Exec. Vice-President and Cashier Gospa Russ, ali "l2ta Reza", kakor jo kličejo vsi domačini, nam je vsem svetal zgled trdnosti in delavnosti. Ne leta in ne slarorctne težave niso premagale njene volje do dela. V svojem 85-lem letu zgotavlja volneno preprogo, katero hoče darovati eni cerkvenih društev. Preproge, ki jih je teta Reza izdelala, krasijo domove vsevprek po Soudanu. Teta Reza je članica SŽZ že celih 37 let in uživa spoštovanje nas vseh. želimo ji še mnogo udobnih let med nami! B. Y. ST. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Ko boste dobile dec. Zarjo bo že po naši letni seji, zato poživljam tiste čla. ki ne pridite na seje, da plačate ases. pri tajnici, saj v zadnjem mes. tega leta! Ases. mora biti poslan na gl. urad v Chicago, 111. vsak mesec do 25. Za leto 1972, Vas vse opozarjam v imemu tajnice, da plačate tako mali ases. $6 na leto za razred A in $9 razred B — za otroke samo $1.20 letno kar v naprej, če ne prihajate na 6eje in s tem olajšate skrbi tajnici! V novem letu 1972 bomo zborovale prvi torek v mesecu. Po seji imamo razvedrilne zabave za stare in mlar de! Pred par meseci je bila seja skupnih podr. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bo spet 13. maja kotilion bali za dekleta starosti 12 do 22 leta v East Gate Shopping Center Celebrity Room. Torej, mame in stare mame, ali sestre, nagovorite dekleta, da se priglasijo čimprej - ako še niso čla. S.Ž.Z. naj se takoj vpišejo, da bo nas več! Ker potrebujemo mlade moči za naprsdek org. saj me starejše ne bomo več dolgo aktivne. Zdravniki nam svetujejo ‘take it easy”! Gl. preds. Antonia Turek in Drž. Preds. Mary Bostian ee veliko trudijo za nove načrte v letu 1972. Potem so njih pomočnice Jane Novak in Anna Hočevar za priprave prireditve 13. maja. Frances Gerjevic z možem sta bila dalj časa v okt. v lepi Floridi pri njih hčeri in možu, ki imata tam svoj dom. Od. čla. Josephine in Karol Stwan se je na 30. okt. poročila hčerka Carol Marie z James Lesiak v cerkvi sv. Vida, kjer so orgle močno donele pod prsti gospoda Geržinčiča in pel je vsem znani Ed. Kenik. Poročna slavnost je bila v obeh dvoranah Slov. Narodnega Doma na St. Clair Ave., kjer je njena maima že veliko let v direktorju. Carol Marie je tudi pevka Glasbene Matice. Častitke vsem, mlad:m in starš;m, daj Bog zdravja in sreče na mnoga leta. V imenu podr. tudi voščila za vesel božič in srečno novo leto 1972 gl. duh. vodi Rev. Okorn, odbornicam in vsem članstvu SŽZ ter čita-teljem Zarje. Vsem bolnim pa Božje tolažbe v trplenju. ANNA GODLAR ŠT. 54, WARREN. OHIO Zadnje dneve v okt. smo, pa. tako lepo sonce sije. Na vrtu vrtnice cveto in krizantene in še vse polno drugih cvetlic. Drevje je krasno pobarvano v raznovrstnih barvah. Tako lepe jeseni jaz ne pomnim. Ko boste to brale bo pa gotovo mrzla zima brila, namesto cvetja, bo sneg. Res vsak letni čas je po svoje lep, kdor ljubi naravo lahko uživa lepoto letnih časov. Zahvala gre Stvarniku za vse. Mseec november je v spomin na naše drage pokojne med njimi toliko dobrih aktivnih sosester, ki so šle k Bogu po svoje plačilo. Jaz kar ne morem verjeti, da Albine Novak ni več in Josephine Železnikar, Mary Poldan ter Angela štrukel. Poznala sem jih iz konvencij. Dosti so storile dobrega za SŽZ in slovenski narod. Koliko je doprinesla pokojna ljubljena Albina, preveč bi vzelo prostora za vse. Njena zadnja ideja je bila za sloven-6eko kapelo. Ona je na konvenciji sprožila to idejo, zakaj mi Slovenci nimamo spomenika v našem