SMALL-SIGNAL MODEL OF RESONANT LINK CONVERTER Miro Milanovič^ and Robert Kovačič^ ^Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia ^IPS d.o.o., Research and Design Department, Ljubljana, Slovenia Key words; power supplies, high frequency power converters, resonant linl<, soft switching, modeling Abstract: The conventional small signal modeling techniques as are state space averaging and injecting-absorbed current method are not appropriate for using in converters based on high frequency resonant link (HFRL). The mentioned methods are appropriate for processes where the switching frequency is constant. Because the operation frequency of the HFRL converters is load dependent the other way of modeling must be used. In this paper a small-signal model of the HFRL converter, operating with a variable resonant link frequency, is developed by using of the estimator for linear system (ELIS) which exists under MATLAB. The high frequency resonant link voltage is modulated by the low frequency signal. The Levenberg-Marguardt aproximation method is used for evaluation of the magnitude and phase of the envelope of the high frequency resonant link voltage. Malosignaini model pretvornika z resonančnim povezovalnim krogom Ključne besede: napajanje elektronskih vezij, visokofrekvenčni pretvorniki, resonančni povezovalni krog, mehko preklapljanje, modeliranje Izvleček: Običajne tehnike za malo-signalno modeliranje, kot so povprečenje v prostoru stanj in metoda iniciranega-absorbiranega toka, niso primerne za uporabo pri pretvornikih, ki so zasnovani na visoko-frekvenčnem povezovalnem krogu. Omenjeni metodi sta primerni v procesih, kjer je frekvenca prožilne enote konstantna. Ker je frekvenca delovanja visoko-frekvenčnega povezovalnega kroga spremenljiva v odvisnosti od bremenske upornosti, moramo uporabiti drugi način modeliranja. V tem članku bomo opisali postopek malo-signalnega modeliranja pretvornika z visoko-frekvenčnim povezovalnim krogom pri spremenljivi resonančni frekvenci. Postopek modeliranja bomo izvedli s pomočjo estimatorja za linearne sisteme (ELIS), ki deluje znotraj programskega paketa MATUXB. V ta namen bo napetost na visoko-frekvenčnem povezovalnem krogu amplitudno modulirana z nizkofrekvenčnim signalom. Za ocenitev vrednosti amplitude in faze ovojnice je uporabljena aproksimacijska Levenberg-Marguardt metoda. 1. Introduction The term hf-ac or hf-dc resonant link converter usually denotes a circuit, whose main part is the resonant tank circuit. It is also possible to utilize the resonant links to derive energy storage and filtering functions normally obtained by the dc voltage link. Electrolytic capacitors provide low cost, high density energy storage in the dc voltage link of a voltage source inverter. However, the dc link based on electrolytic capacitors has several inherent limitations. One important drawback is the excessive switching loss and device stress which occurs during the switching interval. Introduction of a resonant or quasi-resonant operation principle into the known converter/invertertopology represents a possible solution of this problem. While this principle has been recognized for over ten years, the important advantages in avoiding switching stresses have been appreciated because the conventional hard-switched based converters suffer from the switching losses and hence cannot work at the very high frequency. Recently, resonant ac or dc links have been studied and suggested as strong candidates for a power conversion link as it was described in /1/, /2/, /6/ and /7/. The using of high frequency ac resonant link principle for energy storage purposes enables to reduce the device losses or device stress by restricting the switching time to the instants of zero current or zero voltage. In general ac or dc high frequency link inverters have been used only for high-power application as are the motor drives, UPS etc. as it is shown in Fig. 1 (a). The converter proposed in /1/, /2/ and [6] are based on bidirectional switches. In Fig 1 (b) is shown the converter circuit which enables to supply the resonant tank circuit only by using unidirectional switches /3/. This principle of the operation can be used in the low power dc-dc conversion as well, as it is shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (b). The energy storage function is taken over by resonant tank circuit, by using the transformer the energy can be provided to load. The load side of transformer is equiped by rectifier and filter elements. In this paper the structure of dc-dc conversion based on an ac-resonant link is presented. This resonant tank circuit is capable to provide the energy storage function instead of the conventionaly used electrolytic capacitor. The main drawbacks is that the resonant link voltage magnitude and the operation frequency of resonant link circuit is load dependent. MAIN-SIDE CONVERTER a .dtu?";! 1 _«Ml_i Cffl'OTl 1 , Li: i Cr-- ViiV',. V (TRSSSSI 1 - ff b load-side converter rth a b ic (am; load-side converter main-side converter! -fiiEiMl---/öiMFt- V,|V,_rei®iin_L i iC^C) J ci a _Lb iC f— (am, (b) Fig.1: Induction motor drive based on resonant iinl< converter circuit: (a) Main side converter with bi-directional switches; (b) Main side converter with uni-directional switches. -mm.- lOÖC'CCIl Li® C; (a) r i» t - 5 c.—RJi _«ami—