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BIBLIOGRAF JANKO ŠLEBINGER (1876-1951) Gregor Kocijan Oddano: 24.04.2001 – Sprejeto: 15.05.2001 UDK 01(497.4) : 929 Šlebinger J. Izvirni znanstveni članek Izvleček Dr. Janko Šlebinger je eden najpomembnejših slovenskih bibliografov, ki je v svojem štiridesetletnem delovanju sestavil veliko najrazličnejših bibliografij: od (tekočih) splošnih in strokovnih do osebnih. Ob Simoniču je konstituiral slovensko bibliografijo in ustvaril podlago za nagel napredek te stroke po drugi svetovni vojni. Bil je ustvarjalec sodobne slovenske bibliografije; z njim smo Slovenci dobili strokovnjaka-bibliografa, ki je v polni meri ujel sodobne bibliografske tokove v svetu in postavil temelje za sistematično in vsestransko delo na bibliografskem področju. Najpomembnejši njegovi deli sta Slovenska bibliografija za l. 1907-1912 (1913) in Slovenski časniki in časopisi 1797-1936 (1937). Prispevek podrobneje razčlenjuje Šlebingerjeve bibliografije od začetnih objav do zadnjih del; predstavi jih kronološko in obenem po posameznih vrstah. Pri tem opozarja na novosti in posebnosti, ki jih je vpeljal naš bibliograf, in seveda tudi na pomanjkljivosti. Ključne besede: Šlebinger Janko, bibliografi, slovenska nacionalna bibliografija, bibliografija UDC 01(497.4) : 929 Šlebinger J. Original scientific article Abstract Dr. Janko Šlebinger is one of the most important Slovene bibliographers. During his forty years of active work, he has written numerous bibliographies: from (current) general and subject bibliographies to author bibliographies. He constituted the Slovene bibliography together with Simonič and therefore established conditions for rapid a development of the field after World War II. He was the creator of the modern Slovene bibliography, an expert bibliographer who was in line with bibliographical trends throughout the world and as such laid foundations for systematic and versatile activities in the field of bibliography writting. His most important works are the Slovene Bibliography 1907-1912 (1913) and Slovene Journals and Newspapers 1797-1936 (1937). The paper presents an assessment of Šlebinger's bibliographies from early to final works. These works are presented in chronological and subject order. Innovations and specialities introduced by Šlebinger as well as some deficiencies are emphasised. Key words: Šlebinger Janko, bibliographers, bibliography, Slovenian bibliography KOCIJAN, Gregor: Janko Šlebinger, the Slovene bibliographer. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 45(2001)1-2, xx-xx