gl. mes- tu. Naša gl. predsednica, Tončka in njen soprog Frank Turek zaslužita našo hvalo za požrtvovalnost in njihovo delo. Naj jim Mati Božja izprosi od Boga zdravje in srečo. Albina ne sme biti pozabljena. Spominjamo se vseh v molitvah. Tudi midva s soprogom sva se udeležila slovesnosti. Bilo je zelo lepo, kapela je krasna. Koliko duhovščine, da kdor ni videl, ne bi verjel. Človek je vesel, da se pozdraviš z tolikimi znanci, videla sem zelo dosti poznanih, med njimi naše gl. uradnice, Marie Prisland, Corinne Leskovar in Tončka Turek s sopro-grom. Od naših članic je bila z družino Helen Kohli (Klaus). Seveda Cleveland in Chicago so bili zelo zastopani in iz domovine toliko z dvema škofoma. Hvaležna sem Bogu in članicam in prijateljicam iz Bessemer, Pa., da smo s>e udeležile v njihovi družbi tako pomembne slovesnosti. Albina je gotovo gledala iz nebeških višav. Mi smo letos izgubili sestro Elizabet Persin, ki je bila priljubljena, dobra slovenska mati. Naj vsem da Bog večni mir in božje plačilo, za kar so dobrega storile na tej dolini solz. Ne bo dolgo ko bomo tudi me šle za njimi. Vsem, ki boste praznovale rojstne dneve želim vse najboljše in ljubo zdravje. Med temi je naša vrla urednica Corinne. Vsem bolnim ljubo zdravje. (Iskrena hvala. C.) Me bomo praznovale Božičnico pri Betty Vadas, vse druge podrobnosti je pisala tajnica Joanne za novem-bersko številko Zarje. Na tem mestu želim vsem gl. odbornicam, duh. vodju in vsem članicam SŽZ in družinam vesele Božične praznike in srečno novo leto 1972. Tudi vsem naš'm članicam in prijateljicam po širni Ameriki, v Arizoni in Texas, vse najboljše, Frances in Mary in obilo božjega blagoslova. ROSE RACHER ŠT. 71, STRABANE, PA. Vsako leto ob tem času vabim članice, da bi se v velikem številu udeležile glavne seje, ki se bo vršila dne 15. decembra of 7 uri. članice, ve veste da je letna seja najvažnejša za podružnico. Na tej seji se bo volilo odbor za prihodnjo leto 1972 in storjeni bodo važni sklepi za prihodnje leto in uradnice podajo celo letno poročilo. Bližajo se Božični prazniki in tako bomo zopet vse zaposlene s pripravo daril za naše vnučke in vnukinje. Lepo bi bilo, da bi tudi Zvezi darovale nove članice. Želim vsem članicam in gl. od- FINANCIAL REPORT FINANČNO POROČILO, OCT. 1971 Br: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 59 Assess: Adult:: Jrs: $ 94.90 226.80 146.95 42.80 48.75 67.05 55.30 143.60 194.40 85.80 51.1» 156.20 63.35 116.85 103.80 320.70 46.70 41.65 10.65 2.00 78.55 120.80 17.85 32.35 39.75 20.20 53.20 73.70 46.80 84.90 20.10 13.55 56.35 31.50 141.90 21.00 30.50 55.80 28.60 41.30 34.25 31.00 165 382 252 13 96 99 91 44 21 298 164 107 291 198 143 150 110 329 117 17 217 137 593 97 43 70 24 9 83 139 194 45 53 20 112 43 101 189 48 145 45 29 105 30 218 15 50 55 56 90 61 29 60 188 165 — a 20 a 8 51 2 b 26 54 18 33 9 c 83 82 18 79 43 — d 50 76 153 20 3 27 29 a 70 151 4 38 2 9 2 29 — e 54 f 14 5 36 — g 68 — g 20 40 e 14 7 21 61 — 5 — 62 — 24 — a 63 48.’65 89 21 64 34.40 43 1 e 65 40.30 45 23 e 66 32.60 57 19 67 40.90 69 9 68 38.60 59 23 70 27.40 14 3 h 71 59.65 120 36 72 — 23 — a 73 56.50 104 71 74 — 23 1 b 77 22.20 46 32 79 37.10 32 18 d 80 5.35 9 — i 81 — 31 — 83 8.55 17 — 84 19.15 48 3 f 85 17.15 38 2 86 — 21 — a 88 22.50 52 8 89 31.00 71 22 90 17.05 40 10 91 28.50 47 11 92 32.70 25 1 e 93 23.05 55 2 f 94 — 13 — 95 231.20 181 25 e 96 22.85 46 8 97 7.00 15 — 99 5.95 16 — 100 32.85 50 13 101 20.75 28 14 102 — 37 9 b 103 16.35 23 14 105 — 30 6 106 — 23 3 Tot.: $3,973.55 7,901 2,297 -... T--------- ' ' Remarks: Pd. in Sept. a; Pd. to Dec. b; Aug. & Sept. c; Oct. & Nov. d; Sept. & Oct. e; Sept. f; Oct., Nov. Dec. g; Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. h; August i. Income — Dohodki — October 1971: Assesment: Interest: Rental Income: Bond sold: Bond asset: DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI — OCTOBER 1971 FOLLOWING CLAIMS PAID — SMRTNINE PLAČANE: Br. 3, Pueblo, Mary Lakner $100.00 Br. 8, Steelton, Anna Skender 100.00 Br. 14, Euclid, Josephine Strnad 100.00 Br. 15, Cleveland, Anna Zaletel 100.00 Br. 20, Joliet, Catherine Smolich 100.00 Br. 23, Ely, Mary Yokar 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Jennie Luzar 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Jennie Kovac 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Julia Marolt 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Rosalia Krall 100.00 Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Elizabeth Pecman 100.00 Br. 47, Garfield Hts. Jennie Begovic 100.00 Plače — Salaries 1,039.22 Administration 320.00 Zarja, Oct. issue & Addresses 2,759.10 Traveling & Per Diems 70.00 F.I.C.A. Tax 54.04 Rent - najemnina 75.00 Advert, oglas 15.00 Postage & Telephone 47.68 Miscelen. - razno 39.22 Accrued interest 17.00 Bond - obveznica 12,000.00 Tax Deposit 50.96 17,687.22 New investment (Bond) - 12,000.00 $ 3,973.55 1,509.41 . 119.00 9,000.00 Total expenses -skupno stroškov; 5,687.22 Ledger Balance Sept. 30, 1971 $543,648.07 October income - dohodki: 5,601.96 14,'801.96 -9,003.00 Total income: 5,601.96 549,250.03 October disbur. - stroški: 5,687.22 Balance October 31, 1971: $543,542.81 FANIKA HUMAR, Secretary boru ter duh. svetovalcu Rev. Klau-de Orkon blagoslovljene Božične praznike in novo leto 72. Naj ljubi Bog da mir po celem svetu. Želim vsem bolnim čla. ljubo zdravje. Lepa hvala, Corinne, za lepo urejeno Zarjo. (Najlepša hvala Vam, Mrs. Tomšič, C.) MARY TOMŠIČ 'i uimoiMimiiiiuii^ 1 PIZZA tkali I | OUT OF THIS WORLD” ] = Come in for a Taste Test We’re past the experimental stage = CHICKEN & SHRIMP TO GO - š • Carry-Outs — • Count Down 10 Minutes = I Open Daily at 4 P.M. Open Till 2 A.M. on Fri & Sat s I ROSE'S PIZZA 1 | BELTLINE SHOPPING CENTER — 749-1441 | Located at 1018 S. SV2 St. Virginia | ^iniMiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiniiniiniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiMiiiiiiiniuiiMiiiiuimnimiiomniiiiiic^ ST. 77, N. S. PITTSBURGH, PA. Menda tudi drugim članicam hitro teče čas naprej kot meni, kot bi ga podil veter. Dan, teden, mesec in leto ja proč kot v sanjah. Ko smo bili mladi, nismo mislili, da čas tako hitro teče naprej, to pa zaradi tega, ker je- mladost komaj začetek človeškega življenja. Starost pa je nekaj čisto drugega, ko se živlenje človeka nagiba k zatonu. Zato se nam v teh letih zdi, da čas bolj hitro gre naprej. Temu pa ni tako. Čas teče z istim tempom kot je v mladosti. Zato je za stare ljudi neijmiselno se ozirati nazaj v čas in razmišljevati o hitrosti časa, še manj pa tarnati o starosti. Najbolj srečen človek v letih je tisti, ko se vsak dan veseli novega dneva če ga vesele vse stvari okrog njega, zlasti nove, ki jih prinaša nov dan. Naš slovenski pregovor pravi, “Bodi vesel in ti bo dobro na zemlji!” Sedaj bom pa vas članice zopet vabila na glavno sejo, katera se bo vršila 8. decembra, to je ravno Marijin praznik. Seja bo pri Mrs. Mary Fortun na Troy Hill, 1626 Lawrie St. Vse bo kot v prejšnih le.ih; za rešiti je več važnih stvari v korist nam vsem, da se bomo skupno pogovorile, kaj in kako se bo dilalo prihodnje leto. Vsaka naj tudi prinese darilo v vrednosti enega dol. za “grab bag”. Za prigrizek bo pa že blagajna poskrbela, da ne bomo lačne šle domov. Vsem članicam SŽZ želim vesale božične praznike in srečno novo leto, da bi jih praznovale v zdravju in zadovoljstvu in v miru božjem. Za podr. št. 77. MINKA CHRNART ST. 84, NEW YORK, N. Y. Zopet moram poročati žalostno novico. Dne 29. okt. so sosede našli mrtvo v kuhinji na tleh, Jerico Pogačnik. Bila je več dni mrtva. Živela je sama. Sin in hčerka sta poročena. Pokojna je bila doma iz Ihana pri Domžalah in po poklicu je bilai slamnikarca. Dosegla je visoko starost 83 let. Žal nismo izvedeli pravočasno, da bi jo šli kropiti in k pogrebu, ki je bil 30. okt. Podr. bo dala za sv. maše. Bog ji daj v miru počivati in me se je bomo spomnile v molitvi na prihodnji seji, ko bo 15. docembra v Winter Garden pri Forest Station na Madison St. in Ridgewood. Prosim, članice, da se gotovo udeležite te seje 15. dec. ob 7:30 zvečer, ko bodo tudi volitve za odbor 1972. Imamo dosti bolanih članic, ki več let ne morejo iz doma. Prosim, obiščite bolane sestre, saj nobena ne ve kedaj in kaj nas čaka. Pošljite jim bodrilne karte in za praznike voščila. Voščim vsem odbornicam, urednici in družinam vesele božične praznike in 6rečno novo leto. Enako blagoslovljene praznike in zdravo novo leto 1972 vsem članicam pri št. 84 in prosim ne pozabite priti na letno sejo ki je zelo važna, da bomo kaj dobrega ukrenile. Pozdrav vsem članicam S.Ž.Z. Z Bogom. ANGELA VOJE, Preds. ST. 91, OAKMONT. PA. Čeprav nisem preveč sposobna v pisanju, vendar me veže dolžnost, da se iskreno zahvalim našim članicam za njihovo nesebično pomoč, katero so izkazale naši nesrečni sestri Janet Kirn. Njen žalostni slučaj je opisala predsjednica Anna Kastelic. Janet ima eno obist popolnoma uničeno in od druge samo še en četrt, zato potrebuje posebno kidney machine ki stane ogromno svoto $15,000.00. Predno prinesejo machi-no na dom, mora imeti v hiši posebno električno napravo in plumbing. Sedaj hodijo v Presbyterian Hospital tri krat na teden za treatment in učijo njo in njenega soproga kako ravnati s tem aparatom. Ona je komaj 47 let stara. Njej so priskočili na pomoč tudi tovarna, kjer dela njen soprog in so zbrali lepo svoto, kakor tudi cerkev kjer so priredili talent show in družabne igre. Gasilci so prodajale srečke toda še ni zadosti. Mrs. Klun in Mrs. Selas sta nabrale med članicami podr. 26 iz Pitteburga $30.00; podr. 96, Universal $5.00 poslala je Frances Oblak. Hvala Mrs. Tomšič is Strabane. Vssm se v imenu uboge Janet najiskrenejše zahvalim, naj vam ljubi Bog povrne z zdravjem. Ponosna sem na našo organizacijo, ki skrbi za svoje članice v zdravju in bolezni. Le škoda, da pri nas ni nobenega napredka, ker mlajše se ne zanimajo in me starejše imamo vsaka svoje nadloge, toda vse eno še rade gremo če nam zdravje dopušča, na razne prireditve sosednih društev. Upam, da se vidimo na seji 7. dec. še enkrat hvala vsem, bolnim pa ljubega zdravja. AMALIA SORCH From Regina: HI BOYS AND GIRLS Hummel gifts presented many years ago have always been dearly cherished. While handling the quaint child-figures with the large shoes I became curious as to their creator, Berta Hummel, a small Franciscan nun. A trip to the library furnished me with some interesting data. “The Bavarian village of Massing, some twenty miles north of Oberam-mergau and thirty miles southeast of Munich, lay guarded by the Alps and boarded by the Rott River. This community of 1,200 lived leisurely against an Old World background, accepting the beauty of its surroundings in a spirit of devoutness. The firm of J. Hummel, founded in 1874, occupied a sizeable corner in Massing; and above this dry goods store with its win-dow-boxes and painted ornaments lived the family of Adolf Hummel, the proprietor. Here on May 21, 19C9 Berta Hummel was born.” Berta was the third child, with Kathi and Vicki, older than she and Adolf, Crescentia and Franz younger. She was an active, happy child. Making doll clothes was a favorite pastime and she designed her own patterns for each doll. She grew up in a home where music and art were a part of everyday life. Berta loved her home. The fields and forests, the sparkling Rott River and the snowy Alps in the distance all pleased her artist’s eye and gave her a deep appreciation of God’s beauties. She also enjoyed the color and bustle of the market place, where the peasants bartered milk, cheese and grain for the^cloth, 'FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART ff ^HHI^VZ€TV M JPOZBR3V trinkets and tools of the townspeople. The years between 1916 and 1921 were spent at a Primary School. Her imagination was vivid. She “celebrated every feast day, birthday, anniversary and family event by painting delightful little cards. She worked especially hard on the sketches she mada for her father, who was then a soldier in the first World War. Berta’s letters to him were full of gay little drawings of his far-away family and especially of Baby Franz, whom he had never seen. These sketches were very dear to her father. He proudly showed them to his comrades and prayed for the day when the war would be over, life would be normal again....... and his talented -Berta could go to art school!” In 1921, when she was twelve, Bsrta joined the Girls’ Finishing school at Simbach known for its superb art department. There her drawing and coloring won much praise and further education was advisable. At 18, Berta began four years of art Study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. She lived as a boarder at the convent of the Sisters of the Holy Family. Their rooms were supposed to be kept neat and orderly. But what a mess Berta’s room often was. The window sills and bed usually had sketches drying all over them, and brushes and paints littered the rest of the room. “Portrait painting, composition, water color........ Berta loved them all. When she graduated in 1931, she was a proud first in her class. Her often-used signature of the bumblebee (German translation of Hummel) seemed sure to gather a rich nectar of worldly success and fame.” But she did not choose the worldly career that promised success. Instead she entered the Franciscan Convent at Siessen and on August 22, 1933 at the age of 24, the seven Hummels proudly saw their Berta become Sister Marie Innocentia. In the calm of the centuries-old convent, she continued to paint the simple scenes of flowers and village children, creating the pictures that were to make her name famous throughout the world. In 1934 her first book, Das Hummel- Buch, was published, and was followed in 1939 by Hui! Die Hummel!, which means “Whee! The Bumblebee!” One day a worker in a famous porcelain factory saw Das Hummel-Buch. He had the idea of reproducing some of the illustrations in porcelain, and so began the making of the charming Hummel figurines. In 1940 the Nazis seized the quiet convent, dispersed the nuns and used it as a refugee camp for over 1,000 people. The nuns reclaimed the convent in 1945 and immediately began the staggering task of bringing it back to its former peace and beauty. During the war Sister Innocentia became ill with pleurisy. When she died at her beloved convent on December 6, 1946, she was only 37. “Little Berta of Massing probably never dreamed that her first childish sketches were the beginning of an inspired career. Today tha royalties from the Hummel drawings and figurines help her order in their charitable works and the collectors of the work of the Hummel “bumblebee’ are world wide,” Perhaps this Christmas you’ll give a Hummel figurine or be fortunate to receive a Hummel greeting card with wishes that every joy and blessing of the Christmas Season be yours. Your Friend, REGINA MIKLAVŽ Kmalu pride Svet Miklavž, kaj ti bo prinesel? Boben —Puško— Sabljico Prosim pa ne palico. Kmalu pride Svet Miklavž, Kaj ti bo prinesel? Eno lepo punčiko, In pa novo risanko. Že prišelj je Svet Miklavž, Kaj ti je prinesel? Boben —Puško— Sabljico In debelo palico. že prišel je Svet Miklavž, Kaj ti je prinesel? Eno lepo punčiko, In pa novo risanko. In kaj pa palico? Samo majhno palico. franc gorse % SIUDIA SLOVENICA P.O. BOX 232 — ,:'Y' 10032 Mixed cifV MERR Y CHRISTMAS TO ALL! AVE AFELY 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. V11 6235 St. Clair Ave. B135 WUson Mills V 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. ^ ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING! The only English language compilation of stories on the Slovenian people in America: From Slovenia to America Written by S.W.U. Founder, Marie Prisland for the enjoyment and delight of the younger generation! $4.25 including postage For autographed copies, send orders to Marie Prisland, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wis. 53081 £pe\\4 CkriAtrnaA Lr fleu tfeat uitk toiled cheJ in £lei)ehia! Special group tour will depart from New York on December 20, 1971-1972 returning from Ljubljana on January 11. Round trip fare on jumbo jet BOEING 747 from New York to Ljubljana only $260.00 (plus $3.00 International Travel tax). Immediate and excellent connections available to New York from Chicago, Cleveland and other major cities! SPECIAL DIRECT FLIGHTS LOW, LOW RATES TO LJUBLJANA DEPARTING IN MAY, JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST OF 1972! For information and reservations: HOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL INC. 589 East 185 Str., Cleveland, Ohio, 44119 or: Mrs. Corinne Leskovar 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 65 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz •— naroda za nared. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Hd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10. Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3. Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-8300 Cleveland 3, Ohio 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago. Illinois 60608 ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago, Illinois 60608 LISTEN TO CHICAGO'S SLOVENIAN RADIO PROGRAM! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 600106 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embulmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-668«